#Anyways movie was actually pretty funny 7/10
doodle17 · 4 months
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I need him so bad chat
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the results are in!
with 314 votes these were the top 10 stsg moments people can’t believe are canon (top 10 based off of the ones i listed lmao) this will be long but i did say i was gonna make a post of the results so -
10: in last place with only 1.9% - their names complimenting each other + Geto’s robes being called “gojo-gesa robes”
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i included these together cause they are similar imo. both being based around the other.
9: “the only one i have”
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the iconic quote with 3.2% that is so misquoted cause of that translation that i’m pretty sure people ignore that that’s actually what he says rather than “my one and only”💀 (myself included but for the sake of the poll i did the accurate translation)
8: the light novel in general
maybe i’m biased cause of my user but only getting 3.8% of votes surprised me lmao.
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i mean i just think about “Even if everything was different now, there was still one thing- from that very moment it all started- that had never changed” as well as “Geto Suguru It was a name that the Jujutsu tech organization feared…but to Gojo Satoru, he was—“ all the time
i posted more quotes from it here
7: with 7.3% (nanami surprise appearance) we have their official songs stated by Gege.
Shame On Me being Gojo’s
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and Come Back Home being Geto’s.
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6: 8.9% of votes for this insane moment from the newer chapters after Gojo’s resurrection lmao
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him and Kenny are fighting and Gojo offers to fight on Dec. 24th (Geto’s death anniversary) with Kenny replying “How romantic”
this legit made me scream when the chapter came out… anyways
5: i almost didn’t include this moment because i was sure it was gonna win because of how often it’s brought up but i’m glad to see i was wrong💀
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but still in the top 5 with 9.6% is Gojo recognizing Geto by smell in JJK0… i have nothing to add to that cause like. what.
4: with 10.5% we have Gojo’s last words to Geto being “3 words” as stated by Gojo’s english va! (which i also mentioned in the post linked above)
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(that being paired with the light quotes above and “such embarrassing words” and it being words they had “never said to each other before” … we all know what he said…🙄)
3: with 12.4%, the one that made me spiral and realize Gojo is probably done for, Gege himself saying “one cannot exist without the other” about Gojo and Geto…
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so either Geto is miraculously gonna come back or they are sharing a death anniversary lmao
2: at 18.8%!
the infamous vol 0 quotes that are 100% parallels because the entire movie is.
Gojo, to Yuta in reference to Rika: “Love is the most twisted curse of them all” (idk why i said 'worst curse' in the poll lmao)
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Geto as he dies: “At least curse me a little at the very end.”
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bangs my head into a wall… okay and number 1!!
1: at 23.6% is the stsg moment. “My six eyes tell me you’re Suguru Geto but my soul knows otherwise! Hurry up and answer, who the hell are you?!”
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not only was seeing Geto the reason for him getting sealed but he went against his own power, his own technique which makes him the strongest, to listen to his soul. and to quote Song of Achilles (which i made a joke the other day about stsg being modern day achilles and patroclus) “He is half of my soul, as the poets say.”
okay this was the first poll i’ve done like this besides some random funny ones on my other blog and i can’t believe it got 300+ votes. maybe i’ll do more in the future if i can think of some topics.
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harlstiel · 1 year
Ships with Stiles that I enjoy | RANKED
1 : Stisaac
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My favorite. 10/10. The DRAMA, but also the shared trauma, they're perfect. Sure it's a BIT toxic but it's a guilty pleasure, what can I say.
2 : Stalia
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Only lower on the list BECAUSE Malia should've had SO much more mental development before going into a relationship. But they were cute, 10/10
3 : Stydia
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Only third because of how FUCKING LONG IT TOOK. AND HOW LITTLE WE ENDED UP GETTING. Jeff Davis can go suck a wrinkly dry hairy testicle. Still 10/10
4 : Stira
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HEAR ME OUT. They would geek out so much together its NOT even fucking funny. They're both socially awkward nerds that ramble and I live for it. 10 out of fucking 10. Prefer Malira tho...
5 : Sterica
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Low-key wanted this to happen for a bit. Maybe not permanently because I always saw the both of them to be more bisexual types but they would've been cute. Also I can't remember where the whole "Batman" "Catwoman" nicknames came from but it is my only life support rn. 9.5/10
6 : Sterek
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My favorite blorbo Derek Hale. I didn't get the hype with this ship when I first started watching, but then I kept seeing things in this show that made me wonder, "Jeff, was this intentional?" Bc they're so very gay with each other. Alas, age gaps are an iffy thing for me personally due to my own personal traumas, but I still love them. 9.5/10
7 : Stora
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Cute, could've happened, not mad that it didn't, but def a wasted opportunity on Jeff Davis' part. Solid 8/10.
8 : Stanny
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This was definitely more of a humor thing but I liked the idea of these two together from the get-go. In my opinion, there was definitely a little crush on Stiles' part and I love that. 8/10
9 : Sciles
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I changed my mind about this one because I went down a rabbit hole of Aciles and Allisciles stuff and I just. You read a fic so well written and see the most beautiful piece of art and all of a sudden you're binge reading every. Last. Fic in the tag, yk? SOLID 8/10
(Their parents are also an otp of mine. Noah and Melissa are perfect together and the best thing I've ever experienced)
For not including other ships.
Steo : I am a Thiam shipper through and through. And Theo did things to Stiles that doesn't even make enemies to lovers valid in my opinion. IK he got a redemption arc and he was being manipulated since he was a child but STILL. I love Theo but he's not the one (for Stiles, anyway🤭).
Any ship with him and an adult ; ie, Peter, Chris, Parrish etc. : Do I even have to explain this one? I mean REALLY?
Stiam : They are like Mother and Child to me and I will take that to my GRAVE.
Stackson : Last season-T.W. Movie Jackson MAYBE but early seasons Jackson was a toxic mf who loved NOBODY but himself based on how he treated Lydia.
(Pointed out by a commenter) Stallison : I actually never knew people shipped this and didn't know it was a thing until now. After this was pointed out, I began to see the appeal and I read some Allison/Scott/Stiles fics and now I'm hooked. (Wish I knew about it beforehand tbh 😅)
Pretty sure I covered evertyhing, but if I missed someone, let me know!
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solar-halos · 10 months
spoilers for the ballad of songbirds and snakes movie down below!! but i just need to talk abt this in xtreme detail before i explode
1. i really liked the Baby Snow / Tigris inclusion. i was wondering if they’d include the cannibal scene
2. the beginning was just a straight up thirst trap sorry. like ik in the book snow was freaking out over his shirt but it didn’t rlly occur to me that he’d be butt booty naked. im not complaining bc i said it once and i’ll fucking say it again: i’m not watching someone be manipulative AND ugly for two fucking hours. it was just kinda a jump scare
3. also another concern was that you wouldn’t be able to tell how shitty of a person he was since he’s so outwardly nice but his internal monologue is slimy and ratworthy, so i thought they’d do the things movies do where he’s narrating his thoughts to the audience. yk like “hey persephone! <3. how are you??” and then his voiceover is like “i fucking hate this bitch. cannibalistic weirdo” but maybe that would have been too humorous
4. speaking of humor i actually loved lucky so fucking much. he rlly emulated the whole “what i lack in experience i make up for in personality :)” thing and just he kinda carried the fact that everything abt televising the games was so new. also that scene at the zoo where lucy gray asked him who the fuck he even was and the cameraman started laughing.. funny as fuck. enjoyed that part immensely
5. also she did in fact correct them that her name was lucy gray and not just lucy
6. loved the whole “how come she gets a mender” “MENTOR” part i’m also glad they kept that in
7. let’s go back to the beginning. i LOVE how closely they stuck to the book when it came to the shirt scene “that must be why it reminds me of my maids bathroom” THATS what i’m talking about
8. also clemensia is sooo pretty. one thing that irritated me was how OFTEN she and snow kept glancing over at each other during dean highbottom’s speech. like i know i’m being irrational abt this but most the time she would look over at him and he would NOT look back (or vice versa) instead of them BOTH hitting each other w the “what the fuck?” glance and something abt that did admittedly grind my gears
9. fucking love sejanus’ actor the first movie i saw him in was west side story and he ate here
10. speaking of that… coral fucking ate too every single scene i was on her side she was the victor to ME
11. anyway let’s go back a bit with the proposal gaul had snow (and clemensia) write up. to me, the way the scene unfolded was weird. it was supposed to show a contrast between clemensia mourning and snow not rlly giving a fuck, but clemenisa being the one saying “give me the bullet points” was strange. to me, i feel like the convo should have gone like: “how could gaul expect us to write that proposal i was crying over arcchane all night” “dw i already wrote it” “where did you find the time? i was too busy grieving” “do you want the bullet points or not?” or something. idk i’m not a movie writer
12. why did clemensia stick her hands in there maybe it was the same in the book but at that point she just needed to admit defeat
