humming-herbs · 17 days
Top-Rated Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Supplement: Where to Buy
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Searching for the best NMN supplement? Look no further! Our guide highlights top-rated nicotinamide mononucleotide supplements and the best places to purchase them. Get insights into customer reviews, product quality, and pricing to make an informed decision on where to buy your NMN supplement for optimal health benefits.
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etiasonline · 2 months
Affordable Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Supplement: Buy Now
Are you trying to find an affordable NMN supplement that doesn't compromise on quality? Find the most affordable Nicotinamide Mononucleotide supplement at Hummingherbs. We have NMN supplements available at affordable prices so you can reap the health benefits of NMN without going over budget. Buy your supplement now to start your path to health.
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gritsandbrits · 2 months
You see what happens when you take the time to sit down and think about how to improve a widely disliked character instead of relying on lazy tropes to appease the hatedom?
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bytehealthy1 · 2 years
Just like any other field, women are still battling their way out, even in the culinary domain. The culinary world is an outstanding world which is made picture perfect with the image of a female chef cooking some of the most exquisite cuisines. Although that’s the image generally portrayed, very few women are able to battle out and emerge as notable chefs. Looking at general households, kitchens are the most favorite spot for anyone to hang out. It is the place where our moms cook some of our favorite dishes which is irreplaceable in terms of taste, hygiene, and love.
Bytehealthy, brings our moms and all other those who want to improve their skills in culinary world, a platform to grow and earn from it. Millions of individuals including our moms, friends and many more are left unrecognized for their talent and passion for cooking. Various factors are to be challenged apart from the everyday prejudices of being women. Many women and individual have been able to step out in the big picture with their culinary skills, while still are some struggling fiercely. So make world a little easier place for them we at Bytehealthy, bring you a great platform for their growth. Use your freedom from home through Bytehealthy.
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goldenpinof · 8 months
It's so weird. I know nothing about promoting, but even if there was lower demand for Dan's show than was anticipated...isn't it their job to get more people interested? From the outside, it looks like they just threw their hands up and went "Oh well. There's low demand. Can't do anything about it." instead of actually doing their jobs and promoting the show.
wait, that's a separate issue. are we talking about 2 shows for taping or wad tour in general? because the promo for these February shows hasn't really started yet. this bullshit with tickets is more of an anti-promo, because people see that nothing is available or the website just isn't working and they close the tabs. idk how many people return to twitter/tumblr/reddit to check what others say, but definitely not everyone who saw the closed door and said, "oh well, not going then".
AEG/AXS allegedly created a fictitious demand for tickets by denying access to all tickets at once (the 2nd part of the sentence is not alleged). it's been 9 hours, stalls are still available, there's no queue on the website anymore, no hype either. people are confused and sad. congrats, i guess, if that's what promo was aiming for. can't wait to see what Dan says. he doesn't like to apologise, but he will have to. and he will have to explain what to do now (to those who are not on social media religiously).
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sheerioswifties · 2 years
Live Nation is only involved because they own TicketMaster. AEG is the touring management company Taylor uses.
Right I'm just wondering because they are connected with/do the booking for venues like stadiums and I'm wondering if they do some gatekeeping... it sounds like while artists like Tay have these companies they use for tour management that they're all still beholden to an extent to TM/LN because of TM basically having exclusive rights to the ticketing industry and LN with the venues etc. And all of this is why we have anti trust laws it's not right
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napoli-city · 10 days
AEG AX51-304WT Purificatore d'aria con filtro anti-batterico - Elimina 99,9% bat...
Price: (as of – Details) Purificatore d’aria AEG AX51-304WT La qualità dell’aria è qualità della vita. Trascorriamo gran parte del tempo in stanze chiuse, ed è proprio qui che le persone sono spesso esposte a concentrazioni più elevate di inquinanti rispetto all’esterno. L’aria inquinata nella stanza può portare a allergie e problemi respiratori, danneggiare il benessere generale e scatenare…
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meiesiinkaugemal2 · 3 months
II nädal Sitsiilias
Tere kõigile!
Täna toovad postituse teieni multimeedia spetsialist Anna-Maria ja visuaalmeedia spetsialist Anette ning jagame lisaks ühistele tegevustele ka oma erialaseid töökogemusi.
