#Animal adoption
fandomwonderer · 10 months
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Local calico has something to say!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I adopted a tall, gentle greyhound with a very long snoot and long flowing fur. I named him Avalon-Totoro.
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ashwolfforever · 9 months
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Mauja’s dream of being a mother dies along with her stillborn first cubs. That same night, the heartbroken lioness stumbles – quite literally – upon an orphaned baby cheetah.
Two choices lay before her: End the cub’s misery. Or adopt him.
Unable to bear seeing the loss of young life again that night, Mauja does what would be unthinkable to her pride sisters. She takes the cheetah baby as her own son. Now, she must face new challenges. The pride will not accept her or her son. And worse yet, she finds out quickly that raising a cheetah in lion ways may spell doom for him when he grows up.
Mauja has one hope left. She must find a mysterious pride of lions called the Mahari. A pride who, the stories say, possess a special, powerful secret that may help her. Mauja knows her father was a Mahari lion. She bears the marks near her eyes – Mahari’s tears – to prove it. But are the stories about the Mahari actually true?
The path ahead for Mauja is uncertain. Finding the Mahari means she must leave her pride, her home, and everything she’s ever known. And what if the stories aren’t true?
What if the risk and dangers are too great?
Mauja, with her cheetah son Ṣìkẹ́mi, must choose to make that leap of faith. Will they land safely on the other side?
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It’s a good reminder for any animal 
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Maine Coon kittens available for adoption and rehoming...
@animals @pet @petscrub @petspeopletogether @petspot @petfinderr @petsforeveryone @petsforfriends @petsfortrivedi @petsforyou-blog @animalswithstuffedanimals-blog @animals-lovers @animalstalkinginallcaps @animalsforlifetime @animalsforver @animalsarefuckingcute @animalsadoption @animalsandanimals @animalsaremydrugs @cat @catloversplace-blog @catloverspages-blog @catslover66 @catsloverbest-blog @catloverswift13 @catslovers-blog @catsloversforever-blog @catslovers @catslover18 @kittenskittenskittens @kittens @kittenslovelyworld-blog @kittenslover123423-blog @kittenslover-blog @kittenloversdaddy @kittensloversworld @kittensallday-blog
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Date at the Animal Shelter
Find me on Ao3!
“We’re only going to look, Evan. We’re too busy to have animals.” Tommy reminded his boyfriend for the fifth time in the last hour. Today was the first day off they’d had together in what felt like months and Evan had asked if they could go see the animals at the surrounding shelters. Tommy knew how much the man loved animals - cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, you name it, he loved them - so he was hard pressed to tell him no. It’s not that Tommy didn’t also love the cute, furry, four legged fiends, but his love was on an entirely different level. The two of them would run a farm if Tommy let Evan keep every stray animal he brought home with puppy dog eyes, begging to keep them until they could get them to a shelter.
It had only been five months and Tommy didn’t have enough fingers and toes to keep count any longer.
“No, look, I know.” Evan replied as he slipped on his shoes, looking stunning in a tight fitting black t-shirt and a pair of slim fit joggers. “But I figured I could offer to like, help walk the dogs or something while we’re there. The shelter is always short staffed and getting to hang out with some dogs seems like a pretty awesome thing to do on my day off.”
“You know, walking the dogs is how you end up falling in love with one, right?” Tommy teased, pulling Evan into a side hug to kiss his temple. Evan batted at him with a pout on his lips which caused Tommy to laugh and plant another sloppy kiss, this one to his cheek. “No animals, Evan Buckley.” He reiterated once more, booping his boyfriend on the nose before dancing away from his flailing arms. He thought he heard him mutter, we’ll see about that, under his breath as he scowled through the doorway but Tommy chose to believe the man knew better.
