#And poor Koba
hotchocolatefanfics ยท 1 day
Okay, here's my first question. I always wondered if Ceasar knew that Will played a part in Koba's suffering. He said that Koba only learned hate from humans but how did/would he react knowing that ? I personally don't think Caesar really understood the role Will had in the lab. To me, he just thought that Will knew his mother and that she died there. But I don't think he realised that she was there (and died in a way too) only because of Will.
Caesar also always saw Will as someone extremely caring, someone who will take him to the vet for a little wound and someone who gave him this big room full of toys too.
So what would be his reaction learning that Will saw Koba was smart, saw him being in that (very) little cage and just... Put him in experiment ?
That's probably the main reason I can't stand Will by the way. ๐Ÿ˜…
Iโ€™m not sure if this applies but hereโ€™s my thoughts on Will:
Will is kind of a morally grey character as he does experiment on apes (which, by action alone. could mean he medically tortured apes and/or caused their deaths when said experiments failed-basically, the kind of human where fear and hate is completely valid especially from apes like Koba) but he does it for (somewhat) good reasons-he wants to cure Alzheimerโ€™s to save his father (and other people of course but mainly Charles-which I canโ€™t even fault him for because I kind of relate to it!).ย 
Another thing is, medical testing on animals before making new medicines available is a standard practice in real-life. In that way, Will can be considered a villain of circumstance but he is definitely a hypocrite in what he does after adopting Caesar and during his childhood.
Now to your question!:
It is possible Caesar had questions about why Will adopted him at all but he might not have ever had time (or allowed himself) to think about it. The implication of his mother dying there and him later freeing Koba (and other apes) from Gen Sys while Will continued to work there alone may have been enough to give Caesar a pretty good idea of how his mother died and what Will did in that lab and he just didnโ€™t want to go there.ย 
That said, I could see a scenario where (instead of challenging him) Koba questions Willโ€™s intentions when he adopted Caesar and when Caesar tries to defend him, Koba could have said something among the lines of: โ€œDonโ€™t you see he used you like he used other apes?โ€ leading to Caesar to seriously reflect on his childhood and life with humans.
OR! Caesar randomly finds Willโ€™s other recordings (like the one he was making in Rise when Caesar was a child). Even though Willโ€™s research involving Caesar was documenting a his cognitive growth and development and relating it to his ALZ112/13 drugs, his goal of using said drug to cure Alzheimerโ€™s could (arguably) be considered exploitative-by that I mean, using Caesar as proof that his drug worked, and Caesar is forced to rethink Willโ€™s motives when he adopted and raised him.
Quote Caroline here: โ€œWhat about Caesar? Where does he fit in?โ€
This is why I call Will a hypocrite and I think (in either scenario), Caesar will recognize this and be horrified and sickened by it. The fact that Will continued to work at Gen Sys and experiment on apes in cages despite adopting Caesar raising him as his son. Like, how could Will call himself his father when Caesar couldโ€™ve easily been killed at Gen Sys or kept in a cage there just like the other apes Will experiments on?
To be clear, I do believe Will loved Caesar. Although he is never seen or heard from since Rise, I can see him trying to protect Caesar even though he chose to live in the forest with the apes he freed during the events of Firestorm: making false reports to keep people from the Muir Woods, telling anyone who would listen that the apes werenโ€™t the cause of the virus, maybe insisting the apes werenโ€™t dangerous and just wanted to be left alone, and so on. These actions likely leading to his death (if he wasnโ€™t killed due to violence, he may have died from the virus).ย 
The problem is, even if Will did try to protect Caesar up until his death, Caesar had no way of knowing it (unless someone told him about it) and if he ever found out how he treated Koba and other apes in the lab in contrast to how he treated him, Caesar would question everything about his childhood and be left wondering if Will ever truly loved him or if it was all a lie.
TLDR, Will is a hypocrite. If Caesar knew how he treated Koba in the labs, it would disturb him but he may still consider Will a โ€˜good manโ€™ unless he ever saw how deep his hypocrisy went. Will may be remembered as another abusive human to Koba, but Caesarโ€™s perception of him will change from his father figure to a man who lied to him from the very beginning (and the absolute worst part is Caesar may never know if Will truly loved him or get closure for it).
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yasmeensh ยท 2 months
Almost done reading Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Firestorm (my e-book says it's 80% through). Koba's backstory is so SAD. He was such a nice bonobo. We never saw a baby Koba, like we did with Ceasar. I needed to put the picture in my brain on paper...
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reddesires ยท 2 months
Imagine our boys when their S/O sneezes but not that quiet sneeze, its like the dad sneeze like my soul leaves my body, i think im dying kind of dad sneeze ๐Ÿ˜ญ and then their S/O just looks at them being confused of their weird stares ๐Ÿ’€
A/N: I love them. They're goofy in their own individualistic ways. Honestly, I feel they have such vast differences in their personalities that it's really funny to me when you think about their reactions in different kind of situations. This was definitely a favorite of mine.
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Mf gives you the side eye. Nothing is said as you look at him with a straight face while he still stares at you from the corner of his eye. Why tf is he even looking at you like that?
"Don't even look at me, you know for damn sure that your folks sneezed too." he slowly looks at you head on. "You sneeze too alike to them. " Your jaw drops at the implication. Be so forreal right now! Is he suggesting that you sneeze like a grown man?!
The horror and offense clear on your face as Caesar goes back to his task, yeah no there's no way you're allowing that kind of disrespect as you jump him from behind. "Take that back fucker!"
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Noa tries his hardest to hold back the holler of laughter trying to escape him, snot shooting out his nostrils from the effort. You scream in shock and disgust.
"Noa! Ew!" You yell scurrying from beside him, hooting laughter racking through his body "you sneeze like the Elders" You gasp in embarrassedย  offense, that was an insult to another plain, between you and the trio, being compared to the Elders there was nothing worse.
You jump up to storm off in the opposite direction of him, determined to get away from him, but he's already chasing after you "No Echo! Don't go!" He's struggling from the amused huffs plaguing him and trying to catch his breath as he throws himself onto your back, your body crumbling from his weight. "Get off, you stinky monkey!"
Blue Eyes:
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Poor baby jumps in shock at the booming noise that escaped you, his head slowly turning in your direction as you innocently look at him, your wide doe looking eyes gazing back him. Nothing is said as you two stare back at each other. He bewilderedly looks around before signing at you.
"Was.. that you?" You scrunch your eyebrows in feign confusion at his question."What was me?" He frowns his chin jutting into his neck, the furrow in his brow showing his clear perplexity, you stifle a laugh as you watch him question himself.
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As soon as the sneeze is out of you, Koba smacks the shit out of you, your head ducking at the force of his palm, you immediately hold the back of your head.
"What the fuck was that for Koba?!" You yell, rubbing the spot his hard ass hand landed upon. "Shut up" he says nonchalantly a shit eating smirk sitting on his face, bruh as if you could control a natural bodily function.
What did you do to deserve this disrespect? You grumble as you massage your sore spot, the glare he directs your way, only making you throw the middle finger at him. "Mean ass fucker."
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the-monkeies-girl ยท 3 months
Would Koba have an lataction kink?(you knowโ€ฆ because of his mommy issuesโ€ฆsince his mother died when he was very young)๐Ÿ‘€
Poor reader breasts during the pregnancyโ€ฆ Koba need to leave some milk for the baby LOL
I live in my own world and as a consequence you gets are getting this are you happy to bring out NASTY EM ARE YOU HAPPY
Oral fixation ( Giving, not as much receiving. The king of giving head, can spend the entire time doing it with no problem as long as long as it brings you pleasure. Finds incredible satisfaction in getting you worked up with just his tongue and will delve in futher by pressing his teeth against you. Makes your entire body flush with want. )
Praise Kink. ( Give this Ape a good compliment in the middle of it? He IS ALL OVER YOU and will urge you to continue. Caesar likes to hear those things from you, they truly do make him feel confident. The more you give, the faster Caesar will be to mount you and take what he wants. )
Orgasm Control. ( Likes to have the power over you and will keep that power by controlling when you cum. Very disappointed if you do unravel before Caesar allots it but it's okay, he'll just start over again, this time even slower to teach you a lesson. )
Size Kink. ( You can pry this out of my little hands that he does not enjoy BEING SO MUCH BIGGER AND MORE MUSCULAR THAN YOU. Really comes into play with positions if he's on top and he's able to literally crush you with his weight. Noa is signed up and will commander your entire body if you let him. )
Consensual Voyeruism. ( Oh my god Noa loves to watch you, it's so fascinating to see what Echo like. You fingering yourself for him? Holy sh--- Hats off when he tries it for himself and he's only able to get one of his larger fingers ( PLAYING INTO SIZE KINK HERE ) inside of you where as you were able to fit two, maybe three if you stretched yourself. )
Sensation Kink. ( More aimed towards you, he knows how much you love to feel his fur against you and will intentionally withdraw it at times just to get you to BEG. And boy, will you beg, arms outstretching while he's right out of reach, a rather smug smile on his face as he brings himself down JUST ENOUGH to let the tips of his fur linger against you. )
Blue Eyes:
Edging. ( something that more or less is your thing, but Blue Eyes has learned to take it as it comes when your mouth pops off his cock, now coated with your saliva. The longer you edge him, the more of his seed he has for you. Really does go hand in hand with the breeding. )
The most straight forward Pregnancy Kink. ( I have no explanation for this don't come at me okay. Just LOVES the way pregnancy suits his mate. The way your body fills out. The boobies, the heightened emotions, sex drive, all of it. He EATS IT UP. )
( You did this to me fuck ) Lactation Kink / Breasts in general. ( Ohhhh dear god when you have a baby, good luck for those bad boys. He will willingly help you unclug a duct if you get what I mean. Also, a lot of you riding. Get those in front of his face as often as possible, will lap up if you leak against him, not to mention?? Milk on his fur?? Your scent on him so undiluted and uncontrolled? Boing. )
Bondage. ( Koba is good at hunting. Koba is good at tying up his catches. You don't think he wouldn't do the same to you and have his way with you? BAH. He would, and you would enjoy every. single. moment. Seeing you struggle against the nest with your entire body latched up? Sign the Bonobo up, and even more credit if he just listens to you whimper as you try to free yourself. )
Anal. ( DON'T LOOK AT ME. Causes you pain? Loves it, you're his little play human and he'll tear into you if he has to in order to make himself feel good. And hey, in the long run, it makes you feel good too so win/win. Genuinely finds it disgustingly fascinating how the human body is able to stretch like that and it started as a morbid curiousity. )
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fl3shm4id3n ยท 4 months
สœแดœแดแด€ษด แด€แด˜แด‡ (แด˜แด€ส€แด› ษช): แด›สœแด‡ แด€.แด˜.แด‡. แด‡xแด˜แด‡ส€ษชแดแด‡ษดแด›
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๊œฑแดษดษข: แด‹ษชแด… แด„แดœแด…ษช - แดส€. ส€แด€ษดษขแด‡ส€
TW: human and ape experimenting, illegal? experimenting, talks of torture, blood, brain swapping, bride of Frankenstein/Poor Things references, talks of death and taking risks, abuse, injuries, talks of war, blood, guns, murder, humans being assholes, Koba, Not edited.
