This is for my first Spideypool fic just to help show how I’m describing the characters and the inspiration I had. None of the characters are mine, and none of the art work is mine. I’m a lazy shit and just took them off google but I give credit 100% to the people that made these pictures I use
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Ok I think it’s time for me to pull up my big girl panties and set this out for the world...we’ll just the first chapter cuz I’m getting antsy to post it
Under the Sun and Sea
Chap 1- Under the Seas waves
Screaming spilled out of the castle windows. Peter held his three dearest friends close as he cried out of happiness.”He said I can go!! I can go!!!” Peter shot up from his friends and spun around sending little bubbles out from disturbing the water around them.“Really! Like he really said yes?!” Gwen smiled and giggled as she watched Peter. Dark ruby red scales danced a crossed Peters waist fading down his tail to a dusty dark purple. Piercing blue shot out across the rose red bottom fins the tips kissed black. Red Sea glitter kissed his skin and his forehead had a ruby red tear drop gem at the center and pearls wrapped around his head, he had a small net tied around his waist. Peter always loved collecting shells always making sure he had netted bag with him to save away anything he found on his walks with this fathers. White scales formed around Gwens waist and faded out down to a dark purple almost black tail and her fins flared out to a blinding teal blue. A seaweed tub top covered her breast, a jewel stamped into her navel and sea glitter graced her arms and cheeks.”Oh Peter your going to love it we have this shemps...” Mary Jane slapped a hand over Gwens mouth and laughed awakardly. ”Gwendolyn honey please it’s a suprise remember.”
Mary Jane smiles and bites her lip looking to Peter. “ Tiger fish please we are all very happy but what did your father actually say?” She titles her head, her cherry red hair swayed perfectly in the currant. Fire red and orange scales fell down her hips along her tail and fired out into a beautiful flame with white tips. Two clams pressed against seaweed wrapped in netting and pearls tied around her neck and back.Peter took a deep breath and sighed his body movement making him swim back a bit”My Father said that now that I’m 18 I’m free to wonder the sea floor freely and go as I please... SolongasInevergracethetop” Peter mumbled fast. “So let’s go” he tried to swim off but Harry got a hold of his arm and pulled him back to the group before he could make his escape.
Harry’s green eyes flickered across both girls face before landing on Peters and he smiled. “What was the middle part Pete?” Harry’s black scales doted with electric sea green tail and a striking black and green fins swam them over to the door none the less. Peter blushed and puffed out his cheeks. “ I said I just can’t go to the surface is all” he sighed and looked down pushing open the doors as the girls swam after them. “I just wish he would let me be free like the other mer-people, I wanna feel the sun on my skin, the breeze through my hair, and my song on the seas winds.” Peter swam around and looked up to the surface and shook his head as he painted a smiled across his lips. Coming to a stop at the castle walls. “But about this surprise now?” He smiled and turned to MJ and titled his head his brown eyes shining with curiosity. MJ giggled and swam ahead” Oh nothing just a sunken ship...with human things.” She smirked and watched out the corner of her eye as Peter came racing to her and tackled her sending them tumbling through the water. “ A ship a sea ship oh Guys this is the best birthday adventure ever!!” Peter back flipped through the water as MJ giggled and grabbed Gwen’s hand, pulling her along. “Gwendolyn thought about it our cute little nerd saw some interesting treasures” MJ winked and leading the way.
Swimming after them Peter soon slowed as he looked back to Harry.” You don’t seem as excited about this as those two do.” Harry frowned looking down and let out a breath and then looked to Peter with worried eyes. “ You’re safer behind the castles walls Peter you know how I feel about this, I’m going along to make sure you stay safe.” He laced his fingers into Peters and pulled him closer his hand going this his waist. Harry’s other hand tip Peters chin up.” I care about you Your highness I never want to see you in danger.” He whispered softly to Peter. Peter blushed as he held eye contact with Harry, he opened his mouth to speak when Gwens sassy voice cut through them” Hey you two koi fish done making out we would like to go to the ship!” Peters face blazed red as he pushed away from Harry and raced after Gwen” WE WHERE NOT KISSING!!” He screamed as MJ stared at Harry and Harry just swam past her” lead the way” he spoke. Mary Jane seemed to snap out of her daze and race to the front of the group.” It’s a swim but we should be there soon!” Gwen swam up beside her blowing out bubbles getting the red head to giggle some.
