#Also this is why my mom and other siblings don’t like watching movies with me:)
buthearmeouttho · 3 months
watching captain America: winter soldier with my dad we shouldn’t be allowed to watch movies🥰🥰
(Us, during the fight where Steve finds out Bucky is evil: yeah HYDRA won’t attack you with a pocket knife Steve, don’t worry about it (as Bucky does that))
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ilsanslut · 1 year
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♰ featuring: sae itoshi + rin itoshi (mentioned) [blue lock]
♰ note: this one is a DOOSY and i'm not even kidding when i say it took me 9 hours and 45 minutes to complete this, over the course of two days of course. However, as my first time ever writing on tumblr, i decided to go all out! that being said, it would mean a lot to me if you would support this work by reading, liking, and reblogging!
sypnosis: why be with his lukewarm little brother when you could be with him instead? wc: 6.6k content/trigger warning(s): 18+. fem/fem-bodied reader. POST BLUE LOCK. sibling rivalry. implied thick/chubby!reader. sae is mean. jealous!sae. bully!sae. rin is 19. sae is 21. CHEATING. degradation. unprotected sex. fingering. squirting. rough sex. DUBIOUS CONTENT. spanking. dacryphilia. slut shaming. groping. implied size kink. minor angst. hair pulling. ONE face slap. pussy slapping.꒷꒦ view the second part here: part two.
Coming home for the holidays, birthdays, or other special occasions is somewhat of a family tradition that enables people to slow down and focus on spending quality time with loved ones. These kinds of celebrations give families that may otherwise be estranged from one another due to work or geography the chance to reunite and enjoy each other's company. And this reasoning was no different in the Itoshi household. What was the occasion for this month’s gathering? Well, it was Mama Itoshi’s birthday, of course!
You see, you have known Rin and Sae Itoshi since you were all very young. Your mothers were best friends, and by default, that meant that you three would become close as well.
Growing up with the Itoshi brothers, on the other hand, was . . . interesting, to say the least. Where Rin found your presence to be refreshing, Sae found you to be a nuisance. You didn’t care for football; you got in the way of his practice; and you were a girl. He always thought you were too weak to play with, and he didn’t hesitate to make his feelings known to you. Pulling your hair until you screamed, pushing you around when you weren’t even in his way, and calling you mean names until your little E/C eyes welded up with fat tears were just some of the things he would do to torment you. Had it not been for little Rinnie stepping in and protecting you from his brother’s outright bullying, Sae most likely would’ve continued until you cried to your mom about how mean Sae-chan was to you. But you would never do that. Your little crush on him would never allow you to get him into trouble.
Nii-chan! Don’t be too mean to Y/N. You’ll make her inner crybaby come out!
When Sae was especially cruel to you, Rin was always there to lift your spirits. He would tell you not to worry about his "meanie Nii-chan," take your hand and wipe your tears and snotty face, and lead you up to his room where you two could watch movies and play action figures away from his brother's taunts. Even if he could not take you away right away, for instance, if you three were at the park, he would always come and ride the swings or the big slides with you just to make you happy. Despite Sae’s every protest about how you were nothing more than a distraction to him, Rin, and football, you knew that your friendship was sincere and unbreakable.
As you three went through the ups and downs of childhood, you also weathered the storms of adolescence together. Sae left for Madrid, leaving you, Rin, and your previous feelings for his older brother behind to navigate the social awkwardness of junior high and share in each other's accomplishments while he was with his football team and you were at your respective clubs. Your friendship was a source of strength during those formative years, providing solace and understanding when the world seemed confusing.
As you two approached your high school years, something began to change. Accidental touches felt more like fleeting sparks, while innocent glances became lingering stares. Neither of you fully comprehended your newfound feelings, tiptoeing around the unsaid emotions that seemed to glimmer between the two of you until the day Rin asked you to be his just before entering Blue Lock. Now, for the past three years, you have been a happy couple, embarking on the dreaded hell of adulthood and the next chapter of your lives hand-in-hand.
Back in the present, the two of you were glad that Rin finally had some downtime from soccer—well . . . more so you than him. Even after the events of Blue Lock, he and Sae remained rivals, seizing any opportunity they could to humiliate each other on the field. That being said, Rin was almost always in the gym, meditating, doing yoga, or practicing his skills to pass the time. It was nice to be able to spend time together without the stress of his next upcoming game or press conference.
Because it was his mother's birthday weekend and all, she would, of course, invite her boys to come to stay with her and their father for the occasion, which included you too since you were Rin’s girlfriend. However, in the few days that you and Rin have already been at his childhood home, Sae had yet to arrive, and no one had heard from him since he texted his mother that he was on his way to the airport to depart. Regardless, the family was busy finalizing plans for their mother's big day. Mr. Itoshi was at the bakery finalizing the details for his wife's cake, Mrs. Itoshi was out for brunch with your mother, and Rin had gone for an afternoon jog because "staying cooped up all day will turn him into a lukewarm lard ass," in his words. As for you? You had just begun to rise, completing some housework in one of Rin’s old jerseys and washing the dishes on which you and Rin had just eaten a delicious breakfast.
After completing your tasks, you made your way back up the lavish stairs of their home with every intention of going back into Rin’s childhood room that you two were sharing for the weekend when you froze. Your gaze traveled to the opposite end of the hallway, to the closed door whose presence loomed in the distance—Sae’s room.
Memories from your childhood flashed back to you, of you watching him and Rin play all too violent and scary zombie video games, rewatching his matches, and, most begrudgingly, the numerous times he nudged your head with his foot and tousled your perfectly styled hair just to get a rise out of you.
Cringing internally at the past memories, you took a further step in the direction of Rin's room before hesitating once more.
It wouldn’t hurt to take a little peek inside Sae’s room, would it?
Despite your better judgment, you shuffled over the closed door and paused with your slender digits loosely encircling the handle. Your stomach churned and your heart thumped in your chest as your inner voice warned you not to enter another person's private space without their consent. But hold on—why were you getting anxious? Who was going to catch you when no one was at home? Turning the knob gently, the heavy oak door would give way with the tiniest of creaks, revealing a rather uninteresting-looking room. But given that Sae had rarely if ever, been home since junior high, it only made sense for it to be so plain. Aside from the plethora of trophies, medals, certificates, and framed photos that lined his dresser, what made it even more amusing was that those were only the leftovers from what could not fit in his trophy case beside his wooden dresser, which housed some of his youth team jerseys and junior trinkets.
You crept further into the cold room, wrapping your arms around yourself, and shuffled over to the plethora of awards from Sae's tireless efforts. As much as you weren’t fond of him, you had to admit that it was beyond admirable that a child was able to accomplish so much in so little time. He possessed a natural talent that professionals would kill for and others were envious of. Even though you were never interested in the sport, you envied him for being so naturally gifted at something he was passionate about.
“Some ‘monster genius’, huh?” You scoffed to yourself as your gaze fell on the last photo of Sae and Rin playing on the same team together before their relationship fell apart. Oh, how you miss those good old days of your youth.
“The fuck are you doing in here?”
Coming from behind you, an all too familiar voice startled you out of your reverie. Turning around, your wide eyes came to rest on Sae's form, which was motionless in the doorway, his stoic visage forever unamused, and his overnight shoulder bag resting by his feet.
When did he come in?
More notably, he’s . . . changed from the last time you’ve seen him since the U-20 vs. Blue Lock game three years ago. He was a bit taller, probably around 6’2” now. Because he was wearing a long-sleeved white compression shirt and gray sweatpants, you were able to see that his muscles were more defined than before, with every ridge and curve pronounced more vividly. His maroon locks had grown a bit longer, with his fringes now reaching slightly beyond his chiseled, clenched jaw, though his bangs remained forever lopsided and flipped back. And his turquoise eyes—had they gotten even sharper since the last time you'd seen them? The way they were glowering down at you, it was almost as though they were piercing right through your very soul.
“You deaf or something, you half-brained moron?”
Your eyes rolled exasperatedly into the back of your head as he rudely interrupted your thoughts. Only ten seconds after you reconnected, here he was spewing insults your way.
“Nice to see you too, Sae.” You grumbled sarcastically, internally dreading what this weekend would hold in store for the both of you.
In response, he hummed, remaining motionless in the doorway as his teal eyes bore into you with something unknown. The truth is, while you were distracted by his physical appearance, he was ogling you in the same manner. You had grown since the last time he’d seen you when you were back in high school. Your once innocent eyes now had a glint in them that could only be described as nubile; your once round cheeks had slimmed a bit to fit your maturing features; and your body . . . Damn, have you really grown over the years. You had developed a more feminine frame, with fuller thighs, widened hips, larger breasts, and a more prominent ass. You had developed into a truly breathtaking young woman, despite how much he hated to admit it.
“Almost thought you weren’t going to show at all.” You sighed, lazily checking your nails. “What are you doing here anyway?”
“I live here.” His voice was deadpan and monotone, yet it held an underlying hint of irritation. “All these years have passed since grade school, and you’re still as braindead as when you were a child.”
“And you’re just as much of an asshole as you used to be.”
You resisted the urge to sneer, not wanting to give him the satisfaction that he was getting under your skin, as you dropped your arms to your sides. When you made this motion, his brows would furrow, and he would cast a scrutinizing glare at your choice of clothing.
Talking to him was futile, and you did not want to be in this room any longer than necessary now that he was there. “Good to have you home, genius.” You spat sarcastically, attempting to push past him to exit the room, when all of a sudden his large hand would seize your bicep, halting your steps.
Your head snapped to him, your gaze a mixture of frustration and confusion as your lips parted to shout a rebuttal his way; however, upon seeing the blazing fire that had ignited in his eyes, you hesitated. His eyes narrowed to thin slits, like two fiery coals burning fiercely within his sockets. The intensity of his gaze was enough to send shivers down your spine, making you acutely aware of the gravity of his sudden wrath. His jaw clenched tightly, showing the strain of controlling his rage, and his brows furrowed, forming a menacing V-shape above his oculars.
“What the fuck are you wearing?” He seethed through clenched teeth, his voice deep and full of poorly contained malice.
You blinked. Your jaw dropped as you gawked at him, beyond perplexed. He had caught you so off guard that even you had to check what you were wearing to make sure you were not wearing anything objectionable. Nothing worth offending—fuzzy black pajama shorts that hugged your plush thighs, plain slippers, Rin's worn-out football jersey.
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, you coy little slut.”
That silenced you effectively. Your eyes enlarged—almost lamblike—and your pretty lips drew in a subtle gasp. Any previous spark that had been ignited within you had quickly diminished, choosing silence over tossing more gasoline onto Sae’s roaring flames.
It appeared as though his entire being was directing his wrath into his single, piercing gaze as every muscle in his face tightened with each passing second. His lips, which are typically flat or curved into an unamused frown, were now deep-set, corners tugging into an awful scowl.