Esmaspäev (24.06)
Hommikul ärkasime ja asusime Anettega tööle. Selle päeva tööülesandeks oli luua Celly kelladele reklaamid, mida saaks kasutada nii Instagramis kui ka Facebookis.
Siin on ka paar pilti meie tehtud töödest sellest päevast:
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Samuti käisime esimesel ekskursioonil, kus tutvusime Gela ajaloo ja kunstiga. Külastasime ajaloolisi kohti, imetlesime muraleid ja käisime ka ühes kunstimuuseumis.
Siin on ka pilt meist ekskursioonil:
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Teisipäev (25.06)
Taaskord ärkasime kõik koos varakult, et minna tööle. Tänaseks tööülesandeks oli luua taas video poes müüdavatest toodetest ja samuti teha logo animatsioon.
Siin ka väike video, mis me siis koos tegime.
Pärast tööd viis meie boss meid restorani kohalikku toitu sööma.
Anna restoranis Anettele juua kallamas.
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Kell neli suundusime itaalia keele kursusele, kus õpetati meile põhilisi itaaliakeelseid enesetutvustamise viise. Rääkisime ka veidi Eesti ja Gela erinevustest, samuti mis meile Gelas meeldib ja mis mitte.
Kolmapäev (26.06)
Täna töötasime Cinecitta's, mis on meie töökoha ema ettevõte. Ülesandeks oli luua poele tutvustav video toodetest, kuna pood oli suur, läks meil ka filmimise ja montaaziga kauem aega.
Pärast tööd suundusime koju, et valmistuda järgmiseks ekskursiooniks. Seekord oli tegemist arheoloogiaekskursiooniga, kus kõndisime ringi ühes pargis. Seal olid enne Kristuse sündi ühe maja varemed. Samuti külastasime vaateplatvormi, kust avanes võrratu vaade merele.
Pärast ekskursiooni tegime veel koos burgereid ja Caesari salatit, jutustasime ja nautisime mõnusat õhtut.
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Neljapäev (27.06)
Täna läksime terve grupiga ekskursioonile, et külastada kahte Sitsiilia linna - Iblat ja Modicat. Lahkusime hotellist kell 12:30, pikk bussisõit oli isegi nauditav, sest vaade oli imeline.
Kell 14:00 jõudsime Iblasse, mis on tuntud oma kauni barokkstiilis arhitektuuri ja kitsaste vanalinnatänavate poolest. Meile anti poolteist tundi vaba aega, et linna avastada.
Kell 15:30 kogunesime ja alustasime teekonda Modicase poole. Modica on ajalooline linn Sitsiilias, tuntud oma barokkstiilis arhitektuuri ja rikkaliku kultuuripärandi poolest. Modica on eriti kuulus oma traditsioonilise šokolaadi poolest, mida valmistatakse astekite retsepti järgi, ja see on üks peamisi põhjuseid, miks linn on populaarne turismisihtkoht. Lisaks šokolaadile pakub Modica külastajatele kaunilt restaureeritud kirikuid, ajaloolisi hooneid ja maalilisi vaateid. Just šokolaadi poodi meid esimesena viidi, kust saime erinevaid maitseid proovida ja osta.
Külastasime veel kirikut, mis tõesti üllatas kõiki oma arhitektuuri poolest. Pärast kirikut läksime kõik koos kohvikusse, mille kõrval oli ka photobooth, mis sai sekunditega meie lemmikuks kohaks. Pildid tehtud, oligi aeg lõpuks kodu poole minna.
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Reede (28.06)
Reedel käisime Wintres, kus tegime kuumimatest toodetest video lisaks ka poetuur. Peale seda meie armas ülemus viis meid kohvile ja siis oli aeg sammuda kodu poole, kus tee peal käisime natuke ümbrust ja poode avastamas. Samuti tee peal koju pidime ikka poest õhtuks kõik vajaliku ostma pasta bolognese jaoks. Kui koju jõudsime siis alustasime kokkamisega. Kui pasta oli valmis , söötsime kõigil kõhud täis ,kaasarvatud meie hotelli hostil Marcol. Marco on tõeline itaallane ja ta oli täielikus hämmingus meie tehtud pastast, et kui maitsev ja hea see oli.
