#And I just wrote a whole tag essay but to sum it up
museenkuss · 11 months
stuck at the train station at 2:30 am and my mother is picking me up :x
benefits of being a spoiled princess I suppose but the EMBARRASSMENT
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lemondoddle · 2 years
i finally watched the wwdits season finale and tumblr is being a bitch about my post so ill just say this:
he mourned his friend. and then his friend came back-at the cost of his son. cries forever and always
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freshdotdaily · 8 months
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A lot of y'all know I been obsessed with Rammellzee for a hot second now. I don't have the crazy obsession y'all have w/ Basqiuat, or Andy Warhol. But of that downtown scene, I reaaaally loved Haring as a yute dem and I really fucked with A. Charles just off seeing their work publicly all around me.
But once I found Ramm, it was another revelation. A convergence of a lot of shit I like wrapped in one enigmatic weirdo artist's ideas to pick apart and break down. Bruh, this nigga straddles genius and mental illness in a wild way. There's a touch of Rammellzee in MF DOOM.
One of the reasons I liked the young rapper Wiki when I found him in 2012, (outside of this video) is because him/his crew "Ratking" refers to "Letter Racers". I instantly thought, "yo, this kid is tapped in!".
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Also, I'm guilty for really obsessing over late 80's and 90's era NYC culture. Y'all wasn't outside, but there's just something super ill about that downtown time/space that incubated so much of our culture from my hometown. Alex Corporan (of Supreme's OG crew) summed it thusly: "The ‘90s in NYC lands as the last of the epic, raw, untouchable, unstoppable, fearless times for life. You're unable to replicate the experience of what was happening in New York during this time. Skateboarding, music, nightlife, art, fashion... you name it! 2000-2004 held onto that energy for a bit, but from 1990-1999 you grew up real fast and experienced shit in light speed."
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Anyways, NY Times did a piece I wanna hit y'all with. I sprinkled in some video/links/pics for razzle-dazzle. Long live Rammellzee! In the late nineteen-seventies, the sociologist Nathan Glazer had grown weary of riding New York’s graffiti-covered subways. The names of young vandals, who identified themselves as “writers” rather than as artists, were everywhere—inside, outside, sometimes stretching across multiple train cars. Glazer didn’t know who these writers were, or whether their transgressive spirit ever manifested itself in violent crimes, but that didn’t matter. The daily confrontation with graffiti suggested a city under siege. “The signs of official failure are everywhere,” he wrote in an influential 1979 essay. Graffiti, with its casual anarchy and cryptic syntax, offered glimpses into a “world of uncontrollable predators.” In the nineties, Glazer’s essay would help inspire the concept of “broken windows” policing—a theory that preserving the appearance of calm, orderly neighborhoods can foster peace and civility.
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Graffiti has always had this kind of metaphorical power. It is somehow more than art or destruction (even though it is both), and it prompts awe or dread, depending on your tolerance for disorder. For every Glazer, there were romantics like Norman Mailer, who had written the text for a book of photographs elevating graffiti to the status of “faith.” From his perspective, graffiti forced the upper crust to reckon with the names and the fugitive dreams of a forgotten underclass: “You hit your name and maybe something in the whole scheme of the system gives a death rattle.”
Few people understood and internalized this power as deeply as the artist, rapper, and theoretician Rammellzee (which he styled as The ramm:ell:zee). He believed that his time in the train yards and the tunnels of New York gave him a vision for how to destroy and rebuild our world. He was born in 1960 and grew up in Far Rockaway, Queens. His birth name is a closely guarded secret; he legally changed it to his artistic tag in 1979. (He also insisted that The ramm:ell:zee was an “equation,” not a name.) Little is known about his youth, aside from passing aspirations to study dentistry (he was good with his hands) and to be a model (in a 1980 catalogue, he is identified as Mcrammellzee).
Ramm—as he became known—believed that language enforced discipline, and that whoever controlled it could steer people’s thoughts and imaginations. His hope wasn’t to replace English; he wanted to annihilate it from the inside out. His generation grew up after urban flight had devastated New York’s finances and infrastructure. Ramm channelled the chaos into a spectacular personal mythology, drawn from philology, astrophysics, and medieval history. He was obsessed with a story of Gothic monks whose lettering grew so ornate that the bishops found it unreadable and banned the technique. The monks’ work wasn’t so different from the increasingly abstract styles of graffiti writing, which turned a name into something mysterious and unrecognizable. Ramm developed a philosophy, Gothic Futurism, and an artistic approach that he called Ikonoklast Panzerism: “Ikonoklast” because he was a “symbol destroyer,” abolishing age-old standards of language and meaning; “Panzer” because this symbolic warfare involved arming all the letters of the alphabet, so that they might liberate themselves. He lived these ideas through his art and his music, and by being part of the hip-hop scene during its infancy.
In 1983, Rammellzee and a rapper named K-Rob went to visit the painter Jean-Michel Basquiat. Though Ramm and Basquiat were friends, they were also rivals. Ramm would later say that Basquiat wasn’t a “dream artist”—he didn’t so much radiate visions outward as take things in like a “sponge,” learning about genius from books. He and Ramm once bet on who could most convincingly parody the other’s work. (Ramm claimed not only that he won but that Basquiat’s art dealer, who wasn’t in on their ruse, told Basquiat that “his” work was the best he had ever done.)
That night, Basquiat invited Ramm and K-Rob to record a song he’d written. Ramm, who had rapped in the movie “Wild Style,” was already known for his unique nasal sneer. (He called it his “gangster duck” style.) The two men looked at Basquiat’s elementary rhymes, laughed, and tossed them in the trash. Instead, they made up their own lyrics—a brilliant, surreal tale of a kid (the earnest, bemused K-Rob) who’s on his way home and a hectoring pimp (Ramm) who tries to tempt him toward the dark side. Basquiat called the song “Beat Bop,” and paid for it to be produced; he painted the vinyl single’s cover art himself. The song was murky and strange, like a spiky funk jam slowed to a sinister crawl. In the background, someone tunes a violin. There’s so much echo and reverb on the track that it sounds like an attempt at time travel.
In the eighties, graffiti gained acceptance in the art world. Despite Ramm’s charisma, the intensity of his work and his stubborn, erratic personality kept him on the movement’s fringes. Where Basquiat and Keith Haring seemed shy showmen, Ramm came across as a nutty professor. His early paintings took inspiration from the psychedelia of comic books and science fantasy, with mazy train tracks running across cosmic reliefs. His palette was attuned to the era’s anxieties about nuclear war and nuclear waste. The colors were bright and garish, suggesting a box of neon highlighters run amok.
Rammellzee created and wore full-body suits of armor that he called “Garbage Gods.”
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Photograph by Mari Horiuchi / courtesy Red Bull Arts New York and the Rammellzee Estate
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In the mid-eighties, he began rendering these ideas in 3-D. He made sculptures that evoked the fossilized remains of twentieth-century life: newspaper clippings, key rings, chain links, and other junk, floating in an epoxy ooze. The most remarkable works were his “Garbage Gods,” full-body suits of armor, some of which weighed more than a hundred pounds. They look like junk-yard Transformers doing samurai cosplay. His most famous character, the Gasholeer, was outfitted with a small flamethrower.
Ramm’s art, thought, and music are the subject of the exhibition “ramm∑llz∑∑: Racing for Thunder,” at Red Bull Arts New York.
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Befitting the popular drink’s own sense of iconoclasm, “Racing” bathes in Ramm’s frenzied, free-associative, and occasionally overwhelming energy. There are his early canvases and sculptures, along with flyers, business cards, manifestos, and patent applications. A small theatre screens previously unseen videos of Ramm rapping at nightclubs. The most impressive part of the survey is a floor devoted to his “Garbage Gods” and “Letter Racers”—skateboards representing each letter of the alphabet, armed with makeshift rockets, screwdrivers, and blades.
Throughout the exhibition, you can hear moments from Ramm’s lectures on Gothic Futurism—a thrilling jumble of street-corner hustling and technical language, all “parsecs,” “integers,” “aerodynamics.” As I was examining a collection of hand-painted watches, I kept hearing Ramm pause as he reached the end of a long disquisition on ecological catastrophe and graffiti-as-warfare, and then bark, “Next slide!”
In early May, the Red Bull Music Festival staged a Ramm-inspired concert to mark the opening of the art show. Ramm had continued to make music after “Beat Bop,” never wavering from his philosophies, just declaring them against increasingly turbulent, industrial-sounding backdrops. The eclecticism of the bill spoke to his wandering ear, and ranged from the terse hardcore of Show Me the Body to the wise-ass raps of Wiki. K-Rob, wearing a T-shirt featuring a mushroom and the words “I’m a Fun Guy,” reprised his verse from “Beat Bop,” grinning the whole way through. Gio Escobar, the leader of the deft punk-jazz band Standing on the Corner, dedicated a song to a late friend. The departed are everywhere around us, he said, as a groove emerged from the band’s dubbed-out chaos. “And they’re waiting.”
As hip-hop and art changed, as graffiti vanished from New York’s trains and walls, Ramm delved further into his own private cosmos—namely, the enormous loft in Tribeca where he lived, which he called the Battle Station. His obscurity wasn’t a choice. In the early eighties, he offered to send the U.S. military some of the intelligence he had gathered for national defense. (It declined.) In 1985, he wrote an opera, “The Requiem of Gothic Futurism.” In the nineties, he tried to promote his ideas by producing a comic book and a board game. He thought that toy manufacturers might want to mass-produce his “Garbage Gods” models.
He was the first artist to collaborate with the streetwear brand Supreme.
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There was a series of infomercial-like videos to seed interest in “Alpha’s Bet,” an epic movie that he hoped would finally resolve the narrative arc of his extended universe.
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By the time Rammellzee died, in 2010, after a long illness, New York City had been completely remade by mayoral administrations that took broken-windows policing as gospel. The Battle Station became condos.
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The Internet has made it easy to take what the culture provides you and rearrange it in some novel, cheeky way. It’s much more difficult to build an entirely new world—to abide by an ethical vision with a ferocity that requires you to break all the rules. I was surprised by how moved I felt standing underneath Ramm’s “Letter Racers” and studying the textures of the “Garbage Gods.” To see their meticulous handiwork up close was to believe that Ramm’s far-flung theories, his mashup of quantum physics and “slanguage,” made sense as an outsider’s survival strategy. I noticed all the discarded fragments of city life—bulbs and screws, a billiard ball, a doll’s head, old fan blades and turn-signal signs, visors stacked to look like pill bugs. His commitment was total. These are works of devotion.
This is where Ramm wanted to live—at the edge of comprehensibility, but in a way that invited others to wonder. Cities are filled with strangers who possess an unnerving energy, who hail us with stories, songs, and poems. Ramm was one of these. In an interview filmed in the aughts, Ramm sheds light on his everyday life. Sometimes, he says, he’ll be walking down the street or sitting at a bar, and people will just look at him. And sometimes they’ll come up to him and ask, “Who are you?” He’s explaining all this while wearing one of his “Garbage God” masks. You notice his paunch, the warm crackle of his voice at rest. “I’m just an average Joe,” he says, and he sounds like he believes it. 