13. okay one thing i DO remember about the book is that no one at the cornocupia fought each other, reaper was literally the only one ready to fight. that kinda pissed me off bc i feel like they could have made it interesting in a emotional way (like showing how desperate the tributes are to escape in their own ways) instead of an action sort of way (bc GODDAMN where did they learn to brawl like that?? d4 makes sense but some of them were shooting ARROWS katniss everdeen style). but again im not a movie person so “interesting in an emotional way” is just me being pretentious
14. wovey </3. i’m not rlly sure why they had dill drink the water i think having wovey drink it like in the book would have packed more of a punch ESPECIALLY since lucy gray makes a comment abt how she reminds her of maude ivory / that scene where wovey holds her hand. maybe that was in the book too tho i’m not sure i haven’t read it since it came out. one change that i did remember AND tolerated was snow being the one to cause the whole fuck up w the drones “i wasn’t attacking the other tributes—i was just sending her water” VERY good scene, gave more insight to his character imo. like yes i would have loved a d3 moment but i think this tweak not only made sense but made everything much more nice and neat and smooth
15. okay the singing parts. loved the reaping, but lucy gray constantly being like “give me a second, boys” “let’s go, boys” reminded me of that one delaney video
16. “you can kiss my ass!!!!!!” she ate that
17. also oooo the song she sang abt billy taupe that made snow jealousssss. she was so good like ugh. idk something abt the >:( faces she made ignited something in me. which is exactly the point of lucy gray and rachel zegler literally did such a fantastic job playing maria in west side story so tbh what we were expecting if anyone could have played this role it was her
18. and then lawrence whatever saying this was a love story… okay. i’ve always had the opinion that lucy gray genuinely liked snow (like in a stockholm-y way) BUT snow was too blinded by control to actually love her back, so i could see where he was coming from. with that being said, i feel like in the books snow had a lot more moments where he was doing / saying “sweet” things to lucy gray, so the scene where they almost kissed and then her happiness at being reunited with him just seemed so awkward and out of place. like i get it they truly did not spend that much time together but the kiss before the arena was so important idk why they left it out. when they kissed after being reunited and when she was like :D after seeing him in 12 i was like “uhh yall don’t even know each other like that calm down”
19. let’s go back the arena. i like the little nod of lucy gray killing treech w rat poison, even if it was kinda anticlimactic
20. speaking of anticlimatic… the ending? sucked. like it would have been abrupt either way and maybe i’m just misremembering but the lucy gray showdown with treech could have been the action scene that replaced the bloodbath (bc the bloodbath didn’t exist back then!!! that was the whole point!!!). also i don’t remember gaul being so adamant about not wanting a victor at all, but i understand why they did that bc how else would they have incorporated the “get her out” chant
21. there were a lot of scenes that made me go “ohhh i wanna remember this forever that’s so good and clever.” of course i forgot abt most of it by the time the movie was over, but one scene that stuck out to me was when the capitol students got rlly fuckin angry when reaper tore down their flag
22. also i knew what happened to marcus but tell me why i gasped when i saw him hanging there anyway
23. i don’t remember lamina crying in the books??? also don’t understand why snow was against the alliance here i think him being confused abt it in the book was better bc i when i read it i remember being genuinely surprised that he was surprised that lucy gray wanted to team up w someone i was like ummm isn’t that common sense
24. “it isn’t fair i killed all those ppl for nothing.” GOOSEBUMPS
25. again maybe i’m misremembering but didn’t snow beat the shit out of bobbin even after he already knew he was dead?? even if that wasn’t the case and i’m just misremembering i feel like they should have drawn that out more to show snows descent into Psychotic Bitch Mode
26. that scene where billy taupe was pulling at lucy grays skirt and being like “ik u missed me” dragged out for WAY too long, esp since lucy gray kept repeating “get off me, billy taupe. get off me” like WAY too calmly given the context of the situation. again im not a movie person AT ALL, but i think her snapping and kicking billy taupe away could have been a nod to how she bit his hand in the book. then, after she kicked him, snow could have arrived and started being the shit out of him. idk her biting billy taupe was something snow mentioned when he was justifying how he was gonna kill her, so idk. i thought they were gonna do a ranting sequence / flashback scenes with snow remembering how lucy gray was “violent” / “dangerous” that would trigger him (no pun intended) to actually start shooting. like him beating up billy taupe for a longer time than he needed to was also an indicator that he’s in Psychotic Bitch Mode, but i feel like it could have been a 2-in-1. if that makes sense
27. why did billy taupe push mayfair in the TITS. go to hell
28. said it before and i’ll say it again: lucy gray is a fashion icon. i wanna crochet her bathing suit so bad
29. that scene where they were going to the woods and snow was slapping away the mosquito omg. he was PISSED
30. “it’s a mystery. just like me” oh my fucking god i love rachel zeglers portrayal of lucy gray
31. also call me classist but i fucking hate country music but rachel zeglers performances might have converted me. “cant take my paaaaaast” yee yee!
32. okay. so i think a big question was if snow was portrayed as properly slimy and ratworthy to ppl who did NOT read the books. in my opinion, i don’t think so. in the books, you can obviously tell he’s fucking awful. in the movies, he’s obviously shitty too, but i feel like there are moments where he’s portrayed way kinder than he actually is, like when he started crying over sejanus. they kept in a lot of stuff he said sympathizing w the tributes (like the part in the book where he was like “how could they punish marcus for trying to escape from certain death?” BUT they DID leave out parts that made him so intolerable, like when he genuinely convinced himself that lucy gray was more capitol than district / his gross thoughts abt the games and control and possessiveness in general. like remember when he said that having lucy gray locked up in the capitol was a better alternative than her being in d12 bc at least he’d know where she was at all times?? or when he was ready to give up on trying to reunite w her bc it was hot asf and SENJAUS had to be the one to convince him to keep going? wtf
33. ALSO something that bugged the hell out of me is sejanus’ death scene. bc in the book his last words were ma BUT in the movie it sounded so much like he said pa. idk if that was just me tho but it caught me so off guard bc this man has DADDY ISSUES and it would be so different if he said pa. Pa is money and wealth, Ma is comfort and compassion. wanting his dad = he rlly just wanted his dad to bail him out. wanting his ma = wanting comfort and stability. but it sounded a lot more like ma when the jabberjays repeated everything back so maybe i just misheard
34. snow glaring at the rainbow fucking sent me i know his ass was brainstorming (no pun intended) on how to control the fucking weather
35. okay sorry i need to talk more about how snow was portrayed. my sister went w me but i did not know that she didn’t know ANYTHING about the movie, she was just coming w me bc she felt bad that i’d have to wait another week to watch it and decided that she wasn’t even gonna read a summary abt it. like she did not know that coriolanus snow = president snow, but i was still hoping that she knew that he was a bad person. nope. as soon as we left, she told me how much she hated the ending, and i thought it was bc she was pissed no one found out about snow. nope again. in her words, “i thought they’d get married”
my live reaction to that information
to be fair, when i was her age, i thought heathers was a love story, so i had to cut her some slack. after a bit of INTERROGATION, this is what she told me:
1. at least she thought that HE’D move in with HER, and not the other way around
2. what would be his motivation for moving to the districts? cos obviously he hated the capitol
okay me when i write a lucy gray / sejanus fanfiction. but still. if that’s what she got from the portrayal of his character, i think it’s safe to say that they could have done a lot more work to ensure that he was perfectly ratworthy to the audience. like yes she’s young and yes she had no idea what the fuck was going on (in her words: “yeah i was like ‘i’ll just ask u to explain it to me after’”) but i feel like knowing that he’s an awful person who hates the district should be something u make GLARINGLY obvious, even if it would be cheesy. i know that shoving a hot person on screen and downplaying their characters HEINOUS crimes is rlly common when it comes to things like this, but i genuinely don’t think that was (quite) the case here. like he had the potential of being as horrible as he is in the book (not even hesitating to send the jabberyjay recording of sejanus to the capitol, telling sejanus he only said all that shit abt changing the world bc he just wanted to save his own ass) but it just.. felt very half-assed. in my opinion
36. look i know this post is already xtremely long but would u believe me if i said there were more things i wanted to talk abt but can’t remember bc i have goldfish memory?? bc i do. but that’s all i can remmeber for now. goodnight and goodbye
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intertexts · 4 months
oh god i just realized I forgot to send you this. behold: the worst trivia ask out of all of them:
- they spend the first. 9 whole minutes talking about the logistics of snapping someones neck irl only to learn that its not actually possible and thats just something that was make up for movies
- "this is the most guy talk we've ever had at the beginning of a rolled. i feel like we need a trigger warning for boys"
- bizly wanted them seeing tide again to feel awkward and weird! like you're going back to your parents house after not seeing them for a really long time
- talking about how dakota has so many parental figures now and grizzly goes "except for ms. g. she has my whole heart" and WITHOUT missing a beat charlie goes "no. *i* have your whole heart"
- there was apparently a group of people on twitter who made a VERY long VERY well researched document about how all the medical stuff esp involving william would work and kept tagging bizly in posts asking how things would work and hes like "man i dont know!! i write a silly superhero show im not a doctor! it all comes down to his parents built a very strange machine that was designed to view worlds unseen!" (<< quoting the dp theme song in the most EXASPERATED voice possible.)
