#Amit is such a nice guy to be around
syaolaurant · 5 days
Fighting alongside Amit be like
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It's been a while so now I'm back to the "Fighting alongside" series (with Ominis, Seb and Poppy)
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
Didn't wanna leave proper for a while, until I gave this, been saying I was gonna do it for ages and never did. So here you guys go, to finish off their main story 🥺🥹
💕Marvolo x Aurora💕
The Wedding 💚
Marvolo stood next to the lake in the Forbidden forest, where he and Aurora had their first date. The surrounding area was filled with beautiful lights, flowers and chairs, it was simple, but that's what they wanted for their wedding day. Nothing else mattered to them, other than the fact they were about to be husband and wife.
Rowan stood next to him, along with Ominis, as always grumbling about wearing a suit, and the fact Rerek was wrapped around his shoulders, wearing a little fancy tophat.
Marvolo: *whispers and chuckles* Shut up, Rowan.
Rowan: *whispers back* Sorry. Heh, you know I hate suits, but I'm doing this for you.
Ominis: *whispers* I'm sure you look very handsome in your suit, Darling *grins*
Rowan: Not as handsome as you *grins back*
Rerek: Erm, excuse me? What about me?
Ominis: Oh Rerek, hush. I'm sure you look nice. *small chuckle*
Rowan: I'm also not thrilled about having this thing on me.
Rerek: And you think I wanna be on your shoulders? You scruffy mut.
Marvolo: *small chuckle* Rerek..
The vicar stood nearby, and the guests were all seated, waiting for Aurora to arrive. Her Mother sat up front, a smile on her face, she glanced over to Ophelia who was already looking at her, Ophelia gave her a friendly smile and wave, Which Aurora's mother returned, Ophelia nudged Aleister who was sat there next to her as if to say "say hello" Aleister leaned forward seeing Aurora's mother and gave her a small smile and a nod, she gave him a friendly smile back, months had passed, and Aleister was now use to the fact his eldest son was marrying a halfbood. Him and Marvolo had, had a heart to heart in the days coming up to the wedding.
A few days previous
Marvolo: *sat in the living room, reading*
Aleister: *wanders in and sits in his chair in front of the fire*
Marvolo: *goes to get up*
Aleister: Marvolo..Wait.
Marvolo: What is it?
Aleister: *sigh* ...Are you all ready for the wedding?
Marvolo: ..Think so...Why?
Aleister: I erm.. *clears his throat* I hope it will be a special day.. And I hope it will be perfect for you..
Marvolo: *narrows his eyes*
Aleister: *looks at him* I'm sorry..For everything..I truly mean that, son.
Marvolo: ...Thank you.
Aleister: I...*sigh* I just want you to be happy.
Marvolo: *small smile* I'm very happy, Father.
Aleister: ...Good *small smile*
Back to the wedding
The lads sat together with the girls, all quietly chattering amongst themselves.
Sebastian: Can't believe the days here, Marvolo Gaunt is getting married, heh. To Aurora no less *smiles*
Leander: Crazy shit, bro. I wish them the best though.
Garreth: *sniffling*
Amit: Garreth Why are you crying?
Garreth: I always cry at weddings.
Everett: Nothings happened yet.
Garreth: *squeaks* I know it's just so overwhelming..
Natty: Getting married out here in nature *sighs lovingly* So perfect.
Poppy: I was just about to say, it looks so lovley here right now.
Imelda: I remember Aurora telling me this is where they had their first date.
Garreth: *Overhears and wails* GODS. That's so romantic! *crying his eye's out*
Sebastian: *chuckles*
Leander: Gaz, chill out will you? You're causing a scene.
A harp nearby started playing on it's own, such a sweet beautiful melody. Everyone stood, and the vicar stood before Marvolo. Marvolo took in a deep breath as they once again had a small whispered conversation.
Rowan: You good? *smiles*
Marvolo: ..Yes, I think so, heh. I'm actually nervous.
Ominis: You? Nervous? *Playful grin* You'll be fine, Volo. Worry not.
Marvolo: Cheers Ominis.
Rerek: And you look grrrrreat by the way, Master.
Marvolo: *smirks at Rerek*
Everyone turned, seeing Aurora walking down the path with her Father, she looked simply stunning, in a long, white bohemian wedding dress, with white roses in her hair. The biggest smile on her face. Everyone grinned at her as she walked down.
Garreth: Oh gods, look at her! *blows his nose*
Leander: Gaz.. Shhh.
Sebastian: *quietly chuckles again before looking at Aurora and giving her a heartfelt smile*
Aurora: *smiles back sweetly*
She looked towards Marvolo. Marvolo was in awe watching her walk towards him, he smiled, genuinely, his tradmark bunny teeth showing, which is something he hadn't done in front of a big group of people in a long time. Rowan was smiling too, along with Ominis, who now had his arms linked with Rowan. He couldn't see her, but he knew she'd look beautiful, he could feel the love in the air. Rerek let out a small blissful giggle as he watched Aurora approach.
Ophelia: *tears in her eyes as she leans over to Aleister* He looks so happy.
Aliester: *smiles* He does..
Aurora's Father smiled at her gleefully as he let her walk forward, taking his place next to his wife, as they shared a loving grin. Aurora stood next to Marvolo, looking at him, her cheeks instantly blushing.
Marvolo: You look absolutely Devine, my love. *small smile*
Aurora: Thank you *coy smile as she links his arm*
The Vicar recited a small little speech before asking them the important questions.
Vicar: Do you, Aurora Winters, take Marvolo Aleister Gaunt, as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"
Aurora: *giggles* I do..
Vicar: And do you, Marvolo Aleister Gaunt, take Aurora Winters, as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"
Marvolo: *smiles lovingly* ...I do.
The pair exchanged their rings, Aurora looked up at him with so much love in her heart, as he smiled down at her.
Vicar: I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride.
Marvolo rested one hand in her hip, as his other came up to caress her cheek, cupping it in his hand, he leaned down, and Aurora leaned up, the pair closing their eye's, and sharing their first tender kiss as a married couple.
Everyone cheered I'm celebration, Even Aleister had a tear in his eye, his hand holding Ophelias. MCs parents clapped and hugged watching their daughters smile brighten, all the other guests cheered and clapped, along with the lads and gals.
Sebastian: WOOOOOO! *Big grin*
Leander: *smiling and clapping*
Garreth: *a complete fuckin mess at this point* I LOVE YOU GUY'S!!! * stretching out his arms, wrapping them around Leander, Seb, Amit and Everetts heads, pulling them all towards him*
Sebastian: *chuckles*
Amit: Oof.
Everett: *strangled squeak*
Leander: Gaz, for fuck sake, get a hold of yourself *chuckles*
Imelda: *laughing at Garreth*
Natty and Poppy: *giddily clapping together, excited giggles coming out*
Marvolo and Aurora walked back down the path together, as everyone threw confetti over them. They chuckled as they smiled at everyone, hand in hand.
Marvolo: *looks at her* I can't believe it..
Aurora: The day finally arrived *endearing grin*
Marvolo: I adore you, my wife. *smirks*
Aurora: *blushes* And I, you, my husband *giggles*
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sirpuddingcup · 8 months
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Before I get into it
Holy shit this book is great! It genuinely is everything I wanted and more. Volume 3 ties everything up so well that even though I knew the plot outline already just from lore it had me gripped from cover to cover. An emotional and bloody ending to the to the galaxy spanning series.
First off I really enjoyed getting the little updates on what some of the other players are doing while it all goes down. Bobby G and his endless strategy meetings as he tries to figure out how to get to Terra. Lorgar pulling a jonestown as he arrogantly misinterprets prophecies. Perturabo wallowing in self pity as he destroys his room like an angry teenager (the image of him pouting in his broken chair as the room lies devastated around him gives me life). Finally Eldrad and the others arguing over shoulda woulda coulda as they realize this is way worse than they thought. It was nice to check in with everyone before we dive into the trauma of it all.
