#Anyways if I ever become a grandpa or a great uncle I’m making them kids call me Big Truck because it’s badass
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randomtheidiot · 1 day ago
My grandmother tried to get me to call her crusty husband “poppy” but my half-baked baby brain misheard it as “puppy” and I’d always be so disappointed and pissed when she brought over a weird old man and not a dog. I never actually referred to him as an individual as “poppy” and I would instead always ask about the mysterious unseen dog that I thought she was keeping somewhere, but because I was a toddler and I didn’t know how to articulate my confusion, nobody could figure out I didn’t actually care about the old geezer and I was talking about an animal. Old man’s dead now and to this day, I have never told anyone this and nobody knows this but me.
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tinyboxxtink · 4 years ago
"Caught In The Storm" *Part 2*
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Y'all thought I was kidding when I said I was pumped for this story; you just read how long this chapter is.
It's so good guys. Like, SO GOOD.
Okay I'm sorry proceed.
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If you missed part 1: Here!
Part 3 Here!
The next day the SVU squad was having one of their "murder board" meetings when you came storming into the station.
"Well I hope you're happy!!" You looked right at Fin.
"Audition didn't go well, cannoli?" Sonny asked you using his pet name for you.
"No Sonny, it DID NOT," You huffed. "I walked in there and I blew my audition," You circled Fin’s desk. "And I don't mean I forgot the lyrics, or I hit a bad note. No no, ohhhh no," You finally stood in front of him and crossed your arms.
"Halfway through the song I broke down SOBBING. I had a complete mental breakdown, because all I could think was that I had the worst moment of my entire life in that room!!!"
"Hey you can't blame us for your mistakes," Fin retorted.
"I don't blame them, I blame you!" You gestured to the rest of your “family” and then to him.
"Excuse you?" Fin sat up straighter.
"You didn't have to say anything Fin, you really didn't," You sighed.
"You could have waited to have your fucking temper tantrum until after my audition,"
"Excuse me no--"
"She has a point" Olivia interjected.
"You too?" Fin took offense.
"Fin she was leaving, it wasn't like she was going to try and jump Rafael's bones right there," She went on. The whole room shivered at the thought of you “jumping” anybody’s bones.
"Look, I don't love it either but you can't help your feelings. And she just has a little crush on him, you can't fault her for that,"
You scoffed in offense.
"You're not helping, sweets," Olivia warned.
"Anyway you could have waited to have it out, is all I’m saying,” Olivia nodded at you with a smile. You mouthed a “thank you”.
"Oh we haven't begun to have it out," Fin huffed.
"Save it" You put a hand up before he started to stand up and get in your face for a fight.
"I already know what you're going to say; he's too old for me, we're a 'family' and he's supposed to be my 'uncle' or 'brother' or some other creepy thing, and we have nothing in common. But we do!"
"You barely know him, Y/N," Nick chimed in.
"I know him better than any of you!" You cried defensively.
"What?" Sonny looked at everyone confused, but they were just as lost as he was.
"That summer….when I was working with him. We got... close," You muttered the ending.
"I fucking knew it, you did bang him begin my back…" Fin growled.
"It wasn't like that! It's not like that, da--FIN," You actually did usually call him dad or daddy, but since he had been trying to use his dominance you persisted to remind him he wasn't actually your father.
"So what, now you two are in love?" Fin rolled his eyes.
"No! He didn't... we've never….it's never gone there, and I don't even know how he feels," You looked down as you talked. But then, you remembered why you were there in the first place and you raised your head up with eyes of fire.
“And it wouldn't matter anyway because it's none of your business.” You snapped.
“It is absolutely my business Y/N he’s my co-worker, he’s ALL of our co-workers, this affects ALL of us,”
“I knew it,” You scoffed, tears coming to your eyes.
“I knew you’d blow up, and freak out, and not even ATTEMPT to open your mind or hear what I have to say, it’s just about you and what makes you okay,” You backed away from all of them.
“So I came here willing to say that I’m done,” You raised your hands.
“What do you mean you’re ‘done’?” Fin crossed his arms.
“With you,” You replied straight faced, willing tears not to fall right now. “Olivia’s right, I can’t help the way I feel, and BELIEVE me I have tried, daddy,” You resorted to your old name for a punch in the gut.
“Y’know whenever Sonny and Nick started, I had ‘crushes’ on them too,” You nodded at the two, who quickly looked uncomfortable picturing you that way.
“But those quickly went away, and I accepted them as my uncles, or whatnot,” You continued. “I have done that since I was in Jr. High, come here and meet my new ‘family’. I’ve always felt maternal or paternal vibes from everyone here, Uncle Brian, Grandpa Kragen and Munch, Uncle Stabler who can rot in hell…” You gave Olivia a sad look.
“But it’s ALWAYS been familial love! And the day I met Rafael, something was different,” You couldn’t help the tears choking your throat. “And I have never, EVER no matter HOW hard I have tried, felt anything like I feel about the rest of you. It’s just....different,”
“And now, you all know. And I know that you don’t like it, or it makes you uneasy, or blah blah blah,” You made blah gestures with your hands.
“But I can’t go back to pretending that it doesn’t kill me every time that I see him, and I’m not going to pretend like I’m okay with dad being-- this,” You gestured to Fin who shifted uncomfortably.
“So, I’m not going to come around here, for a while,” You said sadly.
“We didn’t do anything, cannoli! We’re your family too,” Sonny protested.
“Yeah I know, I just--”
“Look, Y/N before anybody does ANYTHING, you need to go talk to Rafael,”
Both you and Fin exclaimed at the same time.
“Look I’m not thrilled with the idea of...that, but the bottom line none of this arguing means anything if he doesn’t feel the same way. So I’m saying before you start going off and making threats to US, go talk to him first. Without anybody else’s input,”
“Yeah, alright,” You shrugged and left before anyone else could argue.
You walked into Rafael’s office quietly, not really sure how to start the conversation. He was writing a deposition silently so you knocked on the door to get his attention. He looked up at you with a small smile.
“Hey you,” He got up and walked around his desk as you shut the door behind you. “I was worried about you,” He put his hands on both of your shoulders.
“I know,” You gave him a small smile back. “But you’re right we do need to talk about last night,”
“Yeah, I--” He looked away nervously.
“I already went to my da---Fin, and the squad about this,” You bit your lip.
“....About what?” He was now concerned.
“Us,” You looked at him with a small smile.
“I’m sorry, there’s an ‘us’ now?” Rafael half laughed.
“Well that’s what I’m saying, Rafael!” You bit your lip. “Look after all the fighting and what not, what it boils down to is how you and I feel,”
“.....What are you saying?” Rafael asked, backing away from you.
“I’m asking,” You step forward and took both of his hands and looked at him seriously.
“For you to forget about Fin, or the squad, or an age gap, or all the million other things that are ‘against’ us,” You took a deep breath and asked the hardest question you’ve ever asked anyone:
“I’m asking you...do you love me?”
“Of course I love you Y/N, you’re like a--” Rafael immediately responded, moving away from you and gesturing wildly.
“Do NOT say daughter,” You cut him off. “Or sister, or niece, or cousin. You know that’s not what I’m asking,” You grabbed him and made him look at you again.
“Do you want to be with me?”
“I...it’s complicated,” He broke from your hold and paced his office.
“No I’d say it’s pretty damn simple-- do you feel about me the way I feel about you?” You asked him again.
“I just...I don’t want to become between you and Fin, he’s basically your--”
“He’s NOT my father!” You yelled.
“But he’s the closest thing you have!” Rafael argued, putting his hands over his face and taking a deep sigh.
“Christ almighty, Y/N. I don’t...I don’t want this to be a whole ‘thing’, I don’t want to upset Olivia, or the other squad members, I just...want us to go back to normal,” He gave you a sad look as he sank into his chair behind his desk.
“....Yeah well, normal is not an option, Rafael. And you STILL have not answered my question,” You circled his desk to be closer to him again.
“What question?”
“Dammit, Rafa!” You threw up your hands, then took both of your hands and put them on either side of the chair preventing him from evading you again.
“Look me in the eyes right now, and tell me you’re not in love with me,”
A very long pause began, as the two of you just stared at each other. You were searching his green eyes for a hint, a tell of what he was thinking, but he kept himself very guarded. You hated it.
“...No, I’m not,” He said in the tiniest voice as he looked down at the floor.
“You’re lying,” You pulled back with a sarcastic laugh, tears choking your throat yet again.
“Oh so just because I didn’t say what you wanted me to, I’m lying? For fuck’s sake grow up, Y/N,” Rafael spat at you coldly, turning back to his desk in an attempt to resume working.
“Fine, you know what? Fine. That’s great. You believe whatever you wanna believe Rafael, but things are NOT going back to normal,” You shook your head, trying to be cold and direct but failing as tears fell from your eyes.
“Y/N….” He felt his heart breaking, he hated to see you cry.
“No,” You stopped him. “We’re done. I don’t ever want to see you again. Not here, not at the station, not at the fucking Starbucks down my street!” Your voice raised as more tears fell.
“Y/N, please don’t do this…” Rafael began to panic, realizing what you were saying. He leapt up from his chair and tried grabbing your hands but you pushed him away.
“Don’t call me, don’t text me. Just...leave me hell alone,” And with that you turned on your heels and stormed out of his office, now full on sobbing down the hall.
Unbeknownst to you, Rafael let out an angry scream, running over to his desk and flinging papers everywhere, then proceeded to sink back into his chair behind his desk and cried ever so silently in his office.
It had been about a week since your whole fallout with your “family” and Barba and you weren't doing great.
Then one day you got a phone call from an unknown number.
“Hey Y/N, this is Sandy from the supper club?” You immediately stopped walking when you heard her voice.
“Oh yes how are you?”
“Great, I was wondering if you could come back in and audition for us again?”
“Are you serious? I know I’m going to regret asking but, what made you change your mind?”
“Well your friend Kelsey called and told us that the day you came in and auditioned, your dog had just died that morning. But you didn't want to stand us up so you came anyway. And to be honest with you, all of the other auditions have kind of sucked so we'd like to give you another try.”
“Oh my God thank you, thank you, thank you so much!!!”
“Great so we'll see you tonight at 8:00?”
You hung up the phone and immediately called Kelsey.
“I love you so much I love you I love you I love you!”
“Oh so they called did they?”
“YES. I cannot believe that you would do that for me,”
“Well I figured you needed a win right now. Since you know you lost your family, and everybody who actually cares about you,”
“ You know what I mean! I mean you still have me, and Kenny obviously,”
“....Right. ANYWAY, the audition is tonight so….”
“Will you play for me?”
“Let me see if I can free up my busy schedule,”
“Ha, Ha,”
“Oh look I’m free! I'll be there after work. Love you bye”
*That Night*
You walked into the Supper Club with a brand new outfit and a nervous smile. You noticed Kelsey was already at the piano, waving at you with a huge smile and a thumbs up.
“Hey Sandy, Hey Kyle…” You shook hands with the owners. “Thank you so much again for this chance,
“Girl we should be thanking you, you should’ve seen the ‘talent’ that has stunk up this stage all week!” Kyle laughed.
“So are you ready?” Sandy asked you.
“Yeah, I think I’m good,” You took a deep breath and smiled at her. She nodded at you while you took your spot on stage once again.
You closed your eyes and blocked out everything and everyone out of your mind, except for your song. It was just you, and the stage. This is what mattered.
“....Good to you,” You finished the last line with a breathy note, your eyes still closed. You had kept them shut the entire time just so you wouldn’t look out into the house and just see the horrified looks of your family's faces burned into your brain.
“That was beautiful!!” Sandy clapped her hands. “Do you think you could come back tomorrow night and do that again?”
“Like for a second audition?” You asked hopefully.
“Like as a job,” She grinned back.
“Yes really! That was enchanting darling, really,” Kyle placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Thank you, thank you so much!” You nodded for Kelsey to come over as Sandy and Kyle walked away.
“I got the job,” You beamed.
“YOU GOT THE JOB!!!!” She squealed, causing people to stare. You shook your head and lead her out of the club back onto the street.
“Oh my god, Oh my GOD! I’m going to sing to a packed club, night after night after night! Oh my god, I have to call Dad---” Your celebrating tone quickly died when you realized the only people you’d wanna call about this weren’t...there.
“...You can call Kenny,”
“Kenny!” You smiled. “Yes I’ll call Kenny!”
“Hey girl what’s up?”
“I got the job,”
“Wha---at the Supper Club?”
“Oh my god you GOT THE JOB!!!” *she got the job!*
You heard him speak to a muffled voice in the background.
“Yeah babe what’s up?”
“Who are you with right now?”
“Oh, Alex! I haven’t seen him in forever, put him on the phone,”
“He uh-- he has food in his mouth,”
“Boy why you lying, tell her she needs to--”
You heard Fin's voice.
“Don’t tell him that! He doesn’t get to know that!”
“Y/N, can’t we just stop all of this--”
“NO. And if you tell him to come tomorrow night I will kill you,”
You hung the phone and noticed Kelsey giving you a look.
“What?” You raised an eyebrow.
“You didn’t have to tell him you were singing tomorrow, you could’ve just texted him so Fin wouldn’t hear,” She smiled mischievously at you. “You want him thereeee,”
"...Maybe," You bit your lip. "Do you think he'll come?"
"I bet they ALL come, baby girl," She winked.
You wondered if she was right. If you'd see Rafael tomorrow, after all this time.
“I can’t believe she--” Kenneth stared at the phone, then to Fin.
“Dad, you have to go to her show tomorrow night,”
“Kenny she literally just said she’d kill you--”
“Yeah but dad, we both know her,” He looked at Fin with earnest eyes. “She might be mad at you right now, but she’ll want you there when her dream is coming true,” Fin’s eyes lit up as he finished speaking.
“AND the rest of the squad,” He quickly added, making Fin sigh.
“Yeah,” He agreed.
“AND Barba,”
“...Yeah alright Ken I get it, okay? Finish your food before it gets cold,”
The next day Fin went to see Barba at his office. He knocked softly then entered to see Barba talking with Olivia.
“Detective,” Barba nodded. “Didn’t expect you here, was Olivia not working fast enough?” He teased Liv with a smile.
“Actually I’m glad you’re both here. I need to tell the rest of the guys but-- I wanted to come here first,”
“That sounds ominous, Fin,”
“Actually it’s not,” He shook his head. “Y/N got that job she...auditioned for, a few weeks ago,” He muttered awkwardly not looking Barba in the face.
“Wha--Seriously? How? When?!” Olivia began asking questions rapid fire.
“....Why did you come to tell me this, Fin? You didn’t know Olivia was here,”
“Look, Barba,” Fin sighed, running his hand back across his head. “I don’t-- I don’t need to know the specifics of how close you and my daug---Y/N, are,”
“Oh Fin look I haven’t--”
“Yeah, I figured. She’s iced us all out for a while now,” He chuckled sadly. If he taught you anything, it was how to stand your ground.
“But Kenny said, that as mad as she is we need to be there tomorrow night when she goes on,” He continued. “All of us,”
“Tomorrow?” Barba’s eyes perked up. “Tomorrow night, you want me to go see Y/N?”
“ALL of us,” He emphasized. “But, yeah,”
“Sounds good,” He replied as nonchalant as he could, trying to hide his excitement. He missed you so badly, it scared him how much it hurt not to have you in his life on a daily basis.
“Uh huh,” Fin chuckled, nodding to Olivia. “I’ll see you back at the station,”
“Actually I was on my way out, I’ll see you tomorrow night Rafa,” She winked at him.
As soon as they left his office, Rafael did a fist pump in the air like a kid. He was going to see you, after so long.
He couldn’t wait. He just hoped you couldn’t either.
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hey-hamlet · 4 years ago
BNHA AU Ideas : Bad Joke
Also on AO3
While it would be accurate to call Izuku the son of the two heroes Ms Joke and Eraserhead, it'd be more accurate to call him the collective child of the Mustutafu hero community.
(to see where this idea - loosely - came from and better (and more depressingly) explored, try Gallows Humour by Nuclear_Equipped_Walking_Battle_Tank)
General Prompt: Izuku is the Biological son of Aizawa Shouta and Fukukado Emi. Lets get into it!
So; Izuku is the product of a one night stand very shortly after graduation. They were both mostly trying to get over other people - it didn’t work, at all. Aizawa and Mic have just moved in together, so Emi joins them. It’s honestly some of the best times of their lives, even if its a mess. Nemuri visits so often she may as well be living there and they plot for the future.
Emi and Nemuri start and on again off again thing that never really dies. Aizawa and Mic finally get over themselves and start dating before Izuku is even born, Emi is very proud Aizawa managed to talk about his feelings for once in his life.
Quirkless Izuku for this one.
The four young adults live together until Izuku is around 3, whereupon they get offers to teach at Ketsubutsu and UA respectively. Their apartment is too far from both schools, so they make the decision to live in different homes from then on. Everyone cries, even though they see each other on the weekends.
It’s one week at Emi’s, one week at Aizawa’s until Izuku starts preschool. He starts preschool near Emi’s house but after she finds out about Bakugo being a little brat, they look for another. The only one with openings is near Aizawa, so that’s where he goes. Ends up being childhood friends with Tenya and Momo.
The three of them are a collection of very smart, very nice children. They all are, however, too heroic for their tiny child bodies and Izuku and Tenya will try and fight anyone they see being a jerk and Momo has perfected the art of distracting the teachers. They are a team to be feared – even If none of them are tall enough to reach a kitchen sink.
Tenya and Momo are both often at fancy parties and they always bring Izuku so it’s a little team of children in suits and fancy dresses all holding hands while Izuku drags them up to every hero and excitedly asks for an autograph and rambles about their quirks. Basically everyone loves them.
zuku spends so much time at UA and Ketsubutsu he has his own ID card for each school. The staff love him. Aizawa and Emi tried to keep him away from work, but the moment Izuku saw other pro heroes there was no hope, the kid just looks like you’ve given him the whole world and boy are the two of them weak for their little man.
Nezu ends up making Izuku his little apprentice and teaches the kid stuff above his level in subjects that interest him. Hes not crazy ahead of the curve in general subjects but he’s a sharp kid with a good eye for quirks.
In analysis though hes hard to outclass, even as a child. He just as a knack for putting things together, even without doing it intentionally. After a little training from Nezu he becomes impossible to lie to which is a great skill for a hero, but a really aggravating skill for a 5 year old.
“Can I be a hero?” “Sprout, you could probably be a duck if you put your mind to it, I’m pretty sure no one can stop you doing anything.” “I’ve tried.”
Izuku’s personality is pretty similar to canon, but more like current canon than past. He’s socially awkward, can’t handle a crowd unless he’s in a fight or presentation (same vibe tbh) and easily flustered, but he’s more sure of himself and social. Most of his issues with being quirkless come from society at large rather than the people around him.
He also has a sense of humour! It’s much drier than you’d expect from knowing the kid, but he gets it from Aizawa.
Also, his hair is different because no one can stop me from making minor cosmetic changes. Less true green more iridescent black. Neon green eyes too.
Gets One for All, All Might knew Izuku as a child because if you’re a pro and your kid loves All Might more than oxygen, you abuse your connections to arrange a meetup. All Might falls in love with this tiny good boy, and becomes pretty good friends with Mic, Aizawa and Emi in one of the strangest friendships the world has ever seen.
50% of it is everyone, including Izuku, trying to force All Might to take care of himself. The other 50% is them just doing it for him anyway. Izuku has learnt that if he falls asleep on All Might, the man can not make himself move from that spot until Izuku wakes up. He abuses this.
All Might is just the fun uncle who shows up with presents randomly and you let him in because he’s trying his best.
He actually asks permission from Izuku’s parent’s ab giving him One for All, they basically go with “Nothing was going to stop this kid being a hero but fuck will that make life easier”
This AU basically includes Izuku, his two dads, his two mums, his fun uncles All Might and Nighteye, his weird grandpa Gran Torino and his crazy ??? Nezu. It’s the world’s oddest family.
In an act only Aizawa and Izuku could manage, they kinda,,, forget,,, to tell 1A they are related. Shouto still asks if All Might is Izuku’s dad and he loses his shit laughing for so long  he gets uncomfortable.
Bakugo is aware, he and Izuku were good friends and kids but had a falling out when Izuku’s quirk didn’t come in. Bakugo just assumes he was a late bloomer and while he doesn’t say sorry because hes a brat, hes about as nice as Bakugo gets. He kinda whispers “isn’t,,, that,, your dad” and Izuku just nods. Bakugo says nothing more because its fucking hilarious.
Literally the moment they work it out is when Ketsubusu comes over to see them in the Provisional License exam. Izuku just turns to Aizawa, deadpan “Goodbye Father, I’m leaving you to live with Mother.” “Back Monday like usual?” Izuku and Joke just start wheezing. The whole class is silent and lost and it’s at that moment Izuku and Aizawa realise they maybe kinda forgot to tell 1A. Izuku is just rolling on the ground laughing ,Aizawa has buried his face in his capture weapon to hide his own snickers and Bakugo is fucking wheezing, leaving poor Tenya and Momo the job of explaining exactly what the fuck is happening.