An hour later they were at the LA County Human Society. Evan made an immediate beeline for the caged animals where an enormous brown rabbit munched on some hay, its beady eyes focused everywhere but at the people. Evan poked his finger between the bars and cooed at the animal, trying his darndest to get it to move closer so he could pet it. Tommy watched on fondly, hands in his pockets, but didn’t move any closer.
After a couple minutes of futilely trying to win the rabbit over, Evan moved to another stack of cages where a couple of chunky guinea pigs curled up under their little plastic castle, snoring away. In a different cage, one lay pressed against the bars as he squeaked softly, seemingly unbothered by the chaos of the shelter. Evan looked beyond gleeful as he stuck his fingers once more through the cage bars to stroke the unruly black fur of the rodent. Even after the creature tried to take a chunk out of him he turned to Tommy with the widest smile and beamed, “Isn’t he just the cutest?”
Tommy humphed. “For a rodent.” Hey, he didn’t hate the creatures but he didn’t quite understand the concept of keeping them around as pets. Evan cocked an eyebrow at him but said nothing. Instead he turned back around, peering into each cage and attempting to pet any living thing within reach.
Once he’d finished his perusal of small animals, he washed his hands in the provided sink and they made their way into the cat colonies. There were about twenty cages, stacked two high, lined along one wall. On the other side were five small rooms, no more than 4x6 feet big with cat trees and litter boxes pressed against the glass walls. At the very end were three brightly colored doors with medium sized windows to look through. They were, Tommy assumed, the visiting rooms. 
A litany of meows surrounded them as the small creatures pushed themselves against their enclosures, trying their hardest to garner the humans’ attention. Some of the cages hosted two or three kitten sized cats, a chowder of them if you will, while most of them seemed to host one full grown animal. Tommy joined his boyfriend in the cooing this time, approaching each cage with a grin on his face as he poked his fingers through so he could stroke their soft fur.
One cage held a terrified white and black spotted cat named Mary who laid in her litter box, her pupils dilated so big you couldn’t tell what color her eyes were. Another held an orange cat named Georgie who rubbed himself aggressively against the bars, screaming the song of his people. One of the cages with kittens had a trio named after different types of French buns. Another with a litter named after Little Debbie sweet treats.
The two men stopped at each one, spending just a little bit of time with every animal, Tommy’s heart breaking just a bit as he thought about how some of these guys would stay trapped in their cages until they breathed their last. The oldest he’d seen was Mary at fourteen. While she looked healthy, Tommy knew it could be difficult to find adopters for elderly animals. Everyone wanted babies they could raise and mold into their own. He hoped that someone would get that beautiful girl out of her shell and into a good home.
They wandered over to the other wall to peer into the glass enclosures, staring as the cats napped and played. It was in the last room that Evan stopped to stare. Tommy followed his line of sight and mentally let out a breath, knowing that he may have just lost the battle. A small grey and white tabby cat batted at a catnip ball hanging from one of shelves on the floor to ceiling cat trees. It had an elastic band and the cutie would grab onto it with his claws before promptly falling to side to bunny kick the hell out of it, biting into it like he was biting into his prey. He was perfect. With the exception of one thing.
This beautiful baby had one eye.
Tommy looked at the paperwork hanging in the window, searching until he found info for the cat Evan’s eyes hadn’t left. Finding it, he let out a snort that finally got the other man’s attention. “What?” He asked, his eyes drawn back to the cat.
“His name.” Tommy laughed, knowing that telling Evan was basically setting their fate in stone.
“What about it?” He asked, his hand on the door to the enclosure.
“Evan.” Tommy grabbed the man's hand and pulled him to stand next to him, forcing him to look. As soon as he saw it he guffawed, his blue eyes sparkling with pure mirth. “Evan, his name is Jack Sparrow.” The one year old had been found, malnourished, in the streets and had been surrendered to the shelter by his heroes. He’d been neutered, and vaccinated, and was ready to be taken home that day. “A little on the nose, don’t you think?”
“I think he’s perfect.”
