#And both times Conan just doesn't tell him
kawarikisaki · 1 year
How does the moive where Kid pretends to be Hakuba factor into your Hakuba is actually trying to befriend Hattori but keeps rubbing the guy the wrong way. I really like that take btw.
That is a very good question.
Sorry it took a bit longer to answer this one, I went back and rewatched the movie since it's been a while. Anyway....
And damn is it hilarious that Hattori see's 'Hakuba' in that movie and is just like 'who the fuck is this?' I always forget about that, and it will never not be funny to me that this movie came out shortly after the detective Koshien being happening in the manga. So there's a bit of a chicken or the egg situation here on if the movie comes before the detective Koshien or after (considering how long it takes a feature length animated movie to be made....)
To paint everyone here in as positive a light as possible I'm going to move on the assumption that the movie goes first then the Koshien happens not long after. (Because this way Hattori isn't just denying that he knows Hakuba when he's already met him, then proceeding to have a repeat conversation about how they're both children of police chiefs.)
And it's interesting that they have that conversation that kinda mirrors the one at the Koshien when they meet here because even though there's a lot similar in both of these 'first meetings' the vibes are totally different. Conan being weirded out when 'Hakuba' bends down to wink at him after never treating him like a child before, and Hattori picks up on Conan being unsettled even if he doesn't understand why and that results in Hattori being more quiet and observing instead of being prickly.
Though really a lot of this speaks more to Kaito than it does Hakuba since this is inevitably the result of Kaito trying to act like Hakuba, but his goal isn't to perfectly replicate Hakuba, the disguise is just a means to the end of helping Hattori and Conan, so it's not a problem if he's a little out of character as long as he's helping. Kaito isn't an investigator, but he's good at talking to people and he's good at action so he helps how he can while playing Hakuba. And ultimately this results in an impression of Hakuba that's slightly clumsy as a detective but reliable when it comes down to it.
I think that if this were a 'first meeting' that Hattori was allowed to remember he'd probably end up with a better over all impression of Hakuba, because rescuing Conan definitely earned some respect points.... but it wouldn't be a correct one, because that's just not Hakuba.
Frankly I love the dynamic that results from Hakuba trying to be friendly with Hattori in the same way he is with Kaito, only for Hattori to take it the wrong way. And I'm gonna stick to that unless Gosho gives me another case where they're both there.
Since I'm talking about this movie anyway, I'm going to bring up something else I've mentioned before, but this is the only time we ever see Hakuba not wearing clothes that read as business casual. And the fact that that's Kaito's fault means that either this is the kind of clothes he casually wears when we don't see him..... or Kaito decided to take the chance to play dress up- and I kinda hope it's the later, because while it's not a bad outfit or anything but it just kinda doesn't look right on him.
But anyway that's probably enough rambling for now. Hope that answered the question.
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leonawriter · 5 months
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Hattori goes from being dead set on going to the baseball game he wants - he hadn't just been steamrollering over Shinichi's plans, but Kazuha's too - to actually seeing what his unfair play (making it into a contest of deduction, with his team having all the best detectives, setting Kazuha up for a complete loss) was doing to her.
Then, that reminds him-
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The very first time he met Shinichi, he said something very relevant to all this - "There's no winning or losing in deductions... there's no best or worst either... because there's only... one truth to begin with."
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After that, it takes a moment for Shinichi to catch on, especially since Ran had tried to get him on the girls' side before and Hattori had physically lifted him away!
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But it doesn't take long for him to see what's going on, and the moment he does...
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He's kind of snarky, but he's ultimately on board. Instantly.
Hattori didn't even need to tell him that the plan had changed - he trusts that Shinichi will pick it up, and he does.
I love this little exchange because it says so much about both of them, especially that Hattori's been growing, and he's still growing. He's becoming better. He has bad habits of competitiveness, but he's managing to curb them because of Shinichi's influence.
And here we see him realise it-
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He gets to see Shinichi put his (presumably at least, it was mostly Hattori who was pushing for sports earlier, although we do know Shinichi likes sport) interests aside for a second time to help him.
Notable is that in the previous chapter, when they'd started the "deduction match," Shinichi wasn't really putting on the Conan mask much; he does this around Hattori, where he slips and acts more like his natural self, even around others, whether that's "more mature" or, like that one time after a case gone bad for him, where they're both able to play together like kids.
But here? The moment Shinichi realised that Hattori wanted him to help the girls (and Kogoro) figure out the truth first, he puts his Conan mask back on for him.
I have to wonder if half of Hattori's expression in this panel ("you're doing this? for me?") is "he caught on and he's helping" and half "he's doing that thing where he acts like a dumb kid on purpose, and I know he hates having to do that. But he's doing it, for me. To fix my mistakes." Because if he hadn't started all this in the first place, Shinichi wouldn't have to be doing this either.
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xoxo-sarah · 1 year
The Exit
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Part 2
↝a/n: kinda based off the song. I wanted to write more but I was tired of seeing this just sitting in my notes. First love type shit edit: I took out the little bit of smut.
↝pairing:Steve Harrington x reader
↝ Warning: angst, not proofread, heartbreak, one-sided break up(?), arguing, Stancy
↝⎙ 9.3.23
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"So, how long are you going to avoid me?" Shit shit shit.
You were doing fine with avoiding him, have been for 5 months. He just couldn't leave it alone.
Well, you suppose you'd be the same way. If he cut off all contact with you after you got a new boyfriend, you'd probably be a little pissed off and curious as to why, too.
"I'm kind of busy."
"I'm sure you have a minute." Steve leaned against the door frame, eyes flickering around your whole face, looking for any hint of what he possibly could've done.
The two of you have been friends for forever. You grew up together, went through so much.
He knew your tells, knew when he had disappointed you in some way. He had gotten pretty good at finding that one out in your young-love phase.
The classic friends to lovers teen romance. The kind that the neighborhood gossip would say "I told you!", "I knew it, they were meant for each other.", And the nosy "they're parents better watch them. They'll have a grandchild on the way before they can blink." That was something you both chose to ignore.
Like numerous other things.
You were both 15 when you decided to take it from friends to girlfriend and boyfriend. It's embarrassing how giddy you were after Steve had asked you out, kicking your feet and telling all of your friends.
It just felt right. He made it feel so easy.
The dates were nice. The way you acted didn't change, you just began to kiss and hold hands slowly after. And it eventually escalated.
Your chest heaven in pure bliss.
Reaching forward, you pushed some hairs out of his face. His eyes fluttered open for a split second, searching your own. His iris danced in yours, mapping out every speck of color.
"God, I love you."
His eyebrows furrowed.
You had whispered it so quietly. Maybe he heard you wrong.
Dropping beside you, he let you take his hand, rubbing your finger over his knuckles, your naked bodies beginning to intertwine in a new position.
You had this glow about you right after, you always did. He couldn't look you in the eyes right now.
But he couldn't help himself. He glanced up at you, seeing you looking at your conjoined hands. You looked as if you hadn't said those words. Maybe they just slipped out, you didn't mean to.
"I can't love you." He quickly added to that, after your head shot up to look at him. "I can't love anybody, I don't think. Y/n, I," he moved to sit up, you doing the same. "I like you, I really do. I have for a long time, and I intend to do it for much longer. Love just isn't something I have felt for anyone. I can't picture myself feeling a certain “love connection” to somebody. You know?" He really didn't know how to explain it. He had felt something with you. Something he hadn't felt with any of his other friends. He doesn't know if he'd call it love, though.
You couldn't say you didn't understand. What if what you thought was love, wasn't? You were kids, you most likely didn't know what love even is or what it feels like.
"Yeah- okay." Slowly nodding, you tried to find the words. "That's okay. You don't have to love me. What I feel for you is love, I think. We have plenty of time to figure it out, right?"
He nodded, his shoulders relaxing and a lazy smile making its way onto his face. "Yeah."
Everything was fine after that. Your feelings never changed.
It wasn't until Steve had run into this girl. You had seen her around school and around town. But you never talked too much.
She seemed to find him interesting. Who didn't? He had become popular in the early years of high school.
You didn't think anything of it. Maybe you should've.
"I forgot!" Steve threw his arms up in the air.
"For the third time? I reminded you." Your voice was louder than your normal tone. You were too exhausted to yell. Waiting at the little café for 2 hours the 3rd day in a row was embarrassing and tiring.
You just looked at him.
"Before 1st period, Steve."
He threw his head back, looking back at you with a look of realization. He wasn't about to give in.
"I could barely hear what you were saying. You know how loud the halls get, c'mon."
"Or maybe you were too busy gawking at Nancy."
His head shot up to look at you in disbelief. "What does Nance have to do with this?"
"‘Nance’? Are you kidding me?" Didn't know they were in the nickname phase. He rarely used any nicknames for you. "You know what, whatever. I'm not arguing with you right now." You had to study and it was already late. You really didn't want to focus too much on how your relationship was slowly breaking to pieces along with your heart. There was plenty of work you could do to distract you.
"No, hey," As you tried walking away, Steve reached out, grabbing your arm and softly pulling you to stand in front of him. His hand moved to your face. "Let me make it up to you, yeah?"
"I have to study."
"I'll help you study after." His fingers caressed your soft jaw, waiting for your response.
You sighed, "Fine."
There wasn't a point where you two sat down and broke up. You just kind of grew apart. You were done trying to fix something he couldn't care less about.
Pushing the fork around your tray absentmindedly, you tried to ignore the high-pitched laugh of Karen and the stupid conversations that happened on that table. The table you once sat at with Steve, talking about anything and everything. When he got those remarkable friends of his, you stopped talking. A person can only handle so many interruptions and digs from Karen and Tommy before you just decide to keep to yourself.
Your chair didn't stay cold for long. Nance sat down, and it looked like she fit in nicely.
Nearly 10 years of friendship and 3 years of a relationship all down the drain. It hurt, It really did.
It didn't help when you ran into Nancy at the store and she was the sweetest thing. She had even asked you about how you and Steve were doing. You found it weird. How were you to respond to that? Choosing to shrug it off led her to ask Steve about it. And with the pity look she gave you when you locked eyes in the school hallways, you guessed he gave an answer you wouldn't like.
Why did he look at her like that? Did he ever look at you like that? It hurt your brain to watch them from across the room. You should keep your eyes away from them. But it hurt more to know they were having a great time-together while you were in a corner, alone at the party. Chugging the rest of your pungent beer, you beelined to the kitchen to get a refill.
"Steve." You didn't turn around, instead pouring your solo cup to the rim.
"Enjoying the party?" He sounded like he was talking to a friend. Once he hadn't left to feel like shit.
"Yeah, fun. Real fun."
The awkwardness between you was obvious. If someone were to walk in, they'd know something happened. Something not so good.
"Nancy seems nice."
After getting over the shock of you interrupting him, he smiled. Actually smiled. "Yeah, Nance is great."
Was he not seeing your hurt? How could he be so blind? Of course she's wonderful.
"Um, about us-" so he had thought about you, what you two were. Maybe he could actually tell you exactly what it is, what game you were unwilling playing.
"What about us?"
"We're cool, right?"
What? We're cool- how are we cool? Leaving someone without any explanation as to why doesn't make you two cool.
He must have seen the pure confusion.
"It was a mutual decision." It was more of a statement than a question. He seemed so genuine.
Choosing to just nod, you didn't know what else to say. It was over. It had been for a while. Perhaps you were the blind one.
A few drinks in, you two were leaning against the countertop, talking like friends again. Talking about everything and anything. Maybe it was the alcohol that made you feel so relaxed and calm to be around him. You were just two friends catching up.