“Why are you wearing that lukewarm loser’s jersey?” When you should be wearing mine?
Now it was your turn to be infuriated as he insulted your boyfriend—his brother—the same person he had thrown out like garbage all those years earlier. Your heart was pounding so loudly in your chest that you could hear your blood pumping in your ears.
“So I’m not allowed to wear my own boyfriend’s jersey now, fuckface?” His gaze faltered. “You going to call me names for that too, Sae? Pull my hair? Spit in my face? Huh?”
“*What did you just say?”
“I said are you going to—”
“No, you cow-titted bimbo. The first thing you said.” He leaned in closer to your face, his eyes owlish and unblinking since you opened your mouth. You could smell his minty breath from the gum he had been chewing wafting into your face, “Say it again.”
“I’m not allowed to wear my boyfriend’s jersey?” You repeated, confusion etching your tone.
“That.” He snarled, his voice elated in a sick way, as though he had just found out the answer to some legendary riddle.
The hand that had been gripping your bicep now violently jerked you to the side, shoving you into his door. Before you had time to react, he crowded your personal space as his forearm pressed against the wood above your head, allowing you to smell the faint scent of his expensive cologne. “When did that happen?”
The initial fire that fueled his rage now transformed into a different kind of heat, a simmering and bitter envy that gnawed at his insides. He found himself grappling with conflicting emotions - on the one hand, he was somewhat happy that his blockhead of a brother managed to get a girlfriend, but on the other hand, it was you. The same girl that he had been pining over since you were first introduced to him all those years ago. The same girl that he thought was prettiest when she pouted at him with fat tears in her eyes and pleaded with him to be nicer to her. The same girl that consumed his thoughts 24/7. The same girl that he jerked his cock to at night after seeing how her fat tits in that all too small jersey bounced every time she cheered for his brother at that stupid game against Blue Lock. The same girl that, on all of those lonely nights overseas, he wished that, instead of fucking his fist, he was pummeling himself deep in your sopping wet cunt. The same girl that he was about to ruin before his brother got home from his whereabouts.
“Before Blue Lock . . .” Your voice was hushed, barely above a whisper, as though you were afraid of awakening a savage beast.
Three years. Three fucking years, and no one told him?! Not his mother, not his father, not Rin, not your stupid little social media (that he may or may not have been stalking) where you posted pictures of cats, candid photos of your friends, or whatever the fuck you got at your local coffee shop that day—not even you.
His once-obvious fury and visceral expression subsided, simmering beneath the surface in a contained inferno that burned with a ferocity few could fathom. Despite the turmoil raging inside him, he remained eerily calm, his stoic facade masking the storm within.
His demeanor exuded a cold, steely resolve that sent shivers down your spine and, quite frankly, took your breath away. There was an ominous sense of stillness in his presence, as if the air itself dared not disturb the calmness he projected.
“. . . Do you love him?” He spoke in hushed tones, each word enunciated with precision and purpose. There was no need for loud outbursts; the intensity of his calmness alone was enough to make you cower beneath him.
You were dumbfounded by his question, powerless to respond, and yet the longer you remained silent, the more you could see the cracks in his facade begin to scorch through his surface.
“D-Don’t be stupid, Sae. Of course I do, he’s my—”
You would never be able to finish your statement quick enough before his hands were on you, meaty palms digging into your hair, blunt nails scratching against your scalp as he grabbed a visceral hold onto your roots. The searing pain and astonishment coursing through your frame had you shrieking—in what? You didn’t know. Fear? Agony? Guilt?
Using his grip on you as a lead, he would tug you forcefully out of your slippers and down the hall to somewhere unknown. He ignored your screams as the weight atop your head forced your sight to the ground, your manicured nails digging into his wrist and clawing in an attempt to be freed.
“S-Sae, I-I’m sorry! Please, let me go! You’re hurting me!”
He said nothing, his heavy and deliberate footsteps speaking for him before he paused a short distance later. He threw you forward carelessly with surprising strength, causing you to land painfully on the wooden floors in front of you, barely having time to brace yourself with your palms. You had no time to catch your breath, though, as he shuffled over to you with fast-paced footsteps. Looking up fretfully, you would see Sae towering over you, taking notice that you were now on the floor of Rin’s room just before his bed.
“Sae! Sae! Don’t be stupid; I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He openly mocked you, his lip curled into the faintest of sneers as he glowered down at you in hatred. Although even you could see that there was a bit of hurt behind his cruel teal eyes, “All you do is flap those pretty fuckin’ lips of yours, never knowin’ when to shut your stupid little trap.”
He relished in the way your bottom lip trembled and your eyes grew glassy, the same way they used to all those years ago.
“Still a little crybaby too, I see. Don’t worry, baby, you’ll be sorry soon enough for leading me on all this time.” He grumbled, lunging for you again.
He snagged at your roots again, drawing a sob from your lips as he mercilessly dragged you to your feet. Releasing his grip on your hair, he instead chose to grab your jaw harshly in his palm, using his thumb and forefinger to squish your cheeks and pucker your lips so that he may smash his lips against your own. It was messy, sloppy, and full of passion and rage on Sae’s end. He smeared your gloss, claimed your brims, and forced his tongue into your pretty, pliant mouth, all with the intention of claiming you and your maw for his own—but you would never let him.
You belong to Rin! You were loyal to him! So then, why do Sae’s lips feel so damn good against your own right now? This was wrong. So, so wrong, and yet, why did you want more of him?
Your mind was cloudy. Your head was spinning. You couldn’t breathe. He was suffocating you. Your dainty fists beat at his beefy chest and shoulders, trying to get him to get off of you, but to no avail. Instead, he seized both of your wrists in the grasp of his other hand and squeezed painfully in a warning, forcing you to whine against his lips—a delightful sound that went straight to his hardening bulge that he shamelessly pressed against you, grinding sinfully against your hips.
When he finally pulled away from you, you clearly appeared dazed. Your eyes were half-lidded and glassy, yet you were silently pleading for him to give you more. Your plump lips had swollen from his being pressed so forcefully against your own, and a singular strand of saliva still connected your lips to his own—one which he would sinfully lick away with a salacious swipe of his tongue.
The hand he used to grab your face gently shook your head back and forth, his sadistic turquoise hues savoring your already fucked-out expression. “There’s the greedy bitch I know and love. Finally decided to show yourself, huh? What? You want more, hm? What about your little boyfriend, princess?”
“R-Rin . . . I love, Ri—” You were cut off when Sae’s expression flared, his hand releasing your face for naught but seconds before connecting with your cheek in a hard slap. You squealed from the impact, your head whipping to the side in shock, but you could not help but feel strangely aroused by the contact. He grabbed your cheeks in his palm once more and tightened his hold on your face, bringing you closer to him until you were nose to nose.
“Don’t lie to me, you little minx.” He snarled as he cut his eyes at you. “You don’t think I’ve noticed the way you’ve been looking at me after all these years, like you wanted me? Or that I haven’t overheard your stupid little conversations about how dreamy you think I am to your friends, huh? Or how about now, when you swear up and down that you love my loser little brother, when here you are already going stupid on me when I’ve barely even touched you?”
You clenched your eyes shut as hot, guilty tears rushed behind your lids. He’s right. You've wanted him—always have—but it was too late now. You were with Rin, and he was the love of your life. You could not possibly change that, could you?
“Just say it, Y/N.” He chided, his voice softer than it was before, yet it still held it’s cold, irritated undertone. “Say you want me, and I’ll make you feel better than that lukewarm little shit ever has.” He released your face and smoothed his thick digits over the top of your head, stopping only when he could rest his fingers beneath your chin and tilt your head to look up at him. Your gaze focused on him once more.
“ . . . I want you, Sae. B-But Rin . . . ”
Sae hushed you again, pressing his lips against yours. How badly he wanted that name to never again be uttered by your lovely tongue. When Sae pulled away again, there was the faintest hint of a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“We’ll be quick, okay?” A lie. He was going to take his time fucking his brother’s name out of your memory. “He’ll never suspect a thing.”
Your apprehension was palpable, but ultimately you would succumb to sin and let desire and greed rule over logic and reason. You nodded, giving him the nonverbal go-ahead to stomp on the accelerator and never let up.
“Good girl.” He praised you, both hands abandoning your face to now grip at the collar of your shirt. In one swift motion, he ripped Rin’s jersey clean off of you from down the middle. “About time we got that shit off of you. The sight of it was makin’ me sick.” He spat as he tossed the tattered fabric over his shoulder.
You were not wearing a bra, so the violent motion had your breasts bouncing free after being momentarily released from their confines, allowing them to slap softly against the flesh of your rib cage—much to Sae’s viewing pleasure. You grew sheepish as he seemed to freeze, staring so brazenly at your bare breasts that you began to feel a bit self-conscious. Was something wrong? Did he not like them? Was he expecting more? Less?
In reality, the answer was none of the above. The midfielder swore under his breath as he shoved you back onto Rin's cozy comforter. He hastily climbed on top of you and used his body weight to pin you against the bed as his lustful hands began to grope and knead at your supple flesh, eliciting precious mewls with each delightful squeeze. His lips would latch onto one of your breasts as he dipped his head downward; the thumb and forefinger of his free hand would play with the other, teasing your nipples. His sharp teeth bit greedily over the delicate areola as his tongue flicked and laved over the hardening buds. The stimulation only served to heighten your arousal, as evidenced by the way you wailed his name like a sweet song meant only for his ears and how your thighs squeezed together from your excitement drooling from your folds.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Sae, who was busy alternating between pleasuring both of your breasts and growling under his breath, “Lewd fuckin’ body. S’all mine . . .” When he pulled away, there were visible marks left in his wake—light red splotches and indentations of hungry teeth imprinted on your skin.
He reached for the hem of his compression shirt and lifted it above his head, tossing it off to the side as he sat above you, staring lustfully down at you. He would manhandle you further after sliding off of your body. He pulled your shorts down in one motion, grabbed your thick thighs by the backs of your knees, and pushed them up towards your breasts. When he did, he couldn’t help but whistle, admiring how your puffy folds clung together and your inner thighs remained sticky from your translucent arousal.
“Has he ever made you wet like this?” Sae inquired, leering at you from between your thighs like a hungry lion with it’s eyes set predatorily on a helpless gazelle, to which your gaze would quickly avert. You and Rin had such a strong emotional bond that you never felt the need for frequent sex between you two. There were a few times, though, when Rin would fuck you after a winning game in a way that made you see stars, but those were always very far apart.
Your silence was all Sae needed for his answer. He crept back up onto you, chuckling sardonically as he held your thigh up with one hand, using his body to keep your other spread apart. He wanted to see all of your pretty expressions up close and personal when he ravished you. Swiping two of his fingers between your folds, the sudden motion caused your hips to jerk into his touch and you to keen with need.
