#Amalie Klein
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gogmstuff · 2 years ago
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More pre-Victorian 1830s (from top to bottom) -
ca. 1830 Evening or wedding dress (location ?). From tumblr.com/andrayblue 1080X1350.
1831 Marquise Chasseloup-Laubat (probably Marie Augustine Antoinette Le Boucher des Fontaines) by Joseph-Désiré Court (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen - Rouen, Normandie, France). From their Web site' enlarged by half 845X1181.
1830-1832 María Cristina de Borbón, Queen of Spain by José de Madrazo y Aguado (Prado). From their Web site 1280X1745.
1832 Marie Franziska von Freytag by ? (Salzburg Museum  - Salzburg, Salzburgland, Austria). From tumblr.com/history-of-fashion 766X963.
1832 Amalie Klein by Friedrich von Amerling (Österreichische Galerie Belvedere - Wien, Austria). From tumblr.com/history-of-fashion; fixed spots & cracks throughout w Pshop 2893X3508.
1835 Illustration from La Mode by Paul Gavarni. From tumblr.com/clove-pinks 1650X2048.
1836 Marriage Portrait of Charlotte de Rothschild by Moritz Daniel Oppenheim (Israel Museum - Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel). From Google Art Project.
Lady with Pink Sash by Camille Joseph Etienne Roqueplan (Sotheby's - 29Jan22 auction Lot 703) 1583X2000.
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logi1974 · 1 year ago
Namibia 2023/24 - Tag 13
Merry Christmas!!!
Frohe Weihnachten!!!
Herrschaften und Oukies!!!
Für unseren diesjährigen Besuch von Lüderitz quartierten wir uns in die Pension „Zur Waterkant“ der Familie Hälbich, in der Bremer Straße, ein.
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Die Namen der unbefestigten Sandwege und Schotterstraßen auf diesem Lüderitzbuchter Hügel orientieren sich am Norden von Deutschland: Hamburger, Kieler, Lübecker und Bremer Straße.
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Herr Hälbich entstammt aus einer Einwanderer Familie die bereits 1863, als eine der Ersten, aus Deutschland nach Südwest kamen.
Ihnen ist unter anderem die Gründung der Stadt Karibib zu verdanken.
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Die Familie betrieb ein dort Handelshaus, stellte einige Jahre den Bürgermeister und hatte auch sonst großen Einfluss im Schutzgebiet gehabt.
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Natürlich nutzte ich, bei so einem geschichtsträchtigen Gastgeber, umgehend die Gelegenheit etwas über die deutsche Zeit in Südwestafrika zu erfahren.
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Die Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft war Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts auf der Suche nach einem tatkräftigen Siedler, der zur Unterstützung der Missionsarbeit in Südwestafrika angeworben werden sollte.
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Die Auflagen zur Findung dieser Person waren hoch gesteckt, verlangten die Kriterien doch, dass er über vielschichtige Fähigkeiten und als überzeugter Christ auch über Wertschätzung, Tugenden und Menschlichkeit verfügte. Die Wahl fiel auf Eduard Hälbich.
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Die 7-Generationen-Folge begann am 9. Januar 1864, als eine kleine Missionsgesellschaft unter der Leitung von Dr. Hugo Hahn sowie den Brautleuten Eduard Hälbich und Amalie Bartel mit dem Segler „Emma“ nach dreimonatiger Reise in Walvis Bay an Land ging.
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Kurz nach ihrer Ankunft traute Missionar Hahn das junge Paar am 1. März 1864. Somit war die erste deutsche Trauung in diesem trockenen Wüsten- und Steppengebiet vollzogen. Dem ersten deutschen Siedlerpaar standen große Herausforderungen bevor.
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Mit sieben Ochsenwagen und 140 Zugochsen musste die eingetroffene Schiffsfracht zum Bestimmungsort Otjimbingwe am Swakop-Rivier gebracht werden.
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Das von Missionar Rath 1849 gegründete Otjimbingwe hatte durch die vielen Konflikte der Witbooi-Nama und der Herero ein wechselhaftes Schicksal hinter sich. Mit dem Schmied, Büchsenmacher und Handwerker Eduard Hälbich wollte man den Menschen lohnbringende Arbeit vor Augen führen.
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Von Beginn an musste der junge Siedler beweisen, dass er den großen Aufgaben gewachsen war. Er schreckte vor keiner Aufgabe und Pflicht zurück. Unter den Einheimischen lösten die Erfolge Eduard Hälbichs große Bewunderung aus, und schon bald erfreute er sich großer Beliebtheit.
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Dem jungen Siedlerpaar wurden zwischen 1867 und 1878 sechs Kinder geschenkt: Christoph, Clara (später verheiratete von Goldammer), Eduard d.J., Wilhelm, August und Johannes.
Schon früh mussten die Kinder das Leben in seiner vollen Härte kennenlernen. Sie verließen ihr Elternhaus für viele Jahre, um sich in Deutschland ihrer Schul- und Berufsausbildung zu unterziehen.
Erst als Erwachsene kamen sie mit ihren Frauen nach Südwestafrika zurück und gründeten hier ihre Familien. Dieser Generation wurden im Laufe der Jahre insgesamt 31 Kinder geboren.
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Otjimbingwe wurde zum Mittelpunkt der Missions- und Siedlerarbeiten in dem Gebiet, das damals noch nicht zum Schutzgebiet proklamiert war.
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Eduard Hälbich wurde zu einer hoch geachteten Persönlichkeit. Um 1876, noch bevor das Deutsche Schutzgebiet ausgerufen wurde, wurde er vom damaligen Abgesandten der Kapregierung zum Friedesrichter ernannt. Innerhalb der einheimischen Stämme hatte Eduard Hälbich viele Konflikte zu bewältigen, und er wusste diese Probleme geschickt zu schlichten.
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Als das Land 1884 unter den Schutz der deutschen Krone gestellt wurde, mehrte sich die Zahl der Durchreisenden und Besucher, die die Dienste von Eduard Hälbich in Anspruch nehmen wollten.
Im Alter von nur 52 Jahren starb Eduard Hälbich am 21. Dezember 1888.
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Den folgenden Generationen entstammten Akademiker, Künstler, Kaufleute und Handwerker. Einige Söhne folgten den Spuren des Stammvaters, galt es doch, das weitläufige Farmland in der Gegend um Karibib zu bewirtschaften, das die Familie vom Hererohäuptling Zeraua erworben hatte.
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Auch die geschäftlichen Interessen in Otjimbingwe und Karibib mussten weitergeführt werden. Die anderen Söhne gingen in ihrer Eigenständigkeit ihren jeweiligen Berufen nach, wodurch sich die Familienwurzeln der Hälbichs über das gesamte Land ausbreiteten - unter anderem eben bis nach Lüderitz.
Charlotte Hälbich war so freundlich all ihre Gäste zur heutigen Weihnachtsmesse in die berühmte Felsenkirche von Lüderitz mit einzuladen. Es war ihr wirklich eine Herzensangelegenheit, der wir selbstverständlich gerne nachkamen.
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Alles was in Lüderitz Rang und Namen hat war auch tatsächlich beim Gottendienst anwesend. Wir konnten Herrn Grünewald, den langjährigen Inhaber des Nest Hotels, mit seiner Familie ausmachen.
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Außerdem erkennen wir auch Frau Marion Schelkle, die Inhaberin von Lüderitz Safaris & Tours, mit der wir eine Stadttour machen werden.
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Der Gottesdienst wird zweisprachig abgehalten: Deutsch & Englisch. Die Liedtexte werden mittels Beamer auf eine Leinwand projiziert. Eine gute Lösung.
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Für den Abend hatten wir eine Reservierung im Lüderitz Nest Hotel, wo wir die halbe Kirchengemeine wieder trafen. Ein großes Hallo!
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Ulf Grünewald ging von Tisch zu Tisch und begrüßte jeden einzelnen Gast persönlich. Egal ob Lokal oder Tourist, jeder wird behandelt, wie ein alter Freund.
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Natürlich gibt es für uns wieder die fabelhaften Austern.
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Meine Mutter findet inzwischen großen Gefallen am Kingklip, ein lokaler Fisch der am Meeresboden lebt und wirklich häßlich aussieht, aber dafür sehr lecker schmeckt.
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Micha endschied sich für ein Rinderfilet, das auf den Punkt gebraten war.
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Sehr schön anzusehen ist die alte Jetty, die man mittlerweile renoviert hat. Dazu noch eine tolle Beleuchtung am Abend - und schon ist die Stimmung perfekt.
Lekker Slaap!
