#Amazon Book Publishing
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bookspublishingcompany · 9 months ago
Books Publishing Company is a globally renowned self-publishing facilitator. We help people from all walks of life self-publish, distribute and market their books. We specialize in helping authors self-publish on Amazon and other leading platforms in virtually every genre. Our mission is to make self-publishing the go-to solution for authors.
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scarlettgauthor · 27 days ago
A plea
Readers! Billionaire-haters! Comrades! I have a request for you, from the bottom of my self-published indie author heart:
Please buy your books from places other than Amazon.
I am not saying do not buy books. I am definitely not saying pirate books (authors need to be paid in order to keep writing). I am just asking you to shift your purchasing to a non-Amazon platform. Any of the non-Amazon platforms.
We all know that Bezos is using his bajillions of dollars to make the world an actively worse place. We know he's sucking up to Trump because all billionaires are the same, and all they care about is their money. We know he's at least partially to blame for this second Trump presidency. I think the world would be a much better place if Amazon didn't exist.
I hate Amazon and Bezos as much as it's possible to do, but I literally can't survive as a self-published author without selling on Amazon. I earned $1094.26 in royalties (through Draft2Digital) in January, and $863.46 of that was from Amazon sales. Even with the criminally low royalties I get from Audible because I choose to sell elsewhere instead of locking myself into their monopoly, I get between $200-300 a month in royalties from them as opposed to $75-150 a month from Author's Republic, which publishes my audiobooks to everywhere else on the internet.
I hate depending on Amazon, but I can't quit Amazon unless readers do.
My plea to readers is this: Get off Amazon. Get off Kindle. See if you can buy books directly from the independent authors you like (like through my shop on my website!). If you depend on Kindle Unlimited or Audible subscriptions to keep up with your voracious reading habits, try your local library instead. You can get so many books and audiobooks through Libby!
If I was getting 80% of my sales through avenues other than Amazon, it would be easy to take the financial hit and drop them. Currently it's the other way around, and unfortunately I do still need money to live.
I know for many people doing a complete Amazon boycott is not possible. I still occasionally use Amazon for stuff like printer toner, or camp chairs for a concert on short notice, or other housewares I would be happy to buy in an actual store except that in-person shopping has been so degraded by Amazon that's no longer an option. I'm not perfect, and I'm operating within a system that is stacked against me.
But books aren't any of those things. They're not two-day free delivery on groceries and pantry staples for a disabled person who can't safely leave the house. They're not a houseware that you'd have to drive a full hour to buy in person from the one shop that still has it available. There are so, so many other options available in the world for book purchasing, even if you don't have access to a cool local bookstore.
Even if you can't get to a Barnes & Noble.
Even if you don't have a good local library.
There are OPTIONS.
(I, for one, love Bookshop.org, but just look at the Books2Read link for Red, the Wolf, and the Woods! There are 14 non-Amazon retailers, plus I sell direct! Bookshop has just launched ebook sales to support local bookstores, too!)
Please, consider changing your book shopping habits! Ask your friends to change their book shopping habits! It's a small thing, but it's a small thing that means a big improvement for authors, and for the world.
Thank you.
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queerromancerecs · 1 month ago
Non Amazon book resources
Look, I know Amazon is a sensitive topic. It has been allowed to dominate the market, and for indie writers, it is a huge (if not their main) source of income. Personally, as an indie writer, I have tried to always keep my work available elsewhere (because you can't trust Amazon not to screw you over, I mean just look at Audible. For those who don't know, Audible royally fucks over authors, and the narrators don't do that great either). But even for me, the loss of Amazon sales would highly affect my ability to keep going without getting another job or three. So I get it. Nonetheless, they cannot be trusted not to drop queer writers and readers, so it's best to have alternatives now.
If you are a reader or an indie author looking for different platforms to buy and/or sell books, even if only to start branching out a little, here is a list.
I doubt it's comprehensive. Feel free to reblog with more.