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The A.P.E. Experiment, was an experiment done by a private organization who deeply believed that both humans and apes are much closer then they're out to be. Since there was endless and endless of research that both species are technically the same. Except the humans are evolved and the apes aren't, yet they shared the same kind of intelligence.
That's why the A.P.E. Experiment took place. They actually wanted to prove and show how a human and ape can think the same things and be both as intelligent as they are. They've been several and several attempts, but there was always some kind of miscalculation or something going wrong. Not only that, but they test subjects would either die or not make it because of the risky brain transplant done by the scientist.
Despite those many fails, they kept on going. They weren't going to stop until they had finally manage to do what they were meant to do. Even if that involves the deaths of many humans and apes. Not only that, but they also worried about the money that had been founded into the experiment, if they didn't use it, then this whole experiment would have gone to waste. So they kept on going on again, again, and again, until finally after many attempts they had succeded.
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You had no name, except for your serial number. Which was '013'. Technically, your name was 'H-Thirteen', but you were called 013. That number was tattooed onto your wrist ever since you could remember. You don't have much of a memory, since your brain had already been switched out not too long ago. The scar at the back of your shaved head was still somewhat healing. The procedure happened when you were 13 years old. The White Coats were nervous, they hoped that this time the transplant would work this time. After many attempts, none had succeeded. But this time. It had worked. Both you and the other Ape had actually survived the transplant. The White Coats were happy to learn this. Finally, after years of planning. It had finally worked.
Ever since you were given your new brain, you began to develop new behavior. Before, you'd talk verbally, now you sign or make ape noises as a form to communicate. When you'd speak vocally, you'd speak as if you were trying to form words. Like a child who just learned how to say words. You used to walk normally, now you walked slightly hunched and with your knuckles for support of some kind. Instead of standing, you'd be scrunched down, using your knuckles for support. Not only that, but you had grown canines. They were small, but they were visible. Besides those changes, your emotions had also change. When you'd be happy you'd jump around and be loud. But when you'd get mad, your snarl and hiss. As well as throw things that were near you. They were 'small' changes, at least to you yet the White Coats made it a huge deal.
The ape who's brain had been switched with yours, also began to experience changes. She now speaks verbally. Very human like, it was almost unbelievable. She walks and stands like a human. Even has human like emotions. Not only that, but the thing about this ape, was that she is your sister. You and her were both made out of the same DNA and grew in the same artificial womb. Also, when standing next to each other, you and her looked alike. A lot alike. Except, she was a ape and you were a human. That alone made it obvious that you both are twins, you and her were one of many human and ape twins. Except, the difference was that you and her survived the brain transplant. You and your twin were the lucky ones. Despite both your huge changes, you were both still different species.
The experiment continued. You and your twin known as A-Thirteen would often complete tasks on a daily basis. They were simply yet hard tasks to do, but you and Thirteen would complete them using your unique skills. The White Coats monitored everything. Took notes and videos of everything, for research and data. Yours and A-Thirteen's brain would often been checked up. Just to see it's development and how it's getting used to your new body. Since in the past, the other test subjects would either reject the brain or the brain would just die or even infect them, killing them. But your brain had got used to your spinal cord and body. It was shown how the brain had quickly got used to your body and the slight changes in your DNA. It had actually become your brain now. But not A-Thirteen, your twin's brain had become infected with some kind of bacteria. They tried to save her, but the infection had already spread out into her body, killing her. The White Coats were disappointed, but they were glad that you had survived. Which was good to them.
When you reached the age of 15. That's when the experimenting got aggressive. Wires would be poked into your scalp to test out your brain and would always make sure to check for any infections or anything abnormal, but it was all good. Not only that, but your body would be put in constant testing. You had no idea why, but you never asked because were made to believe that what they were doing was good. But, did that good have to be so painful?
You began to hate every bit of it. Having to be strapped into a bed, having wires put in your body, constant needles and fluids getting injected into your body. Those are of few tests done, there was more. But you preferred to just for get about them. At least you tried to forget about them. The scars on your body were a constant reminder of what the White Coats did to you. You attempted to rebel, refusing to do your daily tasks and would put up a fight when you'd be dragged into the lab for testing. Due to your rebellion, you'd get punished. Such as be locked in your room for hours without food or water. Same with being tased or get beaten by one of the White Coats. You hated it. All you wanted was for things to go back to the way they were.
At least, that's what you thought. In reality, you wished that you could be normal. Except, you weren't. Sure, you looked just like the White Coats, but your brain was the thing that wasn't normal. Often times you'd be told that you were special and that you'd do great things in the future. Except, you didn't want that. You wanted to do things that weren't going to the lab to be tested or doing tasks that you've already done. You wanted to interact with humans your age and just do stuff they'd do. Have a family, from what you learned, humans either had a big or small family from the books you read. They had a mother, father, a son or daughter. Even both or more. You wanted that, except. You didn't. You had no mother or father, you had a sister. You could never have what the humans had. You were kept in isolation. Never allowed to go outside, ever. The only company you had, was the company of the White Coats and A-Thirteen. But she was gone. You were now alone, with the White Coats.
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สแด‡แด€ส€ 2026
You were now a 20 year old full grown woman. Things haven't changed at all. You were still the same person, in the same place with the same people. Nothing has changed, you were still being tested on and you still had tasks to complete. It was the same old routine, after five years. Everything was the same. Nothing has changed. You thought in the span of those years, something would change, but no. Everything was the same, it was getting tiring. Up to the point where you couldn't take it anymore. The routine was boring and nothing new. You hated it.
That evening, you doing your regular puzzle solving. This puzzles would get difficult and more complicated, but you always managed to complete them. Like always, you were monitored by five White Coats. Three taking notes, one recording with a camera and another just observing your every move. You began to hate being watched, you always had eyes on you. At least during the day, at night was the only time you had some sort of privacy. Even though you should be asleep, you stayed up late. To do your own things in your bedroom. Which was more of a cell. It felt like you were in a cage.
Once you were finished solving the puzzle, you were praised by the five scientists. Their praises used to make you happy, but now you could hear how forced and ingenuine they sounded. You hated when you'd hear them go 'good job!' or 'you did so good 013'. They talked to you as if you were still a child. You hated it. Your routine went on. You ate, you did your climbing and swinging exercises, and learned to speak new words.
Later that night, you went to bed. Except you didn't sleep just yet. You were hiding under your bed with a flash light, looking at the many pictures you drew. Of yourself, your sister A-Thirteen with a mother and father. They looked like a child's drawing, but you liked looking at the picture. Day dreaming that you'd actually have this. You often wondered what a mother and father would be liked. How would it be like to be cared for, along with your sister. You missed her, dearly. She was the only one who'd understand you and you'd understand her.
You'd also have pictures of yourself, but with hair. You really wished you could grow out your hair, but the White coats never allowed it since. Since having a buzzcut would make it easier for them to poke needles in your brain. You wanted long hair because you liked how it looked on the female White Coats and to hide the huge scar on the back on your head. And maybe, just know what it's like to have hair. But sadly, you couldn't. They'd never allow it, no matter what reason.
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The next morning, you had been woken up earlier than most days. That was odd. As you got dressed into a newly cleaned hospital gown and a pair of white shoes. You were informed that you're going to a different facility. A different facility? That'd mean you'd go outside for the first time. You have seen the outside word, but behind a glass. You were never allowed to go outside until now. Where were you going? Who were you going with? Why were you leaving the facility after twenty years? You had so many questions that you wished they'd be answered. You had said your goodbyes to all the White Coats whom you've been with for all those years. Instead of feeling sad, you felt almost relieved. Glad that you were no longer under there care, which meant, no more experiments and no more of that routine you've grown tired of.