Slowly, he inserted a single digit inside of you, hissing at how your walls selfishly gripped his fingers and eagerly tried to devour more of him. “Loosen up, will you, greedy slut?” He slapped your thigh with his other hand as your back arched with pleasure. “This tight pussy will never be able to take my cock at this rate.”
You tried to loosen up, you really did, but there was something so delicious—so tantilizing—about his thick, calloused fingers caressing your velvety walls that made you crave more of him. He continued to thrust his single digit inside of you, his teal oculars peering into your own with such intensity that it forced you to look away.
“Stop that.” His hand that grabbed the back of your knee slithered along your outer thigh until he could grasp your chin and force you to look back at him. “Eyes on me.” He ordered, to which you would nod dumbly amidst your pleasured mewls.
You felt the delightful stretch of another of his thick fingers pressing into your sopping cunt, thrusting in tandem with his previous one, as he leaned closer to you and his lips just barely touched your own.
“S-Sae, mmph, more, please, please, touch me more.” You begged, bringing a sinful smirk to the midfielder’s lips.
Unexpectedly, he would comply with your requests, pressing the pad of his thumb against your throbbing clit and rubbing quick, pleasurable cricles with his fingers as he arduously sought out that sweet, sweet spot inside of you. You could not help but start sobbing his name, his thick fingers filling you to the brim even though he had yet to stuff his cock into you. Each time he curled upward inside of you, his impeccable skill had you gasping for reprieve.
It was nothing like Rin’s. His fingers were slightly thinner than his brother’s, but they were a tad longer too, able to reach the deepest spots within you without even trying. Sae's immense precision and experience, which allowed him to know exactly where your sweetest spots lay within you, made up for his lack of length.
“ . . . Are you seriously thinking about him right now?”
You were startled out of your reverie by his curious tone and thinly veiled anger. You tried to focus on his hardened features through your daze, but you couldn’t. The knot in your tummy tightened, and you felt an enormous wave of pleasure wash over you. Something big was coming, and you could feel it reverberating all throughout your core.
“He could never make you feel this good, could he? Never get this pretty cunt this wet for him, hm?” All throughout his monologue, you could hear the sinful squelching of your juices soaking his palm, dripping down his wrist, and splattering onto the floor. You were a mess beneath him. He would abuse that rough patch just along your upper walls until your toes clung to the sheets in ecstasy.
“M’sorry, m’sorry!” You mewled, breath coming out in short, high-pitched pants as you writhed under him, his pace increasing as he felt your walls fluttering around his fingers.
“Who’s making a mess of you right now? Huh? Speak up, princess; let me hear you say it.”
“—You, Sae! You, you, you! Hah, please, I-I can’t . . . ! I-I’m gonna—”
“Do it. Cum on my fuckin’ fingers. Make a mess for me, pretty.”
You did just that. Your body went rigid for naught but a second before your back was arched into him, and your head tossed itself back into the pillows as a chorus of unabashed wails of your release erupted from your pretty, drooling lips. Your release was immense—loud—as a gushing of juices from your pussy thoroughly drenched the sheets, Sae’s sweatpants, his abs, and his entire forearm.
You squirted. For him. For the first time ever.
It was uncharacteristic how an almost feral grin twisted on Sae’s lips, his fingers removing from your sopping cunt to place a few well-directed slaps on your far too sensitive and overstimulated pussy.
“Atta’ fuckin’ girl. Can’t believe my baby brother was keeping such a sweet little succubus all to himself—selfish bastard.”
You couldn’t even hear him; your chest was rising and falling heavily as tears of pleasure ran down your cheeks (and thighs).
“Hey, hey. You still with me?” His tone was soft, his typically impassive visage now meeting your own with furrowed eyebrows and a tinge of concern behind his bright hues.
You nodded—it was all you could muster at this moment, but it was good enough for Sae. He brought his soaking hand to your parted lips, lightly tapping the digits on your plump flesh in a silent command for you to clean him off. He chuckled. Your lithe tongue and eager brims slurped, licked, and sucked your mess off of his thick fingers that were now shoved down your throat without you even needing to be told what to do.
“You wanna do that again for me? On my cock this time, pretty?”
You were exhausted, your body already aching beneath him, but you still craved more from him. Another meek nod was given, your dazed eyes meeting his only to utter around his fingers, words garbled from his fingers on your tongue, “Wantha’ squirth’ awound ya cahwk.”
That was all Sae needed to hear as he stepped off of the bed, making quick work to discard his soaked sweatpants and boxers into the growing pile of clothes at the base of the bed. His large hands grabbed your soft hips, tugging you toward him with ease as he flipped you onto your hands and knees. He let out a growl, his hand raising to smack your plump ass once, then twice, on both of your cheeks before taking big, greedy handfuls of your flesh into his ravenous palms. This was undoubtedly already his favorite thing about you.
Standing by the edge of the bed, Sae placed your body horizontally across the mattress with your head facing the door. With a forceful push of your face down into the sheets, your view of the room instantly became obscured. You craned your neck back, peering at Sae from over the arch of your back as he grabbed one of your fat cheeks in one hand and used his other to line his cock up with your entrance. He slapped his heavy cock against your folds, his blossoming mushroom tip connecting with your throbbing clit making you both keen with ecstasy.
He couldn’t wait any more. He needed to be inside of you. He entered your drooling cunt with a single, calculated push, and your fluttering walls were already trying to devour more of him in response to the intrusion. Sae groaned as his hips met the flesh of your ass once he was buried to the hilt inside of you. His head lulled back as he dug his blunt nails into your flesh.
For the past three years, this—this right here is exactly what he had been craving, yearning over, and lusting for—and now he had it. He nearly came from the feeling inside of you alone, though; he’d be damned if he let the fun stop there.
A steady pace was quickly established by the midfielder's hips, and his long, deliberate strokes were deep enough to feel in your tummy and cause your toes to curl up in pleasure. Having had such a powerful orgasm not even minutes earlier, you were still fairly sensitive; however, that only made things all the more enjoyable.
“O-Oh my god, y-your cock, it’s t-too much, I-I can’t—”
“Don’t tell me you can’t, you cock-loving slut.” He snapped at you, cutting your pleas short with a sharp thrust of his hips. The rhythmic plapping of your ass against his pelvis resonated off the walls of the bedroom, lewdly ringing in your own ears. “This is everything I—we’ve—been wanting for years. Don’t tell me that now, all of a sudden—” He paused, groaning deeply through gritted teeth as you clenched around him. “—That this pretty pussy can’t take anymore when you’re gripping me so desperately.”
“B-But Sae, i-it feels too good! Like I’m . . . I’m gonna make a mess again!” You whined.
He thought it was adorable that even in the most deplorable and deprived of acts, you still attempted to hold some semblance of modesty. Oh, how you were both far past that.
If anything, that just fueled his aggression. He used your words as justification to pummel your poor pussy harder and faster, putting both of his hands on your hips and lower back and pressing his weight against you to force you into an almost painful arch as his pelvis slammed into your ass. Your vision went blurry from his unforgiving pace, and your throat went raw from your cries and screams of pleasure.
“Who’s making you feel this good, huh?” He grunted in between thrusts, a hand raising to land a furious smack on your ass that caused you to mewl and your tiny fists to grip the sheets.
“Y-You, Sae! You are! Ngh, plea—”
“And who’s cock do you like better, huh, princess? Me or that lukewarm fuckface’s?”
You hesitated, but only for a millisecond, as you felt the blunt head of his cock caressing your sweet spot, pummeling into you over and over as your thighs began to shake, growing unable to hold yourself up from the stimulation. His thrusts faltered as his cock twitched inside of you. You figured he was close too.
“Yours, y-yours! Your cock feels so good, I-I’m gonna cum again! I’m ngh gonna cum all over your f-fuck-ing cock!”
He let out an almost animalistic groan, something between a chuckle and a feral snarl, “Yeah, princess? You really mean it?” He moved one of his hands to your hair, threading his fingers through it without yet pulling, almost as if he were waiting for your response.
Your response was almost instantaneous, and the adorable chorus of incoherent babbles and cries of "yes, yes, yes" left your head spinning. You had the sensation that you might pass out completely.
Your head was abruptly yanked out of the pillows, and your gaze was once again forced upward. Your eyes, albeit blurry and glassy, caught sight of the all-too-familiar figure standing in the doorway. Sweat dribbling from his forehead while dressed in a white windbreaker and sweatpants to protect himself from the elements during his jog, stood the one person who filled you with dread.
He was back.
As your eyes locked onto the all-too-memorable teal ones boring into your own, your moans ceased. The logic and reason that you had previously dismissed for giving into your desires came flooding back. Guilt, which had been gnawing at the pit of your stomach, reared it’s ugly head once more.
He caught you.
With his brother.
The realization of your actions, the feeling of knowing that you hurt someone you cared deeply about and promised your life to, left you reeling. The enormity of the situation left you speechless and unable to respond.
As the shock slowly gave way to the depths of your despair, tears welled up in your eyes, this time of anguish. Your ability to control your emotions ran out, and you began to sob, letting the tears run down your cheeks. Each tear that ran free was weighed down by guilt and regret.
All the while, Sae never stopped thrusting behind you. Almost as if he remained unfazed by his brother’s—your boyfriend’s—sudden appearance.
“—Save it.”
His initial shock, disbelief, and hurt gradually gave way to something else. He was angry, searing with anger as malice began to rise within him, a blaze of fury that threatened to consume him. Though he wasn’t looking at you, he was looking at . . . Sae?
“You told me you would wait until I got back, Nii-chan.”
The air left your lungs.
. . . What?
Using the grip from your hair, Sae pulled you back into him, pressing your body flush against his own as he craned your neck back into an awkward angle, forcing your gaze to meet his own. A dark and unsettling satisfaction crept into his expression, the corner of his lips tugging into a smirk. His eyes sparkled with a perverse delight, reveling in the twisted pleasure he derived from your adorably bewildered and anguished expression.
Your breath hitched.
Your mind raced for answers.
Sae’s gaze lazily tore from your own and to Rin's, who still remained in the doorway, the forward’s eyes sinfully burning into the way your breasts bounced sinfully from each of Sae’s now slow, agonizing thrusts.
"You know, little brother, it is not too late to join in on the fun."
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ⓒ vampiie 2023 — all rights reserved. please do not repost my work outside of tumblr, modify, or translate my work in any form/means. please do not share my work to tiktok or any other site.
if this gets enough attention, i may make a part two!
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zeroreasonstocare · 23 days
“Choso, do you have other siblings?” You ask one day while doing your laundry. Yuji wanted to stay at your apartment instead of his next door, so Choso stopped by after work.
“Yeah, have I not told you?”
“No, but it’s honestly not that surprising.”
