#Anthony: see he agrees 😊
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only-one-brain-cell · 1 year ago
This man loves babies I can’t went for him to be insufferable with his own children.
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darriness · 8 months ago
What are your top 5 favorite things about Anthony and Kate's relationship?
GAH! All of it! But no actually I can do this but in no particular order -
1. She brought out his silly side - a lot of season 2 was talking about the fact that Anthony changed when his dad died but being with Kate has allowed him to be himself and loosen up 😊
2. Their hands - I am obsessed with their hands. Their hands have whole conversations and most of the time they are dancing together even when Kate and Anthony are sitting still.
3. Their chemistry/tension - this is a pretty broad one but I love that they can just look at each other and there is so much feeling there. I added the tension because they spent season 2 very tense but that fell away in season 3 and their chemistry still stands!
4. Their competitiveness - I love that she doesn’t just agree with him or quiet herself. She has her own opinions and feels confident sharing them. And he’s just the most competitive little munch even when he isn’t overly good at whatever he’s competing at lol
5. Their…selflessness? - I’m not sure that’s the word I want but both were willing to hide and ignore their love/chemistry for their families. And while Daphne says they pity Anthony for his sense of duty, the man was a 19 year old who watched his father die and immediately became responsible for everything that being a Bridgerton meant. You can’t honestly tell me that doesn’t change a person. He is just doing his best and making decisions for his family before himself. And Kate’s, while less drastic, is just as heartwarming. All she wants is for her sister to be happy. I’m watching the wedding episode now and the tension/looks between Kate and Anthony before Edwina comes down the aisle and the fact that Kate’s face immediately changes into this proud smile when she sees her sister just... I’m not an oldest sibling but the clear love, respect, and yes even duty Kate and Anthony feel for their families is definitely one of my favourite things about them.
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xximpressions · 1 year ago
The Duchess (8)
Anthony Bridgerton x Duchess!reader
Series Summary: After coming into a title you did not expect, you have a chance encounter with a handsome rescuer.
Chapter Summary: A plan is hatched
Word Count: 1,161
A/N: Shout out to @urfavnoirette and @itsprashimusic for letting me know I have true fans out there!!! You're the reasons this chapter happened 😊😘
Bridgerton Masterlist
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With confusion clouding your mind at the comment the Lady of the house just made, you were forced to say in order to gain some understanding,
“Forgive me…but how do you mean, your Grace?”
With a hint of coyness still twinkling in her eyes and tone, the last one to speak raised her hand first and said with a kind smile,
“Please, call me Daphne!”
Before she proceeded by saying,
“And I simply meant that if you were to engage in a similar ruse with say, my brother here, then maybe, this pesky brother-in-law of yours will take the hint that his constant attentions are not wanted.”
The casual shrug she added to the end of her sentence was convincing enough that you really believed she was simply making a good suggestion that surely was only made to help you our of your concerning predicament.
But in the mind of the Viscount seated next to you on the couch, he was very aware that this suggestion was anything but innocently said and was failing to keep his mind from racing at such a thought.
And as he struggled, you responded with,
“Well, I suppose I can see how such an idea has merit, but however would we pull it off?”
And luckily, the Duchess seated across from you was only to happy to explain.
“All you would need to do is pretend to form an attachment with my brother then your brother-in-law will realize that you are no longer available and will back off! It is the perfect plan that will surely work for you as it surely did for me.”
And after hearing such a follow-up explanation, you could admit you were intrigued when you responded with,
“But how would such a plan work? My brother-in-law is quite tenacious, so I am not sure how we would be able to convince him to give up his pursuits…?”
You finished hesitatingly, but Anthony was only too happy to reassure you with an idea of his own.
“We could host a ball! Here at Clyvedon!”
He said with excited determination.
“Then he, along with the rest of the ton, can witness our ruse of being romantically involved with one another. That way, this man will stop bothering you, and all the debutantes in polite society will stop bothering me. Daphne is right, it is perfect!”
And though the Viscount understood why he had to hide how hopeful he was that you might accept such an idea, you had to hide the fact that such an idea made you quite giddy on the inside to know it would make you spend more time the presence of this kind and generous person.
So without further thought, you agreed by saying with an accepting and excited smile, 
“Well, I suppose we should get started then!”
By the end of the conversation, all of the details had been finalized amongst you all as you sat around the fireplace. 
By the end of the week, invitations had been sent out in time for guests to be in attendance for a grand gathering at the Clyvedon estate in time for the next weekend.
And by the beginning of the ball, your ruse had also been allowed to start as you stood next to the Viscount and his mother near the entrance in order to help greet your guests as they began to show up.
Though it was the other Duchess who originally suggested you and Anthony pretend to form an attachment specifically for this gathering, it was actually their mother who had the foresight to have you stand with them as the attendees arrived.
“If you want people to think you will soon be an addition to this family, then you must help the ton to believe such an idea by playing your parts correctly.”
She had explained with an encouraging and sly smile as the guests started to show.
And you had to admit, the more time you spent greeting each person along with the Viscount, the Duke, and Daphne, the more you could feel people’s curiosities were growing since no official explanations were offered whenever a person inquired about your particular presence.
“Oh, I am just returning the favor to my generous hosts by assisting them with this magically grand endevour. I hope you enjoy your time here tonight as much as I have!”
Would be the typically vague response you gave if and when someone asked what your role was in this lighthearted event that was actually strategically taking place.
After a while, with the ballroom crowded with various Lords, Ladies, and gentlemen, you mentioned to Anthony that you would be stepping away for a moment just to get something to drink and left to find the refreshment table amongst the throng of people gathered for a night of fun.
Upon reaching it, you allowed a small, private smile to grow on your face as well since you could admit to yourself that this was the most amusement you have had in a while as you neared the table holding a bowl of punch and other light snacks.
But you supposed all good things must come to an end when you heard an unfortunately familiar voice say behind you,
“Well, you certainly look ravishing tonight, your Grace.”
Turning to see your inebriated brother-in-law stood behind you, a shiver of disgust had to be suppressed when his eyes obviously took the time to rake up and down your clothed body in order to take in the exquisite gown you were wearing to match your status as a Duchess.
Continuing his inappropriate ogling, the pathetic excuse for a man went on to say,
“Do me the honor of a dance, your Grace?”
With his hand being the last thing you wanted to touch, you tried to minimize the way you wanted to recoil when he then held it out to you.
Whether it was held out as an invitation or as a demand, you would never know.
Because thankfully, at that exact moment, your official ruse partner came to your rescue once again.
“My apologies, Sir. But you see, the lady has already promised me her first three dances, and the rest are promised to my brothers.”
Gladly taking the Viscount’s extended arm, you were grateful when he disingenuously said,
“But better luck next time!”
Finishing with a false smile, he then led you away from the drunk that was left behind speechless, jealous, and without another word.
That smile remained in place until you were far away enough from your brother-in-law that he could not hear Anthony quietly but determinedly say to you from the side.
“It seems we are going to have to get creative if this is to work properly.”
Before directing a coy but reassuring grin your way.
And upon seeing it, you found it a little easier to smile yourself as you neared the dancefloor for the first time of the night.
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@itsprashimusic | @urfavnoirette
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swiftllama · 1 year ago
January Compliments ☀️🔍
[Compliments Masterlist]
Hello everyone and welcome to the first Compliments Post of 2024! Hope the year has started off well for you all, and if not, then I hope this post can at least provide a little bit of joy to your day 🫶
We may be only one month in but the boys have been delivering since the very first day 🙌 So let’s get into it shall we! :-
January 2024
Ian’s 2023 Wrap Up
So to start us off, first day of the year and Mr Sunshine was already tugging at our heartstrings with his wrap up of 2023, and who made his 2023 what it was? Well Anthony of course 🥹
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The fact the WHOLE post is Anthony - from the photos to the caption! EVERY SINGLE PHOTO HAS ANTHONY 😭 Also don’t even get me started on the two unseen photos and the fact they’ve been kept from us till now. How dare 😤 AND the fact the first person he thanked was Anthony! Like yes he’s thanking and appreciating many people with this post but come on now, from the pictures alone it’s clear who made his year. This is just SO SPECIAL! Especially coming from Ian, who isn’t normally a big one for sharing his emotions (I think we’ve seen a change with that recently though), but this is BIG!
