#Andy Talen
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wornoutspines · 1 month ago
A Complete Unknown (Movie Review) | A heartfelt Exploration of Creativity, Ambition, and Artistic Defiance.
Even if you're not a Dylan fan (yet), this movie might just change that. The journey is mesmerizing. 🎸🎶 ✨#ACompleteUnknown #TimothéeChalamet #BobDylan ➡️ Read my review: https://wornoutspines.com/2025/01/27/a-complete-unknown-movie-review/
James Mangold‘s A Complete Unknown offers an intimate glimpse into the life of Bob Dylan, following his rise from a 19-year-old dreamer in New York City to the groundbreaking artist who I’m told changed the music landscape forever. For those already familiar with Dylan’s legend, this is a nostalgic ode to his early days. For the uninitiated – like myself – it’s an education wrapped in stunning…
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milliondollarbaby87 · 1 month ago
A Complete Unknown (2024) Review
An unknown 19 year old Bob Dylan arrives in New York City in 1961 with just his guitar and forges relationships with music icons leading to a rise in fame and groundbreaking performances in folk music. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading A Complete Unknown (2024) Review
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I was not fucking planning on doing this and I haven't had time to edit my wording. Whatever. This is my side of the bargain.
Patrick glanced at the bottle. He picked it up and admired the golden liquid. It sloshed as he spun the bottle in his hand. It couldnt hurt to just try a bit, could it? Patrick uncorked to bottle and poured a bit into Pete's glass. He gazed at it for a moment - he didn't usually drink, and even then it was just a glass of wine at a party or maybe a beer if Joe dragged him out to a bar. The whiskey rippled slightly. Oh, to hell with the norms. Patrick took a sip.
Damn, that was good. Pete had good taste. He took a bigger gulp.
The clock struck one. Pete, Andy, and Joe were still out.
The glass in front of him looked so inviting, just sitting there. Patrick grabbed the glass and knocked back the rest. He breathed in deeply, "fuck, thats good." Before patrick could stop himself, he refilled to glass and drained it again. More. He wanted more.
Patrick reached across the counter for the whiskey, knocking his empty glass onto the floor. It shattered. Oh well. He took a swig directly from the bottle.
"Man, I should do this more often." He took another long drink, "fuckin' amazing."
Patrick took a deep breath and downed what was left in the bottle. More. Still more.
He dropped the bottle carelessly, where it smashed on the floor next to Pete's glass. Patrick squinted at it. The floor wriggled like he was looking at it from underwater. "Stop moving," he mumbled, attempting to nudge to broken glass with his foot.
"Whatever." Patrick moved to take another swig from the whiskey bottle, only to remember he'd just dropped it onto the tile floor of the kitchen.
He grumbled to himself as he got up from his seat to reach for another bottle. The floor swayed under his feet.
Patrick examined the liquor cabinet. What was supposed to be good? He only wanted the best. Quality had never really mattered to Patrick, but now that he had a taste, the idea of drinking a mediocre IPA in a shitty vegas bar disgusted him. His eyes feel upon a bottle of red wine, an expensive one, too.
He grabbed a corkscrew and uncorked the bottle. The first sip was light, but the wine left his mouth dry, aching for more. More. More. More.
The red liquid swirled. He gulped more, until the bottle was empty.
Such an overwhelming Greed had taken over patrick, he didnt even notice the bottle dropping from his hands and breaking to bits.
Patrick grabbed the next bottle, struggling to read the label. He must've talen his glasses off, though when he reached up, he foundd they were still perched firmly on his nose. He tossed the glasses in vaguely the direction of the counter. He didn't need them right now.
It didn't matter what the bottle was anyway. He just needed more. Moremoremore. More.
More. He took a long, deep, swallow. Then another.
Patrick gasped for air. God, he felt alive.
