#And the sheer intensity of adult themes
smugraccoon137 · 1 year
Finished Digimon Tamers for the first time since childhood and it hit me like a truck. I am inconsolable. It was so good. It was like everything Adventures did right, but better and more in depth. This is the season that ruined me.
13 notes · View notes
smileyerim · 1 year
episode one: champagne problems
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summer of love: an interactive nct series
Welcome to Villa Rosa, the home for this summer’s hottest singles to come together to compete to find their true love. Through a series of compatibility competitions and tempting newcomers joining the mix, our couples will be put to the test to evaluate if they really belong together. Join us in the summer of love, where anything could happen. (reality show concept based off of perfect match)
chapter content:
(bold indicates a major pairing with the reader in this chapter)
the boys: mark lee, jung jaehyun, na jaemin, lee haechan, kim jungwoo, kim doyoung (the host)
the girls: model!reader, huh yunjin, karina, shin ryujin
genre: fluff, sorta angsty
word count: 9.9k
warnings: love triangle, adults drinking, dialogue about sex, dialogue about heartbreak, SHIT MOVES FAAAAST (comes with the territory tbh), visual and personality comparisons between all the boys (this is a major theme, so if it offends you please don’t read further)
net tags: @kflixnet @k-labels
for information on the full series, check out the series masterlist linked below the title!
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“On my cue.” The producer dressed in black says next to you. You give him a nod and a smile before quickly readjusting your bikini top for the millionth time today.
Your nerves are starting to build in an exciting way, you swipe your sweaty palms on your sheer wrap that’s covering truly nothing on your body.
My reality television debut, you ponder the event as you stand silently. You can hear the roar of laughter and the telltale squeal of a girl that just got cheekily flirted with from down the hallway. You will join the bunch next.
“Go.” The producer says and you let out a final sigh before strutting with as much confidence and power that you can muster down the hallway. The only noise is your heels clicking the marble, the group outside clearly having been told to anticipate your arrival.
The moment you spot the group, they all erupt in enthusiastic hellos, even earning you a wolf whistle from a tall man in tropical print shorts. You’re the second girl here, with only two more to follow after you. There’s three boys already waiting. The one girl, Karina, runs up to you first, complimenting your outfit and makeup. You’re too smart to fall for it, knowing that she’s only doing so to scope you out quickly. Hell, you’ll be doing the same thing once more girls join in.
This is a competition, after all.
“Wow, it’s lovely to meet you.” A shorter guy with a sexy undercut approaches you with a shy side hug. He’s handsome and youthful, you note.
Your eyes meet once you exchange names. Mark, he had said. His name doesn’t match how sexy he is, but you bite your tongue on telling him that. He’s staring pretty intensely into your eyes and you feel locked in, but you remind yourself of the circumstance you’re in and hesitantly break away to meet the other guys.
They all greet you with hugs, but none of them leave an impression quite like Mark does. You learn that the man who gave you a wolf whistle is a tall man named Jungwoo. He interests you right off the bat, but the moment you’re done saying hello he’s back to talking to Karina.
He seems to be hitching his wagon early, so you do the same and travel back over to Mark’s side.
“Can I get you a drink?” He says, hand already reaching for the champagne bottle in the ice bucket. You laugh at his initiative, finding him quite endearing and nod your head yes.
“Where are you from?” He says as he fills the flute with with the bubbles.
“Take a guess,” you tease him with a smile on your face, leaning your elbows onto the high top table between you two. Your cleavage is certainly on display, an intentional move on your part.
“Aw, dude, don’t do that to me!” He whines cutely with animated eyes. You laugh again and answer him.
“Fine, fine. I’m from New York. Well, not originally but that’s where I live now.” You answer him as he hands you your flute. You want to tease him again for his heavy pour, but you bite your tongue.
“Oh, cool! I’m from Toronto originally but I’ve been living in Seoul for a few years to work on music.” You nod, eye being caught by the producers shushing you all in anticipation of a new person.
It’s a girl dressed in a neon green bikini, and Jungwoo graces her with the same wolf whistle he did for you. You mentally note his affinity for pulling the same moves on different women and join Karina in greeting her with over the top enthusiasm.
She introduces herself as Ryujin. You observe Mark give her the same awkward side hug that he did you, but just as quickly as he’s greeting her he’s back at your side. You smile, noting his apparent loyalty to you already.
“So, what do you do?” Mark asks you. You typically hate small talk, but appreciate that he’s keeping the conversation PG unlike the group adjacent to you two.
(“What’s your body count?” A loud, young guy asks Ryujin, and she gasps, slapping his shoulder in an obvious flirt.)
“I’m a stylist. I do freelance work for magazines and things like that.” You explain, and it’s cute how he pretends to find it interesting.
“Rate my outfit then.” He asks with a smirk. You take the opportunity to scan his body down to the shorts he’s wearing, but letting your eyes linger on his toned skin. He’s not muscular by any means, potentially skinny even, but the muscle definition that he does have suits him well.
You smile, about to answer them when Ryujin approaches the table again, “Care to pour me a drink, Mark?” She says and you smile politely at her as he sends you a quick glance before reaching for the bottle.
Ouch, but you get it. There’s a lot of people to get to know here, and Mark is currently only one of three guys. There’s still two more to arrive, and if Mark is the only one that’s interesting to her from the selection then so be it.
Thankfully, Mark doesn’t allow you to third wheel for long as he includes you in the conversation quickly.
“Y/N is from New York, too!” Mark exclaims and you smile in her direction to nod in confirmation. You have to remind yourself to stay calm as you speak to them. Two more boys are coming, and loyalties are as strong as tissue paper in the wind on shows like these.
You have to remember to stay focused and open minded. Thankfully, Mark and Ryujin are both exciting conversationalists so you’re able to stay engaged in the conversation until the producers quiet you all down again.
Ryujin leans over to whisper in your ear, “Do you think it’s a girl or a guy?” She asks excitedly. You giggle at her and shrug, squinting your eyes to attempt to spot the next figure through the palm tree leaves blocking a clear view of the door.
It’s a girl this time wearing a cut out one piece. It’s in a deep fuchsia to compliment her skin tone and light brown hair and you nearly gasp at her beauty once she smiles excitedly as she approaches.
She’s the last in and for good reason, she’s gorgeous. You’re the first to move in to introduce yourself.
“Hello, beautiful!” You announce and pull her into a hug. It’s a little difficult as she’s significantly taller than you, but you manage. She smiles genuinely as she returns your compliment, nearly forcing a blush on your cheeks. Her name is Yunjin, she shares with the girls.
Just like before, Mark gives her a side hug. It’s much more awkward and surely embarrassing on his part as she’s slightly taller than him with the help of her stilettos.
In fact, the only person tall enough for Yunjin is Jungwoo, so they quickly begin chatting, leaving you to Mark and Ryujin.
“Where’s the rest of the eye candy, huh?” Ryujin jokes and knocks your shoulder softly.
Ah, you think, she’s not into Mark. You smile at the realization and stare him right in the eye when you jokingly respond.
“Shit, I don’t know. It’s getting a little boring.” You challenge him silently and he raises one eyebrow while maintaining eye contact with you. You say nothing, only breaking the eye contact to bring your champagne flute back to your lips.
You had planned to play the field a bit more, but the pickings are slim with 4 girls and 3 boys so far, and Mark is far more interesting than Jungwoo and Haechan.
That is, until the producers quiet you once more to introduce the last 2 attendees. Ryujin perks up, standing on her tippy toes and leaning her body to try and sneak a glance. You’re hopeful for her sake, these are the last two guys who will be joining you for quite some time. For you, though, you feel as if you could hold your own with Mark, but the inkling curiosity still strikes as you wait for the last two boys.
Your jaw drops once you spot them. You have to blink your eyes once to clear your vision to absorb every detail.
Two men with bodies to die for and faces that seem painted by God himself emerge from the entrance.
One of them is a certified pretty boy, you can say that much, with his big eyes and charming smile. His blonde hair is styled perfectly and if he couldn’t get any hotter, he goofily greets the group with a squeal and wide arms. He seems young, but in all fairness most of the guys here are, too. He begins by greeting the table adjacent to yours, naturally so as they reacted just as enthusiastically as he had.
The other boy, though, is making a beeline for your table.
Wait, not just your table. He’s making his way towards you.
His lipped smile grows as he approaches slowly, dimples peeking out in his cheeks. You’re enraptured by his visuals immediately, meeting his eyes as he walks up to wrap both arms around you in a hug.
It takes you by surprise, but just as quickly as it’s begun it’s ended.
“My name is Jaehyun.” He introduces himself after he lets go, sticking his hand out for you to shake. You giggle and tilt your head at his hand, finding it odd that he’s choosing to give you a handshake after he’s already hugged you, but he’s so hot that you barely can think.
You shake his hand back, noting how big his is compared to yours as you give him your name.
“Mm,” he hums in satisfaction, “pretty name for a pretty girl.” he winks down at you and you genuinely giggle at that, turning your head bashfully to look at the ice bucket in the center of your table.
It’s nothing spectacular to look at, unlike Jaehyun, but it’s the ending the moment needed so he could go and make his rounds.
You watch him as he approaches the other table of people. He doesn’t give any other girls the same encapsulating hug that he gave you, it’s intentional and you know it. He makes it all the more obvious as he catches your eye after side hugging the two girls, clearly watching for your reaction.
Unsure of how you feel about the silent message, you turn back to Mark and Ryujin who have now begun talking about the villa.
“I’m really excited to see what the bedroom situation will be like.” You chime in, and Mark enthusiastically agrees and steps closer to you. He isn’t showing any signs that the greeting with Jaehyun irked him, which you find unbelievably sexy of him.
“I bet the bathroom is plush.” A voice from behind you says and you jump, turning to see Jaehyun cheekily smile down at you.
“You did that on purpose!” You hit his shoulder and he just laughs and stands in the empty spot opposite to Mark at the high top.
He shrugs, smirking, “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. You’ll just have to get to know me better to see.” He flirts and you smile back.
“I guess so.” You trail off, returning your attention to Mark and Ryujin. Now Mark is showing his true feelings, but only slightly with his attentive eyes already on you when you look at him.
He was watching you and Jaehyun. Interesting.
“Alright, lovers! How’re we feeling?” A voice over a megaphone startles you once more to steal your attention.
Your brain short circuits as you’re slightly star struck by the host in view. Doyoung, a jazz singer known for meeting his wife on the Bachelor, stands proudly on a small stage before you as the group whoops and hollers. You were warned that he’d be here, but seeing him in person makes it all the more real.
“Let me be the first to say welcome to the Summer of Love villa!” He lowers the megaphone this time, much to your gratitude, and you applaud with the rest.
“You’re all here because you have one thing in common— you’re too hot to be single!” The group erupts in laughter at that and Jaehyun sneakily leans in to your side to whisper,
“Especially you.”
You blush and turn your gaze back to Doyoung, doing your best to keep your cool. It’s already hot outside, but you feel yourself warming up a few extra degrees at his forwardness.
“Hey, you’ll have enough time to flirt later.” Doyoung teases Jaehyun and points his finger, and Jaehyun brings his arms up in surrender much to the amusement of the others. You blush even harder, staring straight ahead at Doyoung. Looking at either Jaehyun or Mark could be dangerous for you right now.
“You also all share another attribute, you all want something real.” Doyoung says and the crowd nods in agreement. Admittedly, you had no idea that was a part of the criteria to join the show, but you nod along with them anyways. It’s true, you suppose.
“To create an environment for real connections, at the end of each week you will pair up with another person here to dedicate your attention towards.”
“As you know, though, not all that glitters is gold. To put your relationships to the test, each week a new man or woman will join you here to search for their own perfect pair.” The group oohs and feigns shock. That, at least, you know is an act as you were told about the scope of the show before you even signed on.
“At the end of each coupling, anyone without a match will leave here alone. As you’ve already noticed, there’s four girls and five guys. So gentlemen, be aware that one of you will be the first to go home.” You glance around the group, looking for any obvious pairings forming already. There are none, which excites you. It’s open season, and there’s five cute guys here all needing to find a girl for tonight.
“To really bring up the heat in the summer of love, our first coupling will be tonight.” You gasp at that announcement, looking over to Mark and Jaehyun who are both already looking at you. Your palms begin sweating again.
“Now, are you ready to begin the Summer Of Love?” Doyoung says, speaking into the megaphone again. The group erupts in cheers, although you’re sure the rest of the group is feeling the same anxiety that you are.
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After Doyoung released the group to go inside and explore the villa, the producers instruct you to gather by gender to discuss the others. The girls have gathered, much to your gratitude, at the infinity pool at the edge of the property. The heat is oppressive, so you stand near the edge of the pool where Yunjin has her feet dipped.
“He’s pretty cute and was flirting with me really hard,” Yunjin shares, “but Jaemin is really cute too and much more my type.”
You nod adding, “Jungwoo is from the same city as you, though.”
She pouts in consideration before nodding herself.
“Good point. I don’t know who I’m most interested in, then. Karina you go.” Yunjin passes the torch with a fake frustrated sigh. You laugh at her antics, scrunching your nose and directing your attention to the blonde lounging out on the tanning chair.
She looks as if she’s posing with the way her arms and legs are positioned, but you can’t blame her. The producers constantly meddling and the right black band around your waist make it impossible to forget that you’re on camera.
“I don’t know, honestly. Jaemin is cute, but we look too similar.” You and Yunjin share a look of confusion before she giggles in realization.
“Wait, because you’re both tall, hot blondes?” Yunjin giggles and Karina swipes the sunglasses off of her face.
“Well, yeah!” She says like it’s obvious and the three of you erupt in laughter at her statement.
“I’m not too sure that any of that matters.” Ryujin reassures her, to which you vocalize your agreement.
“Whatever. What I’m most interested in is Y/N’s thoughts.” Karina eyes you with a smirk and you look down at your intertwined hands leaning on the pool’s edge as the girls excitedly agree with her and urge you to speak up.
When you take too long to answer, Yunjin kicks your side and Ryujin tacks on to your other, smiling at you in anticipation.
“Okay, fine!” You cave in and the girls lean in, Karina moving to lay on her stomach backwards on the chair to be closer to you all.
“I honestly don’t know what to think.” You say with honesty. You truly do not know who you are more interested in.
“Oh, come on, Jaehyun had you blushing like a little schoolgirl!” Yunjin teases to attempt to get a confession out of you. Before you can say anything else, though, Ryujin pipes up.
“Yes, but did you see her and Mark? She was obviously feeling him, too.” You groan, head falling into your hands in embarrassment.
“Haechan wouldn’t stop checking her out either…” Karina adds.
“Oh, Jaemin too!” Yunjin piles on and you cringe at yourself. You had known about Mark and Jaehyun, but Haechan and Jaemin too?
You’ll admit, you’ve always known that you’re beautiful, but this is a whole new level of attention.
“There’s no way.” You say with your head still hidden.
“Damn, girl, you’re popular.” Ryujin says next to you and you roll your eyes.
“Helpful.” You snark at her and she wraps a sympathetic arm around you to pull you in to a fake hug.
“Champagne problems.” She coos and pets your hair teasingly, to which you playfully wiggle her off of you. The girls laugh and you sigh, settling down a bit to give them a true answer.
