#Anthony “Tony” Edward Stark
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juridical-angel-blog · 3 months ago
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Tony Stark & Steve Rogers ''In Light And Shade'' - The Avengers 2012 MCU Imagine !
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sergeant-no-specs · 7 months ago
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stony au where they send steve to spy on tony instead of nat:))
best idea of my life tbh
part 2 is up!
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wynnd-citrus · 7 months ago
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I’m frothing at the mouth I love this genius billionaire playboy (father) philanthropist so much I’m gonna pass out RAHHHHHH
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superdecibels · 10 months ago
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Rough day at work and at home today but at least its Tony Stark's birthday 🥳
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nerdbrazil · 3 months ago
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serenastark-incorrectquotes · 4 months ago
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Which one are you?
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itsalmostavengers · 1 year ago
I just think that personally if I hero-worshipped someone from early childhood up to a rather questionably late point in my adult life and then, upon becoming a superhero myself, I met the man I’d looked up to for so long - the one who was marketed as the golden boy, America’s sweetheart, society’s moral compass - and he quite clearly disliked me from the get go I’d go incredibly insane. Personally.
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httpscomexe · 7 months ago
Kink-Tober 2024 🎃🏵️🍁🍂
🎃First fic will be posted on October 1st, 2024. All currently added on this list are the ones I have completed thus far. List will update nearly every day. Almost all fics will include smut🎃
Days with this emoji (🛑) will include triggering abuse such as non-con, kidnapping, etc.
If you would like to be added to the tag list, please let me know. Please refer to this post to see what will be posted each day 🏵️
Day 1 - Double Pen - Stucky - 🛑Double Trouble
Day 2 - Blindfold - Loki Laufeyson - Ballroom Dance
Day 3 - Bondage - Peter Parker - 🛑 No, You Don't
Day 4 - Virginity - Wade Wilson - You? A Virgin?
Day 5 - Swallowing - Sam Wilson - 🛑 Swallow
Day 6 - Praise - Quentin Beck - 🛑 Little Witch
Day 7 - Overstimulation - Steve Rogers - Almost There
Day 8 - Face Sitting - Steve Rogers - Getaway
Day 9 - Knife Play - Bucky & Loki - 🛑 Slice
Day 10 - Pet - Wade Wilson - Pet
Day 11 - Not doing - Choking 😔
(Still adding to the list, updates almost daily)
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lovelydisc · 2 months ago
I guarantee you that all of the Avengers grew up poor. All of them. Except Tony Stark. and that is a fucking hilarious gimmick, but also like soooooooo sad. like it's funny cause Tony can be so out of touch for a lot of things, but I bet you he has “growing up poor" symptoms. EG: food insecurtiy, not always knowing if he was going to see his parents, lonely nights, having to feed himself with a bottle of ketchup and instant rice with no way to get more food, etc. Like he had a place to sleep, a 2 million dollar pool in the backyard, and gucci underwear, but he still hordes oranges and cereal like a weird pirate. And it's fucking depressingly hilarious.
12/02/25 edit: I wrote this at midnight, and the spell checks were bugging me, so I fixed them and the language
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serenastark-edits · 2 months ago
Reliable with the ladies
The Winter's Ball ft. @strangeofficial @mysticmasterstephenstrange @serenastark-official @the-ironman @officialironman @under0-0s
@the-iron-rose @emma-hope-stark-official @thund3randrain @headturner10 @goddess-of-birds @the1-and-only-peggycarter @peterparker-thespiderman @peterparker-who @random-hufflepuff-marvel-girl @story-from-hr @thebestmerc-1 @crazyinlovewithmarvel @cypherlune @itzzkaylaaa @loganschuchuzinho @we-love-redwing
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serenastark-official · 2 months ago
🖤✨ 02: How to Not Ship People: A PSA from Serena Stark ✨🖤
Alright, Tumblr, we need to talk. Specifically about the very weird habit some of you have of shipping me with literally everyone I’ve ever shared air with—and I mean everyone—from Stephen to Wong to TONY to Peter to Dani to Laurya (like, seriously??).
And no, this isn't a "How to Ship Serena Stark" guide (because apparently, everyone on here thinks they’re qualified to play matchmaker)
Understand the Basics of Platonic Relationships
Not every interaction means romance, folks. Sometimes, people can just...I don’t know...exist in the same room without being soulmates.
For example:
Stephen Strange? My best friend and highly respected mentor. Not my boyfriend. Not my soulmate. Last time I checked, calling someone “Old Man Wizard” every five minutes isn’t exactly romantic. I can’t even get through a conversation without him lecturing me on the multiverse and responsibility. Romance level: zero. Also, he calls me “kid,” so that’s basically “I’m your dad now” territory.