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a3theatrejunkie · 5 years ago
Don’t be silly Wrap your Willy!
Hanasaki Private Academy, St. Flora Middle School, and Ouka High school Students have to take care of a baby for a school project. For more context look at this post
Hanasaki Private Academy- They got robot baby dolls
St. Flora Middle School- They got Eggs. Each of the eggs have the St. Flora logo printed on it to prevent students from 
Ouka High School- Got bags of flour to be made into a baby,just random bags of flour.
Masumi is doing pretty well with the baby, she doesn’t cry much.(That’s because you have your headphones in. dumbass.) He gets a full nights sleep too. (That’s because Tsuzuru is usually up and takes care of her out of habit.)Tries to get the director to marry him this way. “Please. I’m a single father. My daughter needs a strong role model.” “Her name is Izuumi. Get it? It’s our names put together.” He and Sakuya talk about their children like their real.
Sakuya is baby and now he has a baby too. His child’s name is Romeo, he couldn’t think of anything else. He has a realistic experience with the baby, late night feeding, baby crying during rehearsal, and struggling to budget with a new member. Grows attached to the baby fast, his own little baby, his family. Doesn’t want to seem rude but gets nervous when other members of  Mankai holds his baby. “O-okay but take his burp cloth! and make sure his neck is supported. A-and!....” “Sakuya I’ve got like 12 younger brothers.” He cried when the assignment was over.
Itaru “Can we get an ‘F’ in the chat?” He remembers having one of those robot babies,their annoying and cut into his free time. Apparently you can use a strong magnet to mess up the sensors and get an easy A. Haphazardly holds the babies to play video games, He’s never been asked to hold the babies since.
“Sakuya...Masumi...” Tsuzuru worries about him getting too attached to the baby and Masumi using the baby to flirt with the director. Gave both of them some old baby clothes so they wouldn't have to buy any.
Citron loves the new members of the Spring troupe! He gives... interesting advice. “Do not worry! I’ve helped over a thousand woman and a thousand elephants give birth!” :D
Yuki made cute little clothes for his egg and carries it in an equally cute basket. He was actually excited for this project so he could practice making children clothes but unfortunately St. Flora gave them eggs instead of the dolls. His child is named Omelette, because that’s what’s their gonna be after the project is over. While creating a budget as part of the care assignment spent over $400 of clothing. 
Muku keeps forgetting his egg everywhere he goes, he’s doing his best. His egg has a little crown on top of their head. The eggs name is Endymion, he’s gonna grow up to be the best prince ever. A some point  he forgot where his egg was and accidentally knocked it off his desk. It broke. Muku cried, the Summer troupe held a funeral and the egg prince is buried in the Mankai courtyard. He didn’t fail since he completed all the budgeting, and other sidework that came with the project but lost a good chunk of points.
Tenma is adjusting. “Why can’t I just hire a nanny? It’s in my budget.” “Well what are the chances you’ll actually become a famous actor?” “???....?!...?!?......” Anyway he hates having to carry this stupid bag of flour, the paparazzi is gonna have a field day with this. Named his child Tenma Jr. and he’s also gonna become an actor. Tenma practically spent all of his budget on luxury items, designer clothes, foreigner cars, and a million dollar house. Forgets about utilities, “What the hell is rent???”  Not adjusting well. Doesn’t help that Yuki calls his child, Hack Jr.
Kazunari- LOL! He remembers having to do that when he was still in grade school. He ‘Babysits’ while the younger actors are working or doing a scene. He’s the best uncle ever! #Blessed💖💖💖💖 Offered to redraw the ST. Flora logo onto a store bought egg when Muku’s broke, but Muku’s an honest prince, so he and Yuki decorated a coffin for the funeral.
“Poor Muku, You’re egg broke but it became a bunch of mini triangles!” Misumi didn’t help much. 
Surprising or not, Sakyo is the most serious about the assignment. “Children are expensive and time consuming.”  Whether It’s a bag of flour or a robot doll, Sakyo makes the students of Autumn troupe take proper care of the children.He helps the students that need to make budget though.
“Hyodo if you don’t get get you child off the damn floor i’m calling your school and reporting you for Negligence.”
“I don’t know Nanao, are you gonna pay me to watch your child?”
Worst Grandpa ever
Omi is a little more helpful, but he agrees with Sakyo that this is an important assignment. While in school he totally bombed the assignment, but as an ex- delinquent he’s seen a few people start families waaaayy too young, It’s very stressful. Doesn’t want that for any of the Autumn Troupe. He’s willing to hold onto to the babies free of charge. Nice Grandma, probably gonna turn her grandkids into dinner
Taichi is already on thin ice with his school, he turned his flour baby into a monster child,(Ya know the little monster character he’s always drawing)
“Haven’t you seen Alien?!?!?”
Now he has the struggles of raising an alien child as a single father in highschool. “His name is Zognoid XJ-9″ 
It was fun at first for Banri, a new challenge approaches, but now the Baby is cutting in on his gaming time and what ever else it is he does. It hard to be a tough guy when your carrying a doll around. Considered taking out the batteries, but if Sakyo found out he’d fail the project. His baby is named Majima.
Juza was kind of excited for the project, maybe it would make him seem less intimidating, but no, it seems he’s gotten into more fights due to this sack of flour than before. No matter he’ll project this baby with his life, he calls her pudding. All was well until fuckin’ Settsu started calling his daughter a ‘cocaine baby’ Juza threw a few insults back and Banri punched him...in the baby. Flour went everywhere. Juza saw red. He grabbed Banri’s babydoll and though him outside into the street. People saw. Thought it was a real baby. The police were called. Sakyo had to call in A LOT of favors and explain it was just a doll. Both him and Settsu nearly failed and got chewed out by Sayko for almost ruining the companies image. 
They had separate funerals, once again buried in the Mankai court yard
Tsumugi thinks its great the kids are learning responsibility and that childcare is no joke. Brought flowers to the funerals.
“Oh! THE WOAHS OF CHILDREN, BUT THE LOVE OF A LITTLE JOY YOU TAKEN INTO TO YOUR SOUL.” Homare find this amusing and inspirational. He remembers his egg project and how- blahblahblah. Gave nice loooooong eulogies during all the funerals.
Azuma thinks it’s funny, he’s old so he never had to experience the baby project. Although the sight of seeing these new families makes him a little sad. Better drink some sake.
Tasuku “What the fuck is wrong with y’all.”
 Hisoka I’m Sleep.
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darkdevasofdestruction · 5 years ago
Day 25 : Family - Aizawa Shouta
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“Since when did we become parents, Shouta? It’s like...One year ago, we were only kitty parents, and now...We have 3 kids. How did this happen?” I chuckle, still shocked at the realisation of that, as we carried the large bags back home. “Dont...Remind me...” he sighed, completely done with life. “Well...They at least are going to be happy. Christmas is a family holiday. It’s the least we can do. And besides, it’s gonna be fun, right? We don’t want kids of our own, but having them as our kids is definitely refreshing, right? It brings a  certain...New vibe to the Holiday.” I grinned at him, and he only nodded slightly. “Think they’re gonna like these?” he murmured under his breath, making me gush at how soft he was being. “Of course they would! It’s about the sentiment, anyways, so who cares? They’re all mature kids! And...And this is Eri’s first Christmas, so everything is new for her. She’s gonna LOVE it, I assure you!” I encourage him, and it seemed to work. “Can’t believe we got different wrapping paper for everyone.” he chuckled lowly, making me wink at him. “Shinsou’s gonna appreciate the kitty wrapping. And Eri will adore the Unicorn one. I, however, am gonna have a blast wrapping everything.” I speak confidently. “Then, you go ahead and wrap them up while I prepare everything else. They’ll be distracted by the cat anyways.” he shrugged passively.
When we got home, we made sure not to do any noise as I ran to our shared room and started wrapping up everything and writing everyone’s names on their respective gifts, while Shouta was in the kitchen, preparing hot chocolate in cookies.
Unicorn wrapping for Eri, Kitty wrapping for Shinsou, Stars for Mirio, more Kitties for Shouta, Fireworks for Hizashi...And of course, to make it all credible, I had to wrap my own gift too, and I chose a Reindeer wrapping.
It took quite a while, with all the gifts piled up, so after I was done, I called Shouta to make sure everyone was busy, giving them the cue to know what was going on and help surprise Eri, so I and Shouta could carry all the presents and put them under the tree, so when the little girl sees them...Well, her reaction is going to be priceless.
After we were done with everything, I got 4 pairs of Reindeer horns to put on my head, Shinsou’s, Hizashi’s and Mirio’s, while for Shouta...He was going to BE Santa! And Eri, who is a Princess, had to have a cute little tiara!
As the little girl was extremely curious, despite her shyness caused by trauma, she found out the gifts and gasped rather loudly, calling out for everyone in the kitchen, as Shouta was dressed up as Santa, pretending to put the gifts under the tree. “Ahhh! Kitty! Kitty! Santa is here! Come, quickly!” Eri squealed excitedly from the living-room, as I could barely stifle my giggles. “How did you manage to get him into a Santa suit? Oh, never mind, I’m afraid I won’t stop laughing when I see him!” Hizashi was barely able to hide his laughing. “I can’t call him Aizawa-sensei after this...” Shinsou smirked in amusement, making Mirio agree with him with a wide grin. “Let’s not make Santazawa wait any longer!” Mirio laughs briefly, going ahead of us, as we follow his lead. “Awww, Eri, look how many gifts! You must have been such a good girl!” I clapped my hands together with a huge smile as I urge everyone to sit on the ground, as Eri sat on Shouta’s lap, with literal sparkles in her eyes. “Yes, Princess Eri has been a very good girl. Would you like to give everyone their gifts?” Aizawa asked in a rough, seemingly older voice, which took everything from us not to laugh at. “Yes, please! Can I really do that?!” she gleemed up at him. “Of course! After all, you’ve been the nicest child this year!” he nodded, trying to sound older than he was. “Awww! Such a cute kitty wrapping! Who is this for?” she asked, holding a purple gift. “This one is for Hi-To-Shi.” he showed her the letters on the box, trying to get her familiarised with them. “Oh, Big Brother Hitoshi! Here, this is for you!” she grinned as she gave him the gift, and he blushed from all the attention as he was expected to open it. “W-Woaw...Thank you, Santa. It’s very nice.” he looked away, yet the smile on his face was obvious. “Next one, is for...Hi-Za-Shi.” Shouta gave her the gift, as she carried it in her little hands. “Here, Uncle Hizashi! For you!” she gave him the gift, as he grinned so widely kissing her forehead as he took the present from her. “Thank you, Eri, dear. And thank you...Santa.” he bit his lip, trying not to laugh. “And this...For Mi-Ri-O.” Shouta continued with Mirio, then myself, his own gift he left out, and then, of course... “And this...For the Little Princess Eri.”  “Ah! Me?! Really?!” she squealed, thrilled, as she unwrapped the wrapper and when she opened it, she found a Princess dress. “Eeek! No way! Oh my God, Santa, you’re the best!!” she jump-hugged Santazawa. “Can I go try it on? Pleaseeeeee?!” she jumped up and down repeatedly. “Of course you can, sweety! Go ahead! And tell Santa thank you and Goodbye. He’s a busy old man and has to go to other children too.” I pat her hair gently, as she nods vigurously and hugs Santa again. “Thank you so much, Santa! It’s the best day ever! It’s great spending time with your family! I hope I get to see you next year as well! Goodbye!” she waved at him before rushing to her room and getting dressed. “Aaaaand....SUCCESS!” I jump up, hyped and happy with everything that happened, but my reindeer horns fell off from the sudden motion. “I’ll go change.” Aizawa muttered, yanking off the fake beard and the hat. “I’m suffocating.” “You were a great grandpa, Santazawa! Will we see you next year too~?” Hizashi teased, but Shouta glared at him poisoned daggers. “Get lost.” he said under his breath, taking off the pants and coat, remaining in his usual clothes, putting the suit in the bag and hiding it in our room, before Eri could come back. “Whoaaaa! I look like a Princess! Look, look!” she rushed back to the living room, looking so incredibly adorable. “Ah, papa, you’re back! You just missed Santa...But look what he gave me!” she jumped up and down in complete glee, as Shouta picked her up, smiling at her softly. “You are a little princess, Eri. You’ve always been, and now, you have the outfit for that too.” he said, making us gush at the sight. “Get the hell out of here.” he mouthed at everyone else, activating his quirk to appear intimidating, so we won’t tease and mock him anymore. “Uhh....Sweet dreams, everyone! We gotta go, bye! Happy Christmas!” they scatter away to their rooms, making me laugh at their silliness.  “Well then, Eri, it’s about time we go to bed. Want me to read you a bed time story?” I ask her, taking her in my arms, helping her in her sleep wear and tucking her in bed. “Can you read me Cinderella, pretty please?” she smiled at me, and I only nodded, taking the book from the shelf and sitting next to her in bed, stroking her hair.
It didn’t take long before the girl fell asleep, and I got up, putting the book on the nightstand, trying not to wake her up, only to find Shouta leaning on the door frame. I smile at him as we walk outside, quietly closing the door.
“How long have you been there?” I ask with a small hum of amusement. “Hmm...Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl with fair hair. Was that how it went?” he smirked, putting his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. “Yeah, that’s about it, well done.” I smile up at him, putting my arms around him, resting my chin on his chest. “Guess we did a pretty good job, don’t you think?” I asked, rather proud of how it all turned our. “Yeah, t’was nice. Guess bringing the family together wasn’t such a drag.” he chuckled lowly, kissing me softly. “Yeah...It was worth it. And we made Eri smile. It really made me happy.” I kiss back, slowly swinging with him. “Me too...Happy Christmas, Katrina.” he kissed my forehead, making me close my eyes in content and peace. “Happy Christmas...Santazawa.” I wink at him, as he twitched his eye in annoyance. “Not you too...” he muttered with a grave sigh.
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sweeethinny · 4 years ago
You’re The Right One - Chapter 1
There are people we would walk through the fire for, people we never imagined we could meet, and for James S. Potter, that person is Mira Hazel. The temperamental madwoman who was in the compartment next to him in Hogwarts' first year, and who has been by his side ever since. In the fifth year, however, Mira begins to gain another angle through James' eyes, however much he doesn't want it. You shouldn't look at your best friend that way, let alone want to kiss her every time they're close. He definitely shouldn't be jealous of her. She is just your friend, best friend, and James should put his head in place and forget about all this crazy stuff to avoid problems ... But he never went after problems, anyway, they always find a way to find him.
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first of all, I would like to thank @theroomofreq​ who is beta of this fic, thank you very much for helping me to put this story in the world <3  this is a story that is almost finished in the original version, so my days of creative block will not hinder her progress
that’s it, thank u if you’re read till here, i hope you like my characters and my vision of the next gen <3
Walking excitedly among all the people, carrying his owl and bags in the cart, and rushing his parents every moment they were less than two steps behind him. James grinned from ear to ear on a lively September morning, the one where he would mark his first school year at Hogwarts.
''Let's go!’’ He pulled his father by the hand, who had stopped to show Lily, the youngest of the family, the huge dog that was walking illustriously beside the owner.
Both Harry and Ginny walked slowly to enjoy what would be the last time they would see their eldest son until Christmas, when they would force him to return to spend the festivities at home. For the father, it was a joy to see that little kid who barely reached his chest, saying what a great Quidditch player he would be and that Gryffindor would be, certainly, his house.
'' What if it happens to be Hufflepuff? Albus asked, a little frightened by his brother's enthusiasm that morning
'' It won't happen '' He rolled his eyes when none of the parents looked at him '' I'm too brave '' And the two laughed among themselves, thinking that the son was a copy, much more genius should be said, of the mother and the uncles Fred and George. And Harry was not ashamed to admit, that he saw himself much more in Albus, frightened by that determination, than by the flames of excitement that prowled James eyes. At least not at that age.
'' Come on, you and me first '' James barely waited for his father to hold the stroller bar, safely crossed the 9 3/4 barrier, reaching the spot where his eyes twinkled, and his whole body shook from nervousness and anxiety. Soon the mother with Albus and Teddy appeared, as always, the calm face of the woman making the boy brake and answer the silent request of '' wait! ''
'' How do you feel? '' Wizards were everywhere now, there were owls hooting, cats purring on their owners' legs, and frogs in the clothes of some, showing only their big eyes.
'' Anxious '' He spoke the truth for the first time, still smiling, but now a little more slowly. '' Do you think I'll be able to fly? '' This time he addressed his mother, speaking quietly so that only she could hear, watching Albus and Lily listening to his father's story about his first day there, while Teddy made some joke about how old he was. Ginny smiled kindly, warming the boy's heart, arranged the hair that fell in his eyes and rubbed his young face
'' Of course James, but if you have difficulties, which I doubt, we can train at Christmas '' He nodded, more hopeful this time. If her mother, a famous Quidditch player, had told him he could do it, then it would become true. Right?
'' Let's go just before the train leaves '' This time it was Harry who stirred, pushing the way while James saw the faces that would soon become known to him. Whether they are friends, colleagues, or enemies. (Even though his father made him swear that he would not start  unnecessary fights)
Smoke spread in the air, a lot of students - young and old - boarded the train and packed their bags in the cabins, then returned to hug their parents, be  scolded, or just talk. Heads floated in the window, students laughing excitedly with the anxiety of finally leaving, and James couldn't help feeling different.
'' I'm going to miss you, brat '' Teddy ruffled his brother's at heart hair '' First year is an important year .. write me if you need anything '' James nodded, slightly nervous as he watched the man change his hair for go dark like his, smiling a little too watery for his opinion
'' Me too. And ok, I will '' James hugged him, and then turned to his parents, almost feeling like he was about to scream in excitement and fear.
'' Be careful '' The father looked at his son, a little laughing and a little serious, raising his eyebrows '' I'm watching you ''
'' Ok '' He nodded excitedly '' And I know you will ''
"Take care, okay?" It was Albus' embrace, two years younger, tight and full of anticipation that made James smile without grace, his cheeks warm with that affection. As annoying as he could be, he would miss having someone smaller than himself to win the blame.
'' Yes, I’ll miss you too '' And then everyone got together for the squeeze, almost breaking his ribs, and making him blush with embarrassment '' No ... I can’t ... breathe ''
The little sister gave his cheek a wet kiss - which James automatically wanted to wipe but did not do when he saw his father's gaze - his mother had passed on some instructions about the houses and how he should be calm regardless of the choice.
'' The house that Hat draws will be the right one for you, and we will be happy regardless of the result. Write to us as soon as you can, preferably today '' He nodded laughing, thinking of the red and gold lion.
'' Now, listen '' The father had crouched down, keeping close eye contact, his green eyes almost bursting into orbit '' I don't want you to be around getting in trouble, understood? '' For the fiftieth time he nodded '' Don't worry if you are alone, people always arrive in the compartment , you can meet great friends inside '' Once again he moved his head
'' Stop being so melodramatic, man. '' Teddy laughed, winking at James, who seemed to have read the mind of the boy who was thinking about the whole castle to explore.
'' I'm going to send you news '' he assured, entering in the train
'' Every day. '' James frowned, eliciting laughter from his parents '' Answer us always, and if you need to ... ''
'' I know, Dad, I know ... Professor Longbottom can help me. '' The train started to leave, they exchanged a few more words, he waved at them as they got smaller, and then that was it.
James was finally on his way to the Witch School.
Anxious, he ran to the  single empty compartment  he found and began to contemplate the path they were taking. It seemed that magic was already taking place there, it was like the sensation of climbing up  a gigantic peak, analyzing the view from the top , the fall that he would soon make. It was scary, but impressively, it also seemed to cause a huge euphoria that would make him jump.
"Can I come in or is it full already?" The female voice woke him from his daydream. He had heard many love stories that began in train compartments , his godfather for example, swore he was one of those who unknowingly knew the love of his life. Grandpa, whose name he honored, met Grandma in one of those too. But if James knew anything, it was the  girl, a few inches shorter than him, with long blond hair braided, wearing a funny black cap and school robes, would not be his love.
She wasn't ugly, but she looked ... clumsy. Her eyes were large pits of the darkest pitch, the pupil barely visible, her  cheeks pink and large, eyebrows as clear as lashes (little more colored than the fair skin), and her  teeth a little apart, in addition to a pink lip fatty. Her legs looked  long compared to her  body, even under her robes, and her arms were thin, as if she had started to stretch-but only on some limbs.
'' Uh ... no. '' But you couldn't deny friends, of course. "You can sit down."