Angie, Micha, Mama und der Hasenbär
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hanna-water · 4 months ago
it was about time that Vegard returns to Lørdagsrådet 😊
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abwwia · 6 months ago
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Kleine Sphinx. Leni Riefensthal (Atelier Jacobi) showed strong dramatic qualities in The White Hell of Pitz Palu (1929). Scherl's Magazin, Band 6, Heft 2, Februar 1930
Helene Bertha Amalie Riefenstahl (22 August 1902 – 8 September 2003) was a German director, producer, screenwriter, editor, photographer and actress. Via Wikipedia
As seen also :
Owens struggles both with the obligations of his life and the virulent racism against him, the question of whether America would compete at all at the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany is being debated vigorously. When the American envoy finds a compromise persuasive with the Third Reich to avert a boycott, Owens has his own moral struggle about going. Upon resolving that issue, Owens and his coach travel to Berlin to participate in a competition that would mark Owens as the greatest of America's Olympians even as the German film director, Leni Riefenstahl, locks horns with her country's Propaganda Minister, Josef Goebbels, to film the politically embarrassing fact for posterity. Via imdb
Read: Leni Riefenstahl’s “Olympia”: Brilliant Cinematography or Nazi Propaganda?
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speyer-zeitung · 7 months ago
Die besten Cafés in Speyer
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Ein gemütlicher Guide durch die Kaffee-Oasen der Domstadt
Das Wichtigste in Kürze: - Speyer bietet eine vielfältige Auswahl an Cafés für jeden Geschmack und Geldbeutel. - Von traditionellen Cafés mit leckerem Kuchen bis hin zu trendigen Coffee-Shops mit ausgefallenen Kaffeespezialitäten ist alles dabei. - In der malerischen Altstadt finden Sie viele Cafés mit gemütlichem Ambiente. - Informieren Sie sich vorab über die Öffnungszeiten, da einige Cafés montags geschlossen sind. - An Wochenenden und Feiertagen kann es in beliebten Cafés voll werden, daher sollten Sie einen Tisch reservieren. Inhaltsverzeichnis: - Einleitung - Die besten Cafés in Speyer 2.1 Café & Konditorei Schlosser 2.2 Amalie Genusskult 2.3 Springers Kaffeemanufaktur 2.4 Café Leisinger 2.5 Eiscafé Negri - Weitere empfehlenswerte Cafés - Tipps für die Cafésuche - FAQ
1. Einleitung
Speyer, die historische Stadt am Rhein, ist nicht nur für ihren beeindruckenden Dom und ihre reiche Geschichte bekannt, sondern auch für ihre gemütliche Cafékultur. Ob Sie nach einem leckeren Frühstück, einem Stück Kuchen am Nachmittag oder einfach nur einer Tasse Kaffee in entspannter Atmosphäre suchen, in Speyer finden Sie garantiert das richtige Café. In diesem Blogbeitrag nehme ich Sie mit auf eine Kaffee-Reise durch Speyer und stelle Ihnen einige der besten Cafés der Stadt vor.
2. Die besten Cafés in Speyer
2.1 Café & Konditorei Schlosser Das Café & Konditorei Schlosser ist ein Traditionscafé in der Speyerer Altstadt. Hier können Sie in gemütlicher Atmosphäre hausgemachte Kuchen und Torten sowie köstliche Kaffeespezialitäten genießen. Google-Bewertung: 4,4 Sterne (945 Bewertungen) Preisklasse: €€ Website: https://www.cafe-schlosser.de/ Öffnungszeiten: - Montag bis Freitag: 9:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr - Samstag und Sonntag: 9:00 Uhr bis 19:00 Uhr 2.2 Amalie Genusskult Das Amalie Genusskult ist ein modernes Café mit einem vielfältigen Angebot an Speisen und Getränken. Hier können Sie neben leckerem Kaffee und Kuchen auch Frühstück, Snacks und kleine Gerichte genießen. Google-Bewertung: 4,2 Sterne (1293 Bewertungen) Preisklasse: €€ Website: https://www.cafe-amalie.de/speisen-speyer Öffnungszeiten: - Montag bis Freitag: 9:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr - Samstag: 10:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr - Sonntag: 12:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr 2.3 Springers Kaffeemanufaktur Die Springers Kaffeemanufaktur ist ein Paradies für Kaffeeliebhaber. Hier können Sie verschiedene Kaffeespezialitäten aus eigener Röstung genießen sowie leckeren Kuchen und Torten. Google-Bewertung: 4,9 Sterne (78 Bewertungen) Preisklasse: € Website: https://kaffeemanufaktur-speyer.de/ Öffnungszeiten: - Montag bis Freitag: 9:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr - Samstag: 9:00 Uhr bis 19:00 Uhr - Sonntag: 10:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr 2.4 Café Leisinger Das Café Leisinger ist ein beliebtes Café in der Speyerer Innenstadt. Hier können Sie in gemütlicher Atmosphäre leckeres Frühstück, Kuchen und Torten sowie herzhafte Snacks genießen. Google-Bewertung: 4,3 Sterne (105 Bewertungen) Preisklasse: €€ Website: https://cafe-leisinger.de/ Öffnungszeiten: - Montag bis Freitag: 7:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr - Samstag: 9:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr - Sonntag: 9:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr
2.5 Eiscafé Negri
Das Eiscafé Negri ist eine Institution in Speyer. Hier können Sie seit über 50 Jahren köstliches Eis in vielen verschiedenen Sorten genießen. Google-Bewertung: 4,6 Sterne (480 Bewertungen) Preisklasse: € Website: https://www.eiscafe-negri.de/ Öffnungszeiten: - April bis September: - Täglich: 10:00 Uhr bis 22:00 Uhr - Oktober bis März: - Täglich: 12:00 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr Weitere empfehlenswerte Cafés: - Café Hindenburg: Dieses traditionsreiche Café bietet neben leckerem Kaffee und Kuchen auch Flammkuchen, Crêpes und italienisches Eis. https://www.cafehindenburg-speyer.de/ - Café am Domgarten: In diesem Café können Sie in idyllischer Umgebung direkt am Domgarten leckeren Kaffee und Kuchen genießen. - Café Zehn: Dieses gemütliche Café bietet eine große Auswahl an Frühstücksvariationen sowie leckeren Kuchen und Torten.
3. Tipps für die Cafésuche
- Überlegen Sie sich, welche Art von Café Sie suchen. Möchten Sie lieber ein gemütliches Café mit traditionellem Ambiente oder ein trendiges Coffee-Shop mit ausgefallenen Kaffeespezialitäten? - Lesen Sie online Bewertungen von Cafés. So können Sie sich ein Bild von der Qualität des Kaffees und Kuchens, dem Service und dem Ambiente machen. - Informieren Sie sich über die Öffnungszeiten und Preisklassen der Cafés. - Fragen Sie die Einheimischen nach ihren Cafétipps. - An Wochenenden und Feiertagen kann es in beliebten Cafés voll werden, daher sollten Sie einen Tisch reservieren.
4. FAQ
Welche Art von Kaffee ist in Speyer besonders beliebt? In Speyer ist Filterkaffee sehr beliebt. Daneben finden Sie aber auch in vielen Cafés Kaffeespezialitäten wie Espresso, Cappuccino und Latte Macchiato. Gibt es in Speyer auch vegane und glutenfreie Kuchen und Torten? Ja, in vielen Cafés in Speyer finden Sie vegane und glutenfreie Kuchen und Torten. Welches ist das schönste Café in Speyer? Das lässt sich schwer sagen, da es in Speyer so viele schöne Cafés gibt. Es kommt darauf an, was Ihnen bei einem Café wichtig ist. Kann man in Speyer auch draußen Kaffee trinken? Ja, viele Cafés in Speyer bieten Sitzplätze im Freien an. Ist es in Speyer üblich, Trinkgeld im Café zu geben? Ja, in Speyer ist es üblich, Trinkgeld im Café zu geben. Ein angemessenes Trinkgeld beträgt 10% der Rechnungssumme.
5. Fazit
Speyer ist ein wahres Paradies für Caféliebhaber. Hier finden Sie eine große Auswahl an Cafés für jeden Geschmack und Geldbeutel. Ob Sie nach einem leckeren Frühstück, einem Stück Kuchen am Nachmittag oder einfach nur einer Tasse Kaffee in entspannter Atmosphäre suchen, in Speyer werden Sie garantiert fündig. Ich hoffe, dieser Blogbeitrag hat Ihnen geholfen, sich einen Überblick über die Cafékultur in Speyer zu verschaffen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dies nur ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus der vielfältigen Cafészene in Speyer ist. Es gibt noch viele weitere tolle Cafés zu entdecken! Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß beim Erkunden der Cafés in Speyer! Read the full article
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queenshelby · 3 years ago
My Friend’s Father (Part Eight)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Age Gap, Smut
Words: 5,416
Please comment and interact...it's what keeps this blog going
When you arrived at the restaurant, you felt somewhat awkward when you saw Denise and her mother sit on the large table which had been set aside for you.
