#And how does Marinette feel about Adrien being trans?
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multimousefanatic · 10 months ago
I once saw a post where someone speculated that Emelie and Amalie couldn’t get pregnant without the miraculous because they were trans and Felix and Adrien look alike because they are essentially clones of their mothers who are twins
And I know a lot of people headcannon Adrien as trans (Which I LIVE for) which would make a lot of sense with this theory
But have we considered… Trans Felix + Lesbian Kagami?
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maestro04yayyy · 8 months ago
maestro04yayyy, maestro04yayyy I need, I need to tell you something, cos a Chloleka thought just burned itself into my skull and I have to share it , please forgive the ramble but like!
The time time Juleka officially declares CHloe is her girlfriend, that they are dating, is right in front of their class, in a public event, when meeting Audrey.
Specifically, its Style Queen day and before the death drama starts, Chloe tries introducing Juleka whom she had managed to get some official modeling shoots for.
Audrey's suitably impressed, not quite "Most exceptionally thing I have ever seen!" impressed, but definitely, "hmm, yes, those were exceptional shots, you have potential" impressed.
However things turn sour the moment Chloe tries to keep particpating in the conversation, because:
"& what do you have to do with her Cloaco, besides sharing I assume an age demographic."
"W- Well I arranged Juleka's shoots?"
"Even a stopped clock is right once a day, digital not analog, why are you bothering her now?"
Juela, having had enough of this, "She's also my girlfriend."
Class (Gasps) Rose (Complicated feelings!)
Audrey just gives her an appraising look before saying, "You can do better."
Choe: I'm trying mommy-
"Hush Clorox, Juleka was it? Don't tether yourself to a sow on pedigree alone," She sends Andre who is approaching a scathing look, "Trust me me on that."
Chloe has to physically stop Juleka from acting up, but the seat drama starts and its all lost in the hubbub.
When Audrey storms off, Chloe races to go after her and like, my mind goes in two directions.
1: She has to pull away from Juleka who is trying to keep her there but its clearly like pulling teeth and motivated by a mixture of, "Got to make mommy happy, & she will destroy Adrien's career over this, ETC."
Juleka doesn't follow, though maybe only cos she's physically stopped, but she is snarling about tearing out the heart of a foul witch.
2: Or, Juleka tells Chloe to stop, as in the firm, clear commands and Chloe does, but tries not to and is just like, clearly struggling, cos she can't do what Juleka says and make mommy happy, but she can't ignore Juleka and-
She kind of nearly starts disintegrating on the spot as she tries to find a solution and is basically half escorted, half carried away by Juleka.
Whatever the case,
Style Queen happens, Chloe manages to reason herself & probably Juleka out of being dusted if she's close by or Juleka had otherwise left the room and wasn't hit.
Adrien's still out of the fight, but Marinette decides with Chat absent she needs fire power as well as stopping power & takes both tiger & bee!
Who ends up with wat how is still up in the air, cos again it could go many ways.
Like, she may still want Bee for Alya, but want to give Juleka the tiger to work out some of her anger. Or she may even be debating Chloe as she'd have adjusted a decent amount of her behavior at this stage, or at least some if Juleka told her to or helped her socialize, but maybe not.
It could go just like canon but two Miraculous boxes are lost, or only one, or Juleka finds one and trans forms to go fuck up Audrey or her office and possessions at a minimum, or Chloe is the one to find it. Or they both find one, possibly knowingly stealing said Miraculous is Juleka was with Chloe but not turned to dust like her.
Its fucked up Chloe's mother killed her, right? Like, she tried to several times & then did. She murdered her daughter.
Or Juleka manages to basically drag Chloe back to her place where one or both of them open Miraculous, hell, Marinette may not even go with the Bee if she thinks the Horse could get the job done!
There's so many options, but yeah, broad strokes, those are some vibes.
Also like, one one hand Juleka declaring Chloe as her girlfriend and in a protective manner, YES, o the other hand, that means the way they became official will always be when Audrey was tearing Chloe down and not a happier moment, NO!
So yeah, feels!
Also Chloe basically disintegrating cos of her ingrained penchant to listen and obey her loved one's to get them to love her lead to some kind of shut down or disassociation cos she can't please two people at once and like, she is such a fucking mess. Like a figurine made of glass with sharpened edges, cutting, difficult to hold, a work of art and exceptional presentation, but oh so breakable.
Ok fist pf all never apologize or asl for forgiveness when rambling!!!!(at least to me).
Second, I love this!!!!!! All of it!!!!!!!
Got that's such a good moment to actually bevome official!!!(well in a story at least, because loke you said that day won't be a happy memory)
Also I literally adore the second option, the one of chloe wanting to please both and just freezing, not knowing what to do and like taking a step forward and then a step back, like a broken toy or robot.
(And yeah juleka is going to murder audrey, or at least her akuma self, and it is very fucked that aidrey killed chloe)
As for the miraculous, yeah you can do so manu things depending on what ypu want to do or tell!!!!! It's amazing!!!!!! The potential is limitles!!!!
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sizzleissues · 2 years ago
(Trans masc Adrien, 1093 words)
There are a few things you learn about a person when you date them and no time else. How they snore like a little baby owl when sleeping on their stomach and insist it's the most comfortable position. How they kick their feet and shake their fists when they’re happy with a design before ultimately scraping it. How she trusts him with all her heart and he can’t trust her. Not with this.
The one thing Adrien should probably tell Marinette because they’re dating is perhaps the hardest to admit.
It's sickening in his stomach just thinking about it. He can’t exactly poke her in the back right now and say ‘Oh you know your boyfriend? What if I told you he’s not actually a boy.’
He can’t let her know he’s wearing a binder or that he has to inject himself every few weeks or that he stuffs a sock down his pants because that would end with her staring at him like he’s an alien and ending the only good thing in his life. Besides, in a couple years she wouldn’t even be able to tell. Not that she’d wait a couple years.
Adrien stops his hand short of tapping her shoulder and turns onto his back, breathing through the strain. Marinette continues to snore, unaware her ‘not actually a boy’ friend is tossing and turning beside her. 
It’s different when he’s Chat Noir. Something about its magic makes him realer than he is as Adrien. Plagg explained it all between bites of camembert. The suit can’t exactly out him, that wouldn’t reflect his true self, so it adapted him instead. Chat Noir can run without running out of breath because his binder is constricting his lungs because Chat Noir isn’t wearing a binder. Chat Noir is him fully realised.
He can’t transform into Chat Noir right now just because he wants to fall asleep beside his girlfriend. And he can’t take off his binder without Marinette noticing. So he’s stuck pretending as he always does.
“Adrien?” Marinette mutters through a yawn.
“Yes?” He pretends to just wake up.
“Sorry.” She flips onto her back. “Did I wake you?”
“Yeah, but I don’t mind. What’s up?”
Her face tenses slightly as whatever she wants to say passes through a mental barrier. Then it settles and she turns to him in the beginning of morning light. “Do you want to kiss me?”
He’s taken aback for a moment. It's strange for her to go so off script. Another thing he knows about her, she likes to plan. It’s nearly reminiscent of Ladybug if only for the fact that Marinette plans every interaction while Ladybug plans insane ways to defeat akumas.
“Yes, I always do. Why are you asking?”
“I had a dream.” She explained simply, leaving a gap for him to fill in the rest. “So are you going to kiss me?”
Adrien nods and kisses her bottom lip. Every touch is soft, being so early in the morning, and leaves his skin tingling. There’s a faint trace of the peach lip gloss she’s worn the previous day but Adrien loves the fact he can kiss her when she’s less than perfect. That she’d allow him to taste her lips against his when only a few weeks ago she’d worry about something as small as the lighting.
Marinette sighs into it, dropping her arms around his neck. She manoeuvres onto his lap between breaths. There's a need between them to be as close as possible.
The kiss deepens and then her mouth moves elsewhere. She kisses and sucks on his neck. Adrien shivers against her and he can feel her smile. 
“Do you like that?” She asks.
“Yes.” He gasps. She presses another kiss to a sensitive spot near his ear. 
He’s an idiot that he lets it go further.
His hands run up her body, taking her shirt with them, which she graciously removes so he can see her. She is beautiful.
And this is getting dangerous.
She bends down again, capturing his mouth. This is where it should stop. This is enough.
Her hands touch his chest.
Adrien doesn’t stop her.
He feels the exact moment she pauses. The exact moment her lips stills against his and he pathetically tries to continue. The exact moment she notices something is wrong and there’s a reason they’ve never gotten this far.
That her boyfriend is lying to her.
He doesn’t answer, refusing to look up from his lap. He doesn’t deserve to look at her now while she’s so beautiful and he’s nothing but a freak.
Her hand touches his cheek and he flinches away.
“Are you wearing a binder?”
He’d been told when he first got one that physically no one would ever notice it. That as long as he didn’t let anyone touch his chest for an extended period of time they would never know. He was safe.
Marinette gazes down at him, waiting for an answer.
“I am.”
Oh. That’s all she could say. Oh, my boyfriend’s actually a girl. Oh, he’s been lying to me, tricking me. Oh-
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Adrien looks up, confused. 
“Aren’t you mad at me?”
“No. Never.” She moves off of his lap and slides in next to him. “I’m just wondering why I don’t know.”
“No one does. My father doesn’t want anyone to find out, in fear of the backlash.”
“Is he supportive?” 
“He accepts me.”
“But he doesn’t support you.”
“Yeah. Mom was the one who did the supporting.”
She’s silent again but still beside him at least. He can hear her think everything through. Deciding if this is a dealbreaker.
“So would you prefer to keep the binder on when with me or take it off?”
Adrien is surprised to say the least. He’s always been told that if anyone found out they’d leave him. No one could love a liar.
“You’re fine with it?”
“Of course I am.”
Marinette laughs quietly and then traces her finger down his cheek.
“I just want you to be comfortable.”
Adrien rests his head on her shoulder. The reaction he’d constructed in his head seems almost dumb now. Of course Marinette, kind and compassionate Marinette, wouldn’t hate him for being different. 
“Then, I’d prefer to take it off.”
“That’s alright. Anything else?”
“You can touch me. Just not there, not yet.”
“Okay.” Her head turns so she can kiss the top of his head. “Thank you for trusting me. I know this isn’t probably how you wanted me to find out."
It’s nice to trust her.
(i wanna right trans fem, gender non conforming and non binary Adrien now too. Nothing can stop me!!!! I hope the kissy scene was okay!! I don't usually post them)
((I hope this is good and please reblog with your thoughts because fan interaction blah blah blah.))
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none-of-your-biscuits · 2 years ago
*transes your blorbos for my personal benefit*
Cat duo au
Nonbinary (They/them) Adrien and genderfluid (he/she) Juleka
Juleka has been pretty androgynous most her life, so once he realize he preferred to be perceived certain ways it wasn't that big of a deal at home. That being said, she had experience in in presenting himself as a genderless entity.
Adrien lowkey gets gender envy from Juleka.
When Juleka learns about Adrien's identity she's really laid back about it and Adrien is like "????" because they are having a crisis.
Juleka does his make-up differently depending on how he's feeling, but its usually never picked up by anyone other than Luka and Rose and later Adrien.
When Juleka can't tell if its a boy or girl day she'll ask Luka (or Adrien if they had a sleep over) to flip a coin and decide for him.
Juleka doesn't teach Adrien how to do their makeup, instead watches youtube tutorials with them. I feel like Adrien has some prior knowledge of makeup because of modeling but they don't fully grasp the process or how to make it look a certain way.
Adrien tells Juleka the crabby patty secret formula to altering the super hero suit so she can look more masculine if she feels like it.
Juleka gets a slight undercut that is very visible when he transforms because her hair is in a ponytail. When Adrien knows Juleka is feeling more masculine they will call him tiger instead of tigress. Some fans catch on, some don't.
Rose likes to pet Juleka's undercut.
When Juleka realized she was genderfluid he was also praising the universe that Rose was panromantic.
Anarka: "Oh, daughter o' mine-" Juleka: "son" Anarka: "Oh, son o' mine-"
Natalie, walking in on Adrien cutting Juleka's hair while in a skirt: "... you're going to clean that up..., right?"
Also, once Chloe joins their sleep overs, deep late night talks lead her to realize she might not be entirely cis. They also lead Juleka to believing he has the power to steal people's gender.
Adrien never really comes out. Once Marinette and Rose pick up on Juleka only ever using they/them for Adrien they both start doing it somewhat subconsciously. After that the class catches on.
Chat has done patrol with the nonbinary flag around their shoulders. Same with tigress, but the genderfluid flag. (I almost typed Panthera instead of tigress)
Anyways, I think I'm done with asks for the night.
Ur so correct for this actually
Juleka gender fluid is so real and true. Also I planned nb adrien so long ago and just never said it get out of my head
(Ps. I also always say Panthera and then just redo it into tigress. Panthera has a grip on a specific group of people that will never leave)
Also. Chloe has demigirl swag I will not accept any contradictions I am correct
ALSO JULEKA UNDERCUT canon. Like I'm pretty sure I can dig up a convo with cap I had abt that when crocoduel came out Bc we are deranged
I also
physically wheezed from krabby patty secret formula to changing the suit
Pov. I accidentally ignored all my asks yesterday because I was listening to the Magnus archives season 1 for the first time and playing Minecraft
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jennagrinsoverml · 3 years ago
Any recommendations for fics where Adrien either never went to public school or just never met Marinette as a civilian until later in life?
Oh, this is fun! The dynamic changes a lot when you remove the square from things. I've read and enjoyed quite a few fics with this premise. Here are my favourites 😊
Lucky Us by PrincessKitty1
-AU- Marinette Dupain-Cheng's life isn't going as planned: twenty-six, recently dumped, and running her parents' bakery. The highlights of her day are the emails sent by her mysterious pen pal, Chat Noir. That is, until handsome model Adrien Agreste starts swinging by the bakery after hours. But how is he to know the Ladybug he loves is standing right in front of him?
Multi-chapter. Normally I'm not one for no power AUs, but this one is so well done, and found a great way to reintegrate the square, even with everything. Once I started reading, I was entirely swept along and found it impossible to stop.
Imbalance by @thelibraryloser
Chat Noir is fighting evil all on his own, not aware he’s supposed to be half of a whole. Hawkmoth is desperate to get his hands on the Black Cat and Ladybug Miraculous, knowing that if he causes enough destruction the world will demand balance and the Ladybug will have to appear. And when she does, she's not what anyone expected. Chat thought having a partner would feel different- maybe like how he feels talking to the girl on the balcony.
Multi-chapter. This is a great AU where Adrien not only never went to school, but got his miraculous under different circumstances and without Chat Noir and Ladybug meeting as fellow superheroes. The writing is fantastic, and the storyline is unique.
out of the woods. by @anxiouscupcake​
“I- I have a… Someone I care about very much,” Adrien admitted. “I’m only doing this because my father gave me no choice.”
“Well,” she said, lips pursed. “I don’t have it in me to fight The Gabriel Agreste, right now. My hands are tied too.”
“I’m sorry.”
To his credit, he genuinely sounded a little remorseful. She even resented him a little for it, because she had so much more to lose than he did, but he just wanted to stay in Daddy’s good books.
She grimaced. Marriage, for one year, they agreed. And a painful few months of “courtship” to convince the press of the authenticity of their “marriage”.
In eighteen months, her father would be hale and hearty, and she’d divorce Adrien Agreste and be nothing more than his business partner.
(…In which Gabriel is an asshole, Adrien is trying and Marinette’s stubborn but gives in eventually.)
This is a 2-part series that isn’t finished and that I desperately hope is continued. It has a kind of enemies to lovers vibe, even though that’s not exactly what’s going on. Adrien never went to school, so Marinette never fell in love with him. Instead Ladynoir are in love, but can’t be together because of identities. Meanwhile, Adrienette are forced to marry because of circumstances and Marinette resents Adrien for it. The tension in this one is exquisite!
Save You a Seat by @miabrown007​
Alya once read that you should invite random celebrities to your wedding — with the more than likely assumption that they won’t attend, only send you a card and an overpriced coffee machine.
Luckily, the chances of Hawkmoth’s son reading his mail and showing up to the event are microscopic. Marinette will be busy enough trying to get to know the boy behind Chat Noir’s mask — if he does decide to come — she doesn’t need to worry about being able to look Adrien Agreste in the eyes.
One-shot. Adrien never went to school so he doesn’t know Marinette, Nino or Alya. They just know him as Hawkmoth’s son. So, needless to say, things are a little awkward when Adrien shows up to Nino and Alya’s wedding… Such a fun (and awkward!) read.
Totally Not a Rom-Com by @nomolosk
Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Graham de Vanily (formerly Agreste) meet for the first time on a trans-Atlantic flight to New York. Cuteness and fluff ensues.
One-shot. I love these kinds of meet-cutes! Especially where they fall for each other so quickly (because it’s them, of course they would) and where their needs and wants align so perfectly. This is just so cute!
A little love by @hanaasbananas
He thought of those weeks visiting Marinette on her balcony, cultivating a friendship as she built a place for herself in his heart. He thought of Ladybug, his partner who had been beside him through everything, who had waited for him even when it was clear he would not return. How, of all the cafes in Paris, Marinette had chosen to walk into his.
Multi-chapter. This one is pretty angsty (but with a happy ending!) Adrien never went to school, so there’s no pre-existing relationship between Marinette and Adrien. But for plot reasons, Chat Nori and Marinette did have a friendship. So when, after Hawkmoth’s defeat and reveal, Chat Noir disappeared, it impacts on these relationships in different ways.
In the Span of a Cat-Nap by @komorebirei
When Adrien boards the Eurostar for London, all he wants is a nap. Instead, he gets a cute design intern as a seatmate, and his napping attempt proves unsuccessful.
Written for Adrinette April 2020 Day 27: Naps. AU where everything is the same, except Adrien never went to public school and isn't personally acquainted with Marinette. Post-Hawkmoth-reveal, and aged-up - they are twenty-one.
One-shot. Did I mention I’m a fan of the meet-cute?? Because this is a great one! I love the way that it feels like these two are meant to be together and no matter where or how they meet, they’ll always fall for each other, and crazy fast at that. It’s really sweet and even though the ending is ambiguous and open-ended, it really worked for me with the feel of the piece.
when you're near by @buggachat
When Ladybug and Chat Noir were together, dancing across rooftops and kissing under the moonlit sky, Ladybug loved her boyfriend. But when the masks fell and all that was left was Marinette, she hated her boyfriend. She hated the lonesome afternoons, the third wheeling, the way his name wasn't in her contacts...
She knows their identities are secret for a reason, and she tells herself she'd do anything to protect that— but when Marinette hears Chat Noir's voice coming from the boy sitting behind her in a coffee shop, she can't help but wonder if it's really worth not having him in her life.
One-shot. Ladynoir are in love, of course, since Adrien wasn’t around to steal Marinette’s heart. And for whatever reason Marinette is able to recognize Chat’s voice, but she doesn’t look to see his face. There’s this amazing push-pull dynamic where they try to respect the secret identities rule while being in love and wanting to be together all the time that builds towards a really beautiful ending.
Masks Off, Heart Eyes On by therealjanebingley
In a world where Marinette and Adrien never went to school together, where there's no magic keeping Ladybug and Chat Noir from recognizing each other on sight as civilians.
Marinette was sure she'd know her Chaton the moment she saw him sans mask, but she did not expect that moment to be at a fashion show. A fashion show he was modeling at, no less.
Two-part series; description taken from the first fic. I love the theme of these Never Met fics where of course Ladybug falls for Chat Noir without Adrien Agreste in the picture. And so, when Marinette recognizes Adrien at a fashion show, things get really romantic really fast. (The sequel features established relationship Adrienette but focuses on djwifi, who get the love square treatment themselves!)
nothing secret is sacred by thegeneralgirl
“Do you think you’ll recognize me if we ever bump into each other outside of—“ he gestures to the black leather “—this?”
Ladybug considers him for a second, her expression barely visible in the distant glow of city lights.
“Chaton, I think I’d know you anywhere.”
Or: Adrien Agreste never manages to enroll at public school. Marinette Dupain-Cheng falls in love with a different blond.
One-shot. The Ladynoir in this one makes my heart so happy! Just - they love each other so, so much and it’s just so sweet with just the right amount of angst and ahhhhh read it I loved it so much!
Look at this Photograph by orphan_account
Nino's apartment is full of unused picture frames, but he claims to know the blond stock photo model that lives in each one. Everyone else is a little more skeptical of his (imaginary) friend.
One-shot. This is such a fun read! Instead of being a big famous model, Adrien does stock photos instead. He never went to school so, when Nino claims to know him, everyone is skeptical. Then, one by one, the others “get in” on the joke. It’s a really sweet fic that I enjoyed a lot.
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mlwritingprompts · 4 years ago
Submitting this here instead of at @adriensaltprompts because it's an AU
I had a thought today, and that thought was "one of the ways you can tell this show is written by men is that none of the women in the show pick up on Chat Noir's obvious creepiness".
(I say women because I'm pretty sure none of the men in this show are canonically trans and in my experience, cis men can be staggeringly oblivious about this sort of thing, so I'm not particularly surprised.) 
That got me thinking, though. What about an AU where people do pick up on it? You can't tell me that nobody in the ML world has ever dealt with sexual harassment- hell, you don't even need to have dealt with it personally, anybody with a functional creep radar could piece it together.
It's not exactly massive public backlash, at least at first, but people notice. Even if it takes a while, it happens.
And at some point, Alya, the person with the best platform for this sort of thing, makes a post about it on the Ladyblog.
@Ladyblogger wrote: Hey, I just gotta know if I'm the only one- am I the only one who gets weird vibes from Chat Noir? Like, Ladybug is always saying she's not interested but he keeps at it. I thought it was just like part of their dynamic, sort of a banter thing, but I saw it up close today and Ladybug just looked so... uncomfortable. Am I crazy? Let me know in the comments.
The replies start pouring in faster than she could have ever anticipated. And while some are dismissive, others are very much not.
@TheySeeMeRolling commented: No, ur not crazy. Kitty Cat has Big Creep Energy.
@I'veGotNoRoots commented: Duh. Nobody who unironically uses the term "M'lady" in this day and age can be trusted NOT to be a total scumbucket.
@Done_With_Your_Shit commented: I had this one weirdo ex who acted EXACTLY like Chat Noir, except instead of trying to get me to go out with him (we were already going out), he kept badgering me about having s*x with him.
The post ends up gaining a lot of traction and sparking further discussion on other platforms. Essays are written. Memes are made. People share horror stories, listing the things about their abusers that they see in Chat Noir. The debates are vicious and leave few survivors.
However, in Ms. Bustier's class, there isn't much of a debate. General consensus is, Chat Noir is insensitive at best and a predator at worst.
And Marinette, seeing so many people validating the feelings she's been having but couldn't quite put into words this strong, is overwhelmed. She's relieved. And when an interviewer finally brings it up in an interview she does without Chat Noir, she tells the truth.
"Yes, what Chat Noir is doing makes me uncomfortable. I've told him to stop multiple times and he doesn't listen. I don't like it and I wish he'd respect my boundaries, but since we work together so closely I'm not sure what to do about it."
The only question is, how does Adrien deal with this? His classmates have made their opinions abundantly clear, and while there are some people on the internet who insist he's doing nothing wrong, those people know better than to show their faces and support publicly IRL. The people who support Ladybug, however, are very much not afraid to give him some real consequences in whatever way they can.