“If you go in there Evan, we’re going to be leaving this shelter with a cat. What did I say before I agreed to come here with you?” His tone was exasperated, but he felt fondness tugging at his heart, loving the way his boyfriends eyes softened as he stared in at the perfectly imperfect animal. Tommy knew, deep in his bones, that the animal could’ve been a hideous, deranged, mess, and Evan would’ve had the compassion to see him and want to take him in and Tommy loved him all the more for it. One missing eye wasn’t a deterrent in the least.
“I just want to say hi.” The man insisted, tugging Tommy towards the door. Sighing, he let himself be dragged in where the cat took immediately to both of them, scenting their legs as he rubbed himself all over them, trying his little best to crawl up their pant legs. Thank God they were both wearing slightly thicker material because this cat had claws like a lion and they were sharper than knives.
Evan leaned down and scooped Jack into his arms, resting the baby’s front paws on his shoulder while supporting his hind paws on his forearm. Jack began to purr, his motor loud enough to be heard across the room, and rubbed himself all over Evan’s stubble. Evan ran his hand down the cat's back, speaking in soft tones as he cuddled him, laughing as he was aggressively pet back
 Tommy’s heart melted and he couldn’t stop the wild image of snuggling on the couch with Jack nestled between them, one paw on Tommy’s leg with his tail curled over Buck’s. Shaking out the image, Tommy said, “Alright Evan, time to go.” His boyfriend’s face fell, and as he expected, was reluctant to put his new friend down. It took another handful of strokes, and softly whispered I love you’s before he could bear to let go. Tommy wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him in close. “We don’t have time.” He whispered, nuzzling his cheek with his nose. “I’d love to bring him home, but we just can’t right now.”
“I know.” Evan huffed, dejected. “Let’s go see the dogs now. I wanna ask if we can help walk them.” Tommy nodded and pulled his boyfriend along, his chest tight as he watched Evan look back towards the cat area repeatedly, his eyes full of yearning.
The younger man's mood bounced back as soon as they entered the dog pens. If the cats had been loud, the dogs were deafening as they barked and growled at the visitors. But neither of them cared. Buck’s head swiveled, looking for an employee, and as soon as he found one he made a beeline for her, his own tail wagging as he approached. Tommy didn’t pay him any mind, instead glancing briefly into each kennel. A lot of the dogs were laying down on their beds, staring with big, pleading eyes into the outside as if all their energy had been drained from them. A few of them stood at their gates, tails wagging as they greeted each new stranger with abandon.
There mostly seemed to be big dogs, the smallest being a Jack Russel mixed with something else kind of small. And a lot of these ladies and fellas were older, with the youngest being three years old. There must’ve been a recent surge of surrenders and he briefly wondered why. His heart broke for these guys. Or he thought it had. Until he came upon a kennel with a dog that lay in its bed, facing away from the outside world. Tommy could just make out a pair of long, floppy ears, its coat a greying red-brown and white. The dog's sides barely moved as it breathed.
I wonder if it’s sick… Tommy thought, frowning. If it was, hopefully the shelter realized and took care of the problem. He stepped back from the gates so he could read the clipboard with information.
Name: Rudy
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Breed: Basset Hound Mix
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Declawed: No
Reason for surrender:
Tommy’s heart really did nearly stutter to a stop.
Reason for surrender: My elderly dad unfortunately passed away. The shelter called all of my aunts and uncles, to see if someone would take me in, but nobody wanted me. So I came here. I might be old, but I still love to play. I also love to sit at my human’s feet as we watch the wind blow by together. I’d do better in an environment without small children.
Adoption fee: $175, Forget Me Not!
