#crypto x wattson
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rifd-arts · 27 days ago
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I love introducing my next gen kids with memes. This is Nat and Tae Joon's son, Dorian.
Original meme
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avroritat · 2 years ago
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Another favorite couple!
I really hope that they will be together in the future. I want them to be happy and all that stuff😣
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neonin2d · 7 months ago
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Tae-Joon Park ⚠️WIP!⚠️
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lulubwunni · 1 year ago
Hiii :333 I’m Lulu/Laura !!!
Multifandom but like. Really autistic over crypto x wattson teehee !!! Aspiring artist too (trying my best) :333
Kinda new to tumblr too so uh…. Like sorry if I’m kinda dumb BUT IF U LIKE CRYPTO X WATTSON BE MY FRIEND IM ON MY KNEES SOBBING 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺
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thesleepycrypto · 1 year ago
Is anyone in the Crypttson/Crypto x Wattson group looking for a rp?
I would so love to do a Crypto x Wattson rp. I’m good with writing either Crypto or Wattson, though I’ve never written Wattson for a rp. I’d love to try her out x3
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the-casual-daydreamer · 2 years ago
Check out my latest work on AO3:
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pjlotrhhjeml · 9 months ago
They kiss, while yapping about the things they like.
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crazy-fandom-madness · 2 years ago
You’ll Be Safe With Me
Crypto x Reader
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Sorry if any of the Korean is wrong or the French I don’t know the languages I used google translate so sorry if anything is incorrect feel free to let me know enjoy
Summary: you had a crush on Crypto he might not have known but everyone else did that was until Mirage told him but maybe that was for the best
Words 2k+
SFW/ Hurt/Comfort/ Gender Neutral/ Self Doubt
It was no secret you had a crush on Crypto it was quite obvious. But you would never act on these feelings you just couldn’t, he would never like you back. You knew him and Wattson were close but you are unaware if they are together. Either way you didn’t want him to know, there was no point. You left your room and joined the others sitting next to Wattson, she was playing with her Nessie. “Well there you got mate all fixed up.” Rampart handed the drone back to Crypto, he grabbed his drone and put it back. She had a big smile on her face happy with her work. “If you ever want some upgrades I’m the one.” Rampart offers before leaving, Tae Joon took a set next to you and looked over his drone. And of course Mirage had to take notice, looking at you making kissing faces.
Wraith smacked his arm trying to stop him for embarrassing you. “Oh Tae Joon can you help me with something s'il te plaît?” Natalie asked him all he did was nod and follow her out of the room. You watched and let out a sigh, putting your head down. “Oh don’t worry dear I’m sure it’s nothing.” Horizon tried to comfort you by placing her hand on your shoulder. “If you don’t ask him out you’ll never have him.” Revenant stated, you just looked at him unable to speak. “Darlin’ don’t listen to him.” Dr. Somers was really trying to lift the mood. Elliott shoot up and walked over to you. “Don’t worry the best legend in the Outlands will help!” Wraith tried to stop him. “Mirage you have zero game there is no way you can help you’ll make it worse.” He gave her a dramatic heart broken face, then looked back at you. “Guys it doesn’t matter he will never.”
You stoped talking as they both walked back into the room, Wattson noticed how silent and awkward the room was. “Désolée did we interrupt something?” She stopped in her tracks looking at everyone. Mirage pointed to you almost yelling. “Hey Crypto they wanted to ask you-.” Wraith punched him in the stomach to shit him up. He did seem confused but let it go sitting back down, Natalie joined going back to her Nessie. Mirage was making gestures towards you and Tae Joon, he wasn’t being subtle about it. Almost everyone could see including Crypto he rose an eyebrow to this looking to you then back at Elliott. You knew he wasn’t trying to embarrass you but god he was, you couldn’t take it anymore. “Mirage just shut up! Leave me alone!” You stormed out of the room with tears running down your face. All the legends looked at him, Renee have him a dirty look along with Horizon she decided to follow you to make sure you are ok.
