#Aoyagi Toya's brothers
thatoneweird014 · 2 months
TOYA'S FAMILY HCs (mainly toyabros):
I don't think Toyamom is actually that bad (at least not as shitty as Harumichi). Does she stop him from being a bitch? No, but she doesn't encourage him either. She just kinda... stays out of it, which is still bad but when she's with the kids on her own she is very kind and sweet with them (not for any ulterior motives or gaslighting kind of way). When her kids would confide in her that "mom... I don't want to play piano", she would tuck them in, kiss their foreheads, rub their side and say "it's alright. Look, you got that part right today didn't you? You're improving very well :)" It's because of this that the kids slowly began to latch onto her if they ever felt like they needed praise (I'll talk more about this later).
While she isn't a perfect person, she is still probably the only member who hasn't fully given up on the family yet. The Aoyagi kids slowly grow out of telling her all their problems because she doesn't/can't really do anything about it, but they do like her. She always tries to smile when she greets them, even as her face gets worn with age and as her hair starts to grey. Also, her hair starts to grey early because of stress. She knows everyone has given up on this sorry excuse for a family and is probably the only one still trying to pretend they're fine. The Aoyagi kids go along with it because they don't want to see their mother suffering and because deep down they all partially hope that there is still something salvageable in this.
I came up with names for them but idrk if im gonna keep them as their permanent hc names so if you have any better ones lmk!!
Toushiro - Eldest:
appearance: 6"4, slightly stronger than Toya but still relatively skinny; short, light blue hair; black glasses and tired, beautiful, deep navy eyes; is always wearing something semi-formal, doesn't wear button-ups or anything but his clothes are always perfectly sized for him, never too big or small (kinda like an npc).
Toushiro follows your typical eldest child formula: your destiny is written from the moment you are born, you will be the prodigal child and there's nothing you can do about it. He's probably the only one of the sons whose more reserved than Toya and he constantly has bags under his eyes (the second son - Tokujiro - does as well but they're less heavy). Both sons wanted to do something other than music once they got to their teens but unlike Tokujiro who tried and failed, Toushiro didn't try at all because, in typical eldest sibling fashion, it's too much of a risk to give up the only thing you're practically good for. He's also the son who latched onto their mother the most because praise is to an eldest sibling what cherry-flavoured vapes are to thirteen year olds - give us one whiff of it and we'll chase it for the the rest of their lives (I do not vape for the record). It's because of this he's the only son who calls home from abroad every now and then to check in with their mother and very rarely their father on the two occasions he's ever showed up on videocall. He also eventually grew to just accept his life as a pianist. He's not fully happy in it, but he's come to accept that this is his life and tries to find joy in it.
When Tokujiro was born, Toushiro was originally kind of excited that he wouldn't be alone anymore, that there someone he could teach piano to himself. He got shouted at for it. One time when he was trying to teach Tokujiro piano, Harumichi came down, completely enraged, and yelled at them for making such terrible noise and using the piano so carelessly. "But, mother lets us..." "I don't care, touch that again and I'll make you practice through the entire night." Toushiro was left so afraid from that encounter that he never took Tokujiro to the piano room again. When Toya came, he just kept his distance, he was busy with recitals anyway (he was seven at the time of Toya's birth). As he got older, he tried to form a connection with Toya on the few times he came home. He felt bad for not being there for him when he was younger. One of the first things he asks when he comes back home now is "where's Toya?" He barely gets to see him because Toya's either at school or asleep when he gets back and he usually has to leave very early again the next day. However, on the few times they do meet, it's very awkward because you can see he's trying but they don't really have anything to talk about, especially since he can't talk about the piano anymore. It's even sadder because while he's abroad he compiles a list of everything he wants to tell him when but he gets home they can barely get past the "hi... how are you?" stage to ever get there.
Tokujiro - Middle child:
appearance: 6"0, shorter than Toushiro but much more "healthier" (all the Aoyagi sons have terrible eating habits, this is just appearance-wise) ; dark blue hair which is longer than Toya's, but it never goes past his shoulders and he usually ties it up a lot as well; softer blue eyes, much closer to silver, yet he still manages to always look stern; rougher hands from all his 'escape' attempts; wears plaid button-ups a lot (like ichika) and it's always untucked
Tokujiro is much more salty and angry at everything. He was five when Toya was born but was much more distant, largely due to him being really angry now that he realised just what kind of a life he was stuck in. When he found out Toya started street music, he became insanely stand-offish towards him because he had tried throughout his entire childhood to get out of his horrible life (he hates piano much more than Toushiro does) and he had gotten beaten and yelled at for it and Toya just?? gets to do it?? He used to constantly makes passive-aggressive comments about Toya's choice to perform (he does this less now) whilst saying how well he's doing at piano but he doesn't even know why he's doing it anymore, probably just to make himself feel better if anything because he really hates his life. He'll purposefully not give his all in performances but since he's an Aoyagi you'd need an insanely skilled ear to pick up on it.
