#And after I wrote them down I realized they are really similar in one point or another
tikapaprika · 7 months
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Same vibes???
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dykeknightrises · 1 year
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A/N: I'd just like to say that I'm in absolute awe about the reactions to FALLING, really! I was very hesitant to post something that I've wrote but now I can't help but to be super excited laknkdns Seriously, thank you guys SO much for it! Here's part two, I hope you enjoy it <3
After a couple of years living the best and worst of her life, Alexia promised herself a break. A year where she would be one hundred percent focused on football and herself. She had a lot to catch up with her family and with being comfortable with herself after her injury.
Everything had been going fairly well on that front until Y/N arrived in Barcelona. Alexia remembered the bright-eyed teenager, far too young to be playing in the u-19 team, being playing great, nonetheless. Watching the teen leave absolutely everything even when they were down 4-0 made Alexia respect her immediately and to keep up with her career whenever she could.
The Y/N was far from the shy teenager that Alexia first met, but still so terrifyingly similar. Her first few weeks in Barcelona passed in a blur, but not a good one. The midfielder and the rest of the team barely interacted with the newest signing and when it happened, which was strictly at practice since she didn’t join them when they spend time together, it was mostly through the shortest sentences possible.
Alexia realized the smallest flinch from Y/N whenever someone spoke to her in Spanish. She didn’t mean to and was honestly certain nobody else, even yourself, realized it. Then every downed on her.
Her time playing with Espanyol and Levante was weird. She was still in her home, still in her country, still in her city, but everything was just so different. Her teammates, the team culture, everything made her doubt herself for the first few months. A new country, a new city, a new language, a whole new culture? Alexia could not fathom that.
Settling in making Y/N feel home, Alexia now spent most of her time dedicating herself to her. They were partners in every training drill, spending their time together doing the heavy speaking in English. When she was home, countless of hours on YouTube were split between watching highlights of Y/N through the years and on tutorials about the best ways to make someone feel welcomed.
She wasn’t sure why and at that point she didn’t care enough to ask, but she needed Y/N to feel at home in Barcelona. When her attempts were going well, but too slowly for her liking, she was running out of patience.
Walking Nala down the streets was something she was doing a lot lately, lost in thoughts about Y/N. The little furball got tired after twenty minutes of their walk, making Alexia pick her up, only then realizing where she was.
In front of her stood her favourite chocolate store, the best in the entire Spin if anyone asked her. Deciding to buy a bar a pick-me-up for the moment, she walked into the store, greeting to small family that owned the business and making small talk.
Picking the small bar of milk chocolate, her hand unconsciously hovered on a second one, for Y/N. With her own bar clutched in her hand, she stood in front on the chocolate bars display, not knowing which one was your favourite. After a few minutes of contemplation, she grabbed one of every single chocolate the store held, giving the owner a sheepish smile as the old man raised his eyebrows at her purchase.
It was a Thursday when she got the guts to approach Keira to ask such a random and somewhat personal question. The Englishwoman responding very confusedly, making Alexia bolt before she could ask any follow up question on why.
Going to her car to retrieve the precious bar on a break from practice, Alexia slipped it in her locker before any of the girls could see and went back. When training was over, she managed to catch up with Y/N on an empty hallway by the pitch, telling her that it was okay to be with the team even if you weren’t in “Spanish Mode” yet, they just wanted your presence.
When she sees the realization down on Y/N eyes, she confirms that she didn’t even realize what was happening. Knowing that, if you were anything like herself, a whole moment of self-reflection would follow the realization. Alexia slips that chocolate bar on her hands and squeezes her shoulder as she leaves.
The unknown feeling growing in her gut through the rest of the day and the next one too, unsure if she overstepped or not. It was the team’s first Friday off since preseason and she was so desperately uneasy about it, unsure if she made things worse.
Walking into their usual restaurant, Alexia felt her heart skip a beat as she hears Y/N laugh at something Frido said, the smile brighter than everything around. Settling herself in the seat in front of her, being greeted with a smile and a warm gaze, a silent “thank you” written all over it.
 It wasn’t long until everything was fitting together. The team quickly welcoming her into the family and their routine stronger than ever. It wasn’t until she refused the invitation to hang out with her friends for the sixth week in a row and got called out on it that Alexia realized that Thursdays had became their day.
She was fine with sharing Y/N with the team the whole time but was so deeply grateful to have her for herself on Thursdays. Sharing their passion for football, exploring the city, and cooking together had quickly became the favourite part of Alexia’s week.
Days bled into weeks, which bled into months, and everything was perfect. It wasn’t far from Winter Break when she went to lunch with the Putellas, this time without Y/N, and got asked where her girlfriend was that Alexia realized her feelings.
Loving Y/N was disturbingly easy, Alexia though laying in bed later that day. She’d been doing it for months now. Every moment of her days she wanted her there and every moment of her night she dreamt about her.
The warmness of her discovery was slowly cooled by the realization that had already broken her promise to herself. The heartbreak of her past relationships sucker puncher her into choking down a sob, knowing that she could not take that once again, not from Y/N.
The next month passed in a haze. Alexia felt like the biggest liar, and she smiled, making sure no one could see past it. It wasn’t until she reached home that she allowed herself to crack, suffering from a paralyzing fear of having her heart broken before she even gave it away once more.
It was on their Thursday that she felt herself cracking, knowing she couldn’t be alone with Y/N, cuddled up on a couch, being surrounded by her. Texting her asking to go out instead was easy, choosing Sala Apollo came unconsciously because, even if she could be alone with Y/N, she still did not want to share her on their day.
Breathtaking. Jaw dropping. Beautiful.
Words only came to Alexia brain a few beats after Y/N opened her door or them to go out. A stutter complimenting her was the only thing the Catalonian managed to slip out before she was dragged out of the apartments complex by hand and getting in the Uber.
The decision to drink that night was a well though out one. On one hand she felt like she needed a couple of drinks to function near the younger woman that moment, but she was well aware that her inhibitions lowered considerably. She chose to drink.
Dancing with her, Alexia felt every single part of her on fire. Whenever the touched, for the briefest seconds, her heart skipped a beat, and her breath was taken away. Hands slipping on Y/N waist, pulling her closer, was a necessity.
When Y/N perfume hit her nostrils, Alexia knew she was gone. Losing any shred on self-control, Y/N was the entire world right now. Hands roaming, lips finding the skin on her neck, sucking, and biting like her life depended on it. Maybe it did. Y/N turned around to kiss her and when their lips met Alexia was sure she was in heaven.
Going home, staying up the whole night, discovering each other in so many ways was everything Alexia ever dreamed of. The warm, sweaty tanned skin against her, made her overflow. She was everything.
Waking up on the next day to a cold bed made her choke. Reality crashed down, eyes glassing as she though she was being left once again. Minutes passed, with Alexia trying desperately to not cry before she heard the noise in the kitchen.
Slipping a shirt in, she stopped on the threshold, watching Y/N happily making them breakfast. Somehow, that made her hurt more. The thought that she could have left, that she the worst of you for just keeping their routine. It made her feel sick.
She knew then that she was not ready. The feelings she held for those tortuous moment where far worse than any previous heartbreak. Just the thought that Y/N left almost broke her. Alexia knew right then that she could not be with Y/N right now, no matter how much she ached for her.
Alexia was not enough for Y/N right now.
When she turned around, spotting her tucked in a corner of her own apartment, Y/N looked at her like she hung the sun, the moon and everything else. Her breathes came out ragged as Y/N came closer, warm smile and sparkling eyes still in place.
“This was a mistake.” Alexia choked out before she came any closer. The Spaniard knew that any poor excuse that she came would never be enough.
Y/N steps haltered, no more then a couple of meters away from her, lips parting and heart breaking. Alexia could see the younger woman opening and closing her mouth, frown in place, trying to come up with an answer.
“Oh.” The word came out in a breathless sound, after what felt like a whole eternity. “I’m sorry. I’ll get out of your hair now.”
“Y/N” The blonde called, holding the other woman’s wrist, desperately not wanting her to go, despite messing everything up.
“It’s okay, Alexia. We will be okay. We are okay.” She said, slipping her wrist out of Alexia’s grasp, shutting the door after her.
She took her heart with her. Any will to do anything and joy left right after them. Falling to the floor, on the same corner that everything became a mess, Alexia let herself be mess too. Sobs wreaking her body for hours, only getting up to crawl to bed when night came.
Days came and went, turning into weeks, and Alexia was still broken. She could not look at Y/N without breaking. That was reserved for the privacy of her place, where she didn’t have to be the Alexia Putellas, where she wasn’t a symbol of strength. Strong was the last thing she felt in those months.
Months passed by before Alexia even saw anyone after practice. She missed team bonding, birthdays, media duties, her own family. A knock on the door broke her out of the pit of misery of the day, making her drag her feet through the floor, feeling like her legs weighted a thousand kilos.
The grinning face of her childhood best friend greeted her when she opened the door. The grin quickly lost the place when Ana actually saw her. Pushing past her and settling down on the couch after opening a bottle of wine, the woman looked at her with an expectant gaze.
Alexia knew she could tell her the truth. Ana was her friend enough to just call her stupid and tell her to beg for forgiveness. But she didn’t know Y/N, didn’t know Alexia’s feelings. So, the blonde settled for a lie.
Maybe the lie was too good, because the very next day, she showed up with her girlfriend and another woman. A surprise double date, she said. The woman was great, there was nothing wrong with her. In fact, Alexia was sure that if she did not love Y/N so deeply she would have giver her a chance. But she was not her.
The next day, a Friday, Mapí and Marta coaxed the date out of her. Not that it was much to tell, Alexia herself was only half present for it, but it was enough. Enough because Y/N arrived in the locker room just as the defenders teased her about it. Y/N lips trembled when she heard the word date and that was enough to bring tears that were never shed to Alexia’s eyes.
She cancelled lunch with her family again on the weekend. She hadn’t gone back ever since they asked her about Y/N, too scared that they would see her, that they knew. Preparing herself for another day the bare minimum for herself, her door opened. Alba standing on the doorstep. Alexia never saw her baby sister look so angry.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Alexia?” the younger sister growled, entering the apartment. “Mamá is pit of worry because you look like someone has been running over you with their car everyday for the past year!”
“I’m sorry.” Alexia choked, flinching away from her sister.
She didn’t even realize that the tears, her current best friend, has already spilled out of her eyes and found home running down on her cheeks until Alba cradled her face, holding her in a hug. They laid on the comfortable couch for hours before Alexia managed to stop crying, her sister not laxing her hold for any second, whispering quiet reassurances at her every few moments.
“Ale, what’s going on?”
“I fucked it up.” She breathed out, before telling her everything.
That day was months ago. Surprising her, Alba didn’t judge her, didn’t jump the gun as usual, she held her, reassured her and gave really good advice. Which brought her to now.
Alexia spent the last few months talking extensively to her therapist about it, about everything. Her heartbreak, her injury, falling in love again. She wasn’t better yet, but she was in a much better place than before. More than wanting Y/N to love her back again, she needed her in her life, even if she had thrown away her only chance of them spending their lives together.
Today marked a whole month that Alexia came every day to Y/N doorstep, looking at the piece of wood that stood between her and the love of her life for hours, too much of a coward to knock. Finishing the cup of coffee that the awfully familiar doorman gave her from his on stash, she got up, standing in front of the door.
She had been in that exact place far too often, never knocking. Lifting her fist, she banged against the door before loosing her courage once again, like she had done far too many times.
Y/N opened her door and took Alexia’s breath away. She stood there, with a little black dress, light makeup coating her face and heels that put her just a little bit shorter than the Catalonian. The blonde felt her mouth dry at the sight of her, hands trembling away, tucked into her hoodie.
She felt like she had stood there, forever, just taking Y/N in, appreciating her, breathing her in. The younger woman was everything. She had always been everything. Her impossibly soft gaze, even now, asked Alexia what she was doing there.
“I was hoping we could have our usual Thursday? I have a lot that I need to say to you.”