Speaking of trauma let's talk about the black rage! We see sanguineous's mangled corpse in the lupercal court as the psychic shock sends the entire ninth legion (minus Zephon) into a berserk rage. I really can't think of a better word for it than traumatic. After all they've been through together during the siege to have the blood angels turn into actual monsters against their will is just twisting the knife for the loyalists. From Rans desperate fight for survival against a man he idolizes to Amit waking up dazed and confused at the end of a trail of corpses ("why do the bodys end here?" "That's as far as you got" kills me), it's safe to say nobody is having a good time.
Scratch that you know who is having a pretty good time? Rogal Dorn. Fresh out of the desert of endless boredom Rogal finally gets to let loose a little as he fights his way to Valdor. I love their dynamic and I wish we got more of them hanging out("damn you!"(frustrated) "damn you too."(affectionate)).
We check in with Fo and the genocide crew which ends predictably. I saw him completing the Terminus sanction then getting killed trying to escape a mile away. I did not see him making a fucking clone body and replace Xanthus! I love me a devious old scientist causing problems on purpose! I really hope he comes back in a big way.
The library crew didn't do a whole lot other than Ariman being a creepy magic man. It is buck wild that the archivist turned out to be Lilean Chase at the beginning of her career she goes on to found the fucking Cognitae so get it girl I guess.
The did my boy Loken so dirty in the end but fuck me was it good. They planted seeds earlier on talking about how a demon is made, a reaction in the warp to a traumatic event in real space, how in the warp effect can come before cause. But fuck me I wasn't expecting this. After the dust settles and Loken almost convinces Abaddon to give reconciliation a chance Erebus (fuck Erebus) stabs him in the back dooming the galaxy to endless civil war. And why did he do this? Because Samus is the man beside you, Samus right behind you, Samus is the guy she told you not to worry about, look out it's fucking Samus! The abrupt murder of Loken gives birth to the Demon Samus kicking all of this shit into motion. It truly is all Erebus's fault.
I saved the best for last. The showdown on the vengeful spirit. This is where Horus really gets tho shine. I haven't loved his character like this since the first couple of books. He's a fucking mess and I love it this is the man who's daddy issues burned the galaxy to the ground, and as someone who has a difficult relationship with my father fuck me I get it. Dan Abnet is so good at making fights feel intimate, Horus isn't a one dimensional avatar of evil hes a son confronting his abusive father. Horus doesn't want to kill his father he wants to be better than him, and not just stronger but a better person. He needs the Emperor to acknowledge that he had hurt Horus. Horus loved his father and wanted to reach out him on an emotional level so badly, but the Emperor was simply no longer able to do that. When the Emperor purged himself of the infant god the dark king his kindness and empathy went with it ( going on to create the star child). This emperor is nothing but power and cold fury. He enters the room having already written Horus off as dead. It's such a tragedy from top to bottom because we know from Malcador in his all knowing position on the golden throne, that there is a version of this confrontation where they both walk out alive. That does not happen.
The actual physical fight is nothing to write home about besides the fact that different people see it happening in different ways Dusk sees it as a clumsy slugfest between two lumbering giants while LE2 saw it as the greatest display of skill he had ever seen. In truth it was both. The psychic battle had them tossing each other across time and space and fighting through the sites of each other's greatest sins. They use the settings to try and undermine each other emotionally holy shit. Then the do the next logical step AND HAVE A FUCKING TAROT DECK YU-GI-OH DUEL! I need an imperial tarot card game right now GW take my fucking money. It ends with the cards predicting the fall of cadia (the despoiler unlocking the silver door) and the emperor loses. It has become obvious by this point that the Emperor can't beat Horus. Horus outclasses him in every way but Horus doesn't want to kill his father he wants acknowledgement. So what we get is several desperate attempts by the emperor and several others to fight back as Horus beats his father bloody. But nothing works until Oll and John show up having magically teleported much closer than they ment to. They stand right in front of Horus. Horus is bemused at best giving John just enough time to use the word he learned from the tower of Babel directly in Horus's smug face. The resulting blast nearly kills everyone in the room, but it's the first thing so far to actually damage Horus. While her recovers John makes a run for it but Oll goes to the Emperor gives him the athame (stone knife used to commit the first murder) and tries to wake him up. Only for Horus to wake up first and turn poor Oll to a fine red mist.
Finally Horus stands there triumphant and who is there but his own favorite son Loken. Loken is the only one who tries to reason with Horus to make him see the the chaos gods are using and manipulating him. It was a great touch to frame Horus pov in 2nd person as if someone is telling Horus his thoughts. Loken convinces Horus that he's not really in control anymore and the only way Horus can take back control is to give up the power that the gods gave him. The moment he does back on Terra Keeler uses the power of millions of praying souls to relight the astronomicon and and give the Emperor a font of power to tap into. The emperor rises as if from the dead. Horus at first tries to pull the power back but the gods hold onto it as punishment for spurning them. Then Horus looks at the Emperor empowered as an avatar of humanities faith and he finally understands. The gods panic and try to force their power back into him and Horus begs his father to kill him now while he can resist. Then it happens a father murders his son. The emperor tells Horus "I forgive you and I'll wait for you". Excuse me Dan Abnet what exactly does that mean? Horus returned? Ghost Horus? Reincarnated? What the fuck? From there it's mostly just wrapping up they teleport home and we get the last gasp of Malcador as they place the Emperor on the golden throne.
If you read this thank you this was mostly for me because I needed an outlet for my feelings and I don't want to bother my friends to much with Warhammer. It's been a wild ride and I can't wait to see where it goes from here (especially the third Bequin book).
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charmedimsure · 1 year
Sebastian: Hey, Clopton, I need a recommendation for a good restaurant. It's MC's birthday and I want to do something... Nice.
Everett: Ooh. Do you want like, classic, romantic? Or gastro-sensuous?
Sebastian: Ugh. Never mind.
Garreth: I know those categories. You guys are talking dates. Here's what you do: Invite them over, order some fancy take out, throw it in a pot, and act like you cooked it. I got the idea from yahoo! Answers.
Sebastian: Dude, I'm not gonna buy a pot. We're not married.
Ominis: Mm-kay, you know what time it is? Because my hoodie does.
Ominis: *turns around to show his hoodie says "time for Ominis' opinion"*
Garreth: Huh, look at that.
Ominis: I have either two or four words for you. Drag queen. Dim sum.
Amit: You're talking about this Friday night? Everything's gonna be booked. We're only 72 hours out and we're still in the brainstorming phase? You gotta postpone.
Everett: You can't postpone a birthday, Amit. But, if you can't get a reservation, you can always go home and shampoo their hair.
Garreth: Please stop always recommending that.
Everett: Well, it's always romantic.
Peeves: *floating by* You can go to the top of the astronomy tower, that's very romantic.
Sebastian: Hm. Maybe I will.
Peeves: You can pee on the whole school from up there.
Sebastian: Come on!
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ask-felix-aberg · 12 days
*You found a letter in the middle of your class required Arithmancy book*
*The sealed envelope has sketches of bluebells on the sides that comes with a note on the front that says 'To: Felix' while on its back—'You didn't see that coming, don't you? ;)'*
Dear Felix,
Hejsan! 'Tis I again :D
I truly hope that I used that in a proper context. Fascinating thing languages, isn't it? Seemingly breaking one barrier at a time and such a fulfilling way to connect to people.
By the way, Amit told me how he got frightened when you caught him. Poor Amit, but I'll be forever grateful for his help.
On a different note, I'm glad that you sounded excited about the cinnamon rolls; I actually made them, and I followed my mother's recipe. I hope that it turned out as delightful as she makes them. Also, I wasn't initially aware that you can bake? If you ask me, I think it is impressive that you can. As a baker's daughter, I approve of your gingersnaps! I absolutely enjoy munching on it.
Felix, I have a confession to make...
I, in fact, am the reason behind the stare you intuitively feel during Arithmancy class. So fret not, you are not going around the twist. It's really just me.
Was it intentional? Well, how do I put it...
There's always something magnetic and almost difficult to wrap around in a logical way about you; an energy I can't even begin to fathom fully or understand— and that's why I would go from a glance to a stare without me even noticing it.
You're interesting, Åberg.
To point the obvious, everyone already knows that you have a rather aesthetically pleasing exterior. Well, they're not wrong. But more importantly, I like the way you think. The way you express your thoughts on a subject that you are interested in. Merlin, should I even mention the way your eyes light up when you're excited to answer a question in Arithmancy class? It's priceless.. and somewhat inspiring, I must admit.
