#Android YoRHa
amenouzumeshi · 9 months
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Commander White - Tarakanovich
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kitsumirae · 1 year
This is what 2b do in her free time.
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thefigureresource · 17 days
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Pop Up Parade 9S [NieR:Automata Ver1.1a] non scale from Good Smile Company coming November 2024.
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coldrising · 1 year
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anthro au of the main trio (9S is an arctic hare, 2B a canadian lynx, and A2 an arctic wolf)
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grimoireroseart · 2 months
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I got to do an android mass attack for artfight 2024 took a bit due to vacation (like a week,,) GAY ANDROIDS YIPPEEE
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madmanwonder · 9 months
Crossover Crack Ship
9s x Sombra
Hack and Scan
Sombra/Olivia Colomar
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Yorha 9S:
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the-netsphere · 3 months
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NieR: Automata (2017)
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hollowbonex · 4 months
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Glory to Mankind
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amc1851 · 11 months
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9S vs 21B at the Tower
And here is 9S having to fight Operator 21O, after she volunteered to become a battle droid, becoming 21B. Unfortunately she got infected with a logical virus and lost her sense of self, becoming utterly aggressive and irrational.
Mechanical Pencils Uni Kuru Toga 0.5mm and Pentel 0.7mm
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abimee · 8 months
i dont know anything yet but the person im watching play automata mentioned an offhand theory about not knowing if the bunker(?) is sending supplies to humans anymore or something else and it reminded me that some people mentioned offhand that all humans were dead in automata before i decided to play it so now, while i dont know whats going on, im very excited to find out what that means and who we're sending supplies to. and whos sending those signals from yorha then if not humans
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yorhamodel6types · 19 days
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El líder del escuadrón M, en la imagen es el que está arriba.
Instructor Black. No es un modelo YoRHa, igual que White, es un androide anterior que reforzaron para poder seguirles un poco el ritmo al escuadrón M.
Él se iba a encargar de guiar e instruir a los muchachos, no obstante, su papel real es fungir como observador. Él, además de No.2, son los únicos miembros conscientes desde el inicio, de que el escuadrón experimental será eliminado al final de la misión. Él se adelantó a bajar a la tierra junto a No.3 y No.4.
Black es muy serio y estricto, trata de mantener distancia emocional de su pelotón, pero no parece lograrlo. Es muy protector con No.9, con quien comparte la misión de "sobrevivir" sin importar qué, esto queda bien expuesto con la hostilidad que muestra hacia No.2 desde que se une al grupo.
Es observador, sin embargo, parece ser que sus emociones influyen mucho en disminuir su capacidad de análisis y su toma de decisiones, pues decide ignorar cosas obvias de las que está consciente, como las conductas peligrosas de los miembros de su escuadrón No.21 y No.6, quienes tienen las tendencias más marcadas a la insubordinación (aunque por razones diferentes cada uno).
Black en el fondo es muy amable, anhela ser un buen líder y aunque no lo demuestre frente a ellos, adora a todos sus estudiantes, incluido No.6 quien pese a haberlo torturado, aun anhelaba estar para él y consolarlo al final.
Tiene la pesada y paradójica misión de guiar a su pelotón por misiones imposibles para observar sus reacciones ante el estrés, mientras al mismo tiempo, trata de mantener su ánimo y estrés lo suficientemente funcionales para ir al siguiente fracaso planificado.
Interfiere todo lo que puede con la misión de 2E y manda todas las peticiones de No.21 y No.4 para abortar o pedir refuerzos, pese que sabe que es algo inútil. Uno de sus principales conflictos es si elegir el bien de la misión o el bien de sus estudiantes.
Como curiosidad, en una entrevista los actores mencionaron que el único que se pondría triste si No.6 muriera sería Black.
Como otra curiosidad, el actor que interpreta a Black tuvo varios problemas porque Yoko Taro le hizo varias correcciones, ya que lo interpretaba más agresivo de lo que Black realmente es.
Unidad M002
En la img es el que está abajo.