Most of Denise’s friends had already arrived and spread around the table and you were quick to sit down next to Denise as she had saved the seat for you.
‘You look fantastic Denise’ you complimented her as she was wearing a very nice and colourful dress.
‘And you look tired’ she joked before carrying on. ‘You had a good afternoon with Chris, I see’ she then said somewhat amused, referring to the university lecturer she thought you were meeting with that afternoon.
‘What makes you say that?’ you asked quietly and she discreetly pointed to the small bruises on your neck which caught Amalie’s eyes as well.
‘Oh…uhm…yeah’ you barely managed to say just as Cillian and three more guests arrived, one of whom was Cillian’s brother Patrick and the other two were Denise’s cousin and his wife, both of whom were related to Denise’s mother.
Cillian sat down directly across from you and gave you a shy smile while Amalie was quick to change her seat, sliding next to Cillian and causing Denise to roll her eyes.
‘You look nice tonight Mr Murphy’ Amalie said and Cillian politely thanked her for her compliment while his brother, who sat down next to him as well, had a quiet chuckle.
‘So, tell me Y/N, what did you get up to other than the obvious’ Denise then asked quietly while Amalie was preoccupied flirting with Cillian.
‘Not much else’ you said shyly, unsure what else to say as your cheeks were blushing red and you glanced over towards Cillian who, occasionally, glanced back towards you.  
‘Oh my god…I need details’ she then said excitedly before she dragged you to the lady’s lavatory so that she could bombard you with questions.
‘Tell me everything’ she then demanded as she reapplied her lipstick and you stood in front of the mirror and applied some foundation over the little bruises on your neck.
‘There is nothing to tell Denise’ you said with some embarrassment.
‘So, you had sex for hours and there is nothing to tell…common Y/N’ she said somewhat disappointed just as Amalie entered the bathroom to see what you were doing.
‘Did you say hours? Aren’t you fucking sore now?’ Amalie asked somewhat amused and you couldn’t help but laugh.
‘A little…but it was worth it. Now can we please return to the table and order dinner. I am starving’ you said but neither Denise nor Amalie had a bar of it.
‘Of course, you are starving. You had sex for hours which is incredible. Is he older? Because, the only guy I ever had extensive love making sessions with like this was already over thirty’ Amalie observed and you certainly didn’t want to answer this question.
‘I don’t kiss and tell guys…it’s nothing serious and…uhm…I just want to keep it myself, okay?’ you stammered but Denise demanded to know.
‘Oh, common Y/N. How old is he? I am your best friend and you need tell me’ Denise then said, causing you to bite your lips nervously.
‘She is embarrassed, so I guess early or mid-thirties’ Amalie then said and you shook your head nervously.
‘I am not embarrassed, I just don’t want to discuss my sex life in a restaurant lavatory’ you then said, but Denise and Amalie looked at you sternly, demanding an answer.
‘Alright! He is in his mid-forties. Now can we go back and order dinner?’ you then quickly admitted and both Amalie’s and Denise’s chins dropped.
‘Y/N that’s a huge age gap. I don’t think I could…’ Denise went on to say but got interrupted by Amalie pretty much immediately.
‘Well, I could if it was your dad’ Amalie laughed, causing you to gulp and Denise look at her in disgust.
‘Oh god Amalie, that’s so disgusting’ she said before agreeing to return to the table and order dinner. The last thing Denise wanted to talk about was Amalie’s desire for her father.
After you sat back down at the table, Cillian would glance over towards you occasionally again but, every time he did, Amalie tried quickly to catch his attention, asking him the weirdest kind of questions much to the amusements of Denise’s mother, who, when Amalie, excused herself in order to get some more drinks from the bar, joked about it.
‘Even attracting your daughter’s friends now, are you?’ she said and Cillian couldn’t help but choke on his pint of Guinness.
‘Excuse me?’ he asked somewhat surprised, thinking that his ex-wife was referring to you.
‘I think the blonde one sitting next to you has got a little crush on you’ she then whispered just loud enough for you and Denise to hear it as well.
Immediately, Cillian sighed somewhat relieved before having a little chuckle about it.
‘Well dad, according to some of my friends, you are a DILF’ Denise then said before pulling a face quite similar to an emoji which was about to throw up.
‘Some of your friends, huh?’ Cillian then chuckled before looking at you, causing your cheeks to turn red yet again.
‘And what about me?’ Cillian’s brother then asked, causing Cillian to cock an eyebrow.
‘It’s the haircut man, I highly recommend it if you want to be a DILF’ Cillian then said, causing both, his ex-wife and Denise to roll their eyes.
Over dinner, you and Denise talked a lot about university and your upcoming trip to France while Amalie continued to annoy Cillian who, politely, engaged in a conversation with her.
You were amused by the situation and he would often give you a little smile or wink when no one would notice.
His smile was incredible and, if it wouldn’t had been so obvious, you could easily have spent the evening by simply staring at him.
When your desserts finally arrived, you thought about teasing him a little and, discreetly, licked off your dessert spoon in the most seductive way imaginable.
‘I just love whipped cream’ you said and, whilst Cillian gulped, Denise wasn’t suspicious in the slightest. After all, you were telling the truth and had always been a sweet tooth.
You slowly twisted the spoon around in your mouth, licking off the whipped cream for the third time before reaching for the candied cherry on your plate and putting it into your mouth. You ate it slowly before removing the pit with your fingers and licking the sugar from the tips as you pulled it from your mouth.
Then, you licked your lips and discreetly lifted up your foot beneath the table after slipping out of your shoes.
‘Don’t you like your desert?’ Denise asked Cillian as the ice cream on his plate was melting.
‘I am…no…’ he stammered just as your foot brushed over the bulge beneath the denim of his jeans and it was obvious to you that he was hard and straining against the fabric.
When he gulped again, you removed your foot, realising that you shouldn’t tease him any more than that and, just as you did, your phone buzzed and you received a text message from him.
‘Naughty Girl’ it read and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
‘You can punish me for my actions when I see you tonight’ you responded, confirming that you would be coming over to his apartment again as discussed after you go for celebratory birthday drinks with Denise and her friends.
Following dinner, Denise, you and her friends went to a local bar for drinks to celebrate Denise’s birthday amongst yourselves for a few hours and it was at around 11 o’clock that night when you excused yourself, telling Denise that you would have to go home as you had plans with your parents the day after.
Whilst you felt guilty about lying, you couldn’t really tell her what you were really doing and, when you left the bar, you nervously walked around the corner to visit Cillian at his apartment again.
After a five-minute stroll, you arrived and Cillian was quick to let you inside, kissing you passionately as soon as you walked through the door.
‘Let me have a shower first, my hair smells like smoke and booze’ you demanded after Cillian’s hands began to roam your body pretty much immediately.
‘I will be waiting in the bedroom then’ he winked and you nodded in agreement before disappearing into the bathroom.
‘So, I am curious Y/N, are you one of Denise’s friends who said that I am a DILF?’ Cillian asked amused as you came out of the bathroom while he was waiting for you on his bed, wearing nothing but his black Calvin Klein briefs.
‘Yes Mr Murphy, I am. In fact, I think you are a sexy daddy who I most certainly can’t wait to fuck right now’ you smirked as you dropped your towel to the floor and revealed your naked body to him once again.
‘I thought you were sore?’ Cillian then asked but you shook your head and climbed onto the bed with him in the most seductive way possible.
‘I am aching for you my sexy DILF’ you whispered as you climbed onto Cillian’s lap and bit your lip seductively.
‘Well, I better won’t let you wait then naughty girl’ Cillian said as he pulled you close for a passionate kiss. The touch of your lips was like someone brushing a feather across his, and it sent a rolling warmth down through his whole body, making him tremble.
‘Naughty, huh? I can’t remember being naughty’ you winked as you slid into his arms, and he held you to him, letting his hands move down from your face to wrap around your middle. You gently rubbed your lips together, enjoying the contact, the moist touching. It was more playful than usual.
‘Really? You can’t?’ he asked after you sighed into his mouth, slipping your arms around his neck while sitting on his lap and grinding your naked mound against Cillian’s core.
‘No sir, I can’t’ you said playfully before your heads began to move, slowly, side to side, bringing your lips into greater contact. A hunger started to claim you, and any inhibitions that you had been feeling dropped away.
‘Well, for starters you teased me at the restaurant licking off your dessertspoon so fucking seductively, didn’t you?’ Cillian whispered against your lips and you couldn’t help but grin.
‘And then this fucking cherry you put in your mouth’ he went on to say and you grinned again.
‘It made you hard, didn’t it?’ you asked seductively, hoping that your little discrete playfulness at dinner was having an effect on him.
‘You know it did…now that’s naughty, isn’t it?...Making me hard in public’ Cillian teased before his lips met yours once again and you nodded against them.
By now, soft groans permeated the semi-darkness, the sounds of two people breathing harder, gasping, needing, wanting.