When he was younger, he'd look up to Toushiro a lot, even after he distanced himself. Even now, despite his snarky and 'go fuck off' attitude, some desperate part of him misses his brother who would take him to the piano room and teach him, and he longs for him back. Also, at about age thirteen or so, he had discovered CDs of some music that was very much not classical music in his brother's room and played it when no one was watching. That was his first introduction to rock music- and he LOVED it. He'd constantly sneak into Toushiro's room to listen to them. One day Toushiro caught him and it was kind of amusing cause that was the first time he saw his brother so nervous.
"Toku? Toku! What are you doing?"
"I'm not the one with" - checks cover - "RAD WEEKEND CDs." (I hc that back when they were just emerging on the scene, RW did a lot of rock music, so much so that they released exclusive albums for their rocks songs)
"How did you even find those-"
"They're cool. Why didn't you show me?"
"Because- we're not supposed to... wait... do you like them?"
"Yeah, they actually sound good."
Then they'd frequently listen to rock together. Until their dad found them. And then broke them and yelled at them for tainting their ears with that garbage - "no wonder you've become worse lately." Tokujiro saw this as more of an excuse to rebel, in fact, he tried to start a rock band with the few friends he had (this got discovered and broken as well) - Toushiro was devastated to hear this and it only made him grow even further away from his brother. He only partially blames Toushiro for the growing distance between them, whereas he fully blames their father.
Both brothers together:
Sometimes their concert venues/study schedules overlap. It doesn't happen as often as they like, but it still does. To the outside eye, they interact like complete business professionals, as though their only relation to each other is through their work and not blood. However, they are there for each other. Toushiro will use these moments to try and subtly uplift his brother. Tokujiro always brushes it off and acts like he doesn't care but he does listen and sometimes take it to heart.
They both had private education together. Toushiro, even though he wasn't content with it, would sit quietly and listen. Tokujiro would do silent acts of rebellion, stuff he couldn't technically get in trouble for, kind of like Rui (i think him and rui would actually be besties ngl. In another life maybe :")) ) He'd do stuff like hand in assignments at the very last second and ask a bunch of stupid questions. The only reason he didn't get a stern talking to about this (at least not as much as he should have) is because all his work was actually done to a high standard and was correct. He had, during this period, also tried to start a rock band, but due to being so secluded from actual society he had maybe only two friends, the receptionist's kid from the shop his mother would sometimes take him with her to, and one kid he frequently met whilst trying to sneak out. He always seemed stoned af but maybe that was just his persona, he liked it either way. Toushiro knows if his brother gets caught he's going to be absolutely fucked. A part of him wants to stop him but the other part of him wants him to succeed, to prove there's an escape, so he just stays quiet and if he's ever questioned about what his brother is up to, he just says he doesn't know (to protect him). Lo and behold, his brother gets caught, receives the worst talking to of his life as he sits in his room, hands trembling above the piano feeling guilty as fuck for not having stopped him sooner.
They both have a minor jealousy for Toya. Toushiro eventually overcomes this in order to try and fix their bond whereas Tokujiro just pushes it down. Because what do you mean he's doing street music and not getting fucked over for it? What do you mean he's going to a PUBLIC school and has so many friends? What do you mean he's doing something else with his life, something he's happy with and getting away with it? They had both tried to do the same and gotten beaten the fuck up for it and he just?? gets to do it?? No lecture or anything? And what do you mean he TALKS BACK TO THEIR FATHER.
"Hmph, that's barely an achievement Toya."
"But I'm proud of it, I think I've come very far."
HELLO??? IF THAT WERE US TALKING WE'D BE FUCKING DEAD. They both stare in disbelief the first time they see Toya do this (on separate occasions, they talk about it to eo next time their schedules overlap). They think Toya gets a shitload of leniency from Harumichi. They're pissed off about it but don't hate him for it. At least one Aoyagi gets to be happy.
Toushiro doesn't like family dinners because Harumichi would spend the entire time berating his brother for his 'unruly' (he's an Aoyagi, remember) behaviour instead of praising him for he does right. This still holds true. When he goes home Harumichi barely bats an eye at him whereas he starts complaining when it's Tokujiro. Tokujiro just lets it flow in ear and out the other, he doesn't bother trying to 'prove' anything anymore and Toushiro just doesn't try, there's no point.
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fruity-fruition · 5 months
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Really quick Tenma Brothers drawing because I needed to draw them.
Tsukasa 100% gives injury kisses btw. He kisses Saki's IV needle areas a lot after she gets to take them out, Toya getting caught in bushes when he's escaping his home situation for a while, any Leo/Need members when they get hurt, etc
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zgatotoon · 2 years
Protect squad?
