#Toya bros
thatoneweird014 · 2 months
TOYA'S FAMILY HCs (mainly toyabros):
I don't think Toyamom is actually that bad (at least not as shitty as Harumichi). Does she stop him from being a bitch? No, but she doesn't encourage him either. She just kinda... stays out of it, which is still bad but when she's with the kids on her own she is very kind and sweet with them (not for any ulterior motives or gaslighting kind of way). When her kids would confide in her that "mom... I don't want to play piano", she would tuck them in, kiss their foreheads, rub their side and say "it's alright. Look, you got that part right today didn't you? You're improving very well :)" It's because of this that the kids slowly began to latch onto her if they ever felt like they needed praise (I'll talk more about this later).
While she isn't a perfect person, she is still probably the only member who hasn't fully given up on the family yet. The Aoyagi kids slowly grow out of telling her all their problems because she doesn't/can't really do anything about it, but they do like her. She always tries to smile when she greets them, even as her face gets worn with age and as her hair starts to grey. Also, her hair starts to grey early because of stress. She knows everyone has given up on this sorry excuse for a family and is probably the only one still trying to pretend they're fine. The Aoyagi kids go along with it because they don't want to see their mother suffering and because deep down they all partially hope that there is still something salvageable in this.
I came up with names for them but idrk if im gonna keep them as their permanent hc names so if you have any better ones lmk!!
Toushiro - Eldest:
appearance: 6"4, slightly stronger than Toya but still relatively skinny; short, light blue hair; black glasses and tired, beautiful, deep navy eyes; is always wearing something semi-formal, doesn't wear button-ups or anything but his clothes are always perfectly sized for him, never too big or small (kinda like an npc).
Toushiro follows your typical eldest child formula: your destiny is written from the moment you are born, you will be the prodigal child and there's nothing you can do about it. He's probably the only one of the sons whose more reserved than Toya and he constantly has bags under his eyes (the second son - Tokujiro - does as well but they're less heavy). Both sons wanted to do something other than music once they got to their teens but unlike Tokujiro who tried and failed, Toushiro didn't try at all because, in typical eldest sibling fashion, it's too much of a risk to give up the only thing you're practically good for. He's also the son who latched onto their mother the most because praise is to an eldest sibling what cherry-flavoured vapes are to thirteen year olds - give us one whiff of it and we'll chase it for the the rest of their lives (I do not vape for the record). It's because of this he's the only son who calls home from abroad every now and then to check in with their mother and very rarely their father on the two occasions he's ever showed up on videocall. He also eventually grew to just accept his life as a pianist. He's not fully happy in it, but he's come to accept that this is his life and tries to find joy in it.
When Tokujiro was born, Toushiro was originally kind of excited that he wouldn't be alone anymore, that there someone he could teach piano to himself. He got shouted at for it. One time when he was trying to teach Tokujiro piano, Harumichi came down, completely enraged, and yelled at them for making such terrible noise and using the piano so carelessly. "But, mother lets us..." "I don't care, touch that again and I'll make you practice through the entire night." Toushiro was left so afraid from that encounter that he never took Tokujiro to the piano room again. When Toya came, he just kept his distance, he was busy with recitals anyway (he was seven at the time of Toya's birth). As he got older, he tried to form a connection with Toya on the few times he came home. He felt bad for not being there for him when he was younger. One of the first things he asks when he comes back home now is "where's Toya?" He barely gets to see him because Toya's either at school or asleep when he gets back and he usually has to leave very early again the next day. However, on the few times they do meet, it's very awkward because you can see he's trying but they don't really have anything to talk about, especially since he can't talk about the piano anymore. It's even sadder because while he's abroad he compiles a list of everything he wants to tell him when but he gets home they can barely get past the "hi... how are you?" stage to ever get there.
Tokujiro - Middle child:
appearance: 6"0, shorter than Toushiro but much more "healthier" (all the Aoyagi sons have terrible eating habits, this is just appearance-wise) ; dark blue hair which is longer than Toya's, but it never goes past his shoulders and he usually ties it up a lot as well; softer blue eyes, much closer to silver, yet he still manages to always look stern; rougher hands from all his 'escape' attempts; wears plaid button-ups a lot (like ichika) and it's always untucked
Tokujiro is much more salty and angry at everything. He was five when Toya was born but was much more distant, largely due to him being really angry now that he realised just what kind of a life he was stuck in. When he found out Toya started street music, he became insanely stand-offish towards him because he had tried throughout his entire childhood to get out of his horrible life (he hates piano much more than Toushiro does) and he had gotten beaten and yelled at for it and Toya just?? gets to do it?? He used to constantly makes passive-aggressive comments about Toya's choice to perform (he does this less now) whilst saying how well he's doing at piano but he doesn't even know why he's doing it anymore, probably just to make himself feel better if anything because he really hates his life. He'll purposefully not give his all in performances but since he's an Aoyagi you'd need an insanely skilled ear to pick up on it.
When he was younger, he'd look up to Toushiro a lot, even after he distanced himself. Even now, despite his snarky and 'go fuck off' attitude, some desperate part of him misses his brother who would take him to the piano room and teach him, and he longs for him back. Also, at about age thirteen or so, he had discovered CDs of some music that was very much not classical music in his brother's room and played it when no one was watching. That was his first introduction to rock music- and he LOVED it. He'd constantly sneak into Toushiro's room to listen to them. One day Toushiro caught him and it was kind of amusing cause that was the first time he saw his brother so nervous.
"Toku? Toku! What are you doing?"
"I'm not the one with" - checks cover - "RAD WEEKEND CDs." (I hc that back when they were just emerging on the scene, RW did a lot of rock music, so much so that they released exclusive albums for their rocks songs)
"How did you even find those-"
"They're cool. Why didn't you show me?"