No.6 es un androide con cuerpo adolescente y físicamente el más pequeño de todo el grupo, pero también es el más ágil, el segundo más inteligente y uno de los androides con mayor consciencia de sí mismo. Es un tipo atacante (6A).
Tiene una personalidad sadomasoquista y hedonista, es sarcástico y abiertamente hostil con quien no le agrada. Disfruta de incomodar a los demás haciendo comentarios "extraños" que los demás no saben si interpretar como serios o bromas. Él, junto al resto del escuadrón M002, son el segundo grupo en bajar a la tierra.
No soporta la ignorancia, y tiene poca paciencia para aquellos que no considera inteligentes, generando fricciones con sus compañeros. Este punto es notorio con No.3, a quien no soporta y a quien no duda en matar cuando el más alto rebasó los limites de su paciencia.
Cabe destacar que No.6 tiene fantasías sádicas con los compañeros que le llaman la atención, parece ser que entre más le llama la atención alguien, tiende a querer torturarlo más y entre menos lo soporte, le da una muerte más rápida. Lo cual queda visto cuando piensa que entre sus fantasías, quiere hacer que No.22 grite hasta quedarse afónico, quiere cortarle los dedos a No.21 y hacerlo ponerse "tímido", amenaza a No.9 con la espada mientras lo olfatea haciendo comentarios al respecto y aunque en general es simpático con él, hace algunos comentarios hostiles para incomodarlo cuando Black le da preferencia. Además de torturar al instructor Black al grado en que, él mismo piensa que ya no tiene más lugares donde poder cortarlo. En contraste, busca matar rápidamente a No.3 y a los miembros de la resistencia, quienes no le agradan.
No.6 está consciente de que su comportamiento y predilecciones no son normales, incluso él mismo cuestiona por qué diseñaron a un androide como él que actúa justo como el enemigo.
Lo que generó que su personalidad se torciera, fue que tomó demasiada consciencia de sí mismo, ya que era bueno en básicamente todo lo que intentaba. En ese punto me hizo pensar en varios as3s1nos seriales, pero esa es otra historia.
Como curiosidad, No.6 está obsesionado con el instructor, quien, de manera arbitraria y para reafirmar su autoridad ante los comentarios retadores de No.6, Black corre un escaneo antivirus en su cuerpo, lo cual le hace perder control sobre su cuerpo y le provoca un orgasmo bastante sonoro. Quedó tan prendado de esa situación que frente a todos y sin reparo, le pide a Black repetirlo esta vez en privado, aunque Black se niega. Disfruta tener poder sobre los demás, y podemos decir gracias a ese escaneo que también disfruta ser sometido. Para el final, No.6 parece angustiado por el hecho de no poder revivir, pero parece igualmente angustiado que Black moriría con él.
Como otra curiosidad, fue gracias a él que las unidades con personalidad No.6 fueron descartadas para estar en el frente, debido a su alta peligrosidad para sus aliados.
Otro punto curioso, de esta historia, él es el favorito de Yoko Taro y el director de la obra de teatro.
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sketchfanda · 1 year
Chestnut Stud Across the Multiverse: The Glory of Mankind
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Krillin wasn’t sure what to expect when it came to how his day would go, especially when you had a wife like his. Now don’t get him wrong, he loved 18 and the feeling was plenty mutual, that was for damn sure. It’s just that it so happened she was one very kinky sexual beast of a woman!! Their very first time together had left a very deep impression on her to a point that in their time together she developed a, shall we say, particular taste.  Or rather a kink she aimed to fulfil and play out whenever the opportunity presented itself, hell at one point she practically made money off of it. Not that he was complaining mind You, it only made him feel like the luckiest guy on the planet but damn it could be exhausting keeping up with her relentless thirst for her thrill. Small wonder as he followed 18 through the vast labyrinth of the Briefs family estate, their sweet little Marron left under the watchful eye and care of Bulma’s mother Panchy as the compact fighter walked behind his blonde bombshell cyborg wife. Eyes glued to her her swaying hips, her booty jiggling within the confinement of her tight denim jeans. Finally mustering up the effort to ask her. “So Uhm babe, any reason why we’re here today? What’s the ocassion?” He enquired as 18 glanced over her shoulder, those,cool blue eyes of hers twinkling with mischief.
