#Anthony married her twice just in case
chrkrose · 2 months
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concept art of Kathani Sharma’s english wedding dress
|now Viscountess Kate Bridgerton|
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faith-less-one · 4 days
Fic: So It's You (7 / 14)
Seventh chapter of my new AU Brennan/Cass fic! Original series here.
She is almost… nothing like he had imagined when they first met, and yet… everything he hadn’t known to hope that she would be.
Still beautiful, obviously. That hasn’t changed. Still tall and elegant and grumpy. But there is a depth of feeling and tenderness behind that outwardly irritated demeanour that he cannot help but find… irresistible. He could never possibly have imagined earlier in the evening that, when he had accidentally told her that he just wanted to fall in love, he would later discover that she was hiding almost exactly the same secret.
(Hiding it better than he did, to be fair, but hiding it all the same.)
“I… I want a man who… sweeps me off my feet,” she tells him, voice near trembling. “Who gives me flowers and reads me poetry by candlelight. I want the ideal… But it is impossible.”
He hears the pain in her words and can’t help but wonder who had convinced her that what she wants is so evidently impossible. She hasn’t yet mentioned parents, but Ser Anthony had seemed keen enough to introduce them, keen enough for them to dance. And he doesn’t think it was for any malicious purposes.
Still, he’s already fulfilled two of those desires this evening, whether she has realised it yet or not, and the third… The third is almost the easiest of the three. So, he fulfils that one too. A bouquet of flowers (or rather… one large arrangement and three smaller ones, all bundled together).
And she loves them. It takes him a while to get her to take them, but for all her protests, she isn’t able to fully hide her smile when she’d finally accepts.
“But it changes nothing. There is no future for us beyond tomorrow.”
He can’t help but frown. “It isn’t fair.”
“Life isn’t fair, Lord Trevelyan.”
In all his life, he has never considered that him having a title would be an issue when it came to romance. Being the second son, and not the heir, that was a common problem. It’s not an issue that’s ever personally bothered him – he has no desire to take Max’s place – but there’s a certain type of girl who won’t look twice at you if you aren’t the heir, or – at the very least – likely to become so. They used to act cautiously sweet to him, just in case, but now that Max is married with two sons of his own, they give him a wide berth. Thank the Maker.
But now it seems that even being the second son is a problem too big for them to face.
Read the rest on my AO3!
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
Enamored [37] - Engagement Ball
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback my loves, you’re amazing!❤ I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please let me know what you think, thank you! ❤ And as always, thank you @theskytraveler for helping me with the chapter and the story❤
Summary: Gifts come with special moments.
Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, mentions of sex, kissing, mentions of death.
Word Count: 6700
Series Masterlist
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You had always been good at planning events.
It was one of your favorite things in the world after all. You had only been in a position to help the actual hostess back at home and in here so far, but now that it was your engagement ball and your wedding, you were to be the hostess and you were having the time of your life so far.
With the exception of a small, very insignificant issue.
The butler had told you that Lady Bridgerton had gone outside with Francesca, Gregory and Hyacinth while Eloise had gone to visit Penelope, and that the oldest brothers were in the morning room. You nibbled on your lip as you made your way upstairs, then took a deep breath and entered the room.
Benedict was painting as the butler said and Colin was very engrossed in his book while Anthony had his full attention on the newspaper he was reading, but they all turned their heads as soon as you walked into the room and Anthony stood up to walk to you.
“Hello darling,” he said. “I didn’t know you were coming.”
“Good morning,” you said as he kissed your cheek and you smiled at Colin and Benedict, then turned to Anthony again. “Anthony I must tell you something but before I do that, I need you to remember that you love me.”
He pulled his brows together. “What?”
“In fact,” you said. “You asked me to marry you. Twice.”
“Oh no,” Anthony murmured. “What did you do?”
“And your first proposal was a disaster and I still forgave you and we moved on.”
“This is going to be fun,” Colin said and Benedict looked between you, lowering his brush.
“I still don’t know just how disastrous that first proposal was.”
“He listed me the benefits of marrying him,” you told Benedict and his jaw dropped before he turned to Anthony.
“You did what?”
“Hm?” you said and shook your head. “Anyway, I’m just saying, you must follow my example on this. No matter how bad it is.”
“And how bad is it exactly?” Anthony asked and you took a deep breath.
“Very bad but, just focus on how happy we will be when we move past this obstacle so to speak.”
“…Did you kill someone?” Anthony asked. “I’m not going to judge, I just need to know. We can move past that.”
You made a face. “Close.”
“I’m sorry, you can move past murder?” Colin asked and Anthony waved a hand in his direction, signaling him to stop talking.
“Did you maim someone?”
“I’m about to maim you emotionally,” you said, making him run a hand over his face.
“What is it?”
“So you know how we’re getting married soon?”
“Very much aware of it.”
“And how I insisted on writing the invitations for the wedding breakfast, which I may add, is happening because we’re in love.”
“Oh this is going to be something really bad,” Benedict commented and you nodded solemnly.
“Things we do for love,” you said. “Or in this case, things Anthony will do for love.”
“So, since Cece was helping me with the engagement ball invitations, I figured while she was doing those, I could finish the wedding breakfast invitations and give them to the housekeeper to send them all at the same time,” you said. “And while doing that, I was using Cece’s list for her engagement ball because I figured it’d be easier, but then Elias walked in and asked me a thousand questions about the engagement ball because my father—anyway the point is, I got distracted while answering his question so I didn’t exactly check who I was writing the invitations to after like the fiftieth family.”
“So I accidentally-” you cleared your throat. “I accidentally sent Langleys an invitation for the wedding breakfast.”
Anthony blinked a couple of times. “Langleys as in…”
“Pierre’s family,” you paused for a moment. “And I may have invited the whole family.”
Colin pressed his fist to his lips so that he could contain his laughter and Benedict crossed his arms, grinning wide while Anthony gawked at you.
“You’ve invited your former suitor who you almost eloped to Gretna Green with to the wedding breakfast?”
“I think we should all focus on the fact that I did not in fact eloped to Gretna Green with the said suitor,” you said and pulled yourself up to sit on the table next to Colin. Anthony threw his head back.
“But,” you said quickly. “Maybe he won’t come.”
“But maybe he will,” Colin pointed out and you nodded, dangling your legs off the edge of the table.
“That’s also a possibility,” you said and turned to Anthony. “I mean it’s clear what I should do, right?”
“Yeah. Tell your father—”
“Just don’t tell my father anything and hope for the best.” You both spoke at the same time and you heaved a dramatic sigh.
“I knew you would say that.”
“Yeah because you need to tell him.”
You clicked your tongue before smiling at him sweetly. “See, I could do that. Or…”
Anthony pulled back slightly and frowned as it dawned on him. “Me? You want me to tell him?”
“Well he already sort of…”
“Hates you,” Benedict said helpfully and you motioned at him.
“That. And I kind of tested his patience accidentally the other day while I was trying to pick the color of the invitation envelopes.”
Anthony tilted his head. “What?”
“Well one of them was this color,” you grabbed the paper on the table before motioning at your gown, “And the other was the color of my gown so I was torn between decisions.”
“Why would you be torn between decisions? They’re both the same color.” Anthony said and Benedict pulled his brows together while you gawked at him.
“This never stops surprising me. Anthony, I will love you forever either way but I think I should know this before we marry,” you said. “Are you secretly a blind person?”
Anthony motioned between the paper and your gown. “One of them is light white, the other one is dark white.”
“Dark whi—Benedict, what color is this?” you held up the paper and Benedict didn’t even hesitate.
“What color is my gown?”
“Thank you!” you said and Anthony scoffed.
“Benedict doesn’t count.”
“I do count!” Benedict protested. “Don’t blame me if you only bothered to learn the names of eleven colors you heathen.”
“I can’t believe I stayed up until midnight trying to decide whether you’d like pearl or porcelain envelopes better only for you to call it white.”
“Not too late to call off the wedding Y/N.” Colin said and Anthony shot him a glare while you let out a laugh.
“Anyway,” you said. “I cannot tell my father about what happened because if I go to him with another issue I fear he will lock himself in his study until the engagement ball and we don’t want that.”
“We don’t want your former suitor to attend the wedding breakfast either darling, yet here we are.”
“That was an accident,” you defended yourself. “You can tell my father that when he asks.”
“You’re not going to be in the room?”
“Me?” you repeated and scoffed. “No. I’m incredibly busy with planning the wedding breakfast, so you must do it.”
“Jesus Christ,” Anthony mumbled and motioned at you. “Come on then.”
“Oh we’re going now?” you asked and slipped off the table when he grabbed your hand. “It was nice to see you!”
“You too!” Benedict and Colin called out as you followed Anthony out of the room and you both went downstairs but as soon as you reached the foyer, Anthony stopped you.
“Wait, I almost forgot.”
“Forgot what?” you asked and he looked around, then leaned in to steal a kiss from you, making you giggle.
“Anthony!” you whispered as he backed you against the wall. “If someone sees—”
“The wedding is in four days my love,” he said with a smirk. “The engagement ball is in two.”
“It would still—but—” you whispered between his kisses, forcing yourself to focus as difficult as it felt. “It would still be a scandal if someone saw!””
“Benedict and Colin are upstairs.”
“The staff is here,” you said with a giggle and bit down on your lip as his lips found your neck, making your eyes flutter close, your heart slamming against your ribcage. “And I—I wish to ask you something.”
He pulled back just a little to peck you on the lips, making you smile.
“What is it?”
“Well, as you said the wedding is in four days,” you said, fiddling with the lapels of his jacket. “And I do not know what my room in Aubrey Hall looks like, so I must—”
“Your what?”
“My room,” you repeated. “In Aubrey Hall.”
“You’re staying in my room.”
“Am I?”
You pulled your brows together. “All the time?”
He nodded, making you even more confused.
“I was under the impression that I should decorate mine.”
“As you wish but we’re not going to use it,” he said. “We can put all your gowns there though, turn it into a wardrobe.”
You tilted your head. “I don’t understand, do you not want your own room?”
“Will it not be uncomfortable for you at night?”
A mischievous light flashed through his eyes. “Oh trust me, it will be the complete opposite.”
You shifted your weight and stuck your nose in the air as you remembered what Aunt Lavinia had told you when you talked to her about it the other day.
“Still, I think I should have my own room for when you’re being particularly disagreeable.”
“Particularly disagree—”
“And when I do not want to keep an argument going further,” you recited the words. “That’s what Aunt Lavinia said.”
He frowned, opening his mouth to argue but you heard footsteps approaching so you darted from him to run to the door with him rushing after you, your laugh echoing throughout the foyer. You reached the top of the marble stairs but he had already caught up with you and grabbed you by the skirt of your dress, making you giggle as you turned around, grasping at his wrist.
“Mon amour, we’re in public!”
“Then stop running away from me,” he murmured to your ear, sending sparks through you and you shrugged your shoulders, shooting him a mischievous glance.
“Stop being so improper, Viscount Bridgerton.” you taunted him, making him chuckle and motioned at the carriage before you twirled around to walk to it.
“Come on!” you said. “You have news to tell my father.”
It was beyond you how fast the time was passing. If it hadn’t been for your family and Bridgerton family helping you with the engagement ball, nothing you had planned for the wedding breakfast would have been ready on time.
Thankfully, your engagement ball gown, your wedding gown, your veil and trousseau were all ready, by the courtesy of three different seamstresses and their employees. And Anthony –as he had promised- hadn’t disagreed with any of your decisions about the engagement ball, letting you design the ballroom as you wished.
“No, they will go over there,” you motioned at the refreshments table as two men carried the golden candelabra. “By that table, thank you.”
“The flowers will be delivered tomorrow afternoon,” Cecily came to your side. “So they’ll be ready by the evening right before the ball.”
“You told them we will be using different ones for the wedding breakfast right?” you asked. “I don’t want them to confuse the dates or the order.”
“No no, I was very clear, trust me.”
“And the arch for the garden?”
“Lady Bridgerton was just talking about it.” Cecily pointed at Lady Bridgerton over her shoulder with her thumb and you nodded, then walked past her to approach your future mother-in-law.
“Lady Bridgerton?”
“Yes dearest?”
“I was wondering when the arch for the garden would arrive?” you asked. “I’m going to try to match the time with the florist.”
“I scheduled it for tomorrow morning,” she assured you. “And the florist will arrive before the wedding breakfast, even before we leave for the chapel. It’s all fixed.”
You nodded and let out a relieved breath. “And do they know—?”
“Heliotropes, white roses and red rose buds for the arch, yes.”
You bit down a smile and scrunched up your nose. “Am I being a nightmare?”
She shook her head fervently. “Oh no dear, not at all!” she said. “It’s your wedding, of course you want everything to look the way you dreamed of. And I’m beyond happy that you are officially going to be a part of our family, so I promise you, worrying about the flowers is not being a nightmare.”
You smiled at her. “Thank you. It—it means so much to me, really.”
“Has your mother ever told you how incredibly nervous she was for her first ball as a duchess?”
You pulled your brows together. “My mother?” you asked. “Nervous?”
“Oh yes,” she said. “I doubt she got any sleep for days, and she was beyond tense. She changed her mind about the tablecloths five times.”
You stared at her, a clear laughter spilling from your lips and her eyes found someone over your shoulder, her smile growing bigger. Before you could even turn your head, you felt Anthony’s arms pull you back to his hard chest, his pleasant scent filling your nostrils, making you let out a giggle and look up at him.
“Hello my love,” he said, pressing a kiss on your temple and you could see the maids and the staff stealing glances at you and whispering, making your cheeks burn, but Anthony didn’t seem to mind that at all. You squirmed in his arms, unable to stop your grin and his mother pressed a hand over her chest, smiling at you both.
“Anthony,” you said in a whisper. “The staff!”
“We’re throwing the engagement ball tomorrow,” he told you with a grin as he let you step out of his embrace. “Let them talk if they want.”
“Hello Anthony—Lady Bridgerton?” Cecily came closer. “Could I borrow you for a moment?”
“Of course,” Lady Bridgerton said and they both walked away from you as you turned to look up at Anthony better.
“So what do you think?”
“I think you look absolutely gorgeous.”
“No, the ballroom!” you said, motioning around. “Look! I had them change the candelabras, and I chose those flowers there, and we’re going to place the orchestra there!”
Anthony nodded, that fond light playing in his eyes. “Mm hm.”
“And over there and there will be two refreshment tables so that people won’t have to walk around the dance floor to get their drinks!”
“Great idea.”
“And I changed the curtains over that window and that one, because it has a direct view of the garden so it’ll look better when people approach the windows, it’ll be magical!” you said and paused for a moment. “I—I mean, your mother said I could. You don’t mind, do you?”
He tilted his head to shoot you a mischievous smirk.
“You’re the lady of the house darling,” he said, making your heart skip a beat. “Change whatever you want at your heart’s desire.”
You shifted your weight, your stomach doing happy flips. “But I’m not yet.”
He took your hand to place a kiss on the back of it. “In three days you will be.”
“Y/N!” Eloise’s voice rang through the hallway and you looked around Anthony’s arm to see her rushing into the ballroom. “Oh great, Anthony you’re here too. Both of you must come to the drawing room right now.”
“Is everything alright?”
“Something absolutely hilarious happened,” she said before grabbing your wrist to pull you out of the ballroom to go upstairs to the drawing room, with Anthony following you two. When you entered the drawing room, Colin and Benedict were already by the table, looking down at what looked like a newspaper and you tilted your head.
“What’s that?”
“You two need to see this,” Benedict said, grinning while Colin tried to contain his laughter by pressing his lips on his fist. Benedict handed you the paper and you tilted your head, your eyes skimming the lines while Anthony read it over your shoulder.
It was Mr. Sinclair’s new poem and it…
Poem was a stretch for what it was.
“I don’t understand,” Anthony spoke from behind you and you heaved a sigh.
“Yeah, it’s not good imagery,” you said. “I suppose he’s the hunter—wait no, are you the hunter?”
“Am I the wolf?” Anthony wondered out loud. “I think I am the wolf.”
“I suppose I’m the bird?” you said. “Wait no, I think I’m the wolf and he’s the bird and you’re the hunter.”
“I don’t think you’re the wolf.”
“You’re just saying that because you want to be the wolf.”
“No I want to be the hunter.”  
“Why are you all in a desert?” Benedict said and you shrugged your shoulders.
“It makes no sense—besides, I would never be in a courtship with a man who hunts wolves. I’ve learned that the hard way.”
Anthony tilted his head. “You were in a courtship with a man who hunted wolves?”
“No,” you said. “But back in Paris, my friend Marie was absolutely besotted with this gentleman who hunted wolves, he had a huge room just to exhibit those. We all dined at his house once, and it was a bit scary to be honest.”
“I can imagine,” Colin murmured and Benedict grimaced.
“And then they were in a courtship for a while and it didn’t work out which at first made me so sad but it was for the best,” you said.  “Marie is happily married now to her husband whom I introduced her to, they even had a baby two years ago and Monsieur Moreau is in prison.”
Eloise’s eyes widened. “…Come again?”
“Well, a year after he and Marie separated, he threw a dinner party and that night he set his house on fire,” you said. “And after the fire was extinguished, the officers found ten bodies in his hunt room, his guests for that dinner party.”
Anthony blinked a couple of times. “What?”
“And that taught me something,” you said, nodding to yourself. “Just as I told Marie, sometimes your love with a person doesn’t end in matrimony because you’re not meant to be, and sometimes it’s because he’s an insane person who apparently likes to kill all the dinner guests with a bolt and set the house on fire. Fate is indeed mysterious.”
