#Allergy Control Products
aircleaners01 · 10 months
Explore a range of HEPA allergy control products that are designed to help you manage allergies, smoke, & odor effectively and create a healthier living space.
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orcelito · 10 months
OK like I almost died today after eating dinner bc idfk my throat just fucking hated it and I got some goop stuck there and I was Coughing coughing coughing. Not even choking man it just sucked. It's clear now but my throat is still sore from how hard I was coughing. Unpleasant.
But that fic made me COMPLETELY forget about it. I've just been happily buzzing like a little bee thinking about it. THISSSSSSSSS is the weird alien smut I was wanting in my life. A fic truly deserving of the xeno tag. God Bless.
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etheries1015 · 6 months
I had sort of a crack idea of what would the non-human twst boys do if their crush or s/o was allergic to them? Savanaclaw and Octonivelle with like the fur allergy and seafood allergy. Maybe diasomnia’s s/o has some sort of fairy allergy? Sorry if this is too silly for you to write, it’s alright if you don’t 😭
I LOVE THIS BECAUSE I'VE HAD A SIMILAR THOUGHT i'm allergic to cats and i'm like...man what am I gonna do around Grim BUAHAHA...this is a great idea. Nothing is too silly to write my friend!
Non-human Twst boys reacting to a S/O who is allergic to them!
featuring: Savanaclaw and Octavinelle!
general warnings: gender neutral reader, not really proof read \
TW: None! just fluff. and allergies.
The first time you sneezed around him, they didn't know it was literally BECAUSE of him. This was until you two took a nap together for the first time, and when you woke up he saw your face...Oh, brother. Your eyes were puffy and red, congested, and your nose leaked like nobody's business. He genuinely felt bad about this, but wouldn't let you in on his true feelings/emotions. Without understanding the cause (though he had an inkling) he immediately took you to the doctor.
"They're allergic to me? What kind of shitty nonsense is that?!"
Leona invested in the most expensive of healthcare for you. Allergy pills and whatnot, because he wasn't about to sacrifice his lovely naps with his significant other. No amount of allergy is gonna stop him from getting what he wants, and that is your affection.
"Sooo...basically you're saying you're allergic to me? Cause' im part heyena?"
"It's a little more complicated than that. It's more like...animal dander? I guess?" You didn't seem to certain in your answer either, it was more or less a guess since...well, there wasn't half beast half human where you are from. You can only make an educated guess on why you're so allergic to him based off of the information you had back at home.
Ruggie is honestly so sad about this. He can't afford to get you any treatments or medical help with this, so you two just have to be careful. He does manage to get his hands on some special washing products (probably legally) and takes extra care of what he eats, and how clean he his. He's consistently brushing his hair and cleaning his ears.
"Man i'm such a simp. What's wrong with me?!" ...He isn't used to bending backward for people. But seeing you so sick around him, hurt him even more than his pride, so he of course would do anything to make sure you're as comfortable around him as possible. Ahh...the power of love <3
He gives me the "I must stay away from you for your own good," Type. Although this doesn't last very long. Jack is incredibly loyal, and he's far too attached to let you go. There's times where he would try and keep a distance (much to your annoyance), but when you began sneezing and itching your eyes you knew he was somewhere nearby. Jack is protective like that, but it pains his heart to see you so sick because of something he cannot control.
He does both a mix of what Ruggie and Leona does. He took up extra part-time jobs to afford good allergy medication for you, the entire works. Pills, eye drops, nasal sprays, breathing treatments...He also invests in high-quality shampoo and conditioner to help rid of his dander and hopefully reduce the amount of shedding he has.
With the amount of hair Jack has, he is CONSTANTLY brushing it and it is CONSTANTLY shedding. He does EVERYTHING under the sun to control this, all for you. Although... this is a partnership! You told him that a relationship goes two ways. You love him regardless of how itchy you may get, and you equally chip in to problem-solve.
You're both loyal to each other until the very end, no matter what trivial matters may get in your way <3
He knew before you two started dating that you had a severe allergy to seafood, so he made it a point to avoid you. But...that didn't stop YOU from coming to HIM. It was one of the things that drew him towards you, the way even though you were gaining a rash you would still wrap your arms around the back of him. Although it wasn't as bad in his human form, he was always terrified what would happen if he were to unleash his original form.
But worry not! We are talking about the literal king of potionology. He finds a remedy very quickly, and you trust him...a little too fast. He is astonished when he says;
"Take this...the second you drink this your allergies will be something of the past. But be warned-" You grabbed it out of his hand and chugged it. He stared at you with his jaw slacked open, his face turning a deep shade of hot red when you throw yourself onto Azul and place a big fat kiss against his cheek.
He imploded. But hey! his potion worked! He tried to get you to give him some sort of paypack, but you mentioned that your form of payment was in that kiss.
He now demands kisses every time he makes the potion for you <3 It's kind of a silent agreement. He just stares at you after you're done drinking it, and whenever you feign ignorance the point upon his lips is far too obvious.
The first time you broke out in hives, he remained completely calm. Jade is rather smart, and he understands your allergy must be because of his disposition as a mer-folk. Although in human form, he couldn't help but notice the way you would hide your rashes either behind makeup or by bulking clothing. He was amused by this for a moment, but when he saw it worsen he couldn't help but become worried.
"Why would you go so far for me? what do you gain by allowing yourself to become sick?" When you replied with a blush that you simply liked Jade, thus his shock soon turned into action. He excused himself for a few days to climb mountains and collect the most effective of flowers and medicinal remedies for allergies and put together a potion that you were able to take to alleviate your symptoms.
He isn't the vice house warden for nothing! His talents and magic prowess truly aided him, albeit in a way that was seemingly selfish. It was all worth it for you, though.
But he does use you as an example during a class project in potionology, having you stand up in front of the class while he compares your allergies before and after taking the potion.
He got a 100% in the project. And a Significant other. A win-win for everyone!
Floyd is much smarter than he lets on. The moment he hugs you from behind and touches your arm, he notices the rash right away. He eyed it with a frown, and without saying anything he let go of you much to your dismay, leaving you to your lonesome for a few days on end.
You had to admit you missed Floyd, his silly jokes and way of talking, his unpredictable personality, and the attention he would often give y you. While sitting at the table during a free period, your head was propped up against your hand and a sad sigh escaping your lips.
"Ehhhh? Why is shrimpy sitting here all alone? Didya miss me?" A familiar voice teased as arms wrapped around you and something akin to a vegetable drink set in front of you. You gasped and smile up at the tall male, who wasn't wrapping his arms around you as you were used to, typically ignoring the itching of your rashes. He convinced you to drink what he sat in front of you, and although you eyed it with suspicion, you sighed and drank it in one gulp and tightly shut eyes.
Nothing happened. You turned to look over at Floyd, about to question the purpose of making you drink the (surprisingly tasty) smoothie-like liquid but were quickly interrupted by lips pressing against your own.
The kiss caught you off guard and you began to panic, talking about your allergy...before you realized that nothing was happening. No rash, no itchiness, nothing.
"Seeeee? It's a potion. I made Azul make it for me. Now I can touch you as much as I want," He smiled proudly. However he managed to convince Azul would forever be beyond you...
He forgets to give you the potion sometimes, only when you two are cuddling and a rash or itching pops up do the both of you realize it's time for a dose.
Ya'll are so silly for each other <3
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teaboot · 1 year
Yo I haven't done it in forever so I forgot that working at a sex shop gives you superpowers
1. The We-Vibe Tango is a low frequency and fully waterproof rechargeable bullet vibrator that we used to sell for about $150. A new model came out about a year ago so it's on sale now online for $47. Can confirm that shipping is discreet and they have a really good warranty, just keep the packaging.
*(I'm not sponsored to say that and nobody is paying me rn, it's just a legit good deal.)
2. There are essentially three bases used for lube: Water, Oil, and Silicone. Oil breaks down any materials other than glass or metal, and Silicone breaks down Silicone toys and sometimes condoms. Water is safe for everything but tends to dry out, so people don't like it- but if you add water or spit, drying water-based lube will slick right back up.
3. If your water-based lube has given you any itching, tightening, or burning sensations, you probably have a chemical sensitivity. Obviously everyone has different preferences, but my number one recommendation is Water Slide- it's a super reasonable price compared to other lubes, it feels natural, it's incredibly gentle on the skin, and it doesn't stain sheets.
**(Again, I'm not being paid for this. By anyone. At all. I'm just sick of hearing people come in and tell me they don't use lube cause it hurts, or that they're using fucking coconut oil in their vagina. Please, God, don't put coconut oil in your vagina.)
4. A lot of massage oils use almond oil to suspend other ingredients, and warming products sometimes use cinnamon. Always, always, always check people's allergies.
5. You can buy toys off cheap sites if you want, just be wary of quality and ALWAYS read the product description. I personally wouldn't buy anything that isn't Silicone, stainless steel, or glass, because unlike jelly, plastic, "fantaflesh", and Silicon, (which is NOT Silicone!!!) They are non-porous, sterile, and don't melt in contact with each other. This means that as long as you clean them properly and don't use the wrong lubes, they will not hold bacteria or break down, which makes them safe for both you to reuse and your partner/s to share. (And to switch between front door/back door, so long as you wash before going back to front.)
6. Cotton and polyester bondage rope are cheap and great to practice with. Silk sounds fancy and is very strong but be advised that a lot of silk rope is "Silk(TM)", not actual silk. Read the product description. (I personally am reluctant to spend more than about $2 per foot for mass-produced synthetic rope, but could be persuaded to pay more for ACTUAL silk, nylon, handmade ropes, or especially attractive colors/patterns/textures.) You want your rope to be at least as thick as your thumb and layered to avoid lacerations, and taut (not stretchy) to be sure you're in control of how much pressure you're putting on.
7. Choking someone by pressing on the windpipe is painful and inefficient. If you want to, stay very, very light, as it's a very delicate area. If you want a head rush, press down on the sides of the windpipe, just below the corners of their lower jaw. You will feel a pulse there. That's the carotid artery. It carries oxygen to the brain. Pressing there will allow them to breathe, but will still "choke" the air going to their head. It's faster and painless. Only hold this for 3-4 seconds if you lack experience. It takes just under 15 seconds to make someone pass out from a blood choke, and after that you risk causing *permanent brain damage*. If your partner passes out, release pressure immediately and keep their airways clear. If you're the one being choked, know that your only warning will be spotty vision and a dizzy sensation. Communicate with your partner/s and for the love of God, do your research first. I'm not a doctor. Please God, please do your research.
8. Don't reduce blood flow to any part of the body for more than 20 minutes. This includes cock rings. Take a break for an hour between uses.