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444namesplus · 10 months ago
Aati Aeknaktà Aennastu Afan Affes Ahen Ahoer Ahordè Akni Alonol Alrè Alsar Altontan Ami Ammi Amosnem Anar Anber Andi Anen Anerteras Ani Annes Annà Ansoptà Anà Aonsà Apartò Aren Arensen Aretam Arnu Aru Asadu Aser Asi Asti Asu Ati Atrotol Bakti Behu Belatonnè Dahu Dantansel Dees Dei Delmamati Deraonander Desahalhi Detaltè Doalrò Domenterdò Donsi Donà Doten Doti Eal Edan Eder Edà Efsi Elhahofen Elmeti Elmi Elà Emeren Emesos Emru Emtoesheos Eneri Engesi Ennados Ennentas Ennosom Entar Enti Entu Epti Epè Erantahu Erhu Ernasamfon Erreri Ersà Ertatani Ertonnaosnà Ertu Esden Esesenu Esheemes Eshel Esi Esri Esrostan Estanhoes Estor Estu Esò Etesaelu Etesè Ethon Etteleran Etè Fatni Fefà Foes Fonener Gadu Garlà Gesi Goten Goti Haektos Hafetes Hagelnaden Halsanè Hani Hanonor Hasem Hasu Hatai Hatonnatu Hean Heen Heer Hefi Hehà Helenu Henes Henti Henu Herahi Hernem Heron Heseator Hetetar Heti Hodà Hoeni Hoer Hoi Honar Honetarò Hoshi Hotam Hotos Kesden Ketesi Ladeos Laral Leeestedà Lenal Lenti Lenà Letortoni Loldos Makni Maltar Meher Menannas Menar Merhi Metemerreti Moelri Naam Nafi Nalnalal Namasè Narasu Narnenu Narseselsar Narsò Nasi Natesasu Neam Nebevè Neekdar Neen Nefi Negarraneni Negatu Negu Nehanò Nehasos Nelhesà Neltas Nemos Nemu Nenan Nenanenu Nenfà Nennetu Nenornan Nensahefanem Nenteloru Nenà Neon Neonenti Neran Nerar Neron Neshu Nesi Nesoon Nester Nesu Netesaten Neti Nettassem Neè Nofà Nohes Noi Nonahu Noni Noorà Norsò Noson Nosopnas Nosos Noteren Notersò Nou Oan Oeti Ohasau Okri Olfi Olnà Oltetaleskos Omlà Omsepnotes Onar Ongi Onhò Oni Onoshi Onsel Onserò Onteltetetan Ontà Oprà Ornastu Ornos Orru Orsi Osdon Osematen Oshelen Osi Otal Oteser Ottà Patetoras Pestes Petehoatas Pohon Raan Raerentò Rai Ranenmersanhi Rarer Rarnan Ratadà Real Relenees Reltò Remè Renedoernu Renenani Renesatemni Renhonnomsi Renti Reor Rerti Resi Resnon Restu Resà Reti Roaneahà Rodes Rogedanorler Rohanenhenen Romhè Rontenò Ropoel Rorer Rotam Rotesaan Rotos Rototen Saheer Salanhom Saltel Sarar Sartedotan Sasnanni Sates Sedefdestal Sehotas Selen Selhas Seltean Selu Semeer Semrodi Senetò Senon Senu Sersi Serteasnar Sessarnesti Sessol Sestethi Sesteà Setaos Seè Sofeni Sofnesen Soham Sohari Soltotenè Solu Somassanu Sonas Sonbes Sonharani Soni Sonletà Sorsamehu Soteltenru Taaneesni Taem Taes Tahas Tahè Takden Takes Taldenlà Talehà Talen Talhosos Talnu Tami Tanarresetu Tanartan Tanen Tanesefran Tanreobu Tansehà Tansotoen Tansè Taol Tari Tarà Tatartal Tatesel Tatetai Tateter Tati Tatos Tatu Tatà Tau Teanasner Teannemsehè Teatesnos Tedu Teel Teemai Teer Tees Tefes Teganò Tehossi Temnon Temsal Tenedi Tener Teneru Tengu Tengò Tenhenau Tennasas Tenni Tenronu Tensarohu Tentan Tenò Teolhu Teparpebu Terhetolà Tersaaton Tersal Terti Terà Teserò Tesetai Teshi Testasnonnotu Testi Tesu Tesè Tetaetu Tetenei Tetepnò Teteu Tetorahafi Tetà Teè Toalom Todà Toi Tokenanral Tolaes Toli Toni Tonmà Topti Torarnu Tororatu Torò Tosam Tosar Tosas Tosersan Tostetos Toti Totrà Tottos Totà Tovopemessè
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readwithjoy · 4 years ago
Who is in The Lost Garden you ask??