'' So ... '' She packed her bags '' It was full up front '' Justified herself by picking up a 'Quidditch History' book and sitting in front of him '' And I thought .... Hey, I think I know you from somewhere '' James blushed, even though he straightened up and tried to look more secure than he really was. Being recognized was never fun. '' You are Ginny Potter's son, I saw you on the Prophet's cover! My God, your mother is awesome '' She spoke in a way that her eyes almost popped, such excitement, gesturing and bulging her eyes.
'' I know '' James bragged, even if uncomfortable '' She's the best '' He spoke as if it were the most normal thing in the world. His mother had retired as a chaser  after Lily was born, however, he had gone to a few games and could remember it  being amazing. In addition, every time they played in the vegetable garden, the father had to sweat so that they would not lose by more than 100 points - even if someone on his team caught the snitch.
'' I want to be like her , you know .. '' The girl straightened up on the bench, pulling her legs up, leaning her back against the cold window, the book resting on her knees '' I want to play like that. '' James thought she was funny, but he didn't comment, a little scared by how intimidating she looked. '' My parents hate flying, but I like it. I mean, I’ve only  flown a few times, but it's soooo fun. '' He wanted to laugh, staring at her curiously. Her hair resembled Aunt Fleur's hair, long and light, but it was much less styled than the hair of the older woman  '' I really like to imagine myself playing. ''
''To imagine? Have you never played? '' The nameless girl denied, making a face
'' My parents are not the biggest Quidditch fans, so to go to a game, it was like Mass '' "Mass?" He frowned.
The blonde looked at him, this time curious, '' Yes, it's a muggle thing, you know, about religion, some are too long ... so the saying... '' James nodded
"Are you Muggle-born?" She shook her head, fiddling with the worn book unpretentiously, and then shrugged.
'' My parents are wizards, but my grandparents are muggles and I spent  a lot of time with my maternal grandmother, so '' she shrugged '' That's why I never played, I had no one, but I know how to play volleyball and maybe it will help me. And Tennis '' the girl shrugged again '' Anyway, your mom is a big inspiration to me, I wish I could have seen her play. ''
'' So ... you didn't say your name '' And again she moved, sitting forward and holding out her hand to him, which was full of different rings. James wondered if that girl could be weirder than Dominique. Or Aunt Luna.
'' Sorry, I was so excited ... I'm Mira Hazel. '' He smiled kindly
'' James '' Even though he didn't need to, he was happy to say '' What house do you think will be in? '' She straightened up again on the bench, without opening the book this time, looking at him with full attention.
'' I hope Ravenclaw. What about you? '' Mira Hazel said, as James grimaced.
'' Gryffindor, obviously. Why do you want that one? It's so full of ... idiots '' The girl raised her clear eyebrows, her body moving into an attack position as if she might pounce on him, much like a cat. James was concerned that she was carrying a cat beside her, but there was no sign.
'' My parents are from there .. You know. Gryffindor is not the only good house at school, if it were, it wouldn't make sense to have others, would it? '' James swallowed the words, arranging his back on the bench and thinking what he would say Next. Of course, his father had warned about this, but how could he not want to go to the house that housed his whole family?
Before he could give a bullshit answer that would make coal eyes explode, the cabin door was opened again, this time a boy with black hair and frightened eyes appeared, his cheeks flushed and what appeared to be a frog in his front pocket. "Sorry, wrong cabin."
When the door closed again, silence radiated over them, James too affected to admit that maybe, for a few seconds, she was right. Only the pages broke the silence,, as she leafed through the book almost aggressively,.Mira seemed to have read it many times judging by  the yellowish color that marked the edges, in addition to the lower spine looking punished with use. He thought of asking what Quidditch position she wanted - for he had imagined that if they both wanted to be keppers, they would fall off their brooms before the snitch was even released - but he kept the words to himself.
The food cart was not long in arriving, much to his delight, and the two bought what looked like food for five more, still without speaking a word, which was driving him crazy.
"Aha! I finally found you. '' The female voice broke through the air. Mira smiled at the chocolate frog, taking the card in her hands
'' Who did you find? '' James smiled when he saw Merlin smiling on his own card.
'' Hermione Weasley '' And as if it were pure gold, she carefully tucked it inside the Quidditch book.  '' My mother met her ... they made Runes together '' Mira nodded, seeming to talk to herself more than to him '' A very smart witch ... I should want to be like her too, don't you think? ''
'' Are you always this weird? '' He joked, happy that she had talked to him again. Her silence was claustrophobic, which was very strange, since Albus used to give him a cold shoulder whenever they fought, and it was never this bad. 
'' Ah ... no, I’m just nervous. '' It seemed like a lie, but he didn't say anything 
'' But tell me, what is it like? Having these people in your family '' Mira asked. 
James grimaced when he swallowed a Bertie Botts every flavor bean,  '' Ear wax, ew, I don't know how I was wrong. I thought it might be popcorn ''
''Normal '' He moved his shoulders, precisely choosing a bean, loving the taste of strawberry when he threw one in his mouth '' They are normal people most of the time '' 
'' It can't be normal '' She rolled her eyes '' There must be something extraordinary about being the son of Harry and Ginny Potter '' 
James tried to shake the thought from  his mind, remembering all the years living in his family and all the stories that he had heard (even if in half).
Sometimes it was quite difficult, people used to be so intrusive  at partie, s it was almost impossible for them not to be stopped by some journalist wanting to know the latest gossip that involved their name.
James thought it all sucked. It was very tiring.
He had thought that now as he was going to Hogwarts he could finally be James. Simply, James, and no longer,live in the shadow of his parents great deeds. Even if no one asked him to follow in their footsteps, stressing the irrecoverable losses they had made along the arduous path, he felt as if nothing he did was really interesting.
Going to Gryffindor, being a good keeper and a good student, was not just to ensure that his track record was brilliant, but to guarantee a place in the genius tree. He hadn't fought like his mother and father, but he had done something good while he was at school, proving his worth. Proving to be brave and fearless.
'' Except I can get a lot of cards from chocolate frogs more easily '' He smiled at the girl who laughed in denial, her cheeks turning pink again, and her eyes no longer seemed to carry the fury she had earlier presented.
She wasn't all bad, after all.
‘’James Potter .. what an honor!’’ Hagrid, a half-giant who always showed up at his house telling stories about strange and dangerous animals, smiled at him, hitting him on the back with a force that made him walk two steps forward.
‘’Hi Hagrid.’’ He returned the smile, looking  excitedly behind him and seeing the boats positioned.
After the rookies were summoned and put on boats, crossed the river below the night sky with few stars, Mira was beside him, her eyes looking like a part of the sky, shining with the magnificent view of Hogwarts. The castle looked bigger and more splendid than any photograph, description, or drawing he had ever seen and heard. It was real, grand, and now it was his new home.
As they left the boats and were led into the castle, the children's voices seemed to triple- the excitement of standing in that hall, waiting to be called up for the sorting. A tall, strong, well-groomed professor, showing a scar that cut his eyebrow and a little bit of his left eyelid, appeared. ,He explained the houses, the hat and introduced himself, Frank Johaan, Defense Against the Dark Art teacher . When they entered the Great Hall, which his father had spoken so much of, James thought he might fall over right there, looking at the tables, the teachers, the decoration above him, the walls laden with flags of the houses, the ghosts walking around. .. It was almost like daydreaming. No photograph  lived up to what James was seeing
And just as his father had informed him, when the time came, the Sorting Hat on a stool, looking old and worn, began to sing.
When Headmaster McGonagall gave a slight smile after welcoming the students - and James thought he saw her smile bigger when she saw him - Professor Johaan stood erect beside the stool, a scroll in his left hand and the right on top of the hat
‘’When I call your name, come here and sit down.’’
The names began, applause whenever the house was shouted at by the patched hat.With each person, the boy felt more apprehensive, looking around anxiously and seeing Mira from a short distance, looking confident, hardly even blinking during the wait.
‘’Potter, James Sirius’’ He could have sworn he saw the Headmistress getting ready in the chair to watch, making him feel even more nervous; And with weak legs, but without showing it, he started the long walk to the stool, everyone's eyes following him, and the teachers looking at him with curiosity. He took a deep breath before sitting on the stool and left his mind free, listening even to his heartbeat.
‘’Ah a Potter ... I know them so well. A brave heart ... ‘’ Said the hat, and he thought it was magnificent ‘’I can't help but notice, too big even for a giant's body’’. Without thinking, he looked sideways at Hagrid, who was smiling anxiously while sitting in one of the chairs set for the teachers. ‘’But would that only help you? .. A vast intelligence, certainly, but I cannot deny the truth ... Gryffindor!’’
The Gryffindor table rose to a fuss, eagerly applauding and welcoming him, with huge smiles and nods when he sat down, everyone congratulating him and talking about how amazing it was that they had a Potter there.
‘’Hazel, Mira’’ She walked confidently, not even blushing.  Her braided hair trailing behind her and her black eyes looking like two black holes in her pale face. She sat on the stool, waiting for the call, the sorting hat was put on, and stayed there for some time.
James’ godmother had told him about this, about students sometimes sitting up to five minutes waiting, they were students who confused the hat, they had many attributes that stood out and could easily fit in more than one house, as had happened with her.
The blonde was waiting in the same way as when she sat down, calm and seeming to assess with the hat, after what seemed like three or more minutes - he hadn't been there so long, and if he had, he would have died of anxiety - the hat screamed;
His  house table began to clap again, the blonde descending cheerfully and full of smiles, greeting those at the end and sitting next to James, her eyebrows half-arched and in an almost balmy way, showing in her eyes
‘’It looks like we'll be colleagues, Potter.’’ Mira said as she raised her chin and exuding confidence , drawing a laugh from James. 
‘’So it seems.’’ And for some reason, he was happy with that.
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beybladeimagines · 5 years ago
Your writing is sooo good! :o have been following you for a short while now and you do the requests so perfectly! Was wondering if it would be possible to get some family related headcanons for the blade breakers? Like your thoughts on how they interact with their families? Also congrats on the new job role! :)
Mod Note: Thank you so much, bby! I hope you’re doing well and are having an amazing start to your new year. :)
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TYSON: Tyson has a very interesting relationship and take on his family. First things first, we have to acknowledge how his father and brother essentially left him behind and forced his grandfather to raise him. These are the ugly facts, but Tyson kind of…pushes that out of his mind. I imagine, in an attempt to cope with this abandonment, he decided to appropriate the narrative that he was exposed to. In other words, he told himself that sometimes people need to leave others behind if they’re going to achieve their dreams - but he always told himself that they’d come back, because… why wouldn’t they? He’s tried to convince himself that all of these things happened for a reason. Although Tyson attempts to be optimistic about his situation and claims it doesn’t affect him negatively, he has become rather clingy and takes people leaving him rather personally. He loves his grandfather and although Tyson travels a lot, he greatly encourages his grandfather to come see just about every match he’s in. And grandpa does just that… He goes to every match, watches it on TV, and thinks about his grandson often. He really worries about him. And although he loves his own son and Hiro unconditionally, he doesn’t want Tyson to pick up on the same habits as them.
When Tyson sees Hiro again, he’s elated in such a way that we’ve never seen before. We don’t see that much emotion when his own team comes back together. I think Tyson has always known that his friends would come back to him, but when it comes to family… He was probably deeply terrified that he’d never see them again. He holds Hiro to such a high standard and once saw him as someone who could do no wrong. After all, he returned to help him train and become world champion, right? Well… Hiro has some questionable ways of pushing Tyson. As an outsider, their interactions aren’t that healthy and are borderline manipulative. Tyson slowly begins to see this, but doesn’t allow himself to really showcase his disappointment. However, it does motivate him to become a better person and to not let his own team down. Think about it. Throughout G-Rev, we see Tyson’s selfishness and how he’s constantly trying to improve. And then Hiro comes along and is basically doing whatever he wants at Tyson’s expense. Tyson gets to see, first hand, just how much his own actions deeply hurt others. He doesn’t want to be like his brother anymore, or probably his own dad. He’s more likely to keep his grandfather close (even closer now, after all the bullshit) and see his own friends as family members.
MAX: In the manga, you really see just how much Max loves and misses his mom. He gets defensive about her picture, and often locks himself in his room to reflect upon his memories of her. You can tell it’s still a fresh wound and not one that he simply internalizes like Tyson. The sad truth is, she kinda left him behind as well to do her own thing. Additionally, she essentially formed a brand new team that consisted of children who’s only goal was to meet her expectations. Upon seeing this, Max honestly felt like he had to compete for his own mothers attention and approval, despite being her blood. Instead of being devastated by this blatant act of being replaced, Max actually continues to strive for her approval. He truly sees her as someone who can do no wrong and he probably interprets her actions as her motivating him to become stronger. It’s not that Judy doesn’t like her son… Rather, I think she’s so wrapped up in her work that she’s literally forgotten how to raise a child. Alternatively, maybe she just wasn’t ready, maybe she never knew how, maybe she placed that burden on Max’s dad because she was making good money for them. Regardless, something happened to make her so distant from her own child. She’s honestly surprised to see how persistent Max is for her affection. 
I do imagine that it does impact her. I do think she loves him, but has a very strange and arguably cold way of showing it. However, Max is literally sunshine incarnate. He refuses to see her as something to hate and is extremely grateful for what she’s been able to do for him. Max’s father is also seen in a positive light. In truth, Max is so amazed by how hard his dad worked to raise him, put food on the table, support his hobby, and help him travel. There’s no denying the amount of love Max has for his own dad, but I think he clings to his mom so much, because he just wants there to be both. He doesn’t want one parent working more or harder than the other. He just craves a sense of stability where everyone is just…happy and here and eating at the same table without worrying about research or making deadlines. Although he gets along great with both folks, it’s evident that the dynamic does take a toll on him, but he thinks he has to keep smiling in order for everything to seem like its really okay.
RAY: We don’t know that much about his family, except for the uncle in France. However, we do know that he spent much of his childhood with his friends moreso than any blood relatives. I imagine Ray didn’t have much of a connection with his family. As a child, he’s somewhat of a wild one. He often goes where he pleases, does what he pleases, and most likely sneaks out just to see his friends for a little longer. Perhaps his parents just weren’t there, or maybe they didn’t approve of his newfound fascination for blading. When we find out that Ray left the White Tigers, we have to realize that this also means he left his entire village behind too (including his own home and family). And it was…relatively easy. I imagine he suspected he’d come across his team again, but he probably wasn’t too concerned with what his family thought. They probably thought he was reckless or maybe didn’t apply the same amount of significance to Driger. I’m not trying to imply that his family didn’t love him; rather, I think their ideas of success and genuine goals just clashed. Ray’s family most likely came to peace with his departure as years progressed. They’re probably mindful of his success, but do their best not to speak of it. Perhaps its out of embarrassment (like, they feel ashamed for not having more faith) or maybe they just don’t want to think about their son leaving them.
When Ray returns, I imagine the reunion is rather intense. Although his friends are the first to greet him, I suspect he came across his parents during the evening. They exchange moments of silence, but I envision his mother breaking down and wrapping her arms around Ray out of relief. This is probably one of the first times that his parents were vulnerable around him. Ray doesn’t really know how to feel, but he returns the hug anyway. A weight practically leaves him when they have this moment. Like they finally get it, like he doesn’t have to explain himself. I imagine they’re working on restoring a sense of normalcy amongst one another, but Ray’s actually really excited about having even more supportive forces in his life.
KAI: Kai actually…really fucking loves his family. I’ve only ever seen him smile when he was around them. Granted, there is a rather complicated and traumatic past concerning the relatives in his life. Kai wants nothing to do with his grandfather, although he appreciates the expensive opportunities and power that he gave him. Despite these “gifts,” Kai just wants to take everything from Voltaire, replace him, and show him how better off he is without his manipulative meddling. Kai is also in the process of rebuilding his connection with his father and seeing him in a better light. For so long, Kai thought that his father chose his dream over him, but this became another manipulated narrative spun by his own grandfather. Later on, Kai realized that his father just didn’t want to be like Voltaire and chose to follow his own path, which he hoped Kai would eventually do as well. Kai realizes the genuine intentions his father had and how he also wanted the best for him (and not just a bunch of random kids). 
When it comes to his mother, I imagine Kai is extremely close with her. She was really trying her best to keep things stable in the house and give Kai the love he so desperately needed. I see him rejecting her efforts at first. He was probably worried that she’d leave him too. But she probably spent so many sleepless nights waiting up for him when he’d sneak out and making sure he had enough to eat. There were many times when she thought he’d never come home. She practically sunk to the floor with relief every time she cracked his bedroom door open and saw him there sleeping. Now that his family is back together and his life isn’t based off a series of lies, Kai actually looks forward to coming home. He’s rather quiet and actually avoids his parents gaze, especially at the dinner table. It’s when he’s with family that he realizes just how much crazy shit he’s done or gotten into - so he feels ashamed. His parents only look at him with complete pride and admiration. I imagine they hug him so tightly the moment he walks through the door and he’s got to fight back so many tears because damn… He feels the love and attention he’s been so desperately craving.
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amyscascadingtabs · 6 years ago
all i know is i wanna be here with you from now on
One month old babies are really great at sleeping at night, said no one ever.
Jake has a vague memory of a time where their bed was the perfect size for both him and Amy, but he’ll admit said memory is growing hazier by the day.
To be fair, they weren't planning on letting their newborn sleep in their bed. They had a clear and structured plan, outlined in the first of many parenting binders, of keeping their baby in her cot right next to Amy’s side of the bed for the first few months before transferring her over to her own room.
Then they actually became parents.
To a child that at exactly one month and three days of age refuses to fall asleep anywhere but on one of her parents, prefers sleeping that way, and will - if they're lucky - sometimes accept her baby nest at night, provided it's right in the middle of the bed with one parent on each side of it.
No matter how cozy it is to have her near, Jake has been doing an awful lot of googling on the pricing and reviews of king size beds lately.
He supposes a bigger bed wouldn't help him with the other issue keeping him from sleep. It's not been more than an hour since he kissed his wife goodnight and crept underneath the covers, pressing a kiss to his daughter’s forehead and watching her yawn in reaction before closing his eyes, and he's already wide awake after Leah woke him up screaming bloody murder right in his ear twenty minutes ago.
She's eaten now - to be fair, he agrees with her that being hungry’s the worst - but instead of going straight back to sleep like she can usually do after night feeds, she just won’t sleep. They’ve burped her, changed a diaper and played the white noise music which seems to always be sounding through their home nowadays, but the only thing that’s keeping their newborn from outright screaming is one parent walking around holding her to their chest, lightly bouncing her.
It’s not their first case of nights like these in their first, intense month of parenthood, but in contrast to the previous nights, Jake goes back to work tomorrow.
“You have to sleep”, Amy protested when he offered to do the soothing of crying baby. “You can’t go back to work without having slept.”
He protested back, arguing that he’s been sleep-deprived at work plenty throughout his career - the time he made Charles pretend to be a dead body and sprayed ketchup over his friend only one of many occasions - but she wouldn’t have it. She left the room with Leah for a few minutes, coming back with a seemingly sleeping baby whom she successfully transferred to the baby nest.
That was two minutes ago, not enough time for Jake to fall asleep again but apparently enough for Amy, and when the wailing starts anew, his wife straight out groans in frustration.
“I’ll get her”, he offers then, already sitting up in bed and lifting Leah to his chest the way that has become second nature by now. Amy mumbles something inaudible, likely attempting to stop him again, but he's left the room before she has the chance to do anything but go back to the sleep she so desperately deserves.
He walks a few laps around the living room before his daughter’s desperate cries subside, hushing and stroking her back through the purple striped pajamas until her face is no longer red from exertion, until she's quietly fussing rather than screaming her little lungs out.
For a seven-and-a-half-pound person, their kid sure has a powerful voice.
“It would be a lot easier if you could talk, you know”, he whispers to her when they move from the living room to the nursery. “Tell us what’s wrong. Think you can work on that?”
The request gives him another upset cry. He reads it as a negative response.
Jake sits down with her in the comfortable combined arm and rocking chair the Santiago family gracefully gifted to them, hoping she’ll accept the slight change and taking a deep breath of relief when she does. One of her fists grab onto his t-shirt, and she’s not falling asleep, but she’s calming down.
Right now he’s ironic when he asks her to speed up growing. Though he could pee his pants with excitement over what it will be like to have a kid that walks and talks and sleeps more than two hours at once, time is swooping by at an alarming rate as is. He’s been a dad for one, short, intense month, and already Leah is an inch longer, a pound and a half heavier, a little less terrifyingly fragile in his arms. She sleeps and eats at what vaguely resembles a schedule, has mastered the art of nursing without making both Amy and herself cry and is starting to accept him feeding her with a bottle. Every day there seems to be a new noise, a new grimace, a new way to move her arms and accidentally hit herself in the face, and every day his already overpowering love for her grows.
Jake's almost about to consider his mission of calming a fussy baby successful when he notices her doing a too-sharp inhale. Barely able to brace himself for the inevitable, he listens to her cry out another time, heartbreaking and loud enough for neighbors to hear. He stands up with her again, rocking, trying to see if the combination of movement and the unicorn lovey from her crib can make her relax. He then fights the temptation to make a full-on victory gesture when it, eventually, does. There's a display of framed pictures hanging over the crib, and he stops in front of it, watching them without giving up the gentle rocking.