Anthony also in return left a sweet comment :-
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“proud of you buddy.”
CRYING 😭 They kill me these two, couldn’t even go one day without being sappy to each other - not that I’m complaining. And as much as I would love to just sit here in this gooeyness, we’ve got a lot to get through so I must move on 🥲
So they reacted to the classic Legend Of Zelda Rap in this Flashback eps and got a few little compliments thrown in :-
[discussing the scene of Ian dressed as Link winking at the camera that spawned a viral gif]
Anthony: “That for some reason was a clip that went viral- or a gif that went viral.”
Ian: “Yeah, it’s like horny posters.”
Anthony: “Yeah.”
Ian: “Yeah.”
Anthony: “I see it way too much.”
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[shoutout editor Kortney for this 😆]
Ian: “Gotta say, never looked better.”
Anthony: “That’s true.”
Anthony agrees 😏
Erin: [asking Ian if he had spicy time in the Link outfit like Anthony said about the Assassin’s Creed outfit in their 2 Truths 1 Lie eps]
Ian: “I did not have spicy time in the Link outfit because that outfit was very tight, there was not much of a range of motion in it.”
Anthony: “Right. Well you could be a pillow princess in that.”
Ian: “I’m not a pillow princess.”
Anthony: “Oh really?”
Ian: “Yeah.”
Anthony: “I’ve heard otherwise.”
[look at each other and Anthony laughs]
Ian: “Oh yeah, cause canonically we had sex for seven years.”
Anthony: [laughs] “In the Food Battle lore.”
Ian: “Yeah. Canonically in Food Battle, we’ve had sex for seven years. You know every crevice of my body.”
Anthony: “Of your anatomy.”
Ian: “Yeah.”
Anthony: “Anywho…”
Ian: “Wow, this went a weird place.”
Anthony: “Back to looking at Link in his prime.”
Ian: “Back to me looking freakin’ HAWT.”
Anthony: “Yeah.”
Just them casually discussing the fact they’ve canonically had sex for 7 years and then Anthony once again agreeing Ian looked hot in the Link outfit… I don’t think I even need to say anything.
Anthony: “Oh! And I just want to give a shoutout to myself.”
Ian: “Oh, [sings] shoutout to myself.”
Anthony: “I painstakingly added those fucking stars [in the scene] for some reason. I thought they were so necessary.”
Ian: “Yeah, no, that was sick.”
Ian giving Anthony a little compliment for his hard work 😊
Speaking of the stars it was also something Ian brought up again later when they appeared in the video again :-
Ian: “Stars. Stars.”
Anthony: “Oh yeah. Stars. We got ‘em in there.”
Very cute how he wanted to shoutout Anthony’s work again ☺️
Erin: “That’s Anthony?! [as Ganondorf]”
Ian: “Yeah.”
Anthony: “Shut up. You knew that was me.”
Erin: “That’s crazy.”
Ian: “You didn’t know that was Anthony?”
Erin: “Where’d your, like, jaw go?”
Ian: “What do you mean? He’s got an epic jaw.”
Ian got so defensive on Anthony’s behalf here, I love it! Reminded me of the moments from Who Meme’d It when Anthony was defending Ian 😌
And that was us for this video!
Moving on…
Gets a big title cause why not!
But yes, soup! So Ian has gotten into making soup this year and on that same Friday we got the Flashback, that evening we were blessed out of nowhere with these stories :-
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Like this is the cutest, most domesticated shit ever! They kill me!!!!
And okay yes when that first photo was posted I thought Ian was right then and there cooking it for him, Ian then responded with this :-
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Let me live in my fantasies Ian! 😤
But regardless of Mr dashing-my-dreams Hecox, I’m still of the mindset they were hanging out that day and that’s when Ian gave him the container of soup.
Evidence :-
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This photo only. That I believe Anthony took 😌
Also I try not to make these posts too shipper-heavy so that everyone may enjoy them if they’re just here for the friendship alone, so I’ll just leave this other little post I made here about some other thoughts I had on this soup situation that isn’t in the friendship realm 🤭 All cool if that’s not for you though!
So 7 months later Vidcon finally decided to post this little interview they had with them lol. And even with such a short video we still got a few complimentary/cute moments :-
So Anthony was being his usual self and finding Ian the funniest person alive as always. There was a couple moments where Ian gave his answers and you just hear Anthony’s laugh in the background 🥰
Q: What are the last three things you Googled?
Ian: “Jared Leto cult…”
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He’s a cutie ☺️
And it happened again!
Q: What’s the cringest thing you’ve ever done for views?
Ian: “I mean like our whole channel’s cringe.”
Anthony, once again: [laughing in the background]
Love him and how much he loves Ian and his humour 😊
This was just one wee last bit I thought was cute :-
Ian: [signing out the video] “This has been Ian from Smosh, that’s right, the channel that is 17 and a half years old that’s doing sketch comedy again with my best friend Anthony.”
Can never resist them calling each other ‘best friend’ so of course had to include it!
Making of Pokémon In Real Life 2024
So they brought back the classic Pokémon In Real Life sketch, and from that obviously we got the BTS. Only a couple little moments from this one but just wanted to include them cause they were silly 🤓
Ian: [sneezes] “Sorry. Your hairspray.”
Anthony: “Ohhh… he’s allergic to me [smirks].”
👀 Don’t know what that was about but alrighty, Anthony…
Ian: [cuts his finger and there’s a dot of blood]
Anthony: “Oh my god, dude. Are you okay?”
Ian: “No, I’m not okay. Trigger warning gore.”
Anthony: “Do you need someone to suck out the blood?”
Why did this just turn into Saltburn? Don’t know what Anthony was on with the these two moments but I won’t question it 😝 And despite saying ‘someone’, he was definitely offering to suck the blood from Ian’s finger himself 🤭
Pokémon In Real Life 2024 Watch Party
Of course with the sketch and BTS we got a livestream, which gave us some cute and complimentary moments 😊
To kick off this livestream I just wanna point out that they were wearing matching colours with Anthony’s jacket and Ian’s hoodie, plus matching Smosh Pokémon hats which is very cute 😊
Ian: [apologising for getting annoyed in the BTS due to the background noise messing up their filming] “Dude, this video. This Pokémon video. I apologise if I looked very angry in the behind the scenes.”
Anthony: [laughs] “You didn’t look that bad. Honestly, it amped up accurately.”
Erin: “The compilation of you getting angry, it was pretty funny.”
Anthony: Yeah, so it was justified. People knew why you were angry.”
Love the reassurance from Anthony here so that Ian isn’t worried about how he came across in the video.
[take their hats off]
Ian: “How’s my hair? Is it weird?”
Anthony: “Is mine weird? Yours is fine.”
Ian: “No, I feel like yours is like, yours has like a messy chic to it, you know.”
Them just complimenting each other’s hair - here for it! Also Ian’s added compliment of “messy chic” 😄
[playing Pokémon quiz]
I&A: “Jinx.”
Crew: [laughs]
Anthony: [smiles and points to Ian] “Jinx.”
Ian: “That’s our favourite. Favourite Pokémon.”
Funny because it’s both the Pokémon’s name and they said it at the same time 😝 Cute how Ian also got in that that’s their favourite ☺️
[complete the quiz]
Anthony: “Dude, 100 percent, bro.”
I&A: [high-five]
Of course always gotta include the highfives 😌
After the quiz they go on to play a Pikachu x Sonic crossover. Anthony plays a round and then Ian goes to play but can’t get the controls to work for him so Anthony’s showing him what to do 🥹 I don’t feel the need to include what they said here as it’s just Anthony saying what buttons to push but just wanted to include a little description of what was happening at this moment 😊
Ian: [completes the game]
Anthony: “You won the game.” [clapping]
Just another little cute moment I wanted to include of Anthony clapping for Ian 🙂
[playing Pokémon Among Us]
Anthony: [playing the game well]
Ian: “Alright, I hate that you’re like kind of eating.” [as Ian kept dying]
A begrudging little compliment from Ian there 😄
[signing the livestream off]
Ian: “Happy New Year, hope the holidays were a fun time for you and you had some eggnog and sat by the campfire…”
Anthony: “Roasting chestnuts.”