The next time Adrien, under the mask of Chat Noir, makes a pass at Ladybug (while being rejected even more forcefully than usual), something happens. A bystander, someone Ladybug just saved, steps in.
"Hey, quit it. Can't you take no for an answer?"
And this happens more and more. Eventually, Adrien can't risk harassing Ladybug in front of an audience because at this point people have started objecting as a group. A favored chant of theirs seems to be "no means no". At one point, someone throws something at him. Granted, it was just an empty soda can, but the sentiment was clear.
Back off.
So what's a creep to do?
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miraculouscontent · 4 years ago
Didn’t Need Burrow (May 30th-July 5th)
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Narrative basically ret-cons bad behavior of someone who isn't Marinette.
Oh yay! Alya V2!
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need Burrow to know that Mouse!Mylene will be called Multimouse.
I read somewhere that her name will be Polymouse but the source was broken.
Please be a mistake back when we saw the hero names and Mylene didn’t get her own name.
I’d also like to add a bonus that either Mylene gets named that without her consent (like someone calls her that), or Mylene names herself that without any knowledge of Multimouse!Marinette at all.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need burrow: Assuming Luka��Zoe actually happens, there will be no build up whatsoever. In one episode, they just happen to get trapped together somewhere, talk for like ten seconds and start dating immediately afterwards. Basically the same as Alya×Nino bc none of the ships in this show (other than Lukanette and Adrigami) had any sort of meaningful developement before happening
A relationship beyond the love square getting development??? That’s cute.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need burrow: Nino is gonna realize that Alya has the fox miraculous full time now and because of that he's gonna get pissy and so somehow Alya will be outta commission and Nino will be there so Marinette will give him a miraculous, Alya will probably say something encouraging about Nino, and then HE'LL get a full time miraculous to.
The only reason I don’t feel like this won’t happen is that it doesn’t direct anywhere near as much blame onto Marinette.
Anonymous asked:
Don't need burrow to know Chat will get angry at Ladybug and maybe Rena because Rena is now a permanent hero and he'll spend the day being a dick, but he'll be forced to work with Rena and realize things are good, but he'll only apologize to Rena.
Ladybug is just used to being chopped liver I assume.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Adrigami is restored, while Lukanette isn't.
Marinette will be too busy being forced by the narrative to continue caring about Adrien.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need burrow, Su Han will only reappear at the end of the season and then disappear again.
“Hi, Su-Ha--oh, there he goes.”
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Adrien decide to confess his secret identity as Chat Noir to Nathalie. She decide to don't tell him that his father is Hawkmoth (but also decide to don't tell Gabriel that his son is Chat Noir)
God, the Agreste drama intensifies. Kill me.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette actually REJECTS Adrien after the identity reveal after it hits her all at once that HE did all the awful, questionable things Chat Noir did. This allows the Love Square Drama to continue, with Marinette being slammed for DARING to be upset/have STANDARDS - everyone claims that she's set the bar too impossibly high and is responsible for her own romantic misery, while Adrien continues being coddled by other temporary love interests while waiting for her to wise up.
I’m just waiting for Ladybug to loudly reject Chat Noir and then she falls for him soon after and bonus if Chat rubs it in her face that she’s moved on or the narrative ignores Chat’s past actions as Ladybug is all like, “WOW HE’S SO RESPECTFUL NOW.”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Ladybug's continued rejections of Chat Noir are directly compared to Gabriel's shitty parenting -- both of them are denying Adrien things he wants, and these crimes against Sadrien are depicted as equally awful.  (If not weighted towards Ladybug being worse because sHe'S bReAkInG hIs WiDdLe HeArT~~~)
This one wins for making me the most upset.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t need burrow: Juleka will become the tiger hero in another Julerose-centric episode, but this time Rose is akumatized (into princess fragrance again, but this time with a sentimonster so it’s DiFfErEnT). It will chronologically take place after guilt trip, but Rose’s disability will not be acknowledged, even in passing.
I swear, if I have to see a repeat akuma ONE MORE TIME!!!
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t need burrow: The major conflict of the season will be Marinette repeating “mistakes” (this can be similar to not keeping chat 100% in the loop till he throws a fit or having a human to depend on emotionally about miraculous stuff) Bonus: The show doesn’t show the good that came out of her actions and only the bad (Not having a breakdown and etc)
Yup. Definitely Marinette’s fault that she needed to rely on someone so she didn’t have a breakdown. She should’ve buried her emotions and broke down every day instead.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: After the show runners give into another fan theory of new permanent heroes, they will quickly show why this was a mistake. Bonus if it’s the very next episode (because if Marinette did it then it has to be bad)
This already felt super likely and then you added “because if Marinette did it then it has to be bad” and now I’m just sad because it’s doubly right.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Marinette, who dreams of being a fashion designer, designs something that’s just ugly. Bonus if it’s never addressed/characters just say it’s great so the show doesn’t look bad at designing clothes
Does Ladybug count? Still can’t believe Chat Noir gets the “complex” outfit with actual thought and Ladybug gets the onesie.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: It's revealed that Emilie intended to use the Miraculi they'd found to 'give Adrien the world'.  This is treated as a sympathetic motive because, as Word of God constantly insists, Adrien is perfect and deserves everything he desires, regardless of how anyone else feels about it.  Thus it doesn't matter what horrific things his parents did or intended; their goals are treated as righteous, with Ladybug being Wrong to oppose them.
They just want what’s best for their son!!
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: There will be a plot in which LADYBUG is accused of not caring about civilians, with Adrien/Chat Noir getting to lecture her as if HE has the moral high ground.  Or any ground to stand on.  His abysmal track record is completely ignored, retconned, or otherwise treated as inapplicable; we likely get a singular moment where he suddenly Gives A Shit about protecting one of his friends/classmates, which is treated as proof that he Always Cares About Such Matters.
Bonus if it’s Ladybug choosing not to defend/save someone who spited her/deserves it, which is “clearly worse” than Chat Noir threatening to let Paris drown in “Syren.” Ladybug is not allowed to be human and also not allowed to show people that there are consequences for their actions, proving that they/Chat can take advantage and mock her as much as they want with no repurcussions.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Sabrina and Chloe have another Friendship Breakup; when Sabrina seems poised to actually get away from her abusive 'BFF' for good, Adrien intervenes/whines at Marinette to help him fix it, because it's nOt FaAaAaIr for Chloe to be aLl AlOoOoOoNe...
Is it too late to make Adrien disappear and have it look like an accident.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: In a Shocking Twist, Cats are revealed to be cursed - the majority suffer some catastrophic fate as the Ring eventually causes their Destruction.  Only True Love can break it, making Ladybug's refusal to give in to Chat Noir's advances a literal matter of life-and-death and 'justifying' all of his behavior.  Bonus if it's retconned that *Adrien always knew this*, despite nothing in his behavior ever indicating he believed himself to be on borrowed time.  Because Angstrese.
Also bonus if this is also used as just another way to make him seem sympathetic. Double bonus if this information is brought up after Ladybug snaps at Chat Noir, and she’s told this information to make her feel guilty.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: If Adrien reveal someone his secret identity, it will be ... obviously Wayhem.
Nino: hello darkness--
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Goat!Marc, Rooster!Nathaniel and even Ox!Ivan will be buffed out because not even the boys in this show are allowed to keep their own body shapes when they become superheroes.
I’m positive Ivan especially will be beefed up. The civilian models are really awkward at times and clearly not prepared to be put in onesies (it’s hard to explain and maybe someone more experienced with propotions/anatomy will be able to say it better, but their limbs don’t have a lot of “shape” to them I guess?).
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t need burrow: Alya’s miraculous looks exactly the same in it’s “camouflage” mode solely so Lila can easily switch her necklace with Alya’s. (seriously why does it not change that bothers the hell out of me)
If that happens, I’d put money on Alya not getting called out on it. Good to know you put so much priority on “secrecy,” Alya.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t need burrow: A kwami swap will happen again somehow. Marinette will uncharacteristically scold Adrien way more harshly than normal AGAIN to make him feel bad about himself and this will further the (Adrien melodrama depression arc) of him feeling useless/ replaced. Bonus points if Alya picks up his slack.
Honestly, I was here for the scolding in “Reflekdoll” just because there weren’t consequences for her for once.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: There will be Sad Noir galore. Its all Ladybug’s fault, naturally.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Episode where Sabrina gets Dog Miraculous will be Chloe-centric (or Bourgeois sisters centric)
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: the episode where Sabrina gets the Dog Miraculous (which seems inevitable now, ugh) will heavily feature or even focus on Chloé, despite the fact that Chloé has already had a couple of episodes focusing largely on her this season. Sabrina’s introduction as a hero will have about as much focus as Kim’s or will be jammed into the last five minutes of the episode. Bonus points if they manage to deny her a proper transformation sequence like they did Kagami.
Roger: *exists and desperately needs development on his policy that caused Sabrina to become Chloe’s slave in the first place*
show: okay but--
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Under pressure, Marinette admits to Alya and/or Tikki that she doesn't mind the attention (aka constant harassment) Chat Noir gives her; parroting common claims by sexual harassers, she says it makes her feel *special* and *noticed*.  She may also insist that she still wishes he would focus on the AKUMA/their responsibilities more, but the obvious point of this scene is to 'justify' his behavior with evidence that 'she enjoys it'.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: There will be a joke about Chat Noir *copping a feel* on Ladybug after an akuma sends them into an awkward position.  Ladybug's shock and discomfort is played for laughs; bonus if he quips about her suit not leaving much to the imagination.  Adrien is in a fantastic mood afterwards, considering that to be the 'best battle yet'.  (Alternatively, another heroine is victimized and Ladybug is visibly jealous/her annoyance at Chat is treated like jealousy.)
I’m not adding this to the spreadsheet just because a scene like that is too dicey for a kid’s show (though, believe me, if it were to happen, I’m putting that on it’s own damn card), but I will say that this would 100% happen if this were an anime/aimed towards an older audience.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien tricks Alya into thinking that Chat Noir already knows Ladybug's secret identity, thusly learning that she's Marinette.  This is passed off as all MARI's fault, naturally.  If Alya apologizes at all, it's in a backhanded, "But why didn't he know this already?" sort of fashion.
It’s Marinette’s fault for telling Alya her identity in the first place.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Post-Reveal, Marinette struggles to reconcile how her crush is also her abusive slacker 'partner'.  Adrien, by contrast, accepts her as Ladybug immediately... though his words make clear that he doesn't give a shit who SHE is, just that she's Ladybug.  Naturally, this is treated as Mari needing to learn how to accept Adrien for who he is, all while insisting that his many flaws and failings aren't issues at all.
i hate it, thanks
Anonymous asked:
DNB: The RLBS is EXPLICITLY punishment for Marinette: after a mutual reveal, Adrien declares that they can't get together as civilians until she accepts him as Chat Noir.  Mari is forced to awkwardly pursue Chat as Ladybug while he strings her along/humiliates her; meanwhile, Adrien trolls her with shallow gestures to fluster her/rile up their shipper classmates, who ride her ass for not 'sealing the deal' and making their relationship official.  Alya, aware of everything, is the WORST about it.
I presume that “RLBS” is “Reverse Love BS” which... yes.
Also, that whole “she needs to accept him as Chat Noir” infuriates me because that’s been a fandom thing forever.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: The only reason Sabrina got Dog Miraculous is because of a scene where Chloe literally "Kick the Dog".
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow to know that despite Sabrina almost certainly getting a miraculous and becoming a hero, the fact that she deserves better than being abused by Chloé and is a worthwhile individual in her own right will not be addressed. Because StATuS QuO!
I just had a horrible thought that they’ll do the episode like--
Chloe treats Sabrina terribly like usual, Sabrina ditches Chloe and Chloe is miserable + takes it out on everyone else for it, then Chloe gets akumatized over it and Sabrina gets the dog (for “loyalty”), which leads to Sabrina going back to Chloe so that Chloe will direct the abuse more solely towards Sabrina because “she takes it out on others otherwise”/she’s “used to it”/”it’s her responsibility and this is the right thing to do.” This will also be presented as the “right choice” and Chloe and Sabrina’s relationship will basically not change for the sake of leaving Chloe the way she is.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Cat Noir is gonna throw a Syren-Sized fit if/when he finds out that Ladybug dares to have a support network through Alya (not a very GOOD support network, but one nonetheless).
Still waiting for the “lesson” where Ladybug is told she’s not allowed to have emotions/be vulnerable.
Oh wait, that’s the show.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need Burrow: Adrien/Chat Noir will angst and fish for sympathy points instead of apologizing for the 40th time in the series.
Every time.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Luka is gonna say that Adrien and Marinette are made for each other. This is the last appearance that he will make in the show (with exception to background/shipping fuel between him and somebody else w̶h̶o̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶b̶a̶b̶l̶y̶ ̶e̶i̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶Z̶o̶è̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶K̶a̶g̶a̶m̶i̶).
Considering the ““““parellel”“““ episodes of “Truth” and “Lies,” I’m just ready for the same thing that happened with Kagami in “Mr. Pigeon 72.”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Trixx plays pranks on Alya's family and is a little troll; he particularly loves teasing the twins, since any claims they might make about seeing a 'magical flying fox' will be passed  off as childish imaginings.  Alya blames Marinette for this more than she does Trixx.
Marineeeette, raise your “children” better!!
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will wind up spilling Ladybug's secret identity to Nino because 'she needs to talk to SOMEONE about this!' (and Mari CLEARLY doesn't count for anything) and trusts her boyfriend.
I would also imagine Alya going on about Marinette’s secret to Nino without explicitly telling him.
Also, this will be an episode in this season because Alya couldn’t even keep it in for ONE SEASON (”Animan” all over again).
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Ladybug will be seriously injured during an akuma battle, with circumstances preventing them from winning the fight/repairing the damage with Miraculous Cure right away.  Adrien/Chat Noir attempts to exploit the situation to learn 'his lady's' secret identity.  The narrative REFUSES to call him out on this; it's entirely on Marinette to protect herself by hiding the truth despite her injuries.
Bonus because “Ladybug” seemed to imply that their almost invincible in their suits, though I imagine if they get hurt, it’ll be Chat Noir and used for angst (like in “Miraculer”).
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette will combine Miraculi more often to cut down on having to track down others all the time and put them in danger.  (And also because the merch guys want more stuff to base toys off of.)  She gets condemned for being a 'glory hound' and 'taught' that she needs to rely upon others more often, no matter what sort of risks that might entail (she'll get blamed for that anyway) or how they might let her down (again, always her fault).
Marinette: *tries not to burden others and instead does what the narrative has convinced her of; bearing the world’s weight alone until she breaks*
show: gOd, mArIneTtE--
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chat Noir's tendency to screw around, flirt, and not read or work with his allies at all gets Rena Rouge, Vesperia or one of the other heroes hurt.  Naturally, this is played for Sadrien above all else -- if Ladybug or anyone else DARES to show any anger towards him for it, it's depicted as completely unjustified and unfair.  Bonus if the injured party insists that it's okay.
They neeeed Chat Noir to lighten the mood! He’s worth the risk!
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: RLBS is kicked off by Marinette being utterly HUMILIATED by Adrien publicly rejecting her once he can't ignore her crush anymore, spurring her to give up on him 'for good'.  Adrien decides that he misses her chasing after him and starts pursuing her, with Alya and others encouraging her to accept his advances/telling her that she's crazy to reject him even after what he did.  Marinette's utter misery over the whole ordeal is treated as HILARIOUS.
It’s not like he mEaNt to embarrass you, Marinette!!!
Marinette didn’t meant to do a lot of things too but you don’t see the show giving her any slack.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien/Chat Noir starts treating Alya/Rena Rouge with exactly as much 'respect' as he gives Ladybug -- which is to say, nothing but lip service paired with stunts like refusing to help unless she spills Ladybug's secrets.  Alya naturally blames Marinette for this.
I’m torn on whether he’d “””respect her””” as much as Ladybug or give her even more respect, probably on the premise that “Ladybug chose her,” and that somehow proves that Chat Noir is a good guy in all this (while, again, disrespecting/not trusting Ladybug/making his own decisions at every corner).
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien/Chat Noir attempts to charm Alya/Rena Rouge into sharing Ladybug's secrets with him, possibly making Nino jealous in the process.
*sees “Rocketear” trailer*
oh no...
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: We get another 'Bad Future' episode centered on Sadrien; this time around, it features him losing the Ring, painting this popular plotline as a horrible idea because Adrien is Perfect and Never Does Anything Wrong, and should never be punished for his actions.  No matter how it happens, Marinette is blamed for it; bonus if somebody angrily tells her that SHE should have lost HER Miraculous instead.
Wouldn’t be surprised, but that would also mean making a new model of a cat hero.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: It's revealed that part of the reason Alix/Bunnix refuses to share any 'Spoilers' about how the future is 'meant to go' is because Marinette Suffers Incredibly in the process, and Alix knows that she'd try to find some other way... and assumes that she'd fail in the process.  This is treated as entirely valid and Marinette, if she learns that this is part why Bunnix won't tell her shit, has to accept that she's just doomed to be Fate's personal punching bag.  Sucks to be her!
It’s “meant to be.”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette/Ladybug is told outright that she's a horrible person for not respecting Chat Noir's feelings for her.  Bonus points if it's Alya, citing Mari's crush on Adrien as proof that she should know how it feels to constantly fail at getting your crush's attention.  (Alternately, Adrien venting to her about how *unfair* it is that Ladybug's so cruel to her partner, unaware of the dramatic irony.)  Triple-7 Jackpot of Shit if this contributes to the RLBS becoming a thing.
And of course Chat Noir wouldn’t get the same treament and it’ll be like, “WELL ADRIEN DOESN’T kNoW sO--”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Instead of Lila, Chloe is revealed to be the next holder of the Butterfly Miraculous. This shows Chloe as "irredeemable" while successfully writing Lila out of the show.
Meanwhile, the writers’ script is frantically scribbled on with red marker.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Reveal that post about Lila being future Hawkmoth was Red Herring (or in this case orange herring)
Dumb herring.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need a burrow;
By the end of the series, Gabriel will have a redemption arc to feel sympathy for him :o
guys he’s so sad don’t you see--
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien's inability to choose between the 'love of his life' and the abusive shitbag excuse of a sire who'd just smacked him like a ping-pong ball foreshadows that he will ultimate choose Gabriel after learning that he's Hawk/Shadowmoth.  This will be entirely blamed on Marinette not being able to keep him by her side because 'she didn't love/cherish/appreciate him enough'!
After “Guiltrip” and the whole, “I don’t say this enough--” line, I’d buy it and now I’m sad.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: The RLBS is kicked off by Chat Noir switching sides and joining Hawk/Shadowmoth.  Ladybug is forced to appeal to Chat's 'love' for her, with Alya, Tikki, and various other 'friends'/allies blaming her for his defection.  Meanwhile, Sadrien starts pursuing Marinette as an outlet for his mangst, 'unintentionally' making her more miserably conflicted in the process.
She rejected him and therefore he’s in his right to switch sides. She never even gave him a chance!!!
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien is a Sentimonster/was created by other Miraculous magic by the Agrestes, who desired a 'perfect/model son'.  This is used to further the narrative that his entitlement is actually a Good Thing: Adrien was not MEANT to have any wants/needs/desires of his own, but mysteriously developed them anyway.  Thus Marinette NEEDS to cater to his every whim because it's sO mIrAcUlOuS that he HAS them in the first place.  Hooray...?
His very EXISTENCE is MIRACULOUS, Marinette!!!
Also, Astruc will act like this was amazingly foreshadowed in “Ladybug” where Ladybug comments on Sentibug’s perfection.and with Astruc always called Adrien perfect (either on his own or through other characters).
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Another Shocking Familial Connection is revealed: Felix is not Adrien's cousin, but Gabriel and Emilie's original son, whom they shunted off on her sister and replaced with the 'perfect' Adrien.  50-50 split on whether this is used to excuse all of Felix's shitty behavior or if he's demonized further -- 'See, THIS is why they replaced him!  ANYONE would choose the Perfect Adrien over someone like THAT!'
Why not both????
It’s like the Chloe-Zoe situation but male.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: After learning that Rena Rouge has become Ladybug's confidant, Chat Noir outright REFUSES to help at a critical moment, sneering about how 'you ladies CLEARLY don't need me'.  As with everything else, the blame for his latest stunt is laid neatly at Marinette's feet, because Adrien is never EVER responsible for his own actions.
They’ll probably blame Marinette because Ladybug “didn’t tell him right away.”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Circumstances force Adrien to be Mr. Bug again (since they already have the models).  Much is milked from how HAAAAAAAARRRRD his temporary responsibilities are on him, and he reiterates afterwards how happy he is that he doesn't have to deal with that all the time.  No actual sympathy for Ladybug's situation is displayed, though stans treat it as such; what we're actually SHOWN is that Adrien only cares about the burden when HE'S the one stuck carrying it.
As per usual, no one cares about Marinette’s problems until it directly affects THEM, and then they’ll go back to not caring.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: With all of the other abusive behavior Adrien has shown towards Ladybug, it's only a matter of time before we get a 'Why did you make me hit you?' moment.  No akuma influence; just him physically lashing out at her because he's an entitled little shit upset over not getting his way, followed by the inevitable bleating about how bad HE feels and how he'll 'never do it again'.  Naturally, this is presented as though Marinette 'deserved it' and must accept his apology.
Show, don’t do this to me, I swear--
I’d be surprised if this did happen, but more because it’s like wow the lack of self-awareness is even worse than I thought.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: We get a Very Special Episode about sexual harassment... which not only refuses to acknowledge Adrien's behavior as such, but asserts that he would NEVER touch 'his lady' in any kind of inappropriate fashion.  Bonus: he harasses her in that very same episode to 'prove' that his behavior isn't inappropriate.
So “Felix” but worse...
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: The reason why ML Writers made Zoe an actress is to justify why she managed to recognize that Lila is "Liar that lies" instantly after meeting her.
Waiting for the moment where Zoe talks to Marinette to address Marinette “acting like she’s not in love with Adrien.”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Lila steals the Fox Pendant from Alya/does something that affects her *personally*.  Alya then reads Marinette the riot act, demanding to know "Why didn't you WARN ME about her?!"  (None of the times that she DID count because Alya dismissed them as her 'just being jealous', which is, of course, entirely Mari's fault.)  Bonus if we allude back to her claiming that 'good reporters do their research' and how she expected MARI to provide her her with proof of her claims.
Marinette: *thousand yard stare*
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: When Lila is exposed, Marinette gets blamed for all the harm she caused with her various deceptions, since she tried to warn others and couldn't convince anyone of the truth.  Adrien 'taking the high road' is largely glossed over; if anyone finds out that HE knew too and never did anything to warn anyone, he's quickly forgiven for 'not knowing any better'.
See, Marinette, if you just hadn’t tRiEd--
And Adrien was just trying to “be nice to everyone equally” so he’s forgiven.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien/Chat Noir outright admits that he dislikes Rena/the other heroes being around since they make him feel unnecessary.  This is treated as a perfectly reasonable and valid complaint rather than a slacker piss-moaning about being shown up by others making actual EFFORT.
*flashbacks to “You’re not trying to replace me with a turtle, are you?” after Carapace shows up LITERALLY ONCE*
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: We get a retread of the NYC Special's Angstrian when he accidentally ('accidentally?') Cataclysms Rena/somebody else.  Bonus if the victim once again argues that THEIR experiences/trauma are FAR less important than his.  (Especially if it's Alya, Nino, Max... somebody who ALSO happens to be a character of color temporarily killed off to make the spoiled white rich brat feel sorry for himself.)