“Y/N, what—”
“Anyway, I’d better go back to the ballroom, I want to make sure they’re putting the correct napkins on the tablecloths,” you said and stood on your tiptoes, then pressed a kiss on Anthony’s cheek. “I’ll see you all later!”
With that you walked out of the drawing room, leaving them there completely dumbfounded.
The next day, until it was time for you to go to the Bridgerton house to get ready, you could hardly focus on anything. You were so excited that you feared you would faint before you could even go downstairs for the ball. The music from the ballroom could already be heard in the room you were in, and you knew that the guests were slowly arriving so it meant you and Anthony would join them downstairs soon.
Your engagement ball gown was made in soft light pink, the same shade as you had worn on the first time you and Anthony had talked on the bridge –the time he had realized his feelings for you, as you had heard him admit to his mother.
But this one was much prettier than that gown.
The bodice of the dress was embroidered in silver scales, with the cleavage part glowing against your skin. The skirts of the gown had sparkling light blue and silver flakes that shone through every time you moved, almost a trick of light in pale pink silk.
You had asked the modiste to use sirens as an inspiration for your dress but even you hadn’t expected it to look this good.
“If I didn’t know what your wedding gown looked like, I would say this is the most beautiful gown I’ve ever seen,” Lucie said as she worked on your hair. “So I’ll just say it’s the second most beautiful gown I’ve ever seen.”
You let out a giggle and found her eyes in the mirror.
“I’m glad you’re going to be there as well,” you said, and she tilted her head at you.
“I would never miss it,” she said. “I’m so excited for you, and God knows after everything you two have been through, you deserve such happiness.”
“I’m happy beyond words,” You beamed at her. “And I really hope everything goes well tonight.”
“I’m sure it will.”
“Lady Whistledown wrote about tonight,” you said. “If anything goes wrong…”
“Nothing will go wrong,” she assured you as she finished your hair and grabbed the necklace and the earrings you had picked for tonight, then put them on you. “Don’t even worry about it.”
“Lucie, do you think—” you started but you were cut off when you heard a knock on the door.
“Come in!”
The door opened and revealed Anthony standing by the doorframe, making your breath hitch up in your throat. He looked absolutely irresistible, so much that you had to force yourself not to run to his arms even though the urge was strong. He seemed almost dazed by the sight of you and he let out a breath, then stepped inside.
You gave him a bright smile and stole a look at Lucie.
“Lucie do you mind giving us a moment?”
She dropped a curtsy then walked out of the room, closing the door behind her and you giggled, fixing the skirts of your gown.
“So you like it then?” you asked, bouncing on the balls of your feet and an affectionate smile curled his lips as he stepped closer to you.
“You are breathtaking darling.”
You bit down on a smile.
“So are you,” you managed to say, your cheeks burning and that mischievous light crossed his dark eyes again.
“I would change one thing though,” he said, nodding at your gown and your head shot up, your heart dropping to your stomach.
“What do you mean?”
“Instead of that necklace, maybe…” he trailed off and reached into his jacket’s inner pocket to pull out a rectangular velvet box. “You’d like to wear this?”
A bright smile lit up your face and you took a step towards him as he opened the box so that you could see what was inside, and as soon as you did, your jaw dropped, an exhale leaving your lips. The necklace inside was so gorgeous that  you could swear you had stopped breathing for a moment, looking at the pear shaped diamonds going all the way around the delicate chain, shining under the candlelight.
“Oh my God it’s so beautiful…” you whispered before looking up at him. “Would you help me put it on please?”
You turned around so that you would be facing the mirror and he stepped behind you, unclasping the necklace you were wearing before placing it on the vanity. You could feel the warmth of his body behind yours, almost taunting you and you looked down as he put the necklace around your neck, your hand shooting up to touch the diamond between your collarbones. You swallowed thickly as his fingertips brushed over the nape of your neck and he dipped his head, his lips finding your pulse point before he took a deep breath, inhaling your scent.
The desire hit you so hard that for a moment it felt as if all the air in the room had disappeared. Your eyes fluttered close as he nuzzled into your neck, sending fire through your veins and you attempted to turn in his embrace so that you could kiss him but his arm around you tightened, preventing you from moving an inch, making you open your eyes again.
“Don’t,” his voice was a low murmur, his warm breath on the shell of your ear, his other hand caressing the sensitive skin of your bare neck. You pulled your brows together, trying your hardest to focus but somehow, your mind felt all fuzzy, as if you were looking at everything through a fog.
“Why not?” you managed to ask, your question coming out as a raspy whine and he chuckled.
“Because, my sweet siren,” he murmured, “If I so much as feel your lips against mine, I will carry you to that bed right there.”
You were almost glad that he was holding you so tight, because your legs felt way too weak to carry you as you leaned back against him, digging your fingernails over his forearm.
“And if that happens, I will keep you there until you forget about the ball downstairs,” he said, his words making you feel as if your whole face was on fire. You bit down on your bottom lip but he tut tutted, his thumb tracing over your lip before pressing down gently so that he could pull it free of your teeth. “And we will not be leaving this room until you’re thoroughly satisfied and completely mine.”
There was a coil at the pit of your stomach, getting tighter and tighter with his words and your eyes fluttered close again, a soft exhale leaving your lips as he pressed a kiss on the column of your neck, but before he could say anything else, the knock on the door snapped you out of your haze, making you jump.
“My lord, Lord Westcliff is looking for you,” Lucie’s voice reached inside and Anthony dropped his head to your shoulder, taking a deep breath like trying to pull himself together before he straightened his back. A whine escaped from you as he pulled back and he chuckled, kissing on top of your head.
“I’ll be by the stairs,” he murmured. “Join me when you’re ready, Viscountess.”
With that, he walked out of the room and Lucie stepped inside, then tilted her head.
“My lady?”
You tried to catch your breath and leaned a hand over the vanity to make sure you wouldn’t fall down as soon as you took a step. Your head was spinning, the desire that was pulsing through you was so strong that for a moment you couldn’t even focus on anything else. You shook your head and rushed to the window to open it wide, the cool air helping you just a little with the fire burning your face and your whole body.
“I’m fine,” you said. “I’m just—I feel—”
You couldn’t even put it into words. All you knew was that all of a sudden, you couldn’t care less about the ball happening downstairs, not when…
Not when he was talking to you like that.
You licked your lips and cleared your throat, then turned to Lucie before you fixed the skirts of your gown.
“I’m alright,” you managed to say, your legs still weak. “I felt lightheaded for a moment, that’s all. We can go.”
You were quite certain that this engagement ball would be talked about tomorrow among the ton, along with on Lady Whistledown’s paper. Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton had both complimented you and the ball and the guests looked like they were having a lot of fun. After your opening dance with Anthony –the waltz as he had picked, much to Elias’s protests- the ton had enthusiastically joined you on the dance floor and ever since then, the dance floor hadn’t been empty not even once.
So overall, it looked to be a success.
Not that you could focus on it.
You could still feel his warm breath caressing the shell of your ear, his lips on your neck. It was as if lightning was crackling in your veins, making you crave more of his touch until you couldn’t think of anything but him.
You knew you were supposed to enjoy it, it was your engagement ball after all and you had always dreamed of this moment but now, all you wanted was to be back in your room with him, alone.
“I must admit, your love story was one of the main things I was looking forward to see whenever I picked up Whistledown this whole season,” Lady Bolton’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you managed to smile at her.
“Oh is that right?”
“Absolutely!” she said and turned to the rest of the small group around you, “I even told my sister when Whistledown first mentioned you, I said, you will see Maggie, every season there is a couple…”
The rest of her sentence disappeared in the chatter as your glances drifted off to Anthony with a couple of his peers, talking and sipping their drinks. He chuckled at something a lord said and his eyes met yours, his gaze turning soft as he slightly raised his glass at you. You smiled, raising your glass back and tried to focus on the conversation.
“What was it she called you? The nymph and the rake?”
“Now that you mentioned it,” Lady Bolton said, “Have you read Mr. Sinclair’s new poem? I mean, the metaphors alone…”
“Excuse me ladies,” you said in a haste and walked away from them, your eyes catching the sight of Elias and Cece dancing. You smiled softly and waved at your father and Aunt Lavinia, but before you could approach them, a familiar face caught your attention and you changed your direction, then approached Jane Longmore who seemed to be stealing glances at Mr. Sinclair who was having a conversation with a man.
“Jane,” you said and she turned around and gasped.
“Lady Y/N, hello. Congratulations!”
“Thank you—and there’s no need for titles,” you waved a hand in the air. “Could I borrow you for a moment? There’s someone I wish to introduce you to.”
“Of course, who?”
“Mr. Sinclair.”
She gasped, her eyes widening and she shook her head. “Lady Y/N, I cannot.”
“Why not?” you asked. “You said you admired his art, the least we can do is let him know about it. Poets love praise, everyone knows that. Perhaps you can be his inspiration for his next poem.”
“A talented artist such as himself would never look my way,” she whispered and you tilted your head.
“Jane, I have a gift in matchmaking,” you said as you linked your arm with hers and you both started walking in the ballroom. “I have successfully brought six couples together, and after Cece and Elias I was so consumed by my own love story that I could barely pay attention to other potential couples who are waiting to fall in love.”
“But me and Mr. Sinclair—”
“Would make a lovely couple,” you finished her sentence for her. “Do you have a name on your dance card for the next dance?”
“Wonderful,” you said and you and she approached Mr. Sinclair, and the moment he saw you, he bowed his head.
“Lady Y/N,” he said. “My lady, though attending your engagement ball is heavy on my heart, your beauty inspires my soul.”
“Mr. Sinclair,” you greeted him back with a smile. “Your talent is a blessing, and I would say that I am the biggest admirer of your lines, but I know a lost battle when I see one.”
“My lady?”
“My friend Jane triumphed me on that front I’m afraid,” you motioned at her. “Jane Longmore, Mr. Sinclair, our genius poet. Mr. Sinclair, this is my friend Miss Jane, the biggest admirer of your art.”
Jane sunk into a curtsy. “My lord.”
“My lady.” Mr. Sinclair greeted her.
“She says she—” you paused to fan yourself with your hand. “Oh my goodness, I should have brought my fan with me—Jane, may I borrow your dance card?”
“Of course!”
You took it from her and smiled at Mr. Sinclair.
“Mr. Sinclair, Jane was just telling me how she enjoyed that poetry reading at your house immensely,” you said. “But she is curious about the creative process of who she calls the master of poetry.”
Mr. Sinclair looked almost abashed before smiling at her. “Oh I wouldn’t call myself a master of poetry, my lady.”
“I—I enjoy your lines much more than any other poet’s, Mr. Sinclair,” Jane stammered. “If I…I mean, not that art could ever be compared but I think Lord Byron could learn a thing or two from you.”
Mr Sinclair’s smile widened. “Oh I am honored that you think that, my lady.”
You bit down on your grin and dropped her dance card right at Mr. Sinclair’s feet, gasping.
“Oh, my apologies!” you said. “Excitement of this night appears to make me clumsy.”
Jane took a step to grab it off the floor but you elbowed her on the ribs as Mr. Sinclair bent down to get the dance card off the floor, and stole a look at the card before turning to Jane.
“I couldn’t help but notice that your dance card is empty for the next dance,” he said. “Could I have the next dance, my lady?”
“It’d be my pleasure, Mr. Sinclair.” Jane said, almost breathlessly and you cleared your throat.
“Well, I’d better greet the other guests,” you said. “I hope you have a wonderful time, Mr. Sinclair. Jane.”
You walked away from them and made your way to the small group by the corner consisting of Hugh, Kenneth, Iona and Lucie.
“I’m a genius,” you announced as soon as you reached them and Kenneth let out a laugh.
“Hello to you too.”
“Lucie, are you having fun?”
“I love it here, my lady.”
“I enjoy it so much!”
“And you two?” you motioned at Kenneth and Hugh, and Kenneth shrugged his shoulders.
“I can stand it.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment to my hostess skills—” you started and looked over your shoulder when someone touched the small of your back, a smile curling your lips immediately.
“Hello mon amour,” you said and Anthony lifted your hand to press a kiss on your knuckles, making you giggle.
“Hello darling,” he said. “I cannot listen to Audley any longer I swear to God...”
“How many dances is your brother going to have with my sister, do you think?” Hugh asked and you tilted your head at him.
“They’re married Hugh.”
“Don’t remind me,” he told you. “But before I forget, congratulations on the ball. Everyone is having fun.”
“Everyone but you two?”
“I just don’t like dances, don’t take it personally,” Kenneth said and Hugh grinned.
“So can I dance with the bride?” he asked. “Seems only fair, since we can no longer marry.”
You giggled while Anthony frowned. “What?”
“Yes you may, and I’m glad you said no before,” you told Hugh. “You know, true love and all that.”
“What is happening?”
“We were technically engaged for about thirty seconds.”
Anthony’s frown deepened. “I’m sorry?”
“She asked me to marry her.”
“I did!” you said and Anthony’s jaw dropped.
“Wh—you asked him?!”
“Yes I did.”
“Times are changing Bridgerton,” Hugh stated. “Get with the future.”
“He has a point Anthony.”
“When did this happen exactly?” Anthony asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
“At Stormview. After Mr. Sinclair proposed, I proposed to Hugh but he said no.”
“I knew I couldn’t stand in the way of true love,” Hugh motioned between you two with a smile. “That, and many other reasons.”
“You two are joking, right?”
“They’re not,” Kenneth said. “I was in the room.”
“Yes and we— oh I need to greet Daphne and Simon,” you said as soon as you caught the sight of them and Anthony cleared his throat.
“Come on,” he said, grabbing you by the wrist to pull you away from Kenneth and Hugh, but instead of going to Daphne and Simon, he pulled you out of the ballroom to an empty hallway, making you look back in confusion.
“I thought we were going to—” you started but were cut off when he pressed you back to the wall to keep you both out of sight, making you giggle.
“It’s almost as if you want a scandal!”
“Please tell me you weren’t serious back there.”
You rolled your eyes at him and grinned.
“It was just a joke when I proposed,” you said. “Of course he didn’t take it seriously, and neither should you. You have no reason to worry, my heart is completely yours.”
Anthony heaved a sigh.
“I just don’t like him,” he said, “Around you.”
“But mon amour, surely you know I love you,” you said, making him smile softly. “Besides, if it’ll put your heart at ease, he has never looked at me that way just like I didn’t look at him that way. His interest is fully on someone else.”
“What do you mean?”
“He has a lover,” you managed to say with a shrug of your shoulders. “Can we go back now?”
He tilted his head. “Why the haste?”
“Because I—” you stammered. “I’m supposed to focus on the ball tonight, it’s our engagement ball after all, but I…I can’t when you…”
You trailed off, your voice getting quieter but judging by the arrogant smirk pulling at his lips, he knew exactly what you were talking about.
“When I do what?” he asked and you shot him a look.
“You know what,” you mumbled and he hummed, that mischievous light playing in his eyes as he pinched your chin between his thumb and pointer to tilt your head up.
“What, my sweeting?”
“…When you kiss me,” you said, your voice almost inaudible with the music coming from the ballroom and he raised his brows.
“I don’t think I kissed you today,” he said, almost taunting you before he leaned in slightly, making your eyes flutter close. “Did I?”
“No,” you said as you opened your eyes to look up at him, your lips pulled into a petulant pout. “You didn’t.”
“And do you want me to?”
You nodded but he dragged his knuckles over your cheekbone, waking fire under his touch.
“Words, my love.”
“…Yes,” you managed to breathe out, making him smile before he dipped his head to claim your lips in a kiss, causing your breath to hitch in your throat.
You were beginning to think that a mere kiss from him was enough to melt your heart inside your chest. He wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you to himself, pressing your body against his and you stood on your tiptoes, resting a hand over his chest, feeling his fast heartbeat underneath your palm. A small whine climbed up your throat when he pulled back, making him chuckle before he pecked you on the lips softly, and you opened your eyes, trying to catch your breath.
“Do we have to go back?” you asked him and he shot you a smirk.
“Wasn’t that what you wanted?”
“Not anymore,” you said, coaxing another chuckle from him as he pressed his lips on your temple, then stepped back.
“But you’re doing this on purpose!” you insisted, sulking and he winked at you.
“Yes I am,” he stated and offered you his arm. “Shall we?”
You huffed out and fixed your hair before adjusting the skirts of your dress.
“I shall get my revenge, you know.”
“Oh I don’t doubt it,” he said. “I learned not to bet against you a long time ago.”
A smile curled your lips before you let out a giggle.
“Very well,” you said as you took his arm. “We’d better go and enjoy our engagement ball before someone sees us and a scandal breaks out.”
He grinned at you and lifted your hand to kiss your palm, then led you back to the ballroom with your heart still beating in your ears.  
Chapter 38
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Is it a case of like father like son and none of the village girls interest Edmund?? Also why is anthony blaming kate pretty sure Edmund takes after anthony more 😆😆 Tho let's be real Charlotte and Mary probably cause the most problems when it comes to marriage since anthony thinks no one is good enough for his little lambs
Edmund just assumes that this is how people marry happily. His Parents have one of the happiest marriages he’s ever seen and they met twice before they married.
Charlotte and Mary marrying, Anthony is sure will not be a problem as he never intends to let them interact with any men. They look like Kate reborn and he is sure, this cannot be a good thing. He remembers too well the thoughts he used to have when Kate smiled at him and wrapped her ribbon around his wrist (the thoughts he still has honestly though they’re both into their forties) and he does not intend to let any unworthy man (which is every man) lay eyes upon them.
