#Also how much do you want to bet that when I go to Disney in like a week there will be no kh merch?
kairithemang0 · 6 months
Oh hey it’s the anniversary!
First off, 22 years of kh how are we feeling about that?? Good? Hopefully good
Here to just kinda talk about what this series means to me, because it really is very near and dear to my heart. I’m certain that when I look back on my childhood and especially my teen years I’m going to think of Kingdom Hearts. The love I have for this series is kind of nuts (thats… nuts) and no matter how many times I can be frustrated with the stupid lore, or dumb decisions made for characters, or the fact that games keep getting delayed, it comes from a place of love.
I’ve also met some of my best friends through KH (shout outs to the KC discord server, yall know who you are <3) and of course I would meet the best people through a game about friendship and having one of the most iconic lines be “my friends are my power”. I guess that gives me a moment to talk about why these characters mean so much to me. While I will admit Nomura isn’t the best at giving all characters equal time in the spotlight when many may deserve it, the characters that do get time are just incredible. Sora is obviously the best example of this, this happy go lucky kid who just wants to help people, but Riku and Aqua are also just some of the best characters. Riku has his multi game long struggle with the darkness, and Aqua has dealt with so much hurt and trauma that I hope will get explored still (Kairi and Aqua game where they maybe go into how being in the RoD effects her more???)
Of course people gravitate to this series, these characters are amazing. Roxas and Xion’s fight for identity, Terra’s fight with the darkness that leads him to his doom, the mystery behind characters like the Master of Masters and Luxord. Gahhh I love the characters in these games so much
I really think about this every year, I worry I take this series for granted and that my constant theorizing and thoughts of shipping have ruined it for me. I don’t think they have, I think it’s just a way of keeping myself engaged especially with the complete lack of news. And it’s frustrating to not get anything at all, but I hope maybe we’ll get literally anything news related today. Apparently the games are going on sale again, I guess that’s something?
Anyways, I hope you all have a great day. I am going to now go wish news into existence by wearing everything kh I own and hitting people on the head with my keyblade
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kayhi808 · 8 days
First Crush - 15
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Steve, not knowing what Abby likes or didn't like, played it safe with pepperoni pizza. She said she liked the red round circles, so that was a safe bet.
Steve watched as she climbed up onto her chair with the booster seat. She made him nervous with some of her near misses. He was ready to move quick if she tipped over the chair or lost her footing. "You need help there, Abs?"
"No need. Tank you." She finally plops her bottom in her seat and Steve's able to release the breath he was holding. Earlier, she had instructed him on where to find the plates and glasses in the kitchen. And where to get her favorite cup for her juice because she can only drink out of that one. The other cups made her juice taste funny.
"I liked the stuff on top," picking off all the cheese and pepperoni and leaving a naked slice in her plate.
"I don't think your mom likes you to eat like that."
Nodding and licking her hand, "Uh huh."
"Abbbyyy." Steve gives her a pointed look, trying to look serious.
She cackles, hiding her laugh behind her hands, getting more pizza sauce on her face. "I almost tricks you!" She rolls up her naked pizza slice, holding it in her little fist and eats it like a churro.
"You can't be tricking me like that. I don't want to get your Mama mad at me. Do you want me to be in trouble?"
"No. I's just tricks you."
"If I get your Mama angry with me, she won't let me watch you or come over anymore."
Abby let's out a dramatic gasp, "No. I's sowwy. You my uncle. You needs to visit me now."
Steve smiles. "That's right. I'm your Uncle."
Suddenly Abby bites her lip and looks close to tears. "Uncle Steve? I did bads."
"What's wrong, Abby?" Steve patiently waits for her to continue. "I tricks you before. Mama only let me have 2 stories before sleeps. Not 3."
"You know what? I think we can make this a special treat tonight. I'm ok with 3 stories."
Abby squeals, jumping down off her seat and running around the table to Steve. She tugs on his arm so he can lean down and she gives him a greasy pizza kiss on his cheek. "Tank you so much!!"
Trying to dodge her sticky hands, he plops her back in her booster. "How about you finish up your pizza for me?"
Abby does a happy little wiggle in her chair and continues to eat. Steve grabs another slice for himself but can't help but pick off a couple pepperonis and added it to Abby's plate. "Tank yous!"
After dinner, Steve tried to clean Abby up the best he could. She had pizza sauce everywhere. He even had little red handprints on his shirt.
She had her little dance party after dinner. "Awexa? Play Abby's Dance Party, pwease." It's a mix of Disney and her favorite pop songs. Steve's personal favorite was a song "I'll Make A Man Out of You," because Abby insisted on singing to him along with a reenactment of the movie. He adds "Mulan" to his list of movies to watch. Steve also got a quick tutorial on Taylor Swift. He was also surprised she had music from the 1940s. "Oh, Mama needed to learn new dances." Abby shakes her butt, "like dis."
"Oh, like that, huh?"
You and Bucky return to your apartment. Steve is on the couch watching TV. You scan quickly to see if Abby is around. "How'd things go?"
"Great. She's in her room. Asleep." You walk down the hall to check on her. She's tucked in, all snug.
Returning to the living room, worried, "Did she give you any trouble?" You notice the hand print on his T-shirt.
"Not at all." Looking down at his shirt smiling. "She's a little aggressive when eating pizza. It'll come out in the wash. It's nothing. We drew and colored, had dinner, a dance party and got ready for bed."
"Thank you so much for tonight."
"Of course. Anytime." Bucky gives you a kiss, promising to call you in the morning and they head home.
"Mama! Yous home!" You open your eyes and Abby is up close and in your personal space. You grab her and roll her across you to plop her on your bed.
"Of course I'm home. I was only away for a little while," snuggling with your baby. "Did you have fun with Mr. Captain last night?"
"Oh, Mama, guess what's."
"He's not Mr. Captain. He's Uncle Steve. He says so."
"Oh, yea?"
"Mmhmm. I told him, my family is you and me. And you know what he tells me?"
Your eyes fill with tears, "What did he tell you?"
"He says now I had a new Uncle, too!" Abby claps for herself. "I has more family, Mama! We not alone!"
"Yea, baby," pulling her close and tucking her under your chin. "We're not alone anymore."
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esperderek · 4 months
After my last post about the Screen Rant response to Jenny Nicholson's Galactic Starcruiser video, it was pointed out to me that Gizmodo's I09 division also put out an article defending Starcruiser. I'm not going to spend as long analyzing this one.
It's the usual you've already heard: people were confused that it wasn't just a hotel, how you had to put effort into it to get results back, that the staff and Imagineers worked real hard on it, there were people who liked it.
It's all the same defenses that clearly are hoping that you haven't watched the video, and probably they haven't either. Since, you know, the video basically dismantles all of those arguments one by one.
I will say it also attempts a slightly bafflingly progressive take on it, like saying stuff like:
"To many Star Wars fans who were able to check out Galactic Starcruiser during its short-lived existence, the attraction presented a chance to act on the frustration many share in their day to day lives of watching atrocities happen and feeling like there’s little we can do about them."
Which is pretty gross, right? Comparing 'going to a hotel on vacation' with 'fighting the good fight against the bad shit in the world'. I mean, especially when you consider one of the paths is joining with the fascists? Also it's owned by a billion-dollar corporation? Which even the article briefly points out...which is the point the article writer should of rethought their stance.
Now, more importantly, looking at the articles from Screen Rant and Gizmodo and I'm sure there's others, I'm sure people are wondering/thinking that Disney had a hand in this. And to be honest...
No, probably not. Well, not directly, at least.
Rather, these websites require access. Access to press releases, access to interviews, access to special events. So writing a puff piece defending Galactic Star Cruiser is a pretty safe bet to do, especially if you suspect that Disney is planning to still do something with the GSC. As has been pointed out, the building still remains intact, and a lot of the signage in the parks is still there. So if they reopen it as, say, a dining experience, then the website who wrote a puff piece defending the honor of the Halcyon is much more likely to be invited to opening night than Jenny Nicholson is.
Additionally, these days websites such as Screen Rant pay like crap, to the point where the only people willing to work on them are the true believers. It's like how game developers are some of the worst paid and most overworked dev teams, because the industry knows they can get true believers who want to Design Video Games in the doors.
So no, I doubt Disney is directly in anyone's ear about this. But rather, it's websites taking advantage of the situation to try and get into Daddy Disney's good graces. There are always useful idiots.