9. Most 'dick pills' are just a stimulant, a mild vasodilator, and a placebo. Usually mostly caffeine. They are not worth $20 apiece. Take a minute to meditate, have a hot shower, drink some black tea, have a coffee, go for a run, whatever- you'll get the same effect. And no, there is not a single ethical and legal sex shop in the country that can sell you viagra. You would have better luck on Facebook. Do not buy viagra on Facebook.
10. There are no "male toys" and "female toys". Your only limitations are safety and creativity. If youre sticking something into something else, just make sure everything is clean, not too big, not sharp or abrasive, and can be taken back out.
11. If something "goes missing" in your vagina and you panic, you muscles will tense up and it'll it'll harder to get back. Relax and stand up. Wait a minute. Chill. Calm down. Jump a couple times. There's nowhere for it to go and worst case scenario, I promise the emergency walk-in has seen something weirder or worse in the past hour or so.
12. You cannot return toys that you buy and don't like and I swear to God if you come into my store with an opened product and try to give it back I will lose my shit
13. Actually while I'm at it, people who work at sex shops are more often than not not sex workers and even if they were, it would still not be appropriate to flash or grope them or ask them "what they use", I will run you over in the fucking parking lot
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bonefall · 2 years
Herb Guide to HRT for Warrior Cats
Have a warrior OC you would like to show being on hormone replacement medication? I’ve gone through herbs historically associated with femininity/masculinity, as well as those with effects on sex hormones, that a wild cat could hypothetically find and use.
Of course, this would still require a bit of a leap as there’s no herb in nature that can replace our friend Spironolactone... but if you’d like some herbs with a grain of truth or history to them that wouldn’t poison a semi-realistic cat? Here you go!
Let’s identify what we’re looking for;
Hormone suppressing herbs = antigonadotropins Prevents production and recognition of present hormones. This is going to be big for an agender transition; but even in a binary one, they’re often taken with- 
Hormone producing herbs = estrogen/estradiol & testosterone/androgens Make sure your warrior doesn’t start on huge amounts! Smaller, controlled doses are more effective. Too much can cause the opposite effects and slow down transition.
Historical precedent = Just Cool If I find a cool story I’m just going to include it, but note that it doesn’t hold pharmacological basis.
I considered also including some thoughts on surgical treatments as well, but I’ve decided I’ll save that for a follow-up. This guide is purely focused on medication to stay SFW!
Hormone Suppressants
Lycopus (also known as Wolf’s Foot, Water Horehound, Bugleweed) is such a widespread species and has several other medical uses. Not only is it THE most well documented antigonadotropin I came across, but its different species have a wide variety of medical use, including treating anxiety, heart palpitations, stopping bleeding, and respiratory illness. This is also a mint that is not toxic to cats. Also it can be used as a dye.
THERE IS A CAVEAT; if Lycopus supplements suddenly stop or overdosed, it can cause thyroid enlargement. Keep this in mind if your trans warrior ever gave up their medication to a sick clanmate in leafbare!
Lithospermum ruderale (Aka western Stoneseed or Lemonweed) has similar suppression properties, but only in American fanclans, and not as many secondary uses.
Comfrey ROOT can also be used for this purpose, in addition to its canonical uses (funfact this plant is also called knitbone). But can cause liver failure in high doses.
Rosemary suppresses feminine hormones in the uterus, for warriors going from Female to Male. Additionally, it’s an excellent antifungal, smells great, and can be used as a cooking spice.
Molly to Tom (Female to Male)
Pine Pollen (particularly from the Scots Pine), can be added to water or foods and increase testosterone.
Stinging Nettle ROOT could also be taken for a transmasc warrior. The above ground plant can be processed for use with allergies, but the relevant part here is the root underground, which has no stinging hairs.
Sarsparilla ROOT is historically associated with testosterone, though modern studies haven’t held up the claims... but, it is a plant an American clan would have access to, and is also used to make root beer.
Tom to Molly (Male to Female) 
FENNEL?? AGAIN??? It’s true.
Through Fennel, all things are possible
It has estrogenic properties in all sexes and has been explored for the creation of synthetic estrogen since the 1930s. This can be used for a transgender warrior, as well as for a cisgender queen with a hormone issue. It must be remarked though; it looks alarmingly similar to poison hemlock, and should not be collected by untrained cats.
Hops (Humulus lupulus) is up next, but first I think this education is worthwhile; phytoestrogens aren’t exactly like true estrogens, but in high enough quantities (as in, much, much more than a plate of soybeans or a mug of beer) they can have estrogen-like affects.
Hops are the uncontested queen of these, and they grow wild in several continents. Hops can sometimes be toxic to cats, based on a genetic predisposition, and mostly to the ‘cone’ (female flower). For the best hormonal effect, the ‘flower‘ (male flower) would be dried and eaten.
Flax flowers don’t contain nearly as much phytoestrogen, but are safer for cats. Additionally, flax is extremely useful in construction, and can be used to make fabric or twine if your Clan is advanced enough.
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ms-demeanor · 10 months
Do you know how invert sugar works? I've heard a lot of conflicting things about it and it seems to be increasingly popular in packaged foods and restaurant food which is frustrating cause it seems to be an IBD trigger for me. I avoid artificial sweeteners cause they're triggers for me, but invert sugar is increasingly in things that say all natural or no artificial sweeteners, is it natural? what is it?
It is natural! Or, well, it uses natural ingredients. It's sucrose (a disaccharide, white sugar) split into glucose and fructose (monosaccharides) through a simple chemical process (boiling and optionally adding some acid).
Sucrose is the common kind of sugar that we use all the time; it is made up of two simpler sugars: fructose, which we often think of as "fruit sugar," and glucose, the most common carbohydrate in nature (it's the product of the Krebs cycle and it's the carbohydrate that your body turns into stored energy through glycolysis). Here's a diagram of a sucrose molecule:
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you can see that it already looks like two molecules, kind of, with just one oxygen atom in the center to hold it together. If you split this molecule with a chemical reaction, it will create distinct glucose and fructose molecules:
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(Glucose is on the left, fructose on the right).
If you want to make your own invert sugar you can do so on your own stovetop right now. All you have to do is mix sugar, water, and lemon juice.
Have you ever made simple syrup for sweet tea? Or made hard candy? Simple syrup is 1:1 white sugar and water. Hard candy is 4:2:1 white sugar, water, and sugar syrup. Invert sugar is a syrup in between those two which is about 2:1 sugar to water with a very small amount of acid added.
There are several reasons that bakers and confectioners will do this, including:
moisture - invert sugar is a humectant
texture - the addition of invert sugar can help control crystallization of sugar in candy-making
sweetness - invert sugar is slightly sweeter than white sugar
appearance - invert sugar helps things to brown faster
So invert sugar can be totally natural, it's easy to make at home, and it has lots of uses in cooking that are difficult to achieve without introducing more ingredients or ingredients that might change the appearance or structure of the final product. However, if you have issues with processing fructose, invert sugar is likely going to be a problem for you.
Honestly this kind of question (which I had a lot more of after getting diagnosed with food allergies and celiac disease!) is part of why I started getting more into cooking and more into learning about food production and nutrition. When you have to learn about hidden sources of corn in the American food system you have to learn a LOT about food and you come around firmly to the idea that "natural" on food product labels is at best useless and at worst misleading.
When you (you specifically, anon) are looking at a food label you're likely looking to see if it's going to cause problems for you. You're not really looking to see if it's natural, but "natural" has become a kind of shorthand for "no high fructose corn syrup" - if what you're avoiding is fructose, natural is not the word to look out for.
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
I think a critical flaw in the vegan’s user’s argument was that they clearly buckled down on how capitalist exploitation and overproduction factors into milk and meat markets… and then seemed to assume that vegan diets avoid capitalist pitfalls completely.
But you’ve already posted on your blog before about how crop production under capitalism has created huge environmental issues in terms of biodiversity, depletion of topsoil, and sustainability. Meaning even a non-animal diet can (especially on the scale necessary for every human being currently in existence) still create large-scale issues if that diet demands having specific foods in abundance to avoid eating meat.
Like, I’m sympathetic to what vegans want to do, it just feels like they’re ignoring a MASSIVE number of pressing logistical and environmental issues to push that agenda. There’s several intersecting problems here, and claiming humanity as a whole is poised to chuck eating animals completely seems to be jumping the gun.
This is basically exactly what I hope to convey to people. I feel like extremely pressing issues such as topsoil loss, pesticide and herbicide use, and pollution caused by nitrogen fertilizers, not to mention the severe biodiversity impacts of monoculture, are being disregarded in favor of a very simplistic "Meat is killing the Earth" argument.
And I think the "veganism to save the earth" idea is just...distracting, as a movement. I'm glad people are motivated to do it. I don't think it's bad. But we need people to take action beyond just Buy Product. Anyone telling you that the most important action you can take is Buy Different Product does not have your best interest, or the planet's best interest, in mind.
If you're eating a plant based diet, but your only relationship with your food is Buy Product, you are still alienated from the source of your food. You still don't know, and can't respect or care for, the ecosystem or the labor that gives it to you.
My agenda is far more along the lines of "society needs to be organized so more people are directly involved in growing food that feeds their community" than anything to do with animals, but it's clear to everyone who has studied it for 2 seconds that farming needs to change hugely and it's so, so much more complicated than "farming animals is bad, farming plants is good."
Also the fact is that veganism cuts you off from sources of nutrients that have been part of virtually every human society ever, a LOT of people have disabilities, allergies or nutrient absorption issues that mean going vegan isn't possible for them, and people who try to argue with me about this simply Stop knowing how to read when this is brought up. "Some people need animal protein to live" is a reality of the world but people who don't like this straight up refuse to consider it.
I have no food allergies or sensitivities, and I still struggle to eat enough food to live. I lost thirty fucking pounds in college because of stress, the dining hall being shit, and my roommate trying to control my eating habits (long story). Thats like...well over 1/5 of my body weight. Sometimes people Cannot restrict their diet safely.
Like, sure, I 85% agree with the vegans who like to comment on my posts, but the remaining 15% of things they say is completely insane.
And some of them are so out of touch with reality that they will swear up and down that it's impossible for humans to drink milk without someone having to murder a baby animal. They seem to think farming is exclusively some kind of horror show that happens in a warehouse somewhere, and don't understand the concept that "some people live in rural areas" or "it's not uncommon in some places to just keep a few dairy goats that provide milk for your family."
And if they admit this exists, it's like "well, that's not where your dairy comes from, because the INDUSTRY—" thats. that's my point, you can get milk from a farmer who keeps a small herd that is well treated, we should start doing this actually, you can even keep your OWN goat
my ideal world involves "backyard chickens and goats are legal in suburban areas where there's space" because there's literally nothing innately unethical about keeping a couple dairy goats or healthy heritage breed chickens and you can quote me on that and you can even fight me.