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Laupäev (29.06)
Täna oli päev, mida kõik kaua ootasid, hotelli ees oli buss, mis oli valmis meid viima PALERMOSSE!
Väljusime kell 8, ühe vahepeatusega jõudsime Palermosse kell 11. Otsekohe tormasid suuremosa grupist Sephorasse, kust tulid ka juba esimesed suured kulud. Jõudsime käia vaid paaris poes, kuni tuli grupil soov sööma minna. Leidsime armsa pitsakoha, kus endal kõhud täis sõime, pärast söömist kadusid kõik jälle poodi.
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Pühapäev (30.06)
Kuna nädal oli tegevusrohke, võtsime aja maha ja puhkasime terve päev. Käisime rannas, kus sai tugeva tuulega suurte lainete sees hullata.
Õhtu poole tegi Anna meile kõigile süüa, menüüs oli kartulid, kotletid ja salat.
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Aitäh kõigile, kes lugesid.
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go-liris · 2 years
Praktika analüüsiva kokkuvõte
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Praktika(SVNC.00.164) aine raames kogu sügis semester pühendunud praktikale. Tudengitel on aga võimalus arvestada ka oma varasemat töökogemust noorsootöö valdkonnas praktikana.
Õpingute ajal ma töötasin igal suvel Narva noortekeskuses õpilasmaleva rühma juhatajana, mistõttu minu töökogemus läheb arvesse praktikana. Õpilasmalev on suurepärane noorteprojekt, kus lisaks tervisele ja arendavale puhkusele antakse noortele võimalus omandada tööoskusi, mille eesmärk on noorsootöö abil parandada noorte positsiooni tööturul, tõsta noorte töövalmidust. Õpilasmalev on suunatud õpilaste kõlbelise tööhoiaku kujundamisele. Projektis osalesid noored vanuses 13-16 aastat.
Minu eesmärgiks oli omandatud teoreetilisi teadmisi praktikas rakendada, proovida erinevaid meetodeid töös noortega, lähudes nende vanusest, luua usalduslikke suhteid noortega ja loomulikult  saada kogemusi.
Töö põhisisuks oli:
malevaste töö koordineerimine;
rühma tegevuste korraldamine;
jälgima laste turvalisust töö ja muu tegevuse ajal;
jälgima osalevate laste tervislikku seisundit;
 noorte toetamine ja motiveerimine.
Vaatame millega ma saavutasin oma töös?
Tudeng rakendab erinevaid tegevusi ja meetodeid sõltuvalt noorsootöö valdkonna eripärast, eesmärgist, sihtgrupist, noorsootöö tegemise kohast ja situatsioonist.
Saavutatud erinevate igapäevaste meetodite kaudu. Kohtudes igal hommikul  kell 9:00, me arutasime noortega nende tunndeid, mõtteid ja ootusi (hommikuring). Peale seda jagasin noorte vahel tööülesandeid, vajadusel selgitasin, motiveerisin ja toetasin neid. Pärast tööd korraldasin erinevaid mänge, nii lauamänge kui ka õues (olenevalt ilmast). Päeva lõpus ma kogusin erinevate meetoditega tagasisidet.
Selgitab noorsootöö sisu ja tutvustab noortevaldkonna võimalusi.
saavutatud. Tutvustasin end osalejatele: kes ma olen, millega ma tegelen, kelleks ma õppin. Suhtluses noortega ma uurisin oma rühma noorte huvisid ja ajaviidet. Ma motiveerisin neid aktiivselt osaleda Narva Noortekeskuse elus, erinevates projektides  ja vabatahtlikus töös. Igal malevavahetuse jooksul ma rääkisin noortega nende võimalustest erinevatel tasanditel, usalduväärse info olulisusest, digipädevustest ja turvalisusest.
Kavandab oma töö noortega turvalises keskkonnas, järgides õigusaktidega kehtestatud ohutusnõudeid.