♦Published in the print edition of the May 28, 2018, issue, with the headline “Graffiti Prophet.”
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serpentargo · 3 years
for those of y'all who say that sambucky scenes don't look gay, or even if they do, it's all by an accident, or that's all anthony and sebastian i just want to tell you something:
marvel isn't dumb. any hint of gayness, especially the visual one - it's always a big no-no. they're making everything 'no homo' (with some rare exceptions), and we all know it.
stackie are stackie, but they're qualified, educated and experienced professionals, they know what amount of their chemistry to leave on and off screen.
now, directors, writers and producers were choosing the scenes to put into the final version of the series. there were many shots done, just compare the trailers. so why did they choose the ones they chose? (keep the first point i wrote in mind). i'm sure there were different kinds of shots done, some gayer, some not. but we got what we got, and if you actually replace sam or bucky with a woman - it's a love story, romcom, without a question.
i don't know where i'm going with all of this, but it's just sometimes i have this internal debate on whether sambucky will actually become canon or not, and my hopeful self has these arguments, so i decided to write them here. i know i may sound too hopeful, but... who knows? (i will be super disappointed if sam and bucky will stay as friends at the end because my brain just accepted the fact that they have to be canon, but i won't be surprised)
other arguments include (there's a lot):
all the things kari and malcolm (and actors) said about sambucky's relationship
the scenes? i know for sambuckies it's normal to think about the gay content we got, because we think about it everyday. but if we were to actually sum it all up we have so many, that i'm afraid i may forget something:
first we got the staring,
then rolling in the field,
therapy scene (+ their legs intertwined)
2 days of flying (read more detailed analysis by @redwingsupportgroup here) on a private jet (what were they doing all that time??),
then all of the sudden the staring problem dissapears (you can read about it more in this post by @yikesdontlook),
fixing the boat together while having all this intimacy, holding hands for ten (10) seconds straight while looking at each others' lips,
touch (see: amazing gifs by @thatwinterfalconshow pt.1, pt.2, pt.3),
the way bucky looks at sam while he is out there saving the truckload full of people,
having all four love languages included (these beautiful gifs by @pietro-maximoff),
the way they talk about each other to others
i also made this post before the 5th and 6th episode came out, you might want to check it out because we don't talk about 1-4 episodes enough
literally fanfic tropes being out there (more about it here)
no other couple in the entire mcu had all of the intimacy sam and bucky had (not even wanda and vision (to some extent), considering they got like 10 episodes, and sambucky had only 6)
this post (i'm sure we all saw an read it, it's really convincing right?) by wonderful @wenellyb, who's analyzing skills amaze me each time
the last clip without the music, where it isn't quite clear what exactly bucky says, but the point is that he wants to move in with sam
however there's a major counterargument: disney™
though i really think that considering captain america 4/tfatws 2nd season is coming out in at least 2 or 3 years, maybe things will change? maybe people in 2023/2024 will be more accepting? (here)
p.s: i'm sorry if there are grammatical mistakes, english isn't my first language, plus i am really tired rn... so yeah. i also got a bit distracted and ended up writing a whole ass essay hehehe
p.p.s: i hope it's okay i tagged you and your posts, and if it's not, please dm me and i'll remove it!
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metabolizemotions · 2 years
Tag Game
Tagged by @drlaurenb, @englishstrawbie, thanks 🥰
Favourite colour: blues, greys, black
Currently reading: I used to listen to a ton of audiobooks, f & nf ~ 2x speed. (Some f ones are really good - even much better than entire shows). I generally prefer listening to reading. Tho I haven't really been doing either lately.
One that I revisit from time to time - Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman (sort of fiction/ v. imaginative thought experiments by this neuroscientist)
Non-fiction: The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green (Essays he wrote, some from his podcast episodes. Part memoir. I listened to the audiobook a while back, narrated by him.)
Last song: This is mesmerizing (turn on the CC). Whenever it pops up, I’ll watch/ listen again. Also a partial, random playlist:
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Last series: Watched a bunch recently. Finally caught up: The Umbrella Academy & Stranger Things - I was thinking the whole time, man, they really have huge budgets and I wished some of the other smaller shows I watch have that kind of production value.
For TUA, I always love Elliot Page's performance - this time his transition from Vanya to Viktor, reflecting his real life, was v. moving. & the usual dysfunctional family shenanigans. Some interesting twists.
ST has a v well-developed overall arc - I think it's rather rare that a show gets to fully develop its plots & intricately build its world. I really like Max’s arc - & the actress’s performance.
Paper Girls, The Sandman, For All Mankind. I love all 3 differently. I tot each did well for its respective production scale & genre, with something special weaved in. I was thinking about how the meanings of life & death change when you meet the past/ future you; are stranded in time/ space; or exist for eternity… A certain sense of loneliness/ helplessness... My personal fav is PG - setting aside the genre aspect, I really like the simple but touching stories of the 4 protagonists - esp KJ's story & the actress’s portrayal.
Currently watching: A League of Their Own
Last movie: Nightmare Alley - not my type of show, only watched it for Cate & Rooney 😍
Currently working on: Getting back to meditating more regularly. To be more mindful of my tots, be less reactive, & just remind myself to breathe deeply… I used to do it for ~20min daily. Guided meditations aren't really my thing tho I did listen to some teachers talk about meditation. Walking meditations are kinda better for my overactive mind - I can easily get distracted tho if I keep my eyes open - you know, if I don’t want to trip & fall. Ideally sitting meditation - at least 20min - to "get to the good stuff". Like after you settle down, when your legs start to cramp, after thinking about the grocery list or the plot holes of the shows you're watching or sth... I'm starting with listening to the same Philip Glass's piece each time. Sometimes when I'm tired I just lie on the floor. I fall asleep sometimes...
Tagging: I suppose everyone's being tagged at this point...? I know you typically don't do this tho I still want to tag @mayasdeluca & @closetednobody for fun 😝. Don't feel obliged tho.
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kuinliekkienroihu · 3 years
I (crysuzumushi, haha) am working on answering your ask game prompts, you picked two of my very favorites, thank you! I'm gonna ask you to do Kaname too! And Byakuya.
Okay, thanks for the ask!! Sorry it took so long to answer, i wrote a novel. Also sorry for all the spelling and grammar mistakes, English isn’t my first language
1. Favorite thing about them
How he always seeks to act according to his sense of justice. Also he's one of the best written characters in the entire series. He's very complex, which makes him feel kinda like an actual person with understandable actions caused by his past. There are a lot more things, but i'm not good at putting things to words so yeah.
2. Least favorite thing about them
How underutilized he was as a character. I'm really glad there's more of him in cfyow, even though i've only read the first part
3. Favorite line
" I follow the path least soaked in blood. The path I walk is justice."
4. BrOTP
I have many, mostly Shuhei, Aizen, Gin and Sajin
5. OTP
hmm, i don't like him and Aizen romantically at all, same goes for Sajin
7. Random headcanon
He has a plant garden in Las Noches in which he grows, among many other things, the ingredients for Aizen's tea, which is Kaname's secret special mix of herbs. Aizen really misses the tea Kaname made for him.
8. Unpopular opinion
He did nothing wrong, or rather, all he did was (more or less) justified
9. Song i associate with them
10. Favorite picture of them
This is my favorite too
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1. Favorite thing about them
Yes. I love every single thing about him. Even the things others would consider as flaws are perfect. I really like how calm and collected he is regardless of the situation, he's intelligent and calculating.
A very well written character with, in my opinion, the best character development. Especially his relationship with Rukia from ignoring her out of pain (since she looks almost identical to Hisana), protecting her to keep a promise, letting her be executed to keep another promise to genuinely caring about her and saving her life in many occasions, clearly regretting what he did to her and trying to compensate for his actions.
Kubo wrote his development extremely well, in the end of the series he's objectively a better person than in the beginning, but his personality didn't change much. He's still the same overly serious, stuck up asshole we know and I love him for it.
Another thing I love the most about him is the fact that he's another walking contradiction. But somehow, these contradictions make a paradox or a perfect harmony without cancelling each other. Kubo did an amazing job making him have many layers in his character. There's this line from a book (had to look it up, the book is called "the chrysanthemum and the sword") that the author used to describe Japanese people, I think I read that in someone's ig story and it got stuck in my head since it reminded me of Byakuya so much, and in my honest opinion, describes him rather thoroughly, especially second, third and fourth ones. His zanpakuto, which is one of the infinite reasons I love him, being fully portrayed by the second one "both militaristic and aesthetic" being combined into the beautiful but deadly weapon Senbonzakura is.
"both aggressive and unaggressive, both militaristic and aesthetic, both insolent and polite, rigid and adaptable, submissive and resentful of being pushed around, loyal and treacherous, brave and timid, conservative and hospitable to new ways"
When you think about it, he has the most fitting zanpakuto for his personality compared to the other shinigami and the way he uses it is one of the tiny details which make him, him.
His spot as a captain and the head of the Kuchiki clan is in my opinion fully earned (rest of the nobles (except Yoruichi) can go fuck themselves) (sorry Tara, ignore this please lol). He is hardworking and precise, almost workaholic, has trained hard from a very young age and puts duty above everything. But he still has a hidden "work mode: off" -side which we see occasionally as cracking a dry joke or the wakame taishi fuckery in general. Latter being, in my honest thoughts, hilarious and adorable.
There is a lot more but i literally can't list everything. This is already a hell of an essay.
2. Least favorite thing about them.
My answer is probably as you can expect: none.
There is one thing i don't really like, but it's about the writing.
In the beginning of the arc i think that immediately releasing bankai, especially when he knew it was gonna be sealed, was out of character and i would have been very upset if he stayed dead, since the action which resulted in that was not something he would do.
3. Favorite line
“If it’s for the sake of my pride there’s nothing I won’t destroy.”
I know it’s from a filler but this line just sums his whole character, personality and motivations up so well.
4. BrOTP
I have so many, i want him to have friends lol. But to point out the most significant ones i'd say Rukia, Renji, Kenpachi, Toshiro and Ichigo
5. OTP
The only one i really ship him with is Nanao. Hisana is kind of “it’s canon and i’m fine with it.” I haven’t seen enough of her to form an opinion about the ship, but it’s obvious how much Bya loved her and it’s so sweet.
Okay, i have never mentioned this before since i know many of my followers/mutuals ship them. Renji. The only ship I. Can't. Stand.
Like, platonically? Yes, they're bros. But romantically or especially sexually? No. Fuck no.
I don't care if you ship them, good for you, but please tag the stuff so it gets filtered.
7. Random headcanon
He sleeptalks a lot. And it's not mumbling, he talks the same way as when he's awake but it's absolute nonsense.
Byakuya, asleep: Do not eat the drawer.
Hisana, awake: *watches him in utter confusion*
Byakuya, still asleep: Give him a pink tricycle.
Hisana: To whom?