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tedwardremus · 4 months
What kind of dates do you think Harry and Ginny go on? I think they are super fun-loving thrill seekers. Harry was denied so many happy experiences when he was younger and I bet Ginny fantasized about all the things she would do when she was older and had money and finally some freedom. So, I think they are super fun and they travel a lot. Basically act like two big kids even when they are 35 or 45. They do things like order every dessert item on a restaurant's menu. They do dumb challenges like try every cereal and rank them from best to worst. Make a list of every single theme park and all the best rides and try to experience every single one (they def took Teddy to Disney World and paid for the VIP treatment so he could eat with Mickey Mouse). They do bucket list things like spend Christmas in NYC (Harry loves it because the muggles are distant and rude and that's totally his vibe) and spend New Years on Sydney Harbour watching the fireworks on the beach (one of Ginny's fave ever memories). When the kids have birthdays they are the aunt and uncle that rent the bouncy castle and water slide and rent a fckn pony for the kids to ride. They are FUN. For Christmas they do a build the nicest gingerbread house challenge with the kids and its super competitive. One time Ginny shows up at Hogwarts and says there is an emergency and the kids need to go with her and they are like wtf and then they meet Harry in Hogsmeade and take a portkey to Coney Island (Hermione is so furious and yells at H/G over this because it's SO childish and irresponsible - Ron is like please don't tell her I went with you she thought I was at work).
It was a difficult undertaking to plan a date night when your boyfriend happened to be the most famous wizard in the entire world. Everywhere they went, the press was sure to follow. And if not the press, then someone would try to tell Harry how amazing he was and ask for an autograph. Either way, if they spent too long in public, Harry would get spotted, and his mood would turn sour.
There was always the Leaky Cauldron—Hannah would ensure they had a private booth. But the Leaky was crowded and noisy and they spend so much time hanging out with friends there it didn't really feel like a date night location.
There were always weekend getaways to Romania to the Dragon Reserve to see Charlie or France with Bill and Fleur. But family trips, while fun, were not romantic.
They'd head out to Muggle London, go to the zoo, and once Harry took her to the movies. But if she was honest, Ginny didn’t understand the hype and much preferred reading her books or listening to stories on the wireless.
Or they’d go out with Hermione and Ron, but again—a date that included brothers was automatically not romantic.
Then there was coordinating their busy schedules. When Ginny didn’t have a game, she was usually training, and now that she was on the national team as well as the Harpies, her schedule was even more hectic.
Harry, of course, was busy not just with Auror training but also various committees to reform the Ministry. He always did his best to spend a day or two a week with Teddy—even if it was just a quick mealtime hello.
That’s why their best dates tended to be quiet ones at home. Just the two of them in the safe sanctuary they had built together. Away from public eyes, dark magic, and intrusive press. They’d play music records—a mix of wizard and Muggle music. Do silly dances while they cooked. Sometimes dinner turned out well, and sometimes they ended up walking to the nearby village to get takeaway when it turned into a disaster. But they had been living together for a couple of years, and Ginny was confident that their cooking was improving.
They’d share a bottle of wine and start a fire. Afterwards, Harry would look at her and ask if she wanted to fly.
She always said yes.
And in the cover of darkness, they’d fly. And they’d be free. It was wonderful—to reach out and touch the stars and have the love of your life hold your hand in return.
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sweet-evie · 9 months
Does fanfic exist of SaShiSu just being housemates? I need this AU so bad 😭
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✨ masterlist ✨
Like I want more wholesome shenanigans between the three of them...
Like, I need more content of just Satoru, Shoko, and Suguru being the best of friends going through ups and downs together, navigating through that phase in life where high school ends and university days begin.
Satoru is the rich friend and wanted to buy the three of them a house with his parents' money, but Suguru and Shoko refuse and are adamant about showing rich boy what it's like to live in the real world.
So they rent a 3-bedroom 2-bathroom apartment unit... (Satoru and Suguru share a bathroom, and Shoko gets her own bathroom, for obvious reasons). It's still pretty upscale compared to most, but they all agreed to pitch in for the rent and utilities.
I want to see moments where Satoru learns how to do laundry, moments where Suguru figures out how to make the perfect fried rice recipe, moments where Shoko stays up super late to study and the boys stay up with her and help her with flash cards and stuff.
They have game nights, movie nights, spring cleaning days, laundry days.
I want to see friendship fights and friendship fluff afterwards.
I want to see moments where they have personal emergencies, and they each know how to take care of each other.
I want to see them get drunk together. Satoru gets wasted first because he's a lightweight and he RARELY drinks. He consumes alcohol like once a year and only because he lost to Suguru in a bet.
They're each other's best wingman and wing-woman and they roast each other so hard, like only best friends can.
They see each other's best qualities and know each other's worst habits.
I want to see Satoru whining and complaining when he keeps finding black and brown strands of hair everywhere. He also finds stray hair clips and hair ties in the most random places.
I need to hear Shoko complain about all the random shit Satoru and Suguru keep buying and placing around the house. They don't even need most of it. One or two or five is fine, but sometimes it accumulates and ends up cluttering the kitchen counters and takes up valuable cooking space.
(Like why do we need Digimon figurines in the kitchen? Why do jars of multi-colored marbles keep multiplying on available counter spaces?)
I want to see Suguru being passive-aggressive, sassy, and petty about his two housemates not carrying their own weight when it comes to housework. Suguru's toxic trait is that he refuses other people's help when it comes to cleaning because he has a way of doing things that he MUST follow and NO ONE is allowed to mess with it, but he gets annoyed when people don't help him while he's cleaning.
I want to see them juggle part-time jobs and college schoolwork... Well, Shoko and Suguru would get jobs. Satoru is a nepo-baby.
Even if Satoru is a nepo-baby, he at least knows what normal people (like you and me) do to function and live in a society drenched in capitalism, and it's all thanks to Suguru and Shoko.
When Shoko and Suguru struggle to make ends meet financially, it's Satoru to the rescue! They rarely ask for his help, obviously, but rich boy finds out anyway and if he can help, HE WILL HELP.
The three of them are family at this point.
If you date any one of them, just know that they're a package deal. You can't have one without the two.
I want a disney movie with the three of them as main characters, basically -- where friendship and family love saves the day! 🙌
Is this too much to ask?
From Gege? Well, yes... 😩
(JJK canon has just broken me beyond repair... *sobs in Ch #236).
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pilindiel · 2 months
Do you have any kyokao HEADCANONS?? 👀❤️
OH ANON YOU BET I DO I HAVE A MILLION OF THEM. I've been super busy so I didn't get the chance to respond to this right away and I am not sure which kind of headcanons you are looking for, so I am going to go with pet headcanons for fun
Kyoya isn't really an animal person. The Ootori family never had pets in the house, so Kyoya never really grew up with one. It's not that he dislikes them per se, but he never really saw a reason anyone would want or need a pet. They're too much work (even when you have maids and butlers to do the heavy lifting for you).
He's even less inclined to get a pet when Tamaki gets Antoinette, because wow golden retrievers are sweet but have TONS of energy, and that's not really something Kyoya feels he can tolerate.
Of course, that all changes when he gets Noir when he's in Boston. Despite being exasperated with her at times (as all cat parents are), it does bring him solace knowing there is someone there when he gets home...even if he does have to stop her from eating plastic and scratching his leather couch. (He does not succeed at either of these tasks.)
It's been a while since I read the manga so I can't remember if we saw what Noir looks like, but if there's no canon design I am torn between Noir being this beautiful, sleek black cat or being one of those fuzzy voids like this:
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Kaoru loves animals. I like to think he's kind of an animal magnet like a Disney princess and has yet to meet an animal that didn't like him. Even Antoinette seems drawn to him (much to Tamaki's horror).
Though the Hitachiin family never had pets in the house either, Kaoru was always secretly jealous of other children who talked about their various furry and scaly companions. He was probably the one to suggest to Hikaru they go and catch frogs to release in the house, sort of as a way to give them a pet, too (while also causing mayhem for their staff).
When he finds out Kyoya of all people has a cat, he immediately takes it upon himself to spoil her rotten. Noir is constantly fed treats, catnip, played with, etc. when Kaoru visits Kyoya.
Unfortunately, like most cats, they only attach to one person and that person is Kyoya. Kaoru is DEVASTATED that no matter how much he does to earn Noir's affection, all she does is mildly tolerate him.
After he and Kyoya start living together, they finally realize how much Noir loves him the first time he has to go away for New York Fashion Week. Noir is inconsolable (as is Kyoya). She sits on their bed and meows pathetically, only getting up when Kyoya feeds her. Kyoya sends Kaoru pictures of her forlorn looks and Kaoru replies with a slew of crying emojis.
