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maryedenmacdonalds · 6 years ago
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is that DEMET ÖZDEMIR wearing that GRYFFINDOR scarf ? no, it appears to be MARY MACDONALD who happens to be a SEVENTH year and a HALF-BLOOD !! SHE is CISFEMALE, and i heard they’re PASSIONATE and BRAVE, but might also seem GULLIBLE and IMPULSIVE. they appear to be leaning towards the side of the ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, but this is a conversation we should be having somewhere else.
Mary has always been a lover of nature, especially flowers.Transfiguration is her favorite subject next to charms and she has been highly interested in it ever since her first lesson.
She tries to be tough, as tough as one can be, but she’s deeply afraid of losing her friends, even just losing them after Hogwarts and having to part ways with them, so she’s all for using this last year as if it were her last. Even Mary herself acknowledges how clingy she’s become over the past few days before her sixth year ended, but she’s trying her best to stay as positive as she can be.
Not a conventional troublemaker as a child, she’s now looking up to Hogwart’s most mischievous students as if she could learn something from them, even if it’s just how to have a good time.
She openly challenges herself to a new adventure each day, hoping to spend her last few days at Hogwarts with making as many different memories as possible, which possibly gets her into some trouble or dangerous situations, something she almost longs for.
Despite her attempts to be somewhat of a thrill-seeker, Mary MacDonald is generally known as a passionate, optimistic and thoughtful person who has been bullied before but has stood up for herself and her friends in various situations despite the possible backlash.  
After Hogwarts she’s hoping to find a job within the Ministry Of Magic or become a Professor for Charms.
Basic Information
Full Name: Mary Eden MacDonald
Nickname(s): Mar-Mar, MacDonald
Age: Seventeen
Date of Birth: December 12th
Hometown: York, England
Current Location: Hogwarts School Of Wizardry And Witchcraft, Scotland
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: English (her ancestors are Turkish wizards)
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: atheistic
Political Affiliation: does the Order count?
Occupation: Student
Living Arrangements: Gryffindor Girl Dormitory (roommates needed)
Language(s) Spoken: English, some Latin, some words in Turkish
Accent: British English
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Demet Özdemir
Hair Colour: Brunette 
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Height: 1,63 m
Weight: 55 kg
Build: slim
Tattoos: none
Piercings: earlobes
Clothing Style: Gryffindor uniform, dresses, skirts, blouses, lots of jewelry if she’s allowed to
Usual Expression: smiling, her eyes are constantly wandering around and analyze everything she can see, almost as if she’s constantly in awe of her luck.
Distinguishing Characteristics: her passion and ability to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and still trying to make the best out of it.
Physical Ailments: none
Neurological Conditions: none
Allergies: fish allergy
Sleeping Habits: she sleeps as much as possible, but, really, what is “as much as possible?” she’s a teenager doing her best at school and likes to be around her friends. I’d say a solid six hours, irregular and sometimes quite uncomfortable.
Eating Habits: she loves to feast, alright. Mary enjoys the large feasts each day and rarely just sticks to the salad.
Exercise Habits: she plays Quidditch every other day, so there’s some exercise in her life, though not as much as she wants
Emotional Stability: 6 out of 10
Sociability: extroverted, wants to befriend others rather than treat them as enemies first
Body Temperature: hot-natured
Addictions: butterbeer and chocolate
Drug Use: no
Alcohol Use: no
Label: The Phoenix
Positive Traits: Passionate, brave, compassionate, decisive, energetic
Negative Traits: gullible, impulsive, unpredictable, flirtatious, clingy
Goals/Desires: graduate with decent grades, survive whatever hell is currently in the making, to remain close to her friends, marry
Fears: death, war, heights, never seeing her family again, losing her friends after Hogwarts, never being good enough, bullies
Hobbies: being a troublemaker, enjoying life to its fullest, playing Quidditch, hanging out with her friends, surprisingly studying if there’s really nothing else to do.
Habits: pushing her hair back, sighing loudly, tensing her jaw.
Weather: Sunny Summer day
Colour: red, silver and lilac
Music: pop and classical music
Movies: no preferences  
Sport: Quidditch
Beverage: Butterbeer
Food: Sticky Toffee Pudding
Animal: Cats
Father: Christoph MacDonald, Muggleborn, 45 years old, Auror
Mother: Miranda MacDonald, Halfblood, 40 years old, Cursebreaker
Sibling(s): none
Children: none
Pet(s): a long-haired white cat named Morgan
Family’s Financial Status: not wealthy, but not bad either
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius -- Curious and energetic, Sagittarius is one of the biggest travelers among all zodiac signs. Their open mind and philosophical view motivates them to wander around the world in search of the meaning of life.Sagittarius is extrovert, optimistic and enthusiastic, and likes changes. Sagittarius-born are able to transform their thoughts into concrete actions and they will do anything to achieve their goals.
MBTI: ESFP --  Performers are the life of the party wherever they go. They are happy-go-lucky people who inspire others to never take life too seriously. They are fun-loving, playful, caring, and kind. They are always looking for the next opportunity to enjoy themselves and entertain others. They make up 8.5% of the population.
Enneagram: Type Four -- The Romantic
Temperament: Sanguine
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Primary Vice: Lust
Primary Virtue: Kindness
Element: Fire
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withcringflowcrs-blog · 6 years ago
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  - ̗̀ ❛  ——  is that 𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑛 wearing that 𝑔𝑟𝑦𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑟 scarf ? no, it appears to be 𝑙𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑠 who happens to be a 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡ℎ year and 𝑚𝑢𝑔𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛 !! 𝑠ℎ𝑒 is 𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑓𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒, and i heard they’re 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 and 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑦, but might also seem 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛 and 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑘𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠. they appear to be leaning towards the side of 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑥, but this is a conversation we should be having somewhere else. 
hi, meet my disaster bi daughter who hides how much of a disaster she is and once nearly fell off of the astronomy tower because she was smoking and heard a noise, and pondered yeeting herself.
let’s get started, shall we?
i’ll be posting a lil kind of bio and some stats later, so this is mostly just a collection of rambles, please enjoy !!
a massive disaster? in general? great for giving people advice, very mature and pondered and will help you get out of any trouble ever - has no idea how to practice what she preaches. it’s a genuine problem, and it causes her to internalize some mad anxiety. that anxiety makes her smoke, and bite her nails - if you see her biting her actual thumb, she’s about to explode. run.