That one person (the one who kept bringing up eating poop) (Lord what a sentence to have to write) eventually turned to "Well those sources are wrong because governmental organizations want you to keep eating animal products" which is already well into "conspiracy theory" territory. No thanks.
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AITA for asking my mom to stop using scented bath salts?
For background, I am 35 and live with my mom and stepdad in an apartment. We split rent and utilities equitably. I am disabled and spend most of my time in my room. I have the bedroom that has its own bathroom and the rest of the apartment is functionally theirs. I have the use of the kitchen and can go hang out in the living room etc. but they control the space and it contains their belongings almost exclusively. In other words, my room is the only place that's really "mine." My mom has always enjoyed heavy fragrance products (perfumes, plug-ins, etc.) and knows I hate them. I do NOT have an allergy or any medical issue pertaining to them, I just find the smells very unpleasant and in strong enough concentrations a bit nauseating. I mostly accept her doing scent stuff in the main apartment as it doesn't affect my room, but lately she has been taking baths with a scented bath salt (in their bathroom, not mine) that has an intense, overpowering "clean" scent. I have compared it to Lysol, not sure what it's actually supposed to smell like. For reasons I cannot identify, it invades and permeates my room (even with door closed) like no other smell, at an intensity that wakes me up if I'm sleeping, makes it hard to even think straight, hurts my sinuses, and stays like that for hours. I can mitigate this somewhat by opening my window and running the fan but of course it's the middle of winter and 20 degrees outside. So I asked her to stop using this product, and suggested the same brand's fragrance-free variety. After a bit of back-and-forth she agreed to stop but said "I hope you appreciate the sacrifice I'm making, because I really like the way that bath salt makes me smell. So I'm basically giving up my happiness for yours." I said "There are lots of other ways you could make yourself smell nice, right? Maybe a body wash or lotion?" (Note: she has, for my entire life, loved and used lotions, body washes and similar products freely.) She said "No, I don't want to use those. I wanted to use the scented bath salts. But I'll stop so you can have things your way." I keep thinking about her framing this as an equation by which either I could get what I want (room not reek of chemical fragrance) or she could get what she wants (smell how she wants) and she gave up hers so I could get mine. I let the argument go because she'd agreed to what I wanted, but now I'm back and forth between thinking I'm being selfish and thinking she's being melodramatic and manipulative. It seemed more to me like asking a neighbor to turn down their very loud music (are they sacrificing their enjoyment for yours if they comply? or were they just doing something annoying and stopped when asked? is there a difference?) but maybe that's a false equivalence. AITA for getting my mom to stop using the bath salts to get her desired smell because it makes my room miserable?
What are these acronyms?
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rosesloveletters · 6 months
The Flowers You Gave Me.
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Pairing: 1971 Willy Wonka x Reader
Word Count: 3,080
Warnings: no major content warnings apply.
Summary: Reader has a food allergy/intolerance and has to carefully monitor everything that they consume. They are unable to eat anything inside of Wonka's original Chocolate Room and, therefore, he takes it upon himself to create an entirely separate Chocolate Room for their enjoyment and pleasure with foods which are completely safe for them to eat and free from any cross-contamination.
Author's Note: this fic is incredibly special to me, as Wonka's Chocolate Room is my absolute FAVORITE room inside his factory, but I would likely be able to eat almost nothing in there. At least, the chocolate would be off limits to me. I like to think Wonka would want everyone to be able to enjoy his chocolate and sweets, regardless of allergies and/or intolerances and, as we all know quite well, he goes above and beyond with extravagance.
divider created by @/saradika on Tumblr.
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The chocolate factory was a symphony of sights, sounds and smells.
The aroma of melted chocolate that filled the air was impossible to resist. Its rich, saccharine scent was intoxicating and sensual, making your mouth water in anticipation of the delicious treats that lied ahead. The sound of machines grinding and churning echoed in hypnotic rhythm throughout the halls while the incandescent lights shone down in poor, artificial substitution for real sunlight. 
Anyone else might have run off to taste-test as much product as they could get their hands on, but you had to be vigilant of everything you put into your mouth, scrutinize every ingredient to make absolute certain that there was nothing used in the production of what you were about to eat that could potentially make you sick. 
You were a bit resentful that you could not simply indulge in whatever you pleased, but this was your reality and you chose to make the best of it rather than let it control you. 
“I still don’t understand why you won’t just tell me what new product you’ve made, Willy,” your voice was terse, strained as if it pained you to remain cordial when he unwittingly teased you with treats you would not be able to sample, “why do I have to see it?”
It was not his fault, you reminded yourself. He knew your system could not tolerate certain foods, yet it was still understandable that time to time he might forget, although it was unlikely, considering his high intelligence, attention to detail and information retention. 
It was not that you were disinterested in his work; you wanted to share his excitement, but you could only do so much. 
You couldn’t taste anything inside of the chocolate factory until he gave you the ‘all clear’. You had to have confirmation and extensive reassurance that you were not ingesting anything toxic to your system and that nothing you put into your body was contaminated in any way. It was of the utmost importance that Wonka took the necessary steps and food safety precautions before offering you anything to eat. 
“Because to believe is to see, my dear, and you believe in me, do you not?” the smart curve of his lips as he smirked at you and the twinkle in his eyes betrayed little, but you felt like he was tempting you despite his words not making much sense, “I can see the worry lines forming, but please don’t be alarmed. You have tried so many of my creations and I haven’t poisoned you yet.” 
His words were meant to be comforting, but the added ‘yet’ at the end of his sentence filled you with apprehension. You knew that Willy would never intentionally give you something that would make you sick. He was not that cruel or uncaring. His words were playful and innocent and meant only to calm you down.  
Your cheeks were warm with embarrassment as you followed along beside him, however he stayed a pace or two ahead, traveling at a rather brisk clip. 
“I know. You’re right and I didn’t mean to imply that you would do something like that,” you tried to explain yourself, but Willy did not want to hear it. 
He held his hand up to silence you long enough for him to interject, “no need to explain anything away. I understand your concern, my dear, and am very sympathetic to your condition. Nevertheless, I simply must show you this.”
There was no getting around it. Whatever it was that Willy Wonka had to share, he was going to show it to you. At this point, your curiosity was starting to get the best of you and you increased your pace to keep up with him as he led you down a long hallway that you had never been on before.  
You were in the wing of the factory which housed Wonka’s beloved Chocolate Room. 
The sweet fragrance of melted chocolate wafted into your nostrils and you could practically taste it on your tongue. 
There was a lot which was unsafe for you to eat inside that room and it piqued your curiosity of why he would bring you to this part of the factory, but you remained silent as he led you on down the hall. 
Willy stopped in front of a door not unlike the one which led to the Chocolate Room. The wood itself was the same rich brown, carved to resemble a chocolate bar, except this one had an intricate gold inlay to set it apart from the others and indicate a very clear distinction between this room and the Chocolate Room. 
You would have noticed this door if you had chosen not to avoid this part of the factory and now as you stood outside the wonders held within the room beyond, you could not help yourself from asking, “what are we doing here?”  
He did not answer your question, but there was a knowing look in his eyes and that was one which you were highly familiar with. 
Willy Wonka was always up to something, but whether you wanted to know what it was were you uncertain. He had a penchant for hijinks and was known for being a bit of a trickster; you never quite knew if you could trust what he was saying or doing. He had created an aura of mystery and crafted the illusion that things happened inside the factory that were beyond his control, but you knew better. You had wised up to his antics and knew that nothing that happened here was without his approval, knowledge or doing. He was very much in control of what went on inside of his chocolate factory, regardless of what he might have let others believe.
His laissez-faire attitude added to the magic, but it was all a façade; this was his chocolate factory and he was the mastermind. 
“This is my most recent masterpiece,” he informed you, “the latest and greatest in chocolate confectionery that was as much of a challenge as it was a labor of love and artistry.”
He was proud of what he had created here, that was for certain. He was often humble about his work, even though you would have sung his praises to the moon and beyond. 
You did not know what to expect and so you eagerly awaited the unveiling with bated breath and hoped that whatever lied behind that door was edible and safe for you to consume. 
Wonka practically read your thoughts, “don’t get over-excited, my dear. Take it all in stride and appreciate what considerable effort went into it.”
His overreaching statements were as wild in sentiment as his hair was in texture and volume. 
You watched with wonder as one of the panels on the door flipped down to reveal a small piano lock, just like the one he had installed to keep the Chocolate Room off limits and protected. He played a few notes, which had a lower cadence and was played at a considerably slower pace than that of the overture of Mozart’s Marriage of figaro. 
Wonka deftly tapped the keys in smooth succession and you recognized the opening notes of Claude Debussy’s Clair de lune as the door unlocked itself. 
A wave of conscious relaxation washed over you like the calm, undulating ripples of the sun-warmed sea. 
He had wanted to surprise you, but this came as a shock. Clair de lune was your favorite piece and you vaguely recalled telling him this long ago; somehow, he had remembered. 
Willy Wonka didn’t acknowledge your surprise but was grinning from ear to ear as he pushed the door open. 
You remained where you stood, rooted to the spot. 
He had…remembered?
Why did he choose to use such a specific piece for this lock?
What was going on?
You felt like there was some giant secret that everyone was in on except for you, which was often the case with him, even if it would have been merely your perception with anyone else. 
You decided better than to ask him about it, knowing he did not like to be questioned and would therefore make up a silly excuse not to answer. Perhaps it was better that way, to simply enjoy these little surprises for what they were and to not look a gift horse in the mouth. 
A little smile lit up your expression and Wonka glanced over his shoulder to admire the look on your face. 
The soft light in his cornflower eyes made him seem almost ethereal. 
His gaze shifted skyward and his smirk grew.
He refrained from divulging that he had learned Clair de lune in its entirety; perhaps he would share this with you after dinner, when he might idly choose to sit at the piano and play, giving you yet another little surprise like tiny morsels spread throughout the day so that you could have a taste of sweetness each time you had a craving. 
What use was it to devour it all at once, rather than savor everything he had to offer?
Willy Wonka had so many secrets to share, but he wanted to take his time. 
Luckily, you would have willingly spent a lifetime just to learn his name, not to mention everything else in his head, which was an even more beautiful place than any one of the seven wonders of the world. 
Wonka gestured for you to enter, holding the door open for you. 
After you had recovered, your legs felt like jelly, but were steady enough to carry you over the threshold and onto the landing inside the room.
The sight that greeted you was so overwhelming that you did not notice Wonka enter and close the door behind you. 