- "WILLIAM WISP SHOULD HAVE FUCKIN WORMS IN HIM. if we were playing this realistically william would be fuckin LOCKED UP with rigor mortis and COVERED in worms and FULL OF GASSES. he should be FOUL. and FULL OF WORMS. and I DONT WANT THAT" << hes a coward for this. btw. i feel like william should be grosser
- they just keep saying more things about how william should be so grotesque. at one point charlie goes "please dont draw this. its so gross". me, looks at my 4/7 jrwi freak week canvases that are william wisp themed. um. well.
- WARM BODIES MENTION. i love that movie. charlies like "thats how i want william to work hes undead but hes like. pretty about it"
- bizly: "because we've already explored this plot thread of William Being Dead so much, i dont want him getting a heart to just automatically fix that. its not like hes just magically alive now. i havent thought of the exact consequences yet but i want there to be some drawbacks to this to keep things interesting"
charlie: "william is just thrilled right now to be feeling stuff. i dont think hes considering the possible drawbacks"
- "ive never been prouder of any of my characters than when william wisp dented drywall"
- "why didnt vyncent get a fun surgery too" "because I'm a coward"
- they were on some absolutely insane energy for this rolled they keep going on like 5-10 minute long tangents and BARELY talk about the episode other than to mention how william should be a rotting corpse. I REMEMBER NOW that this was a SIGNIFICANT factor in my being frustrated with the heart surgery thing LMAO
TERRIBLE rolled youre right!!!!! help!!! this is so funny. great rolled guys lets wrap it up. william should be wormy and u cant snap peoples necks. good job everybody. it is really funny to me that people were... expecting medical accuracy?? how do u really seriously research putting one guys heart and another guys blood inside a body that's been dead for several years. frankly i would love to see it i'm very curious.
LOWKEY I'M GLAD HE *ISN'T* A BLOATED LOCKED UP DECAYING CORPSE!!!!! PERSONALLY!!!! i fully respect ur rights and taste to think he should be rotting and worm filled and stinky but frankly i'm on charlies side w this one. hes undead and pretty about it <33
anyway. i still have many thoughts about wiwi's soul/body/wisp relationship that i will NOT start talking about now because it would get LONG. but. its always great hearing their thoughts on it. eyes emoji. but yeah i really don't want him to be just magically fixed and alive now.... we'll see!! we'll see how it goes!!!!
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I have only slept for about four hours. Bear with me.
So the movie. I have now watched it twice and feel coherent enough to share my thoughts.
First and foremost, I loved it. It was beautiful and funny and silly and heartbreaking and uplifting. I have been insanely and obsessively excited for this movie. To see these two characters brought to life on screen. Well I’m a firm believer in the fact that the book is always better. This is a great adaptation. There were a lot of moments they nailed. There were a lot of changes I liked.
1. Cakegate
2. The closet apology
3. New Years Eve (seriously everything about it)
4. The “casual” talk
5. Paris!!!
6. Alex coming out to Ellen
8. Nora telling Alex to go to London
9. The V&A
10. The key/ring exchange
11. Zahra helping Alex call Henry (+ “Hello” “Baby”)
12. The hug on the stairs
1. Henry’s grief, depression, and anxiety. Alex’s bi crisis, ADHD and avoidance. Bea’s addiction.
2. Rafael Luna’s whole plot
3. And in relation to that last one, Henry coming to the DNC because he’s worried about Alex (+ “Most things are awful most of the time, but you are good”
4. Richards campaign being responsible for the leak (seriously the reporter guy was a sucky villain)
5. “Corn bread knows my sins, Henry” (how could they have included the turkey scene without that???? Also pretty much every other line from that conversation we didn’t get. Honestly, that whole scene just felt weird to me, the fact that they weren’t actually talking on the phone really pulled me out of the moment)
5. Henry and Alex’s friendship development before the kiss (i.e., Alex calling Henry on Christmas when his parents are fighting)
6. The Emails (I knew only a little would make it in but I don’t understand why the little we had wasn’t even really from the book. And I feel like not having any email content after they confess their love really took away from the impact of the outing/leak because it wasn’t nearly as personal)
7. Alex’s speech on election night and Henry telling him about the brownstone
8. Alex “frog marching” the heir to the throne to the red room (Henry just shows up instead?)
9. “Jesus tits” and all the creative swearing
10. Alex standing in the rain and “Your royal fucking highness!”
11. The political/royal commentary (I know it was hinted at but I missed it anyway)
My only other major gripe is that Alex gives his speech after the leak before he ever talks to Henry. He would have never confirmed anything without Henry’s permission in the book. The speech was perfect otherwise but that ruined it for me.
I knew there wouldn’t be time for everything. I knew it wouldn’t be perfect. I will still watch it a hundred more times.
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minijenn · 9 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Bee Movie
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According to all known laws of aviation... eh, forget it. You know the rest.
So uh... Bee Movie is surprisingly pretty good? Yeah, I know, I'm surprised too. I mean of course, Bee Movie is an Iconic Staple of Meme Culture and for good reason, its humor is just... probably some of the most insane shit out of Dreakworks ever (more on that in a bit). But it's also a pretty compelling roller coaster ride of a movie that held my rapt interest the whole way through???
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So what's the story here? Barry B Benson is a bee who ventures outside the hive and meets a florist named Vanessa, whom he of course falls in love with (and she falls for him too, its fuckin weird man). Eventually, Barry discovers that humans make a profit off the backs of bees by selling their honey, so he decides to sue the entire human race. Yeah that's really the fuckin plot they came up with. It's fucking wild, man, from start to end.
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Our characters here are just as wild to match that crazy ass plot. Barry is a snarky lil fella, but you can tell he cares about his... people? Bees? Idk man this movie has short circuited my brain. Anyway, Barry is a fun character to follow as our main. Vanessa is a little less developed and kind of all over the place personality wise, and well... she falls for a bee. Enough said. Barry's best friend Adam is cool, almost dies from stinging a guy, so that's fun. We also have Ken, Vanessa's ex-boyfriend who literally gets cuckolded by a bee this movie is actually insane.
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The comedy here is just... ridiculous. Again, there's a reason why this movie has produced so many iconic memes. I cackled out loud at some of these jokes and references, many of which I imagine would probably go over a kid's head (the Sting and Ray Liotta jokes especially like... c'mon those are some deep cuts). It's kind of breaking the recent trend I've been noticing from Dreamworks where they're aiming down for a younger audience. Instead, Bee Movie harkens back to their earlier movies, aimed more at adults with blink and you miss them naughty jokes that are actually really funny here?
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The animation is also like... insanely impressive for the time this came out? Some of the camera angles and movement on these bees is just... amazing? The flying scenes really make you feel like you're flying along with Barry, taking you through densely colorful and sometimes actually beautiful setpieces. I also enjoyed the worldbuilding inside of the hive and all of the little devices they use to produce honey. I feel like this movie is doing what Antz was trying to do, but accomplishing it so much better, with way less Rancid vibes than Antz had.
The music is also fairly solid, not as many pop songs as you'd expect from a memey movie like this, but the ones that are very are pretty good and backed by a competent score. I think my biggest gripe with this film is... well, it's a little all over the place and out of focus? Like one minute it's about Barry struggling to figure out what he wants to do with his relatively short life, then its about him falling for Vanessa, then its about suing the humans, then its about restarting pollenation so the entire planet won't shrivel up and die? (yeah did I mention this film has an environmental message?) Really, this movie is kind of just... a jack of all trades and a master of none? All of its various plots are ok, but none of them are standout fantastic. It's just... a little messy??
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But really, I did enjoy myself watching this movie. I didn't think I was going to, because its been years since I've seen it and well, the internet rags on it all the time, but it's surprisingly well-made! It really is Dreamworks at their most Dreamworks (warts and all) and I think that's a testament to why its so memorable (in both good and bad ways lol). Anyway I just got one last thing to say before wrapping up this review:
Ya like jazz?
Overall Rating: 7/10
Verdict: Watch the Entire Bee Movie but every time they say literally anything the movie starts over until you die
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dontmindme2600 · 4 months
Hi again......If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Hunter x Hunter: I’m not as into this as I was in middle school but it’s never left my mind. Definitely my favorite shonen, Togashi’s originality with the series is really refreshing. (I also love Yu Yu Hakusho by him!!) As weird as it gets the characters and story are always a blast to follow. The villains also go hard. I finished the 2011 anime and I have up to volume 13 of the manga! I’d love to catch up fully since it’s being updated again, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. It’s something that I’ve always been inspired by even if I don’t want to make something that’s gonna be EXACTLY like it anymore lol.
