#adribat bio dad
marsrize · 1 year
How to be a successful vigilante and a dad, By Bruce Wayne [Part 3]
Ao3 : Here | Part 1: Here | Part 2: Here.
Summary : Bruce is sure it was a bad idea to give him a child. 
Bruce had just returned from his night of patrol. He had finished setting up in the cave the night before. It would soon be daylight, and he needed some rest before his other challenge of the day began: parenthood.
He dropped onto his bed. Bruce was sure he would not be able to fall asleep. Alfred's words were running through his head. He had managed to put his thoughts aside to concentrate on his mission during the night, but now that he was alone in his bed, with nothing else to do, his thoughts were focused solely on the little blonde head he had started seeing for three days now.
Let's be honest: Bruce didn't have a clue what to do.
But he did come to several conclusions.
The first was that although he was not thrilled with Alfred's idea, he had to admit that the man was right. Adrien was not a little kitten found in the street; he was a child. A small and vulnerable being.
He had to be honest. No one had forced him to have an affair with the boy's mother, much less unprotected sex. Nor had anyone forced him to pick up a cape and uniform to chase criminals at night. Life is about choices. What he was going through was the consequence of his own actions.
He was a rational man. He had all this information in his head. So many questions flowed through his mind: How did his parents raise him? Even though he was very young, he didn't remember much about his beloved parents. Would they be proud of him? What would they think if they saw him now with a little boy?
Bruce sighed and turned in his bed. There was a second conclusion he had come to after only three days with the little one.
What was that second conclusion?
He wasn't father material.
Adrien was ......................................How to describe him?
Several memories began to emerge in his mind.
He was too young to have white hair. But that's what was going to happen to him if he continued this path. This kid definitely had a problem.
He was too much. JUST TOO MUCH.
 Too energetic
Adrien was running around the house barefoot with Bruce chasing him. The child refused to take a bath and a game of hide and seek had begun. Bruce was supposed to return to Wayne Enterprise, he was already late. But that didn't matter to Adrien. What he wanted to do was play.
"Adrien, get back here right now!"
"Adrien, I'm warning you right now, if you don't get back here right now, you'll be denied dessert!"
The boy stopped dead in his tracks. Then slowly he turned his little head towards him and looked him intensely in the eyes.
"Me don't care! Buce don't even know…to…Hummm…make food, Nah!"
"For starters we say, 'I don’t care' and not 'Me don’t care', and-..."
"Don't care!"
He started to run again. However, Bruce had time to catch him and take him by force into the bathroom.
Then began a second battle: getting Adrien out of the tub.
He had refused to get in, but now that he was in the tub with toys, he didn't want to get out.
"Adrien, there is no more time. Stop being childish and get out of the tub."
“……….It's not wrong in a way….”
“Not wrong!”
“Well, stop repeating everything I say. We need to leave Adrien, we're already late.”
"NO. I’m in, I’m stay!"
" ......... You're not making any sense... "
Bruce looked at his watch, which was now wet from the water in the tub that the kid had splashed all over.
9:40 am.
He still had the whole day ahead of him.
Bruce sighed.
 Too chaotic
Bruce rushed forward to catch Adrien before he could climb even higher on the bookshelf.
"Adrien, don't climb the bookshelf, it's dangerous."
"Want to play. Bored."
"Climbing on the furniture is not a game."
Adrien began to gesticulate in his arms. Bruce held him tightly so he wouldn't fall.
"Want to play! Let me go! Bad! BAD! BAD! BAD!"
Bruce sighed.
 Too talkative
"Hey Buce.... What's your job?"
"I work in an office."
"In an office? Why do you go out then?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well... There's an office there *points to the door leading to the office*, why go outside? You don’t like the one you have?"
"......Hmm... What I mean is that my job is in a big building with other people. It's a very special office."
"What do you do in it?"
"I sign papers... I talk to people..."
"You need to go outside for that? Can't you just pick up the phone?"
*One and a half hours of explanation later*
"Can I come? I want to sign papers too.”
“You must be an adult to sign the papers…”
"But... You're not an adult…”
"Of course I'm an adult."
Adrien looked him straight in the eye with an expression of confusion clearly visible on his face.