“Oh don’t worry little man…you’ll find out soon enough…” she teased playfully, continuing to lead him to god only knows where. That enigmatic answer did little to reassure the former monk turned police officer as there was a part of him that knew one thing for certain. There was going to be sex involved and given they were at Bulma’s home, it was likely going to involve her, her mom, one of her Capsule Corp employees, or who or what knows. 18 just got a thrill out of seeing him sleep with and fucking other women together with him. In her mind,he was such a stud in bed that she couldn’t keep up with him, he’ll she had limitless stamina, what’s that tell you? The off duty officer knew he’d get s better answer and understanding soon as he and 18 came upon a room marked VIP. The deadly beauty pressing her palm on a scanner next to the wall, the doors sliding open as she looked at her man with a knowing grin. Krillin could only sigh and shrug as he decided to resign himself to his fate. He knew he could never say no to his wife especially with the lengths she went to get him sexual satisfaction and gratification.
“Alright alright. I’ll play your game…not like you wouldn’t be able to convince me to play it anyways…” He playfully quipped with a little tone of self deprecation. He was certain there was more than a fair share of guys who’d envy and hate him but who cared what they thought or had to say!! As he entered the VIP room with 18, the interior designed like some luxury hotel room suite. Complete with a nice view of south city outside and a luxurious queen sized bed. His wife gesturing for him to take a seat on the couch as she fished out a box of DynoCaps from her jeans pocket. Taking out s pair and pressing the buttons,throwing them across the room as a flash of coloured smoke came forth upon impact. Clearing to show two cryostasis containers that rather reminded him of the one 16 had been kept in before 18 and her brother woke him up. The Icy cool blonde looking over her shoulder at him with a catlike smile once more as she pushed a button on each container, a hiss and flow of steam as their doors opened, the occupants hidden by shadows and the pseudo dog as she looked at them.
“Wake uo you two, time for work…your guest of honour has arrived…” she quipped sensually,standing aside as she parked herself in a single seater chair,reclining nice and comfy,hesd resting on her palm as if she was getting ready to enjoy a show. Krillin finding his attention drawn to the enigmatic individuals in the pods as they soon emerged. The shortstack fighter dropping his jaw, blushjng redder than a traffic light as his eyes bugged out from beholding the sight as before him was what seemed to be Twins. There stood a pair of girls, identical to one another from head to toe, yet their respective colour palettes inverted from each other. One a fair olive skinned girl with Snow White hair,eyes covered by a sort of black blindfold with black thigh high high heeled boots and a white thing leotard with a stylish black outfit. Her sister on the other hand had onyx black hair rich milk chocolate dark skin which contrasted with her own Snow White blindfold boots and outfit save for the black leotard thong. But what stunned the compact z warrior was their bodies!! Good lord it was like some took a paI of toned fitness babes with the flexibility of swimmers and gymnasts and turned up a pornographic dial on them. Having more curves than a traffic freeway and a bodacious set of tits and ass that just screamed made for sex and down to fuck!! Hips that screamed made to bare children and thighs that could crush melons to pulp and juice!! His thoughts interrupted as he looked at 18 and said the first thing on his mind.
“Uhm,babe just what the actual hell?!” He all but yelled as the currently unarmed twins loomed their way at him. Feeling their eyes on him even through those blindfolds of theirs as if drinking in every detail about him. Making their way over to him, their lucious,juicy thigh high boots clad legs swaying and sashaying in ways thst made those bubble butts of theirs jiggle like jello, their tits bouncing hypnotically with every step before they parked themselves between him on the couch. Kneeling on the seat as tilted their heads inquisitively, hands caressing his face,their fingers and palms so silky thanks in part to the gloves they wore, making him shudder with the sudden assault of affection. Shocking him as they grabbed and pulled his shirt off of him, exposing his muscular torso as he gasped in shock. The twins humming as if they clearly liked what they saw,their hands now caressing and massaging his exposed form. Memorising every detail from his abs to his pecs and biceps. 18 looking on with devilish erotic delight as if she were looking at a high class work of art.