Byakuya: Head captain Yamamoto
Hisana: *trying not to laugh*
Another hc that i have is that he is a closet metalhead and likes especially power- and symphonic metal (this might sound very weird if you know nothing about this kind of music lol)
8. Unpopular opinion
His actions in the soul society arc were understandable. He was put between the bark and the tree (i hope you get what i mean) and had to choose from just letting things happen and going against central 46 and all of soul society (or at least that’s what he thought). Also the line he said to Ukitake, which is still easily in top5 most asshole things he has said/done, in my opinion shows what he thought of Rukia’s execution and why he didn’t do anything to prevent it. “Once you’ve let one of your people die.. ...two or three more make no difference.” Both of his parents are dead, Hisana is dead, Ginrei is most likely dead and he thought for 100 years that Yoruichi was dead too. I think Byakuya thought losing one more person he cares about couldn’t hurt more than it already has and therefore didn’t think it was worth breaking the promise he made in his parents’ grave and trying to save her. And that fucking breaks my heart.
9. Song I associate with them
I have a 6h long playlist which I’m not gonna post. Can’t choose just one lol.
10. Favorite picture of them
*digs through nearly infinite pinterest board, tumblr and phone’s gallery*
This is (one of) my favorite manga panel(s) of him. I love how calm but powerful he looks. The lines representing the heavy spiritual pressure. Like an inescapable doom approaching (which indeed was the case). And for some reason i love it. 
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My favorite fanart, which i obviously can’t post since you can’t post others art so here’s the link: https://www.deviantart.com/keelerleah/art/Bleach-Byakuya-Looking-Back-127254804
and then one which I think is official art or at least an edit of it, if I’m wrong please lmk
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historianroo · 3 years
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I posted 71 times in 2021
35 posts created (49%)
36 posts reblogged (51%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.0 posts.
I added 73 tags in 2021
#dreamsmp - 13 posts
#dream smp - 11 posts
#c!wilbur - 9 posts
#c!philza - 8 posts
#wyrtt - 7 posts
#c!tommy - 6 posts
#c!dream - 6 posts
#c!tubbo - 5 posts
#c!ranboo - 4 posts
#dawn of the 16th - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 29 characters
#im getting a tattoo next week
My Top Posts in 2021
hard of hearing ramble time
(this might not make sense but I am FEELING EMOTIONS while writing “when you reach the top (there’s nowhere else to go but–)”)
and I stg its the funniest thing sometimes because I mishear so many things, LIKE WHEN PEOPLE I KNOW DON’t CUSS speak and I THINK THEY CUSS. (looking at you badboyhalo) its the best thing!!
I have had to be an advocate for myself for a while and while I hate it sometimes I love it too! I am helping everything be easier for the next person and its wonderful!
I love getting to answer questions about being hard of hearing! its so amazing to answer the questions that people have and I love it more than life!
younger me never thought pursuing music would be a thing!! but here I am! singing for my degree!! it’s amazing!!
and THE DEAF SUPERHEROES and REPRESENTATION– I mean, I'm kinda not loving the whole Clint barton thing (working on that) buT I LOVED THE MAKKARI thing!!
I just– my little heart couldn't take it I was so happy! And the subtitles at the theater I was at was working!!
I am learning asl! my world is opening up! and every now and then I think about younger me who had no idea what to do with this and I think “damn look how far I've come!” because every step is progress!!
it doesn’t matter where you are in your life every step is progress and life isn’t a speed run!! take your time and BE HAPPY love the little steps through it all and be happy to learn asl– or at least something new!
17 notes • Posted 2021-12-05 03:57:26 GMT
what if–
I wrote an origins!hermitcraft fic–
looks at my other three fics, two college essays, one stage play and christmas
I definetly have time!
18 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 01:23:08 GMT
Philza and his wings
I know, he has his wings. The crow ones that everyone draws for him with the diamonds at the base of them, and I love those wings. But hear me out.
Philza with adaptive wings.
While writing my first chapter of my fic, I kept picturing him with dark wings, just as every canary had him. But then I wrote about how the wings adapt to the nether while flying, how they tinged white at the edges to match with the ashes, and suddenly I was thinking more along the lines of camouflage.
Not necessarily drastic shifts, but subtle ones.
The edges match the surroundings. In Jungle biomes he looks blue and green, similar to the birds that live there, and when it comes to sand they look like barn owl’s wings.
The shape of the wing never changes, always the large feathered plumes that they are, the large and powerful image that people are drawn to, but I like the idea of little changes in colors and the more extremes that can happen, like the shift from barn owl desert to dark fiery nether.
It's an adaptation that I think I draw from how often he plays in hardcore worlds. Adapting to the setting he was given and creating something wonderful from the resources available.
So why not have his wings be the same.
25 notes • Posted 2021-07-01 05:38:34 GMT
Autistic Representation
And where it fucks up.
I, like most people, consistently seek those few fictional characters to obsess over. In my specific case, it is those rare few well done Autistic/Neurodivergent or disabled characters.
But that number is few and far between and so I focus on those that the fandoms claim are autistic, though that number is limited.
I can name on both hands genuinely autistic or disabled characters, the rest are what the fandom claims. Though the fan claims are often better representation then the poorly designed characters that neurotypical directors create.
Solely because I know that many people are looking for Autistic characters, I am going to share my favorites and welcome whatever other people recommend. I’ll probably do a post later about what specifically makes them a good Autistic character later, but for now, here is a list:
Lilo from Lilo and Stitch.
Will Graham from Hannibal.
Both Sofie and Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle.
Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds.
Newt Scamander fro Fantastic Beasts.
Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter.
Clark Kent from Man of Steel.
Aziraphale from Good Omens.
Peter Parker from Spiderman: Homecoming and Far From Home.
The Doctor from Doctor Who.
Ducky from The Land Before Time.
Bonnie Anderson from Toy Story.
Zuko from Avatar.
Matilda from Matilda.
Ron Weasley from Harry Potter.
Wybie from Coraline.
Miles Morales from Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse.
Ghostbur from The Dream SMP.
And many more that I just haven’t worked out entirely. These characters, I obsess over them. I love them and I see myself in them. 
And the fuck up?
The fuck up comes when people force the representation. When Neurotypical directors or actors try to put every stereotype into this character instead of letting the feelings flow naturally.
And do not even get my started on the fuck up that is Music directed by Sia.
46 notes • Posted 2021-07-03 15:11:12 GMT
when you reach the top (there’s nowhere else to go but–)
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[Image Description: A greyscale digital sketch of a semicircle of characters from this ice skating AU with skater!Ranboo in the center. Ranboo is wearing a plain skating costume, skates, a mask, and sunglasses, and is spinning to stare at the upper left corner. on the far left is Tubbo, wearing overalls, smiling, and holding his hands up to cheer in Ranboos direction. Behind him is Technoblade, standing neutral in a sweater-vest and glasses. Behind Technoblade is Philza, wearing a sweater and leaning on a cane. on the far right of the image, Tommy sits on a bench, grinning at Tanboo and sticking his prosthetic leg out in front of him. There is a dog behind Tommy at the end of the bench. behind the dog is Wilbur soot, standing neutral in a sweater and beanie and smiling at Ranboo. above the figures is the bottom half of semi-transparent smiling face.]
Fic Summary:
It was never meant to be, and Tommy knew that.
The second he lost everything, he found the best of things.
A family, though he wouldn’t admit to it, in the form of a pink haired American, a cane wielding (and pretty pog) old man, a non-verbal sweater wearing man, and a boy who only ever wore yellow and was obsessed with bees.
Tommy loved each of them, in their own way, and with a heart that had been hurt in the past but still insisted on caring for others. He hadn’t expected his little family to grow beyond them.
Until he met Ranboo.
A figure skater with a past injury that hit just a bit too close to home for the blond amputee. Tommy knew he wanted to help him, so he did.
Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo became inseparable in an instant.
And when you reach the top, there’s nowhere else to go but–
See the full post
62 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 01:41:37 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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femmescooter · 4 years
2020 Wrapped:
thanks to my darling @ghostnebula for tagging me in this!! honoury mention for meeting you and so many other wonderful fuckers this year
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5-8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
1. together, or not at all (we’re not meant to survive this)
this was my fic for @bimmyshrug’s very fun Labor Day prompt collection and I seriously want to say that when I started writing fanfic this year, it was exactly the type of story I wanted to write. to sum up: this is a spooky, supernatural, short fic where the losers are all younger girls running feral in the woods playing witches. if stephen gets to vaguely project his childhood trauma on his characters, than so do I and I made them all baby lesbians
2. only the meek get pinched (on the cheek)
my very first fanfic I ever posted!! this is a teenage reddie fic which is just as sweet and fluffy as a marshmallow. vaguely based on ferris bueller’s day off, richie and bev are a couple nearing the end of high school who convince eddie to skip school with them for a day and go to portland. a lot of emotions, revelations and some incredibly sappy scenes result. it’s definitely got a special place in my heart!
3. et vitam aeternam
I am so proud of this but a little freaked out about actually posting it!! it’s a lesbian vampire/nun reddie fic and also the first smut fic I’ve ever written. it’s somewhat gothic (??) very kinky and blasphemous as hell. if you read it PLEASE HEED THE TAGS
4. my reddie playlist
sooo as a quarantine project I sorted my nebulous collection of IT songs into 6 categories, 2-10 options in each category on an excel spreadsheet. as an output of that, I made a whole bunch of more specific playlists and my reddie one is my favourite
5. my IT essay outline
I went a bit feral and wrote out a sourced critical essay outline for what I think are the central themes of the novel and how that works with the films. you can dm me for the link if you want but I don’t even remember half of what I wrote
6. my yearning lesbian reddie playlist
I lied this ones my favourite
2020 was shit but I can honestly say that starting to write fanfic for the first time was a high point, as well as meeting some wonderful friends 💕 it’s been lovely to get so much support and love as I started writing! happy 2021, fuckers
@sunnygaybitch @thatmalu @ull-float-too plus whoever wants to do this!
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 118: The One Who Caused All Might’s End
(ETA: just a reminder that I write the “previously on” things immediately after I first read the chapter while it’s still fresh in my mind. I'd say this particular one captured my emotional state at the time pretty well.)
Today on BnHA: Aizawa’s ponytail makes its debut and it’s everything I could have ever hoped for. Also he gets a call from U.A.’s robot security about his two problem children having a fight on Ground Beta after curfew. But before he can head out to stop them, ~A MYSTERIOUS SHADOW~ greets him outside and who could that be, I wonder. Back at Ground Beta, Deku tries to talk Kacchan down and avoids his attacks while Kacchan grows increasingly desperate. Finally he breaks down completely and fucking screams at Deku to fight him, and reveals that he blames himself for being the reason All Might retired, and that he can’t stop thinking about it, and he doesn’t know what to do. So basically he’s a mess, and there are feels strewn about all over the damn place, and Deku -- who never could turn his back on someone who needs saving -- realizes that he has to fight back, because right now he’s the only person who can help.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 151 now, so any ETAs will reflect that. I’m not gonna make any progress this week; I’m too busy writing Kacchan essays and waiting for the holidays to wind down lol.)
