#Adrien is just a little kitten baby boy
lostuntothisworld · 23 days
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I don’t know why I was so worried. The kiddos look 100xs better than the movie
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jmakumatized · 2 years
WHEW it's late here already but after watching this episode I just had to find somewhere to pour out my feelings and what better way than the cold black void also known as my Tumblr blog? 😭👊 P.S. sorry in advance if this is a mess
⚠️ Jubilation Episode Spoilers Ahead⚠️
Same Old Creepy Lunatic
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Okay, let's start with Mr. Cotton buds here. We all know that this man is actually insane but, oh man, seeing who seems to be Emily as his Siri rip-off got me off-guard. We saw in "Multiplication" that he had to do a full body scan of Adrien in what I assume is a facility owned by the Tsurugis to make his 3D model. I doubt he would have requested Amelie to do this for a number of reasons. So, did he just secretly drag Emily's unconscious body to the facility to get her scanned just so she can be his personal virtual assistant? 💀
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Also, we've seen Hawky change costumes many times but I honestly like his old classic costume way better than any other else ESPECIALLY this Monarch one. The new one just looks so much more hilarious 😭😂 like PLEASE why did he randomly decide to have his ears out? And I see that his fake grandkids got their grandpapi's piercing blue eyes.
Kwami and Technology
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Ya'll, they literally reminded us in this episode that Kwamis aren't supposed to be detected by tech but then we now see that they're largely being controlled by... guess what? Technology! Like, Hawky is literally transferring their powers to the akumatized's ring as if he were just sending an email. But ya know what? this is Miraculous we're talking about. The logic in this show is non-existent so let's just not think too deeply about this and move on *cough cough*
The Dream
Oh my god. This... this part was a rollercoaster of emotions
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Firstly, this shot kinda caught me off-guard again because... Chat Noir in all white... *sobs* at least it didn't give Ladybug any traumatic flashbacks I guess 😭🏃‍♀️💨
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Secondly, I love how they get more creepy babies with each next shot 😂 I guess they'll have more than just Louis, Emma, and Hugo.
"Neither do I, my sweet kitten. So Join me!"
yeah, you heard that? That was my heart shattering into a million pieces. The moment when the umbrella theme music started playing, I knew that this scene would destroy me. the fact that Chat Noir tried to break the clock makes my heart hurt so much. He wanted to stay in this dream so bad that he'd risk everything else. The fact that he also had to stay behind a little longer to grieve everything that he just lost is- is- AGHHHHH 😭 this poor boy just let him be truly happy FOR ONCE! And the way they kissed each other with tears streaming down both their cheeks 🥺😫 Ladybug's line was also seriously so romantic: "But I don't want to lose all of this!" "Neither do I, my sweet kitten. So Join me!" She's saying that she still wants to have this life with him but to truly have this future, they have to wake up 🥺😭 SO IT KILLS ME HOW IN DENIAL SHE STILL WAS DURING THE END SCENE!!! At least we see that Chat was slightly smiling during their conversation about it, which could mean that he knows it wasn't really manipulated and what they both saw are truly what they both desired. *deep inhale of copium*
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If you made it this far, thanks again for reading my rambles. *hands you a cookie 🍪* till next time!
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xhanisai · 2 years
First Line Tag
Thank you for the tag @seas-of-silver !
Here are my ten latest stories and their first lines down below. Anyone who sees this post is free to make one too cos I have no idea who to tag lol. (Most of these titles are just the names of the prompts because they’re in a drabble collection and the titles I used for those are song lyrics).
​Generational Knowledge - (Adrinette and Ladynoir)
She was all instinct and muscle memory, her mind not clearly registering with what her body was doing when she picked up the ancient artefact that the curator introduced to her class during their trip to le musée. Her ears were deaf to his inquisitive and wary questionings which soon then turned into bewildered gasps of awe and utter delight as she brought the fragile contraption to life. What was once a seemingly dull and forgotten machine was now something so much more and just absolutely magical.
Negative!!! - (Adrinette)
Adrien hadn't moved, hadn't blinked, hadn't been able to function since he saw the image on Marinette's post as he scrolled through his Instagram feed out of boredom and curiosity. . A white object with a single red line, and the caption "Negative! 😅 ". . He didn't even need to look at the hashtags to know why exactly someone would be relieved to get a negative result on a white test stick. He didn't dare to look further. His stomach lurched and his heart jumped to his throat, and he felt like he couldn't even breathe. Marinette had- had- done it with someone else. 'Not me...wait- not me?'
Healing - (Marichat)
"Owch! Hey! Ow-ow-ow! You! You did that on purpose!" The feline hero scowled at his companion with as much venom as a baby kitten, his tail swatting irritatedly against her mattress and his faux ears plastered miserably to his blond locks. Marinette simply glowered back wordlessly with enough intensity to make him shiver in fright, bandages tight in her tense hands as she continued to patch up his wounded chest.
Hurt - (Adrinette + Ladynoir)
"You...you haven't smiled all day," Adrien murmured from the hospital bed, the boy sitting up with the assistance of his beloved, sweet friend, wincing when the bandages got a little snug around the painful injury on his back and chest. He couldn't help the immense guilt that built up within him from the sight of her shattered, heartbroken expression, the girl thoroughly affected by his predicament. "Marinette...listen, it wasn't your fault-" "Yes, it was!"
Cat - (Ladynoir + Adrinette)
"Mon Chaton!? C'est toi!? You got turned into an actual chaton again!?" Ladybug groaned in defeat, tugging on her hair whilst sitting on her haunches, her companion no longer the tall, blond-haired human being and now currently a tiny, round black kitten with huge green eyes and wearing an obnoxiously large bell. "Did you do this on purpose?? Did you???" Her accusation had the puffball leap up in the air (by about two centimetres) as an outcry, shaking his head with a loud meow. His bell rang from the rapid movements as a gentle, soft chime and no one would even believe that he was the host of destruction and chaos.
Tease - (All sides of the square)
It took Chat Noir everything for his voice to not raise higher and higher in pitch as he tried his utmost best to continue the conversation, going on about his day without clueing in his civilian identity all whilst his Lady continued to watch him intently, her pretty sky blues rooted to his mouth wordlessly. Like he was a piece of a jigsaw puzzle or a lucky charm she needed to figure out as if her life and the rest of the world depended on it. The feline boy self-consciously licked his lips, internally praying to all the gods out there (that were at least an ounce more reliant than Plagg the camembert glutton) to help him keep his cool. Hopefully, his lips weren't too chapped or bruised from all the anxious lip-biting he did this morning at school from worrying over Marinette for the umpteenth time (she tripped at least thirty-six times today no thanks to her sleep deprivation! Thirty-six times!!! How many bones would she have broken if he weren't there to catch her every single time!?).
Hot - (Ladynoir)
SNAP! CRACK! CHOMP! CHOMP! SNAP! CRACK! CHOMP! CHOMP! Chat Noir continued to stare at his beloved partner with bafflement as she cracked open her fourth ginormous watermelon on her knee alone (which was hella hot) and began to vigorously devour the sweet fruit like a bottomless vacuum (which was adorable and terrifying at the same time).
Protect - (All sides of the square)
“How...how could you?"
His icy tone was laced with venom and sheer betrayal, clawed fingers digging into his trembling palms in a white-knuckled grip and teeth clenched to the point where his jaw was close to clicking out of place. "How could you, Ladybug!?"
Favourite Colour - (Adrinette)
"Pink this, pink that, ugh! Don't you like any other colour, something more regal and obviously so much more better?" One very annoyed and extremely pompous Chloé Bourgeois huffed loudly, hands dramatically gesturing towards the god-forsaken, practically neon yellow jeans she decided to wear for the day, beady blues directing a nasty glare at her sleepy enemy. Much to her ire, the girl she was glowering at simply took one glance at the blinding clothing article, made a comically disgusted expression and went back to mindlessly sketching out designs in her notebook, taking a sip of coffee from her travel mug in the process. "I saw that, Marinette Dupain-Cheng! But what should have I expected from a ridiculously stupid peasant with ridiculously no taste? Only the most elite would appreciate REAL fashion! Hmmph!"
“Miau I have your Chattention, please?” - (Marichat)
Chat Noir was bored. . There was his Lady, sewing away on the rattling machine and annotating her (absolutely GORGEOUS) designs and piecing together fabric scraps at the same time on her messy, cluttered desk, all whilst neglecting his cute, adorable self. HIM. Her CHATON. Absolutely, incredibly, stupendously ridiculous!!! . He entertained the idea of casually dropping his transformation right here and there just to see her reaction but honestly, she'd probably (definitely) boot him out of the window by reflex whilst screaming like the queen of banshees and he would end up as an unattractive splat against the dirty, Parisian floor. Siiiiiigh.
Again, if anyone wants to do this tag game, go for it!
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marsrize · 1 year
How to be a successful vigilante and a dad, By Bruce Wayne [Part 3]
Ao3 : Here | Part 1: Here | Part 2: Here.
Summary : Bruce is sure it was a bad idea to give him a child. 
Bruce had just returned from his night of patrol. He had finished setting up in the cave the night before. It would soon be daylight, and he needed some rest before his other challenge of the day began: parenthood.
He dropped onto his bed. Bruce was sure he would not be able to fall asleep. Alfred's words were running through his head. He had managed to put his thoughts aside to concentrate on his mission during the night, but now that he was alone in his bed, with nothing else to do, his thoughts were focused solely on the little blonde head he had started seeing for three days now.
Let's be honest: Bruce didn't have a clue what to do.
But he did come to several conclusions.
The first was that although he was not thrilled with Alfred's idea, he had to admit that the man was right. Adrien was not a little kitten found in the street; he was a child. A small and vulnerable being.
He had to be honest. No one had forced him to have an affair with the boy's mother, much less unprotected sex. Nor had anyone forced him to pick up a cape and uniform to chase criminals at night. Life is about choices. What he was going through was the consequence of his own actions.
He was a rational man. He had all this information in his head. So many questions flowed through his mind: How did his parents raise him? Even though he was very young, he didn't remember much about his beloved parents. Would they be proud of him? What would they think if they saw him now with a little boy?
Bruce sighed and turned in his bed. There was a second conclusion he had come to after only three days with the little one.
What was that second conclusion?
He wasn't father material.
Adrien was ......................................How to describe him?
Several memories began to emerge in his mind.
He was too young to have white hair. But that's what was going to happen to him if he continued this path. This kid definitely had a problem.
He was too much. JUST TOO MUCH.
 Too energetic
Adrien was running around the house barefoot with Bruce chasing him. The child refused to take a bath and a game of hide and seek had begun. Bruce was supposed to return to Wayne Enterprise, he was already late. But that didn't matter to Adrien. What he wanted to do was play.
"Adrien, get back here right now!"
"Adrien, I'm warning you right now, if you don't get back here right now, you'll be denied dessert!"
The boy stopped dead in his tracks. Then slowly he turned his little head towards him and looked him intensely in the eyes.
"Me don't care! Buce don't even know…to…Hummm…make food, Nah!"
"For starters we say, 'I don’t care' and not 'Me don’t care', and-..."
"Don't care!"
He started to run again. However, Bruce had time to catch him and take him by force into the bathroom.
Then began a second battle: getting Adrien out of the tub.
He had refused to get in, but now that he was in the tub with toys, he didn't want to get out.
"Adrien, there is no more time. Stop being childish and get out of the tub."
“……….It's not wrong in a way….”
“Not wrong!”
“Well, stop repeating everything I say. We need to leave Adrien, we're already late.”
"NO. I’m in, I’m stay!"
" ......... You're not making any sense... "
Bruce looked at his watch, which was now wet from the water in the tub that the kid had splashed all over.
9:40 am.
He still had the whole day ahead of him.
Bruce sighed.
 Too chaotic
Bruce rushed forward to catch Adrien before he could climb even higher on the bookshelf.
"Adrien, don't climb the bookshelf, it's dangerous."
"Want to play. Bored."
"Climbing on the furniture is not a game."
Adrien began to gesticulate in his arms. Bruce held him tightly so he wouldn't fall.
"Want to play! Let me go! Bad! BAD! BAD! BAD!"
Bruce sighed.
 Too talkative
"Hey Buce.... What's your job?"
"I work in an office."
"In an office? Why do you go out then?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well... There's an office there *points to the door leading to the office*, why go outside? You don’t like the one you have?"
"......Hmm... What I mean is that my job is in a big building with other people. It's a very special office."
"What do you do in it?"
"I sign papers... I talk to people..."
"You need to go outside for that? Can't you just pick up the phone?"
*One and a half hours of explanation later*
"Can I come? I want to sign papers too.”
“You must be an adult to sign the papers…”
"But... You're not an adult…”
"Of course I'm an adult."
Adrien looked him straight in the eye with an expression of confusion clearly visible on his face.
"No, you’re not. You live with your daddy. Grandpa Alfred do everything for you. Adults people do everything by themselves!"
Bruce could have sworn at that very moment that he heard someone chuckle. Alfred must have been close by.
Looking up at the roof of his room, Bruce sighed. He couldn't count the number of times he had done it.
Bruce was really trying to rationalize. Adrien was only 3 years old. He was basically a baby.
A little baby that Alfred had probably spoiled a little too much. Who didn't listen when he was spoken to and who only did what he wanted to do with his little baby head.
Was this child normal?!
Bruce had now developed a tremendous respect for his own parents. Was he this insufferable as a child? Why do regular people put themselves through this pain?!
He was deep in thought when a noise caught his attention. He got up from his bed. The door to his room had just opened. A small blonde head protruded from the door. Adrien was supposed to be sleeping. He was sure he had respected the bedtime curfew Alfred had given him. The blond boy moved closer to his bed. Bruce noticed that his eyes were wet. He had a stuffed animal in his hands.
Adrien moved closer to his bed. Then, without asking, he climbed onto the bed and sat down on the bed next to him.
There was only one possible explanation for Bruce at that moment.
"You had a nightmare."
It wasn't a question, but a clear statement. Adrien nodded slowly.
Bruce hesitated for a moment. However, he could clearly see that the boy was not well. The way Adrien rubbed his eyes told him that he had probably been crying. He couldn't let a child cry like that without doing anything, could he?
"You...want to talk about it?"
"The butterfly."
"The bad butterfly said I was a bad boy. He wanted to eat me!"
"The butterfly.... Hmmm.... Is there a butterfly in your room?"
"No. The man's name was Butterfly. He was a bad man."
"I see. So, you had a dream about a naughty man called Butterfly who wanted to eat you. Did I understand correctly?"
Adrien nodded.
That was a very strange dream.
"Me scared. He was really...mean."
Bruce patted him gently on the head.
"It's okay. It was just a bad dream. There's no villain named Butterfly. You're safe in the manor."
Adrien remained silent and hugged his stuffed animal. Then he raised his head to face him.
"Can me stay with you? Please?"
Bruce hesitated. He was supposed to go on patrol in a little while. He was resting a bit before leaving the manor. His mouth fell open before his brain could properly register his train of thought.
"All right. Just this once."
The little boy's eyes lit up. He wasted no time in settling down on the bed. Bruce then had no choice but to lie down next to the little boy.
It looked like he would be late for his patrol tonight.
Several hours later, when he returned from a restless night, he found a little blond boy still asleep on the bed. A small smile formed at the corner of his lips.
Adrien was now asleep in the middle of the bed, arms and legs spread like a starfish. Bruce could hear his steady breathing.
It was like watching a kitten take a nap.
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
wip challenge
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Rules: “post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!” tagged by @izanogi
i have so many art wips and a few fic wips so feel free to ask abt any of them though i can't promise they're all coherent lmfao
fic wips:
peach time
adrien sentiments
prpr fic beginning
The Hotel™ sexual tension prpr the fuck idk
drunk convos that reveal too much (a simple suggestion)
obligatory horny fic (sorry in advance if u ask about this one bc im not sharing much outside of friend servers LMAO, but it's barely considered a wip and mostly just bullet points anyway)
art wips: (gonna preface this by saying that most of these are just sketches that i will most likely never finish so idk if they count as "wips")
potty humor
boy vs boy
relevant doodle
i frew up
she haveth baby
ur my kitten
cat and bug team yayyyyyyy
marinette redesigns
a doodley
cat and bug
tagging some mutuals off the top of my head (no pressure to fill this out if u dont want to/dont have any wips tho and also sorry ifu have been tagged already im not keepin track)
@gentil-minou @miabrown007 @ladyofthenoodle @heartfulselkie @chatonnoir
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goggles-mcgee · 4 years
i’m really loving the Wish me Away au idea! Would you be up to writing about what the batfam does after seeing mari’s reaction to emilie and adrien?
Like an actually little drabble? Yeah sure! It'll be based off the headcanons from this post -> 👶
Bruce couldn't remember having so much fun, he always loved to brag about his kids and show them off at work, but it was a little hard when it was 'Bring Your Kid To Work Day' and most of your kids worked with you. That's why he was so happy bringing little Marietta with him to Wayne Enterprises, he also brought Damian but Damian had wandered off to see what Dick did since, and he quotes, "I know everything about you father. If I am to be your successor it is only natural I familiarize myself with your work. I believe it would be beneficial for me to oversee Grayson's work ethic."
Honestly, Damian could have just said he wanted to see what Dick did but that was just part of Damian's charm. Before he had left, Damian had let Marietta grab his finger and give it a little shake which delighted her, if Bruce was not mistaken, Damian had even smiled before he said bye to the both of them. The boy had really grown to love Mari and Bruce could not be more proud of his son. Though, he had to admit, all of his children were absolutely enamored with the baby, not to say he wasn't, but Lord have mercy on anyone who dared mess with his baby girl. She would have an army behind her of overprotective brothers and sisters, and father and mother, and grandfather, and cow...and turkey...and dogs...and cats...and dragon bat....and semi-god things that called themselves kwamis...and two very very powerful almost godlike godparents (Diana and Clark.) Now Bruce didn't like to think about it but he did also have to add Mari's....friends to that list... i.e. some of his rogues, which yes was fucking bizarre beyond all reason, but some had even cut back on crime because of their friendship with his little mini-hero so that was a plus. Right?
