#Anita I miss you
oddlty · 1 year
Apex Legends, and the Legends only, come visit my Direct message box on Instagram at STPD_Ace to be welcomed with open arms
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ladsofsorrow24 · 5 months
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commission link -> x
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argentoau · 10 days
missing her*
*anita fite
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boxforblackpaul · 1 year
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Anita Lane
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disastersteps · 1 year
thinking about a lot of things about retri but i think what i can't stop thinking about is-
for a long time, i had hc that anita rambles about so many things and ortega loves listening to them.
there's something about that and then you goes into retribution
putting spoilers under it
how she had also ramble about HG.
how she talks about them to a point anita can't help but snort and listen. it's just a theory.
it's just a theory.
and when they- anita- comes back. they find themself in the office.
clustered and messy. just like julia ortega.
and there's julia ortega, who you just. pretend to agree to help her with this theory and to watch her theorize it.
and it was just like before but this time. reverse.
anita- not sidestep- watches and realize how much they misses listening to ortega. rambles about the theory.
do you think they will ever have a moment where. anita with no villain mask, and no hunting from farm. and ortega with no hero mask and no dealing with government.
would've like to have a moment of rambling together.
that was wistful. that was so far.
maybe one day.
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roseworth · 2 years
if anita fite has a million fans, i am one of them. if anita fite has one fan, i am that one. if anita fite has no fans, i am no more on the earth. if the world is against anita fite, i am against the world. i love anita fite til my last breath.
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xxlumos · 2 years
The german train system is such a joke, if I was coming here as a tourist I would be so fucking lost
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chiimaera · 2 years
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IT FELT LIKE THE HOURS WERE DRAGGING ON. she had always been able to fall into her work, let her tunnel vision take over and everything else seemed to fade into the background. that was until she had stupidly fallen in love. it was a mistake on her part, really. something that edward had seemed to enjoy reminding her whenever he had a chance. she fucking missed @withoutawar​ like he had simply kept a piece of her with him and there hadnt been a day that she didnt notice. edward had an undercover identity, one that had a girlfriend in new mexico who waited for his return doing whatever job it was he peddled to her. he had trained her, taught her everything she knew back when she was young and still raising zombies for the st. louis police chief. he was a sociopath, deadly and unfeeling—also her closest friend. so when he called her to fly overseas to help him with a job, she didnt hesitate. 
almost a month later, she was beginning to wish she had. the job wasnt blessed by SHIELD or the government, this was a favor to a man who still worked in the underbelly of society. which meant she had to cut ties with the outside world until the job was finished. it was easy for edward, his fake girlfriend ate up whatever he told her. steve wasnt some midwest housewife who sold pottery. she told him the bare minimum using their coded language, hinting that she was going off grid for business. as far as SHIELD knew, she was on bereavement in mexico and wouldnt be answering her phone.  “ ive never seen you so focused on a plane before. you only clawed my hand once, ” the blonde man teased. anita shot him an annoyed glance before looking back out of the taxi window. she felt nervous which was fucking stupid but there was no other way to describe it. she wasnt sure why her skin felt too tight, why she wanted to bounce her leg up and down. she felt completely unsettled, anxious. she had be in love before but it never felt like this. like she had been holding her breath for weeks and finally felt so close to oxygen that she couldnt sit still.  “ shut up. ” “ you act like your wonder boy wont be there, ” he commented, looking over his sunglasses with a serious stare and a smirk. protective, worried but masked with humor. thats how he operated. an outwardly serious edward means someone is dying. the necromancer didnt say a word, keeping her gaze at the passing trees. “ anita, hes going to be there. ” “ i know. ” he wasnt convinced. neither was she. by the time the taxi had made it to their apartment, she was felt like she was going to be that stupid woman in the movies who run to see their sweeties. she wasnt going to do that. anita grabbed her duffel off the ground in front of her, finally looking back at her friend. “ get out of new york, i dont want you causing any trouble, ” she warned with a smirk. the mercenary only laughed. “ only if i get caught. give wonder boy a kiss for me. ” right, moment of truth. she rolled her eyes, swallowing down her nerves and the joke when she closed the taxi door. fear of abandonment, thats what her therapist called it. her mother, her father, her ex-fiancé, pretty much eighty percent of the men shes dated. there would always be the traitorous voice in her head that whispered years of insecurity into her ear. reminding her that her job, her lifestyle, her magic, her avoidant attachment style ( thank you dr. lee for that wonderful revelation ) is what made everyone leave. after all the conversations theyve had, the trust they built, there was still a part of her that feared that this was be what broke it. leaving with little notice and a coded voicemail for a little over a month, no communication allowed— this would be the last straw. fuck. her heart was sinking her into stomach as she stepped off the elevator. each step forward felt like she was walking into her own demise. thats what love was, wasnt it? using your own knife to cut yourself open then hand it to someone and hope they dont finish the job. she needed to get back to therapy. when she finally stood at the door, she pulled her keys from her jacket pocket, putting them into the door. the dread was setting in. did he move out? was he just going to cut and run when he got the chance? did bucky know? her mind didnt get farther than that, she barely got to turn the deadbolt before it was push open along with the other bottom lock. her apartment door swung open, steve standing there with a look on his face she didnt think shes ever seen before. it was hard to describe and it left her staring with her eyes wide. all those negative thoughts completely vanished, replaced with a warming sensation her chest and a little confusion. “ steve— ” two steps and his hands were grasping her head, his mouth found hers and it felt like home. the smell of his cologne, the feel of his hands, the taste of him on her tongue, the familiarity of his energy that surrounded her. she wanted to drown in it. her duffel bag had been long dropped. her hands grasped his shirt, pulling herself as close as she could without disrupting the way she licked into his mouth, kissing him like it was her last. hell, she hadnt even had the chance to kiss him goodbye. this was way too much kissing for her hallway.  some semblance of self control edged its way into the lovey dovey brain fog, allowing anita to pull back, pressing her forehead against his. there was a hundred things she wanted to say, most of them funny. yet she looked up at him, remembering how scared she was before. how silly it was to even think that steve rogers wouldnt still be exactly where he said he was always going to be. with her.  “ i love you, ” she mumbled with such raw sincerity that it was hard to believe that came out of her mouth. it was enough to make her face warm, burning pink to the tips of her ears. fuck, she was a goner.
