#tf idw character analysis
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novafire-is-thinking · 6 months ago
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Medic, Maverick, Maniac, Murderer: Understanding Pharma
First thing’s first: I love Pharma, dearly.
In all the time I’ve spent evaluating his character, I’ve mainly focused on what can be worked out about who he is as an individual: his core sense of self, psychological drives, subjective worldview, etc.
When all else is stripped away, who is Pharma?
This treatise is the product of obsessing over Pharma, analyzing canon (and extras), and reading as many different perspectives on his character from fans across the fandom as I could find. The post is long, so for those of you who balk at the thought of reading a shortfic’s worth of Pharma thoughts, feel free to read the TL;DR (Conclusion) at the end and then decide if the full read is worth your time. Also, a premium reading experience is available in the form of the original Google Doc version.
As you read, keep in mind that this is primarily a mix of psychoanalysis, evidence-based examination, and speculation—not moral, ethical, or sociological commentary. The goal is to examine Pharma’s psychological drives and core values, and each of his appearances in the context of those. All other types of evaluation are up to readers.
Now, take your victim blaming-allergy meds (just in case); remove your black-and-white thinking caps; and leave your personal morality lenses at the door.
Psychological Drives & Core Values
Why does Pharma act the way he does? What gives him a reason to keep living? What are his personal priorities?
At the beginning of the Delphi arc, First Aid establishes Pharma as a “control freak” and someone who “thinks he’s an expert on everything.”
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Now, First Aid has a habit of complaining about his bosses, but on both points, there’s canon evidence to back them both.
Expertise and Intellect
Throughout the Delphi and Luna 1 arcs, it’s established that Pharma is a skilled and brilliant doctor.
He once performed a 4-way fuel pump transplant, donating his own fuel pump in the process. (see above panel)
Later, he invented a soundbomb that left an echo laced with a virus and invented an antidote to that virus:
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And on Luna 1, he was on the edge of finding a cure for Cybercrosis, based on the fact that Swerve was able to formulate a cure from his notes.
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More than being a doctor, Pharma lives for intellectual and scientific achievement as a physician scientist. He feels most alive when he’s able to solve complex medical problems, and when his achievements are recognized by those whose opinion he considers important.
This is Pharma’s 'why.'
And even though he’s arrogant and enjoys praise, it’s not his primary motivation. He doesn’t need it in order to set his mind to whatever he’s interested in, although he’ll seek it from those he values most (i.e. Ratchet).
Pharma sees himself as less of a doctor, and more as a scientific innovator or medical maverick. The practice of medicine is primarily a catalyst for his creativity and intellect; it’s not an end in and of itself like it is for someone like Ratchet or First Aid.
First Aid’s observation of Pharma can be better phrased as, “[Pharma] thinks he’s an expert on everything medical”—because he’s not so driven by achievement and admiration that he’ll grovel at the feet of strangers and get good at something he doesn’t personally find interesting. The only time we see him express a desire for praise is when he’s around Ratchet—someone he holds in high regard for both personal and professional reasons. This makes sense since Ratchet is one of the only people who can give Pharma any kind of competition within what he considers to be his area of expertise.
“Each day we go to our work in the hope of discovering—in the hope that some one, no matter who, may find a solution of one of the pending great problems—and each succeeding day we return to our task with renewed ardor; and even if we are unsuccessful, our work has not been in vain, for in these strivings, in these efforts, we have found hours of untold pleasure, and we have directed our energies to the benefit of mankind.” —Nikola Tesla
Without question, Pharma has an inflated ego, but having an inflated sense of self doesn’t automatically mean a person is a full-blown narcissist or that they are totally uncaring.
Every personality trait exists on a spectrum. Yes, Pharma is arrogant, but the presence of arrogance doesn’t automatically and completely cancel out all “positive” traits. (For fun, check out studies on Dark Tetrad and Light Triad personality traits.)
People are complex. Arrogance can coexist with genuine kindness, ruthlessness can coexist with deep compassion, etc.
Whether Pharma exhibits genuine kindness is up to each reader’s interpretation of what little canon material exists, but the point is: Pharma’s arrogance doesn’t automatically rule out the possibility of authentic “positive” traits.
Controlling Tendencies
Pharma is comfortable pulling the power card and using it to dump what he sees as uninteresting parts of medical practice on those below him:
“So Fisitron’s writing about the Wreckers’ elbows now, is he?” said Delphi’s Chief Medical Officer. “Come on, First Aid - get to it. You’ve got a Fader in Row 2 downstairs.” He squeezed the air with his finger and thumb. “He’s about this far from shutdown.” —from Bullets by James Roberts
However, there’s nothing in canon indicating he’s power-hungry in a megalomaniacal sense. He’s not Starscream or Megatron; he doesn’t seek political or social power. In fact, he seems perfectly happy hiding away in a lab or medibay by himself so he can direct all his energy toward solving issues and achieving the so-called ‘impossible’ within the field of medicine:
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The ways in which Pharma exercises power and control are through his expertise, and his administrative/management skills. That’s it.
Pharma’s arrogance and controlling tendencies don’t seem to be a mask—like he’s trying to compensate for some sense of lack (in those areas). Yes, he fears failure, and yes, he displays some insecurity when Ratchet questions his competence. But at every other point and in every other way, Pharma is unapologetically self-confident. He’s fully self-assured of his intellectual prowess and problem-solving capabilities; he knows what he knows, and he also knows what he doesn’t know.
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Pharma’s arrogance and desire for control don’t stem from a hidden lack of confidence or a hunger for power on its own. They stem from the fact that he genuinely sees himself as the best person for the work he does. He trusts himself above anyone else to solve problems that come his way—medical or otherwise (within limits).
Elitism vs. Superiority
I’ve always read Pharma as having an elitist attitude, but not in the social stratification sense:
elitist (adj.) relating to or supporting the view that a society or system should be led by an elite.
There’s no evidence that Pharma believes an elite class of people should hold the most power. Instead, Pharma’s “elitism” is actually an individualistic sense of superiority. It’s centered on him alone, and is tied to his capabilities as a physician scientist and surgeon.
Pharma sees himself as the best of the best and makes sure everyone knows it—sometimes through his words, but mostly by his conduct in the field of medicine. This, paired with Pharma’s natural temperament, doesn’t exactly make him socially popular—inside or outside of medicine:
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One could argue that the “personality” Lockdown is referring to was a result of all Pharma had suffered at Delphi and Luna 1, but just as easily, one could argue he was always a bit difficult to get along with, and that his traumatic experiences merely magnified his already-present psychological patterns. Personally, I like the latter interpretation because it’s a flaw that makes Pharma a more interesting character no matter his mental state.
Everyone reacts differently to real and perceived social rejection. Some are so concerned about it that they’ll try anything to belong; others genuinely don’t care, and they continue as usual; and still others cope by shifting their mindset and developing a sense of pride in being an outsider.
There’s no evidence for this in canon, but I believe it’s within reasonable characterization boundaries to headcanon Pharma as being in the second or third category.
With either of those two mindsets, a sense of superiority can develop, or even be an inciting factor. Either someone sees themselves as genuinely superior to the majority and doesn’t mind when this alienates them from people, or they convince themselves they’re superior because the pain of accepting they were rejected for who they are is too much to handle.
Whatever the case, the point is, having an “elitist” attitude isn’t necessarily rooted in a sociological or ideological belief. Sometimes, individuals just see something in themselves that—to them—justifies a sense of personal superiority. A quick glance at Pharma’s canon appearances makes it clear he holds such a view of himself, at least to some degree.
Morality and Compassion
When Pharma first shows up in canon, he’s working at the New Institute. A lot of questionable things took place there on a regular basis—things Pharma would have been aware of, to some degree. However, his presence at the Institute doesn’t automatically mean he agreed with everything happening. Depending on how strongly someone feels about something, some people are content to disagree in silence. Not everyone who seeks employment considers it a priority that the establishment they work for aligns perfectly with their moral values. After all, there are other reasons to take a job: financial benefits, exclusive educational and career opportunities, pure convenience, etc.
I’m not here to say either way whether Pharma’s willingness to turn a blind eye to the events at the New Institute was wrong or right; that’s up to each reader to decide for themselves. However, Pharma’s choice to remain employed at the Institute for some time can say something about him as a character: his priority as a doctor and person is not to take care of everyone he encounters, or to act as some kind of moral or ethical authority.
This isn’t to say Pharma won’t ever stand up for something he regards as right or push back against something he sees as wrong, “off screen.” It’s just that everything in canon points more to a tendency to choose his battles instead of acting immediately on any moral sense the way someone like Optimus or Ratchet might.
This also isn’t to say Pharma doesn’t care about saving lives, but from what little is shown of him before Delphi, it’s hard to say how much he cared. Ratchet confirms later that Pharma was an excellent doctor for most of his life, but all that tells us is he was an excellent doctor; it says nothing about his internal attitude toward his work or patients.
However, inferences can be made based on doctors in our own world:
Being a doctor—especially one in trauma care—is far from easy. It takes a lot out of a person, and there are very few people who last in the profession for a long time. Most medical professionals fall into one of the following categories:
People possessing a strong will that’s coupled with an unwavering passion for taking care of others (the public’s favorite)
People who naturally have, or develop, an ability to switch their empathy off and on at will, or build walls around it—also possessing a strong will (the ideal)
People who naturally have a limited capacity for empathy (the one the public hates to acknowledge)
People with a strong social and professional support system (the necessary, but underutilized and underappreciated factor)
Of course, even if a person has one or more of the above, burnout can and does still happen, but individuals who have at least one have the best chances of surviving and thriving amidst the demands of the majority of medical professions.
As far as is shown in canon, Pharma never had a strong support system—either circumstantially or by choice—so something else was keeping him in medicine.
Pharma shows concern for both Tumbler (Chromedome) and Hubcap:
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But even though he obviously cared enough to step in, neither instance makes a strong case for a capacity for empathy beyond the “average” or “norm.” Performing a job well is a lot different from being personally invested in the work.
Based on everything up to this point, and this later comment from Pharma, about Ratchet…
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…Pharma has probably never shared the same I-care-about-everything-and-everyone view of the world. Instead, it’s more likely that Pharma holds a more rational view of his work and patients.