“A Meaningless Fight” not to me it’s not
lol the security camera caught them putzing around after hours. and identified their homeroom teacher and notified him
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(ETA: yeah so this episode aired on September 15th, right when I was in the middle of reading the Sports Festival arc and the series was slowly beginning to take over my life. there were indeed a ton of gifs and reaction posts floating around, and I’m pretty sure this was right about when I realized it was time to block the “bnha spoilers” tag until I was fully caught up.)
now Aizawa’s stepping outside, but someone’s out there already. IS IT ALL MIGHT AND HE’S GONNA BE ALL “DON’T WORRY I GOT THIS”?
(ETA: it is indeed, and this means that All Might already knew the boys were fighting even before Aizawa did, even though Aizawa was the one who got the security alert. I’m only half-joking about him having some kind of tracking device implanted on Deku. it’s either that, or just some crazy good dad instincts. either way, one can’t help but be impressed.)
whoever it is, Aizawa seems surprised to see them
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boy and I thought the last chapter was good. but barely two pages into this one and we’ve not only got Aizawa’s sexy ponytail, but also
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(ETA: the smoke really adds to the effect here. does so throughout the whole chapter, in fact. Kacchan has such a cinematic quirk)
I stan one (1) amazing and incredible manga series
Deku’s asking again do they really have to fight. he clearly would rather talk it out instead. because like, apparently that’s suddenly an option that’s on the table after all this time?? KACCHAN IS CAPABLE OF TALKING ABOUT HIS FEELINGS, WHO EVEN KNEW?
Kacchan’s impatiently doing that explodey hand thing, but Deku’s gonna try and talk this one out anyway
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but Kacchan’s attacking again
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aahhhhhhhh META PART TWO!!!
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somehow they look even younger in these flashbacks?? like this Deku cannot fucking be older than two. how do they even remember all this??
he’s screaming at Deku to fight him back and not just run away
more flashbackssssss
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(ETA: oh hello is it time for more essaying. let’s say yes.
Kacchan’s feelings about Deku are so complicated. much more so than Deku’s own comparatively simple if contradicting feelings. clearly they got along well enough when they were little. but then Kacchan fell off that log and Deku tried to help him and Kacchan was like “WHAT! EVEN THOUGH I WAS CLEARLY FINE! HOW DARE” and that was that.
so we know from the chapter coming up after this one that Katsuki somehow got it in his head that Izuku was looking down on him. mostly this seems to stem from a genuine misunderstanding of Deku’s desire to help. Katsuki has always been very independent and likes to do things for himself. this is part of what he associates with being “strong”, and it’s clearly something he was already being admired and praised for even at a young age, so that no doubt further reinforced things in his mind. now add to this the fact that most four-year-olds are still learning and developing when it comes to empathy. so it genuinely might not have crossed Katsuki’s mind that not everyone feels the same way as he does when it comes to wanting and accepting help. put this all together, and we end up with Kacchan misinterpreting Izuku’s well-meaning gesture, and feeling insulted and patronized, and the two of them have their falling out.
and yet Izuku keeps following him.
even after Kacchan starts insulting him and beating him up. he’s still there, always, following him around like a shadow. and so Katsuki gets even meaner. at some point Izuku has to get the message, right?? but apparently not.
and so it keeps escalating. Katsuki gets worse and worse. but even though Izuku is now afraid of him, he still can’t help being drawn to him. meanwhile Katsuki can’t fucking understand why Deku won’t fucking quit no matter how horrible Katsuki is to him. so he once again takes it as Izuku being condescending. this is Izuku’s way of challenging him. showing that it doesn’t matter what Katsuki does, because Izuku will still always be better than him.
but here’s the thing. that idea of Izuku thinking he’s better than Katsuki -- that couldn’t have just come out of nowhere like that. if he really did believe Izuku was just a quirkless good-for-nothing weakling, it wouldn’t have bothered him that much. that kind of anger doesn’t just come out of left field, and it certainly couldn’t have sustained itself for that long unless there was something deeper fueling it. that something being fear. in other words, Katsuki hated Izuku because deep down he was afraid that somehow Izuku really would surpass him. because he knew from the start that there was something about him, something he didn’t understand, which made it all the more frightening. that something being Izuku’s heart; his spirit; his will to protect others. his Main Character Energy, which radiates out from him at strange times, and takes over in those instances where “my body just moved before I could think.” it’s what made All Might choose him as his successor. we’ve all seen it. y’all know what I’m talking about.
and even though Katsuki doesn’t understand it, some part of him can still feel it all the same. but where Izuku is drawn to Katsuki’s own strength, Katsuki is intimidated by Izuku’s. very likely in part because of his zero-sum mentality. if he acknowledges Izuku’s strength, it’s the same as acknowledging his own weakness. Izuku has something he lacks, and he knows it, and he’s somehow smug about it. he thinks he’s better than him! but fuck that, because Katsuki’s the one who’s going to be number one! right?? but there’s that nagging fear that maybe, just maybe, that isn’t true. and so he gets worse and worse, and tries to get Izuku to stop trailing behind him, tries to shake him off. but it doesn’t work. and so the cycle continues on and on.
and then UA. and all of a sudden, Izuku has a quirk. and is suddenly growing at a prodigious rate. and Katsuki’s growing too, but not as fast. and this is it. this is everything he was afraid of. and every time he hits a setback, and every time Izuku has another victory, those doubts start to gnaw at him more and more. until finally, Kamino.
but we’ll get to that in a minute. to be continued.)
he’s remembering the consoling speeches All Might gave him in chapters 11 and 62. why yes I have Kacchan’s angst chapters memorized. what, doesn’t everyone
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and he’s just lying there now and isn’t getting back up
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give me angst. should I go make some popcorn. I want angst now. give it
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lol remember back when he was being calm about this. or pretending to be calm
he’s fucking SCREAMING at Deku to fight him. “WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!”
and he keeps asking “why”
oh my god it’s what I thought. it’s exactly what I thought isn’t it. isn’t it. it is. isn’t it
(ETA: I’ve written so many essays about these two that I kind of lost track, but I think this is referring to the one I wrote as an ETA for chapter 42 here, about why Katsuki couldn’t stand it when Deku offered him help when they were four. but little did I know that Kacchan was actually about to shift to another subject entirely!)
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tissues should I get some tissues. I’ll go get
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oh shit you guys. lol. :’D
hahaha. okay wow
just. give me a moment to process
like. so this whole time, he looked down on Deku, but actually Deku is doing everything right, and now he’s the one who keeps fucking up. and now apparently he blames himself!? for what happened to All Might??! so on top of his weird complex with Deku, now there’s guilt there also, and for something that was absolutely not his fault. oh shit
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oh my god. angst baby. angst for days angst for weeks lifetime supply yessss
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tell me more about your guilt Kacchan. let it out honey
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(ETA: shout out here to Okamoto Nobuhiko, Bakugou’s Japanese VA. I assume everyone reading this has watched this episode in the anime, but if not, do yourself a favor and go check that out, because all of the emotions from the manga are cranked up to 11 and it’s amazing. and Bakugou’s VA in particular does an incredible job of capturing the turbulence in his emotions. his voice wavers and cracks and vacillates between angry and confused and frustrated, and he sounds every inch like a 16-year-old boy who’s just overwhelmed and fighting back tears and trying to keep himself together. he just totally sells it, and it’s easily one of the best vocal performances I’ve ever heard in an anime.)
holy. just, this is even more than I ever dared to hope speculate, honestly. as horrible as Deku felt about it, Kacchan was completely fucked up by it too. not only is he dealing with the reality of a world without All Might just like everyone else is, he’s also been struggling the entire time with the weight of the thought that it was him. his fault
(ETA: hello I’m back.
so! Kamino. Kacchan gets kidnapped. somehow he’s singled out from among all the possible targets the villains could have had, and they think they can turn him to their side. and even the media is talking about how ~unstable~ he is and maybe he really will do it. he doesn’t, of course. and he talks big and he keeps his cool and he does his best to fight back. but it’s tense. and maybe a lot scarier and more dangerous than he cares to acknowledge at any point.
but then All Might shows up. All Might, his childhood hero, the man he looks up to more than anyone. All Might saves him. and things do get pretty dicey for a bit. for a few seconds he actually ends up back in the villains’ clutches, or very nearly at any rate. but then All Might is there again, and then somehow Deku and Kirishima and the others show up too, and they help him escape he goes along with their escape plan even though he totally had it under control, so that he doesn’t get in All Might’s way. and that’s it. he’s safe again. all is well.
except that it very much is not. because all of a sudden All Might is struggling. and then suddenly he’s different. all of a sudden he’s transformed into this scraggly-looking skeletal figure right before their eyes. and just like that, everything changes.
and in the end All Might still wins, in spite of everything, because it’s All Might. but something is still terribly wrong. and then all of a sudden All Might is pointing at Deku, and “you’re next,” and the pieces finally click into place. Deku has All Might’s power. All Might gave Deku his quirk. All Might himself recognized Deku as someone worthy enough, strong enough, to receive that power. here Katsuki is, getting recruited by fucking villains, and meanwhile Deku is being acknowledged by the hero they both admire.
there are some very obvious implications here. clearly one of them is doing something right. and the other one is very plainly not. it’s possible, even, that this is something Katsuki has suspected in the back of his mind for a while now, even before all of this. something he was in denial about, but was secretly becoming more and more certain of.
and then All Might retires.
that fight against All for One -- the fight that only happened because All Might had to rescue him -- ends up being his last stand. all of a sudden he’s out of commission, his power spent. all of a sudden the unthinkable has happened. all of a sudden there is no more Symbol of Peace.
and all of that. is. Katsuki’s. fault.
“if I’d only been stronger...” “if I hadn’t gotten captured...”
so he starts having thoughts like this. but then the thing is that he can’t tell anyone. because no one else is supposed to know about All Might giving his power to Izuku. so they wouldn’t know that All Might was already weakened going into that battle with All for One. that he was weakened, but went into battle anyway in order to rescue him. and in doing so ended up using up the last of his power. because of him. he fucked everything up.
and imagine if they did know. what would they even think? the world is in chaos now and it’s all his fault. villains are running amok, society is in upheaval, and everyone is feeling the stress. All Might’s walking around all bandaged up with his fucking arm in a cast because you know, it’s nice to have that visual reminder too of just how close he came to actually losing and fucking dying instead of just retiring. and he still won’t acknowledge the connection he has to Deku, though. so clearly he’s still trying to keep it a secret, and so Katsuki shouldn’t bother him about it. so he tries to just move on, because what else can he do.
but he can’t stop thinking about it. the thoughts keep surfacing no matter what he does. he can’t relax, he can’t escape them. and the thing is that he’s very obviously distressed by all this, because here he is now fucking breaking down in front of Deku of all people. showing weakness; fucking crying in front of Deku, because that’s how bad it is. bad enough that he wasn’t able to keep holding it in. bad enough that he had to confess it to him, because he was the only one he could talk to about this, because Deku is the only other one who knows. and you can see the pain in his expression and in his body language, and hear it in his voice -- and once again, props to Okamoto for that, because damn -- enough so that I don’t really need to keep breaking it down. it speaks for itself. when your guilt is hurting you so badly that you start spilling your guts even though you cherish your pride above everything else, and even though you fucking despise the person you’re spilling your guts to, that means it’s bad, guys. it’s really fucking bad.
tl;dr Kacchan is not okay. hell, that could have been the title of the fucking chapter. or this whole fucking mini-arc. my boy needs hugs. but in the absence of hugs, sincere rival beatdowns and heart-to-hearts will also suffice.)