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pjsk-headcanons · 1 month
there was a point where toya was banned from meiko's cafe due to miku teaching him how to make brownies (no clue why this is so specific) and ended up poisoning tsukasa at some point. he had to go to the hospital (saki and tsukasa hospital siblings real/j)
"wait miku you taught toya how to cook"
"is there something wrong"
*passed out on the floor* "thsi ta ste is veru... uni uqe ☆"
so. toya would just stand outside waiting for kohane to give him coffee
-🥞 anon
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micia-posts-stuff · 6 months
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I can't believe the english translation deprived us of Tsukasa calling Toya "little brother" T.T
(credit to Project Sekai ENG (Unofficial) @pjsekai_eng on Twitter for the last two pics)
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kawaiichibiart · 8 months
Tenma Siblings HC:
*introducing Toya*
Tsukasa: This is our brother, Toya!!
Toya: Hello.
Tsukasa: We've known each other since we were children-
Saki: And since his *exaggerated air quotes* "family" is full of pieces of shit, we've claimed him as a Tenma!! >:D
*introducing Kanade*
Saki: This is our sister, Kanade!
Kanade: hi.
Saki: Tsukasa found Kanade on the side of the road and brought her home.
Tsukasa: We decided to keep her!! >:D
*introducing Minori and Kohane*
Saki: This is Minori-
Minori: *waves*
Tsukasa: And this is Kohane!!
Kohane: Ah-
Saki: They show up sometimes.
*in the NPC AU*
Tsukasa: This is our sister, Emu.
Emu: Konnichi-WONDERHOY!!
Saki: We're keeping her until her family gets their heads outta their asses.
Toya: Or until she decides to go home.
Tsukasa: Yes, yes, Emu will stay with us for as long as she likes.
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anakirui · 16 days
for your vivisho account, do you ship toyakasa too, or will you leave it out? i like toyakasa, but i know it’s kinda controversial so i understand if you don’t like it/don’t want to post about it 😶
i don't ship toukasa, but i have no issues with the ship itself, so if i do make a vivisho post featuring tsukasa and touya, you're free to rb it with romantic or queerplatonic tags if you want, idrc! be freeeeeee!!!!!!!
side note: i don't agree with how the fandom treats them like they're blood related brothers when they're literally not, ffs touya literally refers to tsukasa and his ACTUAL brothers differently but i won't go on that tangent + there's like a million other reasons i can list why toukasa isn't a fucking proship or incest or whatever they wanna call it
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pjsk-story-summaries · 5 months
Azusawa Kohane "Vivid BAD SQUAD" Initial 2* Card Story
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Fan translation (eiyuuou) Part 1 / Part 2 Sumbitted Anonymously
Part 1: Kohane helps An study math, happy to get to help An (and also take the opportunity to review for herself). An decides to make some tea as a treat for Kohane, explaining the details of how to make good tea (which she learned from her dad). Once it's ready, Kohane enjoys it, saying that it’s nice to have special skills. Thinking about her own (An suggesting singing and giving her all no matter what), she remembers photography which her dad taught her. She takes photos of different things including her dad’s pet snake, Count Pearl. An wants to see some of her photos some time.
Part 2: Kohane brings over her photos to show An, Toya, Akito. Akito notes that she brought two albums, and she explains that the second one is full of photos her dad took of her (who insisted she showed them to her friends). Kohane is curious about what Akito’s and Toya’s dads taught them; Toya responds with the piano and violin, and Akito mentions painting–although neither uses those skills anymore. Akito makes a comment about how it’s clear which ones are Kohane’s based on them being out of focus (to which An kicks him). Kohane shows off a picture of Count Pearl eating, and the others remark that she’s surprisingly not squeamish.
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2-kamikou-1 · 1 year
i like to think that toya and rui both drink coffee. toya does it both for the energy boost it provides and flavor but rui's just in this for the caffeine.
toya watches in absolute horror across the Kamiyama courtyard as rui downs a large coffee in a single gulp and slams his computer onto his lap
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frobby · 2 years
sometimes i forget that not everyone considers toya part of the tenma siblings
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https-immotmari · 9 months
❝ Crush na crush na crush kita! ❞ ─── pjsk boys!
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Just from the title, y'all should have a thought of where I come from lmao <(^-^)>! Anyways, third request came in and I hope you don't mind the reader's gender being neutral, thank you!~
fandom! .project sekai character(s) used! .akito shinonome, toya aoyagi, tsukasa tenma and rui kamishiro gender of reader! .gn!reader however, implied fem!reader implied in toya's and tsukasa's sections head start! .reader, in both akito's and toya's, is a senior, reader in toya's section is tsukasa's older (by one minute) twin sibling, light angst in toya's section, rui's reader is a foregnier and doesn't understand nor speak japanese very well however, they can understand english
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. . .akito shinonome!
❝ Di mo ba nadarama? (Don't you feel?) ❞
what in the H E double hockey sticks is he feeling?!
he doesn't know why his heart goes crazy just the mere sight of you he doesn't know why he suddenly stutters his words when talking to you, he just doesn't understand why his mind wants to see you every day.
well, to everyone, it's no surprised you've captured the hearts of majority of the student population in kamiyama high. you're literally the IT girl/boy/person of kamiyama and you aren't even aware of it.
you're even a great senior! he met you through toya, who was trying to find tsukasa since he wanted to confirm something and they found him talking to you, and he was instantly whipped! though, he denies it.
toya lightly teases him that he acts like a mess when you're around him and akito just barks back with lies, just to save his pride.