"I think I love her." Steve hiccuped.
Suddenly you were sober.
He continued to hiccup nonsense as you got quite.
Your mind was running a mile a second. He can easily love her but he couldn't love you? Your eyes caught sight of Nancy in the crowded living room. She easily talked to the people around her. It was easy for her. Men could drop to her feet and she wouldn't be fazed. She carried confidence and beauty. You got it, you really did. She was Nancy Wheeler.
"I need to go."
"What? C'mon, y/n, don't go." Steve slurred, watching as you put your cup down.
"It's getting late." You were off before his intoxicated mind could register you moving through the people and out the door.
He shrugged it off, bringing his own cup back to his lips.
It took 3 weeks after that party for you two to talk again. He came knocking on your door, broken and confused. He didn't know what to do. You didn't have to help him. But he was your friend before your boyfriend. You'd always be there for him, no matter how much it would hurt you.
As he cried in your arms, you held him, soothed his sobs and told him everything was going to be alright. Something no one did for you while you sat, sobbing on your couch or in your bed, not knowing what you were to him.
And you continued to be there for him until he went back. They figured it out and it left you alone, again. But it was okay because he was happy again.
You two went back to not talking until they got into an argument or took a break. You were always there.
It was a constant back and forth. An emotional rollercoaster not only for them, but for yourself.
You were helping a friend, so why did it pain you so much? It shouldn't.
Steve's knuckles against the oak door faded to the back of your mind as you continued to read the same paragraph over and over. "Y/n?" He called out. Glancing back, he made sure he hadn't imagined your car in the driveway. "I know you're home." He hiccuped.
It pained you too, you know. As he was hurting, your mind and heart was too.
Choosing to ignore him would be the first, the hardest step to peace, to happiness. It was time to put your emotions first.
He wouldn't stop everything to make sure you were okay if you were in his position.
"Talk to me, y/n." The way he leaned against the door had you deeply inhaling. He looked different. His hair had grew, it laid messy on the top of his head. The eye bags under his eyes were more prominent. His dark eyes still held the same shine.
"Steve, I was literally about to leave."
The music from the party downstairs had your head aching with every beat. The sound of a party with your friends seemed fun, until it wasn't. They had left to do their own thing. Going back home sounded nice.
"Can we go outside then? I miss talking to you."
Your mouth shut in distaste. You didn't want to talk to him. All the progress you made would be thrown out the door with those puppy dog eyes.
Reluctantly, you stepped back to sit on the guest room bed. Steve shut the door, walking over cautiously.
After a long moment of silence, Steve spoke up.
"Did I do something?"
No? Yes? Fuck.
"You know I would never deliberately do something to make you upset. You're my best friend-"
"That's actually why I'm upset." You blurted before you could help yourself.
He looked beyond confused. "What?"
It was your turn to get everything off your chest. With a big inhale, you poured your heart out. "We were more than best friends. I don't know about you, but that time meant everything to me, you meant everything to me. Until Nancy came along. You just discarded me like I wasn't your girlfriend, Steve."
For once, he didn't know how to respond. Steve stood there, just staring at your face.
Having about of his silence, you got up and walked to the door.
"You asked. Having to put your feelings before mine when you broke my heart without knowing or caring, was too much. I hope you and Nance are good, really."
•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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floofiestboy · 7 months
Official DC App's Voiced Stories: Akai Shuuichi
The official Detective Conan app offers a number of voiced stories - short conversations between characters - to its premium subscribers. I translated all twelve stories that include Akai.
Other characters that appear in these stories are Conan (12), Amuro (3), Okiya (3), Kaito Kid (1), Haibara (1), and Ran (1).
Table of Contents
Voiced Stories: Akai Shuuichi
Voiced Stories: Amuro Tooru
Makeup Time (メイク時間)
Okiya: "Hey there, boy."
Conan: "Good morning, Akai-san! Sorry for coming by so early."
Okiya: "I don't mind. You're here for the study's books, aren't you?"
Conan: "Yeah, there's something I wanna look into... ah, you were putting on your disguise!"
Okiya: "It's taking me less time to put on my disguise lately, but my makeup didn't quite go on smoothly this morning..."
Conan: "Huh? Your makeup didn't go on s-smoothly?"
Okiya: "I suspect my new lotion is to blame..."
Conan: "L-L-Lotion? That's that thing, right? You use it after washing your face..."
Okiya: "Yes... I ended up using up all of the lotion Yukiko-san provided for me... I bought a similar type, but it seems like this brand doesn't suit my skin well."
Conan: "Akai-san, thanks for all your hard work..."
Okiya: "I'm Okiya Subaru right now, Edogawa Conan-kun... And it's surprisingly fun once you get used to it. I make new discoveries every day. Why don't you give it a try as well?"
Conan: "I'll have to say no to that."
How to Make Ham Sandwiches (ハムサンドの作り方)
Amuro: "Now then, we'll be putting the fillings on."
Conan: "Right!"
Amuro: "First, we spread mayonnaise over the bread we just steamed..."
Conan: "The special mayonnaise with a dash of miso!"
Amuro: "Then we place the lettuce we washed in lukewarm water, and ham on top of that..."
Conan: "The ham you just applied olive oil to!"
Amuro: "Finally, place another slice of bread on top of that, cut it into triangles, and it's complete..."
Conan: "You were putting so much work into it... no wonder it's so good!"
Amuro: "Ah, thank you very much! You'd like the bill, yes? I'll accept this thousand yen bill..."
Conan: (Amuro-san is working his café job seriously too...)
Amuro: "Thank you very much!"
Conan: "Thanks, Amuro-san! I'll try making these at home right away too... huh? What's the matter?"
Amuro: "That man just now... I feel as though I've met him before... am I imagining things...?"
Akai: (Heh… the secret to Café Poirot's famous ham sandwiches… I've successfully obtained it!)
Who's the Culprit? (犯人は?)
Conan: "I'll go over the facts of the case one more time. The ham and chicken breast were the only things that disappeared, right?"
Amuro: "Yes... this morning, we had more than enough ham and chicken breast. There's no doubt about that..."
Conan: "But now there isn't, right? When was the last time you confirmed how much ham and chicken breast you had?"
Amuro: "When I made a ham sandwich an hour ago, we still had enough... and I haven't used it for anything else..."
Conan: "I've never heard of a thief who only steals ham and chicken breast..."
Akai: "I was listening in to your conversation. The culprit must then be someone who can easily both enter and exit this Café Poirot, or alternatively someone who wouldn't be noticed even if they entered or exited."
Amuro: (gasps) "Which means...!"
Conan: "Don't tell me, the culprit is...!"
Amuro: "So it was you, Taii."
Taii: "Meow!"
Let's Go to the Scene! (現場へ行ってみよう!)
Conan: "Amuro-san, how was it?!"
Amuro: "As we thought, there was a robbery at that bank... but mysteriously, after the culprit took hostages, they vanished out of the blue."
Conan: "Are the hostages all safe?"
Amuro: "Yes... it appears as though the police are taking statements from each one."
Conan: "So the culprit could be..."
Amuro: "...among their number..."
Conan: "Amuro-san, let's go to the scene!"
Amuro: "Yes! Let's hurry!"
Akai: "There seems to be some kind of case going on..."
The Two Great Detectives (2人の名探偵)
Kaito Kid: "I've finished casing out the joint, so I guess it's about time for me to head h- mm? Hey now, no way... the two walking over there- is that the detective and... the turtleneck guy?!
Conan: "Hey, Subaru-san! I wanna drop by a book store."
Okiya: "Yes, that sounds nice. I was just thinking I'd like to drop by one as well."
Kaito Kid: "That's right! He's Okiya Subaru, if I remember correctly... he's a grad student that's been going in and out of the Kudo Mansion. But he's kinda suspicious... there's something on his neck too. Just who is he?"
Conan: "Don't tell me- you want that magazine too, Subaru-san?"
Okiya: "Yes, it is a Holmes special edition, after all."
Kaito Kid: "I see, so to the detective, he's a fellow Sherlockian... but is that all? Alright, I'm following them!"
Kaito Kid: "Dammit, did I lose sight of them...? But this is strange... why would a book store be in an alley like this...?"
Conan: "As if there'd be a book store in a place like this. I just wanted to move you here."
Kaito Kid: (in a high, feminine voice) "Who might you be? I'm afraid poor little me is quite lost..."
Conan: "Idiot. I can sense who you are from your presence alone."
Kaito Kid: "Oh, is that so. What happened to the turtleneck guy?"
Conan: "I had him go on ahead. Said I had something I needed to do."
Conan: "Wait - cough, cough - a smoke bomb?!"
Kaito Kid: "See you, detective. Our next meeting will be under the moonlight."
Conan: "Hey! Geez, what did he come here to do?"
What Do You Do On Your Days Off? (休日何してるの?)
Conan: "Speaking of which, what do you do on your days off?"
Akai: "Me? Why do you ask?"
Conan: "I just thought it'd be kinda questionable for you to spend all day at home..."
Akai: "I have no dearth of books to read in the mansion, after all..."
Conan: "Mm, well, I can't deny that..."
Akai: "I tend to cook a lot as well..."
Conan: "Right, the professor did say that you bring your homecooking over a lot."
Akai: "Aside from that, I clean and repair the house, I suppose."
Conan: "Sorry about the house being old and cluttered..."
Akai: "Why do you feel the need to apologize?"
Conan: "Huh?! ...Um..."
Akai: "Well, I'm doing more than just that, but... you don't need to know about that, boy..."
Conan: "Hey, hey, what are you doing in someone else's house?"
The Colour Black- Do You Like it? Hate It? (黒は好き?嫌い?)
Conan: "Hey, Akai-san. Do you wanna play this?"
Akai: "Oh? Othello, I see... I don't mind. It's a valuable opportunity to face off against you."
Conan: "Let's start with rock-paper-scissors. Rock, paper, scissors!"
Akai: "Hm, it appears I've won. I'll choose black, which goes first."
Conan: "Huh? Akai-san, you're fine with black?"
Akai: "Didn't I previously tell you that my favourite colour is black?"
Conan: "Did you...? Oh, you mean when the Mokubasou Apartments burnt down. B-But didn't you say 'if I had to pick one'? And that you hated black too?
Akai: "The colour black does hide all the parts of yourself you don't want others to see, after all."
Conan: "But you answered as Okiya-san back then, right? As yourself, the colour black- do you like it? Hate it?
Akai: "Well, who knows. Perhaps I'll tell you if you win against me in Othello."
Conan: "Can't say no to that!"
Jeet Kune Do (ジークンドー)
Akai: "There you go. Boy, I've finished applying the warm compress."
Conan: "Thank you, Akai-san... you were a huge help..."
Akai: "To think you'd come flying down from above while we were chasing a purse snatcher... you always take such risks."
Conan: "I'm sorry. There were a lot of people around, so I couldn't use my wristwatch or my soccer ball."
Akai: "I see. So it was beyond the abilities of your small body. At least you didn't involve anyone else in the incident- small mercies."
Conan: "Yeah, I'll be more careful from now on... Man, if only I could use Jeet Kune Do like you."
Akai: "Oh? You using Jeet Kune Do? That sounds rather amusing."
Conan: "Like, Holmes could use that martial art called 'bartitsu' too, right? So it's always been something I looked up to."
Conan: "Oh yeah, speaking of Jeet Kune Do, did you really send training videos to Sera-no-neechan?"
Akai: "Right, I did do that."