Well that was a thought for another day, now he got to take his little girl around and take her into meetings, which was certainly going to be interesting, but Marietta always seemed interested in watching him work so he wasn't too worried. He packed her plenty of snacks along with her lunch that Alfred made, he made sure to pack her favorite toys and a variety of coloring books and markers and crayons. And of course he remembered to pack cookies for Tikki who was riding in the hood of Marietta's dress. Plus he made sure to pack a little first aid kid just in case, also another sweater for Marietta in case she got cold.
He liked to be prepared. Sue him.
First meeting of the day was with a Ms. Graham de Vanily. If his memory served right this was Emilie and not Amelie who he had spoken with in the past. Not for the first time he had to wonder what possessed their parents to name the identical twin sisters Emilie and Amelie, but apparently she had brought along her son as well so that made this meeting a little less awkward. He adjusted his hold on Marietta before he continued on his walk to his office where he would be meeting Ms. Emilie, he had hoped to show his daughter around more when they had arrived but he had actually forgotten about this particular meeting and so hadn't rescheduled it to a time when he would hand over Marietta to one of her brother's since they deemed it "unfair" that only he got to show her his work.
Honestly his boys. They were wonderful but boy did they get jealous of one another if Marietta gave one more attention than the other. He fondly remembered one family game night where all the boys were asking who Mari's favorite brother is and she had just been laughing at all the attention not really understanding and it was the first time Bruce had witnessed Damian giving someone a smile and opening his arms for a hug. Of course he had done it behind all his siblings backs and only Alfred and Bruce himself had seen it. It was a sight to see everyone's face when Mari giggled out a, "Dami!", and ran over to him. When everyone turned around he was back to his stoic face but he was hugging Marietta and she was snuggling herself against him but as he looked at everyone he gave them a small smirk. There was an uproar, a demand for a retest, but Damian wouldn’t have it and it had been one of the most chaotic nights in the Manor. Selina had been very entertained especially when Marietta somehow made her way out of the gaggle of children and waddled over to her and had climbed in her lap very clumsily before plopping herself down and making herself comfortable, almost like a cat Bruce had thought, before smiling up at Selina. Selina had just turned to Bruce and said in a complete monotone voice, “I would die for this child.” 
Him and Selina hadn't tied the knot yet so to say, nor had he proposed. They were trying their hand at dating again but he couldn't help the way his heart skipped and his mind conjured up images of tuxedos, lace, friends and family, cakes and kisses, and rings and vows exchanged, when his baby girl, his little Marietta looked up at Selina and called her Maman. Bruce wondered if she ever shared his thoughts, he almost convinced himself she did whenever he saw her melt and practically purr when Mari, or as Selina liked to call her, Kitten, would call her Maman. He could see the love in the older woman's eyes and he had no doubt in his heart that this time, they would work out, this time they would get their 'happily ever after' or whatever came close to it.
He was ripped from his thought when he heard his baby girl giggle at something Lucius said.
"Morning Lucius."
"And good morning to you Mr. Wayne. I see you brought the little one."
"Yes. I promised I would bring her but I must admit, the meeting with Ms. Graham de Vanily slipped my mind." Bruce sighed out.
"I guessed as much. Well if you want, I can watch the Little Wayne while you have your meeting." Lucius offered, of course Bruce trusted him to watch Marietta seeing as the older man also practically adopted Mari at first sight. He was basically another grandfather to her.
"Gampa Fox!" Marietta began before dissolving into her baby babble. She was getting very good at speaking. Honestly she was very smart for a two year old.
"That's okay Lucius, I want to bring her in. Besides if her brothers spot her with you they wouldn't hesitate to snatch her up before their scheduled times. If Ms. Graham de Vanily has a problem with it I will insist on a reschedule. It's not everyday I get some one on one time with Marietta." Bruce admitted.
"You know one day someone is going to say no to you despite your good looks, money and reputation. Fine. Head on in, our guest is already here, which by the way, I don't think she will mind Mari seeing as she brought her own son to this meeting." Lucius sighed but he gave Mari a little wave and pointed Bruce to one of the smaller meeting rooms they had in Wayne Enterprises.
"Aww Lucius you think I'm good looking?"
"Yes sir." Bruce chuckled out with a brief wave before he made his way over to the meeting room Lucius had pointed to and gently rapped his knuckled on the outside door despite the room being visible from outside because of the large windows. He heard a feminine voice call out from inside so he entered,
“Remember your manners Marietta and if you need anything don’t be shy.” Bruce told his daughter softly as they walked in, he chuckled when she nodded enthusiastically. As soon as he caught sight of the blonde woman he put on his best business smile. “Ah, Ms. Graham de Vanily, so sorry to keep you waiting. I must admit that this meeting slipped my mind.”
“No worries Mr. Wayne, I don’t believe this will be long. I see you brought your daughter. I brought my son! Adrien say hi.” Ms. Graham de Vanily light-heartedly scolded her son and tapped his shoulder. When Bruce took his seat and placed Marietta on his lap he finally got a good look at them both. Both mother and son were blond, her son, Adrien was a teenager, from the looks of it he was 16 maybe even 17. When his mother tapped him on the shoulder he sat up straighter than when he was slouching so obviously he didn’t want to come. So why bring him then? 
“Hello Mr. Wayne, it’s an honor to meet you.” Adrien greeted him with a model smile, he had seen enough to spot them from the real deal.
“Likewise. Marietta, can you say ‘hello’ to our guests?” Bruce asked gently down to his daughter who was being uncharacteristically quiet. Usually she would already saying ‘hi’ and waving, maybe even trying to get a high five or hand shake. Though now she was hiding her face in his chest and hugging her backpack to her, she made a small noise like a whimper and Bruce was absolutely dumbfounded. His daughter had never acted like this before, not even with Joker for crying out loud yet here she was trembling and trying to hide herself in his arms. He didn’t know what was going on but his daughter was scared so he scooped her up and held her closer to him but she still tried to pull herself closer. Finally Bruce caught sight of Tikki inside Marietta’s open backpack and saw her antennae-like things pulled back and her eyes narrowed as the kwami glared at Ms. Graham de Vanily and her son, if he wasn’t mistaken she was even glowing a faint red especially as she stared at Adrien. Bruce didn’t understand what was causing these reactions but he did know one thing, he wasn’t going to make Marietta sit there.
“I apologize. She’s not normally like this, I think it would be best if I take her to one of her brothers if you don’t mind.” 
“Oh...no worries at all. I’m sorry if we scared her somehow.” The woman actually sounded genuine but Bruce wasn’t going to risk anything, especially with how her son actually looked at his daughter for the first time that they walked in there.
“I’m sure that’s not the case, but it will probably be best to take her to one of her brothers that way we can get through this meeting. I will be fast.” With that he was out the room and speedwalking down the hall over to Lucius’s office. “I don’t have time to explain but Marietta was acting strange around Ms. Graham de Vanily and her son and Tikki as well. Can you take her to one of her brothers please? Just inform me who and I will go pick her up after the meeting.”
Lucius on his part did his best not to ask questions knowing Bruce didn’t have the time but he did raise a brow that told Bruce he would be answering those unasked questions later. “Of course. I’ll go see what Dick and Damian are up to.”
“Thank you Lucius.” Bruce said sincerely before he made his way back to his meeting. He had questions too and they were all for Tikki, but there would be time for that later, now it was time for business.
The meeting passed and all Bruce could think about was getting to Marietta. He checked his texts from Lucius that informed him that he did indeed leave Mari with Dick and Damian so he made his way over to the central security room knowing that’s where Dick would most likely be. When he got there he was relieved to see his baby girl laughing and playing with Dick while Damian sat on a chair watching, as he walked in the two boys stood up swiftly with Dick scooping up Marietta and angling her away from the door but when they saw it was him they relaxed. “Father, Lucius told us nothing, what happened?” Damian demanded.
“I’m not sure myself. Marietta started acting scared when we got in the meeting room with Ms. Graham de Vanily and her son Adrien.” Bruce answered.
“NO!” They all stared at Marietta in shock when she screamed and tried to hide herself in Dick’s chest, then they all stared at each other with wide eyes. 
“Hey, hey, hey. Etta what’s wrong?” Dick asked softly.
“No Adrien! No!” Marietta cried out. 
The air grew cold. Bruce could hear his son’s gasp and he wouldn’t be surprised if he did as well. “ طفل الخفافيش (tifl alkhafafish), you’re safe. This Adrien won’t harm you I promise.” Damian cooed to Marietta.
“الأخ الأكبر (al'akhu al'akbar).” Mari cried out wetly as she reached her hands out for him and he of course took her out of Dick’s arms and held her. 
“Tikki. Explain...please.” Bruce pleaded.
Tikki flew out of Mari’s backpack and sadly looked over at the girl before flying over to her and kissing the top of her head before flying and landing on Dick’s desk. “It’s...They are from her old life. Ad- He was her former partner...the one who wished her away. That woman shouldn’t be alive.” 
“He was the one to betray her?” Damian asked, his voice full of ice and steel. “Father I will be needing my swords. All of them.”
“Damian. No.”
“What do you mean no?” His son asked indignantly.
“Yeah what do you mean no?” Tikki asked with a tilt of her head, Bruce glared at her, she knew what she was doing.
“Tikki what do you mean that woman shouldn’t be alive?” Dick asked.
“Simply that. She was a corpse. No soul. Haw-Gab- The villain Mari had to face before, she was his wife. He wished for her life.” Tikki explained as though it made total sense to all of them.
“Yeaaaaah, you’re going to need to expand on that.” Dick said which made Tikki frown in confusion.
“While I do agree with that, maybe we should wait until we are at home to continue this conversation. You boys know how Tim and Jason will be if they aren’t informed about what happened. You boys tell them and I’ll take Marietta. We will continue on with our day, but if you see either of them lingering here alert me. I don’t want Marietta to have to interact with them at all if we can help it.” Bruce said as he gently took Marietta from Damian who looked like he wanted to do anything but give his little sister to his father.
“If I see them I have a right to defend Marietta.” Damian stated. “You can’t stop me.”
“Don’t worry Bruce, at least he doesn’t have a sword on him.” Dick chuckled.
“Who said I didn’t? Was it Todd?” 
Bruce needed a break. Bruce questioned why he had so many kids not for the first time in his life. Bruce decided to ignore the fact his child admitted to having a sword somewhere on him and just did as he said he was going to do, continue his day with his daughter and if he held her a little closer to him than usual? Well it couldn’t be helped. 
I know it’s not like the reactions yet but I am in the process of writing Wish Me Away so take this! XD
طفل الخفافيش (tifl alkhafafish): Baby Bat
“الأخ الأكبر (al'akhu al'akbar): Big Brother
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fandomregression · 3 years
Hey, I dunno if you still take requests. But if so then could I please get some regressor headcanons for Adrian from Miraculous Ladybug?
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omggggg okay i love love love adrien as a regressor yesssss
so, we can all guess why this boy regresses...he has Issues. he regresses around 3-7, so a pretty big range
he loooooooves playing, and he loves making messes. playing with paints, splashing in mud puddles, macaroni art, anything at all that he wouldn't have really been able to do as a kid
adrien doesn't do well when he's alone and little, and even if it's just plagg with him he doesn't have the best time. before anyone actually learns about his regression, he has a ladybug doll that he plays with and pretends she's there to take care of him.
however, his friends do eventually find out that adrien regresses. when they all come over for a group project and adrien forgot to put away all his gear, obviously questions popped up. "why do you have a sippy cup, bro?" "is that a ladybug doll? cute!" "do you always sleep with a baby blanket?"
of course, adrien is super embarrassed and doesn't know what to do. how are you supposed to handle this?? how is he gonna handle losing his friends over something like this?? he has a bit of a meltdown and ends up crying, spilling his heart out, and of course everyone collectively wishes to cause physical harm to gabriel agreste, not for the first time.
marinette doesn't quite know what comes over her, but seeing adrien so upset and scared...puts a bit of motion into her. and she's the first to hug him, to sit down with him and offer his blankie. she just holds him until he stops crying, and promises that none of them will think differently of him for something like this
which is how marinette ends up being little adrien's favorite person
unfortunately for her, that moment of bravery was only for a moment, and now she's flustered any time someone brings it up. and adrien doesn't know, he's too happy that marinette is so gentle and kind to him
he's just such a sweetie, even when he acts up she can't get upset with him. if she gets upset, he picks her flowers, and all is forgiven. yes adrien Does realize this and uses it to his advantage
(and after the reveal, marinette sneaks in "my kitten" as her favored nickname for her kitty. adrien loves it and melts every time)
(and, lastly, plagg is no longer allowed to babysit. he is not responsible enough to watch a kid, not after a pan of brownie soup made adrien super sick, and plagg encouraged mattress surfing down the stairs)
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chatonne-rousse · 3 years
Turtle-y Awesome
@sketchy-panda sent me the following ask last week:
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...and this is the story that sprang from that ask. You never know what you're going to get when you share a headcanon with me! 😉
Read it on Ao3 here.
"...et puit, quand il fut bien certain que personne ne pouvait le voir, Benjamin alluma sa veilleuse."
Adrien turns the last worn page and sets the book beside his knee on Hugo's bed.
"What do you think, kitten? Benjamin was turtle-y being a scaredy-cat, wasn't he?"
Hugo giggles, eyes bright. "He's not a cat, Papa, he's a turtle!"
Adrien nods sagely at his son. "Right you are," he says, patting the book's cover. "If this book tortoise anything, it's that Benjamin is definitely a turtle."
The number of turtle puns in the world is finite, and Hugo has heard his dad tell them all repeatedly, but he still laughs every time. The sound is music to Adrien's ears. He grins as he leans down to tuck the duvet around Hugo's shoulders and lifts his son's dark fringe to place a kiss on his forehead.
"Can we read another story, Papa? I'm not even tired."
Hugo's big green eyes scrunch shut as he yawns widely.
"Mmhmm. I can tell. You know what?" Adrien grabs another stuffed turtle from the bookcase and tucks it in beside the Carapace plushie already cradled in Hugo's arms. "Monsieur Vert looks very tired. He was almost sleeping over there! Maybe if you hold him really, really gently, that will help him fall asleep. I'm sure Carapace is tuckered out after a long day of superheroing, too."
"He is," Hugo says, nodding. He strokes his little hand up and over Monsieur Vert's soft shell. "I'll help them, Papa."
Adrien smiles even as his chest squeezes with emotion. "I know you will, my kind-hearted kitten." He can't resist pressing another kiss to Hugo's forehead and delights in receiving a loud, smacking kiss to his own cheek in return.
The turtle lamp on the nightstand is switched off and the Carapace nightlight beside the bookshelf activates, dim light glowing green through the plastic.
"Bonne nuit, ma petite tortue."
He watches his son cuddle his turtle and Carapace close as the closing door slowly eclipses the bed in shadow from the hallway light. Leaving the door open a crack, Adrien listens for a moment as Hugo gets comfortable in his bed.
He smiles as he pads down the hall toward Emma's room to join his wife for another round of goodnight kisses for their precious kittens.
"Kitty, this is getting ridiculous. How is that the only thing he wants for his birthday?" Marinette shakes her head, but her grin betrays her lack of any real annoyance.
Adrien rubs his face and groans. "I know. Believe me, I know. Can you imagine if Nino knew?"
That surprises her. "You haven't told him? I told Alya ages ago when he said Carapace was his favorite." She thinks for a moment. "I don't think I've shared the, um...depth of the obsession, though."
He stares at her, deadpan, before they both laugh.
"Turtles I could handle, Mari. They're cute. They're green." He bats his eyes at her and she swats his arm playfully. "But Carapace? Carapace? When Chat Noir is right there? I don't get it."
"Awww, Chaton. Is my kitty jealous?"
"Of course not," he says, pouting, though he can't keep up the ruse and his smile breaks through. "Okay, maybe a little."
"Nino made a wonderful hero, and is the perfect holder for Wayzz, and you know it."
She scooches closer to him on the sofa and rubs his back gently. His eyes close for just a moment before opening them to find his wife gazing at him with what might just be his favorite look in her eyes - a teasing glint, a touch of heat, and an endless well of love. Everything goes fuzzy momentarily, but he catches her next words clearly.
"Besides, my favorite hero will always be Chat Noir. Always."
"Yeah?" he breathes.
She nods.
Her eyes go wide when he hauls her petite frame from the sofa beside him and settles her across his lap. She laughs as she wraps her arms around his neck and presses a kiss to his lips.
"What a coincidence, My Lady," he murmurs into the whisper of space between them, "because my favorite hero--" He pauses, kissing her again, "is also Chat Noir."
There's a beat of silence and then she's laughing, pressing her face into the crook of his neck to muffle her giggles. His arms tighten around her shaking shoulders as he laughs along with her, swept away by the sweet sound he will always love. There's no joy in the world quite like making his wife laugh.
"You know I'm kidding, Bug," he finally whispers into her hair when their laughter subsides. "Emma and I share a favorite hero. The greatest of all. Prettiest, too. Oh, wow, is she ever beautiful. And strong. And smart."
"Rena Rouge?" Marinette asks cheekily, her nose still pressed to his neck.
"Nooooo," he croons, tickling her sides until she laughs again. "It's Ladybug, jumping above, Lady magique et lady chance!"
"Kitty, no!" she begs through her giggles, "Don't get that in my head!"
"Too late!"
He silences the last of her laughter when he captures her lips with his, twin sighs mingling in the late-night quiet of the living room.
With forever in his arms and their shared future asleep down the hall, Adrien simply loses himself in this blissful moment, forgetting that their baby will turn five next weekend, that the passage of time is as inevitable as the dichotomy of creation and destruction. Wrapped up in his wife, time seems to stop altogether. Marinette - her love, her care, their unshakeable bond - is eternal.
