#And no I'm not going to respond directly to such anons. You get a block and Maybe a separate post like this
It's so funny being told to kill myself by an anon. Honey you're scared of me And I've been on the Internet since the forum days. Your shitty low effort CAPS LOCK hate means nothing to me. Do better
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chloeangelic · 9 months
I’ve spent the past week getting slandered in this community with not a shred of evidence, proof, or receipts of me being a mean girl, “Wish Regina George”, a bully, an asshole, someone who spends more time answering anons than I do writing, or any of the other things I’ve seen people say about me out of absolutely fucking nowhere, seemingly because people have grievances towards Gracie that I know nothing about. I appreciate everyone who has checked in on me and asked how I’m doing. 
ETA: I have spoken to one of the people who posted statements and anons about me and we have squashed the beef. The statements made about me have been debunked and they have deleted their posts. Please leave me and my friends alone - I've gotten harassed directly and indirectly by anons and posts for two months and I'm tired. I'm not gonna prostrate myself and try to convince the internet that I'm a good person when I know I've done my best to always be kind and respectful in this community. My words will inevitably be twisted and I feel paralyzed. The damage to my reputation has already been done.
This is the only time I’ll address this, and my anons will not be turned back on because this is literally slander and a waste of everyone’s time. I’ve seen multiple vague posts about me as well and I’ve chosen to ignore it all, but it gets to a point where it feels like bullying and I’m done with it. When someone goes on tumblr live to rehash the same shallow shit talking post about me (i.e. talking shit about people they’re accusing of talking shit), that’s when I feel like my limit has been crossed, and since that same live devolved into an advertisement for the host’s own writing… This no longer reads like vigilante justice. 
Let me get one thing straight: I am here to write about dick, cock and that old man. I am extremely grateful for the friends I’ve made along the way, and I am beyond appreciative for my readers who support me and who like what I come up with. I am 27 years old, I have a fulltime job, and this is one of my hobbies. If you think I’m going to spend my time in a fandom spamming group chats and being catty, I literally don’t know what to tell you. The few uncomfortable situations I’ve had on here have been addressed and squashed very quickly, whether that’s misunderstandings, accusations or anything else. In a creative space, you are bound to butt heads with people occasionally, or have people who dislike you, and that is fine. I know I have an aloof persona on here, I don’t expect everyone to like me. 
I didn’t block anyone up until two days ago when this tumblr live host posted three anon asks in a row about me, and I decided to block the people who seemingly agreed with anons insisting I’m a mean girl, asshole etc. cause why the fuck wouldn’t I? Wouldn’t anyone? I don’t understand why on earth they’re so mad about me blocking them if they dislike me so much already. My shit is still on ao3 if they want to read it. 
I don’t know what my mutuals do in their own DM’s, or group chats they’re in that I don’t participate in, because I stay in my lane and I spend my time writing. Of course I don’t condone bad behavior but how am I supposed to know what happens in GCs and servers I’m literally not in? Or conversations in servers where I’m not active? I have not witnessed any of my mutuals talking shit in any GCs, period. That’s all I can say. Additionally, this whole big/elite writers discord people were talking about a while ago - if that exists, I wasn’t even invited lmfao how’s that for being a big writer? 
One anon said I was an asshole when they tried to have a conversation with me months back, and I assume this was my Rendezvous anon who I was snarky to cause they were snarky to me. I make it very clear that I have limited patience for anons, and when people in my comments respond back to them, they are responding to a statement that is separate from the person who sent it. 
I am not entertaining this insanity any further than this. I will continue to post my old man porn and interact with my mutuals and reblog gif sets of that same old man cause that’s what I’m on here for. If you don’t like me, you are well within your rights, I assume you have your reasons, and that is ultimately none of my business. Everyone has the right to curate their own experience on a website like this. 
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dreamchasernina · 3 months
"I don't want to engage in ship wars"
"I can't defend my ship without being ATTACKED"
I wonder why you keep getting grief🤔
I'm sorry I don't want to be rude, but what the hell did you think would happen? You're clearly responding to criticism of your ship, and there's nothing wrong with that. But everyone else also has the right to a) respond to your arguments and b) call your points stupid. You're literally engaging with the ship war by arguing against criticism of your ship. You have to be able to see that
How is me responding to criticism of my ship - engaging in ship wars? I don’t mention another ship anywhere in my post. ANYWHERE. So like…anytime I talk about Kataang where I disagree with a popular opinion against my ship, it means I’m engaging in ship wars? Am I like…not allowed to address the common hate? After seeing 10 posts saying “Aang is an abuser” am I not allow to post to my own blog and say “actually, I don’t think Aang’s an abuser” and then not expect to be attacked for it?
I go into Kataang tag and see 10 anti Kataang posts a day. So if I want to share 2 pro Kataangs a day, without hating anyone else, that means I’m engaging in ship wars? I’m not addressing anyone in particular, just addressing the main points brought up against Kataang.
Seriously, genuinely, anon. Put another ask in my inbox and tell me where am I engaging in ship wars when ALL IM DOING is talking about MY SHIP and not even mentioning another ship, not in the posts and not in the tags. Those posts are meant for the people who are actively seeking content on that particular ship.
You’re saying the fact that I defend my ship against terrible takes without involving anyone directly, means I should expect to get hate? Does that sound okay to you?
If I see points defending another ship, I would NEVER go into their post to say, hey, actually that’s dumb. Why on earth would anyone do that? And you’re defending it for what??
Why am I, as an active atla fan and shipper, not allowed to share my thoughts on my ship without getting attacked?? Like seriously. Answer that question. All of my posts are positive. Nothing negative.
And I agree, anyone has a right to respond and disagree, but that’s not what’s happening. 2 of ZK shippers attacked, literally attacked my points, made fun of them, called me a “pest” and automatically blocked me without giving me a chance to respond. If you’re gonna block me, why respond in the first place? And I’m the bad guy in all of this? Because I dared to talk about my ship?
Like I truly don’t know how you guys don’t see how delusional you sound! I’m not the one going into ZK shippers blogs, looking for a post I disagree with and then shame them for having those opinions. I beg you to look inside your shippers behavior for once and ask yourselves, why are ZK shippers being labeled the worst part of ATLA fandom. By everyone. Maybe because of behavior like this?
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youhavelessproof · 2 months
Not a batcest shipper but your brudick propaganda helped me understand the context behind how these characters were written and how real life affected their characterizations. I don't think I can ever become a batcest shipper, I find the idea of Bruce and dick being brothers who's relationship is constantly evolving but always having that foundation of trust and deep understanding far too interesting, but I do understand why some ppl are. I find it interesting how fandom tries so hard sanitise and arrange relationships and dynamics into neat little easily digestible boxes and in the process of doing so we sometimes strip the most interesting parts of these characters
Ppl are taking these polls a tad bit too seriously and I feel like ppl just need to learn how to block, move on and not actively try to consume things that make them so upset. So 👍🏿
I totally respect not being a batcest shipper. everyone has their likes and dislikes. I really appreciate you listening to what I had to say though. even without shipping Brudick, I think it's important to understand the history behind it. if only to deeper your understanding of their bond (platonic or not) and just Batman comics in general.
it's not even just fandom that's trying to box the relationships into easy to understand categories. DC has really been pushing the Batfamily into those categories too. that's why, even if you hate batcest (not talking about you specifically) you should also be upset about the current state of found family in DC.
complex relationships like Bruce and Dick, (like you said they had a very interesting brotherly relationship,) that's being reduced to Bruce being Dick's dad and that's all. even if you always read them with parental undertones, which you definitely could, that was never all they were.
though fandom has been taking that and running with it and it makes it hard to have nuanced conversations about character dynamics. I mentioned Dick and Jason in one of my responses and like. part of their fun was that they were sorta brothers but they were also just two guys that had a mutual connection to a very important person in their lives. but now they're just brothers. that's all. Dick isn't allowed to have complex feelings about Jason, that's just his baby brother. that's all.
