#trans boy! marin
house-of-soft-pink · 22 days
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foodlesoodlesdoodles · 4 months
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my wrist hurts soooo fucking bad anyway I think I’ve worked on this long enough to justify not doing any more
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lumi-klovstad-games · 10 months
Ailani, The Lost Primarch of the Second Legion and Mother of the Imperial Hospitallers
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In the annals of Imperial History, there stand heroes greater than any other. These are the Primarchs, the Sons of the Emperor of Mankind, the patriarchs of the Twenty Legions of the Adeptus Astartes who united a frayed and divided galaxy in a long ago age when people still looked to the stars with hope... and the events of the Horus Heresy had not yet doomed the galaxy to darkness, suffering, and despair. But of these, only Eighteen are remembered: The Nine who Turned Traitor, and The Nine Who Remained, steadfast and loyal. Here then is a tale, a tale of the Second Primarch, lost to history and imperial records. It is the tale of Ailani, the Beloved Second, and the Emperor’s Daughter.
Ailani was not like her brothers from the beginning. Beyond the fact that she’d never felt right in her own skin as a child, she had always been a gentle soul.
Cast by warp storms far across the galaxy shortly after her creation, the child then known as “Amanaki” was deposited upon Takiko, an oceanic world dotted with long chains of verdant and mountainous tropical islands, whose vast sea teemed with life on a scale unimaginable. There, the boy was discovered by a young couple, newly married but unable to bear children of their own. Seeing the child from the heavens as a miracle, they adopted the strong lad, who immediately demonstrated a way with resolving disputes and mending broken things, but never seemed quite comfortable with himself. In time, the boy came to understand that “Amanaki” was not their real name, merely one they had been given by a barely remembered man, the memories lost in shadow and fog, and there was a deeper reason to his unease with his own reflection. Amanaki was encouraged by his parents to cast off the trappings of outward appearances, and embrace his true self — fixing what was broken and settling conflict out in the world was all well and good, but until the inner conflict was resolved and the sense of identity rectified, “Amanaki” would never rise to their full potential. After much soul-searching, reflection, and meditation, Amanaki vanished beneath the expert and caring hands of one of Takiko’s finest healers. Flesh was reshaped, bones restructured, and the boy who’d landed on that world years ago ceased to be, and it was the young woman named Ailani who rose like a phoenix from the metaphorical ashes.
There was awkwardness, at first, but Ailani’s metabolic and psychological gifts as a Primarch made the transition surprisingly natural, if not exactly “easy”, though she did not understand the reasons at the time. Finally herself, Ailani was inspired by the memory of the Healer who helped complete her, and became a healing woman of great repute — indeed, there was none finer on Takiko. Her reputation spread as the woman whose physical labor could heal the body, and her spiritual labor could mend the soul. In addition, her proficiency at conflict mediation only grew with her confidence, and she never lost her love of building and repairing things; it brought her nearly unrivaled joy to see her work bring life and happiness to those around her. In time, she came to be known as “The Saint of Takiko”, the legendary figure who brought peace to the world and united it without ever firing a shot. Unfortunately for Ailani and Takiko, this reputation helped attract the attention of the Emperor of Mankind.
When the Emperor came to Takiko looking for his Warp-Scattered Son, he had not found the man born to lead the Second Legion, but rather he found Ailani, a being worthy only of the Emperor's Scorn, born from Amanaki’s sullied and ruined flesh as the Primarch had embraced her true identity. Ailani did not answer to the name the Emperor called her by. She had not answered to that name since she was a child. When the Emperor cast blame for the "abomination of a Primarch" upon the kindly old man and woman who had been Ailani's parents and lashed out, Ailani met her "father" in battle. He was not prepared for her fury, and while he ultimately emerged victorious, his "daughter", though not a trained warrior like her kin who had been discovered thus far, still managed to have him on the back foot more frequently than he would ever admit. Indeed, the Emperor considered, the wayward Primarch of the Second Legion might actually be worth salvaging. Ailani begrudgingly agreed to return to Terra with the Emperor, but only if he left her family and people alone, a condition the Emperor demurringly agreed to.
Ailani was not a Primarch of a particularly military mind, especially at first, though she brought with her the warrior traditions of her people. First and foremost, she was a healer. With her hands, she mended wounds and repaired cities. With her voice, she mended whole peoples and ended conflicts. When she assumed command of the Second Legion, until then known as the Skybreakers, she was disappointed. There had been no effort to inculcate in them values of construction or nation building.  They were a purely destructive force, one who prided themselves on being able to shatter the fighting force of entire worlds with utmost speed and efficiency. Ailani had known war in her time. She understood well enough the value of combat. But, saddled as she was with a Legion who shared the exact opposite of her values, she resolved to teach her errant sons how to be the Builders of Worlds, a marching crusade that strove to create an Empire worth ruling. In time, the Second Legion took a new name, as the Skybreakers became the Imperial Hospitallers, and Ailani became their living standard: her billowing black and braided hair, ornate white and marigold armor with a golden Iwalani, a bird native to Takiko, in place of the Imperial Aquila, and piercing green eyes — stained completely through like emeralds from the omnipresent Ki'ihopna Algae that grew throughout the food on Takiko — causing her to stand out, even among her fellow Primarchs.
Ailani had inherited the Emperor's Optimism, his belief in a better tomorrow and a better mankind worthy of living in it. As her legion spread across the stars, the Hospitallers brought aid to the needy, healing to the sick and injured, and did their best to claim worlds with a mind to preserving or improving the standard of living before they left, but where her brother Lorgar Aurelian dallied as he attempted to spread his doctrine of the Imperial Divinity, Ailani moved quickly. In order to keep a consistent pace and accomplish all her objectives, Ailani divided her Legion into "Cohorts'' who would move in a staggered deployment. These cohorts were named in accordance with the seafaring and island-dwelling culture Ailani had come from: the Maka Ihe, the Vanguard Cohort, would take a world, and begin restructuring and rebuilding according to the rules of Imperial Compliance as well as Ailani’s own personal values. As the Vanguard Cohort transitioned to Worldbuilding, the troops would be able to rest, and were reclassified as "Pa’a", or "Stabilizers", and in turn, "Kūkulu ʻāina" — "Constructors" — as rehabilitation of the world entered its final stages. By the time a Vanguard Cohort had transitioned to Constructors, the Constructors of a previous world had emerged rested and ready for a new bout of combat, and would transition back to Vanguard status as they moved to a new world to continue the Great Crusade.
Ailani may not have been initially well received by her legion owing to her non-military bearing and her clashing values with the Skybreakers, but upon seeing her patience and care for every soul under her command, her Legion gradually became quite taken with her beauty, iron will, silken compassion, and her steadfast and unwavering loyalty to her legion and the worlds they had taken and rebuilt. It was said that she possessed the beauty of Fulgrim, Vulkan's compassion, the high-minded ideals of Sanguinius, Rogal Dorn’s command at construction, and Roboute Guilliman’s administrative prowess, even if she did not excel quite as much as her brothers in any of these individual qualities. Regardless of the degree of truth to this reputation, she made easy friends with several of her kin, most notably Horus, Sanguinius, Fulgrim, and Vulkan, and less easy but still strong friendships with Lorgar Aurelian, with whom Ailani deeply enjoyed discussing matters of philosophy, even if she found his religious zealotry more than a little grating, and Konrad Kurze and Angron, with the two tormented Primarchs able to take much comfort in her soothing presence and healing words. Perhaps then, Ailani was simply too good, too pure, for a growing and changing Imperium, as those qualities which made her among the best of the Primarchs increasingly brought her into ideological conflict with the Emperor.
Ailani had never held the best of opinions of her “father”, as for all his psychic charm and honeyed words that he carefully and deliberately loaded with the ideals she valued, she’d seen a glimpse of his true character when he’d first come to Takiko: an arrogant and egotistical megalomaniac, a man who was obsessed with being God but demanded his followers not call him that out of an enforced and self-serving modesty, and a man who made little effort to hide how much he despised her for “ruining his hard work” by embracing her true self and taking her own name. It was obvious to her that he only tolerated her “aberration” because she had too many useful talents and, as a Primarch, she would be too difficult to replace. While he had been true to his word and had not harmed her family or her people, he had left a garrison of the War Hounds, now known as the World Eaters, nearby to "protect” Takiko ever since he took her with him back to Terra. The implied threat had never been lost on the Primarch of the Second Legion, and deep down, her gentle heart boiled at the Emperor’s audacity, and this set the stage for her Legion’s disappearance.
While neither the fastest Legion nor the slowest, the Imperial Hospitallers had conquered hundreds of worlds, and built glittering gems of civilization as they passed. The Emperor should have been proud. Instead, he saw in Ailani’s planetary reconstructions and rehabilitations an act of defiance. Whether he saw rightly or not is both unremembered and unimportant, but it was certainly true that Ailani never truly believed in him or his cause, and resented him for holding her world hostage to ensure her continued compliance. Her protests, however, had fallen among deaf ears among the Primarchs, with the sole exception of the Eleventh — ironic as the two had seldom seen particularly eye to eye on much of anything. For all her Brothers’ best qualities, too few of them shared in her grievances, and those who did were either unable or unwilling to help her do anything about it. As her quiet resentment of the Emperor simmered, her growing unwillingness to see Takiko continued to be held hostage any longer sparked a notion in her that she knew could split the fledgling Imperium in two: Takiko would secede from the Imperium, and with the might and expertise of the Imperial Hospitallers, it just might manage it.
Outwardly, the Hospitallers continued with their role in the Great Crusade, but their pace began to slow as Ailani started recalling veteran soldiers off the lines and put much greater emphasis on letting younger, less experienced Marines carry the Legion’s role. This roughly coincided with the Eleventh Legion doing the same, with the two Legions gradually building up an elite fighting force of their most capable soldiers, ready for the order to be given. For Ailani, these veterans were chosen with preferential favor given to survivors from the Legion’s days as the Skybreakers — these old soldiers carried skills and experience she would need if her plan to save her homeworld from the Emperor’s callousness and ego was to succeed.