"Because- we're not supposed to... wait... do you like them?"
"Yeah, they actually sound good."
Then they'd frequently listen to rock together. Until their dad found them. And then broke them and yelled at them for tainting their ears with that garbage - "no wonder you've become worse lately." Tokujiro saw this as more of an excuse to rebel, in fact, he tried to start a rock band with the few friends he had (this got discovered and broken as well) - Toushiro was devastated to hear this and it only made him grow even further away from his brother. He only partially blames Toushiro for the growing distance between them, whereas he fully blames their father.
Both brothers together:
Sometimes their concert venues/study schedules overlap. It doesn't happen as often as they like, but it still does. To the outside eye, they interact like complete business professionals, as though their only relation to each other is through their work and not blood. However, they are there for each other. Toushiro will use these moments to try and subtly uplift his brother. Tokujiro always brushes it off and acts like he doesn't care but he does listen and sometimes take it to heart.
They both had private education together. Toushiro, even though he wasn't content with it, would sit quietly and listen. Tokujiro would do silent acts of rebellion, stuff he couldn't technically get in trouble for, kind of like Rui (i think him and rui would actually be besties ngl. In another life maybe :")) ) He'd do stuff like hand in assignments at the very last second and ask a bunch of stupid questions. The only reason he didn't get a stern talking to about this (at least not as much as he should have) is because all his work was actually done to a high standard and was correct. He had, during this period, also tried to start a rock band, but due to being so secluded from actual society he had maybe only two friends, the receptionist's kid from the shop his mother would sometimes take him with her to, and one kid he frequently met whilst trying to sneak out. He always seemed stoned af but maybe that was just his persona, he liked it either way. Toushiro knows if his brother gets caught he's going to be absolutely fucked. A part of him wants to stop him but the other part of him wants him to succeed, to prove there's an escape, so he just stays quiet and if he's ever questioned about what his brother is up to, he just says he doesn't know (to protect him). Lo and behold, his brother gets caught, receives the worst talking to of his life as he sits in his room, hands trembling above the piano feeling guilty as fuck for not having stopped him sooner.
They both have a minor jealousy for Toya. Toushiro eventually overcomes this in order to try and fix their bond whereas Tokujiro just pushes it down. Because what do you mean he's doing street music and not getting fucked over for it? What do you mean he's going to a PUBLIC school and has so many friends? What do you mean he's doing something else with his life, something he's happy with and getting away with it? They had both tried to do the same and gotten beaten the fuck up for it and he just?? gets to do it?? No lecture or anything? And what do you mean he TALKS BACK TO THEIR FATHER.
"Hmph, that's barely an achievement Toya."
"But I'm proud of it, I think I've come very far."
HELLO??? IF THAT WERE US TALKING WE'D BE FUCKING DEAD. They both stare in disbelief the first time they see Toya do this (on separate occasions, they talk about it to eo next time their schedules overlap). They think Toya gets a shitload of leniency from Harumichi. They're pissed off about it but don't hate him for it. At least one Aoyagi gets to be happy.
Toushiro doesn't like family dinners because Harumichi would spend the entire time berating his brother for his 'unruly' (he's an Aoyagi, remember) behaviour instead of praising him for he does right. This still holds true. When he goes home Harumichi barely bats an eye at him whereas he starts complaining when it's Tokujiro. Tokujiro just lets it flow in ear and out the other, he doesn't bother trying to 'prove' anything anymore and Toushiro just doesn't try, there's no point.
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kaeya-senpai · 3 months
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toga: we’re back from shopping! jin, how do you like my new top?
twice: it looks really cute! TOO PINK!
hawks: *in his new hideous gucci shirt* oh, oh, how do you like my top?
twice: *looking at dabi through hawks’ shoulder*
dabi: *shows middle finger on fire*
twice: well, he’s pretty hot. AND MEAN!
toga: *giggles*
hawks: wait... what?
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rachi-roo · 26 days
Talking with my lil bro about hair dye and we got onto Dabis hair... He's been dying it black for years, just tossing water, white, or even bleach wouldn't turn it back to white that fast. We'd be stuck with a far less intimidating fella-
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At best, this would be the result 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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nazbruhh · 3 months
Sega , What the FC
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I'm scared.
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starshine-valley · 7 months
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Coming alive on this account to say that these three are transmasc to me goodnight.
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Hawks X Reader - Learning to love: The Truth
𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: Hawks x Reader
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: You're too similar to be a coincidence... and the truth finally comes from an unlikely source.
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 2485
𝚃𝚊𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @marydragneell, @numblytemporary, @rainycloud858, @theplacetoputfics, @aceofspades190
𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙾𝚗𝚎 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚃𝚠𝚘 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚒𝚡 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗
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It doesn’t take long for your exhaustion to claim you again, and the moment you’re asleep..? 
Keigo slips away, picking up his phone and silently stepping out of the room. His heart is racing, but his mind is faster. This was real. This was proof that you’re really the person he’d assumed you were. His gut- it had been right. He’s an idiot for not connecting the pieces sooner.
He unlocks his phone, stepping onto the balcony and shutting the doors behind him. He types in a familiar number- taking in a shaky breath as it rings. 
At first, he’s almost convinced that they won’t pick up. It just rings, and rings… he pulls the phone away to hang up-
“What..?” A deep, raspy voice comes from the other end, and he quickly brings the phone back up to his ear. Unease settles in his stomach for a moment before dissipating.
“Hey Dabs, uh… I know it’s early, but-” There’s no way to say it but to say it. “I found her.” 
The line goes silent for a moment, and a dark chuckle escapes the male on the other end. “... what makes you think I’ll believe you?” He can’t blame him- it sounds like a fucked up joke. 
But it’s far from that. 