One of the first things learned in medicine, especially in trauma medicine, is that you can’t help or save everyone, and to hold yourself to that standard can destroy you quickly if you have a certain temperament or lack healthy boundaries for your empathy.
“There are times when it may seem as though I view sick or injured people not as living, breathing humans with feelings and emotions and people who love them, but simply as cases, as problems to be solved. And that is absolutely true. It's not that I don't have empathy, but the hard fact is that as a doctor, and especially as a trauma surgeon, too much empathy can get in the way of your job and cause you to make decisions based not on sound medical judgment but on your own emotions. Sure, I've seen things that even years later can still make me choke up when I think of them: a little girl shot and killed, a shattered young Marine who shouldn't have died but did. But you can't choke up in the ER or the operating room. To be effective as a trauma surgeon, you have to put a layer of Kevlar around your heart.” —Dr. Peter Rhee, Trauma Red: The Making of a Surgeon in War and in America’s Cities*
Pharma may have learned this difficult truth earlier than Ratchet and developed a practical way of managing his empathy that comes across as “cold.” He may have always had an ability to put up walls around his spark. Or, he may have always had little to no capacity for empathy.
The fact that the morality lock on Tyrest’s portal prevented Pharma from passing through proves he felt guilty for what he’d done, and JRO confirmed this. Therefore, it’s safe to assume Pharma had some level of empathy for his former patients, suffering moral injury when he felt he had no other option but to start killing them.
Still, looking at Pharma’s psychological drives and his behavior throughout canon, it’s clear compassionate care and morality are subordinate to his other values and interests.
*I highly recommend this book, and learning about Dr. Rhee in general. He’s a huge inspiration of mine, and one of my main sources of inspiration when writing Pharma. Level-headed and capable, strong-willed, selectively empathetic, an excellent scientist, etc. He lives for the thrill of practicing medicine both on the floor and as an expert in his field who pushes trauma medicine to new heights through his research. He also takes great pride in his hands. Seriously—the man spent an entire paragraph and a half talking about his “good hands” and how they were one of two reasons he decided to go into trauma surgery. The other reason was that he “liked action and excitement, liked the feeling of being able to walk into a tough situation and take control.” (Sounds familiar…)
First thing’s first: we don’t know how much Pharma did or didn’t know about the DJD before agreeing to take the Delphi assignment.
That far into the war, he would have known something about the DJD and their ways of terrorizing traitors and Autobots, but for whatever reason, he took the assignment anyway. Perhaps Prowl assured him the situation on Messatine would be monitored and that the security team would be enough. Perhaps he underestimated the DJD’s capabilities, or scale of territory, and thought he would be able to handle things on his own. Perhaps Prowl gave him no choice. Maybe it was all of these and more.
Whatever the case, according to JRO, Pharma didn’t hate Delphi before the incident with the DJD.
Word of god remains a touchy subject in fandom, but in this case, it’s important because it says two things:
The DJD left the Delphi medical team alone for some time.
Being on the edges of DJD territory didn’t automatically mean isolation and harassment by their hand.
On the second point, First Aid was free to come and go from Messatine as he pleased, seeing as he attended a medical conference at Kimia five years into his assignment at Delphi:
Five years ago [mid-Delphi assignment], the leader of the Wreckers had cornered him at a medical conference at Kimia, the space station that doubled as a weapons research facility. —from Bullets
And five years after that, he was able to not only contact Springer without delay about one of Agent 113’s bullets he’d discovered in an Autobot badge…
He raced upstairs to his computer terminal and typed in a certain frequency code for the second time in his life. A face appeared on the screen and grinned. “It’s me,” said First Aid. “And you're never gonna guess what I’ve got for you..!”
…but he was also able to meet up with Springer to hand off the bullet:
“Your friend has a funny way of making contact,” First Aid had said when he’d got in touch three days earlier, and he was right.
It’s not known if this handoff happened on or off world, but either way, the DJD didn’t interfere.
At some point, Tarn set his sights on Pharma and the Delphi team. Knowing the DJD, one can only imagine what Tarn used to show off his team’s capabilities and convince Pharma the best option was to cooperate.
In striking a deal with Tarn to keep the DJD away from Delphi, Pharma established his territory and ensured his continued security and the safety of his staff. As long as Tarn got his T-cogs, Pharma could continue on in relative peace. He could work his magic on bots that ended up at Delphi, carry out his management duties, and work on whatever projects or research he may have been conducting in his free time.
For whatever reason, after he first came into contact with Tarn, Pharma didn’t call for help. Communications were still operational, as Pharma wouldn’t have suggested contacting High Command about the Duobots if the team was aware of any comm malfunctions:
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Also, First Aid later confirms that communications were fine until the Big Bang (soundbomb detonation):
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It’s always possible the DJD was monitoring the radio waves, but secure subspace frequencies exist, such as the Datalog Network First Aid used to send the datalog containing the death statistics:
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Speaking of which, assuming First Aid sent the datalog with the statistics right when things started to get ‘weird,’ and before the Big Bang shut down comms, it only took—at most—a few days for them to reach Ratchet and Swerve on the Lost Light:
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But back to Pharma not calling for help: for all of Prowl’s intel, contingency planning, and fretting over the security of Autobot territories, I find it hard to believe he would have stuck an Autobot medical team on the fringes of DJD territory without giving them some means of securely contacting the outside in case of issues.
But even if Prowl didn’t give Pharma a secure way to contact him or anyone else, and even if Pharma was convinced the DJD was monitoring regular communications, there were other ways he could have reached out for help. After all, the team wasn’t alone on Messatine. Like Pharma said, Prowl continued to send bots to defend the nucleon mines:
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The Autobots had been mining nucleon for millions of years at this point, so I doubt the mined nucleon was just sitting in storage on Messatine; shipments of the stuff would have been sent off-world to wherever the Autobots needed it. Why not send a message for Prowl with someone leaving with one of those shipments? A message meant only to be sent over a call when absolutely certain they were out of range of the DJD’s potential monitoring.
Or, why not order in off-world medical supplies and send a message back with the delivery bot(s)?
There are two possible answers to this. One takes into account JRO’s word on the subject; the other is more intricate and speculative on my part, but it leads to the same place. So whatever your stance is on the validity of word of god, there’s an answer for you.
Answer one (word of god)
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Simple as that. Pharma was aware of the scope of the DJD’s capabilities and relentlessness, and determined he was trapped prey.
Answer two (no word of god)
There are a few possible reasons Pharma didn’t call for help right away:
He was convinced all his other options would take too long and/or would still lead to him being put under suspicion. After all, being found to have harvested even a single T-cog from an already-dead patient for the DJD could have raised concerns that would lead to Pharma being investigated and/or having a mark put on his record.
He underestimated the severity of Tarn’s addiction, and was certain he could keep up with the T-cog demand without resorting to other means of harvesting, not realizing Tarn’s quota would increase later on.
He was already paranoid as a result of whatever mind games Tarn had set in motion at their first meeting, making Pharma think escape was futile.
Word of god or no word of god, there are clear reasons as to why Pharma ended up trapped. Most likely, it was a mix of all of the above.
Whatever was going on in Pharma’s mind before, he ended up in deeper trouble. Tarn increased his demand for T-cogs, and Pharma couldn’t keep up. By the time this happened, even if he had wanted to call for help, it was too late to do so without implicating himself. He reasoned his only option was to start killing patients to harvest their T-cogs.
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Soon, Pharma was so consumed with fretting over whether he’d be able to meet Tarn’s next demand that he didn’t have time or freedom to do anything else except worry and feel guilty. His whole life revolved around Tarn’s addiction; he was no longer in control, and could no longer enjoy whatever it was about Delphi he’d previously enjoyed. Perhaps the facility itself enabled Pharma to research cures and perform scientific miracles of medicine.
Being at the mercy of Tarn—convinced the DJD would find him no matter what—would have been pure psychological torture on its own, but also knowing that any small chance he did have of getting help would end in him losing everything would have added to his suffering. Pharma became desperate to reclaim control over his life and began planning an escape.
Now, JRO has said that Pharma didn’t originally plan to use the rust plague on the DJD…but canon says otherwise:
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Of course, Pharma could have been lying to make himself look better in Ratchet’s view, but based on everything he’d been through up to this point with Tarn, it’s more likely he was telling the truth and had tried to eliminate the source of his suffering first. After all, wiping out the DJD would have been the simpler, cleaner option.
When the Duobots refused to detonate the soundbomb near the DJD, Pharma’s objectives shifted. He had to get Delphi shut down in a way that would:
Convince the DJD the shutdown was legitimate.
Pharma knew chances of escaping the DJD at all were slim to none, but he was desperate. Getting Delphi shut down would cut off Tarn’s supply of T-cogs and allow Pharma to escape Tarn’s immediate control, but the shutdown had to be “legitimate” to prevent Tarn from retaliating and hunting him down later. Leaving Tarn even the slightest chance of regaining control was too risky, so Pharma had to make sure his plan was as airtight as possible. 
Cover up the patient murders.
If the truth got out about Pharma killing patients, he’d lose his medical license and most likely be put away for life. Being cut off from the practice of medicine and his intellectually stimulating work as a doctor would mean losing more than a job and a reputation. It would mean losing everything in which he’d anchored his sense of identity and life’s meaning. His refusal to consider any other options wasn’t just about ego and preserving his image as an excellent doctor; it was about preserving any kind of meaningful future he saw for himself.
Pharma needed a plan that would fulfill all of the above. Turning the engineered virus on the medical facility was the most effective and efficient solution. Anything else would have made him suspicious in the view of either Autobot High Command or the DJD, and neither of those would have ended well for him.
Because of his goal to preserve his reputation and future in medicine, he couldn’t even risk revealing anything to First Aid or Ambulon, who would have seen to his ruin. They became nothing more than loose ends that had to be tied up, and based on the fact that Pharma only prepared one vial of the vaccine, his original plan involved him being the only survivor:
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He probably would have had no problem making more of the vaccine for anyone else who survived, but he wasn’t counting on it. He wanted a totally clean slate; in letting his staff die with most of his patients, he would be getting rid of any and all evidence and reminders of his failures. He may have cared about First Aid and Ambulon before things got bad, but somewhere along the way, he decided either it wasn’t worth it to go through the trouble of finding a way to save them without raising suspicion, or he didn’t want to risk them putting together the pieces later on.