Some unknown period of time before the Horus Heresy, the moment came, and the order was given. The Saint of Takiko returned to her homeworld, and made a decision she could never undo: she ordered the Imperial Hospitallers to fire upon the World Eaters garrison. Veteran blitzkrieg warriors from the old Skybreakers legion formed a spearhead that cut through the World Eaters ranks with ease, using their skills and capitalizing on the confusion to force the World Eaters to retreat through the Warp. The time Ailani had won would only be a few weeks before the Imperium heard what she’d done. Perhaps it would be another few weeks before the inevitable retaliation arrived. Her time was short, and so was Takiko’s. She, and her people, needed to be elsewhere when the hammer dropped, not an easy task with the ships available. As she bade her people to take only what was necessary as she evacuated the planet, word arrived from the Eleventh Legion: they had failed in their course to affect the same strategem. A small delay had snowballed into a far greater failure, and the Eleventh had lost all that he’d cherished at the hands of the Space Wolves Legion. While Ailani’s heart wept for her Brother’s incredible loss, she was gladdened by his arrival with what remained of his Legion at Takiko.
With the newly arrived ships, she had all that she needed to save her people, and for his part, the Eleventh Primarch was glad to assist as it gave a silver lining to his own failure. Millions of civilians boarded Second Legion ships that were too on edge, and Eleventh Legion ships that were too empty. By the time the Imperial response came, with a furious Emperor sending the Night Lords and the World Eaters to make an example of the two rebellious Legions, Takiko was empty, and the Legions were long gone. In a petty rage, the Emperor had the World Eaters and Night Lords glass the world, before the Emperor himself used his psychic powers to cast Takiko’s twin moons at the planet’s surface, pulverizing it into mere rubble. The Emperor's rage was perhaps not entirely misunderstandable; after all, never before had a Primarch disobeyed him. Never before had a Primarch rebelled against his authority. Little did he know, though this was the first time, it would not be the last, and the worst was soon to come for him and his fledgling Imperium.
The Imperial Records would be wiped immediately after. The statues of the Two Rebellious Primarchs were removed from their plinths on Terra. The Emperor, in his rage, psychically wiped all knowledge of the Second and Eleventh Legions and their Primarchs. Even the other Primarchs were forced to forget, but there was no covering up the hole made by Ailani’s absence; without her to discourage Lorgar Aurelian’s zealotry, he became more vulnerable to Erebus’ manipulations and the psychological predations of the Ruinous Powers. Without her soothing presence and calming words, Angron and Kurze began to grow less stable. Without the Saint of Takiko, the Imperium may have lost its last, best chance at avoiding the Horus Heresy only a few centuries later.
As for Ailani and her legion, their status is completely unknown. Few can even infer that a Second Legion once existed, and fewer still know anything of it beyond that, so complete was the Emperor’s purge of the records and the Imperium’s post-heresy suppression of reason and critical thought. But, even in the grim and the dark of the 42nd millennium, from worlds where all hope seemed lost in the face of certain doom, reports occasionally arrive at the Inquisition... reports detailing the arrival of unidentified Space Marines clad in archaic white and marigold armor, and bearing an unusual standard and livery not documented anywhere. These marines vanish as quickly as they arrive, saving the people and then departing on courses unknown.
Perhaps, just perhaps, Lady Ailani is not quite finished with her Crusade just yet.
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silly art dump
edit: I forgot I posted the magical boy art my bad
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victory-cookies · 4 months
bro why am I still in the closet. I am in my twenties and my parents are chill. why have I chosen this path
#now it’s just gonna be embarrassing like they almost certainly know but I’ve never admitted it to them#so it’s gonna be really weird when it’s like haha yeah I’m gay! sorry for not telling you for like. six years#and then I’m also like. they can understand me being bi for sure#but genderfluid when I’m mostly fem-presenting? (as much as I’d like to be more transmasc. alas. I am not)#I feel like they’d struggle with that more#so do I come out in stages? do I do the sexuality and let the gender marinate for a few more years?#bc then I run into the same thing. why did you not tell us for six years#I. I hate to say that what prompted this thought was hearing the sonic dub ‘woah he’s bisexual I didn’t know that’#like. woah. he is bisexual. he being me#but again idk if they can wrap their middle aged brains around the he part tbh. or the they.#it’s also a fun game of when my sister will come out#before I do? After I do? Do we do it together? if I do it does that put pressure on her?#bc she. I feel like they know about me. All my friends are gay and trans and I’m a little too woke and I think I just give off some vibes#whereas my sister is the type of popular girl fem that doesn’t set off a straight person’s gaydar. yknow#and she has had multiple vocal crushes on guys and. well let’s just say my parents know mostly about her and boys#I know she’s smooched a few girls at parties and has had a few crushes here and there but somehow those never come up with the parents#so outwardly she just seems. very straight. and she is not#so if I come out does that set her up for an awkward thing? where she either has to also sit in the closet#and then have it be weird when she comes out in the future#or has to immediately jump on it so that they just have it all out in the open#idk. I should have just told them I was gay when I was in high school. would have made life easier I think#alas. this is my life
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factorydefaultlu · 1 year
Bounty Girl 2
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Koby x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5k
Contents: soft smut
Part One
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For months, Koby remains on your mind. You keep thinking about how his lips felt, and how he tasted on your tongue. You're curious about his surgery scars and if what you felt was correct. Koby being trans wouldn't affect how you feel about him, not in the slightest. He seemed so nervous about you finding out though, back in that cell block.
You had guided your crew into a port town. As your crew docks on the outskirts of the harbor, your heart skips a beat as you catch sight of a familiar Marine vessel from the corner of your eye. You see the insignia of your beloved cadet's division on the hull, and another piece of you comes back to life. A piece that you only ignited when you were alone in your cabin.
You smile to yourself, making plans to visit the bar on the waterfront that night, hoping that Koby would be there. You decide to spend time in the town without your crew for the day, wanting to see if fate will once again lead you back to your marine's embrace. As you leave the docks, you hurry over to the most popular bar, the whole port is bustling with marines and you hope to whatever God will listen that you aren't caught again.
You enter The Watering Hole, just as the sun is setting. There's a decent mix of people in the crowd. Traders, merchants, fishermen and plenty of marines. You scan the mess of people for a familiar face, and your heart stutters when I catch a glimpse of pink hair. Koby's sitting at the bar with another marine, a blonde with an awful haircut. You move to take a seat at a table in the corner where he won't notice you. Your eyes soak in his appearance, he's gotten a bit leaner in the months that have passed.
The bar is busy this time of night, but your eyes are set on your target. You watch as Koby chats with the other marine, his expression and body language relaxed. He smiles and laughs along with the man, and you feel a pang of jealousy in your stomach. You scold yourself for your childish thoughts.
You continue to admire him and notice that although he's gotten leaner, he's also grown in many ways. His eyes seem to sparkle more, and there is a confidence to his demeanor. He still looks like the same Koby that you remember, yet something about him feels... transformed.
You watch from across the room, feeling the heat in your cheeks as your heart flutters.
His tie has been loosened and he sips from a glass of what looks to be beer. He talks casually with his friend, his smile making your stomach turn. He could light up a whole room with that smile, and yet he doesn't seem to know just how handsome he is. You finally build your courage and flag down a waitress. You order Koby a drink and tell the waitress to let him know it's from you.
You keep watching him talk so excitedly with his fellow marine. It's refreshing to see him happy, and it makes your mind go back to the first day you met.
As the waitress leaves an icy cold beer in front of Koby, you watch his mouth form an expression of confusion. The waitress tells him that the drink is from you, and Koby looks around the room before his eyes find on you.
He stares wide eyed, not quite believing that you are actually here again. You give him a cheeky smile and your heart jumps.
He stares back, the look on his face a mix of confusion, disbelief, and surprise. His eyes go back to his glass of beer as he takes a sip, and you wonder what thoughts are going through his head.
He glances back, the look on his face softening slightly as he sees your expression. He slowly stands up, saying something to the marine next to him and moves across the bar to the table where you are sitting.
He stands in front of you, his gaze fixed on yours as he tries to understand the situation he is placed in. "You've... you've come back?"
"Don't look so shocked, pretty boy. I told you we'd meet again, didn't I?" You look up at him, he's as handsome as ever and you can't control the smile that spreads on your face
He stares down, his heart racing as he takes in your face again for the first time since the day you escaped. You're even more beautiful than his imagination could ever hope to conjure, and he feels the butterflies dancing in his belly.
"W-Why have you come back?" He asks, his voice no more than a whisper. "I thought... I thought that might have been the end of it."
He can't help but flush as he looks down at you, his mind racing with the possibilities. There's hope in his gaze, but also a little fear.
I shrug a bit, glancing down at the table. I can't form a proper answer, at least not one that isn't just "I wanted to"
"I'm not sure, I guess… I just wanted to see your face again."
Your words are barely audible, but they hold a world of meaning to your beloved cadet. The sound of your voice sends a thrill through his soul, and he can't help but stare as he tries to understand why you have come back.
"I can't believe you're here," he whispers, "I thought that I would never get to see you again."
His gaze sweeps over your features as if making sure you're real. You realize that you didn't actually say goodbye, but you also haven't said hello again either. Your relationship feels as if it hangs in the balance.
You reach your hand up and grab his wrist, you notice a few marines staring, and you quickly turn away from the crowd. Hiding your face with your hair.
"I'd love to keep chatting, but your coworkers seem to have noticed us. If I book a hotel room, do you promise to meet me there?" You let go of his wrist and looked up at Koby with pleading eyes. You feel so childish for being so enthralled with this man you barely know and met in a prison cell.
Koby looks down at you with a mix of surprise and shock. "You want me to meet you at a hotel?"
His voice is filled with excitement, and he seems more than willing to leave the bar. His face warms as he realizes the situation he is in, and he can't hide his excitement from you.
"Of course, I'll meet you there as soon as I can get away," he says, his tone almost as a whisper as his cheeks turn pink.
"Perfect, I'll be at the Blue Moon hotel, room number 60." You grin at him, feeling your stomach fluttering. You quickly get up, brushing past the cadet and making your way out of the bar, rushing to the hotel to book the room.
You get the key card from the desk clerk and once you're in the room, the weight of what could happen crashes against your girlish fantasies. Koby could reject you, he could turn you back over to the marines, he could betray your trust. Or, he could give you the best night of your life.
You hurry inside the room, feeling the excitement build as you realize the possibilities of the night ahead. You take in the details of the room, and notice the double bed with the freshly changed sheets.
Your body fills with nervousness as you imagine yourself in that bed with Koby, his arms wrapped around you. Your mind is flooded with a rush of hormones, and you struggle to keep your thoughts at bay.
Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. Your heart races as you go to open the door, swallowing down your nervousness. As the wood creaks, you're greeted by Koby. He looks just as apprehensive as you feel, but he smiles as he sees you.