“I had a gut feeling when I met her, and- she knows your name.” Keigo just barely registers Dabi- or Touya-’s breath hitching. “She doesn’t… remember. But she had a dream and said your name. Looked you up, saw the articles where you faked your death-” 
“You’re not fuckin’ with me, are you..” There’s very, very slight disbelief in his tone. It turns into an uneasy chuckle. 
“.. ‘s she with you now?” He hums, and Keigo sighs. 
“Yeah- She’s… still weird about touch. And she still doesn’t cry or smile much.” Keigo exhales, and the line goes silent again as he mulls over his words. 
“... I’ve gotta see this for myself.” The finality in Touya’s voice sends an odd sensation down Keigo’s spine. 
The person they’d grown to care for, the one they’d been convinced was dead and buried- was back. The line goes dead. 
Keigo’s stomach twists. You knew Touya… but not him. It didn’t make sense- he’d met you first. He’d taken you in, given you a place to stay- And it’s pretty damn hard to forget red wings. Were you fucking with him? The more he considers it- the more and more it makes sense. 
The familiar way you looked at him, the way you carried yourself, how you seemed to find comfort in him when you’d been borderline delirious-
You’re fully aware of everything. And you’d been hiding it this whole time. You had to be- there’s no way in hell it’s all coincidence. 
His jaw sets and he heads back inside, feathers bristling. It wasn’t Dabi, it was Touya. Something only they would know. What was this feeling- jealousy? No, he didn’t get jealous. That isn’t the cause for the tight anger growing in his chest, squeezing his heart tighter than it should. 
You’d lied. 
And he didn’t appreciate liars. 
He’d give you a chance to come clean- to admit to pretending not to know him over the last few days. It had been at least three- or was it two? It didn’t really matter. If you knew him, you should’ve said something. Anything. 
He paces in the living room. Maybe dropping hints of the past? Where they met? If he was familiar at all? There had to be a way to get the truth out of you. He isn’t stupid… and he’d get his answer. 
It’s hours later when you wake up again, eyes bleary and… Something’s wrong. 
He isn’t beside you anymore. Your stomach sinks- and you try to force the memories of your fights with your ex out of your head. The weird feeling settling in your stomach is far too familiar for your liking.
 Sitting up, you swing your legs over the side of the bed. You still feel like shit, a little dizzy and nauseous. 
You still feel out of place walking through his apartment. Down the hall, and into the main area.. 
He’s sitting on the couch, fingers laced together and a solemn expression on his face. Your voice comes out soft, unintentionally so. “Keigo..?” 
He jumps a bit, looking back at you. You’re still pale, and you still look extremely weak. It almost makes him feel guilty. Almost. 
“Hey… can we talk for a second?” The look on your face… it’s like this is familiar. Had you done this to other people before? 
“Yeah, um… what’s up?” You approach him cautiously- it’s like you know what’s going to happen.
He forces himself to take a deep breath. Despite hating the commission for the way they trained him… it came in handy sometimes. He didn’t enjoy manipulating people. But to get the truth? 
He’ll do what has to be done. 
“I’m just thinking- we haven’t talked much about what it was like growing up. Figured since I’d be livin’ with ya, it wouldn’t hurt to get to know you,” He gives you a light grin, but there’s more to it buried beneath those amber eyes. 
This isn’t to ‘bond’, there’s a purpose to this. An ulterior motive. Not that you knew that.
“Oh, um… ok,” You swallow, slowly coming to sit across from him. The door is a few paces away- but his feathers would be faster.
“You said you were quirkless, right? What about your parents?” He hums, head tilting to the side. He’d met your sister- He hadn’t even known you had one. How much more were you hiding? 
You dip your head in agreement, finding yourself messing with your nails. “My father wasn’t around much, and- my mother… we had our disagreements, but it was relatively ok,” Despite your memories and beliefs lining up with your words, something didn’t feel right about it. Like something is missing
He hums, wings twitching a bit. “My old man didn’t want me around, and my mother pretty much tolerated me. It was… a messy situation.” He has a somber smile tracing his lips. It’s… oddly comforting to know he’s had poor family experiences too. 
Your brows twitch inward for a moment, and you frown. “I’m- sorry to hear that. If it means anything, I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me. You weren’t a mistake.” He falters.
For a split second guilt flashes over his features. It sends a bolt of discomfort through you. Was this more than just… him wanting to get to know you? Your gut was usually right- and you had a bad feeling it would be on this too.
“I- appreciate that.” He gives you a small smile. “.. you said you had some issues with your mom?” 
“Yeah, uh- she and I fought a lot. She definitely had some favoritism. But she did still take care of me, so I can’t complain too much.”
It looks like he wants to say something- but he decides against it. 
“I see… typical arguments?” He rests his hand on his palm. There’s something off with his tone. Why? Were you pissing him off? You’re being honest.. Your memory is hazy, and you have no idea why. It’s not like you’re lying to him.
“Mostly, um… she didn’t like how close I was to my siblings, but I don’t really remember a lot. It was a while ago,” You shrug, and… he snaps. Maybe it's because it’s a blatant lie in his eyes. Maybe it’s the way you said it- 
“Ok- I’ve been trying to be patient but I gotta know. Are you fucking with me?” He looks up at you, his golden eyes hard. It sends a bolt through your body. You knew that look. You knew what it meant. 
“I- I’m sorry, what?-” You exhale, trying to maintain your composure. This wasn’t your ex… this was Keigo. He’d been nothing but kind- what made him suddenly turn on you? 
“Don’t play dumb. You know exactly what I mean.” He groans, wings flaring a bit. That, mixed with the irritated clicking sound coming from him makes you flinch. 
“I- Keigo, I don’t-” You start, and he stands up, striding over to you. Grabbing your chin, he forces you to look at him. 