Conan: "I see~ so you really love your sister, huh?"
Akai: "I presumed she would be interested, given how she is."
Conan: "I wanna see you and Sera-no-neechan battle it out in a master-apprentice match someday."
Memories With Your Family (家族との思い出)
Akai: "Boy... I've brewed some coffee, so let's take a break."
Conan: "Thank you, Akai-san! Wow, it's already this late... I was reading for so long, my neck's all cricked... ouch..."
Akai: "Haha, you did appear to be concentrating quite deeply."
Conan: "Eheheh... oh right. Akai-san, do you like onsen-manju? Ayumi-chan brought some over as a souvenir from her family vacation."
Akai: "Oh? I'll gladly partake."
Conan: "...Speaking of which, have you ever gone on a family vacation?"
Akai: "Mm? Right... I'm not sure if I'd call it a family vacation, but I do recall we went to a beach once around a decade back... I met Masumi for the first time there."
Conan: "A-Ah, really...?"
Akai: "Well, it wasn't any kind of happy-go-lucky family time. I ended up garishly fighting it out with my mother."
Conan: "I-Is that so..."
Wanna Go Out? (ちょっと出かけない?)
Conan: "Agh, it's almost noon... geez, who's Ran going to meet...? The only guy I can ask for help is Akai-san at this point... ah! Akai-san is here!"
Conan: "Hey hey, Akai-san, wanna go out?"
Akai: "With you, boy? Where?"
Conan: "I want to get to a mall in the neighbouring town by noon..."
Akai: "I see, so you need a car..."
Conan: "Yeah... Kogoro-no-ojisan is glued to horse racing on the TV, and the professor says he won't be back until night..."
Akai: "So you've turned to me for help? But what do you need to buy at the mall?"
Conan: "I-I wanna read a new Holmes translation that came out recently! None of the book stores near here have it, so I wanna go to a mall and buy it at a big book store!"
Akai: "Hmph, if that's the case, then I'll accompany you."
Conan: "Thank goodness, thank you!"
Akai: "Then let's make haste, so we'll make it by noon... it's so you can see who she's meeting with, correct?"
Conan: "Huh...?!"
Akai: "If all you wanted was to buy a book, it wouldn't matter when we arrived. Am I wrong?"
Conan: "Urk... I'm counting on you!"
What's Under His Turtleneck? (タートルネックの下は?)
Okiya: "Hello, I came to retrieve my pot from yesterday..."
Conan: "Subaru-san! Huh, your pot from yesterday...? Did you share your food with them again?"
Okiya: "Oh, Conan-kun. You were here? Yes, I actually cooked the best stew I've ever made yesterday, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to share it with Professor Agasa and Haibara-san."
Haibara: "Yes, the vegetables weren't half-cooked, and the broth had soaked into them- but he boiled it for too long, and the potatoes were dissolving."
Okiya: "My, my, you're as harsh as ever."
Haibara: "And you're as turtleneck-clad as ever."
Conan: "That's because- the professor explained it before, yeah? Subaru-san must get cold easily!"
Haibara: "Why are you panicking, Edogawa-kun? All I said was 'you're as turtleneck-clad as ever.' Unless you're saying there is something under there?"
Conan: "So it is bothering you after all..."
Okiya: "Why does it bother you so much?"
Haibara: "Isn't it obvious? It's because you're trying to hide it."
Okiya: "I see. But unfortunately, I have no real reason for this turtleneck. It's as I told you- adults are sensitive to the cold. We aren't outdoor creatures like children."
Okiya: "Now then. I'll be taking my leave."
Haibara: "Hmph. Being sensitive to the cold isn't enough to explain it."
Conan: "Ha ha, Subaru-san might just like turtlenecks."
Haibara: "Well, fine. Out of respect for the stew, I won't press further for today."
I'd Expect No Less From Akai-san (さすが赤井さん)
Akai: "I appreciate it... thanks to you, boy, I didn't have to reveal my identity to Public Safety..."
Conan: "No worries. It wasn't all because of me... and no normal person could shoot from inside a wobbling vehicle at the tires of a car chasing them."
Akai: "Heh heh, I'll need to thank the owner of this home once again."
Conan: "It was a big pain when he started talking even though I was handling things on my side though..."
Conan: "Huh, Akai-san...? Where did you go?"
Ran: "Oh, Conan-kun... What are you doing here?"
Conan: "Geh! R-Ran-neechan?!"
Ran: "What do you mean by 'geh'? And weren't you talking with someone just now?"
Conan: "Y-Yeah! Someone was lost and wanted directions to the station..."
Ran: "Hm..."
Conan: "L-Let's go home! Uncle said he won at the pachinko machines today, so I'm sure we'll get to eat a feast!"
Ran: "That's true! Then let's go home right away! Conan-kun!"
Conan: (exhales) "That could've been bad... but wow, he sensed Ran's presence and disappeared first. I'd expect no less from Akai-san."
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hayaku14 · 1 year
OBSESSED with the idea of KID coming into the Kudou mansion seeking refuge (either he got heavily injured or his idenity is compromised) but instead is met with Okiya Subaru, Kudou Yukiko, and Kudou Yusaku. (Conan is also there coincidentally because lady luck hasn't totally abandoned him yet, apparently, but Kaito is sort of distracted by the amount of non-conans in the house to appreciate it.)
one day (before akai moves in) conan drags kid's injured ass back into the kudou mansion to patch him up (and also to demand answers about the snipers in the heist)
kid refuses to tell more about the snipers and conan doesn't pry but keeps an offer of help open
it becomes an unspoken agreement that kid would go to conan if something out of his hand happens in relation to said snipers
by 'go to conan' conan meant go to him, the person, as in wherever location he was at. kid, on the other hand, thought he should come back to the kudou mansion.
months pass, subaru, yusaku, and yukiko come to occupy the kudou household.
kid, injured or identity compromised, sees the lights are on and assumes conan is inside. which well...he ISN'T WRONG (LOL)
kid goes in through the window of conan's room which startles conan who was there to pick something up in his room.
"What are you doing here?!" Conan scream-whispers in a panic.
KID stiffens and stares at him with something like betrayal in his eyes. "Oh, I see I'm not welcome here."
"No! No wait that's not what I meant. It's just, this is NOT the best time."
Someone knocks on the door and the two of them jump. KID's eyes widen in realization as Conan quickly drags and pushes him into a closet. "Don't make a sound." KID does a zipping motion across his lips and makes a show of throwing an imaginary key. Conan rolls his eyes at him before closing the door.
anyways, it was akai who went up to check on conan cause the 4 of them were in the middle of a discussion and conan was suspiciously taking too long.
whether kid gets caught by akai and the kudou fam or not, i have no idea, but either way I WANT IT.
although tbh i feel like akai and yusaku would sense someone else is inside and yusaku would know exactly who it is LOL
then again, whether kid is heavily injured, has his identity compromised, or both, is a big factor on how events will unfold. (and i love exploring each one so my brain is rotting pls someone send help)
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bts5sosempire · 1 year
silent sea (i)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: toji fushiguro x reader 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 2,510 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: yandere, dark, horror, psychological horror, death (later), merman au, merman toji, mention of blood and raw flesh (fish) feeding, loose merlfolk lore, etc. 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: "A few years ago, you went missing with a few other marine biologists into the deep sea, only to resurface with untold horrors ingrained within your now soulless eyes. Even moving away from the sea and living more inward inside the island of Bordia didn't help you when you could still hear the sounds of crashing waves and seagulls crying from above. Sometimes the nights were hopeless, and when you closed your eyes, the nightmares began.
But when a typhoon was coming toward your home, flooding the island in the water with more than half the population missing, that's when you saw them. He, out in the open sea. They only allow themselves to venture where the water had occupied." 𝐚/𝐧: been waiting and wanting to write for this dilf for so long that it's here (rather short atm, but will extend). I will not be using my regular boarder as a divider or timestamp skip since that is what has been causing my post to not go through or lagged. Btw, please like if you like ❤️, comment below in the "comment" section 📝 for tagging, and reblogged if you wish to too. Have a nice day lovelies! 💖
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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"Someone come help me!" A fisherman shouts, running toward the ocean where a wooden boat drifts towards the golden wet sand of Bordeia Island. A few others chase after the older man lead. One grabs the stem while the others are at either side of the boat, pushing it toward the shore.
You were lying inside, drifting in and out after spending many days at sea with the sun beating down on you and the cold nights caressing your husk of dehydrated and malnourished form. The gulls were high in the air, crying out while people's voices were nothing but warbles in your ears, and their figures were just blurs in your hazy eyes.
Have you made it? Away... To home?
"Hey, (Name), are you alright? You look a little distant there." This snaps you back to reality; you can't help but make a small sheepish smile. Sometimes you seem much more empty-minded, and today looks like one of the days. "Look, if you're not up for it, we could discuss this another day."
"No, tell me; sorry for tuning you out," you could see them heave a long sigh. Conan Warden is a man who moved to the island about a year ago from the metropolis life. They were a frequented beach boy/ surfer back in their hometown who loved the ocean more than anyone there, and his moving out here to Bordeia Island felt like the right move for them. Conan felt like a perfect slot with the Islanders here; his charm makes him a pretty, unique person.
There was a moment of pause before they repeated themselves for you again. "As I said, a research team would visit the island in a few days." You settle down a mug of coffee before Conan, waiting for him to continue, "They want you to help assist them in their research." You look at Conan with a mixture of curiosity and disbelief. Then a snort emerged as you quirked both brows and sat across from them.
"Do they want my papers or something? I could always give them that," you muse out, but Conan gives you a look of 'Really?'
"No, (Name), they want you fully assist them by going out in the open sea," suddenly, you felt blank hearing those words. A ringing comes into your ears. Conan saw how you had that distant look in your eyes again, and his russet hand crossed the table to tap your arrow cradled around your coffee mug. Every time Conan mentions the sea, this is the response he gets most time. It's not like he doesn't know, but he does learn to a certain extent why you don't venture out in the sea anymore. The locals were quite vocal about your sudden disappearance, along with a few marines biologist, considering you have been a resident for about a decade.
"You know I can't do that," you said; it was already hard enough for you to face the trauma that still lingers around you like a ghost. Suddenly standing up, you take deep, shaky breaths, and; your heart rate picks up as you try to shake off the jitters that seem to take hold of you. Your mug slipped through your fingers and spilled across the table. "Fuck! Shit!" Flicking your hand, some of the hot content got onto the back side of your palm.
Conan helps you grab a nearby wash towel and clear the liquid before tossing the rag into the sink. "Sorry, I didn't mean to act like that," you said with quick breaths, running cool water over your burned hand. You close your eyes to refocus as you train your ears to focus on the running water and the sensation to distract you momentarily.
"You know it's fine; I didn't think it was this bad," Conan was concerned. He couldn't say much; your trauma wasn't something he could ever truly phantom. Conan could only understand to some degree and be empathetic about it, but to fully sympathize with you, he has to go through what you went through to know how it affected your daily life honestly. "You know what, I could tell them to fuck off for you; how does that sound?"
"Thanks, but no thanks. Who is leading the team?" You ask, getting your bearings together and shutting your eyes tightly for a few more seconds. Tilting your head up, you open your eyes and look at your flat white ceiling.
"Um, hold on" Conan search through his pockets, and you shut and turn off the tap water. Gently wiping your hands dry, Conan pulls out a paper, "Some guy name Watanabe Morisuke." You tense up at the name; Conan notices but doesn't say anything. He thinks you have too many jumpscares at this point and that another might add to your untimely demise, making him pretty sad as he considered himself your best friend.