A huge orange sticker was stuck to the bottom of the page with those three words in bold type. Tommy looked over the page and found that Rudy had already been here for three months, and was constantly overlooked due to his age. Wanting to cry, Tommy slowly got into a crouch and clicked his tongue. “Rudy. Hey buddy, hey. Won’t you come say hi?” The animal didn’t move, but Tommy wasn’t about to give up. He softly called his name until those huge, floppy ears perked up and the old man slowly turned to look at him. Tommy whimpered as those giant eyes met his, Rudy’s eyes big and brown with his muzzle turned mostly grey. “C’mere buddy.” Tommy reached into the pail attached to the door to grab a treat, saddened when he realized that Rudy’s pail was mostly full compared to all the other dogs. He held it through the bars and clicked his tongue once more.
Rudy sniffed the air, looking back and forth between it and Tommy before, after a long, long while, getting slowly to his feet. Clearly his old bones ached but he jumped from the bed and lumbered over, giving the treat a smell before licking it. Deciding it was a good enough offering, he very gently took it between his teeth and pulled it from Tommy’s fingers. Tommy grinned like a loon, reaching out to pet the dog on its knobby little head, wanting to kick his feet with glee as the old boy allowed it. When Rudy finished his treat, Tommy held his hand in front of his nose to let him get a smell, and to his joy, received his first doggy kiss, timid as it was.
Internally he was groaning because, if Evan had been gone on Jack Sparrow, Tommy knew that his heart had just been stolen by an elderly dog named Rudy. And he knew, in his heart of hearts, that they’d be going home with not one animal today, but two. And for once it’d be all his fault.
Evan appeared then, out of thin air, appearing disappointed. “What’s up, baby?” Tommy asked, standing to meet his boyfriend’s eyes, reaching out to stroke his shoulders.
Evan peered around him as he muttered, “They said that they have volunteer dog walkers, but I have to go through a training program before I can take them out.”
“That’s too bad.” Tommy said, sincerely, knowing that Evan had been so excited about coming here to do just that. “Maybe you can sign up for one of the classes and next time we come you can take someone out.” He perked up at this.
“Yeah, why not? I’m sure it would be fun.”
“Will you come with me?”
Tommy pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose. “Absolutely. Now, I think it’s about time we headed out. It’s getting late and we haven’t had lunch.”
“I didn’t get to say hi to all the dogs.” Evan pouted, looking longingly into each of the kennels he could see from where they were standing.
Tommy brushed his hair back and looked into his eyes. “I said hi to every single one, I promise. Will that do for today? I’m really, really hungry.”
Evan sighed, shoulders slumping. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Good. Now I have to go to the bathroom before we make the drive back, can you take the keys and go wait in the car?”
“Maybe I can stay here and pet the dogs while you’re in there…?” He sounded hopeful, but Tommy shook his head, a dastardly plan half formed in his head. “Why not?”
“If I don’t take long enough for you to pet all of them, you’ll be even more sad so take the loss this time, alright?” Tommy brushed his thumb over the pink birthmark over Evan’s eye, smiling indulgently at him, knowing he’d won the battle as soon as Evan breathed in deep and let it out in the most put upon sigh he’d ever heard.
“Yeah, I guess. Give me your damn keys.” Tommy patted him on the shoulder before digging his keys out of his front pocket and handing them over. “Don’t take too long. Now that you mentioned food, I’m starved.” It was his turn to lean in and press his lips to Tommy’s, giving them a little lick before pulling away. Tommy watched him go, making sure his boyfriend was far around the corner before approaching the front desk.
“I’d like to make an adoption please…”
Twenty minutes later, arms laden down with the bare basics, and one of the shelter workers assisting with Rudy and a bag of dog food, Tommy exited the shelter; his wallet was significantly lighter than when they’d gotten there, but he’s not sure he could be mad about it. “Can you stand back just a bit? This is kind of a surprise for my boyfriend.” Tommy asked the brunette following him. She grinned, and nodded, slowing her pace more than he did as he approached the car. Instead of the driver’s side, he approached the passenger side and pulled open the door.
