40 posts
Idc who interacts !!Names Nujai <3 || Ler !! || I’m a girlNo dms unless I follow you please
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nujai · 3 months ago
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nujai · 3 months ago
I MISS YOU SWEAR, I show up on this app like every 3 months 😓
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nujai · 3 months ago
I have the questions for the truth or dare (totally didn’t ask ai for them) ANYWHOOOO, I think they’re really silly.
For the truths we have:
1. Have you ever been tickled in a really unexpected place, like at school or work?
2. If you could tickle any fictional character, who would it be and why?
3. What’s the weirdest object that’s ever been used to tickle you?
4. Have you ever pretended not to be ticklish just to avoid getting tickled?
5. What’s the most awkward situation you’ve been in because of tickling?
6. If tickling were an Olympic sport, how do you think you’d do?
7. Have you ever tried tickling yourself, and did it work?
And for the dares:
1. Let someone create a tickling “tool” using random objects and test it on you for 30 seconds.
2. Try to balance on one foot while someone tickles you for 20 seconds.
3. Let the group pick a random spot on your body to be tickled for 20 seconds.
4. Try to hold a serious conversation while someone tickles your feet.
5. Let someone tickle your wrists/palms while you try to keep your hands still for 30 seconds.
6. Sit completely still while someone tickles your ears for a full minute.
7. Let someone draw a tickle map on your back and mark out which spots cause laughter, giggles, or nothing.
Ref post:
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nujai · 4 months ago
Note put me in an even deeper lee mood than im already in 😭😭
Always the goal 🙃🙃
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nujai · 6 months ago
Ok but like imagine having a friend group where you all play truth or dare but tickle themed. This thought randomly popped into my head and i’ve been itching to talk about it (hence the random post after leaving for so long)
The truths are simple like what’s your worst tickle spot orrr more complex like what’s a scenario you’ve imagined and want to play out?
The dares could be cheeky like tickle the person next to you for 30 seconds or hold a conversation while someone tickles your worst spot for a minute.
I’m definitely going to work on tickle truth or dares with a version for lees and lers… >:]
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nujai · 1 year ago
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Sooo… I took the Ler test
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nujai · 1 year ago
This is so true 😭
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If I could create a machine that's powered by tword enthusiasts’ embarrassment, I could probably solve the energy crisis.
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nujai · 1 year ago
Hey! You haven’t been active in a while! Just wanted to know if you was okay!!!
A couple people have been asking if i’m ok because I haven’t been posting, I promise i’m 100% ok i’ve just been trying to stay off social media because I feel like it’s stopping me from dealing with other responsibilities, thank you guys for the concerns they are appreciated ❤️
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nujai · 2 years ago
I just
think ur blog is neat <3
thank you :)
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nujai · 2 years ago
I don’t really know if this is a dm or not… but
I just wanted to tell you from what I can tell your being an amazing Ler, I’m losing my mind scrolling through your posts right now. Anyways enough about me, have a good day you precious Ler!!
I love when people leave sweet messages like this :) I hope you have a good day aswell and thank you
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nujai · 2 years ago
hi hi hi!!! can you do Daughter!Reader with Father!Klaus from tvd/to? it doesn’t matter the scenario or situation but I ask you somehow add in raspberries (on the stomach)
so cute!
Ticklish Ice Breakers:
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Characters: LerDad!Klaus, LeeTeenDaughter!Reader
Summary: Klaus had been trying to rekindle your relationship with you after being gone for a few years. After a few weeks of your reconnecting you had both been getting more comfortable with each other. One day your dad pulled you into a hug and he accidentally found out that you’re still ticklish…
You hear a knock at your bedroom door. “Come In!” Klaus opens the door. “Hi sweetheart” He smiles. You sit up and smile. “Dad!” You jump out of your bed and race to him. He smiles and chuckles at your excitement. “Hello Darling, you seem chipper” You smile as he pulls you into a hug, rubbing your side. You slightly squirm as a smile creeps onto your face. Klaus notices and smiles as he curls his fingers into you, still rubbing up and down your torso. You let out a small giggle. “I see that someone is still ticklish” He growls into your ear playfully. “Nohoho” You defend yourself poorly. “I think you are” He sings playfully.
He backs you into your bed and pulls your down. “Dahahad what are you doihihng?” Klaus smiles as he climbs on your hips. “Do you remember when you were little, how when you were being cheeky I would bend down and blow little raspberries on your stomach?” You giggle nervously, trying to escape. This Im was one of those times that you regret wearing a cropped shirt. “Dahahahd Nohoho” “You’re already laughing” He smiles, bending his head towards your stomach. “Noooooo! Plehehease!” You giggle, the anticipation making you weak. Your dad hovers his face just above your stomach, holding both of your sides with his fingers. You giggle into your hands. All of a sudden you feel an intense ticklish vibration on your stomach as Klaus used his fingers to squeeze and scribble along your sides and armpits. You scream with laughter and arch your back. “What about over here?” He blows another on the right side of your torso and another time on your ribs, his chuckling making it tickle even more as his beard rubbed along your skin. “DAHAHAHD STOP IHIHIHIHIT!” Your Dad smiles and gets off of your hips but used his Vampire speed to stand you up and pin your back against his chest. “I wonder if your neck is still ticklish” He smiles, blowing raspberries into your neck whilst his fingers dance along your ribs and claw at the centre of your stomach. Your knees buckle but he holds you up with one arm. “Dahahad” You squeal with laughter. Klaus smiles as he stops his torture and spins you around. “I love you sweetheart” You rest your head on his chest. “I love you too Dad” You smile up at him. “I’m just glad that my not so little girl is still ticklish” You groan and giggle at the same time as your Dad chuckles at your reaction.
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nujai · 2 years ago
Does anyone do commissions for realistic tkl art 🫤??
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nujai · 2 years ago
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kitty rolling kitty rolling kitty rolling kitty rolling!!!
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nujai · 2 years ago
Hi :)
#5,#6,#15 tickle ask game!!
#5 I don’t get tickled a lot but gentle tickles are horrible I swear, wayyyy worse than rough tickles
#6 Ler 99% & Lee 1%.. I have a lee mood like every few months but it never lasts long
#15 This one I just thought of [Game], I’ve been obsessing over this for like 2 weeks
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nujai · 2 years ago
Ok but like imagine using ratings out of 10 to not only decide how long to tickle your lee BUT finding out all their weak spots. I don’t even know where this thought came from it just popped up honestly.
Find a starting point (I personally would start at the palms and work my way down to the feet), and tickle the spot however and with whatever just make sure to do the same thing & stay consistent with every spot.
Have your lee give you a rating out of 10 for how much it tickles and whatever number they give you tickle them for that amount of seconds or minutes (maybe hours if your crazy)
Make sure to test every spot and crevice, and maybe redo some spots for good measurements & accurate scoring… you’ll find all your lee‘s most tickly spots :)
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nujai · 2 years ago
Teases i’ve heard that i’m definitely going to steal.
- I know. These tickling fingers are just to much right?
-Does that tickle??? Aww poor thing.
-You want me to stop? Ok then. *starts tkling death spot*
-Why are you laughing i’m barely even touching you?
-Oh? Someone’s ticklish (personal fav)
-Is something wrong?
- Im gonna getcha~
- *wiggles fingers slowly towards the lee*
- I wonder.. what happens if I touch you here??
- Don’t hide your laugh- let me hear your giggles!!
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nujai · 2 years ago
4, 8, 14 (for the ask game🤭)
#4 Forever, the word mercy has never even left my lips 🙄
(alr answered #8)
#14 all the ones i’m posting after I post this !! you should go look 😌
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