has a temper but not the  ‘ i’ll eat your head off ‘  kind, she’s mostly just very proud, and very stubborn - she’ll back down if she’s wrong, but you have to give her the best arguments in the history of arguments. most times, she ends up winning arguments bc she exhausts the other person. has no problem apologizing, though - if she wrongs you for some reason, she’s running t apologize.
her mother passed away during christmas break of her fifth year, her father passed away may of sixth. it’s? hard. she was very close to her parents, her father especially and losing them shook her deeply. it did, however, give her an outlook on life she didn’t have before. she now realizes that life is short and you have to live it, truly and completely live it. it’s somehow made her a happier person.
her relationship with her sister is hanging by the world’s thinnest thread, so much so that she ended up spending the whole of last august at remus’ - a big argument ended with lily storming out of petunia’s house and she has no real plans of ever going back. it kills her, but she’s determined to show her sister that she won’t tolerate her attitude.
never says no to a challenge, or a bet. loves firewhiskey, and whiskey - more of a hard liquor girl than beer or any other alcoholic drink. should probably stop smoking. loves dancing more than anything, whether she’s any decent is... subjective. a big fan of innuendos and sly humour, all v eyebrow wiggling but she only shows that side of herself to people she considers friends. loves football, loves quidditch - plans on trying out for the gryffindor team this year. mostly just wants to make the most out of her last year at hogwarts.
very much a toucher? she likes human contact, even if it’s just resting a hand on someone’s arm or a quick hug, will drape herself on people if she loves them.
allergic to dust, thinks butterflies shouldn’t be trusted - they have really weird faces.
would die for all of you.
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wormtales-archive · 6 years ago
if the marauders were anything like yall i understand why peter joined the death eaters KIDDING ILY & I’M SO EXCITED TO BE HERE anyways i’ve been playing peter for uh five yrs now ? he my problematic fave son.
— is that TARJEI SANDVIK MOE wearing that GRYFFINDOR scarf ? no, it appears to be PETER PETTIGREW who happens to be a SEVENTH year and a HALFBLOOD !! HE is CISMALE, and i heard they’re INTUITIVE and FACETIOUS, but might also seem FOOLHARDY and SELF-DOUBTING. they appear to be leaning towards the side of the ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, but this is a conversation we should be having somewhere else.
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pinterest board
aesthetic: laughter breaking the stillness of a suburban summer night, coughing on whiskey and cigarettes, running a restless hand through messy blond hair, the soft ticking of a grandfather clock, bruised knuckles stuffed in the pockets of scuffed jeans. the golden rays of the late afternoon sun. quick glances seeking approval, a cheeky grin once it’s been earned. dog eared comic books in a cardboard box under your bed, feet dangling over the edge of the roof, staring down the stars, wanting to be a hero but not quite knowing how.
PETER PETTIGREW. born in sheffield, england to a muggle father and a magical mother. he lived in a small brick house with old fashioned furniture. his family has always been catholic so he dressed up and went to church every sunday. he was an only child, and it showed – his parents adored him and coddled him from the moment he was born.
perhaps because of this, or perhaps because he was a wizard, he didn’t really click with the muggle kids in his neighbourhood. he was more a mama’s boy, helping his mother dust and vacuum and fold the laundry and set the table for supper every day. his parents were worried that he wasn’t a very social child, and that he wouldn’t make many friends at hogwarts. they even considered holding him back a year, but ultimately decided against it.
but lo and behold, when he went to hogwarts he made friends! remus, sirius and james to be specific. and it was gr8 and they brought out this whole other side of him that he’d never shown before
this mischievous, snarky boy who’ll “yes ma’am” and “no ma’am” your mum to her face but just as soon make a “your mom” joke when she’s out of earshot. his smile is either shy and endearing or the cheekiest lil shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen. he’ll laugh at the worst of jokes. fluent in sarcasm. he’s great at seeming more innocent than he is ( a power used for pranks now, but much darker things later ). and yeah, he’s an enabler - his friends do stupid stuff and he doesn’t stop them. but so what? he’s a teenage boy. 
his room is surprisingly neat. would never admit it but he kind of likes cheesy cliches ( he’s watched gone with the wind with his mum enough times he can quote it off by heart ). he wants to be a dashing hero like in the dog eared comic books he still has in a box under his bed. wants to sweep a girl off her feet. wants to be something more than the sidekick, at least once. sometimes he’s trying just a bit too hard to impress other people because he cares a lot more about what other people think of him than he likes to let on. slightly self conscious because he had a growth spurt over the summer – he used to be really short but now he’s all long limbs and stupid grins and dimples and tousled blond hair and he’s grown quite attractive but doesn’t realize it thank god. and hey – that’s just part of his charm. because he is charming. he just doesn’t realise it, compared to james and sirius.
he compares himself to james and sirius a lot. peter has always been prone to insecure thoughts and nervous tics – during exam season his nails are always bitten down to stubs and his skin breaks out. and in the times he’s feeling particularly unhappy with himself he looks to his friends. and this can go either one of two ways – either they make him better and build him up. and really he should be able to do that himself but he’s always been dependent on other people. always. first his parents, then the marauders. or he’s feeling insecure and he looks to his friends and sees how much better they are than him. how unattainable their status is. and he feels like a useless burden, dragging them down. those are his bad days. but they’re relatively infrequent – at least for now.
he has ways to dispel these thoughts. for one, he drinks. not the best coping mechanism, granted, but whiskey burns his throat and the inside of his chest like the fire he always wished he had burning inside of him, and it makes him feel stronger and it makes him feel braver and his friends are drinking with him and soon they’re all laughing and doing stupid shit together and then the alcohol washes away any doubts peter has. and it’s good.
and sometimes he gets into fist fights. he’s gotten better at it over the years, ever since sirius taught him that your thumb isn’t supposed to go inside your fist. he feels strong when he fights, he feels a reckless sort of freedom that’s as close to confidence as he’ll ever get. and sometimes he picks fights he knows he can’t win, but hey, that’s part of the thrill, right? because he also knows that his friends can bail him out, and he also knows that the black eye he’s going to have in the morning will make him look tougher, and people will fuss over him and ask questions. and it’s good.