But of course, the clock still ticks. And when they part a few minutes later, after one last kiss and a nuzzle of her nose against his, he still has to ask.
"So we're really throwing Hugo a Carapace-themed birthday party?"
She nods. "Yep."
"And we're buying him the new Shell-ter Secret Hideout Super Bunker, complete with Carapace action figure, power-ups, costume changes, a Turtle-mobile sports car that Nino never had, and four different colored shields that he also never had?"
"There's a jet, too, for some reason. But...yep."
Adrien nods slowly, a smile spreading across his face. "He's going to love it."
"Oh, he is," she affirms, her grin matching her husband's. "And so is Uncle Nino."
He snorts a laugh and pulls her close once more, breathing in the familiar scent of her shampoo.
"This'll be hilarious."
Marinette smiles against his shoulder.
Everything is green.
Their normally colorful apartment seems to have transformed into an emerald dreamscape that doubles as a turtle sanctuary.
Everything is green, and there are turtles everywhere.
Sea turtles, tortoises, turtles of all kinds - including a certain turtle-themed superhero - adorn every surface. Adrien had been surprised by the amount of Carapace party merchandise he was able to find online. He's used to the numerous Carapace items in Hugo's bedroom, pieces he's added to his collection one by one over the past year or so. But this, his best friend's face dangling from streamers, emblazoned on little party hats, is just a little weird.
He's proud, though. A little jealous, a lot amused, and very, very proud. No desperately sad, pitifully lonely teenage boy has ever found a better friend than Nino Lahiffe. He's the brother of his heart, the mellow to his anxious, the staunch protector of their little group of best friends and hero teammates. Adrien has to admit that Hugo has great taste in favorite superheroes.
Someday he'll discover that his idol is also his Uncle Nino, but today is not that day. Today, the magic and wonder still shines in his son's eyes, and it's a beautiful thing.
Adrien putters around the kitchen making last-minute preparations to the food and drink selection, making sure there are plenty of cups and plates (all printed with a Carapace action scene, of course) stacked on the island. Oddly, he couldn't find Carapace napkins to go along with the other paper goods, but Marinette had saved the day by snagging a pack of sea turtle patterned napkins that coordinated perfectly in a pinch.
He smiles at the thought of his resourceful bug, his grin widening as he hears her welcome guests at the door. This is followed by a squeal of glee when Hugo and two of his classmates run off to his bedroom to play. Adrien shakes his head, still smiling. He'll have to lure them out in a bit with snacks and the promise of gifts and cake.
It's not like he doesn't already know from several years of experience that children's birthday parties are mostly adults mingling and intermittently making sure the kids don't get into too much mischief as they play together.
He takes the spinach quiche from the oven where it was warming up and sets it on the table with the other food, rebelliously placing a black potholder with a neon green pawprint pattern under the hot ceramic dish.
A towering, tiered tray of green macarons has pride of place on the dining room table, the top half of each cookie painted to look like a turtle's shell in edible glittering gold. They look almost too pretty to eat, and the same goes for the expertly-decorated turtle cake nearby, made by Hugo's grandparents and brought straight from the bakery for his big day.
The vegetable plate is an array of green, from broccoli to peppers to celery. The party has barely begun, but the celery is already running low, thanks to Emma's clandestine snacking in the hours beforehand.
Everything is green, and Hugo loves it. And that's what it's all about, really.
Adrien is on his way back from checking in on the now half dozen kids playing in Hugo's room when he hears Alya's laughter from the entryway. Clearly she's spotted the party decor. He rounds the corner to find Marinette hugging her best friend, Alya's pregnant belly only getting in the way a bit and not stopping her from throwing her arms around Marinette's shoulders.
"Sorry we're late, Mari," she says, then pitches her voice to a stage whisper. "I had to pee. Twice." She leans back from the hug and cradles her bump. "Actually, I'm just going to..." She points down the hall, and Marinette laughs.
"Go for it, Als. We've all been there."
Nino is still crouched by the door, helping his daughter out of her jacket and shoes. He just shakes his head and laughs. She races off to find her "cousins" and Nino stands, kissing Marinette on each cheek and wrapping Adrien in a hug.
Surveying the apartment over Adrien's shoulder, he claps him on the back and says, "I love what you've done with the place. Very inspired design choice."
Adrien rolls his eyes and all three of them laugh.
"Hugo is obsessed with turtles. You have no idea."
"Oh, I think he has some idea, Minou." Marinette smiles at her husband over her shoulder, linking arms with Alya when she joins them again and ushering her into the green-bedecked living room.
He glances sidelong at Nino with a sheepish grin. "This isn't too weird for you, is it? It was all Hugo's idea. He hasn't stopped talking about his 'Carapace Turtle Party' for weeks," Adrien says, air quotes included.
"Nah, mec, it's cool. Kind of flattering." Nino raises an eyebrow and laughs. "What do you think he'll say when you tell him someday?"
Adrien just shakes his head. "Probably ask if you can adopt him and be his dad instead." His smile is teasing but just a touch rueful.
Nino laughs again. "No way, man. Number one, I've already got enough kids. Number two, you're the best dad. They love you like crazy, bro. Seriously."
His chest fills with warmth. Nino is such an incredible friend. And he's right (about the last bit, at least).
"They're incredible, Nino. Being a dad is..." He trails off, unable to find the words.
"I know, dude." He claps Adrien on the shoulder. "They're a pain in the ass, but they make up for it by being totally awesome."
Nino glances around, finally spotting the table full of green food and turtle-themed treats.
"Wait. Bro. Is that a turtle cake?"
"You know," Nino says a few minutes later, washing down a matcha macaron with a swig of turtle punch, "I could get used to this. It would mess with my head, but after a while--" he looks at the cup with his face on it and shrugs, "it's not so strange. Better than having my face plastered on a billboard outside the Galeries Lafayette."
Adrien groans. "Et tu, Brute? Why would you remind me of that?"
"Because I can." Nino takes another bite of macaron and nudges his best friend's shoulder, laughing.
As the kids snack and carry on, Adrien finally decides it's time to let his best friend see the Carapace shrine that is his son's bedroom.
Nino takes in Hugo's completely green, turtle-filled bedroom as Adrien waits with bated breath beside him for his reaction.
It is, as usual, relatively chill.
"Little dude has good taste!"
"Indeed." Wayzz peeks from Nino's collar with a pleased smile on his face. "The turtle has always symbolized wisdom, strength, and longevity." His tiny smile widens. "I'm also partial to the color green."
Nino steps farther into Hugo's room to examine the bookcase. "I...did not know they made this much Carapace merch."
"Believe me, there's more. We have to draw the line somewhere." Adrien closes his eyes and sighs. "Although he does brush his teeth with a Carapace toothbrush."
Nino's laugh starts as a snort and builds when he spots the Carapace wastebasket beside Hugo's bed and the Carapace plushie propped against his pillow. It turns positively raucous when he sees his best friend's face.
"Holy crap, dude," he wheezes. "This is hilarious. You must be so jealous."
"I am not!"
"You totally are."
"Well--" Adrien sputters, "Marinette is, too!"
"Not as much as you are, Kitty!" she calls from the living room.
Adrien throws his hands in the air. Nino doubles over.
"Chat Noir is cool, too," he mutters, petulant.
A still-laughing Nino pats his arm consolingly. "If it makes you feel any better, Chat Noir is my favorite hero...after Rena Rouge."
That actually does make him feel better, but he's not telling Nino that. Instead, he just grins a sly half-smile at his best friend. "Good save, man."
"Hey, I know which side my bread is buttered on, mec. Don't act like you don't."
Adrien is helpless to the smile that spreads across his face.
Nino groans. "You've been married for seven years, dude. Are you ever not going to go all gooey just thinking about Marinette?"
Adrien quirks an eyebrow and glances sidelong at him. Nino nods once and pats Adrien's shoulder.
"That was a dumb question, wasn't it?"
"Yep," Marinette says from the hallway behind them.
Adrien's heart beats faster at the twinkle in her eye. He wonders how much she heard. Probably all of it - she always did have sonic hearing, but motherhood seemed to ramp it up to eleven. Not much escapes his wife.
"Time for cake and presents," she announces. "Nino, you can revel in Hugo's Carapace shrine later."
"And I will, don't you worry," Nino says with a laugh as he turns to head back to the party.
Adrien throws an arm over his best friend's shoulder and smiles brightly at Marinette.
Hugo has merch, but Adrien has a real, live Ladybug who promised eternity to her Chat Noir. He holds his own favorite superhero in his arms every night, and nothing, nothing compares to that.
Surrounded by wrapping paper and bows, the birthday boy sits on the floor with one last gift in front of him. The box is taller than he is when seated, and he has to stand up on his knees to tear the paper off the top. As soon as he can see what's inside, he shouts with glee and jumps to his feet. Overjoyed, he scampers around the coffee table to his parents, first thanking Marinette with a hug and kiss, then getting swept up in Adrien's arms for a bear hug.
The fact that Hugo doesn't push away from him to return to his barely-unwrapped gift is not lost on him, nor is the fact that he abandoned it and thought to thank them first in his excitement.
Sometimes Adrien feels like he's been given so much more than he deserves. Marinette alone is a blessing beyond his imagination, but Emma and Hugo, too? It's too much and he knows it, so he holds them close and relishes every single moment like this one with his little boy hugging him tight and murmuring thanks into his neck.
A few minutes later finds Hugo examining every detail of his new treasure (after Adrien wrangled all the parts out of their plastic-encased prison).
He claps his hands when he sees that this set comes with a bonus Chat Noir action figure in addition to Carapace and his shields of many colors.
"Maman!" he cries, jubilant, holding Chat Noir above his head so she can see. "Look! It has Chat Noir! You love Chat Noir!"
Blushing, Marinette pointedly avoids looking in the direction of the two moms of Hugo's school friends who've stayed for the party but smiles widely at her son. "I do. He's my favorite superhero of all time."
Hugo nods, turning to his dad where he sits beside him on the floor, struggling to snip the tiny plastic anchors holding each piece to the cardboard backing.
"See, Papa? He's Carapace's sidekick."
"Hey!" Adrien says indignantly. He looks up from the mess of cardboard and plastic in his lap as Marinette, Alya, and Nino laugh.
Nino, best bro that he is, chimes in. "Nah, little man, Chat Noir is no one's sidekick. He's way too brave and cool for that." He grins at Hugo and points first to the Carapace action figure on the coffee table and then to Chat Noir in his hand. "They're a team. Best friends and superheroes at the same time. That's why they're so awesome."
Hugo looks at the Chat Noir figure for a long moment. "Wow," he breathes. "Chat Noir is as cool as Carapace." He says it like a revelation that's rocked his entire worldview.
Alya sniffles and Marinette hands her a tissue.
"Okay, but Ladybug is still the coolest," Emma pipes up from Hugo's other side.
All the adults besides Marinette nod. Adrien reaches around Hugo to pat Emma's back.
"You're absolutely correct, kitten."
Marinette blushes again and Alya blows her nose.
Hugo tucks Carapace into the driver's seat of the Turtle-mobile with Chat Noir beside him as his passenger, racing the sports car across the rug toward his friends so they can play with his new toys, too.
Adrien looks from his son to his own best friend, and Nino gives him a thumbs up and a grin.
Later, when the dishes are washed and their living room looks slightly less like a turtle habitat, Adrien sits on the sofa with a cup of tea and watches Hugo play with his new, treasured birthday gifts. The Shell-ter Secret Hideout Super Bunker is open, its many accessories strewn around Hugo where he sits cross-legged, Carapace in his left hand and Chat Noir in his right.
"I'll protect you!" "Carapace" cries, Hugo's voice pitched to sound brave and true but still carrying his sweet child's tone.
"Thank you for keeping My Lady safe, Carapace!"
Adrien snorts a surprised laugh into his tea. "Chat Noir" speaks in a husky growl, though Hugo gives him a note of cheery confidence, as though he truly appreciates Carapace's brave deeds, as though Chat Noir can take the decisive cataclysmic swing knowing his beloved partner is safe from harm.
And honestly, Hugo has the right of it. Adrien wonders how his son could possibly know that this exact scene - with slightly different dialogue, of course - played out many times over, years before he was born.
Hugo mimics the sound of an explosion, then an "oof!" as Chat Noir falls to his back but springs up again quickly. Just as Carapace returns to Chat's side with a confident, "What can I do to help save the day, Chat Noir?", Marinette's hands snake around Adrien's shoulders from behind, surprising him.
He sets his mug on a coaster on the end table and wraps his hands around her forearms, pulling her in closer. Leaned over the back of the sofa, she nuzzles his cheek with hers before pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"I think we pulled off the dream turtle party pretty well, don't you, Chaton?"
"Oh, we turtle-y did."
Adrien delights in the huff of laughter she exhales against his cheek. That might be the most overused pun in the house, but sometimes it still lands just right. They watch Hugo play, matching grins making their cheeks press closer together.
"Looks like that was one shell of a gift, eh?"
He swoons dramatically, his head falling to the back cushion of the sofa so he looks at Marinette upside-down. "My Lady, you know what it does to me when you pun."
"Oh, I do," she says, completely unapologetic, and boops his nose.
He just has to lean up to kiss her because, well, she's so beautiful and he loves her so much and she's right there.
They break apart a moment later when they hear Emma call for Marinette from her bedroom. She plants one last upside-down kiss on his forehead and lets her hands drift slowly across his chest and shoulders as she stands.
She gives him a wry smile. "Duty calls."
"Hmmm," he hums thoughtfully, picking up his tea and taking another sip. "And here I thought her name was Emma."
Marinette groans at him as she walks away, and the sound catches Hugo's attention.
"Papa? Will you play superheroes with me?"
Of course. Always. I will never, ever be too busy for my kittens, he thinks.
"Sure, buddy," he says instead.
Finishing his tea in one big gulp, he slides from the sofa and scampers on hands and knees like a giant cat to where his son is playing. Hugo giggles at his dad's ridiculousness.
Adrien takes stock of the many accessories scattered around the play set and asks, "What are Chat Noir and Carapace up to today?"
Hugo explains the situation, the bad guy's motives, and what the heroes need to do to save Paris from disaster. Adrien listens carefully. Looking up at him with green eyes that match his own, big and wide and crinkled at the corners with his happy smile, Hugo offers the Chat Noir action figure to his dad.
"Will you be Chat Noir, Papa? He's Carapace's best friend in the world and they need to work together to save the day."
Adrien cradles the action figure in one hand and gently pats the pocket where Plagg hides with the other. His kwami presses a paw against his chest in return. Overwhelmed, all he can do is grin at Hugo and try not to cry.
"It would be my greatest honor," he vows grandly, holding up a hand in oath. "I purr-omise to be the best hero I can be. Cat's honor."
Hugo laughs. "You said honor twice."
"So I did. That's because it's very important."
His son nods solemnly, then reaches for Carapace's super jet. He places the hero in the cockpit and flies the jet around his head, making zooming noises.
"Are you ready, Chat Noir? I'm coming to pick you up!"
The jet has only one seat, but that doesn't seem to bother Hugo. Adrien readies the tiny plastic baton in Chat Noir's hand and uses it to vault from his own knee into the imaginary sky over Paris.
"Meow-velous!" he crows, delighted. "This cat is ready to be whiskered away in your very realistic jet! Allons-y, my turtle friend!"
Hugo giggles, Adrien's heart melts, and they set off on a grand adventure together.
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intercoursefluids · 3 years
The Impromptu Sleepover Part 1
“Alright! The adults are asleep what do you guys want to do?”
Alya being Alya, decided to take over the sleepover to celebrate Marinette’s friends finally realizing (or in most cases finally speaking up) about Lila’s lies.
“Movie Marathon!”
“Let’s play truth or dare!”
Different ideas all resound from the girls currently huddled in Marinette’s room, all the boys trying to pretend they didn’t exist.
Only nine people were there, Adrien had wanted to come to the sleepover, but his dad wouldn’t let him.
These 10 were the only ones from her class to come back to her and apologize once they realized who the real victim was.
Marinette almost couldn’t believe her eyes when Alix, Alya, Kagami, Chloe, Nino, Kim, Max, Nathaniel, and Marc came up to her asking for her back.
The only ones who had actually believed Lila’s lies were Alya, Max, and Nathaniel but the others still apologized for not speaking out for her.
This group apology and cry session that immediately followed ended up with them holding a sleepover to celebrate their reconnection.
One thing Marinette forgot about though. Was the fact that Chat Noir would come to hang out with her on Fridays.
Which is why, when pebbles started hitting her window. She damn near had a heart attack when everyone else noticed immediately stopping their conversations.
“Mari, Love, Darling dearest. Who, might I ask, is throwing pebbles at your window?”
Every single one of her friends look at her with shit-eating grins as Kim blinks up innocently at her like he didn't just confirm for everyone there was in fact someone outside throwing a rock at her window.
With a deep sigh, Marinette grabs a lightsaber and spray bottle from the back of her closet.
"Alya, I am giving you permission to film this. I am NOT, however, to post this to any social media, and no one except for those in this room are to ever see the footage unless I give explicit permission otherwise. Understand?"
Alya nods frantically pulling out her phone as she and Marinette climb up to the balcony.
"Oh, Romeo Oh Romeo. Where art tho Romeo?"
Chat Noirs sarcastic call sounds from below with a bouquet of Alstroemeria, Amaryllis, and Blue Irises.
Alya hides behind the railing, just out of Chat Noir's sight as she films the interaction.
With a deep sigh, Marinette turns to Chat with regret and sorrow written all across her face, making Chat pause.
"Princess? What's the matter-"
"I'm sorry Chat Noir. But it's over."
The stricken look on his face almost makes Marinette feel sorry for him.
"I don't understand? Did I do something wrong?"
With another deep sigh, Marinette runs a hand over her face.
"It's over Chat."
Faking tears, Marinette ever so slowly pulls the lightsaber from behind her back turning it on making the red illuminate half her face.
"I have the high ground."