Of course, when Ratchet showed up, plans changed.
Ratchet is not the kind of person who seeks first to understand or be understanding. He’s inclined to trust what’s in front of him over anything abstract, and tends to look at the results of someone’s actions over trying to find any kind of ‘why’ behind them. Also, unlike Pharma, he operates from a strong moral sense, and reacts quickly and strongly when something or someone goes against that internal moral sense.
Ratchet’s reaction to finding out what Pharma did may seem hasty and harsh, but it makes perfect sense on a human level. There is no such thing as unconditional love; everyone has personal and moral lines (boundaries), and they’re different for each individual. When the most rigid of lines is crossed, that’s it; walls go up and the offender is cut off, no matter how strong the relationship may have been.
Ratchet obviously knew Pharma well enough to think he could try talking some sense into him, but then Pharma revealed that he’d crossed one of Ratchet’s lines: murdering patients. Any willingness Ratchet may have had to try to understand vanished. By the time Pharma started trying to provide a ‘why’ for his actions, Ratchet’s moral judgment had already shut down any chance of understanding what could have possibly led Pharma to kill patients. It didn’t help that Pharma seemed totally unapologetic and outright proud of his plan. For Ratchet, the ‘why’ didn’t matter anymore. What he saw was what he trusted, and what he saw was a friend who’d become his idea of a monster.
Now, Ratchet and Pharma’s relationship is one of the most confusing IDW relationships I’ve had the pleasure and pain of dissecting.
It is notoriously difficult to determine the depth and strength of a relationship from the outside. However, I’ve decided to go ahead and address it anyway because it has the potential to provide insight into Pharma as an individual.
If I were to sum up Pharma and Ratchet’s relationship in a single word, I would use “ambivalent.” The first time I read MTMTE, the thing that stood out to me most about their relationship was the drastic differences between how they each perceived the relationship.
In one sense, there’s the idea of Pharma basically being Ratchet’s crazy stalker ex, which is tossed around in fandom a lot. While I personally dislike seeing it regardless of context (yes, even as a joke), I do see how JRO’s writing choices set things up in a way that makes it easy to superimpose that trope.
In another sense, there’s the idea that Pharma and Ratchet were always close friends, and that what happened at the end of the Delphi story was a betrayal of both sides that came out of nowhere and whose consequences were taken too far.
I disagree with both. Personally, what I see at the end of the Delphi story isn’t an obsessed ex gone mad, a sudden betrayal, or a badly executed backstabbing. What I see is a breakdown of an already-complicated and poorly-maintained relationship: true feelings being revealed, long-repressed bitterness being forced to the surface, carefully-hidden cracks being split wide open.
Most people don’t have an accurate understanding of how much or how little they truly know the people in their lives, often overestimating how well they know a person until something surfaces and blindsides them.
According to JRO, Ratchet was oblivious to Pharma’s romantic interest, and throughout canon, it’s easy to see Pharma was more invested in the relationship than Ratchet ever was.
The question is, did Ratchet ever care about Pharma at all? And if so, to what degree?
Yes, Ratchet calls Pharma “buddy” and ���friend,” but the former was sarcastic, and the latter means something different to each person. Also, in light of the circumstances, Ratchet could have just been saying “friend” in response to Pharma saying it—an emotional appeal more than anything.
However, Pharma must have been aware of Ratchet’s lack of relational investment because during the confrontation at Delphi, Pharma’s first reaction wasn’t to appeal to their friendship (ex: “But you know me!”). Instead, he appealed to their shared profession:
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Then there’s the exchange of insults: 
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This is what I meant earlier by “true feelings being revealed.” Ratchet may have just been trying to match Pharma’s insult, but it’s unlikely it was merely reciprocal because while Ratchet is snarky at times, he’s sincere in that snark. There’s almost always some truth in his verbal jabs no matter how unserious they seem, and he’s never cruel for cruelty’s sake.
So, if Pharma saw Ratchet as an inferior doctor, and Ratchet saw Pharma as an inferior Autobot…it’s reasonable to assume there was always some deep-rooted competition and conflict preventing them from being super close.
Possible suspicion surrounding Pharma’s conduct as an Autobot paired with a tendency to misjudge the nuances of relationships could explain why Ratchet was so quick to decide Pharma was a lost cause. Maybe Pharma’s actions at Delphi confirmed something from the past that Ratchet had brushed off for whatever reason.
In any case, Ratchet seems to have been largely unaffected by the Pharma he found at Delphi. While leaving Messatine, he emphasizes that he’ll miss Pharma’s talent.
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Not “who he used to be.”
Not “what we used to have.”
Just…“his talent.”
Later, on Luna 1, Pharma mentions that he and Ratchet were inseparable, but that could mean a few different things:
Best case scenario: Pharma and Ratchet sought each other out on equal terms.
Worst case scenario: Pharma followed Ratchet around.
Somewhere in the middle: the job forced Pharma and Ratchet to work in close proximity most of the time, and while Pharma intentionally ran into Ratchet more often than necessary, Ratchet also sought out Pharma every now and then.
Whatever the case, working with someone every day doesn’t tell you anything about who they are as a person, and the amount of time spent with someone doesn’t automatically correlate to how deep the relationship is or how well the people know each other. It’s not like either Pharma or Ratchet are shown to be good at expressing their personal feelings outside of extreme circumstances. 
Ratchet does bring up late-night conversations of the past:
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But while this indicates there was something deeper between him and Pharma, because neither of them were ever shown to be super open with their true feelings, it’s unlikely the conversations were full of touchy-feely talk. In all likelihood, the conversations were mostly medicine and war-related, with the rare spark-to-spark talk sprinkled in. Also, considering everything up to this point, one has to wonder if those talks ever meant anything to Ratchet, or if he was just digging for something that might stall Pharma’s torture.
Maybe those late-night conversations did mean something to Ratchet, but whatever the case, Pharma didn’t take the bait. He knew Ratchet was trying to stall by making an emotional appeal, and perhaps he was convinced the conversations hadn’t meant that much to Ratchet.
Looking at all of this, it’s hard to believe Ratchet ever cared about Pharma as more than an interesting work friend. But even if he had cared more than he let on, it wasn’t enough to overcome the doubts he had about Pharma’s character.
As for whether Pharma truly cared about Ratchet, I’m convinced he did, but in a mostly unhealthy way, and with a strong undercurrent of one-sided rivalry. At some point, Ratchet had been an equal and a source of challenge, and he probably listened to Pharma pretty often. It’s reasonable to assume Ratchet was one of the only people—if not the only person—able to handle Pharma’s intense temperament and challenge him in a meaningful way, providing some semblance of friendship for Pharma.
However, one last thing that stands out is that, when telling Ratchet why he’s torturing him, Pharma didn’t say anything like, “Because you hurt me” or “Because you turned against me—your friend.” Instead, he said it was for “ruining things at Delphi” and because “you declared war on my body.”
Either Pharma wasn’t being entirely honest, or Ratchet’s friendship didn’t mean as much in the first place as he’d previously implied. It’s possible the ‘Because you hurt me’ was implied in “for ruining things back at Delphi,” but why not say it outright? Perhaps it was a fear of vulnerability and admitting there was ever a relational need at all.
At the end of the day, it’s difficult to say for certain how close Pharma and Ratchet were, but it’s clear they were never on the same page and there were always barriers between them.
Luna 1
Revisiting the matter of Pharma’s morality taking a backseat to other priorities, his time on Luna 1 further underscores this. Again, Pharma chooses his battles and is unwilling to put himself at great risk for the sake of others, but a closer look at the situation with Tyrest reveals there wasn’t really anything he could have done for the Cold Construct population even if he had wanted to. It would have been him against Tyrest, an army of Legislators, and a bunch of Decepticons. Pharma knew his limits, and seeing as his goal was self-preservation, it was perfectly rational for him to go along with Tyrest’s grand scheme.
Besides, it doesn’t look like he was given much of a choice:
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Although, knowing Pharma, he still would have demanded to know beforehand what he would get in return for the pain, and evidently, Tyrest held up his end of the deal since Pharma had access to the Luna 1 tech collection.
As for Tyrest’s plan to wipe out the Cold Construct population, there’s nothing indicating Pharma’s decision to turn a blind eye to it was rooted in malevolence or bigotry—just rational apathy: ‘I can’t stop Tyrest, so why concern myself with the outcome?’
Again, you can’t save everyone; Pharma had all he could do to save himself.
But it wasn’t all horrible. I would even go so far as to say Pharma found some happiness on Luna 1. Tyrest didn’t care about him, but he didn’t need Tyrest to care. Everyone else there hated him, but he didn’t need to feel like he belonged or was admired. At this point, Pharma’s only interest was Tyrest’s Luna 1 tech collection, and that meant playing nice so he could keep his reward. Back at Delphi, he probably assumed he’d never again practice medicine the way he’d loved; being brought to Luna 1 was an unexpected, yet welcome, second chance.
Even so, Pharma had his moments of cruelty. Back at Delphi, he had easily-identifiable reasons to kill patients—both the ones whose T-cogs he harvested and the 20 more he tried to kill when he shot the life support machine. But on Luna 1, he had no reason to be cruel, yet he chose to be. By this point, he’d mastered the ability to almost completely ignore or subdue his conscience.
In the case of Ratchet’s torment, one could argue Pharma only drew it out for retaliation purposes; it was personal for him.
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As for cutting Ambulon in half, it was obviously meant to be as gruesome as possible, yet also quick. But personally, I don’t think it was about Ambulon; it was more about hurting Ratchet. Due to the fact that Ratchet’s identity is wrapped up in his compassion and his ability to be helpful as a doctor, one of the most effective acts of revenge would be to do something that makes him feel utterly helpless.