"I'm telling the truth, toya. I don't act weird whenever (last name)-san is around." akito denied his best friend's, toya, accusation. him? having a crush on the school's heartthrob? that's stupid. he would never-
"excuse me?" akito suddenly froze on the spot as toya twirled his head only to see you carrying a bunch of test papers. "oh? toya? and uhm.." you squinted your eyes, trying to recall the name of the frozen ginger beside toya, "oh right! akito, right? you're ena's cute little brother, hm?" you tilt your head forward a bit, smiling in his way.
in the end, toya had the last laugh as he watches his best friend being completely different around their senior, "I told you so." as akito clutches his chest, where his heart is at.
just innocently dropping hints to toya that he 'needs' help with a difficult math problem, that's probably a year above them level, and that he needs a reliable and amazing senior to help him.
he ends up having tsukasa and sometimes rui, it's rare having you to 'help' him since you're quite busy as well.
but, that doesn't stop him! he often has toya delivers his little gifts, after a long time convincing toya that it was his older sister's, ena, request to deliver 'her' gifts, to your desk when you're not around, some students may have thought that toya has a crush on you.
his little gifts consist of key chains of (favorite things), sometimes flowers and pins with your favorite series/anime/manga/etc.
how he knew this? he actually got information from one of ena's conversation with you and your post from your social medias, in which he secretly hearts everything on an alternative account.
he turns into a lovesick puppy the moment you walk in, if he were a puppy, his tail would be going crazy all the while his face would be a hot mess.
during the sport event, you were one of the mc's and it made akito's motivation in winning increased TO THE MAX!
he was running faster than ever, even ena was suprised to see her little brother like that, poor tsukasa who was on his back, tsukasa was holding onto akito's shoulders for dear life.
"shinonome-san is running as fast as ever! it seems like he's eager to win, don'tcha think, partner?" the other mc look at you, waiting for your commentary.
you chuckled, smiling as you watch the intense match between your juniors, mizuki and akito. "I couldn't agree more, partner! even poor tenma-san is holding on for dear life~" both you and your partner snickered.
after he won that match, he was congratulated by you over the mic and no one can image the furious blush appearing on his cheeks, like, YOU, out of all people, were to congratulate him first before toya can?????
he was on cloud nine that even toya had a difficult time in getting him back to his senses till they were in their band practice, an hand to shake him back to life.
he denies this for a long time but, on valentine's day, instead of the classic chocolates and flower, he actually got you special and that he's proud of but, never admit it was him.
he got the valentine's day special chocolate pancake with (favorite fruit) on the side from the place where he usually buys his pancakes, he bought it using his hard-earned money. he also made oragami flowers, bouquet of flowers actually, the flowers being all of your favorite kinds. he actually spent a lot of time and dedication on the oragami flowers and learned them from a lot of youtube videos.
of course, he remained anonymously.
out all the gifts you've received that day, his gift stand out the most due to his effort in making it perfect. you gushed about it to your friends and one of them was ena. she had a gut feeling that it was her little brother, akito, but never got confirmation.
he doesn't know why his heart goes crazy just the mere sight of you, he doesn't know why he suddenly stutters his words when talking to you, he just doesn't understand why his mind wants to see you everyday. Don't you feel it?
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. . .toya aoyagi!
❝ Crush mo rin kaya ako? (Do you have a crush on me too?) ❞
you're actually tsukasa's older, by one-minute, twin sibling so, he's known you very well.
though, he wasn't able to have a lot of conversation with you back then since you were more focused on your youngest sibling's, saki, health and was always in the hospital, in which he couldn't go, fearing that it upset his father.
despite not often having to chat with you, toya can see you as the loving and caring older tenma sibling, within the three tenma siblings, you're the matured and calm one, one of the reasons why toya and you got along pretty well.
him crushing on you came when you caught him tearing up a bit after an argument he had with his father, he was a little kid at the time, and instead of degrading him for crying, you sat beside him and comforted him, whispering nothing but sweet things to him as he cried in your shoulder. you comforted him like how you comforted tsukasa whenever he has his episode due to him thinking he wasn't a great enough brother for saki.
after comforting him, you gave him a small smile and encouraged him to go after what he loves the most, and at that moment, the thing, or person, he loves the most at the moment, till now, is you. he just doesn't realize it till his unitmates told him he was, in fact, has a crush on you.
he felt the warm and loving aura coming out of you that you always give to your family, especially to your younger siblings. something he had craved from his father ever since he was born and yet he never received.
after that day, this little kid was always following you around like a little duckling, except in the hospital, in which you find it to be amusing and adorable since you've ever known toya to be the quiet yet blunt stoic kid and seeing him following you around whenever him and you are inside your house.