Cillian tentatively slipped his tongue forward, and you met it with enthusiasm, thrusting yours right back into his mouth. Your juicy lips rolled all over his, sending waves of pleasure running down his back.
You clung to one another while you kept grinding against him as your kisses were becoming more desperate and needful.
Then, your lips drifted away from each other and your eyes were wild, so filled with lust, it was almost scary how primal your expression was at that moment.
‘What are you doing to me?’ you then whispered.
‘I am going to make sure that you won’t be walking straight for days’ Cillian said as he ran his hands over your breasts firmly.
‘Hmm, I can’t wait’ you moaned and the skin against his hands was smooth, warm, and he closed his eyes for a second and just took in the wonderful feel of your breasts.
‘God, you have the most beautiful breasts’ Cillian the observed as he ran his fingers around the edges of them, feeling their heft, the way they just barely filled his palms. They were so firm, the solid core of a fruit that had, as of yet, gone mostly unsullied. You were always so self-conscious about them and disappointed that you were only blessed with an A-Cup but Cillian seemed to adore them.
‘And I love you touching them the way you do’ you gasped before you kissed him again deeply, with all the passion that was suddenly let loose inside you.
You sighed and met his excitement full-on, pasting your creamy, silky lips to his and letting your tongue roam around his mouth. The room filled with the sounds of ragged breathing, quiet moans of desperation.
Cillian let his mouth slide free, covering your neck with gentle kisses, moving ever downward before somehow pushing you off and beneath him. He took those sweet breasts in his hands again and brought his lips to them one at a time, just brushing across your tight areolas letting the skin rub on his face, his tongue flick out for a taste.
‘Oh god, that feels so good’ you moaned as he was the first man who had paid so much attention to your small perky breasts.
Your stiff nipple barely moved when his tongue rolled around the edge of it. He licked it harder, listening to your gasp when he pushed his mouth around the whole of it, drawing the entire erect knot inside. Your cries grew louder when he started to suck on it, catching the skin between his teeth and pulling it away from your areola, gripping your nipple hard.
‘Oh god’ you moaned, enjoying the slight pain which was a totally new experience for you.
Cillian smiled, setting your nipple free only to grasp it again between his teeth. The teasing went on, long licks, running his tongue in circles around your areolas until they shined with his spit.
Your arousal was blooming into a pulsing heat in the pit of your stomach and spreading down between your legs. You could feel the dampness, your labia swelling and pulling away uncovering your pink fleshy hole.
‘I want you so badly Cillian’ you hissed as he roughly squeezed and suckled your tits.
‘And I want you Y/N…you are driving me absolutely crazy’ Cillian said as he brought his fingers to your juicy labia, running them slowly down your slit, feeling just how wet and slippery you had become in a very short time.
‘Oh god Cillian’ you moaned as you arched your back slightly, groaning and biting one nail while looking down at him.
‘You have the sweetest pussy, so fucking beautiful’ Cillian then said as he gave you a wicked smile before covering your entrance with his mouth and letting his tongue run free.
‘Ah…yes…just like this…fuck’ you moaned loudly as the juice that poured out of you were coating his tongue.
Cillian ran it straight up between your labia to catch your clit at the top of your hood and you nearly came off the cushions beneath you.
‘Oh Jesus Cillian, I don't know what you're doing but...GOD! Don't stop!’ you moaned loudly as he found yet another pleasure spot of yours and you realised that, clearly, the boys you had been with before didn't have a clue how to please a woman.
With one hand, he fingered your tight opening, and with the other, he played with one firm breast. His tongue lashed your clit like a badly behaved child. You were beside yourself, unable to lie still, pushing up with your hips and forcing your pussy tighter to Cillian’s face while you moaned and grabbed at the sheets
‘Oh god, fuck. I'm going to fucking cum’ you screamed and Cillian caught it full-on, your juice roaring out to drench his face while you whimpered and threw yourself from side to side. He had never seen a woman go off so hard before, and it turned him on so bad he knew he had to have you right there and then.
‘You are incredible Cillian’ you huffed out while you recovered and Cillian pulled off his briefs and you couldn’t help but stare at his beautiful cock again.
‘So are you…so fucking sexy’ he growled like a caged animal, unable to contain his needs any longer.
‘Do I feel good around your cock?’ you asked as you found yourself pressed over onto your back with Cillian on top and looking down at you with a lust that was almost frightening in its intensity.
‘So fucking good’ Cillian groaned and you screamed in pleasure when he entered with one deep thrust.
‘Jesus, you are so tight’ he moaned as your eyes squeezed shut, and you cried out with the feeling of your slit being slammed open by Cillian’s cock.
Despite of what you told him earlier, you were still sore from the afternoon session that you had with him but you wanted it again so badly and ignored the sharp burning sensation which, somehow, felt incredibly pleasurable at the same time.
‘Oh god, fuck’ you moaned, pushing upwards against Cillian, meeting his thrusts.
His cock pushed into you over and over again, shoving aside your dripping pink walls, descending toward your cervix.
‘Your cock feels so good inside me’ you moaned just as Cillian arched his back, revelling in the sensation of being squeezed inside your body and held tight in your slippery hole.
The euphoria quickly started to fade though when he looked back down at the pained expression on your face, and it hit him that he had allowed his overcharged libido to take over, taking you harder than he had ever did before. He should have gone slow, been gentle, but you were doing incredible things to him.
‘Don’t stop, fuck me hard Cillian’ you gasped when he slowed down. ‘I want you to take me and fuck my pussy hard’ you spurred him on and you were surprised with the filth that was leaving your shy lips. Cillian certainly unleashed the wild desires deep within you.
‘Fuck, you are a naughty girl, aren’t you?’ Cillian groaned and you nodded as he slowly resumed his pace. ‘It feels so fucking good inside you’ he observed as he thrusted deep inside you again, making you scream.
‘And you feel so good inside me Cillian, I've never felt it like this...It was never this good with anyone before...Don't hold back…’ you moaned as your bodies fell into sync. Your hips were meeting with the distant slapping of skin on skin and you began to moan and thrash beneath him, digging your long nails into his back with each thrust. He gasped and cried right along with you caught up in the sheer, unbridled joy of it all.
There was no denying your allure. Your body so perfect, every curve, every flawless inch of skin. The way you looked up at him with so much hopeless, naked desire.
Your movements began to reflect your internal struggle between the need to be released from this exquisite torture and the longing for the pleasure never to end.
You pulled Cillian’s head down, covered his lips with yours in a fiery, intense kiss.
‘Fuck Cillian, you are going to make me cum again…oh god…fuck’ you warned him a breathless whisper and he felt you go. A climax so hard he found it difficult to push through it.
You looked so gorgeous caught in the spiders web of your orgasm, shaking, mouth falling open in a silent scream. It was an image of beauty that would be seared into his brain forever.
‘Fuck Y/N, you are so beautiful’ Cillian groaned, trying to hold back on his own release.
‘Don't fight it, Cillian. I know you're close. Cum inside me, I want to fucking feel it’ you groaned, spurring him on and Cillian was seized by an implacable urge to move ever faster like an engine fed too much fuel. The sounds of his hard, panting breaths became more audible. His body snapped tight, back arching as he emptied himself into you.
‘Oh god, Y/N, fuck’ he groaned and you clung harder to him, holding him close while feeling each pulse and jerk of his cock shooting inside you.
‘That's it! Give it to me! Give it all to me’ you moaned and you fell into another sweet kiss as Cillian filled you with his cum before pulling out of you slowly.
‘God, I love when you cum inside me, it feels so fucking good and it looks so fucking sexy when it comes out’ you huffed out while you were still shaking from your orgasm.
‘Does it just?’ he chuckled, causing you nod, biting your lips.
‘Yes, watch’ you said as you spread your legs and pushed out some of his cum from your soaking core before collecting it with your finger and bringing your finger up to your mouth.
‘And it tastes so fucking good too’ you then said, licking the cum of your finger, causing Cillian to gasp.
‘You are something else Y/N, you know that?’ Cillian said before you collapsed on the bed together and the sheets slipped around your naked bodies as you slid between them cuddling together.
Cillian kissed your forehead and stroked your hair while you pillowed her head on his chest.
‘I should probably get home soon’ you murmured as Cillian was holding you close.
‘Stay’ Cillian said rather suddenly, gently taking hold of you and pulling you even closer towards him.
‘Uhm’ you said, thinking about whether you could stay or not. You didn’t want to tell Cillian, but your father had been keeping close tabs on you ever since your sister got herself into trouble a few years ago and you knew that, if you were going to stay, you would need to come up with an excuse and text one of your parents.
‘I am going back to Manchester tomorrow afternoon and I want to make the most of this’ Cillian then said and you nodded reluctantly, agreeing to stay.