Ian: “Roasting chestnuts.”
Anthony: “Or chestnut. I’m not making any assumptions.”
Ian: “….What?”
Anthony: “Just if they don’t have more than one chestnut.”
Ian: “Ohh, okay. I don’t know if you could buy a singular chestnut but…”
Anthony: “I think there’s a way.”
Ian: “Go off king.”
Just a silly little one to end on because I wanted to include Ian calling Anthony ‘king’ 🤭
Can I Guess Who Slapped Me?
So the video of Anthony getting slapped finally dropped! And it was everything and more, especially when it came to moments between Ian and Anthony so let’s jump right in :-
Right off the bat we had this as the description for Ian…
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Now onto the actual slapping…
The moment that got us all was just before Ian slaps him he slowly started caressing Anthony’s face so obviously that had us all going crazy! Including the cast and crew!
Anthony: [after the slap] “Oh. Wow. Uhhh, this person thinks they’re hilarious.” [laughs]
Cast & Crew: [laughing]
Ian: [Trying not to laugh]
Anthony: “Uhhh, who would do that? Who would caress my face and slap me out of nowhere?”
Ian: [boops Anthony’s nose]
Anthony: “Uh, it feels like an Ian move to me… Did you just boop me? Um, that feels like an Ian move.”
Kiana: “That is correct.”
Everyone: [celebrating and applauding]
Anthony: [puts his hands out and Ian high-fives him]
Angela: “Friendship always wins!”
Ian: “Well done. Well done. Good job to you.”
Anthony: [bowing]
Ian: “There we go. There we go. That’s the only one you truly needed to get right.”
Anthony: [laughs]
So true Ian! That was the most important one he needed to get right! And I just want to point out how Ian was only the 3rd person Anthony got right, and of course he knew it was him right away with his cheeky little joke of “this person thinks they’re hilarious” 😝 he knew the second Ian caressed his face that it was him cause they truly just know each other that well ☺️ Live for Angela yelling “Friendship always wins!” after he got it right too! And can we also talk about the totally unnecessary, but very, very cute little nose boop Ian threw in there just cause he wanted to! Obsessed!
A little bit later in the video during Duran’s round of slapping Anthony another little moment happened that I just wanted to include cause I thought that it was funny and showed how silly of a mood Ian was in, I think Anthony being blindfolded was playing a part in that and he gained a little extra layer of confidence to just fuck about with Anthony 😆
Anthony: [standing with his butt pushed out waiting to be slapped]
Kiana: “The stance is great. The stance is great.”
Ian: [runs over and pretends to go in to slap Anthony’s butt]
Anthony: “Why’s there wind?”
Cast & Crew: [laugh]
Hehe 🤭
Anyways! That was it for the slapping video but I did also want to include something that came off the back of it and that was…
Anthony dedicating a whole Instagram post to Ian slapping him :-
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Obessed with this though! The fact he went out of his way to make a post specifically about Ian slapping him over anyone else, plus that caption! ‘only ian would slap me like that’ - truly the cherry on top of it all 😌
Jacksfilms Confesses His Biggest Regret
So they had Jacksfilms on as a guest for Flashback to react to some of his old videos and an old collab of his the boys had been a part of.
Jack: [talking about how he moved to LA after he graduated] “…And that’s when I started collaborating with some, then, very big YouTube channels.”
Anthony: [looks at Ian] “Yeah, back then we were big.” [elbows Ian and Ian elbows him back]
Them just being silly 😄 loved the little elbowing of each other too 😊
Jack: “I remember I was in college, I was like out hanging with my friends. I just got 50,000 subs on YouTube, baby. And one of my friends just like took the air right out of my tire, or sails, whatever, and was like ‘Uh, yeah, did you know that Smosh has like a million now?’.”
Ian: “Pffft.”
Anthony: [silent laughs] “Noice!” [high-fives Ian] “Noice!”
Again, just more of them being silly. Plus high-five!
I should have mentioned at the start of this section that Ian is in a tshirt-dress for this video as a reference to Jack as it’s got tweets of his printed on it. Anyway, as a result his legs are out obviously, and that’s relevant to this next part :-
Anthony: [talking about how there’s always an audience for every kind of content, it’s just about what kind of audience you want to have]
Ian: “That’s true. And you want this audience.” [pointing to show off his legs]
Anthony: “You want this.”
Ian: “You want the audience that accepts this.”
Anthony: “This is what you want. This is the audience that we have. And we are very happy with this audience.”
Ian: “Exactly.”
Anthony: “They’ve been begging for this.”
And we’re more than happy to be the audience for it! 😌 (As is Anthony considering how many times he was checking out Ian’s legs during this video 😉)
Anthony also had this to say about YouTube’s hate for Ian’s attire 😤
Jack: [talking about a sponsorship he done with other youtubers to test out a new workout program]
Ian: “Did you get Jaaaacked?”
Anthony: [looks at Ian with a smirk and high-fives him]
Second high-five for this video! Also Anthony just quietly complimenting Ian’s pun 😄
Ian: “Do you [Jack] have any regrets? Any videos that you regret making?” [smiling]
Anthony: “You look so happy saying that.” [smiling] “This is happiest I’ve seen you all episode.” [laughs]
Just thought it was cute how Anthony seeing Ian smiling made him smile and laugh 😊
And that was it for another Flashback!
No1 Ian Fan Strikes Again
So Anthony was back at it! The Smosh team was out celebrating one of the crews birthday - Erin posted this to her story. Now I’m sure there were probably multiple photos and videos taken this night but what was the only thing Anthony shared from it? That’s right! Ian of course!
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He’s obsessed with that boy and I love it! 😌
Ian also reshared and replied to Anthony’s story which you can find here
Making Of “MrBeast Copycats Have Gone Too Far”
So the BTS of the MrBeast Copycats Have Gone Too Far sketch offered us a few little moments :-
So this seemed to be a very high-five, hand-hold heavy BTS. Think they were just in one of those moods where they want any excuse to touch each other 🤭😉
[Finishing off their little video introduction]
Anthony: [goes in to high-five Ian and grips his hand]
Ian: [high-fives Anthony back and also grips his hand in response]
I&A: [still holding each other’s hands] “Let’s go shoot this shit!”
Ian: [messing up his line] “I’m having a trouble! I’m having a trouble…” [facepalms]
Shayne: “That’s so funny. ‘I’m having a trouble’.”
Anthony and Courtney: [laughing]
Anthony: [to Ian] “Are you having a trouble?” [puts hand on Ian’s shoulder]
Ian: “I’m having a trouble. Words.”
Anthony: [laughs]
I know they were (lovingly) poking fun at Ian here, but the wee glimpse of the shoulder touch from Anthony to Ian is what got me ☺️
I&A: [In character but joking around]
Ian: “There’s a twist. There’s a twist.” [puts hand out to Anthony] “There’s a twist.”
Anthony: “There’s a twist.” [takes Ian’s hand and grips it]
I&A: [still holding hands whilst lightly pushing/tapping each other and repeating “there’s a twist”. They then start scissoring their fingers together, before gripping each other’s fingers and pulling the other in closer to them whilst now repeating “getting twisted” and manically laughing]
Well… that was… something… 👀
Told you they were just looking for any excuse to touch each other. But hey, wouldn’t be a Smosh BTS if Ian and Anthony weren’t flirting with each other 😜
And to finish off this high-five heavy BTS, I’ll leave you with this :-
Ian: [talking about how Anthony injured himself by dropping a laptop on his foot and how he should take an Advil but Anthony doesn’t take Advil so he doesn’t know if it’ll help]
Anthony: “I don’t care about the pain, I just want the throbbing to stop.”
Ian: “He doesn’t like throbbing.”
Anthony: “I don’t like throbbing. I like pulsating.”
Ian: [laughs] “I hate both of those words.”
Anthony: [laughs] “Yeah, usually I say throbbing or pulsating member…”
Ian: [acting disgusted]
Anthony: “Speaking of members thank you so much being a Smoshtastic or Smosh Royalty member!”