if you asked peter what the most important thing in the world is to him, he would say his friends. and he would say his family. not once would it ever occur to him to say himself, or his own health or happiness. and i’ll get into this more later, but when the war begins, peter doesn’t betray his friends for himself, at least not at first. in a weird, twisted, misguided way, he does it for them. but again – i’ll get into that later.
he puts a lot of value on interpersonal relationships. and sometimes, that’s a good thing because he values those relationships and cherishes them, and he’s a wonderful friend and very intuitive. he can always tell if someone’s upset, and he’s a great listener. but also sometimes it’s a bad thing how much value he puts on those relationships. because he builds his own personal value off of them, and off how much people like him and support him. like i said – he’s always been dependent. he doesn’t know any way else to be.
and deep down, peter is an optimist. it’s his fatal flaw. how? because no matter how badly things are going, he thinks to himself that it’ll all turn out fine, in the end. something will happen, in the end. someone will save him, in the end. for instance – he has no idea what he wants to do after hogwarts. and sometimes that worries him, but most of the time he pushes it to the back of his mind. he can think about that later. it’ll turn out fine. and when the war starts, and he gets deeper and deeper involved with the death eaters, he refuses to admit how much it scares him and how big of a problem it’s becoming. because in the end, it’ll turn out fine. it always does for the good guys. he never considers that he may not be one of the good guys.
this probably won’t happen in the course of this rp – but he gets involved with the death eaters when it’s looking darkest for the order. and victory is looking certain for the death eaters. so he joins them because he has this stupid, stupid, naive hope that if he joins the death eaters, he can convince them to spare his friends when they inevitably win. he does it for them. and deep down, he knows that that’s not gonna happen, but he pushes it to the back of his mind. because it’ll all turn out fine.
this year is the year his insecurity complex starts to come into play – when everything starts to unravel. it’s a slow process, and it begins with peter’s father. see, peter’s father is dying, but he doesn’t know it yet. no one does. it’s during a doctor’s appointment, a month from now, that william pettigrew will be diagnosed with stage ii pancreatic cancer. he won’t make it. he will die before peter graduates from hogwarts.
peter’s mother will not deal with it well. she will retreat into herself, mourning the death of her husband, and peter will be forced to spend most of the summer after his last year caring for her, while struggling with his own grief. suddenly, peter will go from the doting, loving support of both parents to the support of neither.
so he’ll turn to his friends, desperate, seeking validation and support, but they’re each starting their own lives. there’s a war starting, they’re all beginning their own independent lives but peter – remember, peter has always been dependent. and suddenly, his insecurities are making a surprise comeback. the golden years at hogwarts, what peter will later realize were the best years of his life, are gone, and so is the carefree boy peter used to be.
but anyway. that’s in the future. right now, peter is just a teenage boy like any other, goofy and impulsive and self-conscious.
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vaniitys · 6 years ago
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is that NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO wearing that SLYTHERIN scarf ? no, it appears to be EMMA VANITY who happens to be a SEVENTH year and a PUREBLOOD !! SHE is CISFEMALE, and i heard they’re AMBITIOUS and PRAGMATIC, but might also seem SELF-SERVING and CYNICAL. they appear to be leaning towards the side of NEUTRAL, but this is a conversation we should be having somewhere else.
aesthetic: the smell of broom varnish, fog on cold mornings, hair carefully pinned up, nimble fingers dancing across ivory piano keys, muscles burning under stiffly starched dresses, the way the world looks lit by lightning, a fine-toothed silver comb, black coffee, always being the first one awake
okay so ! emma is the only child of an arranged marriage. her parents, angeline zhao and frederick vanity, were never in love, nor did they pretend they were. to them, their marriage was a business deal, born of duty instead of love.
a more prudent couple would have had more children in hopes of having a son, but emma’s mother refused. she had already gone through a difficult pregnancy, and she was not fond of the idea of a flock of children running around her house. one was perfectly enough.
she was raised on the importance of tradition and duty, taught manners and modesty, etiquette and eloquence. she never even thought of a life outside of the one that was planned for her, and why should she ? it was the life her parents lived, the life their parents lived, a life where she’d be cared for and provided for
emma always liked things neat and organized. as a child, she always wanted to know exactly what was going to happen – the itinerary for the day, exactly where they were going and when. having everything planned out calms her.   
she’s quiet, reserved, solitary. but she’s always observing and listening and absorbing
she really is not one to show strong emotion, preferring to keep everything compartmentalized inside her. she likes both her surroundings and her emotions to be neatly organized.
she’s always known she’ll have an arranged marriage, but she’s never minded much. that’s one more thing all sorted out ahead of time. 
however, she is still fiercely independent ! her thoughts and opinions are hers alone, and she isn’t afraid to say what she thinks. although she’s accepted the pureblood life her parents raised her for, that’s her willing choice. she doesn’t let anyone tell her what to do.
honestly, emma is the image of a proper pureblood woman – except for her love for quidditch. on the pitch, all bets are off. she loves the adrenaline rush she gets, the bitter competition, the strategy of the game. her parents aren’t super thrilled about it, but they allow it since she goes along with everything else.
her pet peeve is people who are irrational and impulsive and create unnecessary drama. emma hates drama. she prefers things to be simple and to the point, without any added frills. she’s always honest, to the point of being blunt
very realistic and pragmatic, bordering on cynical
good with finances and managing her money, even though her parents are fairly wealthy so she doesn’t really need to be.