"No, you’re not. You live with your daddy. Grandpa Alfred do everything for you. Adults people do everything by themselves!"
Bruce could have sworn at that very moment that he heard someone chuckle. Alfred must have been close by.
Looking up at the roof of his room, Bruce sighed. He couldn't count the number of times he had done it.
Bruce was really trying to rationalize. Adrien was only 3 years old. He was basically a baby.
A little baby that Alfred had probably spoiled a little too much. Who didn't listen when he was spoken to and who only did what he wanted to do with his little baby head.
Was this child normal?!
Bruce had now developed a tremendous respect for his own parents. Was he this insufferable as a child? Why do regular people put themselves through this pain?!
He was deep in thought when a noise caught his attention. He got up from his bed. The door to his room had just opened. A small blonde head protruded from the door. Adrien was supposed to be sleeping. He was sure he had respected the bedtime curfew Alfred had given him. The blond boy moved closer to his bed. Bruce noticed that his eyes were wet. He had a stuffed animal in his hands.
Adrien moved closer to his bed. Then, without asking, he climbed onto the bed and sat down on the bed next to him.
There was only one possible explanation for Bruce at that moment.
"You had a nightmare."
It wasn't a question, but a clear statement. Adrien nodded slowly.
Bruce hesitated for a moment. However, he could clearly see that the boy was not well. The way Adrien rubbed his eyes told him that he had probably been crying. He couldn't let a child cry like that without doing anything, could he?
"You...want to talk about it?"
"The butterfly."
"The bad butterfly said I was a bad boy. He wanted to eat me!"
"The butterfly.... Hmmm.... Is there a butterfly in your room?"
"No. The man's name was Butterfly. He was a bad man."
"I see. So, you had a dream about a naughty man called Butterfly who wanted to eat you. Did I understand correctly?"
Adrien nodded.
That was a very strange dream.
"Me scared. He was really...mean."
Bruce patted him gently on the head.
"It's okay. It was just a bad dream. There's no villain named Butterfly. You're safe in the manor."
Adrien remained silent and hugged his stuffed animal. Then he raised his head to face him.
"Can me stay with you? Please?"
Bruce hesitated. He was supposed to go on patrol in a little while. He was resting a bit before leaving the manor. His mouth fell open before his brain could properly register his train of thought.
"All right. Just this once."
The little boy's eyes lit up. He wasted no time in settling down on the bed. Bruce then had no choice but to lie down next to the little boy.
It looked like he would be late for his patrol tonight.
Several hours later, when he returned from a restless night, he found a little blond boy still asleep on the bed. A small smile formed at the corner of his lips.
Adrien was now asleep in the middle of the bed, arms and legs spread like a starfish. Bruce could hear his steady breathing.
It was like watching a kitten take a nap.
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Hello Marinette Salt prompts!
After coming across a post that someone gave you an ask about the deconstruction of Maribat and how Adribat makes more sense, I (admin of Maribat Menagerie) took a look on the blog and wanted to commend you on the job you have done.
Maribat as a fandom tends to salt on Adrien's character a lot and make Marinette OOC. Adrien as a character already has enough parental trauma yet Marinette, who has a great home life, seems to get hers stripped away somehow and there are times when Adrien gets told off as if has no family troubles at all.
Adribat has a lot of potential for the Marinette salt lovers out there. For example,
Hawkmoth is defeated and is revealed as Adrien's father. Chat Noir holds onto the butterfly miraculous because Ladybug wants him to know that she trusts him. Ladybug and Chat Noir meet up to do their reveal. Ladybug goes on a tangent about how her parents could be as bad as Gabriel because of xyz from Lila. She claims that having Hawkmoth as a parent would not nearly be as bad as her parents believing a liar. Chat Noir is already disliking the comparison when Ladybug decides to reveal herself first. Seeing that it was none other than Marinette as Ladybug, Chat Noir's view shifts entirely. Marinette asks for the butterfly miraculous and tells Chat Noir that he does not have to reveal to her until he is ready. He refuses and backs away. Chat Noir pops off on Marinette for her dismissal of her parents and her audacity to say she would rather Hawkmoth had been her father. Once he has said all he has, he leaves Marinette up on the rooftop. Cue Adrien leaving Paris and ending up in some DC city with Marinette trying to manipulate the Justice League to help her get the Butterfly and Black Cat miraculous back.
