#And english
luc3ks · 7 months
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dude named michael and his friend dani who he does not have a crush on
he works at a 24/7 repair shop as a mechanic. night shifts obviously he is a vampire. little bit of a car freak. hot rodded his 1966 mustang. living (un)happily away from all his fam
she works at a gas station a block or two away from him. also has a second job I haven't decided on ..... she's working on getting back into school, trying to get scholarships or offers to go to uni
they're the strugglers together
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steelthroat · 7 months
for the astrology ask game taurus, sagittarius aaand 9h ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Okkk let's see:
-Taurus: mhh sushi and pizza....but I love fruit more than anything. Especially that kind of super sweet grape used to make wine *smuah* and apples. And lemons, I love lemons.
Also jelly, it doesn't matter which kind of jelly I just love it a lot... God I want some jelly now whyyyyy
Hmm idk I love food it's one of the best pleasures in the world. So yeah idk I love all the food ✨️✨️ I will be the joy of your grandmas, I will never deny them.
- places I'd like to visit in the future:
Ireland and Scotland: please they're beautiful and so rich of history and things to see and the nature and and-
France: I love France a lot... and admitting this just made me lose my Italian citizenship. I also hate it for its politics and many other stuff... but God isn't it beautiful.
Mexico! I've wanted to go there since I was little! My parents went there for their honeymoon, I fell in love with it when I watched the "Beverly hills chihuahua" movie (you can laugh ahshfhfhfh) and the culture and places look so interesting and beautiful to me! And I know about all the problems etc but still a beautiful place that deserves to be seen and treasured imo
Japan: I am very curious about it. More than the cities I'd like to visit the countryside, the semi-forgotten spots, because I've seen some pictures and it's absolutely breathtaking.
Greece: THE HISTORY! THE ART! THE CULTURE! THE ISLAND WITH THE CATS! Please I could finally see all the things I studied/am studying!!!!
Spain: I'm going there just for "casa batllò" and anything touched by Gaudí, because my love for that man is endless.
Whatever place has more examples of brutalist architecture. I love brutalism. Talk to me about brutalism. Best architectural style ever and I'm dying on this hill.
9h- what languages would you like to learn
ALL OF THEM. No seriously, I love learning new languages and unlocking new thinking patterns (it comes with the package!!!). Atm I can speak fluently Italian and English and with a bit of practice also Spanish (I haven't practiced it for the last 2 years and I'm a bit rusty with the speaking, but reading and listening I'm fine).
But also I want to learn French and German, they're my top priorities.
If I get the occasion I'm going for Russian, Chinese and Japanese too! Haaaaah if I hadn't chosen Art (and writing) as my main passions I would have chosen to study Languages and Etymology!!
ALSO SIGN LANGUAGE (idk which one but the feeling is there)
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commanderry · 1 year
me: writes the most beautiful, poetic, sentence i have ever created
also me: writes “u” instead of “you”
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Помимо Миу, Шуичи также встречает Каэде и Кируми. Он оправдает себя или отвергнет, но это ЛОЖЬ.
Shuichi, admit that you are a womanizer
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Shuichi:I have nothing to admit because I only love Miu and nobody else. I feel nothing Kaede and Kirumi.
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Miu:Can we just enjoy our time together in peace? The other four don't get this shit sent at them.
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popcorn-plots · 5 months
me attempting to do homework:
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blonde-tori-spring555 · 7 months
thought i was gonna have a shit day today lol
i was proven wrong, i got 88% on my science test
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tadbitsketch · 9 months
i wanna draw silly little guys doing silly little things but i have to do homework bc i am nothing if not a princess of procrastination
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act-not-think · 2 years
@illfoandillfie turns out I never actually learn my lesson when it comes to men and work.
New job been at it for I wanna say a month at the time, was friendly with the people I had to deal with up in GC. Had a Teams meeting with his boss, my boss, the CEO’s son and him - First thing I thought and messaged the only other girl in our office?
