#rp talk
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twilightalks · 15 days ago
Vamos falar sobre dimensões e qualidades?
Eu e a Rosie, além de fofocarmos por aqui, queremos trazer para vocês, alguma ajuda que é necessária! Sabemos como é complicado achar o tamanho certo, acertar na qualidade e tudo mais. Principalmente sabendo que as dimensões e qualidades mudam a cada rede social ou atualização que acontece! Então segue o fio e presta bem atenção!
Vamos começar pelo nosso querido? Sim, o tumblr!
A escolha, tanto da medida e da qualidade das imagens aqui depende muito do tipo de conteúdo que você vai postar e do layout também! As medidas recomendadas do tumblr são de no mínimo 500x750 pixels e no máximo 1280x1920!
Por exemplo, o recomendado para fotos de perfil é de 128x128 pixels, vocês podem fazer maior, isso vai depender do que querem mostrar! Já a foto de capa é de pelo menos 640x360, mas o recomentado é 3000x1055!
Já para gifs, o melhor é de 500px de largura e o tamanho máximo poder ser de 1MB.
Agora vamos falar sobre a qualidade das imagens! Quanto maior a resolução, melhor vai ser a qualidade da imagem quando ampliada! Porém, cuidado! Quanto maior o arquivo, mais demorado ele se torna para carregamento. O melhor formato para postagem sempre vai ser o JPEG, o GIF é ideal para animações e o PNG sempre será usado para quando se precisa de um fundo transparente.
Também existe a ferramenta de compressão, mas sempre recomendo cuidado no uso delas, sempre verifiquem o uso para garantir que não vão perder a qualidade! Mais para frente, posso fazer um post com essas ferramentas e os links delas!
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O próximo tópica seria o bluesky, mas como ele é uma plataforma nova, ainda não possuí os tamanhos oficiais e ideais para uso, então usamos como base, os tamanhos do twitter. Então vamos la?
Para o twitter, nós que já somos bem acostumados e sabemos que a qualidade pode cair quando postamos algo, temos que reforçar bem os tópicos que vou trazer abaixo!
Para a imagem de perfil, o recomendado sempre vai ser 400x400, a header sempre faça no tamanho 1500x500 (o conteúdo dela pode ficar até um pouco mais centralizado para não correr riscos de cortes.), para postagens, o recomendado é sempre 1024x512px!
No twitter, garanto que quanto mais alta a resolução, melhor vai ser a visualização! JPG e PNG são os formatos mais aceitos, já sabemos o estrago que ele faz com alguns arquivos GIF.
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Cheguei com essas dicas, que podem parecer básicas mas para quem gosta de garantir uma qualidade, é ótimo sempre estar sabendo disso! E hoje é isso, volto numa próxima!
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bluebellowl · 9 months ago
Hello I just wanted to say I really really LOVE your art of Emmet and Aiden it's all so good and so cute 🥺🥺🥺
A wonderful message to come back to, thank you so much!! :D
Our rps with them have been a great source of inspiration! I hope we can continue those stories because they were some super juicy stuff!
It's gotten so much that we need to reorganise everything and we're not very fast. but that's ok, this is all just for our own fun, enjoyment, and socialising, nothing else
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indierptea · 26 days ago
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when is it my turn to meet someone who matches my energy and is as obsessed w me as I am them?
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mcthsman · 1 year ago
for the anon looking for spacing generator -- https://spacegen.carrd.co/ -- I don't know who originally posted it but it works!
thank  you  !  to  the  anon  looking  for  a  spacing  generator,  there  you  go  !
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gomagopowerrangers · 8 months ago
Zone really isn't a kid anymore. he's technically in his early/mid 20s?? depending on how long the gap between the MOI crash and whenever we see Maine/the Meta, so def a few years SO, as one can imagine, he grows up, but not in the literal sense. he gets "wiser" (for lack of a better term), he learns and grows, but he's also still a teenager. he's still immature, cusses every other word, and views the world through the eyes of a sixteen-year-old, because thats what he is, has only ever known, and is one of the only consistent things in his life.
so, again imagine w me, that when he gets hurt, he curls in on that. he defaults to his teenage-view. the one that tells him that, since he spent from age thirteen to age sixteen in PFL and mainly that one toward the end that hit him the most as it was recent, to push people back and away. to make sure he cant get attached like he did with Maine. like he did with York and South. like he did with CT.
so he sits in the hospital. the boy. missing.