Two ultrasound pictures - one from the first time they got to see and hear a fluttering heartbeat on the screen, one from later on when they could see a spine and legs and arms and the cutest little nose in profile. A black and white newborn picture, Leah just hours old, in between. A selfie they took with one of the positive pregnancy tests, grinning at each other in disbelief. One picture each of them holding her, looking equally in awe of this little person that's now keeping them up at night. A piece of quote art Jake found on Etsy, saying you are the best thing that's ever been mine.
He has to get up for work in five hours, and even if he does get any sleep tonight it’s not going to be enough - yet as he hears a somewhat content sigh from Leah and sees her yawn, he can’t make himself care. Though he was well aware he’d love his kid to the moon and back, he worried and fretted about whether he could have inherited his own father’s crappy parenting skills. He’s still unsure about a lot of things, but as he sits back down in the armchair and draws up his legs so she can lay against his thighs, and she stretches out her arms over her head to then hit herself on the nose when they come back, gasping with surprise, he’s certain a lack of love is not the problem.
“I hope you know we love you”, he tells her, trying to flatten the dark hair that prefers sticking up like a mohawk. “It’s hard to know sometimes. But I really hope so.”
“I love you”, he assures her another time, her hands gripping onto both of his index fingers as he all but attacks her with kisses across her belly and face. She scrunches her nose and forehead slightly, but accepts, used to it at this point. “Your mom loves you, your grandparents, all your friends - aunt Rosa and aunt Gina, uncle Terry, your uncle Charles probably loved you before you even existed at all, grandpa Holt…” Jake smiles at the memory of his captain visiting them in the hospital their second day there, remembering how he’d been impressed by his daughter for putting an actual smile on the usually so dead-pan man’s face in mere seconds.
“You’re a very loved kid.”
Leah grunts to this. He decides to interpret it as agreement.
When she starts fussing yet another time, he sings to her. It’s mostly Taylor Swift songs, mixed with a mellow version of I Want It That Way - whatever’s playing inside his head in the middle of the night. Even with his mediocre singing voice, singing to her has become one of his favorite things to do just because he adores her reaction to it. She'll stare at him in awe, take on an expression like she's actually listening, sometimes trying to wave and kick to the melody.
Had someone told him a year ago that this is why’d he be awake at 2.30 a.m., Jake's certain he would have laughed, but now it seems the most natural thing in the world.
“Hey there.”
He's halfway through an acapella version of Long Live, Leah's eyes opening and closing like she's about to fall asleep but stopping herself from doing so, when he hears Amy's voice. She's leaning against the doorframe, wistful smile on her lips looking at them, and he wonders quietly to himself how on Earth she manages to make one month postpartum and the old oversized NYPD shirt she uses for pajamas look a million dollars. “Is she sleeping yet?”
“Nah. World’s too interesting.” He jokefully narrows his eyes at Leah, saying the next words with over-the-top enthusiasm. “But you know what happens when you don’t sleep? You get overtired! And I’m pretty sure you enjoy that even less than we do!”
She gives him a blank stare, and if she’d been a snarky teenager and not a one-month-old infant, Jake imagines she’d be saying something like yeah, so what and stomp off to slam her bedroom door.
Amy snorts before sitting down on the long-pile rug next to the armchair.  “You should go to sleep”, she coerces, squeezing his thigh. “Both of you, but especially the one who has work tomorrow. I’m serious.”
He shakes his head. “It’s fine, Ames. Really. I’ll miss her like hell tomorrow, anyway.”
“I get it.” She nods, caressing one of Leah’s fists. “But you’ll be okay. I’ll text you updates.”
“Every half hour?”
“What she’s doing, how she’s doing, pictures, film clips”, she assures him. “All of it. Plus you’ll be home early.”
“Still too long”, he mumbles.
“I know.”
Leah begins to whimper, and their focuses shift instantly back to her. Jake stands up with her, starting the rocking and bouncing anew for what feels like the twentieth time that night.
“She's going to miss you too, you know”, Amy whispers. “We both are.”
“Well, I’ll miss you two more, so I'm winning.”
She rolls her eyes, but there’s a soft affection to it. He supposes she is the one person who could tell him she loves him with an eye-roll of all things.
Leah yawns, her little hands moving again in an attempt to grip his t-shirt, and then she finds one of his arms and it's like he's being carefully hugged by a twenty-inch, not-yet-eight-pounds body. It’s the actual sweetest thing he's seen tonight.
He tears up; of course he tears up. That's pretty much what he does in life now, but it's okay, because Amy's doing the same watching them, wiping hormone-fuelled tears away with the back of her hand.
“The only thing better than her”, she says, voice hushed, “is seeing you with her. It's the best thing I know.”
“I just want to do a good job.”
“You already are.”
“I have to leave her for a full day tomorrow. ”
“You're going to be okay, Jake.”
Easy for you to say, he wants to argue. You get to stay home all day looking after our daughter and reading through study material for the lieutenant’s exam. But 2.30 a.m. is not the peak time to be jealous of their daughter’s physical dependence on Amy, so he stays quiet.
The whole room is near silent, save the white noise machine still playing from its place in the shelf, when he realizes.
“Ames, I think she's sleeping.”
Leah's eyes are closed, the fussing finally ceased, and he's scared to say the words out loud in case she’ll be screaming against the next second, but she doesn't and Amy's eyes widen in awe.
“God, you're amazing.” She stands up, kissing his cheek and giving the snoozing infant the amazed, infatuated look he's seen near daily on his wife's face for a month now. “Now let's go back to sleep before she wakes. Quick.”
Amy's out like a light soon as her head hits the pillow. He stays awake a few more minutes, watching his daughter, the way her little chest rises and falls, the way her miniature fingers twitch when she's dreaming.
Tomorrow, he's going to go do the job he's actually hired for, the job which used to be his everything at one point in time and the job he has missed, if only slightly, this month.
He's almost dreading it, this ocean of time away from the person who gave him the job title seeming much more important to him now, but he's doing it anyway.
He has to save up for that king-size bed somehow.
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meadweos · 6 years ago
Hello! I’m Ellie, this is Dorcas and I hope you enjoy this trainwreck of a soft as all hell introduction to my babe. I’m super excited to be writing here okay byeeeeeeeee.
is that LILY JAMES wearing that HUFFLEPUFF scarf ? no, it appears to be DORCAS MEADOWES who happens to be a SEVENTH year and a MUGGLEBORN !! SHE is CISFEMALE, and i heard they’re COMPASSIONATE and BENEVOLENT but might also seem NAIVE and DAMAGED. they appear to be leaning towards the side of the ORDER, but this is a conversation we should be having somewhere else. ( ellie / nineteen / gmt / she/her )
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TRIGGER WARNINGS : death, injury, hospital mention, dogs.
PART ONE. BASICS / MAGICAL FULL NAME & MEANINGS  : Dorcas ( GAZELLE ) Andromache ( MAN / BATTLE ) Meadowes ( LIVED IN OR NEAR A MEADOW. ) DATE OF BIRTH : November 16th. AGE : 17. ZODIAC SIGN : Scorpio. HEIGHT : 5 ft 7 in. EYE COLOR : Dark brown. LEFT OR RIGHT HANDED : Ambidextrous.  FAVORITE COLOR : Light blue / black. SCHOOL : Hogwarts. BLOOD STATUS : Muggleborn. WHAT ARE THEIR PARENTS JOBS? : Her mother was a stay-at-home tutor, and her father was a doctor. ( Her aunt is a therapist. Her uncle is a lawyer. ) DO THEY HAVE ANY MAGICAL BLOOD? : Not in her immediate family. Her fifth, twice removed, much, much older cousin is a wizard (of Emeric Switch fame! Imagine that!) HOW DID THEIR MAGIC FIRST MANIFEST ITSELF? : She wanted to talk to the dogs at the local pet store, and accidentally ‘phased’ through the door. She was found half an hour later just stroking a pitbull puppy which had latched itself onto her. YEAR : Seventh year. HOUSE : Hufflepuff. PATRONUS : Panda. ( THE PANDA IS A RESOURCEFUL ANIMAL, AND THOSE WITH IT AS A PATRONUS ARE THE SAME. THEY ARE GOOD AT USING WHATEVER IS AROUND THEM, AND INCREDIBLY CREATIVE AND BRIGHT. THEY ARE FRIENDLY AND WARM, AND MANY MAY GO TO THEM FOR ADVICE OR HELP, WHICH THE PANDA WILL WILLINGLY GIVE. THEY ARE A BIT OF A HEALER BY NATURE, ENJOYING COMPANY AROUND THEM AND USING IT TO ENHANCE THEMSELVES. THEY LOVE TO EXPLORE MANY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE AND THE WORLD, TRYING TO BROADEN THEIR HORIZONS AND KEEP THEIR MINDS OPEN. ) BOGGART : Her father, sat in the same armchair he’d always loved. His head turned towards her as he tells her it was all her fault, and the room shrinks. UPDATED: Earlier, and for very good reason, I wrote a drabble centered around what her Boggart would be for a different roleplay. It’s different than what it is now, but I’m nevertheless extremely proud of it. You can read it here. AMORTENTIA : What is it about true love, dearest? What makes everyone go wild? Is it the prospect that someone, someone whole, and unflinching, is out there - waiting for you? Waiting for your embrace, your touch? Or is it just that they are tired - tired of making homes in people and receiving nothing back? You, though. You make homes in all manner of things. And, anyway, who decided homes can’t be humans? Who decided home is a stationary concept? That your heart can’t be held in the hands of many people, that it cannot be crushed and sewn back together in a matter of minutes? Who decided that love, that great big messy concept, has to be romantic? You are as messy in love as you are in life - that is to say, you build pieces of yourself from the people around you, from the pieces of themselves they give you. The skin beneath your ear? Composed of the whispers of secrets from your first boyfriend. Your nose? Your mother’s love. The inside of your wrist? The balm of Emmeline’s arms around your body, shielding you the only way she can.  No. It isn’t so impossible that love is greater than the romance. That love is so many more things. The Greeks of old always said there were many kinds of love. Eros. Agape. Philia. Storge. Ludos. Pragma. Philautia. It is these things that you, alone, recite in that dungeon. The cold seems to envelop you as you take in a breath, the tendrils of your senses magnifying. It can be overwhelming, you know, but you are not as surprised as you expect to be. Warmth, sinking between your fingertips, laps at your cheek, at your lips as you breathe out. It sticks to you, to your tongue. Like caramel and peanut butter, the batter of the cookies your aunt always makes, the s’mores that you made around the campfire just last week. Her hair, or is it her perfume (?) wafting in your direction - regardless, you stay rooted to your place. Daisies, growing wild, the way they had at home, in your back garden. The smell of old brick and something crumbling - that weird Dragonleather smell that stays in the air whenever Hagrid passes, the smell of bursting fireworks (that time that the Marauders hadn’t realized there was anyone still down the corridor) and butterbeer, warming. Your dogs breath, laughter bubbling up as you remark on the smell of toothpaste, on peppermint and mossy treebark.  You’re not surprised to smell all the things that make this place home - you’re not surprised to smell that it’s not made up of just one person - just one thing, fixable - but many. Moving parts that flare up and slide away into the background of your senses. WAND : Phoenix tail feather core. 9 inches. Black Walnut. PETS : Owl, named Athena. Also owns a pitbull, the light of her life, Agape ( LOVE AND AFFECTION ) or Aggie, for short. CHARACTER INSPIRATION : Cinderella, Sonya Rostova, Izzie Stevens, Craig Middlebrooks, Ann Perkins, Ella Lopez, Jess Day, Riley Matthews, Penelope Garcia, Kara Danvers, Capheus Onyango, and Jane Villanueva. ( CHARACTER TAG HERE. )
PART TWO. ARE YOU GOOD AT… DANCING? : I certainly try.  SINGING? : Yes! COOKING? : Somewhat. DUELING? : Never been better. STUDYING? : If my grades are anything to go by, yes. MAGIC? : Uh, I’d hope so.
PART THREE. HAVE YOU EVER… DRIVEN A CAR? : Yes. Not well, though. FALLEN IN LOVE? : … Yes. HAD SEX? : Yes. LAUGHED SO HARD YOU CRIED? : I don’t know anyone who enjoys their life who hasn’t. SMOKED? : ... No. DONE DRUGS? : Nope. BROKEN THE LAW? : Accidentally. KILLED SOMEONE? : No.
PART FOUR. LITTLE SECRETS BIGGEST FEAR : Losing everyone. And everything. SOMEONE YOU ADMIRE : Emme, McGonagall. SOMEONE YOU FEAR : I don’t really know. Dumbledore, when he’s mad. Whatever that ponce of a miserable Muggle hater is called. SOMEONE YOU MISS : Grandpa. Terry. My brother. Mum. Dad. SOMEONE YOU COULDN’T LIVE WITHOUT : Emme. Myself, too. SOMEONE YOU COULD KILL : Anyone who hates muggles. DO YOU WANT KIDS? : Maybe someday. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? : To the right person? Yeah. BIGGEST REGRET : Not sleeping in the same room as my brother that night. ( I could have saved him. I should have saved him. ) CAN YOU SEE THESTRALS? : Yes.
PART FIVE. FINISH THIS SENTENCE I AM… : Sleepy. Wishing Emmeline was here. I WISH… : Ice-cream could become a person. MAYBE ONE DAY… : I won’t feel this guilt anymore. SOMETIMES I… : Fall in love in the morning, and out of it by lunch. MY FAVOURITE SUBJECTS ARE… : Herbology. MY LEAST FAVOURITE SUBJECTS ARE… : History of Magic, Divination. IF I COULD DO IT AGAIN, I WOULD… : Save my brother. IF I COULD GO TO A DIFFERENT SCHOOL, I WOULD CHOOSE… : Beauxbatons, not Ilvermorny. IF I COULD CHOOSE A DEATHLY HALLOW, I WOULD CHOOSE… : The Stone. ( Say it like it isn’t a mantra, Dorcas. As though it isn’t something that’s poisoned your dreams since discovering those stories may be based in reality. )
DESCRIBE THEIR AESTHETIC IN THREE WORDS : Sea, daisies, laughter. THEME SONG : Lavender’s Blue ( CINDERELLA SOUNDTRACK - 2015. ) / Sonya Alone ( BRITTAIN ASHFORD - NATASHA, PIERRE & THE GREAT COMET OF 1812 - ORIGINAL BROADWAY CAST RECORDING. ) / Times are Hard for Dreamers (Pop Version) ( PIPPA SOO - AMELIE - ORIGINAL BROADWAY CAST RECORDING. ) TOP FIVE SONGS IN THEIR ( MODERN ) PLAYLIST : You Are Enough - Sleeping at Last, Yellow - Coldplay, When I Kissed the Teacher - ABBA, Breathe - In The Heights, & Paradise - George Ezra. VINE THAT FITS THEM : ( x ) RANDOM HEADCANONS : 1. Dorcas loves deeply. Deeply, deeply, deeply. It’s intrinsic to who she is. She’s protective, maddeningly so, and unable to sit still. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and is a nightmare when it comes to pacing herself. She knows not of patience, or of taking time to breathe. She consists solely of love - a palace built between her ribs of the people that she loves. In this, she is a typical Taurus Hufflepuff. ( x ) 2. Dorcas lost her parents at a very young age. She doesn’t often speak of it - speak about them, about the parents that she lost and the brother that she was unable to save. They were killed in a home burglary turned murder spree when she was six. They’d been meant to go on holiday, but Dorcas had come down with the stomach flu, so they’d foregone the vacation when it spread to Dorcas’s younger sister, Calliope. The only reason that Dorcas survived was that she managed to climb beneath her bed with her younger sister Calliope facing the wall, only her back visible from the opening created by the duvet. She gets stabbed three times, one of those stab wounds narrowly avoiding piercing her spleen and the major abdominal arteries. She still has the scars on her lower back. Callie was uninjured, and she was the one who managed to get to the neighbors house (by climbing out of the window from the second floor and dropping at least eleven feet). Dorcas remembers, mostly, finding out her parents and brother were murdered. The rest of it often feels incredibly foggy. She went through therapy for a number of years before she was discharged from the North West Surrey Mental Health Trust. The nightmares, today, are infrequent, but some nights are worse than others. She often takes a calming draught before she goes to sleep - provided by Madame Pomfrey at the Hospital Wing.  3. Dorcas’s best friend in the universe is Emmeline Vance. They aren’t in the same house, but that doesn’t matter. They met at eleven, on the train to Hogwarts. Dorcas, with brown hair down to her hip, and Emmeline’s hair newly cut into a bob ( her parents had gone wild at her for that one, ) and that was it. The rest, as they say, is History. If you can’t find Dorcas, she’s usually with Emmeline. 60% of her spare time is spent wherever Emmeline is. They’re one another’s great loves. She doesn’t know what she’d be without Emme.  4. Dorcas wants to be a Herbologist or a Healer when she graduates. She’s not sure how likely that plan is to succeed with everything going on - how far she’ll get before she abandons it all to help the people that she wants to help, desperately. As it stands, 40% of her spare time is spent either in the Potions classroom or the Herbology classroom - Potions is a required course for becoming a Healer.  5. If this were a modern AU, Dorcas’d totally be a theater kid. She’d also be that kid that is always making scrapbooks - always half finishing projects, the one that has too many cacti and exotic plants in the corner of her room. She’d keep her phone on her, always, lockscreen always changing. She’d love bands like Little Mix and butcher the Spanish when she tried to sing songs like Despacito.  6. FUTURE: Dorcas manages to live through the Wizarding War ( well, mostly ) without casting the Killing Curse. She’s fast, she’s quick, and she doesn’t stand still. She’s often the one coming careening past the others, ducking beneath their outstretched arms as light - green, red, blue, yellow - is cast against the ground. She Apparates in and out, as though her being there is a mirage. People, injured, bystanders, disappear from where they’d been only seconds before, as soon as her hand secures around anywhere she can grip on. She works with trembling hands, to heal those that she can. Four separate times she manages to Apparate away from under Voldemort’s nose.  The first time is with her arm hooked under Fabian Prewett, his unconscious body bruised and the cut on his arm infected with what she suspects is a modified strain of the venom of the Venomous Tentacula. The second time is with a handful of wands - all belonging to fellow Order members. The third time is with Dedalus Diggle. He’s a handful, that time, splaying limbs, cracking as they twist around. They have a spell maker in their midst but Dorcas is the only one that can sooth the pain, to make it all more bearable while they try and fix it. The fourth time is with Emmeline. Emme’s far too headstrong for her own good, and knows how rare it is that Voldemort himself makes an appearance. Dorcas is the one that breaks Bellatrix’s focus - the Cruciatus curse trained on her best friend, on her Emmeline, flickers when Dorcas passes, a blur of black leather and hair tied up in a bun, bangs hanging low and the light long since dimmed in her eyes. When Emmeline comes to, the pain still ricochets through her bones, and Dorcas is powerless to help. It takes days for the aftershocks to fade. The faintest roar of rage is still heard in Dorcas’s brain. She’s just too slow, in the end, to save herself, although she doesn’t try. She’s not ready, but she is. She’s not happy, but she is. She knew there was only one way this could end. The one incapable of love striking down the one composed entirely of it is the only end that makes sense in a world at war - in a world in which war stories are not one of morals. War stories are made of absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil. It just takes her years to realize. Years to reconcile. Being soft does not make her immune to this. Being alive doesn’t. She is happy, but it is not a happy ending. No - it’s a very sad beginning.
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sunkiri · 6 years ago
Bucky the Babysitter
Description: Steve and Bucky get roped into babysitting Tony’s son, Peter, and they know nothing about taking care of a child. Thank god Clint and Scott are there to guide them. Somewhat.  A/n: I had a specific request for this, so I guess we’ll call it an AU of sorts? Peter is five, and Tony’s biological son. Civil War never happened, and I don’t really like mcu Clint, but it must be done for the father aspect! I hope you like it! 
“It’s only for a night, Bucky.”
“No. No way in hell.”
“He’s five; how much destruction can he really cause?” 
Bucky narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms. “Did you ever listen to yourself speak? Do you not recall when Clint’s kids came over for a week? I had to cut off part of my hair to get out that gum, Tony.” 
“You look so much better with short hair, though.” Tony smirked, going to run a hand through his dark locks. Bucky batted his hand away, glaring. 
“Tell that to Steve.” 
Tony heaved a sigh, holding his hands up in an exasperated gesture. “Please, Buck, it’s one night. You and Steve should be fine. If I didn’t think you could do it, I wouldn’t ask.” 
Bucky still didn’t look convinced as Steve popped his head into the room. “I heard Tony sigh from all the way across the tower. What’d you do now, Buck?”