a smooch for anita because we miss her <3
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communistchilchuck · 2 years
going to deliver a hot take here bc i might not get murdered for it. the concept of the “core four” is STUPID 👎
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @multixminds ⟭
She was right before his eyes, across the dirt packed road that divided the smallish island town, standing at what appeared to be a vendor’s stall. In the next moment, Howl had been taken back to a ridiculous situation involving honey.
It was HER!
“Ah!!” he exclaimed, eyes widening, only to then cough a little. Curiosity settled in after a moment as he wondered what she was doing. Buying … food? Or maybe a trinket? // Howl to Anita !
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The street wasn't so occupied and so a-buzz with conversation that she missed the exclamation behind her. She tried to ignore it, tried to finish the transaction between her and the merchant behind their stall, but the sound tugged at her curiosity. The merchant was no different, their eyes following hers to the man standing on the other side of the street.
"He's lookin' at you."
"I can see that."
"You know 'im?"
Anita sighed and dropped her shoulders.
"Barely. If he were covered in mud, I would have recognized him sooner." She had not inclination to explain, even after she was thrown a quizzical glance. Quick as she could, she slapped down the money the merchant had asked for, pocketed the little trinket that had caught her eye and slinked over to the surprised Howl.
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"Why are you standing over here? If you wanted to say hello, all you had to do was come over." A thick brow was arched just as she tilted her head. "Been a while, Mudeslide. How's it going?"
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
I had an AU, that at this point is more of a headcanon for me, that I thought you might enjoy because it's a nice mix of angst, Tim not thinking things are as bad as they very clearly are, and some fluff.
So it's pretty widely accepted that the Bats don't really know anything about Tim's days with Young Justice right? Like they might know one or two small facts, but they don't know that the gang blew up Mount Rushmore, any of the times the DEO tried to arrest them and drag them into Government Labs for experimentation, or that time they went to a Disco Themed Hell with Supergirl. They sure as hell don't know about any of the things that happened with Secret and Harm. Even though Tim would canonically be gone for days at a time (some of his adventures, mainly the one when they were gone for THE ENTIRE WINTER OLYMPICS) with no one noticing. One time they were in space and had enough time to not only go to Darksied's planet but spent WEEKS there and when they got back still not even Batman knows that Tim was even gone.
Anyways, all this to say. If Tim vanished for a month or two and just said he was spending time with Young Justice again while sending in case files and stuff to keep Bruce busy, I don't think anyone would notice. Nor would they notice if he suddenly switched from being Right Handed to being Left Handed and then after months of practice he goes back to being right handed. It's such a small change after all.
So here's the headcanon. On a Young Justice mission, something goes horribly wrong and Tim full on looses his hand. It's simply gone. The reason no one knows or notices is that he got a robotic replacement, a very realistic looking one like Roy Harper has, that he spent a few months learning how to work with and then went to physical therapy for it for years. It's just part of his life now and he thinks everyone knows, after all. How could they miss it? Jason has seen his palm open with a screw driver deep in his wires. Jason thought he was still tripping from fighting Scarecrow a few hours before. Not a single person outside of Cassie, Tim, Kon, Bart, Greta, Anita, Slobo, and Cissie knows that Tim is missing his right arm just below his elbow for almost 5 years.
That is until Tim has been up for 4 days straight and Dick says something about needing a hand with something and in a moment of sleep deprived brilliance, Tim takes off his hand, and throws it at Dick.
Yes! I love this AU/hc. There is a fic that kind of has this situation: "I told you about that... Didn't I?" by weewoow_070603. Jason is the one to find out, though.
I like the details you added in this AU that the fic (as far as I remember) didn't add: Tim being gone is a regular thing, the fear toxin with Jason, the months of physical therapy, etc.
I do think something as vital as this would happen to Tim, and he'd just forget to tell his family. At first, he tries to hide it. He doesn't want to deal with their fretting, the lectures, the scolding, and them getting involved. He has it handled, after all. After a while, he forgets that he should hide it and why he did in the first place. Then someone finds out, and he's confused why they don't know such a common place thing.
I'm also super glad you tied in all those YJ examples that you did. People tend to focus on the space baseball or Santa Clause (which I love those events too), so it was refreshing to see other events as examples.
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alexiabae · 9 months
PUPPY; aitana bonmatí x fem!reader x ona batlle
Warnings: fluff.
Note: English is not my first language.
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not my gif.
Aitana's jaw clenched immediately when she noticed who was laying on the ground. She ran quickly to her, pushing the rival away.
"¿Te has hecho daño?" Aitana asks, worry present in her voice. She knelt down, watching the pained expression on her face.
"My knee." Y/N mumbled, hissing when she tried to stand up, letting out a pain squeal.
Aitana grabs her hand and squeezes it, looking briefly at the player who did this. Her eyes transform daggers. And like what she wants to do to that player, someone else pushed her, exclaiming bad words. A tiny smile painted on Aitana's lips.