You take the form presented, and a picture at the top left corner is shown. Skimming over the information, you see how Watanabe's head is full of grey and black, mixing like yin and yang.
"I tried to ask for more information, but I was cut off rudely by Professor Eugene." Conan pouts; he mimics Eugene's speech in an annoying high pitch voice.
You laugh as you felt much calmer and put the paper on a countertop. It would help if you remembered to apply cooling gel cream on your supposed upcoming burn that will blister.
It was only barely ten a.m., and the sun was already high in the sky, with the heat downing any fisherman or anyone who ventured to the beach. But in the shade was a cool breeze, shifting through. A few days passed, and out in the open sea, a boat was approaching the shore.
The locals used to tourists waited at the pier and were ready to fetch the boat.
Watanabe Morisuke got off the boat and looked up into the sky to see seagulls flying above his head before walking to the land where the pier and boardwalk are connected. His team followed behind him.
"Ah, you must be Watanabe Morisuke, (Name) sent me." Conan came to greet the older man, who pressed their lips tightly. Conan grabs their hand and shakes it with high enthusiasm that Watanabe has to rip their hand out of their hold.
With the boat coming closer, it stops next to the pier. A thick mooring line was thrown down at the wooden boards as a local picked it up to tie an eight-figure on a cleat, then did the same with the other mooring at another end.
"That child could've got me herself; how uncouth of her to send someone in her stead." They frowned, lips thinning. But Conan thinks that that's their natural expression. Without much thought, he explains why you couldn't be there to pick him up.
You were pacing back and forth in your house, chewing your lips as you kept tugging the string from your shirt at the height of the collarbone. Your eyes keep drifting to your front door, and most of all, you want to focus on anything, but your house is too quiet. The radio you bought would've helped you, but it's broken. The distant sea raptured inside your ears clear as day like a haunted melody, so your steps suddenly halt. You could almost hear a voice calling you, groaning at you with longing—withering woes of betrayal and agony along the line. Still, a lingering subtle feeling of forgiveness was weaved into the song.
But it gradually got louder and louder until the sound wasn't just whisperers anymore; you felt your skin crawl and the hair on your body spike up. A feeling slowly rouses up in your chest, and the emotional pain seeps and spread like a plague. You shudder a broken breath before your throat closes on you, and breathing becomes much more complicated.
"Don't leave me."
'It's just your brain playing tricks on you.' You tried to convince yourself.
"Come back home. To me."
Their harmonies echo inside your head; you don't want to hear them. You use loud music and noises as sounds to block and cope with things when some days are harder to deal with, like today—the voice you want to forget always returns randomly, and sometimes when you're unfocused or distressed, you think. But walking out of the door and towards the sound was tempting whenever your head heard it. Snapping back is hard without a good startle when a yearning clouds your logic and instinct.
'Why isn't it going away?' You grip and pull the string.
"You said that you would stay."
You jump when your doorbell resonates loudly in the living room, enough to bring you back from your anxiety. Shakingly soothing yourself as you tried to calm yourself with a few deep breaths, you went over to the door and opened it to be greeted by Conan and Watanabe.
Conan didn't miss how alarmed you were but didn't bother to point it out, and there are times you appreciate that he doesn't divulge when people are around. You greeted Watanabe, "Hello... Uncle." Conan squawk; he then looks in between you and the older man with disbelief. You and this man doesn't look the slightest related.
Side-stepping to allow both men in, Watanabe hauled his many suitcases and also made his displeasure known, "Pompous girl, you know how much I detest strangers." Watanabe's eyes flickered toward Conan for a quick second, then made himself at home. Conan didn't look offended at the comment, but instead, he thought, what an ass and insufferable being your Uncle must be.
"I don't like him at all," Conan stands next to you, leaning while whispering into your ear. There was a side glance of agreement coming from you. "How is your hand, by the way?" He continues to whisper, and you show him the bandaged hand and give him a shrug as your answer. Then you turn your attention to your Uncle.
"How long are you planning on staying here?" You ask, wiping your palms down your pants legs.
Your Uncle, who, not even five minutes into your house, sprung his suitcases open and claimed your living room as his. He took most of his clothes out and threw them on the armchair adjacent to your couch. For your coffee table, it had become his research table when he strewed files of papers across it, and it soon became a mountain.
"I just came here on impulse; I have no explicit time on how long I will be staying here." Watanabe's answer got you scratching your head because that's a first. Usually, your Uncle would make a timetable of his schedule since he's a punctual man. "Go get me your papers, girl." You give Conan a look of 'see the shit I gotta deal with?' before going to your room to retrieve what was requested.
You could hear Conan snort behind you.
From a distance away from the island, out in the open sea, a figure swam across the blue water gingerly. They have been trailing along Bordea's coast for a few years. Constantly rumbling a song to lure someone out, it was unsuccessful, but defeat wasn't something in their morals of value; their dark sclera and bright forest green eye peered through the navigation of palm trees and high bushes. The furthest they could see were a few houses behind the tall debris.
The hours passed, and the sun dipped low enough that only a fraction of daylight remained. It gives the creature a lot of shade under the giant leaning Live Oak tree to be obscure from any human sight. The sky has darkened to a deep hue of burnt orange and magenta, with dark violet now dominating most of the space in the sky. Even stars of multiple colors and sizes are beginning to litter around their perfect location.
Toji, the merman, was a sea creature that only existed in fairy tales, myths, and stories and was the dominator under the reefs of Bordea Island. He was a light blue-skinned humanoid merman with no fishtail to accompany the original stories. Instead, he has two functioning legs with fins attached to his legs and arms and sharp claws of webbed hands and feet. With veins that are a deeper shade of blue mixed with purple, they were visible across his skin.
Entering through the entrance, they kept going until an opening was above them, and they went up. Toji's head broke through the cave's water surface, and they swam until the water got shallow. They were nearing the dry flat surface of the lair.
The merman lingers for a few more minutes, swimming under the shaded oak, and then sinks beneath the surface. They glide past the corals and go deeper and deeper until an opening of a cave entrance is in their view. A school of fish scatters away, and even sharks that linger nearby make their escape too.
Inside the damp, moist, warm cave, it was quiet besides the dripping drops of water that fell off the stalagmites that hung above. It would let ripple sounds that bounce off into the space. Toji hoisted himself out of the water, the side of his neck was his gills that would move once or so, and unlike his other variations of kin, Toji was capable of surviving out in the open air as long as his skin and gills were able to saturate and constantly absorb damp moisture to prevent him from drying out.
To him being different wasn't the problem, but the prejudice that comes with it. Toji being a merman without a tail, was considered a bad omen. Thus, he was shunned by other merfolks who were born with a tail. Being treated differently was something he had grown accustomed to over time.
But one thing they should be wary about Toji is his prowess; even if he doesn't have a tail, he can annihilate one or more enemies in a single moment. If the man was powerful enough to take a shark and orca with one swoop of bare hands, do they think their spears made from the most robust shells would be enough to stop him?
The answer is definite; it's a no.
It was dark, a quarter till twelve; if another quarter passed, a new day would start. You were lying in the bathtub; the water had now turned cold. Your Uncle Watanabe was asleep in the living room, as you were sure you were one of the few individuals still up.
Your injured hand from days ago hangs over the tub; you raise it until it's high enough. You wiggle your fingers to play with the lighting to create shadows above your face. Staring at your hand, you see the tendons flex underneath every twitch under your skin. But your hand wasn't mar at all. It looks like it was never burned in the first place.
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cannedapricot · 2 years
the bouquet. || njm
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in which you love watching your coffee shop regulars and irregulars go about their day. you loved hearing stories about their lives and their loved ones. yet, you'd be lying if you said it didn't make you feel lonely. alternatively, you were in love with the concept of love, na jaemin was in love with you.
word count: 2.8k
genre, warnings: fluff, angst near the end, comfort i think, slice of life, coffee shop!au, flower shop!au, pining, worries about never being able to experience romance covered up with bright smiles and warm coffee, profanities
bgm: people watching by conan gray, cloud 9 by beach bunny, perfect day by mao buyi, sweet dream by nct u
a/n: this only happened because i wanted to write fluff HAHA so by default it isn't proof read also i am not a florist so idk if these flowers look good in a bouquet LMAO
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PHILIA (n) - affectionate love - yellow chrysanthemums
A warm beam of sunlight streams in through the glass window, toasting the wooden the tables and chairs in its wake. You stretch behind the counter - warm sunny afternoons always gave you the urge to nap.
Opposite you, on the other side of the store, stood your coworker amongst the displays of flowers. Na Jaemin was attractive, and more often than not, you'd hear people compare him to the flowers he worked with in attempt to woo him. They never worked though, Jaemin would always respond with a polite smile and a "thank you". You'd try your best to hold in your giggle as they leave the store with a sour expression. But then you'd meet eyes with Jaemin, he'd mouth a playful "oops", and you'd have to duck down to hide your laugh behind the counter.
It was a slow day. You barely had anyone to serve so you spent your time arranging and rearranging shelves in the back, cleaning equipment, and munching on the seasonal lavender flavored cake your store offered. Jaemin, on the other hand, seemed to be catching up on bouquet orders. Each bouquet was prepared with the same amount of care and focus as the next. Each flower was chosen with a purpose to serve. Jaemin wasn't only known as a pretty face. He was also known for his beautiful bouquets.
Seemingly haven to caught you staring, without looking up from his work, your coworker jokingly says,
"Go back to work."
"But there is no work. No one wants a coffee from me."
"I do. See, you have work."
You turn around to start his coffee - iced americano, three shots of espresso. He usually whines for more espresso but in attempt to keep his body functioning, you only allow a maximum of three shots.
The overhead bell tinkles and a woman walks in. You give them a smile over your shoulder to welcome them in. She returns the smile, but walks up to Jaemin's counter instead.
"Hi! I had an order for pick up today?"
"Oh yes, chrysanthemums right?"
The woman nods as Jaemin goes to fetch her prepared bouquet. You finish the coffee and bring it over to your coworker's counter, making conversation with the customer as you do so.
"Are the flowers for anyone?"
"They are! One of my friends is graduating today and I wanted to congratulate her as well as thank her for being such a lovely friend."
You can't help but grin at the story. The way the woman brightened up mentioning her friend. The way she spoke so highly of them. They must be someone extremely precious to her.
"A great choice of flowers." Jaemin comments, returning with a bright yellow bouquet.
"Thank you. I spent hours looking up the meanings of flowers. My friend's really into the language of flowers."
The both of you thank her for her patronage and watch as she heads off, the brightly colored flowers tucked safely in her arms.
"Happiness, joy, celebration."
Jaemin takes a sip of his coffee before answering.
"You wanted to know the meaning right? I could tell."
Sometimes Jaemin's ability to read your mind scares you. How does he just know?
"Also, this coffee doesn't have the amount of espresso I requested."
"I'm saving your life." You retort, heading back to your post.
You spare a glance at the door the woman walked out of. How special it must be to have someone care for you that much. A friend who would scour the internet for the perfect flower for you. A friend who had the most precious expression talking about you.
You loved knowing the stories behind your customers. Yet, for some reason, they always made you feel more alone.
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PRAGMA (n) - enduring love - baby's breath
Entering the shop today, you were greeted with the sight of Jaemin surrounded by a copious amount of baby's breath flowers. It was certainly a sight to behold.