Oh, Felix... I know you always tell me that you're just a simple guy. But that reason itself makes you extraordinary to me: that you don't need to feel powerful or famous just to be proud of who you are. And that's beautiful in ways words can never be described.
You're my muse. I hope you let me paint you through words in every letter I will send you by how I see you.
Until then..
With much adoration,
Your Secret Admirer
*You then noticed that a book was also left for you. It's titled 'The Universe In A Mirror' alongside another note—"I just finished reading this and thought you might find it interesting, too!"*
Felix turned around in his seat, casually scanning the classroom. A few of his classmates were hunched over their notes, some whispering in hushed tones and others staring blankly at the board, clearly lost in thought. But there was no sign of who might have slipped the letter into his book.
With a bemused smile, Felix leaned back in his seat as he carefully opened the envelope and unfolded the letter inside.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─☆: .☽ . :☆─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
To my Secret Admirer,
Hejsan back to you! You used it perfectly. Thank you for another beautiful letter - and for the surprise delivery. You were right, I definitely didn't see that coming!
I really have to thank Amit as well, and I hope I didn't scare him off too much when I caught him on my doorstep. Poor guy. I'll have to make it up to him somehow. Maybe some sweets will do the trick?
Now, about those cinnamon rolls - they were beyond delicious! Far better than any I've ever made. My own attempts always end up a little lopsided, but yours were perfect. I'd love to exchange recipes sometime, if you're up for it. I've always enjoyed baking, though I mostly started to keep my younger brothers entertained. They're a picky bunch, but they always come running back for more, so I must be doing something right. :)
I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the gingersnaps. It's always nice to know that something I bake can bring a little bit of joy. You mentioned that you're a baker's daughter. Did you grow up helping out in the bakery? I'd love to hear about your favorite memories or lessons you learned.
Your observations about me are touching, though I still stand by what I said before: I'm just Felix. I don't feel like I deserve all this praise, but it means a lot to me that you see something special. I guess I never really thought much about the way I am.
I'm excited to dive into the book you left for me. The title alone has already caught my interest. Thank you for thinking of me!
Until then, take care of yourself and keep being you. I'll be here, waiting to hear from you again.
Until our next letter,
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 8 months
Hey! If you're a TOH fan stick around! This is a post of specifically a Pinterest accounts you should stop following/supporting
Hey!! Please please please listen to this it is very important!! You need to STOP supporting this TOH account if you're a TOH fan IMMEDIATELY!!!
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This is the Golden Coven
They ship Lunter, Amiter, Goldrick, and Huntmira
They do not make any posts or boards about Palestine just only have it in their bio, the only thing I could find is an account they follow
You don't think they're problematic cause you've only seen their Lunter posts? Well after around 30 minutes of searching here's the proof
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The second one I don't think is intended to be Amiter but people in the comment section make it out to be so I just put it on here
They claim to be a "nice guy" but called Lumity and Dana cringe responding to someone in the comment section
Please know I do not have a picture, I myself didn't find it someone else did, I heavily regret not screenshotting it but the comment was along the lines of "Lumity is cringe"
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I honestly think out of the main British soaps (Eastenders, Hollyoaks, Emmerdale, and Coronation Street), Emmerdale may be the worst out of the lot rn. I feel like the other three soaps have AT LEAST one or two storylines that are kind of interesting and keep people watching, but Emmerdale just doesn't have anything! It's so boring. I watched the national television awards and even with the brief snippet they showed of Emmerdale, it looked like the most basic and boring soap out of them all. Not to mention that Emmerdale's ratings have lowered and the buzz around the show is poor compared to the other soaps, even Hollyoaks which has always been the underdog. I've lost so much interest in the show, I've basically stopped watching. They really need a huge overhaul. I just hope they're starting to realize that a big change needs to be made. I think the best way to do this would be to completely start fresh with new showrunners. Eastenders had a huge overhaul and even though the show is not my fave, they've done a good job at starting fresh and creating buzz for the show again.
I'm glad they didn't win anything at the NTAs last night. They certainly didn't deserve it. I feel like they're just floundering right now. They really do need a complete overhaul with someone coming in with a fresh vision and plan for how to rehabilitate the show.
I haven't watched in over three weeks now. I mean that's also cause I kind of fell down a Red White and Royal Blue rabbit hole and suddenly had new tabs to refresh but also because the show is garbage and there's really not a single storyline that I read about that makes me want to actually watch.
I have zero interest in this Lydia story because I just don't think it should be happening in the first place. It's bad enough that it's yet another rape story but it's that on top of her being basically off screen for months and then coming back not only to this but to revisiting the whole stillborn baby plot too. It feels like they're just stuck with all of these characters and only know how to give them one story and so they just continually go back to that well and pile on more misery and it's exhausting.
I'm annoyed with what they're doing with Gabby. All they do is have her throw herself at unavailable men. At some point, maybe it would be nice if a guy actually liked her back. Radical thought. Maybe her character could actually grow?!? Not to mention, her continued hatred of Nicky and trying to screw him over is just boring. Everyone else has moved on. It's not like he wasn't being manipulated into it all anyway. I wish they'd just had them become friends.
Anything with random plot gangsters is a no go for me. The fact that it also involves Nate is just doubly bad.
I truly could not care less about Amelia.
I know the Cathy actress needed a break for exams or whatever so they shipped her off in the middle of her story but the fact that they're bringing her back just to finally give her the diagnosis we've all known about for months and she knew she had already is just silly. I'd rather have her learning to adjust rather than lashing out over a diagnosis.
I might watch some of the stunt week just to see Chloe die if that actually happens. But I just could not care less about that love triangle. It's so tedious and boring and none of these people work together and I wish they'd just let everyone move the fuck on.
I can't believe they're going back to the David and Victoria well for his exit. They truly have nothing to do with these characters. It's just sad.
I think the only thing right now that might get me to watch again is if they actually brought Amit in for Jai and Suni. The fact that they killed Rishi off and then the whole story seemed to just die with him is so wild to me. I have to assume that it's going to come back but it's just so dumb that Jai spent his last weeks with Rishi hating him for this lie and then turned around and decided he would just continue the lie with Suni. It's kind of ridiculous. And while I feel like it all has to come up again and they have to bring in Amit eventually, I could equally see it being forgotten about entirely because these people suck that much.
So yeah...they really have a whole lot of work to do.
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trickstermiraculous · 5 years
You're Worse Than The Liar
“Was all a friendship just a fucking joke to you” yelled Marinette as she stormed classroom with Adrien behind her who looked just as angry, “What are you talking about Marinette?” asked Alya,
“You lot pretending to be friends with me because you couldn’t get rid of me” growled Marinette as the most of the class went pale, their eyes shifting around the classroom in order to avoid Marinette eyes.
“Marinette, I don’t understand what you’re saying, we always been friends with you,” said Rose quietly, “she saw the texts” snapped Adrien “all of them”. “What texts are you talking about dude,” asked Nino who was the only one in the classroom with a genuine look of confusion on his face, “these” Adrien replied shoving his phone into Nino’s hands so he could read them, as Nino scrolled through the texts he grew angrier and angrier.
“What the hell Alya” he shouted as he finished reading “if you didn’t want to be friends with Marinette, you could have just told her and she would have left you alone”, “Well how the hell were we supposed to know that?” retorted Alix, “By simply telling her” stated Chloe moving towards Marinette, “it’s the reason she stays away from me other than the fact that I’m a bitch to her”.
“You didn’t need to play with my feelings like that, pretend to believe Lila’s lies just to get away from me, you never need to do anything other than telling me,” said Marinette her voice get wobbly even though her eyes still burned with anger, “I thought you guys were nice but it looks like you worst than Lila” stated Adrien, “was your friendship just as false with me just as false as Marinette”.
“No no no, Adrien we liked hanging out with you” answered the class, “me or my money” he responded which most of the class looked completely shocked at how cynical he sounded, “No” they cried but the look on Adrien faced show that he didn’t believe them, “Why should we believe you when you already admitted to keeping Marinette around because she gave you free food and outfits?” he growled.