“Please watch Peter for the night. I have a business meeting in Manhatten for Tower maintenance, but I’ll be back in the morning.” Tony was pleading, his hands clasped in a begging gesture. 
Steve gave him a soft smile. “Sure thing, Tony. We’ve got it under control.”
Bucky let out a strangled noise, turning with wide eyes to Steve. “Excuse me?”
Steve shrugged, glancing around the room to avoid Bucky’s eyes. “It’ll be fine. He’s just a kid.” 
Tony wrapped Steve in a hug. “Thanks, pal. I owe you one.” 
“Anything for Peter.” Steve turned behind him,  his eyes inspecting. “Where is the little guy anyways?” 
“Papa!” A squeaky voice shouted from behind them, the pattering of feet sounding throughout the kitchen. Tony beamed, scooping the little boy into his arms. 
Peter’s chestnut colored hair was always a mess, much like his father’s life. His eyes were always wide and bright; always expressive. He looked like Tony, but some of the pieces to the genetic puzzle were missing. Tony never bothered to find Peter’s biological mother, but he had a few guesses. None of them caring, but then again, Tony hadn’t been very caring in the beginning. 
Now, you wouldn’t be able to tell. Tony did everything for that little boy, along with the other team mates. He was Tony’s whole world, and that was a real achievement in Steve’s book, compared to the drinking that seemed so long ago now. 
Steve smiled, reaching out his hand to ruffle up Peter’s hair. “Hey, kiddo. Buck and I are gonna watch you for the night! How does that sound?” 
“Yay!” Peter’s voice was so sweet and childish that it never failed to make Steve smiled. Unless he was screaming; then that was another story. 
Tony grinned, handing the child over to Steve. Peter weighed barely anything in his grip. Steve had the sudden urge to hug him close to his chest. 
Bucky’s eyes were still wide, staring at the child. Bucky had never been too great with children, and frankly, Steve found it highly amusing. All the times the little kids would run up to him on the streets, looking in awe at his metal arm and begging to touch it. Bucky never knew how to react. He would get flustered, leaning down gingerly, letting the kids run their fingers across the cool metal. 
Bucky always looked so uncomfortable, his awkwardness playing a key role in the affairs. His mouth would twist up in disdain, but his movements were always gentle. Bucky just needed some more experiences with kids, that’s all. 
Peter’s ambient eyes looked up Bucky. The soldier’s demenor changed; becoming stiff and unresponsive. Steve chuckled, nuzzling Peter into his neck. Peter giggled, his focus returning on his uncle. 
“Take care, Tony. We’ve got this under control.” Steve gave him a reassuring nod, and Tony returned it with vigor. 
“See you in the morning, squirt.” Tony pressed a kiss to his child’s forehead, lingering for a moment. Steve knew he didn’t want to leave, but being a billionare was a full time job. So was being a parent. 
The door clicked behind Tony, and Steve glanced down at his nephew. “Alright, kid, you ready to have some real fun?” 
Steve was knocked out on the couch after five minutes of being with Peter. Bucky groaned, watching the kid smash cars into one another. 
Of course Steve’s old man habits would kick in about now. Leaving him with the...thing on the floor. 
Bucky didn’t hate kids. He was a kid once. He just didn’t know how to act around them. He had a hard time hearing them or understanding their babbling. At least Peter was old enough to speak pretty clearly. Five wasn’t a terrible age to be, he guessed. 
He noticed Peter’s wide eyes staring up at him, holding out a car. “Play?” 
Bucky cleared his throat uncomfortably, already picturing the death glare from Tony if he didn’t accept. The damn man wasn’t even here, and he could already hear him whining and complaining. 
“Uh,” Bucky rubbed the back of his neck, silently cursing Steve. “Sure, kid.”
Peter smiled, pushing the little car into his palm. “I gave you the one with the star, because it’s on your arm.” 
Bucky felt a twinge of sadness, but knew Peter only had good intentions. He forced a little smile, twisting the metal between his fingers. He could snap the little toy under his fingers if he so wished. 
“Thanks, Peter.” 
Peter nodded, patting the floor in front of him. “Sit with me, Uncle Bucky!”
That word never failed to tug at Bucky’s heartstrings, though. Yeah, he didn’t know anything about kids, but Peter was sweet. He had to give him that. 
Peter started ramming the cars around, giving encouraging looks to Bucky as if to say, ‘go ahead, you can play too.’ Bucky mindlessly started pushing the car around, feeling stupid. Peter was making car noises under his breath, screeching to mimic the squeal of tires on pavement. 
“I think you’re car is dead, Uncle Bucky.” Peter pouted, looking sadly at the toy in his hand. 
“Huh? Why do you say that?”
“’Cause it’s not making any noises. All of papas cars make noises.” 
Bucky was kind of glad Steve wasn’t awake for this one. The noises stared off quiet, barely a whisper as he moved the car through the carpet. After Peter started up again, Bucky gained a bit more confidence, deciding that it was now or never. 
After a while of making unrealistic car noises and talking about how Clint probably wouldn’t survive this car accident, Peter decided it was time for lunch. 
“I’m hungry.” Peter whined, rubbing his stomach. 
“Hmm,” Bucky stood up, lightly reaching for Peter. “I’m sure I can cook something.” 
Steve, bless his sleepy ass, was still snoring on the couch. He hadn’t woken up once. Bucky wasn’t sure why Peter gave him the title of uncle when he should really be calling Steve his grandpa. 
Bucky sat Peter on the counter, digging through the cupboard. “Mac ‘n cheese?” 
Peter nodded vigorously, bouncing up and down. “Please!” 
Bucky gave a sigh of relief, glad that Peter wasn’t too picky. Mac ‘n cheese was easy, right? Bucky filled up a pot of water, letting it sit on the stove to boil. He decided to check his phone, and Bucky swears it was only for a minute. 
He glanced over at Peter, who seems to have disappeared. Bucky gasps, frantically turning around. “Peter?” He calls, walking into the living room. He finds Peter with a permanent marker, sitting on Steve’s chest and scribbling nonsense all over his face and forearms. 
Bucky can’t the fight the grin at the sight, knowing damn well Steve deserved this for leaving him stuck with babysitting Tony’s kid. 
“Nice work, kid.” Bucky patted Peter’s shoulder. The child beamed up at him, mischief reeling behind those brown eyes. “Mind if I draw something?” 
Bucky decided to take the childish route, drawing a classic penis on his forehead. Peter looked puzzled, tilting his head at the provocative drawing. 
“What’s that?” 
“I’ll tell you when you’re older.”
“It kind of looks like a butterfly.”
“Older, Peter.” 
Peter didn’t protest, though his look of curiosity never left his face. Bucky could hear the water boiling over, so he sprinted to the kitchen to remove it from the burner. After pouring in the noodles, he walked back into the living room to find that Peter had vanished again. 
“Kid? You really have to stop doing this.” Bucky muttered, glancing around frantically. 
He heard laughter from close by, but Peter was no where to be found. He felt someone tap on his shoulder, causing him to glance at the ceiling. 
“Peter?” Bucky’s voice was fleeting, watching the little boy hang upside down from the ceiling, a thin line of web keeping him in place. “Get down from there!” 
“Gotta catch me first!” Peter grinned, quickly crawling away on the ceiling. 
“Steve!” Bucky screamed, his throat raw. “Get your ass up!” 
Loud footsteps echoed in the room. Steve appeared in the doorway, looking flustered and utterly ridiculous with scribbles and a bold penis drawn all over him. “Huh-what is it? What did I miss?”
“Peter’s on the ceiling!”
Steve looked up, his eyes nearly rolling into the back of his head. “What?”
“Use your old man eyes, Steve!” Bucky shouted, running after the child. 
Peter seemed to think of this whole endeavor as a game of chase, as he giggled and crawled away faster than Bucky could blink. 
“That’s not good.” Steve muttered, his voice still heavy with sleep. 
“No shit, punk!” Bucky growled, grabbing at his arm. “Help me get him down!” 
The sight would have looked ridiculous to anyone else, and it was starting to feel that way to Bucky, too. He just wanted some Mac ‘n cheese, dammit. 
Peter’s shirt brushed underneath his fingers. He was almost there and-he was gone. He was snatched up in the vent, screeching and laughing loudly as Clint poked his head out from above. He smirked, raising an eyebrow at the two men. 
“I see babysitting is going well, fellas.” 
“Do you ever stay on the ground like a normal person?” Bucky chided, narrowing his eyes in a hateful glare. 
“Ah, I can already tell this is gonna be good.” Scott appeared from behind them, walking between the superheroes. Clint let Peter fall into Scott’s arms, where he kept him craddled. “You both really don’t know how to take care of a kid, huh?”
Bucky gritted his teeth, his fists clenched at his sides. “Everything was going fine.” 
“Is that why Peter was crawling on the ceiling while you two screamed bloody murder? Oh, by the way, nice tattoos, Steve.” Scott nodded in approval, causing Peter to giggle maniacally. 
“What are you-oh good lord.” Steve frowned down at his arms. Bucky couldn’t wait until he saw the masterpiece on his forehead later. 
“Why don’t we take over from here, boys?” Clint suggested, rolling out from the vent. “I smell something burning.”
“My Mac ‘n cheese!” 
After Clint made them a new pot, Scott helped make sure Peter ate his food. They cleaned him up, played with him a bit more, and soon he was ready for a nap. 
“Can you handle it if he sleeps in here with you?” Scott asked, setting Peter in Bucky’s lap before he could answer. “He’s insisting on being with you.” 
Bucky nodded, running a hand through his soft curls. “Thanks, guys. Even though we had it under control.” 
They both snorted, making sarcastic comments under their breath as they left the room. Peter was breathing heavily, his eyelids already closed as he leaned against Bucky’s chest. 
Steve smiled fondly at the two of them, his eyes glazed over. 
“Maybe we should have kids.”
Bucky blinked. He wanted to say that he defintely wasn’t ready for that, but instead he snarked, “I don’t think you’d make a great dad with a penis on your forehead.”
“Buck, are you kidding me?” Steve stood up, rushing out of the room to wash off the piece of graffitti he had missed. The situation was even funnier because neither Scott or Clint had pointed it out to Steve during lunch. 
“Uncle Bucky?” Peter whispered, his voice hoarse and sleepy. 
“Yeah, kiddo?”
“You’re my favorite superhero.”
Okay, maybe Bucky did want kids. Someday. 
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courage-a-word-of-justice · 7 years ago
Rokhoudou 12 (FINAL) | BnHA 51 | Boueibu HK 12 (FINAL) | Island 1 | Hanebado! 1 | Angolmois 1 | Angels of Death 1 | Harukana Receive 1 | Chio’s School Road 1 | Music Girls 1 | Cells at Work! 1
That’s a lotta debuts...
Rokuhoudou 12 (FINAL)
Ankoro mochi.
Temari seem to be round ball-like candies.
Youkan is a jelly-like sweet. Manjuu are sweet buns.
Tsundere grandpa strikes again, LOL. (There was another one in Saiki Kusuo, come to think of it…)
You can see some of the previous customers in these pans, like Isago.
I think tsundere grandpa said umai (“delicious”) after he was served the tea.
You can see…er, I forgot his name, but chicken tempura guy…dancing around in the background, LOL.
I feel sorry for Isago. He didn’t get much of a word in there…
Can we not with the shaky cam???
The framing of this show is exquisite. Just look at how Yakyou is backlit by the shop, showing how isolated he is in comparison to the warm Rokuhoudou Night inside.
Putting these two brothers side by side and back to back is really something special, symbollically. It shows how they’re equals.
Gure’s got his duck boat coat (happi…?) on.
Gure even has a duck boat shirt!
That one pose when Sui and Tokitaka declare Gure/Tsubaki’s combo to be like a festival…Tsubaki’s got no pupils for comedic effect there, ha.
“It goes down easy.”
Tsubaki…sensei? When did Gure start calling him that? Or is that just a joke name, like Gure does?
Haha, Isago’s face was scary.
Tsunozaki even got Yakyou some osechiryouri! That’s committal to the man!
Sui’s hanging with Kotsuru and her grandpa in the ED. Interesting.
There’s a little rubber duck on the table near Sui.
The lanterns say “Edo” on them.
Sui’s camera is a “Nion”, LOL.
Hey wait a second! This last shot of the guys looking at the night sky is what they normally show in the ED, but it’s in a different style and from the back.
Okay, that’s a wrap! I’d be glad to see another season of this just based on the warm and comfy atmosphere alone…
BnHA 51
Was it just me or was the taxi CGI?
Can we please get Mineta out of this show already???
They animated Mineta with such…er, gusto. Why???
Why is there a rabbit? More importantly, why are the girls wearing Iida’s glasses?
Meanwhile, Bakugo’s just going ZZZ…I think he has the best taste, simply because he chose to ignore the competition, haha. Update: I thought about it and Bakugo was being really nice this episode, surprisingly. Maybe he really is mellowing out!
I don’t really get Tsu’s popularity, but at least I understand her feelings of becoming anxious when everyone disobeyed her request.
Boueibu HK 12 (FINAL)
Sorry, I’m just really mad and disappointed at myself…so if I seem out of sorts and willing to laugh at everything, then that’s why.
“Bing”? Why “bing” and not “oof” or something else?
Uh, subbers? There’s no exclamaton mark on the ep title, y’know?
CGI arrows? Now there’s a usage of CGI I’ve never seen before…Update: They’re actually spears.
Wait, does that mean Zundar, Dadacha and Wombat come from Honyara Land too????
Uncle??? Oh great, more family business. *sigh*
Hey, this soldier-making machine is kind of like the mech…alright, I’ll stop with the comparisons to season 1. It’ll only make me feel bitter.
“You wanna step outside, huh?!” – Uh, Manza? You’re already outside…
“…they project a shadow behind them.”
I love how they’ve managed to retain Kamopapa’s uncertainty in the subs.
Hey, with all the best shows I’m able to see parallels to the themes in weird moments like this one. So seeing Ata relate to Furanui shows how there’s a parallel between Ata/Ryoma/Kyoutarou, Wao/Kamopapa/Karurusu and Kamopapa/Karurusu/Furanui, and I couldn’t see that in previous seasons (either that or it wasn’t there), meaning this show is thematically better than seasons 1 and 2.
Aw, brotherly love…
Admittedly, season 2’s Postcard Memories (that’s apparently what you call the style with a lot of streaks) are the best, so I can see why one measly eyecatch from season 3 can’t compare…this one doesn’t have any streaks on it anyways, so it’s not like it could.
“Stop ducking responsibility!” – Was that a pun on kamo? Or a typo?
Hey, just like season 1. Why is it that people believe upright stalks in tea give you good luck anyway?
Aw, I wanted them to keep tradition with this moment and have Taiju go, “I don’t know.” But no matter, keep watching.
Well, here’s the lyrics to Happy Ready?????! Sing along, friends!
It’s interesting that Ata/Taiju/Maasa’s swords have details on them that match their outfits.
*giggling at how stupid and silly it all is, plus how infectious the song is* But seriously guys, those wands aren’t microphones…
…*surveys the bath shot* Wait, where’s Ata??? Update: He comes in later.
So they’re going to stick with their guns and say that Kamopapa is a duck? I see, I see.
Wait, they flew to the school (in the OP)?! Has that ever happened in the previous episodes?
See, even if Happy Ready????? takes the stage, the OP is the best in the end! Hahaha…sorry, had to rub it in there.
That second-last sentence means something along the lines of “If we could meet again, I’d be happy.” That’s literally speaking, though. They probably stuck “are you happy?” into the ending just to piss people off, though, hahaha…or to admit they got caught up in all the catchiness of Happy Ready…
Anyways, that was (probably, LOL) a better ending than season 1 in regards to story and themes, so that’s just great! Happiness for everyone! See you again someday.
Island 1
I got so unsatisfied by how small the offerings were this season and needed something to keep my mind off a huge annoyance (one I can’t get rid of, you can see me being troubled by it in the Boueibu commentary above) that I know I’ll hate myself for watching this show, but…here we are.
Kid with amnesia. *sigh* Anime trope count: 1.
Robot dogs? That’s so early 2000s.
Ridiculous anime hair. Trope count: 2.
I knew that faceplant was coming because I read up on reviews before starting this (that’s specifically why I thought I was going to hate it), but on the other hand…thank goodness I didn’t have to see his (I already know his name’s Setsuna, so Setsuna’s) junk.
So if Marine Day (Umi no Hi) is celebrated on the 20th (see the calendar in the background of Karen to see what I’m talking about)…it must be July in universe. Just from a quick Google, it might be 2015 or it might be 1875 (see one of the Google results that says when the holiday began)…then again, Marine Day is celebrated on a Monday…
*raises arm to the sky to block sunshine* Trope count: 3. I need a bingo chart for these tropes, man.
This “outsiders must stay away” reminds me of Shiki, which is…uh, not the best comparison, considering what I’m comparing.
The one with the dandelion hair is…meant to be voiced by Hibiku Yamamura, right? I heard she was switched out because her company didn’t want her to voice the girl, which is the only reason I know this show in the first place.
What a lurid angle Karen’s been shot from…you can focus on her *erhem*(whispers “nonexistent balls”) from here.
“…you can punch or kick me to your heart’s content.” - Well, at least Karen avoids bringing up the trope count (by slapping Setsuna).
“…I’m off the hook.” – No need to spell it out, Mr Obvious. I’m grumpy here plus not really enjoying myself, so if you make any false moves you’re in for the drop.
Why are Setsuna’s eyes so small in comparison to everyone else’s anyway?
Well, the song finally got my attention. Congrats, you’ve just won my non-apathy, Island. (sarcastic)
“Cruzeiros” seem to be the currency on the island, huh? By the way, there’s a movie called The Island involving a gory staple gun scene. You might not want to refer to this show as The Island for that reason…
The bear slippers are an odd touch (aka an interesting detail), don’tcha think?
“You’re really rich.” – You don’t say, Mr Obvious?! (That’s strike two. You can do better than that, show!)
The way the mother converses is like the mother from Big Bang Theory, only with less talking…
His bed isn’t even springy, yet he bounces…? What?!
Why are all the main girls we’ve seen so far tsundere???? Why does she (Rinne) have a choker??? Most importantly, why am I using so many question marks???
Turtle apron…I’m not going to judge that, now, am I? It’s actually cute, in a vague sort of manner.
Ugh…tsundere acts are terrible when you’ve had to witness them thrice…
The monologuing…it’s losing me…but what’s a tachyon? Okay, here you go.
*falls over, starts having a nosebleed* That…was a comedy moment, right? Completely lost me…
How did Setsuna get back to Rinne’s house, anyway?
Uh, Rinne? Why aren’t you afraid of sexual predators? Are you really alone on Urashima?
Somehow I anticipated the last part of, “When the light touches me, I’ll die” before it occurred.
Rinne kinda looks like Menma when she’s just in a white dress. Update: I haven’t even watched AnoHana, by the way.
Anyways, that was boring. That’s a drop.
Hanebado 1
Another show I’m going to hate myself for…oh great.
Welp, I’ve read around about the shows on offer and this was one of the more favourable ones. I can see why, because aside from the boob jiggle and random slow mo, it was pretty well-animated.
What’s up with the extra-long ribbon in that girl’s hair, though?
Random yuri moment (on the paper, mentioning the “queen” of something)…? Not what I’m here for, but okay…
Short-haired girl seems to be way too angry. Why so serious?
I don’t have that much badminton knowledge, but I do know YONEX (see bag) is a real badminton brand.
Urgh…those panty shots, boob jiggles etc. are really making me regret watching this. However, there’s a real dynamism to this OP’s visuals that really sparks my interest, which is really saying something.
Apparently “hane” is what you call the shuttlecock in Japanese (aside from the more obvious “shuttle”). Makes sense, as “hane” can also mean “wing”.
“Bad” as in short for “badminton”. Not actually “bad”, y’know?
Strangely, they sexualise Aragaki the least. As if she’s the manliest in the bunch. That’s already true without saying that though, since she’s got the short hair and savagery more typical of a man.
There’s a box where the tilde should be, LOL.
They pretty much make the girls think about either boys or the sport. Can’t girls have more objectives than that? Diversity, people, diversity.
Can we not with the butt shot? Seriously, you can tell this was made by a man with a passion for badminton.
Why don’t we see these girls’ faces? *makes face of confusion*
Seriously??? This is what passes as comedy this season??? “Mistaken for perv”??? Ick.
Huh. For once, Aragaki speaks some sense. Considering what’s been bringing me down since before I watched Island, I completely get that feel, Aragaki. Maybe I’ll watch your show, then, if you can tell me how to feel again.
What’s with these feet shots, though? They’re almost as weird as the fanservice ones…
Hmm…the palpable tension…Alright, this gets another episode. If the fanservice is intolerable, I’m outta here.
Angolmois 1
I read some good stuff about this on ANN. This should be great!
I think I’ll end up liking this OP…and everything else about this show. Just look at that animation!