“Hello dearies are you in here?” She saw you on your bed and walked over sitting next to you, she put her hand on your leg trying to calm you. “Aw it’s ok dear we all know Mirage can been a little well you know.” You had nothing to say no words would come out only tears. “Everything will be ok.” You lay back against your bed wiping your tears. “No it won’t be ok Mirage doesn’t know how to shut his month and now he will think I’m crazy everything is ruined.” You slowly sat up. “He would have never liked me anyways why am I so upset?” She gave you a hug and wiped a tear from your face giving you a smile. “Don’t think so low of your self dear you’re amazing.” You have a small nod just acknowledging you were even listening. A knock on the door frame caught your attention looking over you see Crypto, you turn away unable to look at him. Dr. Somers got up and walked over to Crypto before leaving you both alone, he walked over to you just standing beside you.
“Mirage told me everything why didn’t you tell me?” He sat on the end of your bed not too close he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. “I couldn’t there was no way you would like me back.” You try your best to stop crying you can’t let him see you like this, but you could feel his eyes on you. “Why would you think that.” You were finally able to look at him but not for long, you let out a sigh. “I don’t know I just never thought you would like me back.” He looked down. “I guess i should have talked to you sooner, I know I can come off a certain way but I do like you back.” Looking back at him you can see honestly in his eyes but you just can’t believe him as hard as you try, you just can’t. “No it’s ok I get it you don’t have to pretend.” You stand up turning around letting your tears fall again. He soon follows turning you back to face him, he grabbed your hands and looked into your eyes. “I’m not lying I’ve liked you for a while I mean I’ve just been too scared to tell you with my past and everything.”
He was quite on that last point he never really opened up to anyone. “사랑해요 honestly I wouldn’t lie about this.” You look down at his hands in yours and rub your thumb against his hand. “I get if you don’t want to be together with everything you have been through I completely understand.” He had a look as if he was in deep thought about this past. “넌 안전할거야 don’t worry.” You were unsure of what he said but they way he said it make you know everything will be ok. You smile and hug him he hugged you back and for the first time you felt like a weight had been lifted, keeping this a secret but so much stress on you. “Let’s keep this between us for a while just to make sure no one is after me I can’t risk it.” You smile letting him know you understand with a past like his he can’t take chances. “Of course I don’t mind at all as long as we are happy together and safe I’ll be happy.”
He smiles being you a kiss on your hand you both smiles at each other, just enjoying each other’s presence. You wanted to join the other legends again while Crypto had other things to do you both walked to the door. As you opened the door Ramya was standing there “eh mate got them upgrade done.” She looked down seeing you both holding hands as you both quickly pulled away, she has a smiles on her face as she saw it, but she gave you a wink to say your secret is safe. You mouthed a thank you as she went to show Crypto the upgrades, walking back to where the others were. Mirage was no where to be seen but that didn’t matter right now. Anita have you a nod as you watched in and patted the set next to her. You sit down moving the Nessie that was there “you don’t have to worry about Mirage I dealt with him but you’re ok right?” You looked down then back at her with a soft smile. “Yeah I’m ok thanks.” And with that she went back to talking with the others, Rampart and Crypto walked back in he sat next to you, looking over at his drone as he held it.
He let go of it was it floated next to him he gave it a fist bump, you giggled at that. He noticed so had his drone give you one too at this point the others weren’t paying attention, well other than Rampant but she wouldn’t say anything. You lay down on the couch you were sitting on and start to fall asleep, you woke up hours later. You were kind of blinded by a green light, the light of his drone I guess he had things to do but wanted to make sure you were ok. As you got up you felt his jacket on your body you smiles cuz it smelt like him you grabbed it and looked at the drone. “Thanks for the jacket I’ll return it tomorrow.” It scanned you be fire following you back to your room then went back to his. You closed your door and got ready for bed sure things would be some what slow but you don’t mind. You hold his jacket as you felt asleep pretending it was him, it might be while till you share a room but you will not push him to do anything until he was ready.
