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mitosenespanol · 5 months ago
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La gran tragedia de los siete contra Tebas
Tercera y última parte
La muerte de Polineces, la desaparición de Anfiarao y la tragedia de Antígona
Ya sólo quedaban Polinices, Anfiarao y Adrasto. Para evitar más muertes, Polinices retó a su hermano a luchar, y quien ganara se quedaría con el trono de Tebas. Hiriéndose ambos de muerte, Creonte, tío de ambos y padre del occiso Meneceo, tomó el trono y el liderazgo del ejército y venció a Anfiarao y Adrasto. El primero huyó a toda velocidad. Cuando estuvo a punto de ser asesinado por un guerrero tebano, Zeus hizo que la tierra se lo tragara tanto a él como a su auriga Batón. Desde entonces, Anfiarao reina vivo entre los muertos. 
Creonte prohibió cualquier ritual funerario para los guerreros argivos. Así que Antígona, hermana de Polinices y Eteocles, se apresuró a hacer una pira en secreto para el cadáver del primero, ya que el otro recibió los honores propios de su cargo como rey tebano. En cuanto Creonte se enteró, llamó a su hijo Hemón, prometido de la mujer, y le ordenó enterrarla viva junto con el cadáver de su hermano. El muchacho estaba muy enamorado de ella, así que mintió a su padre y escondió a Antígona en la montaña. Allí, viviendo entre pastores, dio a luz a un hijo.
Adrasto escapó de vuelta a Argos, pero pronto volvió a Tebas cuando supo que el rey Creonte prohibió los rituales para los argivos. Desesperado, partió a la ciudad de Atenas, donde reinaba Teseo. Le suplicó a este que intercediera ante Creonte para darle entierro a sus guerreros. Así, Teseo atacó Tebas, apresó al rey y entregó los cuerpos a sus respectivos parientes. Los dolientes hicieron una gran pira para quemarlos a todos, pero Evadne, esposa de Capaneo, se negó a separarse de su esposo, a tal grado que se lanzó al fuego aferrada al cadáver. 
Pasaron varios años desde la tragedia de los siete contra Tebas. En unos juegos fúnebres, Creonte reconoció a su nieto, hijo de Antígona y Hemón, por una marca que tenían todos los descendientes de Cadmo, tatarabuelo del padre de Antígona, Edipo. Creonte lo condenó a muerte, así que Hemón mató a Antígona y luego se suicidó. 
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mukuuji · 5 months ago
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Adrastos Dakota
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clouseplayssims · 11 months ago
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Adrastos has never really spent a lot of time just looking up at the vastness of space, preferring more earthly pursuits, but there's something about all of those stars that he finds compelling lately.
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regkatouargou · 5 months ago
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Epic fragments thebaid 6
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triste-guillotine · 1 year ago
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VARATHRON "Genesis of Apocryphal Desire" CD Compilation 1997 ('Ygnai Fthig Nga Sothoth - Ym'Bd'Nig Ch'Eye Do Xna Ngrktl 'Ftythech Gia Nghaa - Jug Mglo Mnyg Nafth. Within his castle in R'lyeh - The dead Cthulhu awaits, while dreaming...')
"The golden cities once - Desperately loved to rose From fathomless grey mass - Blue lakes and abyssic mountains
Fear, for something that will gonna be Fear, for something that will never (gonna happen) Mercy and mighty echoes lamentation and tearing From a voiceless face (without ending)
The shining towers of Hy-Brasyl - Earthy and heavenly paradise Where men walked with gods - And with beasts of the forest
Time when springtime and harvest Were as one ; flowers and fruits - Hung heavily on every bough Like a dream beyond the dimensions The wind was blowing like a lover's touch Caressing the highest towers The mist like a sinful soul - Was searching its salvation
The time when hands moved Only in grace and giving, the eyes smiled The lips spoke with love without shame
Spirits travelling on a labyrinth Without fear but passion - Bravery without bloodshed
Pictures from the past - Unspoken dreams of today Mysterious visions for the future It's time you will learn from yourself"
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mrmercer13 · 2 years ago
An Introduction To Adrastos
Got another DMC OC here: this one is someone from Manticore's past.