I love mama bird Dick, don't get me wrong, but he's not a character to just sit there and have no complex feelings about people. sometimes it feels like Dick is made of conflicted feelings.
wow this got out of hand. basically I am agreeing with you very hard. comic book characters are messy, let them be that way. they can still love each other and not be this perfect father/son dynamic. Dick doesn't need to call Dick dad for there to be a mutual understanding that Bruce did help raise him.
also ngl I do have to remind myself to not respond to everything. I'm trying to be good about only responding to stuff that's directly responding to something I said (aka reblogs) or when I'm addressed directly. it can be hard when I see people misinterpreting my words, but that's bound to happen and I need to let it go. (though I keep noticing that there are anons talking about "these people" or "Brudick shippers" or "that propaganda post" on the poll blog and it is a little entertaining to be referred to as a boogeyman figure. like you can just call me YouHaveLessProof or Moon. promise I won't appear in your room if you do.)
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torra-and-the-toons · 5 months
I want to start off by saying thank you to all y'all who left nice messages and checked in on me lately, it means a lot that so many people care, and even if I didn't respond directly to you, I saw you and I appreciate you.
I've been in a rough spot mentally for a long time now, even before that kerfuffle, but it was this one little thing that just sent me spiraling downward. I over-reacted, when I really should have just ignored it and moved on, but with so much going on in my life, I just snapped.
I don't want to leave entirely, though. I still love to draw and share what I've done with people, it's been one of the few things the past few years that's brought me joy. And I definitely don't want to give up on the massive projects that I've worked so hard on.
I won't be as interactive. I've erased all pending requests and from now on, I'm sticking strictly to what I want to draw. Sorry to those whose requests I didn't get to. I've turned anon off and the likelihood of me answering headcanon-related questions is low.
All I ask is that if you see something you disagree with in my art or in something I say, please just ignore it. It's better for both of us if you do. Unfollow me, Block me, do whatever you need to create a safe space for yourself, I won't hold that against you. I'm really not out here with the intent to hurt anyone.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Had if mc had really bad back pain (I have really bad back pains due to my spine being weird how would the brothers and dateables deal with that?
Hi there, anon!
Okay, I did a general back pain situation, I'm sure that manifests differently for different people, but hopefully they make sense! I also did just the brothers, since I no longer do all the characters in a single post anymore. Hopefully that's okay!
Thanks for the request!
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the brothers react to GN!MC who has back pain
Warnings: none!
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Depending on how well you hide the pain, he might not notice right away, but he definitely does when you no longer have the ability to keep it under wraps. Perhaps you wince when you move a certain way or stretch out your back regularly. He sees this and knows that something's going on.
He confronts you about it almost immediately. Did you think he wouldn't notice your pain, MC? Tell him what you need to make it better. He's quick to provide anything that you say you need to help you deal with it.
Lucifer gets protective of you. If he thinks you're going to do something that might exacerbate the issue, he will gently redirect you with a hand on your shoulder. He will also just block people from touching you if he sees they're going for a part of you that he knows will hurt.
If you're in a relationship with him, he'll massage the pain out of your back himself. Takes the time to learn how to do it best to promote healing and prevent further damage for you. He acts like it's no big deal, but he looks forward to doing that for you.
He doesn't realize that you're having trouble until you hug him for the first time. When he hugs you back, you shift uncomfortably and he can tell that something about the way he had his arms around you caused you pain. Of course he panics. Are ya all right, MC?! Please reassure him, he's really stressed out about it.
Once he understands that you have back pain, he's really careful about how he holds you. He will ask you directly if you're okay because he never wants to cause you extra pain. He also gets protective, threatening to fight off anyone who looks like they might try to touch you at all.
He's always offering to give you rides to places in his Demonio. He's realized how sometimes just walking too much can cause your pain to flare up. He suggests taking his car far more often than he might normally, even if you're not going very far.
Mammon will also make sure that you're never carrying anything. He will absolutely get one of his younger brothers to carry your books, for instance, but if nobody else is around, he'll do it himself. You can't be expected to haul heavy things with a bad back.
It comes to his attention when you have trouble sitting and playing video games for too long. You might stand up randomly, pace around his room, stretch out your back, or even lie down on the floor in weird positions. He's going to ask you what you're doing and while you might respond casually about your pain, he's going to freak out about it a little bit.
Why didn't you tell him your back hurts?! Levi is already on Akuzon, searching up ergonomic cushions and special pain relieving chairs. There are plenty of options, MC! Help him pick something out! Don't bother protesting because he's going to buy you a fancy chair to sit on while you're in his room whether you want one or not.
Kinda thinks you probably shouldn't sleep in his bathtub. He really would love to have you cuddle up with him in there, but he's worried about your back. He'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're comfortable if you reassure him that it's okay. If it really is a bad idea for you, he'll just go sleep in your bed with you.
He will take you to do water physical therapy. Not in any official capacity or anything, he just thinks it will help if you can move around with minimal pain. Takes you to a pool or a pond and walks around in it with you.
He realizes pretty much instantly that you've got back problems. He can tell by the way you stand. He probably knows far too much about human anatomy than a demon should, so you know he's going to talk to you about your spinal structure. Might even pull out some diagrams and ask you to indicate where the worst pain is.
Although he wants to give you a bunch of books about healing methods, he will not make you carry them. Brings them to your room and sets them down on the table for you. Peruse them at your leisure, MC, but he thinks you'll find something useful there.
Satan will definitely fly into a rage if someone bumps you or otherwise causes you additional pain. You might have to talk him down because if you don't, any demon that carelessly does this probably won't see the next day. He'll listen to you, though, if you tell him to relax, that you're okay. Really get him to back off by asking him to massage your back instead.
Okay so this might sound a little odd, but have you considered letting a cat walk across your back? Because he's pretty convinced that their little paws will be the healing cure your bad back needs. You'll likely have to talk him out of this idea, too.
He also notices right away. If you so much as wince, he's asking you questions. He wants to know if you're okay. When you tell him you have back pain, he is on it. He has a million suggestions. Healing spa treatments, special lotions, taking twenty baths with herbal supplements to alleviate the pain. He's got it all.
He likes to support you physically. He'll take your arm if he thinks you're having a hard time walking due to the pain. He will also clear people out of the way so you don't have to twist in awkward positions to get by. He'll make a big fuss just to be sure nothing happens to you. Glares down anyone who gives him a hard time about it.