Cowboy Bebop: I tried to limit myself to one (1) Shinichiro Watanabe anime for this list, but his other stuff fucks as well. I love Spike. (bet you never would’ve guessed!!) It’s hard to put into words in a way that doesn’t sound incredibly dumb. But. Every character introduced has their own unique worldview, backstory, flaws, etc. It sounds so fucking stupid because yeah, that’s what a character is supposed to have?? But this anime does that REALLY well?? I think what I’m trying to say is that the show does a great job of presenting different lifestyles and perspectives without worrying about making the audience uncomfortable. The anime is all about human connections and how they impact the characters and I LOVE that. It was also pretty moving to me, lots of great emotional moments. The episode where they find Faye’s old cassette recording and the one with Gren’s death will always stay with me. (Also the Andy one, but only because I think it’s funny as hell.) Watanabe is my favorite anime director ever and if you love Bebop I recommend checking out some of his other stuff as well! (Also props to an anime director that isn’t afraid of diversity in his character designs)
Witch Hat Atelier: I’m not nearly as caught up with this as I would like to be but!!! I love the writing, worldbuilding, and characters. I wish more manga were like this. Not like, aesthetically, but like quality wise. Everything is done really well and the art and paneling is GORGEOUS omfg. Also Kamome Shirahama is a very cool and progressive person and it’s just nice to read a manga by someone like her. I’m hyped as hell for the anime and can’t wait to see WHA reach a larger audience!! (Even with all the bad stuff it may bring, lmao)
Invader Zim: This one is probably the most different from the rest of the list lol. I’ll rewatch a few episodes of this every once in a while. It’s one of the only shows I watch that actually makes me laugh out loud. I also don’t think I’ve really seen anything else like it??? Sure there’s stuff that’s it’s pretty similar to but you cant really say, “wow, this is exactly like ____!” which is super cool. There’s not a major character in the show that I can say I hate or even just am neutral on, I love them all. I’m not usually a fan of stuff the gross-out humor it does, especially in the first season, but just about everything else about it just lives in my brain rent free. I think it’s a really unique and funny show and I just vibe with it stylistically as well. Seriously, I love the art style and just overall,,, edgy vibe. I absolutely do not care that it’s a kid’s show and I unironically think it’s super cool lmao. I know should probably check out some of Jhonen’s other stuff but I haven’t done that yet…
The Ace Attorney Trilogy: This one is more so just Shu Takumi in general. It’s a hard choice because I love Apollo Justice as well, and I also considered Ghost Trick (also by Takumi) but Agh!! The trilogy is the most iconic to me so I’m going with that. I just love seeing and interacting with all the unique characters the series has to offer. I’ve always liked how Takumi isn’t afraid to stray away from the generic skinny anime designs for his characters, it makes his characters feel very unique and memorable. He seems to be against having most of his characters be one dimensional, giving them their own struggles and aspirations, regardless of if they’re a “silly” character or not. I love it! It makes them more memorable and enjoyable than many other visual novel characters to me. (Please remember that I also love Ghost Trick holy fuck it’s so good)
Yakuza 0: I’m going to be 100% for real and admit that I discovered this series because of a bunch of stupid clips I saw of it on YouTube. It wasn’t the dame da ne memes, this was before that. But like, clips of all the silly stuff you can do in game like dance, receive a chicken as a gift for winning at bowling, assign said chicken a position at your real estate business, etc. So I bought it on a whim looking for a laugh. And. Holy FUCK. I did not expect the actual real serious story of this game to hit me as hard as it did. Just a good, moving story. I was THOROUGHLY emotionally invested in both Majima and Kiryu’s storylines by like, chapter 2 for both of them. I think it made me cry?? The fact that you can experience both that and the stupid shit, on top of the fun combat, makes it an S tier game for me. I plan to continue with the rest of the series (so far I’ve gotten through Kiwami 1 and 2 and loved them) but 0 has so far been my absolute favorite.
Pokemon: It’s not a perfect series but I always find myself getting back into it for a while every year. I’ve been a fan since I was just old enough to read, what can else can I say? I don’t have a super deep reason for this it’s just something that’s always been comfortable and fun!! The worldbuilding, story, music, and characters, really shine through in some of my favorite games in the series. And regardless of story, the gameplay is always fun.
It’s hard for me to determine my favorite anything but for this I tried to go by:
-How often I ended up going back to these
-How much each work made an emotional impact on me (not just the deep stuff, can also include things like making me laugh)
-How much each of these inspired me (like as in inspired my art or made me think “I want to make something like that!!!”) I think I’ve thought to that at least once for everything in here! It’s actually kind of scary because they’re all so different-
I’m probably missing something here but this should give you an idea!! If I spend any longer on this I’m just gonna keep changing it lolllll
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idridian · 11 months
what are your favourite horror movies
what a question to ask me lol. ohhhkay, strap in.
(please note that when you ask me "favourite", that means you get favourite regardless of quality. and you get no tv shows or any such things, strictly movies)
(btw i haven't actually seen that many horror films. many of the iconic franchises especially - chucky, elm street, scream, friday the 13th, texas chainsaw massacre, what have you - just never piqued my interest. maybe some day)
(also these are in no particular order)
1. hellraiser franchise
my working theory is that all "hellraiser" movies are bad movies, but for different reasons. the og from 1987 is a bad movie because it was made on a budget of ten pounds and a packet of crisps. hellraiser 8 is bad because its plot is about a group of teens obsessed with a hellraiser video game getting murdered at a weird sex party. these two are not the same
that being said, i love these movies very much (except for hellraiser 10. i hate hellraiser 10 and will never ever watch it ever again, thank you. no reason) and love to look at pinhead and his many cenobite buddies doing weird kinky shit <3
2. halloween movies (only 1978 and the green trilogy from 2018 onwards)
i haven't seen any of the other ones because i was introduced to the series by my very good friend miri aka @asylos, who showed me those four and no others. and i was like okay :D and just never watched the rest because i don't consume media unless prompted
i'm a basic bitch, i see a man in a jumpsuit and get gender envy, so og twink michael delights me. that being said, old man michael from the green trilogy? CHEF'S KISS. love that fucker. he's the best
3. anything del toro
a lot of his films don't really stay within the constraints of a single genre, but they definitely contain horror elements. my favourite is "the shape of water", which has its moments but is overall not that scary. the pale man from "pan's labyrinth" made quite the impression on me when i first saw the movie because while i had seen the iconic shot of him raising his hands to reveal the Palm Eyes before, i was unaware of the fact that that fucker gets up and shambles around and i was Not Okay with that
crimson peak is very pretty and i love it. for obvious reasons, i think
4. willy's wonderland
nic cage night janitor animatronic murder fight bonanza my beloved. like honestly, i watched the fnaf movie yesterday and it had zero good cleaning montages, wasn't as funny and had fewer bangers, music-wise, than willy's does. like what's the fuckin point
5. fright night 2011
this film has david tennant in it and that's why i watched it. apart from him being an absolutely show-stealing delight, the rest of the film is also a fun romp. there's vampires and stuff
6. bad samaritan
this film ALSO has david tennant in it. he's doing an american accent (a way better one than in "gracepoint", a show that you should Not watch. just watch "broadchurch" instead please, i promise you're not missing anything) and is playing a rich asshole obsessed with horses who abducts and kills women. also he throws a phone out of a car window at two separate occasions and it cracks me up
the main character is played by some actor whose name i can never remember. he's irish or something and i think he might have been in one of those pieces of media i haven't consumed. umbrella academy? was he klaus in umbrella academy? who's klaus?? is klaus FROM umbrella academy? who knows
anyway, the film is a thriller and i quite like watching it. it's tense with zero unnecessary padding, it knows what it's here for and delivers
7. the thing 1982 + 2011
another one i watched with miri. miri likes to show me horror films (and tv shows) a lot <3 we watched both the og and the new one and i quite liked them! the dog in the 82 one is really really good at his job. i highkey struggle with big groups of characters bc i can't remember names and faces for shit, so i was reeeally bad at spotting the Thing. also i liked the teeth thing from the 2011 one that was smart
8. bunny lake is missing
does this count as a horror movie? idk, but i'm putting it here
9. psycho
it's pretty good. i liked it. i think norman would have been a tumblr sexyman if such a thing had existed in the 1960s
10. the one hour long space horror segment trapped in the middle of otherwise meandering artfilm "2001: a space odyssey"
you know the one
11. alien
classic. i haven't seen any of the others apart from "aliens" because the internet said they were bad
12. the abyss
veers closer to sci-fi than horror, but i'm counting it bc it sure is tense. this is a film by james cameron about *checks smudged handwriting* some underwater diving alien nonsense or something. idk, it's been a while since i've watched it. another movie with a big group of characters i can't tell apart for shit, which is why i'm always rooting for some of them to start dying already
i watched this one because i unfortunately am doing a handshake meme with jimmy cameron labelled "hello i am obsessed with the ocean" and unlike me, he has the money to make really long epic films about it
13. the haunting 1963
this is a movie adaptation of "the haunting of hill house" by shirley jackson. it's very good! (if you're familiar with flanagan's netflix show, there are some parts of this movie that will be... quite familiar)
i watched this one with miri, followed immediately by the 1999 remake (?), which i found very strange and occasionally hilarious because of cgi that hasn't stood the test of time. also, i'd like it to be put on record that i fuckin CALLED the thing about the fireplace (somehow lol)
14. rocky horror picture show
my parents showed me this movie when i was maybe a bit too young to see it, at a point in my life where i hadn't quite figured out yet that i was various shades of queer. it sure made an Impression
many years later, i finally got around to watching the sequel, "shock treatment" (thanks to miri, of course) which is very different but also a good time, and has some bangers of its own!
those are all the ones i can think of (and look up in the big movie watchlist google doc miri and i use to keep track of what we've seen so far) without digging through my dvd collection, which i don't feel like doing right now because it'd be a bother.
but just for fun, a few brief honourable mentions:
the shining (i care about shelley duvall and nothing else. so glad she got to punt jack nicholson's character down a flight of stairs with a baseball bat)
black christmas (keir dullea what IS your haircut shgsjfghs)
cabin in the woods (i knew nothing going in and miri was very pleased by this fact)
house on haunted hill 1959 (skeleton lol)
young frankenstein (my parents showed me the german dub version when i was, again, a bit too young for it. iconic movie tbh)
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Granada Homes Season 2 thoughts
(again, straight from the notepad app)
1. COPP (7 aug)
Well i didn't recognise the title at first bc i read the story in Romanian and the translation was. Different than i would've expected. But yeah. I think i said "oh i did read this" three or four times.