While you were being escorted out of the facility by the men covered in black, you had finally stepped foot outside. The fresh air and the wind felt new to you. Never in a million years have you ever smelled the air of outside and felt the cold wind hitting your skin. As much as you wanted to go and explore the wilderness you've read about, you couldn't. As you walked to vehicle, you couldn't help but look around you, getting a good eye of what you've been missing out. You wanted to feel and smell the dirt, even drink the water from the river, but you couldn't. You were required to move asap. You needed to be in another facility immediately.
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The car drive was long and quiet, you were sitting down between two men dressed in black. It felt tense and stiff. It made you feel uncomfortable, but choose to remain as still as possible. You began to think about where you were going would be like. What kind of people you'd meet. Would they be more White Coats? How would those White Coats be like? Will they be other people that weren't White Coats? The questions keep pouring in. For most of the ride you just kept on thinking and thinking of questions that you know would never be asked. No one ever answered your questions.
After a while, the vehicle had stopped. In some part of the woods, it stopped so that you and the men in black could take a break. For fifteen minutes. You were allowed out. You were glad that they were nice enough to let you get some fresh air. As much as you wanted to explore the woods, you couldn't. You were only allowed to go a few feet away from the vehicle and had to come back after the fifteen minutes.
You walked around a bit, getting a view of the tall trees. They were much bigger then you thought. You couldn't help but feel how rough and hard the wood felt. It almost made you feel as if you wanted to climb it. Your attention then switched to the wet dirt, it must have rained the night before. It smelt nice, very comforting in a way that you never thought would bring you comfort. You reached down and took a small clump of it, feeling how soft and wet it was. It was nice, very nice to smell and touch. You wanted to see more.
So, you walked much further than you should've. Looking around more trees and even more dirt. But you also got the look of some plants and bugs you've read about in some books about them. Everything was new to you. You've always dreamed about going outside, just to see how it would look like. Now it was true, even if it only took you fifteen minutes, you wanted to enjoy every part of it. Since who knows how long it'll be if you ever go outside. You were loving the moment.
Then, you spotted a flower. It was a very pretty small and the color blue. They were called 'Forget-Me-Not', you've always wanted to see them in person, instead in book pages. You wanted to take some and maybe even keep wherever you were sent to. You got on your knees and plucked a huge amount of them. Once in your hand, you looked at them closely. Studying the color, shape and smell. You couldn't help but smile, when you looked at the small plants in your hands. You've fallen in love with them already. You were to focused on looking at the flowers that you didn't hear the men in black calling out to you. Finally, after snapping out of your thoughts, you heard them call you. As much as you didn't want to go, you had to.
You didn't notice that you were standing right near a hill, when you got up, your foot must have made a wrong move. That you ended up falling down the hill. You squealed and groaned as you rolled down the hill. After a few seconds, you had fallen into a river. The harsh water of the waterfall had dragged you down the riverbank, you got hit with rocks and branches in the water. You tried finding a way out, but the water just kept dragging you with it. Until you had finally spotted a branch and held onto it with all your strength. Despite being in pain, you managed to hold onto the branch. You were glad that you were okay. But the problem was, where did the river take you?
You managed to get out of the water and back on the ground. You were drenched. Your shoes and hospital gown were wet. You quickly felt cold. Your whole body began to shiver, so as a way to warm yourself up, you hugged your body. Your teeth were chattering against one another's and the wild got colder. You didn't want to stay there, you had to move. Maybe you could find the lab again, but you had no idea where to search. You've never been outside, so you wouldn't know where to start.
So, you just walked wherever you thought would help you, but no. You had no idea what to do or where to look. You were getting confused and unsure of what to do. Should you keep on walking or just stay where you were and hoped that they'd come find you. It was getting overwhelming. As you walked, you couldn't help but begin to breath a bit rapidly. You were about to go into a panic. You began to bite your finger nails, while your free hand was clenching onto the short sleeve on your hospital gown. It didn't help that you were cold because of your wet shoes and gown.
Suddenly, you tripped. Must have been cause you were walking fast and didn't see where you were going. Turning on your back, you looked down at your wet and dirt covered shoes. They were getting uncomfortable now. So you reached over and took them off your feet. Then threw them in a form of frustration. Not only where you lost, but you were cold and now barefoot. You let out a small frustrating snarl. That was something you'd do when you'd get mad. Afterwards, you got up from the ground, dusting off the dirt off your arms and legs. Your wet gown was now even more dirty. God, you hated what was happening now.
Then, you heard noises. Turning to see where they were coming from, you saw nothing. But you did notice some bushes moving as soon as you set your eyes on them. That made your stomach turn. Was something out there? Without a moment more, you began to walk again, but this time a bit faster. You could still hear bushes and leaves making noises, due to something hitting them. You grew into a panic, so you began to run, with the help of your knuckles. Hoping that you'd you'd go much faster. But again, you didn't see where you were going, and tripped again. This time you fell on your side, hitting your cheek onto the dirt, causing it to scrape. It hurt, a lot.
As you tried getting up, you heard bushes shaking and leaving hitting each other. You got up and looked around, trying to find the source of the noises. But you couldn't see them, except just hear them. You began to panic even more. What was it? An animal of some kind? If it was, what kind of animal? After a few moments, you spotted a pair of eyes. Blue eyes, to be exact. They were looking right back at you. That was odd, you couldn't tell if they were eyes of a human or an animal. They looked human, but they didn't feel human.
Slowly, they moved. Which made you back up a bit, now scared of what will come out. Carefully and slowly, they had finally stepped out of their hiding spot. It was, an ape. You've never seen another ape before. You were amazed by how he looked. As much as you wanted to get close, you kept your distance. You and the ape just stared at one another, almost as if you both wanted to figure out what you both were. After that small moment of silence, more apes began to pop out of their hiding spot. That made you panic a bit.
Looking around, you saw that they were a few more apes in all your directions. You had no place to attempt to run. Then, they began to approached you slowly. You grew scared, you had no idea what kind of intension they had or what they'd do. You back up, trying to find a way to run, but they was no place to run to. You began to fall into distress. You had backed up into a tree, you no had nowhere to go. As the apes approached you even more. You gone into panic mode. You began to scream and shout at them. Your screams of both fear and panic had caused them to stop in there tracks. They simply watched as you continued to scream in a panic.
What had caught their attention, was how your screams sounded very similar to theirs. They were very similar to an ape's scream. Eventually you stomped screaming, you crouched down and covered your head with both arms, breathing heavily and trying to catch your breath. As if you just wanted to disappear from that place. It grew quiet, all that was heard was your whimpers and heavy breathing. After some time, you heard someone approaching you, but you did not move from your position. You stayed where you were and didn't plan on moving at all. That was something you'd do when the White Coats would either beat you with a rod or tase you when you'd go ballistic.
You felt how a hand softly patted your shoulder. You still didn't move, until you felt the same soft pat on the shoulder. Slowly, you look ever the shoulder where you have been patted on. It was another ape, except. He looked much older than the one with blue eyes. You could see the bit of grey hairs around his chin and cheeks. His eyes were hazel like color, but they were more green. They too looked human, except they weren't. Just like the first ape you saw, you both locked eyes, staring at each other for a moment. You began to slowly calm down, for some reason you felt slightly better. Less panic and a bit more relaxed.
You then noticed how he reached his hand out to you. At first, you weren't so sure, whether you should take it or not. But after a bit of thinking, you took a hold of his hand. He then helped you get up from the floor. The ape was almost exactly your size. You weren't neither short or big, you were right in between. He seemed to also be right in between, but seemed slightly bigger than you. "You are safe." He said in a raspy but firm voice. You were still a bit shaken up by everything, but you were calm and collected. He continued to hold his hand, as a kind of comfort and to keep you calm. He then turned to the other apes, signing them that everything was alright and to stay put.
He looked back at you, seen that you were much calmer and relaxed. "Come." He said to you, lowly and comfortingly. You only nodded your head in response. After that was settled, he continued to hold your hand and processed to get you to follow him. So you did, you followed right behind him. Holding his rough hand. Then the rest of the other apes processed to follow behind you both. He must have been there leader of some kind. They listened to him when he singed them to stay put. But, your question was, where were you going? Where was he taking you? It didn't really matter to you at the moment. You just wanted to get out of that dreadful situation you were in just now. Hopefully where you were taken to, wasn't another lab of some kind.
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bluetoes-andstuff ยท 27 days
Sky's Touch
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Summary: Caesar's newly acquired human child has set her sights on befriending the grumpiest ape of all -- Koba. Armed with fruit, grooming attempts, and relentless curiosity, Sky's mission is simple... she wants Koba to be her friend.
Rating: Gen (Platonic)
Relationships: Koba & Human Child; Caesar & Human Child (minor)
Word Count: 1.4k
The communal fire crackled softly as the freshly placed logs became engulfed by the flames, casting a warm staticky light over the gathered apes. Sky sat comfortably in Caesarโ€™s lap leaning back against his furry chest to take full advantage of the added warmth on the crisp autumn night, her small hands clutching a piece of chilled fruit baby Blue Eyes handed to her. She had been with the apes for a couple of months now, and while most had grown accustomed to her presence, Koba remained distant and wary.ย 
This was quite frustrating, considering Koba was the most interesting ape in the bunch in her opinion. Oh, how she yearned to ask him about the scars, and how he learned to fight and hunt the way he did. He was the strongest one in the colonyโ€ฆ besides Caesar himself of courseโ€ฆ and maybe Rocket, but sheโ€™s already ran him through the wringer with her questions and her curiosity for him has been quenched.