Listen, MC, you have to soak in his bathtub. He has the perfect bath salts for this kind of thing. The warm water and the healing remedies will have your back pain gone in minutes! If he feels like you've been having a rough day or if it's clear that your back pain is really bad for some reason, he will absolutely insist that you take a bath. He'll join you if you want, but if not, he's happy to just sit beside you and chat.
Asmo will also employ cuddle therapy. If you're in a relationship, he'll make a point of kissing gently down your spine, especially lingering on spots he knows are tender. Pays extra special attention to every part of you that deals with pain in an effort to ease it for it you. If nothing else, his touch relaxes you.
Probably doesn't realize you're dealing with back pain at first. He'll figure it out at some point, especially if you refuse to do anything too physical that might strain it more than normal. At that point on, he takes it upon himself to make sure that you never have to carry anything ever again. If he thinks you're about to pick up something that's too heavy for you, he will swoop in and take it from your hands.
He wants to carry you everywhere. You don't need to walk anywhere, MC. He's more than strong enough to carry you. Let him take you to RAD and back. Let him transport you anywhere you need to go. There's no reason for you to do anything that will cause you to experience more pain.
Another one who might try to get you to do some kind of exercise therapy. Beel just thinks if you move or stretch, it might help. If you decline, he'll accept your answer. But if you accept, he'll walk you through some soft slow stretches. Might have you take up something like tai chi.
Any time you look like you're in pain, he will ask you what he can do to help. You might try to keep it to yourself or act like it's no big deal, but he's going to insist. Please give him some way to help you. He just really hates seeing you hurting.
It also takes him a minute to notice that there's something up with you, but when he does, he asks you about it directly. Do you have some kind of injury pain, MC? You're always wincing or stretching. He wants to know exactly what's going with you, so you had better tell him exactly what the issue is.
Obviously the best way to deal with pain is to get plenty of rest. And since you've got back pain, you should do that on a bed with plenty of pillows to prop you up. He wants you to nap with him all the time, but he won't ever get you to squeeze yourself into a tight place to do so. Not if it's going to cause you pain.
Uses Levi's Akuzon account to buy you ergonomic pillows. There are some you can put between your knees while you sleep that are supposed to help with this. He wants to know if you've tried any of these things and if you haven't, you will be soon. He's going to test them out with you because he wants to make sure you only have the best.
Belphie just wants you to be able to rest without being in pain. If sleeping sometimes causes you pain when you wake up, he'll do everything he can to help alleviate that. If just letting him hold you somehow makes a difference, he'll happily do it every single night.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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getvalentined · 2 months
Hey, so, I'm gonna be public and overt about this for the first time because apparently there is some bullshit going on related back to this, and I'm tired of walking on eggshells.
First: whoever the fuck is throwing anon hate at BBSC/birdblacksocialclub's friendgroup, STOP IT.
You are impacting my friends and my emotional wellbeing by stirring up shit that you don't know in full. If you genuinely care about any of the people involved here more than you care about getting a chance to bite back, you will not do this again. Period. Full fucking stop.
Now, to break down the situation. There is years-old beef between BBSC and I as a result of a friend of mine reporting her to the FF Charity Auction event over on Twitter for tracing way back in 2022. The organizers of the event apparently spoke to her, she promised not to trace for the event, and they opted not to do anything about it. This was within their right, as the organizers of the event, but I was quite sad about it over on my own account because it was part of a greater trend within fandom spaces of excusing popular creators for bad behavior, no matter how much of a pattern that behavior formed.
A different friend of mine commented on BBSC's listing on the event's Twitter saying, as far as I remember, "lol I'm not paying $$$ for traced art," which led to a huge blowup. To my understanding, BBSC stepped away from the event of her own free will, the organizers made a statement, and that was the end of it on that avenue.
One of BBSC's friends came into my thread lamenting this greater issue (it was not only about BBSC! I mentioned things in that thread that she had never done! It wasn't about her, it was about the trend!) to leave a bunch of vitriol, said he was being intentionally cruel, kind of implied that he hoped I would kill myself, and then ended his tirade with "you are loved" as if that would make up for the rest of it. He then blocked me so I couldn't actually see this response, which was a strange choice. I only found out about it because one of my best friends saw it and asked if I was going to respond.
I did not engage directly at any point.
When I went public a couple months later with my partner having abused me for the prior year, another of BBSC's friends commented on a reblog-with-commentary of my thread asserting that I had abused "her friend" by lying to get her kicked off of zines.
Fact check:
I did not report BBSC. I will admit that I'm the one who caught her tracing and thus had the evidence and talking points that I passed along to said friend, who used a throwaway to report it. We went back and forth on what they should say to the event organizers, I got screenshots of the responses, but it wasn't me delivering any of it.
Even if it had been me, the tracing that was reported was not a lie, and there are overlays under the cut to prove it. Reporting someone for unethical behavior in an art space when they are being put up on a pedestal within said art space is not abuse.
The project was not a zine, it was a charity art auction.
As far as I'm aware, she was not kicked off the project, she stepped down of her own accord. I believe this was stated by the event organizers—if they did remove her for tracing after all and then lied about it to save face, that's super fucked up and I'm sorry that happened.
I'm not giving the name of this person because she wasn't directly involved in anything, and didn't know the full story. Nobody really does, so it's not her fault that she believed her friend.
I genuinely, sincerely hope that BBSC is having a great time with her friends. I hope that she has stopped tracing. I hope her fandom experience is the best it can possibly be. I wish that she would talk to me so we could reach some kind of conclusion on this whole thing, but she doesn't have to and it's not like I'm going to block-evade to see what's going on with her. I see her drift across my dash sometimes, because tumblr's block function is garbage, but I've done my best to keep her name off my fandom experience.
I'd like to keep it that way, but I won't have other people getting wrapped up in this when nobody knows the extent of what happened.
I am turning off notifications on this post and will not be replying to anyone in any capacity related to this. BBSC and I have each other mutually blocked, and that should have been enough. It wasn't.
Overlays and screenshots under the cut, because the entire issue here is that I apparently lied about BBSC tracing, and that's why she hates me, but I didn't lie and she did trace, so this is fucking ridiculous.
I want to reiterate that this was two and a half fucking years ago. January 2022. I literally would not care if it didn't keep getting dredged up and fucking things up for people I care about. I'm tired of being called an abusive liar, and I will not abide by people who don't know what happened getting treated like shit because they had the AUDACITY to TRUST THEIR GODDAMN FRIEND.
Now everyone knows what happened. I don't care if this doesn't hit any goalposts for you, I don't care if you love your friend enough that this doesn't matter. I am glad that BBSC has people that are ride or die for her, she seems like she can be a really good friend. She's very creative. Her work is not bad, even when she's not tracing.
But now everyone, finally, is fully informed, so we're done. This is over. The end. Leave everyone the fuck alone.