None of the class could respond but instead lowered their heads down in shame, “Alya” said Nino which made her raise her head, “we’re done”. “What?” gasped Alya, “I can’t date someone who would treat my childhood friend like that, that goes for the rest of you lot, you not my friends any more and you never will be again” he responded, “but-” started Alya but was cut off by Marinette, “Stop it Alya, you lot don’t deserve our kindness if you dare treat me like that” she snapped as she stormed out of the room followed by Adrien and Nino. “You know at least I have the decency to be honest about being a backstabbing bitch unlike you lot” stated Chloe as she slammed the door shut behind her.
Bonus explanation - when Adrien asked why they didn’t fact check Lila’s lies, the class amitted to him that they only did it to get Marinette to leave them alone because they find her clingy and when Adrien responded by saying that friends stick together, they admit they were never friends and they were only being polite but she kept coming back. Alya even said that getting food and gifts off Marinette was a bonus for them. They all assumed Adrien would keep quiet about it because he’s the golden child, someone who doesn’t like drama but Adrien was too pissed off to let this go so he went straight to Marinette with the texts.
Nino didn’t know because the class didn’t want him to tell Marinette since he was childhood friends with Marinette, so he had no idea about the class lying to Marinette either.
Chloe didn’t know because the class weren’t friends with her and she hated Marinette so it wouldn’t matter if she found out.
Tagged - @vivilakitty
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emopanda · 4 years
-ˋˏ CHAPTER TWO ˎˊ- 
 1 week passed by, Aoi seemed to have made quite many friends although originally, she thought she would make none.
On her 4th day here, it was Sameera who approached her first. It seemed the student council selection had already begun, and Sameera only came with a delightful offer.
To team up for the council. Sameera, as she came up with the plan, will obviously be the President and Aoi the Vice President. The plan sounded nice and honestly, let’s just give it a try? After all, this was a new beginning for her. She wouldn’t let her insecurities and anxieties hold her back from anything anymore.
Sameera also found a guy, Amit, who agreed to become the council manager.
It was nice. Making friends, specially ones outside your fandom. It all made Aoi feel more warm and welcomed. 
Sameera was a Swiftie, Amit a Zquad and Aoi of course a Louie. Neither hated the other’s idol and honestly how could they? Not when each are so incredibly talented. So lets just call it on Zouyalor Supremacy!
Ever since, Aoi started to hang with the group at the cafeteria. In just 3 days they were already pretty close, now they were looking for a new member but neither Amit nor Aoi knew to approach people, so the responsibility jumped to Sameera altogether.
Naturally the other responsibilities, as what should the speech be like, collecting school datas and such went directly to the Zquad and Louie’s hands.
Later that evening, they headed towards the dormitory together. Aoi’s room was the first in row, saying goodbye the slightly tired girl opened the door and was only greeted by a terrifyingly shocked face.
‘This ma’am!!! Just why are you shocked? Am I an alien or what?’ Those were the words she thought but her face only said ‘I couldn’t care less about your existence’
Not her fault, this girl here had too much control over her features and only reacted rarely. This, however was something she did without noticing, always keeping a straight face.
Aoi didn’t know how to ask anything and could only figure this new roommate of hers wasn’t really so fond of her. So she quickly fished out her tshirt and trousers from the closet and scrammed to take a shower.
The gaze of her roommate followed her even when she stepped out from the washroom.
‘Fuck, she seems pretty judgemental doesn’t she?’
Aoi made sure to avoid her eyes, sit on her bed, crawl towards a corner and bring her phone out. Putting on the headphone she leaned against the wall and turned off her lights.
The other girl was quite impatient, making noise all over the place then finally retreating to take a shower.
Thank god she stopped.
But no! She didn’t. Once she came back she started making noises again. Pulling out the chair, sitting over there, tapping on the wooden table with her pencil as she pretended to study, then jumping on the bed, an endless cycle of millions of different noises followed.
Thank god for this life saving headphones! Aoi’s aunt had given it to her as a present on her 16th birthday. Truly sound blocking like she said.
But all this while, the blonde girl stared at her. Pretending to study and yet looking away from the book?
‘Hello miss, you’re doing this to annoy me. I can see now. At least hide it well, will you??’
Much to Aoi’s annoyance behind an expressionless face, this girl with an yet not known name finally turned her lights off and went to bed.
20 minutes of silence followed. Aoi happily listening to Fearless on repeat was actually also doodling something, the moonlight directly shining on her sketchbook and the glittering lights from all the buildings around, this could be made into a very aesthetic picture!
Yet ruining the vibes, the girl watching her closely again turned the lights on, frustrated this time. And she changed into a hoodie from her nice cotton t shirt.
Girl why are you doing this here??? Don’t you know some manners,, Aoi could only look away.
‘Don’t look don’t look don’t look’
Finally she retreated back to her bed, this time looking accomplished and was about to turn her lights off. That’s when Aoi saw it. The hoodie.
It was a Harry Styles merch. So she’s gonna share her room with a... henrie?? That explains why this girl with an yet not known name is so annoying!
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name sameera
age 18
pronouns she/her
country palestine
fandom swiftie
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name amit
age 17
pronouns he/him
country india (kashmir)
fandom zquad
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aka-indulgence · 5 years
Hiya!! I've seen a lot of baby asks going around on Llama's blog, and I wanted to ask you about baby sanses from AMitS and TDtLU and Mc! Or maybe baby Mc and Sanses??? IDK, I just thought it would be cute :) (Have a nice day!)
ouo,,,,,,,, (I'm honored once again, thank you @llamagoddessofficial , sans-babies are great)
SO BABY SANSES- haven't thought about that for either of them yet so thank you for asking, hope this satisfies your babybone needs
AMitS Sans is a mischevious lil' baby... Really likes to teleport and make his guardians fear for his life when he just disappears and hides when they look for him... He is still in a fell universe. Reader meets him on one of these occassions, both being out of their house and Sans was out hiding underneath her table at a cafe... She reaches down and wonders where his parents are, and how he'd get there without her noticing... is he alone? Baby Sans hasn't gotten proper parenting and hasn't been with 'anyone' for awhile so when reader picks him up and "talks" to him, he attaches quickly. Maybe she'll try to hand him to the police or somewhere else for anyone looking for their child... But every time she tries to hand him to someone, his tiny bonyhands are going to grip stronger to the shirt she's qearing and bury his face in her chest. So.... She takes him home.
He's a very clingy baby, always wanting her attention and holding on to any part of her when she's close by. Really likes being hold in her lap and near her chest, where he can hear her heartbeat. It's... calming. She'd have to bring him to work from the lack of anyone to take care of him and that's a good thing, because other than her Sans doesn't seem to want attention from anyone else... also gets jealous when she gives anyone attention and would be quick to tug her shirt to make her look at him.
She'll have to read up on monster babies, because he's her baby now, whoops.
TDtLU Sans (Black) is a quiet baby, still untainted by his negative view on humans, and is very curious about the land above his home. Monsters like him are able to learn to fend for themselves since the moment they were born, but that doesn't mean he'll be exactly like an adult right there and then. He floats alone in Skull Reef (occassionally visiting someone....) and likes being around the shallows. He's fascinated by boats and likes to tail them.
When reader goes to the beach, Black is absolutely not afraid to just go out from the water to look at her, curious at the surface creature. She'll be shocked to see a monster for awhile- before she sees how tiny he is and her wide eye(light)ed look. She stays very still om the sand as baby Black stumbles on the sand a bit, not used to his weight above the water until he finally topples onto her lap, caught by her hands. She asks him "How are you?" And "What's your name little guy?" And... Black is still a baby, he can't answer her, just making baby noises at her questions. He makes her coo at him, and he'll coo back, and she's smitten with the tiny thing. He's still not in full control of his tentacles and they quickly latch onto her without his conscious decision sticking to her arms and waist and lap, she has to keep taking them off herself. Reader is equally as fascinated at the baby monster that stumbled upon her as Black is at finding this pretty creature above the water. She'll play with him on the sand, picking him up everwhere and take a dip in the shallows while he swims around her.