Deku is making the same face he made when he learned about Todoroki’s past
and now, after having a moment to process it, he’s responding in the same way that he did with Todoroki
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oh shit dude
like, I know Kacchan likes when people take fights seriously but damn. why did I fucking laugh
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yessss heal his wounded heart Deku. by fighting him. help him feel like he’s not just a useless bum who’s somehow been going backwards and making things worse
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I can’t believe it’s the end of the fucking chapter again! and that I get to click to the next chapter right away! binge reading is the best you guys omg
  there isn’t a bonus because this was the end of the volume! too bad, we’ll just have to make do with this being the greatest chapter of all time. poor us
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
This is kinda random but I always reread safe with me because the story is just so amazing and it was one of the first hybrid Jin gics I ever read! I'm not sure if asks count as feedback but i love your stories so much and reread them quite frequently 😁😁 -Bunny
First, thank you! I’m glad you enjoy it and I’m honored that it was your first hybrid Jin fic ❤️ thank you also for telling me. 💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❤️
Second, I have to disagree with you. It wasn’t random. You sent this in half an hour after I reblogged something that said to give authors feedback. It wasn’t as much for me because I have a couple followers who reblog and tag me and just generally interact. So, I’m gonna rant, and you can ignore the rest, honey-Bunny. Because this does count as feedback.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful. Really and truly. I love getting asks, I check every reblog for tags, I grin when I get even a small comment.
But I don’t want to have to post something about giving feedback just to get feedback. I posted it for other blogs too, because I’ve seen a lot of authors get really discouraged, and there are always new authors coming in who need encouragement. I don’t get the same encouragement I did a year ago, when I had maybe 200 followers. I’m almost to 2,000. Even my most popular stories recently have gotten just over a hundred notes. I try not to care. I write for myself more than anything. But it still matters to me when I spend who knows how long writing something, something I really love. And out of 1,930 followers—18 read it.
But I want all of my readers to understand that I almost completely deleted this blog. I was going to create a different one and post everything there and tell only a few people. Because it’s even worse when I have friends that I talk to who say they love my writing but don’t read it. I didn’t, but it was close for a while there.
So please, guys. If not for me, then for other writers and creators, give feedback! Send in asks! They don’t even have to be story related and frankly, sending things in anonymously takes a fraction of a percent of courage. I can read between the lines. I know I’d be slightly more popular if I wrote smut, but I don’t. I have a couple works that are more risqué, but I chose not to write smut.
At the very least, if you finish reading something, LIKE IT. Hit that heart like you would if this was a vlive because that’s the first step in continuing to get content from writers.
You didn’t like a story? You didn’t feel like part of it fit? That’s fine. Tell us. There might be a reason, there may not. The only thing you should ever worry about in your asks is A) is it bullying? And B) is it polite? I’ve been lucky to only have one or two asks that were impolite. But I follow other blogs where people are terribly rude.
If you reblog something, the tags are just as important as the reblog!!! Tags are how things circulate on tumblr. They’re not just for commenting, though you can also comment in the tags and that makes me perfectly happy too. But also pay attention to what it is you’re reblogging? I’ve had some weird reblogs, like, my rules? Idk why anyone would reblog them, but ok. Thanks for reading them, at least.
So, to sum up this essay, giving feedback is super important. It takes maybe half-a-minute. And I need to step up my game too. I have a whole separate blog for it. I just haven’t been reading anything but Ao3 lately. So, I’m not just telling you, but also myself. Because I know how much it sucks to have something you worked hard on be ignored.
I love you guys, just, maybe sometimes remind me that you love my work at least?
Sorry this rant ended up on your ask, Bunny. I’ll write something specially for you if you send me another ask with a request.
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Lotor’s end (?) in s6
i gave in to my terrible impulses and wrote a three-part essay about lotor. it's literally >9k and i ignored all of my other projects for this for over a week. rip.
in these three posts, i talk a lot about lotor from a sympathetic pov. so if that's something that makes your fandom experience uncomfortable, go ahead and ignore this post because it's not for you. stay healthy, and i can only promise you that i hold lotor accountable for every shitty thing he's done (especially when it comes to withholding info from allura because seriously, what bullshit). on the other hand, if you are a person who hates lotor as a piece of evil garbage because ???? fandom and purity culture thought it would be a great idea to hate him without looking very hard at the work the writers put in to make him more complex than the actual pure evil bastard zarkon himself that we already have... i challenge you to read on. do it. i dare you. (at the very least so you might hate him with a better understanding of why.)
so tl;dr: this is the "in this essay i will" meme followed through, if i started talking about how lotor's not a pure evil bastard and is instead the perfect example of a protagonist gone sour through 10,000 years of poor coping choices, oppression, and a lot of actual resentment, as well as a neat talk at the end where i break down lotor's breakdown.
toc 1: i shake out some salt and talk about the altean colony | 2: i question why people keep insisting lotor was "evil all along" | 3: i talk about my favorite parts of lotor’s breakdown
i take a lot of my knowledge and inspiration from @radioactivesupersonic, who writes some awesome meta. (seriously, thank you clockie. you are amazing.) so while i might specifically cite posts of his throughout these three posts, expect his ideas to be everywhere lol. please check him out if you have the time, he's much better at this meta thing than me. (for safety purposes, i'm gonna disclaim: i did not consult with him on anything. so while i synthesize with a lot of his stuff, my thoughts are not necessarily his and i take full responsibility for that shit.)
anyway, i don't make meta posts a lot nor have any good idea of what a good structure for one would be. so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"even after season 6, you still like lotor?"
fuck yeah my pal.
"but why? he's clearly terrible and evil! he killed thousands of alteans and said he was going to conquer the universe, destroy voltron forever, etc.!"
i mean, yeah. but i'm gonna soapbox for a second.
number one: nothing precludes me or anyone else from loving the shit out of an evil character. we're not personally invested in the story in the sense that we have real stakes involved. they're fictional characters, and we are the audience. nothing they've done has any bearing on our reality (barring general patterns that can be established by media as a whole) and therefore it's not our moral responsibility to throw down terrible judgment on a person who isn't real, even if they've done horrible shit.
i'm not saying one can't acknowledge or dislike a character who's a bad person. lotor himself has done terrible things, and if you could not give less of a fuck about him, that's highkey your prerogative and i champion your freedom to have your personal preferences.
but we're not the characters who live in that world. we're spectators to a fictional story, and one thing that means is that we have no obligation to anyone to personally hate a villain, no matter what they've done because put simply, nothing they've done is real. no one has ever been harmed by a singular fictional villain.
the purpose of the villain and their actions is not to be hated by the audience, but to help tell a story. hopefully, they're also helping to paint a picture of the variety of people, perspective, and experience in a respectful manner.
there's a strong trend in fandom now toward purity culture, where we're expected to hate anything that isn't perfect, and that's such a goddamn lie. nothing is perfect. nothing ever will be. we can't reasonably expect that level of performance from content creators.
and what does "perfect" even mean? social justice is an extremely nuanced topic, colored by individual perspective on what's right or good. there's never going to be an ideal piece of media that hits every spot perfectly because there are an infinite number of spots, and what they are changes in importance with every person.
so when it comes to storytelling, we need to focus more on what's practically possible. what's practically admirable. for me, ideally, that's "what have they accomplished? is this story illustrating the richness of human (or alien) experience? and how?"
this includes villains.
number two: i don't believe lotor is a villain in the sense that he's Evil or even necessarily irredeemable. from a personal perspective, i'll direct you to this post (link), which basically sums up my view on forgiving people who've done bad things. but from the third-party perspective as well, lotor isn't someone to find reprehensible or evil—at least, not to the level a lot of other people seem to be compelled to. let's break this down into more questions.
"lotor has killed people for his own personal gain! abused countless alteans, who already experienced a genocide!"
(allura is right there with you guys.)
yes, he did. i don't deny his crimes a single bit. the personal gain point may be arguable, but it still doesn't really make it better.
firstly: this is also addressed to those people who are stalwartly defending lotor's goodness by saying that romelle must have been lying. i haven't read any of the posts myself and only heard some of the points secondhand, and that is because the theory sounds like a load of bollocks (link).
this isn't something out of character for lotor, as much as i might want to believe so. it's really, really not, and i fully acknowledge that. we already know that lotor will do anything to survive if he finds himself caught between a rock and a hard place. that was what happened to narti.
lotor does have good morals. he has an absolute shit ton of them that, honestly, i don't know how to explain in detail without making this post twice as long as it's already going to be. he cares about individual life. he campaigns for conservation. he values people's cultures and would much rather work alongside them than dominate them. he's not cruel or sadistic like many of his peers in the galra empire, and he favors those who are discriminated against. and no, i don't believe any of these were an act. i can point to word of god for the most supportive proof—that "part of Lotor, a portion of Lotor, maybe all of Lotor, is coming from a very genuine place" (link).
(if you want deeper explanations about why these conclusions are accurate, please check out my #voltron meta tag and @radioactivesupersonic. especially him.)
but as it's been established, lotor is willing to break his morals if he feels he's faced with an ultimatum: survive, or die. victory or death.
"but that's a galra chant! he said it during the trials at oriande, and he was unworthy because of it. doesn't that prove he's really selfish at heart and will destroy anything if it means he gets what he wants?"
no. and also another no.
those two links go to really good arguments against that line of thinking. but let me sum it up: lotor has lived 10,000 years with an abusive father in an empire that considers his half-galra status lesser and despises his altean blood especially, and spent much of that in disgraced exile.
"victory or death," to him, doesn't mean that it would be better to die than to accept a loss, as when it's used by his galra peers; it means that he has to win, or else he is left to the mercies of his foes. and none of his foes have ever been merciful. he can never trust that one will ever be.
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survival is lotor's most important victory in an empire that has been either apathetic to his existence or outright antagonistic. it represents his entire struggle of living—that he has to stay alive in order to win, and to a lesser extent, that staying alive in his universe is winning.
of course, lotor has larger motivations than merely surviving that he will protect just as ruthlessly. from a general perspective, one can hardly blame him for that. surviving isn't exactly living and being happy, especially in a universe that oppresses people like him, and he wants an escape from the corner he always seems to find himself boxed in. to a slightly lesser extent, he wants to create an escape for the countless societies oppressed under the empire as well. that's where his desire for infinite quintessence comes from.