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dreamrutine · 10 months ago
i have a little question for everyone, i will love some answers from the gif makers perspective and the people that use them. i love to make the colorings for my gifs and everything, but it's true that sometimes because of the coloring you end up with a gif that looks a little bit low quality. however that doesn't happen with black and white gifs for obvious reasons and i was curious about why no one makes them or i don't see someone that makes them.
please let me know if i'm not taking something in consideration like if you have a visual impairment of sorts and that's the reason you don't like them or you can't use black and white gifs.
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wyrdify · 2 years ago
I think we need to talk about when we as RPers fuck up and make mistakes. I'm talking like we accidentally trigger our RP partner, we say or do something mean, or we otherwise broke one of their rules. We didn't mean to, but, in one way or another, we hurt our RP partner, and they let us know that we did. It happens sometimes. We're human. We make mistakes.
The question is what we do from there.
First things first: listen to your RP partner, and do so without interrupting them. Let them tell you what they're feeling and why. It's hard confronting a friend and sharing your emotions, so give them the room to do so without judgment.
Secondly: ask for clarification on anything you're not sure about. Only do this when your partner says they are done talking. Use "I" statements like, "I'm not sure what [x] means. Can you explain it to me in a different way?" Or, "I'm confused about [y]. Can you talk about that more?" You are just trying to get an understanding for what your partner is trying to say at this stage, not anything else.
Thirdly: sit with your feelings. You might be feeling some sort of emotion(s) after hearing what your friend told you. Anger, sadness, disappointment, and others---those feelings are valid. Don't push them aside, but don't make them your partner's responsibility either. Take the time to think about what your partner told you while sorting through these feelings. One method I use is writing these thoughts down in a journal. Another method is talking things out with a neutral third party.
With this, you are allowed to say, "Hey, I need some time to think about what you said," to your partner. After all, you want to make sure you're giving them a good response. Just don't leave them waiting for days on end for a resolution or answer. They're going to think you're ignoring the problem. Silence does no one any favors. In fact, the silent treatment is a common abuse tactic.
Fourthly: apologize. Now, I'm going to walk you through how to apologize to a person in case you were like me and grew up with less than ideal parents who didn't teach you that. I had to teach myself. So, here's what that looks like:
1. Taking ownership. "I'm sorry I..." statements are a good start.
2. Talk about why what you did was not a good thing. Avoid passive-aggressive statement here. Again, statements that start with "I" are typically a good way to start off. This is you acknowledging what your partner said.
3. The plan going forward. An apology means nothing if the behavior is just going to continue. So, how are you going to make sure you don't fuck up in the future? Talk about steps you will take so you can avoid making the mistake going forward.
One apology might look like this: "I'm sorry I triggered you when I was talking about su*c*de in the discord server. I always want you to feel safe around me, and I understand now how I made our server feel unsafe for you. In the future, I'll use spoiler tags along with trigger warnings before the topic so I can avoid triggering you."
The apology doesn't have to be long and drawn out depending on the context and situation, but you have to put effort in. Silence solves nothing. It allows the issue to fester, and it may lead to your RP partner deciding to disconnect from you entirely (as is their right). Owning your mistakes and working on fixing them shows you're willing to listen and grow as a person.
That's all I got. This has been bugging me for a long while. I know we're all anxious on this hell site, but better communication makes a huge difference for everybody. ❤️
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theonemarvelousness · 4 months ago
Had a long-term rp partner once that it felt like I was fighting them every single reply. It was weird, because I usually go *fuck it let's throw whatever* style. And we were talking about things OOC, but there was still this really weird IC conflict.
