#Anselm Nightshade
xcerizex · 7 months
Lovebrush Chronicles: Godheim Review
My very long, informal, and definitely biased review. This will contain minor spoilers for the Godheim arc only so take caution. This review is also only limited to the Godheim series so there will be no overall thoughts on the game itself. I followed Otome Kitten's format and I really hope it helps out any beginners to LBC.
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I found the art very pretty and was extremely glad to see that they did not skip out on giving us CGs either! The sprites all looked good, but I personally have some issues with Lars' outfit (the orange did not look good on you sweetie 💀).
Not all CGs are drawn by the same artist however, which may be off putting for some. The total count number of proper CG's for each route (not including common route) boils down to around 4-5, so that also may be a pet peeve for some.
On another note, there are also mini CG's which appear as small boxes, whether you consider it as an actual CG is up to you. Personally, I enjoyed the roles they played towards aiding the narrative.
Unrelated note, I'm banging on the floor crying and wondering who the hell did Ayn's CGs (the one where he was cleaning his sword was my absolute favorite 😍) and why didn't they come back.
If there's one aspect of the game that I shall praise to the ends of the earth, it's the music.
Colour me shocked when I listened to the intricate and deep soundtracks for the first time, they just took my breath away! There were many gorgeous orchestral scores that depicted the fantasy setting perfectly. Not to mention the battle ost's which had more effort put into them than necessary.
My personal favorite OST's would be the "River's End", and "Starry Sky", which plays the same tune as the OP song you hear when you log onto the game. It's honestly so iconic. 😭👌
Opening theme:
I was absolutely flummoxed by the stacked japanese voice cast, which all included extremely famous seiyuus from the otome industry:
1. Ayn Alwyn
[JP VA: KENN]: Shelby Snail (Cupid Parasite), Yukimaro (9R.I.P), Limbo (Bustfellows)
2. Alkaid McGrath
[JP VA: Tachibana Shinnosuke]: Seiya (9R.I.P), Henri (Piofiore), Rafayel (Love and Deepspace)
3. Lars Rorschach
[JP VA: Junichi Suwabe]: Artem (Tears of Themis), Van Helsing (Code: Realize), Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen)
4. Clarence Clayden
[JP VA: Kosuke Toriumi]: Rei Mukuni (CollarXMalice), Ichiya (Variable Barricade), Chojiro (Nightshade)
5. Cael Anselm
[JP VA: Daisuke Hirakawa]: Saint Germain (Code: Realize), Tower Overlord (Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk), Lucas Proust (Virche Evermore)
To my delight, the pacing was done very well. Nothing was dragged out and the introduction to the overall plot of the game was well established minus a certain plot point which definitely could have benefited better by being introduced in the common route itself.
I didn't really expect it to turn out as dark as it did however. The common route + modern prologue took me around a total estimation of more than 4 hours but in reality the prologue itself shouldn't take that long at all.
Once you've completed the common route, you are given the option to start either Ayn's or Alkaid's route. After you've completed both, Lars' route is unlocked. And once you've finished all three routes, Clarence's route unlocks as the grand finale.
This was my personal playthrough and I wouldn't have changed it if given the chance. I believe it had the best flow of story progression. Though that was mainly because I wouldn't have enjoyed Alkaid's route as much if I'd played Ayn's first:
Alkaid = Ayn = Lars = Clarence
- Crown Prince of Godheim
- Tsundere
- Sweet tooth ❤️
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Ayn is Lars's cousin, but you soon find out that there is not a hint of familial love between them. He shows up as a mysterious figure during the common route and portrays a conflicting character, making the heroine unsure of his standing. While he appears blunt and crude, he is a determined young man who's sworn vengeance, and with an unexpected love for sweets.
Ayn's route in my opinion had the best consistent pacing as well as romance. I did find the romance somewhat abrupt early in the story, but the strong chemistry between him and the heroine more than made up for it! 🥰 It was just so enjoyable to watch them banter with one another and watching them just click.
I enjoyed the storyline for this route a lot and I think it had something to do with the fact that Ayn's route provided a different perspective in comparison to the others. In this route, we learn more about the the political situation surrounding Godheim and the royal family.
I also loved Ayn as a character, and not unexpectedly became my oshi ❤️.I do think a lot of people will enjoy him as a love interest. His route also has a wee bit of spice 👀, so for y'all thirsty gamers be sure to savor it slowly, as it's the only bit of spice we're getting here lmao. I did find some of his actions, mostly in the bad ends, to be OOC, but I easily brushed it off seeing as how much I liked him.