"They are coming." Alexia's voice broke her visual from the pair and Lucy separating her teammate from the rival.
Aitana saw how the medics came quickly, Alexia making room for them and looking to her friend laying there while sharing the worry that Aitana felt for Y/N.
"Ona, enough!" Lucy's thick accent was heard next to them, taking away the young defender.
Ona scowled when Lucy pushed her to another part and when her gaze saw the girl laying, her eyes softened.
"Is she okay?" Ona asked the medics, crouching down. Her hands move to take away Y/N's hands from her face, wiping her cheek when saw it dirty.
"She will, but she needs to be sub." One of them said, turning to the bench and doing a gesture with their hands.
"I'm going to kill her." Aitana growled.
"You are staying away from her." Alexia state firm, walking to where Irene and Keira are discussing with the referee.
Frido crouched down and moved some lock of hair away from her face, whispering reassuring things. Y/N whispered something too, something that neither Aitana or Ona could hear, seeing only how the Swedish nodded.
With a promise from the pair, Y/N was subbed off. Ona patted Aitana's back, talking with a look what they are gonna do.
But the plan came quickly to an end when Frido came towards them and threatened them with a surprisingly serious tone.
When the whistle indicated the final, Ona and Aitana ran in, not caring at that moment about anything more than Y/N.
The freckled girl saw her girlfriend sitting on her cubby apparently with nothing serious, she sat down on her lap and hid her face on her neck, depositing a kiss there.
"I can play the next game. They took me away for precautions." Y/N explained, hugging Ona.
Aitana walked towards them and stood in front, a hand on her hip. "You are forbidden to move today." She indicated, making her laugh and the brunette frown. "I'm saying it seriously."
Y/N snorted. "Believe me, I know." Aitana rolled her eyes and leaned down to kiss her forehead.
Ona, who is more permissive in that way, sometimes she ally with Y/N to lure her other girlfriend, that gave in after a while. So she knew later that day, she needs to intervene in the future discussion between Y/N and Aitana. But she missed so much that she didn't care.
"You two!" Once again, Alexia interrupted the atmosphere without knowing it. Ona moves out quickly, sitting to Y/N's left side. The midfielder walked in. "Do you think I don't notice your behaviour? And disappear when the match ends?" She stood up in front of them, crossing her arms with an authority face, but softening her features when saw Y/N. "Are you okay?" She asks softly.
Y/N nodding with a smile.
"We are worried." Ona said, shrugging while grabbing a bottle of water.
Alexia fixed her gaze towards her, raising an eyebrow to her answer. Her firmness is coming back to her face.
"Yeah... frequently it's been that way." The captain hummed.
Before Ona could answer, the chatter between Keira and Patri interrupted the interrogation.
"Whoa. Who is the guilt?" Patri teases when saw her captain position, walking next to her.
Y/N hides a smirk, watching the interaction.
"My choice is Anita." Keira joked too, throwing her right arm around Aitana's shoulder.
The mentioned rolled her eyes, while the other laughed.
"Well, mine is Y/N." Patri said. She notices lately the pair glued to her. The player raised her eyebrows, surprised while pointing to herself. "Yes, you. These two need to resolve their crush on you." The Balear smugly said, oblivious to the real situation.
Aitana blushed profusely while Ona spit the water she was drinking. Y/N patted her back a few times.
"Cállate." Ona muttered, throwing at her a knowing look. Lately Patri got to Ona to confess her love to Y/N, not knowing that she already did it.
Patri giggled and after checking on Y/N, she went to her cubby. Y/N and Keira engaged in a conversation, giving the opportunity to Alexia to bring with herself Aitana and Ona to another part of the changing room.
"Well?" Alexia asked after a few seconds, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms, the captain armband showing up.
The pair gave a look to each other, speaking with her eyes. Alexia sighed when neither of them said a word. "I don't know what is going on with you two following Y/N. It's okay if you two have a crush on her, but please, stop ac-,"
"Y/N is our girlfriend." Aitana said in a small voice, copying her captain and crossing her arms, her eyes looking at the floor.
Ona tried to hold a laugh when saw the older one open and close her mouth a few times, clearly not expecting this new information.
"Uhh?" Alexia hummed, very confused.
"We are in a relationship with her." Ona explained carefully, pointing with a finger herself and Aitana. "Weird?" She asks, calmly.
Alexia scratched the back of her head, nervous. "No... I don't listen to that frequently... that's all." She stammer.
"Then, do you understand why we worry about her, right?" Aitana said, raising her eyes to her friend.
The older snort. "Aitana, you are like a chihuahua with your teammates. You double it with her, also with Ona I still don't see it..." she joked, seeing the offending expression from the brunette and Ona laughing hard.
Ona's laugh called the attention from the others. Alexia chuckles discreetly while Aitana starts to protest. Y/N raised from her spot carefully and with the help of Keira and both of them walked towards them, Patri following behind.
"What is it?" Y/N stood next to Alexia, seeing Ona leaning on Aitana who was very offended and blushing, not caring about Ona at that moment.
"Alexia c-called your girlf-friend chihuahua!" Ona explained between laughs.
A lot of exclamations were heard. Some surprise noise escaped from Y/N's mouth, taking her with the guard off. Patri slapped her shoulder, a big smirk taking occupying her face.
"Your girlfriend?" Keira murmured next to her, copying Patri's smirk.
Y/N cover with a hand on her face, embarrassed.
"You two together? Shit Y/N, you mess up the bet." Patri said, remembering the bet some of them have on the three pairs.