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miaountainmama · 6 months
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characters: tecchou, fembodied!reader contains: pwp, shameless smut, i don't feel like tagging but it's really tame. minors dni or i'll eat your bones
wc: 2183
a/n: i just really love this man and i needed to write him getting dominated. anyways hi it's been like 7 months since i last wrote
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Normally, Tecchou was a quiet lover.
For the most part, the most you got from him was breathing changes, soft sighs, and occasional, quiet moans. It was such a shame to you— with his deep, smooth, and low, honey-sweet voice, he was the loveliest sound you would ever hear. You couldn’t get enough— the sound of him whining into your ear, panting as he slowly became more and more blissed out— it was divine. He was divine.
You wanted more. And tonight, you were determined to get what you wanted.
Tecchou makes a soft noise as you slam him against the wall, mouth slightly parted to let ragged breaths leave his lips as you press kiss after kiss along the smooth skin of his collarbone, then up the side of his neck. The sound activates something primal within you, something feral, and makes a heat bubble up and rush through your whole body. Intoxicated, you bite down lightly into his flesh, wanting to coax another noise from him— you’re only rewarded with a light whimper, his eyelids fluttering shut, and you hum as you realize you have to take more drastic measures to get a stronger reaction. Your hand, which had previously been gripping him roughly by the collar, moves upwards, running through his hair and nestling at the base of his beautiful dark locks.
You give him no warning as you pull, yanking his head back and biting hard on the newly exposed skin, and by God you nearly salivate as you’re granted a choked moan— a real moan this time. You chance a glance at his face as you suck on his neck, and your lips curl in approval as you take in the sight. You haven’t even taken his pants off yet and he looks totally enraptured, a light blush on his face as his open mouth takes shuddering breaths. His hands find their way to your hips, lightly pressing down on them, and you slip your leg between his thighs, unintentionally rubbing against the hardness there. Tecchou’s hips buck forward, breath hitching, and your eyes narrow as you realize just how sensitive he is right now. You could do whatever you please and he would just fall apart. The thought is too tempting.
One hand still in his hair, you walk him back towards the bed and nudge him until he sits down. You climb up and straddle him, grinding against him and taking his lips into a messy kiss, relishing in the feeling as he gasps into your mouth. You give Tecchou no time to think— the moment he puts his hands on your waist to hold you steady, you’re pushing him down onto his back against the pillows, tugging on his shirt until he gets the hint and breaks the kiss just to pull it off. You’re back on him in an instant, kissing his lips, then his jaw, his neck, all the way down to his chest. Tecchou is panting by now, breathing heavily, but as you press a kiss to a nipple, you feel his hands move down and push the hem of your shirt up— he wants to be on equal footing. Smiling against his skin, you sit up and help him take it off, feeling his warm hands brush against the skin of your stomach, and desire pools even further in your core. You throw your shirt somewhere to the side, not caring where it lands.
Your pants are quick to follow— Tecchou’s hands are needy, ever wanting, and the moment your shirt is off they’re messing with the button and sliding the fabric down your thighs. It’s cute how desperate he is at this point. You lift your hips from his to let the garment slip off, taking your panties with it, and his hands roam across your thighs and backside, touch hot as he pulls you closer. It’s a flurry of gentle touches and soft kisses as you finish undressing him as well, and soon both of you are in a similar state of nudity. Though you’ve both made love countless times, there’s still a pink flush on Tecchou’s cheeks as he becomes bare for you— you make sure to kiss all across his skin to put him at ease as you sit on his thighs.
At this point, Tecchou, voice breathy, murmurs your name, and you take the hint as your eyes lock with him and you see the longing, the need. Your gaze softens, and you take pity on the poor man and reach down, finally paying attention to the place he wants you most.
You spit into your hand, press a thumb to the tip of his cock, and swipe, spreading the liquid around and pumping languidly. Tecchou’s head falls back and he lets out a shaky whimper, and your lips curl into a small smile. 
“Feels good?” you purr, and he nods, blush darkening on his face. One of his hands reaches up to cover his mouth, and you click your tongue, pulling it away and lacing your fingers with his. 
“You know I like it when you use your words, Hiro,” you remind him, and he shifts in bed, struggling to speak without moaning.
“S-so good…” he manages, tripping over his own words, and you hum, pleased, rewarding him by pumping a little faster. His breath quickens in response, teeth gritting. You work him gently, coaxing him towards release, listening to each telltale sign of him getting closer and closer: his breath getting heavier, his body twitching, the soft noises that he can’t fully suppress. His gaze seems far away as you look into his half-lidded eyes, and when you reach out and gently turn his face towards yours, it’s over. His whole body jerks, fists clenching at the bedsheets below him, and he cums with a deep groan. You don’t stop as he cums, instead choosing to keep moving your hand up and down his shaft, too intoxicated off his low moans to halt your actions. You drink it all in as if you were starved— he’s whimpering slightly, though he does a good job of holding it in for the most part, and his hips are subconsciously jerking away from you as you jack him off. You continue anyways. You know he would tell you if he wanted to stop.
You take pity on him relatively quickly as he whines and pants, soon slowing your hand to a stop, and his eyes are unfocused as he looks up at you. However, though you may be done with your hand, you’re not done with him fully yet. 
You hesitate as you position yourself above him, hips raised as you rub his cockhead against the wetness between your legs to lubricate it.
“Is this alright, Hiro?” you ask, wanting to make sure he’s comfortable before all else, and he nods, propping himself up on the pillows so he can watch as you slowly sink onto him. His eyes are glued to the view as you slowly take him inside you, exhaling as the stretch burns a bit— he’s always been big. Still, it feels good to have him inside you, criminally good, and you can tell the feeling is mutual as Tecchou’s eyes almost roll back in his head as he watches himself disappear into you. You take him to the base and stop, noticing the shiver that runs through Tecchou’s body as you do so. It takes a second to adjust to the stretch, and you breathe deeply, feeling the pressure inside you from being penetrated like this. Once you feel ready, you rock your hips experimentally, and once you find a position you like, you put a little more force into it, starting to ride moderately. 
The feeling of him sliding in and out of you is heavenly, and as you angle your hips just right he hits just the right spot inside you, causing you to let out a shameless, lewd moan. You catch Tecchou’s eyes widen and blush darken at the sound, and his hands come to rest under your thighs to help support you (and feel you up) as you ride. You appreciate it— you need all the support you can get in this position. Now that you’re in the rhythm of things, you begin to ride a little harder, slamming your hips into his and gritting your teeth at the new friction. You catch Tecchou shuddering again. Good.
Your breath is labored from exertion and from feeling good as you move, and it hitches as you reach down with your dominant hand to tap and then circle your clit. The new stimulation is divine, and soon you’re whining and panting as well as you ride and pleasure yourself. You manage to get your now bliss-hazed eyes to focus on Tecchou just for a moment to see how he’s faring, and the sight makes you clench around him. He has his eyes squeezed shut, mouth open as he gasps for breath and whimpers, face painted a bright red, fingers latched tightly onto your body. You reach out, still keeping a steady pace, to stroke his face, and it’s hot to the touch. He looks ruined. Determined to keep him that way, your hand moves from his cheek down to one of the long strands of his hair, twirling the lock around your fingers before suddenly pulling it and simultaneously pressing an open mouthed kiss to his jaw. This plus the movement of your hips against his proves to almost be too much— you swear he almost sobs out your name as his eyes open from the sudden hair pulling, and they’re glazed and wet from unshed tears.
“Oh, Suehiro, darling,” you coo as you wipe them from his eyes. “Don’t cry. You’re being so good for me.”
You can feel his body under you jerk at the sudden praise, and he lets out a strangled moan— he’s always liked praise. At this point, seeing him so worked up has got you pretty close, and you move your fingers against your clit faster as you chase your high. You’re riding him hard, and as you near completion you can feel him pulsing inside you— he’s close too. You hurtle toward the edge at breakneck speed, and soon your legs start to shake as you feel the heat bubbling in your core. Your pace stutters, your body almost unable to take the increased pleasure, but then you feel Tecchou’s hands pulling you onto him, guiding you up and down, and you follow his pace, letting his strong grasp take you into ecstasy. He only has to let out one more moan, to slam you down one more time before you feel the coil in your stomach snap.
“Fuck- Hiro-” you curse lowly, and then it’s over for you— you cum hard, throwing your head back unconsciously, groaning deeply as waves of pleasure course through your body. Your muscles tense and spasm, and you grip onto Tecchou’s hair and chest like a vise as you climax. Vaguely, you register through the rush another groan, this time from him, and then warmth spilling into your body and dripping down.
You couldn’t hold it in, and he couldn’t either.
Your entire body heats up, and you try your best to keep moving through both of your climaxes— it’s difficult, but it feels so good. At this point, both of you are a mess, the air filled with the sound of moans and skin on skin, and the atmosphere is heavy from sweat and desire. Tecchou’s back arches into you, and you can feel his skin burning to the touch. 
As the two of you come down from your highs and become sensitive, you slow your riding, and the moans in the air turn to soft gasps and whimpers as you eventually reach a stopping point. Tecchou’s eyes open again from where they were squeezed shut from pleasure, and the dazed look of bliss on his face makes you feel warm inside. Finally unclenching your hand from his hair, you reach out to caress his face, and he leans into the touch, looking up at you with devoted eyes that make you blush. You lean down to lie on his chest with him still inside you.
Tecchou pulls you closer, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, and your bodies tangle together. Your skin is hot but you can’t bring yourself to separate from him, and instead you do the opposite— you nuzzle your head into his body, snuggling closer. You hear rather than see his lips part into a gentle smile.
“I love you,” you murmur, sliding your hands along his jaw and shoulders, and he runs his hands through your hair in response. He says nothing in return, but you can feel it radiating from him, the feeling practically bursting from his chest— he loves you. He loves you. He loves you. 
You press your head to his chest, his heartbeat softly drumming in your ears, and, for once, you feel at ease.
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A Devil's Secret Wingman: Vergil x G/N Reader
SUMMARY: As time has gone on, random appearances from a certain blue apparition happened more and more. A part of you wonders why but you had never dared to ask Vergil; however, the sly blue ghostly devil had a different plan in store.
BEGINNING NOTES: I don’t know why I really like the idea of Vergil in yoga pants right now; I just do. Also when Doppel shakes their upper half; I am imagining something similar to a bird fluffing its feathers. Yes, I know that Vergil + Dante’s DT/Sin DTs don’t have feathers but I feel like they’d still do it; plus it would make Vergil’s (Sin Trigger) shoulder pauldrons move according to how they work on the concept art page. 💝🩵💝 Vergil x G/N Reader Unestablished relationship Some good ol’ fluff
A Doppelganger's Projection--By: DevilSwordVergil
Devil's Advocate--By: LadyMuzzMuzz
These are both super cute and I love them ngl
     Visitations from a certain bright blue apparition had become a regular occurrence when you visited the Devil May Cry. It didn't typically matter what was going on; night or day, before or after a job--as long as you were alone, the glowing blue devil would make time to see you. At first, you thought that Vergil had been doing this to keep an eye on you while he was up in his room; however, as time went by, you realized that Vergil didn’t even have to be awake for Doppel to appear--sometimes you'd even get a visit when Vergil was out and about. It had become a part of your routine, one which you reveled in greatly.
     Today was no exception. 
     Vergil and you were on “shop duty”, being tasked with the monotonous secretary work of (the) Devil May Cry. Everyone else had various contracts to complete or were on vacation; leaving you and the blue twin alone for an undisclosed amount of time.
     You sighed heavily, “I’m so fucking bored…” you leaned forward in the desk chair and set your head on the desk with a small thunk. 
     It had been nearly three hours and there wasn’t a single phone call or walk-in; it was as dead as dead can be. A part of you had hoped that Vergil might join you downstairs for a while, maybe even a long while; but, you hadn’t seen nor heard from the Dark Slayer all day. Which was fine, it’s not like the two of you don’t see each other all the time, but you couldn’t help but yearn to be near him--even if it just meant that you were occupying the same room. 