toya, at the time, didn't know why his cheeks felt warm and his heart going slightly faster than before whenever he encounters you. it makes him space out sometimes.
one time, he made a claw machine empty because he wanted to give you plushies like he gives to saki, through tsukasa, as well! you were surprised to see a lot of stuff toys in your room when you got back home from the hospital.
it made your face brighten up and as a thank you, you gave toya one of your beloved books in which you cherished the most so, image the shock expression he had once tsukasa told him that it was one of your cherished books you held dearly, and you gave it to HIM??
upon knowing that fact, the book you gave to him now has its very own section in his bedroom shelf, it even has its own clear protection case to keep the dust away if he's not reading it at the moment.
nobody is allowed to touch the book besides him and you.
now that you two, alongside tsukasa and saki, have grown into teenagers, you two have more screen time with each other now that saki is finally out of the hospital!
since you and tsukasa are the same age, meaning when toya was a freshman in kamiyama, you were a senior at miyamasuzaka, the same all-girls school saki is in.
despite being in different schools, you two interacted a lot! especially when all four of you hangout after school!
his feelings for you were rather obvious, at least to tsukasa and saki, he was so different from his quiet and stoic self.
whenever you're around, he smiles more often all the while talking to you, toya can't help it! you're just a beautiful scenery, it's a crime to not admire you. saki even called him out-
"(n/n) sure does look beautiful, right, toya-kun?" saki innocently teased the blue haired individual, who was admiring her older sibling as they baked a bunch of cookies for the four of them.
toya immediately snapped out of his daydreaming upon being called out, "o-oh.. yes, of course they are." he shyly nodded, feeling his cheeks warming up. saki simply chuckles, knowing damn well that she'll be the matchmaker alongside her older brother.
when vivid bad squad was formed, he immediately rushed to you and told you about it, you smiled at him, he was finally doing what he wanted and not what his father wanted, and you were proud of him.
whenever he's at band practice, he often unconsciously rambles about you to his bandmates, an and akito teases him about it, telling him that they didn't know toya has a crush.
that's when he furrows his brows, crush?
due to his oblivious self, an and akito, mostly an, explained to him that he has a crush on you, and he was like "oh...oh!"
now with this newfound information, he felt even more nervous around you, sometimes stuttering his words as if he's malfunctioning robot.
his heart just goes crazy and with the way you acted around him these couple of years, thanks to an explaining how most women acted when they have a crush on you, he wonders if you also have a crush on him too?
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. . .tsukasa tenma!
❝ Cross my heart, P.S. I love you ❞
he met you first in phoenix wonderland, you were a guest invited by one of your friends.
he, alongside his troupe members, was greeting the guests ever-so loudly and cheerfully and when his orange-yellow eyes set on you, his world just stopped right there and then.
your (h/c) was shining, complimenting your sparkling eyes and dazzling sweet smile, he felt his heart was racing, racing fast.
he was so stunned that when you and your friends came up to him and his troupe members, he was fumbling with his words all the while his troupe members cheerfully, mostly emu, greeted you and your friends. tsukasa's eyes were mostly on you, though he did try to act normal and tried to look at your friends as well but, his eyes kept glancing over you.
rui, who noticed this, teased him after you and your friends went away. tsukasa denied it, saying you look 'familiar' to him though, rui didn't seem convinced.
over the time your there, his eyes were trying to find you again, wanting to see if he was daydreaming that time but yet every time he sees you, he malfunctions again.
on the other hand, you caught him spying you from afar and whenever he quickly hides, you find it amusing.
he didn't know why he wanted to find out more about you, though you were a random guest, you can be EVERYWHERE!
but, I guess lady luck blessed him after a couple of weeks, he was in front of saki's school, miyamasuzaka, and while waiting, he saw you again! alongside your friends.
his eyes went wide, and my dude just stood there like 🧍‍♂️
once he and saki were back at home, he immediately bombarded her with a lot of questions about you.
"hey, saki, do you perhaps know somebody in your school with (h/c) hair and (uniform style/details about your uniform)?"
"oh, well there a lot of people with (h/c) hair in my school but, with the way you describe certain details uniform, I think you're referring to (last name)-san!"
that's where he learned about you as he watched saki talking about you gleefully, you were an assistant and close friend to the MORE MORE JUMP! members, no wonder why saki seems happier to talk about you to her older brother.
and no wonder he recognized you, he once saw you in shizuku's social media, in which he follows since they are good acquaintance with each other.
he thought about messaging you since shizuku tagged you in that one post. he wanted to formally apologize for weirding you out on that day.
and that's how you basically meet the blonde weirdo yet cutie from the theme park you visited a few weeks ago again. he firstly messaged you by introducing himself before apologizing for his behavior a couple of weeks ago, you honestly find it amusing and adorable. you two chatted with each other all day, and then the next day, and the next day-
after that, he invited you to hangout after school whenever your free, sometimes he brings along saki and toya, since you two bonded within the private messages you two have been sending each other.
honestly, he hasn't moved on from your first encounter, he still acts like a silly idiot around you. tsukasa doesn't even know why like, you're like everyone else, average yet has a certain charm around you making tsukasa even more invested into you.
whenever he's around you, he feels like very different that has him questioning himself about it. like, why does he feel funny around you but not to others? why does he feel the urge to impress you more with his charms and talents? why does he stutter his words out like a fool whenever it's you? WHY DOES HIS HEART YEARNS FOR YOU?!