Unfortunately for both, Black can't go living with her like AMitS Sans does, and when she has to go home, he makes whining noises and is close to bursting with tears when she tries to walk away from him. Reader is weak for the little inkling and comes back to hug and him and kiss his skull, telling him that she'll come here everyday. Of course baby Black doesn't exactly understand what she's saying but feels slightly reassured. So she comes everyday, possibly moving to house right off the beach to take care of the seemingly alone baby. He can mostly take care of himself but she still babies him like any other baby. He really likes it when he sits on her lap and can wrap his tentacles around his waist and arms- instincts tell him that's the good hug. He waits for her everyday in the shallows after she goes home, waiting for her to come back.
As for baby reader, that is for another time :>
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mrs-degenerate · 5 years
Tsukishima x tallish reader
( hey there :) everyone. I've noticed there aren't a lot of xreaders with main man tsukki where the reader is tall or tallish so I figured why not?
In this story you/reader-chan will be around 6ft/183cm. If you're taller or sorter than that just pretend)
Its not like you care or anything. But it is getting a little repetitive. The constant questions are just so.... Annoying.
"how tall are you?"
"woooaahhhh do you play basketball"
"how are you ever going to find a boyfriend taller than you?"
I feel like a freak and of course right when it's normal to get made fun of and knowing which people to avoid in school you had to up and move half way across the country!!?!!??!? The laughs and people pointing are so obvious it's hard to walk through the crowds of new faces while keeping calm.
And then the noise. A huge relief to hear it... The familiar sound of squeeking shoes and heavy breathing amitting from the building to my left. All coaches would want a tall girl for their sports team. It's normal to be good at sports when you're taller then everyone else.
"School just ended and a team is already practicing?"
Not realizing the sounds of the gym becoming louder the closer the open doors that called with such a familiar tune got till there were mere steps away.
"There is no way I can peek that's wrong..... Buuuut on the off chance its a bunch of hot sweaty guys how could I pass up that oppertunity" (amem amen)
'I'll just take a tiny peek then I can leave and go home and never think about this ever again'
One more step.... Blackness ... Pain.... Why pain? What is going on?
Before you know what hits me. A ball hits you. Right in the face. Right as you looked in the gym... Perfect this will get me way more friends.
"ARE YOU ALRIGHT??!??!!" a voice screams from inside as all the squeeking of shoes,yelling and bouncing of balls stops.
A tuffed of orange hair quickly comes into view as you are suddenly being surrounded by a team of boys all damped with sweat and ragged breathing.
"OH- I-I'm fine don't even worry about me. I'll just be in my way here and no harm no-" as my steps are suddenly halted as a handsome tall boy steps in front of me...
"your nose.... It's bleeding" you check my nose quick as he seems to be correct as blood squirts profusely from each nostril.
" hahahahahahahaha " the tall boy in front of me starts to laugh and can't contain himself. What an asshole.
"Look what you did Shrimp -hahahaha- you hurt the giraffe" the tall blonde boy said between laughing and trying to catch his breathe.
"Tsukki the not nice.." a slightly shorter black haired kid next to him said as he looked nervously between me and this so called 'tsukki'
'Rage... Absolute rage!!! Not because of the fact my nose was bleeding! I couldn't care less but this bean pole had anouther thing coming! Between everyone staring and pointing today I have about had enough!!!'
"GIRAFFE?!?!! Well at least I'm not an over grown stick figure who barley amounts to the same size as a bean!!"......'Silence. No one spoke. I can't believe I just said that. This day just keeps getting worse and worse.'
The boys around you errupt in laughter. Every single one clutching their stomach as to not throw up from laughter. You think you even see the manager laughing. Everyone. All but the skyscraper himself.
"ok ok everyone back to practice" the- who I'm assuming -Captain shouted "I you go with shimizu here she can help you with your nose. We are so unbelievablely sorry for our first years behavior" he says as he bows to me. He stand up coming to about my shoulder and runs off.
Giving the tree anouther final glare as I walk off with the manager as she gives me an ice pack, some tissue for my nose and a place to sit beside her.
-end of practice cause I'm lazy-
'their amazing!'
Hinata can jump so high!
Kageyama can set so precisely
Daichi can command the floor so well
Tanaka can hit so hard
Noya can dig so good (you learned everyone's names as they yelled them through practice) and .....
Tsukishima.... Can block really really well. I hate him but also the way he plays so calmly. The way he silently calculates ever move of his opponent. The way he times and jumps his blocks is so cool! Lost in my thoughts until...
"hey... Giraffe"
'Of course it's him. It had to be him. What is he can tell what I'm thinking? THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE QUICK UHHHH-'
"you're doing it again." He states while a slow smirk inches its way into his face.
'this smug little- "doing what?"
"staring at me" I swear this guy I'm going to kill him. "Here" his hand extends with his phone facing you.
Quickly grabbing it you put your name into the slots of the already opened contacts page while rushing to put the correct phone number in the space provided.
"I'm done" handing back his phone.
"see you later then giraffe"
"bean pole"
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creativestalkerrs · 5 years
The Female Spider-Man; Part Six (Peter Parker x Reader)
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Summary; finally in Vancouver, Peter and Y/N prepare for their first fight to end it all, finding out something unexpected.
Warning; some FFH spoilers, swearing, mentions of sex, lowkey angst, brief nudity, some violence
Word Count; 2k
A/N; I made a post about this earlier but if I reply to your comments with the user emyisback-2, that’s me! I’m just a dumb bitch
Getting to their hotel room, George and Y/N shared one room and Shawn and Peter the other room. The rooms connected to each other so it was easy to access to break into their room. Happy, being the adult and done with everyone’s shit, was locked up in the room across from them. Since Tony knows almost everyone, the owner let everyone set up and hide out there until this ends.
Y/N and George laid on the beds, thinking about what’s been going on the past two days. It was nice to talk to just George and George only. Y/N laughed at George’s joke, jumping on the bed as if they were 13 again. They had time to kill before suiting up and going to the first attack. Y/N wishes this wouldn’t happen and that she could plan her next tour by now, inside of rising her life again for Mysterio. 
Y/N laid there, looking at the ceiling as George flipped throw the channels. Y/N turn her head to Geroge, lost in thought. “George?” She quested. George’s gaze still upon the TV. He gave her a mutter. “Do you think all of this is dumb? Do you think I’m dumb?” Y/N asked George’s gaze to Y/N.
“Why do you say that, Y/N?” He asked.
“That I got myself into this that I got you and fucking Shawn Mendes into this… I know how dangerous this could get. I know how many layers this could get… and… George,” Y/N took a deep breath. “I kissed Peter,” Y/N amitted, George’s eyebrows raised. “I mean… it was of his ex-girlfriend and he kissed me but I turned back to myself and... I really… really liked it,” Y/N amitted. “Is it dumb that I might be starting to have a crush on him? He’s like my other half almost,” Y/N’s mind went wild.
“Hey, I get it… have you seen the way he looks at you? Something tells me Peter Parker like Y/N Y/L/N,” George winks. Y/N face turned red. “Look at you blushing!”
“Shut up!” Y/N said throwing a pillow at him, George catching it. 
“Is he a good kisser?” George asked making kissing noises.
“George shut the hell up George… yes… amazing,” Y/N’s face burned up, hiding it in the other pillow.
“Y/N and Peter sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G,” George mocked.
“You love making me suffer, do you?” Y/N asked.
“My favorite hobby,” George grinned. Silence filled the room and George moved so he was sitting on the edge of the bed. “Do you… want to be with Peter?” George asked as Y/N looked at her, thinking about it. Did she deep down?
“I… I don’t know. Like deep down, I feel like he’s the only one to truly understand me deep down… but at the same time I still… I still might want to be with Henry,” Y/N laid out
“Henry?!” George exclaimed “He’s a douchebag! He brought that person who wants you dead to our party,” George said. Y/N rolled her eyes.
“George… you understand what I mean,” Y/N sighed. 
“He could be helping them,” George told her. That thought never crossed Y/N mind.
“Fuck…” Y/N groaned. “That never crossed my mind,” She admitted. “I was so caught up on Peter and Beck that… if that is the case, I will kill him myself no matter how good the sex is,” Y/N said, gripping the pillow. George moved swiftly to sit next to her, pulling her in.
“I understand… he’s a cunt anyway if that is the case,” George said making Y/N laughed.
“Thanks, Georgie… How the fuck are you still single?” Y/N asked, George, shrugging his shoulders.