Wadatsumi…isn’t there a manga named after him? Update: Yes, there is!
Is it just me, or does the show look a bit…grainy?
Teruhi seems kind of like a siren for some reason…hmm…should I be suspicious of her?
Ryuugyuu Palace = Palace of the Dragon King.
ANN (I think it was) said Goryeo = Korea. Not sure which Korea, but…maybe at this stage, it was one unified Korea.
Whoa! Teruhi’s got some sadism behind that smirk…! Wouldn’t want to die by her hand, for sure.
The thing is…I wouldn’t normally support anything involving Mongolians, because most of my expertise comes from China/Japan (both forces who traditionally aren’t that happy with Mongolia…then again, they aren’t very happy with each other, either). However, I can see myself getting behind this for sure now that Teruhi’s shown her hand.
Tsushima Island.
Basically, Kuchii is the equivalent of an Australian convict…just with less water between his homeland and his new land.
Everything in this show looks like a Postcard Memory, geez.
I can see the little night vision boy being like a wakizashi in Touken Ranbu, i.e. a fast one who leads the pack.
Oh dear…just when I was enjoying the show, Teruhi gets captured. Dang. Just what I was waiting for (sarcastic).
Wait, a blonde blue-eyed person using the Gikei style? Wuh? Must be a missionary or someone related to one. Maybe he’s Dutch…?
Is that Gon-oh, never mind. It was Kuchii.
“A message from the ones watching Goryeo.”
At least Kano’s treated like a non-damsel in distress!
Why do I think these Mongolian ships are CGI? I’m not sure myself…
Hey, this title card reminds me of Nobunaga no Shinobi! In fact, the two are pretty similar, it’s just the war that’s different.
Despite my slight misgivings, this is a strong contender for best of the season already! Phew…it could even take out Hinamatsuri…and that’s an interesting prospect, huh? Especially because I don’t have a winter show to take that spot.
Angels of Death 1
I checked up what satsuriku means and apparently it means “slaughter”. So yeah, that’s a perfect translation…not to mention I haven’t read ahead on this show, so anything for it is a surprise.
I thought the OP was going to happen after that titlecard, but nope. Just an OST track…
Why would anyone talk to a typewriter? Sure, it responds to your voice, but…eh, I guess anything happens in a horror show.
Geez, those wall effects are realistic. Just like I’d expect from a game adaption. Now if only I had an adaption of Alice Mare, which I’ve played before…
The effects on the walls remind me of Despera promotion, actually…
Should horror shows and other media teach a consumer the value of life? Or the horrors of humanity? Who knows, maybe both…?
Like dude, don’t wonder if there’s an elevator when there’s a sign right in front of you saying “elevator passage”!
So, uh…what happened to the bird, Rachel?
Wellllllllll…that’s not sketchy at all. Your doctor saying he’s actually your doctor, that is.
I wonder if Rachel’s sewing up of the bird represents her insanity…or her humanity…
(Trigger warning…?) Why does the doctor’s words seem so much…like a paedophile’s?
CGI door…geesh. Why is it I get the feeling Rachel’s being dragged along on a plotline she can’t deviate from?
What’s with this awkward pinning position? Sometimes it’s meant to be sexy, sometimes it’s meant to be horrific, but this…with the doctor’s tongue hanging out, it looks kind of dumb and takes you out of the show.
Aw, c’mon. The slicing of the head was enough, you didn’t need to add blood rain to it…
“I’m a grown-ass man, you know.” – For some reason, I found that line funny.
That’s a lot of blood splattered on the walls…maybe too much for a human…? I’m not a medical specialist, don’t ask me.
Hmm…I don’t know about this one yet. In mystery terms, it’s better than Island – it does pull twists off very well, simply because I can’t really see them coming. However, as a horror, there are a few eyebrow raises involved. It’s good enough to keep for now, but it’s probably going to get lost in the rabble later on.
Harukana Receive 1
Ooh no, I’m going to hate myself for this…I’m only watching this for my resolutions and the fact all the good stuff debuts late! You understand???
Is it just me, or are all the shows getting English titles on their titlecards from day 1 these days? It was the same with Satsuriku no Tenshi…
I’m already zoning out of this episode a tonne, and that’s just the plane zooming overhead to establish the setting!
I don’t get the green edge of Haruka’s eyes (note I read up on this show with the ANN preview guide beforehand). I mean, why is it green???
Wait, in the airport it’s only women. C’mon, that’s just unrealistic. Not to mention there’s a bit of emphasis on how Haruka’s…tatas…move, which is vaguely annoying.
Sorry, but there are some reallllllly ugly CGI cars in the background that distract me a lot. It’s pulling me out of the show.
All the girls so far have had green-edged eyes, but this one’s got red…
Oof…that sun…that sand…I can smell the beach already. At least that’s a pro of this show.
And…boob jiggles. One last strike and I’m kickin’ you out, show!
Why are all anime turtles called Kamekichi? I mean, Touken Ranbu’s Urashima’s turtle is also called Kamekichi…
Narumi (red-edge) actually has purple eye edges. My bad.
I thought the ball was going to hit Haruka, just for comedy. At least I was wrong…
There’s something really CGI and round about the ball. There was this beach volleyball game I remember seeing someone play, and the ball looked exactly like that.
There’s something vaguely annoying about Haruka’s enthusiasm. For the show, it’s nice for the sake of moving plot (and “plot”)…but I find it a bit grating.
Narumi reminds me of Ahagon (Umiko) in New Game.
Why do I feel like I’ve heard the “we don’t need aces” spiel before? (Not just because I read about it a few days ago, too.)
Geesh, more boob jiggle.
Is it just me, or do Kanata and Narumi look similar when there’s a closeup on them?
Oh yeah, protip. Mikasa is an actual provider of volleyballs. Not just an Attack on Titan reference.
They were clearly trying to go for comedy with the lines and stuff. I learnt from Acchi Kocchi that if I’m not impressed with a comedic moment time and time again, it’s likely the show will fail on me.
Wait, these girls are cousins, right? This is edging into yuri right here…eesh.
There’s something oddly realistic about the sand. I’m not sure whether to be happy about that or not.
What was up with the slow-mo??? Urgh, it frustrated me!
Actually, Narumi is kind of like Hifumi from New Game as well…quiet and unable to stop others from pushing her around most of the time.
Nothing came up on Google about inamuduchi. Update: Oh, it was because I typed its name wrong. Fixed it!
Rasmus…Faber? The guy who attracted me to Asterisk War??? He’s here??? That’s it! That’s the last straw! Every show he’s assigned to is terrible for me, and this is no exception!
(Trigger warning) Lemme guess…Kanata’s parents died and so she couldn’t play anymore.
Turns out Mikasa (the volleyball guys I was talking about earlier) helped out with this show too. No wonder it seems true to life…but that Kamekichi joke was terrible. Terrible, I tell you.
See? I did hate myself for that! Urgh!
Update: That was Haruka’s mother??? I thought that was her older sister???
Chio’s School Road 1
Why…do I get such a bad feeling about this show???
Tsuugakuro literally means “commute to school road”, so thank goodness I don’t have to deal with that mouthful.
What’s with the boob jiggle this season??? That’s why I passed on this show initially! Also, are those really bad graphics…intentional?
Alright, because this OP ends with a man’s fly being down, I’m going to stop it right there. I could do without that in my life…
…Alright, Plyasm talked me into properly watching this one. If I hate it again, it’s his fault.
…(exasperated tone) Dude. I like the gamer girl trope, but not the boob jiggle. The heck am I meant to think???
As much as I can relate to not wanting to be pointed out in order to not stand out, I feel like that’s just there to make an objective of the endgame. I don’t know why I think that, I just do.
The kitty is very fluffy at least.
How is Chio not slipping as she runs across the rooftops???
For a second, I thought the bird was trembling in mid-air! That’s just impossible…y’know?
Huh? I don’t get the yellow monkey joke…and that’s not a name pun either. It’s just a random statement made from exaggeration with no basis in the language! My enemy when it comes to jokes!
Okay, when even side characters have bouncing balloons under their shirts, I. Just. Don’t. Get it.
Panty shots…the only thing worse than boob shots.
Assassins don’t help people, though…
The reaction faces…aren’t even as good as Mahou Shoujo Ore’s, c’mon. They’re just…kinda there. They aren’t even memeable.
Samejima Gakuen…enjo kousai (compensated dating)…? *giggles a bit properly for the first time this episode*
Is it just me, or do the teacher’s eyes not match? One’s blue and the other’s…brown? I don’t know.
It’s the start of the second segment in the first episode…and I can see this premise wearing thin already…
Why do the little men on the crossing signals have hats, anyway?
*sigh* Another panty shot…
I think the spinning made me dizzy…it was probably done like this to maximise laughter, but it sure didn’t make me laugh.
Ouch, wouldn’t want to be on the end of that kendo practice sword…and he hasn’t even hit anyone with it…
I thought…she was going to say “thank you”…that would’ve at least gone for the feels. I just feel vaguely disappointed, y’know?
With that, it’s another drop…but I can’t really complain to Ply either because I didn’t entirely hate it, either…Maybe if I understood the gaming references I could understand it better, but it’s a flop nonetheless.
Music Girls 1
Oh dear…as soon as I went in, I immediately got a feeling of “I will suffer from this, won’t I?”
Girl, c’mon. You’re at least 2 years too old to be playing with dolls.
Wait, are we welcoming Japan or are we being welcomed to Japan? Dangit, English!
Kotoko looks like obvious comic relief, you can tell from the face alone.
Roro looks like she’s 10! Heck, what is her deal?
I feel like all of the show’s production budget went into animating that one sequence with the cows. That was just an imagination sequence, people!
Wow, suddenly you’ve caught my attention, show. Just by having the pigtailed girl’s hair go up when she was surprised.
Hey. Wasn’t Mr Ikehashi suffering from salt in the eyes? Shouldn’t he have cried it out more than that? Why didn’t anyone clean up the salt afterwards? It’s questions like these you need to answer, show.
The background characters in this show look terrible, by the way.
*sees a loving pan of the girl (Hanako), starting from her boobs and stopping near her mouth* Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy…I’m really regretting the decision to watch this now.
Why is it that the shows this season look so good, but they’re so trash under the surface, trying to break through??? (referencing a Coldplay song)
Didn’t you guys notice the name “King Records” in the opening credits? When that plane was there? Okay, well, now you know. “Pine Records” isn’t the most blatant of shout-outs, but the spirit of it is still kind of there.
You don’t get the candy-stripes of the girls’ outfits in this show? I don’t, either.
Hey…you’re kidding, right? 2D animation! Not even Idolish7 did that to the max! You really have my interest now!
That girl’s counting in English wasn’t bad. At least not enough to require subbing.
This eyecatch…makes this girl look like an extreme loli…
“That’s why you know the steps.”
I can see the blueprints for the shipping now – Uori x Kiri…(sarcastic)
Wait, so when did Hanako listen to On Stage Life anyway???
Why do they colour the whole girl in with luminscent blush? It’s kind of weird…
Why haven’t Hanako’s parents actually gone looking for her???...Oh, spoke too soon.
CITIZEN clocks are an actual thing, haha.
How does Ikehashi know Sachi???
Oh dear…well, at least her singing was enough to surprise me.
Have you noticed most of the Music Girls’ fans are male??? No, all of them are! Aside from Hanako, that is.
I just know I’m not going to memorise these girls’ names at all…
Okay, if this doesn’t have a card game to go with it sooner or later…then you can have as many digital cookies as you want.
Strangely…I had a much better impression of this than I thought I would. It’s better than some of the other shows simply by being mostly devoid of fanservice, anyway, although there is a loli in there…I think her name was Roro.
Cells at Work! 1
Yay, finally something I was looking forward to! It’s been a few years since I did biology classes, but I’ll give it a shot!
Ohmygosh, LOL. I still remember that dendrites look like trees…or aliens.
Aren’t white blood cells a little bit yellow due to the plasma they have…?
“Another blunder!” doesn’t quite equal “Machigaemashita!”, but it does work in context.
I never thought I’d say this…but I can see why Red Blood Cell is considered moe. Endearing, but not too annoying! Plus just a hint of cute.
Oh yeah…platelets. I forgot about those guys.
The Helper T Cell looks like Kazuma from Noragami! Wahaha!
To quote Web MD: “The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis.” That’s why the killer T cells are being threatened with being chucked into the spleen.
Thank goodness they explain all this stuff, like hemolysis. I’d probably be lost otherwise…I probably did learn it all those years ago though.
Capillaries are meant to be small veins, right? No wonder RBC is getting all confused…there must be tonnes of them in a body.
Huh? *has to suppress laughter* Even RBCs have senpais, LOL!
That RBC doodle on the door is so cute~!
Why does this pneumococcus keep announcing what he’s going to do anyway? He keeps losing the element of surprise, man.
Mucosa. Also apparently called “mucous membrane”, which is a term I’m a lot more familiar with.
The pneumococcus was CGI in his bubble for a second there…
Oh, it’s been a while since I saw the term “eosinophil”. Apparently, it’s a kind of WBC.
Oh…dear. I think I remember reading once that your average sneeze is 2G (as in, this G). So if you ever thought your sneeze was powerful, now you know. *cue The More You Know GIF*
I think I ship it already, the unrequited love of a WBC and an RBC. Also, WBC is probably going to be bae of the season, even though he’s…well, a WBC. And a muscleman.
I’m not quite sure what gas the RBC has in the ED, but I think it might be CO2…
Ooh, definite keeper!
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zenithgurugirl · 4 years ago
Truth pt. 2
My mother since birth has sabotaged my life existence. Anything inspirational as kid that I have done, she did not support. As a child you have the tendency to impress your parent by joining spelling bee's, sports, art stuff, etc... You become social and make friends and become a part of your friends circle (clicks, subculture, etc...).
Okay, so the first thing I do as a child (because I did not go to preschool and probably should have to learn social friendly skills) I tried to play house with the other children. This did not work out well. The kids had the mommy and the daddy thing already picked out and they already picked out their kids (in Kindergarten we had this huge area with sections of play houses set up, it was awesome! Little fridges, ovens, bunk beds, table and chairs, all sorts of plastic foods and plates. It was loads of fun for most little kids okay.)
I was scouted out as a maid. We had picked babysitters and even played out granny and grampy but No... I was maid. I cleaned up the kitchens and made the beds. I cooked and vacuumed, swept and mopped. I did not have a place to go so I switched out into different play house families. I was honed out to be alone. The little girls had "mommy" meetings and the "dads" went to work. I went from play house to play house cleaning shit up.
At home I had a very large play house of my own as a little girl with a big doll house to match. Not from my mother but from one of the guys she dated. He was really amazing for building those two things for me. I was grateful that this guy (out of many many men she dated) even noticed my lonely existence. From age newborn to 5 I had no sibling to play with and no friends. My mother usually put me in the middle of the living room with toys and did her thing (what ever her thing was idk to this day.... I was too busy being imaginative in my own world in my head.) This wonderful man graced her life and felt sympathy for me. So I would come home and hang out the rest of the day in my very own neat organized play house.
Put this to real life perspective in a humorous way....
I might have been the fucking maid at school and neglected as a kid at home BUT I HAD A BAD ASS PLACE ALL MY OWN haha! Make me a maid - I got me a pad all my own, I did not have to share it with anyone! Take that Kindergarten!
I had an imaginary friend named Johnny. He was older than me and smelled like the river that ran behind our rented house. Yes he was wet, all the time, but never dripped water anywhere except outside near the bridge. Don't ask....
Anyway. During the time of the maid play crap at school; I did artwork. I would color on the huge pads of paper. I took advantage of the little book shelf littered with books and read every one of them. I'd get real bored and I screwed up by doing all the packets that were labelled with my name near the teachers desk. Oh she didn't like that because I went ahead and did all the work available for Kindergarten. It had my name on it and I was bored.... what did she expect?
Which reminds me; I was really good at reading and writing before the age of 3. I didn't talk until I was in Kindergarten - by choice. I didn't want to talk. I learned how to talk at age 1 and stopped at age 2 because I was traumatized by my cousins. So, I stopped talking and took up reading and writing. I was able to write paragraphs at age 4 and reading college books. No joke! Its not a bragging thing here. It was survival. I was alone, bored, and neglected by a parent.
In first grade I wrote a book for show and tell. It was called "Monsters". The rest of my Kindergarten year was artwork and going with the 5th graders to a reading circle while the other students did their packets LMAO! 5th graders were confused by my presence at first but then soon realized I was smart and began picking on me. So, in first grade I wrote my first story. MONSTERS. I even illustrated it with monsters. Okay, this didn't end well with the teacher all horrified about my well being and talking to my mom who beat the shit out of me when I got home. In first grade I ended up in the 7th graders reading circle as my 1st grade class mates did their reading circle. I was being influenced by the older kids who were picking on me.
I'm a parent today. I embrace and encourage my daughters decisions and goals. I even help her by purchasing whatever it is that she enjoys. She liked making music so I bought all sorts of crap so she can proceed with that. She likes painting and drawing so I bought art stuff of all kinds. Anything to reach whatever goal or dream she has; I support, encourage, and do with her.
Unlike my mother who beat the crap out of me for writing a book and freaking out the class. Funny thing is, she watched me write it and illustrate it at the dining room table. She kept calling me strange and weird but let me do it. Then beat the shit out of me ???? Thanks for the great support! What she should have done is redirect me, talk to me, and help me with it so it wouldn't be so shocking at Show and Tell. Thanks mom for your abuse, it was the best!
I kept writing. Any attention is great at this age, even if it was abusive attention. I wanted to become a writer. This was now my dream, my goal, my ultimate place in life. I would write books. I would read dictionaries and encyclopedias and all the research books that I can cram inside my big imaginative mind and make stories.
I was and still am continually sick (Marfan Syndrome). My mom did move around a lot. She had many boyfriends. Most of them never liked me because I was "weird". She invented a scenario of me that I was slow and retarded. This probably saved me from molestation since most of the assholes she dated were drug users and criminals and abusive and creepy. She claims today that she never did drugs but I'm well passed the age of naïve - if your friends and boyfriends are using YOU ARE TOO using with them. I was too involved with my lined paper and pencils and books to pay any attention to her bullshit life. I had bad grades except for my reading and English classes.
When we moved back to her childhood town; my play house was destroyed and my doll house ended up with my Aunt who hated little girls. I stopped school all together pretty much. I did good in 3rd grade but had 4th grade twice because the teacher of 4th grade could not stand that I was able to read and understand what her huge grading book was all about. Not sure if anyone out there knows what I am talking about - those huge grade books with all the answers and how to teach a class certain subjects in the book .... well, I read the whole thing and knew that she was doing it all wrong. WOW I got held back a year for being too smart for my own good. She told my mother that I was immature and needed more socially exceptional things in order to pass her stupid class.
She got a new teachers book the next year and locked it in her desk. She also had me sit in the far back so that I couldn't read the big teachers book while she instructed students. Oh lets not forget that she also took me out of college level reading and comprehension studies to Kindergarten reading and writing. Bitch. Like that was going to stop me from pursuing my dreams. I quite school. Basically slacked off anything she had to teach. 5th grade came and that teacher adored me. He let me read and write anything I wanted. The kids (my younger peers from my flunked grade) were jealous and tried everything to ruin my life. I hated them and they naturally hated me. I was in the library most the time during my second year of 4th grade and 5th grade. Read every book on the shelf and learned how to work the computer.
Fights every day after school during the second time around in 4th grade and 5th. I learned how to kick ass and give black eyes. I was bullied most my life so I learned how to fight back. I was even slapped around by a teacher! So, yep I think that kids should be able to fist fight. I think adults today should just go out and fight it out with boxing gloves. It does help. All this anti-bully crap has these kids today stupid soft to even the slightest gesture. OH HE TOUCHED ME! Yeah, he did touch you. At least he didn't fucking smack you around and call you curse words. Be thankful you little wimp!
My mother got married when I was in 5th grade to some wealthy asshole. He treated her like shit and me too. I was not allowed to have any books in my room and I couldn't have any paper or pens or pencils in there either. I had a television, black and white. No radios no desk no nothing. I had to get rid of my dolls. Basically; grow the fuck up. He molested me from day one until I was twenty.
Oh I tried leaving the home. A thousands times did I try to flee. I ran away all over the place. Now, normally a young teenager runs away to a friends house or to a boyfriend. I had neither. Sometimes one would run off to a relative. Yeah, I done fucked myself there too. My family hated me. Thanks to my mother, my grandma and grandpa - my aunts and uncles - my cousins - they believed whatever my mom had to say about me and most the time it was not good. She told them things like - I was a pathological liar, a thief, mentally retarded and rebellious, etc.... whatever she deemed good for her to keep me home. Crazy bitch.