- Member of the Noventrate
- Good, sweet boi
- Tea
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Devoted and caring, Alkaid is the mage assigned to guard the heroine during her stay in Godheim. He's always expressing his concern for the heroine and will do anything to help her, even if it means betraying his mission.
Alkaid is the character who the heroine interacts the most during the common route. His romance with the heroine was sweet, even if it did feel way over the top in it's initial stages when I first played it. But once I got to learn more about him, I realized that he truly just wanted the best for the heroine, romantic feelings aside. 🥺
The route was fine. But I personally wasn't the biggest fan of the direction (?) it took on halfway. Some parts of it felt irrational to me and didn't really feel like it had any real relevance to its own story.
On another note, Alkaid is such a dreamy man. 😩 I adore just how respectful of a man he is in general (women respect juice, bottoms up!), and it was so sweet how attentive he was in making sure the heroine was always out of harm's way. I guess you could say he was someone akin to a hero in fairytales.
- Emperor of Godheim
- Good at combing hair 🥰
- That chest doe 👀
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Known as the "Tyrant Emperor" from the heroine's manga, he immediately sweeps her off her feet, claiming her as his bride the moment she first arrived at Godheim. While his initial impression was flirty and playful, he lives up to his name as a cold-blooded tyrant. For some aspects at least.
His route focused more on the Silver Knight, which was the main (and wrong) reason why I enjoyed his route so much! 😆 On that note, I think that the writers had a bone to pick with Lars. They just had to force him to share the spotlight with an intriguing side character lmfao. The route itself was paced and executed well for the majority, but the quality of the writing towards the end was slightly skewered.
But to be honest, I quite enjoyed Lars a lot as a character, rather than a love interest. It was interesting to see the conditions surrounding his birth as a tyrant and his motivations for his questionable actions.
That's not to say that the romance wasn't enjoyable. I actually quite liked the relationship between him and the heroine. I found some moments they shared together really sweet. I also adored the development of Lars' feelings, and you can see just how important the heroine's existence was to him at the end of the route.
Though I guess I would have found the romance more believable if the heroine articulated her feelings for Lars more. I found it difficult to see the romance from her side. In short, the romance wasn't it's strongest point.
Clarence Clayden:
- Godheim's Archmage
- Get the tissues
- I've never been the same since...
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Clarence has somewhat poised himself as an antagonist, only giving leeway in Lars' route. Distant and cold, he is stubborn in wanting to use the heroine for his goal and is willing to sacrifice anything to achieve it.
This route was an emotional rollercoaster. It broke me down, dumped my heart 6ft underground, trampled on its grave, and then some. It left me broken for a whole week for real goodness gracious...😭
This route can probably considered the "True Route", seeing as how it tackles the problem straight on unlike in other routes. The pacing slows down a little bit for a few chapters, but once it picked itself back up, it picked up HARD.
Now let's get to the romance. Out of all routes, some may say it had the least sugary romance, and a part of me agrees. But do igaf? No! ❤️Clarence turned out to be such a longingly sweet character and despite all the harm and pain he's done, I have no qualms in forgiving him and wanting to love him with all my heart🥺, as does the heroine.
I honestly don't want to say too much as it may ruin the experience. I went into this route completely blind and boy was I glad. All I can say that this route was the most popular out of all the routes for good reason. Got me playing up to 2 am with no regrets.😆😭
- The Silver Knight
- The bias wrecker
- The sus
- He ruined me...
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He is known in Godheim as the Silver Knight as well as the leader of the Rebellion. Decisive and apathetic, the heroine is unable to affect him emotionally in any form.🤡
Cael does not have an actual route, but a personal story, labeled as Expedition from his POV which may serve as an epilogue to the Godheim series. In his story, any unanswered questions are explained here, as well as the many actions he took that did not make it on screen.
If this wasn't a review I'd spend one whole section brainrotting about him so be grateful I'm trying to keep this short. 😅 Cael is a surprisingly interesting character by nature and it was very liberating to finally get a glimpse of his true feelings and thoughts throughout the heroine's journey in Godheim.
I'm scared to say more in case it may ruin any surprises. In my opinion, I enjoyed his story a LOT! It definitely made me feel depressed and empty in its own way and it hurts my heart to see that he never got a route of his own for reasons I won't get into right now. Absolutely amazing and one of my favorite parts of the Godheim series!