“You just have ‘eldest brother’ vibes. Anyways, I was asking because Yuji has an ‘All About Me’ assignment he needs to fill out.”
“Oh. Those have always been complicated for him. I’ll fill it out.” He frowns as he thinks and you just smile at the sight.
“I helped where I could, but you probably know him better than me.”
Choso watches you casually fold laundry as Yuji eats snacks on the table and his assignment sits nearby.
Q.1: “What does your home look like?”
Easy enough, Yuji lives with Choso. You had filled it out.
Q.2: “Who are your parents/guardians?”
Touchy subject, but again, Choso is his guardian.
Q.3: “What is your favorite color?”
“Hey, Yuji, what’s your favorite color today?” Choso asks.
“Ummm, red!”
Alright, another question answered.
Q.4: “Do you have any pets?”
Apartments don’t allow pets without an extra fee, so no.
You watch Choso continue to fill out the assignment and peer over his shoulder.
“You’ve got nice handwriting.”
“Really? I think it’s pretty bad, I was kind of illiterate for a while, but learned more to help my brothers.”
Q.7: “Who else is in your family?”
Choso lists two brothers, as well as their uncle and Uraume. Yuji looks and doesn’t see your name, so he points at you. You don’t get it and just tilt your head, same with Choso.
“Why are you pointing?”
“To the list.” Yuji points at you again.
“Yuji, it’s family-”
“Yeah, I know, I learned how to read last year, add.”
You feel your heart warm at the thought of Yuji wanting you to be a part of his family and you smile.
“Yuji, you know I’m not related to you…”
“Okay, but the teacher said pets count as family, and friends, and people we care about.”
Your heart warms more and Choso watches your expression, his own little smile forming.
“I take it you want Megumi added to the list?” He grins to the child.
Choso writes your name onto the paper, carefully placing each letter as if the pencil wouldn’t be able to erase. He then adds Megumi’s name to the paper and answers the last of the questions, meant for guardians.
Afterwards, you cook dinner for the three of you and Yuji plays in the living room.
“So, who are Kechizu and Eso?” You ask, curious about the idea of his siblings.
“They’re my brothers. Yuji’s the youngest, obviously, but they’re both in college right now. They live pretty far, but Eso said he plans to visit soon.”
“So I’ll meet some more family?”
“Maybe.” He grins. “He might be like our uncle and ask if we’re dating. Apparently I don’t have friends.”
You laugh and make Yuji’s plate. “That’s alright. My parents would have a hay day if they heard about you.”
“Good or bad?”
“No clue. I know my mom would instantly assume dating which would send my dad into a lecture.” You roll your eyes and sit Yuji at the table.
“My mom had a few of her own lectures.”
“Oh, your mom was the lecturer? That sounds worse.” You laugh, and Choso does as well.
Dinner goes by as casually as always and you three watch a movie, Yuji already asleep on your lap before reaching halfway through the movie. You also fall asleep near the end, so Choso wraps his arm around your shoulder. You’re starting to love this little family, Choso is too.
Taglist (ask to join anytime): @samaraxmorgan @cherriee-ee @auor4 @chaotic-ish @meowsannie
@mediokerrv @flooftoof
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neo404 · 5 months
Can you write about either nick with his bfs younger sibling or the other way around and it’s super fluffy, and they just look at each other like aghhh! Idk if that makes sense
Sisters’ best friend.
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Summary: in which Nick has a little crush on you and you have a little crush on him but both of you are unaware of it.
Note: Nick is mentioned to be taller.
“Why did you buy all of this?” I ask my sister while looking at the chocolates, drinks and chips on the kitchen counter. “Are you having friends over?”
“Yeah, I’m having a sleepover with some friend. I told mom to tell you.” She talks while texting someone on her phone.
“Oh, cool. She didn’t told me anything, who’s coming anyway?” I look at her, I don’t raise my head, just my eyes. She looks up from her phone.
“The people that always comes, you can have all the snacks you want, just don’t bother us a lot.” I pout and nod.
“Understood.” I grab a small pack of gummies and go to my room. It has been a while, it’s night already, I hear people talking and laughing on the living room, my sister has a lot of ‘girlfriends’, of course she also has a lot of guy friends but they don’t come to the sleepovers… except for one, Nick. Nicolas is fun, I like him, he is very kind to me and I really like his style. I hear his laugh, it’s loud and it makes my cheeks grow red, I’m so dumb but I can’t help it, he’s just so handsome and has pretty eyes, he also brings snacks for me sometimes so I kinda like him. The fact that I know he is gay doesn’t help, because I think I might have a tiny chance with him.
I sit on my bed scrolling on my phone and panic texting my friends that Nick is here and that I might die if I see him. So, I wait for the noise to come down, I hear them go into my sisters’ room at around 12:40, I go out to see if they left any snacks and to grab some water. As I walk past my sisters’ room, I can hear the muffled music and their gossiping, I roll my eyes and keep walking to the kitchen, it was dark and a bit cold. I turn on the lights and go to the fridge, I smile when I see my favorite chocolate right in front of me, I take it out and turn around smiling at myself.
“I see you found my gift.” Nick is standing in the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest, his hair a bit messy and with his pajamas on. I gulp and my cheeks blush a bit.
“I didn’t knew you bought it, thank you.”
“It’s nothing.” He says and walks over to me. “So, how have you been?” he leans on the counter and watches as I fill my bottle with water.
“I’m fine, hm, how about you?”
“I have been good, thanks for asking. Why weren’t you with us while watching the movie?” I turn around and put my filled bottle water on the counter right besides the chocolate.
“Well, I, I don’t know. I didn’t feel like it.” He hums, and I look away from him. Suddenly I feel small, his taller body making me feel tiny, his crossed arms showing off his big arms and broad shoulders. I try not to stare too much, key word = TRY.
“Interesting, you used to love watching movies with us. You love horror movies, don’t you?” I nod. “Well, at least you love curling up to me.” he grins and my eyes widen a bit.
“No, I-“ he talks over me.
“It’s okay, I like it.”
“Oh… cool. I don’t know what to say.” Nick unfolds his arms and walks slowly to me; I start taking tiny steps backwards until my lower back hits the counter. “Nick.”
“What are you doing?” he leans down a bit, one of his hands besides my body to cage me in, his other hand on my cheek.
“Nothing, just looking at you.” The tip of his nose lightly touches mine. “I really like your shirt, is it the one I gave you and your birthday?” he laughs a bit and I feel my cheeks burn.
“Nick, what if someone comes looking for you?” my chest feels heavy, my heart is beating fast.
“Let them.” he leans in, his soft lips touch mine for a few seconds. “I’m sorry, was that all right?”
My brain exploded, I can’t imagine how red I am right now, I nod quickly and put both of my hands on his chest. “Yes. I- Can you… please, kiss me again.’’ I see him grin, he kisses me again, this time it was longer, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and play with his hair, the hand that was previously on the counter goes to my waist. His lips move slowly and gracefully, it would be a lie if I said I know how to kiss, I am trying my best. I lean back a bit, looking up at his eyes.
“I wanted to tell you something.” He whispers. “I-“
“NICK!! COME HERE, CARLIE IS GOING TO CALL JAMES!!” Nick rolls his eyes when we hear the loud voice of my sister come down the hall.
“I’m sorry, I have to go. But, how about we go out tomorrow? Just the two of us.’’
“Like, a date?” it’s the first time I see him blush. He looks so handsome with his cheeks turning pink.
“Yeah, like a date. Sorry I have to go, I’ll text you” He gives me a quick kiss and fast walks to my sisters room, when I hear the door close, I let out a high-pitched scream and cover my face. God, what the fuck just happened? I think I’m dreaming.
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Taglist: @freshloveforthefit @shywolfapricotfan @sturnphilia @matty-bear @thenickgirl @stvrniolvsp @paige05 @soursturniolo @miloisdone1 @teenagetrash00 @lovely-calypso @h3arts4harry @malirosee
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kunimix · 5 months
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CW; Written chapter, timestamps don’t matter unless said otherwise, Accidental confession (?), Profanity’s
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You were setting everything up for your sleepover grabbing pillows, blankets, snacks etc. Once you finished setting up you decided to wait but that didn’t last long because right as you sat down there was a knock at the door more of a bang than a knock though.
You went downstairs opened the door and Hu Tao’s fist hit you in the face so she was the one banging on the door
“Hu Tao I hate you” You said rubbing your nose
“I’m sorry!!” She said hugging you trying to apologize
“Gay” Syd said walking into the house past you two sitting down on your couch
“Also where’s your mom?”
“Your not going to hit on my mom again Syd”
“Hey you said it not me”
You just ignored the comment and let Lumine and Hu Tao in.
“So can we watch all of the halloween movies or what?” Hu Tao asked taking her shoes off and putting them into the rack.
“Hell yeah!” You and Lumine said in unison.
Your mom came downstairs and saw you four.
“Oh hello girls. Also [Name] can you guys go upstairs I have a client today and tell your siblings to stay in their rooms too” she said walking into the little storage closet.
“Oh yeah okay” you nodded to her
You ran straight to the stairs and ran up them. They all followed you running right behind you while Syd was climbing them like a dog.
“Get up you furry!” You yelled at her
“Shut up bitch!” She snapped back
Once you guys got to your room Hu Tao almost jumped into the pile of snacks. Syd was already on your bed like it was hers and Lumine was looking inside her bag for something.
“I’m bored” Hu Tao said groaning
“Congratulations?” You said shrugging
“Let’s call people”
“But why?”
“Because I made this game that whoever is calling can’t hear and the rest have to tell them what to say but the person doesn’t get to choose who to call we have to spin a wheel”
“Great idea let’s do it. It could get me some tea” Lumine said
You were the first one up and you had to call your crush aka Scaramouche. Once you called him he answered almost immediately.
“Hi” You were reading off Hu Tao’s notes app
“Did you need something?”
“No but I have something to tell you”
“What is it”
You muted the call and looked at the three.
“Bro if you make me say what I think your going to say stop”
“[Name]? Are you there?”
You unmuted and the looked back at Hu Tao’s notes app
“What did you have to tell me?”
“I” you shook your head at them
“I… have a crush on you”
He was silent for a while like dead silent
“Yeah I’m here. I’m gonna facetime you okay?”
He pressed the FaceTime button and once you accepted it he saw the other three.
“Was this a prank?” He asked he sounded a little disappointed.
“Yep!” Hu Tao said looking happy
You hung up the call and yelled at them.
“You fucking idiots what if he actually believed that he would’ve thought I was weird!”
They laughed because they thought you getting embarrassed was funny.