Here we go!!!! The Lost Garden!!!!
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And that's Group One of the performers!!!! I can't wait for all of you to see this show and meet the rest of the cast!!!!!
Get your FREE ticket here -- Lost Immersive Website
And donate to the Go Fund Me here -- Lost Garden GFM
You know you want to!! You'll be supporting so many artists and staff that you know. We have received a bunch of applications from folks who are struggling financially. This pandemic isn't over, and jobs have not returned. It'll will be a while before the NYC theater community is back. Can you give the equivalent of a ticket to Sleep No More to these people we all love? $120 would really help! (Actually, an amount helps! But the price of one ticket would be great!)
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larryland · 4 years ago
REVIEW: "Church & State" at Berkshire Theatre Group
REVIEW: “Church & State” at Berkshire Theatre Group
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loveafairs-a · 2 years ago
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        SO    I    MANAGED    to    add    some    more    muses,    because    let's    face    it   (    .    .    .    )    i    can't    be    stopped.    so    if    anyone    wants    a    starter    from    one    of    my    new    babies,    give    this    a    HEART    &    i'll    come    to    you    with    what    muse    you    want    a    starter    from    !
andie   stevens    (   maia   mitchell   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   nine.
asher   bailey    (   hero   fiennes   tiffin   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   twenty   five. 
avani   hasan    (   alisha   boe   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   five.
noah  morelli    (   milo   ventimiglia   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   forty   five.
blakely   owen    (   maya   hawke   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   five.
riley   keller    (   rudy   pankow   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   twenty   four.
navie   pereira     (   mikey  madison   fc   )   …   bisexual.   she/her.   twenty   five.
talen   arauz    (   jacob   elordi   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   twenty   six.
stefanie   brenner    (   sophie   simnett   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   she/her.   twenty  five.
vance   mirkin    (   austin   abrams   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   he/him.   twenty   six.
whitley   collins   (   josephine   langford   fc   )   …   heterosexual.   she/her.   twenty   five.
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caroleditosti · 5 years ago
'How to Load a Musket,' a Striking Look at History Through Current American Perspectives by Talene Monahon at 59E59 Theaters
‘How to Load a Musket,’ a Striking Look at History Through Current American Perspectives by Talene Monahon at 59E59 Theaters
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The Company, Adam Chanler-Berat in ‘How to Load a Musket,’ by Talene Monahon, directed by Jaki Bradley at 59E59 Theaters (Russ Rowland)
Why would anyone want to reenact  the most bloody battles of American History? In the World Premiere of How to Load a Musket, currently at 59E59 Theaters until 26 January(unless it is extended which it should be) playwright Talene Monahon examines the nature and…
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Cast List 7/24
Woman in Bar: Ashley “Robi” Robicheaux (June) Man in Bar: Nick Atkinson (Max) Man in Bar: Audrey Tchoukoua (Elijah) Macbeth: Nate Carter Lady Macbeth: Evelyn Chen Macduff: Brandin Steffensen Lady Macduff: Kelly Todd Malcolm: Paul Corning Duncan: Miguel Anaya Banquo: Brandon Coleman   Hecate: Stephanie Jean Lane Bald Witch: Layne Paradis Willis Sexy Witch: Aliza Russell Boy Witch: Michael Bryan Wang Porter: Andy Talen Danvers: Emily Oldak Matron: Lindsey Matheis  Nurse: Joy-Marie Thompson Speakeasy: Ernesto Breton Fulton: David Lee Parker Taxidermist/James: Elias Rosa Agnes: Ruth Howard 6th Floor: Bar singer: Julia Haltigan (Vivian)