‘Alright, I will stay’ you said before kissing him passionately and then reaching for your phone.
‘I will be right back, just getting a glass of water and putting this on charge. Can I use the charger in the kitchen?’ you asked and, of course, Cillian nodded.
When you walked into the kitchen, you quickly texted your parents, letting them know that you would be staying with Denise at her hotel room and that you would see them tomorrow at 8 o’clock.
When you returned to the bedroom, you crawled back under the doona, curling up against Cillian’s chest.
‘So…uhm…what is next for us? I mean…when will I see you again?’ you stammered as Cillian ran his fingers through your long hair gently.
‘Probably not until the 14th or 15th of this month’ he then said and you gave him a disappointed pout.
‘That’s two weeks away Cillian’ you observed and Cillian nodded before caressing your face and kissing you gently.
‘Yeah, I am sorry. I’ve got a busy filming schedule and Denise is visiting me in Manchester next weekend so I can’t come home’ he then explained before suggesting that you could come with Denise to visit him.
‘I am working that weekend. Despite, I think we would be playing with fire if I did’ you said and Cillian agreed.
He then told you that he would come to Galway the following weekend and, after that, he would only have two more weeks of filming left.
‘So, do you have many scenes with Laura Jennings during these last four weeks on set?’ you asked cheekily and Cillian couldn’t help but chuckle. He was somewhat flattered as you gave him a mildly jealous stare.
‘No intimate scenes, if that is what you are asking’ he explained before telling you that he wouldn’t be seeing her anymore on an intimate level, which is more than you had expected to hear from him.
‘Cillian…uhm…I didn’t mean to…’ you began to stammer but Cillian quietened your lips with his.
‘I know, it’s fine Y/N’ he said as your lips drifted apart.
‘So, does this mean that, whatever this is between us, is somewhat exclusive?’ you asked and Cillian confirmed that, indeed, he was not interested in seeing other people nor would he feel comfortable if you did.
‘Okay…I like that’ you confirmed and, with that, you curled up against him again with his arms still wrapped around you.
For a while, your fingers played with his chest hair while his hands stroked through your hair, slowly making you tired and it wasn’t long until you drifted off to sleep in Cillian’s arms.
The following morning, you were woken by your alarm which went off at around 7 o’clock.
‘Hmm, what was that?’ Cillian murmured still half asleep and you informed him that it was the alarm on your phone before you gently crawled your fingers across his chest and began placing gentle kisses over it and then all the way down to his stomach while moving the doona away from his warm body.
‘What are you doing?’ he gasped, still with his eyes closed and dreamy in his mind.
‘What I didn’t get to do last night’ you said with a sultry smile before you rolled down his underwear, letting his cock spring free.
‘Oh my goodness Mr Murphy…you are already hard and I didn’t even get started yet’ you observed as you glanced at his hard shaft, the head of which was swollen and dripping with clear fluid.
‘Sorry, but I usually wake up like this even at 45, especially after dreaming about making love to a beautiful woman like you’ Cillian chuckled as he slowly opened his eyes and saw that your head had already disappeared in between his legs.
You touched his cock gently, electing a moan from him as you watched his long, vein-covered shaft poking up at you. Whilst he usually woke up somewhat aroused most mornings, he couldn't remember ever being this hard before. His cock stood high, curved toward the ceiling, and he thought his balls had never felt so full even after you had spent almost four hours having sex the day before.
Despite your seeming inexperience, you moved slowly, letting the pressure mount while you ran your fingers up and down his cock, exploring every inch before wrapping them around it. The jerking motion that followed made Cillian groan, and you compounded his growing excitement by rubbing your lips on the underside of his shaft. He grew crazed with the need to feel your mouth on it, but every time he pushed towards your waiting lips, you pulled away.
‘Such a tease, aren’t you?’ he gasped out.
‘Poor Baby...You need me. Don't you?’ you asked, your voice filled with lust.
‘God yes…please’ Cillian huffed out, begging you to take his cock into your mouth and you took pity on him at last, letting your tongue roll around the head before rising to take him fully into your mouth.
‘Fuck Y/N, just like that’ Cillian moaned as he bit his lower lip and tossed his head back, eyes shut. The pleasure was amazing, and you had more than a little natural skill. Your head bobbed up and down his shaft taking him deeper with each push until you were gagging on it. When you pulled back, his cock was covered in your slick spit, and you went to jerking him hard and fast, watching with fascination his balls surge and harden. He felt a moist heat on his swelling sack, and you took his pleasure up another notch when you started to lick and suck on his balls.
‘Holy...fuck! Y/N! That feels so good!’ he whimpered as your mouth sucked on his balls and your tiny hand masturbated his straining cock the whole time, driving him crazy with the desire to join his flesh to yours.
‘Let me fuck you Y/N…if you keep going like this, I won’t last’ Cillian groaned as your mouth wrapped around his cock again firmly and you began to massage his balls with your hands.
‘No time’ you huffed out in between sucking and licking. ‘Gotta go to church with my parents at eight’ you then said as you began to stroke his cock hard and fast with your hand.
‘I want you to cum in my mouth and watch me swallow it’ you smirked before wrapping your mouth around his hard shaft again before bobbing your head up and down.
‘Jesus Y/N, fuck’ he groaned and, about two minutes later, he let go and gave into the pleasure.
‘I am close’ he warned you and you began to moan around his cock, sucking him harder, wanting to taste him so badly.
‘Give it to me Cillian’ you moaned around his cock and, just after you did and firmly wrapped your mouth around his shaft, you could feel him pulsating and swell.
‘Fuck’ he groaned again loudly as he jerked upwards and held your head steady while he filled your mouth with rope after rope of his sweet and warm cum.
You collected it all in your mouth and on your tongue until he let go of your head, which is when you pulled back and opened your mouth for him, showing him your mouth filled with his seed.
‘Are you going to be a good girl and swallow it all?’ Cillian teased and you nodded with an open mouth, smiling, before closing your lips shut.
‘Hmm, so fucking good’ you smirked after you swallowed with a big grin.
‘Jesus, I am not sure whether I am more turned on by the fact that you swallowed everything or that you used the word church while you had my cock in your mouth’ Cillian chuckled before pulling you close towards him.
‘Yeah, I should probably make this part of my confession later. I shouldn’t have mentioned such a holy place while performing such a sinful act, huh?’ you winked before telling Cillian that you needed to hurry into the shower and get going.
You arrived at church ten minutes late and your parents were not impressed with your punctuality.
���We ask you to make an effort once a month and you are late’ your father said, causing your sister to chuckle.
‘Sorry, my alarm didn’t go off ‘you said as you sat down next to your father, pinned up your hair and reached for one of the bibles in front of you.
You were beyond exhausted and tired and couldn’t stop yawning throughout mass, which irritated your father even more and, when he looked over towards you, he noticed something else he most certainly disapproved of.
After mass, he confronted you about it in front of your mother and sister.
‘It wasn’t Denise you stayed with last night, was it?’ your father asked and you looked at him somewhat confused.
‘Go and look in the mirror’ he said harshly before asking you whether you were still seeing Connor.
‘No and, even if I was, why do you care? I am an adult and quite capable to decide who I go out with’ you explained and your father shook his head.
‘Connor is almost thirty. That’s unacceptable. He is too old to be dating you and, surely, you realise this. Despite, so long as you live with us, you be adhering to my rules’ your father said and, little did he know that you had been applying for positions at other universities, allowing to move now that you had saved up enough money to do so.
‘Sure dad’ you simply huffed out before walking to your car and, just as you did, you remembered your mother’s 50th birthday a few years ago and how much he did, in fact, disliked Cillian.
If he would know the truth, he would probably kick you out of the house right then and there.
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House of Bourbon & of Wittelsbach: Princess Louise d’Orléans
Louise was born as the first child and only daughter of Ferdinand d'Orléans, The Duke of Alençon, and his wife Sophie in Bavaria, the youngest daughter of Princess Ludovika of Bavaria, The Duchess in Bavaria.
Through her maternal grandmother, Louise was related to several royal houses. She was a niece of The Empress of Austria and The Queen of Sicilies, as well as full great niece to Queens Amalie Auguste and Maria Anna of Saxony, Queen Elisabeth Ludovika of Prussia and Princess Sophie of Bavaria, Archduchess of Austria. From her father’s side, she was great-granddaughter of Louis Philippe I, King of the French, and a niece to Prince Gaston of Orléans, the husband of the last Princess Imperial (Crown Princess) of Brasil. Through her paternal grandmother, she could also claim descent from the Catholic line of the House of Coburg which ruled over Portugal, Brasil and Bulgaria in the 19th century while the Protestant line ruled over Britain and Belgium.
