#Antibacterial Hand sanitizer
asifthoughts · 2 years
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WBM Care Sanitizer's budget-friendly pack eliminates 99.9% of the most prevalent bacteria. Jasmine can treat psoriasis and has anti-inflammatory effects. When you're on the run, our liquid hand sanitizer keeps hands moist and clean. Because liquid hand sanitizer is so extremely delicate and relaxing, it is suitable for all kinds of skin.
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blujayonthewing · 2 months
I'm under no illusion that I haven't unknowingly eaten fast food in my life that was egregiously and dangerously cross contaminated that I've survived just fine, but the girl at burger king just fully handed me my debit card back with a piece of raw hamburger on it so uh. I'm not going back there. for awhile
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nekochan4eva · 1 month
Someone needs to write this.
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apexhumanservicesllc · 10 months
Wound care is a basic first-aid skill that all people should learn. Accidents could happen anywhere and anytime. The most ideal way for people to keep themselves well-prepared is by learning proper protocols for first aid.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Office Essentials Every Woman Should Own
A sturdy, sleek tote that fits your laptop but isn't too bulky (with at least one closable interior pocket)
Laptop, AirPods/earbuds, portable charging system for phone/laptop
Laptop stand (changes the game, tbh)
Protective laptop case/sleeve
A planner and a black pen/another color pen for marking up your notes
Another notebook/pad for random notes or a running to-do list
A pen cup holder
A ziplock of hair-ties
Disposable toothbrush, Listerine strips, and travel-sized container of floss picks
A discreet feminine hygiene pouch or two with at least 2 products in it (you can use the additional pouch for extra underwear to be safe, honestly)
A simple, easy to zip and clean makeup bag
Lip balm
Hand cream
Mini stick antiperspirant or deodorant wipes
Travel-sized tweezers
Lint roller
Hand sanitizers
Disposable Shout wipes/stain remover stick
Travel-sized container of antibacterial and baby wipes
A pair of nail scissors
A mini nail file
Small sunscreen that doesn't leave a white cast
Travel-sized hair brush
A pigmented lip color (or two)
Compact powder
Portable stick cream blush/brusher
Eyeliner/mini mascara
Eyebrow pencil
A snack pack or two of a protein-rich, plant-based snack (roasted edamame, roasted chickpeas, lupini beans, almonds, or Feel Protein bars are great options because they're portable and keep you full in a pinch without forcing you to reach for something unhealthy/not filling when you need to eat – you can also carry some freeze-dried fruit to pair alongside it if desired)
Pouch for keys, wallet, IDs, etc.
Blue-light glasses (for long days in front of a screen)
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milunalupin · 26 days
— 2:30pm
poly!marauders ft. lily evans x reader (platonic?) dental office!au ★ 400 words
"It truly made my skin crawl."
You shuddered as you retold your coworkers about walking in on one of the doctor's more intense surgeries.
"That's why I work up here, where it's clean." Lily chirped, pumping hand sanitizer onto her freshly manicured hands, rubbing it in more than what was usually deemed necessary.
"Well not always, there was that one patient who's gums wouldn't stop bleeding over the counter-"
"Peter, please!" Lily gasped, hastily rummaging through her desk drawers to find her antibacterial wipes.
"C'mon Pete, you know how Lily feels about invasive periodontal surgeries." the office hygienist, James, strolls up to the front with his current patient. "Now let's get Phoebe scheduled for her next cleaning, please."
While your coworkers handled the scheduling, you followed James to the back to help the assistant clean the rooms for the upcoming patients.
"Hey sweet tooth," Sirius grinned at you, perfect canines on display. "Did you get all dolled up for me today?"
You rolled your eyes in return and helped pick up the trash in the room while he collected the used tools. "I'm wearing the scrubs as you are, Sirius."
"And you're making them look fantastic. Sexy, if I may."
"You may not. But, you may finish setting up room four, that root canal should be here any minute."
You shook your head with smile as he huffed and turned on his heel. Tossing the trash in the bin on the way to the break room, you see Dr. Lupin leaning against the counter with his eyes closed, fingers curled around his steaming mug of coffee.
"Still not awake, Remus?" you teased, opening your locker to replace your scrub top with your fuzzy jacket.
His eyes slowly peeled open, "I've done a root canal and two extractions already, with another root canal on the way."
You send him a sympathetic smile as you go to leave the break room, but James blocks the exit, insisting that you two just have to hear his new joke. Remus and you exchange amused glances before letting James continue.
"What's a dentist's favorite time of day?"
The hygienist looked back and forth between the two of you with the shiniest grin, leaning in as if to tell you his biggest secret.
"Tooth hurty. Get it? Two-th hurt-y. Like two-thirty? Why aren't you guys laughing? I worked on that all—"
"I'm going on my lunch."
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ed-recoverry · 2 months
Personal hygiene tips for depressed folks
Things I did when I was depressed that didn’t take as much effort and were realistic.
A bath is better than nothing.
Sitting in the shower is okay.
Hair, hands, underarms, and genitals are a must. It’s okay to skip everywhere else for a bit, but those parts need to be maintained.
Keep razors out of washroom if it’s a trigger.
Purell!!! Hand sanitizer!!! Killing germs is the only must.
If hair care is out of the question, get a short haircut.
On the topic of hair, dry shampoo.
Keep a brush next to your bed. Try at least once every few days. Putting it off will become a real problem.
Don’t use disinfectant/antibacterial wipes anywhere. Clorox, Lysol, HDX, Scentiva, anything generic. NO! Baby wipes, sensitive skin, skin friendly is the only thing.
Use antibiotic ointment (Neosporin for example) for even minor cuts. Infection is real and can happen, especially if you aren’t frequently cleaning. Then, ofc, cover with bandages.
Take vitamins and leave them by your bedside. Extra points for the gummy kind so it’s at least some kind of food.
To those who get periods, I’m sorry, but you have to get up to change menstrual products every few hours. Infections can happen. Big/overnight pads can give some extra time.