She kept finding her curious eyes drifting towards Koba, sitting beside her and Caesar, his posture tense and his gaze hard, like it always was. She watched as he picked at his food, his movements sharp and deliberate. The other apes chatted and groomed each other as they did every night.ย 
Sky has grown accustomed to the soft chittering and hoots common among the colony. It was different from humans, but it had that same sense of community that Sky longed to be fully part of.
As she nibbled on her fruit, Skyโ€™s gaze lingered on a patch of dried mud clinging to Kobaโ€™s fur. She glances around the circle of apes, watching intently as a few of the gathered chimps and bonobos groom and pick at each other's backs with an absent mind, as if there was no need to even think of doing so. Sheโ€™s grown to assume it as a sign of trust and affection, seeing as Cornelia and even Caesar himself sometimes would spend time picking twigs and dried leaves out of her own hair.ย 
So, maybe if Koba saw her trust and care for him, heโ€™d be more open to her presence! Gathering her courage, she slowly reached out, her small fingers trembling, out of fear, or excited anticipation she didnโ€™t know.
Koba stiffened as soon as her fingers brushed against his fur, his eyes narrowing just out of her line of sight. Her fingers gently tugged at the dried mud, mimicking what she had observed, trying to express her intentions of befriending him.ย 
Koba, as she should have expected, was not open to her innocent attempt. His growl was low and menacing, and she froze, fingers still tangled in his rough fur. He turned his head sharply, glaring at her. He snapped his teeth together in a silent warning, a sharp huff leaving his nostrils.
โ€œSky,โ€ Caesarโ€™s voice was gentle but firm, coming out in a gruff huff of air, a warning to be careful. His eyes had slid over to observe the interaction, trying to be respectful of his friend's boundaries and clear discomfort. Sky had not yet realized why exactly Koba was so wary of her, and Caesar has not had the heart to explain the terrible things her people had once done to the poor bonobo to cause such hostility.ย 
Sky withdrew her hand, her eyes wide and apologetic. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth, her one remaining front tooth chewing anxiously on them. Then she remembered how the apes would hold out their hands to apologize to one another, something Maurice has taught her to do, along with another select few signs. She slowly extended her small hand towards Koba, her palm open and trembling in apology.
Kobaโ€™s glare softened slightly, his angry huffs morphing into more begrudging ones with an occasional sniff, but he did not swipe her hand to accept the gesture. Instead, he grabbed a handful of fruit and stood, dismissing himself from the circle and climbing back down to the lower nests and disappearing under the overhang.
Sky pouted, eyes welling with unshed tears at the clear rejection. She angled her head back against Caesarโ€™s chest to look to him for some sort of guidance, on what she mustโ€™ve done wrong. But he offers nothing more than a soft smile. He places his large hand atop her head, gently combing through the messy strands of hair, picking at what might be a few pieces of dried leaves. Then she feels the rough pad of his thumb brush against her cheek in a quiet gesture of comfort, doubling as an apology on his friend's behalf.ย 
She drops her head again to glance at the others around her to see if they had witnessed the exchange, Rocketโ€™s looking at her the same way Caesar was, along with Maurice and Cornelia, and that just makes her feel bad all over again. She drops the fruit in her hands and pulls her knees to her chest, turning her whole body to press her face against Caesarโ€™s front, hiding herself away from the embarrassment and hurt of Kobas rejection.
Days turned into weeks and the nights only grew colder, which meant Koba was much more inclined to join the group for dinners around the warmth of the fire. Which gave Sky prime opportunity to continue her attempts at befriending him. She would always make sure she sat beside him during meals, whether that meant she climbed into Mauriceโ€™s lap, or even Lucaโ€™s, she was always right there. Her attempts and consistency were didnโ€™t go unnoticed by the other apes, and it quickly became the subject of conversation when Koba was not around.ย 
Sky would always offer him small pieces of fruit during meals to butter him up, and the next time she attempted to pick at his fur she made sure she was prepared. She spent the last week practicing on others, just to make sure she was doing it right. At night, while in the nest sheโ€™d quietly and gently pick at Caesar or Corneliaโ€™s fur. Caesar would always make grumbling noises for disturbing his sleep but Sky knew he didnโ€™t really mind. Sheโ€™d always make sure to give him a big kiss on the head when she was done, just to make up for the disruption. In the daytime, sheโ€™d make her rounds on Maurice and baby Blue and sheโ€™d sometimes even try to pick at Rocketโ€™s fur, even though there wasnโ€™t very much to work with.
Whenever sheโ€™d try on Koba again though, his reactions were always the sameโ€”stiffening, growling, and glaringโ€”but he never pushed her away completely, and heโ€™s yet to run away again like the first time.
One evening, weeks later, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Skyโ€ฆonce again reached out to Koba. This time, her touch was more confident, her fingers deftly removing a small twig from his fur that sheโ€™d spotted early on in the meal. Kobaโ€™s growl was softer, almost resigned and he didnโ€™t even flinch, like he was expecting her to reach out and touch him. He glanced at her, his eyes reflecting a hint of curiosity, but it was quickly whisked away with his usual glare and harsh snort. And then he looked away.
Sky smiled, beaming with pride and hope. She continued her gentle grooming, her small hands working with care. Kobaโ€™s posture relaxed slightly, his resistance slowly melting away. He still watched her with caution, but there was a new softness in his gaze.
Over time, Koba grew accustomed to Skyโ€™s presence. Her persistence and innocence chipped away at his hardened exterior. He began to tolerate her touch, even finding a strange comfort in her attempts to groom him. The other apes noticed the change, especially Caesar and his close companions. It brought them a semblance of peace to know Koba is that much closer to healing from his past traumas.
One night not to log after, as the fire crackled and the apes settled in for the evening, Sky sat beside Koba, her small hands busy with the fur on his arm. Koba no longer growled or stiffened; instead, he closed his eyes, a rare moment of peace washing over him. She ever so slowly inched her way into his lap, and his eyes sprung back open in shock. She stared at him with wide eyes, like she wasnโ€™t quite sure how heโ€™d react to the development, but Koba didnโ€™t snap or glare, just quietly began to eat his supper while keeping a watchful eye on her. Sky grinned to herself, ducking her chin so he couldnโ€™t see, and she migrated her gentle grooming from his shoulder to his chest.ย 
Caesar sat beside them, watching them both with a warm smile on his face. He never wouldโ€™ve guessed Sky would be capable of warming Kobaโ€™s heart unlike any of them have ever been able to do before.
**Thanks for entertaining my writing! I appreciate each and everyone of you. I can't wait to dive deep into this fandom. It's been several years since I've written anything, so I'm so glad to be back. If you have anything you want to see, hit me up and we'll see what I can do. I always love a good challenge
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priksie ยท 1 month
Koba X reader
Warnings : none yet.
Words count : 1840
a change in your plan
This is my first fanfiction, I never used any platform to write before. Do not hesitate if you have any advice or words and stuff for me to use as this is also not my first language.
Do not hesitate to correct me if my grammar is bad either ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
After months and months or research for a job you finally managed to get one, but a very particular one. You never thought you would be there in such a horrible place, but you needed the money too much to actually let it pass...soon enough you would be outside without a roof over your head if you hadn't got this one job.
Soon enough you will wonder if having that roof was even worth it , do you really want to sleep in a bed with what you have done or seen during the day? Thinking all night about how much of a horrible person you are for helping those people and helping them with their action?
Will those animals ever forgive you for adding more pain to their life ? Will they take revenge and make you regret? You wouldn't even blame them, you deserved that hate. You didn't deserve their pity and you told yourself that all day long , all night before falling asleep in your sheets full of shame.
It's been 7 months since you started working in the laboratory, it's hell on earth. You could hear animals in pain all day even when nobody was touching them. Their body had been enduring so much that some of them couldn't even just breath without suffering.
The simple fact that you have to walk past them all the time all days was making you nauseous even more...but you couldn't just leave now , you have been there so long.
You started trying to ''help'' them with their pain , giving them more food behind your colleagues back or faking giving them some medicine you weren't sure we're....without pain. Always trying to speak gently, not being aggressive or rough to show them that you weren't a treat for them as much as the other.
You tried to leave , finding other work places but it wasn't a success. you never got any response back for another one.
During those long months of screaming and torture one always got your attention more than the other , he wasn't like them.
More attentive, more intelligent.
He was different, something was different with him. you couldn't explain why exactly something felt off.
Following order , that primate was acting submissive when your colleagues where there. You could feel he was only pretending , he was sneaky to try to get less hurt by the human around him.
The poor creature probably never saw the light of the sun outside , never got close to animals of his kind. You felt bad for him, especially since he was getting a lot of attention in general , like he was their favorite muse to use.
As time passed you learned you couldn't get too close to him , he was vicious. But you wanted to, you wanted him to trust you in general.
Koba was his name and for some reason you always thought that it fits him well. He seemed to always be looking for any human approvals when any were around. He was even saying his name if you asked him how he was called which always made your blood freeze. He isn't stupid. He is far from being just a stupid animal like they think he is.