His heart falters in his chest, and his cheeks fill with blush as he looks at you. He stares, his body frozen by a mixture of shock and arousal. Koby's eyes drift down toward your neck, and he sees the slight flush of color there. He steps into the room, closing the door behind him with a quiet click.
You back into the room as he enters, you can't help but reach out and pull him by his tie, just like before. You tug his body against yours, and look up at him. Your eyes fill with mischief, silently daring him to kiss you first this time.
He can feel your breath on his neck. His thoughts go back to the kiss in the jail cell, and his body begins to respond.
He closes his eyes for a moment, and then his lips find yours. His kiss is filled with passion and desire, and he holds you close as he melts into your touch.
Your hands instinctively cup his jaw, then move to tangle in his hair. You lick his lips, and Koby obediently opens his mouth. Your tongue fills his mouth, and each sensation sends a rush of heat through his body. He pulls you closer, holding you tightly and embracing the heat of your bodies together. The sound of your kissing fills the room, the feeling of your wet lips taking him over the edge. He feels your fingernails scratching the back of his head, and he reaches a hand up to touch the curves of your body. His free hand runs down your back, and his fingers make their way to the hem of your shirt.
You pull back from the kiss, reaching up to pluck his glasses from his face. He goes to say something, but closes his mouth just as soon as it opens. You gently place the glasses on the dresser next to you and take his hand to lead him to the bed. You push him down by his shoulders so he's sitting at the edge, his body relaxes against the soft sheets and he looks up at you. Your hands run over his chest, and you feel those scars through the fabric of his shirt again. Koby tenses up as you trace them, you look down at him and his eyes go wide as he feels you trace the lines, he tenses and waits for the worst.
But your kiss comes, and he is filled with a sense of relief. He lets himself melt into you, and he pulls you close as he returns the kiss with fervor. Fingers still playing with the hem of your shirt, unsure of himself.
Your hands move to work at trying to undo his tie. You maneuver yourself to straddle him, caging him against the bed. You get more and more frustrated as you fiddle with his stupid tie.
Your frustration grows, and your body begins to heat up. You wriggle yourself close to his body, and he can feel the warmth of your skin. Your lips move down to where his tie is, your mouth finding his collar as you use your teeth to help with the stubborn knot.
Koby stutters, the feeling of your hot breath on his throat sends shivers up his spine. You finally get the knot loose and pull his tie off, throwing it to the floor triumphantly. Your hands start to unbutton his uniform, and lean closer to trace your lips against his jaw. Koby's heart flutters as you speak "You're so pretty you know that? You're more handsome than any man I've ever seen."
His breath catches in his throat when you call him "pretty". He has never been described as such before, and he feels a rush of emotions.
"I..." He struggles to find the right words, his thoughts and senses overwhelmed by your presence. "You're... you're beautiful beyond compare."
His words have your heart trembling and lighting something even lower. You finally get the last button of his shirt undone and push the fabric off his narrow shoulders. You can't help but blush as you rake your eyes over his pale skin. He's absolutely perfect, and you feel a throbbing sensation in your cunt. Koby doesn't meet your eyes, the wall behind seems much more interesting to him as he waits for you to reject him. He's worried that the revelation of his past will drive you away.
But you don't care. It doesn't change your feelings for him, or how you see him. In fact, it makes him even more endearing in your eyes. He's something new, something softer, and kinder than traditional men.
As your fingers brush against his scars, you lean in and kiss one of them, your lips grazing lightly against the raised pink skin. The scars are jagged, and seem to have been poorly cut. Your heart aches at the pain he must have gone through.
You slowly push him back against the bed, his back hits the mattress with a soft thud. His breath catches in his chest and you can almost hear his heartbeat. Your lips find his neck, and you begin to suck bruises into his soft skin. His hands tug at your shirt, and he whimpers helplessly.
"Not so high.. I don't– I don't want to get in trouble."
You smile and move lower, he trembles as you nip the skin on his collarbone. His hands tug at your shirt again, his desperation becoming more and more clear. He can't handle the sensations racing through his body, and he whimpers as he can feel your teeth digging into him. You can hear his breath coming in short, rapid bursts as his body responds to you.
Your hands move down his torso to explore his scars, and your fingers begin to lightly caress them. You can feel the tension in him grow stronger with your touch, and you can tell that it's making a difference.
You ghost your fingers over his nipples, teasing and circling them as you feel his reaction to your touch. His breath comes out in a sharp hiss, his body trembling slightly as he fights for control. You drink in his moans, then shift to press your thigh between his legs. Koby jumps as feels the friction, a whine rumbling in his throat. He pulls your shirt up, and his soft fingers rub at the skin over your ribs.
He wants your shirt off, and you know it, but you want to see how far you can push him before he takes a bit of control. Your legs settle on either side of his thigh, and the weight of your body makes him moan. He can feel the heat of your arousal, and he shudders with the intense sensation of it.
Koby looks up at you, making soft and quiet little sounds as the tension leaves his body. You begin to sink down, sliding off his thigh and kneeling on the floor in front of Koby. You glance up at him, his whole torso is flushed pink and the color accentuates the deep purple bruises on his chest.
"Can I make you feel good sweetheart?" You smirk, your own arousal growing as you stare into his eyes. Your hands grip the outside of his thighs, and you eagerly wait for him to tell you yes.
His heart is threatening to beat out of his chest, he lets out a shaky sigh and looks away from you.
"I'm- I'm not. I don't-" Koby stutters trying to find the words to explain what you already know.
"I know, baby. I don't care. I wanna make you feel good, and I know you can make me feel good too." You rub circles into his thighs and smile softly at him.
He's still a nervous wreck, but he finally looks at you again. "I don't know how."
"I'll teach you. Just tell me if you want to stop." Your words are soothing, and he nods lightly.
"Can you- can… I want to see you- Your body. I want to see your body too." Koby gets a stride of confidence with his last sentence and your gentle smile stretches into a wicked smirk.
"Of course, sweet boy."
You stand up, and his eyes follow you. Your shirt comes off first, meeting Koby's on the floor. Then you work your way out of your bra, his eyes burning with desire as familiarizes himself with your skin.
Koby bites his bottom lip and can't help but stare at your tits as you throw your bra to the floor. He swallows hard and props himself up on his elbows.
"Like what you see?" You tease a bit and push your tits up before letting them fall with a bounce.
"Yes." He says with no hesitation, eyes flicking up to yours. You lean over him, placing your hands on either side of his waist and start to crawl up his body.
Using your hand, you push him back down on the bed. His eyes move from yours and stare at your exposed skin once more. You straddle his hips and grab his wrists, he seems so fragile underneath you.
Koby allows you to guide his hands over your boobs, he trembles as his soft palms meet your skin.
"Squeeze them a little." your voice is just above a whisper and he obeys. He kneads the skin in his hands, entranced with the feeling. You sigh as his touch sends sparks through your body. Your hands relax against his, allowing him to have free reign over his movements.
He uses his thumbs to rub over your nipples, watching them pebble at the attention they're getting. Koby seems completely entranced with the feeling of your tits in his hands.
You lean down and kiss him again, rocking your hips against his. He whimpers at the friction on his cunt, and you smile.
"Can I take your clothes off?" You cup his cheek in one hand, and your words are gentle. He nods nervously, and you peck his lips in reassurance before sliding down his body.
You hook your fingers into the hem of his pants and boxers then slide them down his thighs, they meet with the rest of your clothes on the floor. He watches cautiously, and as his pretty pussy is exposed, you feel your own ache.
"Fuck baby, you're so pretty." You whisper and his whole body heats up at your words. "Can I touch you?"
"Please." He whimpers, barely a second after your words.
Your fingers trace his thighs and he tenses, you rub soothing circles and practically gawk at his drooling cunt. You press a finger between his folds and collect his slick. Koby's whole body jolts as if he was shocked, a loud gasp emitting from his throat.
"It's okay baby, let me take care of you." You suck his slick from your finger and he whines. You can almost see his clit throb at your actions.
The room is soon filled with moans, the sticky sounds of slick, and wet kisses. Your fingers open him up, and curl inside his cunt, then he's cumming on them soon enough. You soothe his body and kiss him until he's done twitching.
Koby begs you to teach him how to touch you.
You guide his hand, show him how to rub your clit, and how to dip his fingers into your needy pussy. He watches with fascination as he experiments with his fingers. He's a fast learner and quickly notes how your body reacts.
It isn't long before your back arches and short gasps leave your mouth, Koby rubs fast circles on your clit as his fingers work overtime on your sweet spot. You gush onto his fingers with a long whine, and he watches in awe as you come down from you high.
You lay next to each other, both of you breathless and exhausted. Your bodies are pressed together, still feeling the after effects of the night before.
At that moment, it feels like time has stood still. The two of you are alone together, and the world outside the four walls of the room might as well not even exist.
You feel satisfied, your body exhausted but the feeling of euphoria coursing through your veins. The sound of his breathing makes you feel safe, the smell of his skin the sweetest perfume you've ever known.
After a long pause of silence, both of your heartbeats even out and your breathing slows. Koby moves to get out of bed, and you grab his wrist, not wanting him to go.
"Where are you going?" you whisper in the silence as he prepares to leave. You can't bear to let go of him, not yet.
He turns towards you, his eyes meeting yours. The look in his eyes causes you to shudder, the feeling of his gaze almost too much to bear.
He doesn't move to get out of bed, instead choosing to sit down beside you and pull you close. He wraps his arms around your waist, his breath tickling your ear.
"I don't want you to leave. I just got you back." You whisper against his neck. You know he has to go, he has to get back to the marine ship, he can't stay even if you weren't a pirate.
Your words fill him with the tiniest flicker of hope, but he knows it would be impossible for him to stay.
"I... I have to go," he says, his voice soft and almost a whisper. His arms hold you tight, and he buries his face in the crook of your neck as he pulls you closer.
"The ship is going back to the base, I can't just not show up," he says, his words filled with conflict. He wants to stay, but he can't ignore his responsibilities either.
You whine a bit, then pull back to look into his eyes. You stare as though you'll never see him again, and for all you know that might be true. You absorb his features, drinking him in, admiring his soft skin, blue eyes and plush lips. Your hand moves to brush through his pink hair. "What if... What if you came with me?"
His heart melts as you stare into his eyes, studying them as if he were an exotic and rare creature.
"W-what if I came with you?" he whispers. The notion sends a jolt of panic through him, but there's also a slight flicker of hope. "Y-you want me to come with you?"
A wave of emotions crashes through him, and he takes in your expression in the dim light. You want him to come with you? He can't believe his ears.