Kobo and Kobo Plus -Kobo is the biggest online 'Zon alternative. Kobo Plus is sort of like KU. On either one, you get points for buying books and can use the points to get more books. Works for ebook and audiobooks. (And, if you have a non-Kindle ereader, it works for Kobo but it also works for like, fanfiction. I'm just saying. I got a refurbished Kobo a while ago and it's lovely.)
Bookshop.org -print as well as ebooks (authors, make sure you click "expanded distribution" on your bookselling platform of choice if you want your stuff for sale with Bookshop--which also benefits local bookstores!)
Smashwords/Draft2Digital - mostly ebooks but D2D does have a print option
Itch.io - ebook only (but gives a larger chunk of profits to authors than 'Zon does. Authors take note.)
Rainbow Crate -special edition print queer books. (I know there was some controversy with them but I am out of touch and don't know what it was, and most people who use them seem happy with them??? but if you know other queer/romance book crate services, lemme know)
The Ripped Bodice -brick and mortar stores but you can also shop online
Check out your local bookstores---many will order print copies for you if you request them
The authors' websites if they do direct sales
Barnes & Noble- yeah, it's a corporation and they are not great either, but it's not Amazon and sometimes a well-meaning relative gets you a gift card. And, for the moment, they do in fact sell queer romance and queer fiction. I know because I just used a gift card to get a paperback of The Prince and the Assassin. lol
Powell's Books- Portland's famous book store sells new and used books (and you can browse the stock online) --print only. They sell queer romance as well. I got a copy of Drag Me Up by RM Virtues there. That's not super relevant, but I was pleased :)
New link: Queer Books Weekly-- free and affordable books with queer protagonists
Tubby & Coos Bookshop: curates pocket bookstores featuring underrepresented voices
And from user @bobthebenevolentpirate (thank you!)
Giovanni's Room in Philadelphia was founded in 1973 and is “The Oldest & Very Best LGBTQ & Feminist Bookstore in the Country.” They ship to US addresses, but you can also email them about international shipping. The people who run it are lovely humans and have started providing harm reduction supplies/info to people to respond to the needs of the community! They deserve all the support
Also consider library books!
And for those in America--you can use library apps to read books. Yes, the authors still get paid! Libby is a big one. You can get audiobooks too, AND it can connect you with the Queer Liberation Library.
Also there is Hoopla - digital content
In Europe, I know there is Vivlio, which is French and I believe sells ereaders and also ebooks.
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subjective-raven · 6 months ago
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Hey everybody! I wrote a book! It comes out on September 17th 2024.
It’s a magical realism thriller anthology of four short stories and five poems! Each stand alone short story is set in a different season. Each story says something different about the human condition.
In “Dottie’s Final Day,” a reaper comes to Dottie Lyre in her garden. What does an elderly mother choose to do on her last day alive?
“The Door,” appears suddenly and disappears just as fast. What’s on the other side? Why won’t the door sit still? Jane’s going to find out.
Please share this with anyone you think might be interested! You can preorder the e-book on Amazon now for .99c and the paperback will be available SEPTEMBER 17th for $10.99! The price will go up a few dollars September 28th but I’ll also be getting a larger percentage of the sale.
I’ve been writing my entire life and this is my first published book so pleaseeee if you are reading this, this book is for anyone middle school to grave. It’s only like 142 pages and the cover is really pretty if you would rather just have a pretty trophy and leave me a review on Amazon like you read it and it was awesome then I also love you.
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authorpilot · 1 month ago
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I poured my heart and soul into this piece, and it's a reflection of my inner world. It's a mix of emotions, thoughts, and experiences that I've tried to capture through colors, textures, and shapes. I hope you see something in it that resonates with you.
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festidae · 9 months ago
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i am not a doll              i am not a doll                   i am not a doll                                  i am not a doll                                                         i am not a—
(text is taken from an interview with Hideaki Anno included in the 1997 book Parano.)
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artemisapollo97 · 2 months ago
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I don't really post on here, so hi?? What's up? Greetings and salutations! Behold! Etc.
I'm an indie author headbutting a brick wall against ✨algorithms✨ so here I am to pester you lot!