I feel like he's seen a various of romance theaters, movies, dramas, etc (thanks to saki) so, he caught up with what's happening to him, it went like this;
"I'm in love..." the blonde muttered, finally knowing the reasons why he's acting differently to a certain someone. he had finally solved the mystery of his strange behavior whenever you're around!
"I'M IN LOVE- HAHHHHHHHHHH?!" tsukasa immediately stops himself upon seeing in the corner of his eyes, his troupe members all can be seen in the doorway, spying on their leader while rui was recording it with his signature smug cat-like smile plastered on his face.
in the end, let's just say rui, maybe emu and nene, got their blackmail for tsukasa.
he was quite shy at first but, he warms up since in his thoughts, he NEEDS to impress his crush, aka you, because the only way your crush is gonna notice you and wants to talk to you is to impress them! (tsukasa's words, not mine)
expects him to be a very, very, VERY gentleman towards you such as carrying your things, bringing you little snacks, escorting you to your house to your school along with saki, and many more that I can't possibly list down.
when he heard you were a fan of phenny-kun, he just has to impress you with his voice imitation of phenny-kun, he just had to. I mean, it IS his job, alongside his troupe members, to make people smile. his day brightens up whenever you enjoy his imitation of phenny-kun! doesn't he love you too much?
he probably made a play dedicated to you and have scenarios where you, the main character, and he as the love interest, he's too busy daydreaming he didn't notice that one of rui's inventions is coming straight to him-
he became a simp, your simp to be exact.
doesn't he love you so much? Cross his heart, he'll love you wholeheartedly that's for sure!
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. . .rui kamishiro!
❝ 'Di ko alam ang nangyayari (I don't know what's happening) ❞
he honestly didn't expect himself to be having a crush on somebody, especially when his crush is oblivious foreigner such as yourself.
you were the infamous transfer student he had heard about from the juniors; it was quite obvious due to your appearance alone, so you stick out like a sore thumb. if that wasn't bad enough, you also had a hard time understanding and speaking their language. you usually kept quiet as you feared that you might sound like an idiot when speaking japanese.
so now, picture this, a transfer student from (country) that has a hard time understanding and speaking japanese in a japanese high school, seated next to the well-known troublemaker of kamiyama high, now surely it won't be chaotic? spoilers, it did.
rui honestly finds you amusing, he would chuckle whenever he would ask for something to you, and you would completely give him another thing instead what he asks for.
it was another day in class in this new high school of yours, if the lectures make your head dizzy because it's difficult in understanding the teachers a bit, the purple head boy next to you makes it more difficult.
"psst.. mind letting me borrow your eraser for a moment?" he whispered to you, not wanting to get caught by the teacher. rui watched as you confusedly scanning your desk, trying to understand what he wanted from you.
'okay, he clearly wanted to borrow something... but, what??' you were thinking a bit too hard that the lecture from the teacher is mentally blocked from your head, now focusing on the given task by your seat mate.
"um.. t..t..this?" you tried pronouncing the said word in japanese but, it only sounded broken a bit, all the while showing rui a sharpener.
and that moment, rui kamishiro knew, he'll be going to enjoy this year.
you being shy reminds him a lot about nene but, in your reason, you were afraid of sounding stupid while speaking his country's language. though, he'll give you the benefit of the doubt since you were learning how to speak the language.
he teases you even though you mostly don't understand all he just said, which amused him more while you were determined to learn about the language more to know what rui is saying to you most of the time.
eventually, it was one of your daily routines to have rui tease you every day, even though you don't understand half of it but, hey! you're at least getting better with your japanese.
and with that, rui and your friendship began to develop as time went by, the purplenette introduced his unitmates to you and you were thankful that they introduced themselves in english. p.s rui rambles about you to them.
sometimes rui say english words to help you understand what he or other people are saying. though, if someone was mocking or insulting you, rui wouldn't even try to tell you what they are saying instead, he just guides you away from them by wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder and distracts you, though you had a gut feeling that the person was saying bad stuffs to you, you pick up some of their words and understand soe.