A look of uncertainty crosses his face, as he worries that he's somehow misinterpreting your words. "W-what about the marines? I... I can't abandon them," he says in an unsure tone.
He looks at you, and you can see the uncertainty in his eyes. He's clearly torn between his duty and his desire.
You look down at the sheets, you know it's too much to ask of him. "You're right.. I'm sorry."
"It's...it's fine," he says softly. You can tell that his response is a bit half-hearted, that he wants to be with you but knows that he can't put you before his duties.
He gives your hand a squeeze, trying to offer you what comfort he can. And in that moment, he realizes just how strong his feelings for you are. He can't believe how much he hurt at the thought of refusing you.
"Can I ask you something?" he asks softly after a moment. You nod, looking up at him. "Mhm?"
He looks at you intently. "Do...do you love me?"
It's a loaded question, and you can tell that he's struggling to find the words. He looks down at you, the desire in his eyes making his words feel all the more important. He can't bear the thought of leaving you, not after everything you've shared tonight. And if you love him, maybe there might be a way.
"If you love me, maybe I can stay.. I don't want to leave you so soon... and not when we're like this," he whispers.
Your heart wrenches at his words, and you ponder for a moment. "Koby, I-.." You pause, searching for the words. You met him once, months ago, this is the first night you've shared together, perhaps the only one you'll get. You want to say yes, you want to tell him that you love him and live in the fairytale you've made in your head. You know you can't though, he's a marine and you're a pirate. You need to put your girlish dreams aside and look at the bigger picture. "Koby, I don't know."
His heart breaks when you speak, but he can't say he truly expected anything else. He feels empty in this moment, his body frozen and unable to say, or do anything.
"I understand... it's okay," he says softly. You can tell that his words are half hearted, and the disappointment in his expression is written all over his face. "What... what will happen to us now?" he asks after a moment. "Did this all mean nothing to you?"
"It meant everything to me. That's the problem." a sob racks through your body. "I can't have you, without one of us leaving the life we want to live." Your tears begin to fall hot and heavy down your cheeks
His eyes go wide when he sees your tears, and his lips curl downwards in sadness. He didn't want to get your hopes up, but he can't help but feel saddened by your response.
He squeezes your hand and then brings his up to your face, wiping your tears away with his thumb. "It meant everything to you, too?"
"I... I know... I want to say that I could give up the marines, the life that I've wanted for so long," he says with a sigh. "But I know it wouldn't be right…"
"Then don't.. What's the harm in having a little fun when you're off duty?" Your eyes trail his body, then flick back to his eyes.
You continue speaking, "When in bed with you, I'm not a pirate and you're not a marine. You're a man, and I'm a woman and we're two people having sex and loving one another." You bring your arm up to hold his hand on your cheek.
Your words cause his heart to pick up speed, and he looks deeply into your eyes. "You're… you're right," he whispers softly. "When we're here, when the world outside is gone, we're not a marine and a pirate. We're just two people together... having fun."
His body relaxes into you, his hand squeezing tightly against your cheek. In that moment, he doesn't want to ever leave your side. He wants to stay with you where the outside world can't exist.
If it's illegal for him and against the pirate code for you, then so be it. This feels too damn good to let go.
You begin to lay back down on the bed, pulling his wrist as you do. He goes along with you, laying back and you lay your head on his chest with your arms around him. You can feel the heat of his body, and his breathing slows down as the tension within him eases.
You nuzzle into his skin, your body pressed close against his. He feels safe in your arms, and you can feel his heart beating softly underneath your ear. You press your head against him, and he wraps his arms around you to hold you close.
Koby opens his eyes the next morning, the sun dances through the curtain and across his skin. He reaches next to him, the bed is empty. He stares at the empty space next to him, and his stomach drops when the realization hits him. You're gone.
He glances around the room, prepared to get dressed and have his walk of shame back to the ship. He goes to grab his glasses from the desk and notices a note beneath them. Koby smiles softly as he sees the lipstick stain you've so delicately signed it with.
His eyes skim the letter as he reads your words, and a slight blush creeps across his face. You didn't want to leave him so soon either, but you had your own path in life to follow. You hoped that maybe your paths would cross again in the future.
He reads the letter again and again, each time savoring the words.
I'm not ready to let you go. We can still just be a man and woman, every few weeks. Your marine ship plans on docking in Mocha City, two weeks from today.
What a coincidence, since my crew plans on doing some trading there around the same time.
Meet me at the Sundae Inn, the same night you dock. If you don't want anything to do with me, disregard this letter.
Bounty Girl
He stares at the letter, the words hitting him with a strange mix of excitement and concern. What has he gotten himself into?
He knows that the Marines would never allow for something like this. He's supposed to be hunting pirates, not sleeping with one. And yet...
He smiles, knowing that he can't let you go either. It's too soon, and perhaps there's still a chance that there's more for you in this unlikely future.
Koby folds the letter up and puts it in his pocket as he prepares to go back to the marine ship.
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cerberusxt · 1 year
Warhammer 40k & Age of Sigmar – Trans Pride series !
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My other big pride project, with the pride marine series ! The goal here is to paint one representative for each of the Warhammer40k and Age of Sigmar universes faction using the Trans Pride flag color scheme.
I’ve already done 11 factions (12 to be exact, the Ork I finished lately isn’t on the group picture yet).
Pictured above, from left to right :
Banshee (Nightaunt – AOS)
Horrmagaunt (Tyranids – W40k)
Spiritseer (Eldar – W40k)
Drone (Tau – W40k)
Cadian Castellan (Astra Militarum – W40k)
Reiver Space Marine (Adeptus Astartes – W40k)
Royal Warden (Necron – W40k)
Plague Marine (Death Guard – W40k)
Palatine (Adepta Sororita – W40k
Skitarii Marshall (Adeptus Mechanicus – W40k)
Xandria Azurebolt (Stormcast – AOS)
And a Warboss in Mega Armour I will post here later, probably.
Project Origins
For those who are wondering why I started this project, it’s pretty simple.
Everything started with a single model (obviously), the Horrmagaunt. I was trying to find an interesting gift idea for a close friend and, remembering that friend love the Tyrannids, I thought of painting them a little bugger. Since I wanted that gift to be even more personal, I decided to use colors that would be really meaningful to them, the trans pride flag colors. It was a first, since, up until that moment, I almost exclusively painted classic schemes (imperial Fists, blood angels, salamanders, etc...).
Here was the result :
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As you can see, my goal when translating flag colors on a mini isn’t to reproduce the flag 1 for 1, but to evoke it as naturally and logically as possible.
To be perfectly honest, when I started that little gift, I wasn’t entirely convinced the result would be all that great. After all, it was first and foremost more about the meaning behind the colors than anything else. But oooooooh boy was I wrong because, as the kids says, « that shit slaps yo » or something. I don’t know, I’m not a kid anymore !!
But one thing was certain, I fell in love with that scheme and couldn’t wait painting it again.
So, that’s what I did, that time with a Space Marine seeing those are my personal favorites. And once again, I was really pleased with the end result :
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Also look at them, being best friend forever, woooooh !
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You can easily guess what’s next. I simply had to try that scheme on basically everything, so I started the project of doing it on every faction !
Hell, I had so much fun painting such an unusual scheme, and having to find ways to integrate it logically on a mini, that it's the reason I started another project in parallel, the pride marine one, to try and see if the other pride flag schemes would work as well as the trans pride flag (guess what : not a single one of the scheme I tried disappointed me, even if I have favorites).
Anyway, if you want to try that scheme on your minis and need some inspiration / guidance, here is the recipe I use for the 3 main colors of the flag. Have fun !
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
Aahh your addition to actually girl sanji was amazing ✨ thank you
Its so funny to have them realising all the way to WCI/Wano, theyre all so silly. ALSO CHOPPER- He's new to the crew and giving them all a check up to get up to date with their physicals and he's all like 'dont worry Sanji your secret is save with me!! I wont tell anybody!!' And sanji thinks he's actually talking about the nr 3 burnmark (hc of mine that judge labeled all his children) so she's very thankful to him
Omg and the ship options... To many possibilities to choose from... Luffy going 'HES NOT A PRETTY BUT SHES A PRETTY GIRL?!!' Literally no fucks given nothing changes but he looveess the clothes and makeup nami gives sanji to wear (the liploss tastes like fruit and the dress fabric is so softt!!!)
Or sanami... Nami feeling attracted to sanji even though she's a lesbian and heaving a sexuality crisis cause is she bisexual??? But no she's still a major lesbian (or even funnier no attraction until its 'stupid guy -> stupid girl??!!!'
Honestly east blue poly would be funny as hell, so many possibilities
Also (sorry im rambling) SHES ZEFFS LITTLE GIRL 💥💥when she left with luffy, zeff 100% threatened the shit out of him (he also did this in canon but with his mind UvU) idk i fucking adore zeff and sanji protective of each other
And lastly??? All the regulars knowing??? Amazing, show stopping, ground breaking. Theyre coming to the baratie not seeing the cute waitress and when asked the staff says she has become a pirate cook of the strawhats
But whenever there's news its always talking about a guy and the wanted pictures are not so helpfull... So many possibility...
Have a nice day! Hope you had/have fun at your con :D
I'm so glad you enjoyed them! Fem!Sanji is fun to write, especially when no one knows she's a girl because how can you not know? She is Zeff's little girl! The dumb brat he gave up a leg for on a rock! She is his pride and joy, and everyone knows this!! Also, I love the idea of the burn mark and the confusion therein for Sanji because Chopper thinks she's trans masc when she's not, she's just waiting for her mom's genes to kick in more. Also the shipping, I agree with East Blue Polycule because you can fit all that in together in one go and no one is going ask questions. But I'm getting ahead of myself and skipping to the regulars first so that I can get some funny scenarios out of my head first.
First, Mihawk has watched this girl grow up and probably saw the fall out after shortly after Zeff butchered her hair. When he asked about it, he gave Zeff the most unimpressed look Zeff has ever received because good fuck he could have just braided it until they got into town? That's all he says about that because Sanji is still upset her hair is gone. Then some years later he's calling Zeff and asking when Sanji changed her gender and Zeff is confused because she hasn't but anyone and everyone are calling her a boy, even that crew she set off with. Mihawk is staring out of his office with the denden with an empty gaze as the greenhaired moron he almost slaughtered on the deck of Baratie is in his castle with one of his fellow warlords first mates and he's having a time but at least that hasn't changed.