“I’m just too nice,” He laughed.
“You know that’s just not true,” Y/N laughed. “Do you think Shawn in bi?” Y/N asked out of the blue.
“I’d hope so,” George laughed making Y/N laugh.
Everyone was in Peter and Shawn’s room, watching movies and eating snacks. They didn’t get any updates since they checked in so they all had some down time to hang together. 
After the conversation, Y/N and George had together, Y/N kept looking at Peter throughout the movie. George winked at Y/N, giving the sign to make a move on him, but she just ignored him. 
A knock on the door was heard as Peter got up and answered it, it was Happy. Shawn paused the movie as everyone sat up and looked at Happy. “Okay… it’s show time. The first attack will be at Harbour Green Park in an hour… Everyone get ready,” Happy said almost in a panic.
“Oh shit… that soon? Okay,” Y/N said getting up. “Are you ready to fight together, Peter?” Y/N asked.
“So ready… we’re going to kick ass,” Peter smiled. Y/N’s heart fluttered. Holy shit. That smile. Y/N pushed it because there wasn’t any time to crush on Peter.
“Okay, suit up, get ready. Fucking show time,” Y/N said rushing to her room, George behind him. He shut the door.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” George said exited, but panic. Y/N stripping down to nothing and grabbing her suit. Y/N tighten her suit and adjust everything. She grabbed the laser guns and put them on her belt as she pulled down her mask. 
“How do I look?” Y/N asked.
“Hot like always… If Peter can’t hide his boner I swear,” George laughed getting his shit together.
“Oh shut up…” Y/N said “There is no time to get horny,” Y/N said checking her webs and sprayed one at George.
“There is always a good time to get horny,” George laughed
“Not at your grandma’s funeral,” Y/N laughed.
“Whoa! That’s dark,” George laughed. “Okay… let's go,”
“Let’s kick some fucking ass,”
Shawn and Happy stayed at the room, making it a control room and so they can speak to Y/N and Peter. George would stay up with them until something would happen. Peter and Y/N swang to Harbour Green Park. Y/N barely swang places, she fell in love with it all over again. Peter did offer to hold her, but she declined. 
As they landed and meet to the exact area were Happy said it would all go down, Peter and Y/N looked around. “Do you see anything?” Peter asked. 
“Nothing… Fuck… if my ex-boyfriend ends up being apart of this I will kill him myself,” Y/N stated.
“Yes, Henry. Fucking asshole better not be apart of this,” Y/N declared. The park was silence, not a soul roamed around. It was odd because this park was usually busy. “Is it just me or is this park quite? Too quiet?” Y/N asked looking around once more.
“I agree… something is off,” Peter almost whispered. 
“You idiots actually came Yeva knew what she was doing,” One man came up.
“Yeva?” Y/N asked moving forward to the man.
“Oh… I mean Trish,” He laughed. Y/N remembered his face. He was the other man that was with Trish or Yeva. “You really think you can fight me?” He asked.
“I mean yea there is only one of you and two of us,” Peter stated with almost a chuckle.
“That’s where you’re wrong,” He told them as then both Y/N and Peter were swarmed with an army. Guns pointed at them.
“Holy fuck,” Y/N said, he hands up.
“Stay calm… Follow my lead,” Peter said with a panic in his voice. Peter grabbed Y/N by her side as he shot a web on a light post and swang them out of the circle, they began to open fire on themselves, making their army have way fewer people. Y/N shot her webs at them, causing some of the men to burn in pain. Although Peter had a strict ‘no killing’ rule, it was obvious Y/N was out for blood.
On her hip, she took out the laser gun. Time felt slow but she made a quick diction to aim at the main leader of this fight before he knocked it out of her hand. Peter tried to help Y/N but she was using her webs over and over again to get some sort of damage, but it seemed to not work. Peter was working on eliminating the people with guns as Y/N was helping him as well as getting this guy down.
“What do you know?” Y/N screamed, shotting another web at him. That seemed to work as then the man fell to the ground. Y/N used her web to grab the gun as she pointed it at him. “Let me ask you again, what do you know?” She screamed. The man seemed to be in fear.
“It’s all Yeva, I swear! She’s the one who wanted you dead! Wanted you and Peter dead! She was working with Quinton Beck, that’s all I can say,” He screamed. 
“Where is she?” Y/N asked.
“I can’t tell you that… Yeva will kill me,” He said with panic.
“Your life will end anyway. If you don’t tell me now, you will die at this park… So tell me where is she?” Y/N threaten, placing the gun to his forehead.
“Somewhere in Chinatown! I swear that’s all I know… please!” He bagged. Y/N took the laser gun off of his forehead.
“If you’re lying, I’ll kill you myself,” Y/N spat at him. 
Before any more threats could come out of Y/N’s mouth, a big explosion was heard. The guy ran off as Y/N saw Peter on the floor. Her heart stopped. Y/N dropped the gun and ran to Peter.
“Peter!” She screamed.
“I’m. Fine,” He said, blood seeping throw his mask. Y/N took it off.
“No, you’re not… Peter, you’re severely bleeding,” Y/N said, placing her gloved hand on the wound.
“I think that’s the last of them…. What did the other guy say?” Peter asked, his hand on his abdomen, Y/N still placing pressure on the wound.
“Yeva is in Chinatown but I have no idea if that’s try… Shit Peter, let’s get you back to the hotel room,”
Y/N was patching up Peter in her hotel room, Y/N explained what the guy, who names to turn out to be Oleh, a Ukrainian college student. Everyone was held up in the control room, giving Y/N and Peter space.
“Ouch!” Peter cried out as Y/N placed the cotton ball on the wound. He was cut up pretty badly.
“Don’t be a baby… just stop moving,” Y/N directed. Y/N continue to patch Peter up as his gaze was heavy on her. Y/N taking a quick look at his eyes. Brown, she noticed. “Is there something you want to say, Peter?” Y/N asked, taking the cotton ball and putting a band-aid where the wound was.
“Is it true?” He asked Y/N snunched up her noise.
“That Yeva is in Chinatown? Because we’re still working on that,” Y/N said, confused on what Peter actually told her.
“No… I mean… I heard what you were saying to George earlier… do you… like me?” Peter asked awkwardly.
“You’re an ease dropper… God Peter! I don’t know… it’s been crazy… something tells me I do, but all of this… I can’t point it out. Peter, you’re cute, and funny and so god damn smart. We live two different lives, yet live the exact same one,” Y/N tried to explain, her cheeks on fire.
“To be fair… I think you’re cute and funny and smart too,” Peter smiled. “I… like you as well,” Peter whispered.
“You… you do?” Y/N asked, putting the box of band-aids down next to him. 
“Yea… something tells me that we’re made for each other,”
“Is that our spidey tingle?” Y/N asked.
“It’s more than that, Y/N,” Peter laughed.
“When this all blows over, let's go out on a date,” Y/N smiled.
“I’d like that… for now, let’s fight these bitches,” Peter shouted.
“You need to hang out with me less,” Y/N laughed.
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legacyshenanigans · 2 years
Seeing as you asked :) Gals version of This Post
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Poppy: Is there anyone that you girls like here? *giggles*
Natty: *chuckles* I think Amit is cute, he seems so thoughtful and passionate, but he's also a little goofy, I like that in a guy.
Poppy: I think that too! *giggles*
Imelda: pfft, I'm too good for any of these boys, but i'm pretty sure Everett is IN LOVE with me..
MC: Oh he definitely is!
Imelda: RIGHT? He's like a little puppy dog around me..Its..Nice..But I don't think I could go there *laughs*
Poppy: What about you MC?
MC: What about me?
Natty: Oh come on *giggles*
Imdela: I could easily answer that question for you...The way Sebastian and Ominis LOOK AT YOU. And I've heard them in common room talking about you.
MC: *giggles*
Poppy: I've also seen Garreth looking at you *playful grin*
MC: I don't kiss and tell girls *giggles*
Natty: Come onnnnn!?
Imelda: *gasps*
Poppy: *eyes widen*
MC: Its nothing!
Natty: This isn't fair!
Imdela: I agree!
Poppy: Wholeheartedly!
MC: I may of kissed a couple of people..I'll leave it at that. *smirks*
Imelda: Just kissed?