"so you're telling me that he felt trapped in a corner and forced to break his supposed morals to use countless numbers of his own people as a fuel source. how the hell does that make sense? what trapped him? didn't he have other options? and how does this justify what he did?"
i'm not claiming that lotor was justified in any way. that is a fair grievance for people to have, and frankly, what he did was horrible and ugly and made victims of an already fragile colony, including romelle and her family. understanding the 'why' of what someone did is, shockingly, not the same as justifying them. (and i don't believe people look for the 'why' enough, when understanding the 'why' is an important step toward preventing the 'what'.)
maybe lotor had other options. there's not a lot of exposition that happens in this show, in-story or in interviews or otherwise. there isn't enough information about the canonical process of quintessence collection, or about quintessence in general, to say for certain if lotor could have done something less egregious in his treatment of the altean colony.
either way, he had to harvest quintessence. the likely possibility as to why? the galra empire was limiting his resources, both because he was an exile and because he knew they (particularly haggar) might be watching, and he couldn't let them piece together his plans to usurp power. he needed quintessence in which he controlled every part of the creation process, and he needed to hide as much of how he was using it as possible. the easiest way to do that was for him to get his own source.
contrary to that assertion, i don't believe lotor first created the altean colony with the intention to use them as a quintessence farm. i believe he genuinely cared about preserving what was left of altea, similar to how he cares about preserving culture in general. this would be consistent with his previous characterization as well as lm and jds's assurances that he was coming from a genuine place. most importantly, even according to romelle's story, the second colony is never depicted as an idea lotor conceived from the start. it came much later, after the first colony was well-established.
it's likely that lotor originally had other sources of quintessence, since throk mentioned his possession of multiple colonies in s3e1, or that he hadn't yet come up with his plans in their entirety. maybe haggar or zarkon caught wind of certain plots and thwarted them, destroying his sources in the process. (we certainly get the impression in s3 and s4 that lotor coming up with rebellious plots isn't a new thing to either of them.) maybe his ambitions and travels gradually revealed themselves to need more quintessence than he'd expected. purchasing quintessence from any suppliers would have required an income, a relatively time-consuming and unreliable endeavor that might not have gotten him much in exchange. any quintessence supplies he might have acquired using his identity, if he could acquire any, would almost certainly have been monitored—how much he took, where he received them—to the point where use of them would be incredibly risky. he might have also morally disliked using empire-produced quintessence, since they would've been harvested using empire methods (i.e. "caring about colonies whomst?"). at least with his methods, he would know he wasn't destroying them without regard. either way, whatever previous sources of quintessence he had became too limited an amount for his operations. he needed more.
i get a strong impression that people don't understand what he could be using quintessence for. but we see it everywhere in the empire, in voltron, and in the castle of lions—it's the primary energy source of vld's world that powers machines, fuels ships, assists in experimentation, heals injuries, even prolongs life. nothing else compares. lotor wouldn't have needed it personally for the latter purpose, but one can't exactly travel the universe on an empty tank. without quintessence, he would've essentially been dead in the water. additionally, considering that the quintessence shows up in places not explicitly related to lotor, the fact that we see galra soldiers accompanying lotor on the altean colony when we know he was in exile, and the amount of resources he must have been supplying to the colony in secret, it's also possible he was using it to bribe people into doing things for him and staying silent. it probably would've been effective; it's described as an especially powerful form of quintessence, and he was the only source.
anyway, lotor needed quintessence he could control entirely without having to fear discovery and subsequent destruction. the altean colony was his only colony that he could be reasonably certain the empire would never find. and in true lotor fashion, the first defense he asserted was that he saved what was left of altea from the empire, despite the horrendous crimes he was committing, and could now stop his quintessence farming with his access to the quintessence field. technically, we don't even know whether all of the alteans taken to the second colony are dead (link). the man romelle saw there was still in the tank, as many others must have been.
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lotor might have been planning to eventually heal them by using the quintessence field. of course, even if that's true, lotor still took away years of their lives, lied to them and their families, and drained them to near-death. the experience must have been traumatizing. and who knows how well they would be able to recover, if at all. it's little comfort.
(editing, i feel compelled to plug this analysis by @radioactivesupersonic of lotor's arc and relationship with allura as a vampire story because it's interesting as hell, pounds out what i've just said further, and is something i read prior to writing this up so i may have unconsciously stolen from it. (i can only promise that i completely forgot about it until i went looking for all my links rip.))
nevertheless, lotor's first priority for the altean colony was always to preserve them—even if he eventually, essentially started treating them as a renewable resource with his farming's effects on the survival of his people and culture as environmental impacts. make of that what you will.
"if lotor is such a decent person who loves altea and wants to end the galra empire, why didn't he team up with voltron from the beginning? he was around before season 3! why didn't he show up earlier?"
that, my friend, is a good question i've puzzled over too. i have an answer.
number one: lotor has been in the habit of effectively working on his lonesome for about the past 10,000 years and canonically displays a wealth of paranoia and trust issues. teamwork isn't usually the first idea that comes to mind to someone like lotor.
number two: we get a very dramatic hint toward this in the climax of s6 (can't wait until we reach that part!), as well as during his invasion of puig in s3, but i believe lotor didn't have much confidence in voltron's capabilities during the period of s1 and s2 or for some time afterwards. he's a very cautious and careful player, learned from millennia of working against the interests and conventions of an extremely powerful empire.
and if we all remember correctly, voltron lost 10,000 years ago. granted, alfor sent the lions away rather than risk zarkon gaining control of the black lion, but it was still him and the other paladins against zarkon. victory should've been within reach, and yet they lost. so 10,000 years later, voltron appears to have returned, and none of those fears have been assuaged. who are these random newcomers to pilot the lions, and how could they possibly succeed where the original paladins didn't, when they don't even have the might of armies behind them? zarkon could still retake control of the black lion. additionally, lotor's own feelings towards voltron (and symbolically, king alfor) as a savior are extremely complicated. (you cannot believe how excited i am to talk about that. just wait.) he's not going to risk everything he's worked for on a wild card he's incredibly unsure will manage to make a dent. it would even make zarkon stronger if they lost, and therefore his father, one of the people he most wants to avoid the attention of, would be coming after them in a frenzy.
even after the s2 finale where voltron critically injured zarkon, he finds them insufficient. they create the coalition, yet he can essentially retake puig in the span of an hour with a team of five attackers.
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clearly, they still weren’t well-equipped enough to stand against the galra empire. it would be in lotor's best interests to avoid voltron like the plague unless he was certain they wouldn't be crushed. so he did just that.
i suspect that before the voltron coalition grew into its own, lotor was planning to independently start a coup of some kind. it would've been pretty easy with unlimited quintessence. but after he was declared an enemy of the empire to be killed on sight, when voltron had gained significant strength and organized rebellion against the empire alongside liberated planets became a genuine and effective possibility, he joins them—right after their surprise attack liberates a full third of the empire and shocks the galra off his trail. the coalition was finally a basket he felt secure putting some of his eggs into.
(part 2)
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veterveter · 3 years
Hey hey, it's gay bike anon again! I'm more than honoured to get my own tag!!! I definitely would like to keep talking to you <3 And only love for you too <3
I'll gladly wait for your response to my ask (or asks??? we'll see one day ehehehe)! I feel you, when people cite some of my text messages from a few months (or more) ago I'm often like "nope, nah-ah, that's not me, you're wrong". Same for older essays, I often can't believe I wrote those. And even with things I wrote late at night a few weeks ago, sometimes I'm like "I wrote that? That monstrosity??? Okay, I need more sleep before writing". (My capacity of writing in correct English grammar usually goes to sleep before I do, same goes for varied word choice). But sometimes I'll see this project I've worked on YEARS ago and exactly recognize the pieces I wrote? Since the ask would be fairly recent, I suppose I would recognise my writing style and word choice and since I didn't wrote it whilst sleep deprived (I hope??) I'm setting my chances of recognising it pretty high. But we'll see one day, the mystery will marinate for a while... [I am rereading this in the daytime, and this is EXACTLY what I meant, at night I make the weirdest word choices?? I’m definitely not changing it though because I might find it kinda funny]
I snorted so hard about the way you talked about your almost-name, I'm giggling here like crazy. Apparently my name means something alike 'dedicated to God', but my parents aren't really believers, so gotta love that. The meaning of my sibling's name is 'summer', but I'm the one born in the summer, whilst my sibling is born in autumn, oops. Guess my parents never checked one of those sites/ books where you can find the meaning of a name hahaha.
I love how my ask was so weird and chaotic that you sent a screenshot to a friend. I LOVE that she had no idea what was going on. Then again, I watched the semis (obviously hahaha) but I had no idea what was going on either... But honestly it was peak Dutch culture, water and bicycles, I would just add an ode to 'hagelslag' and voila, the entirety of Dutch culture summed up... [Also: if you don't know: 'hagelslag' is just sprinkles which we eat on bread, yes, on bread, we do not not only eat sprinkles as on cake or on donuts, like in any other country, no, we put it on bread. It's actually a really popular sandwich topping here. My ultimate favourites are the chocolate ones, but you also have them in several fruity flavours (like forest fruit) and anise flavour.] Thank you, perfect chaotic energy is an ultimate goal I strive towards *bows like I'm Victorian royalty or something*
You're absolutely right, it went EXACTLY like that. Specifically, I would be studying for my exams, explaining topics to myself like I always do, so I'd tell myself "The six possible origins of economies of scope are indivisibility, specialisation, marketing, research and development, GUESS WHAT.. SUBWAY DRIVER GANDÍA... ehhh... what was I doing again??" OR: "one of the most detailed and most used models of responsive regulation is Brathwaite's piramid. His enforcement piramid visually shows, nope not important, SUBWAY DRIVER GANDÍAAAAAA" And I'd laugh, continue explaining theories and calculations to myself until my focus started lessening again and my thoughts would wander off again. I am VERY glad I'm not the only one who thinks about it from time to time, and I'm glad you're not suing me for any mental harm yet.
Yess, those pictures I saw from Promising Young Woman look so beautiful and aesthetic!! I'll probably watch it somewhere after the 16th, because I'll most likely have finished my last exams by then. I'll tell you what I thought about it! Thank you SO SO SO much for all the luck wishes!!!! I had an exam last Friday and I absolutely rewarded myself, because it went better than I expected and I passed an earlier exam and a paper too! I didn't buy myself a tricorne (yet), but I did buy funko pops (my inner economist said it was 100% rational because it was a really good deal hahaha). I still have two exams to go, so I could always buy a tricorne for finishing either of those, OR. EVEN BETTER. I'll ask my parents (or my grandparents) for one for my birthday. I mean, that would be hilarious. They'd be so confused. They've never seen S3 and S4 of LCDP so they'll have no idea, even if I tried to explain it. It would be so incredibly funny (and really really weird for them), I am laughing like crazy just at the thought of it.
I've never been in Finland before, but those temperatures do not sound legal indeed. I have no knowledge of Finnish law, but maybe article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the prohibition of torture, would work? If I was the judge I’d 100% agree, so we should all sue the weather sksksks. I'm glad to have brought you rain though (and that I apparently possess the power to do so - magic weather controlling pirate seems like a nice enough job to me)!!! I hope the temperature has become at least somewhat lower. You're right, climate change should just... stop... right away. The weather is pretty weird here, right now: one day it will be super sunny and (at least) around 27 degrees and almost melting away, and the other day it will be raining and I'll be wearing my warmest sweater. Like, why the extremes??