“I can’t believe you almost made me confessed you shitheads”
“Uh I’m still here?” His voice chimed through your phone speaker
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prev ep I masterlist I next ep
Summary; Scaramouche is "forced" to tutor you the "dumbass" of the class
A/n; we’re moving pretty fast and yes i know it’s late and yes I know this is a little cliche but Idgaf
Taglist; @featuredtofu @chemiru @veekoko @kamiboo @mercy-not-merci @sl-vega
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homestuckreplay · 4 months
Prankster's Gambit: Alien Edition
Well, there was no Homestuck update yesterday, but I did watch Mac and Me, so that was basically a double hit of bad things. This movie sucks ass. If you are looking for a bad movie to watch with friends and make fun of, I would recommend it, but there is literally no other reason to watch this movie. 
Unless you are John Egbert, I guess - and I would LOVE to hear what he likes about this movie. My guess is that 1) he really wants to meet a friendly alien, and 2) he respects that this specific alien has the prankster’s gambit. Similar to Ghostbusters, where John loves the ghost who just eats food and hangs out with humans, John can totally imagine himself in Eric’s shoes - hanging out with Mac and befriending him even when other people are scared of him. 
I also wonder if John wishes he had a sibling. As a kid in the 2000s, other kids in his neighborhood probably don’t play outside. The idea of sharing his house with someone who’s more on his level, where they can mutually prank each other and share solidarity against his dad must be really appealing to him. (On p.92, we learn that ‘DAD will enjoy the prankster's gambit on that exchange, as is usually the case.’ John would love a more even stakes, equal opportunity prankster’s gambit with a sibling and/or alien).
All three of John’s movies so far have dealt really heavily with family, but this is the first that’s about siblings. John’s mom has never been mentioned, and I’d guess she hasn’t been around since John was really young, and that’s why John doesn’t have any siblings (at least not that live with him, depending on what happened to his mom). His dad either doesn’t want to remarry, is too busy clowning, or wants to focus on spending time with his son instead of going out on dates.
There’s also 3) Mac is the character John relates to. Mac is an alien kid who finds himself dropped in a suburban neighborhood and has to learn the ‘rules’ of living in it, despite being wanted by the government. I don’t think John is literally an alien or wanted by the government, but I can see how he’d relate if he feels like he’s struggling to fit into ‘normal’ life, and is scared of the consequences if he fails to do so. The movie ends with Mac and his family just becoming a very normal American family, driving a car and drinking Cokes, seemingly accepted by everyone else as part of the neighborhood. John wishes it would be so easy to fit in.
SPEAKING OF THE COKES. These aliens are constantly drinking Coke, and I know it’s product placement, but I was so worried about them the whole way through. That cannot be good for them. They must have completely different digestive systems and sustenance needs than humans do! When Mac ‘didn’t feel so good’ I was like, yeah, all you put in your body is Coke! These aliens need a doctor, or a nutritionist, or some sort of…. ectoBiologist?
Final thoughts: I think John’s dad also showed him E.T., and John’s review was ‘this isn’t as good as Mac and Me’.
MOST RECENT MOVIE: Mac and Me (1988) - Rating 2/10
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
Running errands (modern au)
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Running errands in the sully house hold was either a solo active or group active of anyone who wished to tag along with them. Running errands was always fun to do with others as well because someone, was always doing some funny. Having helpers made running errand run as there were people with you willing to help out.
Y/n " well I'm off shopping" you had announced that to the kids as Jake and neytiri were still at work, soon the sound of people making their way towards you come.
neteyam " hey mama can we come as well please" you and put on your jacket and soon slipped on your shoes, after grabbing your purse and car keys.
y/n " sure I can sue the help and company"
lo'ak " yes there are also some stuff we always want to get as well"
y/n " well come along and we can get you all what you want" the kids soon grabbed their coats or jackets and soon slipped on their shoes, they soon followed your into the garage. Lo'ak and pushed the garage door button have the garage go up, soon everyone ahd headed towards the car.
lo'ak and neteyam " shot gun" the two boys were fighting on who got to sit in the front passenger seat with you, you and your daughter stood there looking at them.
tuk " mama why are they fighting"
kiri " they are stupid"
y/n " boys enough I will decide who will ride in the passenger seat and it will be Neteyam"
neteyam " I win"
lo'ak " no fair why him and not me"
y/n " you can ride next time as your brother is learning to dive and most learn from watching other"
lo'ak " yes mama"
kiri " I will help tuk into her booster seat"
tuk " aww when can I sit in car like everyone else"
lo'ak" because you are short and need it maybe when you grow taller"
tuk " aww"
y/n " when you are older you can ride like your older sibling but until now, you are in booster sit mode"
tuk " yes mama" soon everyone had pilled into the car and once everyone was buckled in and safe, soon the family had head towards the grocery store. After some diving the family soon reached the grocery store, lo'ak had grabbed a shopping cart for the family.
y/n " what my rule when are out on public"
neteyam " rule one act on our best behavior and use our manners"
y/n " yes"
kiri " if we spilt up from you stay in groups or pairs for safety"
y/n " correct"
lo'ak " if you are going to fight like a sully go down like a sully" you soon looked at lo'ak confused about his word, you never told them this.
y/n " who taught you that"
kids " dad"
y/n " that sounds correct"
tuk " stay near you when we are with you"
y/n " yes so do you all want to stay our head off"
Neteyam " well I, lo'ak, and kiri have some stuff we want to get for out movie night event with spider and our friends"
y/n " okay take a small basket and place the stuff in here come find me if you wish"
lo'ak " okay bye mama we will be good"
y/n " I know but neteyam in changer still"
kiri and lo'ak " aww"
y/n "tuk do you want to go with them"
tuk " no they know the snacks I love and promised to get them for me right"
lo'ak " yes tuk we remember we wont let you down"
y/n " okay tuk you are with me do you want to be cart or walk"
tuk " I'm a big girl now I want to walk"
Y/n “ well behave all of you and o will see you all later” the three older kids soon took off together you soon looked at your daughter. 
Y/n “ ready to go baby”
Tuk “ ready mama” you soon walked off with Tuk as she was holding onto your shopping list. 
Tuk “ we need vegetables mom and you said any kind” 
Y/n “ well youngest to choose one baby girl” Tuk soon smiled and soon grabbed corn and placed them into the cart, that when you picked green beans. 
Tuk “ mama why don’t you get broccoli anymore” 
Y/n “ maybe o will get a small bag of it we don’t eat it that much at home that much” 
Tuk “ okay mama” 
Y/n “ now com on let’s get some other stuff as well and for being my good helper, you get to chose any desserts you want” Tuk face had light up with happiness as she ran towards the cookies, she and grabbed some chocolate chip cookies some of them already made and the dough in plastic bin. 
Tuk “ here mama I want this for desserts this week please” 
Y/n “ sure baby but then in the cart and mind the eggs” 
Tuk “ mama why do we get a big counter of eggs” 
Y/n “ because honey there seven of us in the house we will need all the food we can get” 
Y/n “ it less the chance of you brothers and dad fight over snacks” 
Tuk “ they are funny” 
Y/n “ well honey we are stuck with them for the rest of our lives” Tuk soon started giggle more you soon smile at you soon moving along, and collecting the rest of the stuff you need from the list. Getting the stuff jake and neytiri wanted from the store. 
Tuk “ why do you get couple label stuff mama” 
Y/n “ well I think it cute and I’m a couple with you mom and dad” 
???? “ mama” you soon looked and see kiri coming walking towards you with an smile on her face. 
Y/n “ hey sweetie what do have there” 
Kiri “ we got the snacks that were needed"
y/n " I can see that but you are minus two brother" soon lo'ak and neteyam had turned the corner and soon made their way towards, you and the girls once they saw you.
y/n " nevermind I got my question answered"
lo'ak " hey mom we got some frozen pizza can we have them tonight with our friends"
y/n ' sure you can"
neteyam " yeah and tuk don't worry we got you cheese pizza as well"
tuk " yeah my favorite" once everything was checked off the shopping list, you soon head towards the check out with the kdis who were helpful as well. Running errands with the kids was fun as they made the whole shopping experience fun and helped it go by quickly. The family soon reached home and the kids had helped you unload the grocery from the car, and helped you put them away as well.
Jake " we are home"
y/n " hey loves"
neytiri " oh did you go grocery shopping with the kids today"
y/n " yes we went on errand run it was fun and the kids are having a moving night with their friends, so they need some stuff from the store and they were very helpful as well"
Jake " that good so that means we have the whole night with you and not interruption"
y/n " maybe we can have stay at home night date watch some movies and cuddle on the couch, under some blankets and enjoy each other company"
neytiri " that sounds perfect we haven't have a dat night for a while this will make up for it" you had laugh at neytiri and Jake being happy about having a date night with you, even due it was still at home they were going to take it. while the kids were having their Friday move night with their friends and cousin, Jake and neytiri were enjoying their date night with you enjoying and you were enjoying having some time with them as well.
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coleszzzworld · 1 year
My yandere college! Yandere jock head canons!
A/n-(yoooo , these are just some random head canons for my yandere jock series ! I just wanted to push something out , and it’s been forever since I wrote for kai lol lowkey this is some character backstory for Kai , happy reading enjoy!❤️)
TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️- suggestive content , daddy issues, mentions of murder? (Kind of) just some crazy stuff lol and yandere behavior. Do not read if easily triggered!
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•I already said this in the first chapter butttttt kai is definitely a golden retriever boyfriend, he’s just so damn stupid, and he has a bright personality. But when someone fucks with you in anyway … let’s just say he gets scary 😭 , and I don’t mean that in a cringe way , that man will kill for you . And make sure you’ll never find out 🧍🏽‍♀️he could go to 0 to 100 real quick !!!
•Kai loves being around you , no matter what . Oh your going back to your dorm ? Or home (that’s if u don’t live on campus) it doesn’t matter he’ll be behind you , and he’ll lowkey invite himself to stay the night at your place , like this man literally lives at your dorm/house , like I’m not joking his toothbrush, clothes, blankets etc . Is at your place even if you have a roommate or you live with your family , surprisingly your roommate/family love him! And says he’s welcome anytime! , yeah you definitely need space from him. “Y/n!! Let’s watch a movie!”
•I don’t want to be that person but I will be , he definitely has home problems , that boy ain’t got a daddy (just like me fr 🤠) when he was two years old , his dad left . And his mom always works . She’s barely home , and when she is , they don’t really talk , and when they do they always fight about the dumbest things , so basically he ain’t got no dad , and his mom is a workaholic, and he’s a insane psychopath! w for his parents fr !!!🥳 that’s part of the reason he stays with you , he’s alone most of the time , that and he likes to have you close.