Marinette sniffles for good measure as Alya finally catches on. Turning her phone back to Chat to see him looking like he was about to cry before it finally clicks.
His face goes blank as he stares up at one of his best friends.
"I hate you so much."
Marinette cackles as he pulls out his baton, stretching up to her balcony to be face to face with her.
"I can't believe that guy calls you 'Angel'. Your halo hides your horns too well and- Ladyblogger? What are you doi- Eep!"
He cuts off abruptly as Marinette squirts him in the face with the spray bottle making him reel back with a yowl.
In his haste to get away, he knocks himself off balance starting to fall over backward until Marinette grabs his bell yanking him forward.
"Okay, that is it! I'm going home and I'm telling Ladybug you're picking on me."
Marinette wheezes, trying to get her breath back and just giving up. Climbing down her skylight to collapse in a pile of giggles.
Chat and Alya both follow her down. Alya pushing her off her bed so Kim has to catch her before she hits the floor.
"Please Alya. PLEASE, tell me you got his reaction on film."
Alya smirks showing the video currently saving to her phone.
"Of course I did. Now we have a new guest here now assuming that Chat wants to stay for the sleepover."
Chat's eyes widen, looking every part the excited kitten.
"Can I?! I've never been to a sleepover before!"
All of the girls gasp in horror, surrounding Chat as they search through drawers and Marinette's closet.
Marinette, always one step ahead, runs to chat.
"Go in the bathroom, detransform put these on, and come back out. I'm assuming your Kwami eats camembert cheese since you constantly smell like it. I swear no one here is going to find out your identity or even try if they don't want me to put them on blast with all of the dirt I have on them. Now go!"
Chat is shoved into the bathroom, the door slamming shut behind him. Doing as he is told in fear of Marinette, Chat detransforms catching Plagg as he cackles in the air.
"Oh, I like her! She'd make a great kitten, with how easy it is for her to cause chaos, just how I like it!."
Shaking his head at his cackling Kwami as he got dressed. Putting the mask Marinette made him on trying it securely around his head. Stepping out to find Marinette coming back with a LARGE tray of food and everyone else huddled around Alya's phone.
Chat can't help the startled yelp he lets out when Alix pulls him down to her, gently petting his hair as she glares at Marinette.
"You're a monster Marinette. How could you do that to him?! Look at his face! His little baby face! He looked heartbroken!"
Marinette snorts at the playful scolding.
"Let him go, Alix. Go find your own stray."
Alix snorts as Marinette pulls a blushing Chat to her hugging him close. Marinette sits down dragging him with her as he buries his face in her hair. Too embarrassed to speak.
He doesn't have a babyface. Does he?
"Awe come on Mari, you found the cutest one the least you could do is share him!"
Everyone laughs as Kim makes a grab for Chat just for Marinette to pull him closer to her.
"Noooooo, this is MY alley cat! Go find your own!"
Chat Noir would never admit how hard he had to fight down his purr when Marinette started petting his hair.
You know. Before he lost that battle and a purr sounded loudly through his chest.
"Please stop. It's not fair and you're embarrassing me. Mariiiiii! Stooooooop."
Everyone laughs when Chat complains for Marinette to stop, even as he starts to melt into a puddle on her lap.
"One of these days I'm going to tell M'lady on you and she's gonna dangle you from the Eiffel Tower."
Now, under normal circumstances, everyone would be worried, but it's hard to be serious when one of Paris's superheroes is melted in a puddle in your friend's lap with a purr so loud it's hard to understand him.
"I'm pretty sure Ladybug would dangle YOU from the Eiffel Tower for being in a girls room this late, without letting her parents know. Even more, so that you detransformed in front of us. Still want to tell Ladybug on Marinette?"
Everyone turns to Marc, Nathaniel's adorable spouse as they radiate badassery.
Chat's purr stutters before starting up just as loudly again.
"I will no longer be telling M'lady."
Marinette snorts leaning back on her chaise as Chat adjusts himself so he's laying between her legs with his head on her stomach. Facing the rest of the class as Marinette plays with his hair.
"Are you guys dating?"
"Of course they are Cesaire. Ridiculous-!"
"Utterly ridiculous!" "Ew! No!"
Are the two different responses that cut Chloe off. The group finishing Chloe's catchphrase as Marinette and Chat Noir look at the rest of the class in disgust.
"Okay, first of all. Chat what the HELL do you mean 'ew'? Marinette is a babe, and everyone in this room has had a crush on her at least once before. How dare you say 'ew' like you would never date her you would be incredibly lucky if she even considered you."
Alya states with a finger in Chat's face.
Alix, Alya, Kagami, Chloe, Max, Kim, Nathaniel, Marc, and Nino all looking incredibly offended for Marinette even as she blushes and tries to hide her face.
"Guys, stop! And what do you mean all of you? Half of you are dating each other!"
Chat snickers at her distress, pulling out his burner phone and snapping a picture of her face.
"Okay, there may or may not be a literal 'Queen Marinette Club" or 'QMC' for short. We even have several social media accounts dedicated to giving you the credit you deserve. Before you ask this started that one time we went to Gotham and you answered all of the Riddler's riddles and yelled at Nightwing and Robin for their poor fashion choices and called Batman a furry when he tried to stop you."
Surprisingly Nathaniel is the one who answers instead of Alya as she pulls out her phone.
"We didn't even start the club! It was some people in Gotham who did. Max is the one who found out about it."
Sweet Marc, sweet sweet Marc never knowing when to stop before Marinette popped a blood vessel from blushing so hard.
"Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Cat Woman, The Riddler, the entire Batfamily (Batman included), and even some of the Waynes follow the accounts. Not to mention the other celebrities you've befriended like Mr. Stone and Ms. Nightingale."
Max reads off of his phone, seemingly proud of Marinette's followers.
"Even my mom follows you, Mari. That says something."
Chat looks up cackling as Marinette tries to suffocate herself with a pillow, Plagg rolling around on her hair as he clutches his stomach.
"Dang! Pigtails has some, what's it called? Clout! You're famous, kitten!"
Marinette whimpers from behind the pillow, her face practically radiating heat.
Chat snorts before turning back to the group.
"Number one I am well aware that Marinette is awesome and that I would be the luckiest man in the world to have her as my girlfriend. However, she's basically my little sister, same as Ladybug. Sorry to burst your bubble, Alya. Number two, she already has a boyfriend, has for a little over a year now, and he scares me. I am not testing if I really have nine lives cause he would take all of them. Number three, can you show me the 'QMC' accounts I want to follow them."
The room is silent as Marinette glares at Chat.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that? Princess? It's not like this is new informa-! They didn't know did they?"
Marinette reaches under her, pulling out a very nice-looking dagger from under the cushions of her chaise.
"Say goodbye to eight of your lives Chat. I need a new black fur hat."
Chat yelps scampering away from Marinette on all fours as she lunges for him with Plagg chasing after them laughing.
They keep running around the room until they pass Kim and he reaches out and grabs Marinette, trapping her in his arms.
"Okay, nice knife. Not sure where you got it nor do I want to know. Second of all, what's this about a boyfriend?"
Everyone surrounds her as Alix pulls the dagger from her hands putting it back under the cushions.
"Why haven't we heard of any boyfriend? Are you out of your mind?"
Alya's calm tone is very misleading as Chat hides behind her.
"He didn't want anyone to know just in case people claim for me to be a gold digger. Scratch that, I didn't want anyone to know so he didn't get sued for assault if anyone called me a gold digger and he found out."
Chat snorts.
"Yeah, you, definitely a gold digger. You know, since you didn't even realize who he was for the first 5 or 6 months of your relationship."
Marinette's glare does nothing as a blush covers her face.
"We don't speak of it Chat. I can and will still skin you."
Everyone looks at Marinette in shock.
"Okay, so all we know is that they are a he. He is rich enough to make people assume Marinette, Marinette of all people, is a gold digger and they are in a secret relationship. Who is it?"
Max looks up from his phone, where he is no doubt taking notes.
Marinette looks at the ground mumbling something that no one but Chat can make out thanks to his super hearing. He laughs and walks over to her phone unlocking it as Marinette finally answers.
"Damian Wayne."
Everyone looks at Marinette in a mix of shock and confusion before Chloe bursts out laughing.
"Only you Marinette. Only you would get over your crush on a millionaire heir to fall for a literal billionaire heir without even realizing it."
She breaks off into hysterical laughter as everyone turns to chat who is now on Marinette's computer connected to her phone as a facetime call takes place.
It answers on the second ring to someone who is most definitely NOT Damian Wayne.
"Hey Pixie Pop! Sorry, but I had to steal the phone from demon spawn. He was trying to kill me and Dick with a spoon and lunged for his phone as soon as it started ringing. Me and Dick were closer so we grabbed it and are now trying to find somewhere to hide so he doesn't actually kill us. Dick wanna say 'Hi'?"
Everyone hears a shout of 'sure' from someone out of the frame before the phone is passed over to someone who looks much like the first, except they are older and have no white streak in their hair.
"Hey, nettie! How's school?"
Chat smirks, covering Marinette's mouth as she tries to reply. A door slams shut as the two guys hunker in the near darkness, a lock clicking into place.
"School is great thanks for asking. Could be better but we are all getting by."
Two faces appear on screen looking a mix between worried and angry.
"I swear to god if you are holding Pixie Pop for ransom you will have the rage of all of Gotham fall upon you."
Chat just looks confused before remembering that he's wearing a mask and is holding Marinette's mouth shut.
"Oh! No, I'm not holding her hostage, we're friends. Chat Noir, Parisian superhero at your service. I just wanted to prank her boyfriend, she's having a sleepover and I was invited."
Their expressions immediately relax.
"Oh good. I was worried about what would happen when everyone else found out. Especially Damian."
Both boys shudder and smile as everyone else in the room comes into the frame.
One of them opens their mouth to speak before a loud bang comes from the door. Two equal looks of fear take over their faces.
A second later a loud bang fills the air as the door basically explodes open, high-pitched screams of terror fill the air before all is silent a new face filling to screen.
"Sorry Habibti, my brothers are imbeciles with death wishes. What do you need?"
"Wow, Habibti? I didn't know you felt that way about me Damian, or should I give you a pet name too?"
Chat's grin SCREAMS mischief, as Damian looks down an ice-cold glare in place.
"Let go of my girlfriend before I fly down there and skin you alive regardless of her wishes."
Everyone shivers at the pure venom in Damian's voice as Chat lets go holding his hands up in the air as he grins.
"Sorry, sorry. Letting go."
Marinette and Damian both glare at him before turning to each other, both looks immediately softening.
"Sorry, Shaytan. I'm having a sleepover and Chat outed our relationship and decided it would be funny to call you."
His smile is so gentle it shocks the rest of Marinette's friends.
"Don't worry, it's not your fault the Cat is a moron. I miss you. When do you think you can come back?"
Both of them choose to ignore Chats highly offended 'Hey!' as well as everyone else in the room with Marinette.
"That depends on when you want me there and when I can catch a flight."
Damian sits down at a table pulling a laptop to him as he sets up his phone so she can still see him.
"Well I want you here now, and I can have you a flight soon enough if I ask Father to get the family jet ready. If I work fast I can have you here by tomorrow morning, if not sooner."
Marinette looks shocked.
"You can't just ask your Father to get a plane ready just for me Damian!"
He glances back at the phone before going back to his computer.
"Why not? Everyone here loves you and if you're worried about the cost of it I can assure you a single minute of your time is worth far more than a measly plane ride."
Kim and Alya make cooing noises at the two from the sweetness of it all as Kagami steps up wrapping her arms protectively around her.
"Before you make any more trip plans you are going to tell me what you plan to do with Marinette in the future. I will not allow her to be some temporary girlfriend if you aren't serious about her."
Damian turns back to the phone looking past Marinette to acknowledge the others for the first time since the call started.
"I can assure you I don't want Marinette to be temporary. I plan to marry her and I truly couldn't care less if any of you have a problem with it."
Marinette's face invents a new shade of red as everyone coos over how cute that is. After getting over their initial shock of course.
"Habibti, do you want them to be able to come with you next time you come over? I can have father speak to their parents if they don't agree right away."
"Are you sure that would be okay?"
Marinette's timid voice makes Damian look away from his computer.
"Why wouldn't it be? If you don't want them to come with you then they don't have to, I know that you have some trouble with a few of your classmates. Seeing how late it is there I would have thought these were the ones who didn't turn on you or came back once they realized how idiotic they were to leave in the first place."
"Rude, but true."
Damian chooses to ignore Alya.
"No I would like for them to come, it could be fun! I'm just worried about space and where everyone would sleep."
Damian snorts.
"You have nothing to worry about, if you don't want them to stay in a hotel they can stay with us in the manor, there's plenty of space. And if there isn't enough space you can just sleep with me in my room."
He finishes off with a cheeky grin as Marinette sputters.
"You can't just say stuff like that Damian! It was bad enough that you said you planned to marry me, you don't need to add sharing a bed to the pile!"
Damian has the audacity to look confused.
"What do you mean? I never hid my plans to marry you nor my feelings, I don't get what the big deal is about sharing a bed anyway. It's not like Alfred would let us do anything and we wouldn't even have the chance with the circus monkeys I call brothers."
Several offended voices with 'I heard that!' 'Excuse me?' and 'You love us and you know it!'s all sound from his end.
Alix and Kim are basically collapsed onto each other as they wheeze at his bluntness.
Marinette sighs resting her head on her hands with a 'why do I even bother?' before looking up again.
"Fine, how is next weekend for everyone. I know Adrien will want to be included and I don't think he has anything going then. It will give me enough time to convince everyone's parents if need be and pack."
Everyone agrees and they end the call. Damian and Marinette saying their respective I love yous and Goodnight/Good mornings.
"I'm going to duel him."
"Kagami NO!"
Kagami looks Marinette dead in the eyes before smiling.
"Kagami yes."
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mochegato · 4 years
Hope on Board
Chapter 14 – There’s a New Oracle in Gotham
Chapter 1     Chapter 13
“Are you nervous?” Dick asked as he and Marinette waited for the doctor.
“No,” she said a little too calmly.  Dick raised an eyebrow at her.  “Terrified is not the same thing as nervous,” she answered back refusing to look at him.
Dick chuckled lightly and pulled her into his chest, nuzzling into her to calm both of them.  “I’m scared too,” he whispered.
Marinette shook her head violently into his shoulder, tears starting to well up in her eyes.  “What if something’s wrong?  What if I’m doing something that is hurting the baby?  What if it’s just my body hurting the baby and I can never have children? What if the baby needs surgery? What if…”
Dick interrupted her increasingly panicked rambling. “Hey, hey.  It’ll be okay.” He hooked his finger under her chin to encourage her to look up to meet his eyes.  “It will be okay.  The doctor said she wasn’t worried, she just wanted to know what was going on.”  His voice was calm and filled with concern for her. “We will know more in just a little bit and we’re going to get to see our baby for the first time!”
She gave him a weak smile.  “Yeah, that will be really nice.  I’m really excited to see him or her.”  She buried her head back in his chest, taking comfort in the feel of his arms around her.  “Sorry.”
She could feel Dick shaking his head as it rested on hers.  “It’s okay. I understand.  I’m scared to, but really excited to see our Little Bird.”
“Bird?” She asked with an amused smile.  “I think Adrien has decided the baby is a kitten.”
“My Mom always called me her Little Bird,” he answered nostalgically.  Close to the truth.  She called him her Robin, but he couldn’t say that.
Marinette smiled warmly at him.  “Little Bird.  I like that. Good theme for a nursery too.”
Dick chuckled.  “You’re already thinking about the nursery?”
Marinette rolled her eyes and pulled him onto a waiting room couch with her.  “I’ve been thinking about the nursery since I found out I was pregnant.”
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng?”  They heard called out from the door to the back offices.
“Here,” Marinette called standing up.  She laced her fingers with Dick’s and squeezed.  He gave her a supportive smile and kissed her temple.
The technician smiled kindly at them.  “Good afternoon.  My name is Julie.  How are you feeling today?”
“Nervous,” Marinette answered honestly.
“I thought you weren’t nervous,” Dick whispered in her ear with a smirk, trying to get her to smile again and succeeding.
Julie nodded and gave her an understanding look. “That is pretty normal.  This is your first time seeing the baby, right?” Marinette nodded mutely.  “That is incredibly exciting and nerve wracking. It was for me.  Here’s our room.  Please get up on the bed and lay back.  I’m going to need you to lower your pants just a bit for me.”
Marinette took a deep breath and sat on the table bed. She looked over to Dick nervously. Despite knowing everything was probably okay, she couldn’t stop her mind from running through all the terrible options. Anxiety and hormones had taken charge of her brain and she couldn’t slow it down or stop it.  The spiral was now in control, centrifugal force keeping her from escaping but then suddenly it stopped.  
She looked over to find Dick holding her hand, cradling it to his chest.  His other hand was on her cheek, gently brushing it with his thumb.  His smile was soft and reassuring.  He was there and he wasn’t going anywhere.  Whatever happened, she wouldn’t have to face it alone. He would be there with her, holding her hand when she needed a reminder and carrying her when she couldn’t walk on her own.  She smiled at him and squeezed his hand.  She turned back to Julie as she finished getting everything ready.
Julie brought out a small disposable sheet and tucked it into Marinette’s pants.  “This should help keep them clean,” she informed them quietly.  “Okay now the gel.  It’s heated so you don’t have to deal with cold gel.  That was never fun for me.”
Marinette nodded and focused on breathing evenly while they waited for the screen to light up with something.  As soon as Julie put the wand on her belly, they saw an image appear on screen.  Marinette narrowed her eyes to focus on the image.  Julie finally stopped moving the wand around after a few seconds. Marinette cocked her head to the side to try to make out the image… nope.  She cocked her head to the other side.  Nothing about the stark black and white image made sense.
She looked over at Dick to see if he could make anything out and laughed.  His head was moving from side to side like hers had, but he was moving faster than she had.  “What?” he laughed back at her.  “I’m sure it makes sense, I just need to figure out the right angle.”