“It’s still early days, so I don’t know yet. I like that Mark is boyish, but Jaehyun is really charming.”
“Really charming.” Ryujin adds and you nod at her.
“Yeah, sure, he had me blushing, but cockiness can be disguised by confidence and I don’t know if that’s a risk I want to take.” The girls nod in understanding, and before Ryujin can share her answer, a voice booms out from the house.
“Round up!” An unfamiliar voice calls, most likely another producer, and you roll your eyes at the intrusion. It’s going to be hard to get used to.
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The boys are the last to arrive to the patio where you’re sat with the girls. The cameras are blocking a clear view, but you can see Jaehyun and Mark chatting away as they approach. You smile, thankful that the competition over you didn’t place any walls between them.
“This seat taken?” Mark says and you smile, shaking your head no to allow him to sit on the loveseat with you. There’s barely enough room for you both, not that you’re complaining. To make more room, Mark leans his arm on the back of the loveseat and pulls you back to lean into his chest a bit.
Under other circumstances you’d push him off, but time moves quickly in the villa, especially for the boys who risk going home after tonight. Plus, you really really want to be here against him right now, so you’ll take the justifications.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, is sitting next to Jungwoo on the sofa. You know that the only girl that he spoke to earlier was you, but you’re still surprised to see him single.
“Are you ready for your first challenge?” Doyoung says once he’s found his spot standing before you all. You all cheer in response, and once Mark’s done clapping, his free hand finds your knee. You blush even deeper, the butterflies in your belly erupting at the contact.
“In your first challenge, we will put your discernment abilities to the test in a game of first impressions.” The crowd oohs, Mark included, but you wait and listen.
“Each of you will be faced with real secrets about other people in this villa. You will then have to match the secret with the person that you think it belongs to.” You gulp, adjusting nervously. You didn’t know that this would come up so early in the show.
“You ok?” Mark whispers in your ear which startles you, but you quickly nod with a curt smile. He’s going to find out soon anyways.
“The person who guesses the most secrets correctly will be rewarded with a date with any other person of their choosing.” You’d have it in you to be excited along with the rest of the group if you weren’t so nervous.
You seriously weren’t expecting it to come up, not so soon at least. Not without you sharing it first. You feel as if the rug has been ripped out from underneath you, as if your story is no longer your own.
“Ladies first, Yunjin.” Doyoung calls her up dismiss her to the selection room. She gasps and shoots up quickly, blowing you all kisses goodbye as she retreats. The producers have instructed you all to stay silent to avoid cheating, so all you can do is sit with your thoughts as Mark’s thumb slowly rubs circles into your knee. It’s a comforting move, one that you’re needing quite a bit right now.
If you weren’t so preoccupied with your own thoughts, you’d notice Jaehyun staring daggers into Mark’s hand on your leg. You don’t, though, but Mark certainly does.
Mark had picked up on what was going on during the introductions earlier, but his fears were made real when Jaehyun expressed his interest in you to the guys as they all sat in the bedroom earlier that day. Mark felt small in that moment when faced with the reality of his competition, but he did his best to not let it get to him.
The mindset shift worked in his favor, clearly, as you were now here sitting with him, not Jaehyun.
All of the girls had left and returned by the time it was your turn. You sighed once your name was called, using Mark’s leg as a rest to help you up. Unlike the others, you don’t give any dramatic or cute goodbyes and simply walk to the room.
It’s exactly as you expected with the white walls lit up by LED lights displaying a wave of sunset colors. In the center of the room is a large touchscreen table currently displaying five photos and five digital envelopes to open.
You sigh as you approach, expressing your nerves to the camera up above the table. Hesitantly, you tap the first envelope to spark an animation of it opening to reveal the first secret.
Lost his virginity during seven minutes in heaven.
You scoff a laughter, shaking your head and clicking on the next. You want all of your options before you make pairings.
Said “I love you” 4 days in
You cringe at that one, but move on quickly so as to not embarrass the boy this secret belongs to.
Said the wrong name during sex.
You roll your eyes at that one. It’s clear what type of show the producers are trying to make. Too bad your secret doesn’t fit into the mold. You tap the next.
Got left at the altar.
Your heart drops to your stomach when you read that one. You tap on the card a few times to see if it’s real, and it is. You pause for a few seconds, but will yourself to move on. You’re wasting too much time.
Has moved in with 4 out of 5 of his past girlfriends.
With all the secrets revealed, you take a deep breath and laugh to yourself.
“These boys are such a mess.” You say half to yourself, half to the camera.
Your first instinct is to match Haechan with “said the wrong name during sex”, so you do just that.
Your eye is caught on “has moved in with 4 out of 5 past girlfriends” as another easy match. Jaehyun, obviously. Not only does he have the charisma to make 4 girls fall in love with him, he’s also the oldest boy which makes for more time in adulthood than the rest.
“Lost his virginity during seven minutes in heaven” is given to Jungwoo.
Purposefully avoiding the most intense secret, you pair Mark with “Said ‘I love you’ after four days”.
By default, you match Jaemin with “Got left at the altar.” You know your guess is wrong, but you’re not attracted to the idea of winning. If you win you then have to choose, which is the last thing you want to do right now.
Once you return happily to the waiting crew, you swap glances with Yunjin who has to look away quickly before bursting into giggles. Clearly, she found the challenge to be more amusing than you had.
The boys are called up next, and you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t bounce your leg in anxiety when both Mark and Jaehyun left and returned respectively. Neither of them seem affected, so they clearly didn’t match you correctly.
“Results are in.” Doyoung emerges and you all burst in scandalous “ooh”‘s.
“Before we reveal the true answers, we must crown our winner.” Doyoung announces and the group leans in in excited anticipation.
“Jungwoo, you have won our first challenge.” Doyoung can barely finish his sentence over the loud cheers of the group congratulating him. He celebrates himself, but ends his celebration by grabbing Yunjin’s hand and kissing the back. She giggles bashfully and smiles ahead of her.
Well, you think, that’s that. With a proud smile for your new friend.
“Do you all want to know the true matches?” Doyoung eggs you all on, earning exasperated ‘yes’’s from the group.
Uh oh, here we go.
The boys go first, much to the excitement of the girls, you included. First, Doyoung reveals your score as a 1, much to your disappointment. Mark laughs at you and offers you a comforting shoulder pat which you accept happily. Whatever you have to do to get him to keep touching you, you think.
The rest of the girls didn’t do much better, with Karina scoring the highest at a pathetic 2.
Doyoung first reveals that Jungwoo is the one who has moved in with four girlfriends before. The group, although surprised, aren’t too shocked by the news. He even earned a few remarks of how that fits him. All that you care about, though, is that Jaehyun could now be any of the other four secrets.
Next Jaemin is exposed for having said the wrong name during sex, which earns him a chorus of boos that he humbly accepts with his head hung low. It’s all in lighthearted fun, though, as laughter soon follows and excited requests for the story. Jaemin declines to your collective dissatisfaction, and Doyoung moves on.
The only answer you got correct was Mark, expectedly. Oddly enough, though, what you found cringey in the selection room is now endearing when paired with the boy sitting next to you. He buries his head in embarrassment at the teasing coo’s of the group, groaning through his smile.
“I think it’s cute.” You whisper into his hair to attempt to force him out of hiding.
“Really?” His shining eyes meet yours and your heart glows at his hopeful look. You nod with a soft smile on your face before drawing attention back to Doyoung to break the moment. You don’t want to put all your eggs into one basket just yet.
Mark’s secret had distracted you, but now the reality of what’s left has hit you like a ton of bricks.
The only two boys left are Haechan and Jaehyun, two boys who couldn’t be any more different. The only two secrets couldn’t be any more opposite either.
The answer is obvious, right in front of your nose, but you want to make sure before you allow yourself to freak out. You stiffen against Mark’s chest again, and you pray that he doesn’t comment on it.
With sweaty palms, you pretend to be intrigued when Haechan is revealed to have lost his virginity during seven minutes in heaven. You even put on a pretend entertained face when he proudly tells the play by play — entirely unprompted.
The moment Haechan sits down, you allow yourself to stare Jaehyun down. He looks calm, but he can’t possibly be. Not when you know what you know and the entire world is about to, too. He must be feeling exactly as you are.
“That means that our poor Jaehyun here was left at the altar.” Doyoung announces and the crowd falls eerily solemn for a moment to read his response to the announcement.
But he shrugs. He just… shrugs? It lightens the mood enough to let the crowd offer half sincere condolences to him as he pretends as if it’s not a big deal. You’re flabbergasted, choosing to look onward at him blankly until he looks at you. He doesn’t.
The girls are due to be announced next, and you choose acceptance. It’s all coming out anyways.
Firstly, Karina is exposed to have split custody over a dog with her ex. You giggle at her reveal, seeing it as absolutely fitting.
Next, it’s revealed that Ryujin once went on three dates with a guy without knowing his name. That one surprises you, but you can’t say you don’t sympathize.
“Y/N,” Doyoung pauses and the group begins slapping their knees and cushions in a drumroll. All participate except Jaehyun, who just looks on with an odd warmness behind his eyes. You maintain your stare with him for a second or so before Doyoung speaks again.
“was left stranded on her honeymoon.” You sigh, the nerves settling now that your secret has been revealed. You don’t move a muscle until the girls begin to shout out confused exclaims.
“Wait, girl, seriously?” Yunjin asks and you meet her eyes with a sad look that confirms it all.
The girls then shout in unison again, but this time with dumbfounded half-compliments. The only one you catch is Ryujin’s, “He left a girl like you?”
You scoff, laughing a bit and looking at her, “Well, yeah.” with gentle eyes.
You refuse to turn to look at Mark, but you can feel his hand grip your leg tighter from beside you. Still, your head remains forward when Doyoung moves on.
Through the laughter at Yunjin’s secret revealed, you spot another blank face. Jaehyun, and he’s staring right at you.
Once the director calls cut on the cameras brought in specifically for the challenge, Jaehyun is up and making a beeline towards where you’re sitting with Mark.
“Let’s talk.” He says, hand extending out to you to grab.
“Hold on a sec,” Mark says, not letting go of your leg. You meet his eyes for the first time since before your secret was revealed and find nothing but concern on his face.
Great, you think, exactly what I didn’t want.
You look up at Jaehyun and see no panic, confusion, or concern. He looks… neutral.
“I’ll talk to you before the party, okay?” You say to Mark and he sighs, letting go of your leg to allow you to stand. You don’t take Jaehyun’s hand out of respect for Mark.
That is, until you’re out of Mark’s sight.
“Let’s go to the daybed.” Jaehyun says, moving your grasped hands to intertwine your fingers. You smile down at your feet at the gesture.
Once you’re settled, you sitting criss crossed and Jaehyun laying on his side in a relaxed lounge, he breaks the silence.
“Welcome to pathetic losers anonymous, my name is Jaehyun.” He says and urges you with his hand to continue the act. His attempt to lighten the situation makes you smile, a charmed look on your face when you reply, “Hi Jaehyun.” in a drawn out bored voice.
He cracks a genuine smile at that before he continues, “Two years ago my fiancée—ex fiancée— ran away with her ex boyfriend the night before our wedding.”
The gasp you let out at his confession makes you embarrassed, so you quickly apologize for your reaction. He smiles, shaking his head in a graceful dismissal of your apology as he continues, “They got married on April 6th and on April 8th, I accepted the offer to be on this show.” You nod in understanding. He doesn’t break eye contact with you as you look between his two eyes. Is this what you look like? Do you also look this unamused when talking about what happened to you?
“Unfortunately due to shrinking populations during the apocalypse,” you laugh at his joke, lightening the mood just a bit.
“there are only two members of Pathetic Losers Anonymous so participation is mandatory if you want to enjoy the amenities.” You choose to play along to his game once more, but with some snark.
“What amenities?” You ask with sass and he just smirks.
“Well, we have the lounge area,” he says while rubbing his hand on the daybed cushion between you. You nod and let out a false interested tone, urging him on with a smile.
“State of the art soundproofing,” he says while cheekily drawing the sheer curtain closed behind him. You cock your head with a suspicious smile on your face and he continues.
“Last but not least,” he grabs blindly behind the back board of the bed, “the pool!” He throws a chilled water bottle in your direction. You squeal, barely catching the flying object before it hits your face.
He breaks character for a moment to apologize, clearly not indenting to throw the bottle that hard. You can’t stop laughing, even when you meet his half concerned, half amused look.
“You dick.” You tease between giggles and he rolls his eyes playfully, laying back down and grabbing your arm to pull you down with him.
You don’t give in, still feeling the pressure.
“I’m scared for everyone to know.” You admit quietly, drawing meaningless patterns in the condensation that’s collected on the bottle in your hands.
“Duh, that’s why we have the state of the art soundproofing!” He jokes, although he knows exactly what you meant.
You meet his eyes before lying down on your back with your hands folded over your stomach.
“We got into a fight on our wedding night because he—“ you stop, reminding yourself that this is on camera.
“It doesn’t matter what we fought about, but we did.” You finally say and Jaehyun nods from where he’s sitting up on his elbow looking down at you. There’s a considerable ten inches between your bodies, but he feels uncomfortably close still.
“When we landed in Cancun I thought we were fine, but he had booked himself a different hotel.” Jaehyun sits patiently for you to reveal the last part of your story.
“I thought he just wanted some time to cool off, so I let him have it. I thought he would check in on me, or call me, or something but he didn’t for that entire week. I spent my honeymoon alone.” You sigh and close your eyes, refusing to let your emotions bubble.
“When I got to the airport at the end of the trip I found out he had gone home the same day that we got there. He left me all alone in Cancun by myself for a week waiting for him.” You pause once again.
“He put his wedding band and annulment papers into an envelope and slid it under my office door for me to find a week later.” You finish your story, looking over at Jaehyun.
He’s unreadable, which is frustrating, but almost welcomed with how overwhelming your own feelings are.
“When did this happen?” He asks.
“A year ago.”
He sighs, not too sure what to say to you. You can’t blame him, you didn’t know what to say to him either.
After a few more uncomfortable moments, you lift your hand up in a fist leaned slightly towards him.
“We’re even now.” You say, inviting him to fist bump you. He chuckles through his nose and fist bumps you.
You sit there for a few more moments just staring at each other basking in the intimacy.
Then you remember the last time you felt this way and turn your logical brain back on.
“I don’t even know where you live.” You say flatly and he laughs at that.
“I guess you don’t, huh?” He says through a smile and you shake your head with a neutral expression.
“I guess you should since you know everything else.” He says before telling you about how he was born in South Korea but moved to London as a kid. More questions down the line and you discover that he’s a doctor, an optometrist to be exact, and ‘That’s how I know you have pretty eyes, I see them all day long.’
Once you share your own lot of fun facts, you decide it’s finally time to join the group again, much to Jaehyun’s disappointment.
“Can you just promise me that you’ll consider me to couple with tonight?” He asks before you round the corner back to the main living space and back to the group.
You smile and with the assistance of your intertwined hands, elevate to your tippy toes to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek.
It’s all the answers he needed.
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Mark finds you while you’re washing your hands in the plush bathroom.
“Hey, can we talk?” He says with the same concerned eyes as before. You look at him through the mirror and sigh, taking your time turning off the faucet and drying your hands. You turn on your heel to rest your ass against the counter and extend your arms out to Mark, he quickly obliges and steps into your space where you wrap your arms around his shoulders. His hands find your hips easily.