You immediately freeze. For a moment- you don’t see him. It’s Junichiro, looking down at you with a sadistic smile. You hear his voice- 
“You’re a shitty liar.” 
Your heartbeat starts to race. The feeling of his hands on your face, mixed with his tone and words- 
Your chest feels tight. This can’t be the same person- your head begins to throb, growing more and more excruciating-
A sudden sting blossoms over your right cheek. “All you do is whine.” Your ex snaps. In a moment of rage- you move to push him away. 
He grabs your wrists with one hand, and grips your chin. He then forces your gaze up to his. His eyes are dark. Your lips part but nothing comes out- oh god… 
You fucked up. 
“I could break your nose if I wanted to. And if you try to pull that shit again I’ll break your jaw.” Your breath hitches in your chest. It’s not a threat, it’s a promise. 
He’s touching you. Your whole body stays tense, and you can’t tear your terrified gaze off of him. 
“There’s that beautiful expression… you always look like a doll. A pathetic little thing, really,” He chuckles darkly. 
“Let me show you who’s really in charge here, sweetheart… cause it sure as hell ain’t you.”
He shoves you against the back of the couch, straddling you. Your heart is pounding against your ribs, racing faster than it’s ever gone before-
He has a wicked smile on his face. “I could always just break this pretty little neck of yours instead-” 
His hand lashes out, closing around your throat. You choke, hands reaching up to claw at his forearms and wrists. 
You can’t breathe. 
“All it would take is just a little movement. I wouldn’t miss you. Nobody would.” He sneers, leaning so close to your face you can feel his hot breath. He reaches over to the ashtray, flicking the ash off the end. 
Then… everything slows down. 
You can see it- the cigarette. It’s still smoldering, inching towards you. 
You try to wrestle your way out, but he’s got you pinned by your neck. You cough as he presses down harder, cutting off your air supply. 
Your eyes widen, and- 
A burning, white-hot pain sends your vision white, and forces a scream from your lips. He just laughs. 
Twisting the cigarette into your skin further, he just chuckles. It’s a callous, soul-crushing sound. “You gonna cry now? C’mon- let me see those tears.” His voice drops. 
“No wonder nobody likes you. You can’t feel, you don’t cry, you don’t laugh. You’re nothing more than a fucking doll. And no one is ever going to love you like I do.” He growls, eyes darkening. “This is what love will always be for you. Never forget that.” 
Your vision is going black, and you try to cough and gasp for air, but nothing comes in or out. Your grip has weakened considerably. 
He leans in and whispers into your ear. “None of this would’ve happened if you didn’t exist.” 
“Are you even listening to me?” 
You jerk back, your heart pounding in your chest. Scrambling past him, you push him out of the way. 
Get away- you had to get away. 
He moves to grab your arm, and you whip around. His expression falls. 
“W-wait-” He starts, but you’re already out the door. Bare feet slap against the wood on the floor, and there’s a sense of growing dread. 
You were right. This was too good to be true. 
Glancing at the elevator- no. You’d take the stairs. Go through another floor, then take the elevator. Make it less predictable- As you near the end of the hall, you run into the chest of a male. 
You practically jump out of your skin, and-
“He wasn’t kidding..” A deep, raspy voice. He- he’s familiar. How is he familiar? 
The face from your dream comes to mind. “Touya..?” You whisper, almost breathless. Keigo’s footsteps echo down the hall, and you whip around. 
“This isn’t something you can just run away from.” He seethes, stalking towards you- a predator hunting prey. 
You’re trapped. 
“You know what you’re doing. You know that you’re fucking with me- you remember everything, don’t you? Where the fuck did you go? I can see it in your eyes. You know more than you’re letting on, and I’m done letting you toy with me,” His pupils are practically black. 
You take a step back, heart pounding out of your chest. You’re fucked. You’re totally fucked. 
I wouldn’t miss you. Nobody would.
No wonder nobody likes you. You can’t feel, you don’t cry, you don’t laugh. You’re nothing more than a fucking doll. And no one is ever going to love you like I do.
This is what love will always be for you. Never forget that.
None of this would’ve happened if you didn’t exist.
A voice tears you from the memory. 
“Listen- I ain’t a fuckin’ saint, but look at her. She’s fuckin’ terrified- and I’m supposed to be the asshole outta the two of us. Back off. Let her talk.” 
He growls, taking a step towards Keigo. Keigo just huffs, eyes narrowing. “You don’t understand- she said almost everything right.”
“If she says she doesn’t remember the details, she doesn’t. If you went through all that shit you woulda repressed it too. I know I sure as hell did.”
Keigo huffs, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Touya- He looks different than the kid you dreamt of. Now, piercings line the scars on his body. 
You swallow hard, your chest constricting. 
“... My memories, they- they’re all really fuzzy for the most part up until a few years ago-” Your words come out rushed, tripping over yourself as you try to diffuse the situation. 
“You look familiar but I don’t think I’ve- I’ve met you, either of you, before-” You plead, your eyes flicking to Touya’s. There’s… a bit of pain in those sapphire pools. 
“Please, you have to believe me-” anxiety and pain were the two emotions you could show.. and they were more than just visible. 
Keigo’s expression softens, and he sighs, running a hand down his face- then through his hair. “Damn it…” He murmurs, and Touya hums in thought. 
“Listen…” His voice is low, raspy and rough. “Did they ever take you to the doctors around the time things get fuzzy?” 
You nod, and he glances up at Keigo before he speaks. His next words bring a new emotion forward. 
“Your mother had your memories erased.”
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yunyunbby · 9 months
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Toya masterfully beating up everyone with the most Tsukasa Tenmaish character avatar is the best thing ever.