Get those crumbs out of your bed unless you like waking up with bugs.
Take out any food after a day or two. Mold isn’t fun.
Underwear needs to be changed every day. Everything else can go a few days, unless you’re sweating a lot or any non-water fluids get on it.
Automatic air fresheners and candles.
Glasses rather than contacts.
Seal any food or drinks when not consuming.
Spend a few minutes to move around in bed. Look up exercises to do lying down and or in bed. There’s a lot! Avoid bed sores and keep that blood flowing. Just a minute or two is all you need.
Stay clean. I know it’s hard to. Use that little bit of energy to maintain hygiene as neglecting that can and will lead to bigger problems.
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drowning-rat37 · 7 months
☆ Mia/pvr9ing harm reduction and after care ☆
☆ps.- this is not tips on “how to do it better”, this is tips on how to not hurt your body too much while doing it. I am in no way suggesting anyone starts doing it, i am just saying if you are already doing it, try to stay safe❤️❤️❤️
☆anti-acids: if you’re planning to pvr9e, take a couple before you eat, it’ll reduce the acidity of your stomach acid, which in turn reduces the level of enamel loss and tooth decay as well as reducing the trauma on your oesophagus from the acid
☆short nails: if you use your fingers, keep your nails short to prevent scratching/cvtting your throat. Having short nails is also more hygienic as (even if you keep your nails clean) the underside of your nails can carry a lot of bacteria, (this is mainly found in children but has been known in adults) can carry types of worms under the nails. If you have long nails or false nails i recommend going on the utensil route
☆hand sanitizers or antibacterial soap: if you’re adamant that you don’t want to cut your nails short, clean under your nails thoroughly with hand sanitizer and wash ALL OF YOUR HANDS with antibacterial soap to avoid getting ill. Another thing to address about getting ill: you may think “if i get ill/sick then I won’t eat as much” or “i’ll be throwing up so no need for pvr9ing” in theory, great. In reality, it feels awful. I used to think that sort of way and then ever time i got ill i would feel like actual death, just stay clean and hygienic please🙏🙏🙏
☆water: after pvr9ing your body gets extremely dehydrated, make sure to drink enough water, also I recommend alkali water to reduce acid reflux. Take small sips every couple of minutes as to not make yourself feel more nauseous than you probably already are!!!
☆electrolytes: if possible, get yourself a drink with electrolytes or you can also get sachets that are sugar free and put that in water. In another post (i think i tagged it as an update post to a different post i have put a picture of some electrolyte water i bought, i really like that brand)
☆warnings: bl00d, feeling like you’re about to pass out, legs shaking, hands shaking. If you see any of those signs, take a break or stop all together, I’ll get into each signs in detail in a second.
☆utensils: if you’re not using your fingers, keep your utensils clean, weather its a toothbrush or cutlery or something different. Also please use something you know you can easily hold onto to prevent choking on it or letting go of it. If you’re using cutlery, find plastic cutlery, im not talking about the cheap flimsy ones, im talking about the thick type you can get from ikea or other places, make sure it’s rounded in the side you are putting in your mouth, again to not cause trauma to your throat. I can not stress this enough: use👏 something 👏 you👏 can👏 easily 👏 hold👏 on👏 to
☆tools: this is a follow up from the utensil. Please try not to use medication or other methods to induce vomiting, it is extremely dangerous. I have seen a lot of people (specifically on a certain clock app) talking about putting large amounts of salt in water and drinking it to induce vomiting, i can not stress this enough DO NOT DO THAT, it is so incredibly dangerous and by far the most unpleasant way to pvr9e. This is coming from someone who has tried almost ever way, including the salt method. It can cause long term health issues to consume that much salt even if you vomit it back up, there will still be a large amount left in your system which can lead to high blood pressure (which if you are pvr9ing often may already have) and generally if you are going to that extent to pvr9e, take a break from doing it, even if it is hard!!!!
☆food/chewing: make sure that what you’re eating before you pvr9e you chew really well, if you swallow large chunks, it will be hard to get up and you have a chance of choking and it will not be good and is very scary. Bread is especially hard to get up. Some foods should definitely be avoided, such as hard crunchy foods like tortilla chips/crisps, they are sharp once broken and in the time it takes for you to eat, then pvr9e, your body will not have broken it down enough and it WILL hurt coming back up. Try to stick to soft or quickly digest-able foods to avoid pain and trauma to the throat.
☆follow on to the warning signs ☆
☆Bl00d: if you pvr9e bl00d, genuinely stop, i know you might not want to but to avoid damage, stop. If it is anything above a few drops, I greatly suggest seeking medical attention asap. Give yourself a week or two to recover from that, it will be hard but it’s whats best for harm reduction!!!!(this is a very scary thing to experience, the first time it happened i was terrified however as you can see, i am alive, i didnt die although that still doesn’t mean you should just ignore it)
☆feeling like you’re about to pass out/ hands and legs shaking: believe me, you do not want to be found on the floor after pvr9ing. If you’re shaking, take a break, weather its 10 minutes or a couple days, take a break. If you feel shaky, that is a sign you are going to pass out, again, take a break. Sit down in a place you know you won’t hurt yourself if you do pass out, have a drink and rest for a moment!!! I know you don’t want to hear the “listen to your body bull shit” but in cases like this it is vital if you are genuinely trying to avoid permanent damage or injuries of any kind!