There is other baseline potential for Adribat that feature Marinette salt.
Marinette Wayne (Bio-Dad Bruce AU) envies Adrien having a fashion designer father and says that Adrien should be happy about it
Justice League member of choice reaches out after learning about the Paris situation and only will talk to Ladybug because Chat Noir is not "mature enough" or "the leader" of the Miraculous so they only wish to talk to the one who has been through it all (aka Adrien relevance erasure)
Bruce Wayne comes to Paris undercover to investigate the situation and ends up trying to adopt Marinette because of a couple not-so-great Lila influenced moments instead of listening to his kid(s) that noticed the home life problems of Adrien (More of Bruce salt with added Marinette salt if she backs him up)
Ladybug gets offered a position on the Justice League, but Chat Noir is either not offered any spot at all or is designated to the Teen Titans/Young Justice instead
The classmates give credit to Marinette for Wayne Entreprises related events (class trip to Gotham, visiting Paris branch, etc) when Adrien is the one who reached out for Marinette because the Agrestes know the Waynes as well as Oliver Queen
Ladybug moves to Gotham, does vigilante type things, gets caught then tries to make it out to Batman and Co. that she was the only one to defend Paris, but little does she know that Adrien followed her (Perhaps Catwoman helps teach him how to steal stealthily and he gets a miraculous back from Marinette to make a point)
Apologies for how long this ask is. For those attempting to come up with a new way to do Maribat and make it flow a bit better, hopefully one of those helps.
Happy Creating Everyone!
P.S. I would love to hear the fellow admin's thoughts on any of these if they would like to. Adribat plus Marinette salt is always a sweet combination.
As someone who was cautious about any prompt involving Maribat, I (the admin of this blog) am grateful that you saw some of the prior prompts and chose to not come with pitchforks blazing, given the stance on this blog against the topic for salt-related reasons. And thank you for the commendations!
I do not know if I said this before, but I don't feel particularly against the idea of a Miraculous/Batman crossover. For what its worth the idea does have some merit, and despite the difference in tone and medium, I don't think that the idea is too far fetched given there has been more crazier crossover ideas than two franchises involving animal themed costumed superheroes.
However, I do take a strong stance against Maribat (as it currently is), due to the fact that the "genre" was created for, and is still strongly based on, the idea of creating salt against other miraculous characters one way or another. In all honesty, some if not most of the ideas created by Maribat creators do have some merit for interesting fanfic ideas, but they are largely utilised as excuses for salting on characters.
The idea of Maribat came across with the salty backlash against Chameleon, and the whole Damian x Marinette ship was made to cause as much Adrien salt as possible. Bio-dad Bruce Wayne is a bit out there, but it could at least be fun to read (especially if you consider they made a similar idea with Terry in Batman Beyond). However, the number of Maribat fics that take this idea without bashing against Marinette's parents (which itself makes no sense considering canon itself shows how much they care) can likely be counted on one hand. And that's assuming they don't go full on fanfic and make Marinette an orphan.
But back on topic, thank you for reaching out! I had a look at your own blog and I can appreciate the idea of taking the Maribat idea and trying to make it it's own thing rather than just another salt prompt. I appreciate your suggested ideas, and I hope that you will find much joy in my blog as I do in yours!
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18-fandoms-unite-08 · 5 years
Maribat 2k20 events
Update from this post
So, me and @ladysblackcat have been discussing the topic of this more thoroughly and we finally came to a conclusion! Daminette December for next year is still going to be like normal, for a month, fyi.
We needed as many people as possible to reblog this. spread the word. Make this happen. Make it big!
@maribat-2k20 < official Tumblr account
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So each month there will be a special week for each ship stated on the list!!
If u guys have any problems with this, don't be shy to message me and we'll try and resolve it as positively as possible.
So, we're in the works of making a calendar and stuff and would really appreciate if u guys have any suggestions for prompts!!
