#Antony Starr headcanon
komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
Do you think you could do a headcanon or preference on how Tom Cruise or Antony Starr reacts to y/n telling them that she is having a baby
Why not both?
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Headcanon/Preference # 22
Picture & gifs NOT mine.
Year posted - 2022
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| Tom Cruise |
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• Tom initially isn't sure he heard you right, so he asks a very simple "What?", which makes you giggle softly before repeating yourself.
• A smile breaks out on his face, and his eyes gloss over. You'd been trying for months now to get pregnant, and it's finally happened!
• Makes a huge supper of all your favorite things to celebrate, later in the evening posting a picture with you telling the world the wonderful news.
• Always telling the unborn babe all sorts of cheesy dad jokes, and reading to them from his favorite books when he's feeling a little more serious.
• Who knew having a baby with your soulmate would feel so amazing, and that it could make them love eachother impossibly deeper.
• Sadly in the first few months of the pregnancy Tom is working on a movie, and isn't able to go to most of the doctors appointments.
• But on days you feel alright, he'll bring you on set and explain everything that's going on in the movie. Taking you back to his trailer when you start getting sleepy, and letting you take a nap while he gets dragged off for hair and makeup.
• And by the time he comes back, and you wake up with messy hair and a yawn, he all but melts at the sight.
• How perfect you are in his eyes, cozy and swollen with his child. His heart swooning when you smile at him in that moment looking so angelic.
• When the movie is finished, he takes you to Italy, where you remain for the rest of your pregnancy, and the first year of the babes life.
| Antony Starr |
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• Antony goes through a whole slew of emotions, which in the end leave him filled with nerves excitement, and feeling a tad bit nauseas.
• He wants to call and tell everyone about the big news, but he also kinda wants to keep the secret for a while so he can just enjoy this all with you and you alone.
• Decides that for the first few days he wants to keep this secret, and you within the house, curled up in bed and just relishing it your love for one another.
• After that he'll call his closest friends and family and let them in on the secret, while you do the same. But he doesn't let it slip up in an interview for quite a while.
• And only doing so when an interviewer comments on how often you both are spotted at a hospital. Sarcastically saying "Well that's what happens when you're wife is pregnant." his smile even dripping sarcasm.
• The interviewer congratulates him, and videos about you both go viral when the news comes out. Most of them using his image as Homelander and you as your own most popular character.
• You thought people shipped y'all before, now with a baby on the way the fans have gone absolutely crazy.
• Unless he's bound by a contract, Antony literally cancels all of his appointments, and spends nearly the whole pregnancy by your side.
• Takes you to his hometown for a while during the pregnancy, and just sits back and watches with a fond smile as to how much his family fawns over you.
• Constantly reminding you of just how amazing and beautiful you are, while declaring his love for you over and over again.
• Often this leads to him peppering your face in kisses, making you giggle, and him grin at the sound.
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annmaximoff18 · 26 days
Homelander:All humans are repulsive and useless creatures.
Y/N: Me too?
Homelander: no, not you, you are the only exception
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psychadollics · 1 month
I promised sublander hcs...... :3 NSFW!!
Behind closed doors he is the BIGGEST cuddle bug, he'd never ask for them though
The smallest amounts of praise will absolutely make his day
When cuddling he has to have some part of his body being rubbed, favorite spots include, back, hair and chest
He gets clingy while cuddling, leading to him apologizing a lot for squeezing a bit too much
Whiny bitch, but he’s a cute one
Constantly asks shit like “You love me right?” And compliment fishes enough to the point it could classify as a second job, and no matter what his partner can’t help but give into it
Because he is still Homelander, he does lose his shit sometimes (but in this case doesn’t get violent), however after he “calms down” the only words you’ll hear from him for the rest of the night are gentle sobs and “I’m sorry”
(Idfk if this is even a hc) This freak has one hell of a lactation kink
He’d never admit it, but being edged is one of his top 10 favorite activities
He can cum from praise alone
Whatever his partner wants from him, he will do it without question. When he isn’t out being a piece of shit superhero, he is just a small obedient bitch
One of his favorite forms of foreplay is having his dick teased through his suit (his second favorite is through a pair of tight panties)
Sucker for being called a good boy (who can blame him)
He loves when his partners are rough with him, the night won’t be over until he can’t even beg anymore
Likes to get sassy especially in situations where he doesn’t hold power simply because he enjoys the consequences that follow
Big biter
He loves when his partner makes him say degrading (or uplifting) things about himself, yes homelander you are an attention whore (and I love you for it)
Oki im writing this all at 1 am and im eepy but there’s more to come, maybe.