☆Thank you for reading, stay safe. My dm’s are open if you need help or advice. If you need to reach out to your local helpline don’t hesitate, you’re weak for reaching out for help!!! ☆
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exosalt · 5 months
aot headcanons - skincare edition
Slightly on the dry side but v sensitive
Has a pretty simple routine - cleanser, toner, moisturiser, aftershave etc
His products are high end and high quality
Knows exactly what to use for specific skin issues
Religiously uses SPF
Combination skin but slightly on the oilier side
Doesn’t have a skincare routine
Uses 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash on his face when he’s in the shower
Steals Armin’s and Mikasa’s skincare products
Uses them wrong
Refuses to use SPF in winter
Normal balanced skin
Literally only needs cleanser and SPF and that’s IT
Likes trying out new face masks and sheet masks
Physically has to hold Eren down and rub SPF on his face
Used to have balanced skin like Mikasa but it dried out because he kept using hand sanitizer on his face
Cleanses twice a day but with antibacterial soap
Skin stills looks good because ✨Ackergenes✨
Combination and slightly acne-prone
Needs encouragement to use proper skincare
Not too fussed about following a proper routine, always forgets in the evening
Thinks growing a beard will cover the sins
Has an oily T-zone
Tiktok is her main source of skincare info
Tried homemade Pinterest face masks but ended up eating it
Has a post on her Instagram of herself and Connie with face masks on and cucumbers over their eyes
Combination skin but slightly acne prone
Doesn’t really use anything special unless it’s recommended to him
“What’s your skincare routine?” “Water” - thinks that’s a flex
Loves trying new face masks with Sasha
Dry, sensitive skin but no one can ever tell because she’s perfected her skincare
Has a full 12 step routine
Loves giving skincare recommendations
Convinces Ymir to do spa nights with her
LMAO jk jk his skincare is pretty simple
Has mostly normal skin but stress causes him to break out
Still trying to find products which work for him
Oily + sensitive skin
Constantly forgets to use SPF
Doesn’t really matter because he sweats off all the product anyway
Combination skin
Constant dark circles
Uses super simple drugstore products
Only really focused on keeping her skin clean
Started using SPF because Armin suggested it
Combination skin but has an oily forehead
Doesn’t have a proper routine
Only buys products that are half off 🙃
Low-key scared he’ll exfoliate a freckle off
(The freckles demand love)
Really only uses water and it works out fine
Doesn’t understand the skincare hype
Will still try out whatever Historia recommends for her
this set
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Doesn’t have a skincare routine
Likes putting weird things on their face just to see what effect they’ll have
Like they’ll rub a whole lemon on their face just to see what it does
Enjoys popping pimples
Soap goes up his nose every single day and impairs his sense of smell for like an hour afterwards
Cries when this happens
Prefers to keep it simple
Doesn’t wash his face
Crusty ass bitch
s/o to @sehun-cakes for helping me with this 😂
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eggtartz · 1 year
✧ 4th October ✧
Overhaul // Hygiene Comes First (f! quirkless reader)
kinktober masterlist
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warnings : manipulation, mention of abuse, usage of sanitizer as lubricant, hints of breeding kink if you squint, a tinge of stockholm syndrome
it was undeniable at how you were kai's favourite, given that you are quirkless that he views you as pure and isn't plagued by the sickness of these so-called quirks. given on your condition, once you were at a legal you were outcasted by your own family. by society but not him. not kai.
instead he sees you as a perfect pair for him, a bride and a wife fitting oh so perfectly by his side. it was too easy taking you away from the streets, not a single hero patrolling are when his members took you forcefully. though, he was impressed. when you arrived you were smeared with blood which was obviously not yours. he smirked behind his mask, deeming himself as incredibly lucky. "sit down, little one" he said as his members left, leaving him sitting on a couch while spreading his legs. "what do you want from me? I don't have anything valuable!" you sniffled, wrists restrained against the cuffs.
He stood and closed the distance between the two of you while slowly removing his mask and revealing his face that even the shie hassaikai rarely sees "i see you as valuable" he said in one breath "you are someone that im interested in "he pulled your hand, his gloved hands caressing yours "you might be abandoned by everyone but not me" you looked up "h- huh?"
"im asking if you would like to stay with me darling," he said almost sweetly, manipulation seeping into your vulnerable state and letting you ponder as your senses started to get cloudy. your hand started to shake with weakness "but.. why me? a quirkless person?" tears started to swell as he took your chin in hand, thumb caressing gently. "that's why. it's because youre not tainted, sweet heart. you're special" he whispered and you flinched at his warm his words affecting your heart even your soul. he smiled gently
"do you agree, y/n? i promise, you'll never have to suffer again" he coaxed you, even allowing himself to hug you despite the filth clinging to your body.
~ ♪
it was nice of kai to bathe you, occasionally squeezing your body too endearingly and too affectionately making you shudder. it felt odd when you were finally naked on the bed as kai spread your whole body with lotion with a vanilla fragrance. "you want this, right?" he asked again, hands dangerously around your crotch as he squirted more lotion into his hand
"y-yeah.. I don't know how to.. do it though" you managed to said in a squeak as he smiled "no worries, just lay down and relax yeah?" you nodded as he reached for the sanitizer on the nightstand. he might've scrubbed your body clean with antibacterial soap but your insides haven't. he needs more than soap in order to penetrate you properly.
"h-huh?" you looked down when he cocked the head of sanitizer at your cunt but shushes you. he pumped the sanitizer inside, the cold substance making you jump as it felt foreign (also considering you're a virgin) "need to make sure you're clean, sweetheart" he smiled and pushed two fingers inside, sanitizer as lube. you whimpered, as he pumped more sanitizer and added a third finger. he pushed them slowly inside and outside as you blinked away the tears. "t-too much!" you yelped
"you can do it, it's okay" he cooed, gloved hands went to squeeze your breast. you tried your best not to writhe but he eventually stopped. you saw how he unzipped his trousers and pulled out his cock from his boxers. "h-hah.." you panted, salivating at the curve of his tip which was leaking with precum.
"I need to clean you, darling. inside and out" he said, rubbing his cock while pumping sanitizer as lubricant. you hissed, the sanitizer becoming colder as it was exposed to the wind. kai made sure to pumped excessively so it'll fit just right I to pussy and he pushed. you groaned and bit your fist as kai's eyes rolled to the back of his skull. it was such a contrast on how cold the sanitizer felt but how warm your pussy was.
it fitted like a glove, just right and perfect. he gently held your hips and did one thrust before pumping one more of sanitizer before the bottle ran out so he threw it on the floor. he held your hand and thrusted slowly, making you mewl in pain as blood appeared on his cock and popped your cherry. he bit his gloves off and slowly flicked your clit making you see stars. "o-oh.." your eyes were wide as your breath was stolen, the feeling of your most sensitive bud getting toyed around was enough to send you over the edge.