“It’s just up ahead!” Mary Jane called you the others as the sea floor dipped down and they laying at the bottom was a ship cracked in two. It almost looked hunted the salt water taking claim over the wood, sand and muck covering some of the ship and Peters eyes shined” oh wow you guys” he whispered as if any loud sounds and the ship would just crumble into the sea floor. Gwen and swam over to a window and poked her head inside, she swam in the other trailing behind her. Harry bringing up the rear and frowning as he looked around” Not for nothing but this doesn’t seem safe....what id sharks come or a giant squid” he huffed and stayed close to the window they slipped through his eyes going over to Peter every now and than. Peter smiled seeing all the jewels and paintings the furniture that was broken along the floor, ghosting over the rubble something caught his eye and he reached down moving some wood out of the way and saw a music box laying on the very bottom level of the ship. Looking up at his friends to see them oohing at their own treasures he smiled and slipped between the floor bored and swam down to grab the music box.
He never notice the tentacle pulling back into the darkness as he descended the boat. Once his fingers reached the music box Peter grabbed it tilting his head to the side and moved it around his hands” what a beautiful box” he smiled and opened the sky blue box with gold lining and it played a beautiful melody Peter smiled as he hummed along with the tune but all to soon his happiness turned to fear as he let out a gut wrenching scream. Tentacles wrapped around his body and tail covering his mouth and pulling him into the darkness the music box dropped and forgotten. Harry laughed with the girls as they looked at a painting of fruit” humans are so weird I wonder when they have time to eat when they are stopping to draw it first.” The girls erupted in giggles again and he smiled turning his head to tell Peter his joke, but Peter was there....he wasn’t anywhere in site for that matter and Harry’s heart dropped as Peters scream sliced through the giggles and everything got quite. “Peter!” Harry yelled as he took off swimming as fast he could to the hole Peter slipped through Gwen and Mary Jane right behind him
Peter wiggled and groaned as he tried to break free of the giant octopus that had him. Peter was in a state of panic, he looked around and tried to cry out for help but with a suction cup in your mouth it was kind of hard. The only plus side to all of this was that the giant octopus was sleeping, or so Peter thought cuz he couldn’t see its eye open just moving around under its lid in a slumber. Relaxing a bit Peter let his body weight go, letting the octopus hold his weight, the sleep sea creatures tentacle that was holding Peter flopped to the floor knocking Peter lose some.Taking the little chance he had he pulled his arms free and pulled the suction cup out his mouth and gasped letting a a breath and flared to the sleeping giant. Right at that time Harry swam in seeing the monster and held out his arm to stop the girls” hey Harry what the....,” Gwen frowned but once she saw the octopus she covered her mouth and her eyes go big” Hey Guys” Peter said quietly and waved over to them a helpless smile on his face” some help would be nice” Harry swam over to Peter and frowned grabbing his arms trying to pull him free.
After 30 minutes of pulling, pushing, tugging and wiggling Peter was over it and sighed.” This is impossible I’m going to die here” he huffed throwing his hands up and blowing out bubbles. MJ sighed and looked to Harry as she stroked Peters hair” I’m so sorry Tiger Fish we will get you out if it the last thing we do” Harry held MJs gaze then looked away and swam over to the head of the octopus looking over the sleeping monster” Maybe if we just find the right tentacle and cut it off it would be fine” Gwen rolled her eyes and shook her head” so you want us to all die geez Harry think a little” she snapped and swam away from the group. Harry growled and yelled” I am you don’t think I want to get Peter out?!” As the last words left his lips the octopus woke up with a start and threw Peter across the room. Screaming he hit the far wall and sunk to the floor, Harry MJ and Gwen swimming as fast as they could to get away.