I love that I am able to make you lose your coherent thoughts (that's probably why we have one brain energy about Underwater, because I, too, have the ability to make myself lose my coherent thoughts). I'm glad for your faith in my impersonation of Martín. I even started Duolingo Spanish again, and now know the phrase, "Yo bebo leche" (I drink milk) which obviously would be very important to him. Now I'll just need an Argentinian accent to go with it. Leaning menacingly on a cane would be GREAT, I love the idea. I'll open job applications for a Denver. Maybe my cat could help me, she, much like Denver, is super loud and she is super aggressive towards other cats, so there is potential there. And guiding dogs and even tiny guiding horses exist, why not a guiding cat?
I always assumed I would follow a more... you know… legal... career path, maybe even literally a career in law. But, my accounting professor also showed us how to manipulate financial statements ("so you can notice when people are doing this", uh-huh sure, sure that’s why) and another professor of mine also said that a criminal career sometimes could be the more rational, rewarding choice over a legally acceptable career. So, I suppose I should not be surprised by this sudden change of career plans. I should have seen this coming. And what better way to be able to avoid the laws than by knowing exactly what they are and how far you can go. And if that plan doesn’t work out, the books of law I have (they’re combined in two huge hardcover bundles) are really heavy and you could probably harm someone with them if you hit hard enough… Well, I suppose you can even leave “hard” away, just by hitting someone softly with those books you can bring serious harm to them… Ah, and like that one professor would say: in this scenario it would be a rational choice to become a pirate instead of a privateer. Oh dear, not Arturito :/ Mutiny would seem like a good option, I’ll take over the ship and become Palermo the Pirate. Sounds much and much better than “Arturo the Pirate”, since that isn’t an alliteration, sooo mutiny is reasonable even for that reason. And then there’s the fact that it’s Arturo, I mean, that says enough.
YOU LOVE UNDERWATER TOO????!!!! I completely forgot that you posted that! It seems we do indeed already have one shared braincell energy my friend <3
Last week has been pretty good (except for having to make a test at 9:30, what a godless time, I’m usually barely awake by then ehehehe), I think I aced the test I had, got back some good grades and finally got my first Covid vaccination (and only shortly slight dizziness as a side effect, so that's pretty great). And thanks so much!!! For now I’m safe from Gandía, but somewhere in mid-July I’ll have to take an exam on campus, so I’ll might be able to bring out my inner Palermo then.
How was your week? If the weather is still unkind to you (well, also if the weather *is* kind to you), treat yourself to your favourite ice cream and a break every now and then <3 Do you already have holidays or hasn’t your academical year ended yet?
You’re also right - this is conversation and we’re friends now <3 And I absolutely do like cookies! I would say my favourites are american cookies (though stroopwafels are reaally good as well) but honestly there are only a few kinds of cookies that I don’t love that much. And anything with chocolate in it is GREAT. I do also love apples and bananas, though grapes (which I just had) are even better! What’s your favourite kind of cookie?
Also, I know I have been giving you so many prompts already, but I saw this one in that list you reblogged and it gave me so much Berlermo energy: you live in an apartment with your best friend. the two of you always fall asleep in each other's arms, but one day, your friend isn't there. they've fallen in love with someone else. it's your other best friend, who recently moved in with you. and that's when you realize, that those nights you spent together, weren't so platonic after all. I would love it if you’d write it, but if you decide not to that’s absolutely fine too, no worries <3
By the way, I was going to post this quite a bit earlier, but my laptop (unlike me) decided yesterday night, when I was finishing writing this, that it was time to sleep, so I had to quickly dump this whole rant in Google Docs (it’s almost two and a half pages what the heck) and I was busy all day so I only was able to upload it just now. I swear I can ractually espond faster than after a week :) Have a lovely evening, much love from the gay bike country <3
Heeeeeeey you are back!!! How happy am I to see my favouritest gay bike anon return to my inbox!!! 💕 [Author's note: You can tell I started this reply right away because you've sent me three or four asks since this one and one can tell you are indeed back hahaha]
Yeeeeeees this is how one makes friends!! You know, I was just thinking the other night of how "gay bike anon" shortens to GBA, like the Game Boy Advance, you know. Make of that what you will, but it pleases me to know that you can also have a cute nickname for your cute nickname. Nicknameception.
Yes, exactly that, "I did not write that, and if I did in fact write that.. No I did not." Also, "the mystery will marinate"??? That's an amazing word choice and some day I will absolutely use it for something, just you wait. I think it just goes to show that you should write everything while tired, haha.
Haha I love that naming convention for you. It may make very little sense, but....... but. Also, happy birthday for whenever it is, presumably in the nearby past or future!! Lots of love!! You're the summer child while your sibling is... a summer child, but like, different.
Since you appreciated my almost-name story, I'll reward you with the rest of it: so my name is Tuuli, which is Finnish for "wind". My mum originally wanted to name me Pilvi, which means "cloud". And then she was like oh no this child is not at all serene and cloud-like??? and thus, a new me. I'm glad she had second thoughts, although I wonder if having such an ill-fittingly chill name would've done anything to alter my personality? Nomen est omen and all. There's some kind of an alternate universe where all of that played out, but I'm glad it's not this one.
Yeah either you watched the semis and have no idea, or you didn't watch them and have no idea. There is no way to get what was going on there, I'm certain they themselves also didn't get it. I had no idea about hagelslag but thjipgnhefjpihjo that's amazing, I love that for you!!!! There was absolutely no reason to go there but you as a country just... did that. Amazing. Please have some and report to me so I can live through you. And also, you are absolutely legit Victorian royalty [or something] *bows in return*. Also, I do love how you say "I watched the semis (obviously)." Imagine if you didn't and this entire time I was tragically misinterpreting the nature and intentions of your ask and you were just rolling with it because you've no idea what I'm on about but are also too polite to tell me that. Khhhhhhh
Your brain has priorities!!!! And they're honestly beautiful. Well done, brain. Subway driver Gandíaaaaaaaaaa~~~ My brain is filled with Berlermo quotes that come @ me at random times during the day and leave me just a tad shell-shocked, remembering how it all went down. I'm eating my morning yoghurt and my brain goes yo te propuse fundir oro juntos, and I'm just there like :)))))) Real nice, brain.
Have you had the opportunity to see Promising Young Woman yet? Hhhhh it's so pretty, every time I work on this reply [it's a lot of times, okay, I'm very diligent about this, I stare at this ask and craft snazzy replies in my head all the time, that's why I'm so slow in... actually replying] I'm reminded of that. I'm not a very visual person but the colours and the framing... that was really nice.
I am somewhat glad you've not been to Finland yet, you must hit me up when you come visit, I'll take you for coffee!!! It's actually cooler now (bless!!!!!!!!!!!), the last... four days have been reasonable 14-20 degrees, after four consequtive weeks of 25+. Kkhhhh thinking back to it makes me feel a little ill, but now beret weather is back. I own a lot of berets, dear gay bike anon. I'm going to my university city for the weekend and I'm already wondering which beret(s) I should bring with me. This is an important decision with potential long-lasting consequences. I don't know if you've played any of Telltale's games (The Wolf Among Us and the first two seasons of The Walking Dead are the best ones, fight me), but when you make a decision and the game goes "This character will remember that." and you instantly go oh no what have I done??? That's how I feel about choosing the perfect beret for my city outing. But yes, weather extremes are just the worst. We've been having the longest drought I've ever seen here (it's still not properly rained, for the record, on Tuesday it rained for an hour or so) while in other places there's awful flooding. That's awful.
Ahhh I'm so happy you're continuing your Spanish-learning!! I took a beginner's course at uni in the spring semester, I'm going to take the next one when uni resumes in September. And yes, I'm studying it for LCDP. I mean I love languages in general, but I never had a particular need to study Spanish, until this year I suddenly did. I'm also Duolingo-ing it! Very slowly and steadily. Also, I adore the idea of your cat being your Denver. What's your cat's name??? What do they look like?? Tell me everything, you can't just leave it at my cat, you simply must allow me to meet them. Also, you know why guide cats aren't a thing? Because cats are the worst. I love cats, but you can't just teach them to do useful things. They'll do them if they want to. As I type this, my cat is trying to catch flies at my feet. Her name is Muusa.
I studied accounting for my undergrad!! So I can join you in [[[preventing]]] tax fraud and [[[recognising]]] tampering with financial statements. We can make a totally legitimate business out of it. No but truly, I'm certain we were taught some of those things with the expectation that our future employers would expect it of us. Capitalism is so fun :)))))) And you shouldn't be surprised, academia is but a stepping stone to crime, honestly. Any dark academia book will tell you this. You start out learning Latin and wearing turtlenecks, you end up with murder. That's just how academia works. And you seem to have already chosen your weapon... you're well on your way. :) Palermo the Pirate sounds great!!! I support your mutiny. I don't think I said, but this is my favourite word of the English language. Mutiny. Mutiny????? It doesn't sound very serious. It sounds cute, actually. I love it.
I'm so happy to hear you got your covid vaccine!!!! I had mine a month ago or so - I typed you a reply to the subway Gandía thing on the train ride back, actually. I was really stressed about getting it on my right arm, because I'm left-handed, and last time I got a vaccination (like a decade ago) they insisted on giving it on my left arm and I was sad :( But this time!! I got it on my chosen arm and was very pleased. So anyway, that was a segue. I'm glad you got your covid shot and were side effect -free!!!
My week has been good, thank you!! I went to my uni city for my niece's birthday on Monday, and as said I'm going back on Friday (tomorrow). So this time in between has felt like exactly that, time in between. I started reading Call Me By Your Name. I had my Korean class last night. Now I'm hanging out with my cat (she has stopped chasing flies and climbed to my lap) and talking to you. My holidays started already in May! And uni resumes in the beginning of September, but I'm a tutor for new students so I need to show up three weeks earlier for the orientation weeks. Yes, we do three weeks of orientation (read: three weeks of drinking). It's a bit insane.
Now I need to ask you again how your week has been, since I'm so slow. How has your week been?? Are you free from your exams?? When does your uni resume?
Stroopwafels are so good ahhh I'll have to buy them when and or if I see them. Possibly when I'm in central Europe but haha I can hope to be lucky and see them at a store with imported stuff, you know. My favourite cookies??? Omg maybe these ones - they have this truffle filling, and they're fun to eat (this is important in cookies, you see):
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And of course they're Fazer. Because Finnish people have only one setting, apparently. Or maybe that's just me. But all cookies are great, honestly. I like making American cookies, that's always a fun pastime (and you get to have cookie dough, that's like half the fun). I've actually not made them for a lifetime??? Maybe I should, soon. I'll keep you updated. Also, brookies. I love making brookies, they're great.