     A small joyful chirping caught your attention. You tilted your head up slightly and stared from the tops of your eyes. Standing at the bottom of the stairs was the blue ghostly doppelgänger that you expected to visit at some point.
     You picked your head up. Placing your elbow on the desk and resting your chin in your palm, you flashed them a bright beaming smile, “Hey Doppel, come to join me?”
     Although you knew that the devil couldn’t speak, you would talk to them as if they were able to respond; which to be fair they technically could. Your smile widened as they wiggled a bit, a sign that you'd learned meant they were happy or in agreement. The devil approached you and stood in front of the desk with a tilted head. 
     “Wanna sit with me?” you smiled as you sat up and watched Doppel wriggle faster, spreading their wings slightly in excitement, “Alright,” you stood from the chair.
     With a loud scrapping sound, you moved the coffee table out from in front of the pleather couch--making sure to give the devil enough room. With a playful huff and bounce, you sat on the couch.
     The sound of their claws daintily clicking on the hardwood floor made you giggle in amusement. They stood in front of the couch before tilting their head once more.
     “What?” you watched their hands as they gestured along the couch, asking you to lay down, “Oh? Okay, sure..?” 
     It was a bit odd since they had never asked for that before but you did as you were asked. With a curious tilt to your brow, you watched as the devil sat above you, straddling your legs. If this had been the real Vergil, you surely would’ve been crushed to death by now; thankfully, Doppel (typically) weighed almost nothing. Another laugh left your lips as you watched the dangerous devil knead into your chest with both his hands, emitting a thunderous purr; reminding you of a cat. Meanwhile, you gently ran your hands along the devil's body.
     After a minute or two, they carefully laid on top of you; encompassing you entirely. You smiled as you nestled your face into (where there typically would be) grey scales above their blue V. Carefully, they rubbed the underside of their chin against the top of your head. Between the heat and the vibrations of their purrs, it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep; forgetting all about your shop work. 
     Nearly an hour later, you were still sleeping happily with the blue devil doing the same. However, a different blue devil had come downstairs to check on you; worried that you hadn’t answered the shop's phone several times. Now, he could only stare at the sight before him. 
     The sight of you, his partner and secret romantic interest, being smothered by his own duplicate. Doppel noticed Vergil’s sudden appearance and curiously turned their head towards him. 
     With a large and envious scowl, Vergil snapped his fingers in an attempt to de-summon the blue apparition but was only met with a small wiggling motion in defiance. This movement was enough to stir you awake.
     Only having your eyes half open, you mumbled to your ghostly cuddle-bug, “Somethin’ wrong Doppel?”
     They looked down at you and back to Vergil. You turned your head to the side and became pale at the sight of Doppel’s owner. Vergil had moved further into the room and stood next to the desk with folded arms. A small blush spread across your face upon seeing his oddly casual apparel; a pair of semi-form-fitting black yoga pants and his typical turtlenecked dark blue vest. Upon seeing that you noticed Vergil, Doppel took their leave with a small chirp of happiness. 
     Vergil swallowed audibly and looked away from your eyes, a small amount of pink pricked at his features--embarrassed about this situation, “Forgive me, I was unaware of their summoning,” his voice was meek and caught you off guard.
     You smiled as you sat up, “Don’t worry about it… If I’m honest,” you placed a hand on the back of your neck awkwardly, “I actually enjoy these little visits.”
     “This- This has happened before?” Vergil’s gaze turned back to you filled with concern and confusion.
     “Yeah..?” you cocked your head slightly, “Haven’t you been sending Doppel to stay with me?”
     The twin looked at you with parted lips and wide-eyed expression; telling you that your assumption was far from correct. 
     Before you were able to question him more, Vergil went back up the stairs and holed himself back up in his room. 
     “Shit,” a loud sigh left your lips as you flung your head backwards, hitting the crown of your head on the back cushions; fearing that this would somehow bite you in the ass later.
     You waited a while to see if Vergil would come back downstairs and were disappointed when he didn’t. Another heavy sigh left your lips as you stood up from the couch and tended to your assigned work.
     After that was completed, you quickly became bored again and looked around for something to bide your time. That’s when you realized how dirty the DMC had become making you scrunch your face in disgust. So, you decided to take upon the hefty maid work and got to it. 
     Three hours of exhausting scrubbing and cleaning later, you flopped face down on the sofa, satisfied with your work. Slowly, you felt the warm gentle hold of sleep taking hold of you or was it something else? Before you could question it too much, you fell back asleep.
     After a half hour or so, you tried to turn over and felt something stop you. Irritatedly, you opened your eyes and noticed luminescent wings and arms wrapped around you. It seemed that Doppel had not only returned to you but was sleeping on top of you. 
     “Doppel?” you whispered and got a small tail wag in response, “Can you let me up?”
     They looked at you for a moment, presumably in thought, then slid off you. You sat up and let out a low groan as you stretched your arms upwards, cracking your back. The large devil sat facing you with crisscrossed legs, reminding you of how juvenile the ghost acted in comparison to its master.
     With a small laugh, you turned to put one leg up on the couch, “So… What’s with you? I hear that you’ve been visiting me without permission?” you cocked your head curiously.
     The blue devil chirped in affirmation.
     Doppel’s tail gently moved to point at your chest before laying it on your lap. Carefully, you pet the sharp scales; giving extra care to go pet down the tail so you didn’t slice your hand. 
     “My chest, huh?” you shook your head with a faint smile, “I don’t understand.”
     The light blue figure cocked its head slightly before shaking its upper body with a loud chirp. Then, they took their hands and fumbled with them for a moment, before they made a crude heart shape with their fingers. 
     With pursed lips and a furrowed brow, you huffed quietly in confusion, “A heart?” the blue devil shook with another loud chirp--indicating that you were correct, “What..? You just love spending time with me or something?” admittedly, you found that idea to be adorable.
     Doppel looked over and stared at the staircase; which you copied. 
     “Wait,” you froze and looked at Doppel with wide eyes, “You mean that Vergil-?”
     A third loud chirp came from them as they wriggled in place. 
     With parted lips, you tried to come up with a response. However, before you were able, Doppel sat on their knees, still on the couch, and poked your chest with their finger this time. 
     “Are you asking if I..?” your voice was hushed as Doppel wiggled a bit, “Oh, well- I,” you stumbled over your thoughts and words. Admittedly, you’d never said it out loud before or told anyone about how you felt for the older brother; despite the incessant pestering of Nico and Dante, “Yeah, I-” a small smile tugged at your lips as you sighed contently, “I do love Vergil.”
     The blue apparition carefully cupped your face within its hands and made an odd purring chirp noise; one you’d never heard before. They continued to purr afterwards and just stared into your eyes. That’s when you realized what Doppel was asking you to do.
     “No way,” you shook your head slightly, still confined by the devil’s hands, “I can’t tell him. Do you know how much he’d hate me over something--” 
     Another loud chirping purr cut you off; this time, however, Doppel wriggled harder and spread their wings out in clear disagreement.
     “You sure about this?” you whispered as you felt them squish your face closer together, making you scrunch up, “Alright- Alright, I’ll go,” Doppel let go of your face as you laughed nervously.
     A deep nervous feeling grew in your gut as you stood up and slowly ascended the stairs, with Doppel following suit. Once in front of Vergil’s door, you stopped and looked over at the apparition with pursed lips. Doppel decided to force things along further and knocked loudly on the door for you, making you cuss loudly at the ghostly devil. 
     The door opened and Vergil stood there with a raised brow; however, before he spoke, he noticed his Doppelgänger standing beside you. 
     “What- How?!” Vergil’s voice was angry as he glared at the blue ghost.
     Doppel straightened their posture with a curious tilt of their head. 
     The eldest twin’s lip twitched in irritation at their counterpart.
     Meekly, you broke Vergil’s death glare at the apparition, “Hey, could we,” you shrugged with one shoulder, “talk for a minute?”
     Vergil eyed you up and down, “Fine, give me a moment,” with that, he turned back into his room and shut the door. 
     You turned to Doppel and became increasingly confused. They were ruffling their top half with their wings wide spread and their tail flicking around.
     “What’s up with you?” you were unsure if they were excited or angry.
     The ghost looked at you and patted the top of your head, still wriggling around.
     With a small shake of your head, you smirked a wide smile at them, “You’re quite excited, huh?”
     Before they could give a clear response, Vergil’s bedroom door opened again. 
     The twin sighed and moved to the side, “You may enter.”
     “Are you sure you want me in your room? You never--”
     With a coy nod, you smiled, “Okay, thank you.”
     Vergil gave you a flat smile and shut the door as he watched Doppel wave to him and then fade. 
     A heavy sigh came from the twin as he stood facing the door for a moment, attempting to hide his growing nervousness. Vergil turned to face you and took a few steps closer. The two of you awkwardly stood in the middle of the open space. Admittedly, the eldest son’s room was rather plain; only having essential items, a few bookshelves, and a small desk. 
     “It’s nice in here,” you smiled and avoided his piercing gaze, “it’s very well-kempt; a reflection of its inhabitant.”
     Although Vergil was flattered by your compliment, he was uncomfortable by someone else’s presence in his space; making his tone rather snappy, “What do you want?”
     You pursed your lips and shrank down into yourself, taking his tone as a bad sign, “Doppel told me something, and I--” you shot a glance at him and noticed his brow was furrowed, “I was made to come up here to talk with you.”
     “Speak then.”
     “Well,” you bit your tongue, “you know what, never mind; just forget this happened,” with your tail between your legs, you attempted to retreat and leave, when you felt him grab your forearm.
     Without turning to you, Vergil spoke in a hushed tone, “No, I want to hear what you have to say.”
     A sigh left your nose as you turned your head to the side, looking at the side profile of the stone-faced man, “Promise you won’t be mad?”
     Vergil copied your action, turning his head to face you, “Fine.”
     Your heart rate spiked as you locked eyes with his icy eyes and a small blush dusted your face. Vergil released his hold on your arm and turned fully to see you with folded arms. 
     You looked away from him again and tensed up as you whispered, “Doppel wanted me to tell you about how,” with a scrunched face, you braced for the worst, “I have feelings for you.”
     His voice was sharp and he squinted his eyes, “What kind of feelings ?”
     With a barely audible voice and a small nervous laugh, you answered, “Romantic ones…”
     The room fell silent. A thick uncomfortable tension hung in the air as Vergil just stared at you. If he had stabbed you with the Yamato or scoffed in response; that would have been preferable then him just standing completely still and silent. A part of you wanted to bolt out the door and just run from this, but you were frozen in fear.
     “Is that your version of a confession?”
     Unable to look at him, you nodded.
     Vergil’s stare softened and he let out a gentle sigh, “Let me guess,” slowly, he approached you and stopped only a few inches from you, “my doppelgänger told you about my own feelings then?”
     With another small nod, you focused on his boots that had come into view.
     “Then may I ask why you were hesitant to tell me..?”
     You whispered, “I figure Doppel was just messing with me.”
     Vergil gave a flat smile. Gently he set his thumb and forefinger on your chin, tilting you up for him to see. Neither of you spoke as he slowly ran his thumb over your parted lips, making your face turn a few shades darker. Eventually, you met his gaze and noticed his expression had softened greatly; the first time you’d seen him this mellow. 
     Vergil whispered as he stared down at your lips, “May I..?” 
     You gave a small grin, “Of course.”
     With a very slow and careful lean, Vergil connected his mouth to yours. You sheepishly placed your hands on his sides, making him push a bit harder into the kiss. His lips were broiling hot as he slowly moved his lips against yours. After a few moments, Vergil broke the kiss off and leaned back enough to look you over; attempting to gauge your response. A small smile tugged at your lips and you noticed that Vergil had the same expression. 
     He moved his hand to rest on the side of your jaw, gently thumbing over your cheekbone, “I assume that was proof enough?”