Ian: “Yeah! Thanks for being our throbbing members.” [laughs]
Anthony: “Our pulsating members.”
Ian: “Yeahhh, throbbing members.”
I&A: [high-five]
Um… thanks boys, I guess… happy to be a throbbing and pulsating member… 🥴🤦‍♀️ They high-fived so I had to include it, don’t blame me for what they said! 😩
And on that’s note that brings us to the end of January! Hope you all enjoyed reading - I’d say it was a very good start to the year in terms of content, and the boys very much delivered in terms of complimentary moments so can’t complain 😌
Thank you all again for reading and I shall see you next time! 💖
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bellaevilqueen · 11 months ago
Blind love~part 1
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So... I came up with this idea when I was in shambles . I really wanted to end it with a sad ending, but I couldn't do it, so enjoy😊
Pairing:Anthony Lockwood x fem reader
Summary:Anthony Lockwood proposes to his girlfriend not knowing that his co-worker has a crush on him, leading to terrible consequences.
Warning:blood,probably swearing
It was a few months ago that Anthony Lockwood brought his girlfriend home to 35 Portland Row. Lucy liked her immediately, but she seemed strange to me and George. Maybe it was because I love my boss or something different, but I honestly didn't like her -Are you okay? -I looked at the intruder. Speak of the devil
-Yes, I'll go to bed now - I stopped looking at the fire in the fireplace and put down the pillow I was hugging
-You don't have to. Actually, I want you to help me with something-
-What is this?-He took a box from his jacket pocket. He looked at them for a moment and handed them to me. When I opened it, I saw a beautiful ring with a sapphire in the middle and a few smaller diamonds - It's beautiful -
-It belonged to my mother. I want to propose to Sarah - these words felt like someone punched me in the cheek. I couldn't find the words
-That's…that's really great-I gave it to him and stood up, ready to leave. Unfortunately he stopped me. He grabbed my wrist and electricity ran through me
-You have to tell me if I can ask her to marry me like that -he cleared his throat -I've been in love with you since you walked through the doors of this agency. Your blue eyes are so deep I could drown in them, and your laugh makes me want to wake up next to you every morning. Will you marry me?- If it was addressed to me, I would have agreed immediately, but it wasn't - And how was it-I smiled gently
-Sarah is really lucky. She will definitely agree. Goodnight, Anthony-I broke free from his embrace and went to the attic. I covered my mouth with my hand so that my sobbing wouldn't wake anyone up. When I entered, I immediately slid down to the ground after the closed door. I didn't even hear footsteps
-Oh my God, what happened? -I looked up with tearful eyes. Lucy stood there and just looked at me. She immediately ran down and hugged me. I hugged her tightly -I can't do this anymore.I…I don't want to work here anymore-she broke away and looked at me
-What? But he proposed to you. I heard-
-He want to propose to Sarah-I whispered so quietly that I couldn't hear it myself. She didn't say anything, she just hugged me. I told Lucy about my crush when she caught me looking at him in the Archives
-Go to sleep. I'll bring you some tea - she led me to the bed and she herself went downstairs. I lay there and just looked at the ceiling. Tears were still flowing from my eyes. I didn't even look at Lucy when she came back - Drink it, it'll help you sleep -
She didn't react. I picked her up and gave her the cup, which she immediately emptied. A moment later she fell asleep. I took the empty cup and went downstairs to the kitchen. I was hoping to clean it up before anyone saw it. Unfortunately, I came across George. He was holding a box
-What is it? Have you given her sleeping pills again? You know very well that they make her feel numb afterward.She doesn't know what's going on around her - he was angry
-She was crying because of him again-His expression softened. He always cared for her like a sister. I took the box from his hands and put it away
-What's going on this time?-
-He want to propose to Sarah-
-What an idiot. They have only known each other for a few months. I'll kill him-
-She's good to him. Y/N needs to get her act together-
-I still don't understand what you see in her?Can't you both see that you're replacing Y/N?She started curling her hair since you met her-
-To her face. Highlights her blue eyes-
-Y/N has blue eyes. She has naturally curly hair. You're replacing her-
-Sarah doesn't replace anyone, and Lockwood seems happy with her. You should like her. She's finally going to live here-George just looked at me and left. I finished cleaning and went back upstairs. Luckily she was asleep. I lay down next to her and fell asleep. The next day it was quiet at breakfast. George was still angry with me. Suddenly Lockwood cleared his throat, drawing our attention
-I have something to tell you.Y/N already knows, so we better not wake her up. She's nasty later. But back to the topic. I decided to propose to Sarah-
-That's really great-he smiled at me, but George still didn't say anything. He didn't even look at us
-Yeah, whatever-he stood up and put the plate in the sink. He immediately left without saying anything. He looked at me
-What's wrong with him?-
-He doesn't like change and you know how he can be. I'm really so glad you're proposing to her. When will you do it?-
-We're going out to dinner tonight-
-You were supposed to go with Y/N to clean the house-
-She'll be fine on her own. Sarah is the most important thing - and this is where something started to go wrong for me. Since when is she more important than the agency or the safety of either of us -If you say so - after finishing breakfast, I went upstairs. Y/N was still sleeping. Nothing unusual. Finally, I dissolved a double dose in her tea. I took my jacket and went for a walk.
*YOUR POV* When I woke up I didn't know where I was or what my name was. It took me a few minutes to realize it. Luce had to give me sleeping pills. I got out of bed and looked out the window. The weather was surprisingly nice, but I didn't feel like leaving the house. I crawled back under the covers and just stared at the wall. Immediately I heard footsteps on the stairs and the door opening -I have your favorite donuts from Arif, several types of face masks and your favorite movie. We'll spend this day together- I didn't look at him. He sighed and stood in front of me
-Go away George-
-No, I won't let you neglect me because of some idiot and his whor… - I interrupted him -George!-
-I'm sorry, I know you don't like swearing, but it pisses me off that he makes you cry and that Luce takes his side-
-Forget about it-
-Hey - he crouched down in front of me - You're like a sister to me and I won't let you cry because of some asshole. If you want, I can break his nose… or hers - I laughed - So what? Are you getting up? - I nodded and for the rest of the day we watched a movie while making masks and eating donuts. At that moment I was happy and forgot everything. Unfortunately, when I went downstairs with my equipment and saw them all dressed up, everything came back
-Y/N, nice to see you. I'm kidnapping your boss for dinner. I don't think you'll be angry-
-We have a case together-
-You'll be fine on your own. Don't wait for me. I'll stay with Sarah-and they left. I waited a while and left too. After a while I was alone in the old house. It was Lockwood who had all the information about this ghost. I didn't know what type it was or what the source could be. Nothing. I heard a noise behind me so I quickly turned around. There was nothing. I kept walking forward. Immediately, a bright light began to form a shape in front of me. I prepared myself for the attack. Finally, a young woman floated in front of me. Flashes of Annabel began to appear in my head
-I do not want to hurt you. I just want to help you - she just screamed at me and flew towards me. Immediately the candlestick flew towards me. Great. Type two. I will surely die here. Unless… I started running towards the exit. Unfortunately, she slammed the door. I was trapped. I threw everything I had at her and quickly took phone. I hid behind one of the couches in the living room and called. I prayed for someone to pick up. Finally I heard a voice -Lockwood and co agency. How can I help?-
-George, I'm afraid. I do not know anything. I don't know… I don't know if I will survive - tears fell from my eyes
-Where are you? -I could hear the nervousness in his voice
-In the house we were supposed to clean-
-Where's Lockwood?- -At dinner-
-Wait for me there. I'll be there in a moment-
-I'm afraid-
-Hold on, I'll be there soon - he hung up. Tears were still flowing down my cheeks. With a trembling hand, I raised the rapier, and in a moment the ghost materialized in front of me again. I stood up and pointed my rapier at the ghost
-Please leave me - she just looked at me