Y/N frowned, putting down her hand and looking at Patri confused. This one received a nudge from the captain.
Ona stopped laughing, cleaning her cheeks from the crying. "What bet?" She said, frowning. Aitana stopped protesting too.
Patri looked like a puppy at that moment. Her gaze alternate between Alexia and Keira, avoiding the three involved one.
Alexia sighed deeply, thinking that of course, Patri is the one who could talk too much. Even if she isn't involved in the bet, she is aware about it.
"The one...," Patri started, undecided and swallowing. "We make a bet about who Y/N will start dating between you two..." she said in a small voice, guilty.
Y/N rolls her eyes. Of course her teammates would make a bet about them. She isn't mad with them.
"Are you three mad?" Keira asked, nervous.
Y/N shakes her head, making Patri and Keira sigh relieved.
"What about us?" Aitana scowled, indignant.
"Well, the main one we are scared of was Y/N. We can deal with you two." Patri said, an innocent smile painting on her lips.
"We can be scary too." Ona says trying to be intimidating.
Keira snort. "What?" Aitana said, starting to feel angry.
"Don't get mad, but you two are like two angry puppies. Y/N rarely gets angry and when it happens, everyone runs." Keira said, shrugging while smiling.
"She has a point..." Ona mumbled only at Aitana, coming to her head the times her girlfriend got angry with them.
The midfielder rolled her eyes, but remained quiet, agreeing silently with Ona. Y/N walked towards Aitana and wrapped her arms around her neck, the Catalan immediately wrapped hers around Y/N's waist protectively.
"You two look hot." Patri smirked, crossing her arms.
"I know..." Aitana said proudly, kissing Y/N's cheek.
"I want a kiss too." Ona complained, not caring about the other two who still don't know anything.
Before the pair could make a comment, Y/N unwrap an arm and wrap it on Ona's, smashing her lips on hers.
"WHAT!?" Keira exclaimed more loud than she pretended, muffling the squeal surprise Patri let out.
Y/N smiled on Ona's mouth, pecking it a few times. The young Catalan let out an enamoured sigh. When she turned to look at her friend, she saw how Patri and Keira had the same expression, making her laugh.
"Who won then?" Ona asked smugly.
"That's why they are always together..." Patri muttered to herself and looked at Alexia.
"Excuse me? I'm more interested in why you call me a chihuahua." Aitana said after a while, making them look at her silently. But soon they exploded into a loud laugh. Alexia rolled her eyes with a smile.
"I love you chihuahua." Y/N muttered on her lips to remove the piss from her face and was replaced by a small smile.
"Don't start to call me like that, please." She begged in a whisper, ignoring the laugh and tease from Keira and Patri.
"We will think about that." Y/N said, giving her a chaste kiss.
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hi! are there any readings you would consider vital for a gentile wanting to learn more about judaism (or anything to avoid)? i would so appreciate any recs or advice you have, but please dont feel obligated. i hope you are well and thank you so much
Hi! Thank you so much for asking!
So here are some websites I wholeheartedly recommend for people who are curious about Judaism and want to learn more, but may not know much. It's where I started when I first started learning more about it.
I also super recommend the YouTube channel BimBam! A lot of it is geared for children, yes, but like a child, you are starting from scratch. There's a lot of really good information absolute beginner information given in bite size chunks.
Here are some books I recommend! A lot of these are super dry. I'm sorry in advance.
Essential Judaism by George Robinson (it's a bit of a tome, but it's really FULL of information)
The Jewish Book of Why by Alfred Kolatch
To Be a Jew by Rabbi Hayim Donin
Living a Jewish Life by Anita Daimant
To Life! by Rabbi Harold Kushner
Settings of Silver by Stephen Wyler
I also thought Judaism for Dummies was pretty good. I know a lot of people disparage the For Dummies books, but it was a pretty user friendly book of basic information.
Any recs I missed Jumblr??
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goldsbitch · 1 month
part 3 to p1, p2
It's time to tell you exactly what makes me your soulmate. Disaster dinner continues.
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Is it possible to miss someone you've never met? In what strange corner of the universe would this make sense? It felt just like that to Lando - as if he just reunited with an old friend and desperately searched for a way how to connect again. Where to start?
Anita solved that one for him. "Y//N is one of the medics on grid. She was so lovely today. Helped me a lot!" She turned to Lando and then Y/N in a search of some reaction, but those two were stuck in their own silence. She brushed it off and continued. "I figured it would be nice to take her out for a dinner. Wanted to have her join for the club later, but I am afraid it's for invited only, sorry..." she said, with fake modesty. Lando scoffed, completely unbothered by anyone noticing. Anita was doing it again, luring people in and then making sure she nonchalantly pointed out that she is more "VIP" then they are. He usually brushed it of and sometimes found it funny, but this time it made him fuming.
"You are more than kind to do this," Y/N replied and Lando had to close his eyes in order to hide how overcome he was instantly by hearing her speak. Her own voice was always blurry in his visions. Hearing it now, in real life...It was like getting new headphones. "But remember, you should not drink today after the heatstroke...I just need to point that out, can't stop myself," she said semi jokingly.
"Oh course, sweetheart," she replied and took a sip of her cocktail.
Y/N felt a little out of her place in the restaurant, not really sure what she was doing there and why she agreed to come with them. They were a couple, so why was she there playing the third violin? She tried to stop all her intrusive thoughts about Anita's boyfriend. But how could she, the most gorgeous and alluring guy was sitting right there. She secretly watched all of his little moves, the way how he twitched his fingers while holding the menu and wondered how his skin would feel on her own. She cursed herself for being so easily distracted by him. Barely glancing at the menu, she waited for what the two would order and was planning on matching them.
