#ao no exorcist anime
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iikisa · 5 months ago
I love Blue Exorcist…
This is an AU Rin, i describe more under the cut :3
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this lil guy is from an AU ive been manifesting where Yukio and Rin are aged-up/older than the rest of the main cast,,, basically same old brotherly relationship that blows to bits where Yukio defects and Rin is under the Order.
Gist of this Rin design: Since Yukio broke his sword, he’s been in an unstable state (luckily he’s found a balance and can temporarily switch to and from his color schemes, though you don’t wanna stick too close when he’s agitated…). He wears the True Cross emblem as a sign of his allegiance and occasionally drops by the Cram school to substitute; he’s made quite the impression among the students. The Order always has him going on important missions, but mostly keeps him under wraps as their trump card against the Illuminati and Satan (he’s right next to if not higher than Arthur in terms of strength). During his free time he and Shura (whenever she’s not ditching him or on duty) are sent to the Cram school to teach whenever they’re short-staffed.
Yukio’s a sore spot for this Rin AU, and he can’t help but feel responsible for why his lil brother left in the first place. So he’s been making up for it by working for the Order and trying to find him!
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madraleen · 6 days ago
on blue exorcist-the blue night saga ep8: what the...? i nearly cried my way through the ep??? it was so unnerving and intense and emotional and heavy and? just? so well done???
i hope it did justice to the corresponding events in the manga for the manga readers, but as an anime-only, i am shooketh and impressed and need the next ep.
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ulquiorrapleasecallmetrash · 4 months ago
can i request dating head cannons for yukio okumuraxfemale reader where she’s an exorcist at the same rank as mephisto
Yukio Okumura w/ a powerful s/o Headcanons
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Fandom: blue exorcist / ao no exorcist
Warnings: none
Rated: G
Admin Wisteria: i hope you enjoy it!
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
-Yukio would be very impressed by how powerful his s/o is. 
-Would ask so many questions on how you became so powerful. 
-He would have you come into class and demonstrate exorcism and powers. 
-Probably would want you to be his teacher assistant if you are up for it. 
-Would also love to train with you. 
-He is basically your training buddy. 
-Would low key be jealous that you are stronger than him.
-Also would find it slightly annoying if you become too protective or try to belittle him because you are very powerful. 
-but he would also look up to you or you will inspire him to become stronger. 
-Will love your encouragement so much, 
-You two will both be very supportive and protective of one another.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
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pfpanimes · 1 year ago
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⌕ ao no exorcist shimane Illuminati-hen - EP 5.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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falynnthecat64 · 6 months ago
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Mephisto Pheles episode appearances
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at1nys-blog · 1 year ago
Can I get HCs for the cram school boys finding out their crush is a half demon? :O (blue exorcist)
If is okay for you I’m making reader Mephistopheles’ child in every HC. I hope this turned out how you imagined. Please leave a feedback even in anon is okay
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Rin Okumura’s HC
Boy is like “???!!!!! What?”
I mean he still has to come to the realization HE is half a demon
Found out by accident because overheard Mephistopheles
After being very confused he is chill
100% asks you about your childhood with your… condition?!
Rin: so… how was your childhood considering.. your condition yk?!
YN: dude… really?
He asks you a lot about Gehenna and about your father, mostly if they should trust him because is Mephisto we are talking about
Rin: you truly believe him?
YN: he is my dad?!
You help him with homework because… self explanatory
Fascinated by your demon form. He would learn to draw so he can have scratches of you in his notebooks (will fail? Possible. Would he give up? After a while)
Is a must like, at first is just when possible then it becomes once a week and then every day?!!!!
You don’t complain, you like Kuro
Cooking dates
He teaches you how to cook even though you can have all the food you want with a schiocco of fingers
He introduces you to manga
Asks you your favorite hobby so he would try and learn it
Yukio Okumura’s HC
100% saw it coming
Maybe not that Mephisto is your dad, which took him a couple of minutes to realize, but he saw it coming you are half demon
Very chill, I mean he is half a demon too
But still suspicious about you a little
Asks you how it is to have him as a father
Asks you to show your powers so he can work a routine for your training (he is amazed by your powers but wants to keep it professional)
Sometimes would use you as a spy
Doesn’t know what fun means sometimes
YN: Yukio you should get out your room and have some fun
Yukio: No
YN: COME ON *tries to get him off his chair but fails*
Yukio: No
Always there if you get hurt, I mean as much as you could get hurt
Sometimes forgets you are half demon and heal faster than humans
Yukio: here take this so you won’t bleed much
YN: …
Yukio: Right
If you are a Meister trusts you with the mission
If you are a student…
He is careful you don’t get in trouble
You think is because your dad told him to, and is actually because your dad told him to (but he wants to make sure his crush is fine)
A good friend overall
Ryūji Suguro’s HC
Man is dying inside
His crush???? A half demon????? When???? Why????