Not that he doesn’t feel comfortable more that he worry’s for your safety, it makes you so happy knowing that he really does care, you start to fall asleep holding his jacket close. You woke up early in hopes no one would be up yet and put his jacket back in his room. He was already awake doing something in his computer. “Hey thanks for the jacket last night really appreciate it.” He doesn’t turn away from the screen. “천만에요 you can take it when ever you want.” He looked over at you at the last part. “Well when you put it that way.” You put the jacket on taking a look in the mirror he had. You put your hands in the pockets trying to look tough imitating him, he looked over his shoulder. “It looks better on you than me.” You jumped a little not realizing he was looking you start to take it off and hand it back. “I’m not sure about that but I’ll accept your compliment.” You laugh heading over to the door you open. “You can stay if you want don’t mind.” You move away from the door and look at him. “Are you sure I don’t want to intrude?” All he did was nod and go back to his computer you lay in his bed hoping you can fall back asleep, there was a few hours till everyone else would be awake.
Crypto looks back to see you laying there he smiles and turns his screen brightness down, and tried to be quiet while typing he didn’t want to disturb you. “밤 내 사랑” he whispered knowing you wouldn’t even understand what he was saying going back to what he was doing. Checking you every once in a while, soon decided to join you just for a moment, a moment that felt that forever a moment you didn’t want to end. But it did after a few hours you had to get ready for the day, you both head out to the main room not having time to do anything. “Get ready ladies we’re about to drop soon!” Bangalore could he hear looking up you see your teamed with her and Crypto. Getting in the platform holding his hand before you drop, he puts his hands back into his pockets. “조심해 out there.” Was the last thing he said before the three of you dropped ready to play the games.
Of course he kept you safe all game you didn’t win but you got top ten getting back to the drop ship. “That was a close one we almost had it.” Bangalore said as she walked off a little upset. “Are you ok?” He was looking over you. “Yep I’m fine all cuz you were there.” He still had a hint of worry but took your word, right now there was nothing to do other then hang out. So he showed you how to use his drone that’s how you spent your time. Rampart watched from a distance happy for both of you, as much as she wanted to tease you both about it she didn’t, well for not at least. Working on Sheila she listening to your giggles as you tried your best to use the drone, one of many memories you would share with Crypto.
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babiebomsmasterlist · 1 year ago
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For all your Apex needs!
Would I give them Head?
Reader insert Fics
Fics with Ocs
Character Fics
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mordeiswrld · 2 years ago
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None yet...
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Mad Maggie
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llamacan14 · 4 months ago
Heyyyyyy everybody long time no see I know! But I’m writing a new fan-fiction for lifeline and octane! It’s called I’d let the Outlands burn. I’m very excited for the adventure this story will take us on! I hope you guys enjoy! 💛🫶🏼💗
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spencerzakwrites · 1 year ago
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priory/mostly write-✭
please request more often!-✼
harry potter✼, ron weasley✮, hermione granger, fred weasley✼, george weasley✮, seamus finnagin✼, neville longbottom✮, ginny weasley
fred weasley , not an x reader- afraid of death
james potter✼, remus lupin✮, sirius black✼
there’s nothing here!
johnny cage✭, kenshi takahashi✼, bihan✭, kuai liang✼, kung lao✼, liu kang✼, tomas vrbada✭, syzoth✭, raiden✼
bi han x reader- room full of people DNF
kenshi x male!reader- society sucks DNF
bloodhound✭, catalyst, crypto, fuse✼, horizon, lifeline, loba, mirage✭, octane✭, rampart, revenant, valkyrie, vantage, wattson✼
octane dating headcannons
pezzy✭, grizzy,✼ elasticdroid✭, bigpuffer✼ (platonic only!), blarg, smii7y
pezzy x reader- insomnia
droid x tall!reader
pezzy x fem!reader- jealousy
dad!puffer x reader- (draft)
droid x reader- ���im sorry for being like this.” (draft)
pezzy x reader- streaming (draft)
blarg x reader- vacation hcs (draft)
eddievr (platonic)✼, juicyfruitsnacks✭, mullyvr✼, joshdub✭, yournarrator
there’s nothing here!