A charming waiter came, shared few words with Anita and recommended some dishes from the special menu.
"I'll have the truffle pasta, sounds great," Anita said, smiling flirtatiously at the waiter. There was an awkward silence, which Y/N tried to fill in. "Yes, I'll have the same, sounds great."
Lando did not even think twice before speaking up. "Um, actually, I really think you should try their salmon. It's to die for. I think you'll love it." He was not able to look at her, while she did the exact opposite. She was taken back by his forward comment. Salmon was her absolute favorite dish. What a strange coincidence that he would recommend it. "Can we get two of the salmon dishes? If that's ok with you, Y/N," he continued, this time finding the courage to look at Y/N. She panicked. "Yeah, yeah. Salmon. Great."
It was like a fire was lit in Lando. He opened the can of worms and there was no way going back. Suddenly, he had all the answers right at arms lenght. And the questions just started flowing.
"How do you like working at the formula 1 medics team?" "Will you be tracking the whole season?" "Do you like traveling so much?" "Are you missing your friends and family?"
It might have been too much for someone to be bombarded with questions, but she found herself excited and eager to overshare. Those two danced a dance of their own, laughing gently and speaking over each other, while also eagerly listening to what the other one had to say.
Anita felt like she was sinking into the chair deeper with every minute that passed. She knew the feeling all to well. Lando, without knowing probably, found anyone apart her interesting. Practically inhaling every word Y/N said. Or at least that's how it felt. Poor girl had absolutely no idea how different this situation was for her this time. Unlike Lando, Y/N still took Anita into account.
"So, Anita, you're a model, right?"
She came back alive and started sharing model related stories, while Y/N listened. Ever-so-impatient Lando just stared at her and started biting his lip in order to stop him from speaking for a moment, realizing that he is in fact not alone with Y/N, but still in a very much public social setting. Y/N listened to Anita, while all familiar phantom pain kicked in, this time in her lips. She kept glancing over to Lando, because it was just too hard not to look at him, when she noticed how vigorously he was biting his own lip. It sometimes happened that her own inexplicable pain aligned with the actions of other. Nothing special.
Lando was at the peak of rude that evening, impatience getting the better of him. "So, Y/N, why have you decided to study medicine?" he said, when Anita took a breath, fully intending on continuing her story. The same way as he interrupted her, she did not give Y/N any room to answer.
"You know what Lando, I am getting real sick of you publicly making it obvious that you don't give a shit about me or what I have to say," she said straight to his face, internally begging for him to deny it.
"I'm sorry, it's just....not every day you meet someone who really does something special with their life," he said, as if Y/N was the first medic he had ever encountered.
"Wow, that's rich. So on top of you not caring what I have to say, you also don't think what I do is interesting."
Lando knew she was right. He knew it all along, but he was also aware of the fact that most of the times, the relationship had been beneficial to both of them. So many emotions mixing in him got him holding his fragile glass real tight.
"Don't play the innocent card," he started, looking deeply into Anita's eyes. "We both know the moment I'm not on the grid, you're jumping to someone else."
The walls felt like they were closing on Y/N. Witnessing couple's fight, however quiet, was never pleasant. All the more when you'd literally just met these people. They played their little verbal tennis, while keeping the decorum composed, as they seemed to be quite skilled at that. Until Lando slipped up. His tight grip on the thin crystal finally ending up with a thousand tiny shiny glass pieces everywhere. It was like a slap to the couple, making them wake up and notice their surroundings. The good old clean up and apology dance began between the guests and the waiters, all of them rushing to help the F1 star with a minor cut that bled crimson drops on the white table cloth. Everybody was so focused on him, that they all missed the second wave of drops hitting the table, this time coming from Y/N hand. She stared at her hand and time stopped. It's not that she was scared of blood. It wasn't that it was the first time something like that happened out of nowhere. It was precisely because it did not happen out of nowhere. Her veins were rushing with panic, instead of blood. She grabbed one of the napkins and pressed hard on her hand, praying that nobody had noticed. Thousands of ideas appearing out of nowhere. So wait, anytime he got hurt, she got hurt as well? Or was it more people? Another coincidence? Her brain was an analytical one. She ran through all the possible little pains that a formula driver could have. It somehow checked out.
She stared at him, completely missing the whole scenery happening in front of her. Anita making a scene, waiters rushing around and Lando trying to calm everyone down.
"When did you crash last time? Like a big one, hospital one," she shot out, as if it was the most important piece of information known to mankind.
Lando felt her panic and intensity for a few moments before she managed to silence everyone, but was equally surprised by her question as everyone else.
"Um, I'd say...yeah, Las Vegas, November." He gave her a questioning look, trying to figure out what was going on her mind, while gesturing the staff of the restaurant to leave them alone.
A massive wave of panic settled over her, images of herself getting admitted to a hospital at that time flashing by. She had to get out there, immediately. And Lando felt that.
"No! No, you're not going anywhere. This is important, you can't just run away like you always do," he said, before she even had a chance to move, because he knew what she was doing. Seen it enough times to recognize the look. If nobody stopped her, she'd be out of there in seconds, not even saying goodbye. A true flight type of person. As if she hadn't been perplexed enough by this point.
"How do you-" she started to ask before being interrupted by Anita, who had have enough.
"I'm sorry, but do you guys know each other?" she asked, with a tone of annoyance barely hidden behind a fake smile.