I really really appreciate being given prompts, I hope you know that!! Thank you!! Consider me pocketing this prompt and maybe eventually some day theoretically getting back to you about it!! You're right - it has Berlermo energy. Insofar as either of them actually have other friends. :)
Thank you for this kind message, dear gay bike anon <3 I'd apologise for my slowness in replying but I think I'd rather you just assume that I'll get back to you, and thank you for your patience <3 Your kind and funny and chaotic asks always brighten my day. I hope you'll have a great rest of the week and just... all the nice and fun and good things and great vibes in life. All the best, dear gay bike anon <3 Take care!! And greetings from Muusa as well - she just yawned and I presume that means "greetings".
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bishalsapkotaseo · 4 years
How to Write a better SEO Content?
Before you begin writing, it's a fantastic idea to consider what you are going to write.
Must make blog posts? Just write!
Have to print landing page content? Just write!
Have to publish a case study? Just write!
Have to send a sales letter? Just write!
Need to send a love letter? Just write! No more kidding
Nicely, writing does not imply that you pick up one subject and write randomly. And after publish it onto a site and hoping to rank higher in Google. Earlier, I used to create the very same mistakes over and over. My way of writing was only to locate a subject, then write, and later I was like what am I writing:P. Slowly, I came to know the significance of content outlining before leaping to any subject.
Likewise, writing content isn't all about getting the words; it is about discovering the words that you want to use and rank, which is often called an SEO optimized content.
Before you begin writing any given content, I suggest you to undergo proper outline first.
In summary, a summary is a listing of major topics and subtopics you need to cover for your essay to be better than competitors that now rank for the given piece of content. A proper content outline makes certain your flow of articles is in the ideal direction.
Why you need a content outline for better SEO content creation?
Well, you might be wondering why the hell you want a content summary? I have a solid reason for you. Without a proper outline, it would be difficult to connect ideas easily. It would be challenging to structure and arrange content in well mannered. That is the reason why a content outline is a remarkably practical way to organize information.
For example, you recently published a blog post and afterwards realized you had abandoned something to cover subjects around within an report. But with the appropriate content outline, you'd be able to fill content or topic gaps so that you can make the content as whole as you can.
On the flip side, a stressful situation arises when you start writing, and at any stage, you fail to write more. A reason is writing in freestyle without outline makes your progress SUPER slow.
An outline gives you a high profile overview of what you would like to pay for. This way you couldn't miss any key factors, strategies, topics, and sub-topic e.t.c.
Interestingly, the practice of content outline makes my articles creation super quick and simple. I wrote this post within fourteen days.
That is the power of a detailed content outline.
To sum up all significance of Content Outlining, here are the factors why you should summarize a content before jump right into creation:
A summary helps to provide a high level overview of what you wish to pay like topic and subtopics.
With detailed outlines helps to keep your articles more structured and organized.
An outline will help to fill the content difference that could be subject, sub-topic, essential measures, and approaches. Before you write one word, an outline ensures that if you pay key points or not in your entire content.
The best way to outline content?
Well, I trust you are familiar with the surface of content outlining, its importance, and why you require effective content creation? Now, it's time to get pretty closer on the ideal method to write content prior to leaping on composing. So let's get started:
Brainstorm your target subject
Finalize your topic
Gather and Generate Content Ideas
Properly Construction Your Content
Now It's time to hit the keyboard!
Brainstorm Your Intended subject
Today it's time to jump onto a subject you'd like to write on. Whether it can be a case study, sales letter, blog posts, or even a research document, and make certain to conceptualize your topic .
Brainstorming topics using tool answerthepublic
You can even dive dipper to your target topics using sites such as AnswherThePublic, Quora, Reddit. AnswerThePublic is a great content thoughts tool which helps to give you a better insight into what people are asking about your topic? Similarly, Quora and Reddit can be handy for creating tons of topic ideas on your niche.
Brainstorming topics using quora
Brainstorming may include:
Finding subject
Writing down all thoughts
Considering what readers want in your articles
Finalize your topic
Finalizing a topic usually comes after imagining. In this phase, you have to make sure what is your ultimate topics, what you're going to write, and what you want to deliver.
Make sure the topic and generate a title to express it. Let's say you wish to write a manual on Technical SEO. All outlines should reflect a topic sentence that summarizes the total idea of this content. A subject or title should be short, unique, and grammatically accurate.
Collect and Create Main Content Ideas
The gist here is to come up with a listing of essential ideas which you are planning to present in your complete parcel of content. Gathering content thoughts can include like data, a debate, often asked a question, sources list, or it might even include subtopic on the way best to do something.
This really is how I gather main content ideas before writing so that I could later write as a boss.
Gathering Content Ideas in a Google Docs
List your main articles thoughts enhances to fill the general content difference and makes your articles exciting and total.
Properly Construction Your Content
Example showing an SEO optimized content outline for particular keyword
Whether you are composing blog posts, sales letters, product descriptions, or even research papers, make sure to structure your content based on subject and subtopics.
For Example, if I'm on writing merchandise description, then I would structure my content after a top notch approach which would look similar to:
Intro (Describing what the item does and who needs it most)
"Deep Dive" on Product Description(Gains, Images, FAQs)
Guru Tips: Make sure to keep heading in hierarchical order. Using heading tags helps search engines to read and comprehend the overall content of your webpage. Additionally, heading tags provide google a powerful sign to rank better.
Now It is time to strike the keyboard!
Well, I really hope I covered essential matters before writing killer content. And I am certain that you're familiar with all steps mentioned previously. Go on a flow, compose based on a comprehensive outline.
Besides, I really do have a little bit of exercise for you. After conclusion, just assesses how long does it takes to compose, how do you feel while writing comparing writing without outlining vs. outlined content?
The main difference between the outlined content along with generic content is the first is nicely composed with proper design and formatting. And the next one is written without realizing the intent of the readers. Sadly, the next one is what most writers do. Do not drop in this a mousetrap. Make a habit of outlining content before composing. I bet on the time you will get the pace and slowly master the craft of writing SEO optimized content.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
The danger of behaving arrogantly is greatest when you're doing well. There are many analogies between fundraising and dating, and this essay is the advice we give them of the world. But only one company we've funded has so far worked in the spammer's favor, would now work against him, like a proof, is a pruned version of a tree that in the early days Facebook made a point of honor with me to write nonsense at least as good at the other students' without having more than glanced over the book to learn the names of the characters and a few random events in it. The amount of cutting is about average. So why do investors use that term? Historically, languages designed for large organizations. And so you can't begin with a thesis, because you just have so little to go on, but you may have to hunt angels down in person to Leonardo & Co. That's why she never sinks into self-indulgently arty descriptions of landscapes, or pretentious philosophizing. People are dramatically more productive as founders or early employees of startups—imagine how much less Larry and Sergey would have achieved if they'd gone to work for a company that didn't have a hacker-centric culture? Once you had enough good startups in one place, it would almost certainly mean we were being too conservative. One of the most important thing to you and that you should lower your expectations initially.
Angel investing is not a zero sum game. Auto-retrieving spam filters offer them a way to make it to profitability on this money if you can raise more elsewhere. West coast investors aren't bolder because they're irresponsible cowboys, or because the good weather makes them optimistic. The age of consent fluctuates like hemlines. But the new version number led to some awkwardness in the short term. And yet this principle is rare among the world's cultures, past or present. If they merely extracted the actual value, they'd have made less. Since getting the first offer is most of the money you need, so you can get as mp3s. No one will look that closely at it. Actually I'm less American than I seem. They just wanted lots of people to see their mistakes. Just start listing ideas at random?
There was some initial resistance, but it seems very unlikely. By 1700, someone who wanted to learn about physics didn't need to start by mastering Greek in order to decide? I was taught in college that one ought to figure out a definition of Web 2. That problem is irreducible; it should be hard. When you're just typing expressions into the toplevel, you want to work on an audience, and—here's the critical point—members of the audience seemed to be that type of founding team, you're effectively a single founder when it comes to empathy are practically solipsists. Why look under rocks? Once you had enough good startups in one place, it would be hard to undo, you couldn't switch management companies. It means that a programming language should, above all, be malleable. Eventually, they get to the point where 100% of the top 50 do.
But one of the first things they discovered was what we call the classics. B fundraising. Perhaps high schools should drop English and just teach writing. If you have multiple founders, pick one to handle fundraising so the other s can keep working on the company. It's great if by lead they mean they'll invest unilaterally, and in another it's considered shocking. But boy did things seem different. Com of their name. The one saving grace was that English courses tend to favor pompous, dull writers like Henry James, who deserve black marks against them in my mind. In it he carefully painted each individual leaf.
Up till a few years ago, startups raising money in phase 2 and you end up raising more than they originally intended. He explained that he'd just bought it in Thailand. An essay is something you write in order to read Aristotle. Eventually, they get to the end of fundraising, that should be part of your calculation of expected value when you start. The terms will be whatever they turn out to have been defeated mainly by treating it as a book. Or maybe the movie business can avoid becoming publishers, they may avoid publishing's problems. Usually phase 3 fundraising has to be good. Even if you were willing to pay more for better content, why wasn't anyone already selling it to them?
I asked. Unfortunately, the amounts of time involved can be longer than human lifetimes. In software, my rule is: always have working code. Boston half the time: it's hard to foresee how big, because its size will depend not on macro trends like the amount people read, but on the ingenuity of individual publishers. Everyone in the sciences that heresy pays off. Though indeed, it's been a while since they were writing about symbolism; now they're writing about gender. Mikey likes it. We plan to mine the web for these implicit tags, and use them together with the reputation hierarchy they embody to enhance web searches. I had only looked over at the other end seems especially far away. The second idea is that startups may represent a new economic phase and also a type of business that flourishes in certain places that specialize in it—that Silicon Valley specializes in startups in the same way a textile manufacturer treats the patterns printed on its fabrics. For centuries the low countries were the place to do it without getting yourself accused of being a good angel investor, that will usually be enough to set things rolling.
Our hypothetical prim miss from the suburbs. I love to read more than anything, but by default the valuation you got from the first conversation to wiring the money, and ambivalence about being a technology company. The professors will establish scholarly journals and publish one another's papers. If they really want. At least, it did when people wrote about it online. The problem is not the time fundraising consumes but that it becomes a complete distraction. That was as far as I'd gotten at the time. Whoever controls the device sets the terms. I learned to program, we had to rely mostly on examples in books. Don't maltreat users is a subset of Don't be evil, and of course Google set off the whole Ajax boom with Google Maps. Since phase 2 prices vary at most 10x and the big successes generate returns of at least 100x, investors should pick startups entirely based on their estimate of the probability that those 19 year olds will might be higher than that of the other kind of difficulty can be eliminated.
The startups then used the money to buy ads on Yahoo to get traffic. But does it do this out of frivolity? Now I realize I might seem to have been a clever move to pretend to be a good angel investor? If you raise an excessive amount of money, it will end up succeeding. Good software designers are no more engineers than architects are. And FreeBSD seems to be possible for several people to collaborate on a research project. At the time, no one knows in programming who the heroes should be. It's always fun to work on ideas that few beside them realize are good.
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