#Tae Joon or Walter
oddlty · 1 year
Apex Legends, and the Legends only, come visit my Direct message box on Instagram at STPD_Ace to be welcomed with open arms
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matlab-exe · 1 year
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got around doing it
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himmimimimi · 13 days
i'm lost for words-
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apexlegendsstuffs · 1 month
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marsbar17 · 2 months
hi lovely!! what kind of kinks would Bloodhound, Fuse and Crypto have in your opinion? I'm just wondering what they would be into in bed or what would turn them on the most hehe
Hello! Thanks for the request, I may have a few ideas about this 😏😏
Bloodhound, Fuse, and Crypto Kink Headcannons
Contains: a lot of NSFW, you've been warned
• Definitely primal play, I literally wrote a whole one shot of this pfff
• Bondage, I can see them being good at shibari
• Knife kink
• Slight exhibitionism and voyeurism
• Like they wouldn't have sex in an entirely public place, but they'd fuck in a forest or in front of a close friend like Loba or Fuse
• Or they'd like watching their partner get fucked by a close friend like Loba or Fuse
• Sadism and masochism
• Overstimulation and understimulation
• Definitely sadism, he loves spanking his partners and pulling their hair
• Bondage but like, not shibari, unconventional bondage :)
• Praise and degradation, he loves talking his partners through it
• I don't wanna say he has a daddy kink, but he likes to be like a caregiver to his partner in some ways
• Exhibitionism, he loves to show off
• Those like, leather harnesses and thigh straps, honestly just leather in general
• Fluffy handcuffs, I have no idea why this is what my brain has decided but it is
• Cockwarming, telling him he has to finish his work before he can fuck up in to the warm mouth or hole that's wrapped around him
• Voyeurism, loves to watch his partner touch themself
• He likes to be told what to do sometimes 🤭
Sorry this is a bit of a shorter post, I hope you like it anyways!
Remember liking and reblogging my work takes like 20 seconds and helps me grow as a creator. My requests are always open so if there's anything on your mind just put it in there :)
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stark-illerbase · 2 years
Hello Crypto/Wattson Shippers welcome to The Hall of Finally Being Fed Content, enjoy your stay - Fusehound Nation
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arosgay · 2 years
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I will die on these hills
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morelikesin · 6 months
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After a moment of silence, Tae Joon suddenly broke into a smile and, much to Walter’s pleasure, laughed. It was soft and syrupy-sweet, the breathy kind that didn't last long and yet lingered in the minds of whoever had the privilege to hear it. "You should be shutting me up - I'm talking too much."
The need for a drink became a feeling known - though whether it was really because they needed a refreshment or because they needed something to wetten their quickly-dried mouths, for one reason or another, they couldn't quite place their finger on. If they could, they weren't sure they wanted to admit why. Not yet, anyway.
At the mercy of dark ambience, music thumping in bones with heavy bass and the other bar patrons joyously conversing about Omaha winnings or whatever else entertained people these days, and a room suddenly all-too-warm, the two relished in what time they had together with a toast initiated by Walter - who raised his glass and swirled it in his hand as to encourage his drinking partner to meet him in the middle.
After taking a drink, lowering the glass, then a hasty swallow of burning liquid, Walter leaned forward. Following a rough laugh, quiet and grainy, he spoke up with expression welcoming, voice warm, eyes inviting, "I could listen t' you talk all night."
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mirageyaoi · 5 months
i haven’t posted on here in forever, but i’m crawling back on here to look for source mates yet again. i’m still heavily into Apex as it is, so memories and missing people is still very high. i’m missing Tae Joon and Walter the most everyday. i’m Elliott and Blóðhundr btw, of course my memories with the both of you are romantic memories and i hope and pray everyday to find you. the REAL you.
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Just mirage p l e a s e
The lore has been so mean to him lately I just wanna kiss Elliot Witt on his stoopid little face-
Simple ask just soft GN cuddles with pretty boy
He deserves it 🥺
Alone for Just a Moment | Elliott "Mirage" Witt
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Reader: Gender Netural| they/them | Romantic
A/N: YOOO I have a cuz named chase. anyways. I also love your profile picture., also I'm assuming GN means gender-neutral instead of Good Night
Warnings: Bloodhound and Fuse cannot keep it in there pants,
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"yes! Y/n I am telling you!" Loba spoke.
Y/n and Loba laughing over dinner at the mess hall.
"And don't get me started on the nails, please," She complained, "I should just have the nail tech live with me at this point."
Y/n chuckled, "What about my nails-"
"Please, don't start ruining them with acrylics." She took Y/n's hand into hers, "You know, I wouldn't mind seeing dark green on you, you know green that looks black but in the sun looks like...a velvet green!"
"Ooo! That sounds cool!"