“Tommy, what the heck took so long-” Evan didn’t even get the question out before Tommy set the shaking box down in his lap. Evan’s eyes went huge as he flicked his eyes between the box, then Tommy, then back to the box again, his hands held up as if in a hostage situation. He swallowed hard as his eyes landed once more on Tommy. “Y… You didn’t?”
Tommy leaned away for a moment to take Rudy’s leash, thanking the young woman helping him out. She nodded again, leaned the bag of food against the rear wheel, and disappeared back inside the building. A plaintive meow came from the box, Jack feeling a bit restless inside the confined space. This seemed to snap Evan out of it as he hurriedly pulled it open to rescue the little furball. His eyes welled with tears as he held Jack to his chest, looking at Tommy with so much love it was almost visible to the naked eye.
“Well, you know, I didn’t think it would be fair if I got to bring someone home and you didn’t.” Tommy elaborated, bringing Rudy into Evan’s line of sight. He gasped again, staring into the basset hounds sad, pitiful eyes. “Evan. Meet Rudy. Rudy, meet your other new dad.”
Still holding Jack tightly to his chest, Evan leaned out the door to let Rudy sniff him before stroking his big old head, grinning even as a tear streaked down his face. Once he’d had his fill, at least for the moment, he reached out and grabbed Tommy by the back of the neck to pull him in for what was most definitely an obscene kiss that could’ve possibly gotten them arrested. When they broke apart, Evan breathed against his lips, “I love you, Tommy Kinard. I love you so Goddamn much.” Then kissed him again.
Tommy rested their foreheads together for just a moment as he replied, “Love you too, Evan Buckley. Don’t you forget it.” Then Jack yowled, squirming so hard Evan nearly lost his hold on him to which he promptly shouted, shit! before pushing Tommy away and slamming the door shut. Laughing, Tommy led Rudy towards the back door and pulled it open, lifting the dog into the backseat where he quickly settled, resting his head on his paws as he stared at his new dad. The workers said that he might take a while to warm up, to get some of his energy back, but Tommy didn’t care one way or another. He loved this dog, to the moon and back, no matter what, and he was just so excited to watch his family grow.
Stashing their new supplies in the trunk, he hopped into the driver’s seat, excited for the evening, and days ahead.
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super-sootica · 5 months
Pet Shelters: Please, please someone adopt our animals!! Don't buy! Adopt! Me: I would like to adopt Pet Shelters: Ew, don't talk to us
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harkthorn · 10 months
I can't find Andrew Digby over here, so directly copying his post for sharing on Tumblr too.
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There’s one week left to adopt a #kakapo for delivery before Christmas. Adoptions close 10th Dec. It’s a great way to support #conservation of this critically endangered species. Thank you to everyone who’s helped so far!
Source: Andrew Digby via Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/digs.bsky.social
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
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antvnger · 7 months
The numbers for this year haven't been added but all 1,298 puppies that played in the puppy bowl (unfortunately the sicker ones who passed are not counted) have been adopted.
Still though. That’s a lot of pups who have found hopefully good homes. That’s an awesome thing!
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What happy puppies.
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victorian-vampir · 1 year
Not so friendly reminder as Easter draws closer.
If you adopt a rabbit for you kid just for the Easter season without doing any proper research and with the intent to properly care for this rabbit as long as it lives, you are a shit fuckin person. Same goes for chickens. If the only reason you want an animal is because "it's the season" you're fucking scum and I hope you have a shitty easter.