-You're so delicate. So very fragile. He doesn't deserve you. I'm here for you - I dropped my rapier under her influence. Her hand slowly moved towards my cheek. It didn't touch me because it disappeared after contact with the salt. Suddenly someone grabbed my arms
- Are you okay?Y/N! - I wanted to answer him, but I couldn't - You can't leave me alone. We leave and come together, remember? Get rid of that whiteness in your eyes. Come back to me - after a moment I started blinking as if there was something in my eyes. I saw George in front of me, his eyes glazed over
-Thank God - he hugged me -She can come back soon. I know what the source is. You have to find them. I'll drag her away - I nodded - Look for the old sapphire ring - while George was fighting the ghost, I was looking for the source. My hands were shaking, but I finally found it. I wrapped it in silver netting and went downstairs to George. I handed it to him
-Can we go now?-
-Yes, come on. You need to sleep-
I wanted to write everything in one part but it came out too long. I know it's not good, but I'm trying. The second part will appear shortly after this part
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theatrekidstatus · 1 year ago
Chapter 22
-1 month later- Y/n pov: "Anthony" "THATS MEEEEE" "i wanna introduce are baby to our friends" "ok" "lets invite the cast"
Mi nombre es Alexander Hamilton
                               Guys we opening up the option to come see our baby today
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽: IM SO EXITED i get to see my bby 💕💕
Pippy poo😀🥹☺️😃😅😊😄😂😇😁🤣🙂😆🥲🙃:YAY LIL EMMY
Mommy nèa(not dirty🙄)😉😗😝🤓😌😙😜😎😍😚🤪🥸🥰😋🤨🤩😘😛🧐🥳:I CANT WAIT TO SEE MY NIECE
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴:what time
Weird David 😮‍💨🤢🤕👹😵🤮🤑👺😵‍💫🤧🤠🤡🤐😷😈💩🥴🤒👿👻🤖:your littarly my sister duh
ThEy DiDnT sAy I CoUlDnT sIng 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏻:duh bitch
Oakyyyyy the unfuckable tree👉🏾🤚🏾🫲🏾✍🏾👆🏾🖐🏾🫱🏾🙏🏾🖖🏾👇🏾💪🏾🫵🏾☝🏾👋🏾🦾🦶🏾✋🏾🤙🏾🖕🏾🦵🏾:you're littarly my twin bro stop playing with me
Christodontfuckme👶🏾🧑🏾👩🏾‍🦰👱🏾‍♂️👧🏻👨🏾🧑🏾‍🦰👩🏾‍🦳🧒🏾👩🏾‍🦱👨🏾‍🦰🧑🏾‍🦳👦🏿🧑🏾‍🦱👱🏾‍♀️👨🏾‍🦳👩🏾👨🏾‍🦱:duh girl😝😝
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴 :what time
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:we love yall please be there
We were in our room and heard a knock at the door and I got up to get it I awenser it. So It turned out to be jazzy "THERE MY oh it's you" "that felt purposeful" "donde esta mi esposa" "MI ESPOSA" "whatever" we walk to our room" hey y/n/n" "hey snazzy jazzy" "may i hold my niece" she says taking my spot "of course but be careful I cant stress that enough" "trust me" "hey emily" "co co" "emily can you say my dad sucks" "jazz" "the original version was dirty" we hear a knock on the door "jazzy apologize to ant ill get the door" "DADDY" "hey baby how you been""good" "hey sissy" "hi sebby" "hey Francisco" "co co" "CAN WE SEE THE BABY" "shhh sebby your gonna scare her" "im sorry" "its fine dad, come on lets see her" "hey lin" "sup lin" jazzy and Anthony greets "hey guys" dad greets "can i hold her" sebby ask "after the adults" mom tells him "well can i hold franny" he ask "not yet baby" he says a little "by the time its yet hell be to old to hold" mom ignores him and asks "may i pick her up" "yes" she holds her and starts talking to him "hey baby im your grandmother and ill love you so much" -15 minutes later- "sebby ask y/n if you can hold Emily" "may i hold emily" "of course bro" he held him gently "hi baby im your uncle and when you are 3-4 were gonna be best friends even when im a moddy teenager well still be best friends" "awww" "cocochhnxggx" "hwrhfdhdfjdghgdjgdjddjd to you two" we hear a knock a the door "aww no more emily" "you can hold fran" "hey bro here are my tips for serving the Miranda household" Lin ran to the door "HEY PHILLIPA" "hi wheres my sisters baby" "in our room" she runs to the room "number 47 DO NOT-hey pippa" "why you switch up" Anthony teases "shut up Anthony" "HEY we don't use those especially with adults SAY SORRY" nessa commands "I'm sorry Anthony for telling you to shut up" "it's ok I didn't really care" "may I hold the baby" "yes of course" "hi baby I'm pippa soo" "pghtghbth" "close enough" we all laughed we hear our door open Anthony grabbed a knife "que es 'wheres my granddaughter' en espanol" "donde esta mi chicos chico" i said with a questioning tone "what she said"she said with a chuckle "may i hold her" nea questions "you may" i awnsers  "hi baby im you second grandmother and im going to teach you how to be yourself when you are older"  les came in "yall just leave yall door open" leslie asks"oops" says renés "good thing i came before someone else did" Leslie diverts"right" i agree "im really sorry" nea aplogizes "its alright mistakes happen" ant comfront "hey i dont know if this is the right time but may i hold emily" leslie asks "you may" i say granting premission "hi baby im your uncle and im gonna teach you wait for it" les tells my baby "funny" lin chimes in then everyone else came and that was that
Dark bitchs in white girl
Who tryna meet my bby
Morgan Saylor:yes
Brian Marc:yes
Justin Bartha:yes
Bobbi Salvör Menuez;yes
Chris Noth:yes
Ralph Rodriguez:yes
                                                                                                                              Ok pull up
Y/n pov:-1 month later- Y/n pov: "Anthony" "THATS MEEEEE" "i wanna introduce are baby to our friends" "ok" "lets invite the cast"
Mi nombre es Alexander Hamilton
                               Guys we opening up the option to come see our baby today
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽: IM SO EXITED i get to see my bby 💕💕
Pippy poo😀🥹☺️😃😅😊😄😂😇😁🤣🙂😆🥲🙃:YAY LIL EMMY
Mommy nèa(not dirty🙄)😉😗😝🤓😌😙😜😎😍😚🤪🥸🥰😋🤨🤩😘😛🧐🥳:I CANT WAIT TO SEE MY NIECE
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴:what time
Weird David 😮‍💨🤢🤕👹😵🤮🤑👺😵‍💫🤧🤠🤡🤐😷😈💩🥴🤒👿👻🤖:your littarly my sister duh
ThEy DiDnT sAy I CoUlDnT sIng 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏻:duh bitch
Oakyyyyy the unfuckable tree👉🏾🤚🏾🫲🏾✍🏾👆🏾🖐🏾🫱🏾🙏🏾🖖🏾👇🏾💪🏾🫵🏾☝🏾👋🏾🦾🦶🏾✋🏾🤙🏾🖕🏾🦵🏾:you're littarly my twin bro stop playing with me
Christodontfuckme👶🏾🧑🏾👩🏾‍🦰👱🏾‍♂️👧🏻👨🏾🧑🏾‍🦰👩🏾‍🦳🧒🏾👩🏾‍🦱👨🏾‍🦰🧑🏾‍🦳👦🏿🧑🏾‍🦱👱🏾‍♀️👨🏾‍🦳👩🏾👨🏾‍🦱:duh girl😝😝
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴 :what time
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:we love yall please be there
We were in our room and heard a knock at the door and I got up to get it I awenser it. So It turned out to be jazzy "THERE MY oh it's you" "that felt purposeful" "donde esta mi esposa" "MI ESPOSA" "whatever" we walk to our room "hey y/n/n" "hey snazzy jazzy" "may i hold my niece" she says taking ants spot "of course but be careful I cant stress that enough" "trust me" "hey emily" "co co" "emily can you say my dad sucks" "jazz" "the original version was dirty" we hear a knock on the door "jazzy apologize to ant ill get the door" "DADDY" "hey baby how you been""good" "hey sissy" "hi sebby" "hey Francisco" "co co" "CAN WE SEE THE BABY" "shhh sebby your gonna scare her" "im sorry" "its fine dad, come on lets see her" "hey lin" "sup lin" jazzy and Anthony greets "hey guys" dad greets "can i hold her" sebby ask "after the adults" mom tells him "well can i hold franny" he ask "not yet baby" he says a little "by the time its yet hell be to old to hold" mom ignores him and asks "may i pick her up" "yes" she holds her and starts talking to him "hey baby im your grandmother and ill love you so much" -15 minutes later- "sebby ask y/n if you can hold Emily" "may i hold emily" "of course bro" he held him gently "hi baby im your uncle and when you are 3-4 were gonna be best friends even when im a moody teenager well still be best friends" "awww" "cocochhnxggx" "hwrhfdhdfjdghgdjgdjddjd to you two" we hear a knock a the door "aww no more emily" "you can hold fran" "hey bro here are my tips for surviving the Miranda household" Lin ran to the door "HEY PHILLIPA" "hi wheres my sisters baby" "in our room" she runs to the room "number 47 DO NOT-hey pippa" "why you switch up" Anthony teases "shut up Anthony" "HEY we don't use those especially with adults SAY SORRY" nessa commands "I'm sorry Anthony for telling you to shut up" "it's ok I didn't really care" "may I hold the baby" "yes of course" "hi baby I'm pippa soo" "pghtghbth" "close enough" we all laughed we hear our door open Anthony grabbed a knife "que es 'wheres my granddaughter' en espanol" "donde esta mi chicos chico" i said with a questioning tone "what she said"she said with a chuckle "may i hold her" nea questions "you may" i awnsers "hi baby im you second grandmother and im going to teach you how to be yourself when you are older"  les came in "yall just leave yall door open" leslie asks"oops" says renés "good thing i came before someone else did" Leslie diverts"right" ant agrees "im really sorry" nea aplogizes "its alright mistakes happen" ant comfront "hey i dont know if this is the right time but may i hold emily" leslie asks "you may" i say granting premission "hi baby im your uncle and im gonna teach you wait for it" les tells my baby "funny" lin chimes in then everyone else came and that was that
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hoghtastic · 1 year ago
Delayed comment/post/ask/my 2 cents (lol) here. Sorry.