“Oh, sorry.  That’s on me,” Julie assured them.  “I’m just taking some measurements first.”  After a few clicks she moved the wand to a new position.  “Huh.”
“Huh?  What huh?” Marinette’s head whipped back to the screen to see if she could figure out what Julie was seeing.  “Something wrong with the baby?”
Julie smiled widely.  “No, not as far as I can tell anyway.  I’m not seeing anything of concern… with either one.”
“Either?” Dick’s voice cracked as he repeated the word.
Julie moved the wand to a slightly better position and suddenly the image became… ‘very’ wasn’t quite the right word, but more clear. If she squinted, Marinette could make out two little heads and bodies curled up around each other.  “Either,” she repeated.  “Would you like to hear your babies’ heartbeats?”
Marinette nodded in a daze, refusing to remove her eyes from the screen.  Twins. They were going to have twins. They were going to have twins and her parents were half a world away.  Two babies not just one.  She was terrified of not being able to be a good mom to one baby and now there were two. How was she going to support two babies?
Her mind stopped when she heard the distinctive sound of a heartbeat.  It sounded like the heartbeat had an echo, the second heartbeat.  She looked to the edge of the monitor.  There were two numbers there, one for the heartrate of the first baby and one for the heartrate of the second baby.  “They match,” she commented quietly.
“What?” Dick asked giving her a confused look.
“Their heartrates, they match.”  She smiled as tears started gently falling.  “I always wanted a sibling to play with growing up. Our babies are going to have that. And they’re already in sync. They’re already protecting each other.”
Dick smiled and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Two Little Birds.”  
Marinette giggled and pulled him down for a kiss.  She rested her head against his temple watching the monitor change as Julie moved the wand around to take more measurements and pictures of the babies.  “Twins,” she repeated in awe watching the monitor.
“Twins,” Dick repeated happily.
“Did you want to know the gender now?” Julie asked.
“You can tell already?”
“They are in a good position for it otherwise I probably wouldn’t be able to for a few weeks.  You guys are incredibly lucky, this almost never happens this early.”  Julie offered.  Marinette looked over to Dick for his input.  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as she thought about it. “I could also write it down for you if you prefer.  Or, you will likely have a few more ultrasounds so you can find out then.”
“What do you think?” Dick asked her carefully.
“I think it might help for buying clothes and designing clothes, figuring out what we want to do, picking names, but I don’t know,” she finished uncertainly.  “What do you think?  What do you want to do?”
“I… I want to know,” his voice became confident as he spoke the words.  “I want to know what we are having and what names to pick.”
“Okay,” Marinette squeezed his hand again and turned to Julie.  “We want to know, please.”
“If you’re sure,” she waited for Marinette and Dick to nod before continuing.  “This one,” she indicated the baby on the left, “is a boy.  And this one,” she indicated the baby on the right, “is a girl.”
Dick grinned impossibly wider.  “A little Marinette and a little Dick,” he commented quietly.
“Oh,” Marinette gasped and her face turned to sudden realization.  “Oh, I’m going to kill Jason,” she growled.
“It isn’t his fault,” Dick laughed.
“Don’t you dare defend him.  Yes it is!  He spoke it into existence.  He owes me food and babysitting,” she pouted.  “I’m eating for three because of him.”
“Pretty sure it’s because of us,” Dick commented wryly. He laughed at Marinette’s mock glare and shifted his expression to mock solemnity.  “I will let him know.”
“And Lucius!  I’m not talking to Lucius right now either,” she added on.
“What did Lucius do?”
“He agreed with Jason, the traitor.”
“You really should have expected that when you told him,” Dick shrugged kissing her temple, the grin on his face too wide to wipe off.
“I didn’t tell him.  Tim did,” Marinette corrected.  Dick nodded with a bemused smile rather than say anything.  “How am I going to carry twins?” She suddenly asked in a horrified voice.
“I’m just printing off some shots for you to take with you and show around if you want to.  The doctor will want to speak with you in just a few minutes to discuss what to expect with twins.  I can take you to the next room when you’re ready.  Here’s a towel to wipe off the rest of the gel.  Just knock on the door when you’re ready.” She handed them the ultrasound images and gave them a smile before leaving the room.
Dick took the images and studied them in awe while Marinette cleaned off her stomach.  There were his babies, both of them.  He could just make out their heads and their chests.  He traced the lines of their bodies, a sense of love and protectiveness swelling in him.  A goofy grin on his face.  He knew he was going to freak out about how to manage it later but today, right now, he just wanted to bask in this.  Marinette curled into his embrace and rested her head on his chest looking at the images as well, a contented smile on her face.
Dick pulled out his phone while he waited for Marinette to get back from the bathroom and dialed a familiar number, the grin on his face too wide to hide.  “Hey, you might want to avoid Marinette for a little while.”
The other end of the line was silent for a few seconds as all the possible infractions against Marinette were considered, until finally the correct one registered.  “…Holy shit!  No way! You’re kidding,” Jason’s laughter boomed through the phone.  “Congrats, man.”
“Thanks,” Dick grinned.
“Is she actually mad?”  Dick could hear the cringe through the phone.
“Nah.  Scared about how we’re going to manage it, we both are, but not mad.  Happy though.  Excited.  I’m going to have twins, Jay.  I’m going to be a dad.”  Dick couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped his lips.  He was going to have two babies.  He was going to have a family.  He knew he was going to be a father before but actually seeing the baby made it so much more real than just seeing a bump.
“Yeah you are.”
“A boy and a girl.”
“You found out already?”
“Yeah, apparently we were really lucky and they were in the perfect position.”
“Hey!  I called it. Holy shit.  There’s a new Oracle in town, baby.”
Dick laughed bordering on hysterically and ran his hand through his hair.  “You better watch it.  I might tell Barbara you said that.”
“Hey, I already promised to babysit for a few hours a week.  What more do you want?”
“Marinette wants food.”
“Is that Jason?  Tell him I want pizza and cookies today.  I expect more later,” Marinette spoke up loud enough for Jason to hear.
Jason chuckled.  “I’ll bring the pizzas and cookies.  Movie night at your place?”
“How about movie night at the manor instead?” He looked to Marinette to see if she approved.
Marinette nodded.  “Okay.  Then Damian can come if he wants, no pressure, but he knows he’s welcome.”
Dick grinned and pulled her into a hug, kissing her temple. “Spread the word?”
“Seriously?” Jason groaned.  “I’m already providing the food, for apparently everyone.  I’m stealing B’s card.”
“Fine.  I’ll send a text,” Dick agreed.
“And Adrien?” Marinette asked.
“And Adrien,” Dick confirmed.  “The whole family.”  Marinette smiled dazzlingly and curled further into his embrace.
Chapter 15
@dickinette-february @demonicbusiness @ichigorose @iloontjeboontje @ladybug-182 @toodaloo-kangaroo @dast218 @golden-promises @trippingovermyfeet @emimar7 @laurcad123
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lady-literature · 4 years
ayy, so ya’ll know that Miraculous/DC crossover I screamed about a while back? I found plot for it.
It is not quite finished yet, but it’s also so much longer than I originally planned on it being. (me: I’ll just write a fun little thing to get this out of my head!
me, 13k words later: oh no)
SO! Here’s a little sneak peak!
(or, find the finished product here!)
There is an unspoken rule, kept by any outsider who’s ever set foot in Gotham, that you should only ever visit the city once. Most find that visiting even once was already too much.
The most dangerous city on earth isn’t kind to its residents—much less strangers who don’t know how to watch their pockets or keep off the streets after dark. It’s gotten better, perhaps, in recent years since the Bat started lurking on rooftops, but that doesn’t mean the city is good.
Normal people stay as far from Gotham as they can get.
Marinette, (un)luckily, is far from normal.
The touring of Metropolis, New York City, and Gotham had been going well as far as Marinette was concerned, no matter what Chloé says to her about carelessness and naivety.
She’s glad her, Adrien and Chloé all decided to take this summer trip before they started University in the fall. It sucks that it was just the three of them, she wishes more of their friends could’ve tagged along but, alas, it wasn’t meant to be.
Kagami was in the middle of training season and couldn’t come. Luka was touring with his father, learning the tricks of the trade and other things. Nathaniel had already been commissioned to paint a mural downtown before they really finalized dates. Nino was in much the same boat as Nath, just with music and pitch meetings. Felix hated traveling and Alix was doing… something. Time travelling, probably. Or at least spending more time in the burrow.
Marinette was certainly starting to notice the way she’s begun talking about ancient history like she was actually there when she goes on rants now. Felix also probably noticed but Marinette’s also sure that he’s aiding and abetting her in exchange for insider information so…
She’ll probably have to deal with that later, unfortunately. But not today.
Their tour group was going to Amusement Mile later that afternoon, but had been given free roam until then. Marinette decided to spend the time up until lunch at the park near the meetup spot in Gotham Square and Chloé hadn’t complained or vetoed that idea so the trio happily camped out on the grass.
Marinette had returned to her sketch of Lady Gotham in between eating bites of her sandwich. She thinks she much preferred the style of it to New York City’s Lady Liberty. There was just something about the Statue of Justice that inspired her.
She’d been doodling about it since they left the marina yesterday. She also had plenty of pictures of the statue for inspiration later. There’s one she especially likes and thinks she might even print out to put up on her wall at home.
She’s playing with the idea of draping fabrics for formal wear designs like the roman togas both Lady statues seem to wear when a tennis ball rolls up and bumps into her leg. She has only enough time to move her sketchbook out of the way before a large dog bowls into her, tail wagging happily and barking up a storm.
Adrien’s already halfway up the tree, startled out of his light doze by the barking and Chloé only daintily moved away from Marinette, leaving her to her fate. 
Pushing herself back up so she’s not crushed by what feels like one hundred pounds of dog, she comes face to snout with quite possibly the biggest dog she’s ever seen. From there, there was really only one choice of action Marinette could have followed.
“Oh! Well, aren’t you just the prettiest boy?” she tells the dog happily, reaching up to give him scratches. “Such a big boy! You nearly bowled me over, didn’t you?”
If it’s possible, the dog’s tail begins to wag even faster, enough that he accidentally overbalances himself and decides to roll with it, flopping onto his back and letting her rub his stomach. Marinette does so enthusiastically, her baby-talk to the dog devolving into broken not-words and the occasional exclamation of good boy! in both English and French.
The dog was a great dane, and had the softest coat of black fur she’s ever seen. There was a thick red collar around his throat, and Marinette stopped furiously rubbing his belly long enough to look at the silver tag attached to it.
“Titus, huh?” she says to the dog. “Such a strong name for such a distinguished boy, huh?”
“Oh god,” she hears Adrien groan from his spot still up in the tree. When she looks up, she finds him eyeing Titus with distrust, the absolute kitten. “I hope whoever his owner is, they’ve never read Shakespeare.”
Both her and Chloé blink at the strange non sequitur.
“Uh, why? Exactly?”
“Because they have shit taste in his plays if they do! Titus Andronicus is, like, Shakespeare’s worst play.”
Chloé glares up at him. “You’re such a nerd. Now stop being ridiculous and get down from there.”
“But, Chloé! It’s a dog.”
“Adrien Agreste!”
Marinette tunes out the two blondes as they devolve into sibling-like bickering. It’s a skill she’s had to learn and learn quickly with living in such close quarters with the pair for the last few weeks and also being friends with the pair for the past three years.
“Speaking of your owner, I wonder where they are?” She scratches under Titus’ chin thoughtfully. “Should we go look for them?”
Titus' head flops to the side, almost like he’s listening for something, before he’s clambering up onto his feet to tower over her. He’s almost twice as tall as she is sitting, which is just ridiculous. Why is everything in America so big?
Getting to her feet herself, Titus still stands almost as tall as her. She can rest her elbow on his back when she grabs his collar to make sure he doesn’t run off. He leads mostly, pulling her along at a steady trot she has to jog to keep up with.
He truly was such a well behaved dog and certainly lived up to his breed’s reputation as a gentle giant.
Or at least she thought so, until the call of “Titus! Here!” echoes through the park and he goes racing off towards it, dragging Marinette along for the ride no matter how much she tries to slow down.
Titus comes to a skidding stop, and Marinette barely stops herself from falling by keeping her arm around Titus.
“And who are you?”
Looking up, she finds a young man, probably around her age, staring down at her. He does not look happy—but most Gothamites don’t, Marinette’s found. He’s also, despite the almost glare he’s giving her, very attractive.
When she opens her mouth, incoherent French comes tumbling out, much to her embarrassment.
Ah. ‘Not being able to speak coherently to people she finds attractive’, she had wondered where that particular personality trait had been as of late. Even after so many years hanging around people who should be—and are—super models, she still acts like a spaz. Why is she like this?
The man raises an eyebrow at her, looking very unamused.
She tries again. “Ah- Je suis- I mean, I am very sorry. Your dog found me sitting over there with my friends and I figured I should find his owner instead of letting him just wander around and I assume your his owner because if you aren’t this is very embarrassing for me. Not that it wasn’t embarrassing before but, oh, I’m definitely rambling and I’m going to shut up now.”
Pressing her lips together as tightly as humanly possible so her tongue will stop making horrible life decisions, she holds Titus’ bright yellow tennis ball out to his owner.
The man huffs, taking the ball from her hand. “I didn’t ask for your life’s story.”
Marinette blinks and then frowns. Her hand tightens around where she’s still holding onto Titus’ collar and she has to very carefully unclench her hand before she breaks it or something.
“I didn’t give it,” she says through clenched teeth, embarrassment abruptly forgotten. There’s no need for the man to be rude.
He scoffs. “Could’ve fooled me.”
She doesn't really have anything to say to that. Instead, she turns to Titus, who’s sitting like the good boy he is. She very seriously leans down to eye level—she does not have to lean down far—and tells him, “Your owner is an ass. But you are still a very good boy.”
She plants a kiss to his forehead that makes his tail wag, gives him one last scratch behind the ears and walks back towards her friends without looking back at the rude man. 
Colonel Bug: so I met kagami and felix’s lovechild today
MY HONOR: I would never stoop so low.
the evil twin: I would never stoop so low.
ShutUpTurtleMan: Nettie
the evil twin: Okay first of all-
ShutUpTurtleMan: sunshine
light of our collective lives and reason I breathe
what the fuCK
YoureUnderAgreste: Kagami, my love, how could you?
The Betrayal™
GottaGoFast: ew
Queen of Salt: ew
sneaky snake: Send pics or it didn’t happen
give me art or give me death: [a photo of the ‘right in front of my salad?’ meme]
Queen of Salt: wait
I was with you all day when did this happen?
was it the owner of the dog that attacked you?
ShutUpTurtleMan: WHAT
Colonel Bug: he didn’t attack me!
chloe stop spreading misinformation!
titus was a sweetheart!
YoureUnderAgreste: incorrect
he was, in fact, a menace
give me art or give me death: wait was Titus the dog or the lovechild
ShutUpTurtleMan: ^^^ ?
Colonel Bug: shut up adrien
all animals are great
stop being elitist
give me art or give me death: okay but seriously what kind of dog was it
the evil twin: why exactly was he our lovechild?
GottaGoFast: because of the dramatic tryst you and Kagami had obviously
keep up
Colonel Bug: because he was as pretty as he was rude actually
And gave me the feeling that he’d rant about his honor and parentage if it given the chance
MY HONOR: you say something once as an unsocialized teen
GottaGoFast: MARI YOU DOG!
Colonel Bug: no alix
did you not read the part about how rude he is
YoureUnderAgreste: i mean,,,,,
Felix is pretty rude and we all still like him
ShutUpTurtleMan: and Chloe
YoureUnderAgreste: oh good point nino
Colonel Bug: i hate it here
i spoke to him for like 2 seconds
Queen of Salt: Okay first of all-
YoureUnderAgreste: so i mean it’s not really a dealbreaker yaknow?
Colonel Bug: this familys a nightmare
i shoulda left you all on the street corner where i found you
YoureUnderAgreste: BUT CHA DINDT
ShutUpTurtleMan: but yA DIDNT
GottaGoFast: BUT CHA DIDNT!!
sneaky snake: but ya didn’t
I have every no regrets. stay tuned for more!
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Ok so... I know I already have a fic going on right now, But... me writing Harley and Ivy as moms/parents to Marinette got me thinking about other fics I could write, so hear me out.
Either Harley or Ivy as Marinettes bio mom... (or both due to a crazy person's experiment...) it will also be a Damianette fic so yeah.
Ok, here are the options:
A. Harley is with Joker... they have a 'special' night or something, and then Joker tried to kill Harley for the something-ith time, and she finally leaves him thanks to Ivy. Ivy and Harley have been friends for a little over 3 years, and Harley may have started feeling happier around Ivy for awhile, and only realized after being free of the Joker that she really loves Ivy, and they start dating like a week or so after that realization.
After some time Harley will wake up with morning sickness, she gets cranky not wanting to go to the docter, but they go anyway, and that's when she finds out she's pregnant. They get back and Harley is in and out of horror, excitement, and all the weird moods a soon to be mother goes through. After a talk with Ivy, they decide to keep the child, and then Marie Quinzel-Isley is born 8 months later. She will still have midnight hair and stunning vibrant light blue eyes, and she'll grow up learning tricks like slight of hand, gymnastics stuff, self-defense, the proper technique to use a bat, and the other usual child of rogues things... (like love for the environment, and extremely exotic pets...).
B. Harley is long over the Joker, and is with Ivy, they are known for their environment protectiveness, and the occasional theft thanks to something Selina drags them into. During two separate occasions, one with Harley getting kidnapped, and then like a week later Ivy, some villain gets their blood, and fusses both their blood, and with plot magic and unknown science, they create a child, when the vilian steels some sort of plant Ivy really loves (and can enhance the baby's meta-powers) Ivy and Harley stumble in on the villian preparing to give the baby some sort of weird something in a needle, they beat the life out of him, asking what the hell he's doing with some random kid. said villian will then tell them it's not just any random child, it's your child (insert some crazy laugh) he gets beat up more, because wtf? who makes a baby out of people's DNA without their consent?(ehem, Talia ehem!!)... anyway they see this child, and it just so happens that in the moment, the baby opens her eyes, and they fall in love with her, effectively keeping her and naming her Mary Quinzel-Isley.
