#Apollo Phase A
lonestarflight · 9 months
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Model of the proposed Saturn C-1 with the Apollo Command and Service Module (Phase A configuration).
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pilzplage · 11 months
Klapollo shenanigans..
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v3nuskae · 27 days
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What do you guys think they're talking about?
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milomilesmib · 1 year
Nico: why is Leo clinging to you like that?
Jason: a few hours ago he heard me singing "Nobody Loves Me" and thought I genuinely felt unloved and had a mental breakdown so I offered him comfort and he's been here ever since.
Nico: oh, honey.
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hychlorions · 9 months
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didn't think about this one too hard
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irishskeptic · 6 months
Trials of Apollo AU where everything is the same except Lester has an Irish accent
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karoo-o · 9 months
"Don't panic Justice, that's just prosecuter Gavin"
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nay-lon · 1 year
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radiantmists · 4 months
binged both chalice of the gods and the hidden oracle in the last few days and tbh i don't care if zeus would blast me to bits, if he were real it would be on sight
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Tycho Crater's Peak - On June 10, 2011, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter captured a dramatic sunrise view of Tycho crater. Tycho crater's central peak complex, shown here, is about 9.3 miles (15 km) wide, left to right (southeast to northwest in this view).
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 4 months
Apollo @ Commodus be like
they are very veronica & jd coded
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lonestarflight · 8 months
Apollo Program: Phase A or Apollo A
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NASA ID: M-MS-G-102-61 Date: December 4, 1961
"Apollo A was a lighter-weight July 1961 version of the Apollo spacecraft.
Status: Study 1961.
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It was specifically designed for long-duration operations in space; to conduct re-entry tests at near-parabolic speeds; and then for manned circumlunar missions.
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SDASM Archives: Apollo Doc003, Apollo Doc036
At the time of the Apollo bidder's conference in August 1961 an evolutionary approach to the Apollo program was expected. After completion of the Mercury project both the Apollo spacecraft and Saturn launch would gradually fly multi-man crews on a series of ever-more ambitious scientific and technological missions in earth-moon space. This program would begin with manned earth satellite flights of extended lifetime, proceed to lunar circumnavigation, to lunar satellite flights, and ultimately to the lunar landing. Although the Apollo A designation was applied only to the first unmanned Apollo tests at this time, we would use the term here to designate the Apollo design and program plan as envisioned by NASA prior to the Apollo bidder's conference in the summer of 1961.
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SDASM Archives: Apollo Doc013, Apollo Doc006
The return to earth and the recovery of the manned spacecraft were important parts of these missions. The development of the Apollo spacecraft was to proceed in several phases. Each phase, to the extent possible, would serve as qualification for the subsequent phase. The objectives of Apollo Phase A was:
Qualification of systems and features for the lunar missions within the constraints or the environment of earth satellite orbits of up to 500 km altitude by manned flights.
Qualification of the re-entry heat protection for the lunar missions in unmanned re-entry tests from super-circular and near-parabolic velocities.
Study of physiological and psychological reactions and capabilities of a multiman crew in the space environment during extended periods of time (at least two weeks). In the adapter between the Saturn second stage and the Apollo spacecraft, as an integral part, was a section to be used as an orbiting laboratory. Preliminary designs indicated this laboratory would be a cylindrical section about 3.9 m in diameter and 2.4 m in height. The laboratory would provide the environment and facilities to conduct scientific experiments related to manned operation of spacecraft. Experiments that might be conducted from an Earth-orbiting laboratory included: astronomical observations; monitoring the Sun's activity; testing man's ability to work outside the vehicle; zero-g testing; and micrometeoroid impact study.
Development of flight and ground operational techniques and equipment for the support of space flights of extended periods
Conduct of experimental investigations as needed to acquire information for the subsequent lunar missions.
The two-stage Saturn C-I launch vehicle system would be utilized to carry the Apollo A spacecraft into the low earth-satellite orbits and to accelerate the capsule only to re-entry trajectories during the Apollo A phase.
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The mass breakdown of the Apollo A earth-orbit version was nearly 1/3 less than that of the later Apollo capsule final design:
Command Module: 3600 Kg
Equipment-Propulsion Module (less Main Motors): 1600 kg
Main Motors: 1300 kg
Space Laboratory: 1400 kg
Launch Escape Propulsion: 1700 kg (separated after first stage burn-out)
Total Launch Weight: 9500 kg
Total Weight in Low Earth Orbit: 7800 kg
As of the summer of 1961 it was planned that Apollo A boilerplate flights in the earth-orbit configuration would take place in October/December 1963 using Saturn C-1's SA-7 and SA-8. SA-9 and SA-10 would launch 3400 kg capsule-only payloads in February-April 1964 to near parabolic velocities in tests of the capsule's hypersonic aerodynamics and heat shield. These prototype capsules would be equipped with parachutes and be recovered.
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NASA ID: M-MS-G 34-3-61 Date: May 17, 1961
These proving tests would be followed by Apollo A manned earth orbit space laboratory missions in the 1965-1967 period. Manned circumlunar flights would occur at the same time. The booster for such missions was originally intended to be the Saturn C-2. This was changed to the Saturn C-3 in June 1961 when it became clear the Apollo spacecraft would weigh too much for such missions. The C-3 in turn was cancelled in favor of the C-5, and discussion of circumlunar Apollo disappeared by the end of 1962."
-Information from Astronautix.com: link
NASA ID: link
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my-name-is-apollo · 6 months
I like it when someone spam likes/reblogs my older posts because then I can go back and delete the ones where I was saying some really stupid shit.
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heresronnie21 · 1 year
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I went through my sketchbook from last year and found my first apollos and babies of apollos (meg counts as baby). Why'd I draw necks so weird?
Tie dye apollo is coming back though I was so right about that
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Puppy jumped on top of his crate
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adriles · 1 year
im sorry to say, that by ignoring the plague of apollo, you have doomed the danaans to further misery. Farewell my bitch
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wolf-saint · 1 month
It's 2024... when are capcom releasing my Athena Cykes game...
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