Töötades noortega ma pidin arvestama turvalisust, tervist ja töösuhteid käsitlevaid üldisi eeskirju. Õpilasmaleva põhitegevusvuseks on linna, sh koolide ja lasteaedade territooriumi heakorrastamine (haljastus, rohimine, juhusliku prügi koristamine, lillepeenrade rohimine,ruumide koristamine, töövahendite kordategemine jne). Enne tööle asumist kuulasid noored loengut ohutustest. Veetsime suurema osa päevast õues, seega ma jälgisin, et kõigil oleks peas müts ja oleks piisavalt vett.  Tööd noorte vahel jagades veendusin, et töö soobiks neile ja nad ei tööta liiga kaua, kuna tegemist oli alaealistega. Kõik kaasa antud töövahendid olid kontrollitud, et sobiks tööülesnnete täitmiseks ning ei kahjusta noorte tervisele! Ka andsin tööks kindad välja.
Reageerib ettetulevates ohuolukordades asjakohaselt-  saavutatud.
Sisseministeeriumi lehel on kirjutatud, et on oluline ohuolukordade tekkekohti ja nende tõenäosust varakult hinnata ja analüüsida, et neile sobival viisil reageerida. Ma täiesti nõus sellega!
 Ma jälgisin laste tervist, ilmsete haigustunnustega, võtsin vanemaga ühendust ja laps saadeti koju. Noortekeskuses anti  rühma juhile esmaabikomplekt, mida ma kandsin kogu aeg kaasas.
Ka kunagi oli olukord, kus lastel paluti rasket mööblit välja viia, mida ma ei lubanud, selgitades, et nad on alaealised ja seaduse järgi ei tohi nad raskusi tõsta.
Toetab praktikabaasi teisi noorsootöötajaid.
saavutatud läbi töö noortekeskuses (õpilasmalevas). Ma olen alati valmis teisi töötajaid ja inimesi aitama, toetama neid,  soovitama lahendust oma kogemuste ja teadmiste põhjal.  Samuti ei karda ma nõu ega abi küsida. Päeva lõppus arutasime me sageli teiste töötajatega erinevaid võimalikke olukordi ja nende lahendamise viise, mis aitasid edaspidi kiiresti õige otsuse langetada.
Seab praktikale eesmärgid ja analüüsib ennast ja oma praktikakogemust neist lähtuvalt, kasutades erinevaid meetodeid
Oma töö või iseenda analüüsimiseks kasutan meetodeid, mis omandasin  Enesejuhtimine, suunamine ja reflektsioon (SVNC.00.162) aine raames(Gibbsi refektsiooniring, ALACT mudel, Sibula mudeli meetod, STARR mudeli meetod, S.W.O.T. meetod, Viis miksi meetod, GROW mudeli meetod).
Eneseanalüüs aitab mul mõista ja hinnata oma kogemust, ning sellest neist õppida ning tulevikus teha paremaid otsuseid või kasutada kogemusi tugevustena.
3. Praktika analüüsiks valisin STARR mudeli meetod, sest ta hästi sobib mõtestada oma kogemusi.
S - situation (olukord, kus kogemus saadi): Kahe suuve jooksul (2021, 2022) töötasin Narva Noortekeskuses Õpilasmalevas rühma juhatajana.
T - task (ülesanded ja rollid): minu ülesandeks oli rühmatöö koordineerimine, tegevuste korraldamine, jälgima laste turvalisust, motiveerima ja toetama noori.
A - activities (tegevused ja meetodid): saavutatud. Oma töös noortega ma kasutasin erinevaid meetodeid ja tegevuseid lähtudes nende huvidest ja vanusest. Näiteks grupiliikmete omavaheliseks tutvustamiseks ma kasutasin „jäämurdja“ meetod. Soojendamiseks kasutasin meetodit, kus paaris seistes tuleb esmalt valjuhäälselt kordamööda lugeda numbrid 1, 2, 3, seejärel asendatakse number 2 plaksutamisega. , mõne aja pärast asendatakse number 1 mõne , paaris kokkulepitu tegevusega ja lõpuks number 3 asendatakse pöörlemisega. See lihtne meetod lähendab osalejaid ja tekitab lõbus, samas meeliülendav. Grupiga tutvumine on üsna põnev ja oluline etapp, milleks tuleb valida sobiv meetod. Teie edasise töö edu grupiga sõltub sageli sellest, kuidas veedate esimese tutvuse. Ka ma kasutasin erinevaid lauamänge ja  liikumismänge värskes õhus.