Also I wonder if, subconsciously or consciously, Pharma was attempting to recreate the sense of helplessness he felt back at Delphi under Tarn’s watch: “Do you see, Ratchet? Do you now understand how it feels to have control ripped out of your hands? To be totally helpless?”
Next, for some reason, Pharma was invested in the promised execution of Getaway and Skids:
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He had no personal connection to either of them that would give him a reason to be interested, so maybe Tyrest told him he could perform the execution and/or have the corpses for medical experimentation. Either way, Pharma would have had a chance to use some of the tech in Tyrest’s tech collection, possibly explaining his excitement.
Of course, any chance of an execution disappeared when the final showdown went wrong.
When Pharma tried to escape to Cyberutopia and discovered he couldn’t pass through the spacebridge forcefield, he gave up. He’d been caught; he would no longer have access to Tyrest’s tech collection; Ratchet and every other self-righteous Autobot would never forgive him; and the morality lock prevented him from escaping. By all appearances, he would never again be able to engage in that which gave him a sense of meaning. He had shrunken his world down to his obsessive interest in a specialized field and one significant, yet unrequited relationship. With both of these lost, his world collapsed. 
Yes, guilt played a part in Pharma’s despondency, but because he seems to have been in denial of said guilt, it’s more likely his despair was primarily due to the fact that he saw no future for himself. He had nothing left to live for.
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In light of this, Pharma’s flippant comments to First Aid make sense. He wasn’t being insensitive as much as he was goading First Aid. Pharma’s not stupid. First Aid had a massive rotary cannon on him, and Pharma knew exactly which emotional buttons to push to get him to pull the trigger.
Pharma wanted to die.
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First, let me emphasize that Adaptus did not take possession of Pharma’s body. Instead, Pharma was the unwelcome guest:
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How Pharma ended up in Adaptus’ new body is a mystery, but whatever the case, Pharma didn’t pass on to the Allspark. Whether or not he had a choice can only be speculated.
First Aid had blasted Pharma’s head clean off, so whatever happened must have been related to the spark. Perhaps some residual spark energy was trapped in a body part that Adaptus repurposed, leaving Pharma tethered to the new body unwillingly.
Still, Pharma managed to assert his will and override Adaptus for a brief moment. Considering Adaptus was basically a god, this is impressive.
Based on Adaptus’ surprise at being interrupted, it seems he didn’t know Pharma was there. Why Pharma hadn’t tried to assert himself sooner is a mystery. Maybe Adaptus’ scheme was entertaining; maybe Pharma actually liked the company; or maybe he’d been waiting for an opportunity to get revenge on Tyrest for everything done to him back at Luna 1.
Sure enough, just like with Ratchet back on Luna 1, Pharma’s vengeful streak came out as soon as there was an opportunity.
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Unfortunately for him, this left him vulnerable, and Tyrest took advantage of the confusion:
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When someone reduces their world to narrow personal interests and one or a few very special people, their grip tightens around what little they have. They often become obsessive and possessive of the few things that make them feel alive, and their view of the world becomes increasingly more subjective and detached from the outside world. Pharma seems to have fallen into this trap.
Even so, in the context of the circumstances, several of the decisions he made were rational—even if coldly so. Oftentimes, “extreme” rationality and self-preservation are villainized in fiction, and characters like Pharma who don’t automatically put themselves at great risk for anyone and everyone are villainized, or at least looked down on. Their choices are often regarded as less human, but rationality and self-preservation are just as human as compassion and self-sacrifice.
Ultimately, Pharma was trapped and pushed over the edge into “insanity” by Tarn’s cruelty, but his own choices made from a place of pride determined how he fell, and how far he fell. It was a perfect storm of Tarn’s mind games and Pharma’s intellectual arrogance, excessive self-confidence, obsessive nature, and stubborn grip on the kind of future he wanted for himself.
Pharma is yet another Icarus who flew too close to the sun and paid dearly for it, and while JRO/the narrative could have given this Icarus better wings, that doesn’t change the fact that he chose to fly so high.
Many thanks to anyone who made it to the end of this monster of a post.
-tosses a Rodimus Star at you-
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novafire-is-thinking · 8 months ago
#idw ravage and the gnawing fear that nothing he did mattered one way or the other when it comes to the deceptions #they didnt bring the change they originally went out to make and nothing ravage could of done. then or now. would of changed that outcome. #he joins a cause to be heard and to be seen as equal only for his own faction to only see him as an extension of soundwave and not as his #own individual. #and hes no megatron hes no starscream hes no soundwave. in the grand scheme of things nothing he did mattered and it was all for nothing. #and WORSE. it ended with some bastardized corrupted version of the cause he holds so dear. the cause that ended up killing him in the end. #something something #ravage had to die in order for megatron to truly be able to move past his own guilt. it was ravage being injured that led to megatron #killing the djd. it couldnt of ended any other way #the most important contribution ravage had towards ending the corruption that the decepticon cause became was dying. and isnt that a kick in #the teeth #nova if ur seeing this sorry for the tag essay in ur notifs lol
No need to apologize. This is an excellent summary of the tragedy of Ravage’s life.
One of my favourite questions for figuring out a character’s motivations is which qualities they most fear being assigned to them. Are they afraid (consciously or unconsciously) of being seen as stupid? Ungrateful? Weak? Incompetent? Lazy? Cowardly? Intimidating? Like they actually care? etc.
It’s such a fun way to explore into who they are, why they do what they do, what they don’t do out of fear, and how they might be affected by the events of the story. And I love when characters have negative motivations—trying to avoid something (in this case, being seen a particular way) as much as they’re trying to achieve a goal.
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megolololo · 1 year ago
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why shockwave is the most fatherly decepticon (even more so than soundwave):
(aka i’m delusional and smitten)
every character in every medium revolves around a theme. a theme in a novel or a show or a film tends to be an idea that will be explored in both the subtext and text of that medium.
shockwave’s theme, surprise, surprise, is creation and rebirth (in most tf media). his whole character is concerned with the parenting of either himself (as a way of rehabilitating after empurata) or of others (predacons, his little bots in cyberverse, or even his subordinates like tarn)
now, you might ask, what sets shockwave’s fatherliness apart from soundwave’s? how is he any more fatherly than soundwave?
allow me to demonstrate with the following screenshot from guardians of the galaxy:
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shockwave was everyone’s father, but soundwave was everyone’s daddy (no not like that)
still not convinced? allow me to introduce you or remind you of the concept of nature vs. nurture. ironically enough, for someone who is only a father, shockwave is the more nurturing one. soundwave is considered a father because he is a cassette player and his “children” are cassettes
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in idw1 soundwave was actually more so adopted by his cassettes rather than the other way around. shockwave, on the other hand, birthed - even if not literally - and raised all the subjects he needed to raise to prepare for either war or for life
in idw1, shockwave was like a father to tarn. post-empurata, he still chose to call tarn the name that defined him the most: “damus.” not “glitch”, not “tarn”, which are all personas and not real identities (glitch = associated with his outlier power, tarn = leader of djd) but “damus.” shockwave knows the real tarn because he was there to raise him.
(extra note: to really drill in the fact that shockwave was fatherly to tarn, shockwave thinks “damus” is tarn’s real name while megatron, right before killing him, implies that “glitch” is. megatron is a military leader; he will favor the identity that holds the most militant potential. shockwave cared for tarn; he will favor the boy he knew when he was still in the academy)
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we can even still see the effects of pre-empurata shockwave on tarn, who takes great pleasure in the arts and everything conceptually and fundamentally beautiful like poetry or literature or music. and guess who wanted to be remembered for “both his brains and his beauty”?
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in cyberverse, he was actually kinda like a father to shadowstriker. he took her in after she was severely injured and placed her in his unit as a form as rehab, if you will (she wouldn’t have been able to go to more militant and armed units in such a condition). though he was less there to nurture shadowstriker, as she was already a developed adult, he was there to protect her. iirc, in a scene where they get frozen by this immobilizer, shockwave pushes her behind him.
it’s the same in tfp, where shockwave, near the end of the series, shoves ratchet behind him during the spacebridge battle and fires at other autobots. the enemy is LITERALLY next to him and yet he chooses to protect ratchet from stray bullets. and to address the predacon elephant in the room, he literally raised predacons. he petted them and comforted them and gave them sustenance to live and thrive.
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shockwave is cold, rational, and is obsessed with logic, yes, but he assumes this logic from what he has observed and what he has experienced before, whether that before be pre-empurata or before the war.
could he have had a fatherly and caring figure before the war? possibly. could he have picked it up from how animals assume this role automatically, as if it was biologically and universally a logical thing to do? possibly. but have we ever considered that… it’s just part of his personality?
BuT but shoCkwAve dOesnT have EmoTions
if he didn’t have emotions and therefore no personality, he’d never feel compelled to lie or have any will to do anything. he is driven. a computer is not. a computer is told to do something and will output the most logical output based on its coding. he’s self-driven and autonomous with his decisions.
so, to sum it up, shockwave is nurturing, but because he is often overruled by the need to follow a strict diet of reason and self-motivated curiosity for knowledge, this part of him is always overshadowed. he’s not a good man. he will frankly never be. but he can be a good father if he only let himself be. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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vynxwave · 7 days ago
Spoilers for my fave part of Skybound Transformers #18 under the cut
With me being a MegaSound enjoyer, I GOTTA talk about their moment in #18.
Also, before we get into that — honorable mention to me in December where I said:
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I actually had made this comment specifically because I noticed that in Skybound Transformers the Transformers were notably very friendly/touchy with each other, as inspired by the G1 cartoon, and that Soundwave appeared a Megatron loyalist.
One thing that surprised me is that Megatron is very level-headed and calm — instead of immediately angrily dealing with Starscream, he opts to repair Ravage.
Looking back, this Megatron seems to have some quirky abilities in general... such as in the Energon Universe Special 2024 where he just reconnects his arm. I wonder if we'll get an explanation for his special abilities in #19?
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Anyways, onto the pages/panels that have been etched into my brain:
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As someone who knows a thing or two about them... their relationship has never been portrayed quite like this before, and I'm so happy for this!!!