"A regular of ours is getting married soon - they've asked me to prepare the flowers for their wedding." He had said, bunching the small flowers together with a white ribbon. You hum, leaning on his counter as he continued to work. Jaemin's breath hitches at the proximity between the two of you - yet it goes unnoticed as you rack your brain to remember the regular.
"I remember! Is it the tall man who always shows up in a suit?"
"The one that always manages to squeeze his partner in every sentence? Yeah."
Jaemin's gaze falls upon you as you rest your head on your palms, a huge smile adorning your face.
"The couple? Yeah. I can't believe they're getting married!"
His comment wasn't about the couple.
Jaemin returns his focus back on the flowers, aiming for the bunches to be as consistent as possible.
"They've been together for quite long, haven't they?" You mention, watching his slim fingers weave the perfect bow around the fragile flowers.
"Mhm, ten years I think. He said they were high school sweethearts."
A yearnful sigh escapes your lips.
"How cute. I wish I had something like that."
Jaemin gently pokes your forehead, a soft smile on his own lips.
"You're idolizing the idea of love again."
"I can't help it! Isn't the idea of falling for one another just so romantic? The butterflies, the flushed faces, the shy touches!" You squeal at the thought. Romance was your favorite genre, even if you've never experienced it personally, it was always a gem to witness.
"Instead of standing there and squealing like a high schooler - you should come around and help me with these flowers."
"But I'm not the florist - you don't see me asking you to make coffee."
"I am terrified that you will start kicking your legs like a high schooler with a crush next alright? And it's not hard, I'll teach you."
So you make your less than graceful jump across the counter, asking Jaemin to catch you (he didn't) and the two of you spent the day side by side bunching up baby's breaths.
"What do baby's breaths mean?"
Jaemin's shoulder meets yours and his fingers brush against your own as he fixes your ribbon. The sun was warm, or was that your skin flushing?
"Everlasting love."
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STORGE (n) - familiar love - white lilac
"What do you recommend for my daughter who's just given birth?"
Your ears perk up from the storage room and you immediately drop the bag of coffee beans you were holding to eavesdrop on the conversation.
"Congratulations! I'm sure you must be ecstatic!"
"I am! A healthy young granddaughter! I love her already. The entire family is celebrating."
A wave of joy crashes on you. You weren't just a sucker for romantic love, but all types of love. Humans were surrounded by love all the time, consciously or unconsciously, it was always present. And to you, there wasn't anything that made you happier than seeing others feel the joy of loving and being loved.
You sneak a peak out into the open area, just in time to see the lady leave the store, white lilacs in her bag and a skip in her step.
"Eavesdropping is rude you know?"
"Boo, I'm just trying to get in on some good news."
Jaemin laughs as you jokingly pout at him, his structure stands out against the light streaming in from the big windows. You've always thought his smile was dazzling. It really was no mystery as to why he was so popular.
"Hey, could you help with the coffee beans? You've got nothing to do now anyway."
"Ask cutely."
"I'm reporting you to the boss. That has got to be a breach of some HR protocol."
"I'm just joking." The boy says making his way towards you. Unexpectedly, he stops to tuck a small piece of white lilac behind your ear, face only inches away from yours.
"Purity, innocence. I think it suits you."
He then continues his journey to the storage room casually, as if the two of you weren't just a hair's distance away from each other.
"Na Jaemin what the fuck?"
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EROS (n) - romantic love - red roses
A knowing glance was shared between you and your coworker as a couple walks in, arms linked with each other.
"I love you honeybunches."
"I love you more sweetie pie."
The couple shares a kiss, the audible smooching loud enough to be echoing through the store. You had to pretend to clear your throat to grab their attention.
"How may I help you two?"
After placing their order, the couple giggles and slinks to a table in the corner. You notice that they sit next to each other instead of opposite.
"Is that the type of love you want?" Jaemin whispers as you froth the milk for a sweet potato latte.
"Oh come on, they're not that bad. I bet they're just in the honeymoon phase is all."
"Mhm, and they're definitely not making out in the corner right now."
With a roll of your eyes, you wipe down the metal wand. Without the noise of the machine, the wet sounds of mouth on mouth action could clearly be heard.
"They're cute!"
"Why? Do you want to make out in public as well? Come here, I can make that happen."
You were sure Jaemin was joking. The tone of his voice told you so. But when you looked into his eyes, they looked hopeful. Perhaps you were deluding yourself. All these thoughts about love were really altering the way you saw things.
"No. Go serve them their coffee."
"What? I thought you never made me do barista things?"
"It's only fair after you got me to do florist things."
Jaemin smiles at the playful quarrel, though you notice there was a hint of disappointment there. Why?
"This cake is new."
"Huh? Oh, yeah, it's the new red rose cake. The owner said they used rosewater when baking it."
"Passion, desire, romance. No wonder the couple picked it. Wish me luck."
You give your coworker a salute as he heads over with the drinks and dessert before busying yourself with cleaning. You don't notice the couple giving Jaemin advice and support regarding his stupidly obvious crush on you because stupidly, you believed that romantic love would never come to you.
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LUDUS (n) - playful love - white roses
It was a cloudless day, the skies were a lovely shade of blue, and the birds were chirping a happy tune. It was the perfect day for a first date. Which is why you found yourself craning your neck to look at the couple sitting outside.
They were evidently on their first date. The nervous fiddling, the shy giggles, the playful laughter. You weren't even part of their date, but just watching them interact made your insides bubble with excitement.
"Jaemin! Jaemin look! They're comparing hand sizes!"
"I know, I can see what you see."
You were pretending to wipe down a table on the other side of the glass, trying your best to seem uninterested in their conversation. But the reality was, you were dying to hear everything they had to say.
The florist, on the other hand, was watering his flowers. Less interested than you were, but was still listening. Most of his attention wasn't on the couple outside, it was on you.
You were fretting over every small detail, eyes wide and sparkling whenever someone made a move. You were clasping you hands together when they exchanged coy looks, excitedly muttering Jaemin's name in order to have him look.
You were in your element, and you were glowing.
When did he fall for you? Jaemin doesn't even know. You were always so into the small details, remembering the tiniest change in people. So adorable when you unknowingly purse your lips when attempting latte art. Perhaps you had him wrapped around your finger since the day you stepped in the store, asking if they were hiring. Or perhaps he fell slowly, day after day of working together and being in your presence.
Jaemin doesn't know when, but he knows that his attempts at flirting had gone unnoticed. But Jaemin doesn't know how to give up. So he's made the decision to keep trying, again and again. He'll keep trying until the day you stop loving the concept of love, and start loving him.
"Here, a white rose each for the two of you - free of charge."
The couple seemed pleased. Your jaw hanging wide open when Jaemin returned.
"Flies are going to get in your mouth."
"Jaemin... That was so smooth. That made their date even more memorable."
He hopes that one day, your rose colored glasses would be directed at him.
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PHILAUTIA (n) - self love - narcissus
The clouds were crying today, dying the sky a deep shade of gray. You sigh. It was as if the weather was mirroring your thoughts. You hated it.
"What's wrong?"
Jaemin's warm hands gently hold your face, slowly turning you to face him. Hesitantly, you meet his eyes. They were worried, he was worried. You know. You could tell.
"Okay fine. I'll tell you. But no laughing alright?"
He nods.
"Its just... One of my friends got into a relationship and I'm jealous."
"Wait, no, not because I was in love with my friend. But because I've never been in a relationship. As in, I want to know how it feels like?"
Jaemin lets out a silent sigh of relief.
"But I feel like I could never be loved like that. I've never had someone look at me as if I was the only person that ever mattered. And as much as I love the idea of that, I don't know if I'm worthy of it the way I am now."
Your voice slowly turns into a whisper, your insecurities escape and spread out in the small store. The atmosphere was heavy, around the same weight as your heart. Tears threatened to escape your eyes, the embarrassment of crying in front of your handsome coworker was the only thing holding them back.
Suddenly, Jaemin's hands, a little rough from tending to flowers, push against your cheeks.
"Y/N. You are worth loving. You are worthy of everything the world has to offer. Fuck, you're worth more than the world has to offer."
"Huh?" Was all you could make out as Jaemin's palms still had a firm grip on your cheeks.
"Listen, you are the brightest person I've ever laid my eyes upon. If you claimed you were the sun, nobody would argue differently. I don't even know how my world was before you. Stop thinking so negatively, alright?"
Ah shit. The tears were free falling now.
"Thank you, Jaemin."
The sun peeked through the clouds. A rainbow formed in the sky. A single daffodil sat in a vase on the windowsill.
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AGAPE (n) - selfless love - red carnation
Jaemin stands alone behind his counter, head in his hands. He had basically confessed to you the other day. He basically said you were his sun damn it. But you still hadn't caught on.
It was your day off today. Jaemin received a lovely selfie of you earlier of you and a friend at an amusement park. A telling smile that formed on his face told everyone in the room all they needed to know.
"Just tell her straight up." Taeyong, the owner, suggests. "At this point I don't think they'd understand if you don't."
"I don't want them to be pressured into a relationship if they're not ready or not into me though." Jaemin replies, groaning. "What if we become awkward? I don't want that. Please, anything but that. All I want is for them to realize that I've been nursing a massive crush on them"
"Make them a bouquet," Johnny, one of the cafe's investors, mentions. "You're good at those right?"
"I've tried. But they don't turn out the way I want them to."
"Try harder."
The older men snicker as the younger shoots them a glare. Jaemin lies his head down on the cool surface of the counter, his eyes catch onto the brilliant red carnations blooming on the side.
"Red carnation. "My heart aches for you"."
The next day you clock in, you find red carnations decorating your work station. They were on the espresso machine, sitting on the cookie jar, and even inside mugs.
"Jaemin? What happened while I was gone?"
The boy smiles brightly from his station opposite yours. A view you've gotten used to.
"Welcome back?"
"I was gone for one day."
"Hey, I missed you for a whole day."
A tingle makes its way up your ears. You admit, you've been thinking a lot about Jaemin's words since the day you cried in front of him. How tender and passionate those words were, how they sounded almost like a confession.
A cake box catches your attention. Wrapped in a white ribbon with your name on it.
Undoing the bow and opening the cardboard reveals flowers. Delicately placed and arranged. You carefully look over the flowers. Yellow chrysanthemums, baby's breath, white lilac, red roses, white roses, daffodils, red carnation.
"Jaemin... is this from you?"
He grins.
"You know the meaning right?"
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yes-asil · 3 months
Was rereading your clone conan au comics and just "your hat is stupid" CONAN YOU CANT JUST KILL HATTORI LIKE THAT *wheeze* I find that line incredibly funny for some reason it gets me every time.
Anyway I love the way Conan and Shinichi interact you 100 percent nailed the sibling vibes (source: is a sibling).
Do you think Conan could automatically tell whenever KID tries to disguise himself as Shinich like he can in canoni? He can only do this when it's Shinichi though, the Cain Instinct just doesn't ping the right way when KID tries to disguise as him.
Channeling my own experiences with my brother onto every sibling relationship ever
And yeah! Conan vibe checks and figures out that Kaito is disguising as Shinichi every single time; the fact that Kid keeps trying to do so is either to help out in some way or just to annoy the both of them.
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0oolookitsme · 2 years
Flower Goes Floral
Type- Fake Insta ;)
Verse- Model!Harry x Fashion Designer!Y/n
Warnings- None, just fluff <3
Description- Harry at the Brits, wearing an iconic dress suit, styled by none other than his girlfriend, Y/n.