It’s an accident and also probably “Ladybug’s fault.”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien/Chat Noir skips an akuma attack/shows up late to find it was resolved without him, and mopes about how 'his lady doesn't need him anymore', requiring somebody else to massage his ego.  Bonus points if somebody (likely Ladybug) is demonized for getting annoyed at him for being late/a no-show, because HOW DARE they take defending Paris seriously?!
Well excuse us, Chat, next time we’ll just awkwardly stall for twenty minutes.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chat Noir will 'accidentally' Cataclysm one of the protective Charms so that its holder can be akumatized again.  Bonus if he does this to Alya/one of the other heroes.
Probably Chloe.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: The protective charms are ultimately rendered effectively pointless when Adrien switches sides and starts using his powers to destroy them.  Naturally, Marinette is held completely responsible for his actions, because God FORBID he ever be called to account for himself.  Not when his 'partner' is around to absorb all the blame.
You didn’t make him feel loVeD, Marinette.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien pulls a Chloe with his own attempt at engineered heroics, putting the lives of others on the line to 'prove his value'.  Ladybug is completely blamed for the stunt; bonus if someone accuses her of 'not learning anything' from what happened with Chloe.
Hate it. Hate it a lot.
We already got him trying to cause/hoping for akuma, so this isn’t too far off.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien gives Zoe better advice for dealing with her bullies.  His policy for handling Chloe and Lila remains the same as ever.  (In other words, only Marinette has to 'be the better person' and keep suffering at the hands of her abusers, since it maintains his preferred status quo.  But it's no skin off his nose if Zoe's situation changes/improves.)
I also imagine that Adrien would give this advice without Marinette onscreen, so Adrien won’t be called out on it.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Alya will reveal Marinette’s identity to someone (possibly Nino) and the show will then punish Marinette for trusting Alya in the first place. Bonus point if the show then says she should have trusted Adrien/Chat Noir because he would never have betrayed her trust.
I’m just remembering the fandom’s complaints and wow I hate it.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Ladybug Miraculous basically change into Poor man's version of Green Lantern's Ring
*stares at the phone in “Optigami” that somehow picks up on the kwamis’ voices* hm
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Marinette will look through the future and see one where she and Luka get together, except it’s portrayed as bad and abusive, more so if he knows her secret identity, and the only way for her to escape it is by getting with Chat Noir(and not...you know, anybody else. Or being single. Or MAKING THE RELATIONSHIP WORK!!!). Chat Noir sees it too, and gloat about in her face, since it proved that they were “meant for each other, m’lady!” Bonus points if someone calls Thomas Ass Truck out on this shit, and he either replies that it was the best thing to do, claims it doesn’t matter how Lukanette is treated/the love square ends up together because they’re “made for each other” anyway, or even tries to pass it off as “girl power”, because how could we let the female lead get with the respe—oops, I mean abusive guy over the one who treats her te—oops, I mean respectfully and like a “gentleman” would?! And then he’ll follow up by blocking them for daring to question the Ridiculous Relationship Rhombus and respect the “non-endgame” ship. Even wor—oops! I mean, better, if love square shippers use this opportunity to gloat about how “I always knew Adrien and Marinette(notice how they always place his name first?!) were perfect for each other, Luka wasn’t good enough for Marinette, take that, Lukanette shippers!” declaring it “anti-salt”.
bfgkdjfgdfg god
Also, the only problem with this idea is that it would mean making an adult model for Luka.
Bonus if another “disadvantage” to Marinette dating Luka is that Luka isn’t high class.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette will be told outright to 'Get over yourself' and stop bringing up valid complaints about Chat Noir's shitty behavior, as the series becomes increasingly overt with its subtext about how one of Marinette's Biggest Mistakes is having STANDARDS.
Ignoring that Luka exists, of course, and if it’s mentioned that Luka exists then cue, “OH BUT SHE DOESN’T AAAACTUALLY LOVE LUKA.”
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need Burrow: SentiWiFi (Lady WiFi Sentimonster)
SentiEveryone at this point...
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Nino is again robbed of screentime by Sentimonster based on him.
*sees “Sentibubbler” title and trailer*
Did--did you predict the future??
...I mean, we’ve been doing that the whole time, but damn.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will continue shoving Marinette towards Adrien, then mockingly ask 'Didn't you want to give romance a break?' or something along those lines.  Showing that not only is she fully aware of Marinette's wishes and doesn't give a damn, but implicitly blaming Marinette for her inability to stick to them, despite how SHE is the one forcing the issue.
“We all know that you WANT HIM, Marinette! Stop denying yourself!!!”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: When Marinette gets a spot of hope regarding her relationship woes, Alya leaps in to take all the credit for the apparent success.  Once the light turns out to be an incoming Drama Train that blindsides Marinette and leaves her humiliated and heartbroken, Alya insists that it's entirely MARI's fault that things went off the rails.
Waiting for a line from Alya about how she’s doing everything right and Marinette must be really hopeless if Alya’s schemes aren’t working...
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya and Nino will get into a bit of Relationship Drama in order to further reinforce the series' double standards.  (Such as 'It's OK for boys to lie, but girls shouldn't have any secrets.'  Or 'Boys can hold grudges, but girls must forgive every trespass.'  Or 'Girls shouldn't told boys to impossible standards like expecting to be treated with basic human decency.')  Bonus points if Marinette gets blamed for it.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: The subtext about Marinette not deserving a GOOD love interest is further emphasized by Kagami and Luka getting together.  Kagami comments on how she can trust Luka not to lie to her; this is the closest she gets to explaining to Marinette WHY she broke things off with Adrien in the first place.  After all, it doesn't matter if Adrien lies to Marinette; they're 'meant for each other'.
I’m still not over Kagami saying that the guy who lied to her is “made for” her only friend????
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Zoe learns a valuable lesson about the importance of Being Herself with Luka's help, teasing the idea of the two of them getting together.
“Bonus” for Marinette saying that Zoe and Luka are made for each other.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chat Noir deliberately strings Vesperia along in a ploy to make Ladybug jealous.  Zoe is naturally heartbroken when she learns the truth.  Her pain is blamed entirely on Marinette, since Adrien can NEVER be held accountable for his own actions.
Ladybug, you should’ve seen this coming!!
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need burrow (kinda?), Astruc apparently is aware that his perfect Adrien is flawed as Chat Noir (he said so on twitter), and I fear that if anyone ever asks him why the two sides of Adrien so different, he'll reveal that the cat miraculous changes the holder's personality or some shit, which will cause "Anti Adrien Salt" to explode, screaming "the salter's claims aren't valid anymore, it's not Adrien's fault, it's the miraculous!!!1!!111!!!!¡¡!¡¡¡!!!"
I feel like he denied that back when he still had a Tumblr but gosh I’m just waiting for it to be confirmed because FANON THEORIES.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien gets a taste of what Marinette goes through constantly when he/Chat Noir suffers a bit of minor humiliation over his crush.  His pain and angst over this is played DEAD SERIOUS, treated as though he's suffering through the WORST THING EVER even though whatever happened pales in comparison to what Marinette has endured.  Anyone who dares so much as chuckle at what happened is villainized, since only a MONSTER would find his suffering funny.
I’m seething.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Return of Sentibug (for fanservice)
Bonus if they kill her off again. Something something “only one Ladybug” something.
neyla9 asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: So if Zoe gets sent to a new boarding school after being in Paris for a few months (there is a chance the writers will just completely ignore that this was established in Sole Crusher, in which case this probably won't happen), I predict that Zoe was brought in specifically to redeem Chloe, rubbing it in Marinette's face that she failed at redeeming Chloe, and force Marinette to give Chloe the bee miraculous back
Most likely. Apparently needed to bring someone else in to make Marinette feel worse.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien abandons/ditches his responsibilities as a hero because he's too busy sulking over his ego being bruised by some slight (real or imagined).  Marinette is naturally blamed for this.
Oh, of course!
Marinette probably had to be late for patrol so he was intentionally late for something, and then was like well you did it to me, so--
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chloe will get another tiresome 'Will she or won't she be redeemed?' arc, only to backstab/betray everyone again.  Astruc will preen and croon on social media about how gullible anyone that thinks she could ever be redeemable is.  Bonus points if Chloe's damning act that proves she's unsalvageable is something ADRIEN has done.
Meanwhile, Nino is back here absolutely collecting DUST!!!
I guess you gotta be a horrible person/make Marinette suffer to get screen time.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chloe will discover Vesperia's secret identity and steal the Bee Miraculous, then spitefully out Zoe so that SHE can't be a heroine anymore.
Marinette is running out of teens at this point but finding new ones would mean more models.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Zoe is used to teach Marinette that she's too harsh on others for lying, and should accept that they can be dishonest sometimes.  (Especially Adrien.)  As a natural follow-up, Marinette is blamed/punished for falling for a friend's lies -- because CLEARLY it's not Alya/Adrien/anyone else's fault if she believes their bullshit!
No one’s perfect, Marinette! People are human!!
...Except you, of course.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Despite the incident with SentiNino, Shadow Moth will *successfully* obtain a miraculous by using the same trick.  Bonus points if it's Marinette/Ladybug who falls for it... though really, she'll be blamed regardless.
Double bonus if she doesn’t fall for it but it still goes through.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: The 'Shocking Twist' of Adrien/Chat Noir betraying Team Miraculous and joining his father will be presented as though it's entirely Marinette/Ladybug's fault, with Adrien acting as though he Had No Choice and angsting about being 'forced' to betray his lady and friends.  The series never acknowledges how self-serving his motives actually are, and any call-outs he gets are treated as Wrong and Awful and Blaming Poor Innocent Victim Adrien.
“hE’s jUsT tRyinG tO sAvE hIs mOm”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: 'Borrowing' from many a Salt Fic, Marinette will thank her for 'proving who my *real* friends are'.  This entails giving Adrien, Alya and possibly others credit for always standing by her, believing in her, and various other things that they never actually did.
I’m presuming “her” means “everyone”/”the girl squad” and yup.
Better tell than show I guess.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will be retconned into having 'never believed anything Lila said'.  Or at least, she will CLAIM that she never believed her.
Also prepared for them to handwave it, like, “oh whatever, now I’m helping you since I know so it’s all good!”
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need Burrow: Similarities between Luka and Zoe were only red herring. Zoe will become Kagami's new love interest (and Kagami and Zoe's dynamic will be suspiciously similar do Fanon!Marigami)
But that would imply they care enough about LGBT rep.
Though they could always pull a Voltron and slip it in at the very end.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette will suffer the toll/backlash from using multiple Miraculi ONLY for the sake of making that her Latest Mistake. Her past successes are only acknowledged as a way of painting her as arrogant for assuming she could continue doing so safely.
She’ll probably be yelled at and told not to “keep doing everything herself” even though that’s what the narrative keeps telling her to do.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien discovers his father's secret identity and hides it... and this is painted as an act of incredible self-sacrifice rather than selfishness.  Rather than treating it as a betrayal of Ladybug/Team Miraculous, the series focuses on his angst and 'inner struggle', pretending there's something heroic about him refusing to expose Hawkmoth and potentially put an end to his terrorizing Paris.
Deep breaths, Clarity.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need burrow: Alya will get to keep her boyfriend despite her being involved with the miraculous box n stuff, unlike Marinette. Why, you ask? Easy, the bond between Luka and Mari just isn't sTrOnG eNoUgH for them to last through difficult times, like Alya and Nino do so easily.
Ignoring that Marinette and Luka only just got together and also that Marinette has it WAY different than Alya.
But no I guess. Adrien and Marinette are “made for each other” so gotta discredit Lukanette whenever. Marinette isn’t allowed to be happy, we know.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: The one time Marinette gets a break from akumas and her responsibilities all hell breaks loose and the lesson for that episode will be that Marinette and Marinette alone must carry the burden of being Ladybug and Guardian.
Marinette: *gets five minutes of sleep*
Paris: *catches on fire*
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow (Can I do two at once?): "Crocoduel" will not acknowledge the Lukanette breakup at all, and the titular Akuma will just be Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock again.
(You’re allowed two, absolutely!)
I’d like to add as well that, even if they do acknowledge the Lukanette breakup, Marinette will talk to Luka about it but then be like, “I’m not focusing on love right now and I’m too busy so I’m sorry for everything that happened,” even as everyone keeps pushing for the love square.
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darthkvznblogs · 4 years ago
Saw the new chapter, nice! BTW, how would the various characters celebrate Pride Month?
Apologies, I've been busy with last chapter's reviews!
Wowza, that's a huge ask - I've made a conscious effort to normalize LGBTQIA+ identities in my stories, so there's a lot of ground to cover here! There's also a minor issue in that most of the current stories are set in 2012, which is quite a different landscape in regards to the acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community compared to nowadays.
With that in mind, I'll try to go for the "ideal" celebration (and I'll throw in the characters' gender identities and sexual preferences, since I've already got those in my ongoing character database). Obviously, this only applies to the characters as portrayed in the Kryptonverse!
(This is a long one, so I'll add a "read more" thingy for the sake of those who aren't interested.)
- I think Luz would take Pride Month as an opportunity to more overtly explore her gender noncomformity; much like was showcased in the Grom episode, she might try on different outfit combinations, different pronouns - whatever makes her feel closer to her ideal self. I think her stint in the Boiling Isles would only make it that much clearer how truly silly it is for other people to try and dictate what she should look or behave like. Luz currently identifies as a bisexual, cisgender woman, but she has found comfort in identifying as nonbinary in the past, and there's really no telling how she might feel in the future.
- Kryptonian society had a great many issues, but a resistance towards gender variance and non-heterosexual preferences wasn't one of them - as long as you followed the strict life path set up for you by the Empire, of course. Kara is still confused about the human attitudes towards this subject, and angry that they affected Alex and Lena negatively in their youth. I think she'd celebrate Pride Month by pushing the Avengers to champion causes that protect the LGBTQIA+ community - not that they need much convincing. Think parades, lobbying for legislation, impassioned speeches, and million-dollar donations to worthy charities - whatever it takes to make sure people know where their heroes stand on this issue. Kara is a pansexual cisgender woman, Alex and Lena are lesbian cisgender women, Tony is a pansexual cisgender man, Steve is a (closeted) bisexual cisgender man, Natasha is an aromantic, bisexual, cisgender woman, Clint is a biromantic, heterosexual, cisgender man, and Rhodey and Bruce are both heterosexual, cisgender men (the Hulk himself is pansexual though).
- Not that Ben was against it before, of course, but I think gaining the ability to swap bodies (and genders, depending on the transformation) at will would give him a much greater appreciation for people who suffer from dysmorphia or otherwise don't gel with the body they were born with. I think he'd champion trans causes specifically during Pride Month - much to the anger of his parents, both conservative politicians. Ben is a bisexual, cisgender man, Julie is a bisexual, cisgender woman, Kevin is a heterosexual, cisgender man, and Gwen is a (currently questioning) bisexual, cisgender woman.
- It's kind of a spoiler to talk at length about Chloé's relationship with her own preferences. Suffice it to say, she would be very much opposed to Pride celebrations initially, but may or may not radically change her attitude as her journey goes on. Chloé is a lesbian, cisgender woman. Adrien is a bisexual, cisgender man (with GNC tendencies as he grows up), and Marinette is a bisexual, cisgender woman.
- Nico obviously didn't grow up in an environment conducive to the acceptance of his being gay. I think there's still a lot of internal self-loathing there, even as his boyfriend and his friends have greatly helped to coax him away from it, and that might manifest as his reluctance to participate in Pride celebrations. I think once he's convinced to attend a Pride parade once, though, it would make a world of difference going forward! Nico is a gay, cisgender man.
- Ellie has never given much thought to her own identity or preferences. She's felt attracted to all kinds of people, but never enough to want to act on it. It's possible that she's aro/ace, or somewhere on that spectrum, but even that feels like an ill-fitting piece of clothing. She is fiercely protective of Danny, though; poking fun or attacking him for being trans is a surefire way to make her go all out against you. She'll happily celebrate Pride with Danny and friends, too. Ellie doesn't currently subscribe to any romantic or sexual preference, but does identify as a cisgender woman. Valerie is a bisexual, cisgender woman. Danny is a heterosexual, transgender man.
- Pidge used to comfortably identify as a straight, cis woman, but her stint as Pidge Gunderson and the subsequent massive expansion of her knowledge of gender identities and sexual preferences due to her travels as a Paladin of Voltron have let her more solidly (ironically) identify as genderfluid and pansexual. She'd have a blast teaching Allura and Coran all about Earth Pride celebrations, and I'm sure she's eager to teach the people of Earth just how little they know about what's out there. Pidge is a genderfluid, pansexual individual (identified as female during Close Encounters, but don't let that fool you!).
- Saiyans have a weird relationship with gender and sexual preference. The average Saiyan is mostly free to do and be whatever the f*ck they want in this regard, but there is definitely a culture of male superiority, and a stigma towards trans Saiyan men, specifically - it's seen by traditionalists as "women trying to rise above their station", much in the same way as marrying between Saiyan classes is scorned. Caulifla and Kale don't have that kind of baggage, though, growing up on Xandar - their dithering about being with each other is just your classic awkward teenage romance, nothing to do with their both being women. Caulifla and Kale both identify as lesbian, cisgender women.
- Dipper may be a straight man, but he's the best damned ally you could hope for - fiercely protective of his pansexual twin and bisexual girlfriend. He's got every opposing argument memorized, and a counterargument ready to go - you do not want to debate him, and he will track your ass down if he catches you trolling/hating online. Mabel becomes even more of a living vortex of glitter and gloss during Pride - sweeping away the more muted Tulip, who'll happily settle for a little bisexual flag pin or sticker on her computer. Hard not to find Mabel's enthusiasm infectious, though! Dipper is a heterosexual, cisgender man, Mabel is a pansexual, cisgender woman, and Tulip is a bisexual, cisgender woman.
That was a lot! I hope it was an enjoyable read, though! @the-literary-lord
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oblivious-embodied · 4 years ago
A Miraculous Journey of Self Discovery
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir: Rewritten, Trans AU. 
A long time ago, I decided to make my own rewrite of the Miraculous Ladybug show, do it in my own way so that things could progress the way I would like, for characters to grow and develop in personality and strength. Write my own way for the miraculous to be empowered, to be a bigger deal, to mean more than what they mean in the show. And, along the way, I saw @wintertundra-art's Trans Adrien and Marinette AU, and I wanted to see if I could incorporate that into this rewrite. And, with her permission and cooperation, I was able to get the first chapter, Origins: Part One completed! I'm excited to see where this goes from here!
So, as a christmas gift to you all, Enjoy a miraculous rewrite, and trans representation! If you haven't already, go check out @wintertundra-art and her wonderful AU! And, if you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask too.
I’ve decided to rate it as Teen and Up Audiences, and you can read it here on AO3! It currently sits at 12,265 words
Origins: Part One
(Summary: Eons ago, powerful artifacts were forged, infused with power that humans can only dream of, they were made to be anchors to beings of immense power. Centuries ago, two of the more powerful miraculous were lost, the Butterfly of Emotion and the Peacock of Soul. Now, the Butterfly has been awoken, and is in the hands of someone who want's to corrupt the Butterfly's power and use it for their own nefarious wants. The only way to stop this from happening is to bring balance, and only the most powerful Miraculous can do so: The Black Cat of Destruction, and the Ladybug of Creation. )
A man opens up a broach, revealing the smiling image of a blonde haired, green eyed woman. His breath hitches just a bit as he locks eyes with her image. With slightly shaking hands, he closes the broach and he looks to a floating, violet creature with big, purple eyes, and a swirl on its head that is the same shade as its eyes. Little butterfly wings extend from its back.
“Nooroo,” his tone is sharp, cold, calculating. Terrifying. “Tell me where to find the other Miraculous.”
“I-I do not know...” the being named Nooroo answers, bowing its head slightly.
The man narrows his eyes.
Several thousand years ago, possibly eons ago, powerful pieces of magical jewelry were forged, each serving as an anchor to beings of extreme power. Beings that are the embodiment of concepts that the minds of simple humans can’t even begin to comprehend, concepts like The Four Elements, The Mind, The Heart, The Soul, The Body, Energy, and even of Destruction and Creation itself.
These jewels were named ‘Miraculous’. They can’t be destroyed; whether that is due to the material they are made from, or the bonds they have with the beings, known as kwami, no one knows.
These Miraculous were created for the sole purpose of aiding the human race. And with their use, myths and legends of large, humanoid creatures, capable of unfathomable feats of strength and power arose.
And according to legend, whoever holds both of the two most powerful Miraculous, the anchors to the beings of Destruction and Creation, Death and Life, will be as powerful as a god.
And with that power, the ability to do whatever they want.
And he must have these Miraculous. He must have the power to become God.
His life, his happiness, all he’s worked for, all he’s done, the fate of his family, it all depends on him getting those Miraculous.
“Very well.” He says finally, but he turns his cold gaze to the poor being. “Tell me, Nooroo, what are the properties of your Miraculous.”
The being named Nooroo looks up at this man, its eyes weary. “That is the Miraculous of the Butterfly. It derives its power from the heart; it will allow you to sense the emotions of anyone around you in a certain radius, and through this you will be able to give others powers and abilities. These people will then become your devoted followers, your champions.” Nooroo straightens back up, puffing out its little chest.
A sickening smile creeps its way across the man’s face. “You are saying, Nooroo, that I can give supernatural powers to the ordinary; and they will, in turn, do anything I tell them to do.” It isn’t a question. It’s a statement. His mind is already circulating with different situations. At this, Nooroo deflates a bit, drooping.
“W-well, no, not really. You can give powers to someone you deem fit, but you can’t really control them. They’ll just be able to communicate with you, and vice versa, and you will be able to help them along the way.”
The smile does not leave the man’s face, “You said your powers are derived from the heart, yes?” Nooroo nods, it’s eyes widening. “I may not be able to control them directly... but I can to some degree.”
At this, Nooroo’s eyes fly open, his mouth dropping open. “Th-that’s-that’s not what the butterfly is intended-“
“I will do what I want!” The man cuts in, his tone forceful, he emphasizes his words with a stomp to the ground. “I am your master. You will do what I say, and you will not disobey me.” Nooroo’s eyes blow wide again, and it opens its mouth to say something, but nothing comes out of its mouth. It is unable to say anything. In it’s eyes, terror is clear. Dejectedly, Nooroo bows it’s head and body. “Yes, Master.”
This brings the man even more sickening joy.
“Nooroo, we will find those Miraculous.” Then man takes a step forward and lifts Nooroo’s chin up. “And we will do it by any means necessary.”
He takes a step back and fastens the broach to his shirt. 
“Nooroo, dark wings, rise.”
Nooroo is sucked into the broach and violet light rushes up the man’s body, transforming his clothes. When the light dies down, the man is wearing black, skin tight, laceless dress shoes. Purple, almost skintight pants. He’s wearing a purple suit jacket and black latex-like gloves. The collar folds up at the front like a paper airplane, the broach sitting in the middle, two black, shimmering, almost rubber like lapels that start just below the paper airplane collar, form around it and go up to protrude from off the shoulders about 25 centimeters. His neck and face, save for the area around his mouth, is covered by a silver material. His eyes are violet. 
“From now on...” he looks at the big metal, circular window cover, his violet eyes glistening with malice. “I will be known as Hawkmoth!”