When he finally returns home, Noir goes right back to mildly tolerating him, as if nothing ever happened. (But they all know better now ;) )
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filmbyjy · 2 years
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PAIRING: park jongseong x fem!reader
SUMMARY: it was quite cheesy that you fell in love with your best friend’s brother. what could you do to prevent it? jay was someone who you knew was out of reach but you couldn’t help but crush on.
WARNINGS: cursing. maybe slight angst (?). other than that, there isn’t much.
WORD COUNT: 3.6K words
taglist[perm]: @ja4hyvn @ahnneyong @milklix @kar0ki @sugarsunoo
a/n: this is a repost of a previous work I did that I loved! well repost from my old account that got deleted but yeah! I have also re-edited it so it’s better to read. I found the previous one a little cringy but idk if its cringy🙃 hope you enjoy it though!
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A typical morning spent in your bed. perhaps, a little breakfast in bed because your parents were worried about your bruised eyes. Now, you must be wondering how you obtained this bruised eye?
[last week] It was any normal day at school and any normal day included physical education, or PE for short form. You didn’t particularly enjoy sports, you would rather be cooped up in your room for hours just watching some Netflix or Disney+, but of course, you couldn’t just escape from it since it was a required subject in high school.
“One point for us!” jake yells. Meet jake, the school’s soccer captain and one of the school’s heartthrobs. Right next to him was sunghoon and jay. Sunghoon was the second heartthrob of your school and he played basketball and badminton (on occasions). Finally there was jay, the third heartthrob and also a family friend.
Both of your families were close and you two have played around as kids before. Well i say kids but the only thing both of your parents did was let you play in the crib together and that’s about it. Growing up, the both of you never got to really talk to each other. Both were too shy to do so and plus...you liked to play alone. guess that’s where wanting to stay-in started from. Since then a natural distance came between both you and jay.
“Oh come on, are you really cheating jake?” Mia, your best friend, says.
“And what are you gonna do about it park mia?” jake yells. your dear best friend was also jay’s twin sister. the girl huffs.
“yah, park jongseong! would you care to smack the back of jake’s head?” and so jay does, he smacks the slightly younger boy. jake groans. Whatever Mia wanted, jay would comply because well...he wanted to be the great brother. Mia slings her arm around you.
“Don’t worry (name), jake isn’t going to bother us anymore.” she proudly says.
“WATCH OUT!” you turned around and a dodgeball comes flying onto your face. Your glasses flew across the room and you fell the ground, blacked out. Well at least Mia was right, jake didn’t bother you. rather a ball flew across and hit you.
[current time] Wasn’t a great thing honestly. Your mom popped her head at the door to check up on you. she brings in a plate of fruits for you.
“Here, eat this (name).” you sighed.
“Mom, it’s just a black eye. You’re acting as if i got hit by a car.”
“But sweetie, you’re injured.” she says.
“Mom, i’m fine.”
“Your glasses are broken too, we should get you a new pair.” she points over at your glasses that had shattered on impact.
“can i buy some contact lenses?”
2 years passed by, it was finally the last year of high school. Your class gathered in the classroom to surprise your form teacher, a small gesture to say ‘hey you survived teaching us for 4-5 years of your life. Hope you live well and we will see each other when we do’.
You were in your graduation gown, putting up the balloons. You felt the table shake but you knew you were great at balancing, well you thought before you fell into jay’s arms. Your eyes widened. You quickly got off jay and apologised. Mia smirks, she pulls you away from her twin brother.
“I saw what happened~so you and jay huh.”
you shoved her shoulder, “i don’t like your brother like that. besides, we are strictly just family friends.”
“oh shush, did you know our parents have this bet that you and jay would start dating?” she excitedly says.
“Whatever Mia. I have to go and grab the cake from the front gate, text me when Mr.Smith arrives alright?” Mia nods. While you went out though, Mia walks over to jay.
“Go with (name) now.”
“Go and get the girl you’ve been crushing on since we were kids.”
“I don’t have a crush on her.” mia rolls her eyes.
“yeah sure. It’s like saying i don’t have a crush on jake.” mia deadpans.
“You have a crush on jake?” jay tilts his head.
“huh? what? I didn’t hear you.” jay rolls his eyes.
“I will tell mom on you.”
“We aren’t five anymore jay. Just go with (name) and be confident. I’m sure she likes you too!”
“Fine.” jay goes over to where you were. You thanked the person who delivered the cake and went back. Jay walks over to you.
“why are you here?” you say. Jay shrugs and then silence follows after. both you and jay went back to the classroom. where they graduation party really started.
That was the last time you saw the boy before college happened. It had been 3 years since you’ve last seen jay or even Mia. She went to a different department and so you couldn’t always meet up with her since she was extremely busy. It was just about towards the ending of exam season and so plenty of people started planning for parties.
You spot a familiar figure waving for you and so you walked over.
“It’s been too long (name)!” Mia gives you a tight squeeze.
“You’ve changed.” you say. your best friend looked so much more mature. she had made a decision to study business and so she dressed way more sophisticated.
“And so has jay.” she winks. You rolled your eyes.
“Are you seriously still trying to get me and jay together?”
“Has it worked?”
“No, we haven’t seen each other since the last party we held for our high school teacher.”
“What? But jay has to be in your class. You’re both in fashion right?”
“Fashion? I took arts, mia. I told you i had a passion for arts.” she facepalms and groans.
“Is that why jay cut me off. Urgh i’m an idiot.”
you tilt your head, “You haven’t talked to jay in 2 years?”
“Yeah, besides he has his friend group. Oh did you hear? They started a band together.”
“You mean those 3 heartthrobs of Decelis High?”
“Yeah, along with 3 freshmans and a senior.”
“That’s great. What about you and jake?” Mia shows you her ring. Your eyes widened, “He proposed in these 2-3 years we haven’t talked? Why didn’t you even tell me when you two started dating.”
“No, silly. It’s a promise ring. We’ve been dating for 2 years now. Best 2 years ever by the way.”
“Kinda hurt you didn’t tell your best friend about this.” you huffed and folded your arms.
“I’m sorry!” she goes to hug you.
“You had time with your boyfriend but not me. It hurt when you just cut all contacts with me you know.” you pout.
“Sorry (name).” she whines. You giggled. “I’ll buy you tteokbokki. how about that?”
“With cheese?” you say.
“With cheese.”
The both of you made it to a familiar tteokbokki stand, one that you went to everyday after school. You noticed a pretty familiar face. Mia tilts her head and looks over to where you were staring.
“He said he’d be having band practice.” Mia stares at jake. She pulls you over to where the 6 boys were. Then lets go of you before grabbing jake by the ear. “sim jaeyun, didn’t you say you were having band practice?” mia glares at jake.
“ah ah, i’m sorry, babe forgive me. sunghoon suggested to eat at our usual tteokbokki place so we decided to come here but cross my heart, we practiced before coming here.” jake says.
“(name)?” sunghoon says.
“hyung, who is she?”
“Oh umm, that is (name). (name), this is sunoo, jungwon, ni-ki and heeseung. Our bandmates.”
“Hi.” you waved.
“Where is jay by the way?” Mia asks.
“Bathroom.” Mia nods.
“Well, we shouldn’t disturb all of you. Me and Mia will just go shopping.” you grabbed her arm and quickly left the tteokbokki place. It fell silent between you and her as you walked around the shops.
“Why did you leave? You could’ve seen jay.”
“It’s been a while since we’ve caught up with each other. Come on, let’s go shopping.” you say. Mia could sense you didn’t want to talk about jay so she nods.
It was around 7.30pm when you finished walking around with mia. you decided to get back to your dorm, however as you were arriving, you saw someone familiar. he was walking a girl home. it was jay. He shyly converses with the girl and bid her goodbye. You mustered up the courage and quickly walked past them. The girl walks in first and you silently prayed that jay wouldn’t notice it was you.
“(name).” well...your hope was now crushed. You slowly turned to face jay.
“Jay. a little surprised to see you here.” you gave him the most sincere fake smile you could, “Why are you here?”
“Oh..just sending a close friend of mine to the dorms since it was quite late.”
“Oh. that’s nice of you. She must be a really great friend.” jay blushes slightly.
“a-ah no. We just talk a little.” it hurts to see jay so flustered by a girl. the younger you would’ve cried. You giggled.
“Someone has a crush on her. Well i’ll get going, see you.” you quickly left before jay could say anything. You were heartbroken. You went back to your dorm. Seems like your roommate just arrived too.
“where did you go?” you asked her. She was in a daze, clearly happy something happened to her.
“The fashion heartthrob walked me home today.” she says. You froze, was that girl your roommate?
“Which heartthrob? Our school has a bunch.” you nonchalantly say as you placed your shoes onto the shelves. it was true, your department and practically the whole school had a bunch of heartthrobs.