"did my love just came? filthy girl, I need to seriously clean you now" he frowned although you can hear a hint of amusement in his tone. he started to pick up the pace, the sanitizer as lube drying up as he pounded into you. your back arched from the bed as you moaned "mmh!"
"that's a good girl, be my wife hm?" he mumbled againts your ear as he grunted, pressing his body on yours. your hands flail around as you find something to hold on, scratching his back "need! to- a-ah!" you moaned, squeezing your eyes tight as he pounded deeply into you. he straighten his body and stilled as he came inside you with a groan.
"take it.. take it and be the mother of children.. my perfect wife.." you panted as your body went limp, kai sat up abd observed your glossy pussy with oozing cum
"you're all clean now."
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asifthoughts · 2 years
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WBM Care Sanitizer's budget-friendly pack eliminates 99.9% of the most prevalent bacteria. Jasmine can treat psoriasis and has anti-inflammatory effects. When you're on the run, our liquid hand sanitizer keeps hands moist and clean. Because liquid hand sanitizer is so extremely delicate and relaxing, it is suitable for all kinds of skin.
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fatkish · 5 months
Hello could you write some Fluffy head canons about Best Jeanist having an adopted daughter who is a big germaphobe.
Like always wearing a mask and gloves, will clean the house from top to bottom 3 times a day, and having and using a hand sanitizer at all times.
Also she can freak out if she feels ‘dirty’. Like somebody accidentally sneezed in front of her and suddenly she’s frantically cleaning herself to get rid of the germs.
(This was tater easy since my sibling is kind of a germaphobe too)
Best Jeanist x Germaphobe Daughter Reader
Gets you moisturizing hand sanitizer since normal hand sanitizer can dry out your hands
Gets you antibacterial soaps and toiletries
Puts together a small stylish bag for you to carry that contains your wet wipes, hand sanitizer, antimicrobial disinfectant spray, disposable cleansing cloths (I actually have these they’re great, just get them a little wet and then you can sponge bathe and you don’t have to rinse off) extra gloves and masks, etc.
He’ll buy and make you plenty of cute face masks and gloves so that you have plenty to choose from and look good
He’s always got disposable masks and gloves on him for you
If you don’t like to go grocery shopping in store then he’ll let you order what you need online
Employs cleaners for his house that are you approved
Let’s you decorate the Roomba vacuum cleaner however you want if you want
Makes sure that the laundry machines are properly cleaned every weekend (the washing machine is cleaned inside and out and the dryer’s lint trap is entirely cleaned and is vacuumed out)
Gets you whatever you need in order to feel clean
Doesn’t get mad and understands your fear of germs and doesn’t ridicule you or invalidate you
Makes sure that you’re comfortable but also stylish in what you wear
Helps you style yourself and includes your face masks and gloves
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stop buying a million cleaning products. you dont need 3/4 of them. keep a spray bottle handy that’s filled with distilled/previously boiled water and three drops of dish soap. shake. spray and wipe. this is excellent for dusting everything in the house as well as wiping down kitchen counters.
during covid i had no access to clorox wipes. none. so i used soap and water to disinfect everything. it’s just like washing your hands. soap does a better job than antibacterial spray or hand sanitizer. for bathroom cleaning, keep a bit of bleach on hand, and always use gloves.
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brain-amoeba · 1 year
Hii! Thinking about medic with a reader who's first language is also German. Idk what you wanna do with it, general hcs or whatever, but I imagine the moment reader notices he has an accent they speak to him exclusively in German lmao
you + all the other lovely anons who have sent me the most toe curling and amazing asks are fueling my fire and i fear with this one i may slightly disappoint only because i dont speak German....so if you do speak German please bare with my shoddy google translate skills..and feel free to correct any grammatical errors or give advice!! :D
in which reader is medic's newly assigned help and at first he brushes you off until he catches you speaking German
Medic typically did not pay the various assistants who came and went any mind. If anything, he was indignant towards the concept at all! The Doktor was perfectly capable of handling his workload and aiding the fellow mercenaries in battle perfectly fine--so why do they insist on hiring these nutzlos (useless) assistants?! With a heavy sigh, Medic returns to his medbay to find you hunched over the sink in concentration. Unfortunately for you, a stray scalpel acquainted itself with your finger while cleaning the examination table. You squeeze your finger under the running faucet, and between sharp inhales murmured curses to yourself for being so clumsy. "Verdammt! Es tut sehr weh...zu viel blut..so eine kleine schnittwunde!" (Damn it, it hurts a lot..so much blood..such a small cut!) Medic stopped dead in his tracks. Did he hear that correctly? He inched closer to you, but kept his distance--as if you were a skiddish doe, for fear of scaring you off. His heart was almost beating out of his chest...dammit, why was the thought of another human within a 5 mile radius speaking his mother tongue so exhilarating?! ...Eine frau, no less?! The medic cleared his throat as to passively make his presence known. "Ehm, fraülein, sprichst du auch Deutsch?" (Do you also speak German?)
You jumped slightly at the sound of his voice, but quickly looked over your shoulder while still tending to your wound. "Jawohl, Herr Doktor...hilfe, bitte?!" (Yes sir, Doctor... help, please?!) You showed him your bleeding finger, squeezing still to dramatize the wound as scarlet beads spurted from the opening like tears. "Right, but of course, schatz!" Medic rushed to your side, and helped you sanitize your wound. With one swift movement, he shut off the faucet and led you to the examination table by the waist. "Seems a little excessive for a surface cut, don't you think, Doctor? ...I just needed a little help getting patched up." You asked, sitting nervously atop the unwelcoming metal surface. "Oh, nein, we can't afford to have anything happen to meine lieblingsassistent!" He mused, carefully handling your injured digit as he spoke. Medic applied a topical antibacterial whose sting earned an audible wince from you, screwing your eyes shut. He continued, humming too excitedly as he proceeded to wrap your delicate finger in gauze and fasten it to ensure your wound may heal properly and be free from infection. "Sehr gut!" Medic smiled at you innocently and gave you a gentle head-pat before turning to stow away his equipment.