Buggy is also probably really confused about 'Black Leg Sanji' and "his feats" and when Garp is arresting him they're debating whether or not Sanji would be a good marine until Garp calls her a boy and Buggy corrects him. Garp is staring down at the clown who looks back and is like 'wait, wait. Zeff's called her "princess" and you never questioned why he would call his son that?' to Garp's non-committal shrug of 'He's Zeff.' which, okay yeah, sure. It's Zeff but Zeff never used it in a derogatory manor. Sanji is quite literally his princess. She is the princess of the Baratie that Buggy used to do card tricks for because Zeff had no idea what the hell to do with kids.
Now onto the hilarity because East Blue Poly would be exceptionally hilarious. They all start dating and Sanji thinks Nami is going through a sexuality crisis because she's a girl where as Nami thinks Sanji's a boy and it's never cleared up. Sanji looks particularly butch because it made her life easier at Baratie, and she doesn't want to ruin dresses and skirts and blouses with cooking or blood. She also just never really wore make up unless Baratie was closed for some celebration or something, when she had a reason to doll up because she was so busy. Also she wakes up and goes to bed before and after everyone else so no one catches she's a girl. I think the hilarious exception of Ace clocking it in Alabasta and telling Luffy he's got the prettiest girl and the best cook wrapped in one is an amazing thing and Luffy goes with it but still asks why Ace called Sanji a girl and Ace is confused now. They never clear it up.
When Sanji is training and everyone is talking about forcing her into dresses Sanji is like 'I don't need to be forced, I love dresses! I just don't like ruining them with blood.' and coming back to Sabaody with a few dresses, skirts, blouses, more fem clothing and everyone is like 'you don't have to wear those if they make you uncomfortable' is sending some weird messages to her so she just doesn't wear them still. For the wrong reasons and everyone is confused. Like WCI when Sanji's in her wedding dress and fighting and mourning the blood on the dress and Luffy and Nami are asking her why she's in one because she doesn't wear that stuff and Sanji says she thought they didn't like them on her and the very quick explanation of 'we thought you were a boy!' is Sanji going 'How?' as Nami complains she had a sexuality crisis for nothing until Luffy asks about him, Zoro, and Usopp; Nami concedes that the crisis wasn't for nothing then.
Nami makes sure she's in a kimono like she and Robin are as an apology because they didn't realize that Sanji was a girl and was just dressing for convenience, she's not a boy and was a princess and she is loved.
Also my con was lovely but I'm so glad it's over.
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punkeropercyjackson · 18 days
Hobie Brown being black headcanons by an afrosolarpunk because white punks be overstepping with him
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He's jamaican-ugandan and Earth 139 Camden Town raised,based on his wicks,patois usage,love of the sea(lives on a boat),darker/stronger features,surname and Daniel Kaluuya
His wicks used to be dreads
His rbf comes from being audhd with no masking game because growing up black means he never learned how to mask
He also grew up getting bullied at school and a bully beater,even for kids who were mean to him,and was kicked out of multiple ones due to refusing to stop standing up for himself and other little guys
Before the Spiderbands(comics + movie)came along,he didn't have real friends and it took him a while to realize it,caused by the normalization for nonblacks to use and treat their black friends as lesser than them.It broke his heart when it hit him but thanks to having real friends,he's slowly healing and learning self-love and how much he's worth
He was treated so badly over his looks he literally developed ptsd and wouldn't have had it that young if it weren't for all the insults and backhanded compliments he got.He knows he's cool.Does he know he's handsome,pretty,cute and every other non-sexual word for attractive?Nah and it takes him a long time to believe it
He's the biggest mama's boy ever and hates his dad for being a deadbeat(the latter is canon to the comics per his og Prowler incarnation).He also feels bad about having a deadbeat dad for 'being a stereotype' and it pisses him off because TIGER is the one playing into the stereotype by BEING a deadbeat.His mama's name is Tani'yah(created by @teenpunkblack)and he calls her Mama specifically and she calls him 'My Sea Star' and he started having wicks to model himself after her and she couldn't always protect him for reasons beyond her control and feels like she failed him but he never,EVER resents her and is grateful for all she did to raise him,which is everything she could and constantly thrived for more.She was also the only positive adult figure he had until he met Jessica,with grown ahh people like his teachers straight picking on him when they got the chance.That helped his anti-authority mindset big time
He's transmasc unlabeled i.e nonbinary and boygirl.He diy'd his own testosterone and has anchor top surgery scars and Tani'yah named him,his egg cracking at age seven and he came out to her before he did anyone else and a bit later asked her to name him,doing the 🥺 face and she assigned Hobart.He has the gender trauma that comes with being black but the black trans swag too and he's femme(canon)and uses both male and female terms and being called 'Peter Pan','Babyboy' and 'Angel' gives him gender euphoria
He has a strong aversion to blondeness and blue eyes because of the aformentioned ptsd origin and his one rule in punk body modification is he'll never bleach his hair(yes,this is an Arms Race look diss.Apologize to Gwen for the comparisons RN,Hobie was literally whitewashed)
Other than punk rock,his favorite music genres are calypso,rap,black death metal and lo-fi hip hop.He's into pop/pop punk too but literally only listens to black pop artists and is a Meet Me @ The Altar stan('Kool','Switchblade' and 'TMI' are totally a Hobie vibe.'I'm normally like this' by Alt Black Era is too)
His special interests are the sea,punk culture,dogs,indie media and kidcore.He's a surfer,he makes sea material based things,his favorite season is summer,his favorite jamaican/ugandan cuisines are their sea foods,he has countless marine facts memorized,his type is mermaid-y black women,he always wanted a pet dog as a kid and even acted like one sometimes like having a barking vocal stim and it turns out not only did his dream come true in Spidermutt but he's also actually dogkin(great dane),he pursues indie games and obscure shows/movies/podcasts/etc in favor of popular media to support small creators for anti-capitalism and kidcore is the perfect coping mechanism for all the adultification trauma he got and allowing himself to be openly soft and have fun and be cared for without loosing his punkness
Jessica is the one who found him,completely by accident,and brought him to Spider Society,completely on purpose.She saw a spark in him and slowly took him as a son figure at the same time Hobie slowly started viewing Jessica as his second mother.They're literally the cooler Miles and Peter B relathionship wise and Jessica stands up for Hobie against adults while Hobie jumps people for being rude to Jessica and they take care of eachother's hair,go out for street food trucks food together,share a bed sometimes and parallell play whenever they can and Jessica calls Hobie her Baby and Hobie diy's gifts for his Spidermama.They're also afropunk/black earthy solidarity and Hobie turned Jessica into an afrosolarpunk specifically
He says 'nigga' fairly often and uses bonnets but not durags and said bonnets are mostly hand-me-downs and he has them little flags on sticks of the jamaican,british and ugandan flags
He has a complex skincare routine and an even more complex haircare routine.He smells super good 24/7 as a result
He actually loves incense because it reminds him of Tani'yah so he uses it around his house boat and his room has not a door but a beads curtain in his colors(blue,red,pink and white)
He loves african chai so bad and not a black thing but he also loves cotton candy boba so bad(fr i learned how to make it at home and i unlocked a new chemical in my head,Hobs deserves to drink it too)
Hobie is not a feminist.Hobie is a womanist and also black4black
Him and Margo are tight.It started when he went up to her to ask her for help on learning how to use technology and they went on a cyberadventure across the Spidernet interesting enough to fill a half hour short and didn't sleep the whole night and Margo faceplanted into her loaded nachos while Hobie squeezed his soda can so hard it spurted onto the ceiling when Lyla told them good morning.Margo is haitian-american so there's a lot of cultural exchange going on and she's into pink y2k black girl aesthetics and the lifestyle so Hobie joins in with her when asked and they're very openly affectionate to the point they could be mistaken for a couple but also is it really mistake?They're not so sure themselves and they're totally okay with that.All that matters is they love eachother and that they're Hobie and Margo,not just Hobie and just Margo.They go out for voodoo donuts in their respective dimensions as a duo every saturday <3
Afrolatina Gwen 'cause it fits and fixes.She's a lightskin biracial afro-dominicana with black hair and brown eyes,one of the mermaid-y black women Hobie's type is and had straight hair in Itsv but locs in Atsv as an implied hair journey.They met at one of his concert's where she thought he was super hot and made an absolute fool of herself but his autistic ass found that super hot so he brought her up on stage to sing as a ref to that one concept art and they reunited the next day at Spider Society when she recognized him as that one kid Jessica also mentors and ran up to him to reintroduce herself,him being stunned at her being Ghostspider.She reached out to unmask him so he smirked and did the same,saying 'Eager to see your pretty face again too,Gwendita' and they linked arms as they walked together and yapped about tons of things,becoming best friends from that day on.Hobie gets Gwen into the political sides of punk she wasn't allowed to touch before and takes her with him to protests,riots and charities and Gwen gets Hobie to remember he's allowed to participate in the fun parts of punk by dragging him to steal food from marts with her,teaching him to skateboard and introducing him to pastel punk and she's also the reason for his kidcore spinterest as she introduced him to that too to help him heal his inner child as she does herself
Gwen kicks George's ass instead of being gaslight by him into thinking he always loved her for the copganda narrative since he only wants half of who she is(triple meaning).Hobie suggested Gwen's locs but Jessica did them for her and Hobie convinced Gwen to dye her hair pink and did to that job for her and that was how they got together,him leaning over her as his hands were covered in pink hair dye and earlier in the day he mentioned he'd never been kissed on the lips as he gave her a good morning cheek kiss so she took the chance on impulse and kissed him fullon then hid her face in her hair in embarrasment and whispered an apology at his shocked state only for him to tell her to do it again so she did and they nonsexually made out,him taking the lead this time.She calls him 'Hubbie' because she already considers him her husband and he calls her 'Babydoll' in addition to Gwendita because 1.black nickname and 2.Gwen's kidcore special interest includes a heavy love for dolls like Polly Pocket,Monster High,Shopkins,etc
He's a big fan of Amanda The Adventurer,Abbott Elementary and Craig Of The Creek.Margo,Jessica and Gwen are responsible for them in order
He adresses them,Tani'yah and Miles as 'my fave gyals' and 'the angels of my life'
He has a fat ass crush on Miles and him,Gwen and Margo are the Spidey Core Four because Hobie and Margo went looking for Gwen in worry when they saw she sneaked off without telling them so they ended up being a part of the Gwen and Miles dynamics as a best friends quartet,starting mid-swinging across New York scene.He calls Miles 'Tinkerbell' and his first words to him when he caught him just as he was about to fall as Margo did the sane for Gwen were 'Ay,Tinkerbell,you out of pixie dust?Need a lil faith and trust?',the cat charm on his Watch concept art was a gift from Miles to him and Jefferson and Rio approve of them so hard because they're a black4black couple and Hobie is afropunk personified.Punkflower is punk4punk canonically since Miles' symbol was based on the anarchy symbol and they do graffiti and bake sunflower themed baked goods as solo dates
'Solo dates' because the Spidey Core Four are a polycule.They're all aroacespec so they're relathionship anarchy and t4t4t4t4t and the group date activities they do are petty crime sprees,meme challenges to post on Margo's and Miles' tiktok,beach days in matching diy'd spidersuit themed swimsuits that blend in through superhero logic,arcade trips and a cat cafe on Earth 22191 that includes Aibo cats(interdimentional differences are freaky,right?)