Eyes of Violet will be a seven-part series by the end of 2026. The first three volumes are out now, available on Amazon and Waterstones 🎉 I've added the blurb to the first one in the images with ALT text.
I've gone the traditional way with the covers, hand-drawn and painted with watercolours. I am no van Gogh but I am mighty proud of them! 😁
Magic and mystery, 12 years+/YA typically, although my 82-year-old nan has read and enjoyed them 😂
In order:
Eyes of Violet (purple!)
Eyes of Violet: Damian (blue!)
Eyes of Violet: Finn (green!)
Book 4 will be out in May, so watch this space 😉
Happy reading!
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whumblr · 2 months ago
I've been more seriously considering publishing Home Is Where The Hurt Is lately. I'm in the very early brainstorming stages, so don't pin me on anything.
Some years too late but hey. I never really knew where to start and dismissed publishing a little because to me, it doesn't feel like a book or a novel. It's a series. A combination of short stories, tropes, strung together by a little red string of plot and characters.
But now I'm thinking, why not? Self publishing is easier than ever and it would be a very nice project for 2025 to set up.
I'm trying to get inspiration for a cover rn and looking for an editor (who doesn't automatically reject half of the book because it's just plain glorious violence ^^') but the cover is harder than I thought...
Don't mind me, I'm just thinking out loud here, airing some thoughts, and in the first stages of gauging interest. I know some people have already shared their interest (and I love those, like, 3 people dearly ^^) but I'd like to hear some more thoughts.
I'll keep you all updated where I am in the process and once I'm starting everything.
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genius-content0 · 25 days ago
“The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.”
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wish-i-were-heather · 2 months ago
i wanna make an insta account to talk about my writing but idk if my parents would let me :(
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muffinlance · 1 year ago
The Fox's Tongue and Kirin's Bone audiobook is on sale!
$4.99 until Sunday, September 10th, no recurring Audible subscription required. Voiced by the award-winning Gary Furlong.
Humanity is dying, hunted to extinction by creatures of legend. One boy was born to save them all.
That boy just got knifed in the back. He looked a bit too much like Aaron, you see.
Now it’s Aaron’s job to step up, lest his Death correct that little mix-up. But Aaron’s skills as a street rat run more towards stealing and stabbing than towards saving. And the more he learns of what brought dear dead Markus to that fatal alleyway, the more he has to wonder just what the world’s savior was really up to the night the wrong boy died.
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Cover art by the most excellent @art-emisz
FYI: Signed paperbacks and hardcovers will be coming back on sale in October so I can ship them ahead of the holidays; if you want an email when the pre-order launches, add yourself to my mailing list (it's at the bottom). Zero spam ever, only book news.
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jay5464 · 3 months ago
The Branded Hero Volume 1: Baxter the Branded is out on Paperback on Amazon! Please go support the official release
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Thousands of years ago in the Realm of Ocaleveth, the Demon King Ira had waged war against all living beings. Chosen by the Council of Chronos, Philip: The Hero of Light used the power of the Holy Sword to seal away the monster and bring peace to the world. But the thousand-year-old seal was undone and the Demon King has returned to Ocaleveth. I bet you're probably wondering who is responsible. Well...that person was me...
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authorpilot · 1 month ago
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rochellehassan · 4 months ago
The Spell for Unraveling (book 3 of The Buried and the Bound trilogy) has a cover! behold!
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i think this is my favorite one yet! i love the stained glass background so much <3 the artist is helen mask, who's done an amazing job on all three covers for this trilogy.
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bonnibelleangelica · 17 days ago
I’d pick physical, but paper makes my skin crawl
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sarnai4 · 1 month ago
Name Game
This is something new I want to start doing. It connects to the first installment of my new trilogy, Changing Waters: Jiol. I want to share some non-spoiler details about the characters. So...
If you'd like to get a headstart on knowing about them, here are some links.
First 3 chapters on Ao3.
Full book on Amazon. (and here since Amazon links sometimes break on me. https://a.co/d/819WYr6)
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