Upon finishing, he gently took your hand in his and left a courtly kiss atop it. "...?! Herr doktor, what has gotten into you?" Your body was set ablaze with a new type of anxiety, excitement, and confusion than ever felt before. You attempted to maintain your professionalism, but the way Medic gazed upon you now, half-lidded and piercing past his circular lenses and into your very core...you knew this was no way a boss treated their subordinate. The Doktor sighed as he slowly tightened his grip on your hand. You whimpered, attempting to pull away. What a mistake that was! Wordlessly, he pulled you towards him in one fell swoop and instantly closed the safe distance between the two of you. "Oh, fraülein, I just remembered...I never gave you a proper examination! It's simply a routine checkup." His free hand now rested atop your head, thumb gently caressing along where your hair parts. "Worry not...I am more than qualified to perform any necessary gynecological procedures, schatz!"
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Daily ask №22
Sickness edition!
1. Can each one of them even get sick in the first place? I mean, Phil is a god, the Blade is a.. furry?? And Wilbur is a.. void person. And Tubbo is bees.
2. Assuming they do get sick, how do they handle it?
3. How do they handle other people getting sick and having to care for them?
4. There's this myth in my culture that, I kid you not, breathing above boiled potatoes helps with a cold. Rank how likely it is that I would be able to convince them to breathe above boiled potatoes.
5. How is Phil theoretically very knowledgeable in science and stuff but also still believes in blood-letting??
1.All of them can get sick, which is an overhanging threat in part 2 given the survivalist genre. Like literally Tommy gets a power up that’s just hand sanitizer and it’s a game changer. That said, they’re a little…odd about it.
Phil is trying to be a person, warts and all, and that includes getting ill. Now, does it work like a normal person? Not in the slightest. He gets sick when he thinks he’s supposed to, which included inaccurate theories people have had over the years such as displeasing the gods or being cold and wet. In the little more than a century since germ theory has been proposed he mostly gets sick in a normal way now. Phil is absolutely ecstatic about vaccines, though in all fairness home remedies with no scientific basis also work on him. He is observed using fire to burn out void sepsis in Tommy and Wilbur, though unclear if that worked because void or bacteria. And if we dig into that we’re back to germ theory with Tommy and questioning what an individual even is. 
The Blade gets animal diseases, and pigs and humans share a decent chunk of illnesses. 
Tubbo deals with bee illnesses, mites, fungal problems, all manner of things. Dysentery according to Wiki? They do have the advantage of having the awareness to guaranteed symptomatic bees to limit contagions tho. 
Wilbur can’t get food borne illnesses since it devours All, and also I speculate that it doesn’t have normal organs ? Fault never says either way. External diseases from mouth, nose, dermis, etc work perfectly fine tho even if Wilbur can get away with eating rotten food.
Tommy might be the least likely to get sick of any of them thanks to Red acting as a germ killer. 
2.Tommy complains and demands pampering. Philza takes a self care day but it isn’t very relaxing bc mentally he’s like I can’t take care of my kids oh gods- Wilbur ignores it if he can. If not is like welp guess I’m dying since if it’s bad enough he can’t get food or medicine or fight and so it was a near death sentence as a kid. Tubbo depends on where they are in their arc. Normally they’d be very normal drink tea maybe try some home remedies. During their spiral they’d just ignore or dissociate through it like they did with their injuries. And The Blade is NOT sick. Nope. Nah ah. Perfectly fine. Buuut every time he sneezes it triggers The Blood God since he thinks it’s an attack. 
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3.Phil grins and offers to balance their humors if it’s not serious. Other than that is very accommodating and spoiling and totally not thinking about his countless loved ones lost to illness. He can gauge what is/isn’t fatal very well, but though the spark of terror is buried deep it’s still there. Rhodes fully comes out of Tubbo, do you have enough pillows here have another cookie that’s quite the fever kiddo.  Lots of home remedies, often involving honey cause well good for sore throats and antibacterial/good for infections. Tommy dithers since he really wants to be useful but Red contamination and so he mostly sits beside them and tells a bunch of stupid jokes to lift the mood. Wilbur is also going to take massive care of anyone who’s sick since that’s something it never got. More distant though, more like going on supply runs for lots of extra food and medicine, but is cautious so it doesn’t get sick too. Only The Blade is fully like like nah. I’m not catching a cold thanks. Good luck bro. He also dealt with the no medicine or support thing Wilbur went through, though wasn’t worried about losing fights and can eat pretty much whatever and actually get nutrition from it unlike Wilbur. Plus he isn’t keen on the chance of it giving The Blood God better access to control. 
4. Philza: has heard it before, has tried it, and it probably works for him. Stupid metaphorical man. If asked how he thinks it works he’d probably shrug and reply something about vitamins. 
Tubbo: they don’t believe it. But they also don’t not believe it. This is less that they aren’t a little superstitious about home remedies, and more that they haven’t heard about it and they know ALL the home remedies so it clearly can’t work or else they’d’ve already used it. But they would still use it. Again this is pure Rhodes, because he wants to take care of his kiddos and Tubbo heavily associates sick days with him staying home to look after them. I can too write a healthy paternal figure! (We’re ignoring chapter 13 it can’t hurt us if we don’t acknowledge it).
Tommy: I mean he’s a lil dumb, maybe. He’d definitely poke fun while trying it just in case he’s getting pranked. 