“Can I be honest?” You ask and he nods quickly.
“Of course.”
You pout and shake your head, “I don’t really want to talk about it anymore, if that’s alright.”
Mark’s face falls a bit but he nods in understanding, repeating the same sentiment from before.
“It just worried me and—“ He begins to ramble but you cut him off.
“Mark, I’ve only know you for a day. I want to know your favorite color first before you know all the skeletons in my closet.” You attempt to reason, but he replies quickly,
“Mark,” you drag out his name in a whine and his brain seems to catch up to his mouth as he giggles at himself and apologizes, a faint tint of pink rising on his cheeks.
“Can we go swimming or something?” You ask after a moment of laughter.
He nods with a smile, stepping away from you to allow you to stand.
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The pool is even nicer now that the sun has nearly set, falling behind the house to give you some much needed shade. The sky is a beautiful orange, and in the moments that both you and Mark are still enough, you can hear the rolling waves from the beach.
Mark is an even nicer view from where you are with your head half dipped in the water as you float on your back. He’s looking down at you with those boyish eyes with a soft smile.
“What?” You ask after a long moment of his stare.
He chuckles and shakes his head, “nothing,”
You groan, breaking your float to stand and look up from Mark’s seated position on the thin infinity edge of the pool.
“Mark,” you say bluntly.
“Nothing!” He giggles out a whine, the same pink blush from before sitting on his cheeks.
You don’t let up though, and he just sighs and laughs before admitting, “I was just thinking how I’m really enjoying getting to know you.”
You almost aww at him, your heart melting at the comment. He’s special, you think. Gentle spirited, sweet, and genuine.
“I’m having fun getting to know you, too.”
You hadn’t realized what you said before he asked you, “Does that mean we’re coupling up tonight?”
You can feel your heart wrench at the hope in his voice. You hadn’t decided yet, you couldn’t tell him yes.
“Mark, I just meant… I don’t know what I meant.” You admit and he dejects a little.
“I want to get to know you, but I also want to get to know someone else. I need time to figure out what I’ll decide.” You say finally and he nods in understanding.
“Can I enjoy getting to know you right now, then?” He asks with the same boyish smile from before and you giggle at him, grabbing his arms and tugging as hard as you can to hopefully send him barreling towards the water.
“Amateur.” He playfully scoffs before jumping in himself, grabbing your legs from underwater and quickly flipping you around to pull you in by your waist to his back and hoist you up. Before you knew it, you were midair about to splash into the water below you.
Once you emerge from the warm water, the first sound you hear is Mark’s bellowing cackle in your direction. You find it just as hilarious, but choose to take the game further instead.
“You dick!” You squeal when you jump in his direction, barely grabbing onto his shoulders as you push down with all your weight to attempt to force him underwater.
When he doesn’t budge you exclaim, “Oh, come on!” which makes him laugh out again. In a moment of boldness, he turns around to face you from where you stand unbelievably close.
“I’ll go under if, and only if,” he pauses and you roll your eyes, poking his shoulder to push him back to swivel a bit.
“Dumbass,” you mutter under your breath and his eyes widen as well as his smile.
“Hey, be nice!” He giggles out and you playfully roll your eyes once more, waving him to continue his sentence.
“I’ll go under if you kiss me.”
Your eyes widen in surprise at his boldness, searching for anything but sincerity between his two eyes. You see nothing of the sort, in fact, you see only desire.
Glancing down at his lips once, you find his proposition all the more tempting. When you place your hands back on his shoulders, no push to send him down this time, he takes it as all the sign he needs to grab you by the hips and place his lips on yours.
He’s gentle for a moment, but picks up the pace a bit once he feels you respond. You smile into the kiss, pulling him closer by the neck as he kisses you harder, his hands gripping the skin at your waist roughly. You grab the back of his head when you switch positions and he hums gratefully into the softness of your lips together. It’s passionate, that’s for damn sure, and you’re loving every moment.
When you feel his tongue prod at your lips, you detach from him and stare up at him with a bashful smile. He looks down at you wonderstruck, but his face morphs quickly after into a devious smirk.
The moment that connect the dots between his face and his hands current position on your body, he’s jumping into the air as you squeal, flopping you both down into the water to make do on his side of the deal.
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Thank God for separate dressing rooms. There’s a lot of pressure on you tonight, and both Jaehyun and Mark are distracting as hell. You had read about the crazy time warp you go into when you’re filming a reality show, but you hadn’t believed it until now. Today has felt like a lifetime and it’s not even over yet. On top of that, you still have to break someone’s heart tonight.
You groan at the thought, head thumping down on the table in front of you in frustration. You’ve been doing that a lot recently.
“What did I tell you? Champagne problems.” Ryujin sing songs from her spot at the vanity next to yours.
“My brain can’t work if all you’re doing is telling it that it can’t work!” You exclaim and she laughs sympathetically.
“Well, tell me about it then.” She urges and you huff while you pump your foundation onto the back of your hand.
“Jaehyun is mature, goofy, and confident as all hell. He is also hot as fuck with those cute ass dimples. He’s tall, and he’s got a fucking six pack dude,” she laughs in disbelief and you continue.
“And he gets me, you know?” Ryujin listens with an attentive nod.
“He knows what to say because he gets it. He just… he gets me.” You finish off.
“What about Mark?” She asks and you scoff.
“What not about Mark, you mean? He’s just this precious little thing. He’s genuinely sweet and super open hearted. He’s being nice without even realizing that he’s being nice.” You say finally.
“Wow, girl.” Ryujin says after you have a moment in silence.
“What do I do?” You ask her, genuinely seeking an answer.
“I dunno, flip a coin, I guess.” She suggests and you roll your eyes and let out an exasperated laugh.
You sigh as you return to doing your makeup, you’ll just have to figure this out on your own.
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The party is, as you find out, an open bar with restaurant volume royalty free hip hop music playing from a speaker behind the bar.
“Impressive set up, huh?” Jaehyun says from over your shoulder. He’s cleaned up nicely in an all black outfit, jeans on bottom and a satin dress shirt up top. He’s refreshed his cologne as well, and the warm and woodsy scent is almost as intoxicating as your drink is.
“Get 3 more of these in me and I’ll turn it into Vegas.” You joke and he laughs genuinely, hand coming into contact with the exposed skin of your lower back as he steps closer to you.
“I love this song.” He says as he bounces to the beat. You laugh at his nerdy attempt to mouth the lyrics he most certainly does not know.
“Oh, do you now?” You call him out with a teasing lilt in his voice and he stops dancing.
“No, of course not, does anyone for that matter?” He jokes and you laugh again with a shrug. After a moment he excuses himself to grab his own drink and you promise to hold his spot on your dance card.
You know Mark’s watching you because before Jaehyun came up to you, you were watching him. All you can do is pray that he doesn’t approach you now as you wait for Jaehyun to come back.
You want to see Mark tonight too, but not now. You need to figure your shit out about Jaehyun first.
Thankfully, Mark stays in his place standing with Jungwoo and Yunjin who had just returned from their date with stories to share. Mark’s not mad to see you with Jaehyun. Jealous, maybe, but he understands the process.
“God, you’re seriously the most beautiful girl.” Jaehyun says after he’s by you again, hand coming back to your lower back.
“There’s only four girls here.” You tease and take another sip. He responds by stepping in closer to you with a soft smile on his face. You can feel his palm press into your back to pull you closer. It’s so gentle that you aren’t sure that he even knows that he’s doing it.
“I wasn’t talking about the other girls here.” He says softly and you can feel his whisper breath on your face.
He’s so close he could kiss you right now, but you’re reminded of your audience out near the crowded bar and decide to take a small step back from him. Just enough to kill the moment, but not enough to draw his hands off of you.
He notices your retreat but doesn’t say anything, which you’re grateful for.
The moment is over as soon as it began when the producers usher you all to the same covered patio as earlier in the day. This time, though, you’re sat next to Jaehyun on the sofa. His hands don’t wander like Mark’s do.
“Okay, lovers!” Doyoung shouts out as he walks up to where you’re waiting for him. You applaud entirely out of obligation.
“How was your first day?” He asks and the group whoops and hollers in response. You don’t share the same excitement after your first day. You feel like you need another drink.
“Now, as you all know, at the end of the night, one of you will be leaving the villa.” You want to roll your eyes, he keeps on rubbing it in. You get it.
“You have four hours to couple up and make your way inside.” He says with a nod before walking off. You heave out a sigh when he disappears. You’re annoyed that he brought you all the way over here for such an unnecessary announcement. You have decisions to make, dammit! You’re already completely over this reality TV thing.
“Try not to look so discouraged, Twitter might actually see you as a person.” Jaehyun jokes from beside you, earning him a giggle and a nudge on the shoulder.
“Twitter already knows my deepest darkest secret.” You reply and he hums with a knowing smile.
“Can we get away from here?” He says gesturing to the overwhelming amount of cameras observing you.
They’re everywhere, you’ve discovered, and typically expertly hidden. Regardless of where you go the cameras will follow, but there’s something intimidating about seeing them so explicitly.
“Sure.” You reply and allow him to help you stand, not letting go of your hand once you’re stable.
Jaehyun leads you to the fire pit on the side of the house. It’s not lit, but the edison bulbs strung above your heads make for a cozy environment regardless. You adjacent to one another in the beach chairs set to surround the circle.
Once settled, you lean your head into the palm of your hand as you watch him closely. He’s manspreading in an attractive way, limbs stretched out and loose. His head resting against the back of the chair with his eyes closed tell you that he’s completely relaxed.
One of us should be, you figure.
“I’m really sorry about what happened to you.” He says quietly, eyes open but not looking at you.
You sigh, slouching your shoulders forward a bit, “I’m sorry about what happened to you, too.”
This time he does look over to you with a gentle smile and a look of fondness in his eyes.
“We didn’t deserve that, did we?” He asks, and you hope it’s rhetorical. You answer anyways.
“Not at all.”
He hums, taking a moment to pause and take you all in. After a long quiet moment, he speaks, “I like you.”
A smile spreads across your lips in tandem with the butterflies in your belly rising up your chest to make your heart beat faster.
You pause for a moment, scanning your brain for any reason why this may be wrong, but you find nothing.
“Thank you.” Is all you say and he scoffs out a disbelieving chuckle.
“You’re welcome, I guess… Weirdo.” He teases you with the insult and his over exaggerated side eye. You laugh at his faux offended attitude, a common pattern for you today.
“I want to play fair.” You say, feeling quite swayed.
He shrugs, pout coming onto his face when he protests, “Be a little naughty.”
You gasp and he looks over to you with a flirty smirk on his face, the same that he first approached you with. It makes you blush embarrassingly quickly.
“I will do no such thing!” You exclaim and he laughs at you this time, flirting back easily.
“Yawn, but okay.” He sighs before standing, lifting the chair by the armrests behind his back to sit his chair right next to yours, the arm of his chair nearly overlapping yours.
Once he’s sat again, he grabs your hand and, without breaking eye contact, kisses the back of your hand from where it’s intertwined with his.
You feel far too shy to say anything about the contact, so he speaks again.
“I meant it, though.” He says with a serious look behind his eyes. You’ve had enough of the intensity today, so you detour the conversation.
“Which part? The part where you called me a weirdo, or when you called me boring for not wanting to be, quote, naughty?” By the end of your exaggerated recollection of events, Jaehyun is shaking with laughter from the seat next to you, urging on your own fit of giggles.
It takes a while, but you two finally settle down after your laughter fit. He’s still smiling wide when he shares what he truly meant.
“I like you.”
You gulp, nodding in understanding and looking down at your intertwined hands.
“The only way I’m staying here is if I’m here with you.” He says after a moment of silence. You had figured as much, but it feels even more real once he says it out loud. You aren’t quite sure what to say, you don’t have an answer for him. You’re still deeply invested in Mark, too.
“You don’t need to have an answer for me now, I know you have other stuff going on,” you relax a bit once he sympathetically lifts the pressure off of you.
“There’s no other girl for me here, I’m all in to see where this can go.” He admits and your heart jumps up to your throat. His understanding makes him all the more attractive to you.
“I won’t leave you hanging, that’s all I can promise you.” You say, looking up at him meekly. From how close he’s sitting, you can see the tiniest reflection of the lights above in his dark eyes.
He doesn’t respond verbally, having said all that he could, instead choosing to grab your jaw to pull you closer to him.
You gasp and squint your eyes shut, but nothing happens for a moment. Only once you’re noticed this you begin to feel his lips make gentle contact with your forehead.
Your heart lurches. Fuck.
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Mark greets you with a bear hug once you’re back in the lounge having left Jaehyun at the fire pit.
(“You coming?”
“I’ll wait for you here.”)
“Don’t scare me like that again!” He let’s out into your hair, squeezing you to emphasize his words.
“What did I do?” You whine, acting very poorly to hide that you love the moment.
“I thought you were going to couple up with him.” He admits and the pieces finally fall into place.
He lets you go then to pull back and look at you, his hands on your biceps to keep you in place.
“Thank you for not doing that to me.” He says and you giggle, nodding politely.
“Let’s talk?” You say after a moment and he nods with enthusiasm. It seems as if one couple has already gone to bed as well as a few members of the camera crew.
He leads you further down the path than you thought he would, stopping to sit on the wooden stairs leading down to the beach. It’s dark out, but you can make out his features well still.
“Gonna murder me, Mark?” You joke with a fake uncomfortable laughter and he chuckles and grabs your thigh.
“I like the sound of the ocean.” He answers truthfully without being asked. You nod, resting your head on his shoulder. There’s something about physical intimacy with this boy that you just can’t get enough.
“Tell me about the girl.” You prompt him without much hesitation. You’re not known for being nosy, but something about imagining Mark telling a girl he loves her irks you slightly. So you dig.
He groans, leaning his head to rest on top of yours, “Nah,” he shuts you down.
“Did you mean it at least?” You ask, still not relenting.
“Oh, absolutely.” He affirms and you hum.
“How long ago?” You ask, treading very lightly.
“About a year ago.” He answers. He’s being extremely cautious, which you understand.
“Do you still love her?” You boldly ask and he shakes his head against yours.
“Would I be here with you if I did?”
You scoff out a laugh, “I would hope not!”
He just chuckles in response and leaves a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m really glad I met you.” He says after a quiet moment. You smile, a warm feeling spreading across your chest.
“Stop,” you whine in embarrassment and sit up, turning your back to him and he giggles.
“It’s true!” He exclaims and pulls your shoulder back to face front once more.
“You just,” you hang your head low to try and conceal your blush, “you keep on saying all these sweet things to me.”
He smiles at that, grabbing your chin to make you face up and look at him. His soft eyes shining in the moonlight stare deep into yours.
He kisses you, just a simple peck, but it affects you all the same.
“There’s nobody else here for me.” He says and you’re immediately reminded of how Jaehyun just shared the same sentiment with you only a few minutes ago.
You nod in response. When you first signed up for this show you hadn’t anticipated so much pressure lying on your shoulders.
“I need some time to think.” You say and he nods in agreement and understanding, but there’s a disappointed look in his eye.
“I know.” He smiles at you, and this time you make the first move.