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My sad thread and MG Glass' response:
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That one comment calling me abusive:
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hbmmaster · 2 years
You can't just block or ignore everything that you don't like, Halley. You can't just pretend that problems don't exist. You can't just pretend that you know everything. Halley, you need to be willing to be wrong. You need to be willing to listen. You need to be willing to change.
one fun thing about anon hate on tumblr is how it gives the recipient a free opportunity to have the "last word". the general convention is that when you reblog a post that features a back-and-forth argument without adding a comment of your own, you're saying you agree with whoever made the last addition to the post. (the classic "does this person I follow think this is a good post or a bad post?" phenomenon)
but of course, if you're anonymous, you have no way of directly responding to what the person you're trying to provoke says to you. if you manage to say something that your target genuinely can't refute, if you manage to Completely Own Them, they can just decide not to post your ask, so as far as anyone on tumblr is aware, you're the one who had nothing to say.
so, the dynamic is stacked entirely in the recipient's favor. I can either ignore anon hate, leaving the anon unsure if their mean words really did anything, or I can respond to it, get a post that's formatted like I'm winning the argument regardless of what I actually say, and have it be immediately shown to people who statistically are definitely going to take my side regardless of what the anon is actually saying.
I just thought that was interesting
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sandinthemachine · 2 years
can i pls get a #6 and #13 under fluff with a little #10 under smut for ghost 👀👀
Ok I'm actually really proud of this one. Hope you enjoy, anon!
Words: 2584
Warnings: Angst, fluff, mild smut (thigh riding)
It had been a hell of a month. What was supposed to be a week-long reconnaissance assignment had turned into a wild goose chase of body doubles and, if you were being honest, actual bodies. On top of it all, now that you were back you couldn’t sleep to save your life. Too busy thinking about nothing. And about everything. 
About the night in the safehouse after everything went to shit. The way Ghost’s hand had brushed over your back as he nudged you aside to take the first watch. You ought to rest. You look like hell.
About the way his voice had changed, pitched slightly higher, when you had dragged yourself back the next day with a broken radio and some nasty scrapes. Good to see you alive, love.
Love. He’d called you love. He’d never said that before.
He was English. They call half the girls they meet love. 
It didn’t mean anything.
It might just mean everything.
It was too much. Too much and not enough, and you were sick of it.
So here you were, sipping beer on the beat-up common room couch and texting an old friend. Well, you weren’t sure if ‘friend’ was the right word. You just knew ‘boyfriend’ wasn’t. It was a casual fling you’d started up the last time you were stationed here. He had been between jobs at the time, looking for some stress relief, and you had told him you were there on a business trip. It had been…nice. He was easy to talk to, blissfully ignorant of your real job, and happy to keep things no-strings-attached. 
After two miserably sleepless nights back, you had figured why not and messaged him again, fully expecting him to block you.
He’d responded immediately. Happy to hear from you, he’d said. Let me take you out sometime? Still casual, you thought. Just a little…less than before.
You let out a breath through your teeth, fingers hovering over the keyboard and the text you’d left on read all day. “Eh, what the hell,” you mutter to yourself.
What are you up to tonight?
Finishing up work. I can pick you up in an hour and a half?
No need. Tell me a place, I’ll meet you there.
You hope he still has the same bed, the magnificent king-sized mattress you could drown in. That would put you right to sleep. Well, that and an orgasm or two.
You smile at yourself. It doesn’t reach your eyes.
Ghost would never tell you directly, but he had been looking for you. You’d all but disappeared when everyone came back from the mission, sticking to your own barrack and making food in the microwave. He could hear the beeping through the wall, and knew you weren’t eating enough.
He had barely slept since the team had got back. Too busy remembering.
Remembering the way your eyes had stared back at him when he’d tackled you to the ground out of a sniper’s way. They’d been almost soft. Too soft for the brick-and-metal battlefield, shrapnel sharp and made to kill. Too soft for him, born to perfectly fit that battlefield. Born to die there, too.
Remembering the way your fingers had tightened around his wrist when he helped you up. Like he was a glass ornament, handled with gentle reverence. More than he had deserved. So much more.
You probably would have done the same with any of the men.
It didn't mean anything.
It meant everything.
The mission had failed on his watch. He was responsible for dealing with the fallout, even if it was just emotional. He was responsible for everyone on the mission. He’d do this for any of them.
So he kept telling himself.
By the time he found you, you were already heading out, rushing past him with a hasty nod. He catches a whiff of your perfume and forgets himself for a second, pausing to inhale.
The door is halfway closed behind you when he finally calls your name, and you freeze, eyes fixed on him.
“Where are you going?”
You shrug. “Out?”
His eyes scan your figure, the nice jeans you’d picked out, the silk shirt. You’d even done your hair. You looked…
You clear your throat, breaking him from his reverie. You’re giving him a confused look. “You okay, Ghost?”
He inhales again, wiggling his shoulders and squaring them again. He should ask where you’re going, he thinks, make sure you’re safe. No, that’s stupid, you can take care of yourself.
He wonders if your hair is as soft as it looks.
You look even more confused now, eyebrows coming together, and you finally let go of the door, stepping back inside towards him. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he grunts back without thinking, and you jump back.
“Oh, alright, well, then I gotta-”
“Wait,” he blurts, cutting you off. “You mind if…mind if I join you, love?”
You inhale sharply, clamping your mouth shut over your tongue. “Oh, I actually, uh, I’m…sorry, I’m meeting someone.”
He leans back as if you’d struck him, and you can see his shoulders tense even under his clothing.
You want to reach for him suddenly, but it feels wrong, so your fingers clench around themselves instead. “Simon, I-”
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t go on a date.”
Your words catch in your throat, lodging themselves tightly as your heart twists. He’s not serious. He doesn’t really mean it like that. “Why?” you choke out.
He takes a step towards you, leaning over you, dark eyes appraising all of you. “You know why.”
You shake your head at him, taking your own step forward, leaning up to his face. “Say it,” you whisper.
His eyes widen, and the fabric of his balaclava flexes as he opens his mouth.
And freezes. What if he says too much and scares you away? What if he says too little and you don’t understand? What does he even say? What if-
He looks away, fixing his eyes on the wall and trying to think.
Your heart drops at the movement.
With a sigh, you turn and walk out the door, closing it softly behind you. He makes no move to follow you.
The restaurant is a lot nicer than you expected. As is your date. He’d done his hair up, picked out his best button down and dress pants. All for you, he says, as he tells you his craziest work stories. Stuff like file cabinets getting knocked over and birds flying in through a window. You remember the time Soap got hit by a stray bullet flying through a window. Trying to shake the thought, you give your date a smile. It never reaches your eyes. He never notices.
When the food comes you find yourself eyeing the small portion, perfectly plated with a sauce drizzled artfully across it.
It reminds you of the time you’d gotten sick after a 12-mile ruck in the pouring rain. Ghost had raided the kitchen to make you soup, serving it to you with a bent spoon and a gruff apology. All we have, he’d mumbled.
The soup had been way too salty, the bowl way too big for you. You’d finished it all.
You curl your fingers around the fancy silverware, inlaid with intricate metal swirls. The delicate piece feels wrong in your calloused hands, reflecting the fingernails you’d finished scrubbing mud out of only an hour earlier.
The food is perfectly salted. You want to cry.
“Hey, you alright?” You look up to find your date leaning over the table, eyes wide and concerned. “Do you want to talk?”
All you can manage is a small shake of your head. “Sorry, I…I need to go.”