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rcmlupins · 6 years ago
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hello, hello ! i’m bonnie, 19, and i can barely read. lol i’ll stop now. anyways, here’s basically my app for remus with some stuff added but pls like this and i’ll come running for some plots ! <3
is that BENJAMIN WADSWORTH wearing that GRYFFINDOR scarf ? no, it appears to be REMUS LUPIN who happens to be a SEVENTH year !! HE is CISMALE, and i heard they’re SELFLESS and TRUSTWORTHY, but might also seem SECRETIVE and PESSIMISTIC. they appear to be leaning towards the side of the ORDER, but this is a conversation we should be having somewhere else. ( bonnie / 9teen / est / she&her )
selfless: remus lupin is the type of person who will drop anything for anyone at any time of day. he has a huge paper to write but someone needs to be tutored? he’ll stay up until dawn to write that paper after helping them until they completely understood the material. he has so much love and care to give those around him, that he often forgets that it’s important to love himself as well. although being selfless is one of his greatest strengths, it is also his greatest weakness. he refuses to put himself first, and there’s been often a time where his friends have to tell him the importance of taking care of himself. does he listen? normally, no.
trustworthy: after having to spend years pretending he’s a normal halfblood and not a werewolf, it’s safe to say that remus lupin knows how to keep a secret. whenever something is told to him in confidence, he refuses to repeat to anyone unless the person tells them something most people already know. this causes remus to be a confidant for many of his peers, and he’s friendly towards everyone. while having so many people wanting to speak to him about their problems and woes could be overwhelming for many people, it’s not for remus. he enjoys being that person for many people, that way he can’t focus on his own problems.
secretive: while remus can constantly take other people’s problems, he won’t tell you about his. for awhile, he wasn’t even going to tell the marauders about him being a werewolf. he doesn’t like thrusting his own problems on someone else, being proud when it comes to things like that. he can take care of himself, and he can still be hesitant when people offer him help. he’s remus lupin, known caregiver of the marauders, seventh year prefect; he can take care of himself. although it’s hard to when his friends are always so willing to help, and it’s a constant battle for remus.
pessimistic: now, outwardly, remus is always the happy one. he’s smiling, helping people with their own problems, counseling them to make the decision that would be best for them. though, on the inside, remus finds it hard for him to believe that everything will go right. he’s quite pessimistic, always assuming the worst of a situation. he’s a logical person, facts and statistics comfort him. he likes considering every situation, every single thing that could go wrong. so when he does that, it’s his way of preparing of himself for the worst. he likes to say he’s a realist.
his pinterest board can be found here !
i. hopeless by halsey — ii. say something loving by the xx — iii. ilysb by lany — iv.youngblood by five seconds of summer — v. cringe by matt maeson — vi. made of light by mikky ekko —
growing up, lyall and hope lupin loved their boy, he was smiling and laughing ever since he could, and their only son brought them so much joy. from a young age, he was gifted when it came to magic, and he was also wise beyond his years. they never had to raise their voices, discipline him; they couldn’t have asked for a better son. 
however, the lupins’ world was quickly turned upside down when remus was attacked by fenrir greyback, an act of revenge towards his father. young remus didn’t know why he was bitten in his sleep, and all he did was cry and cry and cry. poor lyall lupin felt guilty for years because if only he hadn’t voiced his distaste towards fenrir, his son would have been normal. this is the guilt that caused the lupins to drag their son to so many healers in a pursuit to cure it, but alas, there were none. his parents knew what this meant for their son, and for years, they were worried that it would prevent him from admission into hogwarts. but dumbledore was understanding, and to his parents’ joy, he was able to attend hogwarts at age eleven. 
at first, remus was unsure of what it meant to be a werewolf, and the first couple years were dreadful for him. how was he supposed to cope with being a werewolf at such a young age? for years it seemed to be impossible. 
this is why he threw himself into his studies at hogwarts. during the times between transitions, he was too focused on his studies, being a prefect, exams, other people’s problems, literally anything to help him focus on something else. while the transformations were always painful, and he was always sent to the infirmary the morning after, the marauders helped him. it wasn’t the hell that he became so used to. 
his career at hogwarts truly made his parents proud, and his father slowly began to feel less guilty. his son was thriving at hogwarts, he was a prefect, perfect marks, and his group of friends were rowdy, yes, but they were also loyal and understanding. and lyall and hope truly couldn’t have wanted more for their son. 
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frnklngtbm · 6 years ago
is that CHRISTOPER LARKIN wearing that GRYFFINDOR scarf ? no, it appears to be FRANK LONGBOTTOM who happens to be a SEVENTH year and a PUREBLOOD !! HE is MALE, and i heard they’re POLITE and RELIABLE, but might also seem EMOTIONALLY DRIVEN and OVERCRITICAL. they appear to be leaning towards the side of the ORDER but this is a conversation we should be having somewhere else. 
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Hey, I’m Ra coming at you live from the rock I live under. I’m here to bring you one Frank Longbottom: Gryffindor seventh-year and the world’s okay-est Seeker. He’s a bit of an anxious mess but he’s pretty good at coping with it where schoolwork isn’t involved. It just so happens he’s also a damn good friend and someone you can definitely count on not to share your secrets. Please come love us? 
Pinterest Board - here
Random Shit About Frank - 
Patronus: He’s managed to cast a corporal one twice and afterward he had to sit down and pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. It’s something he’s very proud of, even if his patronus is a dolphin. 
Boggart: The Dark           - The Dark may not sound like the most pressing matter at hand with the inevitable war drawing closer and closer every day, but to Frank there’s nothing worse. Nothing worse than being robbed of his vision and left to scramble for some kind of footing. Especially with the threat of the Dark Lord, literal darkness feels heavier, more sinister. Needless to say, he keeps fire in his jar to light the dorm room at night.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good          - “A lawful good character typically acts with compassion and always with honor and a sense of duty, though will often regret taking any action they fear would violate their code; even if they recognize such action as being good. “ 
Sexuality: Bisexual (not that he’s had a lot of experience on that front) 
Fun Headcanons:   - Frank plays the piano and loses himself in books about fantastical worlds to relieve stress and to escape any personal issues that may be plaguing him. It affords him some much-needed time with himself and his mind and he gets rather annoyed when people interrupt him. - He’s jealous of the fact that James got appointed head boy and for the first few days of school he said passive agressive things to the young man until he eventually got over himself and congratulated his friend on the achievement. Frank finds it hard to hold grudges, especially against people he cares for.  - He’s an anxious person by nature. A perfectionist and a procrastinator, school work can be hell for him. Especially essays. Despite his anxieties, he’s worked through his issues with socialization and is generally friendly and considerate to everyone he meets.  - He has a good friend group and is the person to go to if you need a secret kept or you want to vent.  - His favorite subjects are Herbology and the Defense Against the Dark Arts - it’s evident, too, considering those are the classes he actually looks forward to doing the assigned work for. -  Being on the Quiddich team was always a goal of his and when he finally made it sixth year he was ecstatic. He’s not the best player in the world, but he’s dedicated and he works well in a team. Not to mention he’s passionate about the sport. One may not expect it from such a small person, but he can be rather forceful in his enthusiasm.  - Frank is very short. At seventeen, he’s a whopping 5′3″ and it took him until the summer of fifth year to get there.  - He has a cat named Oliver who spends most of her time laying in his roommate’s beds and clawing at various wooden acoutrimon. He loves her to death but he has a feeling his friends don’t share the same sentiment. 