I mean you can't tell me he didn't pick this character because it reminds him of Tsukasa
Has star symbol
Looks energetic
Pretty much checking all the Tsukasa trademark
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Jailbreak - Dabi
notes: I AM SO PROUD OF THE WAY THIS TURNED OUT OMFG. literally dabi brainrot BAD. this took me two days to write, so i am so glad i got it out today :) literally cannot get over this gorgeous man jesus christ
word count: 2,060
WARNINGS: language. dabi being hot. i didnt proofread this i just wrote it and posted it. sorry if there are mistakes lol
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You watched as he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of the back pocket of an officer standing in front of him that you were talking to. He took a single one and slid the pack back in the man's pocket, lighting up the current cigarette he had in his hand with his own quirk, which proved difficult seeing as he was in a pair of handcuffs. He leaned back in a chair and smoked, watching your every move before the officer bid you a farewell, not even noticing that the villain had taken anything from him.
You sat across from Dabi and locked your eyes onto his, which looked like portals, and not to something villainous either. You quickly shook it from your head and pulled out a pen and paper.
"So, what do you want from me, babe?" Dabi blew smoke in your face, but you stayed unwavering.
"Answers." You said, leaning back in your chair a bit.
"You're not gonna get shit outta me." He flicked some ash off of the end of his cigarette.
"And why's that?"
"You're a journalist, right? I don't fuck with journalists." He sat calm, cool, and collected, smoking that cigarette until there was nothing left.
"I'm not a journalist." You kept your voice low, knowing that there were cops listening in on your conversation.
"Then what are you?" Dabi had a mocking tone, but his voice was just as low as yours.
"That right?" He crossed his arms over each other and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, that's right. Now tell me, what's your name?"
"You're real name."
"Your full name."
"Hell no. I haven't sat with your pretty face long enough to tell you that kinda shit. I don't even know you're name." He was definitely mocking you. He picked at his ear and stared at the ceiling while you thought. This was going to prove difficult if he was going to be acting like this all the time.
"Sorry?" He sat up in his chair a bit, confused.
"That's my name. y/n."
"Cute. What's next? You gonna ask me to hang out sometime. Want my number, sugar?"
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. If you knew he was gonna be this much of an ass, you wouldn't have even shown up.
"What are you getting all irritated about?" He asked, rapping his knuckles on the table. "You're not the one in handcuffs, babe."
"Fine," you said, scooping up your stuff. "If you have such a problem with me being here, I'll leave."
"Good." He crossed his arms as guards rushed in the room to help you leave.
"I'll be back though, Dabi. I'll have you know that now."
"Fine. All the more fun for me then. Though, I don't expect to be here much longer, toots."
You were escorted out of the building by two very nice guards who had warned you to beware of people like him, as if you didn't already know. You got in your car and stared at yourself in the rearview mirror. How the hell were you supposed to help him now?
You hated that they made prisons more locked down because of stupid All for One. Ever since All Might retired, your job was getting ten times harder.
You had always empathized with villains. They just lost the life lottery. They were dealt a bad quirk and usually bad parents. You made it your goal to work with villains undercover. Break them out of jail, give them the essentials they needed, even help plan out missions they had. But now being undercover was getting ten times more difficult thanks to the heroes and their stupid ranks. Not only that but villains thought you were just another idiot.
But even so, you had to work hard. Especially for him.
Dabi sat in his cell fiddling with the stained sheets on his spring mattress. His whole room was fire proof, which was a pain in his ass.
He couldn't believe he was caught. After everything he's done, he was caught robbing a goddamn convenient store. It made him want to slam his head against the wall.
But his mind never left you. Who were you anyway? And why did you even care about him? He stared at the ceiling thinking about it. Did you work for the league? For someone he knew? A hero? His mind was racing thinking about it. And you would be back? He didn't know what you meant by that. You should know that he wasn't going to tell you anything, but you said you'd be back anyway. Were you going to torture him to tell you anything you wanted to hear? Not like it would hurt him anyway.
Either way, you confused him.
And he kind of wanted you back.
"Hey, shithead!" A guard banged on Dabi's cell, making him jump. "You have a visitor."
Dabi sat up in his bed, expecting to be escorted from his cell to the other room, but you were standing right in front of the cell.
"What the-" his words trailed off seeing you again and he tilted his head. "How'd you..."
You placed your hand on the shoulder of the guard standing next to you and he went completely still, his eyes turning to static. Your quirk. It was like you could turn people on and off like a lightbulb. He wouldn't remember a thing when he woke up.
Dabi looked at you with his mouth gaping open. "Holy shit! You're a villain."
You shrugged. "I wouldn't say a villain, but-"
"Who are you working for?"
"Myself." You took the keys from the guard and unlocked his cell. "Ready to get outta here?"
Dabi smirked at you and grabbed your hand that you had outstretched to him. "You gonna take me to dinner?" He asked, all smarmy like.
"I'll think about it." You laughed, walking Dabi out of the prison past hundreds of guards that seemed to be shut off.
"How long are they gonna be like that?" Dabi asked, realizing that his hand was still in yours. He didn't move it.
"Sometimes minutes. Sometimes hours. I guess we'll figure that out when we cross that bridge, won't we?"
"I like you, cupcake."
You rolled your eyes and walked out of the prison, cold air hitting both of your faces. "Just get in the car, Dabi."
"Gladly, though," he held his hands out to you. "Could you get these cuffs off of me?"
You smiled. "Of course." You unlocked the cuffs and he rubbed his wrists which were so raw that they were a bright red. You couldn't believe that they had him in cuffs even in his cell.
"Were you planning on breaking me out that whole time?" Dabi looked at himself in the mirror on the sunblock in your car, giving himself a little kiss.
"Yeah. I didn't want to use my quirk like that because it can be a real pain when they all wake up."
"Well, I think it's cool." He rolled down the window and took a deep breath of fresh air. "Damn it's good to be out. Thanks for that."
You just kept your eyes on the road, a soft smile tugging at your lips.