The guy was... creepy. And i did not enjoy the telling-funny-stories bit. I'm usually not impressed with "and this is the ending of a very funny story!" *Everybody laughs* bits in tv shows/movies, i can only remember one time** where this sort of thing made me laugh. But... Yeah. Were we supposed to find him funny then? Miss Hunter did. Anyway, it just seemed extra creepy to me.
I think my favourite part was Holmes talking about the dangers of remote rural areas. I mean. He's right.
**The pool story from Doctor Who S4Ep10 Midnight. Here it is, 1:02
2. GREE (8 aug)
Watson being shocked that Holmes has a brother:))
The quiet bit in the club was actually a bit creepy. Unsettling at least.
Also i think Watson was trying to guess which one was Mycroft.
Was that one child tripping unscripted? Seemed so.
I loved the train scenes. Oh and i loved the scene where that guy falls out and Holmes has too phisically hold back both Sophia and Watson. Poor Watson seemed genuinely horrified even tho the guy was a murderer.
Me: Look!! They're holding hands!!
Roommate: Uh. A man just died?
Me: And? :D
3. NORW (9 aug)
Oo i enjoyed this one.
I had no idea what was gonna happen, did not read the original story.
Obviously the premise was pretty cool, i kinda called that he faked his death to blame the boy but still.
I love seeing Holmes in disguise.
Also, the part with Watson coaxing him to eat something?? Bro when i tell you i teared up. He was so gentle with him. *Massive sigh* I love them sm...
Also when Holmes motioned for that housekeeper to go away? He almost killed both of us in one go- i choked on air, my roommate choked on her drink. He's so drmatic, he's a danger to society (affectionate)
Also both me and my roommate wanted to kick Lestrade in the face at some point.
4. RESI (10 aug)
"What in the magnus archives is going on?"
Twas a nightmare.
I liked this episode. Fun fact: i am currently midway thru this story in the books. So. Pretty cool. Yea.
Man i was so proud of Watson for deducing stuff about Holmes and then Holmes was like nahh actually you're very wrong
(I did guess he was tapping to a song tho, it was pretty obvious)
...i must say. The... Vocabulary in this episode. ...interesting. 👀
Does Holmes really not know where he keeps his papers?
Poor Mrs Hudson tho :((
I actually saw that *enters the room* *screams* scene a couple years ago, but i didn't know what adaptation it was from.
5. REDH (11 aug)
Mhmmmmmhmhm i dont like thissssssss
I know this story very well and i did not. Expect Moriarty.
I mean it makes sense bc the next one is the final problem (mmmmm😞😞) but i didn't quite put two and two together
[Also i kinda expected them to be lazier and just introduce him at the beginning of FINA]
Umm but yeah about the episode. As i said, i knew the story, one of my favourites since i was a child.
I really loved Watson this episode. He gets to explain Holmes' deductions again. Oh and the part where he was trying not to laugh while the client talked about the letter A.
I guess both him and Holmes lost it at "artificial kneecaps"
Yet another episode where someone doubts Holmes' abilities. (Tho this one was slightly less annoying about it)
At least Watson jumped to correct him
Oh and i think my brain had an error at the end when Holmes lights Watson's cigarette while speaking french. Like i had subtitles but i have no idea what he said.
Roommate didn't catch it either ("for the best, i choose to believe he was telling Watson he loves him:))" )
Also: Holmes at the concert looked like a cat. A very pleased cat
Also also: If i ever jump over a couch to get someone to stay with me and it's not a life-or-death situation, consider me absolutely smitten.
But.. yk.. that's just me 🤷
6. FINA (11 aug)
Well it certainly got my heart pounding
The first five minutes or so were actually the worst i think
I mean to say, he looked more in control of himself at the end than in those first 5 minutes. Like i legit almost started crying seeing him scramble for his life like that. Horrible
Mrs Hudson wanting to celebrate...... Stop..
Did NOT enjoy looking at Watson through that sniper's lens. (+ I had Bbc Sherlock flashbacks)
Honestly about the whole middle part.. i don't know what i can say that has not been said. Them in the dark, with only a candle, the "will you come with me" part, Watson rushing to the train and looking so worried bc he wasn't seeing Holmes
And the fuckin letter. The fact that Holmes knew it had to be a trick but he didn't wanna give it away so he just. Waved him off so hurriedly.
Yea yea run along we'll meet up in a bit I'm not even gonna look at you go that's how normal this goodbye is (I'm probably never gonna see you again)
Oh and the way he rushed back when it clicked.
That's probably the first time in ~a week they were apart. And the one time he leaves him on his own...
The fight was silly. And kinda. Anticlimactic. I mean at least make Moriarty have a gun.
(He'd allow Holmes to write the letter while holding him at gunpoint. The letter is done. He approaches to execute him. Holmes lunges at him to get the gun. They struggle. The gun falls, so now they're just beating each other up. Aaand then they fall.)
But. Yeah. Poor Watson. It was a very restrained reaction but still. It was so sad to see him cry.
Oh and as if that was not enough, Watson's "this is the last time I'm telling you a story about Holmes" bit was double damage bc.. yeah. This is the last time we see this guy talk about Sherlock. This guy being the actor but still.
(Ngl it reminded me of the Doctor Who regeneration scenes)
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
I’m from space, I’ve got two hearts and… 27 brains
it's "Bells Of Saint John" time. this is the first proper Clara-As-Companion and she's doing shit!
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 10/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored, or given agency to her emotional interiority): 6/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 7/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 7/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 7/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 9/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 7/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 7/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 6/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 6/10
FULL RATING: 72/100 (if I can count….)
Could it be? A pretty highly rated M*ffat episode??? You crazy son of a bitch you did it!
OBJECTIFICATION: Wait for it.... THERE IS NO OBJECTIFICATION! (takes a medal for Steven M*ffat and wacks him in the face with it)
PLOT-POINT: so the Thing with Clara is that she's "not possible." (she is... Impossible... sort of like an Impossible Gi- *strangles M*ffat with the medal chain), and so while she does do stuff in this episode that gives her more than in the previous episode, we still don't have thaaat much sense of her
we know she's taking care of some kids, because their mum died and she's a friend of the family, and we know there's something about a leaf, and that she's bad at tech (in a very funny kind of way where it's 2012 and she can't access wifi without help, which I honestly cannot remember if would still be plausible in 2012 for a 24yr old, but fuckit) AND that she's got this book 101 places to see, that she's saved for her travels
so there's definitely Clues, but most of it is the Doctor's POV for now
COMPLEXITY: the beginning with the Doctor as a monk painting Clara and waiting for "the bells to ring" because it's a sign or whatever is dumb, but get past that and...
we bring back The Great Intelligence and it's quite a neat follow-up to the last one, in which it's now gone into the Internet and is snatching up peoples minds to feed off of them -- never mind if its depiction of The Internet is good or not, I'm no good at gauging that + I love the movie Hackers, so my judgement is skewed anyway
it makes sense! and then at the end The Great Intelligence isn't defeated, but just goes back into hiding a biiit stronger than before, and has a genuinely quite creepy moment of returning the mind back to someone it infected as a kid, who is now in her 50s or smthin, and becomes a child again in that body... lowkey creepy stuff
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: SO the Doctor and Clara have now met properly -- as in this Clara, who is actually going to get to travel with the Doctor, and maybe won't die (but maybe she will)
The Great Intelligence is shaping up to be a recurring problem
Clara and the Doctor like each other and I also don't hate Clara (that's a strong word anyway, but I'm not UNvibing with her character, apart from a few moments, and a choice to make every conversation between them go so flipping fast as a way of showing Wit and Smarts, and is a trend in that era which I was never a fan of)
COMPANIONS MATTER: Clara does things! she correctly surmises that because she briefly became a part of the Internet (it is a bit silly, but it's 2012 or thereabouts, and silly in a DW way, not a "let's be convoluted for the sake of it" kind of way) she can hack into bad guy base but! she accesses their webcams, takes pictures of them, and uses them to find their social medias where they've put down their job location! which is where they are!
which is actually proper hacking! it's pretty great
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: the Doctor is pretty capable in this episode, and uses his savvy to get shit done, but isn't the total winner. his goal is for Clara not to die (again), so it works out pretty well on the whole
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: it's got this line I don't like, which is just a tad too flipping smugly meta, where a kid is reading a book and Clara asks which chapter the kid is on (Ten) and then says, "Eleven’s the best, you’ll cry your eyes out." it's... come on, stop making promises you can't keep mate! and don't make this a competition
otherwise it's more The Great Intelligence, and a scene where the Doctor is rooting around looking for a non-monk outfit, and discards Ten's jacket, which is fun
“SEXINESS”: it's not egregious, but I am fucking watching you M*ffat, about not making Clara into another innuendo machine
she calls the Tardis the Snog Box twice, and talks about how the Doctor talks people into it, and that's the main thing. W A T C H I N G you with that heavy metal at the ready!