A Bit About His Family:  - The Longbottom’s are a part of the ‘Sacred 28′ but they’re not too focused on blood purity or keeping their offspring from marrying whomever they choose.  - His mother’s one of the main reasons he’s the empathetic and polite person he is today. She and his father were always supportive and loving, hoping to mold their son into a respectable young wizard fit to work for the minestry just like his father. - However, they put a lot of emphasis on success which hasn’t made it easy for Frank to accept the natural failures in life. Despite knowing how illogical it his, he can’t help but feel defeated if he doesn’t get something on the first go. It’s also one of the main reasons he’s such a perfectionist...and such a procrastinator.  - The first time he went off to school, Frank cried. He cried for days. Not obnoxious sobbing, just quiet tears in his corner of the room. After the first week of school, though, he hardly thought about his homesickness due to his newfound love for Herbology. 
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emvancd · 6 years ago
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is that ODEYA RUSH wearing that RAVENCLAW scarf ? no, it appears to be EMMELINE VANCE who happens to be a SEVENTH year !! SHE is CISFEMALE, and i heard they’re INDEPENDENT and BRILLIANT, but might also seem STUBBORN and COMBATIVE. they appear to be leaning towards the side of the ORDER, but this is a conversation we should be having somewhere else.
whaddup whaddup it’s me, bonnie, with another character bc i’m trash . anyways, info about emmeline is below the cut, and if we haven’t plotted yet, just like this and i’ll come bothering u for plots !
so emmeline’s from ireland, born to an irish wizard ( donnacha vance ) and jewish muggle ( freida rothman )
her parents met when they were young in london when donnacha was on holiday
so they quickly fell in love and freida moved over to ireland with little hesitation & they got married right away 
for the first couple years of emmeline’s life the vance family was happy, donnacha worked enough to where freida didn’t need to work, so she stayed home with young emmeline
and emmeline showed signs of being a witch at a young age, things falling off counters with just a wave of her hand u kno 
so yeah, until the letter came from hogwarts, emmeline’s mom homeschooled her & freida certainly rubbed her personality off onto emmeline, and her poor dad didn’t stand a chance with such strong personalities in the home
and at hogwarts, she quickly proved that she was a ravenclaw in her classes, though she was definitely a hatstall, almost being put into gryffindor 
but she excels in almost every class, even when she’s too busy mouthing off in class ( and you know it’s her because of her thick irish accent )
and if you think she’s bad mouthing off in class, don’t even get her started on the quidditch pitch alright, she doesn’t fuck around
tw: death of a parent - but tragedy struck the vance family when she was only in third year and her mom died in a car accident and it...kinda ruined her dad, so that year she spent a lot of time going back and forth from home with permission from dumbledore
so like she was already strong and independent before, but after that she kinda took on being the strong one in her fam to help her dad grieve and everything because she loved her mom, but her dad was crushed for awhile after
she’s just incredibly strong-willed and powerful is really the only word i can describe her. she’s a brilliant witch, a pretty damn good quidditch player ( she plays beater ), and she just has a powerful presence wherever she goes
but yeah, she also ... will fight any blood supremacist on sight and she’s been known to have a couple detentions because of it 
also she’s bi as hell, but leans more towards the ladies ok
connection wise i’d love to see; couple of flings here and there, people she’s gotten into fights with over the course of the years, ride or dies u kno, quidditch rivals, tutorees u kno, literally anyting ok just like this
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alcfrtsc-blog · 6 years ago
Hihello! I am Enci and I am SO EXCITED to be here and get to know you all and start playing! Alice is my heart and soul and I hope you will like her! My app/intro (cause I am a lazy person) is under the cut, please if you are interested in plotting, just hmu here or on discord or like this post and I will come to you.
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is that MINA EL HAMMANI wearing that HUFFLEPUFF scarf ? no, it appears to be ALICE FORTESCUE who happens to be a SIXTH year and a PUREBLOOD!! SHE/HER is CIS WOMAN, and i heard they’re MOTHERLY and LOYAL, but might also seem INSECURE and OVERBEARING. they appear to be leaning towards the side of the ORDER, but this is a conversation we should be having somewhere else. 
tw death
Grew up as the daughter of two Aurors, Alice always looked up to them and wanted to become them.
Her mother was killed after her eighth birthday and the killer was never found, and Alice vowed that she will do everything in her power not to let anyone feel this helpless and miserable ever again.
She is the mother hen of her friend group, of her house and kind of the entire school as well. She pays attention to people and tries to help her peers as much as she humanly can. She is also that annoying person who will remind you that you have homework and you didn’t even get started even though it is due the next day.
She is good at class, but mostly because she works hard and studies and not because it comes easy for her. She only has a natural talent for Charms, but anything else she is sweating tears and blood for, but she never gives up and would rather skip sleep than get a bad grade.
Some more hcs I have for Alice
She is the Hufflepuff Sixth Year Prefect.
Alice’s wand is Unicorn Hair, 12 inches, fairly flexible, Ash.
Alice’s Amortentia is fresh air after a long rain, freshly brewed tea and roses.
Alice’s MBTI type is ISFJ.
She’s in the Duelling and the Charms Club
Alice’s patronus is a hedgehog, though she can’t form a corporeal one. The first impression of the people with a hedgehog as a patronus can be very deceiving. They seem cheerful, happy, maybe even a bit naive with how optimistic they are, but that’s not who they completely are. Beneath all of that, they have a tough personality, the ability to fight and defend themselves along with what and who they love.
Alice’s boggart is losing the people she loves, which later turns specifically into losing Frank and Neville. Her old boggart used to be a spider, she is terrified of them, but after she lost her mother, she has an indescribable, horrible fear of losing the rest of her family, her friends and everyone she cares about, which only increased since the attack. It’s something she is constantly worried about, especially in the middle of the war, while at the same time, she tries to not think about it all the time, because the fear of losing anyone she cares about can be so strong at times, it could cripple her.