One thing I have absolutely yearned to see in their relationship is this explicit recognition of one another — it never made sense to me why it was something that always remained largely unspoken between them when oftentimes a large part of Soundwave's character is being a Megatron loyalist. I'm so glad to see his loyalty being affirmed and responded to in such a meaningful way.
Here we see Megatron value Ravage as well as recognize what he is to Soundwave. I'm quite glad they all have a cohesive dynamic between each other like this.
i can't get over soundwave kneeling and saying "my master" omfg. I CAN'T GET OVER IT....
Back in #7 we saw the Decepticons kneeling for Soundwave after he assumed Decepticon leadership and they chanted his name. Soundwave kneeling, but also holding onto Megatron's extended hand/finger feels far more personal and even reverent — especially with the "faithful servant" and "my master" lines.
I could talk about what this contributes to what the Decepticons are being built up as, but I'll save a Skybound Decepticon analysis post for when #19 is out xD.
^ It's very interesting how "master" is used instead of the more typical "lord".
I'm super loving Skybound Megatron so far, he's so intriguing and such a cool interpretation of Megatron. I also love looking back and seeing Megatron's ideological influence on Soundwave's ideals/leadership.
Megatron having serious damage but still maintaining every ounce of his evil threat and danger is something I looove.
Prior to Skybound, IDW Transformers vs. G.I. Joe (2014) explicitly referred to Soundwave as the cassettes' father. I didn't actually read this comic, save for issue #10's prose story at the back "Black Cybertron" and I was quite surprised... it's definitely meant to be read in context with the all prior issues LOL.
It is curious how it appears that Frenzy/Rumble aren't included in said family in Skybound?
Megatron calling Ravage "small thing" reminded me of him calling the father he spared in the Energon Universe Special 2024 the same thing xD.
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...I forgot to explain yesterday I recommended reading the Void Rivals comic because of the Transformers #19 cover xD — in Void Rivals the Transformers' enslavement by the Quintessons origin (the "Age of Wrath") is detailed. Megatron alluded to this origin in — you guessed it — the Energon Universe Special 2024.
next TF vol (4) is called "Conquer and Control" which I'm excited for xD im hoping so hard for continued good moments between megatron and soundwave
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novafire-is-thinking · 2 years ago
#prowl suffers from many rabies conditions #not all of which might actually be rabies
Pretty much. lol
But let me expand. This isn’t the only thing that makes Prowl such a controversial character.
It’s also the fact that no one else seems to/very few know about the rabies, so he looks like a crazy control freak who hates everyone.
Everything is a life-or-death crisis to Prowl because he sees the most likely far-future implications of every. single. action. He’s not just able to track hundreds of physical objects at once and predict their individual trajectories. He does it in the abstract with “simulations” of where actions will most likely lead. It happens almost automatically for him.
So, back to the rabies vaccine metaphor: In Prowl’s mind, he’s administering the necessary rabies vaccine regardless of who’s allergic, and surprise, surprise: most are.
They have an allergic reaction (sometimes deadly). Then most people hate him for it and think he’s a monster for giving them something they’re allergic to when it’s literally the only thing that has a chance of saving them or the Cybertronian race as a whole.
Furthermore, Prowl himself isn’t as allergic to the vaccine, so those who are severely allergic look at the fact that he seems to have it better and think he’s out to hurt them when it just happens to be an unavoidable reality that many have a severe allergy while he got lucky.
He’s taking the same vaccine as everyone else, but everyone reacts differently.
there’s a thing I think about sometimes when I’m writing that I call ‘the rabies condition’
by which I mean: there are no contraindications to getting the rabies vaccine for post-exposure prophylaxis.
every other vaccine usually has a few contraindications like ‘don’t take this if you’re allergic to it’ or ‘if you’re pregnant discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor’ or ‘don’t give to children below age 6′ or something, but not the rabies vaccine. if you’ve been exposed to rabies, there is literally no medical reason that can justify not getting the rabies vaccine–you can be deadly allergic to literally every single ingredient and the correct decision is still to administer the vaccine, because if you don’t, you’re 100% guaranteed to die of rabies. even the life-threatening allergies are a step up in survival rate (especially since anaphylaxis is something that can be managed, even if there are risks associated with it)
which is to say, the rabies condition: if a character has been ‘exposed to rabies’, aka, in some impending absolute worst-case scenario, like the apocalypse or some death curse or the destruction of their entire city via demons or whatever, then that character has to take action and the consequences and risks no longer matter, because literally any other outcome would be better, and 1% chance of survival is still better than 0%. that doesn’t make those actions necessarily good, the same way that injecting yourself with something you know you’re deadly allergic not a good thing to do, but it’s still better than dying horrifically of rabies. desperate times and desperate measures etc
and then, after your character’s prevented some horrible thing by doing some almost equally bad thing, they should absolutely experience the consequences of those choices.
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spectra-bear · 3 months ago
I know nothing about comics Prowl bc I haven't got around to those yet, all I know is Animated Prowl and since that's a whole other reboot he's just a silly little guy. he's a draft dodger. he's a ninja. he joins a bounty hunter for one episode bc hes having fun playing with toys. he sacrifices himself for the greater good in the last season. we have a canonical humanform for him and its so fucking ugly but he uses it to Tpose at Starscream so I call it a win. TFA Prowl is peak
back when i watched tfa for fun before my fixation kicked in and not doing a refresher on tf media, i genuinely thought tfa prowl was the blueprint, and so surprised after i read/watched other iterations.
Dont get me wrong hes pretty fun, although with all the character analysis ive read about other prowls (especially idw) ive grown to like that interpretation alot too, very interesting to me (i still wanna continue the wreckers related animatic i have in the works for him hehehe)
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novafire-is-thinking · 8 months ago
I’ve been scrutinizing the badges and medical symbols (or lack thereof) of the medics of IDW, and speculating about what these might say about each of them.
Out of all the medics, Flatline’s badge(less) arrangement stood out to me, so it’s time to make this way deeper than the writers and artists intended.
To wear a badge, or not to wear a badge…
Thanks to Alex Milne, the Autobots got their own medical cross:
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This is worn by Pharma and First Aid, and by Ratchet before the war and during the earliest days of the conflict. He later removes the cross, but switches between a couple of different symbols and no symbol throughout the course of the war—his time spent on Earth having a lot to do with that, I suspect. Even so, after the war, he chooses not to wear any indication of his status as a medic—only an Autobot badge.
Meanwhile, the Decepticons have no universally recognized symbol for their medics. Instead, they each have their own unique symbol, or none at all. Glit has a vaguely medical-looking cross that differs from the Autobot medical cross, and Flatline has a symbol resembling the pulse of a spark:
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…which I can only assume is meant to be the Cybertronian version of the following, but with a circle for the spark instead of a heart:
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Meanwhile, Spinister and Nickel have nothing. Just their Decepticon badges.
Now, to combine these with faction badges:
Badge + medical symbol: Pharma, First Aid
Badge + no medical symbol: Ratchet, Fixit, Velocity, Spinister, Nickel
No badge + medical symbol: Flatline, Glit
No badge + no medical symbol: Ambulon
There are three medics who don’t wear badges; all of them are or were Decepticons. This is interesting on its own, but I’m more interested in how this may correlate to their attitudes towards treating Autobots:
Even though Glit’s KP version is willing to treat people regardless of faction, this is never confirmed for his IDW version. There isn’t enough evidence to infer how he feels about Autobots, or treating them. Yes, he was at Grindcore, but that says nothing about how he treated Autobot prisoners behind the scenes.
As for Ambulon, he switched sides and underwent the Act of Affiliation, but—evidently—not the Rite of the Autobrand. I could speculate all day about why, but that’s not important because, whatever the case, he treats patients of both factions without hesitation. Because he’s been on both sides, he has an externally observable reason to do so.
This leaves Flatline as the only badgeless—and only Decepticon—medic who’s proven to uphold a moral value of treating people regardless of faction. Unlike Ambulon, he has no externally obvious reason to do so, but he does it anyway because it’s personally important to him.
The following roams into headcanon territory, but based on what can be inferred from Flatline’s few appearances, I like to think his choice to not wear a Decepticon badge serves two purposes:
It’s his way of signaling to potential patients: “I don’t see you through the lenses of your faction and ideology, but as a person.”
It’s a personal reminder for himself of his commitment to being blind to factions when treating people; it’s a way of reminding himself he’s committed to the preservation of life first—not to any group or “order” of medical personnel.
This is not to say medics who do wear badges and belong to an order of medics don’t also treat patients based on similar values—as we see First Aid and Ratchet treating people of the opposing faction.
This is just me playing around with the possibility of inferring something deeper about Flatline’s character—what he values, how he sees himself and the world, what sets him apart from others “like him,” etc.
And besides, Autobot medics are expected to uphold their medical oaths. Decepticon medics—perhaps unfairly—are assumed to be lax in that area, so it means more to have a Decepticon medic who holds to their personal moral values despite the general attitude towards the enemy seen in many of their comrades.
On that note, I would love to know how Tarn sees Flatline…
A Decepticon who refused the Rite of the Deceptibrand.
A Decepticon who refused to cut into his spark casing to signify his commitment to the Cause.
A Decepticon who values commitment to his personal morals above adhering to any external ideology.
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novafire-is-thinking · 2 years ago
True dat. lol
I had a similar thought when she tried this.
However, it makes sense in light of the fact that she missed the entire war. I recall Nautica admitting at one point that she often forgets there was a war at all since she didn’t live through it personally. (or something like that. I couldn’t find the panel.)
That’s what I like about Nautica. She was one of the few on the Lost Light who didn’t have a personal history, grudges, or a sense of identity tied up in the war. And while that could be seen as a barrier to connecting with the crew, I think it was a good thing that helped her (and the crew) in other ways.
Nautica maintained an almost childlike approach to life and other people compared to the war-weary souls on the Lost Light. I think this is why she and Skids got along so well. They both had a warm, youthful energy to them, but in Skids’ case, it covered a cynical attitude acquired from deeply traumatic experiences. I believe the main reason he was drawn to Nautica was because she seemed so free—the embodiment of something he once was and wished he could be again.