R - results (kõige olulisemad tulemused): peagi said minu grupi liikmed omavahel sõbraks, tegid oma tööd hästi, aitasid üksteist ja võtsid hea meelega osa minu korraldatud tegevustest. Töökohal (lasteaias) kiideti minu rühma suurepärase korralduse ja tehtud töö eest. Olin oma noorterühma üle väga uhke!
R - reflection (analüüs): oma tööd õpilasmalevas analüüsides ma olen kindel, et minu töö on hästi tehtud! See töö noortega on andud mulle hea kogemuse. Suutsin nendega usaldust luua ja rakendada oma teadmisi oma töös. Mul on hea meel, et lapsed said nii toreda töökogemuse ja teadmised erinevatel teemadel: kuidas CV ja motivatsioonikirja koostada, karjääriplaneerimine, esmaabi, enesekitse, töötervisehiod ja tööohutus jne. Tänu Narva noortekeskuse soojale ja toetavale meeskonnale tean, mis on tugi ja kui oluline on seda pakkuda. Muidugi on mul veel, mille poole püüelda, aga sellega lugu ei lõpe..
Praktika/töö Narva Noortekeskuses aitas mul saada kogemusi  omandada, seostada teoreetilisi tedmisi praktikaga, proovida erinevaid meetodeid ja tegevusi töös noortega. Kursusekaaslase praksise külastus tuletas mulle meelde, kuidas nõustamist tehakse.
Juhendaja Irina Gluhhova tagasiside ja hinnang.
Elena Orlova on läbinud praktikat suvel aastatel 2021 ja 2022 töötades Narva Noortekeskuse töömalevas. Praktika on toimunud 02.08-13.08.2021 , 11.07.-22.06.2022 ja 08.08.-19.08.2022 Töömaleva sihtrühm oli Narva noored vanuses 13-16 a. Elena suurepäraselt hakkas toimuma püstitatud eesmärgiga. Elena toetas ja suunas noori maleva töö jooksul. Elena on vastutustundlik, töökas ja rõõmsameelne juht. Elena lõi sõbraliku õhkkonda oma rühmas, tagades rühmasisese turvalisuse. Ta töötas väga hästi erinevate osapooltega: noorte, tööandja, korraldusmeeskonda ja lapsevanematega.. Elenal oli individuaalne lähenemisviis iga noore jaoks. Tal on palju ideid ja ta oskab leida loovusi lahendusi ja positiivselt võtab tagasisidet vastu. Samuti Elena aitas töö raames üritusi korraldada ja läbi viia. Elena korrektselt täitis dokumentatsiooni vastavalt Narva Noortekeskuse nõudmisel. Elena läbis praktika suurepäraselt ja täielikult ,mis saavutas edukalt oma eesmärgid.
Narva Noortekeskuse spetsialist
Irina Gluhhova
Kasutatud allikad:
Sisseministeerum. „Valimisolek, reageerimine ja sündmuste lahendamine“. https://www.siseministeerium.ee/en/node/115 (vaadatud detsembris 2022)
Tartu Ülikooli lehekülg, “Praktika eneseanalüüsiks STARR metoodika”
https://sisu.ut.ee/skyttepraktika/praktika-eneseanal%C3%BC%C3%BCsiks-starr-metoodika  (vaadatud detsembris 2022)
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hapserv · 2 years
How to clean the washing machine filter? Steps to follow for good maintenance
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Is your washing machine not working properly? Don't you usually clean the washing machine filter continuously? The washing machine is a large appliance that must have good maintenance since it is responsible for cleaning our clothes. So, from time to time, it needs a deep cleaning.  we will tell you how to clean the filter of the washing machine to enjoy its good maintenance.
Washing Machine Service in Coimbatore
You should not be scared, because cleaning the washing machine filter is a very simple task. It is also a task that must be done occasionally to avoid a clogged washing machine filter.
The first thing to do is find the washing machine filter. If you are one of those who wonder where the washing machine filter is, you should know that it is located behind a cover in the lower right part of the appliance. In the case of an integrated washing machine, you must remove the skirting to find the filter cover.
LG Washing Machine Service in Coimbatore
What steps must be followed to clean the washing machine filter?