A/n- I want to post slightly regularly this year, and because I'm busy writing a few other fics which I'm yet to finish, here's a small fake ig for y'all. Hope you like it! <3
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Liked by Masaba, AnthonyPham and others
Y/Ig/n Harry Styles (aka my partner), wearing a custom Gucci Black Peplum Blazer and an oversized flower blazer. Both were designed and styled by me, yours one and only.
View all 2,19,534 comments
HsFan1 I just KNOW that he was absolutely THRILLED to wear this
Masaba No lies I'd be smug too if I had designed this
↳Y/Ig/N There's no bigger fan of you than me. Thank you very much, this has altered my life.
HarryStyles Looking like a devil, aren't I?
↳HarryFan0 WHO PUT THAT IN HIS MIND ↳MitchRowland I beg your pardon, @HarryFan0. I had meant it as a joke.
Y/nFan1 Both of them ATE and left no crumbs.
Y/nFan2 Can we talk about how surreally she said 'aka my partner' in the brackets??
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Liked by Zayn, TaylorFan1 and -others
HarryStyles Thank you for having me tonight, @/Brits. I had an amazing time wearing both of my outfits, styled by the icon, @Y/Ig/N.
View all 19,278,865 comments
TaylorFan1 Alexa? Play Gorgeous by Taylor Swift.
Y/Ig/n Why, thank you, Darling.
ConanGray Please I'm ready to sell you my hair just collaborate with me too
↳Y/Ig/N What you want me to spoil the surprise, don't you? ↳ConanFan1 A Y/N AND CONAN COLLAB?!?!? WHY IS EVERYONE SLEEPING ON THIS OMFG I'M FREAKING OUT
KatyPerry Looking just like the charming man you always do
Y/nFan16 She really said watch my flower go floral
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Liked by Lizzo, Adele and -others
Y/Ig/n Happy Valentine's Day, @HarryStyles. You truly are a devil in disguise.
View all 25,316,964 comments
Lizzo *Heart-shaped eyes (towards the pizza)*
Y/nFan5 lmaoo not her bashing him through his own comment
HarryStyles Happy Valentine's Day, lover
Y/nFan11 I love them sm it hurts ...but in like- a cool way ;)
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Liked by NiallHoran, TaylorSwift and -others
HarryStyles I have no idea what I would wear without you, @Y/Ig/n (and your lovely team too). Thank you for agreeing to go out for a glass of wine with me on that already industrious and bustling day. And oh, Happy Valentine's Day.
View all 28,305,567 comments
Y/nforeva This woman never rests, does she?
GemmaStyles Exactly. Thank you for agreeing, @Y/Ig/N
Y/Ig/n Literally one of the best nights in my life.
↳HarryStyles I agree ;)
JamesCordon You two are disgustingly in love
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Liked by HarryFan02, Y/nforeva and -others
HarryY/nAlways Happy Valentine's Day to THE BEST COUPLE in the whole industry. (Y/n uploaded these on her ig stories with the caption 'Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips.' Exactly. A Hozier song. Goodbye.)
View all 95,64,589 comments
Y/nFan3 She IS goofy, she just doesn't show that side of hers on the camera that often.
Anne Best Duo!
Y/nFan5 No way is gonna have a vase big enough to fit all those roses in but then again, she's THE @Y/Ig/N
HarryFan1 He is SO Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!
YourMum These two never fail to make me smile. Just imagine the sunburn on their cheeks because they are so careless and in love.
↳Y/nforeva Y/n's mum literally loves them so much, it's ADORABLE
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moonaged-moony · 6 months
So.. I wrote a little jegulus thing loosely based off the song Alley Rose by conan gray.. Enjoy :)
warning - heavy angst!!!
As soon as James got off the phone with Regulus, he was in his car. He was probably going over the speed limit, but he couldn't care less.
Regulus had called him, asking him to run away with him just for the night. And of course James had obliged. James would run away for good if Regulus asked him to.
He pulled up to the corner store and saw him standing there. His eyes were red, and his lips were torn. It was clear that he'd been biting them. He still looked beautiful even in this dishevelled state.
Regulus got in the car without a word. He barely even glanced at James. He didn't ask any questions, even though he had many, he just drove. He knew it would be a sore subject right now for Reg, he didnt want to push it.
They pulled up at his parent's holiday cabin and got out of the car. He opened the door and held it open for Regulus. As soon as it was closed Regulus pushed him against the wall.
"Regulus?" James tried to speak but he was quickly cut off.
He felt Regulus's fingers around his neck as he pulled him into his desperate breath.
The way he was kissing him, hard and fast. James couldn't get enough. But he had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, like this would be the last kiss he ever shared with him.
Later that night, as they were pressed up against each other in James's bed, he couldn't shake the feeling of dread.
They still hadn't spoken about why Regulus had needed to get out of the house. Why he practically begged James to run away with him for the night.
James didn't want to sleep. He had a horrible feeling that when he opened his eyes again Regulus wouldn't be there. He could hear Regulus breathing. He knew he wasn't asleep yet.
"Reg, you won't leave me, will you?" He whispered in his ear.
He didn't receive an answer.
"You won't leave me alone again will you, love?" He could hear the desperation creeping into his voice.
Still no answer. Why was he ignoring him? The knot in his stomach tightened.
After a few hours of trying to get to sleep, his eyes finally drifted closed. When he awoke, Regulus was still next to him. He let out a breath of relief.
"Regulus, love, wake up."
He watched as his eyes fluttered open. He was so beautiful.
As much as he didn't want to push him, they needed to talk about why he was acting so strange. James needed to calm his worries. They got out of bed, and he made them both a cup of coffee.
"James.. I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
"For everything."
But James needed him to be specific right now.
"What's on your mind?"
"Im just so nervous, mon soleil.."
"About what? You can tell me anything, love, you know that."
Regulus closed his eyes, and James could tell something was wrong.
"Regulus, I love you. You can trust me."
He doesn't say it back.
Why doesn't he say it back? Even when they were in an argument he'd always say it back. Even when he was in a tough place with his family, he still said it back.
So why wasn't he saying it back now?
It was as though he could sense James waiting. He looked up at him, woth those beautiful grey eyes. He saw the tears welling up in his eyes.
"Regulus?" He tried to keep his voice steady, but it came out shaky and broken.
He said he was nervous. Maybe that's why. Whatever he was worried about must have been bad.
Still, a small part of him wanted to scream at him to say it back.
When Regulus called him last night, that was the first they'd spoken in a year. But that was because his mother forbid him from speaking to anyone. When he left for home, he had reassured James that when he returned to him, nothing would have changed. That he would still love him.
He waited all year, practically begging at his feet to leave with him.
He waited. He thought, even after all this time, that he'd still love him.
"James.." He sounded so broken. James would do anything to fix it.
"Regulus, say it back." It came out as a sob.
"I can't."
That's what he was dreading. The words he was begging him not to say in his head.
"Why not?" He felt the tears start to stream down his face. He probably sounded insane, but he didn't even care.
Regulus didn't answer.
"Reg.. please, don't leave me alone again."
He played back all their memories in his head.
The first time they kissed. He'd an his fingers through his hair, and thanked god to touch the flame.
When he'd told him about his last relationships. How he believed necks were made for brusing. He swore lips were made for lies. And he thought that if Regulus ever left, that he would be the reason why.
When they'd started as just a summer fling. It was all experimental and he thought Regulus would prefer safer things.
He used to swear hands were made for fighting. He swore eyes were made to cry.
Regulus was the first person who proved that to be a lie.
He watched as Regulus grabbed his coat.
"Regulus don't leave me hanging alone again." He sounded hysterical now.
He followed Regulus as he walked out the door. He couldn't even hear his own voice anymore. He screamed the same thing over and over. Even after Regulus was far gone. He sat on the floor screaming at the sky until his throat felt raw.
He stayed in the cabin. He didn't answer anyone's texts or calls.
When he heard a knock on the door, a small pathetic part of him hoped it was Regulus. He hoped he'd changed his mind. That he'd come back for him.
It wasn't him. It was Sirius. Sirius who's cheeks were stained with tears.
Sirius who was holding a newspaper.
James took it with shaky hands, unfolding it and reading the headline.
It was all hazy after that. He heard his knees hit the floor. He heard himself screaming, but it felt far away. He felt his heart splitting into a million pieces as he replayed the headline in his head over and over again.
Regulus Black pronounced dead at age 17.
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kawarikisaki · 10 months
Okay! So with the new case finished up I'm ready to talk into the void about it.
Starting with the fact that this case has made me reevaluate how strong Hakuba is.
Cause I have always thought of him as being somewhat strong, but lo and behold he can just lift a whole Kaito and keep him on his shoulder for several minutes (it was six pages, and most of it was dramatic deduction time, which is usually not particularly fast dialogue) without any signs of being encumbered by the weight. He does adjust position a few times (his hand moves between panels so either he's adjusting or he's rubbing Kaito’s ass, I'm eating well as a Hakukai shipper but I'll take the innocent explanation) but there’s no sweat, no wince, no commentary about Kaito being heavy. Like, yeah, a fireman's carry is an effective way to carry a person. However, the average person is still going to struggle to lift someone that's a similar size to themselves.
Also, while im sure his assertion that he was going to walk him to the police station was just him being cheeky and bantering... he didn't seem to have any intention to put him down any time soon. I'd like to think that he was waiting for Kaito to call him out on it then make his escape, but if Kaito hadn't he'd have probably kept it up till the deduction was done then walked over to Nakamori-keibu and said something like, "this is Kid by the way, can you handle him from here?"
Anyway... Hakuba strong actually? I have decided to think so.
Can I just say I love all the little faces they make at each other? All the bois, not just Kaito and Hakuba. Granted, the character interactions and shifting dynamics have always been my favorite part of dcmk.
But like....
Hakuba bending down to talk to Conan. Kaito looking to proud of himself when he pulls out the 'hey did you consider it could actually be suicide?' While Conan’s in the background like 'oh shit oh shit oh fuck'. Conan and Kaito both thinking they had Ran Convinced, but she was sus.
Speaking of sus, I think Hakuba figured Conan out.
Sure, that last page had him back off from it and be like, "You got in contact with Shinichi and had him help." And that explaination works but... its an explanation that just makes less sense the more you think about it.
Even if I give the benefit of doubt it doesn't make sense to do it the way Hakuba explained, because if Conan contacted Shinichi to help then why would Conan be acting as the middle man? It'd introduce unnecessary delay to have Shinichi hear what's happening via phone, then Shinichi tell Conan his response, and Conan bowtie it to Kid, and Kid say the lines. (Realistically speaking the way they actually did it should also have this problem, but adding a step like this when in theory its completely unnecessary to have Conan as the middle man beyond just contacting Shinichi is just going to imcrease the delay.)
That said I can actually kind of see how that could be a conclusion he reached from this interaction:
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Hakuba, at this point, knows that Shinichi is Kid and that Conan is helping him by supplying lines, but he hasn't figured out the details. So when he notices that Conan reacts before 'Shinichi' that's him reaching that conclusion that he brings up later about Conan being so invested that he was mimicing Shinichi’s expression and attitude.
I don't think he fully believed that, though.
Looking at the information that we know he had:
1. 'Shinichi' is Kid (and also Kaito Kuroba using his real face)
2. Conan is supplying Kid with lines.
3. The lines Kid is saying are from the real Shinichi.
4. Conan gets worked up if you say something that Shinichi would be worked up about
5. Conan has gadgets. (Hakuba is at least aware of the bowtie having speaker/microphone function, bit arguments could be made that he’s aware of the voice changer and also the sleep needles from the events at sunset mansion)
6. (Bonus) In a previous case Hattori had been upset with Hakuba being the representative 'detective of the east' but was completely fine with Conan taking that role.