"When will they stop talking." Mirage rolled his eyes.
"Aye! if you're bothered by it, go take your babe back!" Walter tried to persuade, "Aint that right Houndy? Like when I take ya back?"
"Walter!" Bloodhound argued, an unmistakable tone of embarrassment to their voice, "...continue."
"Oh, I will."
Mirage groaned.
"Don't worry Elliott!" Wattson tried to cheer, "I'm sure Y/n will come around soon!"
"Tea, the day has been long," Crypto spoke, setting the tea in front of Wattson.
"Thank you!" She cheered with a smile, grabbing Crytpo's hands to tug him to sit down, "Sit sit!"
He did only on account of her, Wattson giving him the biggest love-pounding heart-stopping smile.
"You are beautiful."
"Tae Joon!" She was flustered, it easy to spot as her face became red..
"You may try and run Houndy, but I will always find my way back to you."
"Walter- Please!" Bloodhound laughed.
"Just like the cherry blossoms." Crypto smiled, "I'll take you to see them."
"Really!" Wattson cheered, eyes lighting up, "I'd love that!"
"Anything for you."
"fact, why don't you treat ol' Fitzroy to the money maker." Walter purred.
"You will have to wait my love." Bloodhound protested playfully, "There are people present."
"Never stopped me before, plus dinners gettin' cold anyway, there are far better things to be eating, don't ya agree?"
Mirage tried to cut in unbelievable to what was happening in front of him.
"I know of a crepe place along the way," Crypto spoke.
"Let's go now!"
"But dinner-"
"Why eat when there are sweets to be had!" Wattson cheered getting up and pulling Crypto off with a jump in her step.
"I suppose there are better things to be fed." Bloodhound purred.
"I like the sound of that!" Fuse spoke.
"hey wait- what-"
Fuse happily pulled Bloodhound along.
"Hello?" Mirage asked still getting no answer.
Fall sucked. Everybody falls in love, off doing...other lovely dovey things, and he was alone, watching the love of his life being talked up by Loba: she knew everything to say, and how to say it. He wouldn't be surprised if he was soon falling out of his relationship anytime soon.
He felt, alone, both mentally and physically.
His eyes were covered, "Guess who it is?" They smiled.
"Uh..." He spoke in thought, a signature smile on his face, "I don't know! Honestly!"
"it's me." Y/n teased, their arms wrapping around Elliot's neck.
"That was my next guess!" He defended, Y/n chuckling into his neck.
"what are you doing here all alone?"
"ah, ya know!" He spoke, "Takin' in the sights."
"Ah yes, the mess hall is quite beautiful." Y/n teased kissing Mirage's cheek, "I'm off for now."
"uh, where?" Mirage asked, leaning up to look up at them, "if, you don't mind me asking."
"Loba wanted to show me some nail stuff." Y/n answered, "And Obi asked to see me."
"Oh! Yeah! Yeah!" Mirage smiled, and Y/n cocked an eyebrow.
"your hiding something," Y/n commented.
"No, not at all. Do I need to hide anything? I don't need to hide anything, not from you-"
"and your rambling, someone's either upset, nervous, or over-excited." Y/n spoke, taking a seat next to Mirage, "What's wrong now? Unless you're overly excited for breakfast tomorrow?"
Mirage chuckled, "no."
Y/n frowned, reaching out to hold Mirage's hand, "Go ahead, tell me."
Mirage moved his hand, Y/n frowning, "Mirage."
He was silent as he played with his food, "Elliot..."
Y/n's hand reached out, caressing Mirage's cheek, Mirage's head turned without a fight, his eyes still lowered, avoiding eye contact.
"Elliot, please, look at me, tell me what's wrong," Y/n protested, "lets fix it, together; like we always do."
"Are...we good for each other?" Elliott asked.
Y/n was shocked, what kind of question was that?
"I think we're perfect." Y/n spoke up, "Not even death could keep me away from you..."
He smiled softly, leaning into's Y/n's touch, Y/n smiling softly as they ran their fingers along Elliott's cheekbone feeling a small cut.
"Odd," Y/n spoke softly.
"What?" Elliott asked.
Y/n stifled a soft chuckle, gliding over another mark, "So many flaws, makes up perfection."
Elliott looked up, his gaze catching Y/n's white rose eyes, they soft and full of love as he looked at Y/n.
"Come on," Y/n spoke standing up hand out to Elliott who took it with a smile.
Y/n led Elliott to their room, it is not uncommon for Elliott to stay the night in Y/n's room.
"Let's turn in early for the night." Y/n told him, "I think we both deserve that."
It was easy, getting undressed for bed, they help one another out of their clothes which ended up on the floor, Y/n pulling Elliott in for a playful kiss which sent them accidentally into the bed, the two laughing happily.