It proves quite useless. He should have known shepherding Kate Sharma’s daughters would be like herding cats.
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
I was rewatching Criminal Minds and as I was watching Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan, all I could think was "this would be what Penelope and Michaels friendship would be like." I'm just imagining a modern AU were the Bridgerton in-laws work under Lady Danbury in the BAU and keep meeting their significant Bridgertons due to them always being pulled into the cases as either suspects or they are the ones in danger.
awww man,  I want to think about it, but I cant, because I ship Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan in the Criminal Minds fandom and it’s just so hard to see Penelope and Michael in that situation. 
But for the rest of your ask, YES COMPLETELY, bring on the Criminal Minds Au I never knew I needed. Lady Danbury would be an amazing team leader for a Crime Investigation unit that goes above and beyond. 
AAAAAAND I spiraled. into the quick Criminal Minds au thread now. 
Note: this also counts as my detective/ CSI au
So to read my criminal mind au for each couple hit the read more button
Okay, so Simon, met Daphne as a suspect. Son of a Murdered bigshot casino owner, who was suspected of killing his dad for the money. had to go undercover to his Dad’s casino with her as his girlfriend to clear his name. 
Kate, a rival FBI agent that the FBI sent to spy on the team and steal their latest serial killer case, because it falls under their jurisdiction or something. Met Anthony because she was tasked on tailing him until the case was solved. ( Kate is perpetually furious every time Anthony claims he’s going to marry her little sister. Who is the forensics specialist in the case)  
Sophie, escaped victim of a serial killer targeting women in abusive situations. She met Benedict because she was put in witness protection and is the key to solving the murders of her predecessors. He’s tasked with keeping her safe.
Penelope, suspect in another crime, turned collaborator with the Criminal Minds team. Colin’s close friend, he didn't find out that she had a double life selling state secrets to the mafia, until one of the high profile people she was doing business with turned up dead. Penelope got a plea deal and house arrest in Colin’s house in exchange for helping solve the string of murders.
Phillip, distraught father of two children retrieved from a human trafficking gang in one of Eloise’ cases that she feels responsible for. Since he’s suspected of also murdering his wife the team can’t release the kids into his custody until Eloise either clears Phillip’s name or finds conclusive evidence of a murder. (In the end it turns out that the wife death was a suicide)
Michael Ex Con turned detective. Who occasionally collaborated with the Danbury team. Cousin to Francesca’s dead husband. Shortly after telling Francesca he was inlove with her, he was kidnapped on foreign soil and held hostage for 2 years. Francesca thought she’d never see him again. But now he’s free (twice as wicked) and wants to pursue a romantic relationship. 
Gareth, Dabury’s grandson, victim, left for dead by his unhinged step father, he is the only lead the team has on the location on a cold case of stolen royal diamonds that the killer wants to get his hands on. Hyacinth is assigned to both protect him and translate the clues left in his Italian great grandmother’s diary on the place the diamonds were hidden.
Lucy nice of a escaped serial killer. Helped Gregory put her uncle behind bars when they were in high-school. She’s his go-to friend for dating advice in his efforts to win over her model best friend Hermione and the Fiancee of a well known influencer. But when her uncle escapes prision and takes her hostage to teach Gregory a lesson, he stops at nothing to solve the case and get her back.
if someone wants to write this please do, it sounds interesting. And I would love to read it. 
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Causing A Fuss-Anthony Bridgerton x Reader
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(GIF credit to @hvitserkk​)
Requested by @elennox03 : Can you write an imagine where Anthony’s wife is pregnant and she’s at the very end of her pregnancy and he is trying to make her stay in bed and rest but she refuses and she’s somewhere in the house and she goes into labor and Anthony freaks out and then after the baby is born a little cute dad Anthony fluff?
Characters: Anthony Bridgerton x Reader, Hyacinth Bridgerton x Reader (sister-in-law), Violet Bridgerton x Reader (mother-in-law)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Pregnancy side effects, labour, mention of blood, fluff fluff fluff
Anthony's strides were quick as he explored the house, desperately seeking his wife. Members of staff were ambushed with questions, startled by his tone. When he didn't get the answer he wanted, he would huff and storm off again. Where was his beloved? She wasn't where she was supposed to be.
(Y/N) laid back on the sofa as Hyacinth fanned her, the pregnant woman also fanning herself. She was just too hot, she was tired and her feet felt like they had been hit with a hammer. Her shoes were on the floor, it was far too painful to be wearing them.
"Thank you so much darling." (Y/N) said to her sister-in-law.
"Is it really that bad?" Hyacinth asked.
(Y/N) wanted to say yes. Despite pregnancy being an extraordinary feeling, the emotions and connections you made with your unborn child were confusing, there were quite a few downsides; the sickness, the tiredness, not being able to fit into your dresses or shoes, as well as feeling every single type of emotion everyday. But after seeing the young girls scared face, she knew she couldn't be entirely truthful.
"No, of course not." (Y/N) smiled, sitting up slightly."It can just get a little tiring sometimes. Have you ever held a baby?"
She nodded.
"It was heavier than you imagined, hm? Well, my baby is a little heavy right now. But they will be here soon."
"I'm very excited to meet them. I can't wait to be an auntie!"
(Y/N) melted at that."You'll be an amazing auntie."
"Here you are." Anthony entered the room, relieved to see (Y/N), until he saw what state she was in."What is wrong? Hyacinth, why didn't you fetch for me sooner?"
Anthony rushed to his wife's side, snatching the fan from his sister and fanning his wife. (Y/N) was irritated whenever Anthony was like this, it was sweet that he cared, but her fuse was short. She was resting, not bed ridden.
"I am not returning to bed Anthony. I do not wish to bicker with you." (Y/N) made it clear."I am just hot, that is all."
"The doctor advised that you stay in bed for most of the day-"
"Anthony, I cannot stay cooped up all day, laying down and doing nothing. I would go simply mad. And I have spoken to friends who are or have been pregnant, none of them did that."
"They are not professionally trained."
"That doctor has never carried a baby."
"(Y/N) said it isn't that heavy." Hyacinth spoke up.
Anthony slowly turned his head to his sister. "This is a matter for the grown ups. Go and...play somewhere."
Hyacinth knew better than to argue with Anthony, rolling her eyes before leaving. (Y/N) pursed her lips at her husband's behaviour.
"Did I ever mention how amazing you are with children?"
Anthony smirked."Well, it's a bit late to be getting lessons on childcare, isn't it?"
(Y/N) giggled, taking Anthony's hand and placing it on her bump. Anthony loved touching her growing bump. It had been strange to see his wife changing shape before his eyes. He was so used to her body having run his hands over every angle, seeing it every day from the time they were married. But it made him fall even more in love with her, if that was even possible. Anthony could write a hundred pages expressing his love for his wife, and it would still never be enough.
"I still can't believe we're having a baby." he breathed out.
(Y/N) scoffed."Are you saying I've always looked like this?"
Anthony laughed."Of course not. But no matter how much you talk about such a thing, no matter how much preparation you do, it just seems surreal."
(Y/N) hummed in response, putting her hand on top of his."I've loved carrying them, but it is time for them to come out into the world."
"Still not saying whether it's a boy or girl?"
(Y/N) shook her head."I just don't feel one way about it. Not that I care about that, as long as they're healthy."
"I still say boy."
"You would."
"You just said you didn't care."
"I don't."
"(Y/N), please can you just promise me one thing?"
"Anthony, I am not staying in bed-"
"Stay by my side as much as possible. The baby is due soon and I want to ensure you are safe when the time comes."
"Oh, Anthony, I'm with you for a majority of the day anyway."
"I know but, if there are moments where I am not present, I want to have a sound mind that you are in safe hands, such as family or a member of staff."
"Well, you know I'm not going to be leaving the house, much to my annoyance. So I will be guarded all day and night."
"You're making it sound like you're a prisoner."
"I'm just being dramatic. I just want to meet our child now."
"Well, I can't deny either of those statements."
Anthony wasn't exaggerating when he said he wanted (Y/N) beside him at all times. From then on, they were seen with each other anywhere they went in the house. Anthony didn't go out as much as he did, and he instructed there always be staff in every room and corridor. She didn't mind it, however, as her due date grew closer, the more nervous she became. Unfortunately, that meant her temper was shorter, she became more snappy and tired, and she didn't want everyone constantly reminding her that she was about to give birth. (Y/N) tried so hard to not take it out on her husband, but because he was the one always beside her, he was the only person she could lash out at.
"Anthony, I'm sorry but I just need a few moments alone. I'll return soon, just...let me calm down. I'm sorry." she apologised as she walked away from him, having screamed about how frustrated she was.
She didn't hide her deep breathing as she waddled down the corridors, passing by staff that worryingly watched her. (Y/N) wanted to calm her heart rate, try and clear her mind. Feeling too many eyes on her, (Y/N) escaped into the nearest room, slamming the door shut behind her.
"(Y/N)?" Hyacinth said behind her.
(Y/N) sighed. Would she ever be alone again?
"What are you doing in my playroom? I thought you would be with Anthony."
She was playing with her dolls, three propped up in mini chairs, as was she, as they indulged in an imaginary afternoon tea. (Y/N) couldn't help but smile at that, envisioning her child playing in this room.
"Sorry darling, I just...I needed some time away from the grown ups."
"Oh, alright. Would you like to join us for tea?" she gestured to the chair beside her, causing (Y/N) to laugh.
"I don't think I would fit in that chair, even if I wasn't with child. I'll take the rocking chair. You carry on darling, I'm sorry for the interruption."
Her aching feet carried her to the chair, cautiously lowering down onto it. She rocked her heels back and forth, though did so slowly in case it caused any nausea. Hyacinth continued her game as if (Y/N) wasn't there, but kept her voice quiet to be respectful. (Y/N) closed her eyes, finally feeling the stress lift for just a moment when a jolt of pain in her stomach startled her. It made her let out a cry, clutching onto her bump as she leaned forward. Hyacinth jumped at the sudden noise, suddenly frightened at the way (Y/N) sounded and looked.
(Y/N)'s breathing got faster and deeper, yelling out as an unbearable feeling coursed through her. Her hands wrapped around her torso, willing the feeling to stop. A shocked noise escaped her when she felt herself go wet in the chair, liquid dripping down her legs.
"Hyacinth, get Anthony!" (Y/N) groaned, thankful a staff member rushed in. Hyacinth didn't have to be told twice, running as quickly as she could to fetch her brother. She had never seen anyone in such a state, no one had ever mentioned this pain when having a baby. Tears were in her eyes as she finally found Anthony, who was standing with her two other brothers at the staircase.
"Hyacinth, what's wrong?" Benedict was the first to notice the little girl running towards him.
She immediately grabbed Anthony's hand, gripping tightly onto it."Quickly!"
"What's happened?" Anthony asked her her fretting.
"(Y/N)'s having the baby!"
A second of silence passed before Anthony sprinted in the direction his sister came from. He only had to follow the sound of screaming to find his wife. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen, she was meant to be upstairs in a comfortable position, surrounded by women staff that were prepared. He halted in the doorway when he saw her clutching onto the servant's arm as she struggled to stand from the chair. He snapped an order at another servant who followed him. The doctor had to get here as soon as possible, and the other students needed to prepare immediately.
"It's alright my love, I'm here. The doctor is on his way." Anthony reassured her as he took her other arm.
"I'm in so much pain Anthony." she wept."I can't do it, I can't do it, I don't have control over my own body. I'm frightened!"
Anthony's heart was shattering into a million pieces seeing his wife like this. He couldn't do anything to help. He couldn't ease the pain. If he could, he would take all of the pain she had and endure it himself. Anthony was a mix of emotions; fear for his wife, excitement to meet his child, terrified at (Y/N)'a reactions and noises. It was all too much, nothing would have prepared him for this.
"Anthony, you must leave!" Violet suddenly appeared.
"Mama, I can't leave her-"
"You wouldn’t want to see this Anthony. Go wait for the doctor, we all know what we’re doing here.”
Anthony knew of the steps to take in this event, it was not proper for a man to be present during the ordeal of birthing. But the love for (Y/N) was urging him to stay and protect her, that was what he was supposed to do as a husband, not abandon her. They went through everything together. Now he was being told to leave because of societies rules.
Benedict and Colin were able to pull away Anthony easier than they thought, due to him being frozen and confused about what he should do. He only registered that (Y/N) was calling for him after they left the room. Fighting against his brothers hold, he ignored their please for him to stop. They didn’t understand. They weren’t married, they had no idea what it was like to be bonded with someone in this way. However, he knew they were right, he had to stay away. All he could do now was help her from outside of the room.
“Where is the doctor?!” he demanded to know from the nearest servant.
“H-he has b-been called upon, Lord Bridgerton.” they stuttered.
“As soon as he arrives, he is to be brought here, quickly! Gather pillows, as many as you can, and blankets, we must ensure my wife is as comfortable as she can be. She should have been giving birth in a bed!”
Benedict and Colin stood back in silence, shocked by the quick turn around in their brother’s behaviour. They didn’t dare say anything in case they were snapped at. 
(Y/N) was clinging onto Violet’s hand as she screamed, hating the way her body had taken over and she couldn’t take back control. Violet remained calm, knowing that (Y/N) could do this. She had birthed all of her children with no complications, she knew how much women had to endure, so Violet was equipped with the necessary grit and vigour to help her daughter-in-law. (Y/N) was grateful to have Violet there.
A gruelling eight hours passed, filled with (Y/N) screaming, crying, cursing, pleading and begging for Anthony. It took every ounce of his willpower to not dash back to her, he would never forgive himself for this. He wished he could change the rules so he could be beside her. He paced with a strong drink in his hand for those eight hours, his brothers sitting down, trying to support him. However, it was getting late, and they found themselves struggling to keep their eyes open. Anthony had got rid of his jacket, sleeves rolled up and shirt buttons undone as he got warm, fretting over what was happening to (Y/N). 
“Lord Bridgerton!” a servant exclaimed as they entered the room, trying to stay composed. 
The men perked up, suddenly awake. Anthony noticed the servant was smiling, which made him relieved.“What is it?”
“Lady Bridgerton has given birth.”
Anthony didn’t need to hear anything else. He instantly ran to where his poor wife had been in labour. Hyacinth would never step foot in that room again. He pushed past anyone that got in his way, halting at the open doors to the playroom. The first thing he saw was blood, a lot of it, alarmed at the sight. But as he entered the room, it was forgotten about when he saw (Y/N)’s grin aimed at the baby wriggling around in her arms. His steps were slow as he approached, scared that he would disturb the peace that had finally fallen in this room. 
“Anthony.” (Y/N) breathed out, clearly exhausted. 
“I’m sorry.” was all Anthony could manage, eyes still fixed on his child. 
“For what?”
“For not being here.”
“You’re here now, and I understand darling. Now come meet your son.”
Anthony’s eyes widened.“I-I have a son? We have a baby boy?”
The doctor who had been crouched beside (Y/N) smiled at the Lord, standing to give the couple their space.“Yes, Lord Bridgerton, you’re now a father and have a son, who is very healthy, just like his mother.”
Violet also backed away, beaming down at her eldest son. She had never imagined him married and settled down so quickly, she expected to have many more years of her son fooling around with women not of a certain standard. Once (Y/N) waltzed in, Violet had seen a change in Anthony, and hope was restored in the Viscount.
“He’s finally here.” (Y/N) smiled as Anthony sat beside her.
“He really is.” one of his arms wrapped around her shoulders, whilst the other supported her arms holding the baby.“You’re amazing. You did this (Y/N).”
“We did it.”
“No, no, you did this all by yourself. I’ll be with you every time form now on.”
“Every time? How many are you planning to have?”
He chuckled.“We’ll discuss that later.”
(Y/N) giggled, gently kissing the top of their baby’s forehead. Anthony couldn’t stop smiling, repeating (Y/N)’s actions to her. He had never envisioned this, he didn’t want to be trapped in this life at first. He had so many responsibilities dumped on him after his father died, he wanted to make sure his family was secure and have the freedom for himself; until he met (Y/N), and suddenly, he could see his entire future planned in front of him with this woman. He never fathomed that his heart could give anymore love for anyone else in this world, and he had been proven wrong. (Y/N) was the love of his life, as was his son, and he would protect and cherish them for the rest of his life. 
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danielxricciardo · 3 years
Cheater III
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Summary: You found out Max cheated on you part 3.
Warnings: angst and fluff by the end
Word count: 2.5k
Part 1 and Part 2
Cheating in a relationship is the saddest thing. It can kill the personality from the inside. Bring changes a lot mentally. These situations turn into you to be good or bad. Some may be helpful to be stronger.
It feels bad when our loved one cheated, cause we are well connected to our partners. We had a lot of plans for that person to spend a most valuable time of ours. When it isn't going to happen then it feels unsuccessful or bad. Expecting something from another person is common in humans. When it turns down we feel such pain, like stabbing with words, The words have the power to kill or to give life to the opponent's mind. The reason why people say 'think before you talk'.
True love doesn't involve multiple people... You knew that.
When you are in love with someone, you don't cheat and you're not talking about just finding others attractive. You just don't desire to be sexually intimate with other people when you are truly "in love" with one person. You're not talking about caring for someone or loving in general.
You're talking about the head over heels, you're soulmates, the stars have aligned and nobody else has what you have, a type of love that consumes your whole being and makes you want to give that person the world. And that includes giving them the greatest physical pleasure that they can possibly experience. Cheating takes that away from you and that is why it hurts.