He was still smiling, his eyes raking over you as he assessed your reaction to determine whether you were pleased. 
You covered your gaping mouth as your eyes were drawn to an array of vibrant colors and abstract shapes, candy-coated woodland scenery inside of a sugar-inducing wonderland.
It was all too reminiscent of his original Chocolate Room, except for the lack of a chocolate waterfall, but you were not about to complain. 
He had brought this vision to life straight out of his storybook mind and everything that your eyes gazed upon was something Wonka had envisioned and created with his own two hands. It was miraculous and beautiful, swirling and twisting delicacies that grew on trees and from the ground like real living plants and flowers. 
Your mouth watered and your stomach rumbled with hunger. You were literally a kid in a candy store; even your actual age couldn’t call you otherwise. 
However, as quickly as your excitement had built, it soon faded twice as fast. 
You could not eat any of it. 
“Oh, Willy…” your voice came out in a soft, halting whine, desperate to fill your mouth and stomach with sweets you knew you could not have, “it’s absolutely gorgeous.”
“It’s for you.”
His words did not resonate with you at first; you did not even acknowledge them.
How could all of this be for you?
You did not understand and Willy did not clarify. 
He took your hand and tucked it under his arm as he led you down the steps and along one of the little paths. The small pathway curved into a small clearing filled with chocolate flowers and giant mushrooms with red licorice caps and frosting-filled spots. Your eyes did not deceive you when you thought you saw the very same edible flower teacups that grew in his original Chocolate Room. They were even the same color!
You bent down to admire them as they blossomed in buttery yellow splendor, a pleasant smile blooming across your features. 
These ones were somewhat different, shimmering as if they had been sprinkled with pixie dust; Wonka’s factory was nothing short of a fairy tale and you wondered what they were made of. 
“Give one a try,” Willy urged you, “I know you’ve always wanted to.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but the glint in Wonka’s eye made you pause. 
What was he not telling you?
You were beginning to put the pieces together and suddenly it clicked in your mind.
“You did all this…for me?”
Wonka nodded humbly, “of course. I can’t have you missing out on any of my confections, now, can I? Everything in this room is safe for you to eat and the only ones who have access to it are a select few Oompa-Loompas I have chosen specifically for their expertise in cross-contamination prevention who have been made aware of your dietary restrictions, you and myself.”
You did not know what to say. No amount of thanks would ever be enough compensation for all the work he had done to provide you with the safety and comfort that everything that you consumed inside this room was perfectly safe for you to eat. You would never have been able to repay such a grand gesture, but Willy did not ask you to. He simply wanted you to be able to enjoy these delicacies despite your restrictions and since he was the most masterful chocolatier in the world, he was more than capable of giving you that. 
“I don’t know what to say…,” but soon, you blurted out, “thank you, Willy!”
Tears pricked your eyes like sharp glass droplets and Willy’s expression softened. He extended his arms, offering you a hug which you gladly accepted. 
His arms enveloped you in a tight embrace and you burrowed in against his chest. He smelled of cocoa and understated tones of autumn earth and candied maple drizzle with brown sugar nectar. 
You inhaled, your head swimming with the intoxicating smell of him as he held you. 
“Are you alright?” he asked softly, craning his neck to look down at you. 
His eyes chased yours as you seemed somewhat afraid to make eye contact with him now; he wanted you to see the gentle look on his face and know that you were always safe here with him.
“Y-Yes,” you stammered, “it’s just…no one has ever gone to so much trouble for me before.”
“What trouble?” he asked with a slight frown on his face, “putting this together for you was a delight.”
“You know what I meant.”
Of course, he did. 
This was a massive undertaking for him alongside his usual work and to keep such a secret right under your nose would have been impossible if he hadn’t been Willy Wonka.
He heard everything that you were trying to say and it warmed his heart that you had such difficulty communicating it to him verbally. It meant more to him to see that satisfaction on your face rather than coming out of your mouth. 
Actions were stronger than words and this you and Wonka agreed upon. 
You gave him another little nuzzle and he patted your back in a comforting gesture. 
“Now, you can have whatever you like with no worry that it might be contaminated,” he assured you, his gentle voice like a sweetly sung melody, “but I don’t want you in here filling your belly unattended. A little bit of sugar goes a long way, so…I suggest we enjoy such things in moderation.”
You nodded, but then a thought came to you, “I think I’m far more at risk for sugar sickness from all your sweet words and kindnesses than from a little chocolate.”
“This isn’t your way of telling me to be unkind to you, is it?”
His teasing lilt made you laugh. 
“Absolutely not!” you replied, chuckling as he let go of you, “and all jokes aside, I really, really appreciate this, Willy. You have no idea…”
“Oh, I do,” he laughed with you.
He bent down and plucked one of the flower teacups and passed it to you, which you gratefully took from him. 
It was true; you had been longing to take a bite out of one of these since you had laid eyes on them, but thought it was never meant to be. Now, holding one in your hands, you were faced with the very real idea that you were as much a part of Wonka’s world as he was. 
You were as important to him as the cocoa bean was to the creation of chocolate. 
Everything that he did was now done with you in mind. 
It had taken some time to get to this point with him, but every step you took was another one which kept you by his side and you were ready and willing to carry on like this with him for the rest of your life. You wanted to coexist with him, to enjoy this wonderful world of candy that only he could create and now your fears seemed so far away.
Fear that had once convinced you that your limitations might cause resentment. 
Willy Wonka wanted you to know that no matter whether you could eat all his chocolate or none of it, that it did not determine how he felt about you. 
You were what was special and important to him and your impediments were not a disincentive. 
He would find a way around those because you deserved as much consideration and care as anyone else and he was determined to show you that. 
Willy knew how much it bothered you that you couldn’t just eat without worry and therefore he also knew just how much this meant to you that he cared enough for you that he would spend his free time putting together a Chocolate Room specifically designed to cater to your dietary needs and restrictions. 
He knew all this, and more, as he watched you take your first bite of the yellow flower teacup that had caught your fancy so much time ago. 
Your face twisted in delight and you hummed appreciatively as the taste of sweet crystal cream coated your taste buds. 
Knowing that he had finally been able to give you a gift that allowed you to enjoy his sweets uninhibited filled him with joy and even though he also knew you would be thanking him until the end of time, you didn’t need to. 
He had done this for no other reason than for your own enjoyment and pleasure and he knew how much you appreciated him. 
He knew more than you ever would have thought.  
Willy Wonka even knew that you loved him. 
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ros3ybabe · 7 months
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My *Updated Winter Skincare Routine + Some Tips 🎀
I have tried out some new products and have found some new personal favorite skincare items for the winter! I figured I’d update on my current morning and night skincare routines and add in some tips (based on things I’ve been doing that have been working for me). I am not a dermatologist or professional, these are sino,y my routines and what works for me!
🩷 Morning Skincare Routine
Wash my face with Cerave Hydrating Face Wash and cold water
Pat dry with a paper towel
Apply Jumiso Vitamin C Serum
Follow up with Illiyoon Ceramide Ato Cream
Use sunscreen, Beauty of Joseon Rice + Probiotics SPF 50
that’s my simple little morning routine! I love it so much more for than my super complicated routine because sometimes it’s nice to just get in and get my skincare done for the morning.
🩷 Night Skincare Routine
these two things stay the same every night, but the rest differs by night
Oil cleanse on dry skin with Anua Pore Control Cleansing Oil
Follow up with using the B.Lab Matcha Foam Hydrating Cleanser
Monday/Wednesday/Friday - Exfoliating
Use the Cosrx AHA/BHA Toner
Pat in the Cosrx Snail Mucin Essence
Use the Torriden Dive In Low Molecule Hyalorounic Serum
Next, I pat in the Beauty of Joseon Calming Serum
I use the Cerave Eye Repair Cream on my under eyes
Lastly, I use the Cosrx All In One Snail Cream
Tuesday/Thursday - Retinal Eye Cream Days
I use the Anua Heartleaf 77% Soothing Toner
Next, I’ll use the Torriden Dive In Low Molecule Hyaluronic Serum
Then I’ll occasionally use the Skin 1004 Centella Asiática Ampoule serum
Then I Pat a bit of the Beauty of Joseon Revive Eye Cream under my eyes
Lastly, I lock it all in with my Etude Soon Jung Hydro Barrier Cream
Saturday - Basic Day
I’ll use the I’m From Rice Toner on this day
Then I’ll use the Good Molecules Hyaluronic Acid Serum
Followed by either the Anua Peach Nicain Serum OR the Beauty of Joseon Glow Serum
I’ll Pat the Cerave Eye Repair Cream into the under eye area
Then I lock it all in with Etude Soon Jung Hydro Barrier Cream
Sunday - Full Self Care Day
Before double cleansing, I use the Beauty of Joseon Red Bean Face Mask (I love her)
Then I double cleanse
Then I’ll use the Anua Toner Pads
Then I use my Cosrx Snail Mucin Essence
Then I use either of my Hyaluronic Serums depending on how I feel
Then I’ll use the Axis Y Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum
Cerave Eye Cream of course
Then I use the Cosrx All In One Snail Cream
Every Night -
I pat a little Hyaluronic acid serum into my lips and seal it with Vaseline
a lot of products, yes, but I went crazy and bought a bunch of skincare and now I’m using it and my skin loves all of it honestly! My skin is not super sensitive so I use everything within reason in a way that won’t irritate it. For me, I know what works for my skin and what doesn’t, and that’s been the most helpful thing. Now, for some tips,
🩷 Skincare Tips
Apply vitamin C to dry skin! I’ve heard this helps with absorption and the way the serum works!
Pat face dry, do not rub! Rubbing irritates the skin and pulling on it aggressively like that isn’t good long term
Use clean paper towels! May be a bit wasteful but it’s a lot cleaner then using a face towel that you wash once a week
Apply Hyaluronic Acid to damp skin for better absorption!
Apply all serums to your clean fingers to pat into skin as dragging the droppers across your skin can collect bacteria and what not
Always use sunscreen! I myself sometimes forget or I skip it and that’s just not good for your skins health long term
drink your water!!! Hydrated skin starts from within, lovelies
Use products that work for your skin type! Avoid fragrances if you have sensitive skin, avoid snail mucin if you have a dust allergy, etc
Cold water in the morning to refresh your skin and wake you up
if I've washed my face + done my skincare the night before, I do not wash my face in the morning. I simply splash with cold water and do my morning routine.
learn your skin type! this will help you determine what products will be beneficial for your skin type and goals. My skin bounces between oily and dry depending on the weather, if I did skincare, if my pillowcases are clean, etc.
don't touch your face, at least not with dirty hands. always make sure your hands are clean before touching your face
don't pop acne! not only with this leave the chance of scarring, but it spreads the bacteria from one pimple to the rest of your face
brush your teeth before doing skincare. when you brush your teeth after, you may rub off the stuff you've applied or mix it in, which is not the best for your skin
those are all the tips I currently use in my everyday life regarding my skin! I hope this was useful!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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aircleaners01 · 10 months
Recognize the Magic of the best Air Cleaner Products
Breath Easy: Your Ultimate Guide to the Best HEPA Vacuum Cleaners for Pet Allergies, Allergy Control Products, and Dust Mites.