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^ Nautica was that someone. (platonic or romantic; either works.) She wasn’t able to save him in the end, but she made his remaining time beautiful.
So yes—Nautica was braver than the entire Autobot army when she tried to tickle Megatron, but mostly due to the fact that she didn’t carry the same burdens they did.
To me, it’s akin to a child born at the end of a war meeting the [former] enemy for the first time. That child knows nothing of their parents’ history or the pain that the former enemy caused, nor should they. Yet.
All they see is another person—someone who’s potentially interesting and worth getting to know.
And that’s beautiful.
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Nautica is braver than the entire Autobot army combined
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daddymus-mamatron · 5 months ago
3, 4, 11, 25 and 50 for Starscream
3. What first drew you to this character? Always had a weakness for Second in Command type of characters! coughHuxcough The Autobots already didn't interest me even before I was in the TF fandom lmao. I naturally gravitated towards the Decepticons and Starscream was quickly adopted as my new blorbo!!
4. Did you initially dislike/hate this character? Ngl I thought he was so fugly in Prime xDD I adore his design in Earthspark so so so so much!! ES, G1, IDW are my top 3 for sure. I got over it eventually but yeah. Not the prettiest lmao
11. How did you “fall in love” with this character? When I realized he was like Hux. I've had a lot of people complimenting me on how I write Screamer and the truth is well… I write him just like I did Hux, but in robot form lmaoooo
25. What kind of fan-fiction do you read about this character? If you don’t read fan-fics about them, why not? I read mostly SkyStar, SoundStar and the Elite Trine. As much as I adore Starscream, I actually read so few fanfics with him. Roddy on the other hand……
50. Link your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character. Whichever one (s) you are most comfortable with! I LOVE your Starscream playlist!!
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pritong-baboy · 24 days ago
I would love to read a character analysis on Shockwave from you, the way you explain and write him is so compelling
one day perhaps...
shockwave was the first ever character i actually got really exposed to even before i got into tf, and even then, i already really loved him because of his design alone.
i feel like it's very hard to talk about him because sometimes (this is my personal opinion) he isn't used that interestingly all that much, and i think out of all the decepticons, he's the only one that hasn't that many dramatic arcs that really challenge his character compared to the other decepticons, and i think the only continuity to really push shockwave as a character was idw tbh.
to add to that, the way shockwave is depicted throughout the continuities isn't very consistent, they kinda bounce around with his "he doesn't feel emotions" schtick.
i love what has been done to him already don't get me wrong, he's still such a good character, but i genuinely think that there COULD be more written for him that pushes the fundamentals of his character beyond what people usually tap into.
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novafire-is-thinking · 1 year ago
No worries. When I sent the ask, I expected to be waiting I while. I know you’re busy.
Anyway, this is so very interesting to me. I have thoughts…
Note: I neither remember, nor care enough about TFA Shockwave to comment on that version of him, so I’ll take your word for it and focus on TFP and IDW. Cyberverse is another Shockwave I like, but I don’t think I’ll get around to him.
All canon characters are asexual by default, but for the sake of this post, I’ll assume sexual attraction in Cybertronians is possible.
So…my personal headcanons for both:
TFP Shockwave: Aroace
IDW Shockwave: Sapioromantic + Ace
Except for Pre-Shadowplay IDW Shockwave, I have difficulty shipping Shockwave with anyone, romantically. But if I ever do, verbally affectionate, doting Shockwave is a huge no for me as well. (I make an exception for Pre-Shadowplay Shockwave though. He’s special. But still…no excessive gushy stuff. Bleh.)
As for everything else you mentioned, I agree 100%. That’s exactly how I think TFP or IDW Shockwave should be written in a ship-centric story, if the author is aiming for accurate characterization.
Everything Else
This part of your answer was particularly interesting to me, since I see IDW and TFP Shockwave the other way around.
IDW Shockwave
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Pre-Shadowplay: Deeply emotional, but externally distant—except for when one of his personal values comes into play (his passion for science, his rage at Proteus’ actions, etc.)
Post-Shadowplay: Emotionally detached. Emotions rarely reach his conscious awareness. I could see him experiencing mild anxiety or frustration on the rare occasion he’s unable to anticipate a challenge in his plans.
After Dark Cybertron: Emotional, but still remains detached. I say this because, after Shockwave is thrown back in time, he literally says, “…and my newly reborn emotions stirred.” I highly doubt he had his full emotional range back, but I like to think it was still a struggle for him to maintain control over whatever emotional depth was restored.
To me, IDW Shockwave is similar to Nikola Tesla. I’ve obsessively studied Tesla’s life, and when I read Shockwave’s story, I see some similarities.
Asceticism is another significant trait of his [Tesla’s] mysterious personality. This extraordinary person managed to steel himself to become a less emotional person and channel all of his life potential and energy towards one goal: to discover new things and create new work. (source)
There are a few other interesting similarities between Shockwave and Tesla, but I’m saving those for another post.
You mentioned Shockwave and anger. And while I also think it was one of the few emotions he was able to feel, I believe he was primarily motivated by fear.
All this to say, how I prefer to see IDW Shockwave written depends on which stage of his life the fic takes place during.
TFP Shockwave
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In the IDW Aligned comics, Shockwave is described as, “The Decepcticons’ master scientist, as ruthless as he is emotionless.”
I have trouble seeing TFP Shockwave as anything besides cold and ruthless (not to be confused with cruel; Shockwave is never unnecessarily cruel.)
To me, he always was, and always will be detached. Any emotional experience is dull/diluted, except anger at those who mess with his work.
“. . .Shockwave, always dispassionate and detached, always following his only passion—knowledge…” —Alpha Trion, The Covenant of Primus
“Shockwave, you would bring down all of creation just to satisfy your own ambition.” —Alpha Trion, Transformers: Retribution
It’s interesting that Alpha Trion uses the word “ambition” here, because TFP Shockwave doesn’t strike me as ambitious in the same way IDW Shockwave does.
TFP Shockwave is different from IDW Shockwave in that he has no higher ambitions outside of discovery for personal satisfaction.
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from Transformers: Exodus
TFP doesn’t believe in some greater good like his IDW counterpart does. He’s there to play with discoveries like toys, while IDW is out there working toward his greater vision for “saving the world.”
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So, yeah—this is how I prefer to see my top favorite versions of Shockwave.
Thanks for taking the time to share your preferences. It’s interesting to see how other fans see him.
Inspired by your recent tags…
How do you prefer to see Shockwave written, and why?
(I’m especially curious about IDW and TFP.)
Sorry I've had like 3 asks sitting in my askbox for forever now bc school has been kicking my ass 😭😭 but that post came up on my dash again and reminded me to answer this--
BUT UHHHH, so tbh I very strongly see Shockwave as either aroace or demiromantic & demisexual... like. Pretty much all iterations of him, ESPECIALLY IDW and TFP. TF:A is pretty much the only exception to this in which I could see him being closer to just allo... but still somewhere on the demi spectrum... and a loooot of ways I see him written in fanfic makes him very uhh... hmm how do I explain... doting?? Or very Affectionate or... well, all the things people like in a fluff fic.
And yanno that's fine, maybe that's some people's cup of tea but it's not mine. To me, Shocks is very very stoic and dry, even in relationships. I don't even like seeing him in the "stoic person who is soft with their s/o" trope because I just don't think Shockwave is a soft person, in any meaning of the word.
I could see him maybe, like... being slightly less stoic and more introspective and TALKATIVE with someone he likes... and LESS RUDE skdndks and more willing to spend time with them and LISTEN. That's how I prefer to see him written. Someone who is still very quiet and introverted and keeps to himself, even around the people he loves. Like, you know, sometimes he'll have days where he just... needs to be alone and needs you to leave him alone and if you want to be his partner you gotta be okay with that. But he'll also give you more time, speak softer, ramble about the things he's working on, have MORE PATIENCE with you, and... I think he would be more touchy in a very gentle way, like he's studying you.
But outside of that, any kind of gushy or lovey shockwave that says anything even somewhat adjacent to affectionate that isn't something ridiculously stiff like "I find you less miserable to be in company with" just rubs me the wrong way and gives me ick. I think the most affectionate thing I could see him saying is in whump. Like, a moment of desperation that could make him say "I need you", but I think "I love you" is not something he's ever going to be comfortable saying - he shows it, not says it.
TF:A Shockwave is the only one I can make an exception for but it's just because that boy is fucked up. TFA Shockwave is not capable of a healthy relationship SKDSJJDBSKSNS. He's either going to be controlling and possessive in a snakeish and insidious kind of way, or absolute unquestioning devotion. I just don't think TF:A shockwave is... like... as a PERSON capable of being in a healthy relationship unless he went to fucking therapy or had some kind of redemption arc in which case I would place him back in demi territory that is similar to the other descriptions I was talking about earlier.
Writing in GENERAL, without shipping involved? IDW shockwave is fucking insane. He is so so manipulative. He has a million equations and plans going on in his head at all times and he can and will save everyone for better or for worse - and he doesn't care what it takes to get there. That man isn't capable of any emotion except for pursuance of a goal, and maybe anger. Or, if he does feel emotion, it's very very dull and diluted. If he had it restored I think it would destroy him. I read a fic once where Rung accidentally restored his emotions and that one is very very good, I like that shockwave quite a bit.
TF:P Shockwave I think experiences emotions very much, but has a tendency to hide them because he's a very internal person. I don't think he will ever verbally express it, though, unless you REALLY piss him off. For the most part he's very stoic and blunt, and doesn't sugarcoat things... so he will be rude sometimes, but won't go out of his way to be. Some people write him way too cruel and it also rubs me the wrong way... but I also don't like seeing him written too nice either. He's doing his own thing and could really care less about what's going on around him, except for maybe Soundwave who I think he could work well with because of the matching intellect, and Megatron who I think he honestly just works with for the reliable material and the praise (and to piss off Starscream, who annoys him.) I think he can be petty, but doesn't go out of his way to be. I think he values his experiments very much, though, and sabotaging him is a surefire way to get him to try and kill you.