The person you are in love with and desire, who you thought felt the same way is revealing to you that intimacy with you is meaningless when you thought it was special. They do not desire you in the same way that you desire them. They are not "in love" with you in the way that you thought. All of your love is in vain.
“Why do we feel bad, even horrible, when our partner cheats on us?"
A trust, expectation, a promise was broken. This type of violation hits you closer to the heart because you have let that person through all your external defenses. Because you fear the loneliness that you are going to face. Nobody wants to end alone. When you put in so much for your relationship, you want it to last. But when your partner cheats you think that you would end alone, gradually realize this happens and life doesn't end here and someone else is going to come into your life.
Why do guys cheat on girls?
Both men and women cheat. In some cases, the reasons are simple: humans are animals with sex drives. We are biologically programmed to "spread our seeds." We have other instincts, such as loyalty, honesty, and guilt feelings. Those drives duke it out with lust in our brains. Sometimes, lust wins. It's more complicated than that because we tend to associate sex with so many other things: youth, freedom, adventure, personal attractiveness, you name it.
You know people make all sorts of excuses like, “I wasn’t happy in my relationship” or “I didn’t know what I was doing” or “I don’t find my partner attractive anymore” or “someone convinced me to do it.” You’ve heard these. But it’s funny to you.
A cheater can never have any excuse. They do not deserve to have that say after cheating on someone.
If you weren’t happy in the relationship, then why didn’t you break up first and had sex with someone else? Why didn’t you say that you needed a break and then had sex? Also, how can someone even convince you to cheat on your partner? It’s nonsense.
Some people will even go as far as to say that the other person made them feel loved, so they got swayed away. If you are not feeling loved by your partner and someone else is doing that job, then aren’t you supposed to figure out your feelings first, maybe break up with your partner and then be with someone else? That’s common sense.
Nobody deserves to be cheated on. The blame is ALWAYS on the cheater. Nowadays people even try to justify cheaters. It’s insane. To you, all the answers to “why” are simply just excuses trying to justify their unacceptable behavior. You know, how they always say that a person who cheats once will cheat again.
Since you found out that Max cheated on you and until this moment, so many months have passed that you have the impression that you have started to heal. You were with a man who made you feel fulfilled, happy, and loved. There were days in a row when you didn't think about Max, but even when you thought, you had in mind only the beautiful moments. Like when, for your first date, he rented your entire favorite restaurant and he cooked for both of you, even though he didn't know how to cook more than just one egg. Or when you first visited him at a Grand Prix for the first time and he won and came to you and kissed you in front of all the cameras, telling everyone that you are his lucky talisman. Or, your favorite memory, when you were at his house after you met his family and heard him talking to his father about you. Sure, you didn't understand a word they said, but Victoria translated to you what was most important about that conversation: Max loves you so much and if he doesn't get to marry you, he'll never marry anyone else.
As dear as your last memory may be, it is also painful because it is like a slap in the face to the fact that there was a time in your life when you were in love and now you were no longer together.
When you told your family that you started seeing another man, more than 6 months after you and Max broke up, your mother asked you how you could get into a relationship so quickly. relationship.
To be honest, you weren't ready yet. You were damn scared but Stephen, your boyfriend now, went after you a lot and you decided that if you don't give him a chance now it will be many years before you think about going on a date with someone else. You knew it wasn't going to be a long relationship. You didn't have much in common with Stephen, but he was a good, sweet boy, and you needed someone who wouldn't make you hate all the men in the world.
"Look, I'm not saying you didn't go through something traumatic, but it's been almost a year since then and I think it's time to come and show everyone that you're not afraid of anyone or anything," says Anthony who called you on facetime one Sunday night after the race.
"But I'm afraid."
"Just shut up, no one needs to know. You just come here, you smile, you laugh, you act friendly with everyone and you're going to look like you're better of without him."
You sigh and get out of bed, and go to the kitchen to get a pill for your headache.
"But he will be there..."
"Okay, so? Who cares about him? I'll always be by your side, I promise he won't talk to you."
"Can I come with Stephen?"
"You know I can't stand him, Y/N. Take him with you to the next Grand Prix, I don't feel like seeing him now, okay?"
"I'll think about it."
You have decided, however, to go to the last Grand Prix of the season, in Abu Dhabi. No one but Anthony knew you were coming to the race.
You forgot what a busy atmosphere it was on Sunday. However, everyone who saw you came to you to talk a little and to tell you that you missed them. You smiled and answered that you missed them as well.
The road to Red Bull Racing was long and short at the same time.
"Do my eyes see well? Y/F/N Y/L/N!" says Christian Horner, who comes to you and hugs you.
You first see Sergio Perez who waves at you, happy to see you, then you see Max who comes from somewhere in the back. Had he just heard your name?
"Hey, guys! I'm so glad to see you again. I missed you all."
"And we missed you, Y/N!" Christian answers on behalf of all Red Bull Racing employees. "Welcome home."
You giggle.
"Thank you."
In less than 10 minutes since you got there, Anthony broke his promise. He promised not to leave you alone so that Max could not come and talk to you.
"Hey," Max says softly, coming behind you.
You shivered at his voice, a voice you've dreamed of every night since you broke up. You turn to him and analyze his facial features. He was the way you remembered him, maybe even more handsome.
You look left and right for Anthony but you can't see him.
"Hey." You answer Max and your heart starts beating much harder.
"I'm so glad to see you... I missed you."
The desire to take him in your arms and kiss him was so strong that you felt dizzy. You couldn't focus on anything, not even a few words to say.
"Do you think that we... We could see each other after the race to... Talk?" he asks, moving his weight from one foot to the other.
"Okay," you say and regret it the next second.
"How stupid am I for wanting to get back together with Max after he cheated on me?" you asked Anthony.
"First of all, you're not stupid for wanting to get back with your boyfriend. Relationships are the most real things anyone can experience. We're growing while we're together. As we grow, we also go through many different behaviors in life. Behavior does not make that person. Behaviors come and go as we grow into who we are. No one is perfect. You cannot name one person you know to be 100% perfect, right?" you shake your head and he continues. "We all grow organically, and the best thing about being in a relationship is that you get to watch each other grow. You get to experience the person you care about to develop. Relationships are like walking through a door that you don't know what's on the other side. But you go through the door without any fear, doubt, or unbelief. Relationships are the livest-realest- life experience. He is a man. A man can only love once or twice. Just because Max has sex with a woman, doesn't mean he loves her. He just wanted to get his rocks off for a moment. When it is all said and done, he loves you. It may sound strange but just think of all the men you knew. Think about all the relationships you knew about. Think those who have been together for years on out. So, no you're not stupid for wanting to embrace your boyfriend's "only temporary behavior". You're smart for wanting to have the courage to walk through the next door. You're smart for being optimistic and knowing that things will get better with time. You realize the importance of maintaining a companion."
You blink several times.
"Why do I feel like you've practiced this speech in front of the mirror several times?"
He laughs and runs his arm over your shoulder.
"Maybe because that's what I did?"
You laugh and you hug him.
"Thank you for being my friend. So you're saying I should give Max another chance?"
"You don't have to give him a chance if you don't want to. But listen to your heart. Don't just do it because I'm saying so because you might regret it and you'll blame me. If you want to give him another chance, just do it. He's not the kind of man to cheat. I don't know what was on his mind when he did it with Kelly. But something tells me he regrets what he did and he will never cheat again."
"Hey, can we talk now?"
"Sure. Congrats on the win!"
"Yeah, thanks."
You both went to his room to talk. You were scared and your palms were sweating. You didn't want to start the conversation because you had different scenarios in mind, all different, depending on what Max would tell you the first time. You swallowed hard when you entered his room. The last time you were there, you two broke up.
“I’m truly sorry for hurting you.” he started saying after he closed the door behind you. "I care for you more than anything. I’m deeply sorry for hurting you… Hurting you is the most painful thing I have ever done. With a bruised heart and a deflated ego, with a sad soul and a head hung low, I apologize to you. An apology is nothing to what I’ve done; but still, I know you have a forgiving and understanding heart and won’t let resentment destroy our love. I have shown you what an idiot I can be by making that mistake. Now it is your turn to show me what a darling you can be by giving your anger a break. Without you I feel lonely, I never want to lose you in my life. I am sorry and I’ll work hard on changing my behavior. I know that I caused you a lot of pain. Whatever happens, remember that I am the guy, who will always be there for you in good and bad times. I know you’re angry now, but I want you to know that I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry for hurting you. I am ready to make amends. If I could, I would have wiped your memories about all the terrible things that I have caused you, but all I can do is to promise you that I’ll create only happy memories for you. I hope when you feel ready you can forgive me."
His words took you by surprise. You knew he would try to apologize, but in your mind, you weren't crying. You knew before you came to the room with him that you would forgive him.
"I forgive you. To be honest, I think I forgave you before we broke up but my ego was hurt and I couldn't forgive you so quickly. What you did was horrible and I hated you for so many months for making me feel so small and insignificant. But I love you. And I want to give ourselves another chance."
tag: hellolipoops, taina-eny
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triviareads · 3 years
I don’t think that the tradesman is either Kate or Edwinas father tbh. Not only would they not be allowed to debut (in Edwina case). But also Anthony marrying someone from a different social class would cause a massive scandal and takes a lot away from S3. Like idk how anyone could take Benedict’s dilemma seriously if his own brother, a lord, married whoever he liked. An interclass love story twice in a row would be too repetitive even for Bridgerton
I disagree. A woman did not have to be an aristocrat to debut, you just needed to be someone with the requisite money and connections, and find someone to sponsor them who had been presented themselves. If Kate and Edwina are being sponsored by an earl's daughter (their mom) or Lady Danbury, they could definitely be presented at court, and Danbury could give them an in into the more exclusive parties of the aristocracy. And even if Danbury paving the way seems a bit unrealistic, there certainly were spheres lower than the true haut ton where they could debut and mingle amongst, and eventually marry. And being presented at court was not at all requisite for being a debutante (apparently the patronesses of Almack's like to say they were more exclusive with their vouchers than Court was with who could be presented), despite whatever the show portrays. You did not have to debut at court at all. Or even if you did, you did not have to be presented at court first to be a debutante; many women were already out by the time they were presented, and many more were presented upon marriage if they could not do it before, and their new husband was important enough to warrant it. So I do think the tradesman Mary married(?) is someone's father- Kate and Edwina's dad, or maybe just Kate's, or maybe just Edwina's. Who knows.
As for the different social class thing, the Sharma girls seem to have the breeding of at least a member of the gentry (even if they may technically come from trade based on whatever their dad did), as opposed to Sophie's situation which was far more precarious because despite her blood, she had none of the breeding or security to go with it. I think Bridgerton S2 won't focus heavily on the class thing; they'll put the brunt of that judgement on Lady Mary because she's the one who ran away, but it won't be the main issue as pertains to the girls. We know this because somehow, Edwina's been anointed Diamond, which really wouldn't happen in real life, but I guess she must have been that hot and and the pinnacle of feminine virtue and whatnot. Or maybe she curtsied good enough and had a pretty face, because as far as I'm concerned that's the only reason Daphne was made Diamond of her season.
And again, aristocrats did marry below their class (and sometimes below the gentry class) depending on the circumstances, although it was rare. I do believe it's doubly unrealistic for Anthony to marry someone who comes from trade (but the Sharma girls' mom's aristocratic lineage is a point in their favor; they have an earl for a grandfather which is a pretty big deal) as well as someone who doesn't have money (like the Sheffields were in the book, if this is still true in S2) but hey, it's historical romance. Anything can happen lol.
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alrightsnaps · 3 years
How faithful to the book do you think S2 will be, Kate/Anthony story wise at least, since there will be all the added subplots too obviously. I kind of suspect they’ll drag out the “enemies” phase into their marriage for max drama.
You're right, I also believe they'll drag out the enemies phase until they get together. We already know that the two of them meet twice (the horse incident and the tudum clip) before Anthony is even properly introduced to Kate, since she knows who he is in the sneak peek but he doesn't know her name. We also know that there are pictures of Simone in a boat while in costume, with someone who's not Jonathan, so hopefully there will be a storyline about her with another suitor in the enemies phase (which I'm looking forward to!).
I don't mind small changes but I hope they stay faithful to their book storyline. For example, I really hope they don't turn their romance into a class story, given the speculations about Mary's merchant ex-husband being Kate's father. Just.......no. Let him be her first husband (and reason she got embroiled in a scandal as an Earl’s daughter) before she married Kate and Edwina’s father as a widow. There's no reason to invent obstacles for Anthony and Kate or make her seem unsuitable as a bride. In the book it was never Kate's status or supposedly average looks that made her ineligible and I hope that's still the case in the show. It was always Anthony's instant attraction and growing feelings for her that were a red flag and made her the worst possible candidate, because he wanted a loveless, society marriage and could see himself easily growing to love Kate. (Plus how is Benedict and Sophie's story even going to work? If his older brother who has the title gets married outside his class, why would there even be a dilemma for him as a second son?)
What I wouldn't mind at all is them changing Kate's unpopularity, as they did with Daphne. Both of them are not described as unattractive in the books, simply easy to overlook (no comment there given that all Bridgerton men are supposed to be handsome as hell Ms Quinn), but in the show Daphne gets called “flawless” by the Queen and is a diamond of the first water. I wouldn't mind if they stepped away from the book in that Kate had no suitors and was convinced she'd be a spinster at 21. They can still have Edwina be the season's diamond of the first water (and even keep Kate's insecurities re Anthony preferring Edwina on her wedding night), but I'd prefer that Kate's focus on Edwina rather than herself during the Season is purely because of sisterly overprotectiveness and not in part because she's given up on finding a husband herself.
Other than that, I really hope they keep the main book events and just build on them– there's so much material they could add while remaining more or less faithful to the book, that would make TVWLM even better. Especially if the 10 episodes rumour is true, I don't see why they can't have kept the main book scenes while embellishing the story with additional plots.
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gaitwae · 4 years
Thor x reader. The reader is scared to try and lift the hammer in case she can’t lift it becuase she’s scared Thor will leave her, but than he comforts her and she lifts it YAAYY
YESSSSSSSS! I loved this idea! I hope you did, too!
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Out of everything the Odinson name would bring, you knew the heaviest weight would be the expectation of greatness — a greatness that you weren’t sure you could live up to. 
Your soon-to-be betrothed stood next to you, his arms wrapped tightly around the bride-price that he had made with his own two hands, claimed from war with his own fingers, and readied with the swing of his own hammer.
“Will your family accept this?” he asked you.
“I have no idea,” you answered honestly. “All I do know is that if I marry you, I’ll have to convince my father not to go overboard on the dowry.”
Thor laughed his booming laugh. “I’ll slip something back to him. Sir Stark is a rich man, but the only treasure I want from him is you.”
You laughed at your love’s joke, but the nervous anxiety bubbled up far faster than you expected.
The Odinson name would bring heavy things. Power, glory, finery. Things you were already exposed to, yes, but the difference was now you were destined to be a queen instead of a lady. You would be responsible for the happiness of the house, the people, and the land. You would be the icon of beauty and grace for the next few thousand years.
Only if your father accepted the bride-price. Knowing Sir Anthony Edward Stark, you knew he was bound to find some ridiculous addition to the bride-price just so he couldn’t lose his daughter.
It was always about losing you these days… 
“Princess, I know you’ll be my wife. I’m not worried,” Thor added on. You must have looked worried to him. You smiled the best you could and cupped his face.
“I’m glad you’re so sure of me, darling.” You kissed him sweetly. “But you know Daddy wouldn’t—”
“He can’t possibly want you to be without those who love you, can he?” he asked, cutting you and your fears off. He pressed a solid kiss to your forehead and scratched what he could reach of your face with his whiskers. “Everything will be fine! Just you wait and see.” 
“Everything is not fine,” your father said with angry, popping eyes. His fingers were turning white and his arms were tight across his chest. “My daughter is not getting married yet. Especially not to royalty. It’s too much stress. What if she isn’t happy?”
“Daddy,” you tried. He shot a look at you. Your over-protective father put his arm around your waist and pulled you away from Thor.
“You don’t even love him. You’re too young to know what love is. You’ve only had one boyfriend!”
“And I’ve barely even had that!” you argued. “I know that I—”
“Exactly!” he said, not realizing that you were pointing out how he never let you have your own freedom. Prince Thor was on his knees, offering the best bride-price you had ever seen, yet Sir Tony Stark wasn’t even looking at him. “You don’t know that what you feel for Prince Thor is love.”
“Daddy!” you protested. The prince’s eyes held a hurt you hadn’t seen before. He was heartbroken over your father rejecting the legitimacy of your love.
“Do you really want to marry him? Do you?”
“Yes! Please, accept the bride-price…”
Tony smirked, an intelligent spark in his eye that you knew you’d never be able to bypass. “I’ll accept the bride-price, yeah.”
Thor perked up, his jaw dropping. “You will?”
Tony stepped over to Thor but didn’t take his bride-price. He laughed darkly, saying, “If my daughter is worthy enough to be queen, she’ll be able to lift Mjölnir. Won’t she? If my daughter will be accepted in the royal household as an equal, she can marry you.”
“That’s my bride-price. That’s what I want to see. If she’ll be loved in your house just as much as she’s loved in mine.” His words were sharp, yes, but they were twice as comforting — he was doing what he thought was right for you. By attempting to lift the hammer… you were condemning your relationship with Thor, but you were also clearing away a future that would leave you in the dust.
He would have to leave you forever. But if what if you could lift it?
“And if she isn’t worthy enough?” Thor asked. His words echoed your thoughts.
Tony’s answer was firm, commanding: “You leave my daughter alone.” 