INTERNAL WORLD: Clara is sooomewhere in London and there's a thing about that family where she's helping to take care of the kids, because the mother died. there's stuff about the internet, but not as community as such, it's more sort of a... somewhat ungrounded mildly Luddite attitude to it. it's not bad or over-the-top, but it's certainly got a very firm Internet = Bad stance
POLITICS: speaking of the Internet = Bad stance, that's kind of at the heart of the episode, with not much else to focus in on I think.
it's not the most or the least well-rounded argument, it's sort of middly
FULL RATING: 71/100 (if I can count….)
So this episode is a not-bad introduction of Clara on the whole, except for the fact that it's more the Doctor being introduced to her, than her being introduced to the Doctor
the Doctor is our lens more than Clara, which I think is also why she's not quiiite so well-rounded (yet, next episode gives a bit more Stuff)
in terms of pacing, it's sort of middly, but on the whole it's not a bad episode I would say, and not a bad companion intro episode
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writingmochi · 2 months
an honest review of romance: untold purely from musical observation (not proofread because i'll post the proofread on rym n aoty)
opening remarks: hiyya! so i'm only posting this here cause i know that if i post late then it will not be relevant lol just make this an outlier. live update: it's going well. pretty productive when it comes to writing and others so i think not posting is a good thing in a way that it calms me to focus on other things.
okay, so, i'll be starting the opening remarks by genuinely saying that this album concept is all over the place. from the action concept short movie, to the romance reversed-to the boys i love before concept, to the title track being produced by jvke. yes, the golden hour singer jvke that i heard that song so much i'm actually tired from hearing it (sorry...) i actually have a theory as because two of the last covers made by enhypen are jvke songs and it's a weird coincidence that they decide to have a song produced by jvke after it and they all took time to coordinate, so maybe it is planned? hmm
anyway, i've heard the snippet of the song in two times speed when i listen to the medley on youtube + the first 10 secs of xo. so i have some sense of what it will be. honestly, i don't have that big of expectation for this release cause i'm tired of seeing kpop idols making comebacks, especially with enhypen cause they still haven't finished the fate+ tour :( also it's ridiculous just how many of the songs are under 3 minutes istg at least make it sound completely like aespa's supernova
cause i don't wanna be a debbie downer, let's get to it!
1.moonstruck: the title is actually beautiful like ngl it's surprising that there is not a kpop song with this title (another one of my favorite song titles this year is ten's nightwalker and i have expectations about that song.) good first impression on it imo
sonically, i actually expect this type of song when remembering the concept trailer they did. a love song that seemed to transcend space. this song is the type of song i expect from the dark blood album, especially with the regality concept and this sounds regal. that fading ending is such a cop out honestly. should've just finished with like a big outro to make a better first impression of the album (cause it is an lp, not an ep). i can acknowledge that it is captivating, but the beat is too stagnant for it to capture and hold my breath in a way. good song but could be better especially towards the ending, like making it a reprise of the intro is good enough, not a fade out :( on second listen, the beat reminds me of a much ethereal version of closer by nine inch nails and i think taking the electronic elements of closer to make the ending much more intriguing could be good, or just a guitar solo at the end cause i hear a few guitar melodies a few layers down the instrumental
2.xo (only if you say yes): hug and kiss, huh? good to know that they consider my consent lol
this is a title track? what? no, really i'm genuinely baffled. okay, also funny that i mentioned consent in the line before to then be met with a lyric of "don't say no" from the song *eyes*
i can hear the jvke influence on the song, the bedroom synth-pop type of song that is played in that 24/7 chill playlist live stream on youtube, especially with the synth color. they seem to try to mimic a vocoder effect by splicing the os in xos. i do like the vocal mixing of the members here but i think how rhythmic the instrumental is makes it fade back until there is a few punches of the synth melody line. heeseung's vocal timbre tho fuck yeah fucking sexy. and it seems that all members have a pretty fair distribution cause i can catch every voice.
but what is that fade out at the end? istg this song is made to loop or some shit (which is the way i'm listening to it currently) but ngl, for a song that is a love song that is trying to convince me to kiss them, it hasn't convinced me fully. gosh i would love to hear more of the synth breakdown at the end and make it like a full bridge before another chorus enters; embrace the electronic jazz feeling of the song! imo this song has the same premise of replay by shinee but it's anti-climactic. like for real, you don't convince me to allow you to kiss me @ enhypen. also on the fourth listen, i am actually already getting tired of this song, fuck me.
3.your eyes only: "for your eyes only~ only for y-" sorry ekhm i had to sing the james bond theme out loud cause it is one of my fav bond intro song lol. i'm straying. let's continue lol
wow, this song is SHORT! 2:20 wow. i'm laughing cause i love the vocal inflections that they are doing. like their half-ass direction for the vocal is making it more fun for even a short song. but the mixing, for real, it's messy like the high eq on that drum can be lower so that it doesn't create friction when i'm listening to the song. like i think there is an interesting thing at the back of the instrumental, especially with the guitar and bass but the drum mixing is too loud that it doesn't let me hear the string sections and instead just makes this wall of instruments. i can imagine this song going places ijbol but hmm... okay. also a proper outro not a fade out! that's a plus for me
4.hundred broken hearts: ooh the 80s new wave synth is back, tho a bit slower than the usual new wave like a flock of seagulls or tears of fears.
the song feels quick even with the slower bpm, maybe because it's just repeating the verses and choruses. it is a definitely sadder version of blind from their dark blood album. i like that the bass in th songs has this wrap effect (it creates this womp womp type of effect). the guitar strumming with the high synth sprinkles creates this funk aura to it. i also like the vocal mixing here and i can hear every member's voice perfectly without it sinking into the instrumental. though, this is something with their b-sides recently, and what i believed that they've been inheriting more and more by making a song that feels incomplete especially that freaking fade out outro like ughh make a good impression about the outro ffs. unless the album is a concept album with in between song transitions that make sense, fade out on a track doesn't make sense unless the song told me it makes sense and it is not. stop :((
5.brought the heat back: from the title, it seems like a summer song. from what info i got from a billboard video promoting this album, it seems to be a disco song. let's see how accurate it is.
ooh this song's good. this song's good! i like how it is mixed, the headphones panning of the instrumental and on sunghoon's voice in the bridge. tho i don't consider this as disco, i could consider more as synth funk in a way. the producer really told them to have fun with this song and, genuinely, i am having fun, especially with those little synth breakdowns in the post-chorus. i know that it is possible for an under 3-minute song to still make it completely. they also are doing the vocal chopping that they've done in xo but this one has a purpose in being a substitute of the synths and guitar as the percussion beat change to be a bit of trap beat.
that sudden stop in the last chorus. i love that it was spoiled between the post-choruses and verses, so the listeners aren't surprised. and then a more emphasis on the bass in verses to increase those funk feelings. i also love how the song gradually rises towards that explosion of the last chorus and outro. truly, one of the best b-sides of theirs from their past 3 releases. this song is like a combination of upper side dreamin and go big or go home, but mixed better.
6.paranormal: okay a hyper-pop-punk-trance hybrid about paranormal love what the fuck?
the synth of this song's verse has the same color and textures to the ones i heard from disasterpeace (especially since i just finished hyper light drifter and it is eerily similar to the synth used in its soundtrack), which i like so much cause it has that certain crunchiness to it. i also like how this song has a freaking outro yay! that's a chant-like outro in the end that seemed to be led by sunoo cause that's the voice that seems to be put in the middle. the percussion seemed to take the lead during the chorus that it stacks on top of the guitar line, which i would love to hear more. but with how it is made. i do think the pop-punk aspect of the song is meant to be dimmed so it can make it more trance. imo, it's a good text painting to the song especially with the idea of paranormal as something outside of normal. like the guitar is meant to be that paranormal thing that is trying to seep into the normalcy of the trance beat, especially since i have also associated the synth color used in the verse with fantasy and supernatural courtesy of disasterpeace who makes soundtracks to a horror supernatural movie like it follows.
7.royalty: we are getting the funk back with this song, though more upbeat than hundred broken hearts and it returns back to the songs like your eyes only.
i do like the guitar chords, but when you hear the same 4 chords in varying volume levels, i'm gonna feel bored. idk why but this song reminds me of a maroon 5 songs as it has the same poppy type of vibes to it, especially with it having a bit of tropical essence to it. i also don't like the repeating part in the chorus like it feels forced imo. other than that, i don't have anything to say cause it is a pretty typical summer-like song that is meant to be a piece of background music when you ride a car or something. it doesn't electrify me like brought the heat does as it is a bit more mellow.