He knows you were weaker than the other , that you cared more than your colleagues. That you will always look at him with pity and that you were naive. You didn't do much to him, he didn't have any real reason to want you dead. Sure , you were still working with them helping them when you HAD to but you never did anything you weren't obliged to do. You always had some nice gesture towards them, trying to make their life less terrible even if it wasn't much.
He could feel it , he could smell the fear in you when you accidently get too close to his enclosure. Even then...the snack that always filled your pocket always gets to him too, never leaving him without any. You just didn't take as much time as you did with the other.
Koba didn't waste any time to look at you with that horrible stare of sadness when you were the one having to come clean around or if you had to be the one coming to feed them , sometimes you wondered if he was practicing that stare to try to make you feel even more bad for him.
Of Course if you could you would free him, run away and make sure he was safe somewhere else.
Today was no exceptions , you had to go clean and feed koba with a few of the others.
You wouldn't admit it , you feared koba a lot but you also....cared for him more than the other , you always had better biscuit on you just for him in particular.
When you got to his small enclosure that honestly looking like a tornado had been stuck inside , he didn't even look at you at first and only looked at the blanket he had torn apart. The room was a mess and you will definitely need to go grab a new one for him later. Who wouldn't go crazy in such a small space when you needed so much more , koba didn't have anything else to do either way to occupy his time.
Placing your hair behind your ears , you called his name and that's when he looked at you.
Slowly, he walked towards the door where you saw his hand reach for you, like he learned to do when someone was coming towards him , understanding that most of the time he will actually get something especially if it's you that was coming.
With no wait you gave it to him, same for the biscuits and only after that he went against a wall again to eat. He wasn't on his guard as much as the other when you were the one coming , he knew you weren't the real danger here.
Sometimes you wondered if you could walk in and clean , like you could with a few others and a colleague already told you that you could but you didn't trust koba enough for that so you never did.
Until then you always asked someone else to do it for you, but for once....maybe you should do it alone , maybe you could start building some trust with him.
He could hear you breathing , you weren't confident and you didn't seem comfortable either. He wanted you to trust him, he wanted you to be close and not because he needed a Friend to be with him , or at least he didn't trust you Enough to actually think you would ever be a friend for him.
He wanted a way out , koba only saw you as a way to get out of there. He knew you were most likely to take pity on him, he could easily make you vulnerable if he wanted to. Even if you were scared , he noticed that you started to care more and be more attentive to him than before and that you seemed to actually look to get '' closer '' even if you weren't confident enough just yet. The primate had a perfect idea for that , and he waited until you started to walk away in the idea of getting a new blanket for him. Koba took every piece of the destroyed blanket from the ground and made a pile with it , so everything wasn't laying around and you will just have to take it and throw it out.
He was looking at you coming back , with the fresh and new blanket. he picked up the pile of torn laundry from the floor and seemed to be waiting for you to take it.
She came closer to the door and looked at him through the glasses , he cleaned . He cleaned his own mess and was waiting for you almost like he was waiting to see if you would be....proud ? He doesn't know himself why he cared so much to still have any human approval of his actions, he always ended up wounded by their hand.
Should you go inside ? Wondering if you could really trust the ape to not try anything.
No, it probably isn't a great idea to get yourself with him in such a small space.
You sighed , you got your badge to open the door with a shaking hand. You weren't sure if it was smart of you , but he didn't seem to look to cause any harm , he was just trying to give the mess to her so he didn't have it with him anymore.
Her heart beat got faster as she pushed the door open and went slowly inside , her hands reached for the pile of ruined laundry.
The door closed again, she was inside and stuck with him. Once she had the fabric in hand , she handed him the new one and koba took it from her hand. This interaction felt weird for her, he didn't seem aggressive, neither did he look like he would try to escape or anything. Maybe he was just testing you and you were doing the same without realizing it.
It's only when your hand tried to reach his head , that he suddenly stepped back. His teeth are on full display for you to see and he was standing on his two feet but not too long before he retreated , you tried to push your luck too far. He didn't trust you , not that far. All the time human hands were on him wasn't for a good reason. Why would he believe it would be different with you? Even if he wanted to trust someone the fear of the abuse was still there and will probably never go away. Even if you never showed him that you would hurt him , he wouldn't be taking any risk.
please let me go. I do not feel safe so close to you.
You retreated too, you didn't want to die here today , you never thought you were able to escape a cage so fast in your life.
Was koba ever lonely? Did he ever want anyone close to him ? He couldn't possibly be happy to be all alone.
You looked at him through the glass door between the two of you , and he did the same but he looked at you differently. He couldn't talk , he didn't have any other way to show you he absolutely DIDN'T want you to touch him. He didn't do that to hurt your feelings , why would he have thought of that he doesn't think so far. he just wanted you to let him have his small comfort zone and not to approach it when he had the choice on it since he usually doesn't really have a choice.
'' I understand '' you let out , carefully as you showed your hand like you would to any human to show you weren't a danger or that you weren't armed.
Her heart was still beating fast , she wasn't someone who thought he was a weaker creature and she knew well he could have killed her easily if he wanted too and if he didn't learn than hurting human will results in him being even more in pain.
He wasn't to blame , humans in this place were.
You would never admit it , but you care for him much more than he thought and you would do so much for him if you could and not only free him from there....but you will never let anyone know those thoughts of yours. Even if he escaped , could he ever trust humans again? He probably never knew anything else , she doesn't know if he ever had any human being nice to him before.
No one knows that but today was probably the last day he would be in a cage either way. Everyone's life will be changing , and nothing will ever be the same.
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ape-apocalypse ยท 3 months
I was surprised to see this title in the newest episode of Monkey Lifeโ€ฆ
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Poor Koba canโ€™t catch a break in the POTA films or in real life!
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ultraericthered ยท 1 year
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A tale of two "tragic downfall" villains.
Really think about this - the villain is someone who has suffered greatly in his life to the point of being a traumatized, fragile wreck of a person but is a close friend of the story's main protagonist and works alongside them for years until certain events make his hatred, pride, and need for power, control, and the loyalty of others grow and put him on a worse path, on which he betrays the protagonist and leaves them for dead, taking over his friend's group and making all of them follow him now, and when the protagonist returns to face him and get him to relinquish his control of the group, they have a fight to the finish where the villain proves once and for all that he is too far gone to see reason and beyond hope of redemption, so he ends up meeting a terrible, painful demise. Which one did I just describe?
And I don't want to tear either one of them down, since they're both phenomenally written villains who star in their own dark, tragic tales that were both very well executed. ....BUT, I have to go here: I believe there is one thing that one of them got down a lot better than the other one. And it ain't the damn dirty ape.
I am referring to the quality of pathos, which is derived from, for lack of a better word, humanizing the character. Matt Reeves has expressed very clearly that we are intended to feel pathos for Koba, and for his limited screentime in Rise of the Planet of the Apes and in the first act of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, we do. The poor bonobo was terribly abused, tortured, traumatized, and damaged by callous human scientists and has the physical scars to show it. Even after joining with Caesar and being allowed by him to personally kill his abuser, the deep hatred of humans and fear of what might happen to him and other apes should humans find some way of striking back at them remains with Koba for years; the one thing he ever learned from humans was hatred and nothing else, as Caesar puts it. But the deeper into Dawn we go and the worse Koba gets, the issue arises. Caesar and all these apes were family to Koba for a good many years, years lived in peace and relative happiness, with Caesar even likened to a brother to Koba. However, after a heated dispute with Caesar over his willingness to work with humans turns violent, Koba is beaten down and sees none of the other apes are on his side, he turns his thinking around to view any "weak" ape who'd side with or have leniency on humans to be no better than humans, and that he needs to secure the loyalty of the stronger apes (including Caesar's own son) by taking Caesar's life and framing the humans for it. So he goes for it. And keeps going. And going. And going. And in all this time he's being a villain, the whole second half of the movie, there's not a single moment where Koba ever feels conflicted over what he's doing, no visible traces of remorse nor any sign that he's internally pushing back against remorse because second-guessing himself and surrendering to feelings of shame would reflect weakness. After he's shot his "brother" and left him for dead, Koba is stuck playing the one note of being an evil, wrathful, deranged, murderous monster. There is no metaphorical dog he won't kick, no one he won't mow down in order to assert his dominance and satisfy his rage, and no limit to his blatant hypocrisy. And yes, it was the narrative intent to have Koba slide so far down the slippery slope that he becomes this twisted caricature of his former self who must be put down. But at the time he's condemned and dropped to his painful demise by the ape who was once his brother, there should be a tiny twinge of pity and sadness that it had to come to this....but I think most audiences just cheered when it happened, as there was nothing in Koba left to feel any pity towards.
For Simon, being the equilvalent to what Koba was in the second half of the film occurs only in Book Three's final episode, "The New Apex". In the episodes prior to it, throughout the course of Book Three, Simon is one of the main protagonists and has a wide range of facets and emotions to his characterization; we see moments of him and Grace having the sort of camraderie with each other that could only come from years spent together as friends that makes them both a bit easier to like despite their apalling actions, we get funny bits from him that endear him to us, we see him get sad, get frightened, get confused and unsure of the direction Grace is taking things in, hear about his personal interests, learn about his past trauma, see him vulnerable and interally torn up by conflict. When he works together with Tuba in the Color Clock Car, even sharing a laugh with her, figuring out she's colorblind, and learning more about the sad past with her deceased daughter that also shows him how much Hazel means to her, we can tell that all his views about "Nulls" and about the train are being challenged and he's starting to second-guess himself, to think that this "Null" might be so much more than he'd written her off as from the start, which would lead to guilt and shame over all the "Nulls" he'd mistreated and killed in the past...and so naturally, there's the internal pushback from Simon, because he not only cannot admit to being wrong, he cannot let himself be wrong: he has to be right all the time so that all the years on the train and in the Apex can mean and amount to something beneficial to him rather than having all been a sad waste that'd render him a pitiful, insignificant failure. So with all doubts dispelled from his mind and clear from his consicence, he deliberately and cold-bloodedly sends Tuba to her death, and feels proud to have done so. Things only spiral downward into further darkness and madness from there.