The stubble on his jaw is rough beneath your fingertips when you gently grab him to pull him in for a kiss. It’s gentle, slow, and beautifully intimate. He kisses you on the forehead once you’ve pulled away.
“Do you want me to go?” He asks and the true answer is no, but you know that you need some alone time to make up your mind.
“Want isn’t the word I would use.” You say and he chuckles and nods in understanding.
“I’ll be inside. Come find me once you’re ready.” He says with one final squeeze to your thigh before standing and retreating back indoors.
Once you can no longer hear the sound of his feet on the rickety boardwalk, you heave out a breath, head falling into your hands.
You haven’t been this conflicted since, well, ever, and it’s tearing you apart inside.
Your desire for both is shocking to you, especially how you’ve managed to become so connected to both of them in such a short period of time. It’s devastating to imagine losing either of them. Your mind is perfectly split down the middle for both.
The crashing waves in the distance do little to calm your wild heart. In 30 minutes you’ll need to make your decision and send one of them home.
Who will you choose?
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Ok, your turn!
vote for which boy to couple with!
voting ENDS 7/5
@rum-gone-why @asteriaskingdom @feltednettles
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Smth I’ve been thinking over for a while is the sheer amount of people who will see children’s media that has intense, yet age-appropriate storylines and themes and immediately declare “THIS IS NOT FOR CHILDREN!!!!! THIS IS ACTUALLY FOR ADULTS!!!!!!”
Children deserve impactful, intense storylines too. Whatever happens just can’t be intensely graphic. My favorite book series as a child had suicides, dictatorships, war, conspiracies, and all sorts of gruesome things. Yet the author kept it appropriate for the young audience by not including graphic detail and keeping it relatively simple. Another thing I’ve watched recently was the series finale of Gravity Falls. There’s a billion year old demon who’s been planning a dimensional takeover for eons simply to bring down total anarchy, who uses Faustian deals and lies to achieve his goals. He’ll do anything, including killing two children, to achieve it. Yet, it stays appropriate for children by abstaining any realistic gore or heavy topics.
Children deserve more than just cuddly sunshine and rainbows and keys jangling in front of them. That’s why the same millennials who cry out about this read shit like warrior cats, played ocarina of time and Majora’s Mask, and watched shows like samurai jack. It’s fun, it’s entertaining, fit for a developing kind who wants to feel grown up without showing them actual adult themes.
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sabineelectricheart · 10 months
Clumsy Adoration of a Budding Potioneer
Summary: Gareth wants to show Rosalie how much she means to him on a physical manner, but it seems that she has him beat on that regard, too.
Rating: MA - Content is only suitable for mature adults. May contain explicit language and adult themes.
Words: 1200
Notes: Ah, to bully a stupid boy... How I miss my teenage years.
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Gareth Weasley is loud. He is direct, honest and a bit of a buffoon. His tone of voice is much too high at any polite conversation, he is unfailingly inconvenient in his pursuits, and his clothes smell of fire and ash from the kindling he spends most of his time staring at.
That is how he has always been, and it is not as if his family really taught him to be anything else. He never had any interest in changing, in any case. While he pretends that he is cool and admired by his schoolmates, he is not blind enough not to realise that he is always the butt of the joke. It never mattered to him, though, as his intellectual pursuit took precedence over social convention at every turn.
He has a passion in his life, the one thing that he has dedicated himself with unwavering single-mindedness, which were his potions. He is always willing to talk about them until he was purple in the face, even if there is no-one there to listen, but if he is not speaking of them, he was running around after ingredients or brewing his inventive recipes. He is never still, and he used to think that, if he stops one day, he would likely just be settled and thinking about it.
The only time that Gareth has ever silenced himself is when he has been forced by his aunt to be so, and if he stands to gain something by keeping quiet, if there is the perspective of a rare ingredient or a secret recipe if he plays nice for a couple of minutes. Even so, his feet twitch, his eyes dart side to side restlessly, as he is just waiting for the scrutinizing gaze to falter so he can flee into his interests again.
His aunt and his professors are nothing when compared to Rosalie Beausoleil, though. Not in his mind. He is sure that he is not the only one who thinks like that, either. He can feel the jealous gazes of boys of other Houses on them, when he runs around her, when he offers a new brew for her to try. Everyone wants her to acknowledge them, at least, and he goes around through sheer insistence and constant presence.
Not that he minds too much. Like with his potions, what the others think or do is of no object to him, and so he does not care about the insinuations that he is annoying her, taking her off more important tasks or, worse, endangering her with his experimental potions. They are barely deserving of even a modicum of his attention, and the quiet can so easily be displaced.
He loves her because Rosalie listens to him. She truly listens to him. It might seem a rather arbitrary, not to say narcissistic, reason for such an intense feeling of adoration coming from him, but it is not as if this is a common occurrence in his life. More than just hearing, she supports him, she arranges his ingredients and helps him twitching the recipes.
She believes in him in a way no-one has ever believed in him before, and that has an indescribable value to him. That does not mean that he cannot try to show her the depth of his love.
Unfortunately, as soon as they pass through the door, he notices that she is more accomplished and experienced on that area, too. He is no Casanova, but he expected her to have a conservative education in that sense.
She does with him as she pleases, and he just lets her. His mind is already drunk before she touches him, bleary thoughts of her breathing into his mind and mixing with his desire.
She only looked at him with intent, but it was enough for his knees to buckle underneath his weight.
“Be quiet, love.” She instructs him with a teasing lilt to her voice. “We don’t anyone to hear us, do we?”
Her arms are warm against his waist, palms burning with heat against his abdomen. They are in different houses and neither of them is a Head Student, so places to have an encounter are difficult to come by.
Rosalie once offered the Room of Requirement, but Deek was always there and he does not trust the elf not to run back to his aunt and spill the beans. Sirona, cool as she is with most things, would not let two underage students rent a room together, and the Hog’s Head is too seedy. There were plenty of houses open to occupants in the surrounding hamlets, and more than one highlander owes her a favour and would keep quiet if requested, but the prospect of having to take her to an abandoned house shames him too much.
So, it is an engorged broom closed for them. At least, until graduation.
Gareth bites his tongue when she run a finger over the rather flat skin of his stomach, his back arching. He averts his as she moans delectably, knowing full well that she was trying to play him up.
He makes a sharp, muffled noise, his chest heaving and lurching forward. He barely makes sense of the sudden taste of iron invading his mouth and coating the insides of his cheeks. His senses entirely numbed and dizzy, only capable of focusing on her.
Rosalie is all he ever wants to feel. She is all he ever wants to touch.
"Don't hurt yourself." She murmurs against the naked side of his neck.
She wraps her legs around his waist and holds herself up by hanging off his shoulders. Thankfully, she is light enough that even a slowpoke like him can manage to keep her steady, somewhat. They are both fully naked, the air in the broom closet is hot and damp.
Her hot breath has his head spinning, and he leans over to feel more of it before he can think to stop himself. Slowly, teasingly, she crouches, taking more of his length with her. The feeling is so strong that he senses his legs growing weaker, having to remind himself that he must stand up straight or he will drop her.
When she stops for him to get his bearings together, Gareth makes a small hum of understanding in sights to reassure her of the steadiness of his posture, adjusting himself so he can ingrain her appearance in his mind.
Through the thick curtain of fog that drapes over his mind, he makes out a pulsing pain coming from his mouth, but his thoughts trip over themselves, unable to twist away from her. She is all he cares to think about, and as her grip turns hard, nails biting into his skin, he is sure she only ever will be. Even if he was dead, his body would still go through the motions of worship.
Now that Gareth has gotten a taste of Rosalie, no matter how minute, no one will ever be able to compare. She is what all life aspires to be. No matter what inferno awaits him, it would have been completely worth it to have been touched by her at least once.
Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist
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Water Slide Rentals in Visalia, CA
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Water slide rentals have become essential for events in Visalia, CA, especially during the warm summer months. The sunny climate in Visalia creates the perfect backdrop for outdoor gatherings, making water slides an ideal addition to any party. These rentals offer a fun and exciting way to entertain guests of all ages, whether it's a backyard birthday party, family reunion, or community event. Water slides come in various sizes and designs, ensuring a perfect option for every occasion. From small slides suitable for younger children to giant, towering slides that thrill teens and adults, water slide rentals can turn an ordinary gathering into a memorable experience.
The appeal of water slide rentals in Visalia lies in the sheer fun and convenience they provide. Renting a water slide is a hassle-free way to add a unique entertainment element to any event without needing permanent installations or long-term investments. Most rental companies provide delivery, setup, and takedown services, allowing hosts to focus on other aspects of their event. Safety is also a top priority, with many rental companies offering well-maintained and sanitized slides that adhere to strict safety standards. They often provide guidelines and recommendations for safe use, ensuring guests can enjoy the slides with peace of mind.
In addition to being a hit with kids, water slides are also a fantastic way to entertain adult guests. More giant water slides with thrilling features like steep drops, twists, and splash pools can provide hours of entertainment for older children, teenagers, and adults. Water slides can bring generations together for family-oriented events in a shared experience of joy and laughter. They also offer an excellent opportunity for friendly competition, with guests racing each other down the slides or trying to make the biggest splash. This inclusivity makes water slides versatile for various events, from birthday parties and weddings to corporate picnics and neighborhood block parties.
One of the key benefits of water slide rentals in Visalia is their ability to keep guests cool during hot weather. The summer heat in Visalia can be intense, and having a water slide provides a refreshing way for everyone to stay cool while having fun. It's a great alternative to traditional activities like swimming pools, offering the same cooling effect but with added excitement and variety. Water slides can be set up in backyards, parks, or other open spaces, making them a flexible option for hosts looking to create a water-themed event. They can also be paired with other inflatables like bounce houses or obstacle courses to develop a full-fledged water park experience right at home.
Moreover, water slide rentals offer a cost-effective way to enhance an event. Organizing a party or gathering often involves numerous expenses, and renting a water slide can provide significant entertainment value without breaking the bank. With a wide range of options available, from essential slides to elaborate multi-lane designs, hosts can choose a rental that fits their budget and meets their needs. Many rental companies also offer package deals or discounts for multiple rentals, allowing hosts to create a comprehensive entertainment setup that keeps guests engaged throughout the event.
Water slide rentals also encourage active play, which is particularly important for children who may otherwise spend their time on screens. Sliding down a water slide requires physical effort, helping kids burn off energy in a fun and exciting way. It's a great way to promote physical activity and outdoor play, especially during summer when kids are out of school. Parents can take comfort in knowing that their children are participating in a safe, supervised activity that promotes healthy movement. Furthermore, water slides can be an excellent way to build social skills, as kids often take turns, cheer each other on, and make new friends while playing.
Another advantage of water slide rentals in Visalia is the variety of themes and designs available. Many slides are designed with vibrant colors, playful themes, and engaging features like splash pools, climbing walls, and tunnels. This variety allows hosts to select a slide that complements the theme of their event, whether it's a tropical luau, a pirate adventure, or a superhero party. Themed water slides can enhance the overall ambiance of the event, making it more visually appealing and immersive for guests. They also provide excellent photo opportunities, helping hosts capture memorable moments that can be cherished for years.
In recent years, water slide rentals have evolved to include advanced features that cater to different preferences and age groups. Some slides have dual lanes, allowing two people to slide simultaneously for a fun, competitive experience. Others feature curved or zigzagging paths that add an element of surprise and excitement. For those looking for an even more thrilling experience, towering slides offer steep drops and high speeds, providing an adrenaline rush for more adventurous guests. These innovative designs ensure that water slide rentals remain popular for a wide range of events, offering something for everyone.
The process of renting a water slide in Visalia is typically straightforward. Most rental companies have user-friendly websites where customers can browse their inventory, check availability, and make reservations. They often provide detailed descriptions, photos of each slide, and information on size, setup requirements, and safety guidelines. Some companies even offer online booking and payment options, making the rental process quick and convenient. On the day of the event, the rental company handles the slide's delivery, setup, and takedown, allowing hosts to focus on enjoying the day with their guests.
Water slide rentals in Visalia are also a great way to add a wow factor to events without extensive planning or preparation. They are a crowd-pleaser that can quickly become the highlight of the day, drawing guests of all ages to participate in the fun. Whether a casual backyard barbecue or a large-scale celebration, a water slide can transform an event into an unforgettable experience. The laughter, excitement, and joy that water slides bring are priceless, creating a lively atmosphere that resonates with guests long after the event.
Overall, water slide rentals in Visalia, CA, offer an enjoyable and practical way to enhance any event. They provide endless entertainment, promote physical activity, and offer a refreshing escape from the summer heat. With a wide range of options, hosts can find the perfect slide to suit their event's theme, size, and budget. The convenience of renting and the sheer fun and excitement that water slides bring make them a top choice for parties and gatherings in Visalia.
Featured Business:
Jojos Party Rentals is your go-to source for water slide rentals in Visalia, CA, offering an exciting range of options perfect for keeping the fun flowing at any event. They cater to all ages with a diverse selection of water slides, ensuring hours of laughter and enjoyment under the California sun. Their commitment to safety and cleanliness means you can relax and enjoy your event, knowing Jojos Party Rentals provides top-quality, well-maintained inflatables. Make your next gathering unforgettable with their vibrant water slides, turning any occasion into a splash-tastic celebration.
Contact: Jojos Party Rentals 883 Mayflower Ave, Dinuba, CA 93618, United States HH4W+59 Dinuba, California, USA (559) 301–2334 https://www.jojosparty.rentals/water-slide-rental-visalia-ca/
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcEiO_SQxD8
YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzIgvAd8hGU6QWWqZVF7-OzcBgf10byXX
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/jojos-party-rentals/bounce-house-rentals-visalia-ca
Soundcloud Playlist: https://soundcloud.com/jojos-party-rentals/sets/bounce-house-rentals-visalia-ca
Medium Post: https://medium.com/@jojospartyrentals0/bounce-house-rentals-visalia-ca-a565475d2aeb
Weebly: https://bounce-house-rentals-visalia-ca.weebly.com/
Tumblr Post: https://jojos-party-rentals.tumblr.com/post/757304984014635009/bounce-house-rentals-visalia-ca
Strikingly: https://bounce-house-rentals-visalia-ca.mystrikingly.com/
Google Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1UI9hu6idegea8imPz3T4ISCz8taHGf4
Google Map Cid: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1952343662262248881
Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/bounce-house-rentals-ca/
Wakelet: https://wakelet.com/wake/EYOIyiYDz80VNXwd_D-i9
Twitter List: https://x.com/i/lists/1817763004504801438
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kinkyshop · 1 month
Dive into Desire: Exploring "50 Dirty, Naughty, Erotic Short Stories"
In a world where the boundaries of pleasure and imagination are constantly explored, few things captivate the senses quite like a well-written erotic tale. "50 Dirty, Naughty, Erotic Short Stories: An Erotica Collection for Adults" is one such book that promises to take readers on a thrilling journey through the most intimate and provocative realms of human experience. This collection is a tantalizing mix of passion, lust, and forbidden fantasies, all wrapped up in 50 short stories that leave little to the imagination.
A Feast for the Senses
This collection is a veritable feast for those who enjoy exploring the depths of human desire. Each story is a unique exploration of eroticism, ranging from soft and sensual to wild and uninhibited. The stories are short enough to be enjoyed in a single sitting, but rich enough to linger in the mind long after the last page is turned. Whether you're new to the genre or a seasoned reader, this book offers something for everyone.