     Curious as to how he would respond, you inched toward him and cocked your head slightly, “Mnm, I dunno; think I might need another just to be sure.”
     He shyly looked down and leaned back into you, intertwining once more. This time, however, Vergil made sure to pour everything he had into the kiss. Quickly, he moved both hands to your waist and pulled you tight to his body, making you squeak in surprise. Using this to his advantage, he pushed his tongue into your mouth. 
     After a few minutes of fervourous kissing, the two of you broke apart, breathing heavily. Vergil gently nuzzled against the side of your neck and placed sweet kisses along it; very quietly purring. 
     While the two of you were enjoying each other's embrace, a loud yell from downstairs caught your attention, it seems that Dante had returned. However, when you tried to separate from Vergil, he pulled you closer.
     “Stay, my brother can wait,” his voice was laden with a thick husky seduction as he continued to kiss down your neck, “I’m not done showing you how much I love you.”
ENDING NOTES: Is it weird for me to hyperlink stories that inspired my chapters or not? This is a genuine question--I don't want to seem weird, but I want to give credit where credit is due.
If you like this please consider checking this on my AO3. There are extra chapters and my H/Cs over there, so please consider checking them out! Comments, Likes/Kudos, and shares are always appreciated! Thanks so much for reading!! :)))
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poppy-metal · 2 months
New thots..new thots on arranged marriage!au (had me giggling and blushing im so glad you liked my ask(I was the one who wrote about the dinner one/mutual pining)) anywhore.
There's a new gala coming up, and you both are obviously invited. It's full of rich debutants and every and anyone who could be considered bourgeoisie. He's never taken much notice in what you wear, instead hanging out by the appetizer tables, chugging down bubbly champagne, the usual. This gala, however, is different.
Sure, he saw what you were wearing, a brief look out of the corner of his eye when he awkwardly offered you his hand or arm to hold when entering the gala or driving to the event. But he didn't really *see* what you were wearing. Until he noticed everyone else does.
Compliments are coming your way left and right, and you're blushing, glowing off the influx of praise you never get, especially not from your supposed husband. You got that dress you wanted, and you wore it well. It flowed perfectly over you, lace and glitter shimmering under the chandeliers as you laughed politely with the guests and graciously accepting the compliments, usually returning one.
Let's say he notices you because you're laughing loudly. And it's not fake. It's full bellied and wide, and you have dimples . Oh my god, you have laugh lines that are so deep that he feels awful for not making you giggle more. His eyes trail further down, and you look beautiful. In every sense of the word. He wants that smile to be pointed at him, he wants to wipe away the tint tears that have gathered in the corner of your eyes because you laughed too hard, he wants he wants hewantshewants.
'Fuck' is all he can think as he turns around, practically running to the bathroom. He's not even horny, but it feels really similar. Like he's having a heart attack, and warmth is spreading from the tips of his toes to the crown of his head. He looks in the mirror, and he's fucking blushing. He splashes some water on his face, but it doesn't help. You're running around in his mind, with your pretty dress and your pretty smile and your manners. God, he can't even bring himself to admit that he wants you as his wife. His actual wife.
He wants you to be the one he holds, he wants to be the one you come to when you're sad or humiliated, not the one you're running from.
A knock on the door interrupts his thoughts, and he's startled, fixing himself before opening the door, ready to apologize to the man who probably has been waiting for the past couple minutes for him to be done. It's not a man, it's you.
"Hey." You smile softly, checking him over, "You ran off pretty suddenly back there. Are you feeling alright, honey?" You saw him practically sprint to the bathroom, and you gave him a few minutes before coming after him. No matter how shitty of a husband he was, you took care of what was yours. And he was your husband. You reach a hand up to his flushed face, cupping his cheek gently. "You're really warm, did you have too much to drink already?" You murmur softly. You look back up into his eyes, and he's staring at you. Not glaring, not leering, not ogling, just staring. It'd be unnerving if you didn't recognize it as a kind of heart eyes you've only ever seen in movies. The romcoms you love, the novels where the confessions happen under pouring rain and they kiss tenderly, the media you consume to fill the hole in your heart where his love is supposed to be.
You practically make them back, too, once you realize. He shakes himself out of the little staring contest you have going on, before nodding, "Yeah, fine." He brushes past you gently, "Let's get back to the gala, hon."
You both call each other minor pet names in public for the sake of appearances, but God, this is the first time your heart flutters at it.
When the gala is winding down, and the obligatory pictures to show who attending this little show are being taken, Patrick can feel himself smiling like an idiot as he feels you in his arms, feeling that strange warmth again as the photographer takes their picture.
(can I sign myself off as something the next time I appear bc I WILL be back....)
PATRICK REALIZING HES IN LOVE AURRRRRR. the stare...... I'm kicking my feet.
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i wrote an entire analysis on yuji's and megumi's parallels throughout the series
what i think is interesting regarding megumi's and yuji's characters and how they are made to foil each other is that we see from the beginning how their stories are intertwined. from their very first interactions we see them save each other and that sets off a catalyst in how they save each other throughout the series, which is both selfishly and impulsively.
like we see them act without thought, both acting for their own reasons for why they decide to save each other. yuji's selfishness is different than megumi's though, of course. we see him act in selflessness to the point that it becomes selfishness. he WILL sacrifice himself for the greater good, regardless of those around him that care for him, because he thinks that the only thing that matters for his life is that he saves as many people as he can. this comes from the "curse" placed on him by his grandfather.
however, with megumi's selfishness, it comes from his own desire to live by his standards that he's placed on the world in his own twisted view of life due to his upbringing and life as a sorcerer. megumi doesn't think that everyone deserves to live the way that tsumiki and yuji do, and that's why he admires them so much. but this also ties into his self-imagery issues and how he thinks that he doesn't deserve to walk alongside him. this is where his self-destructive ideas come into play where he thinks that everything is fine as long as he can use mahoraga to save the ones he loves because his life doesn't matter as much as others.
we see this foil/parallel (i know this is an oxymoron, but they ultimately have differing beliefs while still acting in a similar fashion) grow between them throughout the series as the save each other and understand the other's struggles. megumi sees that yuji has gone through something after he's revived in chapter 33:
megumi: “itadori, you okay?” yuuji: “well, it’s a big job but i should be fine.” megumi: “no, something happened, didn’t it?” yuuji: “huh, what are you talking about?”
megumi can tell that something has been/is bothering yuuji, even after his insistence that he’s fine at this point, megumi has lost and mourned yuji, while yuji has lost and is mourning junpei.
there's also the classic scene in chapter 63, after yasohachi bridge where they both realize that yuji being alive means that curses are killing more people:
megumi: “don’t tell him.” yuuji: “hey! don’t tell fushiguro. don’t you dare tell him”
this is another instance of them trying to save each other/carry the other's burden as they act as foils. they both feel they are at fault for the deaths and while megumi doesn't regret it ("i never once regretted saving you"), yuji acts in a way that he feels is deserving of his life (in that he wants to "earn" his life because megumi saved him and he doesn't want it to be for nothing)
then of course we get to shibuya and yuji has his moment of giving up and feeling that he is undeserving of living because of the lives sukuna killed. he has his conversation with todo and he is able to pick himself back up, but he still feels like he needs to make up for every life lost. we see the parallel with megumi here in 256 where he tells yuji that he wants to give up. we expect him to get up right away like yuji did back in shibuya, but sukuna cuts them off and megumi doesn't fight back.
then of course their dynamic comes full circle as they both talk in 266, where yuji is able to relate to megumi in his grief and loss and tells megumi that he understands why he's made his decision. what i think is really beautiful about this chapter is that we probably expected the convo to go similar to yuji's with todo, where it's like "i know you're down now, but we must prevail!!" type stuff. but we don't get that with megumi and yuji because they understand each other at a very basic core level. we see yuji give him the choice to live or die as he tells megumi that he accepts him either way.
yuji and megumi are like yin and yang. they have very different motivations, beliefs, and ideals, but they ultimately work together and find harmony in their differences. i think the way that gege has written the two of them and their characters is really cool and it's that very reason why i'm so miffed that we don't get to see a true conclusion to their dynamic as far as this last chapter goes. i would really REALLY like to see a final, good, emotional conversation between the two of them because they deserve it.
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profound-bouquetbird · 5 months
hi!!! could I please request Reader x snotlout relationship headcanons? Possibly them being opposites on the surface but actually being similar in a way? Like they both feel things very strongly
This took me a little while longer to write, since I didn't really pay that much attention to snotlout throughout the three main movies that I watched 😔
But! I didn't want to leave your request unanswered and wrote it :)
Sorry if it isn't completely accurate. If you have any tips leave them in my inbox or send them through private messages :)
Some key words:
-D/n = Dragon's name
Tumblr media
Alright, let's start off with the basics. You probably met through a mutual friend
*cough* *cough* Astrid *cough*
And he at first didn't get your whole get up. I mean, you were vikings!
Whilst he acted (somewhat) reckless and seemed to shift to this supposed 'playboy' persona of some sort (although that persona really wasn't accurate..)
While you were on the calmer side, closed off and anly speaking to people when needed
He found it a tad bit annoying
I mean- you're vikings! You're supposed to be reckless! Yet you were- not?
Well, at least in his eyes you weren't
After a little while, you started to open up a bit more. Still not having that reckless and uncaring persona vikings had, but being the usual self just more... Outgoing? If you could call it that
But, Snotlout paid no mind. He was too busy looking our for his own image to care
I think the first time he noticed something about you that intrigued him was when you first made friends with the dragons
Snotlout trudged through the grass, an over exaggerated groan echoing through the island as he carried food for his dragon, Hookfang
While he walked, he couldn't help but overhear a seemingly onesided conversation, in which a familiar voice was involved
"We're gonna be the best, D/n!" A voice, which could only belong to Y/n, encouraged. Snotlout smirked as he walked towards the sound, peaking from the corner to spot the dragon rider scratching their dragons head
"We're gonna win this race! Promise." Y/n chuckled, patting their dragons head twice before mounting onto them
"That's quite a big promise there, Y/n. Are you sure you'll live up to it?" Snotlout butted in, mockingly smirking at them as he waited for their response
Y/n looked him up and down, smirking lightly themselves as they sighed
"Seeing how you and your dragon act together, I'd say I've got better chances." They sighed, pulling their dragons head upward lightly to send them into flight
Snotlout only glared as they flew away, but he couldn't help but feel something forming in his chest. Admiration? No, that can't be it...
Maybe respect?
From that point on, each time the two of you interacted, Snotlout gained more and more respect for you, which eventually turned into a crush
He was so obvious about it
Like he did with Ruffnut, he constantly flirted and did small favour's for you. Either getting the sheep for you to win the race or tightening up a know that you definitely didn't need his help with
And to your oblivious eyes, you just though it was playful teasing and friendly interactions. Oh... Poor you
You'd sometimes play into his flirting. Giving him a few fake compliments and teasing remarks back, which only worsened his crush
The more he hung out with you, the more he realized how many characteristics you two shared!
Yes, on the outside you acted completely opposite, like I had mentioned in the begging
But, you both had this urging courage that propelled you forward, you both needed praise and attention from the ones you loved. But, while snotlout was more outward in showing these emotions, constantly complaining that is; you'd more often than not just keep to yourself, giving the person small hints but never outwardly saying it
Okay, let's start with the actual relationship headcanons:
I think he'd be the type to show you off. Like: "hell yeah they're my partner! You wanna say something about it?????"
Love language is definitely 'words of affirmation'
My guy is in constant need of praise 😭
Doesn't mean he doesn't praise you tho. You're constantly receiving words of encouragement and praise; but he'll stop praising you as soon as you stop praising him (like that's ever going to happen)
Is really into pda but also not that into pda if that makes sense? Yes, he'll wrap an arm around your shoulders, kiss the top of your head, even peck your lips every once in a while. But there is no way in hell he'll actually make out with you in public! Nu-uh, that's for you and him only
I can't really think of anything else... So I'm gonna leave it here for now :)
Sorry for the huge delay on the posting! If you have any other requests please leave them in!