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ishomieokay · 8 months
You know how Homelander at one point talks to Supersonic in Spanish? Logically, I think it's entirely possible that he just memorized all the words like the loser he is.
Buuuuut I do love considering the possibility that Homelander is actually bilingual bc Vought thought it would help his ratings or smth. He hated every. single. second. he spent at Spanish class.
It was boring and hard, and the teachers kept hitting him on the hand with a ruler every time he pronounced the hard R wrongly. He killed many of them.
That's lowley also why he was so pissed off when he heard Ryan speaking Spanish the first time.
Also, I think the parallels between Homelander, a white blonde with slightly racist views unwillingly learning Spanish, and Supersonic, an actual Latino who can't speak a word of it, would be goddam hilarious. They could have been a great duo 😭
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cevans-is-classic · 1 month
Homelander on his knees, legs spread with his cape spaced around him.
A thumb pressed into his mouth with his eyes closed and his head tilted back.
A stream of milk falling from his mouth that drips onto his suit.
At. Your. Knees.
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b3ans0up · 2 years
He's just a little goofball 😀
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blaacknoir · 5 months
*cracks knuckles* Here we go. Homelander and DID.
Opening Notes
If you have any questions about systems, this post, my system specifically, or if you just want to know every single thought I have ever had about Homelander and Mirrorlander in general, shoot me an ask!
Notes on Systems
A body that has more than one person in it is a system. You see this a lot in fiction. Sometimes it's fantastical, like Atem and Yugi (YGO). Sometimes it has a more realistic basis, like Kevin and his system (Split, Glass).
Systems can be split into two categories: Endogenic, meaning that the system did not form as a result of trauma. My system, the one I'm a part of, is endogenic. The members developed as the result of roleplaying and a whole bunch of autism. Systems that formed as a result of trauma are called traumagenic. Systems where the origins are sort of hazy, or are a bit of both, are called mixed origin. Some systems like this prefer the term quoigenic.
Please note that in neither of those instances did I use the word "DID."
I do not lose time as part of my system. All of us can talk to each other and share knowledge quite easily. There is no dissociation. DID requires all of these things.
Assuming that Homelander (HL) and Mirrorlander (ML) are, in fact, a system, they do not have DID. I do believe they're traumagenic--Antony Starr himself said that HL created ML as a kid to be a sort of mother/father/friend to him.
I believe that Homelander and Mirrorlander are part of the same mixed-origin system, and that they do NOT have DID.
More under the cut.
Notes on Homelander's System
We see Homelander and Mirrorlander communicating quite well, actually. It's a whole big Thing, even. We don't know what extent the mirror plays in their communication--if they need the mirror to communicate or if it just helps them communicate or if this is just how Kripke chose to show it--but they communicate clearly and easily.
I think it's also safe to assume there's no dissociative barrier between the two. When ML is talking, HL seems to be aware of time passing. There's also no mention of any "gaps" in his memory or "missing time."
We do see him dissociate, but that isn't necessarily tied to the system. Given his childhood in general, I think it's normal.
Now, why do I think he's mixed-origin instead of endogenic or traumagenic? Because HL created ML (something generally associated with endogenic systems) to deal with the trauma of being raised as a lab rat. That blurs the line a bit. Hence, mixed-origin.
Final Notes
This post is based on personal research, a small bit of headcanon, personal experience--both as a system and in system spaces--and a general love of the show. To me, one of the most compelling things about Mirrorlander is that he doesn't fall into the "evil alter/headmate" trope, something which dates back literal centuries (Jekyll and Hyde being the earliest one most people know). This is a man who was created to protect HL, and genuinely believes that he's doing his best. To me, this is a refreshing change.