The Art of Seduction
What makes this collection truly stand out is its ability to balance the rawness of desire with the art of storytelling. The authors craft scenes that are as emotionally engaging as they are physically stimulating. From slow, teasing seduction to intense, passionate encounters, each story is a carefully crafted piece of erotic art. The characters are vivid and relatable, making it easy for readers to immerse themselves in their world.
Variety is the Spice of Life
One of the most appealing aspects of "50 Dirty, Naughty, Erotic Short Stories" is the sheer variety it offers. The stories span a wide range of themes and scenarios, ensuring that there's something to suit every taste. Whether you prefer the thrill of forbidden romance, the heat of a spontaneous encounter, or the allure of a dark, secret fantasy, this collection has it all. The diversity of stories also means that you can pick and choose depending on your mood, making this book a versatile addition to your reading list.
A Journey of Self-Discovery
Beyond the obvious appeal of steamy scenes and provocative situations, this collection also offers readers a chance to explore their own desires and fantasies. Erotic literature has long been a way for people to understand and embrace their sexuality, and "50 Dirty, Naughty, Erotic Short Stories" is no exception. As you journey through these stories, you may find yourself discovering new aspects of your own desires, or gaining a deeper understanding of what truly excites you.
Perfect for Solo or Shared Reading
While this book is perfect for solo reading, it can also be a great way to spice things up with a partner. Sharing a story from this collection can lead to intimate conversations, inspire new experiences, or simply serve as a way to connect on a deeper level. The stories are short enough to read aloud, making them an ideal choice for couples looking to add a little heat to their relationship.
Why This Collection Stands Out
In the crowded world of erotic literature, not every collection manages to stand out. However, "50 Dirty, Naughty, Erotic Short Stories" distinguishes itself through its commitment to quality and diversity. The writing is sharp and evocative, avoiding the clichés that sometimes plague the genre. Each story is designed to be a complete experience, with carefully developed plots and characters that go beyond the surface. This attention to detail ensures that readers are not just skimming for the steamy parts—they're fully engaged in the narrative, making the payoff all the more satisfying.
An Invitation to Revisit
Another aspect that makes this collection unique is its re-readability. The stories are short enough to be revisited time and again, each time revealing new layers of meaning and excitement. Because of the variety in themes and tones, readers might find themselves coming back to different stories depending on their mood or what they're craving at the moment. It’s not just a one-time read but a book that can be part of your collection for years to come.
For All Levels of Curiosity
Whether you're dipping your toes into the world of erotica for the first time or you're a seasoned reader, "50 Dirty, Naughty, Erotic Short Stories" caters to all levels of curiosity. The collection allows newcomers to explore without overwhelming them, while still providing enough depth and variety to satisfy those who are more familiar with the genre. It's a great starting point for anyone looking to understand what makes erotic literature so compelling, while also serving as a rich resource for longtime fans.
A Word on Discretion
While this collection is perfect for indulging in your deepest fantasies, it's also important to approach it with a sense of discretion. Erotic literature is deeply personal, and what resonates with one person may not with another. Whether you're reading for personal pleasure, with a partner, or even exploring these themes for the first time, remember that erotica is about exploration and enjoyment. There’s no right or wrong way to engage with these stories—just whatever feels right for you.
Closing the Book, but Not the Experience
As you finish each story in "50 Dirty, Naughty, Erotic Short Stories," you might find that the experience doesn’t end with the last word. The emotions, sensations, and ideas that these tales stir up can linger, inviting you to explore them further, either in your imagination or in real life. This collection isn’t just about reading; it’s about living and experiencing the fantasies that these stories ignite.
A Book for the Bold
"50 Dirty, Naughty, Erotic Short Stories" is not for the faint of heart. It’s a collection for those who are unafraid to dive into the depths of desire, explore their fantasies, and embrace the full spectrum of human sexuality. If you’re looking for a book that will challenge, excite, and satisfy, this collection is a must-read. It’s a bold and unapologetic celebration of eroticism, perfect for those who understand that pleasure is as much about the journey as it is the destination.
"50 Dirty, Naughty, Erotic Short Stories: An Erotica Collection for Adults" is more than just a collection of erotic tales—it's an invitation to explore the many facets of desire. Whether you're looking to indulge in a quick, steamy read or embark on a journey of self-discovery, this book offers a wealth of possibilities. So, dim the lights, pour a glass of wine, and lose yourself in the seductive world of this erotic collection. Your fantasies await.
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xygasjcbhjrh · 3 months
Exploring the Different Zones at IMG Worlds of Adventure
Dubai, known for its blend of traditional and modern attractions, offers numerous family-friendly experiences, among which IMG Worlds of Adventure shines brightly. This sprawling indoor theme park, spanning 1.5 million square feet, is the world's largest of its kind, and it’s designed to deliver unparalleled excitement to visitors of all ages. Divided into five distinct zones, each with its own theme and set of attractions, IMG Dubai promises a unique and thrilling experience in every corner. Here, we take a detailed look at each of these zones: Marvel, Cartoon Network, Lost Valley, IMG Boulevard, and Novo Cinemas.
Marvel Zone
For superhero enthusiasts, the Marvel Zone is an absolute dream come true. This section of the park is dedicated to the iconic characters and stories from the Marvel Universe, offering a range of rides and attractions that bring these beloved superheroes to life.
Avengers Battle of Ultron: This cutting-edge 3D ride takes visitors on a thrilling journey alongside The Avengers as they battle the villainous Ultron. Combining motion simulation with stunning 3D projections, this attraction offers an immersive experience that makes you feel like part of the superhero team.
Spider-Man Doc Ock’s Revenge: Swing through the city with Spider-Man as he fights against his nemesis, Doctor Octopus. This high-speed roller coaster features sharp turns and dramatic drops that mimic Spider-Man’s web-slinging maneuvers, providing a heart-pounding adventure for thrill-seekers.
Hulk Epsilon Base 3D: Step into Bruce Banner’s laboratory and witness the transformation into the Hulk. This 3D motion experience simulates the sheer power and rage of the Hulk as he smashes through obstacles, delivering a ride filled with intense excitement.
Thor Thunder Spin: Join Thor on a journey through Asgard in this dizzying ride that spins and twists, recreating the thunderous power of the Norse god. It’s a visually stunning and exhilarating experience that’s perfect for fans of the mighty Thor.
Cartoon Network Zone
The Cartoon Network Zone is a vibrant and colorful area designed to delight younger visitors and fans of classic animated shows. This zone features attractions based on popular Cartoon Network series, making it a nostalgic yet fresh experience for families.
The Powerpuff Girls – Mojo Jojo’s Robot Rampage: Join Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup as they save Townsville from Mojo Jojo’s giant robot. This interactive ride is full of fun and mild thrills, perfect for younger children and fans of the iconic trio.
Ben 10 5D Hero Time: Step into the world of Ben 10 and help him battle intergalactic villains using the Omnitrix. This 5D ride combines motion, sound, and special effects to create a highly immersive adventure that will captivate kids and adults alike.
Adventure Time – The Ride of OOO with Finn & Jake: Embark on a whimsical journey through the Land of Ooo with Finn and Jake. This family-friendly ride is filled with charming characters and delightful surprises, making it a must-visit for fans of Adventure Time.
LazyTown Playground: Designed for younger kids, this playground features various interactive elements and climbing structures. It’s a great place for children to burn off some energy while enjoying the colorful world of LazyTown.
Lost Valley – Dinosaur Adventure
For those fascinated by the prehistoric era, the Lost Valley – Dinosaur Adventure offers a thrilling journey back in time. This zone is teeming with life-sized animatronic dinosaurs and features a lush, ancient jungle setting.
The Velociraptor: This high-speed roller coaster launches riders from the heart of the jungle into the desert at speeds of up to 100 km/h. With its sudden drops and twists, it’s sure to get the adrenaline pumping for older kids and adults.
Predator: Experience the thrill of being hunted by a predator on this gravity-defying ride. The Predator features a series of gut-wrenching drops and loops that simulate the feeling of being chased by a ferocious dinosaur.
Dino Carousel: Perfect for younger visitors, this carousel features beautifully crafted dinosaur figures. It offers a gentler ride, allowing kids to enjoy the prehistoric theme without the intensity of the larger attractions.
Forbidden Territory: Take a ride through the jungle and encounter various species of dinosaurs along the way. This attraction combines animatronics and storytelling to create an immersive prehistoric adventure that’s both educational and entertaining.
IMG Boulevard
Serving as the central hub of the park, IMG Boulevard connects all the different zones and offers a variety of dining, shopping, and entertainment options. It’s the perfect place to relax and recharge between rides.
Haunted Hotel: For those who enjoy a good scare, the Haunted Hotel is a must-visit. This walk-through attraction features a series of spooky rooms and corridors, complete with live actors and special effects designed to give guests a chilling experience.
IMG Emporium: This large retail space offers a wide array of merchandise, from superhero memorabilia to dinosaur-themed gifts. It’s the perfect place to pick up a souvenir to remember your visit.
Dining Options: From quick snacks to full meals, IMG Boulevard offers a range of dining options to suit all tastes. Whether you’re craving burgers, pizza, Asian cuisine, or just a refreshing drink, there’s something for everyone.
Novo Cinemas
The Novo Cinemas zone provides a world-class movie-going experience. With state-of-the-art technology and luxurious seating, visitors can enjoy the latest blockbusters in style. This cinema complex is a great way to unwind after a day of thrills and excitement at the park.
IMAX: Experience movies like never before with IMAX’s advanced projection technology and expansive screens. The crystal-clear visuals and immersive sound make for an unparalleled cinematic experience.
3D Movies: Novo Cinemas also offers a selection of 3D movies, providing a more engaging and interactive viewing experience. It’s a fantastic option for families looking to enjoy the latest animated films or action-packed blockbusters.
Luxury Seating: For those seeking a more comfortable and exclusive experience, Novo Cinemas offers luxury seating options. These plush seats provide extra comfort and space, ensuring a relaxing movie-watching experience.
Practical Tips for Visitors
To make the most of your visit to IMG Worlds of Adventure, it’s important to plan ahead. Here are some practical tips to help you navigate the park and enjoy all it has to offer:
Purchase Tickets in Advance: Buying your tickets online ahead of time can save you time and ensure entry, especially on busy days. Look out for special offers and family packages that can provide added value.
Arrive Early: Arriving when the park opens allows you to experience the most popular attractions before the crowds build up. This can also help you maximize your time and fit in more activities throughout the day.
Check Height and Age Restrictions: Some rides have specific height and age requirements. Make sure to check these restrictions in advance to avoid any disappointment, especially if you’re visiting with younger children.
Stay Hydrated and Take Breaks: Dubai’s climate can be hot and dry, even in an indoor setting. Make sure to drink plenty of water and take regular breaks to avoid exhaustion, particularly if you’re visiting with kids.
Use the Fast Track Pass: For an additional fee, you can purchase a Fast Track pass that allows you to skip the regular queues on certain rides. This can be a great time-saver, especially during peak periods.
Final Thoughts
IMG Worlds of Adventure is a testament to Dubai’s ability to create world-class entertainment experiences. With its diverse zones and attractions, the park offers something for everyone, from superhero fans and cartoon enthusiasts to dinosaur lovers and thrill-seekers. Each zone is meticulously designed to provide an immersive and unforgettable experience, making it a must-visit destination for families and adventure seekers alike.
As you plan your trip to Dubai, make sure to include IMG Worlds of Adventure on your itinerary. Whether you’re soaring through the skies with Iron Man, exploring the Land of Ooo with Finn and Jake, or embarking on a prehistoric adventure in the Lost Valley, you’re guaranteed a day filled with excitement, fun, and lasting memories.
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travellingexcursion · 6 months
Navigating Nature's Fury: The Thrilling World of River Rapids Rides
In the realm of amusement parks, where adrenaline rushes and heart-pounding adventures await at every turn, few experiences can match the sheer excitement and exhilaration of river rapids rides. These dynamic attractions take thrill-seekers on a wild journey through turbulent waters, simulating the exhilarating rush of navigating untamed rivers. From swirling currents to unexpected drops and soaking splashes, Thrilling River Rapids Rides In Virginia offer an unforgettable blend of excitement, adventure, and natural beauty.
Embark on a Thrilling Adventure: As riders step into their sturdy rafts or boats, they embark on a journey that promises thrills and spills aplenty. The anticipation builds as the vessel sets off into the churning waters, instantly immersing passengers in an adrenaline-fueled adventure. With each twist and turn, riders are at the mercy of the river's whims, hurtling through rapids and cascading down thrilling drops.River Tubing For Families
Nature Unleashed: One of the most captivating aspects of river rapids rides is their ability to replicate the raw power and unpredictability of nature. From raging torrents to calm stretches of water, these rides showcase the full spectrum of river dynamics. Innovative engineering and meticulous design ensure that every twist and turn feels authentic, allowing riders to experience the exhilaration of navigating nature's fury firsthand.
Spectacular Theming: In addition to the adrenaline rush, many river rapids rides feature immersive theming that transports riders to exotic locales and distant lands. Whether it's a journey through a lush jungle teeming with wildlife or a voyage into the heart of a mythical realm, the attention to detail is often staggering. Elaborate scenery, special effects, and animatronic characters further enhance the immersive experience, making riders feel like intrepid explorers on a quest for adventure.Floatery In North Carolina
Family-Friendly Fun: While river rapids rides are known for their thrills, they're also popular among families seeking a memorable day out together. Many parks offer rides with varying levels of intensity, ensuring that there's something for everyone to enjoy. From gentle rapids suitable for young children to more exhilarating experiences that appeal to teens and adults alike, river rapids rides provide wholesome entertainment for visitors of all ages.
Safety First: Despite the excitement and adrenaline, safety always remains the top priority on river rapids rides. State-of-the-art safety measures, including secure restraints and rigorous ride inspections, are in place to ensure that riders can enjoy their adventure with peace of mind. Highly trained staff monitor the ride at all times, ready to assist in the unlikely event of an emergency.
Conclusion: For thrill-seekers and nature lovers alike, river rapids rides offer an unbeatable combination of excitement, adventure, and natural beauty. From the heart-pounding rush of navigating turbulent waters to the immersive theming and family-friendly fun, these attractions continue to captivate and delight visitors at amusement parks around the world. So, the next time you're seeking an adrenaline-fueled adventure, buckle up and prepare to navigate nature's fury on a Thrilling River Rapids Rides.
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Being chased in a dream
Sheer terror provided forward momentum, but the thing chasing you was faster, closing the gap with every step. Heart pounding, lungs on fire, you pushed on, fighting the urge to look back at your pursuer.
Being chased in a dream As its hot breath hit the back of your neck, you gasped for air and sprung up in your bed. Nothing was chasing you.
Perspiration trickled down your face and neck, but your muscles relaxed as you realized it had only been a dream. You could breathe easier now, but it would be hours before you could shake the feeling.
If you’re having dreams about being chased, you know just how unsettling they can be. Read on as we delve deeper into dreams about being chased, their possible significance, and whether there’s a way to make them stop.
What can dreams about being chased mean about you?