Your chair scrapes raucously against the fancy floor as you get up, and everyone turns to look at you, their perfectly manicured fingers clutching wine glasses. Gentle unmasked faces looking at you with concern. Fancy dress shirts and cocktail dresses crinkling as they turn to get a better view.
You storm out, your boots too loud, your steps too heavy, your shoulders set too stiffly, the muscles of your back flexing awkwardly against the soft fabric of a shirt tailored for someone much more…soft than you. Someone like them.
You hadn’t finished your food, hadn’t even thought to bring a jacket, and as the blast of cold outside air hits you a choked sound escapes your throat.
You won’t cry. Not like this. Not here. So you grind your teeth together, folding your arms tightly against your torso and marching forward. The walk is far less than 12 miles, and it’s not even raining. You’ll be fine.
You can’t feel your toes by the time you get back, shutting the door silently behind you and creeping into the kitchen for something, anything warm. You flip the light on, shaking and distracted.
He’s there. Of course he’s there. His head whips towards you as you stand there with your finger hovering over the light switch, your name falling from his lips unbidden.
He rises slowly, prowling towards you like a wolf, only to pause as he notices the spasms wracking your body. His hands reach out to take hold of your shoulders. “Fuck’s sake, love, you’re freezing.”
His hands feel like a furnace against you, and you sigh at the contact, closing your eyes and forgetting the world for a second, forgetting all about the past few hours. Even at arm’s length you feel the heat radiate from his body, and your eyes open again, flicking over his chest and up to meet his own.
He huffs, eyes scanning the room before opening his arms. “Come here, then.”
You practically leap into him, clutching his shoulders tightly and burying your face into his shirt. He bends a little, and you squeak a protest before feeling his arms wrap around your thighs and hike you up so you can wrap your legs around him as he carries you to your room, settling you down on your lumpy cot. Wordlessly he goes to your closet, pulling out all your extra blankets and wrapping them tightly around you before settling in behind you, pulling you against his chest. “You know,” he grumbles. “If you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
You scoff, shoving your shoulder into him. “What do you mean extremes?”
He sways at your push, tilting his head and giving you a look. “I mean storming out and freezing your ass off.”
“I did not-”
“You did,” he cuts you off, leveling a glare at you, but a second later his shoulders sink in a little and his eyes wander. “How was your…” he trails off, eyes meeting yours again.
You shrug. “Left early.”
You lean into him, inhaling the musky smell clinging to his clothes. Cologne and gunpowder and woodsmoke. “You know why.”
His grip on you tightens, but he keeps his eyes on you. Your body shifts as he heaves a great breath, releasing it through his nose. It tickles your eyelashes, and you bite your lip.
His gaze shifts down, focusing on the reddened skin where you work your lip between your teeth. When he speaks, it is barely above a breath. “You never let me finish earlier.”
You lean in closer, and he feels your breaths tickling the edge of his balaclava.
He tears his gaze up, raising a hand to cup your cheek as he looks into your widening eyes. “Don’t go on any more dates. Not unless,” he clears his throat, swallows, “unless I can come with you.”
Your teeth release your lip, the flesh popping outwards. “Simon Reilly,” you croon, and his breath hitches. “Are you asking me on a date?”
His chest heaves another large breath. “I am.”
“I could kiss you right now.”
His eyes fall to your lips again. “Then do it.” At your shocked expression he forces a huff of laughter, reaching up to shove his mask just high enough to reveal soft lips.
You pause at that, your fingers tracing up along his neck, thinking of your own chapped lips, beginning to worry.
But then he leans forward to meet you, and you stop thinking entirely.
He’s gentler than you thought he’d be, lips slowly moving against yours, one hand cradling the back of your head, the other snaking around your waist as he shifts you both, settling on the edge of the bed with you straddling one of his legs.
His mouth stays open just slightly when he pulls away, half-lidded eyes meeting your own, eyes so dark you can scarcely tell where the pupil ends and the iris begins. Or perhaps it’s all pupil. You’re sure yours are.
You lean into him, pulling him back in. His fingers run up your spine, causing your whole body to shiver, a vibration you feel straight in your core. He shifts, pulling you in closer, and his thigh flexes, rubbing against you, and you whimper.
He pulls back again, eyes glinting, and you smirk. The blankets have long since fallen off you, the cold creeping back into your bones. “You know,” you whisper. “I can think of some faster ways to warm me up.”
He chuckles. “I bet you could.”
You brace yourself on his shoulders, rubbing yourself against his thigh and shifting to guide his hand down.
He only tsks at you. “Not yet.” You make a frustrated sound, tightening your fingers around his wrist, but he only leans back, pulling his hands away to prop himself up on them. “Gotta warm up first, love,” he hums at you, grinning.
“Simon,” you plead.
“No whining,” he orders, voice taking on a gravelly undertone as his grin morphs into a smirk. “It’s my thigh or nothing, I’m not helping you get off.”
You huff, but bring your hands back to his shoulders, looking down as you slowly start to grind into him, gradually picking up your pace, your breathing beginning to hitch. He shifts, and you look up at him, his eyes watching you as he leans up again. A hand rests on your hips, another tangling in your hair. It’s even softer than it looks, he thinks, and before he knows it he’s breaking his own word, bouncing his leg into you, savoring your moans as he feels your fingers tighten around the muscles in his shoulders, shaking as you get yourself more worked up. You’re nearly frantic now, and he pulls your hips, grinding you into him harder, and finally you break with a cry, feeling a wave of heat wash over you as vibrations run up your core and your legs quiver.
You’ve barely recovered when his hands yank you flush against him and he twists, pinning you to the mattress with a growl.
“My turn.”
You wake the next morning to the mattress shifting as Simon settles down on the edge. You hadn’t even noticed him get up.
“I made you tea,” he grunts, turning to present you a chipped and faded old mug. “Only mug I have,” he grumbles, but you’re already sitting up and taking it from him.
“It’s perfect,” you hum, taking a sip. It’s just a little too sweet, and the chipped mug is a little too big, but the beat-up texture feels perfect in your rough hands. It’s all perfect. You give him a grin so big your eyes scrunch up at the corners.
Fucking hell, he thinks. How did I wait so long?
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eponastory · 3 months
I was the last anon and I wasn't trying to stir up trouble or anything. I just thought it was uncool of that person to screenshot your post and make fun of you behind your back. I just wanted to make you aware. I'm sorry if it came across as trying to shit start
It's no biggie. I'm not upset with you.
I just think it's hilarious that someone screenshot my post and then called me a coward trying to actually hurt me in some way. It's petty because I blocked them.
I also kind of felt like since it was anon, it could have been someone associated with the person who did the screenshot. You can never be too skeptical.
So don't take it personally, even though it may have come off that way. If it did and you have good intentions, I'm sorry for coming off mean.
I find it really funny that person doesn't know the meaning of Misogyny and tried to say it goes for women too... it doesn't. Misogyny is very much a term for men thinking they are better than women. You will not see a woman be misogynistic because it is a term FOR men. I think they mean Misandry? Which is also not what is going on there. But hey, not everyone knows how to use a dictionary.
I'm totally fine with people screenshotting my posts, BTW. I edit out the names because I don't want anyone attacking them, especially if they are a minor.
