#All are Demidorks
sodamnbored · 2 years
Jason, waking up after the Eidolons: Wha-?
Annabeth, suspiciously: *drawing her sword*
Jason, holding up his hands: Wow. It’s me.
Percy: Prove it.
Jason, flatly: You’re a dick.
Annabeth: *looking to Percy hesitantly*
Percy, relaxing: Okay.
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seijohsremade · 4 years
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Happy birthday Leo Valdez!
Let's remember some of his finest moments
I figure the universe is basically like a machine. I don't know who made it, if it was the Fates, or the gods, or capital-G God, or whatever. But it chugs along the way it's supposed to most of the time. Sure, little pieces break and stuff goes haywire once in a while, but mostly...things happen for a reason.
She wanted me to betray you guys, and I was like, 'Pfft, right, I'm gonna listen to a face in the potty sludge'.
Yours in demigodishness, and all that. Peace out!
I'm all about doing the impossible.
Scrawny? Baby, I invented scrawny. Scrawny is the new sizzling hot.
All da cows love Leo.
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worstloki · 5 years
Loki: In 2020, we stop chasing people who don’t make an effort to be in our lives and realise they don't matter
Valkyrie: In 2020, we put ourselves first and try to overcome our bad habits
Thor: In 2020, we do not try to domesticate a raccoon, but if one wanders into our house because he thinks the couch is nice and he likes the atmosphere, then he can stay
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demidorks · 6 years
Piper: Why can't you guys try my New Year resolution of being positive? I'm telling you, it works.
Piper: For example, you see this glass as half empty, but I see it as half full.
Nico: But it's completely empty.
Piper: But I see it as half full.
Annabeth: Plus, it's a bowl.
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foxhole-josten · 5 years
me, trying to explain to my mum who neil josten is and why i love him:
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my mum:
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discipleofice · 5 years
For anyone wondering why I’m arguing on tumblr.com with a white 24 y/o femslash blog about Percy Jackson
He broke free of his factual argument to demean my character by not so subtly insulting me for following an emotionally charged way of thinking and writing that I found more than mildly insulting. 
Also, he came off as a w/w fetishist, which as a woman who identifies as a member of the LBGTQA+ community, I found absolutely hypocritical of him to say while he defended a person who denounced Rick Riordan for supposedly following a similar line of thought. 
I elected to capitalize my words and scream and curse as a way to express my frustration. Unfortunately, a pathos argument founded in a genuine desire to stop a harmful post from gaining more traction will always lose to someone without any emotions. Cool “logic”, even logic without merit, does look better in hindsight I suppose. 
I am unable to take a person who admits to agreeing with the main points of my original message to the other user and young members of a mainly YA fandom, yet chose to argue about racial matters -after I expressed several times that I would not discuss them as a white person- and continue to switch the topic around to something I never said to begin with, as an equal in any conversation on this website after that. 
Certainly not someone who continuously talks about their moral superiority over my own by making grand assumptions about my character while simultaneously attempting to discredit me for making assumptions that someone who shared a post about a joke... posted because it made them laugh,
Edit:  I am however, going to apologize for crossing the line and choosing to be disrespectful instead of offering a real truce or ignoring his replies when we both began attacking each other’s character when I could have spoken from a place of concern instead of anger from the very beginning. 
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pagesandposeidon · 6 years
As a white person in the Percy Jackson and Harry Potter fandoms with a reasonably large following, I’d like to take it upon myself to pick up the sometimes rather vocal white trash in these fandoms.
To the other white people: I understand “dedication to canon,” but if you’re arguing with a marginalized group of people against them even headcanoning a fictional character as their race, sexuality, religion, gender, etc. then you need to check your prejudice and your privilege. People of minority and marginalized groups rarely get representation, and when we do, it’s often trope-filled, stereotypical, presented as “tragic,” or the butt of a joke (and, as someone who’s bi, straight people please recognize that the total number of bisexual female characters on TV since 1983, over the course of 33 years, represents 0.5% of heterosexual characters in one year, and only 10% of those characters had what qualifies as a “happy ending,” so when I say some marginalized groups rarely get representation, I mean it, and you have no idea how many shows I’ve watched just because they’ve got representation--I’m starved of it, and headcanons/OCs are my life-line).
One whole point of fiction is seeing yourselves in characters and situations, seeing your feelings and experiences reflected back at you. POC have enough problems with canon representation to be completely rejected from seeing themselves in non-canon too. Let. them. headcanon. You’ve already got canon. Let them at least have their section of fanon.
To the POC who follow me: I want you to know that I want this to be a safe space. You can rant about your favorite headcanons to me all you want, my anon is free for you to use any time. Obviously I’m white, so I may sometimes be ignorant of things, but I’m going to try to listen, research, and allow you to see yourself in these characters regardless of whether it’s confirmed in canon. If anyone in this space attempts to fight against your poc headcanons (esp if it’s just because “it doesn’t work in canon!!!” or “that character is white!!!”), they’re not welcome on my blog.
This applies to other marginalized minorities as well--autistic headcanons, LGBTQIA+ headcanons, religious minority headcanons (muslim, jewish, etc.), headcanons of disabilities or mental illness, etc. etc. etc. use my inbox any time you want, you deserve representation too.
I’ve experienced having my own self-projecting headcanons rejected far too many times, and I want you guys to know this is a space where I won’t criticize or mock these headcanons, whether or not I share them. You like to see Percy Jackson as your own race, even though a large part of the fandom sees him as white? That’s valid as heck and if anyone tries to argue they’ll be subjected to my fury.