ashe, cassidy✭, d.va, genji✼, hanzo✼, junkrat✭, lucio✭, mercy, reaper✭, soldier 76✼, widowmaker
lucio dating hcs !
ryan erzahler✼, dylan lenivy✭, jacob custos✭, emma mountebank, nick furcillo✼, kaitlyn ka, abigail blyg, man brinly✭, laura kearney
there’s nothing here!
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maskedteaser · 8 months ago
hii i just saw the rdr2 matchups you did and i love them AND HOLY SHIT APEX FAN‼️‼️ i love how detailed you are!! love your writing!! so if ur not too overwhelmed with requests id like to make one :3 and honestly if ur doing matchups for apex id love that too there's so little apex ffs, especially x reader </3 no pressure tho!!
anyways as for me. uhh. i don't use labels (aside from being asexual) but am pretty masculine in gender, and my love is for any gender. my pronouns are he/him :3
more about me,, im vegetarian, my favorite animal is the octopus, im chronically ill & disabled, which means i have chronic pain and have pretty bad sleep (literally writing this at 10 am after not being able to sleep all night) but despite that i have a weird paradox where i am kinda strong? like i can pick ppl up. but can't have much activity for a long time lest i cast spell 200 bpm on myself. but for the sake of the ff i could totally bench press arthur morgans 180lb of pure muscle. its true <3
in apex i main wattson and bloodhound! but i also like crypto, octane ofc (who doesn't), loba, and... im sorry.. wraith 😭 i got wattsons heirloom after. a very long time of opening packs AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH no regrets!! french girl with giant nessie plush!!!!! tho i haven't played in forever (and honestly may keep it that way with how much they're nerfing bloodhound.. like.. c'mon man.. not my main.. they've already been nerfed so much 😭)
i recently started playing rdr2 cause im visiting family that has it (theres actually been a lot of funny stories being on an unfamiliar console, like playing 22+ hours and reaching chap 2 without knowing how to save.. and i didnt know how to tell arthurs weight so i kept him underweight for so long my poor starving man </3) after playing rdr1 quite a bit. i also vibed with john hard in 1 but i lowkey thought he was an angsty young adult in rdr2 and not a FATHER. my favs are arthur and javier tho i can barely see the latter cause where tf is he on the map?? same with charles where IS HE??? but anyways i also vibe so hard with kieran.
tho i could talk forever about my interests, other than that for personality: id describe myself as actually kinda confident around strangers, i love to compliment ppl i come across. for friends, much of the same, i like using improv as humor if that makes sense, ive been told im easy to talk to, i consider myself intuitive (also contributed to me being a tarot reader i believe), but i am the type to have a veeerryy hard time expressing negative feelings im having, and never crying in front of people, so no shortage of bottling emotions. im also rather rigid on cleanliness and WILL start tweaking if me/my space goes too long w/o cleaning. i really, really care about people (i would want to be a paramedic!! if my body could allow it..) and i so want to make peoples lives better!! but also can rather easily stop people from walking over me, should they try. i care about kids a lot, and get very peeved when other ppl dont know how kids brains work and mistreat them because of such, and cause they just have no respect for children. honestly with thinking like.. about formulating matchmaking requests i never really seem to think about what id want out of a person. honestly, just when someone cares (wow, such high standards) but should the time come, mmmost times im not afraid to make a selfish ask. most. maybe. sometimes. and im very, very empathetic and it SUCKS i take psychic damage every time someone even remotely, even HYPOTHETICALLY feels bad. this is not a virtue.