•also I will be that person again🙃, when your sleep , and he’s laying on the floor next to your bed (he refused to stay in the guest room , he says your room is more comfortable.) he definitely the type to get hard from just being near you , and he has to release his aching pain some how ….👀 now he’s respectful he’ll make sure he’s quiet (even tho he doesn’t want to be.🤠) and he’s makes sure to clean up after , don’t hate but he’s definitely a whimper 😩 like he bites his lip when he’s coming to his high , his hand going up and down on his length. 😵‍💫 he just thinks about how you would feel on his length and how he would just claim you as his , all he can think about is how tight you would be … “f-fuck , y-y/n I’ll be g-good , just be mines , p-please”
•now let me tell you this , he’s definitely not a virgin, his body count is two , everyone on campus thinks he’s a play boy but naw 😭he has a low body count and he’s loyal to one person and that person is only you. That and all of his team mates and friends are play boys so that’s were the expectations come from fr lol .
•now , he does have siblings(he has 3 other siblings), but he has never met them (well kinda of) ,the first thing he knows about his dad was when he was starting college and football he was meeting everyone and he met a cheerleader , she kinda of looked like his dad , I mean the pictures of his dad he had she looked like him , and she had the same last name as his dad (Kai has his moms last name) curiously he wanted too know more , so he went digging and fount her instagram, he saw photos of her family and sure enough he saw his dad … he definitely stayed away from her when he fount out his dad , left and had a new family, a family with another woman , and new children, a child that HE goes to school with , someone HE shares the flied with basically, he lost it , bro was definitely feeling all types of Emotions , actually as matter fact , when he first fell for you , yk at the football game , the reason why his head was out of the game and the team was losing , was because his dad was their , not for him , hell his dad probably didn’t even recognize that Kai was playing, his dad was their for his daughter. The cheerleader. Kai was feeling anger, sadness, he wanted to go up on those bleachers and beat the hell out of his dad…all that was running through Kai Head was “how dare he leave me , and have a new family. How fucking dare he come here . And act like I don’t exist. How dare he.” But when break time happened and he bumped into you near the concessions stand that’s when he met you .Suddenly he felt wanted, he knew he had to have you.
•now let’s talk about Kai’s mom , like I said she’s a workaholic, she wasn’t married to Kai’s dad when he split , and she works as a nurse, she picks up shifts and works all day / night ,she really didn’t talk about Kai’s dad , while he was growing up , and refused to talk about him , when Kai wanted to get in contact with his dad . She’s a nice lady tho , when she was at home , Kai dragged you to his house to meet her , and surprisingly you and her bonded , then she left for work . Kai looked disappointed but he’s used to it 🙃
•Kai just needs love and attention, bro is , Touch starved too😭 he just needs some love fr , so no matter where y’all are , he will always be holding you hand or holding your waist , or just lean against you , bro just down bad fr 😭
•he’s your best friend, as you put it , but I’m telling you now , that man is trying to be more then friends, like he’s literally insane over you . And even if you don’t like him like that , that’s okay , you’ll never get rid of him!
•this man drives , so your a passenger princess , so when you guys go out , he likes to blast music and put his hand on your thigh , and he says it’s not werid, but you’re like “🤔” he definitely has no chill , like I said he loves holding you . So his hands go to your thighs when he drives you , too school or anywhere else
•I have a feeling that this man listens to indie and rap , I’m talking like gorillaz and Marc demarco , jid , sometimes Kodak and nardo wick when he’s feeling devious 🤭 he also listens to glass animals, anddddd tame impla and Tyler the creator😤
•let’s do say , someone fucks with you , In anyway I mean he fought Cameron Harris for you , he definitely was trying to kill him , and he would if his friends didn’t pull him off Cameron , but let’s say someone disrespect your name or spreads Nasty rumors about you , that man is ready to split whoever skull open for you , like I said he’s bat shit crazy, he literally thinks of you as a god . He thinks your his savior damn near 😵‍💫 like he can’t have no one talking down on your name 🗣️
•overall If I had to rate him on how dangerous he is I would say 8.9/10 like he’s insane and basically he has nothing to lose , he’ll go to war for you any day , if you say to , he will , he just real like that🤭💅🏽.
“Nobody will talk to you like that y/n . I’ll forever love and protect you . You’ll see I’m the one for you! And If not …I’ll make you love me .”
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yyadream · 6 months
Family Dinner
Splinter barging into the living room where Leo, Donnie, Frida, and Miwa are watching Lou Jitsu Movie.
Splinter: Kids, get ready!! We’re invited to meet April’s parents. So you guys better dress in business casual!
Splinter: Oh, I can even make my famous green bean casserole.
Splinter walked away from the room to make his dish.
Miwa: Wait you guys haven’t meet April’s parents?
Donnie: Sadly no, April was afraid they’ll freak and may forbid her from seeing us.
Miwa: oh make sense.
Leo: But you and mom were totally fine when you first meet us.
Miwa: Well, that’s because I was a weird kid being able to sense a yokai in their human disguise. Well mom just got used to it.
Leo: You’re still a weird kid, big sis.
Miwa: Shut Leon! *shoving Leo off the bean bag*
Donnie: That’s odd, April would have given us a heads up if she was going to finally talk to her parents about us?
Leo: I bet you this has to do with Mikey wanting to give Draxum a second chance.
Donnie and Miwa: *looks at each other* You’re on!
Miwa: *clapped hands* Alright ladies, let get ready or else dad gets mad. Leo can you be a dear and open a portal to my room.
Miwa looked at Frida.
Miwa: Hey Frida, do you have anything nice to wear? If not you can borrow some of my clothes.
Frida: I’m not going if this is to redeem Draxum.
Leo: Is it because of Mona?
Frida: Yes, he’s the reason for her mutation and her family abandoning her. So he doesn’t deserve a second chance.
Miwa: I understand, I’m not going to force you.
Donnie: The issue is Mikey, we known him longer than you guys but he won’t really understand. He’s an optimistic, he sometimes see the good in things.
Leo: So you not being there will crush him. Even if you don’t like his ideal, Mikey would rather you be there for moral support.
Leo: Another thing, I don’t want to be alone with these two nerds and dad dealing with Mikey’s “I can change them.” I need my favorite sister and triplet.
Miwa: You’re dead to me, Leon.
Donnie: I’ll remember that, Nardo.
Frida giggles
Leo: If Draxum try to act up just guilty trip him. Mona may have adjusted to her new life, but from what I heard from Leatherhead and Olivier, she still miss the life she was forced to leave behind.
Frida: Okay, I’ll go but just for moral support to our baby brother. *whisper* maybe make Draxum life miserable too.
Frida: Miwa, can borrow some clothes? I don’t have anything nice to wear.
Miwa: You got it little sis.
Splinter appearing out of blue, while Leo open a portal to Miwa room.
Splinter: Miwa, you’re heading home.
Miwa: Why?
Splinter: If orange hasn’t invited Tang Shen yet, please don’t tell your mother. I don’t want to make the dinner table awkward with divorce parents.
Miwa looking at her dad and siblings: oh yeah that’s totally the least of our worries.
Splinter: I knew you’ll understand. You guys better be dress and ready by the time my green bean casserole is ready.
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*Artist note*
Miwa is Lou Jitsu and Tang Shen illegitimate daughter. Lou and Tang eloped and after 2yrs they divorced because of Big Mama. Shen found out she was pregnant with Lou daughter after he disappeared. Tang Shen made sure Miwa kept the Hamato surname and this makes her the oldest sibling. Tang Shen is currently still alive.
Frida is Miwa and the boys long lost sister and Olivier’s assistant. In my version, the assistant we see in the serie is actually Big Mama’s adoptive daughter, Olivier’s, assistant. I also made Donnie, Leo, and Frida to be triplets.
Mona Lisa and Leatherhead also work for Olivier.
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idontplaytrack · 6 months
An Angel
College!Amber Appleton x fem!reader(platonic)
warnings: fluff, coarse language, mentions/description of depression & anxiety, mentions of losing a parent
In which, Amber Appleton calls reader an angel and causes her to get flustered
Amber was your roommate at Carnegie Mellon, she was shy, but when you needed help with anything, she’d never say no to you. She was now a good friend of yours- one of your closest friends in college. Not to mention, she was practically the perfect roommate: always cleans up after herself, helps keep the place clean even when it was supposedly your turn (your classes seem to be more hectic than hers). And she understood it. You thought it was fair to make it up to her if she took your turn doing chores- usually you’d get her a drink or dessert of some sort, on your way back to campus after visiting family.
When you left the dorm on Friday afternoon, she’d just gotten back from her last class of the day. And she did not look good- she seemed so pale, you were terrified that she’d pass out without anyone around. And despite your protests, she insisted you went home for the weekend to see your family, knowing how much it meant to you. That was Amber for you- always putting others first. You knew about her losing her father to an undiagnosed heart condition, then her mother to a car accident, maybe that was why she was so insistent of you going to see your own family every chance you got. Amber’a told you that to her, family was everything. Until it wasn’t, because she didn’t have anyone anymore. Well, she said she had her friends in high school, but now, everyone lost contact with the exception of two friends. But even then, they barely ever talked.
Anyway, you were now in your car, driving back to the campus- well, the dorm. Your Mom made you some extra soup for Amber after hearing you mention that she was ill. Also, you’d made Amber text you periodically. Because…let’s face it. You were deathly worried about that girl. She doesn’t like asking for help. She fears it, almost. And that absolutely ticks you off. Why was she like that? I mean, you knew why. But still, ugh.
Oh, and her last text?
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“Amber?” You called out.
“My gosh, why are you back early?”
“Told you I’d see for myself, didn’t I? My family sees enough of me.” You laugh, “My little siblings are asking why I’m always home. I dunno what to tell them.”
She cracked a smile.
“Did you eat?” You asked.
“What? Of course I have been eating.” She sat up.
“Good.” You nodded, “Okay, my Mom gave us extra food and soup - so you’d better eat up later.”
“Alright.” She sighs softly, a chuckle escapes her lips, “Tell your Mom I said thank you.”
“I will.” You assured, putting down the plastic bag containing the Tupperwares. “Did the fever break?”
“Came back this morning.” She mumbled.
“Are you sure this is just a cold?”
“Yes. I’m not throwing up, so it’s not the flu or a stomach bug. Nothing else hurts other than my head.” She listed.
“Okay, okay.” You laughed lightly, throwing her hands up in mock defeat, “I’m gonna take a shower real quick, you…don’t try and do anything to make yourself pass out.”
She laughs heartily, “I’m just gonna be sitting here or walking to the kitchen to refill my water bottle. Promise.”
“Okay, Amber.” You let out another laugh before disappearing into the bathroom with a fresh change of clothes and your towel.
Okay, at least she was fine when you were done with your shower- she’d dozed off while watching some random movie on her laptop. You paused the video, put her laptop on her desk then draped the blanket over her properly. Last thing you did, was to feel her forehead with the back of your hand: she was a little warm, but you figured you could probably let her sweat it out with this nap first instead of waking her up to take a dose of fever reducer. It was really quiet, so you thought she’d actually passed out. Meanwhile, you located your own laptop and resumed working on a paper you’d pressed pause on- you were fresh out of the shower, your mug filled with your favourite coffee, your headphones were on as your favourite songs played through them. It was the perfect scenario for productivity.