People have always been curious about dreams — where they come from and what role they have in our waking lives. Though there are many theories, science hasn’t been able to settle in on exactly why we dream or what those dreams mean.
But we can make some reasonable assumptions about our own dreams based on personal experience.
We know that stress and poor sleep are related. We also know that stress can trigger dreams and nightmares.
Most of us would consider being chased a stressful event — and it’s one of the most common themes of dreams. It’s an even more common theme of childhood nightmares than those of adults.
In many ways, your dreams are a reflection of your day. In fact, in a 2003 study of 29 people who kept a journal about their day and their dreams, 65 percent of what happened in the dreams was influenced by what happened during the participants’ waking hours.
A 2019 research review suggests that many parts of your life can show up in your dreams, including news events, religious beliefs, chronic pain, and even your mood throughout the day.
So, for example, you might dream of being chased after watching an intense horror flick or after the neighbor’s dog lunged at you. These aren’t likely to become recurrent or troublesome dreams.
On the other hand, frequently dreaming about being chased could mean that you’re:
anxious about something
experiencing heightened or ongoing stress
worried about an upcoming event
wishing to avoid something you’d rather not face
overwhelmed with responsibilities
Do the specifics of the chase dream matter?
Famed psychoanalysts Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung are among those who believed that dreams hold great meaning. Some research, including the Hill cognitive-experiential model of dream interpretation, suggests that the exploration of dreams can be an effective therapeutic tool.
There’s no scientific consensus on the true meaning behind specific details within dreams. Culture and individual life experiences can lend different meanings to objects, places, and events.
Co-creative dream theory proposes that it’s not the details that provide meaning so much as how you respond to what happens in the dream.
You probably feel it in your bones when a dream reveals a certain level of stress. If you’re being chased by a person or thing you recognize, you may instinctively know what it represents.
Sometimes, a particular detail of a dream just speaks to you within the context of your own life. But if it doesn’t, decoding the meaning of specific details may prove difficult.
Can you avoid or prevent dreams of being chased?
Keep a pen and paper by your bedside and jot down your dreams as soon as you wake up. If you frequently dream about being chased, consider what this dream means in your life:
Do you feel that you’re being pursued?
Is there something you particularly fear?
Is there an upcoming event or person you’d rather avoid?
Are you struggling with a relationship or having internal conflict?
Is there something in your past that you fear is catching up with you?
Think about your surroundings in the dream, familiar people or objects, and what they mean to you personally. Reflect on how the dream made you feel and how those emotions relate to what’s going on in your life.
You can’t totally control your dreams, of course. But you may be able to uncover the source of stress-related dreams. Confronting this source may help you dream more peacefully.
Here are a few things you can do to ease into a less stressful sleep:
Don’t eat, exercise, or do anything strenuous or stressful in the hour before bed.
Wind down by engaging in calming activities before going to sleep.
Learn some deep breathing exercises and other relaxation techniques.
Keep stressors like work, clutter, and electronics out of the bedroom.
If you wake up feeling stressed out after a dream, leave the bedroom until you feel sleepy again.
If you frequently have stress-related dreams, it may be worth looking into the role of stress in your life. Prolonged stress affects health, both physically and mentally.
If you’re not sleeping well or are unable cope with anxiety on your own, see a doctor. Nightmares can sometimes be a symptom of a sleep disorder. A therapist may be able to help you sort through feelings brought on by persistent nightmares.
How dreams work
Dreams are creative, yet illogical, performances that our brains conjure up when we’re sleeping. We can dream at any time, but most dreams occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.
Sometimes you remember dreams quite vividly. If you wake up in the midst of a nightmare where you’re being chased, chances are it’ll stick with you. Sometimes, a dream escapes your grasp and you’re left with a feeling but no details of the dream.
Perhaps the strangest of all is the lucid dream, in which you’re aware that you’re dreaming. Even if you think you don’t dream, it’s probably just a case of not being able to recall them.
We all do it, but exactly why we dream remains somewhat of a mystery. It may be a way of sorting through problems, filing away memories, or even training your fight-or-flight response. It may actually serve multiple purposes.
Being chased is a common theme of dreams, particularly among children. Like other nightmares, these may be due to stress or anxiety.
Most people have dreams of this sort on occasion. Though they can be upsetting, there’s no cause for alarm. They tend to stop as you work your way through a stressful period.
But if you often have nightmares, it’s time to evaluate the stressors in your life. Once you identify them, you can start dealing with them. That may allow you to put an end to the chase and get a more restful night’s sleep.
See a doctor if you don’t sleep well or if you’re feeling the effects of prolonged stress.
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
For Taste Test Tuesday, can we see Barista!Reader whip Lycan!Steve up her signature drink?
Something wolf themed, there’s this boozy iced mocha drink that might work for it.
Steve cane upon the small crowd of his pack members and his men luring around the kitchen. It was with great curiosity that he had stepped through the swinging doors to see you using a few blenders to grind ice and an entire cart full of ingredients you were planning on mixing together. You were focused on making your menu, on building boozy drinks for a kind of after hours coffee club that would be solely targeting legal adults, and Steve couldn’t be more proud of you.
He couldn’t have been more elated to see you looking so adorably fuckable with your bottom lip tucked between your teeth and your air of focus turning you blind to the world around you. You had swapped his gift, the dress he’d scented heavily, for a cute little apron with cherry’s patterned on the white cotton.
Everything you did was a turn on for Steve, and it was illicitly unfair for you to look as gorgeous as you had.
“Little heart,” he called your newest pet name, watching your eyes grow in size as you turned sharply, “what is my little Luna up to?”
You were still taken back by his size, still unsure of the sheer difference between Steve and yourself. Even after feeling his cock stretch and fill you a few times over, you’d still believed he was too big for you to take.
“I’m perfecting drinks.” You squeaked when Steve slowly and predatorily walked toward you with one hand in his pocket and the other grasping an abandoned ice cube.
“Ice,” Steve’s poignantly raised his head and locked eyes with you, red hot desire and hunger surging in his eyes, “something new.”
“S-Steve-!” You stumbled and stuttered. “No! Not like that-“
“Luna’s making drinks.” One of his men called from behind Steve, waiting for the inevitable testing trials to begin. “We’re acting as her Guinea pigs.”
“Open up, little one.” Steve beckoned you to part your lips and preened when you obeyed, and then he had pressed the ice to your lips tracing your flesh. “I think I’ll like ice.”
“Not now, bunny.” He cooed and popped the ice cube in your mouth. “No, now I want to try your creations.”
“It’s…wolfy themed.” You proceeded with caution, pushing one glass pre-filled toward him. “I hope you like it.”
Steve had lift the glass to his lips and sipped on the drink, letting it coat his tongue and leaving a few pieces or the flavour behind. As there was some left, Steve had pulled you into an intense kiss and let you taste your creation on his tongue.
“Delicious, little heart.” Steve growled in your ear, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. “When you’re done, we’re going to do a little creating of our own.”
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lexosaurus · 4 years
Eldritch Ghosts
My piece for Day 4 of DP Side Hoes Week! Initially, I was kinda wary about writing this one just because I usually don’t really do a ton of world building in my fics, but I’m actually pretty happy with how this one came out!
Character: Clockwork Theme: Origin
Every ghost had an origin story, the tale of how they came to be. For most, they were created from a dying body, driven to existence through a deep sense of purpose. Perhaps a dying wish they never got to fulfill, or an especially traumatic death that resulted in an overexertion of brain matter in the last moments. For most, this was their origin story.
For other ghosts, they were created in the Zone. Most of that group were born from the procreation of two other ectoplasmic creatures. Not all ghosts had the capabilities of reproduction, but some of the more sentient, more powerful ghosts could find a way if they so pleased.
But for a small group, they were born from the Zone itself. From the deepest, most ancient parts of this vast expanse of ectoplasmic energy. There were only a few ghosts who developed this way, but those few possessed powers that other ghosts could only dream of.
They were called eldritch ghosts.
“So what about you?” Phantom asked. He had taken a liking to a particular stuffed armchair in Clockwork’s haunt, lounging with his back to one arm and his legs dangling over the other. He asked the question lazily, his eyes more focused on the ice shapes he was creating in his palm than on Clockwork himself. 
“How were you made?”
Clockwork shifted to his adult form. “I know you’re not a full fledged ghost, but even you should know the taboos of our culture.”
Phantom dissipated the ice crystals. “Oh come on, Clocky! You know how I got here.”
“I know how everyone got here. I am the master of—”
“Yeah, yeah.” Phantom shook his hand nonchalantly to the side. “Master of time, god of all past, present, and future, observer of all timelines and potential outcomes. I know, but even you have an origin story.”
“Not everyone has an exciting tale of origin, ghost child.”
“But you still came from somewhere.” 
Clockwork turned his attention back to a portal he was watching. It was of a young ghost child learning to ride a bike for the first time. Clockwork had seen this before, and he would see it again in the future. 
He sighed, shifting into his child form and wiping the portal to show a new landscape. It was dark, black. He waved his arm, zooming in further on the scene until a bright green orb of swirling ectoplasm came into view.
“Come, child.”
“Huh?” Phantom rose from the couch. “Oh, what’s that? Is that the zone?”
Phantom peered closer to the scene until he was hovering just mere inches away from it. “I don’t get it. Where are all the doors?”
“There are no doors in this realm of the Ghost Zone. No portals to other lands, other timelines, or other worlds.”
“Oh. So then why are you showing me this?”
Clockwork pointed his metal staff towards the glowing green mass. “Do you see that?” 
“That’s the epicenter of the Zone. We all exist around it in an ever growing mass of ectoplasm and space. Everything in this plane originated from that core.”
“Wait, the Zone has a core? Like ghosts do?”
Clockwork nodded, his purple hood bobbing at the movement. “That is correct.”
“Does that mean…” Phantom’s face scrunched up. “Does that mean the Zone is a ghost?”
“Not exactly. The Zone is not sentient, it is merely an expanse of space that emits ectoplasmic energy, the thing that creates and sustains us. Without this core, the ectoplasm in the Zone would be unable to sustain itself, and the Zone as we know it would cease to exist, along with all of us.”
Phantom’s eyes shifted warily back to the screen. “That’s sort of dangerous, isn’t it?”
“How so?”
“If the core is so important for us to stay alive, then why is it so...I don’t know, exposed? Couldn’t some insane ghost just go destroy it?”
“No,” Clockwork said. “That’s the biggest mystery of the Zone’s core. Anyone who’s ever tried to get near the core has never made it back in one piece. The core is so powerful that it incinerates any ghost who attempts to get close. Hence why there are no doors around it either.”
“What if someone just like accidentally stumbles across it? Like what if one day I’m flying, minding my own business, and I get too close to this core?”
“That wouldn’t happen. Ghosts can feel it.” He shifted to his elder form and waved his hand once more at the portal, zooming in even closer to the core until the duo could see all the individual swirling speckles of ectoplasm pulsating around the core.
Phantom was silent for a moment, staring up at the bright green core with childlike wonder. “It looks sort of like a sun.”
“It is like the sun. If we fly too close, we can feel it. But it’s not hot in the way a human sun is. It won’t burn or melt you if you get too close.”
“Then what happens?”
Clockwork took a deep breath, closing his eyes. It had been so long, an eternity even, but even he could never forget the way the Zone’s core felt. How it affected his core, how it directed the ambient ectoplasm around him, guiding him away from the ancient depths of the Zone.
Most ghosts would never get that lucky. Other ghosts would cease to exist. 
But not him.
“A ghost who gets too close would feel an intense amount of pressure. At first, it’s just a slight warning, but the closer the ghost gets, the more they would feel as if gravity itself is imploding around them. But if they get close enough, the core’s radiant ectoplasm would begin to interact with the ghost’s own core, and they’ll be driven insane by the Zone’s sheer power. The ghost’s core would become parasitic, and would force the ghost’s body forward until the Zone’s core can reach them. At that point, they’d simply dissolve.”
Danny shuttered. “Seems like a bad way to go.”
“It is.”
“So…” Danny started, his tone shifting into one of cautious curiosity. “Not that this isn’t cool and all, ‘cause it is, but why are you telling me all this?”
Clockwork shifted back into his childlike form. “You wanted to know my origin story, did you not?”
“Well, yeah. But I don’t see how the Zone’s core has anything to do with you specifically. Other than, you know, us being a ghost and needing the Zone’s core to exist and all that.”
Clockwork held his gloved hand up to eye level, watching as the miniature clocks adorning his wrists ticked away at their various times. “Every couple thousand years, the Zone’s core has too much radiant ectoplasm it needs to dispel. A human star does this much more often in the form of solar flares. But the Zone’s core is made of ectoplasm, and so it dispels its energy in the form of a new ghost.”
“So...you mean...you were born from the Zone’s core?” 
“Yes. Exactly.”
“And you’re still here?” Danny jumped up, swirling around Clockwork in alarm. “How? How did it not drive you insane and make you explode?”
Clockwork chuckled. “Child, I am the Zone’s child. Why would it kill its own creation so soon?”
“But you said the Zone wasn’t sentient.”
“That I did.” Clockwork hummed, shifting back into his adult form. He waved his staff once more at the portal, transforming the scene to a ghost wandering beyond where doors existed. If anything was amiss, the ghost paid no mind, traversing deeper into the empty landscape. 
In a few hours, the ghost would be no more.
“I’m sure if I tried to go near it now, I would end up like this poor soul. But upon my creation, the core was expending excess energy. It wouldn’t have wanted to take back the energy it just spent so much effort getting rid of.”
Phantom eyed the portal, looking ill.
"Remember, child." Clockwork swung his staff, morphing the scene back into the child riding a bike. “The Zone is full of mysteries. Ones that I myself do not even fully understand.”
Thanks for reading!
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cjloogy · 2 years
Spirited Away – 千と千尋の神隠し
I think it’s easy to consider this thing a work of art. The animation is beautiful, the art direction is stunning, all of the character designs are incredibly inspired and imaginative, the music is wonderful, and the voice acting sells everything that’s happening on screen. When it comes to productions that work well to introduce people to the medium of anime, I think this is a solid option despite its extremely fantastical setting and premise. Everything here just works, and there’s really not much to criticize for what it sets out to achieve in my eyes. I think just about anyone could enjoy this film if they’re a bit more open minded to exploring different mediums and stories.
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As for what’s going on in this film, there’s a lot. But I can still boil it down to a few sets of themes that stand out to me at least. An obvious one is supernaturalism, this tale is inspired by Japanese Shinto-Buddhist folklore, as showcased by the wide variety of spirits that Chihiro encounters, plenty of which I can pick out individually. The setting of the bathhouse is a pretty literal interpretation of solstice rituals, in which villagers would call forth various spirits and kami and invite them to their baths. Chihiro’s place in all of it is that of a child going through their rite of passage into adulthood. She’s somewhere between child and adult in this rather upsetting point in her life, and in this world of spirits she also stands outside of societal boundaries. The literal translation of the title reinforces this idea further, 千と千尋の神隠し (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi) or “Sen and Chihiro’s Spiriting Away” where 神隠し (kamikakushi) can also be read as hidden (kakushi) by gods (kami). In this way, I can see Chihiro passing through this world of spirits while moving on from her status as a child in her old home, to a more grown individual who’s embraced her past and accepted moving to a new home.