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tothefiniteyou · 6 months
looking at the time: oh yeah, it's dissection analysis o'clock.
i've talked about how i think leo's view on what it means to be a leader is very misconstrued, but i didn't really go into specifics like i wanted. so here i am, doing just that.
firstly, i'm going to make this generalized enough so that it's not about any particular iteration, though i might put in details that aren't a universal part to leo's character.
i once said that "leo believes the leader is always the one to make the right choices" and by that i mean, the leader has to. he tries to think over his words carefully (there was a post for 2003 pointing out that leo stumbles on his words quite a bit and i love this detail) because he's trying to mimic his idea of a hero. not only is he the one meant to make the decisive calls, but in an imprudent, childish way, i think his ego has also convinced him that the title of leader makes his opinion more valuable djsaklg. he's kind of a funny, bossy older sibling like that.
he's full to the brim with anxiety and worst-case scenarios because he knows real life is dangerous and he is the one in-charge. rise fics have done a lovely job of showcasing the fact that leo struggles to really seem them as a team unless it's convenient for him, but i'd argue all leos (save for a few) are like this. people need to listen to him, because of course the leader knows best! leaders and heroes are synonymous, always saving the day... (...it's why rise leo doesn't think he should be leader-)
i have a little headcanon about his perfectionism that isn't completely relevant to this conversation, but i want to include it regardless. i think some of his perfectionism comes from a place of guilt and just general worries. he doesn't mind training extra or things like that, but i'm not too sure he likes it either. overdoing it can make him feel more reassured, and training better means he can make sure missions go smoother. leaders are the captains, and a captain always goes down with his ship.
anyways, if leadership to him is like being in-charge and having to be a shield, who would he be his ideal image of that to mirror? barring his cartoon heroes, it would be his father. leo has always tried to be like the person he admires most. i don't fully know why, but that makes me Sad. most kids think of their fathers as their heroes, and for all of the turtles, well. he really is one.
being the older child (in most iterations), leo unconsciously places himself on a similar pedestal as his father, copying what he does because he wants to be just like him.
.... for 2003 and 2012, yes. mirage? idw? less so. i just wrote a whole fic on the city at war arc (love me, love my dog) for the original comics that helped inspire this post. constantly leo mentions "growing up" in that arc, following it up by thinking they shouldn't stick within everything their father has taught him. he's leaving his father's shadow - that's what it means to grow up to him.
his brothers will always come before his father, no matter how much he admires him. in 2012, i truly do think leo would try too hard to become a father to his brothers. not only for their sakes, but because he's always been there, copying his father. he's trying to make his father stay by becoming more like him. he won't have to search for him in the walls of their home if he feels like he's right beside him.
^ i love this train of thought for mirage as well because in city at war he's gradually realizing that he doesn't know what he would do without splinter to back up his choices. he's having to think for himself and it's making him think that maybe he isn't as much like his father as he had always tried to be.
no matter the iteration, leo growing up is always becoming his own version of a leader (staring so badly at idw leo). it's a bittersweet thing, but it was a thought that occurred to me after leo returned from training with the ancient one in 2003. splinter already taught him everything, so why wasn't it enough? when will he teach him how to properly protect everyone like he wants to.
splinter is a VERY flawed character in every single iteration, and i think one of the most innocently child-like characteristics of leo is the way he idolizes him.
THATS HIS PAPA (bawling)
there's definitely more i could add to this, but i like leaving some parts unexplored so that people are free to put in their own thoughts :)
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inlovewithl3vi · 2 months
i haven't wrote anything with demoncest in it recently and that's kinda sad so here I am to share my thoughts.
With the new aquarium event there's a segment with Asmos dolphin and Belphies squid, where they talk about how the animals want to be together but are too different to be kept in the same space. I feel like this could be something normal on how siblings can still enjoy each others presence without being similar. But.... the way they worded it made me think of how truly different Asmo and Belphie really are when you compare them to each other. But just the way it's written in the game it makes it almost seem like they are longing to be with each other, wanting to be closer to each other but their differences are keeping them apart. Almost as if it's some trope about star crossed lovers.
this got me thinking about Asmo and Belphies relationship after the aquarium event, how they also realized they enjoyed each others company more than they thought. For example Asmo likes when Belphie comes in his room in the morning, peacefully sleeping in his bed while he does his skincare routine and makeup. he also likes how he can talk and Belphie will listen- even if he seems asleep he can still know what he's saying.
Belphie likes when Asmo talks to him after a long day, he says his voice is calming and helps him sleep at night. He also likes how Asmo will help him take care of himself when he's too tired. He likes when Asmo lets him sleep in his bed. His sheets are silk and scented like Asmos sweet smelling perfume. Of course he has to deal with Asmo constantly wanting to cuddle, but he finds himself enjoying it more often.
in the end they end up realizing that they are actually are a good pair. Asmo makes the first move, he ends up kissing Belphie on the head when he's laying in bed. eventually it progresses to a kiss on the lips every night before they go to bed... then it carries to the morning where they kiss before heading to RAD.
eventually they just end up in a full relationship, the other brothers notice too. the only problem is they don't notice. eventually Mammon ends up pointing it out to Asmo and Beel points it out to Belphie. They probably would just go with it too. just being like "huh... guess I'm dating my brother now"
Bonus (NSFW) - one day Asmo comes home from shopping and before he even enters his room he can hear quiet gasps and moans. he slowly opens his door, just to see Belphie laying in his bed humping his pillow while he sleeps. He can't help but giggle at his brother's actions as he sets his bags down and slowly lays down in bed, not wanting to wake his sleeping little brother. He slowly snakes his head between his brother and the pillow, moving so Belphie was grinding against his hand and not his pillow. at the sudden change Belphie slowly starts to wake up, already noticing Asmos hands on him. "hmm?" he grumbles out, stopping his hips movement. "shhh, Don't worry your older brother will take care of you." Asmodeus reached his other hand up to stroke Belphies cheek before tugging at the waistband of the pajama pants Belphie had on.... (ngl I might make that into a full story so I'm cutting it off there lmao)
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fortemelody · 3 months
I'm bored so imma send an ask but what are your Amy Rose headcanons?
HI HELLO IM SORRY THIS IS SO LATE!! i didn’t know how to answer it and then i got busy and then i forgot but i’m here now!
and tbh i still don’t entirely know how to answer it becus im not someone who makes headcannons very often. i usually just see some on my feed and be like “oh yeah that’s so them” and then immediately forget about it LMAO but i do have a couple even tho they are a bit basic and so i’ll try to describe those few in as great detail as possible
knuckles and amy are sibling 100%. they have that dynamic for sure! they train together and they tease each other. amy’s in the small demographic of few people he trusts too. many have also pointed out that they look similar and some people hc her as part echidna which im not really opposed to either
amy and shadow are definitely besties. whenever sonic is too stubborn to do “girly” things such as try on makeup for example, shadow would do that with her instead. he doesn’t care about his public image unlike sonic. music is something that brings them together too, seeing as we already know that they’re both swifties and went to hot honey! and she was the one who brought him back to his senses in the ending of SA2 (which btw im praying that the third movie has that scene aughdkftk). shadow has a clear soft spot for her that can only be brought out by amy. i feel like the next follow up question would be if i ship them and the answer is…not really?! i think it would be a situation where maybe amy is a bit touchy at times without realizing it and shadow blushes, or shadow does stuff to make sonic jealous (to clarify them hanging out in general is purely becus shadow wants to -not just an act so he can get back at sonic- but i think it would be funny if he would take the opportunity to brag about it when sonic gets on his nerves). i do not think either of them would actually date tho even with these one off situations and they are way better as platonic besties fr ong ‼️
this one is a bit random but i’ve always thought of amy being like… a starbucks addicted girly (in the world of mobius- not irl where they could possibly be funding a genocide 😭). and it’s kinda an ironic thing in my mind. yes, she’s the least ordinary girl you could get: wields a giant hammer, incredibly strong, is hyperfixated on and can use tarot cards as weapons, and has an indescribable intuition. however, calling back to the events of SA1, she really is just a normal hedgehog at the end of the day trying to lead a normal life. she had to learn all of these attributes, she wasn’t really born with an ability like the rest of team sonic. she also lived in an apartment for part of sonic x (i think?? haven’t watched the full series and i don’t remember everything) and actually liked it. so i think she would really enjoy simple more earth like customs. i think she honestly might be embarrassed of this fact too, seeing as she’s come all this way in her life just to resort to her old ways of living.
(…okay i’m gonna be honest that last one was a bit of a stretch and it originated from me and my friend calling her a basic white girl at one point as a joke LMAO but then i thought more about it and it kinda made sense once i put it into context)
the last one is a concept i kinda stole from a comic i saw a long time ago (i have no idea of the username- but if someone does lemme know). it was the idea that sonic started liking amy once she had started to move on, how the “chasing” kinda switched roles, and after she dialed down her “fangirling”. how sonic now wants her to be obsessed after she’s made so much progress in being her own person. i kinda wrote a fanfic based off of this and expanded upon my interpretation of it through amy’s POV. although i never posted it, i think the words i chose still capture it well so i’m just gonna copy and paste that:
“When Amy started to slowly change her childish and obnoxious mannerisms towards Sonic, he immediately felt more comfortable around her, and even started subtly reciprocating his feelings to her. Amy was obviously maturing no doubt about it, but she felt as if she had lost a part of herself in doing so. That side of her that would boldly protect and proclaim her love to him. That side to her that wouldn’t stop until she got her way. That side of her that was, as Jewel stated “…constantly following him”. She felt as if she had given up so much of her personality just to feel less incomplete, to have that soulmate she always dreamed about. On top of that, Sonic loved to come and go as he pleases. She knows that he was always going to be the adventuring type, but she wish more often that he would make an effort to chat or to invite her to tag along. Chaos knows when she tries to plan anything with him, she’s too paranoid for her own good, wondering if he’ll instantly interpret it as a date and chicken out.”
-different scene-
“Amy was surely blushing before, but nothing could’ve prepared her for that statement. She felt her heart beating, no, throbbing out of control. She looked like a full on tomato now. It’s always been her dream to dance with Sonic, but in the past he always ran away, so she gave up after several attempts. But this was the “new” her. He liked the “new” her, apparently enough to dance with him.”
(ik a lot of this doesn’t make sense without more context but uhhh this is getting too long already so if you wanna know details just DM me ig 💀)
and if it wasn’t obvious already- i take a lot of what is said in the twitter takeovers, tailstube, and idw comics to heart becus i think they have the most genuine and interesting versions of these characters and tell us about small details that we wouldn’t otherwise know. i not only make this info my hcs but also like to expand upon them and use them in my evidence- so that’s what most of the things i said above are referencing.
sooo yeah i think that’s all i got. sorry i guess a lot of these were more about dynamics of character interactions rather than amy herself… i hope that’s okay! tysm anon this was a lotta fun to answer and i hope to get more of these types of questions!!
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espectroshifting · 5 months
I Shifted
Sit down...you're sat? Ok lets go.
I've shifted, yeah, crazy right? This isn't my first time, but it is the first time this has happened in a reality similar to the DR I had written in the first place. Obviously it was for Maze Runner, that's the most recent DR that I wrote and was obsessed with, and it was different from any other DR because of: the only thing that told me that place wasn't my DR was an oddity about the sky, I don't even know what, but I trusted that I was right. But let's get to the point, this story is going to be a bit long but I don't want you guys to miss any details:
Then the commotion began, the boys were as confused as I was about what the "breeders" were thinking by sending a girl to the Glade and what they would do about me. Gally was bewildered for a while but soon shouted for everyone to shut up, he saw that the noise and whispering were only making me more and more panic, so he approached: —Calm calm…I'm going to get you out of there, okay?— Then he grabbed me by the arms and sat me down outside the box, on the grass, before going back to remove the items that were sent with me.