Sleeping in the brass horn of the fake record player that houses the miracle box is a small green creature, with a head much larger than the rest of his body, who looks like a miniature turtle. His body is a light-ish green, with patches of darker green. His head has some subtle scales, but is mostly smooth. Its abdomen, and the back of his arms and legs are covered in dark green scales. A turtle shell rests on his back.
Something startles Wayzz from his peaceful sleep in the fake record player’s bell, his eyes shooting open and revealing that they are completely yellow with  dark green pupils. Something pulsates through the air, a powerful, corruptive wave of energy with a hint of something else behind it. 
It’s... an old, familiar energy. It pulsates through the air again before dissipating slightly, then pulsating again. Like a heartbeat. 
One that doesn’t bode well. 
This energy... it’s from Nooroo... but... it’s tainted. It might just be from time apart, that could be why his energy feels... wrong. 
Malicious. Cold. 
But... it could also be something else... something far more terrible than someone accidentally picking up and activating It’s Miraculous. 
It’s an energy that accompanies An unwelcome wielder. It’s Nooroo’s distress call. 
Wayzz bursts from the fake record player’s bell and into Master Fu’s side, jolting him, stilling his fingers on his patient’s back. 
The little old man, wearing a red Hawaiian t-shirt, grey slacks and brown sandals, turns to the little green kwami. 
“What is it?” He whispers, his fingers returning to work at the young man’s back. 
“Master! I felt an odd energy.” 
Master Fu pauses in his work again, furrowing his brows in thought. After another second’s deliberation, he tells Wayzz to hide, then quickly ushers his patient out the door, promising to see him next week. 
With the door closed, he turns back to his kwami. “What kind of energy?” His tone is solemn and wary. 
“Master, it was Noroo’s. It was Nooroo’s distress call. It’s in trouble!” 
The old master’s eyes widen in shock, his mouth hanging open for a second before he sets it into a hard line. “Very well then, Wayzz. We must find him at once!” 
Wayzz winces for a split second, human’s have never understood how one can be referred to by pronouns other than he/him, or she/her, and the Master doesn’t seem to catch on to Wayzz calling Nooroo by It’s preferred pronouns. But Wayzz refuses to not use It’s preferred pronouns. He would never do that to his friend.
The old master stands up straight, holding up his right wrist, his other hand bracing it. “Time to transform... Wayzz-“
“Augh, oh...” Master Fu groans as he falls to the ground, muted groans escaping his throat. 
“Master, please be reasonable! You are-“ 
“Still young!” Fu cuts in, “ I’m only 186!...” he grunts as he stands back up. “but I can no longer do this alone... we will need help.” 
He walks over to the fake record player, and Wayzz looks away as Master Fu puts in the code to open up the record player. 
Within seconds, the middle slides open, and a black box with red, ornate, ancient Chinese characters on it is lifted from the cavity in the record player. 
Before he opens the box, he looks to Wayzz; the kwami has been with him for most of his life... they’ve been through a lot together. So, Wayzz is certain that they surely think the same thing. 
Allowing those Miraculous to be out in the open, even if it is just to recover Nooroo from its captor, it’s incredibly risky. But... Wayzz has a certain feeling about this, it may be a risky move, but it feels like the right one. If they are to recover Nooroo, and if It’s had Its powers abused by a corrupted heart, they will need to cleanse and balance it’s Miraculous; and only those of Creation and Destruction can do so.  As Fu takes out those two Miraculous, Wayzz nods his agreement. Hopefully... hopefully this doesn’t go wrong.
For the next few days, Fu looks for two people who fit the parameters for these two Miraculous. They need to be kind, and selfless... those two traits aren’t too hard to find. But for the Miraculous of Creation, he needs to find someone who has the mind to handle the complexity, the heart to consider the options, the soul to value everyone, the body to meet the physical requirements and the energy to withstand it all.
They need to be of the right age too, for if they are too young, their mind could snap, their heart could burst, their soul could be irreparably damaged, their body could shrivel… just like his did when he was a boy. 
Finding someone who meets all these requirements is grueling, but it’s the only way to make sure they don’t face life long detriments.  
Fu finds himself in a bakery, looking over everyone he can see as he simultaneously looks for what pastry to get for himself. The people he finds don’t fit what this Miraculous needs, and he gets no reaction from the box containing the being who embodies Creation itself. He is about to give up on his search for a suitable wielder for Tikki when a feeling of warmth pulsates through his body, emanating from the box Tikki’s Miraculous resides in. 
He looks up, and is greeted with the sight of the baker’s daughter, a young girl with black hair, Asian features, and beautiful grey eyes. She talks animatedly with the customers, smiling so brightly and with such warmth in her eyes, she makes it seem like she makes friends with everyone she meets. 
But she’s too young, she doesn’t look to be more that 14 years old, he will not put the stress of being the wielder of Creation on a child. His body was crippled when he wore his Miraculous when he was too young, and his Miraculous is substantially less powerful than Creation. He will not the the reason for the death of a child. 
He moves on. 
But Tikki is insistent, if the way the box burns in his pocket is any indication. 
Reluctantly, he turns to his kwami companion, Wayzz, and nods to him, making a mental note to have Wayzz watch this girl. He can only hope that he finds someone better suited for Creation. 
When out of the bakery, Wayzz whispers in his ear, “Are you sure giving a Miraculous — especially one of such magnitude — to a child is a good idea?”
Fu pulls out and bites into a pastry, his facial features dark. “I do not know, my friend. I refuse to give a Miraculous to someone so young, especially one that is so powerful. However, Tikki is insisting on this girl. I hope to find someone who is suited for Tikki, and is older, but we must be prepared for the event that we have to give this girl this responsibility.”
Wayzz sighs, “Alright, Master.” 
The next day, Fu makes his way to the bakery  — those pastries are to die for! — but he’s in a sour mood. He hasn’t been able to get Tikki to react to any other person, she is insistent on this bakery girl. He’s keeping an eye out for someone else, but he’s starting to believe he has no other choice. 
Just as he rounds the corner, the box that houses the Black Cat Miraculous of Destruction sends a chilling wave of energy through Fu’s body, and he stops in his tracks. Plagg has sensed someone he wants to choose. Fu starts looking around, going through all the parameters the wielder of Destruction needs to have: They need to have a mind strong enough to resist temptation, a heart kind enough to give mercy to those around them, a soul to see the good and bad, a body to withstand the effects the Miraculous of Destruction has on wielders, and the ability to rein in Plagg’s energy. 
Everyone he looks at is wrong, and they incite no reaction from Plagg, but then he sees a young man with blond hair, green eyes, and fair skin in the park. He’s sitting on a bench, looking crestfallen. To his right, cameras and photographers are setting up around him. There are other children playing at the park, and the young man is staring at them with a longing gaze. 
The hope in Fu’s eyes dies down as he realizes that Plagg’s chosen is one that is, once again, too young, 
He doesn’t want this, he doesn’t want to put them through this, but if Tikki won’t change her mind, Plagg most definitely wont. 
Resigned, Fu turns around and starts going to the bakery, making a note to look into this boy. He looks up and finds himself looking at a poster advertisement for Agreste Fashion, and the boy he was just looking at is on it. 
It seems finding information on this boy will not be as hard as he thought. 
As he continues to watch the bakery girl, he sees just how kind and selfless she is. She routinely offers help in the bakery as often as she can. She lights up talking to customers about fashion — apparently, she’s quite fond of fashion, especially the Agreste brand, how fascinating — how she lifts full bags of flour with only a few grunts and wobbles here and there. Fu’s found that she created the design for the bakery sign. As well as the menu board. She is truly creative. And, if his hearing does not fail him, she even bakes some of the pastries from time to time. 
Tikki grows more and more insistent on choosing this girl, and Fu has resigned himself to the fact that he will be putting them through things he never wished to put anyone through again. If he is going to give her the Miraculous of Creation, he must be there to mentor her. He must be able to guide her through all of this. Hopefully she can handle this and he isn’t sending her to her death. 
Now... the young man, the child model... he wasn’t quite sure at first, and he was getting ready to have a long argument with Plagg. He just seemed to be a boy longing for the time to play with others. But, as he continued to pursue knowledge about this boy -- his name being Adrien -- he’s found that he is praised for his kindness, and he’s seen that in video recordings of interviews with the boy. Wayzz has told him that when he has photoshoots at the park, when he sees kids fall down, he twitches almost imperceptibly. As though he wants to go over and pick them up. And when he watches parents with their difficult kids, he seems to want nothing more than to help. 
Fu has seen the way he smiles at his bodyguard, at his scheduler, the photographers, the other models, it seems to be completely genuine. 
He harbors a heart that wants to do good, that wants to do nothing but help, his soul longs for the freedom to be selfless, but it is unable to. And Plagg has latched onto this boy.
He must be able to guide these two young people. He must not allow them to go through this alone. 
Late at night in his apartment, Fu sits before two small pieces of paper on his kitchen table, writing two identical notes to put in the boxes containing the Black Cat Miraculous and the Ladybug Miraculous. 
They are to meet him at the base of the Effiel Tower at 22:00, but in order for this to work, he must give them the miraculous at the same time, which means he must execute his challenges before it is too late. 
Suddenly, Wayzz flies up to his face and bows before speaking. “Master! I just sensed Nooroo transform Its captor! It was powerful, whoever has Nooroo is powerful.”
Fu stops writing and strokes his goatee. If he remembers correctly, the first day of the French school year is in three, almost two days. This means that he doesn’t have much time to issue his challenges to these kids, and even less time to train them. He must act now. “Thank you, Wayzz, we must act soon, before it is too late!”
Fu finishes writing the notes and places them on top of the boxes containing the Miraculous of Destruction and Creation, before he goes to bed.
The next day, Fu makes his way to the bakery. He doesn’t know how to issue his challenge, but it will come to mind eventually. It is the day before the first day of school, and there will be no lack of heightened emotions, and paired with the power that Nooroo has over emotions, who knows when Nooroo’s captor will strike?
Suddenly, Adrien bursts through the bushes, sprinting his way to the school. He has a pleased smile on his face, and hope in his eyes. He reaches the school, and stops, looking up at it, sighing in admiration. 
A car passes by, Adrien whips around, looking at the car, but finds that it is not something he needs to worry about. He relaxes and starts to open the door to the school when three kids burst from the nearby park and speed their way on bikes across the street toward a nearby intersection. He looks at these kids, furrowing his brows. 
Then, a rumbling sounds, Adrien whips around to look, and there is a car coming down their way. And, by the looks of things, the car isn’t slowing down, and neither are the kids.
Fu waits in silence as Adrien seems more confused than ever, looking between the car and the kids, taking a few steps from the school toward the intersection. When it is evident that neither the kids nor the car will stop on their own, he takes action, rushing forward and waving his arms. 
Two of the kids look at him, then at the car coming down the road, and as though it is their first time seeing it, they skid to a stop. But the kid in the middle, a girl with pink hair keeps going, her head turned toward the two kids who stopped, hair whipping around under her helmet. She seems to glare at them and then at the oncoming car.  
Adrien seems to sigh, looking frantically between the rapidly approaching kid and car. 
He looks back to the pink haired girl, and sets his jaw. Clearly set on a course of action. He takes a few long steps toward the street just as she comes by and grabs her arm, forcing her to fall from her bike, but the bike continues onward into the street. 
Where it promptly gets crushed by the car, while the driver looks up from their phone and honks as they drive away.
As the pink haired girl sits there shocked, Adrien stands there awkwardly. But, after a second, the girl stands up and punches Adrien’s arm before seemingly telling him off. All Adrien does is furrow his brows, confused. 
Fu walks away with a small smile. 
He has a feeling this might actually work out well. 
An alarm jerks Marinette awake from her dreamless sleep. With a groan, she blindly gropes around her bed to find her phone, but when she finds it, she only manages to push it from her bed down onto the floor. 
The alarm doesn’t stop, and Marinette can’t decide if she should be relieved, or annoyed. 
With a resigned sigh, she slips from her bed, mourning the lost warmth of her covers, and climbs down her ladder. She picks up her phone and inspects it for cracks. 
Somehow, for some reason, it doesn’t have any. Thank the beings that rule the universe, her phone is indestructible! She doesn’t know how many times she’s dropped her phone, but it doesn’t even have a scratch!
Sluggishly, she goes to her closet, trying to decide on what to wear, looking over everything and battling that feeling of unease she feels every time she looks in her closest; but ultimately decides to put it aside, she’ll just eat breakfast in her pajamas. 
She doesn’t even want to look at her messy, black hair, her body, the bags that are surely to be under her eyes. She’s always loved her eyes, her Maman is from China and has grey eyes, while her Papa grew up locally in Paris with blue eyes; but her eyes are amazing, they’re grey with a ring of blue around the pupil. She can’t help but think of her parents when she looks into her eyes. She doesn’t have as much Asian features as she would like, but she has her eyes, her black hair, and a slight Asian facial bone structure. 
Rubbing sleep from her eyes she starts going downstairs, not really wanting to face the day. Not wanting to fight to feel good. 
It’s the first day of school. The first day of Collége. And, for some reason, Marinette has a strong feeling that Chloé Bourgeois is in her class again. 
One would think that the spoiled brat that is the daughter of the Mayor would be in private school. But, for some reason unknown to all but the two Bourgeois and the beings that rule the universe, she still attends public school; despite all of her complaining. And the bullying. 
She really, really does not want school to start. 
With a big yawn, she opens the trap door. 
“Marinette! School starts soon! You don’t want to be late for your first day back at school!” 
Wincing from the early morning yelling, Marinette suppresses another yawn, calling out a small “Coming...” before climbing down the stairs.
When she reaches the bottom, she finds her Maman smiling at her from the kitchen. She smiles back, already feeling the grasp of sleep start to slip away.  “There’s my beautiful girl!” 
Despite the warmth that fills her being when around her Maman, Marinette can’t help but feel uneasy with being called beautiful. It’s probably because of Chloe bullying her, she’ll get over it. 
She gives her maman a kiss on the cheek, leaning down just a bit. When she was younger, she wondered why she was taller than her maman. But, after an awkward talk with her parents, she’s realized that she just inherited the taller genes from her Papa, but got the skinnier genes from her Maman. 
“Good morning!” 
“Yeah...” she grumps, “I’ll bet you anything that Chloé is in my class again...”  she sighs as she sits down at the kitchen table, where her Maman has already set out a cereal bowl, a milk jug, spoon, her favorite cereal, and a bowl of fruit. Uncapping the milk jug, she pours it into the bowl.
“Four years in a row?! Is that possible?” Her Maman exclaims, putting something in the sink behind her. 
“Definitely... Lucky me!” Marinette rolls her eyes, pouring in some chocolate cereal flakes. 
“Oh! Don’t say that! It’s the start of a new year, I’m sure everything will be just fine!” Her Maman says resolutely, brushing a hand against her hair. And who can argue with such sound logic? Not Marinette.
Nodding, feeling her spirits rise just a bit, she places the tub of cereal flakes down. But, with just a slight miscalculation of how hard to set it down, a chain reaction of terrible, ill boding events happens. 
The vibrations send an orange rolling down a conveniently placed bread stick, right to and over another conveniently placed knife. Which then sends the orange into the milk jug, the knife into a bowl of sugar cubes; sending a few flying with such velocity that as it collides with the cereal tub, it tips it over. And, as her spirits plummet, the orange completes its journey by knocking into and tipping over a yogurt cup. She groans dejectedly, closing her eyes so as to block the situation from sight and in turn, her mind.
For a girl whose parents have always called their “lucky charm”, she sure isn’t all that lucky.  
As she cleans up the cereal tub mess, her Maman reaches a hand to her cheek, chuckling. Which, somehow, helps to lift her own spirits.
It’s weird how mothers can do that. “Go get dressed, honey, you’ll look beautiful. I’ve got this.” 
An hour later, Marinette is down in the bakery, dressed in her back-to-school-day clothes: tan/pink flats, pink Capris, white shirt with a flower pattern on her left collarbone, grey blazer and her very own, hand sewn, pink clutch. And yet, despite being proud of her work, she can’t find it in her to be proud of how she looks. 
Her Papa, humming a tune, presents a box of macarons to his daughter. A warm, gentle smile on his face: “There’s my gorgeous daughter!” There’s that uneasiness again...
“Papa! These are so awesome!” She exclaims, bouncing in place. “Thank you, Papa! My class will love them!” She looks up to him, adoration and love filling her eyes. 
“Glad you like them!” He ruffles her hair, chuckling as she smirks a bit under his huge hands, an almost mute “don’t mess up my hair!” coming from her.
“You look beautiful, my darling daughter” Her papa says with small tears in his eyes. 
“You’re the best!” she says, giving him a one armed hug, her smile falling as she tries to figure out how to get rid of the uneasy feeling in her gut. 
“We,” he pulls her close again with an arm, and angles his other in a ‘muscular, show-off’ manner, “are the best.” Marinette can’t help but giggle.
Giving both her parents goodbye kisses, she rushes out the door, intent on not being late for school on the first day. And, in her haste, almost rushes right into the path of an oncoming car. 
Breathing a sigh of relief that she isn’t splattered on the windshield of a car, she slouches a bit, before jolting ramrod straight as she sees an elderly man with a cane in a red hawiian shirt having trouble crossing the road, another car rushing toward the man, not slowing down at all. 
Marinette frantically looks back and forth between the two and decides, after a second, to rush out and save this man from meeting the very same fate she had just narrowly avoided moments before. 
Just as she pulls him to the sidewalk, her legendary clumsiness takes hold of her once more, and she trips onto the sidewalk, taking the man down with her; the box of macarons spilling. And, with horror, she watches as inconsiderate city people step on them, reducing them to nothing more than crumbs. The man’s “Thank you, miss” goes unheard. 
But, his “Oh, what a disaster” does not go unnoticed. Picking up what remains of the box and the macaroons, she tells him: “Don’t worry, I’m no stranger to disasters.” She holds the box to him. “Besides! There’s still a few left.” 
She smiles at this man, as he picks a macaron from the box and bites into it. Letting out a pleased “Delicious!” 
A bell across the street rings, signaling the start of school. Marinette looks to the school, to this man, back to the school and back to him again. While she’d rather not be late to school... well, she had just pulled this man from the street. The least she can do is walk him partially to where he is headed. 
“Go ahead.” The man says, his smile genuine, understanding and proud. ”You’ve saved my life, the least I can do is save you from getting into trouble! Now go!” He waves her off. 
She takes a moment of further deliberation before nodding, bowing, and rushing out “have-a-nice-day-sir!” Then she’s off, rushing to school. 
As the young woman runs to the school, Master Fu straightens up, putting his cane behind his back and holding up the box containing the Ladybug Miraculous. The box warms up and spreads warmth all throughout his body, confirming that this young woman is Tikki’s choice to be her wielder.
While he doesn’t want to put this stress on a child, he knows that there is no other solution, no way around this. He just has to be her mentor.
He walks to the bakery, allowing Wayzz to take the box to the girl’s room while he buys pastries for himself and his companion. 
Just as the custodian is closing the school’s front doors, Marinette slips in, not breaking from her near sprint. Rushing up the stairs, she bursts into the classroom, stumbling to not lose her balance. She’s hunched over, trying to catch her breath. 
“Nino,” the teacher calls out. She’s a tall woman with fire red hair, teal eyes, and a white pantsuit. Marinette doesn’t recognize her. The boy in question, Nino, has been in her classes for as long as she can remember. He’s a kind hearted, introverted kid with dark skin. He’s always wearing a red baseball cap and grey and orange headphones. 
She looks up and sees that Nino is sitting with his eyes wide behind his glasses from the back of the classroom. “Why don’t you sit in the front this year?” The teacher may have formed it as a question, but it was more of a polite command. 
Nino grumbles and stands up, his back and shoulders slouched. As he walks to the front of the classroom, on the side closest to the door, he groans. Before sliding into his position in the front of the classroom, right by the door. He pulls his headphones down and rests his elbows on the desk; his jaw resting on his knuckles with an annoyed look on his face. 
Though she’s been in the same class as Nino for years, she doesn’t know much about him, and she’s really regretting that now. Maybe this year will be different? 
She takes a moment to deliberate, but ultimately decides to sit on the row behind Nino, in her usual seat. She wants to sit by him but he doesn’t seem to want to talk to anyone. 
Shaking her head, still breathing with slight difficulty, she walks to her usual seat, the second row, left side of the classroom, right next to the aisle. Just behind and over Nino’s right shoulder.
Mylène, a timid girl, sits directly across the aisle from where Marinette’s seat is. She’s a shorter girl, with fair skin and long dreadlocks that are blonde at the roots but fade into multiple colors at the ends.  
Sitting on the next row up, just to the right of Mylène, is a dark skinned boy with a close cut afro hairstyle brown hair, a green polo and glasses. Max is your go-to kid for anything and everything that has to do with electronics. 
Sitting right next to Max is a tan skinned boy, Kim; he’s wearing a red, short sleeved hoodie, and sweat bands on his wrist. His black hair is up in a faux hawk style and he’s lounging back in his chair. He’s the class jock. (He tries to hide it by being a jerk and a goof, but he’s actually a good guy.) 
Kim is always next to Max, tells everyone that they’re best friends, and that he needs Max to help with homework, but Marinette knows better. She can see his eyes.
On the back row, sitting behind Max, is a girl named Rose. She’s a quiet girl, with her blonde hair in a pixie cut. She wears all pink and has an incredibly high voice. 
Just as Marinette sits down and starts to unpack, a pale hand, with yellow, perfectly manicured nails slams down on the desk before her, startling her. “Marinette,” the almost shill voice starts, “Du-pain-Cheng” it sneers her last name like it's an insult to it personally. (Which, if this is who she think it is, it most likely is an insult to her personally.) 
Chloé Bourgeois. The bratty daughter of the mayor. She’s wearing a yellow jacket, white pants, and a large, gold (not actually gold, it’d be too heavy for her skinny, fragile hips to support) plated belt. No wrinkles in sight on her clothes. Her golden locks are pulled into a high hanging ponytail. Blush, eye liner, magenta eyeshadow and pink lipstick on her face. It only serves to make her look that much more bratty. 
Her school bully.  
Marinette slouches, she knew it would happen. A weary, dejected, “Here we go again...” leaves her lips. 
“That’s my seat.” Chloé brings her hand from the desk to her chest. 
“But Chloé, this has always been my seat.” Marinette looks up to Chloé, grey-blue meeting dark, cruel blue. 
Chloe’s face scrunches up. “Not this year!” 
A sudden, but not unfamiliar voice cuts in. “New School, New Year, New seats.” Sabrina, Chloé’s lap dog slides into the desk beside Marinette, her orange/red hair in stark contrast with her teal-green eyes sparkling behind her glasses, and pale skin. She’s wearing a, quite frankly, ugly sweater vest. 
“So,” Chloé sneers again, “why don’t you just go and sit beside that new girl over there.” She turns to point at a girl she hadn’t seen walk into the room. 
She has darker skin like Nino, with long, curly, red-orange locks. She’s wearing a red-orange flannel short-sleeved shirt. At the mention of “New girl” she turns from her phone and her brown eyes glare behind glasses at Chloé. 
“But..” is all Marinette can think of in response. (She’s tired, and already feeling exhausted, she doesn’t want to move or think.)
Chloé turns back to Marinette, her hands on her hips, her face contorted in anger. “Listen, Adrien is arriving today, and since that’s,” she points to the seat beside Nino, “ going to be he— his seat, this is going to be my seat.” Chloé slams her hand down in front of Marinette again, then she turns toward her fully, slamming her other hand on the desk. “Get it?”