I think he figured out that Conan was Shinichi, but that he wasn't certain until he brought up 'the real Shinichi' during the deduction and saw Conan begin to panic. I think he had mentioned it purely to get a rise out of Conan and see how he would react, and upon getting his answer he played along and gave Conan an out to jump on because if he exposed him here he wouldn't get the answers as to how this had happened.
And I feel like this read of is is reinforced by his final lines expressing that he understands why Shinichi/Conan would help Kid for the sake of solving the mystery because it's a detective’s nature. Hakuba gets it because he’s doing the same by helping Conan get away with his deception in hopes that doing so will help him get answers to the mystery.
Thats how I've decided to view things anyway, though it is possible that im partially blinded by my hope that he continues to be relevant.
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mrsnancywheeler · 7 months
Ok I’m back with the songs 🫡
I can’t remember if anyone else has mentioned this, but finnick/sweet girl are very much giving this is me trying by miss blondie herself
I've been having a hard time adjusting. I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting” “And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad. I have a lot of regrets about that”
This reminded me a lot about their recent argument at the end of chapter 6, where sweet girl called him a liar and accused him of purposely playing mind games with her :(
“And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound. It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you. You're a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town”
THIS MIGHT JUST BE FINNICKS ENTIRE INNER MONOLOGUE AFTER THEY BROKE UP #IDK !! OR !! HIS THOUGHTS DURING READER’S GAMES! How he has to keep up appearances and his playboy persona to make sure his sweet girl gets sponsors, but he’s actually feeling so much grief and stress. 
Another song they remind me of is  Wasteland, Baby! But specifically:
“I’m in love, I'm in love with you. And I love too, that love soon might end. Be known in its aching”
Just reminded me about how they’re meant to go through tragedy :(( 
we can't be friends (wait for your love) by Ariana Grande’s SCREAMS young!reader going through the breakup with Finnick :((
“We can't be friends, but I'd like to just pretend. You cling to your papers and pens, wait until you like me again. Wait for your love”
Just her initial reaction to the breakup and how she still loves him :((
“I don't like how you paint me, yet I'm still here hanging”
“Me and my truth, we sit in silence. Baby girl, it's just me and you. ‘Cause I don't wanna argue, but I don't wanna bite my tongue, yeah, I think I'd rather die. You got me misunderstood, but at least I look this good” This reminds me of when Finnick was saying all those things he didn’t mean about his sweet girl, and although she’s hurt by it she still loves him (and deep down she knows he doesn’t mean it!)
And Comfort Crowd by Conan Gray is so them coded like PLEASE mainly about how reader keeps rejecting any comfort because she doesn’t feel like she deserves it + how she was afraid to voice that she wants said comfort during her hijacking
“Wellin' up in tears as I lay upon your belly. Telling you, ‘I��m fine I don't really need nobody,’ But you say through a sigh that I said that lie already”
Need I say more. 
“And even if I cry all over your body. You don't really mind. Say you like your shirt soggy.”
This could go for both Finnick and Reader! About how they both feel guilty for receiving comfort from the other person (Finnick bc he wants to give comfort too, and Reader bc she feels like she doesn't deserve it)
I hope this isn’t too long hehe but these were my #thoughts. I’m a yapper at heart <3 lmk what you think!!
BUT SIDENOTE I SAW HADESTOWN FOR THE FIRST TIME LAST NIGHT W JORDAN FISHER AND !! His performance was fr giving me finnick vibes bc he was really giving that obsessed yearner vibe IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT LOL but it was so good!!
buckle up folks because I love a lot to say 🫡❤️
this is me trying is so them, like very heavily
they're both really at their core such sunshiney people who've been so broken down and used by the world that they've really been dulled. and reader is always quick to bite back, especially when she's scared or frustrated or doesn't want to reveal her emotions, she doesn't have a complete grasp on reality yet, she's scared of being left behind, scared that finnick will die, scared of being alone and frustrated that he broke his promise to her so she lashes out.
110% to both of those, like he's so broken up, aching for her, in pain, blaming himself for everything, but he has to be what's expected of him. some drinks, laughing, flirting, smiling, when all he wants to do his curl up in bed crying as he holds into some remant of hers that he held onto all this time.
in the context of the most recent chapter "I just wanted you to know that this is me trying" is so very much both of them for different reasons
finnick says the things he does and does what he does because he wants to help her get better, to be delicate with her, keep her safe, keep her protected from the dangers of the time and her mental state. he's trying his hardest even if he doesn't always handle it in ways that bode well.
reader is trying to be herself again, she just wants to be treated normally regardless of how that affects her. once she's her she'll be less paranoid, more trusting, she's trying so hard to replicate that so she can get there and feels like he's not letting her. that her attempts are being shut down.
they are the tragic lovers, so in love, so obsessed, and constantly fated for hurt after hurt. all I'm saying is to watch moulin rouge and think of them because it's so finnick and his sweet girl in another life.
LITERALLY THOUGH if she could've she would've followed him around like a lost puppy dog, it would have fed into the narrative about her, but she's so desperately in love that she would have waited so patiently. in a way she did, but if he'd told her he was breaking up with her for other girls she was so young and so already achingly in love with him that she would have kept trailing around waiting for him to come baxk
(side note, finnick is really the love sick puppy, but reader reminds me of a stray cat who picks someone to love, always waits to be fed by them. given a little bit of attention and now will be attached for the long run. I thought googles description was really funny because it's just so her "With time and patience, a stray cat may trust you and want pets consistently. If you have grown close to a stray cat, it may feel upset or distressed if you suddenly leave it." so yeah she's a stray cat who finally got some love before being suddenly stranded again)
ANYWAYS yes, the way he talks about her and paints the portrait of their relationship is so hurtful. she totally cries about it consistently because to her he's perfect, and although she largely wants to believe what he said when they broke up and trust he still loves her, a part of her can't help but feel so stupid for letting herself be lead on by someone who's been said to be a playboy anyway. it makes her so insecure, so much more guarded, but she doesn't hate him, no she could never. she's in love with him. no matter what he says or does she's long placed her roots and won't tear them up.
that's literally the most them interaction to have never ever interacted, some of her tears have welled up, she's choking on pushed down sobs, and insisting that she's okay even though Finnick can read her like a book. he's softly scolding her for lying while she continues to try and insist until she's completely broken down into sobs.
reader could have the roughest day ever and still insist that she's fine, comfort finnick, love on him, hold him, and he spends the time hating that he's enjoying the loving when she's so obviously lying, masking everything. it's such a paradox. meanwhile she feels terrible for aching comfort because of things she does, she wants to suffer, but the lure of giving into finnick's arms is too much sometimes. especially knowing that he loves her so much and so well. she just has to let herself take what she needs even if she hates herself or it later.
ofc this isn't too long pookie, I love hearing y'all's thoughts no matter how long, yap to me endlessly pookie, I'm a yapper too. ❤️
YAY EXCITING I would love to see Jordan Fisher as Orpheus, he's so talented. I'd die, and yes it's just so Finnick 😭💕
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
I think my favorite thing about pre-timeskip Sanuso is that they are 17/19 years old. They are. So young. Teenagers. They know nothing about love and. And they are so stupid. Don't get me wrong, they still are. But they were even MORE stupid, if that's even possible.
And I love saying they started crushing on each other around Skypiea but-- Just imagine these two idiots already giggling and kicking their feet right after. I dunno. Arlong Park. Extremely early. They literally just met. And you have this casanova-wannabe having the realization™ about maybe perhaps kind of liking boys. And the other idiot who has a type™ (rich, classy, kind blondes) and won't stop asking himself why because Sanji is annoying af. He genuinely doesn't understand why he likes Sanji. Seriously. He hates it. And Sanji's sexuality crisis lasts between like, zero seconds and absolutely nothing because he sees Usopp smiling at him and his mind goes "prettyprettyprettyprettyboy" and there's no use trying to fight his demons (bisexuality).
The funniest thing about this is that they won't stop arguing like. From the moment they see each other. Usopp understands why he likes Sanji, okay? He is a pretty boy. He is also kind when he isn't being a complete jerk. He is kind of cute when he talks about the All Blue. He helps people whenever they need to. But then Sanji says something stupid and Usopp has the "fuck he is so annoying I wanna make out with him I mean---" crisis like, three times a day. While Sanji, since he has stopped fighting his demons, is a mix between "I will get over this crush fr fr he is just a guy" and "haha maybe if I save him he will give me a kiss on the cheek haha that'd be nice hahahahahahaa *gives in to gay thoughts for an hour until he sets the kitchen on fire*"
Sanji gets Usopp's goggles back in Alabasta because he is so down bad he just wants Usopp to thank him. Usopp is burning with jealousy in Whisky Peak when all those girls flirt with Sanji. They are both like "teehee it's cold out here we should probably sleep together just for warmth right hahaha". They spend all of Alabasta being annoying and everybody hates it. Vivi thinks they are dating. Sanji explains Usopp the 'Mr.Prince' trick and puts his glasses on only because Usopp thinks it's soooo cool. And Usopp thinks it is soooo fucking stupid but he wants to hype him up because, again, he is seventeen and he wants the pretty (and very stupid) blondie to kiss him.
When they get to Skypiea it is. The fucking worst. That is peak crushing on each other. It is not even realizing they are crushing, it is extreme "if we aren't next to each other constantly I think I will die" type of thing but "we can't tell each other how we feel bc what if it's not mutual". So they sleep next to each other. They hold hands. They pretend like they don't like it. They are dying from embarrassment. Sanji tells Usopp he doesn't care if he dies because he is having an "I need to look straight" moment and Usopp is having a "fuck why did I fall for a straight guy" moment. Then Sanji saves them, because he is like that but also because he is. Head over heels. Usopp takes care of his wounds right after and they are both so. So nervous.
Like-- Sanuso but they are crushing early in the story and they are both SHAKING every time they talk to each other. Sanji tries to act sooo cool and Usopp is like "haha yeah you're sooo cool" while regretting every decision he has ever made because why the hell does he want to fuck a blond loser.
By the time they get to Water 7 everything is more like. Genuine and romantic and they are basically in love with each other at this point. So I don't need to explain anything but. But. But Usopp in Thriller Bark thinking he is so cool with his little vampire hunter outfit and Sanji being down bad for him because he is, indeed, very cool. But Usopp is also having his teenage Conan Gray 'Heather' moment because Sanji won't stop saving Nami and Usopp just really really really wants Sanji to save him instead but okay fucking blond guy I hate him I hate him I hate him---
They both have their moments of screaming btw. Sanji finds moments alone to go to the kitchen and just. Scream inside of pots. Scream inside of glasses. Scream inside of cabinets. He likes Usopp so much it's physically unbearable and Usopp won't stop spending time with mosshead so of course he is angry. And Usopp goes to the boys' quarters to scream in pillows and the lockers and he is so stressed.
Sanji tells Usopp to taste his food before anybody else (please I am making this for you this food is for you love me love me love me love me) and Usopp constantly tells Sanji his stories because nobody else listens to him (do you think I'm cool please think I'm cool please please). Sanji has so many nosebleeds every day but they are not exaggerated they are. They are just there. He will constantly have nosebleeds and he lies and says it's just a weird condition because saying "please let your hair down more I am in love with you" is weird. And Usopp constantly bumps into walls and shit like that when he is trying to make Sanji look at him.