Once you have found the filter, to clean the filter of the washing machine you must follow the following steps:
1- Unplug the washing machine and close the water inlet.
2- Place a towel under the filter to prevent water from spilling on the floor and under the washing machine.
3- Empty the small amount of water that remains in the drain hose and put it back in its position before starting to clean the filter.
4- Open the washing machine filter through the lid and remove the filter from the washing machine by carefully unscrewing it .
Samsung Washing Machine Service in Coimbatore
5- Remove the remains of dirt or small objects that you can find inside the filter. In addition, to empty the filter of the washing machine correctly, you can clean the plug and the filter under the tap with a little detergent until it is completely clean.
6- Remove any remaining dirt that has been trapped in the filter with a cloth.
7- Screw the filter back on and close the lid.
IFB Washing Machine Service in Coimbatore
How often should the washing machine filter be cleaned?
This process should be carried out every two or three months. Especially if you usually wash very dirty clothes, you should clean the filter more frequently. In addition, it is very important to keep the filter or drum of the washing machine clean to prevent clothes from being damaged during the wash cycle or from smelling bad. The brand of your washing machine does not matter since you must keep the filter of any Samsung,LG,AEG, Beko washing machine clean ...
Latest models of washing machines
On the other hand, if your washing machine stops working, you can always opt for the latest models of smart washing machines. These types of washing machines have all kinds of functions and automatic washing programs to keep your clothes clean and even the inside of the washing machine. At Euronics you can find a wide variety of models with this type of cleaning system, so we recommend the best models to enjoy a complete cleaning of your clothes and the inside of the washing machine.
Bosch Washing Machine Service in Coimbatore
The LG F1P1CY2W front-loading washing machine has all kinds of technology. Through its LED Display panel and its rotary knob, you can choose the operating cycle with just the swipe of a finger. In addition, it offers the best washing cycle for all types of garments since it has all kinds of special programs. Thanks to its 17 Kg drum you can introduce a large number of garments in each laundry. With this LG washing machine, you won't have to worry about consumption since with its automatic load detection, it is responsible for adjusting the amount of water and the duration of the program based on the load detected.
Another model that has washing programs with the latest technology is the AEG L8WEC162S washer dryer. Thanks to its special Anti-stain function, all kinds of stains can be removed, even the most difficult ones. You will only have to select this program so that your garments are totally clean. Also, with the NonStopÖKOPower program of this AEG washer dryer, you can enjoy up to 5 Kg of clean and dry clothes in just 4 hours. Its Protex drum offers delicate movements with which to protect all types of garments during the washing cycle, even the most delicate ones.
Siemens Washing Machine Service in Coimbatore
Another of our recommendations is this Bosch WAU28PHXES front-loading washing machine. One of its great technologies is the i-DOS feature. With it you will only have to fill its box with detergent and fabric softener once every 20 wash cycles. Afterwards, this Bosch washing machine will intelligently dose the soap based on the level of dirt detected. Thus, you will consume just what is necessary for the perfect wash. In addition, along with its automatic programs, you will not have to worry about anything. These adjust the parameters to the amount of load, the type of fabric and the degree of soiling. You practically only have to press the 'Start' button, and that's it!
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greysadv · 2 years
Wine refrigerator
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#Wine refrigerator full
Shop select wine-only refrigerators that maximize specialized shelving to hold up to 64 bottles of wine, or bring home a smaller wine fridge with a single temperature-controlled zone for streamlined and compact cooling. Or choose a black stainless steel wine and beverage cooler for a sleek, contemporary twist on this classic kitchen finish.įeatures: Find a beverage fridge specially designed to hold your favorite drinks at their ideal temperature. Traditional stainless steel integrates easily with other stainless steel appliances for a cohesive and timeless look. Find the best wine fridge or beverage cooler for your homeįinishes: Choose from wine coolers in two different stainless steel finishes to match your style.