“jay. God, he’s so good looking. You think he likes me? He was so flustered while talking to me.” she says. You remembered asking him just now. He did look flustered and kinda happy when talking to her.
“Yeah maybe.” your roommate jumps in happiness.
“eekkk, i’m so happy!! I should get some beauty rest to see him tomorrow!”
“Yeah you should.” you say. Your roommate runs to her room and shuts the door. Your phone vibrates. A text from Mia, she asked if you wanted to call so you replied to her with a simple okay. you picked up the call.
“Hey, got to your dorms safely?” mia asks. you shut your bedroom door and placed your purse down on the table.
“Great but why do you sound so defeated?”
you sighed, “Do you think jay still likes me?”
“Of course. Even if it has been years. Jay will still look for you. Why?” you fiddled with your little songwriting book you’ve kept since you were 15. the pages were almost filled with inspirations and lyrics.
“i saw him walking a girl home and that girl is my roommate.”
“what? Oh he will get it.” mia says. you could imagine her holding up her fist.
“No, don’t. He will know i told you because i was the only one that knows about it.” you cracked open the book and began writing some lyrics for fun.
“Are you doubting yourself?” mia asks. you paused. did you doubt yourself? absolutely. jay was someone who was out of reach.
“I mean...he can date whoever he wants. I have no control over him. it’s not like i’m his girlfriend.” you quickly continue to scribble.
“(name), listen to me.”
“Go ahead.”
“We will dress up and meet the band tomorrow.” you dropped the pen.
“We have to and besides jay blocked me from everything. i just wanna have a word with him.”
“Whoops sorry, i have to go. Jake is calling me.” mia ends the call. You breathed in. you had to prepare to meet him again tomorrow.
The next day, mia tells you to get ready by 1pm and so you do. You put on a simple short black dress and threw over a leather jacket. to finalise the look, you wore a necklace. maybe this was a little extra but hey who said you couldn’t dress up.
“My god, what special occasion are you going to?” mia says upon seeing you walk out of the door. you rolled your eyes.
“is it wrong to dress up?” you say. Mia smiles.
“oh no, it isn’t wrong but jay would sooo drool over this. maybe if jay didn’t like you, you could go for someone else. like me perhaps.” mia winks. you laughed and smacked her arm.
both you and mia arrived at where the band frequently practices. The school provided a studio for them and they were elated. Their band played at school related shows and once at a prom. They were pretty known in the school. which surprised you since you’ve never seen them before. i mean, you never really go to school events anyways.
“baby!” jake runs up to mia. They hugged, you smiled at them. they were adorable. way different to how they were back then but you knew along the way that mia just liked jake.
“Okay the younger boys and heeseung have met (name) but yeah. She’s here today.” mia says. you waved.
“Your aura seems different today. Do you have a date later on or something?” sunghoon says as he nudges you. You giggled.
“very funny hoon, unfortunately, i am not going out for one.”
“maybe i could take you out to one later on then.” he smirks. you playfully rolled your eyes at sunghoon’s words.
“shut up.”
“then who did you dress up for noona?” sunoo says.
“yeah, for who?” sunghoon smirks, “is it possibly me?”
“In your dreams. I dressed up for myself.” your eyes met with jay’s, he was definitely checking you out and so you shyly looked away.
“hey (name), i just remembered when you showed me a music piece that you wrote in high school.” jake says. You blushed.
“jake, what do you mean? i never showed you anything.” the boys were interested.
“You’re lying. Mia knows about it too.” she nods agreeing with her boyfriend.
“Don’t tell me you still have it.” you say. jake smirks. He pulls out a book, it was your old lyric book that you had for fun since you had a lot of fun writing it. you swore you lost it so why does jake have it?
“Shall we try singing it, miss singer?” jake says.
“what? I can’t sing, jake.” he turns over to mia.
“Don’t hide that beautiful voice of yours, (name).” she comes up to you and whispers, “besides, don’t you want to impress jay so he wouldn’t be swayed by your roommate?” you breathed in. you really haven’t sang in a while and you didn’t want to do it. however, with everyone’s eyes on you…you couldn’t let them down.
“Fine.” you say. jake claps his hands. He grabs his guitar and starts the chords for the chorus since you only wrote for the chorus and then gave up. it was honestly impressive that you came up with guitar chords to go with the chorus you wrote.
You took a deep breath. you were a little nervous but you closed your eyes and pretended no one was there. it was as if you were singing in your bedroom alone.
Be in love, we know
Heart to heart, you feel it too, right?
Hey love, hey love, please wait for a while
We can be together
Say bye-bye to boring days
Feel our energy
Hey love, hey love, baby just stay in love, love
You stopped right there and when you opened your eyes, you instantly met with jay staring at you. You shyly looked away.
“Wahhh noona, that was great. You should’ve join music production or something.” sunoo says.
“I’m not that great. I just made these lyrics up because i had a crus-” you covered your mouth. great you just revealed the one thing you didn’t want the boys to know about.
“You had a crush? Why didn’t we know about this?” sunghoon says. You looked down at your hands.
“Because it’s not important. It’s just a crush. It wasn’t like i dated him or something.”
“Exactly but crushes are equally important as a boyfriend. So miss (name), are you going to spill the tea or not?” sunghoon says. You looked over at jay, he seemed like he wasn’t upset or anything.
“i-i’m not telling!” you say.
“then if she won’t say it...I WILL! IT’S-” you covered jake’s mouth.
“hehe, well i guess it’s a mystery. Well i have to go now, bye!” you grabbed your bag and left. Mia gives jake one look before running off to find you. Jake grabs his phone when he notices it’s ringing, he answers it and places it in speaker mode.
“(name)! Where are you going?”
“hiding in my room! I can’t believe i blurted that out loud in front of jay!”
“Oh come on, (name). It’s not bad.” you stopped and looked at mia.
“Not bad? that song was literally crafted for him because my teen heart loved him so much. If he found out then i’m fucked. I was stupid. he already has a crush on someone else now. what’s the use?” you confessed. Jake looks up at jay, a blush dusting the older boy’s cheeks.
Mia shows her phone and places it in speaker mode.
“Jay, you heard that? Also unblock me, you idiot.” mia says.
“u-umm can you pass the phone to (name).” jay says. your eyes widened. oh hell nah, he heard everything you just said. mia and her devious plans.
“Mia…” you glared at her.
“Talk to him.” she says handing you her phone after turning off the speaker mode. Jay found a place to quietly talk to you, preferably away from the other boys.
“Hey. jay says.
“Let’s just get to the point. That song was for me?”
“Yes.” your heart was beating 10 times faster.
“So you liked me.”
“Would it be bad if i still like you up till now and i’ve been waiting for you?” you say.
“Meet me outside your dorm at 6pm.” jay says.
“Uh, sure.”
“I’ll tell mia to send my phone number after i unblock her.” you snort.
“Can’t believe you blocked her because she thought i took fashion.”
“Trust me, i was really mad when i couldn’t find you anywhere in the fashion department.”
“Well see you later.” you say.
“See you.” the call ends. You hand mia her phone back.
“Oh he just unblocked me and he asked me to send you his number...wait what happened during the call.”
“Not telling you.” you stick your tongue out.
Later at 6pm, you came downstairs in a hoodie and sweatpants because honestly, it was too comfy. Jay was waiting for you and you sneaked up on him and scared him. He flinches.
“Oh my god, it was just you.” you smiled.
“So why did you want to meet me here?” you asked.
“Well, i wanted to invite you to a party.”
“A party? Couldn’t you have texted me.”
“Umm...i’m inviting you as my date.” your eyes widened, “you don’t have to accept it. umm, if you don’t want to come to the party-”
“I’ll come.” you flashed him a smile. He shyly smiles. Before you left to get back to your dorm, you gave jay a peck on the cheek and then ran off quickly. Jay holds the side where you kissed him at, a wide grin forming. Jay texts you the details of the party.
Friday comes in, the day of the party. Jay comes to pick you up. You opened the door and there stood jay. He snuck up to the dorm apartment place just to meet you at the door. You were wearing a similar black dress that hugged your body even more perfectly than the previous one. Jay smiles.
“You look great.”
“Thank you, you too.” jay drives you over to the party. It was a huge party, almost every popular clique was here and they all were in their own fun world. Dancing, drinking alcohol and probably making out. Jay drags you to where his friends were.
“Oh hey, you two came together.” sunghoon says. Mia eyes you up and down.
“Isn’t that the dress i bought for you only specifically when you and jay are dati-WAIT (name)....” you shyly look over to jay and he wraps his arms around your waist protectively.