Wilbur: doesn’t believe it for a second. It’s more a mixture of trust issues than the fact it understands how medicine works. Actually wait. How does Wilbur think that works. Because a lot of it is eaten/swallowed. Like Wil tends to be the unofficial healer of the group alongside Phil, but his experience is purely ‘birthed from the crucible of need that forces experience whether one is read for it or not’ or however that one line goes. Cause it’s gotta be a mix of reading the back of pill bottles and Foundation stuff and void trivia so I gotta imagine that man has no idea why what it’s doing works. 
The Blade: has already eaten the potatoes before you even get around to explaining.
5.Phil’s knowledge of science is filled with a LOT of misinformation and it’s hard for him to keep track. Plus if utterly convinced something would heal him it genuinely will, and confirmation bias is a hell of a drug. I also believe he suggests blood-letting 100% to mess with people. There’s a deleted scene where he almost convinces Tubbo he can’t write in English because he ‘didn’t think it would be important’ and ‘clay tablets are going to come back any day now’. I think (aside from the murder) Phil often gets pigeon holed as the well adjusted mentor figure. Sort of a Kermit the Frog thing where the crazy cast of colorful characters kinda drowns out the fact that he’s the crazy nut job who decided to hire them all, and subtly thrives on chaos. 
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the-fiction-witch · 3 months
I Need Help
Media - The Maze Runner Series AU Character - Newt Couple - Newt X Reader Reader - Y/n Rating - Sweet Word Count - 3252
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As I moved restlessly around the house, I meticulously checked and prepared everything. The dining table is spotless and uncluttered, while the fridge is meticulously stocked with carefully prepared meals, each one labelled with its date and cooking instructions. The milk has been properly organized by expiration date and labelled accordingly. Meanwhile, the bottle warmer is already in action, sterilizing the second batch of bottles, with the first batch neatly stored in the cupboard. Additionally, all the pacifiers have been thoroughly cleaned and sterilized. In the pantry, an array of cookies, snacks, and tea is neatly arranged, and the diaper cupboard is fully stocked and organized. Lastly, the teethers are already chilling in the freezer, ready for use.
I. Am. Prepared.
What the bloody hell was that! I jumped out of my skin leaping halfway across the kitchen, Ohh... just the bottle sanitiser machine. It's finished.
No need to give me a heart attack bottle machine!
I approached the sink, eager to begin the meticulous process of cleaning the baby bottles. First, I lathered my hands thoroughly with gentle, antibacterial soap, ensuring to scrubbed every nook and cranny. After drying my hands with a fresh, sealed dry wipe, I carefully donned a new pair of latex gloves. With deliberate movements, I retrieved the freshly cleaned bottles from the machine and placed them on their designated shelf, ensuring to seal the shelf with hygiene tape. Next, I carefully took the hand-washed and mini dishwasher-treated bottles from the rack, adding them one by one to the sanitizing machine. As I set the machine in motion, I discarded my gloves and once again washed my hands, ensuring every step along the way maintained impeccable hygiene standards.
"Hey Newtie Booty," Y/n giggled as she came down the stairs, in her comfy clothes ready for her long flight, her Y/H/C hair pulled up into a braid,
"Ah! Love!" I jumped, "Don't! I'm full of enough anxiety right now,"
"I can tell," she giggled,
"You can?"
"Newt, you're hyperventilating and you're chewing on your hoodie strings."
"Maybe I am," I sighed forcing it out my mouth, "I'm sorry love I'm just... nervous is all.... this is the first time I've been alone with all four of them. Ever. Since they have been alive." I explained, "I'm freaking out!"
"Newt. You'll be fine babies are more resilient them you give them credit for," She chuckled, "Remember when you couldn't burp Simon for a week becuase you weren't burping him hard enough,"
"I remember," I sighed, "But I felt bad... I didn't want to hit his little back too hard,"
"You are so sweet," she cooed kissing my cheek, "You'll be fine it's just a week."
"Just a week," I nodded already feeling overwhelmed,
"Hey, remember what we talked about? Breaking down your jobs into steps?" She suggested,
I took a deep breath and nodded, "Yeah... just a week. But a week is a whole seven days."
"Hey, hey, break it down." she suggested, "It's seven days. and you're on day one so it's really only six days, five and a half if you could be coming home on Friday,"
"Yeah... I guess that's true," I nodded,
"And really over those five and a half days you only need to break it down into eight feedings a day which is only really four in the morning and four in the afternoon, plus the twelve hours a day they are sleeping so really it either sleep or eat at any one time which if you get them all onto the same sleep and eat schedule it shouldn't be to... Hard." She explained but then she noticed my face, "This isn't helping? is it?"
"It is not love," I admit,
"Sorry Newt,"
"It's fine. It's okay." I gasped,
"You'll be fine," she smiled giving my lips a soft little kiss, "I have complete faith in you Newt,"
"You do?"
"Of course I do," She smiled, "Maybe this is the moment all those paternal instincts the books talk about will kick in, and you'll finally become the amazing super daddy they know you can be,"
I blushed, "I hope so, I love them so much... I just... worry about everything for them."
"I know you do, but do try and have some fun while I'm gone okay?"
"Okay," I nodded, "I'll try, I hope everything is okay."
"I'm sure it's fine, I'd say us all go but seems like more stress, I'll bring you a magnet," she smiled kissing my cheek before she headed to the door,
"Hey," I stop her, "I love you,"
"I love you too," She smiled and we shared a soft sweet kiss, "Have fun,"
"You too," I smiled,
As she prepared to leave, we exchanged one final kiss, savouring the moment before parting ways. She threw her bag into the car and then glanced back at me, blowing a farewell kiss as she reversed out of our driveway. I stood there, watching as her car made its way down the road, turning the corner until it vanished from sight.
And it sunk in... I really am... alone...
And as soon as I had a moment to breathe the crying began.
I rushed upstairs making sure to lock the door and bolting into the nursery where I saw the four sweet little cribs, each I passed to find who was crying.