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Once you've finished all routes, the game will give you the option to choose one "True Ending", wherein you choose one of the boys to have a happily ever after with and by your own accord.
"One can only paint a world in which they believe in." 🥰
Please note that you can only choose one boy at a time. Your choice will then give you a Pictura based on which boy you choose.
To change your "True Ending", buy the Diadem from the shop to change your choice. You will not receive a different Pictura however.
I think the best thing about these endings were the music.😆 Each soundtrack was unique to each character and drop dead gorgeous to listen to. 😩
- Cheeky
- Anonymous manga author
- Needs a therapist (rly tho)
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Despite China's strange attempts at creating self-insert heroines by leaving them nameless, the Little Painter was far from a blank slate! She's extremely relatable when it comes to her reactions and actions. Often times I would react a certain way to something an LI said or did, only for her to do the same thing! 🤣 I guess that could also count as a self-insert personality.
But if there's one thing I admire her greatly for, it would be her drive and determination to save Godheim. Her journey was far from easy and I doubt I could ever stay sane the way she did. Tbh, I didn't like the fact that her sufferings were never truly addressed properly, or rather, professionally ig?
I also found her quick adaptation and flexibility to her new environment extremely impressive. That goes the same to the way she wielded her powers for the first time. And how she grew stronger to go head to toe with even Clarence in his own route! You👏 Go👏Get👏 Em👏 Girl!
That said, she's not perfect. Some people found her to pushy and annoying though I personally found it okay. I was really glad how she didn't force herself to tolerate any crap and got that anger out rightfully.😆 (Asmoran deserved it...)
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Final Thoughts:
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I have enjoyed my journey immensely! The whole premise and setting drew me in, and I was surprised with the impressive narration which absolutely pummeled me to the ground (mostly on Clarence's route and no I'm not shutting up abt that).
The localization was also really superb? Yes it had a few typos + mistakes here and there, but they really pulled out all the stops when it came to making the dialogue natural and relatable. Not to mention a few large words that even I don't understand. 😂
It's not without it's imperfections of course. There are definitely some issues with the writing. And if you're looking for heavy romance or even fluff, Godheim is not the place to go to. 😅
Playing the Godheim arc took me about a week-ish, considering I had to level up and such. It may be a tedious process for some, but for me, it was an iron gate which I violently shook every day, screaming for the next chapter.
All in all, it's definitely worth playing! You don't lose much anyway considering it's free, so just give it a try. You can always drop it if you don't like it. My rating for this game is also very much biased and should not be taken seriously:
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Back on my bullshit...thought I was going to work on I Just Think I’ll Scream, but found myself writing my soulmates AU instead. For anyone interested, here is a peek at the next chapter of Use My Skin to Bury Secrets In: 
Tyrion would be lying if he said he wasn’t dying to see the beast scrawled across the Stark girl’s body. Aside from the golden tiger moth impressed upon the back of Jaime’s hand and one impossible display of deadly nightshade blooms opening and closing in a heady rhythm across the inner thigh of a prostitute in Oldtown, he had never examined any other soulmark in the flesh. Cersei’s was well hidden somewhere beneath her skirts, and there was no possibility that she’d ever show it to her despised youngest brother. There were a few books in the library at Casterly Rock that had detailed illustrations of various soulmarks, including a rare and precious record by Maester Anselm who served House Targaryen during the reign of Jaehaerys I. It was through that account that Tyrion learned just how much soulmarks could, under certain circumstances, alter their aspect throughout the lifetime of those who were marked. More curious however was Anselm’s insistence that members of House Targaryen were the only people to ever be graced with the mark of a dragon. 
He wondered what the old maester’s explanation would be now, over two hundred years later, if he saw evidence to the contrary on the little she-wolf before him. It had to be a cosmic jape, embossing the emblem of an all but extinct house on the back of a child too young to bear fruit for a man too close to death to plant any seeds. 
Tyrion eyed the girl, watching her watch her brother as he marched away, called to more important business than easing a child’s troubled spirits. Her cheeks were flushed from the cold, and unshed tears turned her already impossibly blue eyes a more piercing shade. She was a lovely child who would grow into an even lovelier woman, and as he watched her suck in a breath and blink the wetness away, Tyrion was struck by a surprising roil in his belly at the thought of her mark. It tasted bitter on his tongue but before he could place it’s origin, Jon Snow revealed himself at last, slinking around the corner of an outbuilding, his shoulders hunched over his slender frame, chin tucked into his chest as if bracing against the cold. 