Peter didn’t know he passed out till he was being shaken by Gwen” Peter please we have to go!!” She cried as the ship was being torn apart by the giant octopus. Wood splinters flying everywhere, the ground shook with rage as the octopus began moving and thrashing about. Harry has gotten MJ out after a wooden bored almost crushed her. Peters eyes popped open and he looked around and shook his head, he couldn’t hear anything and his head was pounding. All he could hear was the melody of the music box and when he looked down it was by his finger tips. Grabbing hold of the beautiful song Peter shoved it in his net bag at his waist just as, Gwen looked behind her and screamed holding Peter close as a tentacle shot out to grab them, a hand grabbed on to Peters arm at an almost bruising grip and the both of them where pulled out and hugged into the chest of Steve Rogers”Are you kids alright” Gwen and Peter had their body’s tangled in a ball but once Gwen heard Steve’s voice she pushed away from Peter and bowed” Yo-Your grace” she stammered and bumped into Harry’s chest. Peter sighed and looked up to his father and nodded” yes...but I be now I’ll be locked away forever”
Looking between the four young mer-teens and sighing, Steve pulled Peter in for a hug”What your father doesn’t know won’t kill him.” He said with a soft smile and brushed some of the wood from Peters hair” Now let’s be back before he find out what you’ve been up to and you will really wish you where back in the boat” He laughed and lead this four back to the castles walls.
Music spilled out of the castle windows. The beautiful merman spun and dance around with his friends and laughed as he pulled Gwen and MJ close. The night was filled with laughter and song, everyone dancing and having a good time Peter gasped as he laughed holding his sides as Harry smiled fondly at him grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the other” Harry you really do have the funnest stories” he sighed out following the merman all the same. Out to the balcony” I just love hearing you laugh” Harry said softly and caressed his cheek. Peter blushed and looked away and then back to Harry” Harry... I thought” he bit his bottom lip looking back to the party” I thought we talk about this....we are friends and I just....can’t ” he softly swam back and held his arms over his chest looking down. Peter knee Harry liked him, he knew that Harry was the best of the best but he wanted to keep Peter locked up, keep him hidden away and Peter didn’t want that. He wanted to see all of the sea and maybe some of the sky! Peter wanted adventure and fun. Harry wanted to play safe keep Peter insight always. Harry shook his head getting closer to Peter” I care about you Pete you know I do. But all you do is run” Peter bit his lip and let out a shaky breath” I care about you as a friend Harry I’m sorry” he whispered just as Harry went to say something Gwen and MJ tumbled out giggling and bumped into them” you to Koi fish so cute but you guys are missing the party!!” Gwen giggled and pulled Peter back inside. MJ looked to Harry giving a small smile and Harry sighed and with a sad smile went back to the party.
The night ended with a bang, a big one Peter was covered in seaweed confetti and sea glitter and giggling as he swam back to his room with Gwen” so your staying the night right” he turned swimming backward” I can go home if you want” the mermaid smirked at the gasping prince and swam over to his bed and plopped down as Peter closed the door and locked it” so......let’s sneak out” he turned to her and then swam over to his window and bit his lip” and go to the surface” Gwen gasped and fell off the bed” Peter!!!! What is wrong with you!!!” She yelled and Peter frown swimming over to her and covered her mouth” Stop yelling” he hissed whisper yelling” you owe me remember Sara” Peter smirked as the left his lips. Gwens went wide and then she glared at him” fine asshole” she pushed him away and grabbed the chair that sat at his vanity mirror and jammed it under the handle and looked the the prince” so what’s your crazy plan because this is crazy” she whispered.
Slipping out the window and into the court yard the two Mer-teens swam around. The young prince giggled and spun around” The night sea water is amazing I always wished about swimming through the oceans current” Gwen kept looking over her shoulder and sighed” great good wish granted now can we go back please Peter the king will kill us” she grumbled following after the carefree prince. Humming softly he ignored her plea and swam ahead anyway.”Don’t be a spoil sport Gwen I would have brought Harry along if I wanted a mood killer” Peter huffed. Giant booms could be heard muffled through the water. Jumping back Peters head snapped up to the surface. A ship sailed over the two the light of the moon casting as shadow over the pair as the boat inched along. “It’s a boat” Peter gasped in awe and bit his lip.” No no no! Peter are you crazy!” Gwen yelled after him as she let out a groaned and looked around then sped after the mer-prince.
Peter broke the surface, cold night air filled his lungs and he coughed a little. Gwen came up a few second after him hissing” we are so dead I swear I’m never sleeping over again” she whisper yelled. Peter just shook his head and made a face that said as if you don’t live fore this. The ship passed by them and Peter sighed in awe. bright colors started to explode in the air and the pair jumped and sunk underwater holding each other” What is that” Peter asked as he broke the waters surface again. Gwen shook her head and looked around” We should go Peter please!” Gwen pulled around his arm and bit her lip.