#Wine refrigerator full
Find the right wine refrigeration option for your kitchen today, or explore our complete refrigeration line of refrigerators, freezers and more. Also, browse our full collection of kitchen appliances to find the perfect models for your home. Plus, all Whirlpool ® Wine Fridges are designed with locks to help control who can access your favorite beer, wine or spirits so you can enjoy them while keeping your family safe. If you’re looking for more standard wine refrigeration, we also have single-control wine coolers with a simplified rack system to store a range of your favorite drinks. Reversible doors allow for flexible installation options, and LED interior lighting helps you easily find what you need. Whirlpool ® Wine Fridges offer dual climate control to regulate the storage of your reds and whites. Whether you’re a wine connoisseur, love to entertain or just need an extra space to store your family’s favorite drinks, an undercounter wine cooler or fridge is the perfect addition to a modern kitchen. They deliver excellent service and the quality of their wine fridges reflect this.Incorporate Whirlpool ® Wine Coolers & Fridges into your kitchen design Caple are a British based company that supply a range of appliances, but excel in wine refrigeration. However, the most popular brands include, Caple, CDA and Bosch. When it comes to wine coolers, we offer a selection of brands for you to choose from, everything from AEG to Smeg. Many models also come with humidity control, UV resistant glass and anti-vibration technology, so you can be confident that your wine stays in top condition all year round. This feature is great for if you prefer exact temperatures, however single temperature wine fridges are great for storing all types of wines. This allows you to have one temperature compartment for gently chilled reds, and another temperature set for colder white wines, champagne or prosecco. One of the great features of certain wine cooler models, is the ability to have multiple temperature compartments. You would expect them to fit behind a cupboard door, however wine coolers have a window view so you can see all the wine you have available. Under counter, or built in wine fridges, are perfect for fitting into your kitchen cabinet. Freestanding can stand on its own freely, providing you with the ability to move the wine fridge when needed. When it comes to Wine Coolers, you can choose freestanding or under-counter. There are many different ways you can incorporate a wine cooler into your home, so it’s important to pay attention to things like capacity and fittings. They’ll keep your tipple of choice perfectly chilled at the temperature that you choose. Whether you love a white, a red, or even a bit of bubbly, a wine cooler won’t discriminate. If you’re a wine connoisseur, a wine fridge is the perfect appliance for you.
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stuckyontherocks · 4 years
Bucky and Steve didn't have any scenes together until the very end of Endgame because even one scene one word one glance would've completely undermined the Steggy that was being forced into the narrative i know what's up 
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astronomyparkers · 5 years
okay ladies let’s talk that pic of tony and peter from the new end game trailer......y’all think that throwing up the bunny ears behind each other’s heads was planned?????? or did both of them do it at the same time thinking they were pranking the other one until they looked at the pic and peter laughed and tony kinda chuckled and it reminded him that peter and him are alike in a lot of ways and that’s why it’s the pic of them that he has framed
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awesome-timtams · 5 years
Avengers: Endgame - Thoughts On The Last Scene
It’s been two days since I’ve made my last post on Endgame, and I’ve decided that I’ve changed my mind about some things. Some things being specifically the last scene.
Hi! I’m back, it’s been about two days since I’ve written my last post, and I’ve decided that I’ve changed my mind about the Steggy thing.
I think the fact that the whole ‘Steve travels back in time to live out the rest of his life with Peggy’ is honestly just really problematic lmao. Not only in terms of creating severe plot holes, but just kind of ruining Steve’s character arc in general. 
Once again, I feel like I need to state that I don’t hate Steggy. This isn’t hate against the ship. I find that, for the very limited amount of time they were able to be together, it was adorable and sweet and just really great. But this post is about what the Russos decided to do with the final scene, so all of my annoyances are more directed at them than anything. 
So, I’ve already discussed everything that’s wrong with this in terms of the huge plot holes it leaves behind, as well as how severely it disrupts the continuity of everything, but I’ll sum it up here again for y’all who didn’t read my last post. 
When Bruce explained time travel earlier in the film, he mentioned that whatever you did in the past couldn’t affect the future anymore. My interpretation of this was that once they travel back in time and do something to affect the outcome of the events that changes the course of it, they’ve created a separate, permanent branch of events that can no longer connect to their present. My interpretation could be wrong, but it’s how I processed it. 
With that in mind, Steve travelling back in time to marry Peggy does completely disrupt the chain of events. If he married her, people would know he was alive, and the search for Captain America would cease, meaning that the Tesseract would never be found. This obviously would affect the future, and thus creates a separate branch splitting from the main timeline, meaning that Steve wouldn’t be able to get back to the current MCU time by just simply living out his life. 