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livingstonegordo · 2 years
I've been rereading Lady Midnight and I'm almost done- Julian has just finished explaining to the Inquistor everything that's happened- but this bitch just threw Anselm Nightshade under the bus to protect their family secrets. What did Anselm ever do to you, Julian? Make pizza?
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queenlilith43 · 3 years
Am I the only one who thinks the vampire pizza man, Anselm Nightshade, had once been a Shadowhunter? There is a Shadowhunter family named Nightshade, who are related to the Fairchilds, and barely anything I'd a coincidence in these books.
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andiecandy95 · 4 years
Okay, we are all curious about what will happen to Matthew. Sadly I don‘t think he will get an Happy End. I love him and I wish him just the best, but do you remember Anselm Nightshade? That Vampire who Julian got arrested? I already found it weird that he had a Shadowhunter name and there also was Adele Nightshade who married a Fairchild. Coincidence? We know that he loves dogs as does Matthew. I don‘t know why he would kill werewolf and do all this dark magic staff ... maybe he just feel lonely after getting turned into a vampire and all his friends dying? I don‘t know it‘s just a theory …
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dark-artifices-only · 4 years
Daily TDA Quote or Snippet #19
“I’ll burn in Hell for this,” he [Arthur] muttered in a low voice.
“There is no shame in burning for your family,” said Mark. “I will burn beside you, gladly.”
Julian looked at him, surprise and gratitude written across his face.
“And so will I,” said Emma.
-Lady Midnight, The Dark Artifices #1 by Cassandra Clare 
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I need to say something about the Matthew Fairchild to Anselm Nightshade theory!! James literally talks about how Matthew has always loved magic and feels at home among downworlders. Plus he’s not on the SHADOWHUNTER family tree indicating that he might not be a shadowhunter any longer. Matthew has such a big role I think it would be odd for Cassie not to give him a love interest to end with like she usually does with most. Plus the dogs think and his antics seem like Matthew things. Thoughts?
Well, Matthew is not on the CP2 family tree because it’s a Carstairs, Herondale, and Lightwood family tree.
But yeah, I was totally on board with the “Matthew is Anselm” theory, except that in QOAAD we hear from Julian that Anselm Nightshade killed werewolf children - infusing pizza with dark magic is one thing, but I don’t think Cassie would write that kind of future for Matthew?
Unless what Julian said wasn’t true and it was just to make Emma be less critical of him framing Anselm and informing the Clave. That werewolf-killing information did seem to come a little bit out of the blue, if you ask me.
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Anselm Nightshade: here is your pizza
Julian: thanks. Have a good night
Anselm Nightshade: don't tell me what to do
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evhugo · 6 years
What if the person who becomes a downworlder in tlh is Anselm Nightshade?
(I can’t remember what info we do have about the person so this might be completely wrong...)
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clockworkopera · 6 years
Shadowhunter Army Newsletter…
The publisher Simon and Schuster has a monthly newsletter entitled Shadowhunter Army that you can subscribe to, here. They do have an archive going back to 2018, and it offers extras and links that isn’t included in Cassie’s regular email updates, like the following…
A Message    from Cassandra Clare                                                                    Greetings, Shadowhunter Army!
Before the events of Lady Midnight, the Los Angeles Institute got a tip-off that prominent vampire entrepreneur Anselm Nightshade was linked with the unsolved disappearances of several werewolf children.
They were not able to find proof of his  actions until the end of Lady Midnight, when Inquisitor Robert Lightwood brought Nightshade in for questioning about improper use of dark magic.
During the subsequent investigation, it was  discovered that the bones of many werewolf children were buried in his  basement. Nightshade admitted to his crimes and is currently incarcerated in  the Silent City.
Happy reading!
Anselm was murdering werewolf children! Did Julian suspect, and is that why he turned Nightshade in?
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breakandsetonfire · 7 years
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Lord of Shadows Challenge: Week 9 | Vampires → Anselm Nightshade
Arthur nodded decidedly. He placed his open palm against Julian’s chest. “I have a meeting with Anselm Nightshade,” he said in a deep voice. “Good to know,” Julian said. It was good to know. Arthur and Anselm were friends, sharing a love of the classics. Anything that kept Arthur busy was an asset.