The best advice for choosing the perfect air cleaner for your living space. 
Allergy control products are working hard to find effective products that can control allergies, and asthma along with supplying an allergen-free indoor atmosphere. Air cleaners and vacuum cleaners are the most useful products that I have come across. 
Nowadays, air pollution is at its peak, and allergens like; dust mites, pollen, and dander, can destroy your health. It is necessary to invest in allergy control products that help you to breathe easily. Among the various options air cleaners play a vital role in creating a healthier environment for indoors. Let’s explore the benefits of an air cleaner and the best HEPA vacuum cleaner along with their impact on your life, in this blog. 
Importance of Air Cleaners Air cleaners also known as air purifiers, are perfectly designed to improve air quality indoors by unfastening particles, pollutants, and allergens from the environment. I have mentioned some benefits of using air cleaners: 
Protection Opposed to Airborne Diseases – Air purifiers can encapsulate then eliminate airborne viruses and bacteria. This offers an effective coating of protection throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Build-Up Respiratory Health – Air purifiers can reduce the risk of respiratory problems and are also helpful for asthma or other respiratory conditions. 
Odor Eradication – Activated carbon filters available in various air cleaners help to remove odors from your home, leaving your room smelling fresh and clean. 
Allergen Removal – Air cleaners can appreciably decrease allergy symptoms and provide an allergy-free environment. They are impressive at removing allergens like; pollen, pet dander, dust mites as well and mold spores from the atmosphere. 
Choose the Right Air Cleaner HEPA filters enable to capture of small particles of 0.3 macrons with 99.97% efficiency, forming powerful technology for removing allergens like; dust mites, etc. The most ordinary type of air cleaner is the HEPA filter (highly efficient particulate air) purifier. Mentioning some important tips for choosing the right air cleaner:
Filter Type – HEPA filters can capture small particles like; dust, pollen, and various allergens, controlling them to float in the air and making the environment allergen-free. Do you have any allergy concerns? If so, then always try to choose air cleaners with HEPA filters. 
Noise Level – After selecting the model, you should always check the ratings of the users. Some air cleaners are a little noisy. Proficiently, choose one without compromising noise, especially for your bedrooms. 
Room Size – Select a model that best suits your room’s size. Choose a model with your room preferences. 
Best HEPA Vacuum Cleaners for Dust Mites Listing some of the best HEPA vacuum cleaners for dust mites: 
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Shark Navigator Lift-Away Professional – This HEPA vacuum cleaner is the best choice under budget that can fulfill all your needs. It features allergen-free completely enclosed technology and a HEPA filter. 
Dyson V11 Animal – This vacuum cleaner is renowned for its strong suction facility along with a HEPA filter. 
Miele Complete C3 Cat & Dog – Miele vacuums are famous for their durability and performance. This model also comes with a HEPA filter along with a special attachment for removing allergens. 
Conclusion Air cleaners as well as vacuum cleaners both are indispensable tools. When selecting an air cleaner or vacuum cleaner for your living space, first you should think about your requirements. Then as per your preferences choose a perfect one. 
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inkdrinkerworld · 11 months
mon bébé!! would u ever consider writing more abt your harleyquinn!reader x miguel?? i loved itttt soooo🥺🥺 maybe one where he learns about her past relationship with the joker and how bad he treated her which makes him want to protect and love her even moreee (also it just makes him want to track down the goddamn clown and beat the fuck outta him) I LOVE LOVE LOVE UR WORKKKK
got me kicking my feet at the 'mon bébé'
you're knocking on the archway to miguel's office before walking in.
the last time you were in here, you were discussing canon events and miguel had learnt a little too much.
he'd learnt that an ex had been too much of everything bad. too controlling, too demanding, too aggressive- too much of what you didn't deserve.
he'd left the spider society for days after that and now, even though he's back you feel weird.
it didn't help that he hadn't spoken to you since and it's messing with your productivity.
"miguel?" you mutter, holding the improved spider-bots in your hand. these ones are much more able to adapt to the amount of power you need for whatever you're using them for.
"hmm?" he looks up and finds you in regular clothes- or as regular as they can get for you.
you're in a purple leotard and a skirt that's too short to allow him to focus anymore on what he was doing.
"i fixed the spider-bots; they'll contain the fire and the destruction to a 10 foot radius and their magnitude depends on the size of whatever we attach them to."
your upbeat-ness doesn't quite have the same ring it used to and miguel frowns.
"have you been crying?" he asks, straight to the point.
"yeah, it's allergy season." your spider senses have rid you of your allergies. miguel knows that. you know that. "you know those pesky sunflowers? their pollen always gets stuffed up my nose."
miguel thinks your deflection is adorable, "he's not gonna bother you again," he says softly and you look up at him.
"what?" your shoe digs into the floor as you stare at him.
"whatever his name was," miguel waves a dismissive hand, "he won't bother you."
your eyes widen to saucers- miguel's sure this is the first time he's seen you surprised. "did you break canon?" he's always sure this is the first time he's seen you worried. "will something happen to you?"
he closes the distance between you, "the canon is intact, nothing will happen to me, or you," your heart flutters at that.
miguel changes the topic, "show me how to use them?" he gestures to your spider-bots.
"thanks," you murmur before getting animated at your project. miguel is glad for your smile to return, and for it to be genuine this time.
truth be told, he would have dealt with joker even if it disrupted the canon. the way your eyes had dimmed when he had mentioned him as a villain in some part with the anomalies had miguel sick to his stomach.
sure you were unconventional, but that didn't mean you deserved to be treated like that. by anyone, let alone a partner- someone you had been meant to trust.
if you notice his hand hovering above the small of your back as you step into his space, you don't say anything- especially when you lean into his touch as you look up to gauge his reaction to your improvements.
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nametakensff · 1 year
🥀 for Eddie~
Ok. So. This ended up being 6k 💀
Please enjoy a fic of E/ddie being absolutely overwhelmed by multiple allergens before he completely loses all control in a most magnificent way ❤️
M/M, pre-relationship, pollen allergies, perfume allergies, sensitivity to cleaning products, cat allergies(ish), both S/teve and E/ddie have the fetish but don't know that yet, E/ddie turned on by his own sneezes, m/asturbation, humiliation, slow build of increasing allergic irritation
CW: a tad of self-hatred and internalised shame regarding the fetish
Slapped under a read more as this is very much NSFW!!
When Eddie had woken that day to a torso-crunching sneeze tossing him upwards in bed before he’d even been able to open his eyes, he knew he was screwed. It was peak allergy season, and they were hitting him hard. He scrambled for the bottle of meds on his bedside table, dry swallowing a couple of pills and steeling himself for the rest of his first fit of the morning.
“Hih! Hddt-! Ehg’tchiew! IDDHT’shiewww! Enngxt’tchiew!! ‘TShh’ieww! HIG’tchieww! Fuu’huckk-! IGK’tchiewww!!”
He let the sneezes do as they wanted, lying back against his pillow and allowing them to shudder through him. He felt the copious spray rain down on him in a gentle mist. It was gross, really, but he had just barely woken up – and it’s not like anyone was around to see him being so nasty. He briefly fantasised about what it would feel like for Steve to hold him as he convulsed, blessing him after each fittish release. Maybe he wouldn’t be disgusted. Maybe he would find Eddie…attractive like this, the way Eddie felt all the blood rush to his dick the few times he’d witnessed Steve let loose with a loud, messy sneeze of his own. His morning wood twitched half-heartedly in his boxers at the recollection.
He groaned, shaking his head and scrunching his eyes tightly shut, embarrassed by his own outrageous fantasy. It wasn’t normal to feel the way he did about sneezing – ridiculous to imagine anyone ever lusting over his relentless allergies, let alone Steve Harrington. These thoughts were becoming increasingly frequent, however; he didn’t know why his brain was so intent on torturing him like this. Steve would never be interested in him; hell, he didn’t even think Steve would be interested in any guy. It’d only clicked that he liked guys as well as girls – well, when he’d witnessed a shirtless King Steve tear a paranormal bat monster in two with his bare hands. He had no clue how to deal with these feelings. And so, he would continue to bury them.
He swiped at his nose and let out a bitter chuckle. He’d sworn he would no longer run away only a few months prior, and to be fair, he had the scars to prove he didn’t. So tell him why the thought of having feelings for Steve was scarier than facing an entire army of evil bat demons? Just his fucking luck.
He suffered through another 15 minutes of tickling, teasing fits before he felt his medication kick in – he’d long lost count of how many times he’d sneezed, and his erection hadn’t flagged in the least. He hesitated for just a moment before licking his palm and wrapping it around the length of his cock, squeezing himself generously. It wouldn’t take him long to cum – sometimes his own sneezes got him as worked up as other people’s, especially if he kept going. He buried the shame as he always did and focused on the pleasure, finally feeling it crest, mouth open in a silent scream as his orgasm pulsed through him. He tried not to think about the fact that the image of Steve’s twitching nostrils had been the last thing to pass through his mind before reaching release.
He lay in bed just a few minutes longer, luxuriating in the afterglow and blessed break from sneezing, before getting up and starting to dress for the day. It was Saturday, and he had lunch plans with Robin and Steve before meeting up with the others later that afternoon for dinner and a movie marathon at the Harrington household. He still hadn’t quite gotten his head around the sudden increase of new friends in his life, and definitely not the intensity of their bonds in such a short amount of time. Trauma would do that, he mused.
Stifling a few errant sneezes as he went, and just about avoiding spraying the bathroom mirror with a mouthful of toothpaste when a particularly evil tickle had ground at his sinuses, he successfully managed to get ready. A quick one over in said mirror had confirmed no major damage – his nostrils were maybe a little pink around the edges, his eyes a tiny bit watery, but nothing he couldn’t brush off.
He made his way out of the new government issued ‘we’re sorry a supernatural portal opened up in your living room ceiling’ trailer and into his van. That short walk had been enough to chip away at some of his optimism that he could keep his allergies at bay. But dammit, he had to try. For the first time in a long time, he felt shy. He’d always been embarrassed about the intensity of his allergies, sure, and only Gareth had really had the privilege of seeing him at his absolute worst, poor guy – but there was something about these new friendships, these new opportunities to connect with people outside of the tiny world he had felt resigned to, that felt serious. There was no way he was pushing them away by being a drippy, sneezy mess.