I'm also not bullying anyone, just pointing out inconsistent rhetoric and flawed arguments with no intent to do any harm because these are real people.
Katara is a fictional character. Therefore anything said about her can be taken as character analysis and criticism... which is a key part in fiction and writing to begin with.
However, directly calling someone names and bullying them for liking a fictional character is another thing entirely.
As far as being a coward for blocking someone? Yeah, that's not being cowardly because i did reply to that last reblog they did. I gave them a few minutes to respond, but they didn't. Then I blocked them because they weren't worth my time.
I don't have the patience or the time to deal with silly things like that... unless I want to. Then, I'll engage in a mostly civil conversation. Unless it gets uncivilized then it's time to block after a very nicely placed Fuck You. Or Fuck Off.
So yeah. I don't care. It's just another day at the office for me.
Stay classy.
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fandom-hoarder · 9 months
Considering OP is yelling at ppl to leave them alone when questioned on specifics because a post that says “the grooming in spn fandom is insane” (specifically Wincest) was “not a callout” and only “a legitimate safety concern” about “a space is known for well you know”, they are not worth the time. They also reacted very rudely to an anon who only wanted to apologize for following them (thinking that OP was anti Wincest and trying to respect OP’s boundaries). Just not worth it.
[I held onto this in my drafts for a day, but I think I'm just gonna publish it after all. Even though v did a much better job of addressing the op directly, imo, I'm not interacting with the op. I'm also going to gather screenshots in a posterity post, but it will likely be unrebloggable.]
Hmm, I debated publishing this ask, because I'm really just. So tired. And annoyed. And it's not a great combination for tact. Nevertheless...
I haven't seen the yelling myself, just avoidance and redirection. Flippancy. But maybe it's happening in a space I can't see, or between people I've blocked, idk. If so, it sounds a lot like it IS January 2023 redux 🙃🙃🙃 -- I HAVE seen it now, and my suspicion still stands, though still not 100%.
People need to stop making such serious accusations when they refuse to back it up. Words fucking mean things. Saying a certain sector of the fandom--that ostensibly you're also a part of?--has a problem with grooming and is stupid...that was NOT worded in a way to help people stay safe. It was worded like a vague callout post to scare people. We've seen those before. 🙄
A post that was actually concerned about grooming in online spaces *in general* would list some things to be aware of, things to recognize, tips for getting out of a situation. But no, it's this vaguepost without anything specific, with the one question in the notes asking for an explanation or if it's sarcasm-- unanswered [eta: well maybe they responded and I can't see it, since I realized I had op blocked]-- and one reblog from a person who claims it wasn't about wincesties specifically, when it demonstrably WAS??
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So who is doing it, and where/how? I don't necessarily think it's a good idea to make public posts with names that devolve into personal beef and worse, but if someone is making the accusation that there's a grooming problem in the fandom they need to come with receipts or at the very least descriptions of the situation??
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This isn't cutesy. You know exactly what anon is talking about, as shown later. Reblogging the post unaltered gives at least the appearance of agreeing with it as written.
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This isn't to make light of! You reblogged it.
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This isn't helpful.
If there was no one specific, why reblog a post specifically about the wincest fandom having insaneeee grooming? It wasn't "just in general." It's not a joke, yet this reply looks entirely unserious.
I am too old to keep seeing this type of shit go through the fandom at regular intervals, especially when it's so often a false accusation based on interpersonal drama. The only purpose this serves is riling up the dash. It's exhausting, and waters down the gravity of the accusation by making it a phrase that cries wolf.
I'm not even saying outright that the post is a LIE; just that it has seriously similar markers of past drama that was approximately 90% unaddressed purity culture biases about fiction, 9% interpersonal beef, and 1% actual concern for a human being who was an adult, but young. And it led to the utter gutting of fandom, loss of acquaintances, deletion of a glut of fic-- all due to smearing the reputation of a writer by using horrible UNTRUE AND INCENDIARY ACCUSATIONS.
So I'm sure many of you already understand why I take umbrage with these types of posts! Who knows if it's about fiction or something real? 🤷‍♀️
And since there's no further context to be found, the way it LOOKS on the dash is that someone is taking creeper!Dean too seriously. It could be about something else, but who knows.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 6 months
I take it back. The absolute worst thing that's come out of this is the anon message I know I didn't just fucking get. Someone tell me I'm fucking hallucinating.
I'm gonna put this under a cut because if you woke up in a good mood this morning, or are not feeling this type of negativity then I respect that and I applaud you for protecting your peace.
But I need to vent.
Imma put a few fun little panda GIFs here and wait for you to truly decide if you don't want to use that back-button right about now.
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"Fuck this blonde bitch I hope she lose that bastard and dies in the process".
That's the message I got. I didn't want to answer it directly because I really want to give people the opportunity to avoid the whole discourse if they want to, and answering directly would have a) thrown it in everyone's face, and b) probably would have just invited anon to come at me again, and honey, I ain't got the time.
Anon is blocked, of course, and I thought that would be enough but every time I think about this — and I can't stop thinking about it — I get more and more excruciatingly fucking ANGRY to the point where it physically hurts me, so I need to get this off my chest.
It takes a special kind of human garbage to type shit like that. And I swear to god that if I had any kind of money, I would invite you and your sorry ass to come off anon and I would immediately offer to pay for the therapy that you clearly desperately need.
What in the ever loving fucking fuck could ever prompt a person to wish death on not just a woman they've never even fucking met — regardless of whether you 'like' her or not, just take two seconds to breathe in, hold, and out again, bend your knees, get all the way down to the fucking floor and pick up what I'm about to put down: YOU DON'T KNOW HER. Alright. Got that? Good. — so not just a woman you've never met, but her and her unborn baby?
(Also... "bastard"? Really? Like... Meaning "child born to unwed parents"? Because a) so what? Children are born 'out of wedlock' every single day and it's literally not a problem, so there's that. And also b) they may actually be married and just haven't told anyone. And I can tell you it's because of people who would have responded exactly the way you just fucking did. So...)
Like, if you care so deeply about this entire situation that you feel the inexplicable and uncontrollable need to harass people on anon about it, I'm gonna suppose you consider yourself a fan of Henry, right?
I say 'consider yourself' instead of 'are' because I'm of an entirely different opinion. Because how, if you're a fan of anyone, could you possibly wish death (or any other kind of harm) on the two people that man loves most in the world. Because that's what that is. That's what you're doing.
I know people who have lost a spouse. I know people who have lost a baby. And although I'm not going to stand (sit) here and pretend to know what that feels like, I'm pretty confident saying this:
That is irreparable damage.
Damage you will learn to live with. Pain that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.
That's what you're wishing on a man you supposedly care about. Someone you care so much about, in fact, that you took time out of your no doubt not all too busy schedule to harrass other people saying this completely despicable shit, ruining days (congratulations, you managed that, at least. It's an accomplishment, I guess).
I'm fucking depressed right now. Not because of this, and not because of you, don't worry. This was a preexisting condition. All I wanna say is that, in addition to sorting out all of those feelings I'm having by myself, about myself, and about my own life, I really don't need to deal with the pile of human garbage that is your fucking psycho ass, anon.
Get help.