Fuck, he’s very attractive.
I message him about work stuff maybe 2 weeks later on his mobile (didn’t really think about it being his work number, oops).
Starts messaging me, not about work. We’re very flirty, in a fun SFW way (thank fuck). He asks if I have a work phone, I tell him that it’s my personal.
He says, I feel bad for you having to take work calls on your personal so you can have mine. I tell him wow, so generous. He shoots back, “Well I’m in a generous mood”. Fuck.
We message, I wanna say, almost 24/7 for two weeks. He says he’s coming down to Melbourne before the end of the year. We flirt and laugh and we talk about things we’ll do in concept.
“Okay well let me revise that statement, I would like to go with you”.
We message a shit ton more, we flirt a lot.
We talk about dating and he mentions how his last girlfriend was South African (with a few other shared traits) like me with the 😳 emoji. We talk randomly about religion and sex before marriage - he brought it up, not me!
We joke about him booking a flight to come down asap if gave him my spare ticket to the Arctic Monkeys (my sister had already claimed it). We giggle about me planning a trip up to GC in May, for his birthday and not being willing to actually see him.
He asks me about the best areas to stay in Melbourne. He says he’s found a few really good airbnbs while we’re messaging.
We flirt a whole lot more. He tells me to come work up in GC instead of Melb. He’s “just saying….”
And then something happens and it fizzles.
I ask him for the CFOs sons personal number because A had crashed a girls dinner and paid for everyone without saying a word - I knew they were friendly because he had joked that A would be happy to take him out instead of me, when he came down to Melbourne.
He can’t come down for personal leave in December anymore - he’s thinking Feb now. But he’s still hoping he can come down for work.
Messages slow down, we joke that’s he’s flirting with one of the girls up in GC, but I get the feeling he’s not joking, not really - but not my problem, we’re just chatting.
I try to resurrect the conversation, works for a little bit but he’s not putting in the same effort and I get frustrated and mute our conversation for the rest of the weekend.
He gets grumpy and doesn’t respond after that.
And now he messages me on his work phone about work and that’s it.
I still want him to surprise me at work, with that imaginary work trip, but the weeks almost half way done and then December’s over.
I know, I’ll end up be heartbroken if he actually does come down in February and doesn’t tell me or if I hear about it from A once he’s already gone home.
I don’t think I was building things up in my head this time. But I’m not going to put myself out there again, just to get hurt.
But yeah I just thought I’d update you with my crappy relationship woes.
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sacharowan · 10 months
I posted it!!!
the pwp is now written and posted
only took me 7 months lmao
hope you like it
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I misread lamb as lamp. I proceeded to spend a full minute trying to force ‘lamp’ to work there. It doesn’t sound long, but I read fast. Supposedly.
Of course it didn’t make sense. I learned in kindergarten that b, p, d, and q are somehow different letters and how to guess words based on context clues. Kindergarten.
It took me a. whole. minute.
It’s so obvious! If lamp is nonsensical and lamb fits neatly, knowing those words look identical in typeface should make everything clear. But nooo, I apparently can’t read.
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lnfopl · 2 years
So you English speaking fucks ever heard of dysorthography? No? How could that be?
It's not like your language is so orthographically fucked that there are no real rules to how orthography works in it.
Which in some Devil-pegged-God-and-then-birthed-this-fucked-up result it means that it's easier to be orthographically correct in it, because it forces me to remember every single word individually.
Still hating German tho to many rules and not having the luxury of a consistent spelling, like in Polish.
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I'm feeling curious so tell me mutuals are any of you bilingual? If so what languages can you speak?
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alivingtypo · 4 months
you can pry starting sentences with 'and' or 'but' out of my cold, dead hands
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victusinveritas · 3 months
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thesefallenembers · 11 months
the problem with reading and writing leading to a strong vocabulary is that you tend to know the vibe of words instead of their meanings.
if I used this word in a sentence, would it make sense? absolutely. if you asked me what it meant, could I tell you? absolutely not.
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