for hobbies, i like to play video games as you may have guessed, i also like to read (non fiction, classic lit and danmeis especially), make art of all kinds but mainly physical sketches, and im always looking to add more shows/movies to my watched list.
i love to visit restaurants and cafes and interesting places surrounding food!!! my idea of a good time is eating with people, even if its in a crappy chuck e cheese. i love to try new foods (but it's a bit hard since becoming vegetarian), and i love matcha! i also love visiting just interesting places in general. why go to disney when you can see a beautiful spot in nature, or an art exhibit, or a park, or just the lively downtown? but other than that, i love my dedicated space 💗
i dont like rude people. mean people. people mean to kids and animals. bigots. assholes. any synonym for that. but honestly, not much else. there are other things that sure tick me off but can be pretty easily taken care of or compromised for.
i hope i didnt write a damn essay. half of it was geeking out over interests but. im guessing the brainrot is shared. but thank you so much for even reading my request this far!! (*˘︶˘*)
hii! sure thing! i love doing matchups especially when you guys give me lots of details :) let's get to it :) THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD!!! I'M REALLY SORRY FOR ANY MISTAKES!!!
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okay, first things first - let me tell you why I didn't choose other characters :)
❝ im chronically ill & disabled, which means i have chronic pain and have pretty bad sleep ❞
Well, I need to be honest with you, I believe that despite your strenght, REVENANT would just make fun of your disability, he would NOT care at all, he'd probably pick on you and be REALLY rude. I hope it's not offensive (i'm sorry if i'm insensitive, it's not my intention), but I know he'd want to offend you. You could actually have a good hate-ship (if you know what i mean), where the only thing you guys do is fight with each other but I don't think that's what you want.
❝ im also rather rigid on cleanliness and WILL start tweaking if me/my space goes too long w/o cleaning. ❞
I'm sorry, have you seen OCTANE'S room? Let me remind you of that...
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Can you see what is happening on his floor? This guy would probably drive you insane with how messy he is and I know he wouldn't care if you tried to ask him to clean it up... It would probably lead to many arguments and fights between you :(
❝and im very, very empathetic and it SUCKS i take psychic damage every time someone even remotely, even HYPOTHETICALLY feels bad. this is not a virtue. ❞
I have this feeling that Loba would see you as an easy target to manipulate, she'd think that she could use you after seeing that you feel really bad when someone feels bad, so she'd probably talk about her past a lot around you - trying to make you feel like you need to help her with everything. I doubt that it could work out :( I hope you see my vision and I'm not weirdly delusional with my ideas.
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I feel like you and Vantage could have a really good relationship! You both seem to aim high with your ideals and I just think that you both are really empathetic, a little bit emotional even... You share the love for animals. She has her Echo and she'd probably die for him. Vantage would never let any animal be mistreated when she's watching.
" why go to disney when you can see a beautiful spot in nature, or an art exhibit, or a park, or just the lively downtown? " - I think she thinks exactly the same! She seems to be a big fan of nature and she is an explorer. Born on a cold planet where everything wanted to kill her, she knows that nature can both be beautiful and deadly. She is also really nice, and I think that when she gets closer to someone, she actually CARES, like...A LOT. You'd probably be treated really well. I think that Vantage would be really patient when it comes to you and expressing your feelings, she'd never let you just walk away if she saw that you were upset, I think that communication and trust is a priority in every relationship.
She'd listen to you when you tell her that you have chronic pain and she'd do exactly the things you ask her to do, always trying her best to help you and she'd make sure you're not pushing yourself too hard.