Hesitantly, Thor picked his hammer up and stood. “I agree to your terms, Sir Stark.”
“Daddy,” you whispered. Tony gestured for you to move forward. Your heart sank. No one in the kingdom but Thor and Odin could lift the hammer. No one.
Thor set it on the ground.
You wiped your hands on your dress. How could this happen? How could you finally be with the man you loved?
Would you ever be able to?
Slowly but surely, you set your fingers around the handle of the hammer. You pulled with all your might, but it wouldn’t budge. You tried again, frightened. It was heavy. It barely moved.
“Y/N…” Thor breathed. “You moved it.”
“She needs to pick it up, though,” Tony insisted. “If she can’t pick it up—”
You yanked the hammer off the ground as he spoke. “Daddy!”
Tony’s eyes widened. “Well, I’ll be damned!” He flapped his arms in the air. You ran to your love, who embraced you tightly. 
You could live happily ever after.
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what are your favourite historical romance novels? i'd like to get into romance novels as well, but it feels so vast a sea, i would trust your reviews
I would need more Infos on what you would like anon because my tastes run toward the angsty character driven story aka stories where people are assholes to each other. Some people can't stand it lmao
So in different vibes we got :
My absolute fav historical novel : The Luckiest Lady in London by Sherry Thomas. Sherry Thomas in general is my absolute favourite author, she is litteraly head and shoulders above the rest what a queen except for "not quite a husband" but I'll just forget that happened . This one is about a mercenary girl who need to marry because she hasn't got money or brothers and need to help her unmarriageable sick sister. I love gold diggers sorry. Anyway she go about it in a very organised cold blooded way until she met the Perfect Gentleman(tm) a marquess with an absolute spotless reputation and a shit ton of money. She falls in love at first sight. And then promptly fall out of love (in the next minute lmao) because she can sense that he is an asshole. This intrigues the marquess very much (he very much knows he is an asshole, it's just the first time someone else notices lmao) so he tries to make her his mistress - remember he is an asshole. Very good grovelling on the part of the male character (and actual character development hurrah!) which makes all of it worthwhile + a out of this world chemistry between the leads + a very horny math loving schemer of a main female character makes this my favorite. There is rather a lot of sex idk if you're into that anon ? I mean it's the case in approximately all of my fav historical romance but they are not really skippable here.
The funniest one : the viscount who loved me by Julia Quinn. It's the second book in the Bridgerton series which is being adapted in a TV show. Miles better than the first one, which you don't need to read. Anyway in this one we got Anthony, Viscount Bridgerton looking for a wife, he wants one quickly because he has some trauma issues regarding bees, his father and dying young. Anyway, he found one he would like but her sister (our héroïne) thinks he is way too shitty to marry her lovely sister and tries to stop it. There's a lot of funny dialogue, an incredibly funny game of pall mall, good siblings relationship and the funniest scene I have ever seen in a romance books. Very light hearted if that's what you're looking for.
Just a delight : The Heiress Effect by Courtney Milan. Our main female character is a fabulously rich heiress but to stay close to her sick sister she has to do her best not to marry( the opposite of the first book lmao). Not to receive a single proposal actually. Which is hard thing to achieve when you're fucking rich. She manages with terrible fashion sense and a good acting skill to appear completely feather brained, of the insulting kind. Unfortunately she made a few ennemies that way, one of which asks our main male character, an ambitious politician bastard (as in, his father was not married to his mother, he is actually the best male on this list) to get close to her to humiliate her, they fall in love instead. The best part of it is the main female character I am absolutely in love with her but the whole story is rather amazing and the characters are not assholes to each other ! Rare but true !
The more action-y : Her Beautiful Ennemy by Sherry Thomas (she is the best after all so she gets to be there twice). A Chinese woman martial artist's quest for revenge bring her to England where she find her ex lover that she thought dead. Because she tried to kill him. 100% totally seriously honest to god cold blooded murder attempt on her part. Romance. Anyway we get the story of their reunion with flashback of their first meeting /falling in love, this is not for the faint of heart but God do I love this. The male character is absolutely the sweetest (although he did get that murder attempt coming, it was still understandable. Also a very rare male virgin. Istg that's a fucking unicorn in those kinda novels) the female main character is such a badass and the love story is pretty strong. The whole vengeance thing could have used a better antagonist but all in all solid romance with wuxia element.
I have more (much, much more) if you want but any of those would be a good start.
Sherry Thomas actually is Chinese (born in China, Chinese is her first language but she moved in the US when the was a kid) btw so idk how accurate or anything the Chinese portrayal is but I trust her. Courtney Milan is a tra I think but it doesn't get brought up in her books (not in this one at least) and she got some shit after standing up against racism (she also is Chinese ? I think ? At least has some Chinese ancestors) in the American society of romance books or something so I Stan anyway.
If you read any one of those pls pls DM me or send another anon I would love to hear your thoughts.
Also if you need more recs ;)
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
Hi honey! How are you? Good I hope! ❤️
So I’m late, very late which is why I’m sending this not so little summary, hope you don’t mind
Extra Scene 10
Elias and Simon teasing Anthony’s unmarried status was hilarious and I just know if Anthony actually marries Chérie he’ll be even WORSE. This man will be heart eyes 24/7. No one will see the couple for days because marital bliss and I’m sure Anthony won’t think twice about dropping his plans with his friends in order to be with his wife. Actually I think it’ll probably become his number one excuse for avoiding unwanted meetings. Like, some Lord will try to talk to him about something he doesn’t want to and Anthony will be “well, I’d love to have this conversation right now, but I’m afraid I have plans with my wife and she’s already expecting me” and no will question it.
Chapter 29
Cece saying to Chérie that what happens at wedding night is quite scandalous but can you imagine when she actually finds out? Even more so with ANTHONY? She’ll be blushing and like “scandalous indeed, Cece was right”. 😏🔥
Oh, Anthony saying he realized his feelings for her on the bridge, the day Chérie asked him if he ever felt something resembling love and Anthony said no, you know, like a liar. 😂💕
Violet saying neither Cassie or Percy taught their kids that kind of malice but I think Chérie still has a little bit of it, I mean, she did know what to say in order to hurt Percy.
And… Chérie thinking and calling Percy her father… I cried ❤️🥺
Chapter 30
I wonder if Cassie knew it was Frederick who started the rumor because if she did… I mean, in her place I’d feel betrayed twice– by the man I loved and by the man I thought was my childhood friend 💔
“And you believed him,” you spat. “Without asking my mother I’m guessing?” This is why I don’t judge Cassie. Yes, they were bad at communicating, but one does not simply end a marriage without talking to the other part about it. It’s heartless. I can understand why she never forgave him or even believed in him anymore. He didn’t believe in her first. Not even allowed her to have a say in all this. Percy just took Frederick’s word for it and decided their fate alone. How do you trust someone – especially someone you gave your heart to, someone who knew the best and worst of you, who you confided with, who you allowed yourself to be vulnerable with – how do you trust them again after something like that? 💔
“You were a baby when mom took you to Paris,” he said. “You didn’t even remember father, you didn’t feel that void because you never knew otherwise but I did. I remembered her. Every morning I woke up hoping she would come back but she—”his voice cracked and he blinked back the tears. I must make a point here. I understand Elias’ pain, really do. But there is no way to say who suffered more. Yes, the loss of a parent who you have memories of is painful, but also is losing the one you don’t have memories of. You might not miss the person, because you don’t remember them, but you do miss the idea of them. You wonder endlessly how life might have been if you had them with you. And if you grow up without anyone who can be that parental figure for you – in Chérie’s case, without a father figure – it leaves a void just as strong. So even if Elias remembers Cassie and felt her void, let’s also remember he had Violet and Aunt Lavinia, even if they could never have Cassie’s place in his heart or replace her, he had some motherly figures to learn from and he could see his mom from time to time. But Chérie… she had no father figure – not her own father, or anyone else – and it is just as painful. So in summary, no one had it easier, they both had it very bad, but in different ways.
Extra Scene 11
“You want the best for your children,” Cecily said. “That’s what being a good parent means. You make sure that, no matter how much it hurts you, they have a better life than you. She did exactly that, for both of you.” THIS! This is also why I don’t judge Cassie. She didn’t bring Elias with her because it was what was best for him, as we see further in the extra scene. And I believe she didn’t come back to England because it was what was best for Chérie. In France, she was able to grow up far from the judgment of the ton and have the proper education a high born lady was entitled to and perhaps she could find a good husband who would provide for her within the French high society. At least that's what I think went through Cassie’s mind. If she came back to England, Chérie would have been treated poorly as a child or at least as still being very young, even more so if Cassie came back with her, which would trigger the ton’s memory. Even if Percy declared she was his – which Cassie probably did not believe he’d do – the rumor would still be there and she’d be the child of a divorced woman as well. Even if they spent their lives away from London, Chérie would’ve to grow up not knowing what the ton is actually like, what’d leave her unprepared for her debut, she’d not know how they work and would probably be like an easy prey for them. Instead, growing up in France she was able to see for herself how high society works, even within a different culture, she knew what to expect once in London.
Last but not least, apparently everyone is telling either Anthony or Chérie that they love each other except themselves, at least with the three little words I mean. And Elias being a mood about his best friend and his sister will never not be funny. ❤️😂
This isn’t short at all but that’s it, love you honey ❤️ I’ll try to be more active around here, I really miss it and can’t wait for next chapter 🫶
Hi loveeee! ❤ I’m good, hbu? ❤
Omg please don’t worry about it! ❤ Aaaaaaa I’m so excited! 😱😍❤
Extra Scene 10:
Oooh you’re absolutely right, I can see that happening 😂 Like, if they get married, no one will see them for days while they’re busy with their marital bliss😂
Actually I think it’ll probably become his number one excuse for avoiding unwanted meetings. Lolll this is hilarious YES!😂 He would come back from the honeymoon and would still leave the gentlemen’s club mid-conversation because he wants to be with Cherie 😂
Chapter 29:
When she actually finds out what happens at wedding night…😏 That would be a fun scene 😏
Awww you remembered that scene?! 😍😱 Oh yeah he realized his feelings while Cherie was grilling him about love 😂
Cherie totally has some part of it, she took after Cassie on that even if it’s not as destructive as Cassie’s 😏
That was the first time she actually called him “Father” 💔
Chapter 30:
I think Percy told Cassie about Frederick and those rumors and how he lied to him, so Cassie knew 💔 She would never ever forgive Frederick 💔
I can understand why she never forgave him or even believed in him anymore. He didn’t believe in her first. This! THIS!😍 Exactly! ❤
Cassie didn’t believe any of Percy’s promises after that no matter what 💔 Like, it was already hard for her to trust anyone and she actually did love and trust Percy until the divorce request, but after that, he was dead to her 💔
Yessss! Like, Elias was hurt but so was Cherie, and it was really different from each other ❤ It was very difficult for Elias to adjust to everything without Cassie, and I do think that he has abandonment issues because of it, but things weren’t extremely easy for Cherie either, she spent her whole life believing that her own father hated her and wanted nothing to do with her 💔 They’re both very scarred because of that divorce 💔
Extra Scene 11:
Definitely! ❤ I feel like Cassie did what she thought was right for both Cherie and Elias 💔 Like, no one walked away unharmed in the process, but in her perspective, that was the best solution to a very bad problem 💔
And I believe she didn’t come back to England because it was what was best for Chérie. In France, she was able to grow up far from the judgment of the ton and have the proper education a high born lady was entitled to and perhaps she could find a good husband who would provide for her within the French high society. YES! I totally agree and it was probably the plan Cassie had in mind for Cherie’s future❤ The social status and the options for her marriage would be much better for her in France than in England if she grew up in the shadow of such a scandal 💔 She knew Elias would inherit everything back in England and Cherie would be well respected in France, and neither of them would get anything like that if like, Cherie stayed in England or if Elias moved to France 💔
Cassie raised Cherie to be able to deal with the high society perfectly, she wouldn’t be able to do it if she raised her while people constantly tried to undermine her status as the Duke’s daughter ❤
Omg I love this and I love you and you’re amazing! ❤ Thank you so much for this, you’ve made my day! ❤
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marnie1964 · 3 years
Karate Kid/Cobra Kai survey
i'm gonna consider myself tagged
It’s the year 2021 and you’re obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?: an unexpected turn of events but it's passing the quarantine, i guess!
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?:  to be completely honest, i don't really like the movies? i didn't vibe with them as a kid and when i went back and tried to watch them this year i couldn't make it all the way through.* i think they're well crafted movies, but i've never liked relatable young boy wish fulfillment (i couldn't even get thru harry potter as a kid), and i think the first one is guilty of burying the lede twice over with regards to mr. miyagi and later the relationship between kreese and johnny. and lucky me--these are exactly the areas that cobra kai delivers on.
*except for the third one, which imo is a camp masterpiece and also genuinely heartbreaking. it's the only one that allows daniel to be an genuine pain in the ass. i think i've finally figured out what the target audience for cobra kai is: people who's favorite karate kid movie was tkk3 (me).
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character: johnny! what is a man but a miserable pile of bruce springsteen lyrics? or aimee mann lyrics? or mountain goats lyrics? or otis redding lyrics? or--fuck, have americans ever written songs about anyone else? i have an unreal amount of good will towards this man and his late-life struggle for recuperation. he's the heart of the show both in terms of his relationships with other characters and in terms of zabka's chemistry with the other actors.
my deep dark double secret fave is kreese. he makes me feel real anger in a way that's usually reserved for characters in vince gilligan shows. i'm a bit obsessed with him and his preoccupation with johnny and later johnny's teenaged son (I Have Thoughts). the show does a great job of making what he did to johnny--and all the years and years and years of fallout from that--feel really real, which makes him one of the most viscerally despicable villains i've ever come across . it's unironically among the best portrayals of domestic abuse i've seen, may god have mercy on our souls. the decision to pop out from behind a fucking cardboard cutout of himself to scare daniel in tkk3 was also a hilarious galaxy brain move. aspirational stuff.
also--shout out to daniel-san. the writers really had to work their asses off to make him into a character that appeals to me, and i think they did a great job of it. he's a cringey tool who's capable of displaying a surprising amount of integrity under the right circumstances! he's tom wambsgans! he's pete campbell! he's wonderful i love him!
Favorite ship:  johnny & daniel (what if mysterious skin was a sports comedy??)
Underrated character: the True and Correct answer to this question can only be aisha, although i don't think she was actually underrated by anyone besides the writers. chozen is also lowkey my favorite katate child because c'mon, he had everything (spear fights! ziplines! teen death matches! formfitting disco-era polyester button down shirts worn with gold chains!)
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol):  uhhhh... the only teen couple that could have been interesting is tory/aisha. they were cute together and their friendship rang true to me. it's that thing where you're the new girl and you're conventionally attractive, but on the inside you know you're a freak so you immediately gravitate towards the most obvious female outsider. i lived it, bay-bey!
i also think there are interesting things to explore with carmen and johnny's relationship. i don't know if the writers are even aware of it (i lean towards no b/c men amirite) but the entire premise of carmen's character is that she chose to live in poverty to protect herself and her son from a bad man with power. she's thereby the exact opposite of johnny's mother, who (at least by his understanding) married hollywood film producer shmarvey shmeinstein to provide her son with a better life. so, there's a lot to unpack in his attraction to her. also they're super hot hur hur i like sexy nurse thing hur hur.
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?: i can't look directly at it, but sweep the leg. zabka what the fuck man.
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?:  i don't think i've seen anyone mention this one yet, but the football jersey with the sweatpants. it makes him look so small and huggable, i wanna pick him up and set him on my shelf or something.
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver: bring back ali's lesbian girl gang!!! or else--dutch. he was funny and iconic, i loved his exaggerated offended reaction to everything daniel said or did in tkk. also, i'm tacky so i'm a sucker for aggressively bleach blonde hair. the SCANDALIZED wasp couple standing behind ali and johnny in the spaghetti scene will also do. or terry's secretary (an mvp--i believe the original actress has passed away so in my heart of hearts she's portrayed by j. smith-cameron).
Scene that lives in your head rent-free: the whole character development speed run that johnny does from sweep the leg to crying while handing daniel the trophy to getting strangled in the parking lot by his beloved teacher. i'm especially transfixed by that last bit--what's the thought process of a man who decides to publicly execute his teenage student via strangulation? why did none of the many bystanders call the police? johnny is the real kitty genovese, prison for everyone.
from the cobra kai series proper: daniel's decision to greet johnny with a big hug after not seeing him for 35 years and never actually being friends with him (I Have Thoughts), the heinously creepy scene where johnny is repeating the cobra kai mantra for miguel and his entire disposition completely changes (demonic possession shit), and johnny's tiny go-ahead-and-kill-my-abuser nod (his face is so stoney after being so animated at dinner) coupled with daniel's shaky little sign of relief (macchio is really the cutest when he looks scared).
it goes without saying that every johnny & miguel scene lives rent free in my HEART.
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?: anthony becomes relevant for one (1) episode next season when amanda and daniel finally get around to putting him up for adoption.
You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war.  Which dojo do you join?:  i enter the cobra kai dojo decked out in all of my snake-themed clothing and jewelry (it's a lot). i approach kreese and explain to him that the open mouth of a snake, viewed head-on, is a yonic symbol. i am permanently banned from the cobra kai dojo.