Robin was fine,
Wren was fine,
Jay was fine,
And so the crying was coming from little Sparrow, so I picked her up in my arms and gave her a sweet kiss or two to soothe her cries, I cooed petting her soft little blonde and Y/H/C hair little sparrow our only girl somehow got a mix of Y/n and I's hair and she had one Y/E/C eye and one brown eye she's my special little sparrow. Robin was a redhead of course part of why we named him it even before we knew about all four of them, and both Wren and Jay both had my dusty blonde. As soon as Sparrow was back to sleep I set her down in her crib again and did my best to speak away but before I could my phone went off for feeding time which woke all of them.
"Oh Bloody hell..." I groaned,
I sat on the rocking chair in the nursery my eyes half-lidded, my breaths slow, the rocking almost sending me to sleep at this rate, Wren against my chest as he finished up his bottle. I was beyond exhausted, but I got them all down for their meal and when I burp Wren and set him to bed they shall all be about the same for sleep with a few minutes of gradual wake-up for the night feed so all four don't wake up at once, which I should be able to manage. I hope. If I can keep them on this routine for the next few days. This is hard normally for me and Y/n to balance all four babies but on my own... I just don't have enough arms with which to cradle babies. Once he finished his bottle I wiped his messy little chin and burped him luckily he burped fairly fast so I kissed him and set him down in his crib.
"Nightie night little ones, sleep tight, don't let those bed bugs bite ya." I cooed giving them each a goodnight kiss before I double-checked the baby monitor, as well as left the nursery door open as I went across the hall and fell onto the bed passing out.
I woke to the sounds that chilled my very core, all four babies crying relentlessly in pain, and bird song. No. No! I couldn't have slept through my alarms!
I grabbed my phone and to my horror, I hadn't plugged it in last night... and it had died!
"Oh no!" I gulped boolting out of bed and into the nursery trying to soothe my poor starving babies! "I'm so so so sorry my little ones, Daddy is so sorry, dadyd didn't mean to miss your feeding, I'm so sorry my loves," I cooed trying not to cry, I felt like such a bad father! They were crying begging for milk their poor little baby tummies must have been so empty!
I quickly gathered them up in their carrier taking them downstairs so I could feed all four in the kitchen as soon as the bottles were warm, but "Oh no! Oh No!" I gasped as in my sleepy haze last night I had forgotten to close the fridge door! and everything inside was bad, surely it couldn't have just- No... no no no the cooker clock is wrong... we, We had a power outage! No! We had a power outage with the fridge doors open! All the milk for the babies was unusable, all the meals for me were soaked and ruined. "I'm so so sorry my little ones, daddy fucked up, daddy made a big mistake! But it's okay. we have emergency formula milk which should be okay just for this week, and I'll do a delivery and get myself some food in for a few days it's okay..."I explained to them as they cry, "We just need your..." I gasped as I turned to the pantry, "Oh no... no... no no no no!" I fell to my knees as the water that had leaked from the defrosting freezer and fridge had leaked all the way across the kitchen to the pantry, every single diaper I had was soaked in water and unusual, and water had gotten in the formula cartons flooding the whole floor with milk. "Oh no... daddy fucked up, daddy really really fucked up!" I gasped trying not to cry as I tried to think of what on earth I could do!
I need to go get food, and milk and formula, and diapers, and I need to take four babies, and they are starving, and crying, and I'm crying cause I feel like a terrible father.
"I... I need help..." I cried,
I called up the group chat for help and explained my situation, I didn't know what else to do or whom else to call. Y/n is a thousand miles away she can't help me.
I tried to do what little I could but soon they arrived, Like three golden angels,
Thomas, Minho and Gally.
"Right. We are here. And we are here to assist!" Minho said, "Where are babies in need of love and affection!"
"Bring me a baby to snuggle!" Thomas begged,
"Baby Wren for you," I told thomas as I handed him over, "Baby Robin for you," I told Minho as I handed him over, keeping Jay and Sparrow in my arms.
"Awww such the cutest little puddling pop" Thomas cooed peppering Wren with all the love and attention possible,"
"I am made of muscles, muscles for baby cuddles!" Minho explained,
"Not so loud Min, Babies. small ears."
"Right," He nodded, "Muscels for baby cuddles," he whispered just as hyped,
"Okay. We have enough formula and diapers to get you through the next forty-eight hours, after that two will do a shopping run while the others play with the babies at the park. Yes, I know you split your shops into two stores becuase of items that's why we go one pair into one while the other pair minds the baby's second store we switch. We also brought you two takeaway pizzas and enough fries to kill a small elephant to keep you going till we can get some groceries in you. I also came prepared with additional towels for the fridge and some new baby bottles that may do in a pinch while others are sanitizing." Gally explained,
"Gally... I could kiss you," I told him,
"You are a married man with four children that makes me uncomfortable,"
"I am sure in this situation Natgalie will understand, but know I would kiss you in spirit."
"Gross. Mouths or butts what is the more pressing issue,"
"Mouths I missed a feeding so they have been crying out and I just feel like the worst father on earth," I cried looking as poor little Jay cried in my arms,
"You are not a bad father Newt. everyone gets overwhelmed. Happens to us all." Minho explained as he took Wren from thomas,
Thomas went to make the bottles up, "Yeah come on man every dad gets one fuck up,"
"None of you are fathers."
"No... but I like to feel I have a very fatherly vibe," Minho said,
"which do you want to give me," Gally asked,
"I'm okay," I nodded,
"Newt. There are four babies. and four of us. we need to share the load." Thomas said as he brought bottles for all four babies,
"Okay, take Jay. He's mad at me anyway," I sighed handing Jay over to Gally and sitting in my chair to feed little sparrow who drank up her bottle so fast, "uhh yeah they missed at least one feeding so... we may need a refill."
"Another round of baby cocktails Thomas!" Minho ordered,
"Coming right up four baby formula cocktails," Thomas said, "can I reuse bottles or-"
"Whatever you need to Tommy," I answered,
I collapsed on the chair as soon as all four babies were in bed, sitting with the guys.