In the end, she would marry back into her maternal House of Wittelsbach by marrying Prince Alfons of Bavaria. Alfons was not that high in the Bavarian line of succession, as he was only the grandson of a king. However, he did not only have rights to the throne in Bavaria but also the Greek one through his uncle. Originally, Alfons was supposed to marry Louise’s cousin Archduchess Marie Valerie of Austria but their first meeting was so boring for them that a marriage never happened and so Louise was chosen.
The couple had two children, a son and a daughter. Their son Prince Joseph of Bavaria never married and became one of the leading German art historians at his time. The daughter, Elisabeth, first married Count Franz Joseph of Kageneck and had four children with him. Three years after he died in combat during the Second World War, Elisabeth married once again, this time a man called Ernst Kustner.
Louise died at the age of 82 on February 4th, 1952, in Munich. She survived her husband by over 19 years.
// Anne Kanis as Louise in Sophie - Sissis kleine Schwester (2001)
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vladtheunfollower · 5 years ago
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The cat concert.1851.Amalie Winter – Prinzessin Marie und Rosaurus, Leben  und Schicksale des Katers Rosaurus, oder die kleine Prinzessin und ihre  Katze. 1851
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freersounds · 5 years ago
Freer Sounds May 2020
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Emily Berregaard - Sea Change Brannten Schnure - Laternen aller Art Nick Klein & Lack - B1 Brannten Schnure - Getraumt habich vom Martinszug Family Ravine - The Unattainable Jessica Bailiff & Annelies Monsere - Like Yesterday Six Organs of Admittance - Close To The Sky Jessica Bailiff & Annelies Monsere - Shadow Headroom - New Heaven Kendra Amalie - Stay Low Shells - Warm Dub The Radio Dept. - The Absence of Birds (Untitled Version 2 by Civilistjavel!) Soul Connection - Waiting 4 Your Love Bill Withers - Who Is He (And What Is He To You?) Chaperone - Life Without Air-Condition Mark Rae - If They Move Kill Em No Primal Scream Parts Rae & Christian Remix) Cristina - You Rented A Space Cybotron - Clear Chris Rea - Josephine (Rune Lindbaek Edit) The Reds, Pinks & Purples - Sing Red Roses For Me The O-Jays - I Love Music Delfonic & Kapote - Maison Rejam Unknown - Sambafrique (Rune Lindbaek Edit) The Reds, Pinks & Purples  - You Might Be Happy Someday George G-Spot Jackson - Get It Together (Tayo Wink Rumba Edition Remix) Gavin Russom & Delia Gonzalez - Relevee Eddie Fowlkes - Knuckle Head 10 Enrique - Slump Special Request - I Wish Time Didn't Matter Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine
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famous-aces · 6 years ago
Emmy Noether
Who: Amalie Emmy Noether
What: Mathematician and Scientist (physicist)
Where: German-Jewish (active mostly in Germany and the US)
When: March 23, 1882 - April 14, 1935
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(Image Description: a photo of Noether from 1932. She is a heavy set woman with a huge smile. She is pale and wears round glasses. She is on a boat or ship. She has a roundish face and heavily lidded eyes and full lips. Her hair is medium darkness and pulled back out of her face and forehead. She is wearing a dark dress with a flower on it. End ID.)
Noether is often described as "the most important woman in mathematics" and is one of the most key figures in the studies of abstract algebra and theoretical physics. She radically changed the entire study of physics and founded abstract algebra, indeed Einstein owes a lot to her an knew it, her work laid the groundwork for the Theory of Relativity. Einstein called her "the most significant creative mathematical genius thus far produced since the higher education of women began."
She is the discoverer of Noether's Theorem, which she proved in 1915, in physics it states and explains the connection between symmetry and conservation. Additionally she developed theories around rings, number fields, and algebras, contributing greatly to them. Due to work in and use of the ascending chain condition objects satisfying it are now called Noetherian in her honor.  Also bearing her name is the Lasker-Noether Theorem (primary decomposition). She united the representation theory of groups and the theory of modules and ideals. She also contributed to hypercomplex numbers, algebraic topology, Galois Theory, isomorphism theorems, and many other far reaching fields. I apologize for not going into greater detail about most of these mathematicians.  I do not get math/physics at all.
As a teacher she trained many great students who referred to themselves as "Noether's Boys." These included Hans Fitting, Werner Weber, Chiungtze C. Tsen, and Jacob Levitzki, who all became noted mathematicians in their own rights.  She worked with many mathematical greats including David Hilbert, Hermann Weyl, Emanuel Lasker, and Albert Einstein, contributing to their work, and was highly respected even in her own era when women were often discouraged from academia.
She is remembered today in many different ways outside of the theories that bare her name. She has a moon crater and an asteroid named after her. Likewise in her hometown of Erlangen a street and a school bare her name. There is the Emmy Noether Institute for Mathematics (part of Bar-Ilan University, founded by the university, the Minerva Foundation, and the German government), Emmy Noether Visiting Fellowships (at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics), Emmy Noether Programme operated by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics is given by The European Physical Society, and the annual Noether Lecture held by the Association for Women in Mathematics.
(Just a note because of her ethnicity, nationality, and the time of her death. She was not killed by the Nazis.  She fled the country for the US after Jews were thrown out of and barred from German universities in 1933, before Kristallnacht. She died of complications from surgery for uterine tumors, unrelated to Nazis).
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(Image description: Noether and many of her colleagues and students near where she taught at Göttingen in 1933. From left to right: Ernst Witt, Paul Bernays, Helene Weyl [writer and translator], Hermann Weyl, Fritz Joachim Weyl, Emil Artin, Emmy Noether, Ernst Knauf, [Unknown], Chiungtze C. Tsen, Erna Bannow [mathematician])
Probable Orientation: Aroace
She was extremely popular in her field and a central figure among them and was not particularly private. Indeed she was notably friendly, social, and open. Still she is not documented to have ever had a sexual or romantic relationship or even interest. She never married, she generally lived alone, and she never had children. She expressed no regrets about it and no interest in romance or sex.
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(Image description: March 12, 1918, a letter to Felix Klein, professor of mathematics in Göttingen on the topic of her research into math and reactions. The Edelstein Collection, The National Library [caption from Hadar Ben-Yehuda] my addition: it is written in cursive on unlined yellowing paper using dark ink.)
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history-of-fashion · 8 years ago
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1834 Friedrich von Amerling - Amalie Klein
(Österreichische Galerie Belvedere)
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mokipa-event-medical · 5 years ago
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Gestern waren der Oberelf und ich erst im Amalie Sieveking Haus, um mit den Bewohnern einen besonderen Gottesdienst zu feiern wie sie ihn noch nicht erlebt haben. Bei vielen kamen Erinnerung an die Kindheit wo sie den Nikolaus erlebt haben. Im Anschluss fuhren wir zum Lunchclub nach Ahlen um auch dort, viele Menschen, vor allem Kindern eine große Freude zu bereiten. In der Turnhalle der Barbaraschule feierten sie ihre alljährliche Weihnachtsfeier und umso überraschter waren sie als ich mit meinem Oberelf herein kam um ihnen ein paar schöne Sachen zu überbringen. Nach einem kleinen Smalltalk mit jedem Kind und den Fragen nach den Wünschen, würden die gefüllten Tüten überreicht. Unser letzter Einsatz führte uns dann zum ambulanten Pflegedienst der Caritas in Bockum Hövel. Während die fleißigen Mitarbeiter feierten, bereicherten wir die Weihnachtsfeier, indem wir nach einem kleinen Gedicht und einem Spruch über jeden kleine Wichtelgeschenke an jeden überreichten. Zum Schluss wollte sich jeder 1-ich glaube 7 mal mit uns fotografieren lassen. Man wollte uns eigentlich nicht mehr gehen lassen... Erschöpft aber glücklich vielen der Oberelf und ich dann ins Bett. #wirliebenunserenjob #weihnachten #santaclaus (hier: Hamm, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Uo2UVqeeb/?igshid=1d86xprpp2exo
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catainindia · 7 years ago
Het voelt alweer en tijd geleden dat ik voor het eerst de sloppenwijk Pulianthope binnenliep. Wat voelde ik mij vervelend en ongewenst! Naast de verhalen over gevaar en ontvoeringen in de wijk waar mijn tolk Muthu mij iets daarvoor over vertelde, vond ik het niet alleen spannend voor mijzelf, maar wilde ik ook graag dat de mensen niet dachten dat ik even aapjes kwam kijken. Gelukkig had ik Muthu aan mijn zijde en zij stapte zelfverzekerd in haar mooie sari voor mij uit. Nieuwsgierig keken de dames en heren vanuit hun kleine hutjes wat dit lange mokkel in hun buurt kwam doen. En waarom had ze zo’n gek hoedje op? De kindjes maakten het voor mij gelukkig makkelijk: deze gekke eend wilden zij wel eens van dichtbij bekijken en voor ik het wist was ik gevangen in een kudde kiddo’s. Ze zagen er ontdeugend uit en de dikkere huid die ze door het leven in de sloppenwijk hadden gekregen was aan alle kanten te zien. Toch keken die ondeugende oogjes lief mijn kant op en kreeg ik om de beurt een deftig handje. 