Easier said than done, he thought to himself as he settled in the driver’s seat, blindly fumbling to close the door behind him as an absolutely nuclear tickle had his eyes scrunching shut and nostrils flaring wide. He shuddered as another fit tore its way out of him, forcing his chin to his chest and jerking him forward almost rhythmically.
After he’d finished the fit with a particularly harsh “GXXXTT’shieww!!”, he blinked his eyes open to assess the damage. Steering wheel: drenched. Dashboard: thoroughly baptised. Window: visibly sprayed. God, today was not his day. He found a half empty and partially crushed box of tissues near the bench in the back of his van and almost used the rest of them just to wipe his interior clean and blow what felt like his entire brain into a wad of them. Satisfied he was done for now – and hopefully the rest of the fucking day – he made his way over to the dinky but excellent little diner he had been frequenting with his newfound friends for weeks now.
As soon as he walked in, he spotted Steve and Robin in their regular booth. His heart skipped a beat when Steve looked up and saw him, waving and breaking out into a much goofier grin than Eddie imagined the previous King of Hawkins High capable of. Eddie felt his own probably just as goofy grin emerge as he gave a little wave himself and joined them in the booth.
He was good for about 30 minutes – enough time for them to get their food ordered and shoot the shit about whatever it was that was running through their minds. It was never forced or dull, hanging out with Steve and Robin, and it made Eddie even more boisterous than usual. As he jousted fries with Robin, a pretty, new waitress walked over with Steve’s food. Eddie had never seen her before, and he was sure he would have remembered if he had. She was probably in her mid-twenties, super cute with a disarming smile and sweet composure. The other two must have found her equally as charming, if Robin immediately dropping her fry-slash-sword to her plate and the straightening of Steve’s spine were any indication.
“Here you are, honey.” She smiled at Steve as she leant across the booth to place his plate in front of him. It was as she moved back that the cloying scent of her perfume hit Eddie in full force. It was lavender, and she was wearing so much of it he had to wonder if she’d taken a bath in the stuff. His nostrils twitched traitorously, the previously unforgotten tickle bubbling to the surface. Eddie had no time to hold them back; he snatched his napkin off the table and brought it to his face to smother the sudden fit that rocked through him.
“Ingkt’tiew! Hig’tchu! Igxxt! Engxt’tchu!”
He felt himself starting to blush – he’d intended to stifle them into silence, but they’d come out sounding high-pitched, desperate, and embarrassingly girly. At least they weren’t that loud. Maybe the others hadn’t even heard him.
“Oh my god, Eddie, did you just sneeze? Because they were possibly the cutest sneezes I’ve ever heard in my entire life, holy shit!”
He peered out over the protective barrier of the napkin to find Robin and Steve both staring at him – Robin with an expression of gleeful amusement, Steve with something indiscernible to Eddie – concern, maybe? It didn’t matter. He had to play this momentary lapse in weakness off convincingly.
“Yeah, sorry, Birdie. Made ‘em nice and sweet, just for you.”
He flashed a dazzling grin her way, looking over at Steve with the same cheeky expression. Their eyes met, but only for a moment before Steve ducked away, looking almost bashful.
“Bless you.” He muttered softly before shoving a forkful of food into his mouth, effectively silencing himself.
Eddie felt his stomach flip over in giddy excitement at the blessing, the thought of eating suddenly the last thing on his mind. He managed to keep his face from colouring with a gleeful sort of embarrassment and quickly started up another teasing argument with Robin, desperate to move on and tuck away this recent turn of events to be returned to the next time he played with his cock in the privacy of his bedroom. They returned to their regular banter, Eddie sneaking off to the bathroom only once to let out a vicious round of harshly stifled sneezes that left him just a little bit dizzy, and before they knew it they’d been there for several hours.
They paid for the food and made their way to the parking lot, intending to split up and regroup at Steve’s with the younger kids in tow. Steve would be picking up Max and El, while Eddie was responsible for Dustin, Mike and Lucas (no Erica, this time – Tina’s house called). Nancy and Jonathan would arrive with Will and they’d all be assembled and prepared for a horror movie marathon, something Eddie, Max and Jonathan were eagerly looking forward to. Eddie had never spoken to Jonathan before all this mess, not really, and had been delighted to find out he was a secret horror fanatic – they had bonded over their mutual love for ‘The Evil Dead’ one evening while Nancy rolled her eyes beside them.
Before Eddie could make his way over to his van, before he could even finish saying goodbye to Steve and Robin, a pressing tickle wrenched a sudden, fiercely contained fit out him.
“Engxt’chiew! Heh! EDDT’tchiew!! Eshhhiew! IDDT��shhh! Jesus, sorry.”
“Bless you!” Robin cheerily offered.
“You okay, man?” Steve inquired, resting a warm hand on Eddie’s shoulder as the metalhead worked his itchy nostrils back and forth against an open palm, attempting to quell any further explosions before he could get to the safe haven of his vehicle. He was slightly crestfallen that Steve hadn’t blessed him. Ridiculous.
“Yeah, man, m’fine. Just something in the air.”
“Do you have – allergies?”
Eddie tilted his head to the side slightly, buzzing nose forgotten.  The way Steve had hesitated was…odd. And the way he looked just now was….wait. No. Eddie wouldn’t entertain the thought further. He was projecting his own weird obsession onto Steve and that wasn’t fair on either of them, even if Steve had no idea what went on in the privacy of his mind.
“Yeah, but they’re not that bad. I’m fine, really.” He lied through his teeth. It didn’t feel good, but it felt better than admitting how much of an allergic mess he really was.
“Okay. I’ll, uh, see you in a bit, man.” Steve didn’t seem too convinced. Dammit.
“Later, dude.”
Waiting for Steve to pull out of the parking lot, Eddie allowed himself one fully open sneezing fit.
“Hah’hh!! HIH!! HIDDT’tchieww!! IGXT’chieww!! ISSSH’ieww!! ‘TCHIEW! Hah! Hh-hh-HH!! HAHDT’chiewww!! Mother FUCKER.”
Okay, enough of that. Time to collect the kids.
“Dustin. What the fuck is that.”
The teen in question gave him an incredulous look.
“This, Eddie, is a domestic cat. A feline. You may have heard of them before.”
Cheeky little shit. Eddie swatted at him as he piled into the back seat, Lucas and Mike close behind him.
“No, Henderson, I mean what the fuck are you doing bringing it with you?”
The cat in question was extremely cute, Eddie had to admit. He’d briefly seen it before, clutched to the breast of Dustin’s nervous mother as they had an awkward conversation in her open door, waiting for the teen to make an appearance. He wrinkled his nose instinctively just taking in the sight of its soft black and white fur. He wasn’t allergic to cats, per se – maybe a little sensitive. He’d sneezed at cat hair a few times before – perhaps out of the ordinary for a normal person with an immune system not hellbent on murdering them, but for him it was nothing. Today, however, he was already feeling the pressure from the absolutely obscene amount of pollen in the air, and the cloying scent of that lavender perfume seemed to linger in his sinuses.
Dustin stroked the cat’s little head, earning a tiny mew in response. Eddie watched several hairs drift to the floor of his van.
“I had to bring Tews with us. Mom’s out of town tonight and she would lose her shit if she knew I left him alone.”
Oh, yeah. Eddie remembered now. Dustin’s mother was already an anxious person by nature but given that her previous cat had been eaten by some kind of demogorgon dog thing, she’d become extra possessive of her current one. Eddie couldn’t recall whether she knew the circumstances of her pet’s demise. Not that it mattered right now.
“Does Steve know you’re bringing a plus one?” He started the van’s engine.
“Think he’ll be okay with it leaving its dirty little paw prints all over the fine upholstery of his extremely expensive furniture?”
“Tews is NOT dirty!” Dustin bristled. Tews mewed in what Eddie could have sworn was agreement.
“He’s gonna have to be okay with it.” Mike shrugged. If there was one kid cheekier than Dustin, it was Mike Wheeler, Eddie thought.
So far, so good, Eddie thought as he settled down onto the sofa next to Steve. He’d only sneezed once on the drive over, stifled into silence as he stopped at a red light. The boys in the back had been too busy arguing over something inane to hear him. Said boys were now scrambling around on Steve’s living room floor sorting Horror movie tapes into categorical order of best to worse, and it was getting heated. Will, who Eddie had met later, was as animated as he’d ever seen him. It was nice – he seemed like such a sombre kid, exactly the kind Eddie took under his wing at Hellfire club. Back with his best friends again, it had only been a matter of days before he’d perked up like a blossoming flower opening its petals to the sun. Perhaps not the best metaphor to think of right now, Eddie lamented, subtly rubbing his nose against his wrist.
He'd been greeted at the door of Steve’s house by Nancy, who’d taken him into a hug almost immediately. Eddie would have never guessed such a refined, curt human being could give such warm and comforting embraces, but here he was. El and Max had come out of the kitchen to greet them, along with Jonathan, who smiled openly at Eddie. It was bizarre, all of it, this mishmash of people – and yet it felt so right.
Before Eddie could make his way into the living room to find Steve and Robin, he felt his sinuses come to life with an urgency more intense than any other time that day. Of course – the sharp lemony scent of cleaning products that seemed to hang around the Harrington residence permanently, nothing he couldn’t handle normally, had reignited the tickle he had been fighting so hard to keep dormant. He ground his teeth in frustration and quickly excused himself to the bathroom.
Locking the door behind him, he’d sneezed over and over into a hastily grabbed handful of toilet paper. Luckily for him, it was as luxurious and expensive as everything else in the Harrington domicile. He was especially grateful for that after 3 minutes of non-stop sneezing, when he pushed the tissue inside his itchy nostrils with his fingers and rubbed furiously, pleading with his nose to please, just give him a break, just this one time.
He'd wound down from the fit and checked himself in the mirror – he looked much more worse for wear than he would have liked. His nose was starting to look embarrassingly pink, his eyes the same. He splashed water on his face a couple of times, hoping this would help. It didn’t. He sighed in exasperation, then plastered his best devil-may-care smile on his face. He would just have to be realllly good at faking it. Pageantry was, after all, his forte.
So he’d made his way back into the fray, sat down next to Steve in the seat he had seemingly saved just for him (there went his stupid heart again), and let himself fall back into a steady rhythm of banter and laughter.
He was feeling great, feeling fantastic. This was so much fun – Steve was laughing at a joke he’d cracked at Lucas’s expense, and the rich tone of it made his heart soar. He wanted to hear that laugh every day if he could help it. He’d been so absorbed in the scene surrounding him, he hadn’t noticed Tews, bored of Dustin ignoring him and depriving him of pets, making his way along the sofa arm towards the latest target of affection. Unfortunately for Eddie, that was him.