"So, where do we go after this?"
"My place," you said, rolling down your own window. "The league is off doing their own thing, plus, I know you don't really have a place, so I don't mind if you stay for a couple nights."
"Seriously?! You have like a bed and a fridge and stuff?!" You looked over at him when you stopped at a stop light and he looked like an excited child.
"Seriously." You said with a little chuckle.
"Damn, you are one cool chick, you know that?"
"You think? Well I'm flattered."
"You should be. Cuz damn you're good." Dabi surprised you by leaning over and planting a kiss on your cheek that left it warm for a moment.
For the rest of the ride, he was quiet, letting the wind blow in his hair as he watched the world speed by. You couldn't help but sneak a couple of looks at him.
"You know, Dabi," you said, clutching the steering wheel as you pulled into the parking garage of your apartment. "You're probably the most fun villain I've broken out of jail."
"For real?!" He said all excited like. "You mean that?"
"Of course I mean that." You got out of your car and stretched.
"Well," he opened his door and stepped out, not even caring that he was still in his prison uniform. "You're the most fun person who's ever broken me out."
You grabbed his hand and led him upstairs to your apartment as he winked at a group of drunk girls stumbling to their own room.
When he stepped in the small living space, he stood in the middle, getting his grounds. A smile was spread across his face before he ran to your couch, slumping down on it. "Cozy place."
"Thanks." You grabbed a shopping bag off of your counter and threw it at him.
"What's this?" He asked when he opened it up, pulling out the contents.
"Clean clothes, shampoo, toothbrush, other hygiene stuff. I hope I got your size right."
He looked up at you with light in his eyes. "You didn't have to do all this for me."
You shrugged and started making dinner. "I did."
He smiled and jumped up to run to the bathroom to use any product he could. You cracked an egg over a frying pan and began frying some rice with it. A lazy dinner, but enough to fill you up.
Dabi ran out of the bathroom and jumped back on the couch, finding your cat sitting on the top, which gladly walked over to him to begin to cuddle him.
"I think he likes you," you giggled, bringing Dabi a plate of food. "He's sweet, so you don't have to worry if he'll bite you."
Dabi scratched your cat under his its ears and gladly took the food. "Seriously, you don't have to waste your time on me."
"I'm not wasting my time, I'm doing my job." You sat next to Dabi and the two of you ate dinner in silence.
Dabi finally spoke up, setting his empty plate down. He sure finished that fast. "Why are you doing this anyway?"
"I know what it's like to feel alone. And lost." Dabi smiled at you.
"You sure are sweet for working with a ton of assholes."
You shrugged. "Not all of them are assholes."
"Just me then? Shit."
You and Dabi both laughed and your cat decided to go sleep in its bed on the ground.
"Well, it's getting late, Dabi. I should be heading off to bed. I'll get you a blow up mattress set up in my room."
Dabi followed you and helped you pull a giant blow up mattress out of your closet. While it was blowing up, you and Dabi talked about stupid stuff. First dates, food, traveling, the outdoors, stuff villains wouldn't talk about. Stuff regular people would talk about.
Dabi sat on the edge of your bed and looked out of the window. "You have a nice view of the sky."
"I do, don't I?" You laid out your pillow in a more comfortable area and laid down.
"What's it like?"
"What's what like?" You asked, seeing his blue eyes glimmering in the moonlight that peeked through the window.
"Having a normal life."
"I don't have a normal life." You tried, but Dabi put his hand up.
"More normal than me. You have running water and food. You should be thankful."
"I am thankful," you said, your voice soft.
"Good." His voice was barely audible.
"You can stay here as long as you want."
"I don't want to intrude."
"But I don't want you to be lonely again. I don't want to be lonely again."
Dabi turned and smiled at you. "Fine. I'll stay. But I have to go eventually, don't I?"
"Not anytime soon." You sat up and pressed a kiss onto his ear.
"No, not anytime soon."
The two of you accidently fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms, leaving a lone blow up mattress strewn on the floor.
mha masterlist | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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thatoneweird014 · 2 months
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hehe touch starvation fic starts with Toya's family life
i love making him suffer a normal amount
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proseka-headcanons · 8 months
toya in flannel (thats loose/baggy) and baggy jeans and an loses her shit over it
"you come around here often ? 😍😍"
"an, this is the weekend garage."
so real (<- based mod ena whomst is fooking obsessed with antoya)
Toya just literally. stands there. And An does the ya like jazz pose and goes "hey babygirl are you free tonight"
and Toya just stares at her because he's an idiot and has no idea what that means
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dabi: why tf do you have all of this endeavor and other heroes themed shit
hawks: it’s merchandise!
dabi: it’s stupid.
hawks: it’s not! it’s a great way to show support for your favorite heroes
dabi: at least u could throw away this big endeavor mascot from our bed...
hawks: WHAT?! never! it’s LIMITED EDITION there’s only like 50 of th-
dabi: *sigh* also i don’t like that people have this shitandise with your face on it
hawks: are you jealous dabi?
dabi: i’m not.
hawks: *in a singing voice* you aaare~
dabi: oh fuck off pigeon
*the next day*
hawks: *coming back to dabi’s place* have you heard? someone put fire in a shopping mall today, it was nasty, but what’s even worse the biggest shop with hero merch went down in flames!
dabi: *sitting on the couch in a pro hero hawks merch t-shirt with a giant hawks mascot by his side* oh, what a tragedy bby, really?
hawks: ...you didn’t!
dabi: *sips soda from big pro hero hawks merch cup* oh, i definitely did.