“Krillin meet 2B and 2P, little something left over from the Red Ribbon army back in the prototype phases for their android project. Bulma and 21 happened upon them by chance and asked me personally to oversee a little adjustment and modifications to them. Nothing much,just enhancing and customising them for your pleasure.” 18 spoke as she now provided him the names of his two mystery women. “2B is the pale skinned one,2P is the dark skinned one, and my little man,they’re made just for you. Their programming and their bodies are devoted to providing you the finest sexual relief and pleasure…consider it a well deserved gift for being such a stud…” licking her lips as she touched her tots with her free hand,idly pleasuring herself in anticipation of what she was about to witness. Secretly glancing at the mirror in the VIP room knowing it was a two way sort. 21 and Bulma on the other side in secret also eagerly awaiting the show with voyeuristic delight at seeing the fruits of their labour as out to play out and pay off. Hours to days and weeks of modifying 2B and 2P, enhancing their bodies, deleting all thst worthless data to make room for all the pair would need when it came to sex and pleasure. Making them the ideal comfort girls for the special little man in their lives.
“Sister 2P, sensors indicate an increase in pulse rate and body hest. Query,master Krillin, is this in response to us and our actions? Do sister and I please and excite you?” 2B catching his attention as she spoke for the first time. Her voice melodic yet so calm and composed. Acting as if she weren’t in the midsts of sensually massaging him together with her dusky skinned twin, their faces shifting between gazing at one another and him as their fingers and palms idly traced along his abs. As if they were examining a rare treasure,their lips so close to kissing him wherever they wanted if they so wanted to. Their big juicy tits rubbing and pressing against his chest as he coild feel their breath on him. Lord how many men had twin fantasies and would so envy him right now.
“Indeed Sister 2B the sentiment is echoed. Is that so master Krillin? Are you aroused? Do not hesitate to express your desires. Please sate your lusts and urges with our bodies.” 2P herself spoke as her voice unsurprisingly was indentical to 2B’s. Krillin unable to answer them properly,only shuddering and groaning from their soothing caress of his Adonis physique. The twins gynoids humming snd purring as if considering that a very acceptable answer, taking turns as they began to plant kisses along his neck and shoulders. His collarbone  caressed by their lips and tongues before he found them kissing him on his own. There was no doubt the databanks of their hard drives were loaded with thorough information regarding sex but for them, their first time kissing Krillin felt like a heavenly experience for the twin prototype red ribbon androids. Each locking lips with Krillin as they coaxed him to dance and press tongues together, air and spit swapped between them, at more than one point turning the make out into a three way kiss. Tongues dancing together ina sloppy game of tonsil hockey before the twins ceased their actions and pried themselves away from the fighting officer. The twins standing mere inches away from him as they glanced to 18, who simply grinned seductively as she nodded for them to continue.
Before Krillin could ask what she was signalling them for, his blush deepened, blood rushing to his loins as the crotch of his pants and boxers started to feel a little confining. Jaw dropping! Eyes hugging out as before him, 2B and 2P began to undress. Stripping off their outfits as they now stood naked before him save for their elbow length gloves and their sexy thigh high boots. Their contrasting complexions glistening with sensual perspiration, faces calm and stoic despised their currently nudity as they displayed themselves for him. Letting him drink in and admire their physical forms, made just for him and him alone. Before the twins pressed their fronts together,their tits rubbing against each other,hands caressing one another’s faces and their bubbly,juicy asses. “Sensors indicate master Krillin’s arousal. Our performance is adequate, our forms please him. Let us continue to further his arousal Sister…” 2B spoke Cool,calmly with a hint of increased sensuality. Massaging her chocolate skinned twin’s booty as she cupped and stroked her fsce. 2P mirroring her actions in kind as Krillin found himself unable to look away. His crotch bulging and swelling and it seemed they picked up on that as if knowing he was turned on motivated them.