After a little over an hour, you decided you were done. Saving the document, you yawned, a little tired. But, you were satisfied you completed the work- though, you still needed to proofread it and make edits after this. Your gaze lands on Amber who was beginning to stir in her sleep. Removing your headphones, you hear the girl let out a groan as she moved around in her slumber. Your ears perked up in concern as you approached her sleeping figure - watching her like a hawk to decide your next move. Within seconds, though, she was awake. You ask if she was okay. “I’m uh, gonna need that fever medicine.”
“As you wish.” You shrugged, walking back to the cabinet above the bathroom sink to retrieve the bottle. You hand it to her as she took a sip of water to hydrate, making her dry throat feel better. “Your head really hurts, doesn’t it?” You questioned knowingly. She admitted it with a nod of her head as she tilted it up to aid the swallowing of the pill. “I was supposed to take another dose anyway - so, right on time. Thanks.”
“I think you’d better eat a little bit, y’know. It’s not good to take that on an empty stomach.” You took out the Tupperwares from its bag, then going to grab a bowl and set of cutlery.
“Okay.” She doesn’t protest, “You should eat some too if you haven’t. It’s been awhile since you first got back.”
“I will,” You flashed her a smile as you filled the bowl with the sopita your Mom cooked.
“Thank you.” She says while stirring the food with her spoon, she watches the pieces float around in the bowl.
“What? What for?”
“For taking care of me. For caring.” Amber purses her lips together, “It’s been pretty hard for me to make friends that even make it out of the lecture halls. Barely anyone ever reaches out to me again, and it’s just something that I’ve gotten used to, I guess. Why are you so nice to me?”
“Of course I am. You’ve been a great friend- always nice to me, happy to help. If you’re nice to me, you’ll know. However of course, if you aren’t, you’ll also know because I’ll tell you like it is.”
“You’re an angel.” She remarked, you nearly choked on your mouthful of noodles and veggies. She watched you, alarmed, then quickly patted your back.
“I’m fine.” You chuckled awkwardly.
“I mean it, though. This is really nice of you. You didn’t have to do that for me.”
“Amber, listen to me. You’re my friend and I care about you, just like you do for me.” You inevitably let a sigh escape.
“I’m just…not used to it, accepting help.” She finally admitted.
“I know, I have been going to therapy but I still have a lot of work to do.”
“All progress is progress.” You smiled.
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sacredfire44 · 8 months
I think it’s hilarious to watch people get mad about Boruto being character assassination because it IS until you consider the possibility of a poly situationship. Sakura is Sasuke’s wife, and Sasuke is Naruto’s husband, and Naruto is Hinata’s husband.
And also consider that Naruto has probably put in some actual damn work since he become Hokage.
Can’t do anything about Sasuke avoiding Konoha but I’m honestly not surprised about that, he’s a bit traumatized. Is he protective of it now? Yes! And that’s NOT WEIRD. Maybe the Konoha before was corrupt, but Naruto can LITERALLY SENSE NEGATIVE INTENTIONS(WHICH EVERYONE SEEMS TO HAVE FORGOTTEN?!)
Root has been disbanded and Naruto’s pretty clearly weeded out the corruption around him! Hell, they might never have brought UP the Hyuga branch-main family argument, but it’s clearly been dealt with considering neither Hanabi or Hinata have branch family seals, nor does Boruto or Himawari, when it’s explicitly mentioned that the heir remains in the main family while their siblings get seals.
(I wouldn’t be surprised if Naruto having kids with Hinata was what caused that issue to come up, honestly. What, do YOU want to be the Hyuga elder that explains to the Fifth and Sixth Hokage, as well as all the other Kage, and the entirety of Konoha, why their Hero’s kids should have a torture-seal placed on them?)
Like come on man, this is a village that finally DOES represent Naruto and Sasuke’s goals! It makes SENSE that he’d want to protect it now!!!
Also not surprised that Sasuke is awkward about Sakura and Sarada, my boy has No Idea how to interact outside of Naruto, and frankly if he does have feelings about her, as an autistic person who can’t handle emotions, I too run away from the people I care about when I get overwhelmed about caring for them. The people that I DON’T run from are the ones who chase after me often enough that I get used to caring about them.
Furthermore, Naruto doesn’t avoid his family! If you watched Naruto The Last, or hell, the day Naruto become Hokage, you know Naruto didn’t even BECOME Hokage until his kids are older, which he MENTIONED was a choice on his part so he could spend more time with them before they entered the Academy. The movie takes place during the Chunnin Exams, which are canonically more work to maintain, especially when it’s all five villages attending. In the series, we’ve seen Naruto come home much earlier outside of big, international events, take days off to spend with his family, and use clones for work while he stays home! Like he DOES spend time with his family, kishimoto himself said Boruto’s outbursts were more about getting used to his dad having any job at all(as he was a very powerful Shinobi who honestly didn’t have a lot of missions at his skill level) after being pretty much a stay-at-home dad. Hell, in the after-credits scene in Naruto the Last, it’s implied that Hinata was still an active Shinobi, and considering the age of the kids, I would not be surprised with Naruto staying at home with the kids up until Naruto’s ascension as hokage. And I NEED more fics if this time period, I’m DYING.
Anyway, Hinata and Naruto love each other, and Naruto and Sasuke love each other. Honestly I’m a bit iffy on Sasuke and Sakura but I kinda like the idea that she’s his beard which is why she’s never shown to mind when he’s not home lol. I CAN actually see them loving each other too, though I don’t think Sakura has a lot of skill with Uchihas that run from their feelings haha. Himawari is Naruhina’s kid, while Sarada and Boruto 100% have a mom and 2 dads. And I think with this interpretation, the whole show suddenly makes sense.
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redheadbigshoes · 10 months
Hello! so lately I've been having a hard time accepting myself which I didn't before but my mom keeps making jokes about my sexuality and making my feel bad about it and when I confront her about it she says she doesn't have to agree with my lifestyle which is understandable although she says she accepts me then goes on to say that "men shouldn't date men and women shouldn't date women, that's not how the world works" and she is also not big on me and my siblings making friends so I can't really talk to anyone else about it, do you have any tips on actually accepting myself and my sexuality because it is becoming overwhelming.
First: it shouldn’t be understandable your mom being homophobic. That’s not acceptable. It’s not a “lifestyle”, treating sexuality as if you decided to become vegetarian is so shitty. You didn’t choose to be who you are, there’s nothing to accept.
She doesn’t accept you. If she did she wouldn’t be saying those things, she wouldn’t even be thinking about those things.
Why doesn’t she like you and your siblings making friends?
I think in your case if you’re looking for friendships the best thing would be online, considering your mom doesn’t really seem to be okay with you making friends irl.
Also interact with other lesbians and with lesbian content. There’s some lesbians on Tik Tok I follow if you’re on Tik Tok and if you’d like some users to follow. Listening to lesbian songs, reading lesbian books, and watching movies and shows with lesbian rep can also help you accepting yourself.
And please don’t listen to your mom. You’re not doing anything wrong, you should pursue your own happiness regardless of what other people think.
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h0rnyv01d · 11 months
0: Height
1: Virgin?
2: Shoe size
3: Do you smoke?
4: Do you drink?
5: Do you take drugs?
6: Age you get mistaken for
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
9: Got any piercings?
10: Want any piercings?
11: Best friend?
12: Relationship status
13: Biggest turn ons
14: Biggest turn offs
15: Favorite movie
16: I’ll love you if
17: Someone you miss
18: Most traumatic experience
19: A fact about your personality
20: What I hate most about myself
21: What I love most about myself
22: What I want to be when I get older
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
25: My idea of a perfect date
26: My biggest pet peeves
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
30: What I hate the most about work/school
31: What your last text message says
32: What words upset me the most
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
34: What I find attractive in women
35: What I find attractive in men
36: Where I would like to live
37: One of my insecurities
38: My childhood career choice
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
40: Who wish I could be
41: Where I want to be right now
42: The last thing I ate
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
44: A random fact about anything
oop this is long so
1: yeah lol
2: 6
3: nope, gotta keep them lungs healthy to stay slutty
4: nopity nope, i’m so scared of saying something i’ll regret while drunk
5: again, nope 😭😭
6: recently people have been offering me kids menus at restaurants? it’s odd, idk how old they think i am but
7: no :(
8: i wanna get a star pattern on my collarbone at some point, and maybe a jellyfish on my upper arm
9: yep! regular lobe, and a cartilage piercing on my right ear
10: i wanna get a bunch of piercings, but just on my ears, i’m getting a conch piercing on my left soon
11: probs my friend sophia but you wouldn’t know her obv lol
12: it’s complicated- we’re both into each other, and weve dated in the past, but neither of us is willing to b like “let’s get back together”
13: men just casually hinting at something they’re into. it just makes my brain go WILD with possibilities
14: being mean outside of sex
15: cinderella (1950)
16: i’ll love you if you’re sweet (my standards are so low i’m sorry)
17: my friends i don’t talk to anymore
18: i’ve had two seizures, and those were probably the worst moments of my life
19: i’m clingy but i won’t admit it
20: my chin and my need for attention
21: i got that hourglass figure <3
22: i wanna be an author!!
23: i have one little sister, i love her, but she’s nuts sometimes
24: no father, and my mom is more like a big sister than a mother to me
25: any date is perfect as long as i’m with someone i love. but if i had to pick, watching fireworks together
26: people pronouncing my city name wrong, idk why
27: he’s a lil short, he’s got curly blonde hair, and he’s so sweet, he wants to be lawyer someday
28: the person i dislike most has greasy brown hair, is 5’6, and looks like he doesn’t shower
29: protecting feelings, and also i’ve lied if i thought it’d help repair friendships
30: waking up early!! i hate getting up at 6
31: “will you wake up if i send you more pictures of cats i like, or should i wait until tomorrow?”
32: ‘we need to talk’
33: i’ve gotten told i look like cinderella twice today :)) that made me feel so amazing
34: i’m more attracted to men than women, but i’ve noticed that whenever i’m into women, they tend to be really strong
35: brunettes for some reason
36: tbh i’m perfectly fine in florida
37: my laugh
38: i used to want to be a marine biologist, and while that field is still incredibly interesting to me, i think i’d rather write
39: vanilla, i’m a basic bitch <3
40: adelaide kane, shes dropdead gorgeous i’d love to be her
41: greece, because apparently there’s a ton of cats!!
42: i had a banana a few hours ago
43: chris hemsworth. on his poster for thor: ragnarok, he literally fits leonardo da vinci’s idea of perfection, so i will unapologetically be saying this
44: the blue whale is the largest animal to have ever lived
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Rating on my cousins’ Sun/moon!🤣
Here’s a little backstory, when I was little I had no siblings and I went to live at my grandparents’ house so I’d see/play with my cousins very often. Now without further ado let’s get into it!!