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akito-shinonome-daily · 6 months
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🎤 day 29 🎵
➥ today’s akito is from the project sekai anthology chapter 14
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setsunaaaicons · 9 months
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starshine-valley · 1 year
Gaslighting myself into believing that there are no men in project sekai and that they're all lesbians who use he/him pronouns. /j
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Hawks X Reader - Learning to love: Flashbacks and More Questions Unanswered
TW/CW: Depictions of abuse, vomiting, death/being shot
𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: Hawks x Reader
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: Memories come to the surface, and you find yourself just barely missing key details to remember important people from your past. You get a name... but Keigo begins to wonder just who you really are.
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: Some Angst, fluff/comfort, Keigo is a sweetheart and Dabi isn't a dick for once- Also yeah we writing Dabi now sue me-
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 2162
𝚃𝚊𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @marydragneell, @numblytemporary, @rainycloud858, @theplacetoputfics, @aceofspades190
𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙾𝚗𝚎 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚃𝚠𝚘 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛 / 𝙿𝚊���𝚝 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎 / 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚒𝚡
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“What did I tell you about talking to Megumi? To Atsuki?” Your mother towers above your tiny frame. Your heart slams against your ribs- or is it beating at all anymore? The mixture of hollowness and constriction in your chest creates a confusing, but painful sensation. 
“I… I shouldn’t, because- b-because I’ll just get them sick too..” You stumble over your words, keeping your eyes low. You knew better than to try and look up at her. The memory of what happened last time was still far too fresh. 
“Exactly. So why did I catch you in their room?” You don’t even have to look up at her to see her expression. Face contorted into something that made your stomach drop. It’s almost ironic how the thunder crashes outside following her words, rain pelting the windows.
“... Atsuki asked for my help, and-” Her hand shoots out, forcing you to look up. Her eyes- they’re darker than usual, nose crinkled in disgust at even having to touch you. 
“You do NOT interact with them. This is the third time this week- y’know what? I’m done. Get out.” She lets you go, letting out an angry huff. When you open your mouth to argue… 
Your head whips to the side, stinging pain blossoming across your cheek. Pursing your lips, you do the only thing you can. 
Silently walking to the front door, her domineering presence stays right behind you, daring you to try to stay. You knew better. She’d just grab you by the hair and throw you out anyway. 
It’s dark outside, rain already falling in thick sheets against the asphalt. A bright flash and a crash of thunder accompany you as you’re forced outside. You turn to look at your mommy- why did she hate you so much? You just wanted to help your siblings… 
“Get.” She barks, as if speaking to an animal. You turn to face the storm, wrapping your arms around your body. You should cry. You know you should. Your chest hurts, there’s a lump in your throat- yet nothing comes out. 
If only you weren’t sick. 
The door slams shut, lock clicking into place. And… you’re outside again. When was the last time you spent the night inside? You can’t remember at this point. 
Wrapping your arms around yourself, you head towards the street. The best place to find shelter was the local park… It wasn't perfect, but it was better than nothing. 
Why didn’t mommy love you like she loved Megumi? Like how she loved Atsuki? Your stomach growls, but the feeling is all too familiar. It’s become easier to tune out over time. 
Crawling up onto the playset, you find the little alcove the rain couldn’t reach. Your teeth chatter from the cold, arms wrapping around your body again. Your daddy hasn't come home in months… did he forget about you? Or did he hate you too? It’s hard to tell. 
Resting your chin on your knees, you watch as it pours. The lightning is too loud- and you flinch at every clap. You hated storms… but that didn’t matter. 
Your stomach hurt- Mommy had given you fuzzy food. It was supposed to be ok, but you’d started to wonder if it was. 
Bile rises in your throat, and you desperately try to keep it down. Covering your mouth with your hand, you squeeze your eyes shut. Cramps wrack through your body. You move out of the alcove just in time for the little food in your stomach to come up and out of your mouth and nose. 
Coughing, the next thing to come up is bile. It hurts- it hurt worse than when Mommy put her hands on you. After a few minutes of retching and gagging, it finally stops. 
Sick, soaking wet, and exhausted. This was something you were way too used to. You lean your head on the side of the wall, letting your eyes flutter closed. It’s normal for you, but Atuski and Megumi never had to deal with this stuff…
Breathing heavily, Mommy’s words start to flood back into your head. 
“If you really cared, you’d do as you’re told. I could always just leave, you know.” 
“What are you complaining about now? I didn’t have to carry you for 9 months.”
“You’re the reason your father left. No one could love someone as sick and broken as you. No one will ever want you.” 
It hurt… but she was right, wasn’t she? You were sick. The doctors said you were ok, but no matter what, Mommy would take you to another doctor. Then another. Then another. 
Once your siblings were born, she gave up. You weren’t worth her time or her stress- you were just another problem for her to put up with. 
Movement catches your eye, and your gaze sluggishly rises. A boy… he looks a little over your age. White hair, piercing cerulean eyes. Your squint. 
He shifts… into a kid that resembles someone you know. Red wings, amber eyes- you know him. You know both of them. But you can’t place their names, and you can’t quite see their faces.. just the color of their eyes.
Then, they stand side by side glancing at one another. “Your Mommy kicked you out again…?” The amber eyed kid asks, a frown on his lips. 
You merely nod, throat hurting from how hard you got sick. Thankfully, the rain was starting to let up. Thunder rumbles in the distance. 
“Mommy hates me. Daddy isn’t ever home, he hates me too..” You whisper, a familiar ache growing in your chest.  
“Your mom doesn’t hate you,” The white haired kid murmurs. “She’s mad at your dad.” You blink. That’s… definitely a possibility, isn’t it? Mommy said you were a problem. 
“It isn’t your fault.” The winged kid glances back at the white haired male. “Shouldn’t we take her somewhere safe..?” 
“It’s not our job to take in strays-” “Touya, she has nowhere else to go. She’s the same as us.” 
‘Touya’ stares you down for a few moments, and it was as though he were picking you apart with his gaze alone. That name… it’s familiar. You knew that name. 