Basically, overall: unless we're talking about TFA Shockwave (who is goofy and cruel), I like a shockwave who is aloof, dry, passionate about what he does to a fault, doesn't talk a lot, respects those of similar intellect, does what he does either for knowledge or to pursue some "greater good", and isn't needlessly cruel. He can show some emotion but not too much, and expresses himself mostly through body language and actions, not words.
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years ago
Hi! Firstly I must say that I found this account thanks to one of the Pharma content you shared and I must say I am very glad I found it. It helped me see a lot of things in the canon universe that I hadn't realized before, and to understand the personalities of some of the characters. And I wonder... What do you think about how fandom portrays some characters like Tarn, Getaway , Pharma and etc? Most of the fanfics I saw took these kind of characters a bit OOC. Is this because we don't have much of canon information about the characters or is it some kind of misinformation ?
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the Pharmaposting and stayed to look at some other TF IDW content!
Honestly, I've only really read fic with Pharma in it that I would consider OOC (and I don't feel confident enough in my analysis of Tarn to say what's IC for him or not), but I do have a suspicion that them and other characters being written OOC is indeed more about misinformation, or more accurately, fandom bias.
TLDR: People forget that "protagonist" doesn't mean good guy and "antagonist" doesn't mean evil guy, so fandom tends to give their favorites a lot of whitewashing and justifications for their shitty traits, while piling the antagonists with every flaw possible to show how EVIL they are. Also, fandom is just full of petty bias where popular characters will be treated with favoritism and good faith, but unpopular characters will be interpreted in the worst possible light even if it's OOC or contradicts canon.
A lot of people tend to fall prey to a sort of mindset called "protagonist centered morality" where basically, the protagonists always have to be good people (because many people assume that protagonist/POV character = the guys that are supposed to be Good and Right) and anything they do is right, even if it's not, because they're the protagonists. And the designated antagonists/villains are always evil in every way because they're against the Protagonists who are Good and anyone who's against the Good Guys must be Bad. And PCM is understandable to a degree, because it's only natural that since readers spend more time with the protagonists of the story, they are far more sympathetic to those characters and thus tend to give them more charitable interpretations or excuses for their actions.
If I had to hazard a guess, I would say that Pharma, Tarn, and Getaway (just as the specific examples you mentioned) get written as OOC because they stand as antagonists to the protagonists of MTMTE (to Ratchet, Megatron, and Rodimus respectively), and people like the protagonists more than the antagonists. So that means in fics, the antagonists are more likely to be written as one dimensional or villainous in OOC ways basically because of the inherent bias towards protagonists and the assumption that protagonist = good guy
For example, one frequent OOC take I've seen of Pharma is people writing him as if he's a Functionist. This is partially based on misinformation, because I think many fans just saw Pharma working with Tyrest to eradicate cold-constructed mechs and instantly jumped to "Pharma works with Tyrest and Tyrest is a bigot, therefore Pharma is also a bigot" while completely ignoring the actual contextual reasons behind Pharma being there at all (aka, Pharma was there because Tyrest found him and he would've died otherwise, also Tyrest is pretty clearly exploiting Pharma based on the ways he treats and talks to him). And they just jump to writing Pharma as a vain, Functionist prick because hey he's a Bad Guy and Bad Guy = Bigoted right???
Except that doesn't actually hold up to canon, since as we know RATCHET is the medic who spends by far the most amount of screentime talking about how forged medic hands are superior to cold constructed or any other form of hands out there, literally saying that he'll be "worthless" once his hands start working.
But the problem is that for the average Fandom Person with an incredibly black-and-white worldview, the concept of Ratchet, one of the good guys, one of the most famous of the good guys even, being a Functionist? That makes them really uncomfortable, because Functionism is bigotry and everyone who has bigoted beliefs has to be an asshole who's evil and does bad things, right? And protagonists are Good Guys who can't be Evil and Bigoted and Do Bad Things.
So then, people either selectively pick out or completely ignore canon and write Pharma as the Functionist and Ratchet as the pure, open-minded good guy. Because people assume by default that protagonist/POV characters = good and the antagonists = bad, and in order to show that the good guys are Good they have to be perfectly ideologically pure, and every antagonist has to be Horrible and Bigoted. I think this is especially bad in fandom because I've seen a lot of cases where villains are written as evil in every possible way with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Like, in canon a villain might just murder some people and laugh about it, but in fanon people write the villain not just as a sadistic murderer but as someone who's also racist, sexist, ableist, etc etc. Writers who are really inexperienced tend to rely on bigotry as a crutch to make sure the Designated Villain is seen as villainous beyond a shadow of a doubt in a way that's really eye-roll inducing because it's like, you can tell that the writers can't comprehend the idea of villains being interesting, compelling, or correct about anything, so they compensate by making the Villain Character absolutely repugnant and bigoted in every way so that it's abundantly clear that You Are Not Supposed To Sympathize With This Character Or Question The Morality of Their Perspectives You're Supposed To Just See Them As Pure Evil For My Morally Righteous Protagonists to Defeat.
So, while I can't really speak towards ways Tarn or Getaway are written as OOC in fandom, I have been in enough fandoms in general to know that fandoms are full of petty, stupid takes where fans are blindingly biased towards their favorites, to the point where they can't separate their emotional attachments to characters from reality. And they end up writing certain characters as OOC over the top villains in their fan fiction because they can't comprehend any other reason why ANYONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would try to harm or get in the way of the precious, good, sweet protagonists who are right about everything and if they've ever done anything wrong then it was morally justified actually and they're totally different from these antagonists who did comparably bad things.
So to bring it back to Transformers: Fandom can't acknowledge Ratchet as a Functionist because that would mean that he's problematic and evil, so we have to make Pharma the Functionist because he's already evil so make him a bigot too. Also, if Pharma hates Ratchet and tortures him, it's just because Pharma is evil. What do you mean Ratchet stole Pharma's severed hands after leaving him for dead on a frozen planet? Pharma is evil, sweetie, that means that he got what he deserved and he has no rights to be angry about his body parts being harvested/used by someone else without his consent. Also, clearly the only reason Pharma wants his hands back is because he's an evil Functionist who thinks being forged makes him superior. Huh? What's bodily autonomy? No, Pharma is just evil and there's nothing understandable about his motivations at all. Being angry at your ex best friend for abandoning you, leaving you for dead, and then stealing your hands to use as his own is a JUSTIFIABLE reason for Pharma to be an antagonist to Ratchet, and Pharma isn't allowed to be justified in anything because he's evil! Evil people can't be right about anything because that would mean that evil people have feelings and sometimes the designated good guys might not actually be 100% good like I project on them in my head!
(I'm exaggerating for comedic purposes, but I hope you understand what I mean.)
Also, another thing about petty fandoms is that shipping is a big reason why characters get written as OOC in fan fiction. To put it simply, certain ships are very popular, and some characters outside of that ship are seen as "competition" for the OTP. Thus the "competition" is villainized so that it becomes abundantly clear that the characters of the OTP were totally meant to be together. For example, Pharma being written as the creepy stalker ex to Ratchet/Drift.
It's not even just a shipping thing either, you see it with popular characters being super coddled by the fanbase, and any characters who hate them in the story get written in fanfic as being the worst most abusive people ever. Fans of character A care so much about A being happy that they view any character being an antagonist to A as evil and standing in the way of A's happiness-- even if the antagonist is completely justified in their antagonism towards A.
If Tarn is written as OOC in your experience, I would hazard a guess that it's because Megatron is insanely popular among MTMTE fans and Tarn is an antagonist who threatens Megatron's happiness. Therefore Tarn has to be written as 100% evil and Megatron is blameless for everything Tarn did/became, because acknowledging that Megatron fucked Tarn up and then completely forgot he existed right until the moment Tarn threatened Megatron's good time would mean acknowledging that Megatron is kind of an asshole who maybe had karmic retribution coming to him.
I assume something similar would happen with OOC Getaway, but with Rodimus instead. Rodimus is very popular = Rodimus is our sweet boy who deserves the best = ew I can't believe Getaway mutinied against Rodimus, anyone who hates Rodimus is just an evil asshole = I will write Getaway in my fan fiction as being literally the worst guy in existence and being evil just to be evil = Getaway has no justifications for being evil because only someone who's 10000000% evil would ever do those things he did and steal what belongs to Rodimus.
Sorry for the really long response, and I am aware this is quite a cynical take on OOC writing in fandom. I am just very cynical because of the amount of stupid takes I've seen in fandom that are more based on people's biases and favorite/unfavorite characters rather than anything factually based in canon, and it's a pretty widespread problem in general that fandom tends to mischaracterize characters or ignore lore whenever it suits them. And again, I've only really seen OOC Pharma so when it comes to Tarn and Getaway, I can only make educated guesses based on what I've seen of canon and brief glimpses of fandom discourse.
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arseniccattails · 4 years ago
so. about ‘true form starscream’
I know a lot of people really don’t like it, and I do see why. I'm not exactly MScott's #1 fan, and the trans/race metaphor blender thing might be weird for someone, if they're unable to buy into the whole "speculative fiction" thing. despite this, I can't help but find Your First Mistake to be kind of compelling and I'd like to explore why and my thoughts on the matter under the cut.
most of the criticism levied at this and subsequent issues is that seeing what he would look like if he was forged pushed starscream farther into ethical behavior—and doesn’t that prove that anti cold constructed sentiment is right and at least somewhat based in truth? eh, I don’t think so. because even if that frame is what his spark would have made if it could shape a protoform itself, although I’m not convinced it is, it’s still not what he would look like if he was forged.
if you pulled a reverse Megatron on Starscream, if you plucked his spark out of a factory and planted it in a hotspot, that’s still not a ‘natural’ spark. he would still have been affected by the killswitch. do you know what changes? he doesn’t have dysphoria. he isn’t discriminated against, because people wouldn’t know. that’s it. that’s not a body that’s shaped by 'Primus' (unless you count the spark coming from the Matrix.) it’s just him. there is no ‘forged Starscream’, unless Cybertron in some offshoot timeline managed to muster up an identical spark.
and why do people assume that’s what he would have looked like in that scenario, anyways? the ‘true form’ is a body reflecting Starscream’s spark after countless years of war, after knowing so many different people—never touched by 'Primus', but apparently touched by Wheeljack, Bumblebee, Skyfire, Soundwave, Ravage. (metaphorically. probably.) it’s probably at least a little different than the above scenario, where his spark was only touched, truly touched, by himself and the matrix. it’s in the image of who he is now. don’t you think, in a species with mods and frame changes, that even forged bots who mostly like their bodies might change some things along the way? that during their long, long lives, their sparks, their very selves, are touched so deeply that they might want to alter parts to make themselves more at home? I think they probably do.