He avoids you… FOR WEEKS
Doesn’t talk to you. Doesn’t acknowledge you in class. Nothing
Renzo and Miwa knock some sense into him
He is shy to say the least when he apologizes to you because 1: he likes you and 2: he feels like trash for avoiding you
Mephisto would follow him around school as a dog just to piss him off (he broke his little baby’s heart)
Would be careful about what he talks to you because of your nature no matter how many times you assure him you are with the good guys
YN: Bon…
Bon: don’t call me that
YN: okay, sorry. Suguro I told you already I’m not the bad guy here
Bon: Uhm… sure
The more you spend time with him the more he realizes you are actually good
Feels stupid for his prejudice on you
Gives you an anonymous gift to apologize (he might or might not have written a letter too)
Introduces to his family immediately as his friend. Renzo’s brothers teased him about that
Makes sure you eat
Bon: try this one, is my favorite food here
YN: thanks but I’m not in the mood
Bon: then maybe this? This is not my favorite but you might like it
Also make sure you are safe during missions and are not hurt
Very observant about you
Renzō Shima’s HC
Shima would NOT care about it
Renzo: you are half demon???😍😍
YN: yes, are you okay with that?
YN: you know I might betray you all one day?
Renzo: whatever you want to do my dear
Totally wrote back home about him having a special S/O just to make his brothers jealous
Already planning the wedding
No fr he is so in love with you and the fact you are half a demon means nothing to him.
Very open about his feelings for you
Would do everything to make you happy
If you attend Cram School as a student/teacher would leave little gifts on your desk
If not would try and find a way to come see you
100% asks you to things (festivals; out on Valentine’s Day etc) with a big gesture
And jealous too
Random person: *looks at you for 1s*
Renzo: that is my partner you are looking at you perv
YN: Renzo…
Do not expect him to cook for you unless you want the kitchen on fire
Not very romantic but tries his best
Totally told you what your dad asked him to do
Konekomaru Miwa’s HC
Scared. Not only because you are half demon, or because your dad is the principal of the school but because this thing is new to him overall
Avoids Renzo for advice and goes to Rin or Yukio
Also asks Izumo and Shiemi
Gentleman throughout
Boy is chatty but you like listening to him
Actually asks Mephisto if he can ask you out
You found out because your dad can’t keep secrets for his own good
Would shyly ask you to show him your power
Miwa: not to bother you or anything but… can I maybe, just if you want, see your powers?
YN: sure *powers on display*
Miwa: wow
If you are a student helps you studying
Flash cards are his way to go and would freak out if he looses his
Miwa: please tell me you have seen my flash cards
YN: *joking* no, sorry
Miwa: *full on panic attack*
YN: calm down I was joking. Here
Quality time is his favorite time
He would make you see all his favorite movies so you can get quotes
Introduces you to the concept of inside jokes (he is big on inside jokes. I can see him randomly dropping a joke and laughs at Renzo and Bon not understanding what he is saying)
Always asking you how are you feeling and/or how your day went
Makes you list of human things you should try
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cocogum · 1 year ago
The Shiemi logic doesn’t make any sense. (rant)
(I love Blue Exorcist tho don’t get me wrong-)
If you happen to forget, Shiemi’s name is an extremely shortened version of the name ‘Shemihaza’.
Why does it matter?
Well! It’s cuz the name “Shemihaza” isn’t just some normal name.
Shemihaza is in actuality the EMPEROR OF CREATION, is one of the Sol and also one of the three FOUNDERS OF THE LITERAL ORDER. She was one of the three members of the GRIGORI which are also the supreme advisors of the True Cross Order.