Adrien... who is this Adrien? And why is he friends with Chloé?
“Uh, who’s Adrien?” She asks Chloé. 
Two simultaneous gasps leave Chloé’s and Sabrina’s mouths. Then they burst out laughing in that ridiculous, annoying laugh, drawing Myléne’s attention. 
The laughing stops abruptly and Chloé speaks again. “Can you believe she doesn’t know who Adrien is?” She directs this at Sabrina. Then, to Marinette, Chloé scrunches her face in disgust and anger. “What rock have you been living under?” 
“He’s only a famous model!” Sabrina chimes in. 
“And I am his best friend.” Chloé begins again.
Marinette raises her eyebrows at this. None of that helps clarify who Adrien is. And, if he’s a famous model, why would any sane teacher let a man who is probably in his early/mid 20’s come to class with 14-15 year olds?! Why is a man who is in his mid 20’s still in middle school?!
“He adores me.” Chloé looks to Marinette, and scoffs when she sees that Marinette has not moved from her seat. “Uh, go on, move!” She emphasizes this with a thumb pointing toward the proposed seats. 
And all Marinette can think of is, is this Choe’s new scheme to get attention? Who would believe that a 20 something year old is hanging out with a 14 year old? They’d be all over the news. 
Suddenly, the new girl is behind Chloé, her voice strong and brave. A fatal mistake when talking to Chloé Bourgeois. “Back off, Brat.”
Chloé turns to the girl, anger and annoyance taking the wheel. She leans toward the new girl, making sure her tone is mocking and sarcastic. “Ooh, look, Sabrina, we got a little do-gooder in our classroom!” Chloé leans in further. “What’re you going to do, Super Newbie, shoot beams at me with your glasses.”
Marinette cringes, this is why it is best to stay docile around Chloé, if she senses any opposition at all, she’ll only cause a scene. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” The new girl sneers, her voice dark and dangerous. She pushes Chloé to the side and reaches for Marinette’s arm. “C’mon” she says as she grabs Marinette’s arm. Marinette barely has any time to grab her box of macarons and her bag before she’s being dragged from her seat. 
In her haste to steady herself, grab her stuff, and the new girl’s quick pace, Marinette misses a step on the way to her new seat and ends up falling; her box of macarons falling to the floor, where several are flung from the box and are crushed on the floor. “Sorry, sorry, sorry.” She mumbles as she cleans up and slides into her new seat for the year. Chloé’s and Sabrina’s laughing etching its way into her memory. 
“Chill-ax, girl, no biggie!” The new girl says, eyeing Marinette as she’s hunched over her almost empty box of macaroons. 
“Alright, has everyone found a seat?” The teacher asks the class as other kids file in, leaning her hands on the desk. The class speaking up behind them drowning out her voice. 
Marinette straightens up and looks to the new girl, “But I so wish I could handle Chloé the way you do.” The new girl raises an eyebrow, a corner of her lips quirking up. Not threatening, or suspicious, but curious and slightly confused. She reaches for her phone and unlocks it.
“You mean the way Majestia does it.” The new girl pulls up an image of a woman in a skin tight, blue suit, her shoulders, hands and face uncovered. She wears a fire truck red, sleeveless jacket with a ruffled coat tail, two thick, golden, zigzagging lines run across the bust, stars above the lines. Boots of the same shade reach to about her mid calf, the tops lined with the same type of lines as the jacket. “She says: All that is necessary for the triumph of Evil, is for Good to do nothing.” The new girl says proudly. 
She leans past Marinette, wrapping her left arm around her shoulders and pointing to Chloé with her right hand. “And that girl over there, is evil, and we,” she points to herself and Marinette, “are the good people. She has a smirk on her lips. “We can’t let her get away with it!” 
“That’s easier said than done...” Marinette hunches her shoulders a bit, her voice dejected. “She likes to make my life miserable.” 
“That’s easy to fix, girl, you just need more confidence!” The new girl says, conviction strong in her voice. 
Marinette smiles, and takes the last remaining macaron and breaks it in half, extending the other out to the new girl. 
“Marinette.” she says.
“Alya,” the new girl says in response, taking the half macaron. 
With this, they turn to the front, pleased smiles on their faces. 
Maybe... maybe this year isn’t going to be so bad?
“For those of you who don’t yet know me,” the teacher says, drawing all attention her way, “I’m Ms. Bustier.” 
As class starts, Chloé leans on her new desk, sadness in her face and eyes. Looking at the empty seat before her. “Ugh, he should have been here by now.” she says under her breath. 
She meant to have annoyance in her tone, and she does, but she can’t hide the underlying disappointment. 
Where is s— he?
Master Fu watches as Adrien rushes through the street, pressing against the bushes and trees, looking over his shoulder frequently, searching for something or someone. 
Fu smiles, it seems like this young man has decided to try to get some freedom. But, if the frantic look in his eyes means anything, it’ll most likely be short lived. 
The young man reaches the school grounds, and pauses next to a cologne ad poster that, coincidentally, has him on it. He looks over his shoulder again, and a smile finds his way into his face. He’s beaten the system, it would seem. For the time being.  
This is Fu’s chance to issue his Challenge, to see if he has the ability to wield the Miraculous of Destruction. He has the potential, when faced with no other option, but this will test whether he will choose to help others and not himself. To do what he feels is right, and forfeit what he wants. 
Just as Adrien reaches the steps, Fu launches his plan, clutching his back and falling to the ground, dropping his cane just out of his reach. Crying out in pain. 
This causes the boy pause, and he stands on the steps of the school, frozen in place. Trying to figure out what to do, looking between Fu and the school’s front door. 
Not a second later, he rushes to Fu, bringing his cane to his hands and helping him stand. 
“Thank you, young man!” He says, patting his arm. Adrien’s eyes cringe and he tenses before his entire face lights up. 
Huh, interesting... 
“Do you need help getting to where you’re going?” He asks, his green eyes hopeful. No doubt wanting to help out more. If only so he could get further away from whoever he’s running from. 
“No, I will be fine, but thank you for your kindness! Now, shoo, go to school!”
Adrien nods, the mention of school making his face light up even more. 
He turns and rushes to the steps, and, just before he reaches the door, a silver sedan screeches to a stop, a tall woman clad in a purple suit and red blouse, her black hair fading to red on the left side. “Adrien, please reconsider! You know what your father wants!” 
She walks slowly toward Adrien, as a large man steps out from the driver's seat, walking toward him with her. Adrien turns slowly toward them, his feet frozen in place, fear in his eyes. But only for a brief moment. 
“But this is what I want!” He says, the fear taking a back seat to hurt and anger. “I’m sick of being stuck at home. I want to be like a normal kid!” 
The woman shakes her head. “Adrien, you are not a normal kid, your father can’t afford to have you at public school!” 
Adrien scoffs, “We both know he has more than enough money to afford it.” 
“That’s not what I mean, Adrien. You know he only does this to keep you safe. He’s doing this for you.” 
At this, Adrien’s eyes soften, his posture drooping. “I know... I just... I want to be around others. Please don’t tell Father about this.”
The woman’s eyes soften as she puts a hand on Adrien’s shoulder. “I know, and I’m sorry. But you just can’t. Come, let’s go home.” 
As Adrien is led to the sedan, and is driven off back home, the second box pulsates in Fu’s pocket. 
This boy has the traits that are required for the use of this Miraculous, but he does not have the right life for it. Fu is unsure whether Adrien can handle it. Plagg seems set on this boy, however. And, if Adrien is going to learn and grow, there is only one other Miraculous that will do just as good a job, and he’s already found a match for Creation. 
He’ll just have to watch out for Plagg. With that, Fu swings his cane onto his shoulder and walks away whistling, following the sedan.
“Those of you who have P.E., Mr. D’Argencourt is expecting you at the stadium.” Ms. Bustier calls to the class as the bell rings and everyone packs up. 
As the kid named Ivan, A large, fair skinned boy, with short brown hair save for the small tuft of blond in the front, gets up Kim gives him a note. 
“The rest of you can head over to the library.”
A moment later, Ivan bursts out with an angry cry of “Kim!” He lurches toward Kim, an impish smirk on the lankier boy’s face. Ivan is cranking his fist back to slam it into Kim’s fragile face. 
“Ivan! What are you doing?!” Ms. Bustier exclaims, leaning over her desk in shock. Ivan looks to her in confusion, lowering his fist. 
“It’s Kim!” Ivan looks back at Kim, raising his fist again, and, for the first time, Kim is shocked and scared. “I’m so gonna—“ 
“Ivan! Go to the principal’s office!” Ms. Bustier cuts in, pointing out the door. 
At that, Ivan steps away from Kim, growling as he looks back down at the note Kim passed him. With anger rolling off him, Ivan crumples the note in his hand and storms out of the classroom, muttering to himself; leaving Kim to shake in his seat, and Ms. Bustier to wonder if she could have worked the situation out better. 
The man known as Hawkmoth stands in a large room, a metal, circular window cover sliding open, letting light pour into the room, sending pure white butterflies fluttering about. 
“Such powerful emotions. Anger. Frustration. Betrayal. And in a school no less, a perfect catalyst to test my limits.” He reaches for a butterfly, and clasps his hands around it. A second later, dark, purple energy seeps into the butterfly, and when he releases the butterfly, it is black with purple cracking apart the black, a violet mask-like pattern on it’s head and back, its legs a dark purple. “Burn a hole into his heart, little akuma, transform his anger into something more!”
The transformed butterfly, now an akuma, flies through the air, tracking down the boy with such anger and frustration with supernatural speed. 
Ivan opens the door to the principal’s office, but before he can take a step inside, the principal stops him. 
“Excuse me, young man! Hasn’t anyone taught you to knock?” The principle, a large, overweight, white man with a receding hairline and greying hair exclaims. This shocks Ivan, his anger and frustration building. “Go on, go again.” He says, leaning back in his decked out, rolling swivel chair. 
With a shake of his head and a growl, Ivan closes the door and turns around, raising a fist to knock.
Before he can put his fist to the wood, something stops him. A sound. The sound of something wet twisting and crawling. And suddenly, in his mind, there is a man floating in a grey space, his voice echoing all around his head. The principal’s “Go on, knock!” is ignored. 
The man before Ivan is wearing a dark purple suit, and it shines in a way cloth doesn’t, kind of like rubber. On his chest are two black wing like lapels, which just make whoever this guy is look weird. Covering his head is a grey mask, only his eyes, which are an unsettling violet, and mouth looking normal. He’s leaning on a cane. 
“Stoneheart.” the man says Ivan’s confusion at the name going unacknowledged. “I am Hawkmoth, I am giving you the strength and unstoppable power to seek revenge on those who have wronged you. To prove to them that you do have what it takes. All I need you to do is cause mayhem. Destroy all that you can.”
The power to get back at Kim? To prove that he does have what it takes? 
And all he needs to do is cause mayhem? 
Who can deny such a thing?
“Okay, I’ll do it.” Ivan says, a dark look on his face. 
The man smirks. 
Black and purple bubbles ripple over Ivan’s body, morphing his skin and bones.
When the bubbles disperse, Ivan is no more. Only Stoneheart remains. Standing at 2 meters tall, with cracked stone for skin and yellow eyes. He’s built like an athlete, and literally chiseled. Wrapped around his right hand is a purple fabric, like that a boxer would wear under their boxing glove. On his chest, the stone is jagged and protruding, right where his heart would be, like his heart had exploded. The cracks in the stone glow a faint yellow. 
“Well?” The principal asks, waiting for a response. 
Suddenly, the door is flung from its hinges, the principal only has enough time to move enough so that the door doesn’t slam into his head, but it still collides with his shoulder, sending him to the ground.
With an almighty roar, Stoneheart launches through the window, leaving an echo of “KIM!” behind as the entire wall crumbles to the street below.
In the library, a thunderous roar rattles the walls, then the whole building shakes, causing students to tumble to the ground. 
After a few seconds, Alya, Marinette’s new friend, grabs her from the ground and drags her to the TVs in the library, which are showing the security footage. 
A large, probably 2 meters tall, stone golem is walking down the street, the cracks in it’s stone skin glowing bright yellow. It roars in a voice so raspy and stiff, she wonders if it has vocal chords, and if so, how they’re working. 
“Wh-what’s going on? I thought it was an earthquake!” a random kid exclaims.
Alya turns to Marinette, her hands on her cheeks. “It’s a real life super villain!” Suddenly, Alya’s eyes glint and she pulls out her phone. “Battery, 80%, check! GPS, check! I am so outta here!” Then she’s off, leaving Marinette to marvel at her. 
“Wait! Hey, where’re you going?” 
Alya pauses only briefly before turning around and hopping backwards “Where there’s a super villain, there is always a superhero!” Then she’s through the doors. 
This is such a weird day...
Marinette looks back to the tv and jumps as the rock monster collides a car, the car crumbling and shattering. The yellow in the cracks of it’s skin glows brighter and- and she could have sworn it grew! It picks up what remains of the car with ease, and throws it at the school camera, and it goes to static. The building shakes again as crumbling brick and groaning metal reverberates through the school. 
Fu stops just outside the gates of a mansion. His eyes glinting with wonder and awe. 
This should provide good living conditions for a being with such a high cost diet. 
He hums in delight, letting Wayzz take the pulsating box up into the mansion.
Adrienne *hates* homeschooling. She’s alone, save for Nathalie, and has to stay in one place for at least 7 hours, sometimes more, depending on the lesson. And, most of the time, she’s in the dining hall, the cold, undecorated dining hall. She’s stuck hearing her father, Nathalie, the mansion staff, call her ”Adrien”. Call her a boy. She can’t talk to anyone, can’t have a break. It’s useless. 
“Who was the 1st president of the 5th French republic?” Nathalie walks up and down the length of the dining table. A tablet and pen in hand. 
And all Adrienne can do is lean against her hand, not even able to summon more than a bored, monotone voice. “Everyone thinks it was De Gaulle but it was actually René Coty before the first elections.” 
“Excellent, Adrien!” Nathalie exclaims. Turning around, a… pleased look on her face? ‘When did that happen?!’ Adrienne can’t help but think in shock. She opens her mouth to say something but a cold voice cuts through the room.
“Give me a minute would you, Nathalie?” Adrienne immediately tenses. It’s an involuntary reaction she has no control over. Not anymore. 
Her Father turns to look at Adrienne, his eyes cold, disappointed, disproving. Angry. But his face remains stoic. “You are not going to school. I have already told you.” 
Adrienne’s heart sinks. She looks to Nathalie, her eyes burning. She betrayed her. She- she does know what happens when she disobeys her Father, right?
Nathalie only lowers her head in shame. 
Adrienne looks back to her father. “But, Father-“ 
“Everything you need is right here, where I can keep an eye on you.” He cuts in, tone dark and dangerous. “I will not have you outside in that dangerous world.” 
“It’s not dangerous!” Adrienne tries, standing up from her seat, hands on the table. “I’m always stuck here by myself! Why can’t I go out and make friends just like everybody else?” She asks, pointing out the grand window to her left. 
“Because you are not everybody else! You are My son” Adrienne flinches, her body flinching as her gut falls. She hates it when he sounds like that, it makes her feel so small. She has to bite her tongue to keep herself from shaking at her father’s deep, angry voice. He’s using the tone that suggests that he will not allow for any more words to be said. 
Adrienne stands up straight, bowing her head, holding back tears that threaten to form. 
Always her... it’s always Adrienne who makes things difficult. Who makes Father angry. All Adrienne does is antagonize him. 
With that, Gabriel leaves, and Nathalie steps forward. “We can leave it there if you wan-“ 
Before she even finishes, Adrienne takes off running, hiding her— his face. Hiding his reddening eyes. 
As he runs to his room, he catches a brief glimpse of a painting of him, his father and his mother. 
But he can’t look at it for so long. It brings back too many bad memories. 
Once in his room, he lays down on his bed, Letting his pillow soak in all the tears leaking from his— her eyes. From her eyes. 
Why is Father like this? The thought bounces around in Adrienne’s head, it makes her dizzy. Why am I like this, if I’m really- if I’m really a girl, I wouldn’t revert to using those pronouns, to using “Adrien” when I’m stressed, would I? I wouldn’t do that when I anger Father, would I? How the hell am I a girl-
He doesn’t understand, Adrienne’s mother’s voice cuts through her spiraling thoughts. He probably never will. Your father is a stubborn man, and closed off in many ways. Just remember who you are, and that I’m here for you, my beautiful daughter.
This only makes Adrienne sadder. She isn’t here anymore. How can Adrienne keep going if she isn’t here? 
Suddenly, something shakes the mansion, sounding like a stampede. 
Curiosity takes over, and Adrienne takes off to go find out what’s happening. 
She opens the front doors of the mansion, and a large (probably 4 meters tall) rock person is stomping its way toward a police blockade. 
When the monster is within 10 meters, the police officer standing on top of a police car yells: “F-ire!” His voice cracks with fear and all the surrounding police officers fire off their guns. 
The rock monster holds up it’s arms, but instead of the bullets doing any harm, they make the cracks in between the monster’s skin glow brighter, and it grows to be 2 meters taller! The police officer that was on the car scrambles down and tries to get away, but the monster grabs the car the officer was previously standing on with one hand, shouts out an unintelligible word, then throws the car with ease at the police officer; who only just barely manages to get out of the way. 
Whatever this thing is, they sure are very, very angry. 
Adrienne sprints back to her room, and vaults over her sofa, turning on the TV to the news. 
“I’m asking all Parisians to stay inside until the situation’s under control.” Mayor Bourgeois says into the microphone, and Adrienne lets out a snort. Having everyone stay inside is the right call, don’t want anyone getting in the way... but, the man would be more than happy if he were the only one that stayed inside. And with the way that the situation is being handled, it isn’t going to be solved any time soon. 
Then it switches to the TVi news station, where Nadja Chamack reports. “As incredible as it seems, it has been confirmed that Paris is, indeed, being attacked by a monster. The police have been struggling to get the situation under control.” Up in the right corner, a camera still reports what the monster is doing. Which, by the looks of it, is picking up cars and throwing them at buildings, trees, and other cars, destroying buildings and otherwise just causing mayhem, carnage and... and death. 
It switches to another news camera, and it shows the police officer that was on the car in front of the gates, he’s getting his arm bandaged by a firefighter, speaking to an interviewer. “Be confident! The strong arm of-“ he cuts himself off as a painful crack is heard from the officer’s broken arm, his face contorting in pain. The firefighter then eases the arm down, and admonishes him for using his broken arm. “I meant to use the other arm...” the officer mumbles.
Blinking and shaking her head, Adrienne looks away, trying not to be too ashamed of Paris’s police force. From the looks of things, this monster is absorbing kinetic energy and using it to grow stronger. 
Then, out of the corner of her eye, something catches her attention. 
It’s a small box, with Chinese characters she doesn’t recognize on it. 
She diverts her full attention to this box, a confused: “What’s this doing here?” Leaving her lips. 
She picks it up, weighing it in her hand, moving it around and shaking it. It makes no noise. Shrugging, she opens it and finds a folded piece of paper. When she picks up the paper, she catches sight of a black ring, the corners of the face have silver raised points.
Suddenly, a bright green light glints off the ring, and a ball of green light bursts from it, temporarily blinding her, making her drop the paper, and box. 
When her vision returns, there is a small, black being laying down in the air. It has a body covered with smooth, black fur, with a slight green sheen to it. It has a puff of fur on both cheeks, with two long, black whiskers poking out of each puff. There are similar tufts of hair on the bendy points of its limbs and back where the limbs connect to it. It has an aura that surrounds it that makes everything seem darker around it. Light seems to bend around it, like a black hole. It has two long, thin, puffy tails. It has two little ears that are currently drooped lazily, and little wisps of hair poke out from the inside. It has a tiny nose and snout. It... looks like a small deformed cat. And is absolutely adorable!
Suddenly, it uprights itself, stretching its arms and legs, little claws extending from it’s limbs, and releases a huge yawn. Upon closer inspection, each limb ends with a little paw. Its mouth reveals tiny, tiny fangs and an emerald green hue on the inside of its mouth. It’s ears perk up. Once it’s done with the yawn, the ears drop down again, and it opens its eyes to reveal two neon green eyes with black, slitted pupils. 
“No way!” Adrienne exclaims. “This is so cool! You’re like the genie in the lamp!” She reaches a finger up to rub the little cat-genie’s forehead. 
The little cat-genie launches back. It’s eyes going wide, with…. fear? But the cat-genie quickly schools its adorable little face into calm, uninterested, unimpressed neutrality. 
“I met him once, so he grants wishes, big deal, I can do so much better and I'm personable!” The cat-genie crosses its nubs over its chest, claws extending slightly, spreading its leg nubs, like it’s pouting. Clearly trying to look intimidating, but Adrienne can see that it’s trying to gauge her reactions. 
Huh, so the cat-genie speaks... it... it’s awfully squeaky and nasal. 
It looks up to Adrienne, its eyes piercing into her soul. “Plagg, nice to meet ya.” 
With the one sided greetings out of the way, The cat-genie known as Plagg zooms into a swirl before zipping off to explore the room, startling Adrienne some. 
It lands on the foosball table, “Ooo, swanky!” Then it chomps down on a figure’s head, ignoring Adrienne’s “Don’t touch that!” by saying “Nope, not eatable.” 
Just as Adrienne is about to grab Plagg, it takes off again, Adrienne’s ”Hey! Get back here!” going unnoticed as it locks eyes on an arcade’s joystick. “It’s so shiny!” Plagg lands on the joystick, uttering a curious “Can you eat this?” Before clamping its mouth down on the joystick ball. 
Plagg turns away from it in disgust as it finds that it cannot, in fact, eat the joystick. “No, you can’t.” It says slightly dejectedly, then locks into something else and zooms away from Adrienne’s hand, leaving behind an excited “Ooh, what about this?”
Marinette hates back to school days. She makes sure to tell her computer screen just that as she watches the news. 
At the moment, Sabrina’s father is talking to a news reporter, having his arm wrapped up by a firefighter. “Be confident! The strong arm of-“ he cuts himself off as a painful crack is heard from Officer Roger’s arm, his face contorting in pain. The firefighter then eases the arm down, and admonishes him for using his broken arm. “I meant to use the other arm...” he mumbles. 
Marinette shakes her head. Officer Roger can be a... a special type of person sometimes. 
She glances down to her mouse to click away from the news station, but finds a black box with Chinese characters she doesn’t recognize. 
Picking it up, she opens it, and finds a folded up paper. When she removes it, she catches a glance of two red earrings with black spots on each stud before a bright red/pink light glints off of them and she is temporarily blinded. 
When it fades, Marinette’s jaw drops. So does the box and paper. 
Floating before her, with its head bowed, is a giant scarlet/pink, ladybug-like bug, with a head much larger than the rest of its body. It has two antennae coming from its forehead and droop toward its back. It has a large black dot on its forehead. On its back is a scarlet ladybug shell, with five small black spots. From this shell are some pink, translucent wings that aren’t moving. The light around it seems to be…. brighter. Its limbs are little, sectioned, black nubs. 
Suddenly its head shoots up, the light glinting off it’s large white eyes that have rings of blue in the center. 
“Haaweeelllp!” The word leaves her mouth in a shriek as she jumps back, tipping over her chair, getting as far away from this- this- this giant bug! “It’s a giant bug!...”