Tews suddenly dove onto his lap, startling him enough to make him yelp. The kids laughed and watched in amusement as Tews started to settle into a loaf on Eddie’s lap. Dammit, it really was a cute little kitty. Eddie hadn’t had any animals growing up – he felt a little awkward around them to this day, but this cat was a particularly friendly one that Dustin had assured him didn’t scratch or bite.
Steve’s tan hand suddenly came into sight as he reached towards Eddie’s lap to stroke the little cat, shocking Eddie and making his heart race by pure proximity of angular, sexy hand to his crotch. Each stroke down the feline’s spine sent hairs gently lifting into the air and over Eddie’s jean-clad thighs. It was doing nothing to help the ever-present tickle, but he’d be damned if he was telling Steve to stop.
He was fine. He could handle it. Pollen, perfume, cleaning products, cat fur? No big deal. He was an allergic expert. He could hold back sneezes for hours at a time – did do every allergy season. He pumped himself up in his head, not unlike the sports coaches he had ignored and driven insane in gym class. Nothing was going to make him sneeze.
It was at the peak of this mental pep talk that Eddie felt the sudden soft, not entirely unpleasant sensation of something brushing under his sensitive nostrils. It felt velvety and foreign – but most of all, it tickled. Perhaps more than anything had ever tickled him before. To his utter dismay, he realised Tews was dragging the tip of his tail back and forth under his nose.
That was it. There was no holding back. Every single tickle he’d felt that day thus far seemed to combine and build into a commotion so strong, so maddeningly itchy that he reeled with it. His breath snagged, a desperate, noisy gasp inflated his chest to capacity. Time stood still for him as he held that breath for a pregnant pause, feeling as if the oncoming sneeze was simply too big for him to handle, that his body simply wouldn’t be able to get it out. And then, at last, the tickle reached its apex.
It was a monstrous sneeze, colossal as it wrenched its way out of him, sending him sprawling forward over his knees and almost out of his seat. If it hadn’t scared him, it had certainly terrified the shit out of everyone around him. Chaos ensued.
The cat in his lap startled, bolting across the room with a shrill and angry mewl.
“TEWS!” Dustin cried, hot on the cat’s heels as it attempted to scale the Harringtons’ fancy new curtains.
In the kitchen, El and Max screamed, and Eddie heard the sound of shattering glass as the bowls containing various snacks crashed down on the kitchen tile.
Steve jumped so hard beside him he was nearly stood upright, a hand clutching his chest like an old lady clutching her pearls.
The younger boys had yelled and dropped the tapes where they knelt around the VCR, Will actually clapping his hands over his ears.
Robin had jolted mid-sip, pouring the majority of her coke down her front and snorting some up her nose.
Jonathan, making his way into the living room from the kitchen carrying a bowl of pretzels, had tripped over Nancy’s suddenly outstretched legs as she jumped forward in her chair. The snacks rained across the room in a glorious arc of salt and crumbs, showering the kids on the floor and scattering over the carpet. Eddie was vaguely aware of a small piece landing in the messy tendrils of his hair.
You could have heard a pin drop, the air almost vibrating with the same deafening silence that followed an echoing gun shot. The only sound to be heard was Robin gently choking on her soda, and the rhythmic thump of Steve’s palm slapping her on the back. Eddie could feel every eye in the rooming burning into him.
It was objectively hilarious. Had it been anyone other than him, Eddie would have been in hysterics right now, struggling to breathe for laughing so hard. But it had been him, and he was mortified. As if things couldn’t get any worse, he could feel the tickle flare up again almost immediately, and he knew he was fucked. He’d been holding back all day – he’d been on borrowed time, knowing his allergies were hell bent on making him miserable, and it was finally his time. He muttered a breathy apology, face burning, before clamping a hand to his face and stumbling blindly down the hall to the bathroom, ignoring Steve’s concerned call after him as he went.
Seconds after he managed to lock the door with his free hand, he was pitching forward into his other hand with an intense fit – not as loud and forceful as that insane first sneeze, but just as draining.
His voice had cracked weakly on that last one. They were merciless, finally taking advantage of his lapsing defences to pour out of him, leaving him shaking, eyes and nose dripping. His palm was drenched, the mess threatening to flow down his wrist in rivulets. He needed a tissue – he needed to sit down and steel himself for the next round. Closing the toilet lid and tearing sheets of toilet paper to scrub at his palm, he hitched helplessly. He prayed the others couldn’t hear him, though a small part of him knew they probably could.
“Heh! Hih! Hh-HH-HDDT!! HIIID’SCHIeww!! EH’NGXT’tchiewww! AHT’chieww!! GISSSH’iewww!”
He buried his nose in the tissue paper, worrying at his nostrils frantically. Despite the embarrassment, despite the shame, despite the fear that he was already alienating himself from his newfound friends, he had to admit it felt good to really let go and sneeze out the tickles that had been torturing him all afternoon. When the sneezes gave him a small chance to breathe, he blew his nose, filling the tissues instantly. He pinched at his sore, buzzing nostrils and brought a new bundle to his face, letting further releases do as they would.
The sneezes were starting to wind down now, after what Eddie guessed was about 10 minutes or so. He was exhausted, his entire face felt itchy, and he was so deeply ashamed he could die. It wasn’t like him, this total lack of confidence – he surprised even himself with how down in the dumps he was feeling. He supposed it was a testament to how much he cherished these new friendships. Not that it mattered now, he thought, grinding a knuckle against the side of his itchy nose.
A sudden knock on the door had him almost jumping out of his skin.
“Eddie? You…you okay, man?”
Shit. Steve. No, no, no, not now. He was the absolute last person he wanted to see him in this sorry state. He jumped to his feet and took in his reflection in the mirror, heart plummeting as his eyes scanned his flushed face, puffy eyes and swollen nose.
“Um…yeah, Steve, I’m – I’m fine.”
At least he didn’t sound nearly as congested as he felt. Sometimes blowing his nose nonstop caused his sinuses to almost swell shut under the abuse, but blessedly, mercifully, he sounded just about normal. If he could keep Steve behind that door and successfully convince him to leave, he could make a break for the front door – any door, any exit – and make his escape. Keep driving until he left the town, the state, the country.
“Could you open up, dude? I have some stuff that might help.”
Eddie blinked, stifled a silent sneeze against a raised finger. Stuff? What kind of stuff? Either way, he wasn’t letting Steve in.
“Honestly, Harrington, I’m just peachy keen. I’ll be out in a few, just-“
“Eddie. Come on. You’ve been in there for 15 minutes. I could hear you out in the hall. It sounds like you were having trouble breathing.”
If Eddie had been blushing before, it was nothing compared to rush of blood to his face right now. Steve could hear him? Steve had been listening to him sneeze and sniffle and blow his nose, Steve had been waiting in the hall? And if Steve could hear him, what about the others in the living room? Had he been loud enough to reach even them? Jesus fucking christ. His eyes prickled with tears anew, this time in emotional rather than physical distress.
“I’m fine, Steve. Please. Just leave me alone.”
His voice was thick with emotion. Great. Now Steve could hear him crying as well. God, he was a mess. It was just too much.
There was silence for a beat outside the door before he heard Steve reply in a soft but firm voice.
“I’m not leaving you alone. I’m worried about you – we all are. I have some water for you, some Claritin – Dustin said he’d seen you take that before – and I just want to help.”
Eddie shook his head, knowing Steve couldn’t see him but struggling to find his voice. Steve waited, and when no response came, Eddie heard him sigh.
“Fine. But I’m camping out right here, whenever you’re ready to come out. I can’t have you asphyxiating in my bathroom all alone.”
He wasn’t expecting this – wasn’t expecting genuine concern from Steve, or anyone, for that matter. But if Steve had heard him and the cacophony he’d been making and still didn’t walk away in disgust, maybe it would be ok. Before he could chicken out, Eddie reached for the door, unlocking it and opening it gingerly to peer out at Steve.
He watched Steve’s eyes do a quick scan of his face, an almost imperceptible expression of shock crossing his features – ow – before a look of warm concern took over.
“Hey, man. Can I…?” Steve gestured towards the bathroom. Eddie moved aside and closed the door behind them. Steve sat on the edge of the bathtub, waiting patiently for Eddie to take his seat on the closed lid of he toilet. The older man only then noticed the tall glass of ice water Steve was holding out to him. He took it and gulped it down greedily, not realising how much he’d needed it. Steve also held out the blister pack of antihistamines, but Eddie shook his head.
“Already taken too many. Won’t be able to drive home.”
“I’ll drive you home. Or better yet, you can stay here! Some of the kids are camping out in the living room tonight.”
Eddie vaguely remembered hearing something like that. But more importantly, his heart soared at Steve’s unwavering kindness towards him. He already knew he was a great guy, had witnessed it first-hand when everything had gone to shit a few months ago – maybe he just didn’t think he deserved the full force of Steve’s good will directed solely at him. The realisation of this shocked him. This shyness was so out of character, so not like him. Eddie rubbed the back of neck, not able to meet Steve’s gaze head on. Those baleful brown eyes would’ve melted him where he sat.
“Umm….I mean, if it’s not – if it’s not too much trouble? I’m not sure I’d be able to drive like – well, like this,” He gestured in the general direction of his face, “-even without taking the extra meds.” He flashed what he hoped was a convincing smile at Steve and relaxed slightly when the younger man seemed to perk up at the acceptance of his offer.
“It’s no trouble at all! I asked you first.” He chuckled softly and carded a hand through his perfect hair.
Eddie felt the all-too familiar Steve-induced butterflies returning. Steve smiled softly at him and he found himself smiling back. After a beat, Steve, as if suddenly remembering he was here on duty as a mother hen, shook his head and faced Eddie with a firm expression.
“But listen, man….why didn’t you tell us your allergies were this….extreme?”
Eddie didn’t miss the way Steve seemed to fluster slightly once he started discussing his allergies. He’d been the same at the diner, and then the parking lot. Again, Eddie ignored the growing suspicion blossoming in the back of his mind, convincing himself he was projecting his own twisted desires onto Steve. It was hard enough to talk about his allergies with his unfortunate crush – the possibility that this would potentially be like dirty talk to the other man was so wild he couldn’t – wouldn’t – entertain it. For now.
He sighed and looked down at his lap.
“I don’t know, Harrington, only because it’s probably the most humiliating thing ever? On top of being absolutely repulsive and a total downer. I guess I just…”
He paused for a moment, eyes not leaving their fixed gaze on his nervous fingers as they twisted the rings on his knuckles, round and round.