Simon finding out that Grace learned the truth about Hazel before he did and withheld it from him as a secret between herself and the "Null" is the tipping point for him. He snaps, turns against Grace and leaves her for dead, and like Koba, now feels there is no one in his life that he can trust to be on his side unless he were to force their loyal devotion to him through fearmongering and shows of dominance. And yet even in "The New Apex", even with Simon at his most irredeemably loathsome and psychotic, the writing allows for some pathos. When Grace saves Simon from falling off the train, he asks her why she did it. Grace responds "I don't know." Looking at Simon's face in the brief silence that follows, we can tell that deep down in his heart of hearts, he was hoping for Grace to give him a different answer. Something like "because I love you" or "because you're my dearest friend", or "becuse I didn't want to lose you", or "to make amends to you for everything" or even "because you're not the one who deserves to die; you were right about me, about everything." But instead, he hears a vague, ambiguous "I don't know", as it was just basic human decency from Grace and nothing deeper than that. And thus goes away whatever was left of Simon's mind and heart, as he kicks Grace off the train to her apparent death in an act that rescinds years of love and friendship built up with her, raises Simon's number higher than even Amelia's, and sends him into a complete mental breakdown as we see a surge of conflicting moods all over him. So then even if his grisly end that follows elicts some cheering from viewers (I certainly wouldn't blame them!), that tiny twinge of pity and sadness that it had to come to this is very much there by the time Simon is dust on the ground that Grace is sobbing over.
Two exceptional villains in two exceptional works, but only with Simon do I get the sense of a victimized and vulnerable not-all-bad person who tragically descended into becoming a mega asshole. With Koba, I just see a mega asshole.
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sudensk-the-stallionist ยท 3 days
Why did Stalin hate fags when he was so obviously gay for Kirov and Bukharin?
After the love of his life Lenin died, Joseph was never able to overcome it. Bukharin's short lived relation with him was turbulent as Bukharin just couldn't shut his mouth about how the NEP was cool. So after this trauma little Koba was never able to open his feelings for Kirov, Kaganovich and Molotov. Oh, how the scars of the past marked poor Joseph's love life! How one must deepen itself into building socialism to avoid these deep wounds!
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hotchocolatefanfics ยท 2 months
I think Kobaโ€™s a cat lover! Hereโ€™s my proof!
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Can someone please get that poor bonobo a cat plushie?! I donโ€™t know what happened to the one he had as a child but he clearly doesnโ€™t have it anymore after Tommy died in Firestorm.
Or even better! What if Koba had found a stray kitten and โ€˜adoptedโ€™ it? Iโ€™m not sure how that would work (being in the forest and bears around and how an ape would care for a cat), I just want to imagine a cat coming up to Koba and snuggling with him when heโ€™s laying down!
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redthreadoffate ยท 11 months
Tag nine people you want to get to know better
Tagged by: @singinprincess thank you!!
Favorite color: pink (I love knowing peopleโ€™s favorite colors)
Currently reading: Yona of the Dawn vol 7, Devilsโ€™ Line vol 5, Megane Collection vol 1, Waiting for Spring vol 1, Vampire Knight vol 1, Koba-Cute vol 1, Black Bird vol 4, and MIGHT start Fushigi Yugi omnibus vol 1
Last song: Hips Donโ€™t Lie by Shakira
Last series: โ€ฆitโ€™s been awhile but currently watching Maging Sino Ka Man (rich girl/poor boy + BarDa? Yeah, Iโ€™m watching ๐Ÿ˜)
Last movie: Night at the Museum 3
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: all three, but in this order sweet/spicy/savory
Currently working on: second part of my anime ships video
Tagging but no pressure: @trumpkinhotboy @daughter-rhaenyra @everythingnerdyxoxo @angel-cap @properlycolorful and anyone else who wants to join (I donโ€™t memorize everyone, I apologize) ๐Ÿ˜Š
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the-monkeies-girl ยท 3 months
who do you think is the most likely to lose control during intimacy?? like something just clicks in their mind and they go feral?? i vote for koba and (surprisingly) noa lol <3
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LISTEN *holding all my headcanons*
LISTN. FUCK LISTEN. Who wants me to elaborate pft im just so annoying
Koba for sure. It would really only happen once you're in the trenches, deeper into the relationship. The moment it breaks from aggressive hatred to toleration, it is over for you and he will pounce at you at any moment, carnal and bitter desire drives him to you. A lot of biting, a lot of tossing you around like a ragdoll. Is the one that probably lacks the most self control ( of course, its your fault for seducing him in the first place. )
Blue Eyes is at the top of my list for breaking down and absolutely going for it. The fact that he's not really aware of the way Human Mating is would drive the poor guy to the bridge of insanity. Especially when he starts to notice things about you that were not clear before you mated for the first time ( Like, your body in general. ) He's quiet and will foster these ideas until he finally feels that pin snap in his mind. It's over for you the moment his canines are sinking into your neck.
I can see it with Noa, but I see it more with Anaya. Especially if he thinks you were teasing him the entire day ( Which face it, you probably were lmaoo ) and he just goes absolutely ballistic on you, mounting you and taking what he feels he deserves ( consensually of course). He will go feral because he truly lacks the self control to stop himself, Anaya's body weight crushes down onto yours as your wheezing out moans for him against the bottom of the nest.
Noa is too self-reserved at times, too self-aware lol. Like, he leaks confidence but he also is very caring and would be too worried about hurting you in the long run that he'd only lose control of the situation once or twice, especially in the longer run of you maybe taking to another Male Ape he sees as a threat. Jealousy is not becoming of him and he will destroy what is his so no one else can have it ( lovingly. )
Caesar has great control, he's pretty self-aware that he can hurt you with just his strength but there are times that he feels that teetering towards the sensation of lack of control, he wants nothing more than to push you down and rail down. Probably keen on biting you in those moments to keep himself in check but when you tease him. God bless you and your daringness to do that because he will snap if you beckon him to.
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fl3shm4id3n ยท 4 months
สœแดœแดแด€ษด แด€แด˜แด‡ (แด˜แด€ส€แด› ษชษช): แด›สœแด‡ สœแดœแดแด€ษด แด€แด˜แด‡
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๊œฑแดษดษข: แด‹แด€ษดสแด‡ แดกแด‡๊œฑแด› - ส€แดœษดแด€แดกแด€ส
TW: human and ape experimenting, illegal? experimenting, talks of torture, blood, brain swapping, bride of Frankenstein/Poor Things references, talks of death and taking risks, abuse, injuries, talks of war, blood, guns, murder, humans being assholes, Koba, Not edited.
A/N: The amount of times I've seen Dawn Of Planet of the Apes just to have every pit of accuracy in my fic series is a lot. XD
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You had ridden on a horse with the ape who had comforted you. It was the first time you've ever seen a horse in person, let alone ride one. With an ape. The ride was quiet, all that could be heard was the horse feet walking on the grass. You still wondered where you were going. Did the apes have their own kind of sanctuary? Did they live in a lab that was only for apes? You couldn't help but just wonder the whole ride. Looking to your side, you saw the ape with blue eyes riding his horse. He was also looking at you, as if he was watching you. Making sure that you weren't going to do something with the older ape. What could you do? Apes were much stronger than you, they'd rip you in half if they wanted. They could've, but they didn't.
After some time, you had finally arrived to the destination. It was interesting to see. The apes had built their own kind of him, using large branches and other kinds of wood that they found. Once the horses were settled in what seemed to be their makeshift stables. The older ape hopped off, then he helped you get off the horse. You still wondered who the ape was. Was he their leader of some kind? Did apes have leaders? You weren't completely sure. You were then led towards the entrance, you couldn't help but look around, seen how they had manage to make all of this. It interested you how they did all that.
Inside, you saw how they were even more apes, they all gathered around. As if they were trying to greet their leader, but it made you a bit nervous. They all had their eyes on you. They must have wondered, why was there a human girl with the leader? You quickly felt out of place. You looked at the ground instead, looking at your now dirt covered feet, trying not to make any more eye contact. You had been lead up a flight of makeshift stairs, up a makeshift tower. You couldn't help but be even more impressed by how they had managed to make a tower of sticks and a tree.
Now you were in what seemed to be a home of some kind, filled with more apes. Except, there was also a huge orangutan and a gorilla. They must have been some sort of council. Out of nowhere, you saw how an ape approached. Except this ape seemed much older, he also had a scar running down the left side of his face. His eye was also a white color. He must have been blind or is going blind from that eye. He had an angry look on his face. "Why is human here?" He growled, angrily. As well as get closer to you. You couldn't help but feel scared. Luckily the ape who had brought you here made sure to be in front of you so that he didn't get anymore close.