He seemed to trust that I wouldn't try something, maybe because of my panicked face, I couldn't disappoint him…so I assessed my surroundings as best I could through the legs that blocked my view I saw the doors of the maze , I slowly got up and ran. My legs moved at a speed I didn't know I was capable of, I heard screams of excitement, followed by screams of warning, until I heard Newt shout: —Get her Minho!—
I wasn't going to look back, I knew that if I looked he would catch me, so I kept running, entered the maze, turned left and started running through the maze of high walls. I heard Minho shout from afar, something about not being able to be there at that moment I think it was getting the time when the gates were going to close taken by the fear of staying inside and ending up dead, I stopped running and came back, finding Minho as I walked back, panting and looking slightly amused. —Come on she-bean, let's go back— and I followed him back to the Glade.
I came back calmer and somewhat refreshed from the little run, I was fine until I turned the corner and came across the group of Gladers waiting for me at the entrance, most of them confused and a little scared that maybe Minho hadn't caught up with me, but it was the look from Thomas, Newt and Gally that made me quickly regret running away. Minho walked past them with a "mission accomplished" attitude and moved away from the crowd, who were ready to see me get scolded, and Thomas was the one who started, holding me tightly by the arms and shaking me lightly: —What were you thinking when you ran into the maze? Do you realize how dangerous it is? - It was at that moment that I realized that he remembered that I was his sister, I couldn't defend myself, I was stupid and deserved that lecture.
But my biggest surprise was that I got lectured by him and Newt, Gally who I expected most of the yelling to come from just stared at me with deadly hatred while the other two boys yelled at me. —Well Thomas, it's your fault, you couldn't stop her from getting in there!— and I was totally surprised, because I don't remember seeing Newt be that angry in the movies only in the last one and he was already infected so I was really surprised to see him not only scream, but hold Thomas responsible, who was my brother and theoretically should have stopped me.
Then they took me to MedJacks to make sure I hadn't been stung and only after confirming I was safe did they relax. I was sitting on the bed in the medical tent with Alby, Newt, Thomas and Gally staring at me. Alby said that I shouldn't have run into the maze, that I was lucky to come back safe and that this was an inflation of the rules, but he wouldn't put me in punishment, since I had agreed to return with Minho without causing a commotion, already that I regretted running away from them. I also think that internally he recognized my actions, I was the only girl among several unknown boys and I had no idea what could happen, he just reasoned and accepted the fact that caused me to panic I gave him a grateful look, I knew they were waiting for an explanation, especially Thomas, who looked at me worried and asked: —What happened and why did they send you here?— and that was the last thing I remember before going back to my CR.
Thats it guys, Im excited for more, still listening subliminals throughout my day and affirming "shifting is easy" "I keep waking up in my DR".
Never give up guys ৎ୭.
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Ya know how I said Gabriel descends further into villain from Origins to Miracle Queen?
Ironically Marinette seems to go through a similar thing, or reveal more facets to her character that are less paragon but its very much by accident.
I like Marinette, but the fact this stuff never seems to get acknowledge or addressed both ends up hurting the story & in the fandom it makes it hard to discuss without being perceived as a salter or apologist, ETC.
Like, bear with me.
Season 1 Mari is basically fine, she's good, heroic, any flaws she has are fairly minor but some could be taken as 'hints' for later while still not being an issue.
Like her meticulous Adrien schedule could literally just be info she picked up associating with him that she wrote down. A little odd but not like, terrible, terrible.
Her sabotaging Bubbler's music is certain an irresponsible use of her powers but its far from the most irresponsible a hero is with a Miraculous & she is fourteen and people/protaganists can be flawed.
& her tear down of Lila, but she seemed to realize she went too far & tried to apologize. & after a point Lila staying out of school because of it starts to feel less like a Marinette issue & more a Lila (Or Gabriel) issue.
Season 2
We start to see some other potential issues emerging here, but they can still be rationalized away.
Chat being left to fend for himself is her having faith in her partner & she is going to get help.
Adrien being kept in the dark is more Fu's deal than Mari's & she is the one who presses him to bring Chat in.
Her decision to make Chloe QB again does paint a target on her back & could be tied to Adrien or rank pragmatism, but she does seem to make a genuine effort to sympathize, so at worse the target is an accident.
Less justifiable but still explain-able is encouraging Chloe's mean-ness so she can bond with her mother being a poorly thought out attempt to getting them to bond & assuming it will make them better.
The lack of follow through when the opposite happens does feel like its an issue but one can see why a kid mightn't make the connection.
Using Chloe on Heroes' Day is again, explain-able, IE it does paint a target on her back but shit was indeed dire.
The real red flag so to speak is her reaction to Kagami.
IE characterizing her as an evil witch& only stamping down on her interpretation to benefit Adrien, not because she realized that was wrong.
IE, Kagami's done 0 to warrant such a negative view of her & there isn't really a positive way to spin this one as just good intentions gone awry, someone else's fault or an accident.
Season 3
This is when it all comes home to roost so to speak.
With Kagami this comes in deliberate attempts to sabotage or even embrass and sabotage her. This continues even after Marinette realizes Kagami is actually a nice if lonely girl and befriends her.
But it gets worse because even if Kagami's ID wasn't known to the public (Though it makes sense that it is) the dialogue still acknowledges Hawk Moth knows!
She is painting a target on her friends back wile sabotaging her date!
There isn't really a good way to explain this one, which might be why I know some fics basically seem to outright pretend it didn't happen.
Meanwhile with Chloe the lack of follow through issue becomes text.
IE, she paints a target on Chloe's back by using her twice in short succession, then ghosts her even though its clear Chloe's trying to communicate with her.
Even if attacks weren't happening near her home this would be bad.
But when finally pushed into acting on this reality, the second its convenient to use Chloe in combat again she does so. Making it loud and clear to Hawk Moth that if the situation is dire, he knows where to get the Bee Miraculous & its wielder.
This is a big issue because unlike "Making Chloe a better person" which in universe is not Marinette's job. As the person who gives out Miraculous, as the leader she has in fact made herself responsible for what happens to Chloe in regards to Miraculous business.
She can't abdicate on that one except maybe to Fu who also damn well should have known better.
Which leaves the story with Marinette willingly putting two people into danger and using them opportunistically either out of rank pragmatism or for outright selfish reasons. Then just like, not acknowledging the risks or consequences, with one of these people even being her friend.
It makes her come off as ether a lot more cold, or a lot more out of touch with the consequences of her actions than almost anyone else.
Neither of which get acknowledged in the narrative so as before, it becomes hard to even talk about without being seen as smearing the character or being unfair. Or like you just need to ignore these traits even if the story no longer works because of it and Marinette ironically becomes a less interesting character.
Cos like, a Marinette who can become extremely, even ruthlessly pragmatic the moment she needs too. Or one who is genuinely that taken away with her crush that its effecting her morality to the point where she can become harmful. Those are interesting ideas to explore!
They don't make her like, more evil than Hawk Moth or whatever, & if handled well could prove really interesting. Especially as they could parallel Gabriel's behaviors in regards to Adrien and others. Thus letting him be a sort of "Oh shit, is this who I could grow into in twenty years if I had money/power & zero people to check me?" villain.
But instead even noting it seems discouraged in most of the popular sphere's, or worse and well, we know the show doesn't take issue with it.
See it's.
I do love this about her and find it fascinating! As a character in a piece of fiction, I mean. I don't /want/ her to make these decisions, but /on paper/ I'm eating popcorn as I watch it unfold.
A lot of this does stem from Marinette's black and white mentality and overall being naive. Everything is all or nothing with her.
Sometimes this comes across in her thinking of people as good or bad. While she tries, it's hard for her to think of Chloé as 'good' and it's hard for her to understand that even if Chloé wants to change, it takes a lot of time and isn't just flipping a switch.
And while there's past precedent with Chloé, this shows up again with Lila. She never entertains the idea that Lila may just be lying for attention because she's bad at making friends. Lila is lying and lying is bad so clearly she's a manipulative bitch that deserves to be publicly humiliated! Like with Chloé, she may back down for a moment when called out like what Adrien did, but it doesn't last long.
Kagami is the eventual progression into twisting things. She's not overly friendly and sweet and social, but she /is/ in competition with Marinette for Adrien's affections. So she twists the idea that Kagami must be an awful person, despite doing literally nothing, and deserves what Mari does to her. And while she does befriend Kagami and feels some guilt, I think a combination of 'this is for True Love™' and not wanting to admit that she was a jerk and wrong makes her keep sabotaging her.
And it's a similar thing with her actions as Ladybug.
At first it's things that make sense: trusting Chat to do what he can on his own with little information, just like they've been doing for all of Season 1.
Then she gets Fu telling her that things are too risky for anyone else to know. So she doesn't tell Chat things. Because Fu is an Adult™ and their guide in all this, so ofc he's right even if Marinette thinks otherwise at first. And this is hammered in with Chat Blanc and Ephemeral. If Chat knows more, things get fucked.
And then we get Marinette justifying keeping secrets for the Greater Good™. Whether it just be not telling Chat anything, or lying to all of Paris to make sure Adrien never finds out his father is a complete fucking asshole. Secrets are good. She's doing the right thing by keeping them so that it doesn't hurt anyone. If he knew things would go to hell.
In theory I find all this fascinating! But while there's been a hiccup here or there, usually caused by Adrichat going 'girl what the FUCK?!', on the whole the narrative chooses to see this as the good and right thing rather than a flaw that Marinette needs to overcome.
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aureentuluva70 · 2 years
I'm not sure if this has been talked about before, but I'm gonna talk about it regardless because it has completely blown my mind. I first discovered it on a reddit post, which you can read here.
In the book The History of the Hobbit, John Rateliff suggests that the Wilderlands of The Hobbit is actually the Beleriand of Tolkien's early mythology as it was written during the 1930's, only taking place ages after the War of the Jewels, since the later ages and maps of middleearth hadn't been created by Tolkien yet. Keep in mind that at this point in Tolkien's writings, the breaking of Thangorodrim was nowhere near as bad as it would later turn out to be. Beleriand never sank into the sea, but it was still drastically changed.
Here are two maps drawn by Tolkien during the 1930's, one of Beleriand and the other of the Wilderlands found in the Hobbit:
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In terms of similarities, one of the first things I noticed(and one of the most obvious) was the river Sirion and the Great River of the Wilderlands. The name Sirion literally translates to 'Great River'.
In the middle of the path of said river is the Carrock, which is where the Eagles set Bilbo and Company down after saving them, and the way it is described in the Hobbit reminds me a lot of this illustration Tolkien made of Tol-Sirion:
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"But cropping out of the ground, right in the path of the stream which looped itself about it, was a great rock, almost a hill of stone, like a last outpost of the distant mountains, or a huge piece cast miles into the plain by some giant among giants."
-The Hobbit, Queer Lodgings.
AND it is also uses very similar wording to how the Lay of Leithian describes Tol-Sirion(Tolkien was working on the Leithian around the same time he was writing The Hobbit):
'An isled hill there stood alone/ amid the valley, like a stone/rolled from the distant mountains vast/when giants in tumult hurtled past'
-Lay of Leithian.
There's also the mention of "a little cave, (a wholesome one with a pebbly floor) at the foot of the steps" which the person in the reddit post suggests could be the remains of the very same dungeon where Finrod, Beren, and their companions were imprisoned by Sauron after their disguises were stripped away. The same place where all but one of them were slowly devoured one by one. The same place where Finrod died.
Above it at the top of the Carrock would be where Finrod was buried, and the "Ford of huge flat stones [that] led to the grass-land beyond the stream" could be the remains of the broken bridge that was destroyed by Luthien: "the hill trembled; the citadel/crumbled and all its towers fell/the rocks yawned and the bridge broke/and Sirion spurned in sudden smoke."
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The "two Mirkwoods" is also a big one. I always found it odd that there were two completely different forests sharing the same name, but at the time Tolkien wrote it, they weren't seperate at all, but the exact same forest, just changed and grown over thousands of years in between the events of the Silmarillion and The Hobbit. The same forest that Sauron fled to after the fall of Tol-in-Guarhoth. The same one Beleg found Gwindor in after his escape from Angband.