Now for her powers:
For option A. She can just be born with abilities that are a good chunk above the average person. She will learn how to fight with anything and everything, and will be great at reading people.
For option B. She can have both above average physical abilities, and plant manipulation/communication, and will still be good at reading people to some extent. She will learn how to use anything to fight, and will be a little chaoticly creative ball of joy to be around.
and for either option she can also learn magic and stuff, or just have a natural affinity for it, and is also taught by the Riddler so she can kick butt and Riddle me the f-ck out of anyone.
Now on to the Miraculous part, which can be in either option A or B:
Marinette will spend most of her life in Gotham until the Bats start getting a little to curious as to why a mini Harley/Ivy is running around fighting both wannabe villians and on occasion some Teen Titans hero (Beastboy, they become buds after she kicks his butt for the 10th time. and will later be friends with Raven). Selina is also dating Batman so when Selina tells them the Bat is looking for Marinette, she gets stuck with taking care of Marinette until the heat dies down. So when Marinette is 10 she and her Antie Selina go to Paris, where family friends of Selina own a small yet wonderful bakery. Marinette is then introduced to Tom and Sabine, she later meets a crazy girl that lives on her skates named Alix Kubdel and they become friends, since she is kinda board with the school system there, she starts to take up hobbies, like Sewing, more gymnastics, and fencing, where she meets and befriends Kagami Tsurugi. The three are joint at the hip, and are always daring each other to do stupid and or silly things. Marinette always goes back to Gotham on both summer and winter break, but is alsmot never allowed to go out just in case the Bats find her... (almost) she sneeks out sometimes to hang out with Beastboy to see how he and the Titans are doing.
When Marinette is 12 thats when things get a little weird... as in she starts feeling extremely creative/(more)Chaotic at the same time when she's doing something. During one of her Creative/Chaotic moods/feelings she goes out for a walk, noticing a man that fell in the middle of the road, she instantly goes to help him up, leading him to the sidewalk. When she handed the man his cain, she gets a VERY sudden feeling of power, when she looks the man in the face she sees he is also slightly shocked. She wished him well and darted back to her house not looking back at the shocked man. on the way back she starts seeing things... like seeing the dark thoughts of everyone around her, as well as their life energy/force it overwhelms her, and when she gets back to the Bakery where her and Selina are staying she quickly greets everyone and goes to her room. She thought her room would be safe from the weird energy she was seeing but no. There on her desk would be a small box of either Chaotic energy or Creative energy (I'll let you decide which Kwami She gets, 🐞 for Tikki, and 🐈‍⬛ for Plagg(if you choose Plagg Selina will be happy, and Plagg will cackle with Marinettes' mom Harley...just saying)) anyway, she doesn't touch the box until the next day, most of the weird energy looking stuff is gone except for whats surrounding the small box. The Stone heart thing will still happen, (I can see either Alix or Kagami weilding Tikki, but more Kagami. Alix can still get Fluff if she doesn't get Tikki, but I'm not sure what Adrien will get in the future... Maybe Roar(So he's still a Catboy, or Tiger boy)) So they'll face Stone heart and so on, the rest of spring is crazy, she quickly realizes the old man was the one who gave her the box, found out where he was (due to the crazy energy around his shop, which for convenience is maybe 15 or so blocks away from the Bakery). She has a talk with him and tells him she leaves Paris every summer and winter break, and is then given Kaalki... (permanently bc... plot, and bc she is a special f-cking girl that could rule the whole world if she willed it damit!). So she becomes a hero, and she blows it during her visit to Gotham, and ends up telling her moms and antie about the tiny cat god ("OMG Kitten! I knew it!No wonder you started using more Cat puns around me!" - Selina at some point) and the tiny horse god ("Dey're so f-ckin' cute!" - Harley) So more shenanigans ensue.
So these are my Ideas for a Harley and or Ivy Bio moms to Marinette fic, please let me know whether you want option A. or B., whether you want Marinette to have either Tikki🐞 or Plagg🐈‍⬛, and whether you want her to be called Marie, Mary or just Marinette Quinzel-Isley. Hope you're all having a wonderful day, stay safe, and saty positive. !BUG-OUT! 🐞💮🐞
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Ven’s Idea Outline #1 (Maribat)
Remember that MariDamiJon fic that I mentioned I was going to do for the gift exchange? It’s still bouncing around in my head and Luka decided to join in so I’ve decided to at least make an outline in (assuredly vain) hopes that it will leave me alone for a bit.
Part 1
Typical Daminette but Hanahaki style bc I can’t find any Maribat hanahaki fics and I need one and I can’t find any.
Dick and Damian sent to scope out Paris for Hawkmoth related reasons
Jon goes with bc he’s Damian’s emotional support kryptonian but he might arrive later This idea has been removed but I like it so I will share it.
Damian is getting familiar with the new battlegrounds  taking a walk in the park when a girl falls from a tree and lands on top of him
The girl apologizes profusely before explaining that she’s really clumsy and she was just trying to help a kitten stuck in the tree
It’s not love at first sight but Damian appreciates an animal lover and is slightly less of an ass than he would usually be
Might mix this with my Blossom Soulmate AU that I never got around to finishing and posting, now that I think about it
Anyway, Damian helps her get the cat down from the tree
He latches onto this potential information source who is not as annoying as most other people and sticks with her
They become friends friendly acquaintances and he drops by her school to pick up her up after she agreed to show him around Paris.
Debating Lila salt...
Debating Class salt...
If yes: Damian walks into a scene where Marinette  and sweeps Marinette away without a word to the rest of her class
If no: Damian arrives and proceeds to wait for her outside by his motorcycle
Either way, his appearance makes waves in Dupont’s rumor mills
They do not know he’s Damian Wayne, just that there’s a dude who attractive enough to be model with a motorcycle waiting for the schools (tragic, if salt) sunshine fashion princess.
Robin and Nightwing meet up with Ladybug and Chat Noir to offer their help in figuring out who Hawkmoth is, as well as fighting and training.
Full Miraculous court meeting with Ryuko, Viperion, Queen Bee, Carapace, Rena Rouge, Pegasus, Bunnyx, and Monkey king. (Rena Rouge is removed if Class salt. Replaced with Fox!Nath or Fox!Julieka)
Ladybug and Robin get along
About two weeks in Adrien starts officially dating Kagami.
Another week passes and Damian finds out Marinette has been coughing flower petals and her unrequited love is her classmate Adrien Agreste.
She refuses to remove the hanahaki - this version is the standard they can’t fall in love ever again if they remove it.
This revelation makes him oddly uneasy, it isn’t until his own Hanahaki shows up later that night that realizes he understands why.
Damian does a pretty good job of hiding it.
Dick knows something is up but he’s trying to give Damian more space so he doesn’t look into it and trusts Damian would ask him if it’s life threatening
Ladybug notices his discomfort on patrol and they talk
He is surprised to learn Ladybug also has it and Robin comes up with the brilliant idea that they should fall in love with each other.
There is precedent that if you fall out of love with the person, the Hanahaki will go away. But falling out of love is difficult and not easily done. There must be no lingering romantic feelings at all.
Ladybug encourages Robin to chase his crush first, because he at least has a chance if the girl he likes also has it.
Cue the debates
If Ladybug wins: Enter Damian going all out in flirty assassin seduction techniques from his mother - Good Talia that kills rapists, none of that she raped Bruce bs, she actually had a good relationship with Bruce and a mutual breakup because of differing views on killing people - that he’s barely used since his lessons on it in the league and romantic advice from Dick.
He goes full on Bitch-sensei from assassination classroom.
He’s commissioned a shirt from Marinette. She gets to design it however she wants.
It is a long sleeved button up, specifically made to accentuate his muscles without being too revealing.
That’s the shirt he wears when he asks her out with flowers and a stuffed kitten holding a stuffed wood board that says “please date me” He has his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, top button undone. Collar and hair ruffled up for maximum sensuality. He’s got a lot of references between all the people he knows (Bruce, Talia, Selina, Dick, and really his whole family is full of objectively attractive, seductive people he can reference. Just as long as he avoids mimicking their failing romantic habits, he should be fine.)
He tries to be suave about it but is a little too nervous to completely pull it off. It doesn’t matter because Marinette finds it endearing.
On the date, he’s more confident and is able to pull off suave bastard much better but only at the end. He’s a gentleman until the very end, when he leaves her in the bakery
He goes in, and twirls her admittedly short hair around his finger, maintaining eye contact as he presses his lips against her hair - it’s admittedly harder than he expected given how short it is but being so close made it more intimate and the blush on her face was definitely worth it
He leaves in the bakery slightly dazed and counts the date as a success.
Marinette’s mind shut down bc damn that boy is fine and smooth af is flustered and confused as heck but she’s willing to give him a shot
Alternatively: Marinette’s not sure about dating Damian because she feels like she’s just using him to get rid of her hanahaki bc of the idea that Robin had proposed.
Dick is ecstatic that Damian was acting weird because he had a crush and loved helping his brother out with this date planning in the city of love
He doesn’t report it back to the batfam yet because they had a small argument about it and Damian pulled away with the small victory of Dick has to wait until after the first date to tell them.
Damian is glad he Marinette’s willing to give him a chance but he’s worried about Ladybug
he wonders if he should set her up with Tim or Duke, it’d be a shame to lose a friend and hero like her.
Robin brings up his success to Ladybug and asks if there’s anything he can do to help her.
She notes that a friend had actually confessed to her and she’s giving them a chance.
They accidentally compare notes on their dates and that’s their reveal.
If Robin wins: An awkward start that smooths into moonlit dates on the Eiffel tower, dancing on rooftops, an increase in flirting but only after battles, never before it bc they have a professional reputation to keep, increasingly physical training routines, stolen kisses but not on lips until they’re more comfortable with each other.
Fast tracked mutual slow burn which kinda defeats the purpose of a slow burn but whatever
I have realized these ideas are not mutually exclusive.
Maybe Ladybug wins first but Damian fails to seduce Marinette because she has the doubts so they go with plan B and date each other. Ladybug is more comfortable with the idea of dating Robin because they both have Hanahaki and are knowingly using each other to get rid of it?
There is no identity reveal in this version
Complaint Break time: I was writing this to get it out but it keeps growing, wtf.  This is so long and I haven’t even gotten to the main part.
It was supposed to be an established Daminette but I wanted to show how they got together, this was supposed to be like 5 bullet points, 10 tops.
At some point, I’m going to have to mention the rumor that people with Hanahaki are being kidnapped because the flowers that bloom after their death make great medicine but that cures most illnesses and are good potions ingredient whatever, something along those lines. It’s not the ones they cough up but the flowers that grow on the vines constricting their lungs after until they die and only blossom after death. Those flowers that spread the pollen into the air that makes the Hanahaki disease possible.
That’s why people keep it a secret unless they’re going to get the surgery as there’s not other way to treat it.
But that’s a plot point for part 2.
I feel like this is already longer than anything I’ve put out at this point in time.
Back to the story:
Even though they’re dating, the Hanahaki doesn’t go away immediately. It slows and becomes less frequent but there are times when they think of how their love doesn’t return their feelings and the flowers come back with a vengeance and they’re down for the day, possibly the entire week, hacking up flower petals and buds.
(Ladybug Wins version until otherwise stated) It’s during one of these fits that Dick finds out and is angry at this girl playing with his brother’s feelings.
Damian is too busy hacking up bloody flower petals to correct him
The entire batfam and subsequently Superfam now know the batfam’s youngest has hanahaki
Jon is called in and flies in to help keep an eye on his best friend
Bruce, Jason, Tim, and Duke are shocked but they pack up and are ready to go in guns blazing to have a talk with this girl bc the boys might not be on the best terms but that’s their baby brother. The girls stay behind to hold down the fort (because I need more time to get familiar with them before I can confidently write their characters. I’m not too confident about Duke either but I already mentioned him and it’s too late to back out now.)
So, Damian’s brothers and his father track her down to a different park in Paris where Marinette’s hanging out with her friends
They’re incised to find their brother’s girlfriend with another guy’s arm around her, leading her away from the main group of friends
It’s Luka, he’s helping her hide her hanahaki because she assures him that she has it under control and will go with him to the hospital if it becomes too much
They confront the couple
There’s a lot of intimidating posturing and accusations
Batfam is absolutely not prepared for the bloody flowers that spill from her lips - her hanahaki is even worse than Damian’s
Detective bats (correctly or incorrectly, depending on which version happens) put the pieces together and figure they’re dating to get rid of the hanahaki, that is something Damian would absolutely propose
and oh shit, this time it’s not just Bruce that’s adopting someone. They have a little sister now.
Luka explains what he knows about the situation and basically confirms what they’d deduced.
Welp, since they’re here, Hawkmoth has become top priority.
Hawkmoth takes one look at the Miraculous circle and the new set of bats and just- nopes out plus super boy and just nopes out.
Like, he tries but he has no expectation of winning and tries to run instead. It doesn’t work, they have all grounds covered.
I should probably make use of Mayura if I ever do write everything out but she didn’t really leave much of an impression on me tbh and I don’t have a lot of ideas. Maybe if I ever go back and watch it.
Celebratory, on-the-spot kiss between Robin and Ladybug where they do “oh“ and realize the pressure in their chest is finally gone and the Hanahaki is no more.
(Robin Wins) Dick is obliviously happy about little Robin leaving the nest and finding a mate until he finds out both the little heroes coughing up flower petals on their date
then he goes in and mother hens them both, before demanding answers
He’s also less happy about this whole dating thing
Dick can’t do much about Ladybug without revealing her identity but Damian isn’t getting out of it so easily
Dick figures out who Damian’s crushing on and goes to do a little investigating. He is very surprised to see it’s a bubbly, energetic designer girl and not someone... calmer. But then he thinks of Jon and it makes a little more sense
He talks to her, asks about what she thinks of Damian and is pleasantly surprised by her positive view of his brother. He asks if she would go out with him and she coughs up some petals
Now, Dick’s freaking out and why are there so many children with Hanahaki? This is the third one in two days!
fast forward because I’m finally out of ideas for this part
Ladybug knows she’s fallen for Robin, which was the entire point of them dating but she not sure he actually reciprocates or is still trying to forget that other girl.
Or if you went the other way, Robin’s still chasing Marinette but Ladybug now likes Robin and is aware that he’s trying to woo her. So, out of the frying pan and into another for her.
Robin is absolutely having regrets bc he is an emotional wreck and crushing on two girls and this was not supposed to happen, damnit.
A meta gets akumatized and takes out half the miraculous court but turns out the meta’s psychic ability can help track Hawkmoth so its all cool, now that they know what Hawkmoth feels like
Ladybug, Chat Noir, Ryuko, and Robin vs Hawkmoth and Mayura
Nightwing stayed behind to watch the other heroes are no longer brain dead from the battle but boy are they out of it and he has to make sure they get home safe
that does not mean he’s not extremely put out and worried about it since he knows half the team has hanahaki and it may interfere with the fight
Even if the Ladybug suit lessens the hanahaki attacks, they still happen from time to time
For two people who don’t  show up to fight often Hawkmoth and Mayura put up a good fight
Ladybug has an hanahaki attack and Hawkmoth tried to take advantage of it, only to get knocked out by Chat Noir who’s still pissed at his dad for causing this whole thing
Chat Noir and Ryuko are pretty shocked Ladybug has hanahaki, even more her timer runs out and she choses to present it to Robin
Robin is shook
He gets it together and pulls her into a kiss that cures their hanahaki and makes their brains melt
Now Marinette’s kinda confused bc what the other girl
Damian, slightly shifting his mask so she can see who he is: That other girl was YOU
Now Marinette’s the one who’s shook
Note: Chat Noir and Ryuko have both de-transformed at this point and are watching with wide eyes but they do not see who is under that mask. Also, no cameras in this section of the manor bc that would be proof.
They have a lot to talk about but it works out in the end.
the outline above was written out of order bc I had to go back everytime a new idea hit and I cannot be bothered to go back and dodeca-check this thing again just to make sure everything makes sense.
Part 2 (that was supposed to be the main story- finally made it, the starting point. I cry.)
Ok, so, now that Daminette is established and the evil is defeated
Damian returns to Gotham with his girlfriend in tow to introduce her to the rest of his family, despite his better judgement
Jon is happy that Damian is in happy, loving relationship but he’s a bit sad that it’s not him and oop, sunshine kryptonian boy got hanahaki’d.
Same for Luka. (Yes, Jagged will be his dad and a Gothamite.)
Jagged and his kids join them in Gotham bc he has to be there to show his favorite designer niece around to all the best places of his hometown.
Luka finds out Jon has Hanahaki and they bond over the experience
They make a pact to cover each other and get the other to the hospital when it gets to that point
Pining/Simping meetings over their best friends that for some unknown reason seem to lessen the flower coughing over time even though these meetings probably make things worse but they also need vent before it increases again.
Luka and Jon beginning to fall for each other but they think the other is still in love with Marinette/Damian and it’s true that they still hold feelings for their best friends that aren’t diminishing in the sleightest and it’s all very confusing.
It’s even more confusing when we add the new hero in Gotham, Viperion who’s there to continue training with the bats since he’s visiting the area, rescues and lightly flirts with Jon who ended up developing a small crush and Jon realizes he has a type.
So, poor Jon’s now crushing on Damian, Luka, and Viperion
Viperion meets Superboy and the kryptonian doesn’t seem to like him?
Luka’s crushing on Marinette, Jon - still doesn’t know that Damian is Robin. And is kinda curious and a little hurt that the Robin’s oddly familiar kryptonian is actively and obviously avoiding him and that heart song is kind of familiar but different.