The bug, no not a bug, a mouse… “A mouse!”
No, a-a bug-mouse, “Bug-mouse!”
it slowly floats its way toward her. 
It continues to get closer. 
“A- an alien!” She almost shrieks. 
“Everything’s okay! Don’t be scared!” Its voice is high pitched, super high pitched, and slightly squeaky.
Marinette’s terrified, she does the only sensible thing. She grabs something behind her and chucks it at the bug-mouse-alien, eyes going wide, and it dodges her projectile. “Bug-mouse can talk! Bug-mouse talks!” She continues to throw things at the bug-mouse-alien, her terror only growing as it continues to dodge all of her projectiles. 
“Listen, Marinette...” the bug-mouse-alien continues to speak. “I know everything is strange...” 
As it talks and gets closer, Marinette can’t help but release terrified squeaks and whimpers as she gropes around for something to trap the bug-mouse thing under. 
Suddenly, her fingers find a cup, and delight shoots through her as she lunges at the bug-mouse, slamming the glass cup down around the little —giant?—   thing. She absently wonders why the glass didn’t shatter. 
It looks up at Marinette, its expression and eyes calm. “Okay, If this makes you feel safer.” 
It has no qualms about being stuck?! What can this thing do that makes it so that it isn’t scared of being trapped under something?! 
Marinette keeps the glass firmly on the ground. “What are you? How do you know my name?” She asks. 
“I’m a kwami,” the bug-mouse puts a nub on its chest. “And my name is Tikki!” it perks up as it says it’s name. “Now, just let me explain.” Its voice is slightly muffled by the glass. It makes the bug -Tikki- sound even weirder. 
“MAMAN, PAPA!” Marinette shouts, inching her way to her trap door. 
“No, no, no!” Tikki tries to warn her, pressing against the glass, but Marinette still ignores it. She puts a hand on the trap door and Tikki calls out again. “No!” It tries again, pushing against the glass, but Marinette keeps ignoring it.
“Shhh, No!” Tikki cuts her off, phasing through the glass and floating in front of her face. “I’m your friend, Marinette, you can trust me.” 
Marinette narrows her gaze,
“Marinette?” comes the worried voice of her Maman, and Tikki and Marinette stare at eachother in tense silence. 
“...It’s nothing, Maman, sorry”
Marinette turns to Tikki, the talking bug-mouse-alien-- ahem, Kwami. “Explain.”
In such a big room, filled with so much stuff, the kid doesn’t even have any food to eat! Plagg’s tried so many things. Still, nothing edible! 
He could just use atrophy and siphon off some energy, but that requires effort, and he did not wake up from 250 years of being dormant only to have to do things as soon as he is activated! 
Plagg is zipping around this human child’s room and finds a semi-promising rectangle. Hopefully this works! 
He bites down, only for his fangs to meet hard, foul tasting material. Ugh, he should just Cataclysm this whole room... 
He drops the remote, and raises a paw, but the human-child drops from the ceiling and wraps her feeble, insufficient, human fingers around his body, which does not make him release an embarrassing yelp. Nope, not at all. It’s funny, how the human thinks she can keep him in place with just her fingers wrapped around his body, which is made from the very essence of chaos, destruction, bad luck and most importantly, if he does say so himself, death! 
...Eh, he’ll let the child have her victory. 
“Listen, I still don’t know what you’re doing here.” The child says, her tone stern. 
Ha! As if a human can intimidate him! 
This is really getting old, he just wants sustenance! Even mushrooms will do! Birds and fish are better, but they taste weird. Cheese is preferable, and Camembert is exquisite.
“Look, I’m a kwami. Kwamis grant powers.” Plagg narrows his eyes at this, this uninformed child. “Basic gist of mine is Destruction. Got it?” 
“Nuh-Uh.” The child shakes her head, her blonde locks swaying. The locks of hair that grab the light just right... that are probably super soft locks... Locks that would make for an amazing be—
Plagg shakes his head. No time to get distracted. He needs food. 
“Good.”, He looks around before looking into the child’s eyes and not the attention grabbing hair that looks like such a great spot to sleep in. “Got anything to eat, I’m starving!” 
The child narrows her eyes, staring at him. Plagg stares back, keeping his expression neutral. 
“Father’s pranking me, right?” The child stands up, leaning her massive, disgustingly proportionate, head over him. Plagg looks away, he does not want to see up that nose, no matter how clean it is. It’s gross. 
“Wait... that’s not possible, Father doesn’t have a sense of humor.” 
Plagg pulls himself from the human’s surprisingly tight grasp, spreading his limbs out wide. No matter what he thinks of this rule, the last time he didn’t obey it, Tikki ignored him for 500 years and his wielder caused Vesuvius, all because Tikki’s wielder, by extension, also ignored him. “Your dad must never know I exist. Or anyone for that matter.”
Adrienne tilts her head. Furrowing her eyebrows. “Plagg, I’m pretty sure Father already knows other humans exist...” 
Plagg raises his eyebrows. This kid might actually be fun to be around. “I meant no one else can know that I exist.” 
“Oh, yeah, that makes more sense.” 
“Anyway,” Plagg zips into the kids face. “Where. Is. The. Food?” The kid looks at him with the weirdest expression. 
“I only get to eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner. No snacks.” 
Plagg narrows his eyes. “That’s no way to live!” 
“Well It’s how I live.” 
Plagg drops his tone a bit. “It’s not a way that anyone should ever have to live.” 
The kid’s eyes go wide
Plagg stares into her eyes, cocking his head. “Well, time to get this out of the way.” Plagg suddenly zips from in front of Adrienne, and into her bathroom. “I’m a kwami, and I can grant you the ability to destroy anything you touch!” 
Plagg stops before a roll of paper, hanging above a , quite frankly disappointing, porcelain throne. He grabs and *nearly* lets out a delighted gasp. Such an amazing invention! He drops it to the ground before landing on it and it starts to unravel. FUN! 
“All you need to do is put on the ring! To be able to do anything, you call out “Claws Out” and to activate your power, call out Cataclysm, you’ll be able to destroy anything you touch!” He explains as he runs around the room on this roll of super soft paper. (Well, actually the powers that he can grant are much more than a mere Catalclysm, but the kid isn’t ready for that yet. Plus, Tikki’d kill him if he were to tell her that.)
“I can do that?” 
“Psssshhh, no, I can do that, I just allow you to be able to do that.” 
“What do I say again?” 
“Claws Out.” 
“Claws out?”
The ring sucks Plagg in and he’s getting ready to meld with the kid. Create what she wants subconsciously. In a flash, he’s inside her mind and he’s ready to shape her body to the way it’s supposed to be, but stops. It would make her happy, but she isn‘t ready for anyone else to know yet, she’d have a break down. And, probably worse. So, he lets her mind create her suit in accordance to what she wants right now.
Looking in her mirror, Marinette puts on the earrings. “So, you’re saying, you can give me the power to…. create anything—“ 
“At random, you won't be able to choose it!” 
“—and restore damage—“
“Only if you cast Lucky Charm! And it only restores damage dealt to people caused by a specific event that has happened recently.” 
“Okay, so, you can transform me into a ladybug styled superhero, with increased physical and mental capabilities-“ 
“Mental only in the fact that you’ll be able to take in more information and take it in faster, other than that, it’s all you!” 
“And I can create a random object by calling out Lucky Charm and restore damage dealt to living things caused by a specific event by calling out Miraculous Ladybug?” 
“And I can become this Ladybug by….” 
“Calling out ‘Spots On” Tikki looks into Marinette’s eyes, he doesn’t know it yet, he hasn’t realized it yet. 
Hopefully he will. She really doesn’t want Marinette to go through more of his life in unknown misery. Luckily, when the time comes, she can help! 
“Spots On?” 
“Wait I forgot—“
Melding with his mind, Tikki ignores the urge to shape Marinette’s body the way she knows he feels subconsciously like he should. He doesn’t know yet, and she doesn’t want to put that stress on him. But Sugar cookies she forgot to tell him about the ability to purify things! And that the way to take down this thing is to destroy the corrupted object, or that there is a corrupted object. Well, he’s her wielder, he’ll figure it out. 
Technically Tikky can give her wielders so much more power, but this is the first time being her wielder, so she’ll have to ease Marinette into this. 
[This is the image I used to base Nooroo’s, Tikki’s and Plagg’s designs on, I have also used it to alter Trixx’s, Wayzz’s, Pollen’s and Duusuu’s designs.] 
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princess-of-the-corner · 5 years ago
Feel free to ignore, but what do you think would change if Adrien was a girl with optional boy Marinette? (Trans or cis, your preference)
Let's make them both trans just for fun! I'll use the typical gender swap names of Marin and Adrienne. (Also, slight warning: I'm half-asleep and also dumb, so I might accidentally use their Canon names/genders. I'm not trying to be an asshole I'm just dumb and tired)
So both transitioned pre-series. However. There's differences on who knows.
Marin: Other than his parents, its mostly old friends like Nino and Kim remember Marin pre-transition. They still sometimes call him "Nette"/"Nettie" as a nickname, but Marin doesn't mind because it doesn't immediately out him. Rose and Juleka also know because Juleka and Marin both got trans vibes off each other and came out to one another. Other than that, most of the class only remembers Marin as a boy and he doesn't feel the need to tell everyone outright. Some people guess because Marin is very LGBT+ involved, so they know he's somewhere in that.
As for Adrienne, she's unfortunately out to everyone because the Agrestes are well known. Adrienne made her modeling debut modeling boys clothes, but after coming out to her parents she was switched to modeling female clothes(because Gabriel might be a fuck but at least he's not a transphobe!). It was kind of a big PR thing when it happened, and she still sometimes gets misgendered in magazines, but that's what the lawyers are for! As I said though, Adrienne doesn't have quite as much privacy on who she can tell because of that. Though the class doesn't immediately know because they weren't paying attention to the Agrestes before meeting Adrienne, they do find out through articles about her now that they're paying attention.
Onto some changes, let's start with Chloé! She still sees Adrienne as her best friend/almost sibling, and is very protective/possessive of her. But it doesn't come across as a romantic crush because Chloé can't use Adrienne as a "let me pretend I'm straight" crush. She will fight anyone who misgenders Adrienne though. The fact that Chloé can be friends with someone as sweet and kind as Adrienne without any 'crush' to explain her interest gets people looking at her in a new light. Like a "huh. Maybe she's not a total bitch?", and everyone decides to subtly work with her/give her a chance to be nicer.
Marin still befriends Alya in Origins but doesn't come out to her immediately. Adrienne also befriends Nino too.
Marin also still develops a crush on Adrienne. While he didn't pay attention to Agreste Family Drama before, he is aware that Adrienne is trans so that's not an issue in his anxieties.
On the flip side: Ladynoir. Or Lordnoire.
Lordbug and Chat Noire are Paris's Heroes. And they're dynamic is pretty much the same, except Chat Noire is less open in her flirting at the beginning.
The reason for that is because she doesn't know if Lordbug will like her if he finds out she's trans, so she doesn't quite get her hopes up until later. Because Chat Noire tells Marin during a "Marichat Moment", so next "Lordnoire" moment, Lordbug drops a "btw I'm trans" into the conversation.
So a lot of the plots don't change. But some of the crush drama does. Let's start:
Nathaniel in Evilustrator: Nath still has a crush on Marin. Chloé doesn't tease the crush as much in this version because she might be a bitch but outing someone like that is a line she doesn't cross. Nathaniel kind of ends up outing himself because Evilustrator takes Marin on the date and everyone connects those dots.
Nino in Animan: Nino still has a crush on Marin but is having more of a LGBT-related debate within himself. He's like "I have a crush on Marin, which should mean I'm not straight because he is a guy. But as he is my first guy crush will he see it as me being not-straight or will he think I'm still straight but not accepting him? And even worse, is that what I'm subconsciously doing???" By the end, DJWifi still happens and Nino can tell Marin "so I'm not straight and I did have a crush on you but also I now have a crush on Alya and we're dating!". The power of being locked in a panther cage.
Théo in Copycat: Because he's straight, Théo's crush is on Chat Noire instead. She rejects him for several reasons, the biggest being that she's in love with Lordbug. Théo ends up as a Copybug instead, jealous that Lordbug has captured the heart of his crush. Lordbug thinks it was because he didn't come to the statue thing, but after he's defeated he apologizes to Chat Noire about how he reacted to her rejection. Lordbug'a just standing there like "wait, if you were upset she rejected you, why'd you turn into fake me???". Chat Noire helps dodge that by pointing out that they're about to detransform.
Kagami: I'm debating on this. Tbh I want to set it up for my usual polyship as endgame, but That's not the debate. The debate is whether Kagami has a crush on Adrienne and the "oh no I'm gay!" Panic, or Kagami gets the crush on Marin first. Either way, she ends up having a friendship with Marin earlier.
Luka: while I could switch the crushes like I did with Kagami, Luka initially interacts with Marin more than Adrienne. Polyship is endgame like usual, but it's lining up as more of a Mariharem. On the other hand, Adrienne might have a closer friendship to Juleka because transgirl solidarity, which would give Adrienne an excuse to be over more and in the process get to known Luka more too.
Now for the real fun plot: Lila.
Because of Lila's manipulative nature, I wouldn't put it past her to pretend to be gay to get the money/power that would come with seducing Adrienne. Especially because while she would pretend to be accepting, she wouldn't see Adrienne as a 'girl'.
However, let's have a twist in the AU and point out that Lila has other options for her 'meal ticket'. After all, everyone in every salt fic has pointed out how Canon!Mari has the same connections that Lila attempts to lie about!
So, Lila decides to try seducing Marin instead. She doesn't know that Marin is trans and that'll be an issue later but for now it's her plan.
Marin still clocks Lila as a liar because while Lila did enough research to avoid telling lies Marin can easily disprove(like the Jagged's cat one), she still did the 'Lordbug's my bff!' Thing. He gives the half-truth to Lila of "Lordbug was upset you would lie about him and is looking for you to tell you to stop".
Volpina happens as in Canon. Except her Illusion at the Eiffel Tower is Marin instead of Adrien. Though the book plot is slightly different. Marin saw Adrienne with the book, Tikki said "we need to get that!", so Marin managed to start a conversation to try and borrow it. Lila stole it because Marin was interested. Marin does manage to get it back and that goes the same.
Lila then disappears for Season 2, so let's jump to her return in Season 3.
As Marin is her target, she tries to get someone else sent to the back. It ends up being Adrienne, because she's nice even if she thinks Lila's a liar(she can't tell anyone "I know she's a liar because I'm Chat Noire"), and offered to give up her seat for someone who needs it for a disability.(and she was actually asked instead of shoved back there without her input).
Marin tries to call Lila out, but he has less proof than in Canon. As I said, since seducing Marin with lies was Lila's plan, she avoided lies he could disprove. So even without the "jealousy", it's easy to write Marin off as just overly paranoid.
Still, Marin refuses to sit by Lila, and instead goes to the back with Adrienne because she looks lonely. Which pisses Lila off.
Later, Lila decides to threaten both Marin and Adrienne. Though separately, of course.
She tells Marin that she already has his friends under her spell, and it would be so easy to turn them against him if he didn't comply. Not to mention that it'd be hard to convince them that he's not interested. After all, as far as they know, Lila is such a sweet and wonderful girl! She's their friend! Even if Marin is into someone else, why would he be so upset about someone like Lila showing interest?
Marin believes in his friends. But he still panics at the threat.
With Adrienne, Lila tries to play nicer because she thinks that she can manipulate her. Lila plays the "I don't want to let a boy get between us", already planning on painting Adrienne as jealous. When Adrienne tries the nicer "I know you're lying but I think you're doing it because you want friends and I'll be your friend if you stop lying. Also what was that about a boy coming between us because idk what you're talking about?!".
Lila lied and told Adrien she'd try, but of course has no intention of doing that.
The Akuma fight goes about the same.
Afterward, Adrienne talks to Marin about her conversation with Lila. Marin is a little more confident in telling Adrienne about Lila's threats. Adrienne is pissed, and tries to stand up for Marin, but is brushed off because Lila already painted her as jealous.
So neither are believed. For Marin, they believe his suspicions of Lila are tunnel vision of his crush on Adrienne combined with insecurity of "if someone likes me it must be for ulterior motives". Meanwhile, everyone knows that Adrienne likes Marin but is denying it with 'he's just a friend!', and think she's jealous of Lila's interest.
How the turntables.
This would change other Lila-centric episodes like Oni-chan and Ladybug, but I'm too tired to deal with that rn.
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demigodtrash-butmakeitgay · 5 years ago
Hi i’m bored and procrastinating so here’s the Mircaulous characters’ sexualities if they were all LGBTQ+!! I probably won’t be able to do all of them the rest will be allies! Some of these are canon, some of them are not. Some of them we don’t know yet! So please don’t get angry because I’m “mAkInG tHeM aLl gAy fOr nO rEaSoN” it’s just for fun. you don’t have to agree. just move on. thanks :)
Marinette: Okay I definitely see her as demisexual but she’s never had feelings for a girl before??? But it’s a possibility she’s biromantic :)
Adrien: Bisexual. No doubt about it. He generally has no preference, but now is leaning more towards females.
Alya: Biromantic and demi! She was really nervous about telling Nino but he was super cool about it and gets her cute bi pride stuff!
Nino: Straight ally but we love him! Very comfortable in his sexuality! Adrien came out to him first. Loves to learn about everything especially if it concerns the ace spectrum. An educated boi and we have no choice but to stan.
Nathaniel: Bisexual. I’m pretty sure this is canon but I can F E E L it. My gaydar K N O W S.
Marc: Okay so hes either gay or pan idk I just get that vibe from him? I also have two headcannons that he’s either kinda feminine and really comfortable in his masculinity or he’s trans and Marinette was the first person he was out to. I love this boy so much and Nathaniel better treat him right.
Juleka: Lesbian. Moving on...
Rose: Lesbian. Obviously...
I love them together 🥺
Chloe: LESBIAN. no seriously i feel like she had a crush on Ladybug- Definitely has some internalized homophobia though...
Sabrina: Bisexual. Yea❤️
Max: Gay because i feel like he likes boys who like boys :)
Milen: Straight ace!! Ivan is super accepting and never forces her to do anything more than cuddle!
Ivan: Bisexual. You can’t convince me otherwise.
Kim: Also bi. And his girlfriend is too. I forgot her name lmao
Luka: My bi senses were definitely tingling with this one-
Lila: H O M O P H O B I C
Félix: Oh yea i can feel the internalized homophobia from here. He’s very gay. It got worse after his dad passed. And even though i despise Felinette bc it’s toxic (with canon Félix) i imagine him liking Marinette and being like ahah! i knew was straight! but wait i like a girl?! how the fuck does this work?! and then he’s realizes he’s bi and it’s great character development because he has to learn to accept himself and be a better person and idk it’d be a cool redemption ig. also he’s very pushy with Ladybug because he’s afraid of his feelings for boys, so yeah someone write a fanfic and credit me lmao.
Master Fu: Straight ally we love him🥺
I think that’s it? add more if you can think of any! Auroralei out~
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angelofthequeers · 6 years ago
Saw the trans Rose thing and I love it! But do you have headcanons for it?
You’re??? Asking me??? For trans headcanons???
Rose first suspects she’s not cis when she wakes up one morning and finds that she feels like more of a he. Pink? Yay! But frilly dresses? A little too feminine for his liking
He freaks out over this because what if his whole life has been a lie? What if his femininity and girlhood has been a façade? How is he going to completely overhaul his look and avoid questions?
Juleka notices of course because she’s The Best friend but she doesn’t say anything
If Rose wants to bring it up then that’s Rose’s business
Rose wonders if it was all just an identity crisis when a few weeks pass and she feels like Rose again
But nooope, a couple of days later and Rose is neither a he or a she
Juleka: ...
Juleka: I did some research, you could be non-binary? Genderfluid? Idk, I didn’t want to bring it up
Rose: thERE’S A WORD??????
It takes a while for Rose to feel comfortable calling herself genderfluid
Juleka’s support is the only thing keeping her together
But eventually after months of slow shifting she decides fuck it, I’m genderfluid
Rose: Call me Thorn when I feel more masc!
Juleka ......
Rose: Uh???
Juleka: I’ve got your genderfluid back but I refuse to be a part of this punning
(Juleka’s not serious, she loves seeing Rose so happy, she’ll tolerate the flower puns)
Everyone else is so supportive when Rose finally feels comfortable enough to come out
Marinette offers to design her some cute boyish outfits that are still “her”
Adrien gives her his old clothes that don’t fit anymore
Max dumps a large stack of resources on her desk and normally her eyes would glaze over in boredom as he talks but this time she cries because everyone’s so nice???
Even Chloé scoffs and says that Rose and Thorn are equally annoying
That one makes Rose sob in joy
As Thorn he tries to act overly masculine and how he thinks boys should be
Until everyone points this out and he realises that he doesn’t have to be overly masculine to be a boy
Kim: *whispers* Alix made me try on a dress once for a dare...and I LIKED it
Ivan: I wear eyeliner
Juleka: So does my brother
Ms Bustier makes Rose a little desk name thing so that Rose can choose the name and pronouns that she wants everyone to use
Rose bursts into tears when Bustier gives it to her
Ms Mendeleiev prepares a whole presentation on being trans and how biology is complicated when some asshole jeers behind Rose’s back and expects science to back him up
Mr Damocles doesn’t have a single clue about trans people but bless him, he tries to be supportive
Kitty Section is where Rose can really let loose, especially when she helps write songs
And Marinette always aims to make Rose’s costumes as neutral as possible so Rose can customise them depending on her gender at that moment
Bob Roth: What the hell kind of thing is this? How am I supposed to promote this to the public?
Luka and Juleka and Marinette and Ivan start tearing into him
On live TV mind you
Trans and non-binary kids emerge in droves to write their support for Rose online and express how thrilled they are to see her
Because representation matters
Rose really embraces being genderfluid because omg she’s helping people by just being Rose/Thorn??? Her stage name is now officially Rose Thorn because she doesn’t mind being called one when she’s the other if they’re combined like that
Jagged Stone proclaims her “freakin’ rock and roll”
Rose nearly faints
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chronicallylatetotheparty · 5 years ago
Scarlet Fever Ch. 4 Maneki-neko
LoganLight, AO3
Convincing the Guardian... In theory.
Hmm, so this fic is going to have transitional chapters in between the actual fighting (mostly).
Kagami didn't like hiding. She preferred to attack her opponents head on. But there were too many minions and akuma around. She remembered the last time Papillon Écarlate attacked and didn't care to repeat it.
Plus, the kissing zombies tended to swarm. She'd almost been overtaken when the ladybugs restored their minds. Not that it slowed Zombizou much. Once she got traction her 'love' curse spread exponentially.
Kagami needed a better hiding spot than this tree. Honestly, she was surprised they hadn't found her yet... Though it might've had something to do with her mother mowing down zombies like so much grass.
Truly, Tomoe Tsurugi did not take kindly to their sword practice being interrupted.
"I'm surprised you didn't join her."
Kagami swung her bokken, pointing it at the intruding voice behind her.
"Hey!" Mister Bug protested, ducking his head back into his tunnel like a startled meerkat. "That any way to greet a friend?"
Kagami blinked in surprise as she lowered her weapon. "Chat Noir?"
"It's Mister Bug right now, actually." He rose out of the tunnel up to his shoulders and offered his hand, retracting the drill at the end. "Come with me if you want to live."