CHECK NOTES FOR MORE INFO, I've reblogged this, like 2 times now cuz I keep forgetting to put in more info, oops sorry
Anyways tagging these acc's based on who I remember off of memory. So sorry! if I forgot anyone. I'm tagging these off of memory. Also so sorry! for bothering the ones that I tagged. Really truly sorry 😟.
@virgil-is-a-cutie @cassiopeiathequeen @2sunchild2 @finallyaniguana @kceedraws @fics-by-maria @theatreandcomicfreak @caffeinetheory @stareyedmoonchild @roseinbloom02 @noirdots @chocolate1721 @mochinek0 @black-streak @maribat-shenanigans @zebrabaker @lenoreofraven @a-marlene-s @ethelphantom @magic-miraculous @mysnis @persephonebutkore @rhub4rb
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jayphoenic · 2 years
Maribat Masterlist of Masterlists
Masterlist by @arty-shadow-morningstar
Contents are Daminette's, Bio Dad! John Constantine, Bridgette switching, Platonic Jasonette, Platonic Brucinette, and a Stephanie x Marinette.
Waiting for the Worms Masterpost by @black-streak
This is one big fic about soulmate Jasonette where they can switch bodies. Guess who was in Jason's body when the Joker killed 'him'.
ML x DC Masterlist by @artxyra
Containing Mari/Adribat, Mominette, Klepto! Mari, Psychologist Mari, Sibling Brucinette, Daminette and many more.
Maribat Master List by @astrynyx
Containing Timari/Timinette, Daminette, and art.
Masterpost by @soulmate-game
There are Bio Dad! Stephen Strange, Bio Dad! Bruce Wayne, Bio! Dad John Constantine, Adopted by the Kents, Bio Dad & Mom! Joker and Harley, and many more.
Remember some chapters are longer than others
@multplelifes @maribatcrossoveronly @elijahcrevan @soros14vox @anime-rae @kamenrider10123 @fic-holder @alexizlazy @miniaturealmonddreamzine @creampuff-mlbfics-finished @jayjayspixiepop @doll246 @thanos-rules @moonreaper25 @lexx-ee @ghostmaster83 @mysticprofessoralienhumanoid @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @kking13 @ritacrow-blog @lostinday @thewackest @pepelachanel @hemeraandnyxx @sureagain @novicevoice
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 3 years
Chat's Cradle (AdriBat)
Chat's Cradle (AdriBat) by BlueZeroZeroOne
Adrien had never expected the defeat of Hawk Moth would come with such revelations about his past. His father, or stepfather apparently, Gabriel, was Hawk Moth, and his mother, Emilie, who's comatose body had been found beneath the mansion, was still alive. And now, faced with the revelation his mother was not who he thought she was, and that his biological father was Bruce Wayne, yet another billionaire with difficulties connecting to his children, can Adrien finally figure out what his true purpose in life is? But hey, at least he has his fiancé Marinette/Ladybug to help him sift through the craziness.
Words: 4021, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon, Emilie Agreste, Selina Kyle, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Max Kanté, Markov, Cassandra Cain
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Bruce Wayne, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: AdriBat, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Post-Reveal Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Post, Post-Canon, Post-Hawk Moth Defeat, bio dad bruce wayne, Blood and Violence, Explicit Language, Dark
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36636799
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18-fandoms-unite-08 · 5 years
Send me some asks
Look, I know I haven't answered all of my asks yet, but feel free to send more! I'm in an angsty writing mood but and other genre's will be accepted!
Prompt list
"I loved you more than anything in this world, and you left because of me."
"Don't you get it?! I didn't choose any of this! And yet people keep faulting me for their own mistakes... "
"I don- I can't lose you too... "
"Sometimes I wish I'd never met you. At least then, this wouldn't have hurt this badly."
"You don't care about me. No one ever does."
"You're leaving me, aren't you?"
"You can't do anything to me, I have nothing left."
"Please don't lie to me."
"It wasn't your fault, it never was."
"You're hurting me.“
" Why didn't you tell me?"
"You're a fucking liar, you know that?"
"I thought I'd never see you again."
"Is that blood?"
"Let me help you."
"Here, I'll tend to your wounds."
"This time, you ended up in the hospital. I think that's a sign."
"I'm not letting you out of my sight. Never again."
"I miss you."
Your own sentences.
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