“Yes sister…it pleases us to know our performance and actions bring him pleasure…” 2P spoke in turn,as they turned their blindfolded gazes towards him. ““Please master,continue to watch us. This is all for you. Indulge yourself in our bodies,enjoy us to your heart’s content…” with thst said,the twins lol,Ed at one another once more before they pressed their lips together. Skyrocketing his arousal with this combined lesbian and pseudo incest act as their tongues proved and explored each other’s mouths. Grinding their bodies against one another as deep throated moans filled the room. 18 getting up from her seat as she made her away around and behind the luxury couch, drao8ngnher arms around her husband’s shoulder as she hugged him, hands reaching down to cul and rub his groin. Purring seductively as she kissed along uo and don from his face to his neck and shoulders. Making him shudder and groan as her skilled hands began to unbuckle and undo his fly. Prying them apart to expose the pitched tent of his boxers. Getting the twins’ attention with the sound of his zipper as they looked and beheld his clothed erection. The deadly beauty widening her predatory smile as the twins got on their hands and knees, crawling towards their assigned master as 18 grabbed the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down. The twins gasping with shock and delight as hismcock sprung forth into the open air before them. Prominent in its length and girth as they panted with sensual awe, hands grasping and stroking it intimately as if caressing a sacred treasure, their breaths warm as they took in the scent radiating off it. Rubbing their meaty thighs together as their pussy lips quivered and quaked with arousal,nectar gushing ad flowing forth.
““I know, takes your breaths away doesn’t it? All those pictures and videos we gave you girls of this thing in Action. But seeing it in the full flesh and blood is a whole different story isn’t it? This girls isn’t any mere sort of dick…this is a Cock. Your Master’s cock and nothing short of draining him dry will suffice…now get to work. This is what you been waiting for…” 18 spoke with fact and not mere hyperbole, the second she stopped speaking 2B and 2P began to assault Krillin’s shaft with licks and kisses. Sucking snd blowing on his meat stick from base to tip, even giving his balls attention as they drowned his pole with saliva. Faces flushed with arousal and desire as indeed 18 was correct. During 21 and bulma’s reprogramming process, they’d been fed a steady upload of videos and pictures of Krillin in action with them and 18 as well as many others. Hours upon hours of hardcore action to practise sessions to train their sexual holes to handle his length and girth with the special warrior momk brand dildos. To watching as what was to be expected of them as the pair of horny scientists made them view a Warrior Monk Krillin sex doll clone in action. Seeing an example of the real’s virility and prowess behind a two way mirror as the WM rutted with Haydee.
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A particularly special android created together by 21 and Bulma’s combined erotic genius made specifically for hands in test runs and performance quality tests with every Krillin clone that came off the production line. After all they had to ensure each and every Warrior Monk was meeting their standards. Hours of seeing that bootylicious,faceless dark skinned gynoid piece of sex on legs in the throes of passion and ectasy as she glistened with sweat,taking thst cock like a pro, her pussy grasping and massaging that shaft as heavy balls slapped with every impact of their loins. That reminded 18 thst Bulma owed her a persomal haydee to gift to Krillin. It’d be ideal for his birthday or Christmas or even an anniversary present. But she digressed as she looked upon the twins deepthrosting snd double teaming her man’s cock. Uncaring of any suffocation as they enticed him to unleash his primal beast within and facefuck him to his heart’s content. The taste of his pre. Dazzling the tastebuds of their tongues, upping the ante as they sandwiched his cock between their marshmallow plump and soft tits. Making him buck his hips as pre sprayed and flew onto their cleavage, their tongues working their lewd magic on the thrusting, exposed tip. It excited and stirred erotic pride within the twins, once forgotten science projects in some red ribbon army lab, repurposed as persomal sexual relief companions for their new master. His responses music to their ears as they further upped their efforts. Each sitting in half his lap now as they shifted position to hotdog his saliva soaked cock between their bubbly asses.