Lando froze once again, like he had many times that evening. It was not his fault. His soon-to-not-be girlfriend set this seventh circle of hell up. How was he supposed to respond to that?
Y/N hesitantly responded. "No, of course not. I mean, I've only worked with the team here for few weeks anyway."
"Seems like you do, by the amount of questions you're asking" Anita said directly at Lando, fully ignoring Y/N at that point.
"If I had known her, I would not have had to ask questions, right?" he responded, failing at letting his sassy side dormant.
"Is that why you never ask me any questions? Because you know me?"
He bit his tongue. Lando was trying to be good.
Anita made her signature "I knew it" smile once again, which finally set Lando off.
"One asks when they want to hear an answer."
"Great. Charming as ever. You know what? I've had enough."
"Ani, I am really sorry. This is going to sound incredibly rude. I apologize. It's nothing personal. But this is really between me and Y/N."
Absolutely mortified Y/N did not even dare to look at Anita. What the fuck was his game. That was his girlfriend, she was just a random girl.
Anita replied, without missing a beat. "You two can go and play your weird little game without me."
Heavy silence fell, as Anita hastily grabbed all of her things and walked out. Y/N was waiting to see if Lando would even consider getting up and rushing over to her, but knew well enough that that was not the case.
Lando cared. He deeply cared about what Y/N thought of him. "Before I say anything else, please know that I plan on breaking up with her and sorting it out like an adult. This is not how I usually am."
"Ok. I mean, you do you. This is all very...personal," she said, her mind still caught up in her recent discovery. "I'm sorry, this is going to sound strange, but bare with me, this evening is already so much drama, this will not be a great addition."
She was talking to him! Getting curious. Lando would be willing to sit there for hours and listen to her. "Go for it".
"Do you get that weird pain in your left elbow?"
"Yes, after a heavy work out."
"Do you bite your tongue out of nowhere?"
"Only when I'm nervous."
"Ok, ehm. Your wisdom tooth is growing, right?"
"Yup, and it hurts like hell sometimes." This time, it was her shooting questions and him trying to follow in a direction he could not yet fathom. But it was like she was in a trance.
"Ok, ok. You'll think I'm crazy."
"I know you think that," he smirked, knowing they were reaching break through.
"What?" she snapped out of it back to reality.
"You first. I think I also have something you should know." Lando was half excited, half terrified to get his truth out. After all those years, this was all happening in a matter of hours. His life was turning upside down.
Y/N took a deep breath. "The reason I went into medicine is because I have a condition. Random inexplicable pains, cuts, bruises with no real cause of correlation to what's happening with my body. Nobody knew what it was when I was growing up, so I was determined to figure it out on my own." She took out her own blood stained hand from below the table. Lando's eye's went wide. She reached out with her other hand to gesture him that all is fine and no help is needed.
"I think my body mirrors what happens to yours."
"I can feel your emotions. And see glimpses of your life," he blurted out, unable to hold this in for any longer.
They did not stay in the restaurant for long. Felt all to public for this type of conversation. Instead, they were back at his hotel apartment, having to sneak in to avoid any unwanted publicity. Once again, they were sitting opposite each other in his living room area.
"So wait...you feel everything I feel? Like physically?"
"Apparently," she said, flabbergasted. For some reason, the two emotions mixing with each other was anger and relief. Her biggest life mystery solved, in the weirdest way possible. Without saying a word, she kicked him in the shin.
"Ouch," he said and she flinched.
"Yep, checks out."
"I can feel your anger, you know? And frankly I don't understand why you're mad at the moment." He was fascinated. The possibilities that laid ahead of them were thrilling.
"I believe at this stage you should also be able to see my anger. Pray tell me why, why did you have to pick a career that is so physically exhausting!" she moaned, causing him to laugh out loud. Yeah, that was really unfortunate on his part. He made a note mentally to hire a physical therapist for her one day.
She calmed down a bit, slowly coming to term that her emotions were not a private thing anymore - well, technically they never were.
"So what, you just casually know what I feel and see random glimpses of my life?"
"I think it's the strong emotions I feel. It seems the closer I am, the stronger it is."
She was silent, hoping to get a little more out of him. He took a deep breath, desperately trying to ease up the mood.
"Your first nights at the university apartment you shared with those three loud girls. No idea about their names, but I remember the excitement about leaving your home. And jesus, the massive mess the four of you made the first week. How at one point you had to wash your dishes in the bathtub, because it was just too much. And how much fun you'd had while doing it."
She couldn't help but smile at that very specific memory. Gone were the unhinged early uni days, for better probably. It was absolutely breaking her mind in two, knowing he had these random glimpses in her life.
He saw (and felt) the positive emotions that entered the chat, so he tried to sway the conversation that way. "Oh, and the incredibly awkward morning when your brought that one guy home, did not realize that one of the girls was in the room the whole time and how in the morning it turned out to be her ex."
"My god, you saw that?" she said, absolutely mortified. He just nodded, his heart jumping when he made her squeamish.
"It was like being there during the incredibly awkward breakfast."
"Well," she gulped, trying to switch attention from her. "Nobody knows this, but...pain is not the only thing I feel."
She dropped the ball and watched it rolling, wondering if he'd catch up.
"What do you mean? Like exhaustion?"
"That as well."
He was still not connecting the dots.
"Had a fun night last night, didn't you?"
His eyes went wide and a strange rush of guilt washed over him. He just stared at her, finally getting why one of her first reactions was an angry one. Not that he felt that way, but the level of intrusion he must have presented to her was a lot to take in.
"Well...you're welcome, I guess?" he said cheekily, smirking because he knew exactly what she would do.