Other themes I can notice more now are ones that seem to be more critical of modern aspects of society, such as consumerism and environmentalism. Greed is a major motivation and pitfall for many characters in this movie, with varying obsessions over gold and food. I feel like this greed is mostly rooted in westernism, with Yubaba having a distinctly western-inspired dress and having much of her furnishings in her room look very European compared to the much more traditional Japanese styled architecture and furnishings of her workers. I think this ties into the influence the west had over Japan during the Meiji restoration, where in the process of modernization and “catching up” with the rest of the world, much of the traditional Japanese culture at the time may have been overwritten. Yubaba’s act of literally taking Chihiro’s name from her and turning it into Sen (which is the Japanese character for one thousand) can also be looked at as a commentary on employers’ fixation on sheer value even when it comes to living beings. Chihiro’s parents also turn into literal consumerist pigs, which is incredibly subtle and took me many viewings to understand this incredibly nuanced metaphor. Haku himself also gets his name stolen from him, albeit in a somewhat different manner from Chihiro. He exists as a manifestation of what was once a river in the human world, but the river was destroyed and had apartments built over its place, causing him to lose his home and his sense of self and identity. A pretty blunt commentary on both consumerism and the destruction of nature through urban expansion, which continues to be a concern for many in Japan to this day.
As far as Japanese cinema goes, I feel that animation should probably viewed from a separate perspective when comparing it to other films. The production is intense in its own ways, dealing with an almost entirely different set of hurdles under a pretty distinct medium, so comparing Spirited Away with other works that we’ve watched should be an interesting experience. While other Miyazaki films still win out for me, this viewing reminded me of how absolutely solid this movie is. A strong story with a lot of good commentary and a superb audiovisual experience makes it clear why this is considered by many to be the best animated film of all time.
Can’t beat Howl though, love that guy.
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terrifictomholland · 4 years
victory lap - Charles Leclerc x reader
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summary: Charles wins his first ever World Championship for F1, obviously that needs celebrating.
word count: 2.3K (almost, 4 words shy from)
warnings: smut! oral sex, hand jobs, light bondage, dirty talk - it’s a delicious little bag! lmao
A/N - so this one goes out to @stuckonspidey​ for introducing me to Charles Leclerc and F1 really! This one is for her so I hope you enjoy!
Also, this contains adult themes so please, don’t read this if you are under 18!
“Did you see that?!” The exuberance in Charles' voice was unmistakable as he entered the hotel room, eyes shining with happiness and joy at winning his very first F1 world championship. The rush of adrenaline pouring out of him, making him impossible to reign in, not that you wanted too. You’d never seen him so elated in your entire life.
 All of his hard work, blood, sweat and tears and dedication to his sport that had brought him so much joy but also so much pain and heartache. 
You knew that when he crossed that finishing line and cruised into the pit-stop, he had a moment where he sent a prayer up to all the ones he’d lost and paved the way for him to shine. Seeing the shot of him with his head bent down and the way his shoulders shook in his car made you cry, knowing how much he had wanted for all of them to be there and see his success and share it with them. But you knew that they were all there, looking down on him with pride. 
“I’m so fucking proud of you!” You squealed, leaping into his awaiting arms, feeling his hold on you tighten when you locked your legs around his waist.  You pulled back ever so slightly seeing how deep his dimples went from the massive smile that was on his face. 
“That was the sexiest piece of driving you’ve ever done! Driving like such a beast,” You gushed seeing him taking your praise so well, his chest puffing out and he stood taller. 
His clear green eyes twinkled with happiness and joy, “Merci, I couldn’t have done it without you.” 
“I’m so glad to have you here celebrating with me,” a smirk formed on your face thinking of the celebration you had in store for him.
A mischievous glint in your eyes appeared. “We’re not done celebrating quite yet,” an excited smile took over his face and his full brows quirked.
“Tell me,” his lips brushed your neck finding the sweet spot behind your ear sucking lightly. You threaded your fingers in his dark hair closing your eyes as the sensation of his lips ghosting across the skin of your neck felt heavenly. 
“Why don’t I show you instead?” with a shove he fell down on the edge of the bed. In an instant you had all of his attention, his eyes following your every move. 
“Mmh you gonna give me a punishment?” The cocky smirk on his face was one you would wipe off sooner rather than later. Without answering him you got on his lap so you could straddle him. His hands going to your arse right away making you smirk. 
“Well I was going to give  you a nice little prize for your win today, but if you’re gonna give me lip I might just give you a punishment instead. I was going to be very generous and let you cum tonight… but I could easily just not let you do that instead,” he gulped audibly shaking his head profusely.
“No, no, no I promise I won’t do that!” He begged immediately retracting what he’d said. 
“That’s what I thought, I don’t have any problems giving you a nice spanking,” his eyes turned glossy at your words.
“Yes,” he breathed in short ragged breaths. With quick hands you removed his shirt. His chest was as if someone had cut him from marble, so sculpted and defined. You couldn’t help but admire his beauty, he looked like Adonis with his green eyes, dark hair and sharp jaw. 
You dragged your lips across his chest hearing his breath hitch. You saw his wide eyes and parted lips when you watched him through your lashes, flicking his nipple with your tongue hearing Charles gasp. 
The noise intensified when you rolled your hips against him, his fingers digging further into your ass. 
That spurred you on with a smirk. “You haven’t seen anything yet,” 
His eyes darkened, biting the corner of his lip when you got rid of your shirt exposing your black lacy bra. It was your favourite one that really lifted your tits up - safe to say, Charles was obsessed. His mouth was all over them, pressing kisses wherever he could reach and you let your head fall back and a few soft moans fell out whilst your hips still rolled against his and you smirked to yourself when you felt him harden. 
It didn’t take long for things to progress once you felt how hard he was. You were just as needy for him as he was for you, but you wanted to have some fun with Charles first. He was completely at your mercy as you had a hand wrapped around his cock, jerking him off hearing his curses and moans that went directly to your cunt.
“Baby,” the pleading tone in his voice fueled you to tease him even more. Running your nails over his abs, letting them dance along his lower abdomen. You alternated between your nipples and gentle fingers teased the head, feeling him shiver beneath you and he was gripping the sheets so tightly his knuckles were white. He tried to buck his hips up for more but you held him in place.
“Do you not want your prize?” Your lips attacking his neck hearing his whimper when you sucked on his spot, the point where his neck and shoulder met up. 
“Yes, yes I do, I want my prize, I promise to be so good,” his voice was laced with lust and his accent becoming more prominent than before 
“Hands behind your back,” you tutted seeing him reach out for you. With a seductive move you got on the bed beside him, giggling softly when he stared at you awestruck, following your every move. You got pieces of silk that you quickly tied around his hands. 
“Mon ange,” the sheer desperation in his voice gave you infinite power. It was the way his chest dusted pink trying so valiantly to be a good boy for you. His chest was your favourite place to mark him up, using him like a canvas for you to mark up. Hearing his mewls and groans when you sucked a bruise particularly rough into his skin only to soothe it moments later with your tongue. 
“You’re mine,” it was punctuated with a mark above where his heart was and you heard his whimper, weak and pathetic. It was a noise you wanted to hear for all of eternity - it made you drunk with power. 
Charles' breath hitched when you sucked a bruise into the skin of his inner thigh, your breath ghosting over his strained and leaking cock but never actually touching it. He was squirming and twitching which made you slap his inner thigh to bring him out of it. Interestingly his cock leaked more when you did that.
You pulled away watching him for a moment. His chest heaved and strewn with marks all over him, red-bitten lips and his usually green eyes were blown wide with lust. He looked wrecked already and you couldn’t wait to have him inside of you. 
“Is cumming not something you want tonight?” His glassy eyes widened and immediately shook his head quickly.
“Please, please I want to cum,” there was a slight slur to his words as he began to succumb to the pleasure. 
While you teased Charles you praised him for his win and how hot he looked driving the car, the way he handled and maneuvered a vehicle. It was so sexy to you, all confidence and determination. He was a beast behind the wheel and he knew it.
“Give me something, anything,” his voice was wrecked, his accent thickening the more turned on he got. A smile graced your lips and you kissed him hotly as you let your hand slide up to his neck to choke him. A strangled moan spilled past his lips and he rutted against your dripping folds. 
 Your cunt was throbbing when you asked, “You want something?” 
A few moments later you pulled away from him, pushing him down on the bed and he stared up at you, chest rising up and down rapidly. He nodded eagerly, his eyes showing all the things he couldn’t say in that moment. 
His hands were all over you - from your hips to your tits, your sides. He was everywhere and so intoxicating. 
“Oui,” you let out a soft whimper whenever he changed into French when he was really turned on. You had him right where you wanted.
“Prove it, work for what you want, champion,” those words ignited the fire you so often saw in him when he was in his car. Jaw clenched as the competitiveness shone in his eyes. A smirk pulled on your lips seeing the raw hunger in his eyes. He loved it when you challenged him like this. 
He let out a growl that had you instantly soaked. “Get on here, I want your pussy” He laid down and motioned for you to get on his face. A moan slipped hearing him say the word ‘pussy’ in his accent, it was sublime to hear. 
You felt the arousal seep down your thighs when you realised what he wanted. You straddled his face and everything just short-circuited when his lips wrapped around your clit and sucked on it. The moan you let out was pornographic whilst he started eating you out as if you were his last meal. 
“Oh fuck,” head thrown back and body lurched forward feeling him eat you out for all he was worth. He was moaning around you, flicking his tongue over your clit making tiny bursts of pleasure shoot down your spine. 
 You gripped the headboard for leverage as you started riding his face, feeling the burn of his stubble along your sensitive inner thighs which added so much to your own pleasure.
His moans and whimpers against your cunt had you glancing back seeing him rut up into the air, his cock red and angry, leaking pre-cum. It was a sight that left your mouth watering
“Fucking hell,” the pressure in your stomach built and built from the way he was licking you. He knew your body like the back of his hand and he was using it to his advantage, he could make you cum in a matter of seconds if he wanted too. 
Your squeezed your thighs around his head when the pressure was almost too intense and you knew you were moments away, your orgasm building to a crescendo.
Tiny gasps spilled over and your cunt clenched as you reached your high, crying out his name. Thighs trembling and toes curling while he kept going, prolonging your high for you. 
You climbed off of his face seeing his mouth and chin glistening with your juices. It was a sight that left you speechless. “Fuck me,” 
That’s all he needed to quickly scramble off the bed in search of a condom and get himself lined up with you. He ran his fingers over your body - caressing you in such a way it brought tears to your eyes before you felt the delicious stretch when he slowly sunk inside of you.
“Mon ange,” he cursed letting his head fall forward letting you see the pleasure wash over his face. His brows pinched together in pleasure as he let you adjust, you squeezed around him with a smirk seeing him lose his composure. Loud moans falling from his lips.
“Fuck me like you drive your car, champion,” you goaded hearing his growl and the fierce determination flash in his green orbs. You smirked when he set his mind to it finding his confidence and his rhythm. The bed repeatedly slammed into the wall with his thrusts causing you to arch your body, blindly reaching for something to hold onto. 
“Fuck!” You gasped over and over, chanting his name as he brought you closer and closer to heaven with each skilled stroke of his hips. That in combination with his fingers that found your clit like an ignition switch. 
“O-oh I’m close,” your eyes rolled back as he shifted positions, angling his hips so that he nudged your sweet spot. It was too much for you with the drag of his cock against your velvety walls clenching around him. 
It was all it took for you to topple over the edge, a warmth that spread through your body, starting at the centre and fading out to your toes and fingertips. 
“Please, please please, mon ange - I want to cum, please,” he begged, his words slurring together, watching as you came. Nothing was more beautiful to him than you cumming. It was the way your head tilted back, jaw dropped open in pleasure as your eyes shut. Your chest heaving and the vice squeeze on his cock. 
“Cum for me, you’ve been such a good boy,” you purred doing your best to lift your hips to meet his thrusts. It was erratic and jerky, a signal as to how close he was. 
“Come on my love, finish the race,” his grip on your hips tightened and you knew there’d be bruises come tomorrow morning. His voice strained as he muttered curses in French chasing his release.
“You made fast lap there champion,” you giggled, stroking his back as he relaxed against you seeking warmth and comfort from you. He was such a snuggle bug after sex and you loved it. Charles gave you a slow kiss that made butterflies erupt in your tummy.
“Je t'aime,” he whispered 
“Je t'aime,” you mumbled against his lips feeling how your heart grew with love for this boy.
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mosswillow · 4 years
New Year. - Mob boss!Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: 18+ adult content, Dark!!!, Noncon/dubcon, manipulation, smut.
Summary: A New Years themed dark Cinderella story.
A/N: this is another quickly written one shot that I threw together today to post. I may revisit this in the future and expand the story a bit but wanted it out today for obvious reasons.
Word count: 1.7k
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“You have until midnight and not one second longer.”
You dart across the street recklessly, not caring if you’re hit by a car. Time is running out. You enter a dimly lit pawn shop and sprint to the counter, slamming down a ring. A shady looking man picks the ring up and examines it, grabbing a magnifying glass and holding it up to the light. He reminds you of a lizard, long and lean. He wears a green suit and his eyes are almost completely red, probably from drug use you decide.
“Where did you get this?” He asks.
“It doesn’t matter.”
The man thrums his fingers on the counter and makes a clicking noise with his tongue. “I’ll give you three hundred.”
“I need four.”
“Three fifty.”
You pick the ring up and turn your back, walking confidently away.
“Fine.” He calls out.
You stop and turn on your heel, holding the ring out for him.
“Make it quick, I have somewhere to be.”
One year ago - New years eve
You attend the annual new year's masquerade every year. The exclusive ball is filled to the brim with wealthy, well connected individuals, most of whom are alleged criminals. You always feel nervous going but go nonetheless. Your father took you several years ago shortly before he died and now you go in his memory, hoping to maybe feel just for the evening like he’s still with you. You put on your dress, a thrifted gown that you were lucky to find, and look at yourself in the mirror.
You look beautiful. It’s rare these days that you feel good about yourself but today nobody can bring your mood down. Today you’re Cinderella, dancing the night away before returning to your ordinary life after midnight comes.
You walk downstairs to find a note left for you. Your step mother and sisters have left without you which is to be expected. You’re thankful for the place to stay and never ask for anything more. They’re not your family and only tolerate you because of your father. Once you find a way out of New York you’ll leave and never look back. You make your way to the street, calling a cab. It’s a little splurge but you don’t want to risk ruining your dress on the subway and tonight is about living luxuriously.
The cab takes you to a decadent hotel and you walk in, marveling at the sheer size of it. Despite growing up in this world, it still feels overwhelming.  Someone hands you a glass of champagne and you take a sip, savoring the taste. You make your way across the room, taking it all in when you bump into him, or more accurately he bumps into you.
“I’m so sorry miss, I didn’t see you there.”
Your eyes meet and there’s a spark, a feeling of intense attraction that you can’t ignore, and you know he feels it too. The noise and movement throughout the room fades and it’s just you and him.
“I’m Bucky,” He says, holding out his hand.
The world comes crashing down as you realize who he is, Bucky Barnes, the most notorious man in the US. He’s young, probably only a few years older than yourself but he holds himself like someone who’s lived a long and difficult life.
“It’s not a problem sir, I’m unharmed.” You smile politely.