(seriously though, assuming i'm a teen in this scenario i think i would have vibed with tory/miguel/aisha. dimitri and sam would have driven high school me up the fucking wall though. the cobra kai style looks like more fun/better exercise. do i also genuinely believe most young girls could actually benefit from someone yelling no mercy down their neck? maybe so 💖)
What’s your training montage song?:  50ft queenie - pj harvey (it takes place in the alison bechdel feminist karate dojo ofc)
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?: it's a full episode flashback to the time johnny got arrested in albuquerque, new mexico. johnny's court-appointed attorney is a weirdly hot babe who seems like a super straight laced killjoy at first, but soon reveals herself to be an unhinged woman. one thing leads to another, and johnny winds up in bed with her and her loser husband. there are lots of great themes about punitive justice, people's ability to change for the better (and worse), and what makes someone "good" or "bad" to begin with, but mostly it's just really hot sex. the husband tries to sell johnny a prepaid cellphone and johnny tell's him that cellphones are never gonna catch on, cause who want's to be bothered by people all the time like that?
better call saul. it's a better call saul crossover ep.
(fwiw think that greg 'hbo succession' hirsch should also be terry's cousin greg on the non-roy side. think about it--the roys are small people, but cousin greg is really tall?? and who else is really tall, and a blue eyed brunette to boot? terry silver. it all adds up! this never becomes relevant to the plot, in any case, i'm just considering it canon until the writers come to my house and explicitly tell me i'm wrong.)
Tagging: anyone who's interested 😘
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buckytony for the ask game?
1. Coffee shop AU: Who is the barista, and who frequents the coffee shop?
Tony frequents the coffee shop. Bucky has been working at Bean True to Yourself (the owners are hipsters) for the last three years, trying to put himself and Steve through college because while they both got scholarships, it wasn’t enough and Steve’s health doesn’t let him hold a study job. Bucky has gotten pretty good at latte art actually. Only Natasha knows that it’s because he’s got a crush on the cute brunet with the messy hair and Bambi eyes that comes in sleep-deprived every single morning and probably doesn’t even notice the hearts Bucky puts in his lattes.
Tony definitely notices and it’s only because he’s spent so much time in the spotlight that he doesn’t blush every single time he sees the new art. Besides, he remembers when he first started coming here and the latte art was terrible. Bucky’s probably just testing out his artistic skills on Tony cause he knows he won’t judge him. There’s no feelings involved, right?
2. Highschool/College AU: Who is the straight-A student, and who’s the backrow slacker?
Tony has come to the conclusion that the only way to get Howard’s attention is if he puts absolutely no effort into anything at all, which is why he’s currently taking graduate-level courses as Edward Carbonell but Tony Stark is failing out of high school. Any attention is better than no attention, right?
And maybe it helps that his teachers come to him after class and suggest that he find himself a tutor and did you know that Bucky, Mr. Gorgeous himself, works in our tutoring program? I’m sure he’d love to help you, Mr. Stark. Okay, so maybe they don’t call Bucky gorgeous, maybe that’s just Tony’s own mind, but it’s not like he’s wrong. But Tony gave up on school a long time ago and Bucky has a motorcycle and wears leather jackets and is super popular all while having straight-A’s. There’s no way he even knows Tony’s name, let alone would ever like him.
3. Rivals to lovers AU: Who takes their rivalry seriously, and who is half in it just to push the other’s buttons?
Bucky isn’t entirely certain how he ended up as a supervillain’s sidekick and he definitely isn’t sure that he really wants to be there but he won’t deny to himself that the best part of the job is facing off against Iron Lad while Captain America and the Black Widow are fighting each other for control of the Deathstick of Destiny or whatever it is this week.
Iron Lad’s just so cute with his sense of justice and his wit and the conviction that he and Bucky are destined to be nemeses for life. And one time, a building fell on top of them and Bucky got to peel him out of his compromised suit and that was the best thing ever because he got to see Iron Lad’s flight suit, which accentuates the most perfect ass ever. Seriously, Bucky just wants to reach down and squeeze but he’s pretty sure that then Iron Lad might actually use the unibeam that he’s been threatening to use for ages.
4. Enemies to lovers AU: Which one switches sides?
Oof, Bucky does. He comes back from HYDRA to find a world that’s absolutely a bigger mess than he remembers it being and maybe that’s those rose-tinted glasses Sam keeps accusing him and Steve of wearing but he looks at Iron Man, taking out the ultra-wealthy and distributing the money back to the people, and then he looks at the Avengers and how they keep causing more property damage than they can fix and decides that he knows what side he wants to be on.
He slips out of the compound in the dead of night, unnoticed by all except Natasha who just wishes him luck, and tracks Iron Man across two continents and an ocean back to his secret hideout - in Latveria of all places, who knew that Doom could share? - knocks on the door and when a man with the prettiest brown eyes Bucky has ever seen answers the door, Bucky announces, “Hi, I’m here to be a villain.”
In retrospect, he decides as he’s dragging a fainted Tony inside, that might not have been the best way to introduce himself to his future employer.
5. Soulmate AU: Who is eager to meet their soulmate? Who absolutely does not want to meet their soulmate?
The thing is, Tony knows that soulmates aren’t always perfect. His parents were soulmates and they absolutely hated each other. But Ana and Jarvis were soulmates too, and so is Aunt Peggy and Uncle Daniel, and they loved each other very much, so even though he’s been alive for almost 40 years and never once met his soulmate, he still has high hopes.
Bucky fell from the train without knowing his soulmate and the only thing he can thinks is Good. They won’t wind up with someone like Bucky, someone who has nightmares from his time as a lab experiment, who kills people without even blinking, whose main purpose in life is to be the shadow that dogs Steve Rogers’ heels. But then he wakes up.
And then he forgets he ever even had a soulmate.
The next time Bucky remembers anything, it’s 2014, he’s in a glass room (cage, really), and there’s someone standing with their back to him outside of the cage, doing something on a tablet.
“What’s it gonna take to let me out of here?” Bucky asks.
The person jumps, turns, and then a slow smile spreads over his face. “I don’t know, how about dinner?”
6. Single parent AU: Which one is the single parent? (Alt. if they’re both single parents: Which one is open to starting a new relationship from the start? Which one is never planning on finding love again… Until they meet the other and are instantly smitten?)
Harley’s got a protective streak a mile wide (Bucky thinks he’s learned it from Uncle Steve), which is why Bucky isn’t surprised when Harley comes home with a black eye and immediately proclaims that it wasn’t his fault, there were these two big kids picking on a younger girl on the playground.
“Oh yeah and here’s this, I guess,” Harley mumbles and shoves a piece of paper with a phone number on it in Bucky’s direction.
Bucky holds an ice pack up to Harley’s eye and asks, “What’s this?”
“Mr. Stark’s phone number. I said I wanted it in case Peter wanted to play but he seemed nice and looked like your type and I’m tired of you going out with jerks who don’t like me so I got it for you.”
Well, leaving that aside, “Who’s Peter?”
“Morgan’s brother. He’s in my class and he helped when he saw I was helping her out.”
Right, like that explains anything. He dials the number, intent on seeing if this Peter can tell him the full story, only for someone to say, “Stark residence, can I help you?”
Bucky doesn’t believe in love at first sight (er, voice) but whoever it is has got such a pretty voice and he kind of wants to hear them moaning his name so he purrs, “You sure can, doll.”
Maybe he shouldn’t be so surprised when they make an offended sound and hang up.
7. Doctor AU: Which one is the longsuffering doctor? Which one is the patient?
“Mr. Stark, please, I’m begging you, wear PPE when you’re working in your lab.”
“But then when would I get to see you?” Tony chirps, seemingly uncaring that Bucky is setting his fingers.
“At dinner,” Bucky says before he can think better of it.
They both freeze. Then Tony slowly says, “And that’s okay?”
Honestly? Probably not but Tony has been coming to the ER for months for his lab-related injuries and Bucky is always his doctor and they always end up flirting and he’s tired of this back-and-forth. So when he’s done splinting Tony’s fingers, he raises his hand to his mouth and brushes the softest of kisses over the back, smiling when Tony gasps.
8. Bodyguard AU: Who is the bodyguard? Who are they protecting? Which one is secretly pining for the other?
Howard Stark is convinced that someone is out to get him, his wife, and his son. He can easily take care of him and his wife but Tony recently moved out of the mansion, insistent on making his own way in the world so surreptitiously, Howard hires Bucky to keep an eye on Tony by moving into the apartment next door.
It’s probably the easiest job Bucky has ever had because Tony almost never leaves their building, too caught up in his projects as he is. He gets food delivered and sometimes, he has friends over but otherwise, he’s pretty much a recluse.
And that’s a damn shame that is because Bucky has really only seen Tony twice so far and both times have about knocked him flat out on the floor.
9. Pirate AU: Who is the pirate? Who is the member of the royal family who did not sign up for this?
Crown Prince Anthony Edward Stark, first of his name, heir to the throne, would like everyone to know that he absolutely did not sign up for this, no way, no how. Just about everyone on the ship though, sees it when he gives Captain Barnes what he obviously thinks is a secretive wink. And they all know that they’re going to hear it when the captain and his “captive” go below the deck that night.
Sam scratches his head awkwardly and looks over at Admiral Rhodes on the other ship. “You want to come over?” he calls. “They could be down there for a while.”
Rhodes sighs and crosses over. “Chessboard still set up?” he asks.
“Nope, Nat had to move it for one of her poker games. But I remember where the pieces were.”
10. Childhood best friends AU: Which one was super obviously in love with the other the whole time? Who was oblivious until they were older?
Everyone knows that Tony and Bucky are going to get married someday - except for Tony and Bucky themselves. Steve has been trying for ages to get Bucky to see that Tony is pining just as hard for him as Bucky is and Rhodes has been doing the same for Tony but they’re just...so oblivious. It makes Natasha want to bang her head against the wall - or maybe just lock them in a closet.
Except Clint tried that, right after Tony gave Bucky his first kiss when they were fifteen and Bucky just thought it was because they were friends. They’d been in that closet all night and when Clint finally opened the door in the morning, they were snuggling but still not together so he thinks they’re just too oblivious. There’s a school-wide betting pool on if they’ll get their act together before graduation.
(It’s okay though because Tony and Bucky have been dating since they were freshman. They’re just waiting to see how long it takes everyone else to notice.)
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theladyofdeath · 5 years
Rags & Riches {5}
Summary: An A Court of Thorns and Roses Fanfiction. 19th century AU. Based on the prompt sent in by @cat5313 All characters belong to SJM, I am just a fan with a plot.
Warning: Mature content strung throughout.
A/N: Oh snap.
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It had been a week since Cassian had managed to get Nesta back to her room unseen. She had woken with a pounding headache with her dusty shoes removed and placed neatly beside her bed. She had still been in her gown, but she was tucked in snugly.
However, she did notice that she had been missing her bracelet and assumed she had lost it somewhere in her drunken endeavors. She tried not to feel too disappointed, considering who had gifted it to her, but it was her own fault.
Nonetheless, the stableboy had taken care of her, even though Nesta only remembered glimpses of their night out at the tavern. 
Yet, she had purposely been avoiding him at all costs. Not that she went to the stables often.
When carriages were drawn, she waited indoors until it was pulled up front, ready to be loaded. She did not take Marigold for any rides, unless she was one hundred percent certain Edward was in the stables, not Cassian. 
Perhaps it was petty, but she could not face him, not after what she had remembered.
She knew she had drunk far too much, had confessed far too much. She was even certain that, at one point, she had called him handsome. 
She had called the stableboy handsome. 
And he had taken care of her. 
Nesta pushed the thoughts from her mind as she chose an unread book from the master library and trailed through the house.
“Miss Nesta! I have been looking everywhere for you.”
She froze, looking over her shoulder to find Alis trailing after her down the long hallway. “Yes?”
“You have received a letter, my Lady. Also, your father will be leaving this evening, after supper, for his journey north. He wishes you all to have a lovely dinner together in the main dining hall, promptly at six.”
“Thank you,” Nesta said, taking the letter from their maid. 
Alis curtsied. “Good day, Miss.”
“Good day, Alis.”
The moment Alis had disappeared around the corner, Nesta broke the seal and unfolded the letter. It was in that old familiar handwriting, the same handwriting she had seen all too often.
My dearest Nesta,
I hope you do not think too poorly of me. You will always have a piece of my heart, more so than my betrothed could ever have. Could we meet soon? I surely hope so.
Nesta was fuming.
He still wanted to meet? After he had led her to believe he would propose, then introduced her to his new fiance? Ha! Absolutely not. Tomas was an even greater fool than she thought to have written her such a thing. 
“You look angrier than usual.”
Nesta’s head jerked up to find her youngest sister leaning against the railing at the end of the hall, overlooking the main entrance. “I didn’t see you there.”
“Of course not,” Feyre said, simply. “You were too busy reading whatever that is in your hand.”
Nesta quickly crumpled up the paper in her hand. “It’s garbage.” 
“Hmmm,” Feyre said, then brushed it aside. “Excited for our big dinner with papa before he heads up north?”
Isaiah Archeron’s trip to the northern territory was his longest business trip of the year. This year, it was crucial, as they were running low on funds. He typically stayed just under a month, leaving the girls alone with Alis. 
Now that they were old enough to raise themselves.
Or something like that.
“I suppose,” Nesta said, Feyre making her way toward her. “I am certain we will be eating a pork roast since it’s papa’s favorite.”
Nesta was not a fan of pork roast.
The two went into the library and sat next to the windows where they could see Elain hovering over her garden. 
“Has she been acting strange lately to you?” Feyre asked.
Nesta took a moment to sort her words. Yes, she had, but Nesta wasn’t going to mention it. “I am not certain she is fond of Lord Lucien.”
“I don’t know why,” Feyre began. “He is handsome and kind. Out of all of us, Elain had always been the most excited to marry. At least, that is how it seemed. And, I thought father had chosen the perfect match for her with Lucien.”
Nesta agreed. “She hasn’t said a word about him. I would have thought she would be bouncing off the walls, already making wedding preparations.”
Feyre chuckled, looking out the window at her sister. “Perhaps she’s just nervous. Once Lucien asks for her hand, her entire life will change.”
Nesta mumbled her agreement, but couldn’t take her eyes away from where Elain sat on her knees, plating her newest seeds to some plant Nesta had never heard of. 
She wore a dress, although it was hiked up to her knees. It was the only time she was unladylike - when Elain was in her garden. Yet, she still made it all look graceful. 
“All I know is out of the three of us, Elain deserves to be happy.”
Nesta looked at her youngest sister and met her eyes, their mother’s eyes, the eyes identical to her own.
And she couldn’t agree more.
Elain loved her garden.
It wasn’t the sunniest of days, but Elain still thought it a great day to plant her chocolate cosmos. She had been waiting for her seeds to be delivered, and once Alis had announced that they’d arrived, she couldn’t wait any longer.
Besides, she loved the peace and quiet being outside in her garden brought. It was just her, and sometimes Alis. Her sisters didn’t find the same appreciation in gardening that she did, which was fine. It was Elain’s thing.
She stood, once her planning was done, and dusted off her hands. She admired the plants that were already sprouting stems above the top layer of dirt and took a deep breath. A few flowers had even begun to bloom, and she found herself awfully proud. 
Her garden allowed her to display her talents. She brought life from seeds, created something from nothing.
Once her hands were clean enough, she pulled the note she kept tucked into her dress pocket. After unfolding it, she looked at the simple signature and couldn’t stop her grin.
I watched you in your garden today. You look cute with dirt smudged against your cheek. In my dreams, we live in the countryside and you have your dream garden. You grow flowers, and vegetables, and I always tell you how amazing you are at it.
Which you are. Incredible.
But you are incredible at everything. Surely you know that.
I miss you.
I love you.
I can’t wait to sneak a kiss goodnight.
The note had been pushed beneath her bedroom door in the middle of the night. She awoke at dawn to find it sitting against the wooden floorboards, and found her soul lightening at its words. As expected, they had not seen much of each other since their night together. Their wonderful, amazing night together. Elain had fallen asleep thinking about it every night since. His hands against her skin, the way his breath felt against her neck as he pushed himself inside of her. Every now and then, she caught his eye and blushed, wildly, only earning a small grin in return. 
They had to be careful.
But it was so damn hard. 
She loved him.
And he loved her.
So why couldn’t they be together?
Then there was Lord Lucien.
He had written to her twice within the last week and she had felt obligated to send a reply, although her heart was not in it. She felt guilty, horribly guilty. He was so kind, so deserving of a woman who found him charming and worthy.
It wasn’t that Elain did not find him charming nor worthy, it was just that someone else had already captured her heart. Then again, she knew that she could not marry Azriel. She knew that she was meant to marry Lucien, was supposed to marry Lucien, would be a great match for Lucien. And, more so, Lucien would be a great match for anyone. He was kind, gentle, handsome, wealthy. 
He was everything she was supposed to want.
Everything she was told that she should have wanted.
But everything she wanted was in a man that she would never be able to have.
And at that thought, she slowly folded up the note and put it back in her dress pocket. 
Nesta was right.
Supper’s main course had been pork roast.
The four of them ate in silence, unsure of how to fill it. It was always that way when they chose to eat as a family, which was few and far between since their mother had passed. Yet, Isaac thought it necessary, especially before he left for a period of time.
Three butlers stood against the walls, silent after serving their course, waiting in case one of them needed anything. Two of them, Feyre recognized. The young, dark haired one. Azriel, she believed, was his name. And Anthony, who had been around since Feyre was a little girl.
Then there was a third, who Feyre thought she had seen in the stables. After stirring her mashed potatoes and gravy for the tenth time, she looked to the young man and asked, “Aren’t you the stableboy?”
“Feyre,” Isaac chastised.