If, on the off chance, he decided to marry Peggy in secret, that still affects the chain of events, since that would mean Peggy never marries her husband from the current MCU’s chain of events. This would still mean that a separate branch would be formed, and once again, Steve wouldn’t be able to get back into the main timeline without travelling through the Quantum Realm. 
And, amongst all of this, is the destruction of his character (and wow, destruction’s such a powerful word. I should probably use a different word...I can’t think of one). If Steve went back and married Peggy, he would’ve had the chance to destroy SHIELD/HYDRA before they could change the world. If he did, separate branch, no returning, blah blah. And honestly, I don’t think he wouldn’t destroy them. It’s against his morals. Destroying HYDRA is sort of his goal, and has been for the last couple of movies. To let them just grow and corrupt SHIELD would be against what he’s stood for for so long, and against all of his actions shown to us from previous films. 
And then, there’s still Bucky in all of this. I really, highly doubt Steve would’ve lived all these decades with Peggy and decided to not save Bucky. This is his best friend, the one he’s sacrificed so much for, the one he loves (whether romantic or platonic, there’s no denying Steve loves Bucky), and I truly don’t think he would just let Bucky be tortured and brainwashed to work for HYDRA and do nothing about it. It’s just absolutely ridiculous, and if he could do something like that, then obviously either I haven’t been reading his character right at all, or the writers have managed to fuck his character up completely and continuity is no longer a thing. 
And finally, I want to talk about Steve’s character arc. At the beginning of the movie, he’s shown to be running a therapy session (which I’m now realising might be because he’s taking over for Sam fjliajioajj well that’s depressing as hell I’m getting off topic), and he tells everybody that they need to move on. Later, he’s shown talking to Natasha, and he says this:
“Some people move on. But not us.”
And I think, right here, with this line, it can practically sum up his entire character arc. Steve Rogers is a man who’s been pulled out of his time and thrown into a new era. He’s a man out of time, and we’re shown that he never really fully accepts this. He never fully moves on from this. So, naturally, his character arc should end with him finally letting go of his past and accepting his new future. Accepting that things have changed, and that he needs to move on. It’s character growth!!!!!!!!! 
We’re shown that he’s already making progress. In CA: TWS, he meets and makes new friends (Sam and Natasha), which is already a huge difference compared to him and his deleted scene in the Avengers (where he’s shown to be walking around New York, completely lost, grieving and alone). And of course, him deciding to ultimately travel back in time and marry Peggy takes away all of that progress. It shows us that he never moves on, that he never accepts this new world, and thus, his character arc never really gets completed. This wouldn’t have been as big of an issue if it was 2012!Steve who had made this decision. Still feeling lost and alone, he would’ve taken the opportunity to go back to his old life. But now, it’s 2023 (or something like that), and he has since changed. He’s found a new family (the Avengers) and has a new life. He is in a place where he can start to move on.
An alternate scene I would love to see would be Steve having one last dance with Peggy when he travels to the past. They have their dance, and get their chance to actually give their proper goodbyes to each other. They get closure. Peggy goes on with her life, creating and running SHIELD and meeting her husband and marrying him. Steve returns to the present, having finally accepted his past and moved on from it. He retires, hands over the shield to Sam, and proceeds to live out the rest of his days with his new family making art and doing whatever else that makes him happy. Character arc completed, fate accepted, no big plot holes opened, no character regression, you get it. 
But yeah, that’s just my take on the last 5 minutes of the film. Once again, my DMs are open, feel free to message me to scream about Endgame or something lol. Thank you and good evening.
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napoli-city · 23 days
AEG L6FEG943 Lavatrice Serie 6000, 9 kg, Centrifuga 1400 Giri/Min
Price: (as of – Details) Descrizione Prodotto Tecnologia ProSense: consumi ottimizzati Sistema intelligente che regola il ciclo di lavaggio in base al carico, per lavare i tuoi capi ogni giorno riducendo tempo, usura e consumi di acqua ed energia. Pulito profondo e capi igienizzati Aggiungi l’opzione Vapore Anti-Allergy al programma Cotoni, la temperatura viene mantenuta al di sopra dei 60°C…
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