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dunwannawakeup · 3 years ago
Macbeth - Omri Drumlevich 
Lady Macbeth - Zina Zinchenko 
Duncan - Miguel Anaya 
Malcolm - Andy Talen 
Macduff - Elias Rosa 
Lady Macduff - Kelly Ashton Todd 
Banquo - Brandon Coleman 
Sexy Witch - Kayla Farrish 
Boy Witch - Michael Bryan Wang 
Bald Witch - Layne Paradis Willis 
Hecate - Stephanie Jean Lane 
Agnes - Ruth Howard 
Danvers - Marija Obradovic 
Porter - Andrew Pastides 
Fulton - Douglas Burkhardt 
Speakeasy - Ernesto Breton 
Taxidermist - Jamal Abrams 
Nurse - Joy-Marie Thompson 
Matron - Camara McLaughlin 
6 - Evan Fisk
MIB - John William Watkins / Alec Funiciello 
WIB - Robi (June) 
Singer - Karen Marie
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arimikay · 3 years ago
SNM Cast List 1/31/2022
WIB: Camara McLaughlin, Karen Marie Richardson
MIB: John William Watkins, Miguel Anaya
Singer: Karen Marie Richardson
Macbeth: Douglas Burkhardt
Lady Macbeth: Marija Obradovic
Macduff: Ernesto Breton
Lady Macduff: Ashley "Robi" Robicheaux
Banquo: Evan Fisk
Malcolm: Alec Funiciello (replaced by Marc Cardarelli for the final banquet)
Duncan: Andrew Pastides
Porter: Andy Talen
Mrs. Danvers: Aliza Russell?
Agnes: Steph Jean Laner
Hecate: Zina Zinchenko
Sexy Witch: Ruth Howard
Bald Witch: Joy-Marie Thompson
Boy Witch: Jamal Abrams
Fulton: Michael Bryan Wang
Speakeasy: Omri Drumlevich
Taxidermist: Elias Rosa
Nurse Shaw: Brandon Coleman
Matron: Lindsey Matheis
6th Floor Nurse: ???
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Sleep No More #15-17
So a series of weird visits over a short few days. This was around the time where a close friend of mine was leaving NYC, and in addition to doing a visit with them, I found myself retreating to the McKittrick as a source of familiar comfort. I have found the hotel has definitely transformed over time to be a place that seems more and more intimate with every visit, and even despite three pretty off-feeling visits, there were moments -- as always -- of delight and beauty.
Some highlights and vignettes:
Jeff Docimo's Boy is an absolute star of the show. His ability and versatility in the many roles that he takes on is beyond talented, and carries so much to the show. His crazed dance on the table as the rave is starting after Hecate's scream filled with fantastic awe. I also caught a white mask going hard during the rave himself which was amusing to see. In another show, Jeff as Fulton WALKED ON THE CEILING in the duet with Taxi. I will never not put it past Jeff to do some crazy impossible-seeming acrobatic.
While Jeff's movements are dynamic and full-forced, Jack Blackmon's Boy (can you guess my favorite character) is almost serpentine in his dance, twirling and snaking all over the lost luggage room before pressing me against the door. His shower scene is particularly poignant and the fall from the playful character earlier in the loop is quite apparent.
Nate Carter's Macbeth is a feat to be seen. A very rare treat that I was privy to see, his dynamic duet with Lady Macbeth post party was absolutely brutal as they slammed each other into walls and over shelves. His murder of Banquo is particularly savage, and it feels like he is putting all the energy he can muster into that brick slam. When he staggers from behind the speakeasy bar, you can see him gasping for energy, almost broken from the murder of his confidant.
Two white masks were pushed into the interrogation room with me as Andy Talen and Ernesto Breton began their duet, and for a few seconds, it seemed like the black mask in the room was going to have to let them out after they repeatedly yanked on the room. But the combo of Andy/Ernesto absolutely dominated -- I believe I've seen Ernesto the most in this scene, and he never misses.