Taurus suns • Libra moons
My twin cousins were sooo shy!! They still are but one of them is really bolder especially at home. As kids they were the types to go along with EVERYTHING me and my other cousins suggested. Even if they might’ve not wanted to they would end up playing the games I suggested or if me and my other cousins wanted to just watch tv they’d also end up watching tv with us. Very sweet souls!!😭 They also fuss a lot with each other! Normally they’re soft spoken and one of them has a speech impediment. They’re also very charismatic and make funny jokes/tell funny stories! Somehow they boldest one is always complaining about the shyer one having hit her? Like every time I just hear her complaining about it.🤣 Oh and they love to jokingly say mean things about each other!😂
• Things we’d do: Play dolls, watch H2O just add water during the summer and go to each other’s dance shows/ballet recitals.
Sagittarius sun • Pisces moon
Where do I even start?😭 We were always bickering with each other and accusing each other of petty stuff! She’s always been the boldest cousin out of all of us!! Literally always asking bold things and telling funny jokes to get people’s attention. She was also very emotionally attached to this blanket she had from when she was a baby and would always carry it around with her!😩 She was also the boastful bragging type because her dad (Libra sun/Aqua moon) is the same!! Her mom (Sagittarius sun/Sagittarius moon) is literally the sweetest, always calling her by her childhood nickname and does everything for her! At the end of the day she’s very sweet just extra fiery and really playful. And also very spoiled!
• Things we’d do: Watch movies, sing karaoke and travel together!
Pisces sun • Cap/Aqua moon
I don’t actually know his moon so that’s that but he’s definitely a Saturnian moon lol. He’s always been very chill but loves to argue/debate and thinks he’s always right. (He’s an Aquarius mercury/Aries venus) He also loves to make mean jokes about his loved ones I swear it’s his love language. He can also be quite harsh but hey. He’s very much into sports and goes along with his girl cousins ideas for the sake of it lmao.😂 He literally was like “I don’t think that’s a good idea because grandpa and grandma aren’t gonna like that.” once when we were little after I’d just blurted out some crazy idea I’d thought of.🤣 He’s very funny, playful and bold.
Things we’d do: Play cards out on the veranda during the summer, watch cartoons together at 5-6 am and create mean-funny rap lyrics on the spot about the most random things!
Sagittarius sun • Libra moon
Unfortunately I didn’t grow up with her because I moved away when she was just a few months old and I barely get to visit home anymore. But she is just sooo sweet!! Literally very chatty and energetic (She’s a Sag mercury). Out of all cousins she’s the most similar to me! Very fiery and charming! Literally my baby, I remember she ended up at the hospital one summer when she was about 3 years old—and although we don’t have that much connection, we straight away bonded and she asked me to play dolls with her!🥺💞 She’s also very curious and likes to question everything!😂💗
I have other cousins but unfortunately I’m not that close with them so that’s why I’m not adding them lol.🥲
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transfemlogan · 10 months
Just a question and I’m not trying to be rude at all I’m simply curious
If you’re so mad at Thomas and what he’s doing then why are you still in the fandom and posting for it and such? If I were mad at someone to this degree I think I would just stop being apart of the fandom /genq /nm
I don’t want you to take this as me being rude and accusatory, I just want to know
HAII very good question!
I actually have left the fandom before, back in late 2020, due 2 the fandoms... increasingly racist ideals being shown thru them calling my other black mutuals the n word 4 speaking out against thomas' & the fandoms racism during the blm protests & dealing w/ my own racism being thrown at me.
I left for almost 2 years, before remaking in late 2022.
I am autistic and sanders sides is my biggest special interest and has been for 5-6 years now. So while leaving the fandom was freeing in a way, I literally cannot stop talking about SaSi. Which led to me talking about it on my main account sometimes & SaSi fans finding it & interacting w/ me despite me not wanting them to.
I am schizophrenic & deal heavily w/ paranoia & I have a weird thing w/ who can interact w/ my accounts & who cant. I don't let friends interact w/ certain accounts because of it. & so when sasi fans were interacting in a place I felt like "wasn't for them", I was more upset. & I have mutuals that don't like sanders sides so it was kind of just annoying.
& i just like 2 b critical!! That's how I interact w/ all media. complain abt every little thing & then turn around & go "yea i rlly like it :3". Bcuz not everything is perfect! & i have complex emotions !!! Abt everything !!!!
So I remade! Because I like Sanders Sides a lot it means everything to me. & I like having a place where I can talk abt it. Disliking a creator of something doesn't mean you can't enjoy what they're making.
I fucking hate scott cawthon, doesn't mean I can't enjoy FNAF.
Also, I am not super mad. At. Thomas. I know it sounds like I am, but I am just a violent thought haver & happen 2 use more angry & violent language than other people. I don't see an issue w/ that, bcuz this is my account, & iiii can do whatever I want on here (+ on places like twitter, i have him blocked so he can't even see what I am saying).
Thank u 4 being kind. This is a very silly thing 2 ask 2 me /lh. Enjoying anything doesn't mean you're enjoying what the creator does. My siblings love certain media & complain abt the writing or the creator while still loving it. like my brother who's invested w/ the new spiderman game, & he comes in2 my room 2 complain abt the lead writer & the story while also excitedly telling me about whatever is going on. My father watches marvel movies & loves marvel & yet everytime he watches one he complains abt the writing & how stupid it is (& also how much he loves it.) My older brother does it, my step mom does it, my step brother does it. My IRL friends do it (& my online friends). Hell I've had coworkers complain abt something they love around me.
This is like ... normal emotion stuff. This is just what people do. Everyone I know personally does this & has my entire life.
The concept of "not interacting w/ something bcuz ur angry at [insert thing]" is not even a Thing 2 me, I've never ever thought abt doing that ever unless I am hating every single thing abt it. Which is not the case 4 sanders sides.
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Opening this weekend...
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Evil Dead Rise--This fifth feature in the beloved horror series that began in 1981 moves most of the action out of the woods and into the city. An earthquake uncovers a copy of the "Book of the Dead" in the bowels of a decaying L.A. apartment building. Near the tome are a couple of vinyl records on which a priest has recorded the incantations necessary to invoke the evil spirits that re-animate dead bodies to torment the living. The kid who finds all this is an aspiring DJ, so he has turntables, so...
Through this laborious set-up, the lissome tattoo-artist single mother (Alyssa Sutherland) ends up possessed by a malevolent force. It's up to her guitar-tech sister (Lily Sullivan) to defend her nephew and two nieces. Gruesome mayhem ensues, hitting on the obligatory tropes of the series--grinning, leering, levitating corpses, oceanic amounts of gore, hurtling demonic POV, the repeated phrase "dead by dawn!"--as well as nods to Kubrick's The Shining and to Fargo.
I'm afraid I've run out of patience with this style of horror flick. Watching a woman's corpse terrorize and murder her children probably wouldn't be my idea of entertainment in any case, but here it's not only unpleasant but tedious. I've grown weary of films in which characters stand transfixed as something ghastly happens in front of them. After a while one begins to suspect that all the interminable gasping and whimpering and slowly backing away may not even really be about generating terror or heightening suspense, but rather about padding a thin script out to feature length.
Sam Raimi's original Evil Dead trilogy was not inconsequential cinema. The "shaky cam" techniques that Raimi and his cronies developed on those indies, out of economic necessity, were highly influential on the Coen Brothers and Barry Sonnenfeld and others. But beyond the realm of technical innovation, Raimi's movies, especially the marvelous Evil Dead II of 1987, had a low-tech vigor, a whimsical sense of macabre comedy and a guileless campfire-story gusto that, combined with the one-of-kind slapstick acting of star Bruce Campbell, made them classics.
Raimi and Campbell are listed as executive producers on Evil Dead Rise, but almost none of the twisted magic of their early work can be felt here. There's some elegance to the production design, and leading ladies Sutherland and Sullivan are stunning, Bukowski-style L.A. goddesses. There's a sweet line in which the youngest niece tells her aunt why she thinks she'll be a good mom someday. And the Hieronymus Bosch-like horror into which the demon's victims conglomerate themselves is a decent Raimi-ish idea, though the CGI renders it soulless.
I'm told that this film, directed by the Irish Lee Cronin, was originally slated to open on cable TV but got a theatrical release after test audiences took to it. So it may be that I've just aged out of this sort of thing, and the movie will truly please audiences. If so, even though it's not for me, I nonetheless find it cheering that people still want to scream in company.
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Somewhere in Queens--Less than a month after opening the Phoenix Film Festival, Ray Romano's feature directorial debut opens theatrically here in the Valley. Romano, who co-wrote the script, also stars as Leo Russo, a bedraggled hangdog sad sack who works for his family's contracting business in the title borough. Leo isn't the favorite son, however. His father (Tony LoBianco) shows more respect to Leo's slick brother Frank (Sebastian Maniscalco). Maybe everybody loves Raymond, but nobody loves Leo.
Well, that's not true. His siblings and his wife Angela (Laurie Metcalf) love him well enough, but they don't take him seriously, or listen to him. A sultry widower (Jennifer Esposito) on a jobsite seems to take a shine to him, but he's not the adulterous type.  Leo does have a source of pride, however: his quiet son "Sticks" (Jacob Ward) is a high school basketball star. One night at a big game, Leo and Angela are surprised to learn that Sticks has a girlfriend (Sadie Stanley) they didn't know about. The same night, they learn that he may be good enough for a college scholarship.
Though it's often funny, a forlorn atmosphere hangs over the early scenes of this movie that had me bracing for some sort of wretched tragedy that would leave the characters standing around emergency rooms or something like that. But the story, though it stings, doesn't drag us through the mud; it takes off in unexpected and painful yet believable and sometimes exhilarating directions.
The feel for the setting is convincing, and so is the large cast. The ensemble scenes are well-executed, especially the girlfriend's debut at a big family dinner, where she both irks and impresses the relations with her nerviness. Romano plays Leo as a toned-down version of his stage and sitcom persona, cowed and slow-witted, and his tentative, apologetic boyishness is poignant, even when you can see how his family could find it irritating.
For a while it seems like the film is underutilizing the mighty Metcalf, but finally Angela gets her big moment. Romano lets her articulate the theme of the movie, admitting probably the most frequent emotion of the parenting experience: Fear.
Also opening this weekend, at Harkins Chandler Fashion 20 and Harkins Arrowhead, is Tom Huang's fine comedy-drama Dealing with Dad...
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It's slated to play at Harkins Shea and at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre in Sedona starting April 28.
I reviewed it last year, after it made the rounds of several festivals including Phoenix Film Festival. It's very much worth checking out.
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