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code-of-creation · 16 days
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This cat has the best adoption profile I have ever read
(Transcript: A large black and white cat with long wild fur has his face fully stuffed in a small clear glass of water. Below is a text of his profile edited to highlight the funny parts. The text reads:
"About Legend
Moderately shy
Hi there! Meet Legend!  He is an old man who’s looking for a quiet home to retire in. Although he looks a little rough and tough around the edges, he is full of love. He wants nothing more than to curl up on your lap and take a nap. (Highight start) His favourite things are catnip and watching YouTube videos for cats!(Highlight end)
Since arriving at AARCS, Legend has had quite the transformation. He’s had a dental, gained a lot of  weight, and even had a spa day! Now he is looking and feeling his absolute best and is looking to meet his special family. He is a lovely cat with such a warm personality. He’s honestly one of the nicest cats I’ve ever met, and I’ve met a lot of cats! He comes on quite strong with people he likes and has no qualms with laying on your chest every chance he gets… regardless of what you think of the matter! He’s friendly with everyone he’s met, but timid to sudden loud noises and boisterous people/dogs.(Highlight start) He’s quite vocal and I think he just likes the sound of his own voice sometimes… he bellows to the skies at least once a day.(Highlight end)
Legend would be best suited to a home with no children or animals; however, he would likely do okay with older children and/or elderly animals. He tolerates my dogs, but doesn’t really care for them and really dislikes the barking! He has no problem telling the dogs when they have overstepped his boundaries. I have not tested him with cats. He is completely litter box trained and has never had an accident outside the box since being in my home.
He is on a special kidney care diet but is a very picky eater. His wet food needs to be mixed with something more tasty to encourage him to eat! He eats both wet and dry food, but will yell at you for human food every chance he gets. (Highlight Start) He is a huge beggar! You need to keep your butter dish locked up tight as that is one of his favourites (I learned that the hard way – haha!).(Highlight end)
Apply today!"
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redpandamemes · 11 months
I have no idea how else to even start or explain this, I'm sorry in advance
After trying for weeks to rehome a cat of ours, my family has given her an ultimatum of 24 hours before making her homeless. If anyone would like a free female cat then please DM me with serious inquiries only.
We're willing to offer some spare food, some food/water dishes, and possibly a litter box
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She's a wonderful cat, very shy but will be your best friend, and very talkative!
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pwurrz · 1 year
it genuinely fucking kills me to read people believe the lies spread about no-kill shelters in the notes of that post. you can’t judge everything based on the words of some dumbass tumblr user who thinks her experiences are universal. they’re not. it’s a case by case basis. judge each shelter personally.
don’t automatically believe that a no-kill shelter is pretentious, or turns less adoptable animals away, or doesn’t properly look after their animals, or secretly kills animals they consider to be less adoptable.
this attitude hurts shelters that desperately need your support to keep providing shelter, protection, medical care, food, and love to animals who need it. if someone spread these types of rumours about the shelter i volunteer at, we would be absolutely crushed. we are overwhelmed with cats right now. we need community support now more than ever.
please do your own research. every type of animal shelter is worthy of your support, and no type is better than another. we’re all just trying our best to care for animals in need.
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Sphynx kittens available for adoption and rehoming...
@animals @pet @petscrub @petspeopletogether @petspot @petfinderr @petsforeveryone @petsforfriends @petsfortrivedi @petsforyou-blog @animalswithstuffedanimals-blog @animals-lovers @animalstalkinginallcaps @animalsforlifetime @animalsforver @animalsarefuckingcute @animalsadoption @animalsandanimals @animalsaremydrugs @cat @catloversplace-blog @catloverspages-blog @catslover66 @catsloverbest-blog @catloverswift13 @catslovers-blog @catsloversforever-blog @catslovers @catslover18 @kittenskittenskittens @kittens @kittenslovelyworld-blog @kittenslover123423-blog @kittenslover-blog @kittenloversdaddy @kittensloversworld @kittensallday-blog
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thequeenofsastiel · 2 years
Is there anyone in the Austin, Texas area who would be willing to adopt my dad's cat? She's fourteen, healthy, indoors only. She's a little skittish and might take time getting used to you, but she's very loving once she's comfortable. Needs to be a one or two person household in which there's at least one person there most of the time. No children, no other animals. Please help, and please reblog. He doesn't have much time left.
Obviously if you're outside the area and interested and willing to drive to get her, that would be okay too. She does well in cars as long as she's not confined to a crate.
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