Het duurde gelukkig niet lang of ik was goed bevriend meet veel dames in de wijk. En niet alleen met Amali en Sangheeta, maar ook het jongetje Amal met zijn grote kuif en het lieve meisje van mijn leeftijd, Hema (ja, echt!), die mij elke keer als haar beste vriendin kwam begroeten. 
Eén keer voelde ik mij ongemakkelijk, maar niet in de zin van bang, maar meer in de zin van als in een Mean Girls film. Drie meiden van in de twintig sisten naar Muthu wat ik hier kwam doen. En of zij mij dan ook wat vragen mochten stellen en ze lachten een beetje gemeen. Maar ik snap het wel natuurlijk. Ik kon elke middag na het rondsnuffelen en interviewen weer genieten van mijn kopje koffie en schoon bed. En het leven in de sloppenwijk is geen grapje kan ik je vertellen. Niet alleen slapen de families vaak met minstens vier mensen in een klein huisje van zo’n 8 vierkante meter, maar velen moeten rondkomen van een klein inkomentje onder de armoedegrens (1,25 euro per dag), en helpt de overheid niet mee (lees: werkt ze zelf tegen) als het gaat om voorzieningen faciliteren of het leven in ieder geval wat dragelijker te maken. Mister Modi, die president waar ik het al eerder over had met z’n gekke plannen en praatjes, had een paar maanden geleden bedacht dat het een goed idee zou zijn om de belasting op ongeveer alles te verhogen naar 28%! Dat is voor heel veel (arme) mensen echt verschrikkelijk en daardoor is het harde leven alleen maar zwaarder geworden. “They are killing Dalit people”, zei een van de respondenten verdrietig.
Dat de Indiaase sloppenwijkbewoners het zwaar hebben dat wisten we denk ik allemaal al, en dat de vrouwen het vaak nog iets zwaarder hebben kunnen we ons allemaal ook voorstellen en daar had ik mij ook echt op voorbereid. Maar wat ik vooral heb geleerd is dat ondanks de vreselijk zware, patriarchische samenleving waarin deze vrouwen leven, dat de vrouwen eigenlijk stiekem gewoon alle touwtjes in handen hebben en het hele systeem in de sloppenwijk draaiende houden. Het zijn powervrouwen met een grote mond en stoere blik in de ogen. Nee, mijn zorgen van de eerste keer in de sloppenwijk heb ik niet meer. Het is niet eng en bijna alle mensen zijn lief en behulpzaam. Ik heb in twee en halve week zo’n 70 vrouwen gesproken. Naarmate de weken vorderden werd er steeds vaker enthousiast naar mij gezwaaid en werd ik begroet, alsof ik als nieuwe buurvrouw al helemaal was toegelaten tot de gemeenschap. Zij wisten mijn naam en ik die van hun. Op mijn laatste dag vond ik het heel jammer dat ik niet iedereen gedag kon zeggen. Ik heb de dagen daarvoor zo heerlijk met ze zitten kletsen (met behulp van de tolk) en koekjes gegeten en thee gedronken. Ze vroegen mij over mijn haar, en ik over hun mooie vlechten. Ze vroegen mij over de fietsen en de sneeuw, en ik knuffelde met hun babies. Ze aaiden mij over mijn hoofd en knepen vriendschappelijk in mijn schouders terwijl ik in kleermakerszit in hun kleine huisjes zat. De sloppenwijk met de geitjes, de kindjes, de hectiek en de powervrouwen ga ik missen, maar ik zal ze nooit meer vergeten. 
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osobypostacieludzie · 7 years ago
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Emmy Noether ( Amalie Emmy Noether ) - niemiecka matematyczka i fizyczka, znana głównie dzięki osiągnięciom w teorii pierścieni i rozwinięciu nowej gałęzi matematyki – algebry abstrakcyjnej. Bywa opisywana jako „najważniejsza kobieta w historii matematyki”. Albert Einstein pisał o niej: „Panna Noether stale służy mi radą przy opracowywaniu moich projektów i (...) to w istocie dzięki niej stałem się osobą kompetentną w tej dziedzinie”. Emmy Noether urodziła się w 1882 w Erlangen w tradycyjnej rodzinie żydowskiej. Jej ojciec, Max Noether, był znanym profesorem matematyki. Ponieważ w owym czasie większość ścieżek kariery akademickiej była dla kobiet zamknięta, studiowała oficjalnie pedagogikę. Na wykłady z matematyki mogła uczęszczać jedynie jako wolny słuchacz. Jej talent matematyczny został jednak dostrzeżony przez wykładowców, którzy znali i przyjaźnili się z jej ojcem. Dzięki temu ostatecznie została dopuszczona do egzaminów. W 1907 roku doktoryzowała się na Uniwersytecie w Erlangen. Ze względu na płeć, nie mogła występować w roli profesora. Mogła jedynie podjąć pracę jako pomoc wykładowcy nie otrzymując wynagrodzenia. W roku 1915 skorzystała z zaproszenia od Feliksa Kleina by dołączyć do wydziału matematyki Uniwersytetu w Getyndze, gdzie działali ówcześni najwybitniejsi matematycy niemieccy. Wykładała jako asystentka Dawida Hilberta. Zarówno Hilbert, jak i Klein bezskutecznie zabiegali w Ministerstwie Edukacji o przyznanie jej tytułu profesora wraz z wynagrodzeniem argumentując, że w przeciwnym razie Getynga straci wybitnego matematyka. W 1918 r. udowodniła fundamentalne twierdzenie, tzw. twierdzenie Noether, które wiąże symetrie (niezmienniczości) praw fizyki z zasadami zachowania pewnych wielkości fizycznych. W latach 1922–1933 była profesorem Uniwersytetu w Getyndze, skąd została usunięta przez nazistów z powodu żydowskiego pochodzenia. Uczyła studentów nielegalnie, potajemnie przyjmując ich we własnym mieszkaniu. Później wykładała na Bryn Mawr College oraz Institute for Advanced Study w Princeton. W algebrze od jej nazwiska pochodzi nazwa pojęcia pierścienia noetherowskiego oraz nazwa twierdzenia Laskera–Noether. Po jej niespodziewanej śmierci (zmarła w trakcie rekonwalescencji po operacji usunięcia nowotworu) Einstein napisał do „New York Timesa”: „Panna Noerher była najwybitniejszym kreatywnym geniuszem matematycznym, jaki pojawił się od czasu udostępnienia kobietom wyższej edukacji.”
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queenshelby · 3 years ago
My Friend’s Father (Part Five)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Age Gap, Mild Sexual References
Words: 1,848
I have decided to make this into a series.
Alright, no judgment. This was a dream of mine and I felt like I had to write it down. Everyone in this Fic is over the age of 18 and this Fic is in no way based on Cillian’s real family life. It’s pure filth.
Two weeks had passed since you visited your friend Denise in Dublin and it was time for the annual Galway Arts Festival.
Denise had been working on a photography project for the past year and had been nominated for a student award in Galway as part of which ten of her photographs were being displayed during the Arts Festival.
Whilst, as you had expected, Cillian didn’t contact you, you knew that he would be there to support his daughter. Being an artist himself, he was very proud of her and her work and he supported her projects not only mentally but also financially with the caveat that she would finish her degree at Trinity College.
Unlike him, he didn’t want her to drop out of university even though she hated it and you certainly understood his reasoning.
Contrary to Denise, you had no creative bone in your body. You enjoyed art and theatre, but weren’t an artist or performer yourself. Instead, you were an A Grade Law Student who had become rather bored in Galway and had recently applied for a scholarship to Oxford University.
Reading was your passion and you had always been known as a geek. In school, you were the girl that no one liked, nerdy, not interested in fashion or social media and wearing braces, which, luckily, had been removed three years ago.
You were shy and it was only for Denise that you came out of your shell. She was popular in school, mostly due to her name, but also because she was generally confident and, over the years, she helped you gain confidence especially after you had left high school.
But, today, you knew you would be questioning your gained confidence once again since, first of all, you would be seeing Cillian again and the truth was that you couldn’t stop thinking about him in an intimate way and, secondly, you were featured completely naked on some of Denise’s photographs.
Whilst the photographs were artistic and not sexual in any way and your most intimate part wasn’t visible on them, it bothered you knowing that people you disliked would see you so vulnerable and you couldn’t remember why you had agreed to being photographed like that.
The other woman who Denise chose to photograph was Amalie. She was 23 and had been Denise’s friend for a while as well but, unlike you, she began modelling professionally when she was just 16. You all went to the same private school together and, clearly, her lifestyle had been largely financed by her parents. She always wore expensive clothes and had no interest in pursuing a career other than modelling, which barely sustained her lifestyle considering the few small jobs she got.