S3 was a fucking shitshow, but HL/ML was amazing. I really hope we see more in the upcoming season.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 25 days
Incorrect Quotes
(Y/n) - My tits are awfully heavy, mind holding them for me for a while? 😏
Homelander - I think you mean my tits. 😈
(Y/n) - ...😐
Homelander - ...😅
(Y/n) - ...😐
Homelander - Please! 🥺
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annmaximoff18 · 23 days
Y/N: Fuck off
Homelander: bad girl, and what about you?
The Deep: Fuck off
Homelander: What did you say idiot? Do you want to die?
The Deep: she...she insulted you first
Homelander: and? She is the only one who can do it, did you hear me, you idiot?
The Deep: yes boss yes
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darunyama · 1 year
Funny Headcanon: Homelander’s favorite reporter is Clark Kent and Lois Lane.
I'm interested in Clark Kent in your headcanon....
Let's imagine that if Homelander loses his powers he loses his super vision and wears glasses like Clark Kent? What if he changes his appearance by dyeing his hair a darker color? Does this mean he'll turn into Antony Starr? So many questions and so few answers
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deliciouskeys · 2 years
001 for Butchlander and 002 for Homie, because I love to be obvious!
Tackling them out of order.
002 | Homelander
* How I feel about this character: 
I want to mush him and squeeze him and torture him and pet him and never let him out.
Oh and he’s a very interesting character and a joy to write. Somewhat as a result of the writer’s room, and somewhat as a result of Antony Starr’s acting.
* All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
I’m a whore, I will read him having sex with just about anyone, and I could make a case for him getting romantic with many characters on the show. Top romantic (heh loaded word) ships are Butchlander, Homewell, Maevlander, Starlander.
* My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
I honestly don’t know what this question means because all my ships are horny ones. But I wish we got more Black Noir being a father figure to him (I wish Noir had more to do in general before they decided to give him some background just before killing him off).
* My unpopular opinion about this character: 
Hmmmm. I’m a little afraid that if Kripke writes him a “redemption arc” in the show they’ll botch it with some incoherent drivel à la s3e8 so I’d almost rather they just didn’t.
* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I have more than one.
I’d rather see him depowered and live than die at the end, somehow.
I would have liked to see more of him trying to parent Ryan with Becca around.
I kind of wish he hadn’t killed Stillwell but mostly because I thought she was a cool character.
I wish he hadn’t taken over Vought because that decreases the chance we’ll ever see him operate outside of it.
* my OTP:
Billy Butcher reprogramming HL with tough, but genuine, love. And sex, definitely lots of sex. [refer to section below for much more word vomit about them]
* my cross over ship:
Heh, I think Makima from Chainsaw Man has a nice parallel to the Homewell dynamic. I’d read Batman x HL, I feel like Batman could deal with his bullshit effectively.
* a headcanon fact:
Homelander prefers his sexual partner be strong and wield soft power over him.
001 | Butchlander
* when I started shipping it if I did:
Because I was watching the show very rapidly, I didn’t start shipping it outright until S1E8, but if I had a week between each episode it probably would have materialized no later than E6.
* my thoughts:
Scorchingly, achingly hot. The show canon is stingy with their onscreen time together, but each scene they meet in is glorious. One of the reasons I’m willing to overlook the inconsistent writing in s3 is that they are ramping up the butchlander element in the show. I love that they have ended up sharing a child while both being utterly unequipped to parent. I don’t remember any other enemyslash pairing setting that up and it’s so damn fun.
* What makes me happy about them:
I like to imagine scenarios where their respective traumas and defects (I don’t think they’re “the same”, kripke) fit together in such a complementary way that they end up accidentally helping each other become a little more emotionally functional.
* What makes me sad about them:
One of them lost his wife because of the other and that is a hard wound to heal.
* things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I don’t like when Billy cries too much. I don’t like when writers go all out with Butcher’s cockney but it sounds like Dick van Dyke (easy to criticize, hard to adhere to this rule). I’m more tolerant of different HL characterizations because I think canon has shown us more variety from him in different scenarios, but I tend to enjoy it less when he’s written as a sadist monster with nary an indication of any other emotions.
* things I look for in fanfic:
Generally prefer Bottom the Homelander [not because he has a better ass, but] because the fic is more likely to characterize both of them in ways I find more IC. Generally like when they at least start out antagonistic and hating each other if it’s a multichapter. Love when there’s an element of coparenting Ryan involved. Love when it’s an E rated fuckfest because [I’m here for the porn canon won’t give us, and] they are both presented as characters with energetic libidos.
* Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Honestly? I feel like they’re both likely to end up alone, because I feel bad for whoever ends up with them if they’re not a strong person. Billy with Maeve, as alluded to in the Maevlander post seems fine endgame to me. Butchie is a big fat nope for me, not only because of Annie but because it gives me incest vibes since he sees him as a younger brother. Billy with some strong woman like Rainer probably works. Homelander… needs someone who can spank him if he gets out line. If Victoria Neuman can become that person remains TBD.
* My happily ever after for them:
Haha, I’ll take almost any iteration where they end up together and parent Ryan. I’m intrigued by Billy getting upgraded with Compound V and how they’d keep from becoming a terrible powercouple of supe cunts. I’m intrigued by HL getting depowered and Billy having to rehab him into being a functional human being out of that mental wreckage. I’m intrigued by them staying as human x supe, with both of them having a weird love hate relationship with being involved with a “race” they generally looked down on.
* who is the big spoon/little spoon:
Billy is the big spoon. I will only entertain the thought of HL being the big spoon if it’s written in Russian for reasons I can’t quite fathom and must have something to do with early childhood traumas 😂
* what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
They are pretty different people in terms of pastimes in canon. I named enjoying the outdoors in another meme. I’d like to think they’d also both enjoy having (or aspiring toward having) a normal family life, raising a child as if they’re normal, well-adjusted adult men, doing normal domestic things. Emphasis on the as if.
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cevans-is-classic · 1 month
Homelander in a pair of soft panties that cup his cock, damp where his head has drooled against the material.
Homelander with his hand inside his panties, holding himself on the edge, waiting for permission
His cheeks are flushed, his heart is racing, and there is sweat above his lip that he licks away.
His legs spread further with another drop of precome drool from his cock.
He whimpers and shakes apart.
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plasticfangtastic · 1 year
Hey its me again i have a very important question....... What's your all time favorite scene from The Boys? Mine is probably that scene when he's talking to himself in the mirror and starts crying bc he's "human"
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I cant say I only have 1 favorite scene but my faves have to be:
Homelander asking Voguelshit if he should ask for his forgiveness, its one of the most vulnerable scenes of his, and the pain he feels hits me so fucking hard as somebody with a cordial but... difficult relationship with their parent, love my mom but... yeah.
Homelander scene with Ryan at the Vought-A-Burger restaurant, like the moment he saw his son having a mild panic attack he went straight into removing him and taking him to a quiet and safe place-- is most likely the most decent he has ever been to another human and cemented to me that he might actually love/care for Ryan (I will fight any lil' bitch ass redditbro in a maccas parking lot who wants to disagree with me) cuz I know a heck of a lot of parents who would just yell or tell their kids off for havign any form of anxiety.
and yeah the mirror scene cuz it was a massive inspo for my current fanfic work.
bonus scene... the... well him... ahem... naked in his couch... bcuz It feeds my headcanon that Homelander has a body image disorder and not because Antony Starr is the only twink in the world I would have kids with... love me a big muscle and chubby boy but hot damn...
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death-selfie · 2 years
Soldier Boy, Butcher, and a naked teleporting Hughie wearing badass shades on their way to beat Homelander to a pulp while Paper Planes by MIA blasts in the background
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Okay so this is a list of my headcanon/preferences, with links leading to each post. I give a basic summary of the headcanon/preference, then what fandom it belongs to, and who from said fandom is involved. Plus whether or not it was requested, just because.
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1.) You ask if you can peg them. (X)
• It (Movie 2017)
• The Bowers gang.
2.)They react to the phrase "Fuck me running." (X)
• Vikings (TV series 2013)
• Ragnar, Rollo, Harald, Halfdan, Ivar, Björn, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Alfred.
3.) They react to you telling them you're allergic to bullshit. (X)
• Vikings (TV series 2013)
• Ragnar, Rollo, Harald, Halfdan, Ivar, Björn, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Alfred.
4.) You ask if you can peg them. (X)
• Horror movies addition.