Some aesthetic for her: high heels, warm tea, pressed flowers, long to-do lists, marshmallow in hot chocolate, sunflower dresses, fire burning in the soul, books on the nightstand, Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum, lazy Saturday morning spent in bed, polaroid photos all over the walls, ginger cat sprawled at her legs, quick, cursive scribbles, half lemon and honey next to an empty mug, working summer days at the ice cream shop, reading by the open window, order on the working table
She is 5′ tall, which is something she has struggled with and is constantly annoyed with, so ever since she was 15, she refuses to wear anything other than heals. She got so used to them she doesn’t even realize she’s wearing them anymore, she can do anything in them.
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meadweos · 6 years ago
Hello! I’m Ellie, this is Dorcas and I hope you enjoy this trainwreck of a soft as all hell introduction to my babe. I’m super excited to be writing here okay byeeeeeeeee.
is that LILY JAMES wearing that HUFFLEPUFF scarf ? no, it appears to be DORCAS MEADOWES who happens to be a SEVENTH year and a MUGGLEBORN !! SHE is CISFEMALE, and i heard they’re COMPASSIONATE and BENEVOLENT but might also seem NAIVE and DAMAGED. they appear to be leaning towards the side of the ORDER, but this is a conversation we should be having somewhere else. ( ellie / nineteen / gmt / she/her )
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TRIGGER WARNINGS : death, injury, hospital mention, dogs.
PART ONE. BASICS / MAGICAL FULL NAME & MEANINGS  : Dorcas ( GAZELLE ) Andromache ( MAN / BATTLE ) Meadowes ( LIVED IN OR NEAR A MEADOW. ) DATE OF BIRTH : November 16th. AGE : 17. ZODIAC SIGN : Scorpio. HEIGHT : 5 ft 7 in. EYE COLOR : Dark brown. LEFT OR RIGHT HANDED : Ambidextrous.  FAVORITE COLOR : Light blue / black. SCHOOL : Hogwarts. BLOOD STATUS : Muggleborn. WHAT ARE THEIR PARENTS JOBS? : Her mother was a stay-at-home tutor, and her father was a doctor. ( Her aunt is a therapist. Her uncle is a lawyer. ) DO THEY HAVE ANY MAGICAL BLOOD? : Not in her immediate family. Her fifth, twice removed, much, much older cousin is a wizard (of Emeric Switch fame! Imagine that!) HOW DID THEIR MAGIC FIRST MANIFEST ITSELF? : She wanted to talk to the dogs at the local pet store, and accidentally ‘phased’ through the door. She was found half an hour later just stroking a pitbull puppy which had latched itself onto her. YEAR : Seventh year. HOUSE : Hufflepuff. PATRONUS : Panda. ( THE PANDA IS A RESOURCEFUL ANIMAL, AND THOSE WITH IT AS A PATRONUS ARE THE SAME. THEY ARE GOOD AT USING WHATEVER IS AROUND THEM, AND INCREDIBLY CREATIVE AND BRIGHT. THEY ARE FRIENDLY AND WARM, AND MANY MAY GO TO THEM FOR ADVICE OR HELP, WHICH THE PANDA WILL WILLINGLY GIVE. THEY ARE A BIT OF A HEALER BY NATURE, ENJOYING COMPANY AROUND THEM AND USING IT TO ENHANCE THEMSELVES. THEY LOVE TO EXPLORE MANY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE AND THE WORLD, TRYING TO BROADEN THEIR HORIZONS AND KEEP THEIR MINDS OPEN. ) BOGGART : Her father, sat in the same armchair he’d always loved. His head turned towards her as he tells her it was all her fault, and the room shrinks. UPDATED: Earlier, and for very good reason, I wrote a drabble centered around what her Boggart would be for a different roleplay. It’s different than what it is now, but I’m nevertheless extremely proud of it. You can read it here. AMORTENTIA : What is it about true love, dearest? What makes everyone go wild? Is it the prospect that someone, someone whole, and unflinching, is out there - waiting for you? Waiting for your embrace, your touch? Or is it just that they are tired - tired of making homes in people and receiving nothing back? You, though. You make homes in all manner of things. And, anyway, who decided homes can’t be humans? Who decided home is a stationary concept? That your heart can’t be held in the hands of many people, that it cannot be crushed and sewn back together in a matter of minutes? Who decided that love, that great big messy concept, has to be romantic? You are as messy in love as you are in life - that is to say, you build pieces of yourself from the people around you, from the pieces of themselves they give you. The skin beneath your ear? Composed of the whispers of secrets from your first boyfriend. Your nose? Your mother’s love. The inside of your wrist? The balm of Emmeline’s arms around your body, shielding you the only way she can.  No. It isn’t so impossible that love is greater than the romance. That love is so many more things. The Greeks of old always said there were many kinds of love. Eros. Agape. Philia. Storge. Ludos. Pragma. Philautia. It is these things that you, alone, recite in that dungeon. The cold seems to envelop you as you take in a breath, the tendrils of your senses magnifying. It can be overwhelming, you know, but you are not as surprised as you expect to be. Warmth, sinking between your fingertips, laps at your cheek, at your lips as you breathe out. It sticks to you, to your tongue. Like caramel and peanut butter, the batter of the cookies your aunt always makes, the s’mores that you made around the campfire just last week. Her hair, or is it her perfume (?) wafting in your direction - regardless, you stay rooted to your place. Daisies, growing wild, the way they had at home, in your back garden. The smell of old brick and something crumbling - that weird Dragonleather smell that stays in the air whenever Hagrid passes, the smell of bursting fireworks (that time that the Marauders hadn’t realized there was anyone still down the corridor) and butterbeer, warming. Your dogs breath, laughter bubbling up as you remark on the smell of toothpaste, on peppermint and mossy treebark.  You’re not surprised to smell all the things that make this place home - you’re not surprised to smell that it’s not made up of just one person - just one thing, fixable - but many. Moving parts that flare up and slide away into the background of your senses. WAND : Phoenix tail feather core. 9 inches. Black Walnut. PETS : Owl, named Athena. Also owns a pitbull, the light of her life, Agape ( LOVE AND AFFECTION ) or Aggie, for short. CHARACTER INSPIRATION : Cinderella, Sonya Rostova, Izzie Stevens, Craig Middlebrooks, Ann Perkins, Ella Lopez, Jess Day, Riley Matthews, Penelope Garcia, Kara Danvers, Capheus Onyango, and Jane Villanueva. ( CHARACTER TAG HERE. )
PART TWO. ARE YOU GOOD AT… DANCING? : I certainly try.  SINGING? : Yes! COOKING? : Somewhat. DUELING? : Never been better. STUDYING? : If my grades are anything to go by, yes. MAGIC? : Uh, I’d hope so.