I think about it sometimes because after they went on their second or third hiatus without saying anything to me I just waited like a year and deleted our rps on my end and honestly...?
I felt sort of relieved. It sort of felt like they were working through their own personal trauma via our rps and it was... yeah.
I wish them the best but I'm sticking to anonymous rp sites now and not getting connected outside that because I only want IC drama kthx.
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snowlikeash · 5 months ago
There is nothing as good as nailing an improv mark with characters you’ve worked with for ten years. I managed to floor my wife @persisting last night by being The Most Batman, it was a real rush!
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carpentalks · 5 months ago
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Oh, no! Talkers são o problema da tag! Posso apostar que você, caro player, deve ter problemas bem maiores.
Se irritando com moderações? Players reincidentes te cansando? Plots sendo roubados? Absurdos rolando? Timeline sem a menor imersão? Só queria se divertir e acabou só passando raiva?
Então, puxa uma cadeira, pede um espresso e vem desabafar. A Sabrina tá aqui pra ouvir seus dramas!
about / inbox
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twilightalks · 16 days ago
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Oi, tag! Somos mais um talker surgindo, mas não só isso! Queremos ajudar outros players a incrementar o desenvolvimento dos seus personagens, montar seus blogs e ouvir todo tipo de opiniões e quem sabe aconselhar também?
Somos um casal que gosta de jogar e ainda conseguem ver uma certa diversão nesse universo!
Aqui é para ser um local onde todos possam expressar suas opiniões e também saberem respeitar e aceitar que todos pensamos coisas diferentes referente a um mesmo assunto! Sintam-se livres para expressar o que querem, tendo todo o respeito! Não vamos admitir grosserias por aqui, ok?
Então sejam bem viados, digo, bem vindos! Nossa ask já está aberta para vocês!
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zionanelequaso · 10 months ago
wh. when the r. the rp. got you so. so crying. that you. you start. r. reliving. th. the worst mo. moments of. your life.
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indierptea · 1 month ago
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I wish people would stop sending death threats to others just for sharing different opinions than them.
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fairytalker · 3 months ago
Oi oi, tag! Cheguei para falar sobre meus interesses em jogos, quem tiver interesse pode me mandar uma mensagem.
Gosto de plots/rpgs relacionado a mitologias (principalmente grega e nórdica), mundo idol, poderes, cidades. Não tenho problema com plots de romance, inimizade e etc, contanto que seja combinado certinho previamente.
Em contra partida, não tenho tanto costume/não curto tanto plots/rpgs alguns de faculdade e com tantos desafios. Não me sinto confortável com plots e até turnos envolvendo mais hot ou com algum tw pesado.
Para mim, tenho mais shapes se conforto feminino do que masculino, mas não tenho nenhum problema em interpretar masculinos também. Caso necessário tenho uma lista de shapes de conforto para que seja conversado melhor.
No mais, é isso. Para quem quiser, criei um novo discord onde é possível conversar sobre 1x1, grupos, rps de indicação e por ai vai, só chamar no fairybigboss. Beijinhos da fairy
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gleekingdom · 9 months ago
The Sad thing I realized lately...with Roleplay people just block me. Or like ghost for no reason. Like, I've ghosted some accidentally in the past, but I will try to get back to them. but it feels like some people do it intentionally....😔 And most of the time unfortunately it's from people I was really excited to rp with.
And like I don't know....it's fine if you get busy or uninterested in the plot, but to be not told that and instead just no reply or blocked...that really hurts. And it's been happening to me quite a bit lately so I felt like I needed to rant.
What also is hard about it, is like it's hard for me to find rp partners. So when someone messages me and they like act interested, and we plan the whole plot. And everything is fine between us and we get along well. and then I'm just blocked it makes me ask myself like- what did I do wrong?
And like possibly it wasn't my fault, but like for people who do that. It's not okay, just tell me you need to leave or don't wanna rp before. I've had people tell me this, and I'm completely fine with it. It hurts more when you don't say anything.
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