I just saw the asks about Peter Anthony unfollowing Alex but following Johanne. To me, that's a creep move. No? When Nordic Narcos was nominated for the TV Prisen awards (spelling?) back over the summer is when Alex posted his story where he was on the beach with his friends and they were all laughing at him as he crawled through that big drain pipe. You guys remember that? He didn't even bother to attend the awards, and he was the main character of the show! That, coupled with all the rumors surrounding the show and Peter, I think it's pretty safe to say Alex could give 2 f@cks about it or any of the people involved in it. Of all the times Peter and Aline posted and tagged him, he not once resposted any of it or followed them back. That's odd for Alex. When Peter would post "behind the scenes" footage, it seemed more like him posting Alex to gain attention and followers for himself and things that should've probably not been posted before the release rather than actually BTS footage.
Also, did any of you guys see the leaked scenes that one fanpage posted back before the release? And I noticed later that one of them wasn't even in the final cut of the show. Now, how did she get her hands on that footage? It had to be leaked from someone on set, and both Aline and Peter were known to be talking to fanpages and following several of them. So I just think Alex saw them for the shady characters that they are. For example, Peter sent a follow request to one of my friends who is very pretty and the only way he would have found her is to have been creeping on Alex's page, watching likes and/or comments. 🤮 He also just saw one of my other friends' fanpage stories just like 2 days ago. After all this time, he's still watching fanpages? I think he's anything but professional, and I believe that at least some of those nasty rumors are probably true, unfortunately. So I think it says a lot about him to unfollow Alex but follow his girlfriend. Again-🤮. Would be interesting to see if he suddenly disappears from her follow list, as in, if she blocked him, which, unfortunately, we'd have no way of knowing.
Sorry, I just think he's gross, and obviously, I have a hard time keeping that opinion to myself. Sorry. Not sorry.
No need to keep your opinion to yourself, anon. I’m glad you shared it! 😊
I agree that the way Alex chose to distance himself from this project and everyone involved speaks volumes. I can’t remember the leaked scene you mentioned, but I agree that the fact they were talking to fanpages and leaking scenes/pictures to some of them felt extremely unprofessional. But maybe they thought it was a way to obtain easy, free promo for the series? To keep the fanpages and all those who visited them interested and talking about it? 🤔
I also thought that changing the series name to “The Viking” almost at the last minute was another cheap attempt to leech off Alex’s fame and recognition. If you watched the series, this name made no sense to the plot and its introduction felt super forced. 😅 Both the first “Escobar of the North” and the later “Nordic Narcos” were much better options, in my opinion.
And then there were some actors who worked alongside Alex, but acted like overly excited fanboys, always taking pictures and tagging him on Instagram. That felt somewhat unprofessional too… 😅 So, to summarise, I think you’re absolutely right anon. A lot of things didn’t sit well with this production, and that’s probably why Alex didn’t really enjoy working on it.
0 notes
imyourbratzdoll · 2 years ago
Heyyy can you make an Chris Evans x Reader one shot about a "america's ass" conversation funny and fluff one if you want to do it 😊😊😊
hi! I hope you enjoy it, and I apologise for it being so short, also this fic may be on crack.
summary - the weirdest conversation these two could possibly have.
warning - america's ass, someone's probably on crack for having this conversation, mentions of anthony mackie's ass in those tight jeans.
the gifs I use aren't mine, divider by @newlips
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Y/n leans back and stares at Chris’s ass. Her eyes squinted as she thinks. “Why do they call you America’s ass?” Chris slowly turns, his brows furrowed as he looks at the tiny woman before looking down at his ass.
“One, stop staring at my ass and two, because have you seen my ass?” Y/n hums, tilting her head as she continues to stare. Her brows and nose scrunched up before she shakes her head and turns her attention back to the reality show on tv. “What? What was that look for? I have America’s ass!” Another shake of Y/n’s head causes Chris to spin around completely, staring at her in disbelief. “I do have America’s ass! Why do you keep shaking your head?” 
Y/n turns again, looking at Chris, who seems desperate for her to agree. “I just don’t see it. I mean… Have you seen Anthony Mackie’s? His ass in those jeans are just to die for.” She tilts her head back as she groans, picturing those delicious cheeks in that tight denim, missing how Chris looks at her or how he sheds his pants and walks until he’s standing before her. When Y/n lifts her head, her eyes widen. “Jesus, Chris. At least buy a woman dinner before you put your ass in her face.” 
“I’m just showing you why I’ve been labelled with America’s ass! I mean, look at these cheeks!” His hands come down as he slaps them, “you could bounce anything off them.” Chris backs up until he’s closer to Y/n, “c’mon, tell me I have America’s ass. You know it’s true.” 
Y/n quickly puts her hands out, pushing against the man’s ass. Her laughter filled the room, “Okay! Okay! You have America’s ass! Just stop putting it in my face.” Chris pulls away in triumph. He turns and falls on top of Y/n, pulling her into a massive hug with the biggest grin on his face. 
“I knew you’d give in.”
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years ago
Have you ever thought about a Kanthony (and others) re-incarnation au. I'm thinking a Housefull 4 style bridgerton fic starring Kanthony, Benophie and maybe Polin. Housefull 4 is a bollywood comedy gold. Surprisingly it's without any angst that u expect of reincarnation tropes. But maybe we can have some angst if someone decides to make a fic out of it 🤞. Anyway if someone does decide to make one I will recommend watching the movie first or look at the plot on wiki for the main gist of the story. U know I got this idea because of the spider scene (equivalent to the bee sting according to me) in the movie so like we can have Kanthony as Madhu n Bala (eldests), Benophie as Meena n Dharmputra, n Polin as Mala n Bangdu.
Thank you for listening to my mumbling 😊.
i've said it before and I'll say it again: people in Tumblr have good taste. So guys, if you haven't seen Housefull 4. Go watch it, it's an awesome movie and it deserves a shoutout. And the funny thing is that I did see the movie a long time ago. But I thought that it would be a great twist if the girls were the ones having the big problem making the guys remember their past lives. So anon, I know this take on the movie isn't what you asked for but bear with me.