Thank you for reading 👽👽👽
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marsbar17 · 11 months ago
Hello! I was wondering if maybe I can old get some sfw/nsfw hcs for mirage x wriath? If you haven’t don’t them already pls ;-;
Of course! Everytime I see this ship I think about the early days of apex back when I was like 13 hdjdhsjka
Also I just like an hour ago I got another anon ask for this ship so this worked out pffff
Anyways I hope you like this, I put my heart and soul into it :)
Mirage x Wraith Headcannons :)
Contains: NSFW further below
• Two bisexuals in love <333
• We all know Wraith holds the reins in this relationship, ain't no way she's letting Mirage boss her around
• Just like in my Mirage x Reader headcanons, Mirage is like a lost puppy looking for affection
• Wraith is the type of person to go up to the fast food workers and tell them that Mirage asked for no pickles pffff
• Wraith is Mirages scary dog privilege, anyone who fucks with him gets a kunai to the throat
• Mirage gets invited to game night with Wraith, Wattson, and Crypto
• He feels very betrayed that they made a weekly hangout without him, and they let him win uno to make him feel better
• I feel like Wraith would have a stutter due to the amount of voices in her head, it's hard to talk while a bunch of other people are also talking in your head
• Mirage is patient and comforting with Wraith's stutter, he knows well enough how embarrassing it can feel to stumble over your words constantly
• Mirage is a great cook, he likes to make fancy-ish dinners for Wraith and he sets the table with like candles and wine and shit and he comes out like "I have your filet mignon with cranberry sauce, ma'am"
• In terms of dates, they probably stay home a lot, but occasionally Mirage will drag Wraith out to the paradise lounge or to a small coffee shop
• Wraith adopts a cat and Mirage pretends he doesn't like the cat but then Wraith finds him baby talking the cat and falls even more in love with him
• I feel like Wraith would lovingly bully Mirage with nicknames, she probably calls him dumbass, idiot, or just Elliot or El, maybe the occasional hun
• Mirage calls Wraith baby, babe, darling, Renee, or Ren
• Mirages love languages are physical affection and quality time
• Wraiths love languages are the same
• Wraith pegs him, no questions asked
• They probably switch top and bottom depending on the day and on the mood, but Wraith is always in control IM SORRY I LITERALLY CANT IMAGINE THAT MAN BEING DOMINANT
• Mirage has an oral fixation and loves having his mouth put to use, Wraith gets piercings on her nipples and her clit just so he has more to play with
• Wraith, on the other hand, isn't as into giving oral. I feel like she wouldn't enjoy the feeling of sucking dick, she'll suck on the tip and kiss all along the length, she'll even suck on the balls, but she doesn't like going too far with it
• Mirage is perfectly fine with this, plus Wraiths hands are enough to drive him crazy
• Wraith doesn't want to be vulnerable in public but she will tease the hell out of Mirage and jerk him off in public spots during the games because she knows he loves it
• Wraith leaves as many hickeys as she can all over Mirage so everyone knows he belongs to her
• Their favorite positions are riding and doggy (Mirage receiving)
• Wraith calls Mirage puppy, good boy, and whore
• Mirage calls Wraith ma'am, baby, mommy, and maybe mistress
• For the most part, even during rougher and kinkier sex, their actually very loving and intimate. Theirs lots of soft kisses and touches, comforting words, and communication
• Aftercare always consists of cuddles and talking about likes, dislikes, anything and everything
• Mirage likes to give Wraith back massages afterwards once he's got the energy back, she doesn't ask him to, he just does because he wants to
I hope you enjoyed this and thank you for reading! Remember that liking and reblogging my posts takes like 20 seconds and helps me grow as a creator :)
My requests are always open, so if theirs anything Apex, Overwatch, etc on your mind, shoot me a request and I'll do it!
Have a good day!
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lulubwunni · 1 year ago
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Silly crypto and wattson doodles
I am so unhealthily obsessed with them they r so MEOW!!!!!!!!! (((Crypto x wattson my beloved .)))
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thesleepycrypto · 1 year ago
Cryptage/Holohacker discord server now available!
Come join our community! Hang out and chat with other friendly people! Discuss your favorite HC’s or find people to play apex with! All welcome in this server!! :)
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Art by @sunnythesigilyph
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