Tony Stark? That’s my dad, y’all. MY DAD. Did we skip basic human decency 101? This isn’t Game of Thrones. Sit down.
Wong? Look, I respect the guy. Love him even (in a totally platonic way). But the man is way too busy dealing with magical disasters to worry about me. Plus, I’m not about to ruin his zen vibe. We’re too busy exchanging takis, not vows.
Peter Parker? Do you people hear yourselves when you type? Peter can’t even win a staring contest with me—how would he handle dating me? As I said already, he's my too-kind-to-be-a-real-kid brother.
Daniella Romanoff? Practically my sister. (Though she could definitely crush me in a fight, I’m not even gonna lie.) She’s got enough trauma to handle, she doesn’t need me adding fuel to the shipping fire.
Laurya? I can practically hear you all— “Oh, they’re so close! It’s so obvious! Sisterly love... or, y’know, whatever!” NO. She is literally my sister in arms, not in love. If she were reading this right now, she’d be laughing so hard, she’d probably throw a shoe at me. So let’s not, okay?
Bruce Banner? Bruce Banner and me? Are you seriously trying to make that work? Listen, I’m all for the science nerds’ club (believe me, I’m practically a founding member), he’s in the “dad” zone with Tony and Stephen. I don’t need a third one of those.
What next? Are you going to ship me with Jeff, the land shark?!
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Now that I’ve screamed into the void, here’s your 101 on how NOT to ship people (especially me):
Step 1: Don't Assume Every Glance = Love Story
Just because I looked at someone for more than 2 seconds doesn’t mean I’m secretly planning our wedding. I could be judging them. I could be plotting their demise. Or I could just be zoning out because I’m thinking about pasta. You don’t know.
Step 2: Don’t assume everything is subtext.
Just because I exchange sarcastic banter with someone doesn’t mean I want to kiss them. Sometimes, I’m just being me. (Which, let’s be honest, is fabulous enough without adding romance into the mix.)
You don’t marry everyone you talk to. Shocking, right? Sometimes, people just have good friendships. Not every bond needs a kiss at the end. I know, mind-blowing.
Step 3: Stop Projecting Your Ships Onto Others
I get it, shipping is fun. But hold your horses. Ask yourself:
Is this ship actually plausible, or am I just bored?
Have I considered how weird this might be for the people involved?
Would Serena personally come for me for this? (Hint: Yes.)
If you can’t explain it without sounding like a total creep, then just… don’t. My life isn’t your rom-com script, and I’m not auditioning for a Netflix special.
Step 4: Respect Boundaries
If I say “No,” it’s a no. If I roast the ship in public, it’s definitely a no. Stop trying to make me and Tony a thing. That’s therapy-inducing territory, and I already have enough on my plate.
Me and Stephen = Two sarcastic nerds saving the multiverse.
Me and Peter = Sibling energy with a side of web-based competition.
Me and Tony = Snark battles + family dinners.
Me and Laurya = Sisterhood, no strings attached.
Me and Dani = Chaos and platonic love, no ships allowed.
Me and Wong = Team Sorcery and food buddies. (he has a lot of takis in the Sanctum, if you'd be more responsible about your ship, I'd give you some)
Me and Bruce = Science buddies and, he’s already got enough on his plate with, y’know, the Hulk and being an honorary member of the “dad” squad.
Step 5: Focus On YOUR Ships
If you’re feeling the itch to ship someone, look in the mirror. Find your own love story. Or ship Jeff the Land Shark with world domination; he’s working on it anyway.
Step 6: Put that energy to better use.
Instead of shipping me with everyone I’ve ever breathed near, how about you create fanfic where I absolutely obliterate HYDRA agents in a beautifully dramatic showdown?
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In conclusion:
Stop it. Get some help. If you keep shipping me with random people, I’ll find you. And I’ll make you explain yourself to my face. Let’s stop pretending every time I make eye contact with someone, we’re about to enter a rom-com montage. Please, for the love of all things sarcastic and logical, stop.
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juridical-angel-blog · 3 months ago
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Special Collage Poster ''Iron Man - MCU'' !
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sergeant-no-specs · 7 months ago
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stony au where they send steve to spy on tony instead of nat!! (2/?)
same tony, same. i would have honestly died at that moment ;-;
part 1
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starksgirl · 11 months ago
Tony: ...Barnes. why are you in my room.
Bucky trying not to seem like a total creep who broke into Tonys room
Bucky: ...th..the voices?
Tony distressed and sweating
Tony: WHAT-
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nerdbrazil · 1 month ago
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moodboards-aesthetics · 7 months ago
Tony Stark aka Iron Man
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