In short, she’s basically one of the three cloaked people that you always see sitting upwards in the stands while people are getting judged by law underneath them.
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After her body got crystallized, she became a tree and now currently overlooks the land of EI which is also known as the garden of Amahara.
So she basically turned into a holy sanctuary.
Now that we got reminded how much of a big deal she is, let’s get back to Shiemi.
So I’ll ask anyone again.
How in the hell did none of her classmates know about this before or haven’t at least managed to make some kind of connection?????
You’re telling me that the most knowledgeable students which are Bon, Izumo, and Koneko haven’t noticed some kind of pattern with Shiemi??
These students perfectly know The Order.
They know so much shit cuz they study a lot and you’re telling me that NONE OF THEM, NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM have tried wondering what the hell was up with her????
And what’s the deal with Yukio???
He has known her far longer than anyone else and even HE hasn’t noticed any weird vibes she gives off????
I don’t know about you, but if I was in Yukio’s place, I would’ve actually found it sus that a blonde girl whose name sounds closely similar to Shemihaza, has summoning powers that look a lot like the Shemihaza’s, looks nothing like her mom, doesn’t have a dad, and lives in the official exorcist shop.
Like bruh.
The only people who I’m okay for not saying anything about Sheimi’s weird case with Shemihaza are Shima, Rin and Mephisto.
I’m fine with Shima not knowing anything about the Shiemi case because he deliberately wants to ignore any important things of the True Cross and just wants to have fun. So the thought of him knowing anything that might relate her and Shemihaza together would be thrown out of the window for this guy. However, if he got assigned to spy on Shiemi then yeah he would’ve probably found out about her.
I’m also okay with Rin not saying anything cuz he’s a dumbass when it comes to studying or knowing things about the Order in general. So he wouldn’t have been able to know what was up with her in the first place even if he tried really hard. Oh yeah and even if he miraculously suspected her to be something far more than she says she is, I bet he’d find no hint anywhere despite the fact that the literal answer (Shemihaza) would be right under his nose. He’s the type to ignore huge hints until someone points them out for him.
And it would be obvious for me to be fine with Mephisto not saying anything about the matter cuz that guy already knew and is not spilling the beans yet simply for the sake of waiting for the right moment to finally reveal to them.
Our iconic weeb just loves suspense.
The same thing could be said for Amaimon.
This guy already knew but had to be sure if she was the real deal (and by that, I mean if she was worthy to be related to Shemihaza or some shit like that).
As for anyone else, I’m not too sure.
People like Shura and the other teachers are hard to tell if they knew or not.
But like it’s pretty easy to believe that they should know about the prestige future that Shiemi would eventually have???
And yet not??
Cuz they seem to act like idiots when it comes to her safety??? And they treat her like a random girl studying at their school instead of you know…
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Just picture this okay?
You’re a random student of the True Cross Academy studying to become a full fledged exorcist.
Your class is composed of a weird looking kid (who is not a kid) with a puppet for a hand, two girls with one looking as bland as a potato and the other one looking like a breed between a fox and a dog, a guy with a rooster for a head, a pink haired dude, a baldy with glasses who gets all the ladies and a lazy disappointment whose twin brother is your literal teacher.
One day, you meet a new student in your class and she’s a girl who lives somewhere on the campus of the True Cross Academy and has been living with her mother who also happens to be the owner and shopkeeper at the Exorcist shop for exorcists.
She has a strangely strong spirit which can transform her tamer into a LITERAL GIANT
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or a freaking FOREST to use as some kind of barrier to save her friends from Rin’s blue flames depending on when she wants to.
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Her name also strangely resembles the name “Shemihaza” which you are aware that her name literally represents one of the Grigoris.
Like come on man. This is so stupid.
The exposed hints are all on the surface.
There is no layer to hide them.
At this point, Shiemi could literally be dangling a flyer on her forehead saying “hey look at me! I’m related to Shemihaza!” and no one would bat an eye at that cuz they’d be unable FOR SOME REASON to know what she means by that.
Like it has come to a point where even SHE has tried hiding that secret to everyone when she found out because of her mom telling her the truth. And we all know Shiemi sucks at hiding secrets but she’s surprisingly really good at keeping that one.