'We found her in the woods. She's no threat.' The ape signed who the scarred one. The scarred ape growled and looked at you for a moment. You turned away to avoid his gaze, covering the side of your face to avoid his glare. 'She's still a human.' He signed to the leader. 'Still, I've brought her here. There for, she'll be staying.' He signed back to the scarred up. The scarred ape didn't seem very happy, but didn't argue any further. He just looked at you and snarled. It was obvious that he didn't like you not one bit. Even though you did nothing to him.
The leader then turned to you and the ape with blue eyes, who had been standing right next to you the whole time. 'Take her to your mother' The leader signed to the blue eyed ape. Who nodded at his command, he then tapped you on the shoulder to get your attention. When he got your attention, he motioned for you to follow him, which you did. You walked up more stairs, much higher in the tower. You wondered where you were being taken again by the blue eyed ape. Was it another room of some kind?
After a few more steps, you were in another room. Again, filled with more apes, except. This apes were all females, more of them had small objects covering their faces or had small trinkets in their hair. One of the apes had approached the you both. She greeted the blue eyed ape with a hug. You assumed they must have been related in some way, was she his sister or his mother? 'Father told me to bring her here.' He singed to her. The female ape then looked at you, looking at you up an down. You also couldn't help but look at her. She was beautiful, you also noticed that she was very pregnant, she'll probably pop any day now. She gave you a small smile and approached you. Getting a better look at you. She smiled at you, comfortingly. Almost motherly. Then she turned to the blue eyed ape. 'I'll take it from here, you can go back to your father now.' She signed to him, the ape gave her a nod. Then proceeded to leave, as he left he gave you one final look, before leaving down the steps.
You looked at the ape who had taken a hold of your hand and guided you further inside. 'I'm Cornelia, what's your name?' She signed to you, as she sat you down on the ground, with the rest of the other apes. Who couldn't help but get closer, just to get a look at you. "I H-Thirteen." You told to her, but Cornelia's face turned into one of confusion. 'What kind of name is that?' She asked, all you could do was shrug your shoulders. Then you saw how her face shifted into one of thought. After a bit of silence, she signed again. 'I know, your new name will be Y/n. Do you like Y/n?' She asked you, wanting to get your approval of the new given name. You thought of it, at first. Y/n did sound better than H-Thirteen, you didn't think more of it. You liked the name. 'Yeah, I like Y/n.' You signed to Cornelia. 'Then that'll be your name from now on. Y/n.'
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Back at Caesar's council, everyone was filled with confusion. Why would Caesar bring a human? A human into their home. 'What were you thinking bring her here?' Rocket asked, followed by Luca and Ash. 'Do you have any idea what she could do? What if humans are looking for her? They'll find her here.' He said, as more and more apes continued to ask questions. 'She's not ordinary human, she's more than just a human.' Mauriceย had finally signed something. 'What would you know?' Koba asked the Orangutan, wanting to know what he had to say about a human coming to there home and being a potential danger to all of the apes. 'Because I do.' He simply signed to him, not giving any more information on why.
Everyone was still not convinced, they continued to ask more and more on why Caesar brought a human. But it was quickly shut down by him. 'I made the choice bringing her here. It is already done.' He signed to all of them. Everyone got quiet, they didn't know whether they should protest more or just leave it. But they choose to leave it. But they choose to just leave it, they knew to trust Caesar because they knew their leader would never put them in harms wat. But in this kind of situation, they wouldn't know what to say or do. They just had to trust their leader like they have been doing.
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With Cornelia, she has cleaned the scrapes on your knees and cheeks. Along with other cuts you got when you had fallen in the woods. They also put some kind of past on your wounds so that they could heal. During that, you had learned that the leader of the Apes name was Caesar and was her husband. The ape with the Blue Eyes is her oldest son. That made a lot more sense on how she interacted blue eyes. You learned a bit more about the clan and the other apes. She along with the other women apes were curious about you. Where you were from and how you ended up being found by Caesar. You explained to them where you were from along with everything that had happened prior.
You told them about your sister and how she ended up dying because of the brain had developed some kind of deadly bacteria, killing her. They were all shocked to learn what the humans did to you and you deceased sister. They never though that humans would hurt each other in such a way. They've heard about the things they'd do to apes, but never about what they'd do to another human being. Were some humans just horrible? You explained to them that those humans, you referred to them as 'White Coats', since they'd tend to wear white coats all the time. Soon after, Caesar had come into the room, asking to talk with you. Before you went with him, you said your goodbyes to the apes and Cornelia. Hoping you'd talk with them more later on. You left with Caesar.
He took you somewhere else, somewhere a bit more quiet so that you and him could talk. "Do you have a name?" He asked you. "Yeah. It was H-Thirteen, but now. I am Y/n." You explained to him. He nodded in understanding. "Y/n. Where are you from?" He asked you, in which you answered. "I'm from lab. Huge building." You explained to him. He simply nodded. "Are they more like you?" He asked. "No, they dead now. Failed, experiments." You explained. "But not me and my sister, but. She's dead to." You added. Caesar had a look of sympathy and understanding. He knew what it was liked to loose someone closest to him. "Did humans do that?" He asked, pointing at the small bit of scars on your arms and the tattoo on your wrist.
"Yeah, the White Coats did that. And more." You said, while touched the back of your head. Feeling the scar along your scalp and your buzzed cut hair. "They did this. They switched my brain with my sister's." You explained. This made Caesar grow confused. "Switched brains?" He asked. "Yeah, my sister was ape. Like you. The White Coats took my brain out, then they gave me hers. And they gave her mine." You explained to him. "My new brain became mine, but my sister's new brain didn't want her. So, it killed her." You added. Caesar seemed horrified by what you told him. He never expected humans to go to that extent.
"How did you end up in the woods? Did you runaway?" He asked. "No, I was going to be taken to, different lab. But we stopped for a break. Then I got distracted by the pretty flowers. Then I fell down a hill and into a river. The water took me far, that I got lost. I tried looking for the lab, but I didn't know where to look. Then your son and other apes found me." You finished. That made a lot of sense now. "Are they looking for you?" He asked. "I don't know. They've said, I was needed. I was going to help Humanity." You said. Caesar could only nod. There was a moment a moment of silence, he didn't know whether to ask for questions of just leave it.
"Don't worry, you are safe here." He said, getting a hold of your hand and giving it a comforting squeeze. "You won't take me back to the White Coats... will you?" You asked, now getting worried that he'd somehow take you back to the lab. Caesar shook his head. "You don't have to go anywhere, unless you want to." He said. "I don't want to go back. They hurt me. A lot. They already took my sister, I don't want them to take more." You explained to him. He seemed to understand. "You don't have to go anywhere. You can stay here, where you'll be safe with us." He stated. His words sounded real, you felt as if you could trust him.
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For the next couple hour you were around other apes, getting to know their names and who they were in the clan. You met Maurice, the Orangutan you saw in the small council. He was very welcoming towards you just like Cornelia. He was a very loyal council member of Caesar's. He was also a teacher who taught the younger apes how to speak and sign, as well as write. Maurice thought that maybe you could help him teach the younger apes and maybe get to know you a bit. Since you're the every first you human they've ever seen and met in person.
Besides that, you've learned that Caesar had put Blue Eyes in charge of you. Not flat out take care of you like a child, but just look out for you and teach you a thing or two about how the clan works. You noticed how Blue Eyes didn't seem too pleased by the task, but he had to listen to his father. Because he was his son and also the leader. You interactions were a bit awkward, since Blue Eyes had never been around a human. He didn't know how to treat you. Again, he's never been around a human, this close.
It had already gone dark, the apes had gathered around the fire pit to eat. You sat there, in silence, eating almost slowly and a bit scared. You felt all eyes on you, watching you eat the food given to you. It made you feel a bit anxious. Then you felt someone's presence next to you, when you turned to see who it was. You saw that it was Maurice. 'Don't worry, they're still not used to having a human around.' He singed. 'I know, I'm just... a bit. Anxious.' You signed back. You choose to sign instead of speaking. Your hands were a bit shaky due to how anxious you were.
'It'll be fine. They'll get used to you' He signed. You felt a bit more relaxed by his words. Looking over, you noticed the scarred ape looking at you. Almost snarling with hatred by your presence. You knew him by the name of Koba. 'What happened to him?' you asked Maurice. 'He too was hurt by humans.' He signed in response. 'By White Coats?' You asked him again, in which he nodded. 'He despises humans because of that.' He added.
Now you understood why he'd snarl and glares at you. Honestly, you couldn't blame him. You too would despise them, for what they did to you. That made you think of your sister. Would she have felt the same if she was alive? 'I just hope he doesn't hate me.' You signed. 'Who knows, maybe in as the time passes. He might like you.' Maurice signed, trying to lighten up the mood a bit. 'I hope.' You signed back to him.
Later that night after dinner, you taken to a nest by Blue Eyes. 'You'll be sleeping here.' He signed towards you. 'Thank you' you signed to him, while looking at him. 'You're very kind.' You added. That made Blue Eyes look away, a bit shy by your comment. 'If you need anything, just. Go get me, I'll be over there.' He signed as he pointed at another nest that was a few feet away. Once you nodded, he left to his nest to lay down. You laid down in the nest, trying to get comfortable. It was pretty big and comfortable, much better than that springy old bed you were used to sleeping. As you laid in the nest, you stared up at the sky. Which was filled with stars. Wondering what life would end up being like with the Apes. How long would you be with them. You just hoped that you could be in a place were it felt like home.