Natty: *stares in anticipation*
Poppy: *fidgeting, dying to know*
MC: ........
Imelda: YOUR SILENCE SPEAKS VOLUMES MC!! *giggles and calps her hands*
Natty: *giddy chuckle, kicking her feet*
Poppy: TELL TELL TELL!!! *squeaky giggles*
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sidharthshukladaily · 4 years
Baby’s 2014 TOI interview..
Sidharth Shukla, 33, is simple, honest, helpful and vain. Extremely popular as the Shiv of Balika Vadhu, he has bagged a three-film contract with Karan Johar and is awaiting the release of his first film 'Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania'. Over an hour-long conversation with Bombay Times, he talks about his godfather Karan Johar, his friend Amit Shirodkar, who changed his life, and why he would do anything in the world for his mother. Excerpts:
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How did you get into television? We are Brahmins originally from Allahabad, but I was born and brought up in Mumbai. My father was a civil engineer employed with the Reserve Bank of India. I thought I was a big waste and would not be able to do anything in life and had no clue what I would do, till I met Amit Shirodkar while giving my tenth board exams. He was sitting next to me and I found him liberally copying from me.
All through the exams he copied and passed and we parted ways. Later, one day, I was passing him on the street and stopped to remind him that I was the guy he had copied from and how he owed his passing to me. We became best friends and for the next three years, my life just revolved around his. His father was an interior designer and he told me, ‘Sidharth, you don’t feel scared, my father has his interiors business and I am starting interiors, so you just be with me.’ I was thrilled. Amit was just 19, when he died all of sudden in a bike accident and I was devastated. The accident happened on a Saturday and he went into coma. On Sunday evening, his mother came to my building running, surprised that I had not come to see Amit in hospital, despite supposedly being with him on the evening when he met with an accident. Amit was a full- on party person, whereas I was considered a seedha boy by his mother who had permitted him to go that night as he said that he was going with me. I rushed to the hospital, but lost Amit the next day.
You might find it uncanny, but recently I was with Aunty (Amit’s mother) on Mother’s Day and she said to me, ‘Sidharth, I never left the side of Amit in hospital so I did not come to your building.’ I still can’t figure out then how I came to know that day about Amit’s accident. Either she has forgotten or I can’t understand it. Amit anyways got me into interiors and he would tell me, ‘I will do everything. You just sit around.’ I, of course, knew that it would be the other way round, where I would be working and he would be chilling. But I miss him a lot. There is a lot in life that I learnt from him. For instance, he would do these small things, like feeding beggars at Haji Ali with the extra money he had. That is something that does not come to a 19- year-old boy on his own without his parents asking him to do so. I learnt how to help other people from him. He was also the one who first took me to a club. It was an afternoon and those days, the clubs would be dark with neon lights. Since it was my first time, I missed seeing the low seating and fell down. After Amit’s passing away, I did the interiors course and worked with his father for a couple of years. He was very nice to me and his family till date is my second family. Right from the time I can remember I have been vain, looking at myself in the mirror thinking I was the best thing that had happened. My sisters would always be watching models on TV and I would always want them to someday watch me. I was skinny, so started working out to build my body to become strong. My mom told me, ‘Tu itni herogiri karta hai building mein, why don’t you participate in this Cuffe Parade fashion contest?’ I didn’t want to as I didn’t want to lose, but still agreed. I did lose the contest, but, surprisingly, got selected for the Pantaloons ad campaign, which was the gratification for winning the contest. I then started modelling and became the first runner-up in a national manhunt contest. I had not taken my mother along as I didn’t want her to be disappointed if I lost. I was disheartened that I had not come first, as I desperately wanted to win it. But then I became the first Asian to win the Best Model in the World contest and till date, no one has ever won it. I travelled out of the country for the first time and was a part of many ad commercials, till I got my first break on television.
What led to your transformation from being a wasted person to being so focused?
I lost my father in 2005 just after winning the national manhunt contest. I was just 25 then. Not that I felt any major pressure personally before that, but I suddenly became the man of the house. I had two elder sisters who were married, but did not want to burden my mother. I love her the most in the world. After my father I have become closer to her, as she has had to go through a lot of hard times. He died due to a lung disorder due to smoking and had been ill for the last seven years of his life. But he worked till his last day and I think he was working only because of me, as I was the only unsettled person in the family. I was doing nothing in my life. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do as there was nothing concrete I was doing till then. My dad never had a lot of money, but the best part is that he never made me feel that. In his entire life, I don’t think he would have worn clothes including his shoes, for more than `2,000, but if I wanted to wear a jeans for `2,000, he would somehow ensure that I got it without me knowing. I know all that he has done for me. I realise today that I was just living in my own world at that time and was quite oblivious to what he was going through. Being the youngest, I was always protected, so money problems never came to me. It hurts me a lot now, but, at that time, I didn’t realise. There was a time when he also had cancer which got cured. But he would get chemo done and come back home by a bus, whereas I would move around in a taxi. We didn’t have a car at that time and got one only later when my sisters started working. My father saw my first commercial, but he died after that. I strongly believe that it was his blessings that made me win the Best Model of the World contest. I cry a lot remembering him. I remember when my first print ad appeared, he would keep all the cuttings of the newspaper in his pocket. He used to love watching TV and I know he would have been thrilled to see me as Shiv in Balika Vadhu. After my father, I have done everything I could do for my mother. From being a complete waste, I transformed to being hard-working. My mother is very religious and she wanted to visit all the four dhaams and Mansarovar. I ensured she went everywhere and also went along with her to three of the four dhaams. Of course, she would want me to express my appreciation for her more than I do, but I will do anything to make her happy. From my first earnings, I took her out to dinner. And like all mothers she looked at the rates on the menu and ordered the cheapest item. All my life I had looked at the menu and ordered the most expensive item while growing up. I want the best for her and love her the most in the world.
 How did you get a role in Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania?
I was on the last season of Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, where Karan was the judge. He liked me and called me. Karan Johar calling you was a big thing and the first time he called me, I couldn’t believe it. He is very grounded and is so real. From the outside when you see him, you feel that he is this huge mountain, but actually he is such a plateau and is so easy to talk to. He has no hangups and he doesn’t feel superior in any way. I can have a conversation with him without offending him and can speak anything to him. Karan Johar is like Narendra Modi in my life because I feel ab achche din aane waale hain.
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is-this-wrtiting · 6 years
Help Me With This
“Can you help me?” Zach ask as he sit down. 
“Why must I help you ? Can’t any of your brainless friend help ?” I sass. Laptop , pencil , notebook all sprawled across the desk that is mine. I look at the powerpoint and feel helpless as new project is pushed to us. I swear do even learn in this class. All we ever do is project after project. 
“Because y/n , I need someone to help spy on Alex’s date with so i need a cover up if case we got caught.” Zach explained as we started on our work. “Really,”I sigh”Do I have to ?” 
Zach gives a cheesy grin that pulls me right into his plan. “Fine , what do I get out of it?” “You get to spend some time with me”Zach says. I sigh and shake my head. “And also ice cream.” Zach adds.
“Now i’m in!” I giggled. We got into our work and the school day suffles by at slow burning pace. 
My phone's chimes at the last bell rings. It’s Zach. I met up at the spot near the gym. “Hey y/n, I never see you near here unless they force you.” Bryce sly comments  as my phone chimes. 
“Yeah , only to here to see a friend.” I explain. I look at my phone to see Zach texting me that he changing and will be out in minute. 
“Really who ?” Bryce asked,” Is Zach taking you somewhere like on a date ?” I laugh. 
“No no, Zach and me , we’re friends. It’s very platonic.” I explain again. Bryce giggles at the statement 
“Well he told me you guys were going out tonight, so just be safe out there y/n. You never what might happen” Bryce says with a wicked smirk on his face and then walks away. He always say weird shit like that , all the time. How does Zach carry on a friendship with that. Zach pops out the gym and gives a welcoming hug. I can smell his cologne as we embrace. 
Maybe he is taking this as  a date ? 
“Hey , sorry about being late.” Zach apologies as we walk to car. We hop into the audie and he zoom out of the school parking lot. “ So they’re going the arcade place across town; they’re going to be around six. We need to be at least ten minutes before to not be seen. Okay ?” Zach talks down the plan to a T.