He puts his hand up to your face, gently brushing his thumb over your cheek before tearing off your mask.
“What’s your name?” He says, taking a step towards you.
“Beth.” you say the first name that pops into your head.
“Smith, Beth Smith.”
Bucky smiles “Nice to meet you… Beth Smith.”
You nod and grab your mask away before escaping his company. You keep your distance the whole night despite Bucky’s multiple attempts to corner you and by midnight you’re ready to leave. You hear the countdown as you run from the building, looking over your shoulder nervously before getting in your cab.
You check your watch as you leave the pawn shop. You have twenty minutes, twenty minutes to make it to bucky’s penthouse or it’s all over. You barely got all the money you needed. You even asked your step mother to help. She refused, unsurprisingly. You were forced to sell everything you own, even the ring your mother once wore, your last keepsake of her.
Six months ago.
You write the order on a cup and hand it to your coworker before turning back to help the next customer. You’ve worked at the coffee shop for years now. You have a college degree but jobs are scarce in your field and you need the money. You’ve sent applications out across the entire country and hope to one day get hired somewhere and move off.
“What can I get for you?” you say before realizing who’s standing in front of you.
“I don’t like being lied to.” Bucky taps your nametag.
“I’ve been watching for a few months, making sure you’re the one.”
He grabs the menu off the counter, looking through the different options.
“I want you,” He says nonchalauntly.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Marry me.”
“I don’t know you.”
“If you come with me you’ll live a life of luxury. You won’t have to work places like this.” He sets the menu back down and smoothes his hand over it.
“And what does this marriage entail?” You ask.
“Complete obedience and devotion. You’ll do everything I say, have my children and keep my bed warm. In return you’ll have more money than you know what to do with, more luxury than you could fathom in your pretty little head and my loyalty. You will be my love and my obsession. I will never leave you and never let you go.”
You look at him like he’s crazy, which he most definitely is.
“Thank you for the offer but I’m going to pass.”
Bucky slams his fist on the counter suddenly, making you jump.
“I always get what I want.”
You take a small step back.
“Not this time.”
Bucky stares at you for several moments before taking a deep breath and ordering a drink. You serve it to him and watch him walk out of the coffee shop.
You jump on the subway and make your way towards Bucy’s penthouse, running like a madwoman trying to make it on time. You look at your watch again and have one minute. Time is running out. You run full speed towards his building, ignoring the ache in your lungs and cramp in your leg.
Three months ago.
“Bucky, stop buying me stuff, I said no already and nothing’s going to change my mind.”
You throw a box of chocolate in Bucky’s face and he scowls at you. He reaches forward, grabbing the back of your head and pulling you forward, whispering into your ear.
“I tried to show you what you could have, how much I could give you. I guess I have to try something different.”
He lets go of you.
“I won’t bring any more gifts.”
“Thank you.” you say quietly.
The seconds tick away and you finally reach his door. You bang your hand over and over while checking the time again on your watch.
One week ago
“Bucky, I know you’re the one who set this up. I didn’t do it, I’m being framed.”
You yell at him, not caring who hears. The police showing up to your apartment with guns and pulling you into the station for hours and hours has left you without any fucks to give. You were about to leave town. You have a ticket ready to leave and start your life over somewhere new. Now you have to turn down a dream job and stay in town due to an ongoing murder investigation of someone you’ve met only once in passing.
“I can cover it up for you… for a price of course.”
You start to turn around and he grabs your arm, pulling you back.
“Here’s the deal. You bring me twenty thousand dollars before midnight new years eve. If you can bring me the money I’ll cover it up and leave you alone forever.”
You look down.
“And if I don’t get the money I go to prison?”
“No baby, you go to prison if you leave this room right now. If you bring me the money you’re free forever but if you don’t I own you. That’s the deal, take it or leave it.”
Your body slackens as you realize you don’t have any choice. Your only chance is to get twenty thousand by next week.
“What’s the catch?”
“No catch, I’m a fair man. I could just kidnap you but I want you to come willingly.”
You sigh.
“I’ll bring the money as long as you promise not to interfere.”
“It’s a deal,” Bucky smiles.
He lets you go and walks over to a small couch, taking a seat.
“You have until midnight and not one second longer,” he says as you close the door to his office.
You fall to the floor and start crying. Bucky crouches in front of you and puts his finger under your chin, pulling it up so that you’re looking him in the eyes.
“You were so close.”
“Please Buck, it was two minutes.”
Bucky grabs your arm and pulls it up, dragging you into his home.
“A deal is a deal baby, I wouldn’t be where I am now without honoring deals.”
He takes a box from the coffee table and opens it up, showing you a huge diamond ring.
He fixes the ring on your hand, a perfect fit. You stare at the stone, a reminder that it’s all about Bucky. You don’t even like diamonds and you’re sure he knows that. He knows everything about you. From this point on you’re his. He takes your hand and kisses it before grabbing the back of your head and bringing you forward for a kiss. He slides his other hand down between your legs, pulling your skirt up and grabbing your pussy.
“I’ve waited so long for this.”
He pushes you down onto the couch and you take a deep breath before opening your legs, giving him access. He fucks you relentlessly, pushing you toward your own orgasm. Fireworks go off outside the window and you hear the celebrations as people welcome the new year.
“That’s my girl,” Bucky whispers as he pulls you into his embrace.
You listen to the fireworks until they fade and you drift off into a dreamless sleep.
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lanxyuu · 3 years
I was rewatching Sayu's confession from Nagi no Asukara Episode 24 (as one does), and it made me realize how much potential that Kaname and Sayu had as a ship... and how much I wish that they actually had a meaningful bond beforehand :'((
Like, their personalities work so well together! Sayu's straightforward nature combined with her sharpness lets see through Kaname's passive, reserved demeanour that he always puts up. And finally seeing somebody with the insight and bluntness to actually call him out, and notice, his internal cycle of self-pity and bitterness and dejection is like... nice, and something that I think Kaname needed—especially considering how with his relationships with every other character in the show, the focus is rarely on him.
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That "Stop acting like the tragic heroine!" and "Heroine? Not the hero?" exchange is one of my favourite moments from the confession honestly. Seeing Kaname's attitude and feelings finally being addressed? And through such a fun/witty but also direct remark? And his very in-character response of throwing in a joke about it, despite his feelings and situation? IT SHOWS BOTH OF THEIR CHARACTERS SO WELL AND IT'S SUCH AN CATHARTIC MOMENT AHHHHH
But it's not only that!! We've also seen that, despite her bluntness, Sayu's actually still pretty emotional. She's had quite strong emotional reactions throughout various points in the story (that fight with Miuna, seeing Kaname again for the first time, her outburst when they were discussing Manaka). Plus, she did act pretty shy and self-conscious around Kaname—overall showing that she does feel things strongly and gets influenced by her emotions.
So then with how calm, laidback, and levelheaded Kaname is, I can see him being the calm to mellow out and balance Sayu's intensity, the reassuring steadiness to her turbulence. This element is definitely similar to Kaname's dynamic with Chisaki, with him being the one to always comfort/console her—but with Sayu, she's still perceptive enough for this not to be just one-sided emotion dumping like it was with Chisaki and Kaname. And with her sharp tongue, she's still able to make responses back, which makes these types of interactions between the two of them more engaging and interesting to me.
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Like this! He takes in her feelings, provides his own comfort in response, and you can see how she's overwhelmed by emotions as Kaname says he'll start seeing her as a girl his age, but still she responds with the quip of "You're pretty condescending, aren't you?"
And I just LOVE this type of dynamic as opposed to just crying, or flat emotional responses, you know? :""))) Being able to joke and banter amidst the heavy emotions... it just adds such a nice dimension to their dynamic.
And side note, I really like Kaname's response—he's not making any promises to her besides respecting her as a girl his age. Which is fair! This type of response feels so rare in romance anime (not that I watch a lot), and is pretty realistic, in my opinion. A "maybe". Get you a couple from a romance/drama anime who can handle confessions by responding reasonably and NOT running away in tears
And overall, the few moments of heart-to-heart we saw between the two of them during her confession showed a glimpse of SUCH a nice relationship.
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Kaname: That big brother you admired is actually just a big kid.
Sayu: Don't go putting words in my mouth!
Like, there's just something about the... sheer sincerity of this, this mutual acknowledgement of the fact that they're both just kids (which is also a really nice touch/nod to the theme of their age difference, or lack of it now, after this and Kaname's response)... it makes me happy for them. This is probably the most open about his feelings that Kaname's been to anyone, the most he's shown the 14 year old boy inside that constant demeanour of maturity and composure he wears—that he was pushed to wear, living with Chisaki and Tsumugu, the literal adults that he had to find himself navigating alongside.
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So anyways, yeah. I think Sayu and Kaname as a pair are amazing for both their personalities as well as the connection they made in this moment. But this brings me to my second thought about this, which is how much I wish that they actually had a meaningful bond before this moment :(
Because the significance of Sayu's confession to Kaname is so great—it was the first time he realized that somebody did care about him after all. But then I think about the fact that Sayu has feelings for Kaname... because he pet her head when she was 9? Like, her feelings obviously stemmed from an infatuation as a kid, one that lacked any real substance. They barely had any important interactions afterwards for the rest of the first half of the show.
And then after skipping forward 5 years, the fact that Sayu feels the exact same way, and the fact that her 9-year-old infatuation remained so strong that it became a factor motivating her to work hard in school? It just... I don't know, these feelings just feel so... baseless to me. Which makes me so sad! Because personality-wise they're such a good pair!
But as much as I want to suspend my disbelief to wholeheartedly love this ship, compared to Hikari x Manaka who've been close friends their entire lives, or Chisaki x Tsumugu who found support in each other through the 5 lonely timeskip years... it's hard for me to completely believe in Sayu's feelings beyond this childhood infatuation, you know? She talks about how because of him, she was able to work hard, so he wouldn't see her as just a little kid" and that "because of him, she was able to keep going". And her line "You were right here in my heart the entire time!"—as beautiful as it was—the fact that it's spurred on by a 9-year-old crush... I just can't fully immerse myself in it. And even though a long-lasting childhood crush isn't completely unrealistic, for a fictional story that's comprised of deliberate writing decisions, having it happen like this is something that I feel is unfortunate and just feels so much less meaningful than every other relationship in the show. I'm just glad that Kaname's response was reasonable and compelling, given the circumstances and his relationship with her in the moment. But if their bond had any build-up or meaningful moments, that would've been so much nicer imo.
But regardless, Kaname and Sayu as a ship are my favourite in the show, and even without what I wanted, I'm still glad that her confession happened. If you're here, thank you for reading! This anime really be leaving me with unresolved feelings nearly a decade later :")
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booasaur · 4 years
Book Review - A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine
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Okay, so third time's the charm! 
If you've seen my previous pained, diplomatic attempts to review ARCs, I haven’t had the best luck with them but I straight up ADORED A Desolation Called Peace. I loved the the first one, A Memory Called Empire (which won a Hugo?? Did I know this?), but this was even better.
You know when you're enjoying something for its own sake, not just to see how it ends, but for the sheer appreciation of it? When consuming even the slowest, most insignificant parts just makes you happy to be reading about those characters in that world written by that writer? That’s how this was for me. As with Memory, it does indeed start off slow and dense, setting up the board and pieces, but Desolation has the benefit of jumping into a known world, with the characters and dynamics almost the same as when we left them. Except the month that’s passed since has not gone so well for...pretty much anyone, and once again Mahit’s finding herself at a flashpoint. Teixcalaan is now officially at war with the mysterious aliens eating up huge swathes of space and they happen to be almost at the doorstep of Lsel Station, where Mahit’s trying to dodge Councilors suspicious about what exactly went down back in Teixcalaan.
This is very much a sequel, you could maybe read it without knowledge of the first book, it alludes to it often enough, but this world requires such a steep learning curve, and really, I don’t know why you’d want to miss out on the beauty of Memory! The callbacks are more for someone like me, who hadn’t had the time to reread it before starting Desolation. I’d often have trouble remembering who was who or what exactly went down until some character or the narrator helpfully clarified. But even so, I'd actually still recommend a reread of Memory before starting this one.
Unlike Memory, we get a variety of character perspectives this time, Stationers and Teixcalaanli, although Mahit is still heavily present throughout, often the subject of the other characters’ thoughts (and sometimes hate). It’s always hard to balance multiple POVs, you run the risk of breaking momentum when jumping away from intense scenes to something much slower, but I think the advantages won out. This wasn't an introduction to the world, or a whodunit mystery, where we went in with one character and needed information handed out piecemeal, learning everything the same time Mahit did. This was a study of brokering peace with aliens while politics on every side hamstrung the negotiators. The more information and perspectives, the better, even when--especially when different factions interpreted the same events completely differently.
Most of the additional character perspectives come from characters we already met in Memory, now being able to see more in-depth into their actions and motivations, with the delightful side effect of knowing what they thought about Mahit back when everything first went down. Another reason you can't and shouldn't want to read this without Memory, the two make up a complete story together (though I'm hoping someone convinces Arkady Martine to not leave this as just a duology).
The richer perspectives also make up for where in Memory, I kind of felt that while Mahit was SO strong, Three Seagrass almost suffered a bit in comparison? Along for the ride, conveniently always what Mahit needed her to be. Not to say I didn't love her but there's way more personality and agency here. The romance is also more...layered? I remember, when Memory came out, I put it in the same mental box as The Priory of the Orange Tree (both long, well-written, mainstream sff with f/f, published around the same time) but liked the romance in Priory more, feeling that while what we got in Memory was nice, it was more a bonus than integral to the story. I liked its handling better here.
The increase in character perspectives and watching a war fought in real time means we get a nice and personal look at some really frustrating moments, too! Because we get the full picture we see not only the inflexible, paranoid nationalism and xenophobia no matter where it comes from, but how straight up dumb and wrong it is, suspicions and speculations already directly contradicted in other character POVs.
As with the Memory, while all this, the prose, the world, the plot, the characters, they’re all great, the specific understanding of colonization and how it affects people, the colonized and colonizers, that is what this series will be remembered for. There are many quotable moments but this is what I immediately pasted to my friend:
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What a clear encapsulation of the whole concept! That second line especially, “There’s no room for me to mean yes, even if I want to.” That’s at the root of ALL these conversations we have about--about choice, right? And why, no matter how benevolent or kindly even the nicest person in power is, this will always be there.
To wrap this up, it’s a joy to read, the prose remains gorgeous, with, similar to Teixcalaanli art, repeating themes, similar phrases across different character POVs, but also these organically introduced concepts that end up being such delicious parallels. When you realize... It’s just super fun to read, especially once everything starts in earnest. It just starts to flow faster and easier, more character- and action-based, while remaining so thoughtful and intelligent.
I don’t recommend it universally, y’all know I never do that, it’s just not going to be for some people: it’s hard scifi, mixed with the unfamiliar linguistic and cultural traditions of worlds that share little with ours. But I’m gonna do what I do, just say how much I loved it. If you like some of what I do and anything mentioned above, I would say you’re missing out if you don’t catch this series. Book 2 officially comes out on March 2nd, this Tuesday.
ETA: I forgot to mention this earlier but I’m REALLY grateful that we get actual adult fiction books like this that aren’t steeped in grimdark violence and sex to justify not being YA.
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