The man simply smiled politely and nodded his head. “Yes, Lady Feyre. Oliver was feeling unwell this afternoon, so I offered to take his spot during mealtime, just until he was feeling better.”
“That was kind of you,” Elain smiled.
Feyre and Isaac agreed, although Nesta said nothing, staring at her pork roast.
“Have you heard more from Lord Rhysand?”
It took Feyre a moment to realize that Elain had been speaking to her. She cleared her throat, “Yes. He wrote just yesterday, in fact.”
“Ah,” Isaac smiled, setting down his fork. “And what did he write?”
“That he hopes to visit soon,” Feyre said, “in which I replied that he shouldn’t.”
Isaac stared as Nesta snorted. “Feyre, that is rude. You should write him again, inviting him to call.”
“Why?” Feyre asked, completely forgetting about her food. “He is selfish and wants me as a wife because I am beautiful.”
“Conceited, much?” Nesta mumbled.
Feyre ignored her, continuing to stare at her father. “He has not even asked you for my hand so I owe him nothing.”
“He is a Lord,” Isaac shot back.
“He is insufferable,” Feyre snapped, taking a large bite of potatoes. “And he can kiss my-”
“Feyre,” Isaac scolded. 
“Hand,” Feyre finished, staring at her father. “He can kiss my...hand.”
Nesta snorted, but remained quiet. 
“Well, I talked to Lord Rhysand and thought he was quite lovely,” Elain chimed.
“And what of Lord Lucien?” Feyre beamed. “Have you heard from him?”
Elain’s cheeks turned pink as she hesitated. “Yes. He has written twice since the ball.”
“And?” Nesta asked, as Feyre stuffed her mouth with more mashed potatoes.
“And,” Elain began, glancing toward the butler against the wall before continuing, “he is excited to visit us here again soon.”
“Any mention of a proposal?” Feyre asked, mouth full.
“Feyre, do not talk with food in your mouth,” Isaac scolded. “You know better.”
Elain cleared her throat. “No. Not yet.”
“Shocking,” Nesta said, picking at her food without really eating it. “I would have thought he’d be outside on one knee waiting for you to accept after he charmed you at the ball.”
Elain’s cheeks reddened further, but she said nothing. 
Isaac cleared his throat, having already cleared his plate. “As you girls know, I will be leaving tonight. I should not be gone any longer than four weeks. Although, if I am, it means that business is booming and I cannot leave. In that case, I will write. Edward will be joining me.”
Nesta’s eyes shot to the stableboy, then back to Isaiah. “Well, we wish you luck and look forward to your return, papa.”
Feyre and Elain chimed in their agreements before resuming their meal.
“At what time do you leave?” Nesta asked.
“When we are finished here,” Isaac proclaimed. “Alis will watch over you, of course. However, you are all women now and can look after yourselves, no doubt. I expect you to write often, especially if anything goes amiss.”
Feyre grinned, finishing off her plate. “I assure you, we will be fine.” 
Indeed, they were used to being stuck at the manor. They had not left much during the last few years, since their mother’s passing. 
Isaac smiled and took a look at his three daughters. “I know. I have raised you well.”
Feyre smiled, although she had to admit that her heart wasn’t in it. Everything had been off since their mother died. As she looked at her sisters, she could feel it. They were both hiding something, although she had no idea what. Nor did she care to find out, since she was hiding a secret of her own. She couldn’t wait until her father left so that she could go into town and play cards with the locals. 
Once they were done, they all rose from the table and saw Isaac outside, where Edward was waiting with a packed carriage.
Isaac kissed each of his daughters goodbye before he closed himself inside and was off, nothing more than a shadow being erased by the growing distance. 
“You have a girl, don’t you?”
Azriel froze where he sat atop his bed. “What?”
Cassian nodded to the pen and paper in his lap. “You’re writing to someone often. I assume it’s a woman.”
“Ah,” Azriel chuckled, glancing down at the ‘E’ written on his otherwise blank sheet of paper. “Yes, I suppose so.”
“A fling?” Cassian asked, kicking off his muddy boots and plopping down on his cot. “Or someone you intend to marry?”
Azriel took a moment to think about it before responding to his roommate. “She is the love of my life.”
“Congrats, mate,” Cassian said, wholeheartedly. He had grown to like Azriel within the recent weeks, since they had become roommates in the servant wing. Azriel was quiet, but he was kind and held no judgement. Cassian tried his best to be the same toward him. 
“What about you?” Azriel asked. “Is there a girl for you?”
Cassian chuckled and shook his head. “No. Just my mother and sister back home. I write to them often, although i haven’t heard from them yet this week.”
“Oh?” Asked Azriel. “How old is your sister? Where do they live?”
“An hour’s ride south,” Cassian began. “I grew up in a small village there. My sister just turned seventeen. She has her eye on one of the local farmer’s sons. Although, if you ask me, he’s not worthy of her one bit.”
Azriel chuckled. “No? Why not?”
“I knew the guy, growing up,” Cassian explained. “I know too much about him, if you know what I mean. He’s been with too many women. Loves himself too much.”
“And your sister?”
“Kind,” Cassian explained. “But can take care of herself. Stubborn, just like my mother. Has very strong opinions, which many think women shouldn’t have, but I beg to differ. I grew up in a home full of strong-willed women, and wouldn’t have had it any other way.” 
“What about your dad?” Azriel asked, writing on his sheet of paper as he spoke. 
Cassian took a moment to answer, realizing he and his roommate had never had a truly deep conversation before. “He left when my sister was young. He was a prick, horrible to my mother. I was eight when he left, but I was glad.”
Azriel nodded, but didn’t reply.
Cassian watched as Azriel wrote his letter to his lover. “What about you?”
“What about me?” Azriel laughed, short and quiet.
“Your family?”
Azriel took such a long time to reply that Cassian almost thought he hadn’t heard.
“I was abandoned as a child, adopted by an older couple. Diana and Renald. Diana was kind, but she was terrified of Renald. As was I.” Azriel talked slow, as if finding it difficult to remember. “He was an ass. He instantly knew I was different, knew of where I had…” Azriel paused, as if having trouble finding the words. “Come from. He treated me the worst. Partly because of my background, I assumed, and partly because I was the only other male. He...abused me. Often. And I ran away the moment I could, promising Diana that I would earn enough to get her free of Renald someday. That I am still working on. But I shall get there, soon. Diana writes to me often.”
Cassian cursed. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
Azriel shrugged, not taking his eyes off the letter he was writing. “That’s life.”
Cassian supposed so. Although if that was life, he was certain that life was not fair. He thought to Lady Nesta, when he had escorted her the week before. She had given herself to a man who thought nothing of her, then left her completely alone in their holier than thou circle. Cassian firmly believed that life was not fair, and only they had the power to change such a thing.
“Do you enjoy working here?” Cassian asked.
Azriel took a moment to think. “I would not trade this experience for the world.”
Cassian nodded, remembering his night a week before with the Lady Nesta.
“The Archeron sisters are an interesting trio, aren’t they?”
Cassian swore Azriel tensed, but then his roommate nodded.
“Yes,” Azriel said, quietly, folding his sheet of paper into a neat square. “They are.”
Feyre tugged on her trousers and waistcoat before tucking her long hair into a newsboy hat. The boots in the bottom of the chest at the foot of her bed slipped on easily.
After one last look in the mirror, Feyre stuck her head out of her door to make sure the halls were clear. Once she decided it was safe, she hurried down the hall and down the main stairway. Once she had reached the floor, she tiptoed into the sitting room, toward a side window, where she could slip out and easily reach the ground, knowing to keep it cracked so that she could get back in later.
But she didn’t open it. Just as she was about to, she froze.
Just outside was Elain, hurrying away with a tall, dark haired man, hand in hand.
She was smiling. 
It wasn’t until the man turned to look down at Elain that Feyre recognized him.
Before Feyre could fully process what she was seeing, she was running back up the staircase, straight to her eldest sister’s room.
@throne-of-ashes-and-beauty @mariamuses @a-happybird @amusicalbookworm @manoncrochanblackbeak @alifletcher2012 @candid-confetti @fandoms-everywhere-united @mis-lil-red @littlehoneyybee @abillionlittlepieces @impossiblescissorspeachpaper @awesomelena555 @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter @tswaney17 @jemma-nessian-and-elriel @rhysandsrightknee @gendryaforthemasses @dayanna-hatter @thebluemartini @welcometothespeaknowworldtour @julemmaes @christiashadows @sleeping-and-books @itsme-malin @agnez312 @cat5313 @amren-courtofdreams @chemica @empress-ofbloodshed @islamonna @illyrianbeauty  @sleeping-and-books @queenofxhearts @sleeping-and-books​ @aedionashryver-wolfofthenorth​ @queenofillea1​ @mynewdreamwasyou​ @levivlio​ @hellolenas​ @burritowithfeels​ @that-other-pineapple​ @girl-who-reads-the-books​ @raghad-50725 @musicmaam @rowaelinforeverworld​ @negativenesta​
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anika-ann · 4 years
Grease and Pearls - Pt.3
Dreams Meet Reality
Type: One-shot turned three-shot (because does anyone really want a 17k in one go?)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader (main), Tony/Reader, Tony/Pepper
Word count: 3400 or 5100 (yeah, you read it right, see A/N)
Summary: An uptown girl met a downtown guy with a heart of gold. Oh, and he was handsome too. It inevitably leads to their relationship developping… but is there any chance for them at all?
For @cxptain​​ ’s challenge. Prompt: Uptown Girl by Billy Joel
Warnings: swearing (a lot), attempt at angst, ghosting, communication par excellence
A/N: We had fluff and smut. What are we missing? That’s right. Heads up, people! There is an alternate ending to my original one, the one sentence where it breaks is in italics. I hope that makes sense ;) Pick whichever or read both :D Enjoy!
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Story Masterlist
It was bound to happen – you knew as much – but deep in your heart, you had hoped it wouldn’t. You had hoped it would last longer. You had hoped that perhaps a miracle would occur and in some mysterious way, you would be able to convince your parents that marrying you to Anthony was a terrible idea.
You should have known better than that.
The very day you had fell asleep in Steve’s arms after making love – and God, you could still feel him, his touches on your skin, his mouth, everywhere, even in the most intimate places, a pleasant, almost ceremonial ache lingering exactly there, a memory of fire in your belly and your heart – you got caught.
Your parents had been waiting at Potts’ house as you reached it around eleven in the evening, a smiling mess, a sight to behold, and any illusion about the future you had been painting in your mind shattered.
Pepper had tried to take part of the blame, but your parents always believed that you were the faulty daughter in your household and such ways stretched outside your house.
Your father was furious. Your mother was deeply disappointed and even faked a few tears – or perhaps she shed them for real, mourning her reputation, one the family would fight tooth and nail to retain.    
You had literally fallen on your knees and begged when they found a drawing from a street artist, a souvenir of one of your trips to downtown which you had only craved to explore-- and by some miracle indeed, you were allowed to keep it and not to have it torn to shreds right in front of your eyes. Pepper’s teary gaze told you she knew you were making up things up as you went and that the drawing, the one that captured beauty you weren’t sure you possessed, meant much more.
You couldn’t even hope to earn forgiveness, so you only asked for it half-heartedly.
What you did earn was a damn chaperon.
In your age! In this day and age!
Her name was Maria and she was truly efficient and strict to a fault. Nevertheless, she respected your privacy and whenever you were to meet Pepper, she would stand just outside the door and wait if you asked for a confidential conversation… which was always, you didn’t need some goddamned stranger spying on you. What the hell.
But truly, all things considered, you had lucked out; as your parents didn’t fault Pepper for your actions, you were still allowed to meet with her at least and to talk her in private.
However, the marriage plans were sped up.
And naturally, you couldn’t even hope to set your foot anywhere near downtown. You hadn’t seen Steve for two weeks, you hadn’t even found his number in the phone book to explain yourself and you missed him.
Your heart seemed to fail in its basic function; when you were lying in your bed at night, wide awake, it longed after ocean blue eyes with a drop of green, strong hands holding you close, and it wouldn’t stop pounding wildly in your chest. In the morning, your heart appeared to be beating so slowly you had to place your palm over the area to make sure it was still there, that it still had enough strength to keep you upright all day ahead.
And it ached 24 hours a day. For you, for Steve, who must have been clueless on why you never showed up to your set date or any time after. You were hurting and your parents watched you suffer along with your sister, frowning at you and scolding you to stop acting like a five-year old who had a toy taken away.
They could never understand. Was that a curse or a blessing?
Pepper was the only person you could trust, only person you could talk to about your true sorrows and her patience never seemed to wear thin despite her own turmoil – after all, if your marriage was to be sped up… her hopes were being crushed as well.
“Pepper… I don’t want to marry Tony. God, I can’t marry him,” you whispered, a cup of tea in your hands, your palms and fingers curled around the warm ceramics, hoping for it to take away some of the ever-present cold your body radiated these days.
Your friend smiled at you sadly, an honest and heart-breaking lift of the corners of her lips.
“I know, honey.”
You chuckled bitterly at the irony. Here you were, stealing her dreamed man, on she loved, while yearning after another, after the one you loved. You looked up at the ceiling, blinking away the tears gathering in your eyes – again and again, barely a day without their presence. They were always there, ready for the dam to broke so they could run down your cheeks.
When you spoke again, you could barely force the words out of your tight throat.
“I… I truly love Steve. I dreamed tonight, about having a little boy,” you whispered, the image still vivid behind your now closed eyelids. He was so damn pretty, your sweet little boy. “Blond hair, pretty blue eyes full of mischief and such innocent smile with a front tooth missing and I was expecting with another--… I want that. I want to have Steve’s children one day and I want Steve. I need him. It feels like I can’t breathe without him.”
Tender hands reached for your shoulders and pulled you into an embrace, soft and careful, yet very unladylike, not proper for anyone to see in public – at least not here, not in uptown. God, you hated it here. You despised it now, truly. And if that made you an ungrateful brat, then so be it.
“Oh sweety, I know exactly how you feel. I’m so sorry,” Pepper replied in the same manner, comfortingly stroking your arm. She sounded on the verge of tears as well. “But you know what your family is like, they would never accept Steve. As much as it hurts you and me… I’m not sure you really have a choice.”
You swallowed against the lump formed in your throat and shakily breathed in.  
“Don’t I?”
You thought of your chaperon and wondered… just how heartless could she be?
It was three weeks after his girl’s last surprise visit that had somehow resulted in her and Steve tangled in his sheets when he lost his faith in her and whatever the two of them had had completely.
Three weeks without as much as a glimpse of her or a word, two weeks of not going to bed without few bottles of beer to keep him company, Steve walked into the shop and instantly knew something was wrong.
The usually loud environment full of chatter and teasing was suspiciously quiet.
“Hey guys,” he called out, trying to sound casual. “What gives?”
“Nothing-“ Thor responded swiftly – and way too quickly. Steve rolled his eyes.
“I’m blond but ain’t that stupid. Who pissed in everyone’s cereal? Buck?”
Steve’s best friend looked up from his work, shorty meeting his eyes. The regretful gaze spoke volumes on its own, but the brunet still sighed, tossing the rag in his hands on the nearest hood.
Steve suddenly wasn’t so sure he wanted to hear the news whatever it was. Dread filled his stomach, a feeling that had his gut twist uncomfortably. The blue-grey irises of his friend hid behind his eyelids.
“I… I’ve been in town this morning, Steve,” he explained slowly, cursing under his breath when he took in Steve’s perfectly confused expression, awaiting a metaphorical punch. “Fuck, Steve—I-eh, I saw Carter with Stark and they were-“ The coil in Steve’s stomach tightened to the point of him thinking he might throw up. “-shit, I’m sorry, Steve, they were at jeweller’s, probably picking up a ring.”
A ring.
Because she was getting married. To Stark. He knew that—he had been, in fact, informed that it might happen at some point.
But no-- like a fool, he had painted an image in his head, stupid and naïve and even found himself thinking about his ma’s engagement ring – once or twice since he had met his stunning uptown girl –, one he had inherited and was planning to give a woman who would take his heart.
Funny how his mind had been purposely leaving out the fact that the very same woman he had given his heart to was the one who could stomp on it and let it bleed on the pavement.
Fuck, he was a complete idiot, wasn’t he?
Steve swallowed against his suddenly dry throat, nodding few times in acknowledgement of the information, lips in a tight line, one corner lifted in an ironic smile as his blood boiled.
“Well… we knew it was comin’, didn’t we?” he remarked and shook his head with a scoff.
God, he was so fucking stupid-
He waved Bucky off, stalking towards his own station. He dropped his bag, always stashed with clean clothes just in case, to the ground by the counter, hand blindly reaching out. He grabbed the wrench on the top unmistakably, his fingers curling firmly around the metal.
One swift movement, one jerk of his bulging arm and the wrench was sent flying, hitting the momentarily empty chain with an ominous clang that could only hope to echo the mad rage he felt, sizzling in his veins, eating him up from the inside.
“Fuck him!” he roared, the ferocity of his voice startling even his mates who were familiar with his occasional temper.
His breathing turned heavy as he reached for another tool, flinging it the same way, this time hitting the wall, much to his irritation.
Jesus fucking shit-- he was so fucking mad – at her, at himself, at Stark, Stark who thought he could just take and take, greedy asshole, just like all of those uptown snobs that thought they owned the fucking world!  
“Fuck Stark and all of those privileged assholes! I hope they rot in- Fucking! Hell!”
Two more objects Steve didn’t bother to look at flied through the air and hit the chains, the harmless violence not providing him with half the satisfaction he hoped in.