Viperion also gains a crush on Robin after watching him take down a thug in a very graceful way - the bird was showing off for his bug and decided to make it a little showier, he accidentally also caught a snake
Ladybug and Robin still flirt but the court - aside from Ryuko and Chat, depending on which version - think that’s just their dynamic, though they do pull Robin aside for a bit to tell him she has a boyfriend now. He assured them it’s fine and he knows, oddly amused at their attempt.
man, I am not original with this identity porn thing
It isn’t until Luka sees Jon again that he puts it together.
Marinette suspiciously notes Luka and Jon been hanging out an awful lot she’s making connections to the time she had hanahaki and Luka covered for her
The pains of befriending deductive genii.
Cue the panic and they accidentally claim they’re dating but it throws Marinette off for now, so it kinda worked?
Hanahaki fic with a fake dating AU. Oops.
Mari decides since she and Damian don’t know this, they must have been neglecting their best friends and double dates are the way to go.
Cue more panic
Unlike Marinette who is willing to trust their word, Damian’s a suspicious bastard who’s kind of dubious and a little salty that Jon didn’t tell him earlier if they’re telling the truth but Mari’s all gung ho about it so he lets it go for now
They go on the date and it is an emotional mess for everyone involved
It starts out fine
Jon and Luka act a bit weird because they have to cover for each other randomly coughing up petals, not to mention they’re on a date with their original crushes without actually dating their original crushes not even mentioning their new crushes and the secret identity reveal that Luka still hasn’t confronted Jon on and Jon’s guiltily thinking about Viperion half the time he thinks about Luka and shouldn’t it be the other way around?
Yeah, so they’re a mess
Damian’s watching them like he’s trying to figure them out and it is not helping but thank god Mari’s distracting him totally on accident
Marinette? She found a random lost kid in Gotham looking for their parents
So now the double date’s been temporarily derailed to help the lost kid
While Damian’s watching Marinette try pass the crying kid off to Jon for a  moment so she can make a phone call to report a lost child but the kid’s clinging onto Marinette, and they exchange looks so Jon calls in the lost kid instead and he’s just struck with the idea of a family with the three of them and some kids
Cue panic time (again)
Ignoring the thought of children, why was Jon in his fantasy?
Luka’s just watching a smitten boy go into panic mode over the trio and while doesn’t quite know what’s going on in Damian’s head, but that was really cute and oh not again
They find the kid’s parents, and the date moves on
Jon’s more comfortable, Marinette wasn’t really bothered in the first place. Luka and Damian are now having crises
Luka makes a joke under his breath in an attempt to calm down before his Hanahaki acts up
It did not help bc Damian overhears and gives a small amused snort that made his heart stutter but hey positive interaction!
Both Marinette and Jon but end up having feelings very similar to the one Damian had earlier when they look over at Damian and Luka’s little interaction - Damian’s giving Luka a small smirk and Luka is entirely embarassed at being heard when he wasn’t hadn’t meant to be.
But then Luka gives Jon a small sign before he excuses himself to the restroom so Luka can run off and cough up his flower petals
You remember that whole thing about the kidnapping people with hanahaki so they die and medicine and things can be collected from the flowers springing up from their corpse thing? Yeah, the kids are in Gotham and there is definitely a group there that has dealings with the trade and someone saw Luka hacking up flowers
but they mark him and pull back to plan instead of kidnapping him then and there bc drama and Jon followed him to the restroom to check on him
Date ends ok and everyone’s kind of an emotional wreck
Damian has surprisingly learned his lesson on miscommunication and guiltily confides his fantasy to her like a parishioner to his priest
Marinette basically goes same and confesses about the moment she and Jon saw his interaction with Luka.
“So, We’re together, and they’re together...and I might be in love with Jon, you think you might be in love with Luka... What now?“ Damian asked, trying to make sense of it all
“We could...” Marinette swallows, “um, all four of us? together?“ she offered meekly. Seeing that Damian seemed to like the idea, she continued. “Y’know, feel out how receptive they are to the idea and then just seduce them?”
Ok, so the temporary communication skills were nice.
Because instead of talking it out with their best friends, they decide to seduce them but to be fair, there’s at least one version of this where Damian got where he did because of seduction.
Between both Damian and Marinette’s phsyical attractiveness, their combined determination and stubbornness, Damian’s assassin seduction knowledge, and Marinette’s fashion ability and tactical knowledge of where to accentuate what, Jon and Luka have no chance of leaving pining hell for the foreseeable future.
Marinette doubles down on the “double dates” aka, seduction plans in action and group hang outs, aka much more softer, subtle seduction plans
Marinette and Damian do not do much seeing how receptive they are and really just jump right into the seduction, except they adjust the plans so Luka and Jon don’t catch on so Daminette couple thinks it’s ok to go all out.
Cue seduction and pining hijinks, and a whole lot of bloodly flowers and plenty of internal screaming
Damian learns that Luka might not be too bad in the group and Jon is panicking because oh shit he’s got another crush and it’s his best friend’s girlfriend.
the quartet’s love issues are really full circle... or whatever this shape is supposed to be. Because there’s still the whole Viperion/superboy thing and - i just... I’m not going to keep analyzing this.
Somewhere during this, Jon confesses his feelings this particular friend group to Con, leaving out the whole Hanahaki thing. Con tells Tim for advice on being a big brother and things happen but I’m not sure what. I just want TimCon and the Superboys bonding
So a couple weeks pass by the Hanahaki’s getting pretty bad and Luka suddenly goes missing
Ladybug and the bats are on it as soon as they realize he’s gone
Except they are missing one, very important piece of information
Luka’s hanahaki
So, for the next few days, they don’t get anywhere until Jon slips up and ends up coughing up a shitton of bloody flowers which leads to panic, confusion and explanation, bc wtf Jon, you’re supposed to be dating Luka and that’s definitely not unrequited
So everyone gets the full explanation, the final piece of the puzzle snaps into place and the bats are on it.
Marinette and Damian have to put aside that whole revelation in order to track and save Luka before he dies of Hanahaki
They both make sure to kiss Jon first so he doesn’t get handicapped by his hanahaki like Ladybug did but he and Luka will be on thin ice once they get Luka back
So it’s pretty much a race against time bc they don’t know how bad Luka’s hanahaki is
Tracking, beat up bad guys, possible magic related villain(s) searching for potion ingredients that may take harm Superboy more than than if they weren’t there
They rescue Luka or Luka and Ssass break out as Viperion and meet them halfway.
Hey, the identity reveals!
 Either way, at the end of it, Luka ends up with Ladybug and the unconscious and they have to wait until he wakes up to administer the kiss/cure bc it doesn’t work if one party is unconscious
which sparks an interesting idea of a sleeping beauty-cinderella style hanahaki fic where it would work if they’re unconscious, and the patient has to find go out to find who cured them and I’ll have to adjust some other rules of the hanahaki disease such as who can cure it but goddamn it
So while Luka’s out, Marinette and Damian confront the possibly injured but very much awake Jon
Once Luka wakes up and is brought up to speed, they take care of his hanahaki and work out the new boundaries of their new relationship
Part one is longer and I’m a bit put out by that. This made much more sense in my head but if you got this far, my rambling must have made some sort of sense.
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xhanisai · 3 years
got any Lovesquare headcanons for any AUs you havent had the chance to work on in a while?
Actually, I do! Remember the really old doodles I did of Chibi Noir and Chibi Bug? 
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This Chibi AU is something I’ve always wanted to expand on as a comic but never got the chance to do so- I may go off tangent here lel
- They are equivalent to sprites/chao/fairy. They suddenly appeared in Marinette’s and Adrien’s life after they’ve been working as heroes for a while solely because their love for each other is SO strong, that the magic was able to create these chibis. 
- They are no bigger than a newborn baby but they are still quite a challenge to hide from other people. They make only little sounds; Chibi Noir meows like a kitten and Chibi Bug only hums quietly. The latter is so much more shy and quiet than the former.
- Chibi Noir appeared first in Marinette’s room because Adrien has deep down inside, acknowledged his romantic feelings for her which are on the same par as his feelings for Ladybug. Of course, Marinette was freaked out at first but she was quick to fall for Chibi Noir’s cuteness and pretty much adopted him as her own son/pet? The only explanation that Tikki gave for the being’s existence is that it’s because Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s partnership is very, very strong. (She’ll give the full explanation after the reveal).
- Marinette has named him Chaton Noir and loves him a lot. He’s very attached to her, a glutton for sweets and loves cuddling her. He also hates that he has to hide away from other people and would sometimes cause trouble. Basically an equivalent to a naughty kitten. Regardless, Marinette can’t stay mad at him for long and is thankful that he’s there with her.
- Marinette also has no choice but to bring him along to akuma fights and patrols because a) Chaton wouldn’t let her leave him alone and would cling to her leg with watery eyes, b) If she did leave him alone at home, there’s 100% chance that he would be found out by her parents or that he’d sneak out looking for her and get lost.
- So, the night after Chaton appeared, Ladybug brought him with her to patrol to meet her partner and explain what’s been going on. Chat’s first reaction:
“...WE HAVE A KID!? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?!?? MON DIEU- I have no idea how to be a Papa! I haven’t even done any research and I don’t even know how to change nappies and-”
“Chat Noir-”
“-I will also cover every expense fee and love him the way he deserves-”
“-And I will also most definitely look for a job but I also don’t mind being a stay at home dad- hey wait! I could be a stay at home dad, Buguinette-”
- Of course, Ladybug finally corrects him and explains what really happened. At first, Chat is awed by Chaton’s existence and marvels about how cool all of this is, however, he does start to get irritated with how close and sweet the being was with Ladybug. He’s even miffed by the fact that he doesn’t have his own Chibi rendition of his Lady. 
- Chaton Noir is also a little shit and loves teasing Chat Noir and riling him up. They have a love-hate dynamic.
“Why does HE get to kiss you and get kisses in return???”
“Because he’s cute and I love him,”
“I’m cute too! Why don’t you love me!? ;A; ”
“My Lady, he stuck his tongue out at me!”
“So? Just ignore him,”
“Bug...You let HIM take a bath with YOU!?!? WHAT!?!?!”
“Your point?”
- Chaton Noir helps out a tad during akuma battles. Though he’s not capable of any sort of power, he can distract the villains. No matter how many times Ladybug tries to keep him in a place where it’s safe, he always runs out to try and help. Many times, he ends up in trouble and gets saved by Chat Noir. So just imagine an annoyed Chat leaping away with the Chibi held by the crook of his arm lmao.
- It’s only a few weeks after Chaton Noir’s appearance does Chibi Bug finally come to life (this is because Marinette is no longer in denial of her feelings for her partner). Adrien wakes up to the sight of an annoyed Plagg and the new Chibi fast asleep on his pillow. It took the boy everything to not squeal out loud like an obsessed fangirl. 
“Plagg! I finally have a daughter!”
“You know that’s not how it works, kid.”
“I’m gonna name her Baby Bug!”
“...You better not give her any of MY cheese.”
- When Baby Bug finally woke up, she was quick to run away and hide from Adrien’s super excited face. He didn’t give up. He managed to coax her out with his hidden stash of sweets and she allowed him to pet her hair. At that moment, Adrien dramatically vowed that he would die for her, ignoring Plagg’s grumbles on “I never saw you pledging that to ME, a literal GOD.”
- Despite Plagg’s annoyances at first, he too fell for the Chibi and also vowed that he’d protect her no matter what. This happened because whilst he was eating cheese mid-air, he accidentally dropped it, only for Baby Bug to catch it and give it back to him. 
- Baby Bug is very well behaved, full of affection, loves to draw and create. She also has a strange habit of eating flowers (especially if they’re full of aphids). She does have a mischievous side, especially with her impromptu hide and seek games and “borrowing” Adrien’s belongings (mainly his phone UwU).
- She hates Gabriel Agreste. She hates how upset he makes Adrien so whenever Gabe is mentioned or if she hears him or sees him, she pulls a face.
- Chat Noir obviously couldn’t wait to show her off to Ladybug. They met up at a late patrol with Chat arriving like a proud father. 
“Miau, My Lady! Meet our daughter!”
“Chat, how many times do I have to tell you that THAT’S not how it works- oh- Oh! Oh wow! She’s so cute!!!”
“I know right!?”
“Mon Dieu she is so adorable!!!”
“YES! Her name is Baby Bug!”
- Chaton Noir is a bit confused with all of this at first, even gets stupidly jealous with seeing Ladybug fawning over someone else that’s not him to the point where he hisses at Baby Bug. The little shit makes her cry.
“Why you!? My Lady, you need to teach YOUR son some manners- hmmph!”
“Quoi!? Why don’t you teach YOUR daughter to stop being a crybaby!? It was only an itty bitty hiss!”
- Thankfully, Ladynoir quickly settles their bickering after they realised how silly they were being. Baby Bug manages to win Chaton Noir over by sharing a macaron with him. 
- She regrets it now. He’s never stopped fawning over her and chasing her for a hug since then. 
“Awww, don’t you think they remind you of us~?”
“They do, especially when I’m trying to get away from your terrible jokes, Minou~ :)”
“You love my jokes and you know it! >:(”
- During akuma battles, even Baby Bug refuses to sit still in a safe space and runs out to help Ladynoir. A lot of it is just keeping Chaton Noir out of trouble, however.
- Both Chibis also go to school with their holders, hiding in their school bags. They don’t like to be alone. 
I think I went a bit overboard with this lmao...if you want a reveal with this AU or a different AU, feel free to ask lol :’D
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soap-lady · 5 years
Dad!Plagg: Kwami Swap AU
Many people have come up with ideas for an AU where the kwamis were switched up. Here’s another one! Thanks for the suggestion, @gothfoxx
Also, Plagg has given Marinette what he considers to be a cute nickname. Thanks, @g-arya
“Awww! Why the sad kitten face, Mari-caron?”
The floating feline god circled his Chosen’s head before settling on her shoulder and nuzzling her neck. She reached up and scratched between his ears, her eyes never leaving the sketchbook in front of her.
She exhaled, cheeks puffing up and let out a slow breath. “It’s this dress I’m trying to design for Mme. Bourgeois' ‘Designer of the Future’ contest.” She rubbed her eyes tiredly. “I was so excited when she announced this yesterday but today I’m completely drawing a blank.”
Plagg sighed. Tikki was better with pep talks but she was off mothering that blond kid while his sweet little kitten was floundering. He adored Marinette; she was creative enough to be a Ladybug but she had a hidden mischievous side he adored. It didn’t hurt that her dad was the best baker in Paris and his cheese danishes made him purr just thinking about them.
The poor girl always weighed herself down, taking on projects like posters for her friends’ band or being class rep. Being Chatte Noire allowed her to cut loose and vault across the roofs of Paris while she helped Mister Bug protect the city. He loved the way her joy in freedom transferred through the suit.
There was no joy on her pretty face at the moment and she slumped forward. “I regret entering that hat contest M. Agreste held at school. Way more attention than I was expecting for a simple derby.” She groaned and hid her face in her hands. “Mme. Bourgeois, the Style Queen herself, came to my class yesterday and told me after making the announcement, ‘I expect great things from you, darling.’ Right in front of my entire class!” She threw her hands in the air. “Now Chloe’s mad at me for daring to catch her mother’s eye and Lila’s no doubt plotting my death for stealing attention away from her. My life is a disaster!” She declared dramatically.
Plagg patted her shoulder as best he could with his tiny paw. “No, it isn’t! Hey, look at the bright side!” He leaned in and whispered in a conspiratorial tone, “your friend Adrien was very open about his support of you. He even told you he thinks his dad should hire you now and beat the rush.”
Marinette smiled. It was soft and gentle. “Adrien’s such a good friend. I’m glad I have his support.”
The little god tried not to sigh. His kitten was in love with Tikki’s baby bug and saw his civilian form as just a good buddy. Her obliviousness would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
He left her shoulder and flew in front of her face. “It’s Saturday.”
She nodded slowly. “Yes. And?”
“And…” he closed her sketchbook. “You should take a break.” She tried to protest but he went on, “you’re not making any progress staying home and worrying, Mari-caron, so why not go outside, get some fresh air, and try again later?”
“Right!” She grabbed her sketchbook and stuffed it in her backpack before grabbing her phone. “I might get some inspiration while walking through Paris!”
“That’s my kitten!” Plagg nuzzled her cheek and purred.
His Chosen scratched him under the chin. “Who’s the sweetest god of destruction with the best ideas?”
He snickered and enjoyed his scritches. “I am.”
Marinette had been walking around Paris for about an hour. No inspiration had hit yet but she was having a good time and Plagg was glad to see his kitten’s shoulders had begun to relax.
The girl looked up to see her classmate, Adrien Agreste, smiling awkwardly as he separated from his photographer to approach her.
Plagg felt his Chosen tense up for a moment then relaxed. The boy was always so nervous around her civilian form it always made her think she’d done something wrong.
Today Adrien seemed a bit less awkward, probably because he’d been modeling, something he was good at.
The boy wore a simple blazer over a polo shirt and slacks, making the ensemble look good with his easy grace.
Marinette smiled at her friend. “Adrien! Good to see you!”
“You too.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “What...brings you out today?”
The boy winced, no doubt thinking his attempt at conversation was lame.
The girl either didn’t notice or pretended not to. “I was trying to design something for Mme. Bourgeois’ contest but I came down with a bad case of artist’s block. So I decided I’d get some fresh air and maybe some inspiration too.”
“It worked last time,” Adrien replied, recalling the pigeon-inspired derby.
They shared a laugh and Marinette glanced down and noticed what Adrien had in his hand. “I like your roses.”
The model grinned. “Oh, yeah. We’re doing a casual wedding shoot today and I guess I’m the bride.”
Marinette laughed so hard she nearly doubled over. “Well, you’re the loveliest bride I know.”
Adrien blushed. “Thanks. I try.” His eyes lit up with an idea and he held out a rose to Marinette.