I think rui having a crush will take a long time since he's more on focusing on his inventions and his performances with his unitmates so, catching his attention in you, romantically, it's going to be a long ride. though, if you did, in which is going to happen, congratulations then.
though, he did start to feel whenever your around as the days goes by, and honestly, dude was confused. I feel like he has no grasp of like love and crushes since he's probably more focus on his works and his unit's performances that he doesn't have the time to think about anything else like love.
so yeah, it took him a long time to solve this difficult equation on why he feels weird whenever you are around/mentioned. he doesn't know what's happening to him.
with that, he went to nene and intentionally drop a topic like "what if somebody feels weird whenever somebody's around them, like something's making your heart beats faster?" and nene just look at him with a blank expression of hers, already knowing what's up with her childhood (best) friend however, she won't say it just for fun.
even with his newfound feelings, he acted the same but, once you come closer to his chest area where his heart is at, you'll hear his heartbeat. his teasing is still the same though he increased it to the max, anything for you<3
within school/lunch breaks, he'll teach you japanese words and how you pronounce them while you teach him english/(native language) words and how you pronounce it. though, that doesn't mean he'll stop teasing you just because him and you are teaching each other different languages, from time to time, he says to you compliments in japanese and when you try to pronounce it, his smug cat-like smile widens even more.
but, he'll only get scolded by you after you search about the phrases back at home, he'll do it again and again even if he's going to get scolded by you and he'll probably get the silent treatment by you<3
although jokes asides, he'll calm you down whenever you're feeling really anxious about speaking japanese, especially in front of the class whenever a teacher calls you out for recitation. he's one good listener and advice giver, so any problems you have, please go to him and he'll make it better, especially for you.
fast forward to summer holidays and school was ending, with all the moments and days you've spent with rui, you finally made a decision, something you'll feel embarrassed about but, hey! rui someone that is dear to you. as rui finished packing
up his things and mostly every one of your classmates were outside now, you approach rui very differently unlike the way you've approached him before this.
"rui.." you muttered out, loud enough for the said person to hear and make his head turn towards you.
"hmm, yes?" his eyes went immediately towards you, seeing a letter in your hands, your gaze shyer than ever, and some sort of red tint in your cheeks.
"I.. uhm.. I.." you stuttered out, trying to find the words you wanted to say to him. rui, noticing it, gives you a pat on the head as a sign of encouragement as what he always did to you whenever you feel nervous/anxious.
eventually, you finally did as what you have planned the day before, "I.. just want-ted.. togiveyouthis..!" you quickly finished yourself, saying it all in japanese, while handing the letter to him before quickly rushing out, leaving rui with a dumbfounded with a letter in his hand.
the mad sciencetist, I mean, the purplenette boy stared at the letter the rest of the time as he walks home, wondering what you wrote in this. though once he had opened and read it, he lets out a smile, not his usual smug cat-like smile but, a genuine and gleeful smile.
with his heart beating crazily as he only thought about what you wrote in that letter, his thoughts filled to the brim with you, he honestly doesn't know what's happening right now.
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Apologies for the long wait! school just recently started and this january I'm filled to the brim with projects and performance task >︿<!
and also, I had writer's block with rui's section though special thanks to one of my lomls @liqis-postoffice for the ideas &lt;3
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rules! + masterlist!
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thatoneweird014 · 2 months
More Toyabros: Eating habits
//tw for eating disorders
Also none of this reflects how I feel about food btw!
I mentioned in the Toyabros post - very briefly - that all the Aoyagi sons have terrible eating habits, but I do have a bit more to say about it!!
How it developed:
They don't view eating as a need need, like drinking water or washing your hands. For them, it's similar to how you listen to music: does it help you? yeah. Does it have positive effects? yeah. Will you die without it? nah, not really. Like, you could probably go a couple more hours/days. If you were to ask them whether work or eating is more important, they'd say work because they're all so problem-oriented. It's not that they feel like, "I deserve to starve", it's more of, "I could eat... but do i really have to? right now?"
This is because of how they were raised. Harumichi never told them 'don't eat' but he put so much emphasis on their studies and piano that they were practically internalised those two things as being the only things that truly mattered.
This whole thing started with Toushiro since he's the 'prodigal' and 'most well-behaved' son. Since he's so keen to meet his father's expectations, he just put food to the side in order to focus on his piano and studies. Not that he was told to, but he just figured that it was kinda getting in the way, I mean, first there was all the time spent eating, then he'd have to wash his hands then he'd have to wait for them to fully dry off and for all the oil to be gone before he could touch the piano again. It was essentially a waste of time. And since he's the eldest, when Tokujiro came, he just did what his brother did and ended up adopting the same habits. It was even worse for Toya because when he started copying their eating habits they were both teens and were at the age where they had just completely given up on themselves, so he ate the least from a youngest age.
How it's going:
Toya overcame it the fastest. He met with Akito when he was pretty young and Akito noticed he would barely eat, so he would drag Toya to the pancake and coffee café after school and practice and order for him. Toya didn't want to eat initially, but he felt bad about wasting the food since Akito did spend money on it, so he ended up eating more every day until it just became routine. That, and the fact that two of his most frequent locations are either Weekend Garage on vivid street or the café in sekai.