Name: Adrastos Title: Sage of Stone Age: Well over 10,000 Date of Birth: Unknown
Species: Demon (Minotaur)
Height: 20'0 in true form, 4'11 in human form Weight: Around 25 tonnes
Adrastos is an imposing figure, standing 20 feet tall and cracking the ground with every step. He is exceptionally broad and muscular, with a head shaped like that of a bull. Every inch of his body is composed of stone or some product of it: his skin is a dense demonic rock resembling granite, his eyes burn and smoulder like magma, his horns are forged of Gilgamesh metal and his hooves are sandstone. His arms are studded with gemstones of various colours, each about the size of a human fist. He wears a brilliant long sleeveless coat of stained glass and carries a staff of solid diamond.
In his human form, Adrastos takes the form of a short, wizened man, with dark skin and short, curly grey hair. He has deep brown eyes and a neatly-trimmed goatee. He wears simple light grey robes that stay clean no matter what they are exposed to and he walks with a plain copper cane.
Befitting his age, Adrastos is a calm and wise figure. He is patient, peaceful and collected, seldom raising his voice and even more rarely resorting to violence. He spends most of his days in the wilderness of the demon world, meditating on the forces of nature around him. He is incredibly empathetic, capable of determining what a person needs most with but a look. He is happy to teach what he knows to anyone who comes to him in a time of need, but rarely acts on his own unless pushed.
Adrastos is a mediocre warrior, but a brilliant mage. As a minotaur he is naturally attuned to earth magic, and through his understanding of it he is able to transform it into states that many practitioners cannot. This ability is so pronounced that he is able to partially replicate the effects of other elements, though this is exceptionally taxing on his stamina. He is able to practice the earth disciplines of stone, magma, sand, metal and glass with very little difficulty.
Though he is not a trained fighter, his minotaur physiology means that he is exceptionally strong and durable. He is incredibly slow, but his stony physique means that few demons can withstand a solid hit from one of his mighty fists, and even fewer can crack through his hide.
Adrastos rarely enters battle, but when he does he prefers to fight from a distance. He will transform the earth beneath his opponents' feet into quicksand or magma, trapping them in place or burning them, then bombarding them with boulders or razor-sharp spikes of glass. In close quarters he will turn his magic in on his own body, transforming his limbs into Gilgamesh metal to deflect attacks and strike with force, or phasing harmlessly through enemy strikes as a cloud of sand.
Other Notes
Adrastos is resonsible for teaching Manticore to use and master Minotaur Stance during the time of Sparda's rebellion. Very few demons disturbed them during this time, as Adrastos's abilities were able to conceal them within the landscape.
Though incredibly wise and intelligent, Adrastos very rarely has cause to speak in human languages. As a result his speech is often very slow and deliberate, carefully considering each word to ensure that his meaning is properly conveyed.
Adrastos's memory is long, but he has lived for such a long time that the early centuries of his life are hazy and indistinct in his mind. He has lived alone for the vast majority of his clear memory and no longer remembers what minotaur society was like in his youth.
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witchrotdraws · 6 months ago
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*shaking the bars of my enclosure
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littlesparklight · 1 month ago
Thoughts on divine and semi-divine horses in Greek myth...
First thing to consider; can fully divine horses fly on their own, or is it the gods' chariots that give them this ability? One would assume they can do so. The gods clearly ride them through the air (as well as underwater, so they must be able to breathe underwater, too). However, the most we explicitly hear of either immortal or immortal-born (that is, their parent was at least one god) horses is that they can run on water and on top of stalks of grain without breaking them (from the Iliad and other sources forward).
Which would imply they can at least run in the air somehow, even when the support is something that should not be able to support them. But we certainly never see any mention of Achilles' chariot team actually flying, and he has two immortal horses on his chariot, for example. And Arion, usually the son of Poseidon and Demeter, is certainly fast, but again nothing said that he can fly.
So that's inconclusive, but the gods still certainly travel through the air with their chariots (drawn by horses or otherwise).
One definitive thing is that immortal or immortal-born horses can definitely move over things regular horses can't (see above). They are also all quicker and probably has way more stamina than any other mortal horse.
I'd headcanon they're larger than horses of the time, too - so they are at least the size of a "typical" modern horse, which would immediately make them stand out among the horses of the mythic Bronze Age. Would suppose you wouldn't need to train up their stamina or strength either; they can take a rider with no problem, for any length of time, and the same for a chariot. (Especially a rider for too long wouldn't be something a horse back then could easily take.)