Just as you served your last cup of coffee to an elderly lady sitting in the corner of the café you were working at, you saw Denise, Amalie and two other friends of Denise walk in.
‘Hey guys, take a seat. I will be right with you. I am just about to finish my shift’ you said as you hung up your apron.
‘Please tell me you will get changed before the Gallery opening tonight?’ Amalie asked somewhat weirdly and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes as you sat down at the table with her, Denise and the others before ordering some coffees for yourselves.
‘No, I thought I would go like this’ you said sarcastically, looking down at your coffee-stained clothes.
‘I bought a dress for tonight’ you then said, after Amalie didn’t seem to sense your sarcasm.
‘Right’ she then said as she flicked through Instagram and you simply looked at Denise who shrug her shoulders.
‘What are you looking for?’ you asked curiously as her eyes seemed to be glued to her phone.
‘She is looking to find more photos of my dad and Laura Jennings’ Denise said, rolling her eyes.
‘Laura Jennings, as in the actress?’ you asked, causing Amalie to nod.
‘Yes, apparently they have been dating’ Amalie then confirmed, causing you to swallow harshly. You knew that you shouldn’t care but you couldn’t help it. Knowing that Cillian was seeing someone made you feel ill.  
‘And you care about that why?’ you then asked Amalie after an uncomfortable shiver ran down your spine.
‘Apparently, just like you, Amalie thinks my dad is a DILF’ Denise huffed out before telling you how disgusting you all were.
‘Well, he is though…he is super hot’ Amalie then joked before carrying on. ‘And I don’t understand how you don’t know about Laura Jennings and whether this is true or not. You need to find out’ Amalie then said but Denise simply shook her head.
‘My father doesn’t share this sort of stuff with me and I certainly don’t want to know about his sex life, thank you very much. In so far as I am concerned, he doesn’t have sex, ever…yuck! Also, I would appreciate if you could not talk about my dad anymore, please. It grosses me out’ Denise said and you knew that, all of this had become a common occurrence ever since the day the first episode of Peaky Blinders aired on BBC, a show which Denise refuses to watch herself because of the heavy sexual content and a show which you, only a week ago, had begun to binge watch.
Cillian’s POV
When Cillian walked into the basement after you had left, he immediately saw the small folded up note you had left him but, reading it, made him somewhat uncomfortable.
He was torn about what to do with it and certainly knew that he should ignore it. He couldn’t see you again even if he wanted to.
The fact that you were 23 years younger than him and that you were his daughter’s best friend made it all wrong and highly inappropriate and he didn’t know what had gotten into him in the first place when he gave into you.
He had never felt attracted towards you in any sort of way until that last visit which was the first time had seen you since you and your family had moved away.
You changed in many ways and he wasn’t sure what it was that he liked about you. But what he knew was that it was more than just sexual attraction, which was usually something he knew how to supress.
With that in mind, he placed your note into his wallet and decided to ignore it for now. But he couldn’t quite bring himself to throw it out.
With his bags packed it was time for him to return to Manchester and resume filming of the final season of Peaky Blinders.
The first week of filming went well and Cillian decided to spend the weekend with his friend, fellow actress Laura Jennings. Cillian and her had developed a friend with benefits sort of relationship. No strings attached and no feelings involved. After his divorce from Denise’s mother, he wasn’t ready for anything else and Laura would certainly not have been the type of woman he would have wanted a relationship with in the first place.
Unlike him, she wasn’t press shy and, whilst they kept their arrangement a secret as best as they could, she was otherwise quite active on social media.
Cillian, on the other hand, only maintained a private Instagram account with the sole purpose of being able to check on his children. Whilst they were adults, he was still worried about them, especially Denise who had recently gotten herself in a lot of trouble after distancing herself from this Jeremy boy.
‘Another wine?’ Laura asked as Cillian was relaxing on top of the doonas, wearing nothing but his black Calvin Klein briefs, after they had spent the last hour doing exactly what friends with benefits would do after not having seen each other for over two weeks due to busy filming schedules.
‘Yes please…thanks’ he responded as he reached for his phone after a notification had popped up.
It was his daughter Denise who had posted on Instagram and, since she hadn’t posted for a while, he decided to check it out, hoping that she wasn’t with Jeremy again.
To his surprise, three new pictures of Denise and her friends showed up when he opened the APP and, one of them, there was you.
In the picture, you were wearing accompanied by a man in his late twenties, wearing a suit while you were wearing a dark blue dress and he couldn’t help but wonder who the man by your side was.
You looked simply stunning, with your hair long and open and your shoulders exposed. You were wearing only a little bit of make up and showed your beautiful smile.  
‘There you go Mr Murphy’ Laura then said as she returned to the bedroom with another glass of wine, pulling Cillian’s phone out of his hand and climbing on top of him.
‘Round Two?’ she then asked eagerly as she reached for another condom, but Cillian’s thoughts were elsewhere entirely.
‘Maybe tomorrow, I am tired. It has been a long week, sorry’ he explained, causing Laura to pout with disappointment.
But the second round never eventuated as Cillian left Laura’s house the following morning to drive back to Manchester to resume filming.
On his way back to Manchester, he called his daughter Denise to check on her and while he did, he enquired about your companion on the Instagram posts.
‘Why do you want to know?’ Denise asked somewhat confused but Cillian played it cool.
‘He looks familiar, that’s all. Didn’t he go to your school?’ he then asked, playing dumb.
‘Oh god no, he is 29. His name is Connor and he is an accountant. Y/N wouldn’t date anyone our age. You know she isn’t a normal 21-year-old’ Denise joked, referring to your nerdiness and intellect.
‘Apparently not’ Cillian chuckled before asking another question about the stranger on the picture. ‘So, they are dating?’ he asked.
‘I think they went on two or three dates or something. Why do you care?’ Denise asked.
‘No reason. I was just wondering’ Cillian confirmed before changing the topic.
   Tag List:
@lilymurphy03@deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall@elenavampire21 @hanster1998@mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-your-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang@0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney@missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @chocolatehalo @vhscillian @ysmmsy @littlewierdalien @crazymar15  @stickyknightflowerbailiff @im-constantly-fangirling @goldensunflowe-r  @tellingyouastory  @captivatedbycillianmurphy​  @namelesslosers​  @littlewhiterose​  @ttzamara​  @ttzamara @cilleveryone  ​
@severewobblerlightdragon​  @ysmmsy​  
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House of Wittelsbach & of Hohenzollern: Princess Elisabeth Ludovika of Bavaria
Elisabeth was the oldest child of King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria and his second wife Princess Caroline of Baden that survived into adulthood. Elisabeth’s identical twin sister is Queen Amalie Auguste of Saxony. Among her full siblings are also the younger twin sisters Queen Maria Anna of Saxony and Archduchess Sophie of Austria as well as Ludovika, The Duchess in Bavaria. She is also the younger half-sister of Auguste, The Duchess of Leuchtenberg, and Empress Caroline Augusta of Austria. Among her family members, she was known as Elise.
Elisabeth’s parents were rather liberal and very involved in the education of their children for parents of their time and rank. Her father approved an extensive education of his daughters. Because of this he hired the former archaelogist Friedrich Thiersch to educate them in history, literature and geographie. Elisabeth adored her teacher and stayed in contact with him until his death in 1860.
At the age of 22, Elisabeth married the future King Frederick William IV of Prussia. She refused to convert to Protestantism until she had educated herself enough about it and had been convinced it was the right way. Because of that she only converted in 1830, seven years after the marriage. She supported her husband’s artistic endeavours of which he was very fond of. Their marriage is described as happy and Elisabeth cared for him during his long-lasting illness. But unlike her sisters, Elisabeth never bore a single child.
When Frederick died in 1860, she decided to retire at Sanssouci, Schloss Charlottenburg Castle and Stolzenfels. In the time after her husband’s death, she became close to Victoria, Princess Royal, the wife of nephew and future German Empress. Initially Elisabeth was not fond of Victoria, just like everyone else at Prussian court, but when the young woman helped her through her grief this changed. Elisabeth remained thankful for this act of kindness even after her death as she decided to leave her jewels to her. By that she broke tradition, since usually the jewels of a former queen would be passed along to the current one which was Princess Augusta of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Victoria’s mother-in-law. While Augusta never forgave her sister-in-law for this, her husband Wilhelm I held Elisabeth in high regard as a true friend.
During her widowhood, Elisabeth would dedicate her life to charitable causes and the rememberance of her husband’s legacy. Elisabeth Ludovika died on December 14th, 1873, while visiting her twin sister Queen Amalie of Saxony. She was buried next to her husband in Potsdam seven days later.
// Daniela Ziegler in Sophie - Sissis kleine Schwester (2001)
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