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infectioustomfoolery · 3 months
(feat my man kade)
For all intents and purposes, this is for fun and any time period mishaps should be ignored. Part two eventually.
Gordon Freeman
- 5’10”, green eyes and slutty little waist, he/him, autistic, dumb little ponytail.
- So white. So very very white.
- Makes absolutely no facial expressions ever.
- Talks exclusively through sign language, but even then sparingly.
- Got a major staring problem.
- Probably trans idfk.
- He’s definitely gay or aroace.
- He has no idea he’s autistic, gay, or in love with Barney.
- He has PTSD and because of that he’s a prick to the Vortigaunts.
- Hopelessly addicted to morphine
- Anger issues but no one can tell
- Everyone in Black Mesa wants to fuck him silly.
- Derealization issues
- Really does NOT fw Alyx
- Regularly keeps up with Aperture Science
- Chell’s brother
- “I’m not gay, Barney.”
- He is. He so is.
- Definitely thinks Barney is a sexy beast in the combine uniform
- Plays DND and likes Star Trek
Barney Calhoun
- 5’6”, he/him, spectral heterochromia
- Gay and knows it
- Probably trans too fuck if I know
- Fluffy hair, permanent 5 o’clock shadow. He’s so goddamn hairy.
- If he doesn’t pluck his eyebrows, he’ll grow a unibrow
- Dadbod
- Alcoholic
- Literally never shuts up
- Every single guard in Half Life 1 is Barney. They’re all Barney. Always have been.
- The Blue Shift Barney is “our” Barney, though. I like to think he retained all the other Barney’s memories.
- Frat boy in college. He told them he liked football and now he has to pretend
- Poses infront of the mirror everytime he has a uniform on
- Understands Gordon Freeman perfectly literally no matter what
- He got a fucked up leg from the elevator crash.
- Cries over Gordon at least once a day
- Really hates all the Half Life 1 scientists. They’re douches.
- Gun enthusiast
- Likes conspiracy theories
- Lauren doesn’t exist, she never existed. He’s just a fat liar.
- Listens to Mitski
- Beefs with Adrian because Adrian thinks its funny but really does not care
- Southern as Hell
Adrian Shephard
1.) She’s a FEMALE
2.) She’s not a BOY
3.) and most importantly, She’s a GIRL!
- 6’5”, blue eyes, she/him (she has a preference for she but Does Not Care.)
- Butch lesbian
- Was in the military with Soldier from TF2. She played along with his antics and sort of “trained” under him.
- white, but very tan
- She gets hurt a lot
- Laughs obnoxiously loud
- Wears boxers
- Blonde, either a crewcut or mullet situation
- Probably has an eyebrow slit, but in a scar way not in a gay way
- Speaking of which she is COVERED in scars and bullet wounds
- Also freckles why not
- Very high pain/spice tolerance
- Fucking LOVES nascar (poor and stupid)
- Was able to make it into the military because when she was filling out the papers she wrote "yes" next to sex and the government just thought he was a normal amount of US Marine stupid
- Colette and Gina saw her from across the bar, and they really dig her vibe
- Her mask makes her sound really grovely and awesome (see: https://youtu.be/Fr8Jxm65EC8?si=5WvOpXfQerjM7G79 )
- She beefs with Barney
- Gets a kick out of annoying Gordon Freeman to death
- Probably makes thirst traps on TikTok
- Has really good abs
- Scout’s older sister
- So she’s from Boston
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henrioo · 4 months
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "Only him, with his sweet silence, sweet touch and sweet love would convince you to open your heart. He was sweet for his own good... At least he was for you"
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : Male! Reader (can be trans or not), gay relationship, homo relationship, cannon au (so pirates duh), some mention about short duration relationships, mentions about lies and promises about relationships, some cool guy trying to rizz the reader (and failing), nothing really triggering
꒰ WC ꒱ : 1,3k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : I wrote that when I was trying to get back on writing, it was from days ago now, it's not one of my best works but is sweet enough to make me actually like this one. Still in my fight of getting back on writing again so pls have patience with me. Fem, blank blogs and no pronouns = block
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You continued drying the glasses behind the counter, while a young boy leaned against it. Big smile, shirt open to show a little of his chest and sleeves rolled up to show off his muscular arms, well-groomed hair and clean clothes. He was here sweet talking and hitting on you a while ago, what was his name again? You didn't make a point of keeping it in your memory.
"You know darling... I'm just trying to say that I know lots of ways we can have fun together" He said looking at you seductively and you held yourself back from looking at him with disgust. That wouldn't be good for business.
"Well you see... I'm a little..." You were cut off when the bar doors opened with some force, it was still early and the place was empty. Besides, of course, the flirty guy.
There he was. A man taller and stronger than anyone else on this island, long blonde hair was on his back, the white helmet with blue stripes prevented anyone from knowing his true intentions while leaving a deadly aura. The soldier of the massacre, one of the worst generation pirates, first mate of a famous pirate crew... Killer.
The man who was flirting with you straightened up and stopped talking, he now seemed nervous and uncomfortable. Of course yes, he could have sweet words but nothing more than that, no one on this island had enough strength to go against the pirates who arrived at the port a few days ago. That's why all the civilians were being cautious, trying their best not to get into trouble, there were no marines on this island and no one wanted to end up dead for angering a dangerous pirate.
“Welcome” You said, and now the smile on his face seemed a little more genuine.
The pirate didn't answer you, he just walked closer to the counter. The way he towered over you and the other man was somehow overwhelming, although you weren't scared by it.
"Are you busy?" He said, a serious tone that could have sounded like a threat, although you knew it was his calm voice.
You looked at the other man, the flirty idiot, silently asking what his next move would be. Would he fight for his right to flirt with you? Of course not, he immediately swallowed deeply and ran out of the bar, not bothering to say goodbye to you. How embarrassing...
"I hope I'm not scaring your clients," Killer said as he sat down at the counter.
"You guys definitely are, no one wants to come over for a drink and risk running into the infamous Kid Pirates" You smiled at him, joking about the situation, then filled a glass with beer, added a straw and offered it to him. "You came back."
“Good for me, less annoying drunks to deal with” he huffed accepting the glass, after a few seconds of drinking through the straw he looked at you. Although you couldn't see his eyes, you knew he was looking at you deeply. "I said I would come back."
“You said,” You smiled, cheeks hot as you turned away, pretending to organize plates, glasses, and other things, just to avoid looking at him.
"So? Do you have your answer?" He said as he rested his arms on the counter.
“I…” You bit your lip nervously. You had been working as a bartender for many years, your uncle was old and could no longer take care of the bar so this became your job.
You learned to appreciate the bar over time, it was tiring, but you lived your little adventure here. Among the drunk locals and visitors you were able to hear stories, meet people and discover islands. It was like traveling without leaving your place, you met a lot of people, you even made some friends, you had some passions, but you knew that all the visitors would leave. This made you not get lost in promises and sweet words, you needed something stable, someone who would always be with you regardless of the situation... And not promises without truths.
Of course, this fell apart when Killer arrived, his carefree manner, his acidic humor, his responsibility and independence. He was a man like no other, just a light laugh from him or a touch from his calloused hands could make you sleepless for hours. It even seemed like a joke the way he was able to disarm you so easily, he spoke so little and wore a mask that prevented you from seeing his face, how did he have so much power over you?!
And it turned out that you weren't the only one interested, it seemed that the blonde had also paid a lot of attention to you in the last few days. Everything he did with you was more than purposeful, the flirtations too subtle to leave you confused, the touches that seemed accidental, even when he stayed with you until the end of the night and took you to his house. All this just to be able to approach you subtly and not make you run away from him.
And it worked... Well, for the most part, since two days ago, when he admitted that he was very interested in you and would like to go on a date, you simply froze. White head, dry throat, limp body, it was as if you had forgotten how to act like a functional human! You weren't a child! You had already dealt with romance before, so how was it possible for him to completely dismantle you? Passing through all your barriers without any effort!
In the end you asked for some time to consider the request, for the two days you wondered if he would really come back... Maybe it was just a joke? Would he change his mind? You were nervous about all the possibilities. However, as soon as you saw him entering the bar, just like he always did, sitting and talking to you... his body found peace.
You weren't nervous anymore, your heart wasn't beating strangely anymore, you felt light and a little dizzy. You felt safe next to him... This was so embarrassing because because they were internal reactions he wasn't even able to see what he was doing to you!
"Then?" You could almost hear his smile, damn proud bastard, he always knew what his answer was, didn't he?
"Well..." You turned around, crossing your arms and trying to go back to being the harsh and aggressive man that some knew you to be. "If you're determined to tarnish your reputation as a fearsome pirate by going out with some random man who owns a bar..."
"An extremely attractive man" He corrected you and you swallowed deeply.
"Right, with an extremely attractive man like me... I couldn't pass you up and turn down that compliment..." You smiled looking at him.
"Lucky me" He stood up "And a shame for you, because when I like someone I'm not letting them go so easily..."
"Oh yeah? That would be a problem... After all, I live here and you're leaving in a few days" You said. Although this was a strange feeling for you, this had never happened before with any other lover, you had never wanted to leave everything behind and run away with someone. But with Killer you wanted it.
"No problem... I'm a pirate, I can just rob you" He said confidently.
"It's not stealing if I agree to go along, right?" You said, getting out from behind the counter and walking over to him.
"No... But what fun is it to say that you came of your own free will?" He said amusedly as he ran his hand around your waist and moved to your back, gently guiding you to get closer to him. You just laughed letting him guide you, it seemed like now you were going to have adventures again, but this time not stuck behind a bar counter. No, no... You will now experience them personally, with someone very interesting by your side.