“Me and (name) are dating.” mia gasps.
“You didn’t ask me.” you whisper to jay.
“Well both you and i know, we have mutual feelings for each other so you’re my girlfriend now.” you hide your face at the crook of jay’s neck. he runs his hands down your back to pat you.
“AYYYYY (name), can’t believe you and jay are finally together.” jake says. Jay could hear you whine softly. He chuckles.
“Alright, she’s shy. Let’s not tease her.” jay says.
“Don’t makeout in front of us alright.” mia says.
“You and jake should take your own advice.” heeseung says. Jake blushes.
It was still summer holiday so both you and jay went back home to visit your parents and well…
“I always knew you two would get together. A match made in heaven.” your mom says.
“mom~” you whined.
“jongseong-ah, where is your sister?”
“At jake’s house.”
“Oh my, are they dating? I knew something would spark between them, they used to hate each other and now look at them. Mia didn’t even tell me about both of them.” Jay’s mom says. Your mom settles the both of you down on the couch.
“so…(name), jay. When are the both of you planning to get married?” your mom asks.
“MOM!” jay on the other hand was blushing hard.
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nereidprinc3ss · 3 months
so um, you’ve probably have been asked this many times but how do you start writing fanfic without cringing at yourself? i already feel silly for reading it. i noticed you have gained recognition outside of tumblr which i believe to be an achievement but i can’t allow myself to go through that.
i work in the finance sector at a big american firm, i can’t have my coworkers knowing i’m writing fanfic. i already get teased for watching disney animated films (which it’s not that bad) how do you deal with this? ik you’re still at college and ofc, this doesn’t mean you’re stupid but i bet you know what i mean? do you have some advice on this?
⚠️me not shutting the fuck up and getting way too personal below the cut
honestly at first i DID cringe at myself. i cringed so much that after posting my first fic in like november i dont think i posted again til january because i was writing and would just get so humiliated despite being alone and no one knowing who i was or what i was doing LOL but honestly the way i got over that was just to do it more because i truly love writing and why would i let feeling “cringe” stop me from doing something i love and that makes me happy? that would be so heartbreaking, life is hard enough, we deserve to do things we love and are passionate about without judging ourselves so harshly
as for not letting other people know well yeah i just don’t tell my friends or anyone ik in real life that i write fanfic lol, they know i love to write and they know im obsessed with spencer reid but that’s as much as i’ve told them! i know it’s a thing that maybe most people would consider “weird” but as someone who has a crushing fear of intimacy this is kinda my outlet lmfao. and it made me feel really insecure and weird at first but then i realized like… i try to be kind and caring and thoughtful, i have a lot of good qualities and the fact that i write fanfic doesn’t actually detract from any of them. it also helped for me to accept the reason why i write fanfic which is (and we’re abt to get real personal) i’m deeply afraid of intimacy of any kind and always have been so writing fiction abt the stuff i’m too scared to do isn’t a bad thing. there are a lot of people who wouldn’t understand it but they don’t have the same experiences as me and i don’t need them to understand it because i know that they never could. like they don’t understand what it’s like to so terrified of being known by another person that you obsess over the hottest guy in your school district for six months bc you want the validation of him liking you back and you do everything in your power to make him like you and then when he actually does reciprocate you immediately start icing him out to the point where he says hi at a party and you ignore him to his face cause you’re so afraid of men😂😂😂😂😂 they don’t get those vibes!!!
anyway basically you just have to remember that you’re doing it for you and it actually doesn’t mean something is WRONG with you if you enjoy writing and the safety and control that fiction offers you. it just means you’re one of billions of people living an entirely unique experience, just like anyone else, and honestly i think it makes you interesting. having hobbies and passions is rlly sexy and cool, regardless of what they are, and you deserve to do stuff you like doing. if anyone else is giving you shit abt it it’s probably because they genuinely don’t understand what it’s like to have interests and that makes me feel bad for them lol
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obanais-koibito · 10 months
𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐤𝐨 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀 𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐲
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Y’all have fast passes in this
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He wasn’t so sure about the idea of being hundreds of feet up in the air moving fast, it sounded unsafe to him
He didn’t know if it was a good idea or not but you were ecstatic about it so he just gave in and took you to Disney World and walked around until you found the one you wanted to ride first
You dragged him to Splash Mountain and began waiting in line until it was your turn 
He was uneasy since it was a water ride and he was a bit nervous that you both would tip over and land in the water
When it began moving, he held onto your hand, hoping he wasn’t holding it tight enough for you to notice
At the big drop, just the sight made him regret his decision and once you fell down the drop, he screamed
He held onto your arm and continued to scream the rest of the drop while you laughed
After you got off, he looked at you with an emotionless expression and said, “I’m wet, I’m cold and I’m traumatized.”
He will refuse to get on another rollercoaster no matter how much you bribe him, he will just wait for you with all your plushies and headbands in his arms
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He liked the idea of spending time with you and having fun at Disney World, he would be completely fine with doing whatever makes you happy even if it was riding a roller coaster
He thought roller coasters were fun and all but he was a bit nervous that something would go wrong and possibly put you in danger
The ride you wanted to go on was the Slinky roller coaster so he bought you both matching Slinky headbands before waiting in line
He was excited to go on the ride and even though he was nervous, he would just kept telling himself that everything was going to be fine
He would hold your hand on the ride to calm his nerves but once he saw you having fun on the ride, he eventually found himself also having fun
All the negative feelings he had about roller coasters vanished and he found himself wanting to go on more rides as long as it was with you
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He thought the idea of going to Disney World was a great romantic idea Ana’s had no hesitation to drag you out the door
When you arrived, he expected to go around and buy a bunch of nonsense but when you told him you wanted to go ride a roller coaster, specifically Space Mountain, all the color drained from his face
He would cause a scene by crying loudly and clinging onto your leg, begging you to tell him that you were joking
You would have to hold him in line or else he was going to run away and the whole time, he would just be crying and begging you to change your mind
Once it was your turn and the roller coaster began, he was already screaming even though it wasn’t going fast yet
Your ears will be DESTROYED once there is no lighting and the speed picks up, he would be screaming and clinging onto you the whole time
The second the ride is over, he is jumping out of the cart, picking you up and running the hell out of there
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He didn’t know what a roller coaster so you would have to teach him all about it and once he finally understood, he grinned and insisted on going to one
Ever since you introduced roller coasters to him, he wanted to do nothing but go on them because he thought that being high in the air and moving at ridiculously high speeds sounded exhilarating and fun
He wanted to go on the one that sounded the most intimidating which was Thunder Mountain
He would be the one to drag you to the roller coaster and while you were waiting in line, he went on and on about how fun this would be
The second it was your turn, he would immediately hop onto the seat and excitedly wait for it to start moving while saying things like, “This is going to be fun!” “I bet I’m the bravest out of everyone here!”
While the roller coaster moved, Inosuke would be laughing like crazy and yelling to go even faster
He would want to go on it over and over but if you didn’t want to, he would drag you to other roller coasters
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artiststarme · 1 year
A Date Gone Wrong
A little humor for you guys! I hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Eddie was never going to let Steve plan any of their dates ever again. He was having fun for a while, he would give him that. The hike was a little too much of a trek but the view, picnic, and company were amazing…
Until the squirrel came. 
For the past couple of weeks that they’d been dating, Eddie had been the one making all of the plans. He arranged movie nights, smoke outs, and trips to the bowling alley. He liked planning things and focusing all of his attention into making the best plans he could, it was what made him such a good DM. But he could understand why Steve felt he himself wasn’t putting enough effort in. He showed his love through gifts and cuddled affection. However, Steve was not good at planning. He decided for his first date to take Eddie to do something requiring physical exertion, and not in a fun way. Also, he unknowingly took Eddie to a place where he was surrounded by things he didn’t like. 
Fresh air, sunlight, mean and scary rodents with bushy tails, bugs, the list continues. But Eddie was doing a great job ignoring all of that by focusing on Steve. He looked amazing and his tan skin stretched over delicious muscles as he walked. Even the sun was focusing on how hot his boyfriend was. The beams of sunlight that fell on him made him look like an angel.
They sat down just past midday to eat the picnic Steve prepared for them and inside the little cooler was the best sandwich Eddie had ever tasted. He groaned in pleasure and sent Steve a thumbs up. He’d never experienced a grilled chicken sandwich with pesto mayonnaise as delicious as this one. Eddie was just starting to relax, to enjoy this outdoors date when it happened. 