Mallory Gracenin's Hecate serenading me to Is That All There Is? has to be a top 5 intimate moment for me. Having such a powerful performer stare at you with such intensity, forcing themselves to cry as their eyes remain fixed boring into you is something you can only get in this show. Followed by an electric 1:1 and a marked mask only felt like the cherry on top to a phenomenal lip sync.
Walkouts with Doug Burkhardt's Fulton, Evan Fisk's Banquo, and Brandon Coleman's Porter honestly were some of my favorite ways to end the show. There is such an intimate tenderness in these walkouts that you can't even get in 1:1s that I have found myself hanging around the fourth floor more on the last loop to try to get.
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livelycadaver · 5 years ago
SNM 2/2/20 Early + Late Cast Lists
WIB: Bre Short
MIB: Assaf Salhov
Singer: Karen Marie Richardson
Fortune Teller: Andrea Farley Shimota
Macbeth: Jeff Docimo
Lady Macbeth: Lindsey Matheis
Macduff: Isaies Santamaria Perez
Lady Macduff: Kelly Todd
Banquo: Pil Jeong
Malcolm: Christopher Bannow
Duncan: Audrey Tchoukoua
Porter: John William Watkins
Mrs. Danvers: Debra Zalkind
Agnes: Zina Zinchenko
Hecate: Stephanie Jean Lane
Sexy Witch: Marissa Maislen
Bald Witch: Layne Paradis Willis
Boy Witch: Quinn Dixon
Fulton: Andy Talen
Speakeasy: Nate Carter
Taxidermist: Issa
Nurse: Marija Obradovic
Matron: Mia Mountain
6th Floor Nurse: Ruth Howard
WIB: Zina Zinchenko
MIB: Assaf Salhov
Singer: Karen Marie Richardson
Fortune Teller: Mia Mountain
Macbeth: Paul Zivkovich
Lady Macbeth: Jenna Saccurato
Macduff: Ernesto Breton
Lady Macduff: Andrea Farley Shimota
Banquo: Jack Blackmon
Malcolm: Alec Funiciello
Duncan: John William Watkins
Porter: Christopher Bannow
Mrs. Danvers: Thryn Saxon
Agnes: Bostyn Ashjian
Hecate: Virginia Logan
Sexy Witch: Kayla Farrish
Bald Witch: Aliza Russell
Boy Witch: Nate Carter
Fulton: Pil Jeong
Speakeasy: Jamal Abrams
Taxidermist: Ben McHugh
Nurse: Layne Paradis Willis
Matron: Stephanie Amoroso
6th Floor Nurse: Kate Douglas
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ihearyourvoicecrying · 5 years ago
SNM 1/26 Early Cast List
It was a perfect start of my 2020 McKittrick journey. Please help me with the lost names of you know them, thanks!
Man in Bar: Assaf Salhov (Joseph)
Woman in Bar: Camara McLaughlin (Hazel)
Fortune Teller: Anna Schnaitter (Rosemary)
Bar Singer: Karen Marie Richardson (Stella)
Macbeth: Jeff Docimo
Lady Macbeth: Audrey Rachelle
Macduff: Brandon Coleman
Lady Macduff: Kelly Todd
Banquo: Pil Jeong
Danvers: Ruth Howard
Duncan: Audrey Tchoukoua
Malcolm: Amadi Washington
Boy Witch: Quinn Dixon
Sexy Witch: Jenna Saccurato
Bald Witch: Lindsey Matheis
Porter: Chris Bannow
Agnes: Bre Short
Speakeasy: Nate Carter
Fulton: Andy Talen
Taxidermist: Marc Cardarelli
Hecate: Stephanie Jean Lane
Nurse: Aliza Russell
Matron: Chelsey Ng
6th Floor: ?
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elderflowerchampagne · 5 years ago
Hi, everybody. I’m 27 now, and my birthday is also my SNM-versary. 8 years. What did it get me? Still trying to figure it out.