Or at the very least fucking 'suffer' in silence.
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sapphyreopal5 · 12 days
So I saw that another creator, I think yk who, said a week ago they were going to address something that u said. IDK if u saw that or not but they havent said anything and now Im just confused. Thoughts????
Hello Anon thank you for the answer. I have been made aware of this "addressing" stuff and must say it did make me sigh. I answered a question about my opinion of another blog and it was not well received. I say if they took this much issue with my opinion, they could've simply responded directly or messaged me and we discuss it. If they asked me to take it down, I would've done so. I'm not here to hurt people's feelings for the sheer joy of it, even though I'm inclined to offer my honest opinion of things one may find unpleasant.
I do not use Tumblr or any other sort of social media to be for attention gathering or for clicks or likes or whatever other reason of the sort. For Instagram and Facebook, I use it primarily to connect with my friends and family some of who I have met on other platforms. For Tumblr, I like to post my thoughts and write of things that are of interest to me. I started my Tumblr page to more or less journal my spiritual experiences and knowledge of things. If it helps even one person understand their own stuff, cool! My main interests are of an esoteric, spiritual nature.
Sure, I enjoy writing about other things related to the spn cast, including my criticisms and praises of certain actors. I enjoy trying to connect the dots between things more than anything because I believe there are hints of future events or possible future events we see in our daily lives that we might overlook should we not investigate the meaning of them.
I've said this multiple times before that I am aware my blog doesn't receive a ton of traction because for multiple reasons, including that I write about things that aren't most people's cup of tea, my posts can be rather lengthy, whatever. My blog is more or less for me more than anything else. I never expected to be popular and frankly don't aspire to be popular.
Sure, I may and have interacted with some people (including that same blogger) via commenting or direct messaging, some more than others. I do like to interact with people and get discussions about related topics going. Afterall, isn't this the point of social media? If someone asks my opinion of something or someone, I will most likely give it, even if it ruffles some feathers. If people don't like me as much for it, oh well. People come and they go, it's part of life.
The claims that I want attention from this person because my own blog doesn't garner much attention is petty at best. I view saying things like this as being upset and trying to make me feel the same. Truth is, that blogger blocked me weeks ago because of differences in opinions and that is okay. If I wanted their attention that much, I would've tagged them myself in a post or comment (oh yes, I have certainly done this before) or you know, DMed them.
The Anon who sent me the ask that started it all is who threw the direct tag in the ask, not myself. My mistake for answering it perhaps but shit happens. If the attention gathering or drama to gain traction on my blog is their narrative, so be it if it helps someone feel more at peace with life or whatever they hope to attain. I wish them the best and hope they continue to do their thing so long as it brings them joy.
FYI, This is the last ask I'm answering about this tidbit by the way.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 8 months
bpp sorry if this isn't the content you want on your blog after yesterday but is it ok if i ask for clarification on sth? i know youre army you don't like solos but i like reading solos for a wide span of info. i don't like to be in a bubble of echo chambers
i saw a post and i'll send the link right after this ask but the person was criticizing a post you made but it confused me bc what you wrote didnt match what they said. they didn't post your name but i know its you because you always start your answers with 3 dots
many armys say they like jimin but they pretend. i don't think youre like that but your answer is confusing so can you clarify? its like you allow jjks to shit on jimin but you drag out pjms only. armys do this over and over. its sad if youre the same bc i like your blog.
Please block me.
Actually, you know what? Don't. At least not just yet. Let's do this instead.
I checked the link you sent. I'd received that link a couple other times today accompanied with more hostile language, so I ignored it. But I checked out yours because I wondered what was so serious you couldn't add the link to your main ask, so if you're all in fact the same person sending that link, kudos for getting my attention.
And thank you for sending that to me, because now I'd like to use you and that post to make an example of what I'm talking about when I say solo stans think differently and are just less intelligent. In my opinion.
For other readers, I'm not going to link it directly so as to not draw more attention to them, and since they're stalking my blog to make an example without directly mentioning me or showing my blog name, I think it's only fair I react in kind by also not making a direct mention.
Here’s the post (mine) in question:
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Here is the akgae's takeaway from the post above (mine):
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Already, the dissonance between the first and second screenshot should be obvious. I’ll explain in any case just so everyone can follow along.
Shortly after Jimin released Closer Than This, I received an ask from someone who calls themselves a PJM (a Jimin akgae), who said they hate the song and also hate his voice. But that they are his solo stan because he’s “talented and hot”.
I responded that they, the Jimin solo stan who hates his ARMY song and voice, isn’t exactly a rare breed. And that Jimin has ARMY supporting him anyway. This is within the context of me always saying solo stans don’t actually like the person they choose to solo stan (if they did, they wouldn’t be akgaes), and that an akgae’s experience is more about them and their personal insecurities than anything Jimin (or any other BTS member) is actually doing.
Months later (present day), another Jimin solo stan quotes that ask and my response, as proof of me (1) going “sameee you’re so valid”, (2) not correctly identifying that person as someone who actually antis Jimin a.k.a. his akgae, and (3) as proof of me believing “one is more talented and more deserving than the other” re: Jungkook vs Jimin.
…is there even anything more for me to say?
Y'all, I bet you something like 90% of the shit that has solos constantly bouncing off the walls starts from things like this: a complete lack of reading comprehension coupled with gaps in logic and pre-conceived notions/insecurities. If I wanted to be really mean, there's so many places I could take this post right now, but I'll stop here for now.
That post made me laugh because the entire thing is a comedy of errors. The OP Anon in that akgae's post, is actually talking about another 'blogger' (who I know and generally like but that's besides the point), but the akgae responding to them mistook OP Anon's 'blogger' to be me, and then proceeded to write what's in the second screenshot...
It's just sad.
I've lost count of how many times I've been the subject of callout posts on Tumblr and each time it's been something like this lmaooo. Each time it's been by akgaes (and their exile varieties) and shippers. The last time this happened, I was a taekooker, and now someone has essentially embarrassed themselves with a lamentable lack of reading comprehension to spin a pretty innocuous post into... alladat.
This is how drama is manufactured in fan spaces out of plain stupidity.
There are many reasons I don't like akgaes, but one top reason is because they dumb down the quality of conversation in whatever space they're in. It's part of why I have such a disdain for 'discourse' in k-pop spaces in general, because oftentimes, the people most eager to write paragraphs on end while being hateful and/or victimizing, are people who don't know what they're talking about or lack basic skills in reading comprehension, among other things. ARMYs and k-pop stans are guilty of this too, but you're more likely to run into culprits in akgae 'discourse' spaces or adjacent ones.
I've given examples of this many times but here's a couple here, and here.
I'm not even trying to be condescending, I don't actually think I know all there is to know about Jimin, BTS, and k-pop, I just no longer have the patience for people who choose remain in spaces filled with akgaes and who keep bringing their nonsense into my inbox. And what's worse asking me to clarify sentences that a grade 5 student should be able to parse in any language.
Anyway Anon, now, you can block me.
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oceangirl24 · 8 days
Why Am I Blocked?: An Ask Answered
For those who have come to Tumblr via my AO3 profile or by other means looking for an answer to this question, I'm compiling the answer here along with the links to the original answers.