So in 1813 you have Queen Violet ever despairing on marrying off her three rakish sons. And then there's Kate, Sophie and Penelope. Who for one reason or another love these three idiots. first there is Kate, Minor indian royalty, princess Kate was vanished from her father's court because of a tiny disobedience (staging a coup to put Edwina on the throne is not a tiny disobedience Kathani Sharma) so she is kind of scheming to marry Anthony and become the future Queen. So she can return home with something to show for it.
Anthony's second brother, Benedict, is desperately inlove with his sister's ladies maid/bodyguard, Sophie. Who has saved his life more times than he can count. And finally, Colin, ever the young prankster. Is inlove with the court lead gossip maker. Miss Penelope aka notorious scandal mongrel Lady Whistledown.
Kate and Anthony fell inlove, and together they also worked very hard to unite Benedict and Sophie against those who opposed their class difference, and defended Colin and Penelope's choice to be together despite Lady Whistledown's reputation. BUT on the day the three of them were going to get married. Someone bombed the cathedral. And the three couples died.
Back in the present Kate Sharma is a down on her luck photographer working too many jobs who accidentally gets in trouble with the Indian Mob and has to pay back a sum that seems astronomical, or work for the mob for life. Well, never let it be said that Kate doesn't know how to scheme her way into the lives of the rich and famous. Her boss Lady Danbury sets her and her two best friends up with the sons of a super rich business' woman, who need convenient wives that don't mess on their style ( in exchange for a few favors after the girls are officially Bridgertons. ) Penelope and Sophie have agreed to help Kate pay back the money to the mob and well, at least the guys are handsome.
Everything is going swimmingly, the three couples are getting along well, at least until Kate visits the Bridgerton family cemetery with her new fiancée and starts getting flashbacks of her past life...
Here's the thing... In this life, she is sort of going to marry the wrong brother!! oh no, Kate needs to help her friends remember their past lives too. She doesn't want to get married to Colin, or let Sophie marry Anthony, also she's pretty sure that if Penelope knew she's getting hitched to the same Benedict who was head over heels for Sophie in their past life, she would die of embarrassment.
Now all Kate has to do is help her friends and their husbands remember their past life. Reconnect with her husband who doesn't know she's his wife because he thinks she's the gold digger who is putting the moves on Colin. Somehow figure out why they all reincarnated AND find out who bombed the cathedral in 1813.
Easy peasy right?
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years ago
Hi, again.😊 I have more questions.😁
I'd honestly love a whole chapter just on the negotiation of marriage terms.😅 Especially here, where Anthony as Viscount Bridgerton and head of the family basically has all the power, since Clover is ruined if she doesn't marry Benedict and her uncle is obviously well aware of that fact.😬😅
Do you think Clover's family will be more willing to add money into the agreement, given how Anthony could technically deny the marriage if he wants? I don't think he ever would, but if he wanted to he could probably cut off all money to Benedict and thereby stop it.
How does Benedict feel about his lack of steady paying work, now that a number has to be set  for what his future children should be guaranteed? Especially the daughters doweries, which he will either have to save up for or get from Anthony?
Is the question of what she gets as a widow still central to Clover now that she'll have a young, healthy husband?
Another thing that will have to be decided is how much money their future children will be guaranteed and whether the parents will have the ability to disinherit any of them. If you can say without spoilers, where do you see Clover and Benedict fall on this, and what would Anthony and Clover's uncle, being the two people to primarily deal with the negotiations, think?
Oh I absolutely love questions! 😍😍😍
That's a very good point darling! ❤️ So for Anthony, honor is a huge thing and even if Benedict refused to, Anthony would literally force him to make his mistake right, he can't have the family name dragged through the mud 😈 Not to mention, Benedict will actually say something that would make it basically impossible to break that engagement in the next chapter 😁 So Clover's family doesn't have a choice, but at this point neither does Anthony 😂
So about the money thing, both Benedict and Colin have access to family fortune, and they have a huge fortune 😁 He only needs to let Anthony know about big things such a buying a house and stuff, so that Anthony can keep track of it but that's not really an issue with them, they have enough for everyone😂 And Benedict is on his way to become a famous artist, so money will not be a problem for him or Clover now or in the future ❤️
Is the question of what she gets as a widow still central to Clover now that she'll have a young, healthy husband? Oh this will totally come up because she unknowingly mentioned this to Benedict back at that greenhouse 😁 Benedict will insist that she gets everything in case of his death and will make the arrangements/documents accordingly❤️
I actually think her uncle and Anthony will reach a conclusion that will make both sides happy, and their marriage settlement won't really be as detailed as Cherie and Anthony's marriage settlement❤️ Percy was so adamant to cover every single front after his own marriage and Anthony basically agreed with everything❤️ But I think Clover's uncle will insist that none of their children could be disinherited by Benedict and Anthony totally agreed to that ❤️❤️
Darling thank you so much for this! ❤️❤️ I LOVE IT SO MUCH! 😍❤️❤️
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destinyc1020 · 3 years ago
Z in particular knows how to stalk accounts and has done it for a decade. She didn't need to follow that account to see their content. She could have simply bookmarked it. I think she wanted both fandoms to understand that Tom is her man and she adores him. She picked an account that is not into drama, that is acting positively towards her but still doesn't post invasive pap shots. Anthony could have easily acted bitter after Tom unfollowed the account a few days after meeting him, but he took in stride understanding that Tom has become insanely famous and may not want to follow certain accounts anymore. I'm glad that Z gave him the follow
Yea, I agree... I think the follow was deliberate, for sure lol. So all those haters who "can't believe" that Zendaya would be with Tom Holland can go jump in a lake lol 😅🤣
I have followed this account for years, and even though I don't pay attention to all of the details or know all of the history about them, they seem pretty cool and I usually appreciate their content. :)
ANY Tom/Zendaya fan account that is respectful and kind towards the BOTH of them, automatically gets a plus in my book. 😊
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deadmunds-ghostbee · 3 years ago
I think the older white guy is probably Mary’s brother in law, but I also had the thought it could be her father, the Earl? Shelley Conn is herself biracial, I believe. The actor looks old enough to be her father. But most likely he is her sister’s husband.
I think it would be interesting if Mary’s parents were still alive when she finally returns to London. Though I suppose it’s easier for her and her sister to reconcile if their parents are dead (we’ll have see how much of a scandal it was and how much it tarnished their family reputation). The Sharmas not living with Mary’s sister makes me assume they’re initially hostile. Maybe they change their tune when Edwina becomes the it girl.
I’m really interested in Mary’s backstory, despite the potential icky-ness of how India is handled. And also what it means for Kate—so while she was raised as genteel lady, she doesn’t have the actual parentage? I also hope however they contrive the Danbury relationship makes sense. It bothers me how they seem to be making a pattern of using LD for plot mechanisms.
Anthony Head is 68 and Shelley is 45 so either could work potentially. But i agree with the sister theory. You make an interesting point with them being hostile bc of the tarnished reputation. Once the sharmas are under the wing of Lady Danbury and Edwina is the diamond I can also see some jealousy there potentially. I wonder what Lady Ds motives are inviting them to dinner with the Sharmas if that’s the case? All of this is even more complicated once we know about who has money and who doesn’t.
This family drama could also be interesting regarding Kate’s parentage. Do they acknowledge her if the dad is the tradesmen? Do they treat her well? This is all lowkey making me very excited for this scene.
Also yes the Lady D connection is a bit weird especially if it becomes such a pattern. But there was an article about Danbury that said she was there for Mary’s scandal all those years ago but couldn’t help at the time. Maybe there’s some interesting circumstantial parallel between her past and either the past of Mary or the present of the other girls? Either way it sounds like we’ll be digging into all the Matrons backstories and I love that.
Thanks for all your great ideas in this ask 💞😊
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xximpressions · 3 years ago
Falling For Fairytales (7)
Anthony Bridgerton x black!reader
Series Summary: Taking a slight twist on your classic Cinderella story, you are the daughter of a Marquis who died when you were 18. Several years later, you are told by your stepmother that you must marry this season, or she will engage you to her elderly Uncle. Having no money of your own, you realize you are going to have to strategize if you are going to avoid such a fate. So it's a good thing you run into a Viscount who sees marriage as a battlefield.