I learned to be social all right. First place to run off to was San Francisco. I slept in the bus depot. I learned how to pan handle. I made friends with homeless and hung out with them learning life skills. You'd be surprised what life skills you learn from the homeless. Much respect for them out there! Sure I got sexually harassed maybe even sexually assaulted and raped. Shit happens and I learned from it. I learned to wear secure clothing and don't fucking flirt. Don't talk to everyone and keep to yourself. Discernment and gut feelings - yep I learned this. I learned to be alert and when it was okay to relax. I learned the value of life. I saw shit that would make one of these spoiled SJW people scream SATAN IS HERE lol! I see this bullshit today and just shake my head in shame about our society.
My mom she would have people find me and drag my ass home. I wasn't doing drugs, I wasn't hoeing around and hooking it, I wasn't being a bad citizen in society. I'd always land a job and a place to stay out there. I gave good advice and was actually influencing good things to those around me. I was kind and caring and anyone who was helping me - in return - I helped them. But she would drag my ass back to her home with that molester. I signed up for modelling and that was short lived. I signed up for fashion design at an art school, paid my tuition and got dragged back home and had to drop out. She wanted me with her. Any boyfriend I had ended up sleeping with her or she'd tell them I'm retarded and they'd dump me immediately.
I ran so far away as to end up in New York. I ran off to Canada. I ran off to Mexico. No money. No car. Just a thumb for a ride and a backpack. She would find me and get someone to drag my ass back here to this county. I bought my first home in Oregon. Had to sell it after a year because she threatened me with her suicide attempt. Family blamed me for it and I wasn't even here!!!!! How can a person blame another if the other was not even around her depression. I never talked to her for a year. So she goes depressed to the point of suicide because I didn't talk to her and was living my 23 year old life out with a full time job, a newly bought house (not a rental), a car that was paid off and raising a kitten.
I was forced home by family members and threatened. I came back because my half brothers packed up my house with a moving van and had their wives beat the crap out of me. I wasn't going to come back. I had sell my house, my car, lost my job (worked in a craft store), and lost most of my belongings thanks to half brothers and their evil wives.
I rebelled as much as possible and became the monster they thought me to be OH YEAH! Started drinking, smoking weed, pill popping, partying, stole my moms car, and ran up the cell phone bill and any other bill she had to pay. Then I stole her money and spent it too! By this time I was 25/26 years old. I did try to run off a few other times but my half brothers would travel across the states and bring me right back to mother. She was divorced when I was 20 years old. My half brothers thought of me as a shit ass retarded girl. My mom began gender shaming me. I did end up gay for a while because she wanted a boy not a girl.
I'm super straight as they call it today. The gay thing was a phase. I can't keep a boyfriend ever or get married. My mom will scare them out of my life even today she does that shit. Oh and she moved in with me after I bought a trailer in the trailer park. The family tells me "She will be homeless if you kick her out so think about that when you decide to be nasty with her again. You will be blamed for her homelessness if you kick her out of your home!" OUCH!!!!!
Do I hate my mom? Yes.
I have many reasons to hate her. I learned to distance myself from any love and can walk away cold and shallow from any relationship. I have no heart for actual love now. Thanks to her I have learned this. Never get attached to anyone or anything. I can walk away from this life and not feel a thing for it. To me, it was a waste of time and energy. My existence is a total waste and time of energy.
Happy Mothers Day......
Actually; I love my daughter and her boyfriend. I have a motherly (my own kind of mommy) to her best friend and her boyfriend. They are my true family. If something happened to them I would be weeping and feeling pain over it. I had a half sister who was my best friend in my 20's who ended up as a best friend and I love her too. She passed away 3 years ago and I still cry over the loss of her. So not all is waste of time and energy. I did learn how to correctly love my little family despite what my mother has done to me. I still hate her. I live with her or rather she lives with me. Her sick joke is to tell people "My daughter and I are married" ..... No. Just no.
Someday I am going to publish my novels. Every one of them. I'm going to move away and have several places that only my little family knows about (my daughter, her best friend, and their boyfriends - because they seen first hand how my mother is) and I will build my mother a home of her own - a gift from me. But my homes are not anywhere near her home and no one can drag my ass to her house because after all - I gave her my life - 40+ years of it.
I just feel wasted away though. I missed out on all sorts of stuff that I am seeing with my daughter. I didn't want to live here in a trailer park. But when you have a mother or parent that leeches off you spiritually, mentally, and physically - your time and effort mean nothing. I had money but it was spent on her bullshit. Right now today she complains that she has no money blah blah - yet 6k sits in her bank account while I pay 300 dollars on bills and 850 dollars on rent with a 600 dollar paycheck. I'm in debt. She doesn't help and if I ask for her help she usually says "I don't have money to help you".
I don't ask by the way. I know what comes out of her mouth with the HELP ME question. 6k in her bank though. She can pay bills for the next 3 months at least. Give me a breather. Or let me move in an ex boyfriend who wants to help me and is pissed off at her for digging me into further debt. She likes me suffering and struggling. If I am happy she gets all sorts of angry. No joke! She's 74 years old and still gets up in my mug if I even act on being happy.
So yep. I have vented it all out.
My plan; to own multiple escape area places and never tell her where I went. When she dies to collect the house I had built for her and leave joyfully and to never visit her graveside EVER!!!!!!!!
Happy Mothers Day!
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fmdxjerome · 7 years ago
hello people from old and new! naomi is back in action with her son jerome. i’ve been stuck in my sisters house for the last weeks of my absence because she went on vacation and i had to take care of a sick rabbit who peed everywhere. i might have a disease now at the amount he bit me but what can you do. im joking. you might ask “but naomi doesnt your sister have wifi” yes she do but i’m an anxious wreck so spending my days on a first floor apartment  with my sister on the other side of the world w an infected foot had me fucke d upppp boiii but now i’m back in my own home and my sister + her boyfriend are safely home!! foot all fine!! and everyone is calm again!! so!! i can return with a good heart. i’ll be sliding in the dms of the people who bear emoticon’ed me 600 years ago and bc i suck w introducing myself to new people i’ll just hi!!!!! i think when i wake up i’m gonna do a “bio reading” marathon as i write bc i need to appreciate. also shit i need more threads wow i suck might see me replying to some open starters and def need to get back to plotting bc there are some people i’ve been dying to thread with ;^;
its like 6am now so i might b heading 2 bed now but under the cut there will be a reintroduction to jerome (one i promised in januari i believe) as im rewriting his bio (no major things change really its just minor things nd its time for an upgrade) so yes! hello (ims will come tomorrow as well ;3;)
also fact. mullet daddy jaebum is jerome rn dont drag him dont @ him its gone before you know it. probs after idolized its a look tho wow i love- a chic farmer (... the short bangs are tragic tho jerome honey i kno u liked them on wren but ur not wren. jerome: but i- me: no. this this not this jerome: :( ok fine me: fuego 
anyway before i pass out here is reintroduction. the triggers are; adoption, racism themes??? like yeah ok!! apologize if this is shit. hope everyone is having a good day though you all are great!
Jerome Gauthier aka Yuddy
-Anti idol
-Has an okay reputation but that’s because he’s smart about things.
-BC eyeing him tho *eyes fake friends with good reputation for him to hang out with* (hmu for fake friend plots. funny the person w the best rep of all actually likes jerome. bless jisoos christ. guess that praying on knees worked out in the end huh jerome. /dont/ sainthood is waiting)
-Talented™. (ask him to write songs for you) (Actually have a few songs in my library i want him to write but not sing so *eyes*)
-Passionate as fuck don’t mess with him in the studio (passionate all over tbh)
-Adopted and in search of his bloodlines
-Hoe but not really
-Actually, scrap that. Nicknames him JerHOEme
-Is actually lovely
-But acts like a shit
-Slips up and is soft to people sometimes before being a complete and utter asshole the next second
-bc soft jerome whOMST i only know deMON
-Suave Fuckboy who’s nonchalant about everything
-Will call you baby at some point in your life
-Signature smirk
-Egotistic???? Narcissistic??? a lil bit don’t stroke his ego
-Secretive™. not much info on his time in france
-Secretly a dad without children (except for his actual biological son insoo aka chorizo sausage who he goes to play ball with- i mean work on songs in the studio. seriously catch him picking up his son from soccer practice i mean shit no i mean- ok insoo is really his son dont fight me on this.)
-And also has a daughter an Oriental shorthair cat called Edith who he is so soft with he kicks out girls to cuddle with her. (one meow and he’s home)
- we support WISH hating jerome in this household. please people who have girls in WISH dont let them like him (or be a rebel and go against the mothers wishes but you’ve been warned)
-Dont let him get in your pants too like ask wren you dont want that (or i mean with the list of kinks i peeped maybe idk who am i to say what your muse wants or does not want idk im just protecting people from satan)
-Unlikely he’ll get in any pants now anyway tho bc he a proud shopper at papa juliens pizza and y’all some other brand type ish domino lookin asses NAH *throws hands up* rome’s in the house (no but guys. this is his soulmate THIS IS HIM. dISgUStiNG- )
-In 2016 interview took him out of context and it looks like he hates all idol rappers but is not true. He just doesn’t like companies making rap out to be like this thing you can do if you’re pretty and you can’t sing and he doesn’t like it when said pretty idols know nothing of it. he gets the grind but will side eye (benjy nd jerome already have a rivalry bc of this shit thank u interviewer)
-Dating scandals?? EHH. He almost had one with a Japanese model called Momo in the beginning of his career but BC did well of spinning them as friends and he legit had one with his ex last october which?????????? shit she touched his *spoiler* and it was *spoiler* . BC about to ban him from fashion shows damn. yoonah and him have to go to paris fashion week quick
-BC has yet to force him into a relationship tho. but damn he gonna be angry when that ever happens yoo. 
-Studied to become a cinematographer. Now is annoying as fuck during recording MV’s bc he butts into everything (BUT thats why his his mvs so AESTHETIC. eye for beauty bois)
-Holler at ya boi if you want a nice mv he’s involved like that
-Also to the girls who have been in an MV with Jerome.. know he probably flirted with you between takes bc during he’s grade a professionalism but he still a ho
-Actual catlady no questions asked (he feeds stray cats and gets cut up by edith when she smells other cats on him rip)
-Actual wife material no questions asked (to quote the great Halit Yilmaz during that time Jerome stood in the kitchen for hours making baklava and other Turkish treats for Halit’s Eid al-Fitr: “Shit, Jerome if you were a girl i’d marry you in a heartbeat.” and its true. we would ALL marry jerome. who says no is lying. )
-Ok the ego thing btw its weird its an act but hes weird about it dont ask
idk what else to write ok short rundown of his bio as again i’m writing a new one and i cringe every time i look at my old one. im probs forgetting a lot but EYO ITS 6AM WHO CARES
CHILDHOOD age 0 to 10
-Born to a single mom who got fucked over by a smash nd dash dad. (we side eye Ok Chanwook in this household.)
-Moms family discouraged her from taking care of him herself so putting up for adoption it is.
-Very emotional not ok mom boram cry a lot pls. (got v angry too like boi if she ever sees chanwook again he can change his name to no dick larry)
-Adopted by a French couple called Lucas and Daphné (previously named Annelies). pretty kool peeps
-JK racist assholes who fetishize jerome a lot. PLEASE. the yellow fever runs deep. take him away from them,
-Raised in a small town in France and knew 0 Asians growing up. so thats nice
-Loves his adoptive grandpa to death tho (who’s he named after u3u)
-Actually hates the rest lol
-Ok uncle Rémy pretty cool bc he laughs at teen!Jerome shit talking his parents and aunt Camille. She a sweety ;3; a bit odd but a sweety #stanauntCamille
-Basically the people on the Gauthier side and born from Jerome and Clemintine are ok, the rest is shit (except for his dad Lucas. He a Gauthier but he shit)
-Junior/Senior relationship w granpda ;3; “Pépé!!” “Junior!!” *tiny jerome swings around grandpa’s neck* LOVE
-Grandma passed when he was 9. (he loved her very much and would always show her his drawings on her bed ;-;)
-Hard time adjusting at first when he was a tiny toddler. had a lisp talking french. ;3; baby rome
-young jerome had a bad case of the abandonment issues he literally held onto his dads leg for like 30 minutes before the teacher finally peeled him away from him. my smol boi
-Elephants. remember this. is important. /sob
-TLDR; biological mom didnt want to loose him. adoptive parents and dad are fucks. grandpa is kool. jerome had a good childhood until he didnt. thank u ignorance
TEEN YEARS age 10 to 20
-middle school very nice
-kids are mean. teens are mean. young!jerome v lonely
-honestly he had no friends. except for like maybe this one kid on his sport called mattheo but he kinda a weeb so uhhhh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-the time comes that he feels uncomfortable with everything korean. he already learned korean along side french and english when he was growing up but now distances himself from further learning. he clings to french culture a lot and even to this day he refers to himself as french and european, and rarely refers to himself as korean or asian.
-feels disconnected from both though. its like.. his parents took his korean culture away from him by using it for their own amusement. it was not his to have basically. and french- a lot of people around him give the vibe he’s not “allowed” to call himself fully french. they see him as korean, korean-french but never just french. he feels very misunderstood. lack of identity and just not fitting in
-around this time (or earlier i’m musing still) his cousin Antonin (moms side) kind of fell out on him. like. wow. not good. fucked jerome up a lil. (issues intensify)
-inferiority complex inbound/ is he ok? no he isnt. he starts writing to get his emotions out.
-Blessed Freddy rolled in teen jerome’s life like: guess we need to do history homework together jerome: aren’t you gonna make a ‘do my homework bc you’re asian’ joke freddy: why would i jerome:
Tumblr media
-they bond over music, freddy is the one who gets him serious about getting into it (we thank our lord freddy for this gift of life we call singer/songwriter jerome. pray to freddy 10 times a day *srry jisoos christ but ur out*)
-literally young jerome would be a great soundcloud artist in this day and age. he was like joji meets rei brown with more of an rnb tinge. he liked ambient because it calmed him.
-in his old bio thats still up bc im a slow writer his old name was some dumb shit like l.only DUMB its romeles now (get it.. jeROME LESlie gauthier. im smart)
-had a big ass fall out with his parents when he was around 15? was like “UHHH FUCK Y’ALL” and moved in with his grandpa (he was very disrespectful like damn boy but you know what. i support)
-best decision of his life because grandpa v lonely after his wife died and Jerome^2 is… so soft.
-Jerome dancing/singing to old tunes and being engrossed with old movies
-Learning how to cook ;3;
-I mean bc his middle and highschool were in Laval he spend a lot of his time w his grandpa already so he already had a bed and ;-; #jerome^2
-Halit rolls into his life. Braces, huge smile, lil prepubescent stash ohmygod. My child.
-BLANC is born. Freddy/Jerome/Halit’s musical trio. Stan the Three Musketeers
-Found his first best friend and a purpose in Freddy. Found a home in Halit. (sob)
-Finds solace in rnb and hiphop. People start noticing him because of it. Writes songs and performs them in café’s. Found his niche. 15 to 19 where his “best”  years
-THE BIG MOVE. After a concerned halit mom, a proud freddy mom and a “WHAT THE FUCK JEROME NO DONT GO” jerome mom they pack their bags and PARIS HERE WE COME
-Enter ex who haunts his life, Seo Yumi aka Marie (now model, v pretty, makes me cry)
-Spots her in the summer doing yoga in the park and boi he an assman so he got fucked up (jk he saw her face and was like wHAT love at first sight
-enrolls in film school, meets her there again and wow falls in love hard like wow calm down boy
-Dating~~~v possessive not good at ALL cALM DOWN JEROME
-ok he got his issues nd marie was the first one who openly listened to his problems and understood and made him appreciate his korean heritige bc she’s korean and showed him cultural aspects without the gross fetishizing that came with his parents and he just- he got intense ok. he already got a v intense personality so- still not good tho he needs to dial it down
-she thought so too and like after a year she was !!!! what the fuck. she is not one for serious relationships but jerome was like ehhh why not in the beginning its v nice to hear nd be seen as the most beautiful ok but then it got suffocating but instead of breaking up with him she kept him around. he a safe haven ya know. reliable. someone to built on later. *i wanna say she also didnt break up w him because his emo stories but marie,,, eh...* (funny tho like she got a thing for bad boys so she just “this is the fifth time you called me beautiful just degrade me lil like choke me idk” and jerome just “w-why would i do that you’re beautiful i dont want to hurt you” ah *looks into the future* ohhowthetableshaveturned.mp4 )
-Marie cheated on him the second she got the chance which was when jerome went to america w his bros
-Got offered a job as a songwriter when in ny. Wouldnt think he’d take it but after getting kicked out of school for beating the shit out of the guy marie cheated on him with and with marie out of the picture nothing held him back from starting a new life.
-TLDR; emo era. silver era. emo era 2 emo harder
ADULTHOOD age 20 to now
-Seoul make way for the rise of YUDDY™
-the name yuddy is from the film days of being wild. the character is kinda yuddy-ish too so he saw the film again and yep. thats my name
-Visits his orphanage. they like “nah boi u aint got no papers boi”
-Parents can give him access to his birthmother btw, aren’t doing it lol
-Drinks. Sleeps around. Gets a reputation. You kno how it is. (gr8 ride tho. highly recommend. 5 out of 5 stars on yelp)
-SMASH ND DASH. Chanwook is that u??????
-One girl who he got with multiple times reminded him of Marie tho and that fucked him up for a bit (PSST ITS A PLOT WINK SO IF YA GIRL OF AGE IN THE 2013′S HMU BC ITS DRAMATIC HE GHOSTED THE SHIT OUT OF HER)
-Writes a lot of songs, a few for BC (knight baes). BC like *eye emoji* who dat boi who him iz
-Gets sign w BCreate and is like eyy life pretty good
-but lmao he debut and oh who’s that pretty girl promoting that lipstick?? oh.. its marie ;3;
-Joins main label and literally joins w a blessing stream limbo on spotify
-wgm era was a great era of jerome lmty his hair was great, shared cute personal things, manager was happy, slept with his best friend, was married to a sweet beautiful girl ya know the good stuff  👍 no im not crying you are
-triple fantasy era was awful we dont talk about that he looked like his brother and i’m still emotional about him wow. 
-instagram is a great song
-Interviewer: u mention an ex in ur song tell me more Jerome: *SWEATS*  
-Marie: my short hair DOES look pretty thank u babe ur red hair was cute too <3<3
-The fact she linked to him now is spook
-But ok he still flirty, still daring, still yuddy™ but definitely less of the whole “sleeping around” thing now bc he… he uhh closetoyou.mp3
TLDR; he turned into his dad but romeo is rising AND HE IS SCARED!!!!!
also never forget jerome is the messiest king in this ok non y’all are as messy as him. he fucked his ex’s friend oK THERE IS NOTHING MORE MESSY. dONT COME FOR HIS CROWN
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everythingjonsa · 7 years ago
Can you write a long, dramatic fiction in s8 about Jon as Jon who is in love(!)with Daenerys in the beginning,having sex with Sansa while he was drunk and doesn't fell anything for her (yet) and then Sansa becomes pregnant and he wants the baby as his and Daenerys' baby but Sansa doesn't give her son to him .
LOL!! I’m not good at writing fiction but for your sake I’m going to give this a try with a modern au twist. 
“EDD, you’ve not yet sent me this bookstore lady’s name and details..” Jon Snow, barked into his mobile phone irritably “How am I supposed to convince the lady to sell her store to me, if I don’t even know her name?” 
EDD mumbled something about messaging him the details and Jon cut the phone as he entered the store with a huff. The store was bigger than he’d expected it to be. As Jon looked around, he realized that the book shop was so tastefully decorated that he almost felt bad that he was going to have to arm twist the owner into selling the shop to him. But he knew it had to be done. He had bought all the three blocks adjacent to this shop for his new Hotel project and he needed to buy this store because it was facing the road and occupied a prime position. He was going to have to offer this woman a deal she couldn’t refuse. 
Jon straightened the jacket of his steel gray suit and ran his hand over his curls which were tightly secured in a man bun of sorts. Jon pretended to look through the collection of books until Sam sent him all the details. He paused when he saw the Harry Potter series and a sense of nostalgia washed over him. He picked up the first book in the series, Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone and many memories that were kept hidden on purpose, threatened to come back to him. 
“Why do you like Harry Potter?”
Jon was so taken aback by the sudden small voice that seemed to come out of nowhere that he almost dropped the book he was holding. A girl of probably four or five was staring up at him with icy blue eyes from a little pink chair that she was sitting on. Jon cleared his throat and looked around to see if the parent of the child was around but it looked like the child was sitting there all by herself. So Jon grabbed a bean bag that was lying nearby and sat down next to the little girl. 
“I like Harry Potter, because it’s the story of an ordinary boy doing extraordinary things!” Jon replied almost tempted to extremely tempted to ruffle the girl’s curly mop of black hair which looked so much like his when he was a child. 
“What is extraordinary?” The girl asked with a slight pout that reminded him so much of a girl he once knew. 