A small squirrel ran up to Steve and climbed into his lap, nibbling on the crumbs from his sandwich that rested there. The both paused, albeit for different reasons. Steve didn’t want to disrupt the little creature or scare it at all so he didn’t move a muscle. Eddie, though, was terrified and he couldn’t move out of fear. He’d been terrified of squirrels ever since he was a kid when he was chased, peed on, and climbed on in quick succession when he’d first moved in with Wayne. Now was no exception.
But he was also torn because he was dating a true life Disney princess and he couldn’t help but see the situation as unnecessarily adorable even despite his heart pounding in his chest. He enjoyed the view for another moment before the squirrel jumped off of Steve’s lap and took a tiny step towards him. 
Then, all bets were off. Eddie screamed shrilly in terrified horror and threw the glorious sandwich at the rabid beast. It barely even paused its stride and skittered ever closer.  
“Steve! It’s after me, ahhhhh!” He shrieked. Eddie stumbled to his feet and took off running down the trail they’d used to get to that spot. He kept running, wheezing and all, until he reached the Beemer. He put his hands on his knees and panted as he regained his breath. Eddie hadn’t had such a close encounter with death since the Upside Down a few months ago. It’s a wonder he could even outrun the bats then because his lungs right now felt like they could explode. He had to stop smoking so much, Jesus Christ. 
He recognized that Steve wasn’t beside him but he was only slightly worried. He saw him rip a demobat in half before so he would be fine… probably. 
Just a few minutes later, he heard a throat clear above him. He looked up to find Steve wearing the most unimpressed look he’s ever seen from him. “What the hell, Eddie?! It was a squirrel!”
“I have a deathly squirrel of fears! Fuck- no, I mean I have a deathly fear of squirrels! I feel like I’ve mentioned it before.”
“You definitely have not! I would’ve remembered that, for sure.” Steve accentuated his words with jerks of his head full of judgment. 
Deciding to be a little shit for the afternoon, Eddie decided to mess with him. “Stevie, I am positive that I told you. We had a whole conversation about it, you were very understanding.”
“Oh, no, no!” Steve pointed an accusing finger at him. “Do not turn this around on me! Robin told you not to use my head trauma to your advantage, you manipulative bastard. I will call her!”
“Okay, okay, Big Boy, calm down. Jesus Christ, I’m just messing around. Please don’t sic your lesbian guard dog on me!” Eddie pleaded with him, laughter in his chest. 
“My god Munson, get in the car.”
“This stays between us though, right? Because Buckley threatened to shave my eyebrows off the next time I did that and I’m pretty sure you’re a fan of my eyebrows. They really bring my face together,” Eddie asked him over the hood of the car.
“Fine but you owe me,” Steve said humorously pointing a finger at him. 
“Oh Stevie, don’t you know already that everything of mine is already yours?” 
Steve’s face flushed red and he grumbled once more before ducking into his car. Eddie wouldn’t let him hide that adorable little blush though and he climbed in right after him. He grabbed his free hand in his and brought it up to his lips for a kiss, pulling out all of the romantic movies he could before Steve could make a move of his own. He loved this guy and if an outdoor excursion, squirrel attacks, and threats from Robin Buckley were conditions to keep him happy, Eddie would handle them in stride.
Steve drove them back to the Munson trailer where they smoked a little, cuddled, and watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off. It was one of the best days of Eddie's life and by far the best date he'd ever been on. With an ending like this, it wasn’t such a bad date after all.
Permanent Tag List: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1 @anzelsilver @jestyzesty @gregre369 @mysticcrownshipper @disasterlia @lillys-weird-world @messrs-weasley @gay-stranger-things @pnk-lemonades @coolestjoy30 @strangerthingfanfic
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awakefor48hours · 4 months
As I'm rewatching TADC, I'm beginning to realize that in the near future, we're probably going to see more indie projects and I actually think that it has the potential to be good for the entertainment industry as a whole.
As time goes on, more people are pretty much only using streaming services but streaming services have a lot of problems with their platforms. The subscriptions are getting more expensive, there's so many of them, and a lot of the shows are getting cancelled in their infancy (some after being greenlit for more) despite their popularity.
Since 2019, Netflix alone has cancelled dozens of shows such as Dead End Paranormal Park, Julie and the Phantoms, Inside Job, Lockwood and Co, Warrior Nun, The Baby-Sitters Club, Raising Dion, Shadow and Bone, The Oa, I Am Not Okay With, A Typical, Anne with E, and much more.
This list doesn't even touch on other streaming platforms but I'm choosing to focus on these shows from Netflix (probably the most well respected streaming service) because I feel like it gets to the root of the problem. A lot of these shows were cancelled in their infancy despite having had high ratings (once again, some of them were even greenlit for more seasons). I almost never hear about shows ending anymore, I only hear about how they get cancelled after a season or two.
With both streaming services and cable not really giving creators the most certain platform, doing indie projects seems like the best bet and it works really well for both the creator and the audience.
To go back to streaming services, the amount of streaming services in the world are only growing and not everyone has the ability to pay for all of them but even the people that do pay for a lot of streaming services can't watch everything. I've mentioned this once but my parents are subscribed to 5 different streaming services, that's so many but they still ask me for help to pirate about once a month because they want to watch a show that isn't available on the streaming platform they use. That is ridiculous and I fully believe my parents should be allowed to watch whatever they want. (Just like my parents, I'll gladly share the piracy sites I use but it's through DMs only, I promise I'm not scary I cry watching kids cartoons).
But when it comes to shows on YouTube, it's available to basically everyone with a Wi-Fi connection and I fully believe it's the main reason why shows like TADC, Lackadaisy, Helluva Boss, RWBY, RvB, and more were able to get their level of popularity. They're on a free to use platform and can be shared to other people just as easily. Also when creators post their show on YouTube, it's much easier for people to make gifs and edits (which, let's be honest, are the real advertisers of a show) because YouTube lets people take screenshots/screen record without any hassle.
*If you want to know how to screenshot/screen record DRM content (things like Netflix, Hulu, CrunchyRoll, etc), I do have a post about here.
Along with the fact that it's more available to the public, it's also more available to the crew and creators. A few years ago, Dana Terrace (creator of The Owl House) made a tweet introducing a new character to the show but the tweet got popular because admitted that she had to pirate The Owl House in order to watch it.
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(Since it's cropped in this screenshot, in the top right corner is a watermark of a well-known piracy site for The Owl House).
Imagine working for a company like Disney and not have the ability to watch your own show. They couldn't even give her complimentary mp4 files or even a subscription to Disney+ despite the fact that without her the show wouldn't exist. It's really annoying to see this but when it comes to shows like TADC, that problem doesn't really exist. You can just watch the episodes for free on YouTube.
Also, the fact that the episodes take a while to come out really makes the fandom feel a lot more united. The wait time between episode really kills the binging aspect of TV and I'm in full support of that. Ever since streaming services started to become the default way to watch TV, binging culture has gotten really bad and it can be pretty isolating to people who have busy lives.
Take me for an example. Someone like me, a single adult who has no kids and a terrible sleep schedule (ignore username), can stay up until 3 in the morning binging shows without too many negative consequences. But I have friends who are married/getting married and have kids/planning on having kids, meaning that they don't have the same amount of time as me. I can finish binging shows in a day or two which isn't a pleasure my friends have and it also mean I can't talk to them about it because they're only on episode 2.
I also feel a lot more comfortable donating to these indie projects because the money goes directly towards the creators and crew. When the WGA strike happened, creators explained how they got paid (you can watch the whole video here), and the quick version of it is, they only get paid the amount of times someone watches and episode, they get paid thee residuals from the subscriptions which is so little that it almost feels criminal. When you really put it into perspective, donating to 2 dollars to a GoFundMe and watching the show three times on YouTube is going to do more for a show then paying for a 15 dollar subscription and watching it 10 times.
YouTube definitely has it's problems, I've been subjected to whole ass adults saying "seggy" for nearly a decade, but when you compare it to the current state of streaming and cable, it seems like the best option for both the creators and fans.