Kagami raised an eyebrow but turned back to her mother. Tomoe was tiring, it would not be long before she was overwhelmed. "Mother..."
"Kagami! Get back!"
"Mother, I can help!"
"Go, I said!"
Mister Bug's eyes softened. He didn't want to leave Kagami's mother behind but he was already pushing it with Sabine. Tomoe would insist on being with her daughter. "I'll save her," he promised. "I just have to get you out of here first."
Kagami nodded even as her grip tightened around her bokken in frustration. He backed up so she could enter the tunnel. It was big enough for them to stand in even if they had to walk single file. He pressed the ladybug shaped headlamp on his forehead, illuminating the path, and hurried foreward.
"Why does Ladybug not possess her Miraculous?" Kagami inquired. "Have you switched again?"
Mister Bug moved faster. He didn't glance back; not wanting to see Kagami's reaction. His thoughts returned to the locker room. To the way Marinette looked at him with such hopelessness. Her desperation as she called to him for help. If he had just acted faster. If he'd done more... Then maybe his Lady wouldn't be akumatized.
He shook the guilty thoughts from his mind. Those wouldn't help Ladybug now. He needed to focus. "Not exactly.  She's in trouble and I'm the only one whose used the Ladybug Miraculous before and I can't... I need your help."
The earthen tunnel ended in the city sewers.
"You need Ryuko again." Kagami had guessed as much.
Mister Bug turned to look her in the eye. "We need you to use a Miraculous, yeah. But not the Dragon."
"Would it not have been simpler to bring the Miraculous with you?" Kagami asked in confusion. Clearly, he didn't have it with him. That was quite odd.
Mister Bug rubbed the back of his neck. "Kind of dangerous to have both on me... And I might have jumped ahead without thinking. But you need to come anyway."
"... That does not make things clearer."
Mister Bug sighed. "Sorry. I'm all wound up. I'll explain once I get your mother to safety." He opened his yo-yo and pulled up a map of the sewer system. "Here. Follow this red line."
Kagami heard her phone ring and pulled it out to see the emailed map.
He stepped back into his tunnel. "I'll catch up."
Kagami placed a hand on his shoulder. "Be careful."
Mister Bug's eyes widened at the simple gesture. He grinned. The first one she'd seen since he appeared. "Don't worry. They'll never see me coming."
He ran back to her mother and she followed the map he'd given her.
Sabine considered herself a patient person. Understanding, slow to anger, down to earth. But even she had her limits. And this here? This made her blood boil.
"You did what!?" Sabine fumed.
Master Fu winced. They sat on the floor across from each other using the folded tarp. Out of slapping range. "It is necessary for a Miraculous to bond with someone at a young age so they may grow into the role."
"And you chose Marinette for her quick thinking." Sabine felt conflicted. On one hand she was proud of Marinette's accomplishments as a hero. On the other, this strange man had invited himself into her daughter's life with a heavy burden Marinette had not asked for.
"I am too old to fight Papillon myself and he needed... needs, to be stopped."
"So, you chose barely teenage kids." Sabine decided she would be blunt. "That is irresponsible. Someone even a few years older might make sense but Marinette just turned fourteen and that young man can't be much older."
"As I said before there are certain conditions that-"
"Conditions that needed to be met. Yes." Her hands ticked. Sabine needed to do something with them, she kept reaching for tea that wasn't there. "And you chose my daughter. Whom you did not train. Whom you thrust into a relationship of blind trust with a stranger. Without any external support. And you expect me to-"
The sound of rushing footsteps interrupted her. They both tensed and Sabine stood, setting her fighting stance.
Mister Bug charged in, yo-yo whirling. Kagami followed, her bokken raised to strike. "We heard shouting! What's wrong?"
Sabine relaxed her stance and Master Fu stepped away from the box on the couch he was shielding. "Mme. Cheng and I were simply in a... disagreement."
Sabine thought it was much more than a 'disagreement' but... She looked at the two youths in front of her and walked towards them. "Are you both alright?" Sabine asked as she placed a hand on their shoulders.
Mister Bug smiled tensely as Kagami gave a stiff nod. She was surprised to see Marinette's mother here but held back her questions.
"About as well as can be expected," Mister Bug replied. He didn't sound convincing even to himself.
"Kagami Tsurugi," Master Fu greeted, bowing slightly to her. "I am the Guardian of the Miraculous."
Sabine stepped back from the youths and Kagami returned the bow. "An honor."
"Normally, we wouldn't meet face-to-face but these are desperate circumstances." Master Fu asserted. "With the both of you we'll be able to save Ladybug and-"
"I'm not letting them go alone," Sabine declared. "Marinette is my daughter and I will be there to help her."
Master Fu's brow furrowed. "Giving Kagami the Black Cat Miraculous is one thing..."
Kagami's eyes widened. Her? The Black Cat? She didn't feel worthy of such consideration. Then Sabine's words sank in. "What has become of Marinette? She is my friend. I will help her any way I can."
The other three looked at her in a mixture of surprise and unease. But it was Sabine who answered. "Marinette's been akumatized..."
Kagami felt the shock like a physical blow. "Then there's no time to waste! We must stop Papillon Écarlate!"
Mister Bug gazed in admiration at Kagami's conviction. Her reaction reaffirmed his faith in her ability to wield the Black Cat. If only they had someone who was better suited for the Ladybug.
"My sentiments exactly," Sabine agreed, turning to the Guardian with defiance in her eyes.
Master Fu was agitated. He needed to make them understand. "Mme. Cheng, in order to wield a Miraculous properly you must have certain characteristics. Mister Bug is already wielding a Miraculous he's unbalanced with-"
Mister Bug looked away, barely resisting the urge to make a sarcastic comment. It's not like he disagreed.
"-Having another mispaired wielder is risky."
Mister Bug looked between the two adults. Sabine wasn't going to back down. And Master Fu needed incentive to release the Dragon. "... You told Ladybug that adults can use the Miraculous without timing out, right? Mme. Cheng-"
"Call me Sabine."
"...Sabine. Would be invaluable backup out there. She could use the Miraculous's power as many times as we need." Mister Bug reasoned.
Master Fu glanced from Adrien to Sabine's equally determined features.
"We need all the help we can get," Mister Bug stressed.
Master Fu sighed, conceding the point.
He brought the Miracle Box to the center of the room and opened it. The other three present gazed with wonder at the sight and Master Fu was reminded that Adrien had not seen it before. "Sabine Cheng, Kagami Tsurugi, you are charged with the Miraculous of the Dragon and Black Cat to assist Mister Bug. You will return the Miraculous to me when your task is complete."
They took the Miraculous Master Fu offered and a blinding light flared briefly before revealing the Dragon and Black Cat kwamis.
Mister Bug gazed at Plagg as he introduced himself to Kagami. There was a question in the kwami's eyes as he glanced at Adrien. The same question Plagg asked almost daily... But it wasn't the time so Mister Bug gestured encouragingly at Kagami.
Sabine took in Longg's extensive explanation with practiced patience. She needed to know everything about the Dragon if she was going to help Marinette.
Kagami was not in a patient mood. "Plagg, trans-"
"Wait!" Mister Bug urged, remembering his side trip. He opened his yo-yo and pulled out half a dozen wheels of the transformation cheese. "We need an edge."
Master Fu's eyes widened as Adrien kneeled to set down the transformation cheese on the floor. "You went back to my apartment? That was risky."
"Good thing Papillon's an idiot who didn't think of posting a guard then, isn't it?" Mister Bug observed as he organized the cheese wheels, wondering which powers to use. "I didn't find any of Ladybug's power-ups."
"Ladybug made her own macarons once she learned how to make the potions," Master Fu explained as he knelt down beside Adrien.
Mister Bug paused. "... Oh..." He shook the distracting thought about secrets away and cleared the lump in his throat. "Flight looks like the best choice for fighting Princess Justice."
"Correct," Master Fu agreed. "We have a limited number of power-ups. We need to succeed on the first try."
"Wish we knew what happened to Viperion," Mister Bug thought out loud.
"We can't wait any longer!" Kagami cut in. "Papillon Écarlate grows stronger with each passing moment. Viperion could be akumatized for all we know."
"You're right," Mister Bug rose and gave a yellow wedge to Sabine and Kagami. "Give your kwamis this. I need to feed Tikki."
Mister Bug left the room and went in another down the hallway, out of sight.
Adrien gave Tikki Camembert so she could recharge her energy. The potion laced cheese took too much out of the kwamis for it to provide any nourishment. "Sorry, I don't have any macarons."
"That's alright, Adrien. Not all kwamis are as picky as Plagg." Tikki soothed as she ate.
Adrien appreciated her attempt to lighten the mood. "... Plagg doesn't look happy."
"He's just worried about you," Tikki replied as she set a reassuring hand on his cheek. "He knows we need a Ladybug."
Adrien smiled as he wiped something from his eyes. "Yeah... We do."
His transformation call was echoed by his teammates from the other room. He took in the determination in their eyes as he entered. Noting that it mirrored his own. As the most experienced hero, they looked to him to lead.
He took a deep breath, banishing the doubts from his mind. "Let's go get her back!"
Luka was terrified.
His sister, Reflekta, stood atop the mast. Firing from the Liberty as it sailed down the Seine. His mother Captain Hardrock, laughed as the unfortunate people became copies of her daughter. He was tied to the mast and forced to watch. Akuma fluttering around him.
But that paled in comparison to the blank eyes that stared at him from behind her mask. He tried to read her as she floated before him. She revealed nothing.
"I am Princess Justice!" She corrected. "Why aren't you akumatized yet? Your family's under his control. You're trapped and powerless. Your crush-" She placed a hand on her chest. "-has betrayed you. Why won't you give in?"
Luka's gaze softened. "Ladybug will save you."
Princess Justice threw her head back and laughed. The most emotion he'd seen from her. "Oh, is that what you've been holding onto? Let's get to the truth of the matter." She leaned forward to whisper in his ear. "I. Am. Ladybug."
Luka's eyes widened in shock. "Wh-what? No... You're lying!" The akuma swirled in response to his agitation.
"Justice doesn't lie."
"No..." An akuma flew towards the ring on his finger...
He heard the familiar whir of a yo-yo before all three akuma around him were captured. Princess Justice turned just in time to be tackled by a black blur. A guy in a Ladybug suit rushed towards him and broke his chains.
"Mister Bug?" Luka's emotional whiplash was leaving him disoriented.
"In the flesh!" Mister Bug gave a grin that didn't quite reach his eyes as he picked Luka up and flew away from the detransforming ship. Dodging blasts from Reflekta as he went.
Sabine removed her sword from the compass as an akuma flew out... Right. That's why they needed Mister Bug.
"Wind Dragon!" Sabine swirled around the akuma, keeping it from escaping until Mister Bug could purify it. Being fluid was odd but at least the akuma didn't have anything solid to anchor itself to.
She wondered how long she could keep the whirlwind up.
Princess Justice kicked at her assailant's chest, knocking them back and freeing her arms. Righting herself she studied the flying hero.
Her suit looked more like a ninja outfit than anything else. The hood had cat ears and the sash around her waist curled like a tail. Green bands wrapped around her forearms and lower legs. Between her arms and torso was fabric that gave it the appearance of a wingsuit. Only the mask and eyes remained unchanged.
The red butterfly mark flared across Princess Justice's face. "So, Mister Bug's found a little kitty to take his place while he plays at being Ladybug. How foolish! Take this inexperienced girl's Miraculous quickly and go squash that bug!"
Princess Justice unwound her whip. "You wish to be the new Chat Noir? Let me show you what he's best at!" She struck at the pretender.
The cat dodged easily and brought out her baton. Extending and splitting it in two. "Keeping the enemy distracted?" she offered.
Princess Justice blinked and looked back at the Liberty just in time to see Mister Bug break Reflekta's mirror. Her eyes hardened and she made to rush towards him.
A rapidly extending baton knocked her off course. The cat floated in her way.
"Very well," Princess Justice decided. "I'll take your Miraculous first, 'Chat Noir'!"
"Maneki-neko," she corrected, retracting her baton back to sword length. "And we'll see about that."
The hero charged with her batons raised as the villain lashed out with her whip.
There will be more Dragon Sabine and Cat Kagami in the next chapter, I promise!
And Sabine isn't done with Master Fu.
(Yes, I know I'm bad at summaries.)
Ch.1  Ch.2  Ch.3    Ch.5
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 6 years ago
Marin Dupain-Cheng
He tells Tikki first. Or well… when he transforms, he shows the world. He doesn’t have long hair, he has no breasts. He’s broader, he’s got a deeper voice. He’s… he’s not a girl.
Tikki, after they beat Stoneheart the first time, is understanding.
“You are a man Marin. The suit makes you look how you wish to look, the you on the inside.”
Marin is relieved, happy and so thrilled to be a man in his suit. When he realizes he messed up, he didn’t purify the Akuma he doesn’t think about giving up the Miraculous to someone else.
How else will he be himself? It’s a selfish thought, but Tikki doesn’t mind when he lets it slip. She understands.
He is Scarlette Beetle. He is a man and it is his freedom.
Tikki doesn’t understand why he doesn’t tell his parents. They are supporting and caring, and he does have a cousin who is trans.
“It’s different.” is all he can really say. “I know they will support and love me, I know they won’t turn me away. I just…”
His mother was born to a very conservative Chinese family. She was the unwanted daughter and it hurt her. More then she admits. She came to Paris to escape her life from before, to find happiness in the arms of a man who loved her, and did not see her as unwanted.
It’s part of the reason Marin cannot speak Mandarin. His mother was hurt when Marin was young and did not wish to connect with her past. It is only recently, with his great-uncle reaching out, that she has begun embracing it once more.
As a child, Marin was told he was lucky to be born in Paris. Not out of any attempt to force him to do anything or be grateful, but when his mother was speaking of her childhood in pain. He was lucky to be a girl in Paris.
His mother was proud, so proud of him. She was happy that her ‘daughter’ would grow up in Paris.
Marin knew his mother and father wouldn’t care. In fact, his dad was the type to make a cake saying ‘It’s a boy!’ and have a new birthday party for him. His mom would join in.
But he couldn’t help but think he would be letting his mother down.
Marin likes Adrien… a lot. But he doesn’t try to let it show. Alya knows, and presses but Marin just wants Alya to stop it.
“It’s not that I don’t like guys… or girls.” Marin tells Tikki when she asks. “It’s that I think it would be a lie to be with him as Marinette. I’m Marin.”
“I get it,” Tikki tells him. “But Alya won’t back off.”
Alya doesn’t, and it strains Marin’s friendship with her a fair bit. Eventually, Marin has to tell her to her face,
“Stop it. I am not going to ask him out, I am not going to date him. If you press I am not your friend anymore.” Alya tries, ignoring his words and Marin moves seats with permission. He doesn’t talk to Alya, and everyone knows why.
No one talks to Alya.
It takes two weeks for her to apologize and things to go back to somewhat normal. Alya is less pushy now, and more willing to listen.
She doesn’t understand why, and Marin doesn’t want to tell her.
She may be better, but he doesn’t feel like he can trust her.
Chat Noir is a good friend and the two spend many days together, just enjoying being in their suits. It’s fantastic and amazing and Chat is the next person he tells.
He tells because Chat is looking confused and scared and asks him what he thought of Chat being bi, and Marin is honest- he is bi and trans and Chat is a bit taken aback, but is supportive.
The next day, Marin sees Adrien looking confused and on a whim, he approaches the boy.
“Hey Adrien, you look a bit lost. What’s wrong?”
“Oh hey Marinette. Umm… I discovered a guy I like is trans and I’m not sure….” Adrien is lost and Marin sits down to help.
“If you like him cause he’s a him?”
“I didn’t know until recently, but yeah. I thought he was handsome and amazing but like never really thought about it until I kinda figured I liked him like that. It’s… weird. My dad overheard me suddenly saying it out loud and supports me…”
“Saying it out loud?”
“...I may have shouted in my room holy shit I’m bi.” Marin laughs hard at that, and Adrien also laughs. “But like-”
“Adrien, he’s a guy. You liked him before you knew right? So you like him cause he’s your type and a guy.” Marin told him.
“Thanks… I didn’t…” Adrien sighed. “I don’t want to hurt him.” It’s a split second choice, but Marin speaks then,
“Adrien… I’m trans. I’m just not out, and if a boy like you was thinking about this for me… I’d be happy.” Adrien was shocked, staring at Marin.
“Oh! Uh… you’re a guy?”
“Yeah.” Marin nodded, kicking his feet. “Just like I said- not out.”
“Why? I doubt your parents would hate you…”
“My mother is super happy her daughter is in Paris instead of China.” Marin shrugged. “I know they would but… well, can’t help my gut you know?”
“Yeah…” Adrien studies him. “...Want me to call you he and…”
“Marin, my name is Marin.”
“Nice to meet you, Marin.”
(Adrien is a little blown away by having two trans friends, but he does his research- enough his dad approaches him again.
“Ah! No!” Adrien shook his head. “My friend… he’s uh... “ Adrien shrugged, looking a bit embarrassed. “He’s trans and I’m just trying to figure out how to support him. He’s not comfortable coming out- still goes by she and all that.”
“Ah.” His father nodded. “Is he afraid?”
“More like… he doesn’t want to…” Adrien made a vague motion, trying to outright say Marin’s name. Being general was best- given his father knew what he was researching- and he would never out anyone. “He knows his parents would support him, there’s just a bunch of other stuff mixed in with it.”
“I see.” his father left, and Adrien sighed in relief as Plagg snorted.
“Humans- this is stupid. The kid is a boy, why does it matter?”
“...Wait, do Kwami’s have genders?”
“Kinda.” Plagg shrugged. “Gender is more a human construct but we picked it up. I think we do have a woman and a man kwami cause well, those are really ideas people created. We kinda just go with what we feel comfortable with.” Plagg shrugged. “I feel more like a guy, so I’m a guy.”
“Huh…” Adrien frowned then. “What about romance?”
“We have a romance kwami and there’s a sex kwami but most of us… eh. We don’t feel the need or want.” Plagg shrugged again. “Cheese is better anyway.”
“...If I ever like make you super uncomfortable-”
“Nah, it’s fine kid. I just like messing with you.” Plagg admitted in a rare brand of honesty.)
Adrien and Marin get closer, and the two are often snickering together. Alya eyes them and grins but doesn’t say anything, having learned her lesson. Nino also notices but doesn’t say anything either.
Nino’s known Marin for a long time and his own cousin is trans. He knows the signs. He just hasn’t ever said anything. Marin will figure it out or do something about it soon enough, no need for him to get involved.
Marin isn’t ready to come out, but he has people know now.
It’s good, it’s amazing.
He loves it.
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omniswords · 5 years ago
1, 11, 38?? 💛✨
fic writer meme!
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Slice of life! Slice of life! Slice of life!!!!!!! I am so in love with writing about people just being people, interacting with one another, watching others grow and growing themselves. A lot of the fandoms I’m in involve superhero-type shenanigans or secret identities or what have you, but like. I very much feel like we as human beings already have secret identities. Parts of ourselves that we only show to a select few other people, or hide away from the entire world and struggle with. That’s what I like to write about.
11. Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
A little bit of both? I can’t see myself not doing it ever again no matter how it makes me feel at times. But at the same time, I hesitate to think about it as a full-on career. It’d be nice to publish a book someday, but I don’t think it’d personally be the end of my world if I didn’t, as long as I get to keep writing in some capacity.
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
The ones that are always my favorite are the ones that are like “how dare you make me ship this now.” But there’s this one that always comes to mind when I think of “my favorite review” and it’s this one, which was in response to an ML fic I had written about Marinette mending trans!Adrien’s binders:
Tumblr media
Like. How does one even begin to top a comment like that.
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vgckwb · 5 years ago
ML: Are They Worthy? Chapter 54: Paris Needs.../Secret Keeper (A Hero Like Chloe, Part 1)
The day had finally come. Paris Pride. The whole city was buzzing with energy. Of course, there was school, which was relatively uneventful. Beyyo managed to inform Mylene, Marc, and Ivan that they passed throughout the day. Once school was done however, everyone was planning the rest of their day.
Adrien was waiting outside with flowers for Marinette. Marinette ran up to him. “You shouldn’t have,” she said.
“Well, you sounded so upset” Adrien said. “I just wanted to cheer you up.”
Marinette took the flowers. “Thank you.”
Adrien got a tap on the shoulder. It was Chloe, and she looked nervous. “Um, Adrien?” She asked. “Could you come over? I need your help with something.”
Adrien was concerned for Chloe, but also Marinette. He looked at Marinette and Marinette said “Go ahead. We have tomorrow. See you at the parade” Marinette said, walking home.
Adrien looked at Chloe “Well, should we get going?” he asked.
“You know, you shouldn’t let your girlfriend control your life” Chloe said, as the two of them headed to Chloe’s limo.
“I wanted to be with her” Adrien said. “She’s been feeling stressed out lately.”
“No kidding” Chloe whispered under her breath.
“What was that?” Adrien asked.
“Nothing!” Chloe said. They went to Le Grand Paris.
Vlad caught Marinette walking alone. “Is everything alright?” he asked, catching up with her.
“Yeah” Marinette said. “Chloe just needed to talk to Adrien is all.”
Vlad thought about it. “I bet it’s about Chloe’s plans for this evening.”
“Care to inform me?” Marinette asked.
“I don’t want to ruin the surprise” Vlad said. “So, since you’re free, how about we take these back to your place and then you can help me sell shirts until the parade starts?”
“I’d love that” Marinette said. The two continued to Marinette’s.
The limo arrived at Le Grand Paris. Adrien and Chloe walked out and made their way to the elevator. “So, what's this about?” Adrien asked.
Chloe shushed him. “Not here” she said. The elevator dinged and the two walked to Chloe’s room. Chloe made sure to lock the doors and windows.
“This seems pretty serious” Adrien said.
“It IS pretty serious!” Chloe said. She sat down. Adrien sat across from her. “So, I had the idea to tell all of Paris I am gay.”
“Wait, ALL of Paris?” Adrien said. Chloe gave him a snide look. “Sorry. I guess that is a big deal.”
Chloe regained her composure. “I had made a secret plan with Vlad to make a big speech at the end of the parade as a secret guest speaker. But now, I’m starting to have doubts…”
Adrien looked his oldest friend over. To him, she was a lot of things. Fragile. Brave. Timid. Bold. Despair. Hope. She was all of this. Chloe has made a lot of mistakes, but she has become a better person for it. Otherwise, Vlad wouldn’t have given her the miraculous that sits on her head. To see her like this? Adrien couldn’t stand it.
“Nonsense” he said. Chloe looked up at him. “You’re Chloe Bourgeois! You’re one of the bravest people I know. You were there for me when no one else was. You can do this!”
Chloe smiled. “Thanks Adrien.”
“I think this idea is great” Adrien said. “It’s so you.”
“Yeah, well, I’m just glad I can finally take Sabrina out on dates in public” Chloe said.
“If you’re having one tomorrow, don’t go to L’Arcane” Adrien said. “Unless you want to double up with Marinette and myself.”
“Pass” Chloe said. “You two deserve some time alone together. As do Sabrina and I.”
“Very well then” Adrien said. “Do you want me to stay here until you’re ready?”
“Nah” Chloe said. “You go on and meet your girlfriend to watch the parade.”
“Actually, we’re in it” Adrien said. “Marinette’s bi.”
“Oh” Chloe said, taken by surprise. “I see.”
“You OK?” Adrien asked.
Chloe nodded. “Now more than ever. Thanks Adrien.”