Windblade isn’t making anything by adding, she’s making something new by subtracting. she says, “is that what you were truly seeking, Starscream? escape from a foreign skin? the belonging you thought was lost forever?
“did you forget it was here all along?”
see, like I said, Windblade isn’t somehow channeling the power of Primus to transform Starscream into what he would be like if made by him. she’s just helping him molt.
so, why is it that he’s able to ‘molt’ whatever’s been holding him down? why is he able to realize the body that’s apparently been touched by all these people only now? he designed his recent frames, right? Windblade said he always had this belonging, buried. what buried it? why couldn’t he visualize the right one?
I think it’s because the ‘slag’ that fell away is the lie, the really big lie, that Starscream had been telling himself for a long time—his isolation. apparently his previous attempts at interpersonal connection had been cut off by Megatron, who literally ‘beat it into him’ that he had nobody, or maybe he felt like he couldn’t trust anybody because nobody stood up for him when he was being mistreated, and even if objectively that’s reasonable (I mean god look at Megatron) it still had to sting. either way, no matter how it felt or feels, Starscream has never really been alone. you’d think that Megatron would be among the ghosts, right? literally Elita One is there. Optimus Prime. Shockwave. it’s ‘every ally’ but also ‘every enemy’. except Starscream never doubted that Megtaron affected him, did he? what allowed Starscream to take his truest form when he never could before was Windblade showing him that he’d been touched by so many others, loved and hated both. Starscream had been viewing himself through the lens of a single relationship, and an awful one at that, that he backed his own self image into a dark, miserable corner. when Windblade took away this lie, he could visualize himself in a way that accurately reflected his spark, changed by so many other people as it was.
Starscream becomes a better person because a) he was already heading that way and b) he was, with help, finally able to pull himself out of an awful, stifling self image narrative intentionally or unintentionally instilled by a violent abuser. I think it's just part of his path to healing. I think it's sweet.
it’s not what he would have looked like if he were forged. it’s so much more than that, to me. and I’m, well, kind of enamored with that.
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novafire-is-thinking · 1 year ago
Thoughts On Pharma’s Design
A little while ago, I was chatting with a friend (hi Sparrow) about Pharma’s design, and she made an observation that made me realize something interesting. It might be a stretch, but it’s a really cool stretch.
Here’s Alex Milne’s original Pharma concept design next to the new/current one:
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When I first saw these side-by-side, I immediately noticed how the new one looks so much better, but I couldn’t put my finger on the why right away. There are plenty of other TF jet designs that look similar to the old design, and they look good.
Why does Pharma in particular look better with the downward-pointing armor?
In my conversation with Sparrow, she said something like, “the sharper points of him point downward,” and then it hit me:
The Angel of Death
(Or Grim Reaper)
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The way Pharma’s wings attach high on his shoulders and point downward so that they look like the Angel’s…the scythe-like shape of Pharma’s arms + wings…the way his eyes go wide during his murderous medic arc in a way that resembles the hollow sockets of the Reaper’s skull…
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It’s poetic to me how Pharma’s design aligns with the tragedy of his life: how a guy who was supposed to save lives and bring healing descended so far into madness that he became a twisted Angel of Death instead.
Someday, I want to ask Alex Milne if this was intentional, but even if it wasn’t, he’s a genius.
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decepti-thots · 2 years ago
☕️ the Optimus Prime ongoing?
look, i get why a lot of the fandom, even the part of the fandom that likes exRiD, often bounces off the OP ongoing to one extent or another. it's a book with a lot of caveats required when recommending it; both in that it has some pretty significant flaws narratively, and that what it's even trying to do in a lot of cases is simply not what a lot of people want out of their TF comics. but i really really like the OP ongoing. at its best it has some of the most interesting and subversive approaches to iconic parts of TF, especially Optimus himself, that we've seen in any major continuity; it pulls together Barber's concept for IDW Optimus more completely than anything else, and as someone who really respects what he went for with that character personally, that alone means I get a lot out of it.
its big flaws are pretty easy to nail down, tbh. it exists during the mandated hasbroverse stuff that forces a lot of chaff into the world and ongoing narrative of IDW1, and it's forced to bear the brunt of it among the three ongoings. it comes at a point where Barber is being stretched REAL thin by his writing and editorial responsibilities, and there is a very real dip in how tight the storytelling is that i have always assumed was in part related to what must have been just an overwhelming amount of work Barber had to do each and every month on these comics by that point. (the devil works hard. Barber, when running TF comics, worked harder.) at times, Barber gets extraordinarily excessive regarding his tendency for extremely deep cut referential lore-heavy stuff, which if nothing else makes the fact OP was supposed to be a new-reader-friendly soft relaunch HILARIOUS. and content wise, there are some swings and misses in there for sure.
but still. i do like it. i think it does such a good job at making Optimus a central character, as distinct from necessarily a protagonist, and showing through all these other characters around him the weight he exerts on his narrative and his world. it's a story interested in the consequences of a character like Optimus being able to exist, someone who is mythic walking around still alive and interacting with those around him, and the near impossibility of leveraging anything like that for actual good because it will always bite you in the ass.
and it has so many compelling characters! arcee gets her due here, following on from exRiD. some of the best soundwave content in the comics is found here, and i love barber's soundwave. aileron, jazz (GUYS, JAZZ IS IN THIS ONE, WILL THAT MAKE U READ IT), a resolution for sideswipe... and yeah, the series understandably has a reputation for being Barber at his most overly convoluted and plot-heavy and fanwanky, but it also has some truly compelling emotional threads because dammit Barber IS good at writing emotional arcs, and he deserves to be known for it too. the issue where Arcee says goodbye to a dying Sideswipe makes me cry. the Arcee/Aileron throughline is wonderful and a hugely important part of her arc. the stuff he does with Soundwave thematically slaaaaps.
...this is really long so i'll finish with a couple final points. one, i think basically any analysis of Prowl's character in IDW that skips OP entirely is just inherently incomplete. one day, i want to write about what Barber does with Prowl in the flashbacks re: looking back on and recontextualizing some elements of the character. and two, this run has two of my favourite single issues in the entirety of IDW; the annual, Starscream: The Movie, and #25. so yeah. it's flawed and not for everyone, but i think people should really give it a chance.
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coefore · 5 years ago
Can I see the deeper TFA analysis pretty please? 🙂 I personally like TFA for it's uniqueness, but I can understand why people don't like it, with how many changes there are to the lore and characters...
Oh sure! I apologise in advance if any of this sounds too direct or rude maybe? I don’t know, I just don’t want people to think I’m being that on purpose.
First off, my experience was coming after reading some of the IDW comics and watching TFP, who have a way more mature take on TF as a concept on a general basis, which is not good/bad per se, it’s just a different take. With this said, I think TFA is really bound to its time period: the characters are so intrinsically linked to the kind of ‘lol loud and random’ mood that was very popular in the late 00s I have never enjoyed as a child, and I surely don’t enjoy it now. It pushes  the American type of comedy a lot (for obvious reasons, please don’t think I don’t take into consideration this is an American media for an American audience) that doesn’t make me laugh/I don’t find it funny (this is not isolated to TFA, I just find american comedies very hard to laugh to. Ex. I’m sorry I don’t like the office :( ).
The characters themselves range from bland to very annoying to This Is My Enemy. My Enemy is Bumblebee. I cannot stand him. Another one I couldn’t bear when he was on screen was Starscream, he was absolutely useless and I cheered so hard when Megatron killed him ahahaha Ratchet was another one I did not like at all; he was mean. Like, legit mean and not in a fun way. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Sure he had seen the war etc. but he was not written very well in my opinion, as an old-men-with-ptsd connoisseur tm
I also have a huge problem with Prowl and how he’s designed/acts, it’s a bit like the same problem I have with IDW Drift but... at least IDW Drift is more interesting and leaves the Japanese aspect more to the vague aesthetic. Prowl was removed from his character completely and doesn’t seem to have much of a personality besides zen monk ripoff :( Just invent another character, then. Just, do it. He was born in the phase of ‘we love Japan, samurai kakkoii kiyaaa’ and I really did not like what they did with his character. It was kind of forced.
Why are there just two Constructicons and why are they Italo-american parodies
Why is Blitzwing like that, why does he have a stupid German accent
Sari was not a well written child, imo. TFP Miko, which is extremely flawed as a pre-teen/teen character (she is 14 afterall) gets on your nerves, but it makes sense! She also learns a lot during the course of the show! Sari is pretty much the same loud child, and the change in her is prompted because she just... magically grows up. At least she becomes more bearable. Weird she’s a transformer tho-- I mean, cool idea, weird execution.
Optimus was fine. He was fine. It is fine. He was fine. Optimus Prime was fine.
Megatron was cool but I have 0 recollection of what he was supposed to be besides smirk man sipping a glass of energon lmao I mean I guess???
Tfa megop had no chemistry and I don’t think I even like, had any prompt in the show to even think they could be interesting together.
The plot existed only in the third season, the first one was mostly useless and I had to skip most of them by pure boredom. I think the deterrent was mostly the villain-of-the-week + humans. 
The worldbuilding might have been interesting, since they clearly throw in the fact that the autobots are not *good* per se, they live in a pretty authoritarian society and they wanted to keep the war frames secluded from civilian frames anyway; but even if you heavily hint this and never really address it full on, it’s just an interesting glimpse of what could have been. Also, autobots = hinted authoritarians, but decepticons? they bad!!!!!!!! they are. bad! ok? they are bad. autobots are authoritarians dicks, but the decepticons are just bad. they just are
Well, the designs to me are ugly. I can’t really describe it in any other way, completely subjective reaction here. 
And that’s it probably!
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