“Well the dictionary meaning of ….” Jon started to say but caught himself when he realised to whom he was trying to explain this to. He smiled slightly as he saw the little angel’s pout change into a brood, which looked pretty much like his own childhood broody pictures. He remembered Catelyn Stark’s words. “You brood too much, Jon Snow” He crossed his arms and leaned forward slightly. “Well, extraordinary means when you do something that no one thinks you could’ve ever done.”
The little girl’s brain seemed to process this information. She imitated Jon’s stance folding her hands and leaning towards him. “Have you done anything extraordinary?” 
Jon wondered how he was going to answer her question. He had started from scratch with the Angel investment Ned Stark had made in his company six years ago. He had taken his hotel business venture to new heights. Forbes magazine had listed him under one of the top hundred successful young entrepreneurs in the world. He cleared his throat. “I’ve built a few hotels.. ummm… so I guess, I’ve done a few extraordinary things” He replied to the girl who was watching him with great concentration, not knowing how to answer her. 
“My uncle can turn me into an airplane and make me fly!” The girl stated with obvious pride in her uncle’s skills and Jon instantly broke into a grin. “I think that’s very extraordinary.” continued the little girl. 
“And what about your Dad?” Jon asked without giving a second thought but knew he had made a mistake when her face fell. 
“I don’t have a Daddy.” the girl looked like she was close to tears. “Mummy says she’ll tell me about him when I’m older” Then her face lifted a bit “But I have three uncles, four Aunts and Grandma and Grandpa and six cousins. We’re a big family.” Her face fell a little again “But sometimes I wish I could call Uncle Robb “Daddy” just like Sarah and Ben do.”
The mention of an ‘Uncle Robb’ did various things to Jon’s heart which he was not willing to explore at the moment. He’d lost touch with the only family that was truly ever his because of one single mistake that he had unknowingly committed. But he’d always sent Christmas cards to their family home but never got a single one from them. Five years had gone by and he missed them every single day. He never had a father, just like this little girl and his heart went out to her. His palm automatically went to cup her cheek. 
“What’s your name, darling?” 
He asked her wondering if it was strange that he thought he could see so much resemblance between her and his childhood photos. It had to be the hair, he told himself. All kids with a dark mop of curly hair look similar.   
“Lyanna ” said the girl and Jon had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. The girl cheerfully continued “But you can call me Lya. That’s what Mummy and everyone in my family call me. I’m named after my grandmother.” 
Jon heaved a sigh of relief. The girl’s grandmother was called Lyanna. It had nothing to do with his mother’s name. The girl said she had a grandpa and a grandma. His mother was long dead. Jon smiled at the girl. “So what does your Grandpa call your Grandma, if both of you have the same names.”
“He calls her Cat!” Lyanna looked at Jon incredulously as though he was thick-headed or something and Jon felt like all his breath was sucked out of his lungs but Lyanna continued talking. “My Grandma is called Catelyn, my ‘grandmother’ is called Lyanna and no one gets confused because Grandma Lyanna is in heaven. She doesn’t come to visit us.”
Jon was now gritting his teeth to keep the anger that was exploding inside him under check. There was still a good possibility that he was over thinking this. “So, you have an Uncle Robb, an Aunt Arya, an Uncle Bran, an Uncle Rickon, a Grandpa Ned and a grandma Cat?”
Lyanna looked at him suspiciously, “How do you know all their names?” She asked him frowning down at him looking very similar to her mother, he suspected. Just then his phone beeped. EDD had sent him a message. 
“Her name is Sansa Stark. She’s 27, unmarried and a single parent.”
Jon kept staring at his phone unable to move a muscle aware that the little girl next to him probably thought he was mad and it was not going to earn him a first good impression if he was what he thought he was to her. So he smiled and sweetly asked her the last question that he thought was necessary. “How old are you, Love?”
“I’m four.” She asked inching her chair away from him and he instantly regretted the coolness of his voice. The math unfortunately fit perfectly in his calculations and once again Jon felt like he was being hurled down a cliff. 
His phone beeped again and brought him out of his trance. EDD had sent him another message.
“Ummm… Is this ‘your’ Sansa Stark?”
Jon shut his eyes in an attempt to get a reign over the various emotions that were raging within him. EDD sent him another message and this time he practically growled but he read it anyway. 
“You’re so fucked buddy”
Hope you enjoyed reading this!! I’m sorry if it was Blah!!!
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vehlika-pelican · 8 years ago
#Little Demon the Second Coming of Lavernius au - Master Chief finds out Long post maybe and im on mobile and can't do a read-more so you are WARNED: right so I'm a total spaz and forgot the most important supporting tidbit of the sangheili's misunderstanding of Tucker and Master Chief's relation: John-117 leads Spartan II Blue Team. Tucker is on Blue Team. and the sangheili are like oh these poor mammals think blue and green are the same (meanwhile reds are all the same to these dumb mandible-faces). anyways, they ask Tucker and he's like "yeah im on Blue Team, i've been a member for most of my adult life" but they don't get that Bloodgulch Blue Team and Spartan II Blue Team are very different entities so the Demon's Blue Team must logically be Little Demon's Blue Team !!!! and when coupled with their belief in family wearing matching colors dark green MC, and light (blue-ish) green Tucker MUST be related. so they think its like when theres both an adult's table and a kid's table at thanksgiving where the younger, lower ranking family members are in their area and the respectable, superior family members are in theirs but they are all ultimate seated within the same house. and imagine what'll happen as the Spartans come to discover this and it isn't at a proper debrief or whatever some Elite goes up to Master Chief and is like "i assure you, your hatchlings are well-cared for and growing impressively" or whatever and everyone on the UNSC Infinity is like "what." and some guy is like "the Spartans lay eggs?!" but no one corrects him and its a whole fiasco but the sangheili is just thinking "they make so much noise. the condition of the Demon's younglings must truly be of great concern." but John is just. "my..hatchlings?" and the sangheili just thinks he's choked up in worry right so he says, "yes! the oldest came to Sangheilios and has been trained by the Arbiter and the greatest warriors he has selected himself! and your grandchildren show much promise as well." Blue Team's like ???? but Frederick says "con...gratulations?" just in case and John goes "what do you mean? i don't have any... hatchlings?" but the sangheili thinks oh he must be an uncle or somesuch- YOU'RE NOT HELPING YOURSELF JOHN- and talks about Tucker and his very sangheili son and all the little hatchlings being kept safe on the colony world and Captain Lasky has to corale a bunch of towering Spartan IIs and aliens and intelligence people into a conference room like a herd of wild Cortanas in order to get this straight. and that's how Master Chief learns that the UNSC has been exploiting a misunderstanding in order to help interspecies relations and woops i guess you have a family now boss man but don't worry Tucker knows and we've had him playing along, don't worry he's pissed too (and we used him as part of a fucked up AI project but they say that part under their breath bcuz this man has gone rogue for AI) but he's out there liberating a colony from an oppressive regime and no he isn't available right now but- What Halsey tooketh, the UNSC giveth...back? returneth? (his family) so. the sangheili- goddamn it, Thel- developed a theory like a spark and let it burn down the whole planet. well, it can't be helped now because its been too long and we might hurt their feelings and we don't need anymore glassings, John, so get onboard please and thank you. but in the rush to clear this up with Chief and his Blue Team, the ship's crew has taken to this like just as much kindling (humans are THE gossips) and woops who knew Chief was sewing his wild oats all over the galaxy. #thotChief (i kinda regret this but not really) so ONI has to disclose some things about P. Freelancer because John refuses to do anything without as much intel as possible. so the sangheili think he had A Kid and that kid was chosen by heretics to be a savior, this poor guy was impregnated with an alien embryo and gave birth, yes he survived, but he got to Sangheilios before we got our hands on your "grandchild" and now they're too high profile to touch (Tucker must be a shrewd and clever bastard). Thel'Vadam accidentally started the rumor but it was a perfect way to smooth negotiations with them so Tucker's an official ambassador and we get access to all the things now and we're not very sorry. Master Chief just sighs and accepts his fate because peace is important and it's too established and will they ever stop fucking with his personal life? but Blue Team teases him by calling him "grandpa/gramps" "i didnt know you and the Arbiter were so close, John. when's the ceremony?" and "do you have pictures in your wallet" "you are mighty spry for a granddad." and then they learn about how many people are involved and John supposedly and really has to live with like 200 grandkids on Chorus and Son Tucker and Daughter-In-Law Carolina and Daughter-In-Law Kimball (kimbalina without Tucker involved with either one but the sangheili are poly as a species and they don't understand. they think Tuckalina happened and why would adults limit themselves to a single partner thats not good for genetic diversity although they REALLY dont get that Carolinas vagina ISNT a tennis ball machine regardless and they've lost all hope in explaining this shit) so he's got enough supposed grandkids to have several sport's teams or fill a small stadium and the teasing becomes "how was the soccer match? did you root for your grandkids or for your grandkids?" "how many minivans did you have to hitch together?" and its. fucking annoying. because he doesn't know any of these people and even if he did, John doesn't know how to have a family (aside from his team). but he has no choice now. Master Chief has to meet his "son". Meet this other Blue Team. Punch Thel a few times probably. and having a family isnt all that terrible. imma go hide now. blacklist "vehl's headcannons" if you dont want to keep seeing my stuff.
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spoiled-batgirl · 8 years ago
Alice in Gunpowder chapter 2
Fandom: Red Hood/Batman, DC comics Au: Alice in wonderland, dad!Jason Warnings: child PTSD, mental illness, violence, strong language Word count: 2459 Father Hood After two years Alice had gone into the witness protection program. Bruce helped put them on the list, but honestly, little girls with the attention of an entire Gotham gang? It took a day and a half to get the process finished. Jason's adoptive father was very helpful in making sure it was the best of the best care because gods help the man that let Bruce Wayne's first grandchild get hurt, adopted with hatred of him or not. Being someone's dad changed Jason so quick that Roy and Dick had started calling him Father Hood on patrol. Something that gave them black eyes but they seemed to think the pun was worth it. Alice depended on him, loved him, and respected and trusted him like no one else ever had. She fixed his relationship with Bruce because he didn't sleep for a week because holy shit how do you take care of a child with PTSD and homicidal tendencies? Well, that is Bruce Wayne's speciality. He gave him a stack of single father parenting books, children psychology books, and a bunch of books on how to deal with monster children that he must have gotten when Damian came to live with him. He laughed until he cried, Bruce trying to defend his son until he caved in and laughed too. Jason felt like he did when he first came to the manor and got his hands on the library. Bruce was surprised and pleased and them and Alfred would spend hours talking about Shakespeare. He felt like he had a dad again. Even if he hadn't avenged him, Dick and Alfred have said he came damn close to killing the joker. But that's just what the sick bastard wanted. So he locked him up to let the Joker's own mind torture him, and Jason came to understand that man seeks death. He seeks it every time he puts others in pain, to make them want to end his in return. Jason was happy the bastard was being torn apart by his own mind in Arkham, he would keep his sanity. Alice had started therapy once the protection system was secured. She had seen some really nasty shit no child should ever have to see. Jason had just been alone from day one, but like Bruce and Dick, Alice had seen her own family killed. That helped with her therapy, Dick quickly becoming her favorite uncle. He remembered his older brother becoming very quickly attached. "You know, the first brother should have kids first." Dick had said, as they watched Alice run around an aquarium. "What are you saying? You want her?" Jason said, surprised at the seriousness in Dick's tone. "She faced something much more violent when her parents died, but like me she saw her parents die. Maybe it'd be good for her." Dick said, sympathy in his voice. "She can't stay with Bruce, not with Damian there. He's too territorial." "And she hates them. Well, she's warming up to Bruce, but she still doesn't like Damian. Damian loves you though, wouldn't he feel betrayed?" Jason asked, Dick looking back to him. Jason looked at his brother, "Dick, thanks, but no thanks. Alice grew up in a violent environment and I can relate to that. Mob member's daughter is a far cry from street urchin but were still of the same kind." "Why don't we ask her?" Dick asked, his eyebrows knit in his anxiety. Jason nodded and his stomach knotted. He didn't want to lose the kid, but Dick would be the perfect Dad. Jason was just the one who found her. "Alice, sweetie, I wanna ask you something." Dick said once Alice had returned to tell them she had seen Nemo. "What is it?" She asked, Dick kneeling in front of her. "Do you want to come live with me?" He asked. She stared at him in shocked confusion. "What do you mean?" She asked, her seriousness too strong for a nine-year old. "I mean you can move to my ho--" "No!" Alice cried, flinging herself into Jason's arms. "No!" She started sobbing, which was rare for Alice. It shocked Dick into rejected silence. Jason stroked her hair and hushed her, families giving them odd looks. He glared back at the judgmental mothers and spoke to Alice, "baby, I'm not trying to get rid of you. But you and uncle Dick went through similar experiences and his job is safer. We thought maybe you wanted to." Alice hugged him tight. "No. I don't care, I know what you do, daddy, I know what grandpa and uncle Dick do. I'm not stupid. I don't care, I'm proud of you. And you keep me safe and your fun and I love uncle Dick but I love you more." She whispered softly. Jason smiled and dug a tissue out of his jacket pocket. Another thing he started doing after Alice came along; tissues, wet cloths, hand sanitizer and band-aids in his jacket pockets. One time he put a band-aid on killer croc after a job out of habit. KC sent him a basket of muffins later, the poor guy had zero social experience and had no idea what to do. Roy and Dick found it hilarious. Jason was just kinda sad n they asked him if he was going to go all "father hood" on KC too. They still laughed with bruised jaws. He wiped Alice's nose and face and soothed her as they headed to the exit. Dick bought her a stuffed otter and kneeled again to apologize. She hugged him. "It's okay, uncle D, I still love you but you'd have to live with me and daddy because I'm not leaving. Also I don't wanna deal with Damian." She said. They laughed. "You're going to have to get used to him, sweetie." Dick chuckled. "Yeah, I'm used to him being a rude poopyhead." Alice said as they walked out the store, her new toy in her arms. Dick surrendered with a chuckle. Today is Alice's tenth birthday. They were at the manor, the little blonde girl trotting after Bruce who, after therapy, gifts, and rides in the batmobile, Alice thought was like a real life king. Bruce, still guilty over being connected to her parents death and completely in love with his first grandchild, didn't mind her company at all. Unfortunately, that lead to Damian becoming jealous of the girl stealing his father's attention, and the unfair treatment between them. After all, grandchildren get spoiled and the children don't. What made it unfair was Damian was her uncle but only two years older than her. But Bruce made him be mature anyways. Jason found a rare instinct to defend his little brother, Alice didn't need to be spoiled or training was going to be too hard for her. Alice, Damian and Bruce could be seen in the garden from the kitchen. Bruce and Alice were sitting with a picture book, trying to identify the flowers while Damian was playing with Titus and bat-cow. Alfred and Jason watched from inside as the man got the off chance to relax with everyone else outside. "Oh, it appears master Damian has made a singing flowers joke," Alfred said as Alice tossed her book and jumped over Bruce in a back handspring move, using her grandpa's shoulder to do it. They cracked the window. "Looks like her gymnastics lessons are paying off." Jason said. Alice landed on her feet and elbowed Damian in the neck, kicking his knees out. Bruce picked her up kicking and screaming as Damian smirked. "I'll shove you down a rabbit hole, jerkface! Make another wonderland joke!" She yelled at the twelve year old. "I would but you're so mad it wouldn't HATTER." He said. She broke out of Bruce's hold and punched Damian in the nose. He clutched his face and swore in Arabic. Bruce scolded them and and dragged them inside. "It's not correct to say but I'm impressed with Alice's spirit, master Jason." Alfred said, getting up to get the first aid kit. Jason chuckled, "Thanks, Al." Bruce and the kids made it to the kitchen, Alice silently crying and Damian wordlessly going to get his nose treated by Alfred. She hugged Jason and he gathered her onto his lap, checking her hand. "Does it hurt?" He asked, soothing her. She shook her head, "thumb was out, my knuckles are fine. if it hurt the jerk would have a broken nose." Jason hugged her and wiped her tears. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I hate him," she said, monotone. "Damian?" He asked. "No, the mad hatter." She whispered. Jason nodded. Alice wiped her face and hugged Jason again, "thank you for getting me away from him." "Of course, baby," he stroked her blonde fluffy curls. The Hatter was in a high security prison. He sent Alice letters and gifts that were Alice in wonderland related for weeks after Jason adopted her. They had him arrested within a month, but things related to the story still triggered violence in Alice. Damian walked in sulking with a tissue in his nose to stop the bleeding and a small bandaid covering a cut from the punch on the bridge of his nose. "I apologize for joking about something that reminds you of a difficult time." He said, stiffly. Alice burrowed her face into Jason's neck. "At least you're trying to joke like a human, Demon. It's okay, but don't think I won't punch you again if you talk about it." She said looking at Damian, her voice strong. Jason swelled with pride at his little badass girl. Damian nodded, "That's fair.. Alice." He locked eyes with Bruce. Damian rarely used people's last names. He picked on Alice. Which meant Damian has a crush on his adopted niece. Jason hoped Damian's puppy love wouldn't lead to anything awkward. He begrudgingly let Alice leave the room with him as Alfred announced he was ready to start setting up for her birthday party. Alice followed Damian out of the kitchen, Alfred the cat walking by her as he purred. She cooed at the cat as they headed to the entertainment room. They sat with Alfred the cat and Titus on the floor. She decided to put what Damian said behind her and hold him to his word to not joke about wonderland anymore. Alfred the cat curled up in her lap. She looked up at the portraits, Wayne men and women, recognizing her dad and uncles and aunts and grandpa and great-grandpa in the paintings and photos. She looked at a portrait with herself in it, as it was the biggest and centered portrait. Grandpapa Alfred was in the center, Alice and Damian on either side as Grandpa and Dad stood by him. Her dad was behind her, uncle Tim by him. Damian was in front of Grandpa Bruce and uncle Dick by him. Aunt Steph stood in front of Uncle Tim, Aunt Babs in front of uncle Dick and Aunt Cass in front of Alfred. Alice wore a pretty pink dress with black ankle boots. Her blonde hair was stark against the dark clothes of the people around her. "You stand out," Damian said, apparently looking at the picture too. "Do you think I'll ever fit in?" She asked. He laughed, "once you got on a bat symbol? Easily." Alice smiled at him wide, "Thanks, Dami," He flustered to her confusion and she shrugged and played with the cat on her lap. As people started to roll in, Alice left Damian's side on the floor. She sat with her aunt Steph and Cass and Uncle Tim. Damian sat with uncle Dick and Aunt babs on the other couch. She talked with Cass about how her Ballet lessons were going. "You're turning the big double digits, Ali, know what that means?" Uncle Tim said. "I start officially training!" Alice squealed. "You're probably working with Jason, I doubt he'd let you be a Robin. I wonder what you'll be, sweetie." Uncle Dick said. Alice shrugged. "Pink hood?" They laughed and migrated to the dining room for Alice's party. Everything was pink and yellow. Alice squealed, the table had bouquets of yellow and pink roses down a lace soft pink table cloth. Pastel yellow and pink balloons tied to the chair at the end. Alice ran and hugged her grandpapa Alfie, thanking him for everything. She hugged and thanked her Dad and grandpa Bruce too. She sat in the balloon decorated chair and smiled excitedly, kicking her feet in the air. They ate dinner and opened gifts. An outfit and book from Aunt and Uncle Steph and Tim, A teddy bear ballerina from Aunt Cass, a tool kit and iron knuckled fingerless gloves from Aunt and Uncle Babs and Dick, a golden locket from grandpa bruce that had her parents and Jason in it. She put it on right away, wiping away a tear and hugging her grandpa. "Thank you so much," she whispered. "Anything, honey," he whispered holding his grandchild tight. They heard a bark and turned to see Damian walking in with a large box. Jason came to them and smiled as Damian opened up the box. Alice gasped at the sight of an Australian Sheppard puppy sitting in the box with a pastel pink ribbon tied around her neck. She picked up the puppy and cuddled her. "Thank you!" She squealed. Damian kissed her cheek and stood away with his hands behind his back in a flustered manor. "No problem," he said his ears flushing. Alice smiled cluelessly. "What're you going to name her, baby?" Her dad asked. She hummed and looked at the multi-colored puppy. "Aurora," she smiled at Jason. He nodded. He picked Alice and Aurora up and sat down in her ballon decorated seat. Alfred lit the candles and Alice looked down at the cake. "Starling," she said. Her dad hugged her and put another box on the table. She opened it to see a black and dark blue suit, a bat in silver on a short sleeved shirt with black pants with a dark blue stripe on the sides. It was made of flexible fabric and a black leather jacket that matched the gloves uncle dick had given her. Black boots with silver stars and a simple domino mask. Two silver pistols laid in dark blue over the shoulders holsters. She put the suit down and hugged her dad. "Thank you, daddy!" She grinned. He gave a solemn look to the rest of the family who looked melancholy. But what choice did a daughter of an ex-mafia have? She already was killer with guns. "No problem, baby."
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