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blackfilmmakers · 10 months
I pirated wish & the movie was just so mid. The concept art look more finish then the actual movie. Asha wasn’t really adorkable as people was complaining about since they saw how she acted in the trailers but rather she have no personality to me. The choices made in the movie was dumb like Asha asking for her grandfather’s wish to be granted during an interview. It was like asking for a raise during an interview for a job. And the king showing how the wishing process work make his look foolish until they had her be an apprentice already. Also I’m sure the whole kingdom would knows that not everyone wishes will be granted since Asha’s grandfather is 100 and still hadn’t gotten his wish granted which would also apply that the king is way older then he look since it was stated he built the kingdom. They could had made him want to keep the wishes to keep him immortal. And it suffer from show don’t tell cause people losing their wish doesn’t really affect them nor did anyone seem miserable in the movie until the king turn evil. It would had been cool to see them lose their creativity. Plus even if you forget your wish once you gave it to the king, won’t your family and friends remember it cause I bet you would tell them what you wish for. It would also had been interesting for as the person change so do their wishes which would reflect to something else different then what they originally wish for when they was 18. That way the king can keep an eye on his subjects since the wish show what’s in their heart. And I wish they based Asha on Tiana since they both lost their fathers and it could show Asha processing it still through being a great apprentice and seeing the king as a father figure so that when he show his true colors, it would make Asha feel like she lost another father figure. She rarely ever mention him and we don’t even get to see his face or any flashback. And I wish they kept the villain couple and star being a star boy because star wasn’t even important since it only made animals and plants talk . I wish they added the romance in the movie for Asha, considering Disney don’t do romance that much in movies but that have been happening just as they starting putting more girl of colors in lead who deserve to see themselves desire. Wish just felt like it failed black girl and black women again like they did with princess and the frog except worse because instead of turning Asha into an animal, they didn’t make her into a character at all.
It really was a nothing movie wasn't it?
I hate that Disney chose to do this with a Black princess once again, because they refuse to turn back to 2D again
They just somehow managed to be more lazy with her design and background heritage, and worldbuilding ontop of it
And then they have the nerve to say Wish isn't doing so well, because they made the mistake of pandering to the 'snowflakes' and focused more on representation rather than story
Like no yall just suck, and you didn't represent anyone in this story. Not the Amazigh, not Spanish people, not disabled people(according to some mutuals that pointed out Dahilia's cane isn't designed properly, and she walks like an abled-bodied person using a cane), not animators
I can't even see Asha having a love interest, because she just doesn't have a personality. Ontop of concept art pointing out that human Star was meant to look like her grandfather. But in terms of romance in the story, the concept of "love conquers all" used for the villain couple? That I could get behind
Supposedly, the reason they didn't go with this is because studios didn't want the monarchy to look bad? Skill issue, but anyways hmmm almost sounds like this could be an easy fix by making Asha a princess
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Hi BeautifullyObsessed,
Having heard the recent news regarding RDJ and who he's going to be play in the MCU in what I am assuming is future films( Avengers???), I guess, I must admit to being beyond infuriated with the MCU at this point. Don't get me wrong, I ADORE RDJ, but why in the HELL does he get play a whole new character, whether said character be a variant/from another universe/whatever, yet Rachel McAdams, who I also adore immensely and utterly despise how Marvel has treated her(ex. attempting to throw away/disgard palmerstrange and Christine like nothing), can't be Clea/ a Christine variant that is Clea? Yet, RDJ gets to do essentially that himself. Why? What's the difference? If he can do so, shouldn't Rachel be able to be a vastly different character as well? It's just so unfair, not to mention makes zero sense to me whatsoever how one person gets to do something, yet someone else doesn't get to do essentially the exact same thing :@ Not the mention, they would have had me automatically invested in that ship had they allowed Rachel to play the character. I seriously loved the idea of her in that role, waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy more than I will ever like the idea of CT in the role( not at all fan of that casting personally).
Thanks for taking the time to give your thoughts xx!
Honestly, when you put the question as you have, Nonny, the first response that came to mind is that there's some not so subtle misogyny at play here (the same sort of misogyny that enabled the Russos to dismiss Natasha Romanoff as being of no future value to the franchise beyond 'Endgame'). Coupled with Feige/Marvel/Disney being both desperate and greedy for a way to return the MCU to its former glory.
RDJ's Ironman was the initial foundation stone of the MCU and remains a huge fan favorite five years after his death. So, of course, his return to Marvel in any form is going to fill theatre seats that have gone vacant in the past several years with films that have well under performed those of the MCU's glory days. That's gotta be a huge win for the financial health and popularity of the franchise. And as for Downey Jr, well, he doesn't need the work in particular, but consider first how playing Tony Stark revitalized his career and gave him a cadre of Actors that became as family to him; who wouldn’t want to work with those folks again? Second, he really treasured being Stark, he was the perfect embodiment of Stark, and he must surely expect the same fulfilling experience as Doom. I wish him all good things--while I hope like hell that Doom turns out to be a Variant of Stark; there's so much fantastic story potential (including adversarial interaction with my man Stephen) they'd be throwing away to not have it so!
But Rachel, though--she's been treated shamefully, and like an afterthought, despite the incredible onscreen chemistry she shared with Benedict. And in 'Multiverse of Madness', 616 Christine got the same brusque treatment courtesy of Waldr🤢n and his enablers Feige & Raimi. First, they put words in her mouth that denied her canon feelings for Stephen--'couldn't love you...', wtf!!!...
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...then the last shot we got of her, she was irritated while watching Stephen try to save the city from a Monster, as though he was doing it to interrupt her wedding! You can bet your sweet bippy she would've been treated far better if Scott Derrickson had been at the helm (as would Stephen). But based on 838 Christine,
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I would have whole-heartedly embraced Clea as a Christine Variant.
I've said as much about a dozen times. Clea is so much more than a badass queen in the comics. She is not only Stephen's student but fully comfortable in her femininity. Unafraid to be soft despite her toughness and the battles she has had to wage in the Dark Dimension. Frankly, the perfect feminine foil to Stephen's delicious brand of masculinity [my knees go briefly weak at the thought of him🥰❤️‍🔥🥰]. They are true Yin/Yang.
Again, the story potential would've been awesome. Imagine Stephen shocked to encounter a Christine so different than either one he knew. A tough, battle-hardened, brusque, even impatient woman, not at all like the Christine he loved. He doesn't even like this Clea--until he glimpses hints of unexpected yet familiar compassion and softness, which draw him in. Ugh. As a storyteller myself, the waste pisses me off.
Academy Award winner she may be, but what I saw in Charlize's brief appearance as Clea showed me that either Feige/Marvel/Disney doesn't get Clea's beautiful duality or they simply don't care. And surely didn't provide CT with any indication that Clea is way more complex than Badass Woman--and that Stephen DESERVES that so much more in his future wife and partner in the Mystic Arts.
Maybe it's just my perception, but replacing Rachel as they did (and it was very last minute I recall, in December 2021, near the end of photography; they created Charlize's makeup & costume design pretty much on the fly in like 48 hours), feels like they said 'Thanks Rachel, you've been swell, but the foundation we built with you isn't necessary anymore, we got us a statuesque, super duper A++Lister. Ta ta, kiddo.' Which infuriates me.
So yeah, in the end, I'm thinking the reason Rachel isn't playing Clea while RDJ is playing Doom? GREED AND MISOGYNY. And after how abused Stephen was in DS II (ie: ignoring his whole experience in living out 14 freaking million timelines and barely letting him mention Donna's death, the most formative experience of his young life), I'm not even looking forward to DS III (unless Benedict gets significant input, especially in story/writing, as he's said more than once that he wrote things for MoM & No Way Home). Charlize's Clea (thus far) doesn't bode well for what I would have loved to see in Cleaphen.
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becky5203 · 2 years
I hate seeing people go off about Emma Fuhrmann’s replacement saying that “nO oNe eVEn cArED aBOUt hER”. Like, guys. Guys. Be real right now. You can admit that that was a crappy thing Marvel did. Whether it was Kevin Feige or Peyton Reed or some other random executive that made the decision to recast her and not even tell her, you can admit that it was a messed up thing to do. If you had been there and been a fan of hers after Endgame came out you would’ve seen how happy and excited she was to be Cassie and it’s not just that she had it taken away, they didn’t even have the decency to give her a call. We still don’t even know why she was recast but I’m willing to bet it’s just because Kathryn has more star power; which is ridiculous because not only was Emma’s scene objectively one of the best in the movie* but the whole start of the franchise was when they were taking a chance on the unknowns in Hollywood. I’ve even seen people say that Emma looked too old to play Cassie, as if she isn’t the exact age Cassie is supposed to be and Kathryn isn’t in her mid twenties. Listen, I get it. If you’re a fan of Kathryn, or just excited to see the movie and don’t really care about the Endgame Cassie, then you’re probably inclined to say “Who cares? Move on.”, but Emma probably did. She probably cared when the biggest thing in her career so far was ripped away just because she had a smaller name. She probably cared when she was treated as easily disposable and replaceable. So no. We’re not gonna “move on”. We’re gonna be annoyed about it because it was an objectively bad thing to do. If they wanted Kathryn for the role they should have put her in Endgame. Didn’t want the official Cassie to be shown yet? Too bad, don’t write a scene explicitly showing Cassie and get the poor girl’s hopes up, only to toss her aside like stale bread. I want to make it clear, I’m not trying to bash Kathryn; I’m sure she’ll be great. I’m just, like a lot of other people, still mad at the decision and whoever made it; also the way it was handled. So it really rubs me the wrong way when I see people acting like this was not an insane thing to do, like it wasn’t a remarkably cruel thing to do to a girl who was only 18 or 19 at the time, like it wasn’t emblematic of everything wrong with Disney and Marvel Studios right now. They don’t see people, they just see a dollar sign. You don’t have to pretend it’s anything else.