PART THREE. HAVE YOU EVER… DRIVEN A CAR? : Yes. Not well, though. FALLEN IN LOVE? : … Yes. HAD SEX? : Yes. LAUGHED SO HARD YOU CRIED? : I don’t know anyone who enjoys their life who hasn’t. SMOKED? : ... No. DONE DRUGS? : Nope. BROKEN THE LAW? : Accidentally. KILLED SOMEONE? : No.
PART FOUR. LITTLE SECRETS BIGGEST FEAR : Losing everyone. And everything. SOMEONE YOU ADMIRE : Emme, McGonagall. SOMEONE YOU FEAR : I don’t really know. Dumbledore, when he’s mad. Whatever that ponce of a miserable Muggle hater is called. SOMEONE YOU MISS : Grandpa. Terry. My brother. Mum. Dad. SOMEONE YOU COULDN’T LIVE WITHOUT : Emme. Myself, too. SOMEONE YOU COULD KILL : Anyone who hates muggles. DO YOU WANT KIDS? : Maybe someday. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? : To the right person? Yeah. BIGGEST REGRET : Not sleeping in the same room as my brother that night. ( I could have saved him. I should have saved him. ) CAN YOU SEE THESTRALS? : Yes.
PART FIVE. FINISH THIS SENTENCE I AM… : Sleepy. Wishing Emmeline was here. I WISH… : Ice-cream could become a person. MAYBE ONE DAY… : I won’t feel this guilt anymore. SOMETIMES I… : Fall in love in the morning, and out of it by lunch. MY FAVOURITE SUBJECTS ARE… : Herbology. MY LEAST FAVOURITE SUBJECTS ARE… : History of Magic, Divination. IF I COULD DO IT AGAIN, I WOULD… : Save my brother. IF I COULD GO TO A DIFFERENT SCHOOL, I WOULD CHOOSE… : Beauxbatons, not Ilvermorny. IF I COULD CHOOSE A DEATHLY HALLOW, I WOULD CHOOSE… : The Stone. ( Say it like it isn’t a mantra, Dorcas. As though it isn’t something that’s poisoned your dreams since discovering those stories may be based in reality. )
DESCRIBE THEIR AESTHETIC IN THREE WORDS : Sea, daisies, laughter. THEME SONG : Lavender’s Blue ( CINDERELLA SOUNDTRACK - 2015. ) / Sonya Alone ( BRITTAIN ASHFORD - NATASHA, PIERRE & THE GREAT COMET OF 1812 - ORIGINAL BROADWAY CAST RECORDING. ) / Times are Hard for Dreamers (Pop Version) ( PIPPA SOO - AMELIE - ORIGINAL BROADWAY CAST RECORDING. ) TOP FIVE SONGS IN THEIR ( MODERN ) PLAYLIST : You Are Enough - Sleeping at Last, Yellow - Coldplay, When I Kissed the Teacher - ABBA, Breathe - In The Heights, & Paradise - George Ezra. VINE THAT FITS THEM : ( x ) RANDOM HEADCANONS : 1. Dorcas loves deeply. Deeply, deeply, deeply. It’s intrinsic to who she is. She’s protective, maddeningly so, and unable to sit still. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and is a nightmare when it comes to pacing herself. She knows not of patience, or of taking time to breathe. She consists solely of love - a palace built between her ribs of the people that she loves. In this, she is a typical Taurus Hufflepuff. ( x ) 2. Dorcas lost her parents at a very young age. She doesn’t often speak of it - speak about them, about the parents that she lost and the brother that she was unable to save. They were killed in a home burglary turned murder spree when she was six. They’d been meant to go on holiday, but Dorcas had come down with the stomach flu, so they’d foregone the vacation when it spread to Dorcas’s younger sister, Calliope. The only reason that Dorcas survived was that she managed to climb beneath her bed with her younger sister Calliope facing the wall, only her back visible from the opening created by the duvet. She gets stabbed three times, one of those stab wounds narrowly avoiding piercing her spleen and the major abdominal arteries. She still has the scars on her lower back. Callie was uninjured, and she was the one who managed to get to the neighbors house (by climbing out of the window from the second floor and dropping at least eleven feet). Dorcas remembers, mostly, finding out her parents and brother were murdered. The rest of it often feels incredibly foggy. She went through therapy for a number of years before she was discharged from the North West Surrey Mental Health Trust. The nightmares, today, are infrequent, but some nights are worse than others. She often takes a calming draught before she goes to sleep - provided by Madame Pomfrey at the Hospital Wing.  3. Dorcas’s best friend in the universe is Emmeline Vance. They aren’t in the same house, but that doesn’t matter. They met at eleven, on the train to Hogwarts. Dorcas, with brown hair down to her hip, and Emmeline’s hair newly cut into a bob ( her parents had gone wild at her for that one, ) and that was it. The rest, as they say, is History. If you can’t find Dorcas, she’s usually with Emmeline. 60% of her spare time is spent wherever Emmeline is. They’re one another’s great loves. She doesn’t know what she’d be without Emme.  4. Dorcas wants to be a Herbologist or a Healer when she graduates. She’s not sure how likely that plan is to succeed with everything going on - how far she’ll get before she abandons it all to help the people that she wants to help, desperately. As it stands, 40% of her spare time is spent either in the Potions classroom or the Herbology classroom - Potions is a required course for becoming a Healer.  5. If this were a modern AU, Dorcas’d totally be a theater kid. She’d also be that kid that is always making scrapbooks - always half finishing projects, the one that has too many cacti and exotic plants in the corner of her room. She’d keep her phone on her, always, lockscreen always changing. She’d love bands like Little Mix and butcher the Spanish when she tried to sing songs like Despacito.  6. FUTURE: Dorcas manages to live through the Wizarding War ( well, mostly ) without casting the Killing Curse. She’s fast, she’s quick, and she doesn’t stand still. She’s often the one coming careening past the others, ducking beneath their outstretched arms as light - green, red, blue, yellow - is cast against the ground. She Apparates in and out, as though her being there is a mirage. People, injured, bystanders, disappear from where they’d been only seconds before, as soon as her hand secures around anywhere she can grip on. She works with trembling hands, to heal those that she can. Four separate times she manages to Apparate away from under Voldemort’s nose.  