Shocked, she opened her mouth and smacked his hand jokingly, not realizing it would hurt both of them.
"Fuck this shit," she exclaimed and once again, he could not hold his laugh in as she tried to shake the pain out of her hand.
"This is going to be very funny."
"I'm sorry, Lando - this all just so bizarre. I'm barely taking it in. Literally don't understand how you're so calm."
He laughed gently. "Well, I did have few extra days to process. And hearing my name roll of your tongue is distracting enough," he said flirtatiously.
Her cheeks went red and her mind stopped, mind getting filled with desire and arousal. Lando lips turned into a wide smile, him feeling her arousal as if she was screaming it loudly to his face.
"Glad to see my words have an effect on you. This is indeed going to be fun..."
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tomblythismyhusband · 3 months
okokokokOK i LITERALLY have coryo brainrot rn and i cant stop thinking about politician/president!coryo being too preoccupied with paperwork to take care of reader for like a week or so, so when she comes in asking to show him a new mini nightdress she bought (she’s clearly wearing nothing beneath it and only just goes past her ass) he KNOWS she’s trying to get his attention bc she’s neeeeedy and he tells her to get off on his leg while he finished up his work but she’s like “but i don’t want to ruin your nice pants” and he looks at her like 🤨🤨🤨🤨 BC HE COULDNT CARE LESS ABOUT HIS PANTS BC THE READERS NEEDS ARE MORE IMPORTANT 😭😭😭😭
i literally love your writing but if you don’t want to do this THATS OKAY
needy [politician!coryo x wife!reader]
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[summary]: politician!coryo x wife!reader | You had been feeling extra in need of your husband, Coriolanus’ affection. He’s been so busy with work yet he still finds a way of making you feel better
[warnings]: MDNI, 18+, thigh riding, language, kissing, praise!kink
[wc]: 1.9k
[note]: the way i JUMPED to write this request. TYSM i’ve been aching to write for coryo sm.
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As you walked down the halls of the Snow manor you couldn’t help but realize that you hadn’t seen your husband, Coriolanus in forever. With his rapid rise in status within the Capitol, you were able to see him less and less. Your husband was always buried in work. Whether it was meetings, late nights in the study, or business trips, he was eating sleeping work at this point.
As you passed his study, you frowned at the closed door. You thought about how you used to visit him all the time as he worked until he had labeled you a “distraction”. Now you would roam the halls or take shopping trips with your friends just to find contentment away from your husband. You couldn’t deny the fact that you yearned for his attention, but you also knew it wasn’t like Coriolanus to leave his work.
You made your way back to your bedroom- well, Coriolanus’ and yours. Not like he ever slept in it though, not when there was a perfectly good couch in his study. Even though you felt a little pained he spent so much time working, you knew it was because he was extremely determined to become President of Panem. And you supported him.
When you entered the room you were removed from your thoughts at the sight of your maid Anita putting away the clothes that you had bought that morning on a little retail therapy trip.
“Oh- Please Anita, I can do it.” You said cheerfully to the woman as she took clothes out of bags and folded them.
Anita glanced up at you with surprise. “Are you sure Miss Snow?”
You nodded, taking a stack of folded dresses from her hands gently. “I would be happy to do it. You work too hard around here.”
The woman smiled at your words and gave you a slight bow. “Thank you.” She started to leave the room when you called out her name one last time.
“Oh! And Anita?”
Anita turned her head with interest.
“Take the day off.” You said winking at her, giving her a smile. A grin spread on the woman’s face as she whispered a “thank you” and left.
With the maid now gone you flopped down onto the bed, setting the folded stack of clothes beside you. If only it was that easy to have Coriolanus take the day off. He was the type of man who needed valid reasons and an overwhelming amount of convincing.
You sat up again, starting to sort through the contents of your shopping bags. Your eyes landed on the bag from a designer lingerie store you had visited that morning. You bit your lip as you pulled out a simple nightdress from the bag.
It was a tiny thing, short. It was soft as well, perfect for lounging around the house. You stood up, holding up the dress. Maybe this was the leverage you needed for Coriolanus to pay attention to you. Yes. This was it.
You set it back down neatly and started to strip, removing every garment of clothing before slipping the thin silk night dress over your body.
Walking over to the mirror you couldn’t help but smile to yourself at the sight. The way the dress hugged your curves was perfect. It was black, with delicate lace trim around the edges of the low cut neckline and bottom. You turned to the side, to see how the dress fell just below your ass. Without any underwear on, the dress definitely exposed a lot more than you were used to.
“Perfect.” You murmured, gazing at yourself some more. Coriolanus wouldn’t be able to resist you. Well- that was your hope at least.
Tonight. Tonight you would enter his office, where you knew he would definitely be. You squeezed your thighs together at the thought, definitely feeling all hot and bothered. You’d get him to finally pay attention to you, whether he liked it or not.
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The clock had finally struck 11 at night. Coriolanus sat at his desk filling out paperwork for his upcoming campaign. His eyebrows furrowed as he worked, adding a soreness that he ignored. Time seemed to pass by quickly as he worked. He hadn’t realized how late it was until he heard the clock.
Coriolanus massaged his temple slowly. Guess he would just sleep in the study again. He had too much to do to go to his own bed tonight. This study had become his home, his safe place. He was in his own world when he worked.
Coriolanus’ thoughts were soon interrupted when he heard the door creak open. He didn’t look up, assuming it was the butler bringing him his nightly tea. He then heard the door’s lock click.