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tgirldomme · 2 months
Professional tboy doctor here (not really still 🧃 but shhhh)
Tboys falling asleep easier with gocks in them is a well known scientific fact. As the best treatment currently available for insomnia, girlcock is effective in making a guy turn into a sleepy ragdoll, even in small dosage under the brand name "just the tip" (side note: make sure this property is used to a trans girl's full advantage<3)
One thing that scientists do not recommend is shoving your fingers in a sleepy boys mouth while 'administering the insomnia medicine' (ie pounding him), as it'll trigger the reflexive reaction of him sucking and drooling all over your fingers and moaning around them, which may be unwanted side effects.
For more information on how to treat insomnia and other conditions in tboys, contact 🧃 Anon, MD (Mommy's Dog)
Contact can be made by taking off your skirt and underwear while hard and using a clicker, warning: it may result in 🧃 anon choking on your gock
i had to let this ask marinate for a little bit because i couldn’t read it without feeling like i’m in heat tehehhehe
i’d love nothing more than to pound a pretty boy into becoming my sleepy ragdoll, especially if that makes him more… pliable ;)
and as for being the best insomnia treatment… well, let’s just say i imagine it’s the opposite, because i’d love to stay up all night having my fun with a sleepy boy
i’ll make sure not to stick my fingers in his mouth, especially if it made him start to drool and moan… it’s such a pity i don’t have anything else i can stick in there… hmmmm…. i might have to go out to buy a clicker.
you stay nice and cozy darling, drift off to sleep maybe - i have a bit of an inkling on how i’ll wake you up…
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redpool · 2 months
So I have been rewatching the live action One Piece for the hundredth time, and I've come to realize that there are minor details that have been changed and I wanted to list the ones that I noticed;
(also just to clarify, I know that there are big differences between the live action and the anime so none of that matters, I just mean like little details that actually mean something)
(so originally this post was going to be little details that I noticed but I think it might also be commentary so I apologize.)
(To make it less confusing, I'm going to do something to set the minor details out for those who read this post for that and not for my commentary)
I could have sworn that I already made one of these posts but I can't find it so.
I really hope that, that unknown woman is Crocodile it would be really cool if Crocodile was trans, but imagine a female Crocodile. I reckon she would be so much hotter.
Shanks looks so out of place.
No hate to the costume designers but some of these costumes look authentic and fucking awesome and some just look like really bad cosplays.
Why are you gasping, it's an execution you knew what was going to happen?
That also doesn't make sense because there's a wide shot where you can see him die and then there's a close-up where he dies again.
I know he's a hungry, growing boy but that's a lot of food for one person, several crates of fruit and one giant barrel of fish. Which I assume he had plans on eating raw. And which I also assume sat in the sun for however long he was out there.
Wait does this mean that Koby is canonically trans because Morgan is trans?
I know it's for information gathering for the viewers watching at home but wouldn't Shanks already know everything that Benn just told him about Luffy?
I just noticed that he scratched the knife under his eye, that makes more sense because I thought he genuinely stabbed himself in the eye socket.
The ego on this one.
Side note, MacKenyu's hand is genuinely so f****** pretty.
I heard that the whole point of the live action One Piece was for Oda to answer unanswered questions so I tend to keep that in mind.
Really the only critique I have about this show is that there's not enough blood and I know that it's because it's a Netflix show but my bloodlust is quite strong.
The only question that I genuinely have is if you were to see something as ugly as a devil fruit why would you willingly choose to eat it? Like I get it if the situation is you're being forced to or you're starving and don't have any other options but pushing that aside why would you willingly eat something that ugly? Or that weird looking?
Where is Hongo, I want to see the live action Hongo.
The vibe that Shanks & Luffy have in the anime versus the live action is very different.
Hopefully that is not what the live action Bellamy actually looks like because I'd be very upset.
I haven't reached Foxy in the anime yet so..
I do really hope we get to see Jango though and hopefully he looks like what he looks like in the poster.
I think I may have known about that one but my brain is not remembering.
I know Zoro is supposed to sound like emotionless or just very monotone but it kind of sounds like he's forcing it...
Yeah I really do not like these camera angles.
Why is he naked?
Having this show playing for background noise while I do a word search is so funny when you're not looking at the screen and there's a fight scene.
Shanks's stitching must be really f****** bad for Luffy scar to turn out like that.
Crazy eyes
That was pretty funny, I would have laughed.
If all of these pirates are just stationed on these different islands why don't the marines just come and get them? Yeah Buggy is surrounded by his pirates but like it's shouldn't be that hard to take them out.
Ok for my first question, is that a new boat? Second question, if that is not a new boat where the f*** did Shanks come from because he's not wet.
I have also come to realise that, that bit of debris that you see fall into the water after the Sea King lunges at Shanks is indeed not Shanks his arm, it's a piece of the boat.
Ok so now that I've watched a fair amount of the anime I know that, that was Haki.
So Shanks decided that to teach Luffy a lesson he let the Sea King bite his arm off.
And here again, it's not just my bloodlust this time Shanks just got his arm bitten off there should be a s*** ton more blood than that.
I fucking love Peter so much.
Can't argue with a man with his tits out. Whatever you say tit- man.
Not going to apologize for loving Cabaji.
What are the chances that we get a live-action Uta?
I'm sorry but why would you want to put a snail in your ear.
Just think about it, anytime we have to listen to Usopp sing in the future he'll actually be able to do it.
You want to elaborate that on that Zoro?
The f*** is that supposed to mean?
Oooop full body goosebumps
I don't know what it is about these two episodes that I don't like but.
Yeah I prefer the animated Kuro.
Strong self-harm? Against who?
Catboy confirmed
Well that's lovely, leave Kaya all by herself.
Tag yourself I'm Zoro
Get all awkward and avoid looking while also squirming when the PDA happening.
Yeah those hammocks are real s***.
Wait, where does Kuro end up after he gets defeated by Luffy? Do we know?
Is that supposed to be a duck?
I'm sorry but Luffy looks like a Bunnings Warehouse worker and it is so distracting.
I don't think you know how many times I have watched any episodes after five.
Like it's to the point where I will just watch them over and over and over and over and over.
Like put episode 5 on and then re-watch it three times consecutively.
Did that guys mustache just fall off???
That last kick wasn't necessary babes
The switch is so f****** quick
His voice dropped like three octaves
It gets me every time
It took me so long to get used to Mihawk's facial hair.
Actually it took me a very long time to get used to calling him Mihawk because I used to just call him Dracule because that's a cooler name than Mihawk.
I knew about the last name being first thing that Japan does but I know that doesn't apply to some characters. And I thought that it was like that for him.
Until someone shattered that dream.
You remember that tiktok filter where if you stood at a distance the camera was zoom in on your face and then it would move along to whatever the face was doing, that's what the zoom in camera angles in this show remind me of and I think that's why I don't like it.
That was a good callback.
I think it's safe to say that we can blame Taz for reigniting my love for Sanji.
While working my way through the anime anytime I start being annoyed by Sanji and his perverted ways, I go and watch the live action and then it's wiped clean. It's just like my brain reset my feelings about Sanji.
Zoro is also beautiful.
Yeah I've noticed I don't really have any notes for any of this because a lot of it is new.
And it's also been like half a year since I started watching the anime because I had to take a break after the Alabasta arc and I've only just started again.
His side profile is so AHSGDGDGSHS
You know for a cigarette smoker he doesn't smoke a lot of cigarettes or finish them.
You think as a picky eater Sanji would hate me for my eating habits?
Maybe me being a woman might cancel out his disliking for picky eaters.
Assuming that he would even like me. I know he'd be respectful because I am a woman and he treats all women with respect but.
That 5 second shot right there, the close up of Sanji's face while he smiling, literally tattoo that on my f****** eyelids.
How long do you think Mihawk was sitting there?
Yeah sorry I was only looking at your titties
You would probably be more intimidating if you were taller...
You know it's bad when you can quote the entire scene
Is he wearing eyeliner?
Yeah there is not enough blood, you just got slashed in the chest I'm expecting there to be a f****** puddle or something at least.
What would you say Mihawks accent is?
That's barely any blood, I bleed more than that every month.
What the f*** was that, when Zeff asked Sanji what he's doing, it's like it's a completely different person answering, that was not Sanji answering.
He really is like a rabid dog.
Like the noise that he makes just before he starts cackling, it's literally the sound of a dog with something in its mouth shaking his head back and forth and growling.
Where is this kid from, because his accent is vaguely British and then sometimes it sounds like Taz's accent and then it also sounds Australian??
See here's what doesn't make sense to me, Buggy is a devil fruit user which means he has a weakness towards water and because he's just a head he should be dead. Because I'm assuming those fishmen didn't stop for air breaks every couple of minutes. So the question is why is he alive.
Other question is why are the fishmen not wet when they get out of the water?
They are a bit wet but they're not soaking wet like they just got out of the water.
Sorry but my automatic response to hearing someone say "land ho" is "what did you call me?!"
Look at these old homosexuals
"More rare than medium" that man is part dog.
I saw that Sanji
There is literally no hetero explanation for this scene.
Just kiss already, God.
Why does Sanji keep looking at Zoro?
You have a noticed how Sanji just glances are nine times out of ten?
Where would it even go?
Love how Usopp is literally the only one helping.
Real question is how did Nami turn that Arlong symbol into the berries/belli symbol
Just kiss already part 2
Love that the only time that Zoro is misogynistic is when it's aimed towards Sanji.
See that's the amount of blood I want to see.
Flashback to that time that I was watching this with my sister, she was so f****** excited to see Arlong's teeth do the thing that they did.
I'm pretty sure she keeps coming back to you because she doesn't have a f****** choice.
I'll hug you Sanji
The most unbelievable thing about that scene is that no one covered their eyes when that dust washed over them.
Sanji literally looks like he's about to start crying.
Oh Sanji is the one that's holding her.
Seriously. Just kiss already.
Sorry, idk what that ^ was
How's that for a bloodline: You are a vice admiral for the marines, your son is the leader of the Revolutionaries and your son's son is on his way to being king of the pirate.
That's because your methods are just straight up abuse, how many 'fists of love' did you throw at Luffy, Ace and Sabo??
Yeah I'm sure you could.
Just take each other right now... In front of me... Please....
Props to you if you actually stayed until the end of this post because it's not at all what I said it was going to be it just turned into a f****** commentary post.