The first time is with her arm hooked under Fabian Prewett, his unconscious body bruised and the cut on his arm infected with what she suspects is a modified strain of the venom of the Venomous Tentacula. The second time is with a handful of wands - all belonging to fellow Order members. The third time is with Dedalus Diggle. He’s a handful, that time, splaying limbs, cracking as they twist around. They have a spell maker in their midst but Dorcas is the only one that can sooth the pain, to make it all more bearable while they try and fix it. The fourth time is with Emmeline. Emme’s far too headstrong for her own good, and knows how rare it is that Voldemort himself makes an appearance. Dorcas is the one that breaks Bellatrix’s focus - the Cruciatus curse trained on her best friend, on her Emmeline, flickers when Dorcas passes, a blur of black leather and hair tied up in a bun, bangs hanging low and the light long since dimmed in her eyes. When Emmeline comes to, the pain still ricochets through her bones, and Dorcas is powerless to help. It takes days for the aftershocks to fade. The faintest roar of rage is still heard in Dorcas’s brain. She’s just too slow, in the end, to save herself, although she doesn’t try. She’s not ready, but she is. She’s not happy, but she is. She knew there was only one way this could end. The one incapable of love striking down the one composed entirely of it is the only end that makes sense in a world at war - in a world in which war stories are not one of morals. War stories are made of absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil. It just takes her years to realize. Years to reconcile. Being soft does not make her immune to this. Being alive doesn’t. She is happy, but it is not a happy ending. No - it’s a very sad beginning.
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bellatricksed · 6 years ago
is that PHOEBE TONKIN wearing that SLYTHERIN scarf ? no, it appears to be BELLATRIX BLACK who happens to be a SEVENTH year and a PUREBLOOD !! SHE is CISFEMALE, and i heard they’re AMBITIOUS and FEARLESS, but might also seem TEMPERAMENTAL and SADISTIC. they appear to be leaning towards the side of the DARK LORD, but this is a conversation we should be having somewhere else.
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Bellatrix likes to be called Bella by her sister and friends, no one else. If someone else dares to call her Bella they’re done for.
She has a pro-active attitude to the war and its cruelties, namely by being one of the leading players in wreaking havoc. She’s not subtle while doing so, she rather forces her enemies to either forget her involvement or force them into submission. As sadistic as she is, Bellatrix loves to play the cold-hearted snake with no redeeming qualities.
She can be extremely caring to her friends and the cause that links them together. Everyone she got to meet in her childhood is someone she cherishes and actually doesn’t want dead or gone for good – she might not show her love to others, but it shows in the littlest gestures, like giving them presents or just give them a playful push.
As disastrous as Bellatrix might be, there’s no one, and nothing, more important than her sisters, at least for now (depends on how the story evolves, because generally I’d say the Dark Lord will be more important to her after graduation)
She hasn’t fully entered the rabbit hole yet, but I wouldn’t risk pushing her all that much.
Here’s a playlist for her
Here’s my pinterest board for her!
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averyabernathy · 6 years ago
Character Intro - Avery Abernathy
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is that TOM HOLLAND wearing that HUFFLEPUFF scarf? no, it appears to be AVERY ABERNATHY who happens to be a SIXTH year and a HALF-BLOOD !! HE is CISMALE, and i heard they’re OUTGOING and LAIDBACK, but might also seem LOOSE-LIPPED and IDEALISTIC. they appear to be leaning towards the side of the NEUTRAL, but this is a conversation we should be having somewhere else. 
Playlist - Avery (Fifth Year) 
Pinterest - here
Wand: Laurelwood with a unicorn hair core, 10 ½" and slightly yielding flexibility
Boggart: Death 
Patronus: Non-Corporeal 
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Best Subjects: Charms, History of Magic
Worst Subject: DADA, Transfiguration
Plans for the Future: To Co-Run the Leaky Cauldron/ Take Over For His Uncle
Avery’s parents were both staff at St. Mungo’s, they had him rather early in life and, unfortunately, didn’t live to see his fifth birthday. Their cause of death was never clearly given to Avery but he’s pieced together enough to assume they were murdered. What for? He hasn’t the foggiest. 
He was raised by his uncle, Tom - the owner and perpetrator of the Leaky Cauldron, and began helping out around the place after his second year at Hogwarts. However, even as a young kid, he spent a lot of time hanging around and speaking with all the interesting witches and wizards who came through.
Avery’s a very outgoing person, someone who’s used to people stepping into and out of his life. He has no problem starting up conversation with strangers and building friendships with regulars. At this point, there are about two dozen people he knows by name and he can list off their usual drink orders with ease. Unfortunately, he can’t actually serve alcohol (his uncle says he’s much too young) but he does take orders and clean tables. 
He wants nothing to do with the growing divide amongst the wizarding world. The war is something he likes to ignore, pretend it doesn’t exist and hope it goes away as soon as possible. Avery’s not picking sides (but if he were to, he’d side more with the Order.)
Avery’s got a tattoo of both his parents names on his chest (over his heart), he found a spell to do it himself and just went for it. He’s yet to tell his uncle about it because the man would 100% not approve. Tom’s a cool uncle, but he’s not that cool. 
Avery’s outgoing and friendly. He makes stupid dad jokes all the time and has trouble keeping his mouth shut. If you want a secret kept, you probably shouldn’t tell him as he’s also been known to be a bit of a gossip. Sue him - he grew up in a bar. Nothing but gossip gets passed around in there. 
He’s very smiley. It takes a lot to upset him but there are a few key topics that’ll do it in an instant - his parents, death in general, the war, and transfiguration. 
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