“Yeah , I’ll pull the dirtions for you.” I say,” Also do you tell Bryce that we’re going on a date.” I pull the directions the GPS.  
“Yes,I did.” Zach amits,”But only to make feel more real.” Zach smile sweetly at me. I sigh. 
“Why are you doing this in the 1st place,”I ask”Why ? Like you like me or something?”I ask while staring. Mom always say look into the someone’s eyes s you can tell when they lie. 
The GPS rings that we completed the journey. “Oh look we’re here! Don’t want to be late!” Zach exclaims. He opens up the door.
“Stop! Answer my question!”I demand. Zach looks at me with a slightly concreded look on his face. 
“I find you cute y/n. “He says,” But I am worried that my boy, Alex , is having some girl troubles and I really want to him.” 
“Aw , don't get too attached tonight, dempsey.¨ I say as I walk out the car. We enter the neon forest that is the arcade. We look around to see if they arrived. ¨Why don't we have a little fun before our work?¨ I suggest to Zach as he scopes around the building to see if they are here yet.  
We found them. They were at the dance dance revolution. They were dancing along to upbeat song. “Well well, they seem to be having fun.” I say turning back into the motorcycle simulation. I sit sideways on the seat. Zach smirks at me and them look at the happy couple. 
“Yeah, they do. Wanna have fun with me y/n ?” Zach asks still the damn smirk on his face.
“The more you talk , the more this seems like a date.” I say and sigh,”But sure.” We play the simulation until Alex and Jessica get off the machine. We follow slowly behind them. “It feels weird doing this” I whisper. Zach wrapped his arm around me and leans in”What do you say ?” 
“I said, this feels weird,” I restate. Zach shakes his head.  The night goes on and on. We follows them around to ping all tables to prize machines to the fighter games. They seemed fine all night long.No real arguments, except for one Jessica actually won something. They seemed to be fine, for them at least. Zach and I had just talked about them all night long with his arm slung around you. Until , they back to simulation games.Alex and Jessica choose some Go kart games. Zach and I went beside them into the Jurassic World fighter type games.   “Well, they seem to be having a great night” I say while Zach looks over to them. He nods in agreement. 
“Yeah , they are.”He says.The dark room with bright neon popping out was a really good date spot.It ‘s was dark enough and it felt movie magic being in the building. “I told him to bring her her.” Zach admits 
“Well, you know a damn thing about where to take girls out.”I say. He smiles and wraps his arm bring your body a little more closer to his. 
“Thanks, if this were a real I would have brought you here too.” He whisper to me as gave me a little squeeze. 
“Wow, how charming,”I say as Zach’s eyes to straight to my lips,”I would wish that this was a actually date though. Also I was promise ice-cream. Where is it sir ?”  Zach seems frazzled by my statements as he whips his head around. 
“Next door , they have it. Y/n , I swear, they do rolling thing too. It’s pretty cool.” Zach rambles. We whip out the arched to next door. Zach wasn’t lying about it being a roller ones. I got a faux pina colada flavor and Zach got minty flavor. We sat and ate out ice creams. The date feeling fading away as we spoke about school and how hard math class is. 
“Yeah , I pretty sure that I failed the test , but what can do ?” Zach shrugged it off. 
“Nothing, she doesn’t teach , so what does she expect from us like at all.” I add. We giggle about it for a bit and then out the corner of my eye , I see Bryc walking to the shop. Bryc walk in and greets Zack and whisper something in the ear. They have a have laugh about it. I lean in to hear about how much action Zach didn’t get. I learn out. He talking to Bryc who thinks about two sex and sports.Nothing good ever comes out of that boy’s mouth. It’s a trash factory. Their chat ends. Zach motions to leave. 
“I’ve had a really good night out with y/n,” Zach says while starting at your lips again. “I really appreciate spending time with you.”  I really a kiss coming. I take a deep breath. Breath.
“It was nice you to bring me along,”I whisper taking a step closer to him. He leans ins. He goes for a small kiss. I accept fully. Our lips touch. Even for just for a second. It felt like  bubble was a popped . A rush came to my head. 
Did I just do that ?
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brutal-out-here · 6 years
Summary of This Year+ A Thank You:
This year started off with me obsessing over this band ccalled New Hope Club[check them out if u haven't yet]. Then in early March I started listening to another band called The Vamps[go check them out]. But really most of the first few months it was just boring 7th grade.
Then it was the end of May when I realized that my then crush wasn't worth it. If he didn't seen to even notice me anymore then I should care about him. So I had written a song called Let Things Go and moved on. I was happy!
Then my summer consisted of my being lazy and watching Hannah Montana lol. I was totally find with that.
Then it was the beginning of August when my internet friend, Sara ,made me actually sit down and listen to One Direction lol. I always said I hated them because when they first became popular and everyone loved them and I wanted to be different lol. I was an idiot kid. But u finally gave into actually amiting I liked them. And now I also listen to Harry, Niall, and Louis' solo stuff.
Then I found out I got a chance to take 2 9th grade classes!!
Then in September the same friend got me into Why Don't We[go check them out]! Zach is my favorite, Sara and I share Corbyn lol
Then on September 22nd I had the best day I'd my life. I finally saw Taylor for the FIRST TIME!!!!
And then literally on the 1st of October I realised I liked someone from one of my 9th grade classes. So there's that....
Then in November the same friend made me listen to 5 Seconds Of Summer. I love them so much now! I'm actually listening to them as type this. Michael is my favorite, my friend and I are sharing Ashton, and I somewhat like Luke. Then I feel bad for leaving out Calum oops lol.
And now it leads us to today. The same friend again, ya I owe her a lot, has gotten me to start listening to P!ATD on the 28th and I actually like the first few I've heard so far.
Overall I've realised this entire year has been mainly me finally realizing who I am. I always thought I wasn't the real me because I appeared "shy" in class compared to me being crazy around my friends. But I've realized that's really who I am. And I'm okay with that. Which leads me to say something about a post I made at the end of last year on Swifties amino:
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I fulfilled my hopes. If only I could tell myself from last year all I'd realize this year. This year has really been if not one of, the BEST year of my entire life!!
A Thank You:
I've only been on Tumblr for about 9 months, but those have been the best 9 months.
I've had so many laughs and not gonna lie I've cried a few times when someone had tagged me in a post that was a thank you post or something like that.
Ya I've had some rude people come across in these past few months, but there seems to to be way more amazing people I've come across.
I want to thank everyone who came across my blog and liked a post/rebloged a post/comment something on a post[nicely wise lol]/ and/or followed me. You guys have no idea how grateful I am of every single one of you even if you have no idea who I was and just liked something because someone else rebloged something of mine.
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@euphoric-swift : You're been one of my best friends if u didn't know that already. You are amazing! You're one of the few people that actually can put up with my random messages about random things lol. And you've been a big part of making this the best year of my life! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have ever given One Direction/and their solo stuff a chance, I wouldn't have actually listened to Why Don't We, and I would have never listened to 5 Seconds of Summer. So I thank you so so much!! ♥️
@chainroundmyneck13 : we haven't talked much, but you are also one of the very few people that could actually stand me lol. You truly are a great friend! ♥️
@ontheoutsidelooking-swift : we dont talk much, but I always see you on my dash/in my notifications. You're definitely one of my favorite people on here. We really need to talk more! ♥️
@imhereonthekitchenfloor : We've only kinda just ment but I can already tell ur amazing. You being my Secret Santa was one of my favorite things about this month. You were a genius about making every first letter of ur ask spell out ur user name! So thank you ♥️
@taylorswiftdebut : I've only just met you but I can already tell you are so nice. Ur post that u made a Playlist for me was so nice and made me so happy. We need to talk more in the future!♥️
And there's so many more people that I always see on my dash/in my notifications and you all mean a lot to me!
I hope 2019 will be one of the best years of y'alls life! You all deserve it. I love you all♥️ Happy New Year 🎉✨🎇✨🎊
This year really has been the best year of my life! And I hope it continues in 2019.
After this whole amazing year I'm so so happy I can really say:
:) ♥️I'm Doing Better Than I Ever Was♥️ :)
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