Within seconds of trapping his shaft between their meaty buns,they began to twerk and dance, giving him a massaging jerkoff with their booties, their arousal reachung orgasmic levels as they felt his gush onto the lucious skin of their backsides. Their objectives shifting between wanting to taste his seed in their mouths or to feel their bodies be showered with that cream giving way to the more direct desire to mate and dare they think, breed with this, in their minds,pinnacle of manhood. To them their master was an adonis,an ideal alpha….the glory of mankind. The twins unable to help themselves as before Krillin knew it,he was holding 2B’s waist,fully nude as the bombshell cybernetic beauty straddled his lap. Bouncing and riding on his cock as deepthroated moans escaped her lovely lips, cries of master in between gasps and howls of whorish desire mixed with the slaps of her jiggling ass as she felt the raw primal bliss. The overwhelming desire of fulfilling her purpose, as she felt her master’s cock inside her, stuffing her with his godly girth and length. Her womb welcoming every knock against it as she held onto his strong shoulders, making out with him in a sloppy thirst as her tits rubbed against his firm pecs. 2P and 18 sitting on either side of them,the latter naked save for a lacy thong as she shamelessly played with herself. One hand plunging down the front of her thing to caress her slit,fingers plunging as nectar gushed and her other hand juggled and played with her tits. 2P idly playing with herself,both hands working her oussy as she eagerly awaited her turn, feeling the connected feedback he shared with her sister unit as she felt the delicious phantom sensations of their master’s cock within 2B. Orgasms rocking her snow haired paler sister’s wondrously gifted frame, as Krillin bucked and thrust into her gyraing hips, hands often slapping and squeezing her lewd ass.
2P of course soon wasnt waiting long as she found herself bent over the couch taking it from behind soggy style,tits swaying like some lewd newton’s cradle as krillin’s pelvis smacked and pistoned against her ass. Making her meat buns jiggle with every impact as his balls slapped her clit,cock jakchammering away as 2B and 18 looked on,scissoring one another as they ground their slits together in an erotic kiss of their own. The twins changing up with each and every any which instance of their master cumming. Every eruption of his wonderful shaft as it rained and sprayed inside and out of their bodies, going from one on one to two on one or the occasional 3 on one when 18 decided to get involved. Thst is when the blonde wasn’t masturbating like the shameless voyeur she was or keeping the one waiting for a turn with some not lesbian action. Bulma and 21 were certainly enjoying the show,having a warrior monk each keep them company as they watched their own personal amateur porn montage play out. 2B and 2P exceeding expectations in their drive to satisfy and make a good first impression on their master. Their lover,their king…the f glory of mankind as they were coming to call him. One riding him cowgirl style as another sat in his face, smothering his head with her flowing juices and her meaty asscheeks as the twins made out with each other, hands grasped and linked. To eating the other out as Krillin fucked her sister doggy style, the short king slurred on by his primal urges an desire to reward these two for their slutty devotion. He wasn’t sure how and or why 18 was gifting him like this but damn if she sure as hell knew how to convince him to accept it with gracious lust. 18 certaimlt receiving some gratitude from the twins as they squeezed her tits and massaged her ass, kissing her as she rode Krillin cowgirl style,the foursome making the queen sized bed shake and creak. 21 and Bulma sat exhausted in the laps of their Warrior Monks tired yet smiling,faces flushed as their lovers held them in their laps, cocks connected to their slutty,sloppy pussies as they looked on the exhausted group. Who basked know their afterglow as Krillin slept,his relaxed cock inside the embrace of 18′s pussy as she laid atop her man. 2B and 2P hugging an arm each,spooning against him,cute smiles on their blushing faces as their pussies gushed with excess seed. Their digital minds keeping them warm with dreams of further pleasures with their master and the hopes that they would bare his children. For the glory of mankind….
( @sweetescapeartist​ @pugsbone​ this one is for you ;) )
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ashvalentine16 · 3 months
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... The only time I'll ever have a drawn out Pod from NieR in an OC Story sketch that looks this good. And this was drawn back in 2022.
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alicemoon812 · 2 years
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YoRHa No.2 Type B(ird)
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satinstarscosplay · 2 years
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Nier automata moment
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asolivera · 8 months
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Visit my twitter: @asolivera
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