"You are not wearing this to bed." Y/n protested, taking the goggles off Elliott's head.
"Always ready for action."
Y/n rolled their eyes playfully, hanging the goggles on the bedpost, and settling back down into their side of the bed.
Elliott closed the gap between them head laying on Y/n's chest, listening to his lover's heartbeat.
"get some sleep babe," Y/n spoke softly, Elliott humming in response.
"I love you."
Y/n smiled, "I love you too."
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boo-moved · 2 years
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I am correct btw
Reasons in tags, alt version under cut
[ID: A chart meme format with 'How likely are they to have an epi-pen' on the top.
In the first row, to the left it says '24/7' and on the right it shows photos of Bloodhound, Ramya Parekh or Rampart, Ajay Che or Lifeline, Renee Blasey or Wraith, and Mary Somers or Horizon.
In the second row, to the left it says 'Yes, but will forget' and on the right it shows photos of Obi Edolasim or Seer, Natalie Paquette or Wattson, Tae Joon Park or Crypto, and Makoa Gibraltar or Gibraltar.
In the third row, to the left it says 'Was asked to, does it anyways despite not knowing why' and to the left it shows photos of Octavio Silva or Octane, Alexander Nox or Caustic, Walter Fitzroy or Fuse, and Pathfinder
In the fourth row, to the left it says 'Sometimes' and on the right it shows photos of Anita Williams or Bangalore, Margaret Kōhere or Mad Maggie, and Ashleigh Reid or Ash.
Between rows four and five are Jackson Williams or Newcastle.
In the fifth row, to the left it says 'No <3' and to the right it shows photos of Loba Andrade or Loba, Kaleb Cross or Revenant, and Kairi Imahara or Valkyrie.
In the sixth and final row, to the left it says 'Has a severe peanut allergy, still doesn't' to the left it shows a photo of Elliott Witt or Mirage.
All characters are from Apex legends. End ID]
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[ID: a tier list meme consisting of whether or not characters carry epi-pens on them. Bloodhound, Rampart, Lifeline, Wraith, and Horizon are all under carrying epi-pens 24/7. Seer, Wattson, Crypto, and Gibraltar are under yes but they will forget. Octane, Caustic, Fuse, and Pathfinder are under was asked to, does it anyways despite not knowing why. Bangalore, Mad Maggie, and Ash are under sometimes. Loba, Revenant, and Valkyrie are under no with a heart emoticon. Newcastle is between sometimes and no. Mirage is under has a severe peanut allergy, still doesn't carry an epi-pen. End ID]
Thank you so much Pulamoo for the help with the IDs <3
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oddlty · 1 year
Is ANYONE from Apex Legends. I’m asking for any LEGENDS!! Anyone who was in the games to message me who isn’t Caustic or Revenant.. or Bloodhound or Mirage. Anyone else at all is welcome, especially Octane, Walter and Tae Joon.
I don’t mean Kins, I mean people who have fact memory and are from the Apex Games
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fortnite-ao3feed · 2 years
by LuniaWolf
The crew do Halloween, well everything.
Words: 1542, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 76 of The Seven Stories
Fandoms: Fortnite (Video Game), Apex Legends (Video Games), Destiny (Video Games), Skylanders (Video Games), Overwatch (Video Game)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: The Scientist (Fortnite), The Paradigm (Fortnite), The Imagined (Fortnite), The Order (Fortnite), The Origin (Fortnite), The Visitor (Fortnite), The Foundation (Fortnite), Wraith | Renee Blasey, Mirage | Elliott Witt, Pathfinder (Apex Legends), Bloodhound (Apex Legends), Fuse | Walter Fitzroy, Wattson | Natalie Paquette, Crypto | Park Tae Joon, Caustic | Alexander Nox, Loba Andrade, Valkyrie | Kairi Imahara, Bangalore | Anita Williams, Makoa Gibraltar, Lifeline | Ajay Che, Octane | Octavio Silva, Horizon | Mary Somers, Rampart | Ramya Parekh, Vantage | Xiomara Contreras, Revenant (Apex Legends), Winston (Overwatch), Genji Shimada, Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Lena "Tracer" Oxton, Reinhardt Wilhelm, Brigitte Lindholm, Bastion (Overwatch), Whirlwind (Skylanders), Zap (Skylanders), Sonic Boom (Skylanders), Sunburn (Skylanders), Camo (Skylanders), Original Ghost (Destiny), Original Exo Character(s) (Destiny), Original Awoken Character(s) (Destiny)
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42746538
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apexlegendsstuffs · 2 days
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Animal designs NOT by meeee!! THEY ARE AMAZING THO
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hercury · 2 years
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wolfofartemis25 · 3 years
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"It's about time we had a real vacation!"
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