If they really were intended to be the same forest at the time Tolkien wrote it, it also answers the question I had earlier regarding this part in the Leithian when Sauron flees Tol-in-Guarhoth:
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A new stronghold? We never hear anything about this in the Silmarillion, of Sauron building a new stronghold in Taur-nu-fuin, and it puzzled me when I first read it. But that's when I realized that this "new throne and darker stronghold" was talking about none other than the fortress of Dol Guldur itself, Sauron's stronghold within Mirkwood.
(Not lying, I was pretty proud of myself for figuring that one out)
Oh, and the Lonely Mountain? While it doesnt appear on the 1930's Beleriand map, it would likely be Maedhros's fortress of Himring itself, or at least the mountain it was built on top of, as Himring is located east of Taur-nu-fuin just about in the same place where Erebor is located. Just the thought of the Dwarves' home being within the very mountain that once had Maedhros's citadel atop it has my brain going wild. (Oh, and the fact that the arkenstone was found within the ancient hills of what was once Himring, fortress of the elf lord who threw himself into a fiery chasm with a silmaril? Coincidence? I think NOT)
There are plenty of other similar locations between the two maps, and judging by them both Eriador would be Hithlum/Aryador, with the Misty Mountains being the Mountains of Shadow. The Withered Heath would be the Anfauglith, the Eagle Eyrie would be the Crissaegrim, and the Iron Hills are what's left of Nogrod and Belegost. I've even heard that Mavwin/Morwen's house could be the roots of Rivendell.
Overall, it's so, so cool and it has my mind running wild. It really makes me see The Hobbit in a whole new light. We all talk about the amazing stories that came out of the Hobbit aka Lord of the Rings, but seeing where the stories of the Hobbit came from just adds a whole other level of depth to it all. This is why I love Tolkien's works so much. It's all so incredibly deep and rich and it just gets better and richer the deeper you go, and there's so much of it. It's one of those things that you just rarely get tired of, and even if you do, you're bound to come back to it later and I love it.
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yourhighness6 · 10 months
Zutara's Song is Definetely The Great War by Taylor Swift
I've seen a lot of Zutara songs and playlists out there and I wanted to share my opinion on my personal favorite
I want to start out by saying that this analysis is going to completely ignore Taylor Swift's intentions when she wrote the song and any analysis of the song in concurrence with her life. I'm also going off my personal feelings that the first verse and chorus are Zuko talking to Katara, the second verse, chorus, and bridge are Katara talking to Zuko, and the remaining parts of the song are them reflecting after the war.
My knuckles were bruised like violets,
Sucker punching walls, cursed you as I sleep talked,
For me, this was pretty typical season 1 Zuko. Angry at the world, fighting everything in sight, ect, ect. It's only after the first two lines that the song gets a little bit more specific.
Spineless in my tomb of silence,
Tore your banners down, took the battle underground,
That third line is really reminiscent of Ba Sing Se. He took himself out of the story, until, of course, he had to make a choice in "Crossroads of Destiny"
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And we know what he chooses
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It's almost phrased in the form of an apology, which connects it even further to their story. "Tore your banners down" could also mean the fall of Ba Sing Se in general. Aang is Katara's banner, the avatar who she put so much hope in, but the Earth Kingdom banner is also who she was fighting behind. Azula killed Aang, so I would personally say it's the latter, but I saw two meanings behind it so it's totally up for interpretation.
And maybe it was egos swinging,
The "egos swinging" bit resonated with me a lot, because at this point in the story Zuko isn't done with his character arc. He still seeks his father's validation over his own moral code, and although it seems to me like he's gotten over a lot of his entitlement, I think he still feels entitled to his throne. That's one of my favorite things about his arc, actually, that he comes from a place of privilege but eventually, unlike Azula, realizes that the right to rule isn't given by birth but by true care for the people you represent. (some politicians should take notes)
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Maybe it was her,
To me, the "her" in this case is Azula, convincing Zuko their father will be proud of him if he returns to the Fire Nation, although it could also mean Mai. Again, open for interpretation.
Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur,
This could mean a lot for different people. I've seen a theory about Zuko possibly disassociating (not unlike similar theories about Darth Vader), which I think is interesting. It could also maybe represent the guilt he still feels, which is my personal opinion.
Moving on, the chorus is fairly generic once again,
All that bloodshed, crimson clover,
Uh-uh, sweet dream was over,
My hand was the one you reached for,
All throughout the great war,
The hand part stuck out to me because of the part in the final agni Kai when they reach for each other:
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(screencaps are bad quality but ya'll get the idea)
Then it goes back to the any enemies-to-lovers generic dynamic again...
Always remember, uh-uh,
Tears on the letter,
I vowed not to cry anymore,
If we survived the Great War.
And then we switch to Katara's POV:
You drew up some good faith treaties,
I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone,
You could argue that this is several moments throughout the series, maybe at the end of the war when she gets together with Aang, but I connected it most with her time spent on the ship after book 2. While Zuko was trying to fix his relationship with the Fire Nation and return to his family, Katara was isolating herself, worried about the war, about the avatar, avoiding her father and Sokka out of shame and feelings of abandonment. It was an extremely dark time for her, and although Zuko was trying to feel hopeful about his return, he doesn't even smile when he reunites with Mai. He knows he made the wrong decision.
You said I have to trust more freely,
This is after Zuko's redemption arc, during "The Southern Raiders" (which is probably my favorite ATLA episode, btw). Zuko encourages Katara to trust him, feeling that he is changed and is now deserving of it.
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But she refuses to forgive or trust him
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I would argue this is for good reason. She is clearly angry at more than just him, the entire Fire Nation, in fact, for murdering her mother and starting the war, but it is also very personal. When he betrayed her in Ba Sing Se after she revealed such a devastating detail of her life and they shared a connection, her abandonment issues probably came into play. It's similar to the trauma she had with her father after he left to join the war. She is scared that the people she cares about will leave her, just like her parents did, whether they had a choice or not, and just like Aang did when Azula shot him with lightning, again, without meaning to. Zuko left her intentionally to join the Fire Nation, even after she offered to heal his scar, a very important moment in their arcs. She is forgiving, optimistic, helpful, and kind to someone who hunted her and her friends for nearly a year, and he throws the offer of her most valuable asset back in her face and is instrumental in Aang's near death experience.
But diesel is desire, you were playing with fire,
He helps her. He uncovers her trauma, aids her in working through it, is supportive even when it was probably more than he bargained for.
And maybe it's the past that's talking,
Screaming from the crypt,
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Telling me to punish you for things you never did,
Her mother did die at the hands of the Fire Nation, under Zuko's family's orders, whether they came directly from Ozai or not. But he wasn't the one who killed her or ordered her death, and he IS the one who is trying to defeat his father and end the war in favor of balance and peace. She realizes that...
So I just defied it,
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...And finds it in her heart to forgive him.
After that, we start on the chorus again.
All that bloodshed, crimson clover,
Uh-uh, the bombs were closer,
I think that last line also refers to a different scene, much earlier in "the Southern Raiders", when Azula attacks the temple...
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My hand was the one you reached for,
All throughout the Great War
...And Zuko saves Katara.
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(I might do a separate post analyzing just this moment because holy crap there is A LOT there)
Always remember, uh-uh,
The burning embers,
I vowed not to fight anymore,
If we survived the Great War,
I think this refers to the agni Kai specifically, as does most of the bridge. The fire everywhere, the fear, the fact that it's the last battle of the war. It just fits.
It turned into something bigger,
Somewhere in the haze got the sense I'd been betrayed,
Your finger on my hairpin trigger,
Everything is depending on this battle. If they can't defeat Azula, what will happen to the Fire Nation? Will the people now just be under a new, arguably stronger and more powerful tyrant?
Soldier down, on that icy ground,
Looked up at me with honor and truth,
Broken and blue, so I called off the troops,
But they never learn what would have happened, because their combined efforts defeat Azula.
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That was the night I nearly lost you,
I really thought I'd lost you
But not before Zuko (or rather, Azula) gives Katara the fright of her life.
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(the love and concern on her face is so heartbreakingly beautiful it makes me want to sob)
And now everything is fine! The bridge is over and the next verse is full of hope.
We can plant a memory garden,
Say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair,
For the poppy part, I'd like to address a particular fan theory. In the final scene, Katara has a pink flower in her hair.
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(I left the usernames on, but please lmk if anyone wants a different type of credit. screenshot taken from this post: x)
According to another source I found, this flower is a pink peony, which symbolizes prosperity and a happy marriage.
(flower analysis originally from this post: x)
I know that this is a peony, not a poppy, but close enough? Also, if it were a poppy, it would symbolize compassion and platonic love.
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Either way, I think of this as a kind of goodbye from Zuko to Katara. No matter what the situation was at the end of the series, whether Zuko was in love with Katara, Katara was in love with Zuko, or they were in love with each other, "platonic love" and "happy marriage" were a goodbye. It's either wishing her the best with Aang, or saying they can only be friends because of Aang or because of duty, but that he loves her anyway. (oh look, I made myself cry) At least, I think that in canon context. But within the song, it's a peony and they're now engaged lol
Anyway, the verse continues.
There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair,
And we will never go back to that,
And then the chorus starts again, but it's tone is far more hopeful than before. The worst is behind them. The war is over.
Bloodshed, crimson clover,
Uh-uh, the worst was over,
My hand was the one you reached for,
All throughout the Great War,
Always remember, uh-uh,
We're burned for better,
I vowed I would always be yours,
'Cause we survived the Great War.
It's just so perfect! I love it! (psst, if anyone wants me to also analyze another "Zutara song" feel free to ask)
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meraki-yao · 1 year
Ok I saw a post before saying what if we put all of Nick’s characters in one room (I can’t find op anymore) and after the last reblog it got me thinking so here’s some weird multiverse imagination
Note that I’m only gonna use the characters I’ve seen/know about, so that’s Henry (RWRB, duh), Conor (Handsome Devil, watched the whole movie and really liked it), Timmy (The Craft: Legacy, only watched Nick’s part lol), Robert (Cinderella, the first time I actually saw Nick, I watched… enough, plus a bunch of video essays on it because I am a musical theatre person and a fairy tale person), Jeff (Bottoms, from what I can get from the trailers), and Luke (Purple Heart, which I love you Nick but I will not put myself through that, based on what I’ve heard about it and reading the synopsis on Wikipedia) if you can think of more please join in on this mess
Let’s say some weird random ass multiverse magic got all of them into a room. After the initial “Good God is that what I look like with a buzzcut?” and “Why the fuck are they British- is that kid Scottish?” and “HE’S A PRINCE? OH THAT GUY WHO’S SINGING IS A PRINCE TOO? HOW AM I A PRINCE???” then someone (honestly out of the six I listed probably Henry or … Luke?) telling everyone to settle down and introduce themselves so they can figure out their differences, what’s gonna happen?