On New Year’s Eve I was, say, entertaining a gentleman caller on the fourth floor by the rep bar hallway. I asked his name, and he said it, and he had the same name as my first choice PhD program and I choose to believe it’s a SIGN. Immediately after that he pulled away and either intentionally or accidentally knocked my glasses off my face, and they got trampled in the revelry, and so I’m out $100. I kind of want to believe it was on purpose, because what an evil genius move - blind me and then make your escape while I’m on my hands and knees clawing around for my glasses like Velma.
Been in a bit of a casting rut lately, but it was great to see Ingrid/Matron. It takes a lot for anything in the McK to make me uncomfortable these days, but she managed it in her 1:1, so go check her out. Bonus points for being the only matron who’s ever let me pick my own teacup.
Thryn is a wonderful, frightening Bald Witch, and as I’ve said before earns bonus points for having the coolest name I’ve ever heard.
I know you all know this already but Audrey’s a great nurse.
One of my joys is watching the nurse and matron make the Macbeths’ bed at the end of the show, since there aren’t usually a lot of people and I live for domesticity. Ingrid flung a pillow across the bed. I love antagonistic matrons.
Spent some time with Speakeasy, which I don’t usually do. I guess he’s my favorite male character. I like the 1:1 a lot but am bad at getting it, and one of the few times I did I messed up the card trick. Jeff blesses himself as he walks by the statue of the Virgin Mary. I can’t remember ever having seen a barman do that, but I’m not around him enough to really know.
I have a newfound affection for the spearmint gumdrops, which is surprising because I am generally of the opinion that spearmint is just peppermint’s ugly cousin.
For the past few visits I’ve been noticing Andy Talen/Malcolm’s one-handed shot glass juggling during the ballroom, but I keep forgetting to comment on its impressiveness. I thought I might follow him, but I forgot which side he leaves through after the ball and remembered the grueling four floor dash up to his office, and so I stayed put, sitting on a pillar platform, because my laziness trumps all else.
I don’t really have much else to report - I’m not teaching Macbeth this spring, which kind of makes me sad because if all goes as planned it’s my swan song, but I no longer have it in me to read papers about how Lady Macbeth manipulates her husband by playing upon his manhood.
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readwithjoy · 5 years ago
Friday, Oct 11, late show
MacBeth: Erik Abbott-Main Lady Macbeth: Macduff: Lady Macduff: Banquo: Duncan: Audrey Tchoukoua  Malcolm: Andy Talen Bald Witch: Bostyn Ashjian Boy Witch: Jason Cianciulli  Sexy Witch: Kristen Stuart Hecate: Virginia Logan Porter: Carter Gill Agnes: Evelyn Chen Danvers: Speakeasy: Jeffrey Docimo  Taxi: John William Watkins  Fulton: Pil Jeong Matron: Kate Douglas Nurse: 6th Floor Nurse: Kerri Sohn Woman in Bar: Ginger Kearns Woman in Bar: Mallory Gracenin Fortune Teller: Singer: Stephanie Amoroso
This was a very weird and relaxed show for me. Lately, I’ve been going in with no plan, and just kind of wandering around, stopping with any scene that strikes my fancy. It’s very different to the way I’ve traditionally watched the show, but I’m enjoying it. 
Started out with Jason’s Boy Witch because I haven’t see him in the role yet.  He was terrific...until I got completely distracted by Virginia at the rave. I haven’t seen her Hecate in ages, and she is my favorite person in the role right now. Ugh. She’s so beautifully maniacal as Hecate!  I never made it back to Jason, although I definitely plan to---he seems to be doing great things with the character.
John William Watson’s energy as Taxi definitely drew me in. He’s not as overtly creepy as some, but his quiet menace is terrific. 
And Mallory and Ginger and Stephanie in the bar! What can I say? They were hilarious. Just hilarious. And warm and lovely. 
I literally never saw Macbeth the entire show (spent the entire rave looking at Virginia, and never glanced away.) So...when I met up with people after the show and found out that Erik was Macbeth? Ugh! Could have kicked myself for not checking. I miss his Macbeth. (Although I miss his Banquo more!)
All-in-all? A fun time was had!  (Sorry for the incomplete cast list. When I started posting them, I knew the only way I could do it is if I didn’t stress about being complete. That’s why I never put them up in the past.)
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