By the time the boss stalked into the shop the check on what was going on – and to yell at his employees to stop fucking around – Steve had been long gone, taking the SHILED bike and driving away until all he could feel was the wind swishing around his head, loud enough to drown out his noisy thoughts.
“Rogers came in sick, we sent him home,” Pietro supplied helpfully, the deadpan expression on Fury’s face telling him that he had none of that shit.
Yet, the bossman sighed and headed back to his office.
“Good, wouldn’t want him to puke all over my fuckin’ garage.”
She showed up in the shop on week four. Steve was just coming back from a short bathroom break, quickly taking a U-turn when he got a glimpse of her in the overhead door to the garage, wearing black and red elegant dress.
He leaned his back against the separating wall, closing his eyes at the painful jab to his stomach.
Logically, there was no reason for him to be so devastated. He fucked girls before—he liked girls before. So why did he have to be such a missy when it came to her? She was pretty, sure, but there were plenty of cute gals. Steve really tried not to think about the L word they had exchanged, because deep down it had dawned to him a while ago; he was so fucked up because he was in love and then he was dumped by a lady who normally wouldn’t look at him twice, which was something that his brain had been bullheadedly refusing to accept.
“Sorry, he ain’t in today,” Odinson drawled, traces of hostility in his voice.
“Oh,” she sounded surprised and he could picture the gentle confused frown, the slight pout to her lips—shit, those lips tasted like cherry-- "Uhm, do you know when he will be in?”
“Why do ya’ need to know?”
Steve was certain that her frown deepened at Bucky’s words.
“Well, uhm, I need to talk to him, it’s important. Should I come here in few days or-“
“Don’t think he’ll be ‘round here any time soon.”
“Is he alright?” she asked, genuine concern in her voice and it took all of Steve’s willpower not to bang his head against the wall.
Why, just why was she doing this to him? Why would she care?
Now he knew that was cruel to her – he believed that once, she had truly been interested in him – but he told himself multiple times that her looks were deceiving, that she only had been looking for a distraction from her uptight uptown world. Maybe if he told himself enough times, he would start to believe it.
“Ain’t none of your business, princess,” Thor retorted and Steve just knew she winced at the harsh tone, a soft gasp escaping her mouth, that sweet mouth he had  kissed over three weeks ago, sweet, innocent and sinful, the music of her short breaths filling his poor excuse of a loft, keeping him fucking going.
“Nice ring, by the way,” Bucky said nonchalantly.
Steve gulped at that. Yeah, he bet it was; but there was no way Bucky was being polite. The venom dripping from his words was a message on its own.
And she picked up on it, naturally. His –not his anymore, not that she had ever truly been – brilliant beautiful girl.
“Oh. Thank- thank you,” she whispered and Steve had to strain his ears like a creep, catching the crack in her voice; he almost ran out hearing it, ready to comfort her, because God, he couldn’t imagine her crying, salt tears rolling down her rosy cheeks - few had when they had made love, but she had been smiling too.
He was sure that seeing her cry without that smile… it would feel the world was ending. Her eyes were made for shining with happiness, her lips made for laughter-
“The fuck-?“
Steve’s head snapped straight when he heard his boss leaving his office, catching him chilling by the wall, very much not working and instead trying not to break and kiss the woman he loved stupid – no matter how stupid that made him. She was engaged. Promised to another, a much classier man… or at least much richer, Steve didn’t imagine his character being worth a damn penny.
On instinct, Steve put a finger over his own lips, wordlessly begging Fury not to rat him out. The man rolled his good eye – the one that hadn’t been hit by hot oil years ago – and crossed his arms on his chest.
“And—uhm, I see. Tell—please tell him I stopped by if he- and that I am sorry for not coming here for so long. He can leave a message with Mrs.Maximoff if he--- tell him I really need to-- that I would like to talk to him,” her voice trembled a bit as she stuttered, but it was clear she had been aiming for a firmer voice and missed by miles.
“Don’t see why he should want to know, princess, but sure, whatever.”
Fury gave Steve another annoyed look and stalked into everyone’s sight. For a second, Steve panicked – was his boss about to tell on him? – but the bulky man only walked in, a professional greeting on his lips.
“Good afternoon, madam. What can we do for you today?”
“Oh, good afternoon, sir-“
“My name is Nicolas Fury, I own the SHIELD Car Repairs. May I be of service?” he continued pleasantly, a businessman in his heart. And actor in his soul, apparently, because Steve was sure he figured out what was going on from the few words he had heard and from Steve’s cowardice and was now putting up a face.
“Mr.Fury, thank you for your readiness, however I was only just leaving. Your staff was most helpful,” she said, polite and respectful, almost a hint of a kind smile in her tone as if she hadn’t sounded on verge of tears only a moment ago. As if the guys hadn’t been jerks to her, standing up for him and his… ugh, his hurt feelings.
“Very well then. Have a pleasant day. Should I walk you out?”
“I actually already offered to walk Ms. Carter out if that’s alright with ya’,” Pietro quickly stepped in, a voice that hadn’t spoken since she had arrived.
“Thank you for choosing SHIELD Car Repairs, Ms.Carter,” Fury’s voice echoed through the shop, complete silence following for what felt like an eternity.
Steve gulped, knowing all too well Fury was waiting for him to come out of his hiding spot.
And sure enough – the boss’ eye found him the moment he returned. “Mr.Fury-“
“For fuck’s sake, Rogers, don’t pull shit like ‘dat in my shop. And all of ya’ – less chatting, less big-mouthing customers and for fuck’s sake, don’t go jerk into the bathroom now just because a girl in skirt showed up. Get your head in the game… and don’t drop anything on your fucking toes, accidents on a workplace are shit to deal with.”
Steve nodded with fervour, going back to his station, even when he couldn’t say that his head was in the game. No, his head was miles away, with beautiful pouty lips, the sweetest smile and a body to write sonnets for.
When Pietro came back, he didn’t say a word, but Steve could feel him burning a hole in his head with how much he stared.
That night, Steve switched from beer to whiskey, just once, hoping to drown out the sorrow that consumed him at simply hearing her voice.
Two months later, two months of Steve avoiding Maximoff’s diner like a plague and dodging Pietro Maximoff’s attempts to have a minute alone with him, a Good Samaritan left a newspaper on Steve’s doorstep. Steve, utterly confused and bone-tired from the long day at work, lifted it and started flicking through the pages absentmindedly as he went inside of his apartment.
And there, right among the obituaries, were marriage announcements, one single photo from a wedding.
She was stunning in her dress, the fabric appearing as delicate and soft as her skin when Steve had felt it under his rough fingers the day she had asked him to make love to her. A smile, crooked and melancholic, played on Steve’s lips at the memory, her breathless moans echoing in his ears.
In the photo posed a beautiful bride with her husband; and yet, Steve couldn’t make himself think she looked as pretty as she had been when sitting on his bed, misplaced, breath-taking and tempting, as pretty as she had been in the moments of ecstasy he had brought her with his loving; for the first time and for the last time at once.
He abandoned the paper on the counter and poured himself a glass of whiskey, bringing it up, hesitating an inch from his lips.
Eyeing the amber liquid, stirring it in the glass, he recalled a movie he had been to with Buck a long time ago. He had never seen people do it in real life, they certainly hadn’t done that at his ma’s funeral, but it would feel symbolic perhaps; the action of pouring a drink into a freshly dug grave was as outside his reality as the foolish idea of a relationship with her, after all.
Taking the newspaper to his hand once more, straightening the picture, he let himself feast his eyes on her. She was radiant, like sun, like the damn sunflowers on her dress the day he had met her.
Shaking his head, he threw the paper to the trash, picture up. Pouring half the whiskey on it, he buried the bittersweet memory of his untouchable uptown girl;downing the rest, he ignored the burn in his eyes and focused on the one in his throat.
As much as he hated himself for it, his last thought before he fell asleep that night was of her, a minute of wonder if she had ever truly been as affected as he was, at least for a moment; he lulled himself to sleep hoping that perhaps she had.
He dreamed of reaching out to Mrs.Maximoff as she had asked the guys to tell him to do. He dreamed of her being there the next time he came in, with an inviting and yet sad smile, a big-ass diamond on her finger… her cherry-flavoured kiss of goodbye lingering on his lips when he opened his eyes to a new day.
He took the trash out that very morning, adding a half-finished sketch he torn away from his book.
It was the last time he saw her.
Thank you for reading! Scroll to the end of the fic for notes. ….Or? ;)
◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦ Alternate ending ◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦
That night, Steve switched from beer to whiskey, just once, hoping to drown out the sorrow that consumed him at simply hearing her voice.
In the night of week four turning to week five, Steve’s eyes snapped open to the darkness of his apartment. Momentarily confused, not remembering a nightmare or anything that would cause him to wake up so abruptly, he groaned when he reached for the alarm clock on his nightstand only to find out it was half past one.
He woke up for no fucking reason barely two hours after he went to bed.  
Furious knocks on his door made him jolt, his irritation only growing.
Not without a reason then – some fucker was-- ugh. People were fucking assholes. He was not getting up from his bed for sure.
“Fuck off,” Steve muttered, lying back down face first, determined to ignore-
His door rattled with the force of the next series of knocks and he growled, scrambling to his feet, shuffling to the door and wiping the sleep from his eyes.
“C’min’, comin’, Jesus, fuck.”
Unlocking and opening the door for a slit, Steve stared at the face of his night visitor, absolutely baffled.
“The fuck, Pietro? Do ya’ know wad time ‘zit?”
“No. Do ya’?” the blond retorted, his voice dripping sarcasm and Steve really wanted to shut the door to his face. It was too early – or late – for Steve to deal with that bullshit. “Pack your bags, Rogers, Natasha has a free room.”
Steve briefly wondered when the fuck the world stopped making any goddamn sense, but opened the door fully for his clearly delusional friend. For all Steve knew, Pietro could be having a stroke, he’d better hear him out.
“Huh?” he hummed, his palms massaging his bloodshot eyes. “Da’ fuck are ya’ talkin’ ‘bout?”
“Natasha? My cousin? Remember her?”
Why the hell was Pietro acting as if it was completely normal to stop by a guy’s loft to talk about his cousin, one Steve hadn’t even met?
Steve sighed, humouring the other man. “Yeah? Married some… general or somethin’? What’s ‘dat-”  
“Colonel, yeah. She’s the one who lives in Baltimore. She got a room for ya’,” Pietro repeated, still not making an ounce of sense.
“The fuck’d I do in Baltimore?” Steve asked tiredly, earning a look that told him that it was fucking obvious. Which it wasn’t really, not to him.
…was this a fever dream?
“Open your own shop, dumbass, or find a spot in some. Make money for that pretty gal of yours and that little cute as fuck babies you’ll make.”
Steve’s heart dropped to his stomach at the mention of you, fully prepared to rip Pietro a new one to wake him in the middle of the night to fuck with him—but  he caught a movement to Pietro’s right from a corner of his eye and his heart leaped right back, suddenly sprinting.
This was most definitely a fever dream. Steve felt his jaw drop, his eyes fixing on the vision in front of him as he entirely tuned out Pietro’s next words.
“She must like you real big if she’s willin’ to sell her family nick-nack to look at your ugly mug every day. And skip town and shit…”
And a vision his beautiful uptown girl was, a mirage his mind must have come up, because there was no way she was standing there, sheepish as always, but instead of her dress, wearing a pair of jeans and a simple red blouse, a denim jacket unbuttoned, hanging loosely over her shoulders. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, threw over her left shoulder.  
And shit, she talked too, which made it appear this was in fact real.
“Good evening, Steve. I am sorry to wake you,” she whispered, leaving him stare at her blankly, dumbstruck, breath stuck in his chest.
“I’ll drive ya’, Dr.Strange’s car needs a test ride. Fury’s payin’ for the gas, by the way, the ol’ bastard,” Pietro continued as Steve managed to only watch the woman he had been missing for the past weeks lower her gaze, her teeth anxiously biting on her lower lip, fingers toying with the edges of her jacket. Hers? “I’ll be back by tomorrow afternoon, even have an hour or two to spare. That’s if you start packin’ now, bud.”
The mention of packing snapped Steve from his trance, all the emotions hitting him like a damn truck. Anger, longing, more confusion, restlessness as his girl was standing only few feet away from him and he couldn’t take it anymore.
He took a hesitant step towards her, ignoring the smirking man clearing his path.
“What—what are ya’ doin’ here?” Steve asked incredulously, his inner turmoil reflecting in his voice. She hadn’t showed up for weeks and now-- what exactly was she doing here? “You- you’re engaged-”
Gulping, she looked up, her eyes glistening with unshed tears; yet, a hint of a smile spread on her lips as she shifted her weight from one foot to another. For the first time, Steve also noticed her shoes, a simple pair of sneakers looking bizarre on her feet.
“To a man who loves my best friend and vice versa, my best friend who has been covering for me whenever we were together before it blew to our faces,” she explained, not daring to raise her voice above whisper. Steve still didn’t understand – not fully, unable to comprehend what was happing on his doorstep. Pietro talking about his cousin, about driving, Fury paying for gas, the woman he still loved standing there as if ready to skip town- “She was too covering for me when I talked to Mrs. Maximoff when she helped me to plan this. Pietro said you would want this as well— but- but if you don’t, I will leave you alone. I-“
The day Steve had met the strange girl from uptown, Bucky hadn’t failed to mention Pietro was the fast one, clearly implying Steve was the slow one.
Bucky should have fucking seen Steve now when she hesitated, unsure of his feelings – he had never acted so fast in his whole damn life.
He crossed the distance in one long stride and his hands shot up to her, grabbing her by her shoulders unceremonially. Before she could react, he pulled her body against his with all he got, claiming her mouth like there was no tomorrow.
He swallowed her yelp of surprise, followed by her happy laugh, feeling tears springing from her eyes, causing him to halt just as she finally started kissing him back.
“But your family-“ he blurted out, interrupted by her shaking her head wildly, hair flying.
“Mr. Ross has an eye on my sister. He is from a good family, of good name, generations of lawyers. My family will do splendidly,” she said with a smile playing on her lips, sweet and watery as tears still rolled down her face – happy ones, Steve believed. He felt the same delight bursting in him, switching from a broody cynic back to the fool in love in no time. “And we might too. We will have each other and I have learned enough to teach—or-- or I can be a waitress if I can’t find another job, it doesn’t matter, just so you are not the only one to-“
God, he loved her. She was so adorable and sweet and was talking about being his and going from basically a modern princess to a damn waitress, because she was willing to be with him whatever the fucking cost, apparently--
And was there really anything else he could do?
He grabbed the back of her neck to connect their mouths again, a hungry open-mouthed kiss, his hand fisting in her hair, because holy fuck, how was this happening, she was here and she was his-
“Alright, alright, smoochin’ later, packin’ your friggin’ bags now, Rogers,” Pietro cleared his throat loudly, sounding only as annoyed as amused. “I have a long drive ahead.”
Later, bags hazardously full and piled up in the trunk and on the backseat next to them, Steve couldn’t stop smiling and yet he felt a pang of guilt, ruminating over everything she was giving up.
She was resting her head on his shoulder, their interlaced fingers in his lap and Steve revelled at the absence of an overpriced engagement ring on her hand, the one from his ma’s securely in one of his bags to take place on her finger one day. She was walking the fine line between the real world and the dreamland, breathing softly to the crook of his neck and she seemed content. For now.
He sighed and pressed what could be the hundredth kiss to her hair that night.
“Doll?” he whispered softly, the question burning on his tongue, the only one he could hope to actually have answered now and not after they would try and started a life together.
“Mm?” she hummed softly, nuzzling into him further, her lips brushing the exposed skin on his throat.
“Why me? You could have any of those-“ snobs “-high-class… uptown guys.”
The smile he felt against his skin had him melt into the seat as he chased away all the grim thoughts about what the future might bring, her regretting her decision and blaming him for her ruined life on top of that list.
“Because I love you, Steve, and you are worth ten of them. My amazing downtown guy,” she emphasized, filling Steve’s chest with the most delicious warmth, his heart swelling, feeling so full it might burst.
He knew she wasn’t just saying that – she meant it. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t’ have been in his arms right now, heading to damn Baltimore with nothing but her bags, little money and few pieces of jewellery.
“I love ya’ too,” he whispered, this time pressing a kiss to her nose, drawing an exhausted giggle from her lips. Yep, his heart was about to burst before they even reached their destination. “Love ya’ so much. My sweet, sweet uptown girl.”
“Not so uptown anymore...”
Steve chuckled as rather than regret, her voice was filled with relief. “I’m willin’ to put up with ‘dat as long as ya’ stay mine.”
She squeezed his hand, tilting her head up, blinking up at him sleepily and softly pressing her lips to his.
“I think that can be arranged.”
S.R. masterlist
cxptain’s challenge (check it out, prompts are still available - and who doesn’t like the 80′s?)
@wxstedhexrt, @comicshoplife, @elysianecho, @scentedsongrebel, @orions-nebula, @pies-writes-and-more​, @kayteewritessteve​, @murdermornings, @rinkashirikitateku, @queen-kass-the-writer
….yes, in the first ending, there might have been a chance of our uptown girl planning an escape and Steve aka heartbroken dummy blew it. But hey, maybe not, perhaps she only wanted to say goodbye like he dreamed of… who knows. 
You are my hero if you finished reading this fic! Thank you so much for finding time to do that, this one truly was a beast – at least when I consider that it WAS supposed to be a one shot. 
Any feedback is appreciated, as always – good, bad (if constructive), coherent or incoherent, or ‘just’ a like if you enjoyed and don’t feel like putting feelings into words. Thanks again for reading!
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