I hope this will help anyone who have found themselves blocked from commenting on AO3 and occassionally FFN.
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Anonymous asked: I'll admit i was very angry and hurt that i was on your block list until i read your user profile. sorry you got bullied and harassed by this person. now i'm kinda of nervous of who she is because i don't think i could take 16 months of bullying.
I debated overnight if I should answer this. I am going to respond so that my readers understand what's been going on.
This ask is very typical of the type of thing the person who harassed me, and plagiarized Autumn in Philadelphia does. Since she found out about the link to the report, she has sent readers and has impersonated readers to get the link to that report which details not just the plagiarism but also her harassment.
I have had mutual readers gain my trust, participate in my BMW discord server, and pretend to be supportive through this ordeal all while relaying information to her.
She has also used her readers from other fandoms to try to do the same.
This is why I preemptively block readers who gush over her or indicate that they are in private communication with her (all of this is public information on her stories that I found while compiling my report).
Why is this ask typical of her methods to gain access to me and the report?
There is no indication to which user profile this information is on as those of you who follow me know I post on three sites.
I would think if this ask was by a legit reader and not by her or one of her friends (she is blocked on every single site I know we share as are any associates of hers that I'm aware of) I would think the reader would want me to know who they are so I can directly address them and the site they are on.
Which I would do privately.
The fact that immediate concern is about who she is also bothers me. I would assume once I named the person, they would want proof in the form of the link to the report.
That will not happen.
If this ask is from a legitimate reader or follower, then I really am sorry you've been caught in this.
To be clear: I am not upset with anyone who follows her or interacts with her works. This issue should have stayed between us but she chose to bring others into it and use them.
Even if you have been a part of this with her, I'm honestly not upset with you. I know how manipulative she is. I'm sure you thought you were helping a very sweet loving Christian writer obssessed with Jon and Shawn (aren't most of us obssessed?).
I fell for it myself. Hard.
I care about all of my readers very much, but it has come to the point where I have to protect myself.
If this is not a legitimate ask and you are doing this on her behalf or she's gotten another account, then we now stand close to 20 months of harassment.
To my readers, you know where to find me and how to interact with me that is not AO3.
I thank you for sticking with me through all of this and for supporting AiP, whether you comment or simply just read as I post.
I appreciate you more than I can say.
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Anonymous asked: Hi, im the anon from last night. I only found your stories recently. I had no idea who you were. I have no clue who bullied you I wasn't actually expecting you to tell me. I'm pretty new to the fandom (writing since 2023). The reason I said I was nervous because I had a bad experience with a user in a previous fandom who falsely accused me of sending them hate, and they still do it occasionally. That's why I don't post links of my bmw fanfics to Tumblr. Again, I'm sorry that happened to you. I know you're going to have your guard up, but there are people who genuinely don't know what was going on. Also I wasn't expecting you to unblock me. I was just relieved it wasn't anything I done or that you disgusted by my writing. I won't bother you after this. I just wanted to clear things up.
Oh, I see.
If you are who I think you are then, you recced one of her works in a space we share. That place was one of the sites she tried to get a foothold in the fandom and was never able to and resented my presence there. It was also one of the places she focused her harassment until the report went out. Then she left and started on other sites.
Obviously, I overreacted when I saw her name come up and my instinct was to block everywhere just in case.
I apologize for that. I am really sorry.
I'm also sorry that you've had to deal with your own situation. I know how much these things mess with you. 🫂
No, I don't have any issues with you or your writing. And you haven't done anything. This was just an unfortunate coincidence.
I've unblocked you in both places. Best of luck with your writing and belated welcome to the fandom.
I hope to see you around.
I really do.
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Anonymous asked: Thank you for unblocking me :) Also,I want to say sorry about the recc list. If I had known about your situation I wouldn't have done it. Anyway, I'd like to be more of an active member of the bmw fandom one day. But for now I'm gonna keep my tumblr private.
You're welcome. 😊
There's no way you could've known about the situation. And all of the other recs were solid choices. ❤️
Totally understand about keeping Tumblr private. There is also the Discord server if you're interested. You are most certainly welcome there. There's a section just for fanfiction writers, too.
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I hope this clears things up.
Much love,
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neteyamyawne · 11 months
-‘๑’- BYF/DNI
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- Before You Follow [BYF]
✰ – This blog contains SFW/NSFW content! if you're uncomfortable with it than this blog is not for you, You media consumption is not my duty, the fics you read are on your own choice.
✰ – I write Aged!up content! if you're not comfortable with ageing up characters for SFW or NSFW then this blog is clearly not for you and i would appreciate it if you leave without making a scene for it.
✰ – I despise anonymous hate! If I get any Anon hate for anything I write or say, it will be either, shamed for, deleted or ignored, if something bothers you about my blog, leave my blog, i didn't force you to be here, block me, the option is right there.
✰ – No minors allowed! If you're younger than 18, last to last 17, blocked! Immediately block, any ageless, barren accounts will be blocked, do not come in my inbox without your age on the blog or at least have the decency to do it anonymously.
✰ – No judgements here! This is a judgement free zone, no one will be judged unless I see odd behaviour or suspicious things, if I find any, you will be blocked the next second.
✰ – No Plagiarism or Reposting! All the fics on this blog belong to me, their copyright is mine! Do not, repost, translate, or modify on any other platform! All my written works are rightfully owned by me — Neteyamyawne and God-of-mischiefs, on Wattpad as well.
✰ – This is my hobby! I write for fun and i do not get paid for this, I have a completely different life outside of this blog, I'm in uni and I have things to work on other than fics, sometimes I get bored, sometimes I'm not in a mood to write, I'm a human, please don't spam message me asking about your fics, I'll get there one by one!
✰ – No drama is encouraged here! If you want to vent or talk my dms are open but do not trauma dump or talk bad about anyone directly in my inbox, especially about other writers! Let them do their thing, I'm not here to judge anyone.
✰ – Don't like my work = block me! Please do not come into my inbox saying rude and hateful things to me, it's not tolerated here, it will be deleted, blocked or shamed for.
✰ – please don't copy my theme/colour scheme/dividers! I've taken hours to decide on my current theme and it takes a lot of time and effort to redo everything, if you want to make your own dividers just go to @neteyamsoare, she has explained step by step how to make your own dividers and gradients.
✰ – we're all here to be horny and have fun! please be mature and act/respond maturely, if the content is not your liking then leave it, it's not for you, it's for someone else, don't hate!
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- Do Not Interact [DNI]
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✰ – if you're racist, homophobic, xenophobic, kinkshamer, fatphobic, sexist, extreme religionist, islamphobic, or an asshole in general.
✰ – if you're a minor (Under 18), stay the fuck away, if you're lurking on my blog don't interact please, if i see a 15 year old or omg a 12-11 year old, you're being blocked straight away!
✰ – if you don't respect other's feelings, believes and opinions.
✰ – porn bots, pornographic blogs, sexual accounts.
✰ – if you cannot decipher fiction from reality.
✰ – if you're Misogynist and Anti-feminist.
✰ – sugar mommies/daddies.
✰ – if you're Anti-aging up.
✰ – if you're pro-lifers.
✰ – if you're Pro-war.
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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