Something like that would, again, immediately make even just immortal-born horses coveted among the Greek myth royalty!
The fully immortal horses are undoubtedly smarter than your average mortal horse too. They can't talk (Hera gives Xanthos the ability to speak in the Iliad, an ability that is then taken away when he's said (too much) enough), but given that Xanthos and Balios are already grieving Patroklos' death on their own, certainly they've got more mind/intelligence than horses otherwise.
At its very base, you're left with horses that can travel (and pull a chariot!) over things regular horses cannot, which on the battlefield would be invaluable. Defensive ditches or a river in the way? For Achilles' chariot team (without Pedasos/any additional mortal horses, unless Xanthos and Balios being present means any mortal horses are pulled along by proxy?) and Aeneas' team, descended as they are from the two immortal horses Zeus gave for Ganymede? Could just run over that!
And talking of the Trojan royal family and their horses - there's any descendants of the twelve semi-divine horses Boreas begot on twelve of Erichthonios' mares. Probably these twelve stallions are all long-lived if not immortal, which would mean they'd throw out a very valuable huge amount of foals throughout their lives. This would be a lot of wealth and soft power to be used with surrounding kingdoms! Just imagine the influence you'd have with great powers like the Hittites, Egypt, Babylon etc if you can "graciously" gift horses that are much larger and stronger and with more stamina through years/generations of kings. And then add the two immortal horses Zeus gifts Tros; whatever the life of the twelve stallions, these won't die at all, and will produce offspring of equal ability to those twelve stallion sons of Boreas.
There are only a limited number of divine or immortal-born horses in the hands of mortal kings, which would make them/their offspring great assets.
We've got Arion of course, who goes from Onkios to Herakles and finally Adrastos, who must have Arion by the point of the Seven Against Thebes. We've got the twelve + two of the Trojan royal family. We've got the four (two each) that belong to the Dioskoroi, post Argonautica and forward (Stesichoros, at least, seems to have had them given to the twins for Pelias' funeral games, which would be post-Argonautica). We've got Peleus', then Achilles', two divine stallions, which Peleus has from his marriage with Thetis and forward. (Nonnos gives two immortal steeds to the Athenian Erichthonios, as brideprice given by Boreas for Oreithyia.)
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hermeneutas · 8 months ago
Outros Deuses e Seus Epítetos - Nêmesis
Continuando nossa série de posts sobre os Deuses e suas características principais, focaremos hoje em uma divindade imponente em seus atributos. Hoje, falaremos da Deusa da vingança, indignação e retribuição - Nêmesis.
Representada como uma jovem, por vezes alada, em vestes de caça, portando uma espada e açoite, Nêmesis é descrita na maioria das fontes como uma das filhas de Nix, a Noite, uma Deusa primordial que deu origem a diversas divindades nos primórdios da existência como nos relata Hesíodo. Pausânias, escritor romano, aponta seu parentesco como sendo do titã Oceano enquanto um fragmento da Cípria por Estágino de Ciprus aponta Nêmesis como sendo filha do próprio Zeus.
Retratada em seus mitos e cultos como uma divindade preocupada com a manutenção do equilíbrio, Nêmesis é vista como uma punidora de malfeitores, uma força que preza pela manutenção contra excessos de sorte (Causados por Tique, a Deusa da sorte) ou azar na vida das pessoas e uma divindade particularmente descrita como inescapável. Em suas características, ela é similar a Dice, a Justiça e as próprias Eumênides, sendo retratada como uma força de punição em essência. Frequentemente é representada ao lado de Aidos, a Deusa da modéstia e vergonha, sua aliada na manutenção da reverência e respeito à dignidade.
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Em termos de culto, Nêmesis tinha um templo muito famoso na região ática, particularmente na cidade Ramnos. Era também venerada na Acáia e na Anatólia.
Outros nomes
Além de ser chamada Nêmesis, do grego "Dispensadora de Sentenças", a Deusa da vingança também era chamada de Adrasteia (Αδραστεια) na região da Anatólia, significando "Imparável" e sendo possivelmente derivada de um homem de nome Adrastos, que havia feito o primeiro santuário para a Deusa diante do rio Asopo.
Rhamnousia (Ραμνουσια) - "De Rhamnos", é um epíteto famoso da Deusa por sua associação à polis de Ramnos na região Ática.