Their crushes on each other take like, at least, 80% of their time. It is insane and ridiculous and awkward and they are blushing 24/7 and kicking their feet and screaming and they like like each other. They don't say it like normal people. They like like each other. Because they're. Stupid. And young. And they make so many mistakes but they are growing up together. And I think that's beautiful and I adore them <33
WAIT WAIT WAIT EDIT: Not to mention the first time have sex. Not going into details bc. That's for another post I want to make. But they definitely had sex like. Before Sabaody. And it was the weirdest most disgusting teenage thing ever and I adore them. They were SO anxious. And it is. So cute. And I love themIlovethemwefnlwkefnln (<- normal person)
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I'm here on the behalf of the "send me a character" ask game and I'm going to cheat by asking for two characters: Hua Cheng and mtp Sherlock Holmes (bc tgcf and mtp are both special interests of mine and I'm always excited remembering you post about both of them)
I love that there are other people who are into both of these series!
Send Me a Character & I'll Tell You✨️
Sherlock Holmes (Moriarty the Patriot)
My first impression: tbh he definitely grew on my gradually, I seem to remember watching the anime the first time and every time the focus was on him being like BACK TO WILLIAM BACK TO WILLIAM.
My impression now: I am so fond of him. I think he is sincerely such a lovely adaptation of Conan Doyle's character. He's lively and silly and moody and awkward and smart and caring and I just really like him.
Favorite thing about that character: I feel like he's very...steadfast. He sets his mind to something and just goes for it, stubbornly. Sometimes unhealthily. But I admire it.
Least favorite thing: I do still get a little bored anytime the story is just on him without William. I love him best when he's with his hubby.
Favorite line/scene: obvious pick but THAT whole interaction on the train is one of my favourite scenes in the whole series. "I was just thinking it'd be fun if you were that clever mastermind"????? [parapharasing again] Sherlock that is crazy people talk, what are you on about you kinky weirdo. But also the bridge scene is right up there. And the rooftop.
Favorite interaction that character has with another: extremely hard to pick between Sherliam moments but I think I'm gonna land on the entirety of chapter 67.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Hmm. Bond, maybe. I want to see them get really chummy in part two.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: Sherlock Holmes from the original ACD stories. 🤣 (Again, I'll edit if/when I think of a better answer)
A headcanon about that character: He idolized Mycroft as a little kid but between a mix of teenage cringe-syndrome over hanging out with big bro and the ways he sees their worldviews as diverging, they drifted apart as he got older.
A song that reminds of that character: Sherlock-focused-Sherliam
An unpopular opinion about that character: Idk if this counts, but that he doesn't actually actively dislike women (though he is very gay and not interested in them romantically/sexually) he's just annoyed by the front proper Victorian society makes them put on. Once he actually gets to know a woman, he usually likes them.
Favorite picture: pretttttty
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Send Me a Character & I'll Tell You✨️
Hua Cheng (Heaven Official's Blessing)
My first impression: I first saw a clip of the scene where he's leading Xie Lian through the bloody forest in the wedding clothes beneath the red umbrella, and I downright swooned over the romance of it all.
My impression now: basically the same. THE romantic character. Like. Literally a character who exists for the sole purpose of loving another. I'm getting sentimental in my old age, because I would have turned my nose up at that idea fifteen years ago, but now I adore it.
Favorite thing about that character: he's just so gentle and careful and thoughtful and loving? But also powerful and dangerous. Knight in shining armour hours. But then to be all of that and also be such a bratty, sometimes teasing and sometimes sulky husband is so funny I love it.
Least favorite thing: Uhhh. Hmm. I get why he's mean to...basically everybody but Xie Lian, because everyone has been cruel to Xie Lian. But in a sort of realistic sense that I don't actually bother to apply to fiction like this, I'd like to see him encourage Xie Lian to have other people in his life. It's fine if he wants to stay mad at Feng Xin and Mu Qing, but he should invite Yushi Huang for tea and encourage Xie Lian to hang out with Yin Yu and so on. It would be good for them both to have other friends. But like. That's me forcing myself to come up with an answer lmao.
Favorite line/scene: any big romantic speech, but also anytime he just absolutely embarrasses himself. "Gege, want to get married?" PFFFT. Loser (I love him.)
Favorite interaction that character has with another: I think the part where he's disguised and Xie Lian is laughing at him and he's pouting, and then "Only after having met you did I rediscover that it's such a simple thing to be happy." Just imagining what that must have done to Hua Cheng's heart makes me so happy.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Yushi Huang. They are covert infiltration buddies.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: Has there ever before been this level of simp? Has anyone else romanced so hard? I'm gonna say maybe Kurogane from TRC, because ( TRC SPOILERS) while Hua Cheng is much softer and more poetic about his love, Kurogane did cut off his own arm to save his beloved, and bond his soul to a vampire who could only feed on him, and definitely seems the type to do what Hua Cheng did in the current donghua arc with refusing to let Xie Lian take blame beyond what he actually had done even when that was what Xie Lian wanted. Those all feel like Hua Cheng levels of dedication.
A headcanon about that character: just absolutely and entirely overwhelmed by actually having sex with Xie Lian the first few times. He cries. He maybe panics a little. He comes too fast. He cries some more. Xie Lian adores him.
A song that reminds of that character: I mean, A Thousand Years is more about Hua Cheng than it's ever been about anyone else ever. But also this.
An unpopular opinion about that character: apparently, in some corners, my belief that the donghua version is very very in character to the novel would be unpopular lol
Favorite picture: all the manhua art is of course utterly gorgeous but...
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
Isn't hilarious how Heiji parents are a lot more similar to Shinichi (much more composed and professional) and Shinichi ones are more similar to Heiji (much more eccentric and bizarre)???
I maybe find it a bit sad!
Both boys seem so disconnected from their parents. Episode 263 reveals that pizza bagel mom didn't even know that Heiji is the kendo captain for his school because he "doesn't tell [them] anything at home."
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And at the end of Episode 221, we learn that she purposefully didn't go see Heiji in the hospital after he got shot (in Episode 118)!
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Meanwhile, Shinichi gets poisoned and nearly killed, and he doesn't say a word about it to his parents. In "The Desperate Revival," there's a rare bit of emotion about his parents' absence, too. He expresses that he is upset that they've left him all alone in Japan for the past three years (Episode 192):
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And of course the treatment that Heiji and Shinichi get from their parents may have nothing to do with a personality clash... but maybe it does. Maybe Heizo and Shizuka and Yukiko and Yusaku find that their children are nothing like they expected, and they distance themselves as a result.
I will say, though... I think there's something particularly tragic about Yukiko's few appearances across the series (that I've seen). The first time that she lays eyes on Conan, she looks absolutely distressed—as though she didn't want to believe that her son had nearly died and told her nothing about it, but she can't deny it any longer when she finds herself face to face with the truth (Episode 43):
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And while it's maybe more overt in anime-original material like Episode 418, the plot-heavy Episode 345 does reveal that Yukiko worries about Shinichi... but she doesn't approach him. In that special, we learn that she's been hiding in their house and watching Shinichi secretly (and then promptly terrifies him when he investigates). In 418, it's practically the same scenario; Yukiko disguises herself and spies on Shinichi because that's the only way she believes she'll really know how he's doing. If she were to ask, she knows he wouldn't be honest with her.
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I get the sense that Yukiko knows she's screwed up as a parent, but she has no idea how to "fix" it, and she goes about trying in... some less-than-ideal ways.
This is all long and rambling, but I was recently able to digitize my Detective Conan VHS tapes, and—at the moment! I've ordered the ones I'm missing!—that includes six of the eight Shogakukan Illustrated Encyclopedia Series releases (which you can find more information about here). They're kind of obscure Conan content because they were released on VHS only, and, well, spoilers from here on out, so do stop reading now if you don't wanna know.
But the ending of "A Written Challenge from the Pyramids!" got to me. I can't say I super understood the story, but I did understand that Yukiko seemingly can't announce to Shinichi that she's returning to Japan. She has to send riddles for him to solve rather than just say, I wanted to see my son.
And, sure. Maybe I'm thinking too hard. Shinichi likes solving codes. But I do find something kind of sad about how Yukiko feels like she has to connect with Shinichi through games and pranks rather than, you know, honesty.
Also, these tapes are a wild ride. I feel like everyone needs to experience this ending.
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laufire · 4 months
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may reading meme!
The Sign of Four by Arthur Conan Doyle. This one introduces Mary. I wish she'd gotten the treasure and become a rich heiress 😢
Inheritance by Devin Grayson. Loved it. I'm definitely gonna track down her other prose novels. I made a good guess on who [redacted] from very early in the book, practically from the first, and it was still quite gripping. The funniest thing, however, is how unequal each of the former sidekicks' sections are lol. Was she just going through the motions with Garth? Although, by virtue of being the one I know the least about, it did make me want to read his comics. Roy's and Dick's were more even, both with incredibly poignant, poetic flashbacks I adored, but you can tell DickAndBruce is where her heart is and their dynamic was showcased beautifully imo. Her characterization of Ollie is... surely controversial, and doesn't quite match how I see the guy, but it didn't bother me.
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. This one is a reread, though it's been a decade since I read it for the first time. I've read it even more slowly than the first time around, pondering over practically every passage. Nabokov's prose is simply sublime, and Dolores's character is one of those that stays with you for how much you read into her.
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees. The first issue enchanted me, and the last one was a very apt ending for the story. The journey to get there let me down.
FCBD 2024: Barda Special Edition. This is a preview for an upcoming story. A young Barda is charged to break the prisoner Scott Free, as the beginning of their romance. Theirs is a ship I've been curious about for a while, and I really dig the premise, so I can't wait to read it.
Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper. A short, gritty origin story that builds on the Selina we see in Batman: Year One, written by the same author as Lois Lane (1986). I really wish her sister was more present in Catwoman's story in general, tbh. She was featured in Selina's Knight Terror mini, which I might end up rereading.
The Bat-Man: First Knight. Three-part run set in the 40s, the original Batman setting. A tale of monsters, human experimentation, and the effects of the second world war. I enjoyed it, though not wildly, but it confirms I'd enjoy more historical settings in my comics.
War Games. Oh boy. OH BOY. My kill list grew with each page I read. The missed shot at a proper story with robin!Steph, the incredibly uncharitable way she's written... all to end in the grossest example of character assassination I've ever seen with Dr Leslie Thompkins, all to relieve Bruce of his guilt for his part in Steph's demise. I wanted to read the arc because I thought it was important for some Steph-focused storylines I want to write that build up on it (mostly by subverting or contradict him), but with few exceptions (SOME of Steph's Robin arc, the school plot, Tarantula's appearances, and the parts touching on Dick's downward spiral, for example) it was all so hateful and mean-spirited. Even the prelude to the proper arc, starting with Bruce and Cass's visit to Jason grave to use him as a cautionary tale against Steph, or that storyline about the teen mothers... death. Death to Dan DiDio for one thousand years.
Outsiders (2003). I'm including the Teen Titans crossover arcs (including both Secret Files and Origins issues, both GREAT), and the Outsiders: Five of a Kind arc where Batman is a shit xD (it also did make me wanna read the continuation in the next Batman and the Outsiders run). The art was... Mixed, by which I mean that sometimes it was fuck-ugly lol, but I loved the run. Winick gets me. I have a special place in my heart for Jason's little arc, OBVIOUSLY, but my favourite parts are, second, Dick's arc, and first, ANISSA AND GRACE. I as a lesbian owe Winick much for that one. They're the main attraction for the continuation, ngl. I also loved Shift and Indigo, btw. So damn tragic 🥲
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