Chapter Summary: Being the Diamond is not all glitz and glamour
Word Count: 1,578
A/N: Guys, writing this has become so much fun for me 😁!!! Please keep the feedback coming and more chapters will arrive in no time 😊
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Bridgerton Masterlist
A few weeks had passed since your wonderful tea with the Bridgertons.
You were happy to say your friendship with Daphne had returned to what it once was, and your status as best friends had been reestablished.
You knew it was official when Lady Danbury informed you that it had been reported about in the Lady Whistledown column. Commending you for making such an advantageous friendship, the author of the column publicly wondered if your friendship was remade in order to get closer to a certain Viscount.
While you knew that it was a ridiculous notion, you also knew you could not fault the anonymous writer for coming up with such a theory. It did not escape your notice, or the notice of the ton, that every time you made plans with Daphne, her eldest brother seemed to accompany you both.
Whether it was a pleasant stroll through the park or a mundane trip to the modiste, he was never far behind when you were involved.
You soon grew used to his presence and began to happily anticipate being in it just as much as you looked forward to spending time with Daphne.
“If not more so.” You sometimes secretly thought to yourself.
And though you did not know it, Anthony was beginning to feel the same way.
Starting off by telling himself that he was only accompanying his sister in order to confirm his choice of wife, the Viscount had reached a point where he could no longer pretend seeing you was for practical reasons. 
In fact, seeing you made him want to defy all logic.
Because logically speaking, he knew he should try to minimize the contact he had with you if you were to become his Viscountess. Knowing that any love that developed between you could only lead to devastation, Anthony had tried to keep you at arm's length.
But the more he got to see and interact with you, the more drawn in he became.
So he figured it was a good thing this Lady Whistledown had all but declared you as his in the latest issue. In the eyes of the ton, the appearance of a courtship was almost as binding as an actual one, and so made other potential suitors back off.
But while this worked in Anthony’s favor, he was unaware that it most certainly did not work in yours.
Your stepmother’s ultimatum had only begun to ring louder in your ears as time went on. The more time that passed without a proposal in sight, the closer you knew she was to victory. And while you would not change your friendship with the Bridgertons for one second, you had to admit that your reunification with them had unintentionally presented a few challenges.
To overcome these challenges, you and Lady Danbury agreed that it was in your best interest to mingle with as many eligible bachelors as you could at tonight’s ball.
Pulling out your most impressive gown, you easily drew attention as you and your Aunt entered the remarkable soiree.
You both had been making the rounds for a while when you unexpectedly ran into Lady Bridgerton. Stopping to converse for a moment, you were not surprised when you were soon joined by her eldest son.
Bowing before you, Anthony had just been about to ask you to dance when an older gentleman rudely pushed his way into your little circle and presumptuously stuck his hand out towards you.
“A dance, my Lady?” 
His words formed a question, but his tone demanded compliance. 
Not impressed with his manners, you tried to let him down gently.
“Thank you for the offer my Lord, however I am already engaged at the moment.” 
And gave what you hoped was a kind, undeserving smile. 
But that smile instantly disappeared when, instead of graciously accepting your refusal, the gentleman rolled his eyes and scoffed out,
“Do not be daft.”
Raising a brow of surprise, you said,
Jutting his hand out towards you once more, the man continued.
“Let us not pretend this will not be the best offer you get tonight, so try to be worthy of the title of ‘Diamond’ and accept the dance.”
You all stared at him for a moment with astonishment before Anthony calmly said with steel in his voice,
“I am not sure we understand your meaning, Sir.”
Glancing at Lord and Lady Bridgerton as if they were not in their right mind, the so-called gentleman turned back to eye you up and down with poorly concealed disdain before unabashedly saying,
“Well, look at her.”
Still not understanding what he was getting at, you all immediately froze with shock when he finished by explaining,
“Her color makes her undeserving of such an honor. It is only because the Queen favored her that she is worth anything.”
While you were in awe at this man’s audacity and boldness, you could not say you were entirely surprised. 
However, what did surprise you was when Anthony took an aggressive step forward and threateningly asked,
“What did you just say?”
As if taken aback by the ferocity coming off of the Viscount, the pathetic man replied as if he had done nothing wrong.
“What? Her color alone makes her inferior.”
That seemed to be Anthony’s breaking point as you saw that familiar thunder cloud his face. But before he could do anything, your pride made you speak up first.
“You are wrong.” You said with so much strength, the lowly Baron standing in front of you paused and offendedly said,
“Excuse me?”
Looking him directly in the eye, you repeated yourself.
“You are wrong.” Making sure to emphasize that you were talking to him.
“My color alone means I will endure more than you could ever hope to handle with more grace you could ever hope to possess.”
Taking an unafraid step into his personal space to ensure your point got across, you continued.
“Either way, that will not take away from the fact that you are a Baron and I am the daughter of a Marquis. I will always be your superior in every situation, and you would do well to remember that.”
Done with your dress-down, you returned to your original place by Anthony’s side. With a kind smile that did not match your tone, you finished the last words you ever wanted to say to such a vile person.
“Now, be a dear and politely excuse yourself once more so I no longer have to remain in your abhorrent presence.”
You all watched as he gaped at you like a dying fish before he embarrassedly gave a quiet, “Excuse me,” before hurriedly walking away.
After he was far removed from your group, your two maternal figures and the young Viscount turned towards you feeling both impressed at your words and concerned for your wellbeing.
Suddenly feeling overwhelmed at the attention, you abruptly said,
“It is a bit stifling in here. I shall step outside for some air.”
And quickly made your way to the double doors that led to the terrace.
Placing your hands on the railing of the balcony once you got there, you took in a few breaths of the cool, night air in order to center yourself. You had been quietly staring off into the distance when you heard a voice behind you say,
“You know you are right, yes?”
Turning around, you saw it was Anthony standing there with his hands behind his back.
With a sigh, you said, “What I know is that ignorance is ignorance and I refuse to tolerate it just like I refuse to apologize for the color of my skin.”
Making eye contact with him, you started to say, “And if you were looking for an apology, I am afraid…”
But he cut you off with a gently raised hand and said with sincerity,
“I would never want you to apologize for being who you are.”
You both stared at one another in silence before he began to nervously fidget.
“In fact,” he said swallowing, “Though this might not be the best moment, it is because you are yourself that I would like to ask…”
Coming close enough to take your hand in his, he finished his question.
“...if you would like to become my wife?”
Not being able to keep the surprise from your face, you could only hold his gaze as he went on.
“It would not be a love match,” he unknowingly lied. “But you would be taken care of. You would have as many liberties as you so wished and you would want for nothing.”
And then lightly shrugging, he added with a teasing smile one more perk to persuade you.
“Additionally, our marriage would also make you and Daphne official sisters.”
A short, delighted laugh slipped out from behind your lips before you could stop it. 
Looking down at your still entwined hands still wearing a small smile, you heard Anthony ask once more, 
“So, what do you say?”
Meeting his eyes, you thought about the situation you were in. You thought about the fate that awaited you if you said no. You thought about the reaction your stepmother might have if you said yes. You thought about a hundred different things in the span of a few seconds before you opened your mouth and said,
“Anthony, I think there is something I must tell you before I give you an answer.”
And proceeded to explain.
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destinyc1020 · 4 years ago
Since you said you are interested in psychology in general, did you See Anthony Recenello videos he did on T and Z ?
He's a social coach who analyzed why they were so charming and how they interacted with each other. I found them pretty interesting and agree about one thing he said : what makes Tom so attractive is not only his physique but it's more about how confident and genuine he acts while also being vulnerable. Same thing with Z.
He picked up on some stuff that I have never noticed before which is nice and I recall some body language post you made that were pretty interesting too, so I recommand them if you haven't watched it :)
Omg yes! I love Anthony and his videos! 😊 I've even posted some of his videos on my blog before. I know he did a Tomdaya video, but did you also see the ones where he analyzes both Tom and Zendaya separately too? Pretty fascinating! I agree with him.
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