The water turned from a calm sea to aggressive and angry waves. Peter and Gwen got swept up in a wave being carried closer to shore than she had hoped for. The ship rocked back and forth the men on broad yelling and trying to hold. A wave slammed into the ship sending some of the men flying and falling into the sea. Peter and Gwen watched in horror as the men tried with everything they had to reach the surface. Then a blond man jumped into the sea and started pulling the men but to the surface and helping them on board. Gwen pulled at Peter trying to get him to leave, but Peter was transfixed, he watched the man save six men. Once the last of the men where out of the water the blond man started to climb the side of the ship. Once again the ship was slammed into as rain poured from the sky, the shock from the wave went the man flying, crashing into the water. The impact was so hard it knocked him out. Peter gasped and rushed to save the sinking man. Wrapping his hands arms around his middle pulling up.” Oh no no no we have to help him!!” Gwen bit her lip looking around”Peter you can’t!....I mean he’s just.....for the love of....” Gwen ran a hand down her face and grabbed at the man and help Peter pull him to the surface” Now what oh wise one” Peter glared at her and looks to the blond man between him the ship now long gone.” To shore” Peter pulled and Gwen followed begrudgingly.
( this is the first chapter please tell me if anything is wrong! This is my first time writing a fic I’m so scared of messing up hehe, also I write and post everything from my phone right now. Um I’m working on the second chapter now and it’s going to be from Wades point of view. No beta we die like men 😭 so any grammer error please tell me and I’ll try and go in and fix everything)
#spideypool#peter parker#mermaid#wade has his healing factor#wade is 29#peter is 18#wade x peter#mermaid!peter#captain!wade#strangers to lovers#love at first sight#more like love at first voice#first fanfic#fanfic#marvel characters#marvel#no beta#how does one tag#fluff#smut#agust#slow burn#will add more tags when i can#Under the Sun and Sea fic
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Harry eh not much thought went into him 😖 I’m the worst I know but is it bad to say that I don’t care for him much, but oddly he mightbe in this fic a lot lol. Anyway here’s his tail

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Mary Jane the beauty she is I saw her as her comic book form and this for her tail and top


Lose the star fish though and I thought her tail can show her fiery personality 
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My look for Gwen had this color set for her tail and then the lay out of her tail


I also loved this as a top I know mermaids don’t usually wear stuff to cover up but I like the draw in

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So my idea of Peter as a merman is a mix of a few things first I love this has his crown as a prince. The hair and gills I love so much. This is not my art work I came across it on google and fell in love with it

I had this kind of lay out for his tail
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Sssoooo imma post my summry of my first Spideypool fic just to get a feel cuz I’m nervous about my first time 😣 all the tags will be hashtags for this story and if I end up Posting it I’ll add more tags.
Peter Parker a merman who has been kept behind the kingdoms walls most of his life, only aloud out with his fathers to learn about their kingdoms and other kingdoms in the ocean. On his 18th birthday his father allows him to roam the sea floor freely so long as he is never to break the seas surface. But when a boat over head sparks his curiosity he can’t help but break the rules a few times. Wade Wilson a fearless caption on his way back from a long sea quest his treasure aboard he heads back to land, When he his ship hits some rough waters and he gets thrown over board knocked unconscious by the hard hit of the sea, luckily peter and his friends are there to save him, dragged onto shore. Once Wade started to come to all he sees is the out line of a beautiful man and the voice of an angel but all to soon the sun blinds him and he’s stuck thinking of the beautiful man from his dreams. Peter would do anything to see Wade again. Even swam the darkest parts of the ocean to find Calypso the voodoo Sea serpent to ask for help.
(I went through the list of Spider-Mans villains and went with Calypso cuz of her voodoo magic honestly to turn Peter human. Like I’m trying to get it to kinda make sense but at the same time I’m kinda just winging it guys. Kind of a mix of all the little mermaid movies but like nothing to do with it as well...The characters my not playing true to themself’s but this is MY AU so who cares lol)
#spideypool#mermaids#wade wilson#peter parker#pretty!wade#mermaid!peter#mermaid!au#slow burn#peter is 18#wade is 29#wade has his healing factor#but other than that no powers#marvel#marvel characters#fanfic#first fanfic#Captain!wade#friends to lovers#love at first sight#more like love at first voice#sea witches#fluff#smut#angst#white and yellow are people in this one#more tags to come#peter parker x wade wilson#Under the Sun and Sea
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