“…I guess I just didn’t want to push you all away with my – my afflictions.”
They sat in an uncomfortable silence for a few seconds longer before Steve exploded with a sudden, uncontrollable peal of laughter. Eddie’s head spun round at the sound, fixing Steve with a confused stare. That was definitely not the reaction he’d been expecting. He was vaguely aware that the dormant tickle in his sinuses was starting to creep back up on him but was so otherwise transfixed on Steve’s baffling amusement he couldn’t find the energy to care.
As if realising how out of the blue his reaction had been, Steve paused almost mid-laugh, coughing nervously into a raised fist, a slight blush dusting his tanned cheeks. Eddie continued to watch him, trying to decide if he should be offended or not.
“Sorry, sorry!” Steve started, pushing his hand through his hair again. “It’s just – that’s so ridiculous, Eds! You’re not repulsive. You’re not gonna push us away. You’re not gonna push me away. You can’t help it.”
Before Eddie had a chance for the words to fully sink in, the tickle crested and he gasped with it.
“Sorry, I gotta-! Engxt’tchieww! IGKT’tiew!! Eh’TCHIEW!! Ugh, Jesus…”
He ripped another wad of tissues from the painfully depleted roll and dabbed at his damp nostrils, not wanting to blow his nose in front of Steve, even knowing he’d been listening to him before. He flashed a sheepish smile at the younger man.
“’Scuse me. Couldn’t hold that back.”
Steve visibly shuddered. Shuddered. Now that, Eddie could not ignore. Was that a shudder of revulsion? Surely it wasn’t-? It couldn’t be-?
“…’S’okay. Bless you.”
Steve’s voice was thick with some kind of emotion, so guttural it was almost a purr. His eyes were fixed on Eddie with a gaze so intense, so burning, that the older man almost shriveled under it. He wasn’t even sure Steve was aware of the way he was looking at him – heavy lidded, intoxicated, almost. Like a cat that got the cream. Eddie’s eyes drifted down to Steve’s crotch and saw, to his absolute surprise and utter arousal, that Steve’s cock was trying its absolute best to make itself known within the confines of his tight Levi jeans. Holy fuck.
He looked back up at Steve’s face with an incredulous grin, and it was Steve’s turn to shrink under his gaze. The ex-jock opened and closed his mouth several times, clumsily crossing his legs in a poor attempt to disguise his arousal, but the damage had been done. Eddie couldn’t brush this off as projection any longer. If there was a clearer sign that Steve was into his sneezes than popping an enormous boner and whispering a blessing to Eddie in a voice he imagined Steve had used to tell his girls to suck him harder, take him deeper, he’d sure like to see it. Holy shit. Steve was turned on by this. Holy shit. Holy shit.
“Uhmmm, sorry dude, haha, you know how it is sometimes – has a life all of its own, damn thing.”
Steve stutters lamely, eyes darting all over, anywhere but on Eddie, and Eddie relishes in the relief of his own humiliation seeping out of him while Steve picked up the slack. It was pretty sadistic of him, he had to admit, but he just couldn’t care – all of his insecurity, all the fear of losing Steve (though he couldn’t be certain of the others) had melted away entirely. Right now, he was riding the high, the suggestion of what this wonderful discovery meant for the both of them. He continued to grin, beaming so brilliantly the Cheshire Cat would be put to shame.
“I get you, Harrington. Guy problems, am I right, big boy?”
Though he blushed at the nickname (perhaps slightly more poignant than Eddie had originally intended), Steve seemed to buy it. Eddie wanted to laugh but held back. Poor Steve. He was truly, utterly adorable, especially in this frazzled state. Eddie couldn’t wait to tease him for the rest of allergy season, genuinely starting to look forward to it for the first time in his life.
“R-right. Um, I’m gonna, go tell the others you’re okay – they were worried – and, we’ll wait for you.”
Steve stood (erection flagging noticeably, Eddie observed), and put a shaking hand on Eddie’s shoulder before squeezing it gently. He cast a quick glance at Eddie over his shoulder on the way out, and then he was gone.
Eddie sat for a moment, collecting his thoughts and calming himself as much as he could in an attempt to settle his own reciprocal erection that Steve had (thankfully) missed. He splashed his face with water, sneezed a few more times, and after a long moment of deliberation, decided to take the extra medication. As much as he would like to monitor Steve’s reaction to his lingering sneezes, they would be surrounded by their friends – most of whom were literal children – and he didn’t trust himself to contain his own reaction, giddy as this most arousing confirmation had made him. It would be better for all involved if he passed out, in the end.
Eventually, he made his way back to the living room, where he was showered with copious concerned comments and playful jabs at his expense. He was still relatively embarrassed, but the genuine affection he felt radiating from every person in the room mollified him almost entirely. Things were really going to be ok. Feeling soft and mushy, he took his seat next to Steve and welcomed the sleep that not even the screams of the kids on the floor, enthralled by the demonic antics of ‘The Return of the Living Dead’, could shake him from. He dozed, peacefully, anchored by the warmth of Steve’s thigh as it pressed up against his own.
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ratsoh-writes · 20 days
what are some possible illnesses
Ooo I’ve been wanting to answer something like this!
Here’s a list of monster specific illnesses
False allergin: it’s when a little glitch in a monsters ecto makes it think that something it’s eating is dangerous. It works like human allergies and the monster is allergic to that food item for at least a century. It can range from mild discomfort to deadly. It’s rare and only happens to 1/350 monsters in their lifetime. This is only related to food type allergies. Allergies related to dust, pollen, and animals are permanent.
Clouding: when a shock to the system, like an injury or stressful situation goes too far and the ecto begins shutting down as if it has been sick for years. The monster symptoms include weakness, dizziness and fainting, chronic pain and difficulty eating. They need medical attention from a trained healer to “reset” their system before the symptoms escalate
Corruption: a sickness contracted from infected food, usually meat, the monster begins to rapidly loose weight, start behaving erratically and start loosing control of its magic. It’s like a magic form of rabies and the monster needs to be quarantined and fed carefully until the sickness runs it course. It’s thankfully not contagious
Starving rot: when a monster is malnourished for too long, the body shuts down magic production and instead rapidly grows physically as it overcompensates trying to keep the monsters base parts alive and healthy. This is seen in most horror monsters and while the growth can be stopped with a proper diet, the pains from it lingers for years
There’s more but here’s ones I have names for ;)
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sexydreamgirl · 2 years
Here are some manifestation ideas for those wanting to test the law or who's struggling to figure out what to manifest (I've put my personal favorites in bold)
- a different eye/hair color
- seeing a red balloon
- a food you've been craving
- the ability to change anything about your look at a moments notice (doesn't have to be limited to clothes. Can also be things like your hair length/color, your size, etc)
- have any super power that can be (and the ability to control them)
- your drink never goes flat, gets cold, gets hot, ice never waters down the drink, etc
- getting that job you want
- being that character you've always wanted to be like (not necessarily just looking like them)
- no pain when you get a tattoo or piercing
- tattoos and piercings heal immediately and never get infected
- time travel (go to a different decade just to see what it's like, or to go to a concert you missed, or meet someone who isn't alive in this timeline)
- moving to your dream home
- that thing you were eyeing in the store but didn't get
- being in a movie/tv show or have worked on said film
- being friends with a famous person (counting internet celebs like YouTubers/streamers)
- things you order online are shipped within a day no matter when it was ordered or what shipping option you chose
- your card is never declined no matter how much money was on it in the first place
- that show you love never got canceled
- you always win in card/board/dice games
- getting into the college you want
- graduating early
- the lip color of your favorite lipstick
- having no hair grow in places you usually shave
- bigger/smaller body parts if you catch my drift
- a bigger tv/monitor
- the ability to freeze time
- you always bring exactly how much money you'll need to the store
- youre a perfect cook/baker
- you have no allergies
- however you act in the past when time traveling does not effect your future
- you don't need glasses
- you fall asleep easily
- you always wake up on time
- you don't need extra hair products for the perfect hair you want (more defined curls, less frizz, etc)
- you always smell good
- any breakup ends as a mutual agreement and never is messy/leaves anyone on bad terms
- no one hits on your partner
- this one is nsfw but you're amazing at anything sexual/whoever you're sleeping with knows exactly how to please you
- you're a part of a royal family
- you're in some cliche chosen one story (just without the trauma that usually comes with it obv)
- you're immortal
- your pet never gets sick
- you understand and speak any (or all) language(s) as if they're your native language
Remember to not think logically about any of this! It'll all work out in the end
Oh these are absolutely wonderful, thank you!
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ms-demeanor · 10 months
Invert sugar anon here, I have to look for natural anyway cause artificial colors and flavors also trigger my IBD lol. My confusion with invert sugar is that like, honey, which I've read is an invert sugar is fine, simple syrup is fine, but like products that had sucrose before that have switched over to invert sugar have gone from fine to super not fine, with no other changes in ingredients. So my question, which you may not know the answer to, really is, why do some invert sugars seem to be okay and others not? Is there a difference or is my body just continuing to be as annoying as it possibly can?
Hmm, honestly my first thought as someone who deals with a lot of food stuff and "safe" foods suddenly being not safe is that it's not JUST that invert sugar has been added, but that somewhere in the process something else has been added as well or one ingredient has been purchased from a different manufacturer or something like that, and if it's not consistent across different brands of invert sugars and you don't have any allergies that could be acting up, it might not be the invert sugar that's causing the problem.
If it were me, that's something I'd test with a food challenge and try to control for all other variables to make sure that it really was that specific food I was reacting to and then I'd compare ingredients in that food to other foods and test the other foods to see if the reaction was the same. It's frustrating with gut stuff because sometimes it's hard to figure out what the actual food source/food trigger was because by the time you start reacting to something it's probably been a LOT of time (remember it takes two to five days for your body to completely digest and eliminate food; are you reacting to something you ate six hours ago, or are you reacting to something you ate a day and a half ago?)
I'm sure you know your body and have probably thought about all of that, but bodies are weird and there are a lot of moving parts and it's hard to eliminate this stuff. Are you having problems with invert sugar on days when you've eaten a lot of fruit? Do the problems persist when you haven't had any fruit? Are you having more problems with invert sugars when you're mid-flare? Do they bring on a flare?
IDK, it's hard to test and I know that because I've spent a ton of time trying to do the same thing for my allergens and it's a headache and a half (literally. Accidentally eating corn hurts so much).
But if you've identified an ingredient that you're certain is causing problems, avoid it. Industrial inverted sugar syrup isn't going to be the same chemically as honey (honey crystallizes after all, invert sugar syrup doesn't) so even though they share some properties maybe one is safe for you when the other isn't.
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