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kit-williams · 9 months
Hi decided to actually make a masterlist because it's probably for the best.
Things to know: I will write from a mainly female pov/perspective and it will for the most part be monogamous hetro relationships (in the terms of genitals) I won't do fxf or mxm or trans because that's not how I grew up and I'm god awful at writing homosexual sex (genderbend I can do) Another no: Adultry/cheating/spouse(or partner) thievery
Asks are open
Come buy me a coffee
Number of asks waiting to be answered: 19
My Ao3 (I havent updated a story on there since like 2016 I'm scared to even let ya'll see it but I might post the AU on there)
So I mainly write Halo, Runescape, and Warhammer 40k but here I've only been posting my Warhammer 40k and D&D au
So expect a lot of polls because it helps focus my ADHD ass
Also Fanart is ALWAYS allowed! Just Tag me!
Poll Storage Pheromone Spray poll part 1 First kiss part 2 Pheromone Spray part 2 Husbandry lewdness poll First Kiss part 3 How to tag the lewd poll probably going with carnal bond Should momrad include skin tone WIP poll Help momrad focus on what to write Ones ready to be typed
Warhammer 40k
The D&D AU
The Yandere Black Templar and Flesh Tearer
The Yandere Space Marine Masterlist
Story Vault until I know where to put these stories/how to categorize them
The boys and their darlings
This is not Canon mini masterlist
Primarchs masterlist
Pheromone Spray 1 2
Bonus Zul Spray
Song Inspiration
First Kiss 1 2 3
Typhus fleas 1 2
Baseline hitting on the darlings
Varial the insatiable
Lamenters devouring
Raven in the belfry
Child in the Eyrie
First Words Can Damn You
Warhammer Fantasy
Dangerous Druchii pending
Warhammer 40k & COD
The COD Integration mini-masterlist
Demon Prince/Bloodthirster Graves
The 40k au
How does Horangi spend the thrones? Horangi focused
Lieblings König focused
Spirit Halloween Ghost focused
Hey Kiddo Price focused
Where do babies come from reply
Hail to the King Black Templar König
Everyone is space elves
The mud pit cope fic
Hot Chocolate cope fic König focused
Missing the Bairn cope fic Soap focused
Zombie cope fic Ghost focused
He scares me Nikto focused happens before the Soap one
It's a wonderful life CODHoliday2023 fic angst-comfort Ghost
Age hcs/boys ages
Random romantic thing I wrote
Tanz mit mir Regency Au songfic
Most of it is on my Ao3
The eventual bringing over that one non con I wrote pending
I have to edit it
The #I wrote something for my tumblr can help too
Sentience base off of lancer but I really just like the Balor
Baby fluff
barn anon/Tales from the Barn/Space Marine Husbandry Sentience
I will rename this when I can sit and think of better titles for them
Space Marine Husbandry Sentience Plot Beats
Space Marine Husbandry Sentience Mini Master List
51 more Space Marine Husbandry Sentience & Tales from the Barn
Hey Look another Space Marine Husbandry Mini Masterlist
Golden Apotheosis
avoiding bonds and eye contact
Favorite Wretch
Dischorus and Caracuss
Sentience Lore: Warp Fuckery
Weight of the Worlds
Insanity seems to follow...
Anrir Husbandry
Reverse Husbandry AU
Reverse Husbandry Gabriel
Reverse Husbandry Headcanon
Reverse Husbandry Emperor
Sanguinius and Glitter
Gabriel and his sick human
Human Husbandry?
Primarchs in the reverse world
Gaius flees
Judgement from the Lord of Iron
Seeing things
Funny stuff/Fan art
Ovaries Stolen meme
Fan art by bispecsual
Blood Angel Gabriel meme
ZUL by moodymisty
Angron Post Surgery expression
Fan art by c-u-c-koo anon of Plague Witch
Apollo and Dodgeball
Plague Witch part 2 by c-u-c-koo anon
Apollo by greenarsonist
Aurora by greenarsonist
Fluffuary master list
Fluffuary rules
Story list
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trash-gobby · 2 months
Ultimate Masterlist
Here is where you will find all the stories I've written along with each fandom as a header. If there are any new or old stories they can be found here. The old inventory system I had is dead. This will be the home of all content I've written or created from now on.
🔫 James Bond 🔫
Happiness Is a Warm Gun 🔞
All The Time In The World - *NTTD SPOILERS* 
Dario X GN!Reader - Yandere Headcanons 🔞
Dario X SadisticFem!Reader Headcanons 🔞
🏏 Heather's 🏏
Jason Dean - Yandere Headcanons 
Veronica Sawyer - Yandere Headcanons 
👽 Alien Franchise 👽
Bishop Headcanons
Bishop Headcanons - His friendship with the Colonial Marines 
First Snow on Earth 
How They Would Play Sims 2 & 4
Lance Bishop Fluff Alphabet
Dallas & J.M. Lambert Dating Headcanons
Colonial Marines W/ Virgin Reader 🔞
Scott Gorman NSFW Alphabet 🔞
William Hudson NSFW Alphabet 🔞
🎭 Behind The Mask 🎭
Leslie Vernon X GN!S/O who’s Jealous of Taylor
🎄🩸 Black Christmas 🩸🎄
Billy Lenz X Short Gothic GN! S/O
Harry Warden & Billy Lenz X GN!Reader with Short Coiled Hair
Billy Lenz X GN!S/O - Who Hides Gifts Around The House For Him To Find!
Jess Bradford - Fluffy Dating Headcanons w/ Trans Masc!S/O
🚶The Boy 🚶
Brahms X AFAB!Reader who is overly protective of him P1
Brahms X AFAB!Reader who is overly protective of him P2
Dating Brahms Headcanons (Possessive Brahms)
Brahms X GN!Reader - Trying to Leave The House 🔞
🚀 Farscape 🚀
Moya Crew w/ Artistic S/O
🪱 The Faculty 🪱
Zeke Tyler Dating Headcanons
🚑 Flatliners 🚑
Nelson Wright X AFAB!Reader Meet at a House Party
Nelson X GN!Reader - Cuddling For The First Time
🐺 Ginger Snaps 🐺
Ginger X Fem!Reader SFW & NSFW Headcanons 🔞
Ginger Fitzgerald Headcanons 👋
🎃 Halloween 🎃
Michael with a physically & verbally affectionate s/o
Michael Myers GN!S/O with Separation Anxiety
🔥 Hellboy 🔥
Poly!Hellboy & Liz Sherman X GN!Reader Headcanons
A Long Hard Day
Nuada X Agent!Reader Headcanons
⛓️ Hellraiser ⛓️
Pinhead - Hellraiser: Headcanons
💄Jennifer's Body 💄
Jennifer Check X Male!Reader
🦇🩸Lost Boys 🩸🦇
∞ When You’re a Stranger ∞ - Chpt. 1, Chpt. 2
When did Max get Thorn???
David - General Headcanons
David - Fluff Alphabet
Dwayne - Headcanons
Dwayne - Fluff Alphabet
Laddie - Headcanons
Marko - Headcanons
Paul - Headcanons
Descending Angel - part one, part two
♊ Malignant ♊
Gabriel May X GN!S/O - Who Writes Him Gothic Love Poems
🥀⚰️ Mortuary ⚰️🥀
Flowers For a Grave - Paul Andrews X Fem!Reader
❣️My Bloody Valentine ❣️
Harry Warden & Billy Lenz X GN!Reader with Short Coiled Hair
Harry Warden W/ Pregnant S/O
🦇🕶️ Near Dark 🕶️🦇
Severen Van Sickle X Pinup!Reader
Severen Van Sickle NSFW Alphabet🔞
👹 Nightbreed 👹
Dr. Decker X POC Plus Size!Reader Headcanons 🔞
Decker X Plus Size POC!Reader - Darkness Is A Stitch Away
📸 🔪 Scream 🔪 📸
Billy Loomis X Fem!Reader - Comforting her after losing someone close to her
Poly!Ghostface Finding Out Their Girlfriend is Pregnant
🚲 Stranger Things 🚲
Wipe Out
Eddie Munson - Fluff Alphabet
🥩🪝 Texas Chainsaw Massacre 🪝🥩
Christmas dinner with the Sawyer's
🌌 The Thing 🌌
R.J. MacReady NSFW Alphabet 🔞
Assimilation - Palmer X GN!Reader
Palmer - Headcanons
Science Fiction
👽💅 Earth Girls Are Easy 💅👽
Mac - Fluffy Dating Headcanons
🦖 Jurassic Park 🦖
Dating Ian Malcolm Would Include
🌠 Star Wars: The Old Republic 🌠
Two Bounty Hunters Walk Into a Guild Meeting
☔ Umbrella Academy ☔
Luther Hargreeves X Fem!Reader - NSFW & Dating Headcanons 🔞
✨ Legend ✨
Wicked Game 🔞
🌊 Legend of Korra 🌊
Korra Dating Kuvira's Sibling Headcanon's
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factorydefaultlu · 1 year
I wanna corrupt Koby so bad. Listen to him whimper and watch him squirm. Also, trans Koby rights.
Also CNC and dubcon and all that jazz. Nothing new here for me.
Hands slipping up under his shirt, pinching his nipples and earning a gasp from his lips. His face is flushed red and his hands are gripping your shoulders, barely making an effort to push you away and acting more like an anchor to keep himself in place.
Sliding a hand down his pants and he squeezes his eyes shut, panting out
"Not there, please. Just leave me alone- Ah!"
Ignoring his pleas and gently rubbing over his enlarged clit. A pretty little cock for a pretty little marine.
He can't help but let out a breathy moan as you take his cocklet between your fingers and give it a few pumps. You lean in and kiss his neck, his whole body trembles but he tilts his head to the side to offer more access.
Good boy. He wants this, he knows he does.
You begin biting and sucking at his neck, making sure it will leave a deep purple hickey.
He can't hide that for sure.
You grow bored and delve your fingers even lower and spread his folds open, he's sticky and wet and oh so soft. Your fingertips tease his entrance, he tenses up.
"Stop, not there, anywhere else please."
Sweet boy has manners at least. You circle over his entrance again before moving your fingers back up to start jerking him off.
Koby sighs a relief, before he whimpers some more. His clit throbs under your fingers.
You suddenly pull away, then turn to leave. You can hear him panting and so desperately want to turn around to see the look of surprise and embarrassment on his face.
But you have restraint, and will wait patiently for the him to come to you. Smirking lightly, you suck his tangy slick from your fingers.
You're going to have fun with your new captain.
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