Luke and Jeff will definitely get into a fight at some point. Maybe Robert gets unintentionally involved too
I dread to imagine the conversation/confrontation between Luke, the conservative marine and Henry, now a gay icon in a loving, committed relationship with the bisexual POC son of a democratic female president (I’ve heard some folks call Henry the rainbow prince and oh my God I love that) interacting, but Henry is still a prince and a lot stronger and willing to stand up for himself and his relationship at the end of the movie, I want him to win in that argument
Henry and Robert will definitely judge each other. Robert on Henry’s clothes and how proper he is (think about his fucking line “dancing at these things are so mannered! And formal! And we look like fools!” and oh God I hate that I can quote that line) and Henry on Robert’s eccentric, borderline-childish mannerism, and wonder how on earth is this guy a prince (I know royal protocols are strict and Henry does definitely find them stifling at times but a large part of that is just… manner and etiquette? Like look at the pained face he makes when Alex devours the cornetto and then speaks with his mouth full of ice cream, he was definitely exasperated by his choice of men at the moment)
Luke and Jeff will get annoyed at Robert spontaneously bursting into song and tell him to shut the fuck up, but Henry might find it amusing and somewhat charming (come on I absolutely don’t believe that Alex and Henry don’t sing to each other, especially when they have Taylor and Nick’s beautiful singing voice in the movie verse) and maybe Conor starts shyly strumming his guitar to Robert’s singing
Jeff trying to bully Conor and Timmy then realizing these boys are no less strong than he is and gets his ass kicked
(The next couple of points are the main reason I wrote this post lol)
Henry recognizing Conor and Timmy’s struggles, seeing bits of his younger self in these queer kids that look like him, remembering what Alex said about getting to be someone his father didn’t see growing up, thinking he can do something similar for these two boys and taking them under his wing, pulling the both of them to a corner to talk
Conor telling Henry that he doesn’t believe there’s a place in the world where he could just be himself, and Henry remembering feeling the same until a certain American boy with fucking eyelashes, black curls and dimples stormed his castle
Timmy explaining how he feels like his bisexuality isn’t being validated (Nick did amazing in that scene please go watch it) and Henry gently telling him that that’s absolutely not true and that his boyfriend is in fact, bisexual, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with liking both boys and girls
Henry and Timmy sharing their grief over their lost parents
Conor and Timmy suddenly having a man who looks like them, who's in a position of power and in a committed relationship with another man in a position of power to look up to
Henry telling them his story and how he found love and support, giving the boys hope, and realizing that this is what making history can mean
I don’t know how my brain came to this but Henry as an older brother to Conor and Timmy now lives rent-free in my head, might write more on that alone
Very intrigued about how this is gonna be expanded when Mary & George comes out and we add George Villiers to the mix, Henry will pass out
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uselesssomebody · 2 years
𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕣 - cedric diggory x reader
complete masterlist | harry potter masterlist
words || 𝟚𝕜
series masterlist || week to all hallows' eve
summary || in which the reader and cedric's friends like to play matchmaker
a/n || oh my god? more? but this time, it's part of a multifandom series! ➵ part of my 'week to hallows' eve' halloween countdown. check out the masterlist ^ ➵ i've never watched titanic; can you tell? ➵ i wrote this super late a night so please don't be mad if it is a little ass ➵ this was inspired by a convo with a friend but i realize that it is also veryyy similar to @creativepromptsforwriting halloween prompt (#418) & a audio on the g.w.a. subreddit so great minds think alike i.g. ➵ not yet proofread ➵ send me requests if you have ‘em. enjoy!
warnings || fluff
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her friends had been quite adamant about the outfit that she was currently wearing. it was a period-type: long dress, hair pinned up into a half up-do. it was supposed to be the character of rose from the titanic. the red, seemingly expensive, fabric of her dress wrapped around her figure snugly, and she couldn’t help but find herself gazing just a bit too long at her own reflection in the mirror.
“move your hair out ‘f your face, hon.” she turned to look at her good friend, mavis williams, who was currently giddy at the thought of painting her friend’s face. she complied, pushing the straggling locks of hair on her face behind her ears. she tries to sit as still as possible as mavie attempted to place the light dust of blush on her cheeks and accentuated her eyes just slightly by adding a swipe of eyeliner to each. she marveled at her friend’s ability, knowing that she would have used much more time to complete the same task to the level at which her friend could.
after she was done, she stood up to smooth the wrinkles in her dress, grasping on the necklace at the vanity while mavie went on to do her own makeup - having dressed as cher from their collective favorite movie: clueless.
dottie had left about a half-hour ago to meet up with her ravenclaw friends, and martha had just left to go find her boyfriend. on the other hand, mavie and herself would meet with mavie’s hufflepuff boyfriend, and all three of them would head down to the gryffindor common room, where fred and george, with the help of angelina johnson, had organized a halloween party - advertised as transcending house boundaries, cause no one should be able to recognize anyone anyways.
she was excited to go, not seeing her own friends outside of classes that much and now finally getting a chance. she also did love the weasleys’ parties, a common sentiment shared through the school.
she watched as mavie finished up her own outfit, popping the signature stick of gum in her mouth, before - as if on cue - they both heard a knock at the door. mavie rises up, a smile she tries to suppress still beaming over her cheeks, as she opened the door and greeted her boyfriend. well, she says greeted - the girl pulled him into a jovial kiss almost immediately, having not been able to spend much time with him over the past few weeks. after the show, she joined the cute couple, and nodded at her friend’s boyfriend. he’s quick to greet her, friendly smile ever-present on his face.
“hey, connor! josh, right?” she refers to cher’s love interest in the movie, pointing at his boring-for-anyone-else outfit. truly, it didn’t work without the appearance of his girlfriend, but it didn’t really seem like the two of them would separate for much time tonight anyways.
as soon as they near the stairs, they can already hear the heavy bustling and chatter standard of a weasley party, seeing the common room flooded with people in all sorts of costumes as they ventured down. many were the standard: zombies, vampires, werewolves. there were a few fairies, elves and the like. then, there was an assortment of movie and tv characters. she glanced around for her friends, immediately finding dottie - who was in a white shirt and tight corset - with her ravenclaw friends, emulating a team of bloodthirsty pirates. martha went to greet her, with her boyfriend in tow, and she marveled at the cute outfit: baby and johnny from dirty dancing.
her friends were all talking amongst themselves, being shockingly distant to her and, for the life of her, she couldn’t tell why. deciding to ignore it, she broke away to go find the refreshments counter - a butterbeer had never sounded better. she filled a glass with the stuff - the sweet drink having been infused with something slightly more potent to really make this a party, and she absentmindedly glanced at who else was attending.
well, she says absentmindedly, but, truly, she’s looking for one person: cedric diggory. see, the girl had had an almost embarrassing crush on the boy for some time now, and the only people who knew that were her dorm-mates and close friends. half the reason she’d come to this party was because mavie had heard that he’d be here and, as pitiful as it was, she was really excited to see him.
“’lright there?” she’s broken out of her thoughts by a loud voice - voices. in the blink of an eye, she’s surrounded by hogwart’s double trouble, and fred and george both have somewhat expectant looks on their faces.
“hmm? yeah, yeah, i’m great! ‘t’s a nice party.” she nods back at them, plastering a smile to make it look like she was more tuned in to their conversation that she actually was.
“how come you sound surprised? all our parties are nice -” started fred, but george was quick to cut to the chase, knowing they had other guests to talk to (see: bother).
“we just wanted to say that you’ve got a cute outfit. pretty original of a couple this year, y’know? most of these other ones are pretty similar.” she’s nodding along, but, suddenly processing what they said, she’s a bit confused.
“couple? wait, what?” fred and george look at her for a moment, before looking at each other.
“uh, jack? like jack & rose?”
“yeah, we tend to zone out when dad puts muggle movies on but even we know that one.” then, suddenly fred smacks his brother’s shoulder.
“oh, george, she’s just messing with us,” if there was one thing the weasleys hated, it was getting beat at their own game of sarcasm, “good one, but you won’t pull fast one over good ol’ freddie that easily.” he laughs at his own comment, before him and his brother waved her off. except, the issue was that she truly had no idea what they were talking about. of course, she was well aware of the implication of jack when she was rose, but it was fairly obvious that she had come alone, right? and that jack, in fact, was not here with her?
she figured that the boys had just been messing with her, deciding to gulp down the rest of her butterbeer and make her way back to dottie. she was struggling with clipping on her corset as she spoke with a friend, so she went up behind her and helped her out.
“hey, dot.” she mumbles, and she tightens the clasp. her friend gives her a sweet smile of gratitude. suddenly, dot’s friend gasps and looks at her.
“oh my god, your guys’ costumes are so cute!” she smiles back at the friend, a little confused by her way of speaking but grateful nonetheless.
“yeah, haha, thanks. mavie really helped me out and, honestly, dot looks like she’s really gone all out for this -”
“oh, no, not dot!” the friend’s quick to clarify, “i mean the handsome jack to your beautiful rose.” she sent a playful wink to her confused face and, when she turns to look at dottie, she sees her suppressing a smile.
“dot? dot, what did you do?” she hisses to her friend, and all she does in response is shake her head.
“ask mavie and connor, it was their idea!”
“what was?” dot just shrugged. a little exasperated now, she left and set off on the quest to find mavis, infinitely more confused now than she was before.
as she weaved her way through the groups of people, she found herself looking back to apologize to someone whose toes she'd stepped on, prompting her to walk right into someone. they grasp at her biceps to steady her, a polite litany of apologies already leaving their mouth. as soon as she hears them speak, she recognizes them, hoping her ears haven’t gone too red.
“it’s - um, cedric, you’re fine. it was my fault, i wasn’t looking-” as she glances down to look at his own outfit, she stops. he does the same. for a moment, they’re both examining the other, the gears in their heads clicking into place with each second.
“i’m gonna kill mavie.” they both mutter the names of their traitors, before cedric looks up at her, and laughs lightly.
“god, i’m so sorry, this must be so awkward.” she immediately goes to shake her head, laughing as well.
“no! it’s not awkward. just…oh, mavie’s always been a bit extra about things like this.” she mumbles, trying to find a way to diffuse the situation. luckily, cedric’s much better at that then she is as, after taking a half-step back, he daintily grabs her hand in his and presses it lightly to his lips.
“rose.” he says it with affection, and she blinks, having to remind herself that it’s for the sake of the bit.
“jack.” she curtsies lightly in response, hoping the low light covers her blush.
“i was just about to get myself a drink, would you like one?” god, he’s such a damn gentleman, she thinks, before shaking her head.
“i’ve already had one, but i’ll go with you, if you don’t mind?” there’s the faintest hint of desperation in her voice, and she’s just hoping to god he doesn’t pick it up.
“that’d be lovely.” he holds his arm out for her, and she takes it delicately, knowing anything more would come off as too intimate. he’s really playing into the bit.
after getting himself a drink, they find seats near the edge of the room, the place slightly more reclusive and giving themselves an environment to talk.
“how’s your night been so far?” he asks conversationally. she sighs in faux exasperation.
“it’s felt pretty orchestrated, to be completely honest,” he laughs, and she does too, “y’know, mavie’s always trying to play matchmaker, but i usually figure out her ploys ahead of time.” he nods in agreeance.
“it’s the same with connor - he seems to be a bad influence on his girlfriend.” he says it in humor, with a fake accusatory tone.
“oh, i’m sure it’s the other way around.” there’s a beat of silence.
“we do make a cute couple.” he lingered on the word, before rephrasing, “a cute couple’s costume.” then, having noticed her face perk up at the first sentence and then again depress at the next, he attempts to hide a smile behind his glass, “i think we’d make a cute couple too.” she stares at him with narrow eyes for a moment.
“y’think so?” it’s a mumble, because she really, really hopes he isn’t playing games with her right now. he’s silent for a moment, before clearing his throat. his usual air of confidence had dwindled slightly, and she looked at him with big, questioning eyes.
“i’d - uh, i’d hope we make a cute couple.”
“you hope?” he laughs, before shaking his head and moving closer to her.
“i am trying to ask you out here. can ya, uh, help me out?” the last bit’s a joke, but she’s too busy processing his first sentence to notice.
“you - you want to ask me out?” she’s baffled, having assumed that all her previous affections towards him had been one-sided.
“i mean, if you’d let me. ever since connor introduced us, i thought you were just so sweet and i - uh - i guess i just didn’t have the courage before.” still in shock, she doesn’t answer for another moment, and he looks down at the ground, “i’m sorry, you can just say no, i didn’t -”
“no!” he deflated at the exclamation, ready to accept the rejection, before she shook her head, taking his hand, “no, i mean yes! i’d love to go out with you.” he looks confused, and it makes her laugh, “cedric, please. i would really enjoy going on a date with you.” he smiles, pressing another soft kiss to her hand.
“y’think we should tell them that this worked?” he said after a moment, in reference to mavie and connor. her eyes widened.
“oh, absolutely not!”
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