“Fine. But don’t make a habit of this-” His nose scrunches as he turns away. There’s a burn on his arm… 
“You’re hurt…” You murmur, brows furrowing. He scoffs. “Yeah- I’ll be fine. Happens all the time.” 
Your eyes flick to the winged kid- you still can’t place his name. He gives you a small smile. 
“C’mon… we know a place.” 
You were weaker than you thought. It was difficult to keep up, but you pushed yourself. Touya didn’t seem to like you, but at least he would tolerate you. That was more than you could say for most people. 
You’re pretty sure Touya said the other kids name, but it always sounded muffled and garbled. Like a scratched CD.
He and the winged kid acted similar to brothers, in a sense. It’s odd how despite always being tossed aside, always being forgotten and abandoned- for the first time in far too long you felt a new feeling in your chest. 
Despite Touya obviously not wanting you around, you still felt more wanted by him than you did by your own mother. Which, frankly, was more than enough for you. 
“We ain’t gonna drag you there, keep up or you’ll get left behind.�� He glances back at you, though there’s no malice in his eyes. 
“Where are we going..?” Your voice is much smaller than both of theirs, and the boy with amber eyes gives you a small smile. 
“Barney here found a place he likes to go when he wants to get away from everything.” He chuckles, and immediately gets a glare from Touya. 
“I told you not to call me that, bird brain-” 
A smile tugs at your lips, and for a split second- you swear both of their cheeks flush. “Damnit-” Touya murmurs to himself. 
Your stomach still hurts, but… there’s nothing to come up anymore. For some reason, that’s oddly comforting. Mommy couldn’t hurt you out here… with them. You’d never had friends before, but the boy with amber eyes was the closest you’d gotten. Maybe things can change… 
The next time you’re locked out of the house, you find yourself walking down the asphalt. In an attempt to retrace your steps, your eyes take in the buildings around you. Nothing looks familiar. 
You sigh, a frown on your lips. Another little girl approaches you, eyes wide and brows furrowed. “Hey! What are you doing outside? You’re gonna get sick!” She’s dressed well, and she’s really pretty. Similar hair and eyes to yours, and about your height too. 
You vaguely recall someone saying everyone has a twin. She definitely looked a lot like you. You’d seen her around a lot- she gave you food sometimes, and braided your hair. She never made you feel like a stray… unlike most of the other people you’d met. 
“My daddy said you’re outside a lot. Are you ok?” She looks… concerned? Why? You’re technically a stranger. You also probably look gross… but she didn’t seem to care. It’s funny- almost everyone you meet outside is nicer than Mommy. 
A man approaches both of you- dark hair, pale skin, and glowing green eyes. Your instincts scream to run- 
There’s a bang. 
For a few short moments, time slows down. 
The girl falls to the ground, and she’s barely breathing. 
As soon as her body hits the asphalt, a sharp pain grips your body like a vice. 
Your hands fly to the site, immediately feeling a warm liquid. It’s hard to breathe, your chest is tight. 
Coughing and sputtering, more warm liquid comes from your mouth. There’s a distinct metallic taste on your lips. 
He reaches forward, grabbing your hair. “Took me long enough to find you… a pathetic little thing, you are.” He throws you to the ground, and your shoulder slams into it- followed by a sharp crack. 
Your head is spinning. What were you supposed to do…? Another male’s voice filters in, and as your eyes flutter closed. 
Pain swallows you whole, crashing into you like waves. It fills your lungs, choking you until there’s nothing but agony. 
Was this how you died? On the streets, practically alone, and left to rot..?
There’s a faint sensation of hands picking you up- a cry of discomfort escapes you, and he shushes you gently. “It’s ok- you’re gonna be ok- I gotcha-” He murmurs. 
Dark brown eyes, long back hair, and yellow goggles around the neck… He should be scary. Unknown hands, unknown touch- it should make you want to fight back. 
But as you drift off, all that comes to mind is that you’re safe. For the first time in months… 
You’re safe. 
Your eyes flutter open. Your cheeks flush a little when you realize you’re… oh god, you’re almost right up against Keigo. One of his wings draped over your side, ensuring you stay warm. He isn’t touching you outright… just his wing. 
He looks… so familiar. The markings on his eyes, the wings, his hair… You take in his features. 
He couldn’t be the kid from your dream right..?
A soft, husky chuckle comes from his lips, hooded golden eyes looking down at you with a gentleness you’re unaccustomed to. 
“... see somethin’ y’like..?” He hums, mirth lacing his half-asleep tone. Your cheeks flush more, and you open your lips to speak- and nothing comes out. A playful, almost cocky grin tugs at his lips at your lack of response, especially when you just shake your head.
The name from your dream comes back- and you glance up, brows furrowing. “Where’s my phone..?” He hums, a feather bringing it from the other room. 
“Stayed with your stuff from the hospital.” He yawns, wings stretching out. You take your phone carefully, and immediately go to search the kids name. “Touya..” You murmur to yourself- and somehow, you miss how his body goes ramrod straight. He’s not tired anymore- his heart is beating out of his chest. 
“Hey- uh- what was that?” He feigns the sleepiness in his voice- the commission’s acting lessons actually paid off. 
“Something I heard in a dream… ‘s probably nothing,” You murmur, and- oh god. 
Touya Todoroki was killed at a young age due to a forest fire… and there were no remains found. 
Of course… you’d probably heard about it and it was just a name your mind decided to use. Dreams were just- mixed up imagery, names, and memories, right?
Keigo’s stomach churned. You remembered Dabi- before he became a monster. Way before the reformation. He makes a mental note to message him and ask about their friend from childhood… because the more and more he heard, the more and more you looked like her. Sounded like her. 
But she had died- so something wasn’t adding up. 
Who the hell are you really?
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