Tokujiro had trouble overcoming it. He just never actively thought about it, it wasn't something that he bothered with. In fact, it got even worse when he went abroad to study in America. His mother was practically the only reason he was eating anything at all, so when he no longer had her he completely self-destructed. Even now, he has frequent depressive episodes because of how distant he is from any stable support system. He comes home the least as well because his father refuses to accept his leave of absence requests due to thinking he hasn't done enough. Luckily, he did make about two friends there (who only met him because they had to work on a piece together) who, upon realising he never ate properly, constantly invite him out to eat. The first couple of times he could barely get in a couple of bites before feeling disgusting. Now, he devours several plate-fulls of food whenever he gets the chance. He still needs to be brought to food and told to eat - he struggles to do it on his own - but when he does, he doesn't leave a single crumb anymore.
Toushiro got a bit better when he went abroad. Since he studies so hard and gets all his work done relatively fast (he does have gifted kid syndrome, so this does mean that while it's done well, it's also usually done last minute), he has a bit more time on his hands. At first, he spent all this free time practising until his instructor locked his piano and hid the key, telling him that he needs to spend his free time actually doing something he enjoys, otherwise his performance will get worse. This was a novel concept to him. Taking breaks?? is good?? He struggled to understand the idea for a long time so he'd ask his instructor for recommendations who immediately told him to get food because of how insanely skinny he was. He said he was fine with just water and coffee. His instructor told him that was the problem. He does eat a little more now, and of his own accord, but it's not really proper meals, it'll mostly just be an odd sandwich here or there and maybe some fruit if it's available nearby. Oh, and those sandwiches are always those tacky, store-made ones. The people who know him struggle to understand how he enjoys them but are just glad he's eating, even if it's only one bite every fifteen minutes due to being so focused. This isn't a habit yet, but he's working on it. Maybe. If he gets his eyes off those damn books for one minute.
Toushiro also gets depressive episodes, but unlike Tokujiro who gets visibly agitated and offensive, his are more subtle. They'll include him blanking out in front of the piano, or buying the food but not eating it for days after he's bought it, or not contributing as much in conversations he's usually happy to have (he talks - relatively - more about a topic he knows a lot about) and stuff like that. They are less frequent than Tokujiro's but last for longer because it's harder for him and others no notice the signs.
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fruity-fruition · 5 months
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Really quick Tenma Brothers drawing because I needed to draw them.
Tsukasa 100% gives injury kisses btw. She kisses Saki's IV needle areas a lot after she gets to take them out, Toya getting caught in bushes when he's escaping his home situation for a while, any Leo/Need members when they get hurt, etc
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tearwolfe · 4 months
tumblr user tearwolfe may i please have some knightkasa 🥺
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might as well spill my tsukasa toya lore for this AU..
toya's the heir to his kingdom (known as the fallen kingdom, formerly the kingdom of shadow) and tsukasa is the top knight in the kingdom of light. toya's kingdom had been.. well.. as the name suggests, destroyed, about 10 years prior to current day. before then, however, tsukasa, saki, and toya were all super close. the tenma family is high ranking in the kingdom of light, and were family friends with the aoyagis, who were in control of the kingdom of shadow. they played together a lot.
once the kingdom of shadow was mysteriously destroyed, the kingdom of light acted all hush-hush about it. saki and tsukasa were still kids, so obviously, they were devastated by the event. tsukasa's memory ended up separating what happened to toya away, to the point that he kind of just Forgot about toya. saki never forgot. she noticed he suddenly stopped talking about toya one day, but for a while assumed he was just too depressed about it all. it took her a bit to realize that he didn't have any recollection about toya.
tsukasa is aware of these blank gaps in his memory, but he is used to forgetting things so he tries not to think about it too much. sometimes he does get glimpses into what he's forgotten, but not enough to spell out the big picture..
toya is currently working to get revenge on the kingdom of light, for what they did to his kingdom. whether they were responsible for the destruction or the fact that they did nothing to assist his kingdom...
toya does not know tsukasa is the top knight of the kingdom of light. both saki and rui are working with toya. rui knows tsukasa, but (obviously) doesn't know tsukasa and toya's history. toya doesn't really talk about tsukasa to rui. saki knows everything. saki is the struggler. she is doing her best to pacify everything. it's hard being saki when her brother is a total idiot and cursed freak and toya is brooding and revenge-seeking. saki just needs a break.
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pjsk-headcanons · 1 month
Tsukasa gets uncomfortable with any mentions of murder, especially if it’s explicitly stated that a murder happened. He’s fine with indirect mentions/it being implied, but no more than that.
Oh, and Toya enjoys reading murder mystery from time to time. You can imagine how conversations about these books go between them.
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silly headcanon that while the Aoyagi parents BELIEVE that Toya's older brothers are studying classical music abroad, they really aren't. they're having a grand old time travelling, seeing the sights, socialising and all. they do practice sometimes and enter the occasional competition as to not have their father suspicious, but they're just chilling for the most of it (though, they feel bad that Toya's left behind </3)
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