She looked at it. It was a lovely variegated hybrid, light pink with darker shades around the tips of the petals.
It was perfect.
Marinette carefully took it from his outstretched fingers. Suddenly she smiled and exclaimed, “Adrien! You’re a genius!”
The model looked confused. “Thanks?”
She gave him a huge impulsive hug. “You just gave me the best inspiration for the design contest!” The dark haired girl kissed his cheek. “I’m gonna go home and get started. You’re the best!” She sped off towards the bakery.
Adrien touched the cheek she’d kissed and stared after her, wide-eyed. “I’m not sure what just happened, but I’m perfectly fine with it.”
Somewhere in his pocket, Tikki giggled.
Marinette held her breath as Audrey Bourgeois walked around her design entry. She was rather proud of her gown. It resembled an upside down rose; strapless and blush pink with a skirt ruffled and tiered to mimic rose petals.
Each tier had been dipped in increasingly darker shades of pink until the hem was nearly magenta.
The young designer had been rather proud of her ingenuity but seeing the Style Queen’s expressionless face made her nervous.
“Mlle. Dupain-Cheng,” Audrey crooked her finger at the girl and the bluenette approached her. “I don’t like this gown.”
Marinette’s heart plummeted until the woman took off her trademark sunglasses and gave the young woman a rare smile of approval.
“I love it!” the maven of fashion patted the skirt. “It’s so clever and perfect for spring! Rose inspired gowns have just become the new thing, thanks in part to you, and bringing back the ombre look? You clever girl!”
The designer stood frozen in shock until Adrien gently nudged her. “I’m very flattered, Mme. Bourgeois.”
“As you should be,” Audrey pressed a business card into Marinette’s shaking hands. “Let me know if you change your mind about being mentored. Since I’m staying in Paris for a time it should no longer be a problem.”
“Thank you,” the girl managed but the woman was already making a sweeping exit, Chloe trailing in her wake.
“Congratulations, Marinette,” Adrien smiled at her and dared to give her a gentle hug around the shoulders. “I knew you’d win.”
“That’s so kind of you,” Marinette smiled at him and promptly burst into tears.
Adrien jumped away. “I’m so sorry! I-”
“No, no.” Marinette waved a hand. “I’m just so happy!” She kissed his cheek and then ran to the girl’s bathroom.
Once he was sure they were alone Plagg darted out and hugged his Chosen as best as he could with his tiny arms.
“I’m proud of ya, Mari-caron,” he told her. “I knew you could do it, all you had to do is relax and let the ideas come to you.”
She kissed his furry head. “You’re the best kwami I could hope for, Plagg.”
“Eh...more or less,” he was glad his kitten couldn’t tell he was blushing. “That Agreste kid helped too. Maybe you should make him something?”
“Yeah...do you think he’d like a scarf?”
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thebookwormfairy · 5 years
Gotham Falls Part 1
-Marinette was 6 years old when her parents sat her down and told her she's was going to he a sister
-Tom and Sabine had already explained to Marinette where baby came from thanks to Sabine's friend Nadia getting pregnant
-Marinette: So there's a baby growing in Maman's stomach?
-Tom: Well...no
-Marinette: Then how can I be a big sister?
-Sabine: Well you're not going to be a big sister, you're actually going to be a little sister
-Marinette gave her parents a confused look
-Tom: You see sweetie one of my best friends is no longer........able to take care of her son so we will be
-Marinette: What about his dad?
-Tom and Sabine looked at each other not knowing what to say
-Sabine: His dad was not a good man, and had to go to jail, because of what he did to his wife
-Marinette: What's his name?
-Tom: His name's Adrien Agreste, but starting next week he'll be Adrien Dupen-Cheng
-After a week if setting up Adrien's new room, going through interviews, and just generally getting ready for Adrien's arrival
-Marinette spent the week making Adrien a small stuffed black cat with the help of Sabine to match her own ladybug stuff animal, made by her mother that was named Tikki
-When Adrien and Marinette finally met they took to eachother like a duck to water
-Adrien absolutely loved his new stuff animal who he named Plagg
-The two seemed inseparably
-The Dupen-Chengs made sure to make Adrien feel right at home
-They included him in all family activities, and held him when he cried because of the lost of his original family
-As the years went by Marinette and Adrien grew closer and closer
-You could rarely find one without the other near by
-As Marinette got older her love of fashion and design grew she started to design and make her own clothes around the age of 12
-And Adrien developed a love of photography
-Together they run a instagram account full of Marinette's designs
-It was originally Adrien's idea and Marinette kinda just went with it
-When the two were 16 their parents announced they were moving
-Tom's father had passed away and they wanted to move into his old home to keep the family backery running
-So they backed up their things and moved to a town in Oregon called Gotham Falls
-Marinette: So why are we moving there again?
-Tom: Well since your grandfather passed somebody has to run his bakery. It's been in our family for almost a hundred years so we are going to have our current employees run this location and your mother and I are going to run the original one
-Adrien and Marinette still looked hesitant about this new change coming to their lives
-Sabine: Think of this like an adventure, there are plenty of kids your age and lots of places to explore
-Before they knew it Marinette and Adrien were packed up and heading to this new town and new life
-As the new family drove into town they got a lot of stares from the locals watching as the moving van drove down Main Street to the most popular Bakery in town
-Their first day in town was spent talking to curious locals and accepting welcome gifts
-As Marinette was moving of of her boxes inside she noticed two boys staring from across the street
-One boy had black messy hair and blue eyes
-He wore beat up blue jeans with a white t-shirt and a blue plaid shirt unbutton over it and a pair of beat up hiking boots
-The other also had black hair, but his was a lot neater. He had dark green eyes that seemed to bore into Marinette's soul
-He work dark wash jeans, a red t-shirt, a green and yellow jacket with a pair of black combat boots
-Marinette gave them an ackward smile and wave that the boys returned before leaving down the street
-Marinette shook off the strange encounter and continue to unpack
-The Dupen-Chengs stayed in their new home for a couple of days unpacking and setting up their new home
-After about a week the house was all unpacked and decorated and the bakery will open back up the next day, so Sabine had a chat with her hermit children who have yet to leave the house since arriving
-Sabine: Why don't you two go out to explore the town?
-Adrien messing with his camera: I don't know mom it looks like it's about to rain?
-Sabine looked at her two children, both dressed in clothes Marinette made
-Marinette was in dark blue jean shorts, white fitted t-shirt with a light pink vest with a pair of dark blue converse hightops with pink flowers embroidered on the side
-Adrien was wearing blue jeans with a black t-shirt that says You Got To Be Kitten Me Right Meow in green with paw prints dotting the i's.
-Adrien would right down puns for Marinette and she would put them on t-shirts for him, even if they made her groan.
-Sabine: It's Oregon it's always about to rain
-Sabine pushed her 2 children out the door, handed Marinette her small pink backpack, and locked the door behind them
-Sabine: Don't come back till sunset
-Adrien and Marinette looked at each other shocked
-Marinette: She really kicked us out
-Adrien: And told us not to come back till sunset
-Marinette looked around their was 2 directions they could go
-Down Main Street with all the shops and people or down a mist filled road with an old sign pointing to something called the Mystery Shack
-Marinette pointing to the mist filled road: Let's go that way
-Adrien gave Marinette a look: You want to go down the creepy road?
-Marinette: Yes
-Adrien *sighing*: Of course you do
-The two made their way down the misty road after about 15 minutes they come across a old cabin with the words Mystery Shack spelled out on the roof
-The two walked in to be greeted by a boy in his early 20s with a white streak in his hair sitting behind the counter
-Jason in a bored tone: Welcome to the Mystery Shack the most mysterious place on Earth
- The man looked up at the two teens who walked into the gift shop
-Jason in a livelier tone: Oh you guys are the kids who moved into the bakery right?
-Marinette: Yeah I'm Marinette Dupen-Cheng and this is my brother Adrien
-Adrien with a slightly dreamy voice: Hi
-Jason: Cool! My name's Jason Todd welcome to Gotham falls
-Marinette: Thanks
--A commotion could be heard from the back and older woman can bursting out of the back stacks of fliers in her hands
-Marianne: Jason where's that little brother of yours? I thought you said that he would come today to help hang fliers and where's Harley?
-Jason: He must have gotten side track you know how he and Jon can get and Harley had to go do something
-Marianne: ugh... Who are you two?
-Adrien: Oh I'm Adrien Dupen-Cheng and this-
-Marianne: Yeah don't care do you want to earn some money?
-Marinette: What
-Marianne: I'll give you two $20 each to hang these posters up around the road to town.
-Marinette and Adrien looked at eachother asking if the other were okay with it
-Marinette: Sure why not
-Marianne: Good here's the fliers and $10 each I'll give you half now half when you come back
-The two grabbed the fliers and said goodbye to Jason and made their way down the road into the woods hanging posters up every couple of feet
-It took about an hour but Marinette and Adrien finally got all the posters hung up
-Adrien: Come over here Marinette
-Marinette: What?
-Adrien: this is a perfect area for you outfit go stand in top of that stump
-Marinette did as her brother said doing different poses on top of the stump as Adrien snapped pictures of his camera
-At one point Marinette stepped too far back and stepped on a branch still attached to the stump and it went down like a lever and a shelves popped open
-Living inside was a green journal with a hold turtle shell of the front with the number 3 written on it
-Marinette: What?
-Marinette picked up the book and open the first page
-Written on it was the words trust no one in Gotham Falls
-Adrien reading over her shoulders: Ehat does that mean?
-Marinette flipping through the journal: I don't know. Look at this it's filled with sketches and info about different types of monsters. Who wrote this?
-Adrien: I don't know, but let's get out of here, this place is freaking me out=
-Marinette: I have to agree with you there Adrien. Let's head back to the Mystery Shack
-Marinette slipped the journal in her backpack, zipping it close
-As the two head back to the shack not noticing the small dark shadows hidden among the trees
-They went back to the shack and gathered the rest of their payments
-The 2 stayed there getting to know Jason and also meeting Harley who came back about an hour after they returned
-It was fun the two stayed at the Mystery Shack for hours laughing and joking around with the two 20 somethings, every once and a while helping Marianne with anything she might need done while they were there
-Jason’s mysterious brother and his friend never showed up
- As the sone started to dip behind the trees Marinette and Adrien head back to the bakery
-The rest of the week was spent by the 2 siblings spending every other day at the mystery shack 
-When not at the shack they would explore the town and do different photo shoots around the areas they would discover
-And when she wasn’t doing that Marinette was reading the journal
-It was written so well that Marinette almost believed it
-Adrien dismissed it though claiming it was probably some kids D&D journal
-As the two siblings explored the town Marinette noticed that a tall teenager in a black sweatshirt always seemed to follow her and Adrien around
-One day when Marinette was alone the teen finally came up to Marinette and started to try to flirt with her
-He said his name was Norman and with a broken speech Norman tried to ask Marinette out 
-Marinette watched in horror as she silently checked of a mental list that pointed to only one answer
-Norman was a zombie trying to lure Marinette away to eat her brain
-Marinette searched the street around her hoping to see Adrien or Jason or Harley or anyone who could get her out of this situation when her eyes landed on the two boys that she waved at the first day she arrived in Gotham Falls
-Marinette: I’m very flattered but I have plans with my friends over there, so maybe another time
-Marinette ran toward the two boys, moving between the two and hooking her arms through theirs
-Marinette loudly: There you guys are I’ve been looking for you guys.
-Marinette quietly: Sorry about this that guy over there is freaking me out
-The two boys nodded their heads and lead Marinette away from Norman pretending to have a conversation with the young half asian girl.
-They lead her back to the bakery not leaving her side until they were sure Norman was no where to be seen and Marinette was safe inside
-Marinette: Thank you so much I know that was probably super weird and ackward 
-Damian: It's no problem miss
-Jon: Happy to help
-Before Marinette could say anything else the boys disappeared down the road
-That night Marinette told Adrien her worries about Norman and her theory about him being a zombie
-Adrien: Come on Marinette that's silly. I think you need to stop reading that strange book so much
-Marinette: perhaps you're right
-On there way to the Mystery Shack the next day the two siblings were exploring the woods near the road where they were cornered by Norman who turned out to be a group of Gnomes who wanted Marinette to marry their leader
-Gnome Leader (a/n: I can't remember his name and refuse to look it up): Oh I'm sure that's just cold feet talking. You'll be my queen and ruling the gnomes. Guys get her!
-With his command gnomes charged the siblings
-Adrien: Run!
-The 2 ran towards the road but the gnomes cut them off
-Adrien picking up a tree branch: Looks like we're going to have to fight our way our of this
-Marinette taking out the journal: Let's do this
-The two started to whack the gnomes away from them
-They did their best to beat them back but there was too many of them
-They were almost completely overwhelmed when a golf came crashing through the crowd stopping in front of Marinette and Adrien
-Damian at the wheel: Get on!
-Adrien: You don't have to tell us twice
-Jon squeezed Marinette between him and Damian and Adrien hopped onto the back
-Marinette: Go go go
-Damian didn't have to he told twice he slammed on the gas
Marinette: How did you guys know we were in trouble
Damian: We noticed that something was not right with Norman so we've been keeping an eye on him
Jon: But we thought he was a vampire
Marinette: oh I thought zombie
Adrien: I just thought he was an awkward guy. I think we all can agree that nobody saw gnomes coming.... AHH GNOMES ARE COMING!!!!
The gnomes had joined together to form a giant gnome
Damian/Jon/Marinette looking back: OH MY GOSH!!!
Damian swerved into a tunnel hoping to lose the giant, but to no advail
Gnome Leader: Come back my queen!
Damian and Jon paused their screaming and looked at Marinette
Marinette: Yeah I have no idea
The giant gnome threw a tree in their path causing Damian to try and swerve out of the way
Damian turned too hard and the golf cart tipped to the side crashing in front of the Mystery Shack
The teens crawled out of the golf cart pressing their backs against the walls of the Mystery Shack
Marinette notice a leaf blower in the pile of leaves beside her
Marinette: I need you guys to trust me
Damian: What?
Marinette staring into Damian's eyes: Trust me.
Damian: Okay
Marinette stepping forward: Wait! You win I'll marry you
Gnome Leader: oh great
Marinette sat down on her knees as the gnome climbed down his fellow gnomes
Marinette waited as the gnome slid a ring on her finger
Marinette: You may now kiss the bride
Gnome Leader: Don't mind if I do
As he closed his eyes and puckered his lips Marinette grabbed the leaf blower and sucked the gnome up
Marinette: That that you little creep!
Marinette then shot the gnome out of the leaf blower causing him to shoot through the giant gnome
With their leader gone the other gnomes fled with the teens yelling victory
The 2 sets of teen finally introduce themselves and that battle was the start of a beautiful friendship
Together the teens started their investigations of the mysteries of Gotham Falls
Damian and Marinette seemed to be focus more on the mystery than Jon and Adrien though
Together they hunted mythical creatures and try to gain more information on them
Jon and Adrien was more focus on summer fun and romance
While Adrien seem to fall for almost every cute boy that passed through town
Jon was completely smitten with Adrien
He tried to do his best to hunt at it but Adrien was completely oblivious
As the summer went on Adrien forced Damian and Jon to do photoshoots with Marinette
All together they made a great team
They solved so many mysteries together
Adrien and Jon made sure Damian and Marinette didn't go too crazy trying to solve mysteries and Marinette and Damian made sure the other 2 didn't get too carry away with summer romance and fun
During Summerween Damian angered the Summerween Trickester sk the kids had to try and get 500 pieces of candy
Which was made worst because of their age
In the end they weren't able to get it all and had to fight him
They beat home by melting making him sink down the drain
Another time Adrien and Marinette was curious about the resident phyick that Marianne hated name Lila
Together with Jason they watch her show and even stayed behind to talk to her
Apparently Lila took a liking to Adrien and wanted him for herself
Adrien really wasn't comfortable with the attention Lila was giving him and tried to tell her, but every time he tried to tell her something came up that pressured him not too
Adrien begged Marinette to talk to her for him which she agreed to
It was a huge mistake
Not only was Lila a REAL phyick, but she was also a sociopath
She tried to kill Marinette thinking she was keeping them apart
The only thing that saved Marinette was Damian coming across them and Lila not wanting other people to see her like thay
After that Damian put his foot down
Damian: Marinette's not breaking up for you any more she could've been killed
Adrien: I agree with you 100%
Jon bringing his face closer to Adrien's: You know I could help you keep people like that away
Adrien blushing: Oh stop joking Jon
Another time Adrien and Jon were convice that Damian and Marinette binged together so they set up a romantic picnic for them
Damian: I can't believe your brother and Kent did this to us
Marinette blushing: Am I really that bad?
Damian blushing: No not at all Angel it just that I would have preferred if I asked you myself. I actually...well I really
Damian grabbed Marinette's hands and was leaning his face closer to hers
Marinette had every intention to let Damian continue, but she notice something big under the water of the lake
Marinette: What was that?
Adrien from the bushes: OH COME ON!!!!
That turned into a lake monster hunt
Which in the end they learned there was no lake monster but the town kook Mr. Pidgeon
Near the end if the summer Lila tried to get her revenge by taking over the Mystery Shack our gang's favourite hang out
She used a dream demon called the Joker to get into Marianne's head
They did their best to stop her, but Lila made it very clear that the only way she would give the Shack back to Miranne was if Adrien agreed to date her
And no way was Marinette going to allow that
It took a lot of courage for Adrien to accept who he is and Marinette was not going to let some bitch force him to subress that
They used a spell that was in the book to also enter Marianne's mind to stop the Joker
They succeeded in banishing the Joker from Miranne's head and stopping Lila
And even though the summer was over Marinette new that they were just beginning to unravel the mysteries of Gotham Falls
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So guys welcome to part 1 or 3 in my Gravity falls au. While yes this is a Daminette/Adrijon fic it will focus mainly on the sibling relationship between Adrien and Marinette
I hope you guys like it and I'll see you soon on the next part
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