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The next morning, you were with Maurice, helping him teach the younger apes. After you were introduced to them, the teaching began. You showed them how to pronounce some letters and even how to write. The whole time, they paid more attention on how you looked then what you were trying to teach them. They lightly tug at your hospital gown and even touch your buzzcut hair. You didn't mind, since they were young and were very curious about everything around them. You've also showed them numbers, due to them staring and pointing at your tattooed wrist. So, you thought them how to count and write numbers on the dirt.
After the lesson, the younger apes left to go on about their day. That was a nice experience you had with them. 'They pay more attention to you, then they do me.' Maurice signed. 'They were more curious in how I looked then the lesson.' You signed back to him. 'True, but they still listened to you.' He signed. That was true, they'd be times when Maurice had a heard time getting the children to get him to listen, since they'd get easily distracted. Except this time, they actually listened to the lesson. 'That's a good thing.' He signed. 'You think so?' You asked him, in which he nodded. 'You're like a human ape. You may not look like us, but you think like us.' He explained. That was good. At least you thought it was good thing.
When you were done with Maurice. You decided to go explore the village a bit, just to get familiar with the place. As you walked, you couldn't help but notice some children following you. You didn't think much of it at first, until you felt one tug at your gown. Looking over to see who it was, you noticed how the young ape backed away. While laughing with some other young ape. Then you turned back and went on about your walk, until you felt another tug at your gown, again. You turned to see who it was, it was the same situation. The young apes laughed at your confusion. You couldn't help but chuckle, then went back to your walk.
You heard someone approaching you. It must have been the same ape who had tugged at your gown. Before they could get a hold of your gown again. You quickly turned around and let out a small playful shout at them. They let out a small scream, but proceeded to laugh. Also making you laugh a bit. Then you heard someone approach behind you. When you saw who it was, it was Blue Eyes. You signed him a small 'hello'. 'Come' He signed, you turned and waved the kids. Then followed Blue Eyes.
The walk was silent and a bit awkward. You didn't know whether you should start a conversation or say something. You just remained quiet as you walked beside Blue Eyes. You ended up going to a river with a waterfall. You couldn't help but be captivated by the sounds and scenery of the water fall. You've never seen a water fall in person before. Then you felt Blue Eyes poking you with something. Looking over, you saw that he had human clothes with him. 'Father, told me to give this to you.' He signed, you took the clothes from him. 'Thank you.' You signed to him. 'I'll give you some privacy.' He signed, then walked away into the woods again. Once you no longer saw him, you began to change.
You took off your dirty hospital gown, but before you changed into the new pair of clothes. You decided to clean yourself off a bit. Stepping into the river, you used the water to scrub at your arms, legs, stomach and just all over. Even if you didn't have soap, the water was more than enough. Once you finished, you used the hospital gown to dab yourself clean. Finally clean, you began to change into the new clothes. It was a red-brownish long sleeve shirt, that was a bit too big for you and a pair of dark jeans. This was much better than wearing that dirty hospital gown. When you were done, you picked up the hospital gown and went back to look for Blue Eyes.
When you spotted him, you saw him talking to another ape. It was girl ape. A very pretty one. You stayed behind so that you didn't interrupt them in there conversation. After a few minutes, the ape left Blue Eyes, then he turned to you. 'Sorry for taking long.' You signed to him. 'It's fine, I was talking with Lake.' He signed back. That must have been her name. You assumed. 'She's a friend of yours?' you asked. In which he seemed a bit embarrassed to admit, due to the way he looked away from you. 'I want to be more than friends.' He signed. 'More? As an, husband and wife like your father and mother?' You asked. While he nodded his head, you nodded also, in understanding.
'You should go for it. She seems interested in you.' You signed. 'You think so?' He asked, while you nodded in response. During that small conversation, you couldn't help but feel some kind of overwhelming feeling in your chest and you felt how your heart slightly sped up. You whined, slightly rubbing your chest in discomfort, to try and soothe that strange feeling off your chest. 'Are you alright?' Blue Eyes asked. 'Yeah, I'm okay.' You signed back. 'We should probably head back.' You signed to him, which he nodded. Then proceeded to walk back to the village. You followed right after him. Why did you all of a sudden feel that way? You had no idea, but you hoped that it was only a one time thing.
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bending-sickle ยท 4 months
time was iโ€™d be watching kong: skull island (2017) for tom hiddleston in the tightest blue shirt i have ever seenโ€ฆbut no, itโ€™s because toby kebbell did the motion capture for kong and he played koba, the most โ€œpoor little meow meowโ€ character in the planet of the apes trilogy (rise, dawn, and war), and my brain has been overtaken by The Worms again
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another-dra-anew ยท 1 year
lying on the floor. im so normal about him im so normal about him im so-
- My identity hc for them
tbh! i go back and forth on whether i view him as gay or bi. so. hm. uhh canonically likes guys, and i donโ€™t really have any consistent thoughts past that! + canonically a trans guy. my boy fits the โ€œcanโ€™t go out without wearing 4+ layersโ€ stereotypeโ€ฆ rip.
ย  - Thoughts on their home life/family
hmm. whatโ€™s something we wonโ€™t cover in canon- OH. so, he has two older sisters, andย ย his maternal grandparents had three kids- two girls, and a boy, with the boy being the oldest (koba mom (yuriko) is their youngest child). so koba and his siblings are a mirror reflection of their mom and her siblings. also, her mom has a very dear friend sheโ€™s been close with for forever, and is also close with his wife now. koba considers their children to be his cousins- this is why he has some french knowledge, they live in france! has one cousin who he especially likes, a lass a few years older than him.
- How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
i feeeelโ€ฆ like he can feel a bit one note/flat? but.. i think completing his ftes will show a sort of depth to him that comes through in the main game, if you know itโ€™s there. (also some of his feeling flat does come from me boyfailing in the past when it comes to writing. so.)
- The one thing iโ€™d want to make canon about them
hm. less so something i want to make canon, moresoโ€ฆ something i hope people pick up on? my boy is constantly trying so hard to protect his peace. the only reason he comes across as okay as he does is because maeda only sees him at breakfast and dinner, and maeda is kinda a dunce, so he hasnโ€™t noticed that kobashikawa is connnstantly self soothing. again. maeda is our protag and oh how that limits things. but- OH. holiday event, the start of harus arc. the way he tries to console himself, but then just distracts himself until things go away? yeaaah.
- My number one favorite ship for them
โ€ฆ.so. you see iย shouldย say otohiko. i should. theyโ€™re iconic theyโ€™re the moment i do genuinely really love them. but iโ€™ve had such bad kobamae brainrotโ€ฆ
- โ€ฆNow everyone else i ship with them
kisaragi! cuz kobas huge on building planes, and kisa is a inventor. i think theyโ€™d have fun working together!! parallel play :]. also koba has a fwend he knew for like.. a year? in elementary school. who also attends hopes peak! that year of school was Really Rough on koba, so he kinda. just isnโ€™t as eager to reconnect? bc of poor associations. but fwend isโ€ฆ maybe he doesnโ€™t quite understand, but heโ€™s trying! and he has a very good heart. so i donโ€™t really ship them but sometimes i see stuff that makes me go โ€œohโ€ฆ itโ€™s themย ๐Ÿฅบโ€ so. ya know!!
- The thing i will NEVER ship
no โ€œenemies to loversโ€ with him and higa donโ€™t even try to slide that shit by. thatโ€™s a bigot x the person he hate crimed. (i do think while koba wouldnโ€™t ever be *friends* with higa, they could be acquaintances. he wants an apology he 100% wants an apology heโ€™s not going to stop giving higa hell (in non despair) until he gets an apology. but yeah i just. i donโ€™t think theyโ€™re compatible i donโ€™t think theyโ€™d mesh well and i just. why would u do koba like that ?
- a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
not to say iranami again. but they were besties in the first iterations of beta so itโ€™s a fun little throwback for me!! i also think abt him and tsu in non despair a lot. i think they kindaโ€ฆ tend to run in different circles a lot? but they occasionally seek out each other specifically. cuz theyโ€™re friends!! they just donโ€™t really have the same friend group. overall i think koba is p popular/well liked! so likeโ€ฆ should chat more abt him and everyone
- thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
mmm.. iโ€™m actually redesigning his fit rn but i think his general color palette is a vibe!! itโ€™s been consistent since betas inception and has stayed the same. i kinda tend to give up on his fit cuz it never works with me,, but surely this time it will all work out for meโ€ฆ yesโ€ฆ..
- A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
uhhhhh. like or like like - miniature tigers. specifically the chorus/โ€œdo you like or like like me? juuuuust sayyyy youu doโ€ฆโ€ gives me him vibes. i think he tends to make people goย ๐Ÿ‘€ย at him so if he was ever uncertain if someone liked him back he wouldnโ€™t really be able to deal with it well? like or like like works because the phrase is a more light hearted/less serious way of seeing if someone feels the same, but itโ€™s also likeโ€ฆ again that line is accurate to what koba would want- for that person to just say they like him (tho, while thatโ€™s what heโ€™d want to ask of them, if they actually just said yes bc he asked. heโ€™d be v upset)
the king - conan gray, is similarly kobashikawa trying to Cope if the one time he wants someone, it doesnโ€™t come easy to him. this song is one i have down for both him and otori lol. the only exception - paramore, is alsoย veryย much so a them song. theres probably other songs i associate with him that iโ€™m forgetting about but heโ€™s being spoiled rn compared to the other kids. so.
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