8.highway 1009: okay fan song with anniversary dates (i see you too star 1117)
ngl i don't really like a song that is forwardly promoted as a fan-song cause, honestly, they're gonna sound the same. the same sappy type of song. and this song perfectly captures the sappiness of what i mentioned. i also heard the engene surrogate part for the song. i know this song is meant to be put in concerts. but, tho i don't like sappy fan songs, sometimes they have this hopeful undertone to it (think bts' we are bulletproof: eternal and svt's thanks). but i think the song is sappy for the sake of it being a fansong. good and complimentary in lyrics but mediocre in instrumental. like, i don't think that this song could stand alone as a song without mentioning that making it a fansong is the thing that makes it special.
and of course for the fansong, every member participates in lyrics. but i didn't expect to see heeseung in the producer seat in this song. so a round of applause to him cause producing a song is hard and i acknowledge it. i could hear a few of hee's types of music and i can interpret what he meant by fansong through this. so yeah...
9.xo (only if you say yes) (eng. ver) ft: jvke [long-ass title]: so as i'm writing this, it is day 2 of me listening to the song since it's release yesterday, and where i hear xo for the first time. the xo ooo part got stuck in my head, but only that part. so i can be addicting but only that part, idk about the other so...
of course, with jvke being here, he has the verse to himself. of course, it is his song tho cause he gets the royalty of it. tho i like the english lyrics better especially the difference between "don't say no" to "don't let go", which is in the same vein of "uh you say that you only do that when i say yes? but here you are pushing my boundaries" and it is not forwardly pushy like the korean version. it actually makes me wonder if kpop idols could make a song outside of love songs or flex songs cause that's the only song (especially hybe artists) can only make...
also, i'm not one for music videos anymore (unless it captivates me like the new aespa mvs), so i've seen gifs on it on tumblr and the choreography scenes seem so out of place like it is just a place to showcase the stage outfits they're gonna wear throughout promotion eras.
closing remarks: when i think more about the concept and how it, along with the songs, seems to scatter around and only have little cohesion with it mostly have romantic songs. i realized the reason why it makes me think that way: pandering.
this comeback is trying to pander to every type of engene out there. from those who like soft songs, the ones who can't move on from dimension: dilemma (aka me), to those who likes dark blood with a song like moonstruck, one of the concept photos, and the concept trailer. in a way, it makes every fan feel seen yet it makes their artistic integrity much looser, especially with their concept hopping. and it's interesting that the most pandering comeback they've done has a main theme of romance.
having been on tumblr as a writer and looking from a helicopter view of the kpop sphere, i do believe that engene is one of the most delulu 4th gen kpop fandoms out there and it's pretty creepy to think about that belift sees that and decide to "yup, let's make a come back pandering to that. let's each and every type of engene delulu" but it loses the sense of cohesion between the songs. like what does the comeback want it to be?
in my humble opinion, xo is the weakest enhypen title track i've heard (currently a tie with blessed-cursed). the inclusion of it as a title track is ridiculous. i rather let this comeback into the same model as what aespa and newjeans did: make xo a pre-release to the album and make the title track different. or make xo its own single like txt's back for more. i think that because it has the inclusion of jvke aka #325 musician in the world based on spotify, makes it title track worthy and, i hate to break it to you, it's not. it's also interesting how enhypen's song is also trying to pander to the 5th gen fans, making it more dreamcore where many of the fans i know would love to hear more of the artists who don't chase trends like kiss of life or riize.
i also think that the enhypen brand is also losing its sense of self with the last few comebacks. it especially saddens me knowing that they have one of my favorite debuts of all time yet they still seem to change the foundation of what their group wants to be. enhypen brand is to connect with people, and then what? i think the word "pandering" that i mentioned plays a lot of role in enhypen as they seemed to pander to what the fans would like, they seem to pander for western validation like what hybe artists are doing, they seem to pander to any concept that seems to benefit them and is trying to tie up the vampire concept into that, like make it make sense. is the vampire concept supposed to be set in a world like real life? if they have powers in their webtoon, why do they use guns to fight their enemies?
overall, i think is a pretty okay comeback. lots of the songs feel like fillers but heeseung tho. heeseung's vocals are so sexy like he is rising to be my favorite enhypen vocalist besides jay. like hmm scrumptious.
final ranking:
8.xo (only if you say yes): underwhelming as fuck (mid 4/10)
7.your eyes only (low 5/10)
6.moonstruck: promising yet doesn't reach its maximum capability (low 5/10)
5.hundred broken hearts: embrace the new wave ffs (mid 5/10)
4.royalty: we want more funk! (high 5/10)
3.highway 1009: like the instrumental, very stagnant tho (low 6/10)
2.paranormal: good to know i have a enhypen fic with a playlist including disasterpeace *eyes* (high 7/10)
1.bring the heat back: more of this! omg omg omg (mid 8/10)
overall release score: 6/10
small conclusion: i sure do have expanded my music palatte so much that i could pinpoint the genres they're doing
so here's more songs you might like if you like these certain tracks:
moonstruck: closer by nine inch nails (mature and sexier and very much explicit)
xo: replay by shinee (same premise lyric-wise), velours by anomalie (the song has a bit of jazztronica influence to it and, ngl, heeseung will devour this type of music)
hundred broken hearts: the killing moon by echo and the bunnymen (pretty slow new wave)
brought the heat back: cosmic girl by jamiroquai (i realize that the synth in brought the heat has some acid jazz influence so here is a funky acid jazz song)
paranormal: title and the last general by disasterpeace (for the synth texture), space mulan by bebe yana (for the hyperpop trance), pluto by xdinary heroes (for the pop-punk)
highway 1009: moving on by bts (ngl pretty similar imo)
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ddlcbrainrot · 3 months
So like, fun fact, one of my really close friends is currently in the process of writing a DDLC fic where me and the literature club go to see Dune 2 we have it so like, if I spend money on other people, like, two more chapters get added So uh yeah I think it might get to a planned 10 chapters in a few weeks of course it's going through alot of revisions, because said friend wants it to be really good quality before it's considered finished but yeah so I think chapters 1-6 are like, getting introed to the club, and watching dune 2 chapters 7-8 should be us all going to the aquarium and the 9-10th ones, I joked a bit about, and honestly, I really want to have it in the fic what is it exactly? basically this
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how I see it, Yuri and Monika are at the front of the car, driving back from the aquarium, me, Natsuki, and Sayori are in the back, all high as fuck, trying to keep it together and seem like we aren't absolutely dying they'd probably do a somewhat good job whilst I would not be, in any circumstance they're both doing a competent job at seeming fine whilst I'm already halfway to Valhalla I've never done any substances, but I just find the concept really funny oh yeah and everyone in my friend group collaboratively agreed that Natsuki brought the substances yes I have been spending like 10 minutes deciding with myself if this is a banger take or not I'm not confident with my characterizations, but I feel like, yeah, no this is in character I have a severe fear of saying something about a character I like and it actually making a complete mockery of them and everything they stand for anyhow yeah
i uh.... i havent seen either the first or the second Dune movies 💀💀 so i cant really comment on it but from what I've heard, it sounds like something Yuri would enjoy
If i remember correctly youre like pretty new to the ddlc fandom so maybe you dont know but Monika has a monologue in act 3 where she says Yuri one time brought a wine bottle to the club. I usually take this fact as like confirmation that if anyone were to bring any substances or anything similar it would be Yuri, which would always catch the other girls off-guard lmao
anyway the fic sounds like a fun read, hope your friend finishes it!!
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darlingkirstein · 4 months
jean or mikasa 🫶
i'll do jean since he's one of my favs (love mikasa too ofc but it's probably fairly obvious from my username which one i gravitate to more LOL). can happily do mikasa too if someone wishes <3
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
i like how realistic he is!!! 🫶 like he's very relatable for me personally which sometimes is a good thing and other times is bad. i have always enjoyed that he's supposed to represent the everyman and doesn't have special abilities or anything but still excels anyways!! and it's such an obvious answer but his development 🩷
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
i love how he acts selfish and like he doesn't care about anything but actually really cares about great deal 😿😿 it's so endearing to me ugh
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
i guess when he yelled at his mom LMAO but also he was 15 and i was an awful teenager so that would be hypocritical. idk jean is so dear to me im not really sure if theres anything i dislike???