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sodamnbored · 3 years
Headcanon that this is what Jason wears to demigod sleepovers:
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housemartius · 3 years
do you have any favorite pjo bloggers of color?
i sure do! although idk if all of them are still exactly "pjo bloggers", so that's a little disclaimer. but! they've all certainly left a positive mark in the fandom in their own unique ways! so without further ado:
@demidorks / @sawasawako / @howelljenkins / @hazelmagix / @pjolesbian / @silima / @tsigililimclean / @disablednicodiangelo / @melliehedge / @beckendorph / @milfdiangelo / @jamkoi / @thejudgingtrash / @nonbinarypiper / @piperisgay --> @quakgrass
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cadiacore · 4 years
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Hey everyone! Since it’s a new year, I decided to make another follow forever bc so many of you mean so much to me and I just really want to show you all that the content, the shitposts, the memes, and all of the chaos you all give on my dash, makes me smile. We may have never talked or we could be best friends but in my head, you all are my friends. I hope this new year brings each of you joy, love and happiness.
@accio @andyoucallmeupagain @annebethchase @anywherethesedays @beginagain @behindsthemall @betterthanrevenge @blcssomtree @bettyrightnow @cages-boxes-hunters-foxes @colorsinautumn @coveredinyou @cowboyslikeme @cursinggmyname @demidorks @deanjackles @deanwinchesters @daenerys-targaryen @dress @afterglowws @afturglow @bettyjamesinez
@engdame @et-lesailes @evermorefolklore @evermoores @folkmoretay @glorysandglore @golrush @goldrushmore @folklouvre @folkloredeluxe @folkloresbitch @falsegod @felicitysmoak @forchrisevans @howyougethegirl @hollandroos @holygraund @hazzy @hotforharrison @hollandharrison
@juliastiles @jurassicbarnes @jakeperalta @jakegyllenhaal-is-a-puppy @julieshimboos @kissyoulikealover @kelieah @lohver
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apolloes · 4 years
okay it’s 1am and I was gonna do like an official follow forever ages ago but it’s come to my attention that a bunch of people love pjo but are new to tumblr/coming back and don’t know who to follow so here’s a bunch of blogs I follow that post pjo stuff and if I’ve missed you off the list know I still love u and pls add yourself and others you know to it
@ananbeth @annabethisterrified @annabetncnase @annabethjacson @annabethcheesy @annabetncnase @anxiouspineapples @bananannabeth @biclarisselarue @blackjacktheboss @blackpercy @charlesbeckendorf @childofathena @demidorks @dostoevskydocs @eternal-state-of-voorpret @fic-for-fic-sake @gr33kg0ds @greenconverses @grovercy @himbopercy @jasongraces @jasonluvsnico @leovaldez @lilabard @lightningpercy @lukecastellan @nicodxangelo @ofswordsandpens @percybro @percy-jackson-is-sexy- @percyinpanties @perseabeth @perseannabeth @perseusnet @poseidhn @queenofterrasen @reynaisalesbian @riordans @rongasm @seaweedbraens @shes-a-communist @spoopy-son-of-rome @thethirdgift @trialsofapollo @wholocked-the-dragons @wizardra
there might be some people I’ve missed that do post pjo stuff but I just can’t remmeber off the top of my head and urls change and content changes and some people post a little but not a lot and blah I’m sorry I still love u all
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demidorks · 5 years
I was in a blog of comics and superheroes and I don't know why but I saw that blog had things from your blog and thought 'all roads lead to demidorks' lol
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Three years?! Wow! That's longer than most fan accounts by like 2 years! We've got staying power, baby!
Wow, really? A lot of the blogs I love are still active (Viria, demidorks, PFL...) , so it’s really hard to imagine so much time went by hahaha, it still feels the same.
I know it’s cheesy but it feels like it was just yesterday when I made this blog😭 I had no skill in writing or art and I wanted to contribute something to percico, and I gained followers so quickly it gave me inspiration to keep continuing with keeping this blog active. 
I absolutely adore all of my followers! I wish I could do something for all the people who’ve supported this blog so much since its creation ( @takaraphoenix @elements1999 @penguin-grl , to name a few off the top of my head, but I try to notice every notification and comment and tag and I have so many regulars I recognize!) 
 Thank you for giving me strength when I needed it and being there through this blog’s ups and downs (T⌓T) I’ll reread all the PJO works when I have the time and wait for the adaptation and be there for the new fans too! I will continue to work hard for this fandom and make better quotes, events and fanwork for a long time!! 
Happy third anniversary (  ˶^∪^)b! 
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bravewastaken · 4 years
Thank you @seasurfacefullofclouds1 for tagging me. (I think I'm your biggest stalker these days)
Rules: Tag 9 people whom you'd like to get to know better/catch up with
Last song: two of us- piano cover. (I'm using it for an edit)
Last movie: 3 idiots. One of my all time favorites and if you've watched it, you'll know why. (I loved everyone's acting except hers)
Currently reading: "The Lake House" by Kate Morton. Would totally recommend it if you like mystery. It's definitely going to be included in my favorites.
Currently watching: Merlin. (I know I'm late, years late BUT the show is so precious and I love Merthur!!!!!!!!)
Craving: Apples and Sleep.
Tagging: I really haven't interacted with many people here so bear with me.
@tomlinsno @unconventionalot4 @sandersstudies @demidorks @farawaytale @lululawrence @z0uis @burntr0mances @buscrimes
(you're free to ignore this💕, it's my life's greatest ambition to annoy someone to death)
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howelljenkins · 4 years
Did u see the small account that thanked demidorks about defending Jason😭😭 it’s all so stupid, it doesn’t matter
like I know there’s a lot of young people here and I know they’re all really invested but I think it’s only healthy to step back and realize that you can just turn off your computer screen and just keep your opinions about something uncriticized??
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