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yellowraincoat · 2 years
Can we talk about the Anselm Nightshade plotline in the Dark Artifices,, because to me, it’s one of the more obvious examples of Cassandra Clare Retconning something.
I’m sure some of you will argue, no, the Anselm Nightshade thing was fully planned from the beginning; she just chose to disperse the information over the course of multiple books even when Anselm became entirely un-plot-relevant for… reasons.
What it comes down to is this: the original portrayal of Julian’s interaction with Anselm in Lady Midnight made Julian profoundly unlikeable.
Here is what it was originally portrayed as: Julian threw Anselm Nightshade, a family friend, (and not only a family friend, but his mentally ill uncle’s ONLY friend) under the bus and ruined a thriving, downworlder-run business (which of course in this world is an oppressed class) with absolutely no remorse. And honestly,,, it worked too well for his character.
CC spent the entire series making the point that Julian is a character who will do nearly anything for his family. And in book one at least, it was clear that that included harming decent people like Anselm if it was “us or them”
I’ll admit, I think Cassandra Clare intended us to genuinely believe that Vampire Pizza was guilty of putting addicting ingredients in the sauce, but with the way the situation was played for laughs through out (“vampire pizza?? don’t you wonder what’s in the sauce😂”) and the intensity of the situation Julian was trying to get his family out of, as well as his established ruthless nature, it felt like he’d falsely accused Anselm to buy his family some time. Not like he’d honestly been secretly investigating Vampire Pizza.
I think it left many readers, myself included with the impression (intended or not) that Julian Blackthorn had someone falsely imprisoned on purpose. Especially as the series moved more and more to themes of American Trump era politics and misinformation (which lead to an increased awareness about how marginalized groups face over-policing, false imprisonment, and general failings of the American justice system) it became very jarring that one of the supposed heroes of the story had been complicit in something remotely similar to any of that. Which meant it was something CC had to address in the next book to right our impression of Julian. The way she does that is via Emma having a quick convo with Magnus that goes something like this:
E- hey, Magnus, about Anselm, he was guilty right? Julian isn’t a sociopath right?
M- yeah, the clave (a completely corrupt entity that hates downworlders) wouldn’t have arrested him if he wasn’t
And I think it’s for obvious reasons that people (me) didn’t find this response entirely believable or consistent with the world building up until that point of the story. And I think Cassie Clare, as she thought about it more came to that conclusion too, because in Queen of Air and Darkness, she changes the narrative completely. It wasn’t enough to make Julian seem fully absolved, in book 3 she adds a story where Julian’s not only in the right about Anselm, but actively arresting him to save baby werewolves. Which creates the complete opposite impression of Julian that you got from the event in book one. He is now a protector of Downworlder children rather then someone who sees downworlders as sacrificable for his own ends.
I suppose it’s possible that CC just wanted to leave Julian’s morality ambiguous through out the books and reveal a new side of him toward the end, but i feel that throughout all three, CC walks a very fine line with Julian (morally speaking), and occasionally, accidentally, crosses it.
This isn’t to say that the retcon was badly written or poorly done, I only wonder what could’ve been if Cassandra Clare would’ve been willing to take Julian’s character a little further and let him be a truly morally gray character who you both love and hate; make him a person who does unspeakable things for the right reasons and force the audience to try to decide whether or not you can call him a villain.
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lunarqueen · 3 years
Chain of Thorns theories: Matthew Fairchild
What will happen to Matthew? This includes several theories that will all contradict each other - some already popular within the fandom and some my own crackpot theories - which makes Matthew’s story one of the things I am most scared about Chain of Thorns
Matthew dying
I guess all of us are worried what may actually happen to our boy Matthew Fairchild in Chain of Thorns. While the theory that he may die was initially very popular I do not believe this will be the case. Reasons?
Elias already died and there were many parallels between Matthew’s and Elias’ alcohol problems. In no other Shadowhunter books there were characters struggling with alcohol abuse yet. There are many readers who actually know somebody who struggles with drinking problems. Although both their deaths may not be related to their drinking it sends out a bleak message to the readers
Cassandra Clare hinted that if she was to write a spin-off novella about one of the TLH characters it would most likely about Matthew. Of course our boy already led an interesting life before Chain of Gold but in order to actually produce material that can also be connected to other Shadowhunter books Matthew most likely has to survive TLH - and perhaps still be alive by TWP. 