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
my first instinct was resident evil simply because it would be kinda funny but in actuality he deserves a nice calm rom-com movie 🧸
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
gonna go with please, please, please, let me get what i want by the smiths simply because i imagine it for him just wanting to live a simple life amongst all this hardship 😿
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6. What's something you have in common with this character?
man where do we begin LMAO. there's a reason i had this man on my kin list back in the day 😭 the blunt honesty, being doubtful of situations, easily frustrated/overwhelmed, acting like im apathetic about everything but deeply caring too much 💔
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
making him a shipping bicycle
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I generally HATEEEE indulging in discourse but i hate how people sometimes reduce him to a teenage crush and ignoring everything else about his character and villainizing him like he's super evil 😭😭 he's a really great character with wonderful development and i wish that could be focused on a little more. BUT i also dislike some of his stans and the way they conduct themselves with people that don't like him. feel very much like That one girl from mean girls 🇨🇭🇨🇭 feel like the discourse kinda clouds a lovely character:((
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9. Could you be roommates with this character?
yes maybe he could cook me dinner and cure my picky eating. idk i feel like he's a good cook. we could watch movies together. i feel like he'd make a really good roommate.. keeps his spaces clean and is pretty respectful and such 🫡
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
i think so definitely!!! we'd probably annoy each other sometimes but we'd get along well. maybe we're too similar sometimes?? feel like we'd get into silly arguments over differing opinions on a show we were watching LMAO and we both end up pouting but forgive the other eventually... even tho it takes a while since we're both stubborn
11. Would you date this character?
in a heartbeat LMAO
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
bisexual (this one is pretty universal) 🏳️‍🌈. but i also imagine him to be a very good cook, as i said earlier... idk i find that so sweet like he isn't always the best with words so if you're upset he tries to make you feel better by cooking/baking 😿
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
obsessed with the idea of him responding to any text from sasha or whoever asking him to do something with the 🫡 emoji idk it's funny LMAO
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
i wish i knew anything about fashion unfortunately i wear the same three sweatshirts every day of my life so im not qualified
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
anyone who knows me well is familiar with my not-so-guilty affinity for erejean UGHHHH i adore them they might be my favorite aot ship. definitely top three at least i love them sm. but ofc naturally i love jeanpiku a lot for post-canon i think they would be so great together 😿 they're so very fun to write too like aw so lovely
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
jean/annie irks me badly for irrational personal reasons. like seeing it annoys me horrendously and puts me in a bad mood im sorry to its 10 shippers but i cannot do it 😞
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
jeanhitch/dreystein. it's just Fine. like i dont hate it but i dont personally like it either. but shipping it doesn't annoy me or anything. i just prefer them as unlikely best friends who talk mad shit. i tend to like most jean ships he's very shippable. jeanmarco used to be my main ship LOL
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
obviously sasha and connie 😿 like my silly little trio they're so fun they deserved happiness. jean and connie as the fun uncles to niccosasha children idk i can yearn a little 💔
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
i cant really think of any??? idk i think his dynamic with the others is pretty good all around
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
he already has his ideal best friends but ofc Sasha died LMAO. this is silly since he's older but idk I kinda like to imagine him and onyankopon being absolute pals especially post-canon after all the fighting. i just want onyankapon to have nothing but happiness and companionship 😿😿
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
making him submissive in bed 👍👍
but in all serious i like making him kinda snarky and super stubborn LOL. my silly boy im always putting him into mildly embarrassing circumstances bc it's funny to me
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
don't really read enough fics to qualify!
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
this probably doesn't match very well but just because i ALSO adore him im gonna say leon kennedy (specifically re4 version because re2 is a little too idealistic for jean). just hardened from the experiences and snarky/jokey but still willing to go the distance to help people. i find leon's attitude and subsequent personality change following the rc incident comparable to jean's shift following marco's death. also him in infinite darkness just bears a strong resemblance so the comparison is low hanging fruit there LMAO
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25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
can't fully remember but i remember finding him kinda embarrassing but in an endearing way LMAO like that's my favorite boyfailure truly. and now ofc i adore him he's fighting with erwin for the spot of my favorite aot character
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wtfwhy · 2 years
SPOILERS!!!!!!! Unorganized Teen Wolf movie review basically
I actually... really liked it??? Like it's not that good but I enjoyed watching it! A lot of parts were genuinely funny and the plot was like passable! (Quite a few unanswered questions tho)
There were some things I found confusing or weird, like idk wtf Harris had against the pack (his reveal was funny af tho) and a few other things, but they were mostly just because of the lack of Stiles, Kira, and and Isaac
The Kira 'stand in' girl (I think her name was Hikari??) Was pretty cool, obviously sucks that Kira herself wasn't there but that's a whole different conversation 👀
Honestly, as a huge Stydia shipper I was hoping they wouldn't break them up and just have him like watching their kids or something (I think I saw a funny post of that once) but they way they broke them up? Not actually that bad? Like Lydia left him because she loved him and I was just worried that they wouldn't love each anymore so I'll take what I can get! Tho not expanding on the dreams she was having is a bit of a lost thread, but since it wasn't really apart of the main story, I'll let it slide lol.
I did not like how they just pretended Issac didn't exist, that was pretty fucked up. Like I predicted that Scott and Allison would get back together by the end, but damn rip Isaac for real 😔
Anyways, about Derek's death... Honestly, since I wasn't taking the movie that seriously in the first place, I didn't really feel anything about Derek dying? Like don't get me wrong, I love the man and if they killed him off in the actual show I'd be bawling, but the movie to me is just a silly little suggestion to canon than law. There's real canon, fanon, and the third secret canon that lives inside my brain ☺️
But like, I don't really care that he died in the movie, I was just surprised tbh. Rip king you deserved better 🙏 (I don't understand how he just like, disappeared, after being burnt?? Like maybe I didn't notice it but his body was gone like huh???)
I never liked Scott and Malia together so I'm glad they broke up, but Malia and Parish was weird as hell and was just so random. I think that ever since Malia and Stiles broke up the writers just couldn't figure out what to do with her? Which is a total shame cause Malia is queen. But none of her relationships post stiles make sense or work out so rip (I do love me some stlia on the side ngl)
Jackson was GREAT, funny af and just like how I would imagine the redeemed adult version of the asshole from season 1, 10/10
Lots of missed opportunities for interactions, (like Liam and Mason) but it's only a 2h movie so I get it
I thought both Scott and Allison were great, tho I'm not sure how I feel about her staying alive afterwards. Plus I always shipped Scira more but you know 👀 love that Scott was the same great guy ☺️ when he hugged Chris I literally cried it was so cute 🥺
UNEXPECTED TWIST for me!!! I came into the movie, very lightly shipping Chris and Melissa, and came out of the movie shipping Chris, Melissa, and Peter 😳 I didn't expect that! But they were such a cute trio omg it was amazing
Eli was cute and I don't think that he was that much like stiles, but there obviously similarities
And Jackson and Lydia brotp??? Absolutely!!!
So that's basically it, I'll give this a solid 7/10
PS: saw some people legitimately mad that sterek didn't happen, fuck those people. You are not allowed near my blog...unless you want to send funny hate anon that I can roast
(like one person brought up the whole, sterek was "queerbaiting" thing, which is such bullshit. They literally never fucking liked each other, even platonically. I would say by the end of the show Derek just barely tolerates Stiles. The real queerbaiting was the writers being to scared to confirm that Stiles was Bi because it's ridiculous how many scenes pointed to that, especially in seasons 1-3 smh)
I might take about more later but it's bedtime!!!
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bloustorm · 11 months
tagged by @aobawilliams
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
just 4
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
9,731 words3,338
3. What fandoms do you write for?
AO3 I got My Hero Academia, Trash of the Count's Family and Kiss the Abyss, but I also got various wips for Naruto, DC, and some other fandoms or crossovers like DCxWC
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Woes of a Drunkard (341)
How about No (76)
Burned-in Fingerprints (24)
When did I lose you for real? (18)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah! I always try to respond to the immediately, I myself like when the author responds to something I wrote in a comment (though I also try to write longer comments) and I think it's nice if it just gets acknowledged that I saw that they took their time for it. Also comments give me live and kudos just do nothing for me.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would probably be "When did I lose you for real" if I ever manage to finish that fic whoops
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh hard to say actually, like Burned-In Fingerprints ends pretty positive if I remember right but like How about No doesn't even get angsty at all? but I would say it's a neutral ending so yeah. Fingerprints.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, but like my fics aren't that well known obviously or haven't really been written out enough to have anything offensive in it lol. I really need to finish my wips one day
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, that's a secret /j Idk what's meant here with what kind, anyway only a selected few are allowed to read that anyways
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Hmm haven't written anything just thought about it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so (unless it was done without my knowledge)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, there's kind of an idea of doing it with @grolahvol and possible @fanfiction-artist-prototype but that's up in the air for if it ever happens
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
...yeah no idea right now, come ask me another time. (It tends to change on the day)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
*crying* all of them.
Would really love to actually finish the posted stories I have on ao3 but I am currently so OUT of the fandom that it will take a while before I can look at the again I guess, like I literally have the third chapter almost ready only needs simple edits but nope
16. What are your writing strengths?
I honestly got no idea? I probably got some I'm just not sure what it could be.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
word hard. Also no idea how grammar works beyond "whatever feels right to me".
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Eeh, I probably wouldn't do it because it's bothersome having to look up a translation while you're reading a fic, unless it's something that fits with the context or just a few words here and there. Also switching languages in the middle of thinking is so hard to do, why would you do this to me. + like it just feels awkward to write it in another language, at least to me. Or to read it, there are a few language that can make it work but like german is not one of them (at least to me)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Uhhh technically like the Ga'hoole movie or something mabye?? that was even before I knew about fandom.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
UGH, I like the Drunkard one but How about No is also really funny
tagging @fanfiction-artist-prototype @aro-aizawa @slagathorius-maximus and uhhh whoever else sees this and writes
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