"Have you even slept?" Gally asked,
"No... too many schedules too-" I began,
"Go," Minho demanded,
"I'm fine I'll be-"
"Go Newt," Thomas demanded,
"Don't make us feed, burp, change and read you to bed Newt... cause we will do it," Minho warned,
"Okay, Okay, I'm going," I sighed,
"Not gonna lie that does sound kinda nice," Thomas nodded, but got glares, "Kidding."
"Wake me when the kids-"
"No. Sleep. we will deal with them get some goddamn rest." Gally demanded,
"...fine, just yell me if there-"
"rest!" They all yelled,
"I'm going I swear," I said getting up and heading up to my room but I couldn't check in on them I found Robin squirming so I gave him a quick cuddle in the rocking chair till he was happy, but by then Sparrow was squirming so I gave her a cuddle, but by then Wren was squirming and wanted cuddles, and of course the moment I was finished with him Jay wanted cuddles but I settled him ready for this dance to begin again until just as I set jay down in his crib I was grabbed by my hoodie and pulled from the nursery, rolled along the floor into a blanket like a sushi roll and thrown on my bed, "Guys!"
"Rest," Thomas told me,
"Or else," Minho warned before they shut my door,
"What if I have to pee?!"
"hop to the bathroom!" Gally yelled,
"Can I have my phone?"
"Sleep!" They all yelled,
I smiled as I sat with little Jay on my leg giving him some bounces as we all sat at the table to do some crafting, something to take up time between naps and food, I had Jay, Minho had Sparrow, Gally had Robin and Thomas had Wren all of us sat around the table with some baby safe paint and paper.
"Hum..." Thomas pondered,
"Enlighten us," Gally sighed,
"...If I give Sparrow the pink paint to do her painting... am I being sexist 'cause she's a girl." he said, "Or if I give the boys pink and I don't give Sparrow pink is that also sexist..." he said, "Or If I-"
"Thomas. it's baby paints. don't think too hard about it," Minho sighed,
"Why not just do their favourite colours?" Gally sighed,
"Uhhh they are like three months old... they don't have colour preferences," I told them,
"Ohh... really?" thomas asked,
"Not really, they don't even really have toy preferences yet," I answered,
"They are like tiny not yet people" Minho chuckled,
"They kinda are," I laughed giving Jay a little kiss on the head, "Bu there my tiny not yet people,"
"Adorable," Gally sighed, "Just hand out some paint already thomas,"
I sat holding Jay as I finished up changing him luckily with four pairs of hands things were going fairly smoothly or as smoothly as four men in a house with four babies can go.
"Ohh I think Jay needs changing," Minho called,
"Uhh, I just changed him," I said,
"Well, he stinky,"
"You sure, cause I have Jay Min,"
"Oh... shit. Sorry Wren I thought you were your brother."
"Give Wren here I'll change him," I chuckled,
So Minho brought Wren over and I swapped him with Jay, "Nap?"
"Yes please,"
"The baby,"
"Both. Yeah, Jay needs nap time, Sparrow will be up in a second for her bottle." I explained as I began to change Wren,
"How did you get stuck on the baby changing station?"
"I don't know, I guess it's kinda fair you guys are all helping me, and it's kinda unfair I ask for your unpaid help and make you wipe my own kid's butts. Seems rude."
"Good point, I just like burping,"
"You are good at it,"
"I'm good at feeding!" Thomas called,
"You really are Tommy you get all the formula clumps,"
"The trick... is to shake it like a Polaroid picture," He said as he came in, "Gally is a great nap time supervision... like he should change careers something about how he lays them down they are just out like lights."
"Together we just about make one fully functioning father," I sighed as I tickled Wren's toes and gave him endless kisses,
"Newt. You are a good dad." Minho said,
"I... I don't feel like a good day most days," I answered,
"Everyone messes up."
"I make a lot of mistakes though,"
"Yes, but you have four kids. You got four kids on your first go, no one is prepared for that," Thomas explained, "You are doing a good job though Newt,"
"I don't know I just feel like I'm always messing up,"
"Newt." Gally came through too, "You know these kids better than anyone, you know how they lay, how they feed, how they squirm and burp, and when they get bigger and show more personality we both know you will know them better than they know themselves. You are going to be a great dad Newt, and you are one now."
"You guys think so?"
They all nodded,
"Thank's guys," I smiled,
I settled them all in for their nap giving each a kiss on the head finally feeling like I had the hang of this now the guys had left, giving me some confidence and some faith that I could do this. I checked the baby monitor as I heard the car pull up so I went down and quickly scooped her in my arms,
"Ummmmm I missed you!" she hugged me,
"I missed you too," I cooed, "I love you so so so much,"
"I love you too,"
"How was it?"
"Fine just a mad house, how was things here?"
"Uhhh... well..." I gulped, "Things went to chaos but I got a handle on stuff,"
"Yeah, some big stuff happened that I will go over but nothing I couldn't manage,"
"Aww that's sweet," she smiled, "With help,"
"Yeah... you uhh you know about that?"
"I was watching through the baby monitor feed on my phone,"
"Ah... so you-"
"I know, you had help,"
"They really were a big help but, I think I got a handle on it now. I think... I'm an okay dad, I'm getting there,
"That's perfect Newt," she smiled giving me a soft kiss,
"Ohh and babies made their mommy a little welcome home prezzie," I smiled grabbing the little painting from the fridge,
she took it and began to cry, "Aw, it's a little woodland of hands, our little baby hands,"
"Yeah, Sparrow did the sky, Robin did the leaves, Jay did the tree's and Wren did the ground and they all did a little sign at the bottom for you," I explained,
"It's so beautiful, Thank you," She cried joyfully, "You did such a good job Newt,"
"Thank you love," I smiled,
"You think you could handle two weeks for a girl's trip to Vegas?"
"Hell no," I told her,
"I'm only kidding," she laughs, "You deserve a week off soon."
"I'm happy right here, with my family" I cooed giving her a kiss,
"Alright, come on I wanna give them all kisses goodnight," she smiled heading upstairs. 
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