But all of a sudden, when she states that she gave up on being an exorcist suddenly everyone’s on her ass suspecting that something’s wrong and that she might have a secret she ain’t sharing???
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Gurl no, the time where her friends had to care was when she wasn’t hiding a secret.
When she wasn’t aware about her divine roots.
As soon as you see her you can immediately tell that she even LOOKS like the people who stay at the holy sanctuary made by Shemihaza. She has so many similar physical traits as them that you would just look really stupid if you were in the same class as hers and have NEVER noticed some kind of ressemblance between the two.
If there was one thing that would make me not admit that Bon, Koneko and Izumo were actually smart, then it would be this.
The fact that they haven’t ONCE suspected that Shiemi might have been something more than just their classmate/friend before even she realized it herself.
The only one who was ever good at hiding his power was Rin until he had to expose himself due to Amaimon being a pain in the ass.
RIN. That’s it. He’s the only one that made any sense. Unlike Shiemi, his fangs and pointed ears in his human form could have been explained since it’s not unusual for people to have pointed teeth or non-rounded ears. His immediate decision to fighting alone could be easily explained by the fact that he’s just a reckless stupid guy or because he prefers fighting alone.
Shiemi was normal from the start but slowly gave off weird suspicious vibes in class and during missions. (Also how come no one tried asking her about her dad? He’s clearly not in the picture. Izumo and her became close so why not just ask her about her father? She could’ve asked Shiemi when they had that sleepover that one time.)
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grinu · 3 months ago
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manga panel redraw thingyy
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nathvods · 29 days ago
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my son
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rinseveryday · 1 year ago
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Dumpling server Rin inspired by Kato's latest new year's art. Happy year of the Dragon 2024
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iikisa · 4 months ago
super duper!!!! lazy comic skit whateva about rin and teeny yukio sighting
this could be applied to canon… or!!! the AU i’ve been working on!
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Quick Rant!!!!: I used to loathe Yukio so much but as i read the manga and other peoples opinions I started to tolerate him more and more. Like pointing a gun at your brother is wrong for sure, and he definitely had some unresolved issues with Rin, but Yukio got his (much liked) redemption arc, which was so plausible and understandable and yeah… hehe. What do you all think? I know there’s some Yukio-defenders out there!?
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madraleen · 11 months ago
blue exorcist: shimane illuminati saga - season 3, eps 1-12 general thoughts on the season. but first: 1) YAY, THE ANIME'S BEEN RENEWED FOR ANOTHER SEASON, YAY YAY YAY
2) blue exorcist is pretty much the reason i dropped solo leveling mid-watch of ep8. i'd watch them on the same day, and my enjoyment of blue exorcist was so in contrast with my non-enjoyment of solo leveling that it just became cumbersome to try to keep up.
3) i haven't read the manga
-i loved the gang's interactions. i loved their dynamics and i loved their personalities.
-i thought izumo's arc was very interesting and very well-executed. it took time to bring her to a point that she could accept change, and it all felt so earned and delicate and grounded.
-i found some parts of the overall story a bit rushed, but not enough to deter my enjoyment. it was just a bit like "oh, we're past this already?"
-i screamed when shima turned out to be a spy and i kept hoping that he'd turn out to be on our side, and, well, he is, so yay, but also is he? XD can we trust him, truly? i trust konekomaru's view on shima more than i trust shima himself, you know? and it goes past the "is shima actually betraying us as we speak?" issue, it's the matter of shima's character. NOW he might not be betraying us, but can we actually trust that he won't betray us for one reason or another? idk idk like yeah sure, we can't fully trust mephisto because he's mephisto yada yada, but at least we know we share the same ultimate goal with mephisto, whereas shima is just. a complete wild card.
-i loved seeing the girlies come closer
-i wish yukio would talk to rin, man, i wish he would -.-
-i teared up during the credits of the last ep, that's how much i was enjoying being with the gang
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ulquiorrapleasecallmetrash · 6 months ago
Could I get some hcs about Yukio Okumura with an s/o who slowly starts to act a little more like Rin every day?
The concept is funny to me. Like could you imagine he falls for some sweet innocent girl who ends up being an absolute menace
Yukio Okumura with an s/o that is slowly acts like Rin Over time Headcanons
Fandom: Blue Exorcist/ Ao no Exorcist
Rated: G
Warnings: none!