This caught his attention. His eyes flicked up and immediately widened at the sight of you, his wife, clad in a black nightdress. His gaze skimmed over the delicate details of the garment as well as how your body looked in it. He couldn’t ignore the points of your breasts, the slope of your waist or the display of your legs. His cock twitched in his pants as he looked at you silently.
“Hey.” You said softly, a coy smile pulling at your lips as you walked over to his desk.
Coriolanus leaned back in his chair, head tilted at the sight. “What’s this?”
His voice was strained, he was obviously affected by the way you presented yourself to him.
You looked down at your dress. “I went shopping today, do you like it?” You looked back up at him, anxiously awaiting a response.
Coriolanus gulped. You were tempting, so unbearably tempting. He felt even more conflicted as you did a little spin, flashing the bottom of your ass to him.
He ran a hand through his blonde curls, letting out a breath. “Darling you look- you look..” He couldn’t find the words. He’d never had his breath swept away from him like this before.
He then snapped out of his trance. He was too busy for this. He could obviously see how needy you were at the moment too.
“Darling, you look great. But I need to get back to work.” Coriolanus said quickly, turning back to his stacks of papers before him.
You frowned. You swore you could see the lust in his eyes.
“You're always working.” You sighed. “I never see you anymore.” You placed your hands on the edge of his desk, bending slightly. “Is it so bad that I want to spend time with you?”
Coriolanus looked up at you. He could hear the intense amount of desire in your voice. It seemed that this was your last resort to get him out of his work. Coriolanus thought for a moment.
“Come sit on my leg.” He said finally.
Your eyes widened with surprise. “What?”
He leaned back in his chair again, placing his hands on his thighs. “You're obviously in need. So get off on my leg while I finish up work.”
The way Coriolanus said this was casual, almost like he was sharing the information as if it was the only logical answer.
You furrowed your brows and frowned. “But your pants- I don’t want to ruin them…”
Coriolanus let out a low chuckle and looked at you as if you had something foolish. “You act like I care about that. I think your state is more important than the state of my pants...”
Your stomach fluttered at the words.
“Come here.” Coriolanus motioned, patting his leg.
Slowly you walked around the desk to him. Coriolanus watched how your hips swayed as you moved closer to him.
He held his breath, eyes roaming your body again as you lowered yourself onto his leg. You placed your hands on Coriolanus’ shoulders to stabilize yourself. Coriolanus dipped his head towards your ear and dropped his voice to a whisper.
“Good girl..”
The warmth of his breath mixed with the heat gathering in your core made you shutter at the words. You were dying for friction, for anything. One of Coriolanus’ hands gripped your waist as the other still held a pen as it rested on the desk.
You then started to move, bucking your hips slowly as a start. You were already soaked, your arousal definitely going to leave a spot on his pants. You lowered your head onto Coriolanus’ shoulder, keeping your moans quiet as you moved.
“Mph..” Your muffled sounds grew louder as you grinded against him. Coriolanus’ hand squeezed your waist. “Just like that..” He whispered.
His voice was music to your ears. You didn’t care anymore that he was working while you got off, at least he was still speaking to you, helping you get there.
You rolled your hips, adding movement to the bundle of nerves that was practically begging to be touched at this point. Coriolanus’ hand that was placed on your hip slid up to dig itself into your hair. The feeling of his hand in your hair added to the desire you felt.
Coriolanus was having a hard time working as you moved against him. His cock felt painfully hard in his pants as he tried to concentrate on the work in front of him. This was for you. He was making you feel better.
Coriolanus lightly bounced his leg as you rode him, breathy moans escaping your lips as you went.
“C-Corio..” You moaned softly. Your arms were thrown around his neck. Coriolanus’ hand removed itself from your hair and slid down to rub against the curve of your lower back.
“You're doing great. Keep going darling…” He murmured against your ear. You kept moving, picking up the pace. You felt the knot in your gut tighten and tighten signaling that your limit was near. Your eyes fluttered shut, arching your back.
“Fuck..” You whispered to yourself. The heat was intense now as you rode his thigh.
Finally the knot in your stomach broke as waves of pleasure coursed through your body. Your legs were trembling now, squeezing either side of Coriolanus’ thigh as you came.
You slumped against him, panting rapidly. Coriolanus enjoyed the feeling of you heavy on him with exhaustion.
“Good..” He said in a low voice as his hand rubbed your body, soothing your trembling. Coriolanus still bounced his leg lightly, letting you feel a little bit more.
You leaned back and took your hand, tilting Coriolanus’ head from looking down at his papers to you. He looked up at you and gave you a smirk.
“Feel better darling?” He drawled, eyes darting all over your face.
You nodded and leaned in to kiss him. He met your lips in a passionate kiss, though he was holding himself back a bit you still wanted to taste him. You then pulled away when Coriolanus let out a pained groan.
“Hm?” You hummed as Coriolanus looked away from you.
“Fuck darling.. you make me want to just rip that dress right off.”
You chuckled and ran a hand through his blonde curls. “You can you know…” You teased.
Coriolanus turned his head back to face you and gave you a playfully stern look. “I swear, you're going to be the death of me.”
You laughed again, nestling closer against him, nodding off to sleep as Coriolanus continued to work. You stayed like that, close to him for the rest of the night. Even when Coriolanus realized he should go to sleep he stayed there, in his chair, falling asleep with you still in his arms. He liked you like this. You felt like his. He would definitely be continuing what you started that night in the morning.
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xxlumos · 2 years
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hello my fellow pocket friends, how y'all been doing?? I've been quite busy with life, a lot has changed, a lot less stress and much more happy days :))
Gonna answer some asks and post some drafts-thoughts <33
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