Ichnaia - "Rastreadora", mais um epíteto ressaltando a natureza inescapável das punições dadas por Nêmesis.
Dentre suas vítimas mais famosas temos o jovem Narciso nas narrativas romanas de Ovídio, que havia causado a morte de seus pretendentes ao não apenas rejeitá-los, mas humilhá-los e incitá-los ao suicídio. Nêmesis é quem se encarga de punir o jovem sob ordem dos outros Imortais, fazendo-o se apaixonar por sua própria feição diante de um lago e definhar até que se tornasse a flor narciso.
Platão dizia que a Deusa era mensageira de Dice, a Justiça e agia sob suas premissas, punindo aqueles que desrespeitassem seus próprios pais. Algumas outras narrativas míticas, como Pseudo-Higino e fragmentos da Homérica Cípria apontam Helena de Tróia, filha de Zeus, como sua filha com o Rei dos Deuses após ser violentada. Outras narrativas apontam-na como mãe dos Telquines e as demais não fazem menção a quaisquer filhos.
Hesíodo vai em amplo detalhe sobre como as raças da humanidade mudam a cada grande era mítica, alocando seus contemporâneos como membros da "Era de Ferro" da humanidade, cheia de sofrimentos e que Nêmesis, um dia, iria embora para não termos mais quem combatesse os males junto aos Deuses Imortais.
Uma divindade punitiva e poderosa, Nêmesis encarna a retribuição divina contra os malfeitores tal como outras deidades já aqui citadas. Lembremos dela em conjunto com a divina reverência (Aidos) e cultivemos bons movimentos em nossa vida, rezando para termos a Imparável Deusa como nossa aliada.
Encerramos este post com o hino órfico dedicado à Deusa da retribuição, invocando-a por seu poder justo e figura que nos relembra da indignação contra os atos violentos.
Ó Nêmesis, celebro-te, grande Deusa e rainha, onividente a contemplar a vida das muitas tribos mortais, multi-insigne perpétua, só tu te agradas com os justos e transformas as palavras instáveis, multicambiantes, sempre; os mortais,com o jugo no pescoço, têm medo de ti: cuidas do pensar de todos e não deixas passar a alma irrefletida que despreza tuas palavras. Tudo contemplas, tudo auscultas, tudo arbitras: em ti está a justiça dos mortais, supremo nume! Vem, venturosa, pura e eterna defensora dos iniciados, concede-nos nobres propósitos, cessa os mais hostis pensamentos - impiedosos, soberbos e inconstantes.
[Tradução: Rafael Brunhara]
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mitosenespanol · 5 months ago
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Lee la primera parte aquí.
La gran tragedia de los siete contra Tebas
Segunda parte
La instauración de los Juegos Nemeos
Antes de su arribo a Tebas, los guerreros hicieron una parada en la ciudad de Nemea, gobernada por el rey Licurgo, a quien solicitaron beber de sus manantiales. La niñera de su hijo, Hipsípile, fue la encargada de llevarlos a la fuente más cercana, dejando sólo al pequeño Ofeltes. Mientras el ejército argivo bebía, una serpiente mordió al niño, quien murió inmediatamente. Anfiarao advirtió que aquello era un mal augurio, así que los guerreros se apresuraron a celebrar unos juegos fúnebres en honor al niño, que desde ese momento empezó a ser llamada Arquemoro “el iniciador de la fatalidad”, esperando así mejorar su fortuna. Desde aquel terrible incidente se instauraron los juegos nemeos, en el que los participantes deben llevar túnicas negras. 
El arribo a Tebas y la muerte de los primeros guerreros
Una vez que se acercaron a las murallas de Tebas, Adrasto envió a Tideo como heraldo para que exigiera el trono para Polinices. Ante la negativa de los tebanos, el guerrero retó a los líderes del ejército a luchar cuerpo a cuerpo. Vencidos todos, los demás soldados retrocedieron animando así a los siete a escalar las siete puertas de las murallas. En un principio, Eteocles, hermano de Polinices, se sintió nervioso ante el rápido avance de los siete; pero pronto recordó que el profeta Tiresias le había dicho que Tebas resultaría victoriosa si un hombre de sangre real se ofrecía como sacrificio a Ares. Así, Meneceo se lanzó desde la muralla y murió, haciendo que Tebas lograra el favor del dios de la guerra. 