Werewolf or vampire
It appears almost certain that Matthew’s marks will be stripped. When the tarot cards were released, Mathhew initially had no runes. The tarot cards also included another spoiler: Cortana burning Cordelia’s hand which did not happen until Chain of Iron. Of course it could be argued that the lack of Matthew’s lack of runes was an oversight - if not another tarot card with runes had been released shortly after. 
Werewolf: Matthew has to be on an emotional low point so he returns to Kellington and maybe asks him to turn him. Many people assume that if Matthew becomes a werewolf he will also become a high-ranking member of Praetor Lupus - the main indicator is the Praetor’s famous Prohibitionist stance in the 1930s. His struggles with alcohol led Matthew to become a werewolf and although he cannot safe other newly turnt werewolves from their fates he can make their start into their Downworlder life less miserable.
Vampire: The references to The Picture of Dorian Gray - including Matthew holding the volume in one of the arcana cards - may well point out Matthew turning into a vampire (For those of you not familiar with Dorian Gray: The titular character has a picture painted of him and while his picture shows his aging process and other bodily flaws caused by Dorian’s mischiefs and sins Dorian himself physically always remains young and beautiful). This enables Matthew to still be alive by TWP. I also had the crackpot theory that Matthew could be Anselm Nightshade. Apparently others had this theory too. I do not really want this to be true because Nightshade appears to have thoughtlessly murdered werewolf children and the Blackthorns-and-friends and Magnus have no regrets to expose his sins to the Clave in TDA. But when you think of this there are many things that make sense (and Cassandra Clare also once said we will learn more of Anselm Nightshade in coming books): We do not know much about Nightshade except that he loves dogs and classic literature and pizza with werewolf-bones. Nightshade was also originally chosen to be the representative of the vampires on the Council but he refused. What could move the Clave to choose Nightshade as their first option for the Council other than him being a former Shadowhunter and Consul’s son? Also there has to be a reason why he changed his name. Reason #1: Spoilers. Reason #2: Maybe Matthew wanted to distance himself from the Fairchild name after Jocelyn became involved in the Circle but to stay connected with his family and instead chose the maiden name of Jocelyn’s mother. And why Anselm? This may be a bit of a stretch but I found out that in 1974 the artist Anselm Kiefer created a painting “From Oscar Wilde” based on Wilde’s short story “The Nightingale and the Rose”. I genuinely hope Matthew is not Anselm - although there is the most evidence for this theory now.
Living with the fairies
TDA and TWP are and will be very concerned with the fairie world. This is a theory that already seems to be quite popular at the moment so I will not explain much more about this anymore. The gist is that Matthew will end up living in fairie. Most likely because Elias Carstairs owes something to the fairies and they will most likely to get back to Cordelia or even James about it. Matthew will then decide to give the fairies a promise: In the first chapter of Chain of Iron Cordelia mentions how a fairie wants her to promise to go with her but she knows that she should not trust a fairie to take her anywhere especially when she promised she would accompany them. If Matthew actually promises to go to fairie for only a short amount of time this may actually lead to tragedy. The tragedy most likely will be that he promises to go to fairie for let’s say one year but when he reemerges into the real world over 100 years have passed (maybe he reemerged during TMI or TDA or even after TDA or in TWP). All of his friends are long gone when Matthew returns and he has to take this in all at once. This would be super tragic but could tie in well with the focus on the fae folk that has already started in TDA and it is definitely a better option to have him appear in TWP than him being Anselm Nightshade
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theshadowmalec · 4 years
Okqy but i still hate what they did to Anselm Nightshade here
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Clary: We have proof that Anselm really was using illegal magic in his pizza shop and therefore validated the ridiculous fucking plot twist at the end of the last book and Anselm is a really bad--
Me: It’s okay, I ignore most of canon anyway
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I'd be sooo on board with Matthew as Ansel, but only if the werewolf children thing turns out false. I don't see Matthew harming anyone in that way. But also, tour idea about older characters appearing as ghost is magnificent! We could have so many from TID and TLH without it being weird. Also with you on Grace being Nene. I mean, who knows, but I am sure this girl has fairy blood.
Thank you anon! Glad you like my ideas! ☺️
And yeah, I simply don’t see Matthew harming werewolf children, period. Thing is, we’re highly unlikely to find out anything more about Anselm before the last TLH book is published (unless we get some info in TLBOTW, which is unlikely), which means we can’t possibly clear his name in time. What could potentially happen is in TLH we only find out Matthew became a vampire and that’s it - and only later in TWP we find out he never killed those children and he’s actually Matthew.
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