*Because people may ask. Yes, Scott and Cassie reuniting is one of the best scenes in the movie. And yes, I know, art is subjective and people are free to feel however they want about it, but I think we can all admit that even if it’s not your favorite in the movie it’s just, objectively, an excellent scene. Think about some of the best moments of the movie. “On your left” + The Portal Scene. Cap Weilding Mjölnir. “I am Iron Man”. Great scenes, amazing scenes, memorable scenes. But those scenes are all ten years and countless movies worth of build up. They’re cool and they great to experience but for them to fully land you have to have been there taking notes for every Marvel release of the past decade. That’s not the case with Scott and Cassie reuniting. With that scene, you may not know who Scott is, you may not know who Cassie is (and given how a large part of the MCU fandom at the time didn’t care for the Ant-Man movies, not many really did know), but you do know how important Cassie is to Scott and you know exactly how much he’s lost, how much they both have. You feel the full emotional weight of that scene and it’s not because of ten years of buildup or some fan service pay off moment, it’s because of Paul and Emma.
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meiloorunsmoothie · 3 months
how did you first get into Jeremy Jordan
good question—and one i very recently asked myself when the inevitable "how did i become this person" reflection happened 🫣.
i think there were many different factors (most of them not that good) that caused me to dive into obsessive mode so hard (and so quickly)—and it's definitely a "i see it now, but i couldn't back then" kind of situation. however, i'll spare you from those details XD.
the simple story is that, similar to you, i watched tangled the series and instantly fell in love with varian.
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i love him
funnily enough, varian was the reason i started watching the show to begin with (coupled with the fact that i love tangled, and rapunzel, and eugene, and pascal, and max, and- 😆). i actually listened to the tts songs before watching the show 🫣 because my sister had gotten hooked on it years before. however, i only listened to the songs with mandy moore and zachary levi 🫣🫣 (cause i was like "who are these other random people, i want rapunzel and eugene"). then one day i listened to "through it all," in which varian has one line (plus an "eh" which i love now, but couldn't tell was him when i first listened XD)—and i was instantly just like: who's that.
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have i listened to this one line on loop? you bet.
so i started watching the show—and loved varian from episode one—so naturally, i decide to look up the voice actor. it was jeremy....surprise. except...i didn't actually become obsessed right then. if anything, i was a little weirded out that this tiny boy was voiced by a 30-something year old man 😂 (but it's voice acting, so i was just like: wow, he did a great job 🤩...i'm going to go resume loving varian).
okay and then he sang. i knew he was good from his one line in "through it all", but wOW. adfasjkjaskfjd, on repeat forever and ever.
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yes he was
that's not when i became (jeremy) obsessed either XD.
okay...and then a bunch of life stuff/circumstances kind of collided, and let's just say that i was feeling extremely lonely while also struggling with grief. i think there was about a two week period of this before i started actually bouncing back, and i had just reached the end of s1. now tts was doing a good job with bringing much needed happiness in my life, but...s2 had a very noticeable varian-shaped hole in it 😒.
that's when i turned to jeremy jordan youtube. it started off (the first hour) pretty mild—just some of his disney medleys, or the greatest showman video, or just the ones with millions of views—but it very quickly turned into a full out jeremy jordan youtube spiral™️ XD.
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i must put this in your face again
i think in part, i latched on so quickly because jeremy and i are actually very similar people in general. i think at the point of extreme change that i was in at the time, it was just nice to "know" someone who was like me—and it definitely helped that there was easy access to extensive jj content. on a slightly different note, this is absolutely the reasoning behind the fact that if i had a chance to see jeremy live, i would choose one of his concerts over, say, gatsby—i am obsessed with jeremy jordan as jeremy jordan XD (hello akp).
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literally me (i grew up in california by the way XD)
anyways, fast forward ~3 months, and i joined tumblr 😆...and we all know what happened after that. honestly, not a bad decision in my mind (at least so far), despite being very anti-social media my whole life. i've gotten to chat and obsessively geek out with so many great people, and i'm just so grateful for that 💕.
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i've still only watched s1 of supergirl...and many youtube clips
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halliescomut · 5 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Ep 5
Sorry I was a bit late watching, and then I wanted to kind of digest the episode and organize my thoughts. And I gotta tell you I am still so fascinated by this show. This week...it's freaking anime Bluey. If you're not aware of what Bluey is, it's an Australian-made (and set) kids cartoon series about a family of Blue Heeler dogs that is syndicated by Disney. It's been creating a lot of really interesting conversations among parents regarding how the show portrays parenthood, and specifically about how often the lessons are for the parents watching with their kids, and not the kids themselves. (This is a good recent article about the show). While I have no children, I do have a niece and nephew at the prime age for enjoying the show and have seen all of the first two seasons multiple times (I'm still working through the recently released 3rd season).
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I'm drawing the comparison here, because while Tadaima, Okaeri has up until this episode focused mainly on the adults of the Fujiyoshi household, with Hikari and Hinata being more cutesy side characters. This episode really centers around both Masaki and Hikari, with Hikari starting to fully start to recognize what being a big brother means. While ages are unclear in the show, it seems like Hikari is supposed to be somewhere around 4, an age where both his psychological development and the cultural standards would be encouraging him to become more independent.
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But, in the end Hikari is still just a little kid, and in his very endearing way takes his big brother responsibilities a bit too seriously and kind of overextends himself.
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From the Masaki side, we see him dealing with the struggle of watching Hikari growing up before his eyes. There's a saying that the days are long, but the years are short when it comes to kids, and that's sort of what Masaki is dealing with this episode. He's watching the contrast of Hikari, who it feels like was just a little baby like Hinata only days ago, now being so much more independent and driven. They're morning the 'loss' of that stage of Hikari's life, while also being so proud of how he's grown. His determination to be helpful, to help take care of the house, of his sister, to help Masaki, these behaviors they want to encourage, that will help Hikari learn how to be a good person as an adult. And they also recognize that tendency that all children have of sort of trying to grow up too fast, because they're to young to conceptualize that they shouldn't give up their childhood, because it is so fleeting in the long run.
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Masaki struggling with the unique challenges of having a second child, and just the stress that comes with having to split your attention between multiple young children, they're feeling guilty over not being able to give everything they had before to Hikari, because Hinata requires more direct attention. And they can see the Hikari is struggling to adjust to no longer being an only child, not being able to climb in Ma-chan's lap whenever he wants, or be the sole focus of attention, but they also know it's one of those moments of growth that you just have to let kids go through. You can't really help, you can just be there.
But there's this pretty universal experience of good parents constantly being worried about whether they're good parents. And you may have heard that if you're worried about it, it means you are, because it means you are actively trying to be the best parent you know how to be. And that lesson is the one we kind of see Masaki learning over the course of the episode. I don't know that Masaki's accepted really that they are a good parent, and that doubt seems to be rooted in a lot of things we don't have knowledge of yet.
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We don't know nearly as much about Masaki's family as we do about Hiromu and the Fujiyoshis, outside of the fact that Masaki's parents have passed. Though it seems next episode we might met their uncle, which I'm betting will give us a lot more insight. But there's a couple of possibilities, one being that Masaki's home life was a traumatic beyond just the loss of their parents, and that there's a bit of a 'breaking the cycle' storyline happening. Something supported by the behavior we've seen from the Fujiyoshi's and their valiant effort to reconnect with their son and forge a truer bond with Masaki as their son-in-law. I particularly enjoyed the interactions between Masaki and Grandma Fujiyoshi, because you could really feel the desire to connect from both sides. While I continue to have issues with the intentional feminization of Omega or bottoms in BL, I was touched by the symbolism of wanting to pass down the kimono to Masaki. Especially because it was clear that this wasn't a case of 'I want you to have this to pass on to Hinata', but very much intended to indicate acceptance into the family.
Overall this show and this episode is a lot of food for thought for a BL. The veneer of the show is quite fluffy, but they've shown every episode so far a commitment to telling an impactful story within the bounds of BL anime and the omegaverse, which I applaud.
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