“I’m always here to help” Adrien said. He left the room.
Chloe was giddy. If Ladybug is not straight, then I don’t need to worry about a thing! She thought to herself.
Meanwhile, Marinette and Vlad were selling shirts. “So, how is Pride back in Toulouse?” Marinette asked.
Vlad looked at Marinette. “Toulouse Pride is great, but I have a feeling Paris Pride will be better.”
“I see” Marinette said.
Vlad sighed. “I just hope they’re doing alright.”
Marinette put her hand on Vlad’s. “I’m sure that they’ll be fine.”
Vlad smiled. “You’re right. Although, I’ll be sure to check on it tonight.”
“Sounds great” Marinette said.
Mylene and Marc walked up to the stand. “I’ll take a ‘My Boyfriend is Bi’ shirt” they both said. They looked at each other slightly embarrassed.
Vlad smiled. “Sure things. Marinette?”
“Oh, right” Marinette said, getting shirts for the two of them.”
Mylene smiled. “Thanks” she said.
Marc, who was still slightly embarrassed, shouted “Thank you!”
“It’s fine” Nathaniel said, walking up to him. “Don’t worry so much.”
“I know” Marc said. “I just don’t want to ruin this.”
“You won’t” Nathaniel said. “You’re amazing. Just be yourself.”
Marc nodded. “OK” he said.
“Now, let’s head over to the parade” Nathaniel said.
“Alright” Marc said. The couple walked off.
“Ready to go Mylene?” Ivan said, coming over.
Mylene dragged Ivan over. “You should get a shirt too” she said.
“Well, OK” Ivan said. “Do you have just a Bi-colored shirt?”
“Indeed we do” Vlad said. He got one out and gave it to Vlad.
“Thanks” Ivan said. He put it on. Mylene put her shirt on and then put her hoodie back on over it.
“Well, seeya” Mylene said. They left.
Kim and Ondine walked over. “Kim? Ondine? What are you doing here?” Marinette asked.
Onidine seemed nervous. Kim put his hand on her shoulder. “It’s OK” he said.
Ondine smiled. “I’ll take a trans color shirt” she said.
“And I’LL have a ‘My Trans Girlfriend is Cute’ shirt,” Kim said.
“Sure thing” Marinette said.
“Something about you shirt Kim” Vlad said. Kim looked confused. “It also says ‘And You Can’t Tell Me Otherwise’ written on the back.”
Kim lit up. “Cool!” he said. They put their shirts on. “What do you think?”
“It looks great on you Kim” Ondine said.
“Thanks. So does yours” Kim said. The two walked off.
Soon after, Adrien walked up. “Hey Marinette. Ready to go?”
“Sure” she said.
“I should head out as well,” Vlad said. “It would be embarrassing if I wasn’t there.”
Marinette giggled. “So, who’s taking over for us?”
“I just texted the group, and someone said they’re on their way. Let’s go!” Vlad said. The trio made their way to the Parade.
On the screens around town, the mayor addressed the city from Town Hall, where the parade was ending. Chloe was inside City Hall, waiting for her moment. “Citizens of Paris” Mayor Bourgeois called out. “I declare that the Paris Pride Parade begins NOW!”
The parade started. People with an assortment of flags, shirts, and other identifiers took to the streets. There were some floats, and atop one of them, representing the modeling agency he works for, stood Vlad. Vlad was greeted with many cheers.
“Well, he certainly love attention” Adrien said, walking in-step with his bi girlfriend.
“Yeah” Marinette said. “I think it suits him.”
“I know I wouldn’t want to be up there right now” Adrien said.
“I wouldn’t want you up there either” Marinette said. “You’re place is right here, by my side.”
Adrien smiled. “Of course.” Marinette leaned on him.
However, in the city skyline, a villain was waiting in the wings. She had long, wavy, purple hair, was wearing an orange trench coat, black gloves, black shoes, a silver locket around her neck, a white mask with three keyholes, two to resemble eyes, and one for a mouth, and she was holding a giant key. She looked down on the parade, simmering with anger.
“Secret Keeper” Hawk Moth said, contacting the villain. “If you want to take your vengeance, then maybe you need some help. My associate Mayura is on her way.”
Mayura had made her way to the building across from Secret Keeper. She plucked a feather, fused energy into it, and blew it over to Secret Keeper. It fused with her locket. “Hello, Secret Keeper. I am Mayura. I can sense you feel frustrated.” Secret keeper gripped her key tighter. “With your permission, I can create a being to help you sort out your frustration.”
“Do it” Secret Keeper responded. Mayura smiled and out of her locket, a blue-black cloud formed.
As the parade continued, loud stomping noises could be heard. Everyone was looking for the source. Coming around the corner was Secret Keeper, riding on the shoulder of a sentimonster who had a yellow door for a head and a giant body, with sharp fingers and toes. The body was primarily yellow, but had a multicolored pattern running across its body. “RUN!” Vlad called.
The parade and the surrounding crowd ran amok. Secret Keeper jumped off of the sentimonster. She started hitting people with her key. However, instead of causing any sort of injury, these strange orbs flew out of people. Secret Keeper told everyone “Don’t worry. Your secrets are safe with me.” She was juggling the orbs in her free hand. “Closet Monster! She called. The sentimonster turned its attention to Secret Keeper. Secret Keeper threw the orbs to Closet Monster, who then opened its door-mouth and swallowed them. Secret Keeper and Closet Monster kept going with their attack.
Adrien and Marinette were running away. Secret Keeper had caught up to them and was about to attack. However, Alay jumped in the way and got hit instead. Secret Keeper took hold of the orb Alya produced. “Huh.” She said.
Marinette and Adrien grabbed Alya and ran off. Secret Keeper was about to give chase when Judgement Wolf shouted “Hey!” Secret Keeper’s attention turned to him.
“Well well” She said. “I know you’ve got some secrets. Have at you!”
Meanwhile, Marinette, Adrien, and Alya hid. “I think we’re safe” Marinette said. “Alya, are you alright.”
“I think so” she said. She looked at Judgment Wolf fighting Secret Keeper and took out her phone to record.
“Alya! There’s no time for that!” Marinette said.
“Yeah, but Ladybug might show up!” Alya said. “I can’t miss that.”
“Alya, what are you doing?” Adrien said.
Marinette had a grave realization. “Oh no. Remember when the villain said ‘Your secrets are safe with me.”
“You don’t mean?” Adrien said.
Marinette nodded. “That orb contains all of Alya’s secrets.”
Adrien’s mouth hung agape. “Alright. You jump in. I’ll give Nino a call and see what we can do.” Marinette nodded, and left.
Meanwhile, Chloe was watching the attack on TV. “Of all days” she said, furiously. This was supposed to be a day of peace and unity, and Hawk Moth was turning into a day for fear and chaos. “This is ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!” She looked around and made sure nobody was there. “Pollen!” she called.
“Yes, my liege” Pollen said, popping out.
“I think it’s time” Chloe said.
“Your word is my command” Pollen said.
“Pollen! Buzz On!” Chloe called. She transformed, but something felt different. She went to the mirror and took a look at herself. He legs looked the same as Queen Bee, but everything else was different. She these honey-colored gloves that extended to her elbows. She had three stripes on each side of her torso that grew thicker the further back they went and eventually joined on her back. Also on her back were four designs in the shape of wings. The black streak in her hair was joined by a streak of golden honey. Finally, the biggest difference was that instead of a domino mask, she had a pair of goggles that were in the shape of honeycombs and also honey-colored.
“This… wasn’t what I was expecting,” she said. “But no matter. I still have a city to save!”
Just as she was about to leave, Sabrina burst into the room. “Chloe, are you alright?!” she said. She looked at this hero that was new to her. “Who are you?”
Chloe was confused. “I...I am Honey Bee!” she said. “I am the new user of the bee miraculous.
“Oh,” said Sabrina. “Is Chloe alright?”
“Chloe’s fine” Honey Bee said. “You need to hide as well!” Honey Bee pushed Sabrina.
“WAIT!” Sabrina called. “Where is Chloe?”
Honey Bee panicked. “There’s no time. You need to hide!” She shoved Sabrina in a closet. Honey Bee was on her way out when she whispered “I’m sorry Sabrina.” She left.
Judgement Wolf and Secret Keeper were dueling it out. Judgement Wolf saw Mayura out of the corner of his eye. “Mayura!”
Ladybug tied up Secret Keeper and dragged her into a punch. “Ladybug! So good to see you” Secret Keeper said.
“Give everyone their secrets back!” Ladybug said.
“Secrets?” Judgement Wolf said.
“Those orbs contain people’s secrets” Ladybug informed her colleague.
“I see” Judgement Wolf said. He glanced at Mayura again. “Ladybug, do you have it from here? I’m going to try and track Mayura!”
“OK” Ladybug said. Judgment Wolf jumped off. “It’s just you and me!”
“I think you’re forgetting someone” Secret Keeper said. Closet Monster walked up behind Secret Keeper.
“Oh” Ladybug said. Secret Keeper fed Closet Monster Alya’s secret orb. “HEY! Give that back!
“Why should I?” Secret Keeper said. “Secrets give people stress. I’m simply relieving them of their stress.” Ladybug growled. “Of course, as a hero, I’m sure you have plenty of secrets. No matter. They will be mine, soon enough!” Secret Keeper charged Ladybug, but Ladybug dodged.
“You mean, Alya doesn’t know she’s Rena Rouge?” Nino said.
Adrien nodded. “I don’t know what we’re supposed to do,” he said.
“Well, I have an idea.” Adrien and Nino turned their heads to the voice to see Trixx. “Let’s just tell her this is her first time, or that she lost her memories, or something. She’s still Alya underneath all of it!” Adrien and Nino nodded.
Alya was filming Ladybug vs Secret Keeper when her batteries died. “Stupid phone” she said.
“Alya” said a voice Alya turned around to see Cat Noir and Carapace. Cat Noir continued “This may be hard for you to believe, but we need your help!”
“Are you KIDDING?!” Alya said. “I’ve always wanted to help. I mean, there was the time I was Cardboard Girl, but like REALLY help!”
“Ummmm, here’s the thing” Carapace said. “You have helped before.”
“What?” Alya said.
Trixx popped out. “You’re Rena Rouge,” she said.
“I am?” Alya said.
“Yes!” Trixx said. “And that villain took that information away from you!”
“Oh no!” Alya said. 
“Don’t worry. We’re going to get it back” Trixx said. “But we need you out there!”
“But how?” Alya asked. “If I’ve forgotten…”
Trixx gently touched Alya’s hand. “You’re still you,” she said. “And THAT’S what makes you a hero.” Aya smiled. “Now, all you have to say is ‘Trixx! Let’s Pounce!’”
“Trixx! Let’s Pounce!” Alya called out. She transformed into Rena Rouge. “Woah! I really am Rena Rouge!”
“Now let’s go!” Cat Noir said. “Ladybug needs our help!” Cat Noir leapt into the fray.
Carapace held Rena’s hand. “Don’t worry. We’ll help you every step of the way.” Rena Rouge nodded and the two joined the battle as well.
Ladybug kept dodging attacks from Closet Monster. Just as Secret Keeper was about to hit Ladybug, Cat Noir blocked it with his staff. “Sorry, but I’m the only one who’s allowed to have the key to her heart!” Rena and Carapace also arrived.
“Rena?” Ladybug said.
“Don’t worry about it!” Carapace said. “She’s still Rena.” Ladybug nodded.
“Well well. It appears that I am outnumbered” Secret Keeper said. “No matter. I can distract you all. Closet Monster!” The sentimonster looked at Secret Keeper. “Go eat whoever you can find.” Closet Monster turned around and started grabbing and swallowing people. “Oops.”
Ladybug scowled. “Come on, we gotta go! Cat Noir, take care of Secret Keeper while we save everyone! Rena! Carapace! Follow me!” The three left to follow the sentimonster.
“Looks like it’s down to the two of us!” Cat Noir said.
“Indeed” Secret Keeper said. The two locked weapons and continued to fight.
Suddenly, a zipping noise was heard. Secret Keeper looked over her shoulder. “Huh?” Honey Bee was propelling herself with her top and kicked Secret Keeper in her mask. Honey Bee landed safely.
Cat Noir jumped to her position and said “I know that’s you in there, because Judgement Wolf told me,” he said, “but what’s with this? Wait! Did Chloe give it to someone else?”
“No!” Honey Bee said. “It’s me, like you said. I don’t know what happened either.”
“Well, whatever the case, thanks for showing up” Cat Noir said.
Secret Keeper got up and saw the two heroes. “A NEW bee miraculous user! What fun” Hawk Moth said. “Secret Keeper! Subdue this impostor bee and take her miraculous as well!”
“As you command, Hawk Moth” Secret Keeper said. “Cat Noir! Miss Bee! Have at ye!”
“It’s Honey Bee!” she shouted.
“Honey Bee?” Cat Noir said.
“It slipped out and I’m sticking to it” Honey Bee said.
“Just like honey” Cat Noir said.
“Whatever” Honey Bee said, rolling her eyes. She leapt into action, as did Cat Noir.
Judgement Wolf was catching up to Mayura. “Reveal Claw! Reveal Your True Form!” Judgement Wolf tried to strike Mayura, but Mayura got out of the way. Judgement Wolf doubled back and tried again, but Mayura dodged again. Judgement Wolf kept trying to hit Mayura, but Mayura kept getting out of the way just in time.
“What’s the matter? Can’t keep up?” Mayura taunted.
“I’m surprised you can” Judgement Wolf said. “Considering what that miraculous is doing to you.”
Mayura’s expression soured. “Did Hawk Moth tell you?”
Judgement Wolf nodded. “If you let me do this, I can save you.”
“Funny” Mauyra said. “If you do that, then I can’t save Hawk Moth!” Judgement Wolf kept trying, but Mayura kept getting out of the way each time.
Eventually, Judgement Wolf’s miraculous started to beep. He also lost sight of Mayura. “GAH!” he said. He left the area, having failed what he came to do.
Once he was safely away from prying eyes, he let his transformation go. “It’s OK” Beyyo said. “We’ll get her next time.”
Vlad smiled. “Eat up” he said, giving his kwami some food. “We’ve got a villain to stop.” Beyyo chowed down on his jerky.
Ladybug, Carapace, and Rena Rouge caught up with Closet Monster. Closet Monster kept eating people. “We’ve gotta stop them!” Ladybug said.
“But how?” Rena asked.
Ladybug thought. “Well, this always helps” She said. “Lucky Charm! A lock pick?” Ladybug noticed the keyhole on the door. “Got it! We just need to lure it to us.”
“That, I think we can handle” Carapace said. “Rena.” Rena turned to Carapace.
Carapace whispered a plan into Rena’s ear. “That’s a great idea!” she said.
Meanwhile, Cat Noir and Honey Bee were holding their own against Secret Keeper. “This isn't working” Cat Noir said. “We need to find the akuma, and fast!”
Honey Bee thought about it. “Ah! Cat Noir, you go on the offensive. I’ll use my power while she’s distracted. Then we can search her!”
“Good idea!” Cat Noir said. Cat Noir drew his staff and charged at Secret Keeper. Honey Bee ran around to her side.
After trading a few blows, Secret Keeper and Cat Noir were once again locked in combat. This gave Honey Bee the perfect opportunity. “Venom!” she called out. She rushed up and stuck Secret Keeper. This caused her locket to fly up. Honey Bee saw this, and grabbed it off of her. “I think the akuma’s in here!”
“Well, let’s get it to Ladybug!” Cat Noir said. The two ran off.
Carapace stood to the side of Closet Monster. Rena Played her flute and called out “Mirage!” An illusion of secret orbs covered Carapace. “Yoo-hoo! Monster-thing!” Closet Monster looked at Rena. “There’s this big juicy pile of secrets just for you.”
Closet Monster bent down to munch of the secrets, but that’s when Carapace called out “Shell-ter!” Closet Monster’s door-mouth was now clamping down on the Shell-ter. “Ladybug, NOW!”
Ladybug nodded and ran up on the Shell-ter and jumped on the door. “Alright, let’s see what happens if I unlock you” she said. She used the lock pick to unlock the keyhole on the closet door. Closet Monster looked shocked, let go of the Shell-ter, got up, and started stumbling around. It then started vomiting up people and secret orbs. Once it was done, it fell to the ground.
Carapace let down his shelter, and saw Rena’s secret orb. He rushed over and grabbed it. “Rena, catch!” he said, throwing it.
Rena was confused, so she didn’t catch it with her hands, but once it hit her, she absorbed it. “I remember!” she exclaimed.
“It’s good to have you back” Ladybug said.
“Ladybug!” Honey Bee shouted. The heroes turned and were shocked to see a new bee-themed hero with Cat Noir. “The akuma’s in here,” she said, throwing  the locket.
Ladybug didn’t have time to question it. She caught the locket and destroyed it. However, only the amok was in there. “That’s odd” Carapace said.
“Well, at least that eliminates one of our problems” Ladybug said. “No more evildoing for you, little amok! Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye bye, little feather.” Closet Monster disappeared.
“Wait, so where’s the akuma?” Honey Bee asked.
At that time, the Venom was wearing off on Secret Keeper. She ran toward the heroes. “Ladybug!” she shouted, getting the attention of all the heroes. She raised her key, and was about to strike, but Judgement Wolf came in, and knocked the key out of her hand.
Ladybug looked at the lock pick, the locket, and the key flying through the air. “That’s it!” She used her yo-yo to grab the key. “Cat Noir! The akuma’s in the key!” She flung it toward him.
“Got it! Cataclysm!” The key flew to him, and he hit it.
The akuma flew out. “No more evil doing for you, little akuma” Ladybug said. “Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!” She threw up the lock pick, and the magic Ladybugs fixed all of the damage caused by Secret Keeper and Closet Monster.
Secret Keeper reverted to a young girl with purple hair, an orange hoodie, a purple shirt, a dark blue skirt, white socks, and black shoes. “Ugh…” she said.
“Pound it!” said the six heroes.
“Secret Keeper wasn’t the key to your defeat, Ladybug” Hawk Moth said. “But one day, I will learn ALL YOUR SECRETS!”
Rena’s and Carapace’s miraculous started to beep. “We gotta go” Rena said.
“Seeya” Carapace said. The two left.
The remaining heroes approached the young girl. “Are you feeling alright?” Honey Bee asked.
“I think so” she said.
“What happened?” Judgement Wolf asked.
She sighed and took out her locker. She took out her key and opened it, revealing a girl with long blue hair and an orange headband. “This is my friend, Jasmine. I kind of have a crush on her” she said. “I’ve been too afraid to ask her, because I don’t want to lose our friendship. I was thinking about telling her today, because it was Pride day, but I got scared and ran off. I was so frustrated with myself. I guess that’s when Hawk Moth got me.”
Ladybug was surprised. She then smiled. “Don’t worry” she said. “I’m sure you can do it!
“In fact, I know you can!” Cat Noir chimed in
“How?” the girl asked.
Cat Noir whispered into Judgement Wolf’s ear. “I getcha” he said.
“Don’t worry. Judgement Wolf and I will find someone to help you out” Cat Noir told the girl. The two left.
Ladybug and Honey Bee’ miraculous started to beep. “We should get going soon” Ladybug said. “Are you OK by yourself?” The girl looked scared. “I guess not.”
“I’ll stay” Honey Bee said.
Ladybug shook her head. “I have more time. You should get back to what you’re doing.”
“Are you sure?” Honey Bee asked.
Ladybug nodded. “Go.” Honey Bee left. Ladybug met the girl. “What’s your name?”
“Abrial” she said.
“Well Abrial, what kind of things do you like?” Ladybug asked.
“I like nature” Abrial said. “I like going on hikes. Whenever Jasmine and I go out, she has trouble sometimes, but I always help her.”
“That sounds fun” Ladybug said.
Cat Noir returned with Vlad. “This is the guy I was telling you about earlier.
“Sup” Vlad said. Ladybug was confused.
“Well, we should get going” Cat Noir said, putting his hand on Ladybug’s shoulder. He winked at Ladybug. Ladybug nodded and the two walked off.
“So, Cat Noir tells me you’re nervous because you have a crush on your friend and you’re afraid to tell her” Vlad said. Abrial nodded. “Well, as it just so happens, so did the mystery speaker. If it’s alright with you, I can take you there.”
Abrial looked down. “Maybe we should call my parents,” she said.
“Good Idea” Vlad said. “Maybe we can meet them at city hall.” Vlad and Abrial set the plan up.
Vlad walked Abrial to his float, and snuck her into the car driving it. “This is Abrial, Joshua” Vlad told the driver. “She got lost during the attack, and we’re taking her to city hall to meet her parents. Got it?” Joshua nodded. “Good. Now let’s roll.”
The mayor appeared on the TV again. “After the delay, caused by the super villain, I declare the parade to be re-opened!” The parade resumed. Despite the attack, people were still having fun.
Abrial looked out the window. She could faintly make out the crowd cheering and supporting those in the parade. Despite the fact that they didn’t know she was there, she felt appreciated as someone who likes other girls for the first time.
Honey Bee returned to City Hall and de-transformed. She nervously rushed out, but then remembered Sabrina. She opened the door and found her, holding onto an old hat she found in the closet. “Thank goodness you’re alright,” she said, hugging her.
“I’m just glad you’re alright” Sabrina said.
Chloe let go and looked at the time. “AH! I’ve got to give my speech. Are you OK to come with me?”
“You go on ahead” Sabrina said. “I’ll catch up with you.”
“Great. Thanks” Chloe said, rushing out the door. Sabrina looked upset, but she smiled.
The parade ended, and everyone was gathered at City Hall. Vlad got off his float and opened the door to get Abrial. Ready Abrial?” he asked. She nodded and got out of the car.
“Abrial!” her mom cried out. She ran up to her daughter and gave her a hug.
“Thank you, young man” her dad said.
“Don’t mention it” Vlad replied.
“I now present to you, the mystery speaker!” the mayor said. Everyone clapped. Mayor Bourgeois was surprised when he saw Chloe walking out. “Chloe?”
“Move!” She demanded. She approached the podium. She gulped. She was still nervous. However, her eyes spotted the girl who was akumatized. She knew she had to do this. For people like her. “Good evening Paris!” she said into the microphone. “You might know me as a brat who demands everything, and cares for no one. However, I was only like this to avoid my true self. When I was ten, I discovered I was a lesbian. I was afraid of what people were going to think. I was afraid my parents would reject me, and the people would only pretend to be nice to me because of my power and influence. So I became mean, because I didn’t want people pretending to be nice to me. However, I recently came out to my classmates, and they have been nothing but kind and supportive to me. I have learned that being myself yields the best results.
To those of you who are hiding who you are, I say this: Tell someone. It will make you feel better. There are plenty of supportive people. People will be willing to help you. And to those of you who are out, I’ll say this: You are absolutely perfect, just the way you are!” Chloe flashed a genuine smile. The crowd applauded and cheered.
“Is it just me, or does Chloe seem kind of cute like this?” Marinette asked.
“I’ll say” Adrien said. The couple giggled to themselves.
Abrial looked at Chloe with awe. If someone like the mayor's daughter struggled through this, that means I’m not alone. She looked determined. Alright. I’m going to tell Jasmine! Vlad looked at her and smiled.
“Chloe, I had no idea” mayor Bourgeois said.
“Do you still love me?” Chloe asked.
“Of course I do, princess” the Mayor said. The two hugged.
Suddenly, City Hall was covered in a purple-black aura, and everyone gasped.
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