Admin Wisteria:
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-When Yukio first dates his s/o everything seems just fine. 
-They are smart, sweet, calm and collected just like him. 
-He is in bliss. 
-But once he sees his s/o becoming more…loud? Excited? Silly? Like Rin, he doesn’t pay attention to it because he just thinks, oh they are just now comfortable around him, so no big deal. 
-Things start to get more of a turn when his s/o becomes hot-headed and reckless especially when they are in battle. 
- Yukio will definitely freak out when his s/o starts to become more reckless. 
-”What the hell are you doing?! You know better than to go into battle recklessly!” 
-This boy is going to have an aneurysm because of his s/o’s recklessness. 
-Will become a bit more worried if his s/o is also friends with Rin because he will think Rin is a bad influence on his s/o. 
-Once his s/o clearly acts like Rin you know Rin is going to tease Yukio. 
-”Hahaha you think I will make a great Girlfriend!”
“Don’t say it like that you Idiot!” 
-Don’t worry, other people will also take notice and will tease as well, from Shura to Mephisto. He will not escape the teasing. 
- Yukio will eventually accept his fate that he loves someone who is a lot like his brother. 
-Because he won’t break up with them especially if they have more positive qualities that Rin doesn’t have. 
-But if they are straight on just like Rin there is more of a chance they will not last… but hey you never know!
- If Yukio loves the person despite being just like Rin then he will love them and stay with them no matter what.
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pfpanimes · 1 year ago
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⌕ ao no exorcist - new opening.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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falynnthecat64 · 6 months ago
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Amaimon episode appearances
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at1nys-blog · 5 months ago
Please may I have a Blue exorcist headcanon of how would Rin react to having a girlfriend who often did rather stupid stuff and this was one of them which resulted in Yukio in having to call the fire service after the box and table was set alight which caused Kuro to yowl in distress after his tails was on fire. So much for a 'flameless candle' joke.
https://youtube.com/shorts/TtF2sdz5WaA?si=akpIN2eUeKwUCmNh (this)
God Lord, I saw the video and couldn't help but laugh at it. Also thank you very much for the requests because they are so funny to read and write.
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Rin loves you
He really does but good Lords if you are stupid
Not academically speaking because in that case you are a genius
Better than Yukon (his words) sometimes
But on everyday basis?!
Let’s just say he has to put you on a leash just to make sure you don’t do anything stupid
And coming from him…
as reckless and stupid as he is, is a lot.
He is reading his manga when you burst into the room quit excited
He knows you aren’t up to good
(You are not)
Rin is confused when you ask him to follow you in the kitchen
Why do you need him in the kitchen?
He thinks you cooked/baked something and want him to taste test it
Yukio is already there, annoyed
(He wants to go back and grade some tests)
Kuro as well going around the box smelling to understand what is going on
Rin is way more confused when he sees the thermic box on the table
When you ask the brothers to guess what is inside they roll their eyes
Kuro sniffing and trying to open the thermic box
Guys I bet 100¥ you can’t guess what there is inside this box with that thermal imager”
Only then the brothers notice the object
Yukio wants to be anywhere but there
Rin wants the money so he tries to guess
He doesn’t understand at first. Then it clicks
Is that a lit candle?
Yukio can’t believe his ears so takes a look
Yes. There is a lit candle inside the thermal box
A lit flameless candle
You say proud of it
The box start to smoke and Yukio is the first to point it out
Looking at the smoke you are in denial
It wasn’t supposed to go like that
And the brothers aren’t supposed to know that this wasn’t the outcome you anticipated
(You know they know though)
That’s flameless smoke
Both Rin and Yukio look at you disappointed
You gave them a distress smile
Is when Kuro yells in pain you notice the box, table and floor Kuro tails are in flames.
The cat jumps into Rin arms and the older Okumura extinguishes the flames
Yukio is on the phone with the fire department
While the fire fighter kill the fire you started you explain to the brother (and Kuro) that is was supposed to be a joke. That when you saw it on the internet it worked just fine
No more internet for you
Scolds you Yukio
And please apologize to Kuro
Turning around you notice the poor kitty is still crying because of the pain
Since that day both Yukio and Rin take turns checking what are you watching on the internet
They just want to make sure you won’t burn down the house
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