• Dr. Herbert West (Re-animator 1985), Dr. Daniel Schreber (Dark City 1998), Ash Williams (Evil Dead 1981), Stu Macher (Scream 1996), Bo Sinclair (Wax Museum 2005), Eric Draven (The Crow 1994), Otis Driftwood (House of a Thousand Corpses 2003), Djinn (Wishmaster 1997), Josh Lambert (Insidious 2010).
5.) How do they feel about you being more badass than them? (X)
• Assassins Creed (Video game series)
• Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Connor Kenway, Edward Kenway, Jacob Frye, Bayek, Desmond Miles.
6.) They react to you telling them to bruise your esophagus. (X)
• American Gods (TV series 2017)
• Mad Sweeny, Shadow Moon, Mr. World, Technical Boy, Low-Key Lyesmith.
7.) They react to you telling them "I wanna choke on your dick until I pass out." PART ONE (X) PART TWO (X)
• Miscellaneous fandom's
8.) They develop a mommy kink, & along with a bit of a lactation kink, because of how busty you are. (X)
• It (Movie 2017)
• The Bowers gang
9.) You let them design your next tattoo. (X)
• The Lost Boys (Movie 1987)
• David, Marko, Paul, Dwayne.
UNLISTED : How would each of the bowers gang react if the other members walked in while they’re being pegged/fingered/eaten out. (X)
• It (Movies 2017)
• Bowers gang
10.) The basics of their yandere obsession with you. (X)
• Type O Negative (Band)
• Peter Steele.
11.) Basic relationship headcanons. (X)
• The Black Phone (Movie 2021) crossed with Stranger Things (TV series 2016)
• Vance Hopper.
12.) The basics of their yandere obsession with you. (X)
• Star Wars (Solo triplets)
• Kylo Ren, Ben Solo, Matt Solo.
13.) How would magni and modi handle their child being named Thor’s successor? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi.
14.) What is the relationship between magni and modi’s children and their family? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi.
15.) Magni, Modi, and Baldurs children reacting to their parents death. (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi, Baldur.
16.) Freya learning she is a grandmother. (Baldurs daughter) (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Baldur, Freya.
17.) Will Kratos take you in after the death of your father Modi? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Modi, Kratos, Atreus, Mimir.
18.) How will they react when you die in place of them? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi, Baldur.
19.) Romantic headcanons. (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Baldur, Magni, Modi.
20.) How do they react to you having visions of dark things? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Modi, Baldur.
21.) They react to finding out you're pregnant with their child. (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi, Baldur.
22.) They react to finding out you're pregnant with their child. (X)
• Actors.
• Tom Cruise, Antony Starr.
23.) The basics of their yandere obsession with you. (X)
• The Witcher (TV series 2019)
• Geralt.
24.) They react to you yelling "VIBE CHECK!" as you hit a victim with a baseball bat. (X)
• Slashers addition.
25.) How do they react when you ask them to lay on top of you for the first time in your relationship. (X)
• Slipknot (Band)
• Corey Taylor, Joey Jordison, Mick Thomson, Sid Wilson, Jim Root.
26.) Romantic headcanons (X)
• Resident Evil 7 Biohazard (Video game 2017)
• Lucas Baker
27.) He reacts to you being an absolute tech wiz. (X)
• Resident Evil 7 Biohazard (Video game 2017)
• Lucas Baker
28.) Being Rocky's little sister, and falling for Ivan Drago. (X)
• Rocky IV (Movie 1985)
• Ivan Drago
29.) Platonic relationship with The Grabber. (X)
• The Black Phone (Movie 2022)
• Albert Shaw
30.) Syd is a dilf/gilf. (X)
• Cocaine Bear (Movie 2023)
• Syd White
31.) He's got a breeding kink. (X)
• Batman Forever (Movie 1995)
• Dick Grayson
32.) He loves his plus size sweetheart. (X)
• Rocky IV (Movie 1985)
• Ivan Drago
33.) Reactions to their partners nipples being pierced. (X)
• Miscellaneous fandoms
34.) What is Valentine's Day like with them? (X)
• Miscellaneous fandoms
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annmaximoff18 · 2 months
My bad boys or with dubious morals.
My mother wouldn't approve of them, except Loki, she loves Loki 🫶💚
Loki Laufeyson
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Kaz Bekker
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Roman Godfrey
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Frank Castel
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John Constantine
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Jason Todd
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Peter Pan
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Adrian Chase
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