Mientras los siete escalaron la muralla, Zeus lanzó uno de sus rayos contra Capaneo, precipitándolo contra el suelo y muriendo al instante. Mientras tanto, un soldado tebano de nombre Melanipo asaltó a Tideo y le perforó el estómago, haciéndolo también caer. Mientras yacía moribundo, Atenea se conmovió y se apresuró a llevarle un elixir para curarlo. Anfiarao, que odiaba a Tideo por haber promovido tal empresa contra Tebas, le puso una treta al guerrero, que terminó por sellar su destino: cortó la cabeza de Melanipo y se la arrojó mientras gritaba “Éa, véngate y cómete los sesos”. Así lo hizo Tideo ante la mirada atónita de Atenea que, asqueada, arrojó el elixir al suelo y huyó encolerizada. Hipomedonte y Partenopeo murieron a manos de los tebanos.
Primera y tercera parte.
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Conoce sobre los símbolos del Tarot aquí.
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interdimensionalburnout · 15 days ago
There is, officially, no longer any Argie East.
Lumibre to the north was taken two decades ago by the Old Revolutionaries,
And this city, now currently busy using the resources on the base to feed and clothe... everyone, is also free. As long as they hold this base, they can hold the city. There's no eastern approach to the city, there's nothing east of the cities here, and to the west, the Adrastos ocean, which is watched both sea and sky by the fortress and its littler counterpart at the docks.
No one has control over Argie Polar, to the far south, neither.
Argossia can claim it's "thirteen glorious sub-cities, spanning the globe," but it's ten, now, on one continent, and losing ground.
Nine if you count how depopulated the Prison District is/was, even before I detonated a reactor in the middle of it.
I have the biggest revolutionary dick on this planet, now, and Desdemona better mobilize those decades of accrued resources and prestige fast if she wants to keep up!
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clouseplayssims · 11 months ago
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broken-stars11 · 4 months ago
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Who is River?
Resident Druid of the Nekarin, the biggest forest in the world of Amba. It’s called the Shadow-Wood by townsfolk because of a ‘malevolent presence’ that seems to linger at its heart. No hunter walks out alive. No logger is ever recovered. No bodies are found, save for patches of blood and a finger here or there. And that’s at the edge. River takes her job extremely seriously. She’s made it clear that no human is to enter the Nekarin, and if they do, she’s not going to waste good food. As most druids, maybe even more so, she loves the denizens of her home more than (almost) anything else in the world.
River shares her heart and her spoils with her companion, Adrastos, her soul who took on a shape-shifting form.
She’s my traumatized little bean, who will eat you! More later.
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dark-cynder49 · 2 years ago
I am working on updated designs for the extended Experiment AU stuff.
If you guys wanna see a specific character design, let me know!! Here's a list of all the characters in the extended AU
Green-eyed Cowboy(RHG)
Stick Andrew(Slush Invanders)
Stick Luke(Slush Invaders)
Chosen One(AvM)
Sthomas(Slush Invaders)
Jomm (RHG)
Second Coming(AvM)
Stucker(Slush Invaders)
Stick Kirby(Slush Invaders)
Stick Waqas(Slush Invaders)
Stick Matt(Slush Invaders)
Stedro(Slush Invaders)
Style(Slush Invaders)
St-Hang(Slush Invaders)
Any questions? Ask me!
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witchrotdraws · 6 months ago
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another new oc and Vidalia's future hubby; Adrastos, a vampire prince "destined" to save his people.
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ryderwritings · 7 months ago
Six Sentences Tag!!
Thank you to @fractured-shield for tagging me!! I’m still working up my courage to post more of my WIP but here are six lines/bits of dialogue I thought were a fun introduction to my characters/dynamics!
“The troupe is performing Adrastos of Myrne right now,” Maven said, twisting a piece of hair around her finger.
Cori snickered. “That explains why you’ve gone three times in the past fortnight.”
Elis furrowed her brow, trying to remember. “Is that the one with the unnecessarily shirtless costumes?”
“It’s very necessary!” Cori cried in false offense. “It serves the plot!”
“Right, the plot. What is the plot, exactly?”
Maven looked at her sisters, barely containing their laughter. “Leave me alone.”
I’m tagging anyone who’s looking for an excuse to do a fun tag game!! Consider this your tag :)
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