anglerflsh · 3 months
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wow I sure hope nothing bad and tragic happens to the three of them. anyways (@sheerunfilteredhubris's novel characters)
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ofbloodandsnow · 7 months
// bio
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tw: character death, ptsd, depression, alcoholism
Name: Sébastien de Fortier Nickname(s): Bastien, Bas Birthdate: October 26th 1785 Age at Transformation: 29 Species: Vampire (Clan member) Blood Type: B+ Religion: Catholic Gender: Cisgender male Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Occupation: Unemployed Accent: slight French Location: Shadow Lake Transportation: None Biography: (x) Headcanons: (x)
Faceclaim: César Domboy Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Black Height: 6'1 Body Type: Slender Style: TBA Scent: TBA Piercings: Ear (one in each lobe) Tattoos: one on his forearm (self-designed in memory of his family) Scars: a few here and there from training and swordplay Other Features: TBA
Hometown: Marseille, France Financial Status: Upper Class Education Level: tutored till 18 by tutors in all relevant areas to merchantry, GED Languages: French (fluent, native), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), German (conversational), ASL (beginner)
Birth Order: Second Child Siblings: Henri de Fortier (older brother, deceased), Céleste de Fortier (younger sister, deceased) Mother: Adéline de Fortier née Cadieux (deceased) Father: Phillipe de Fortier (deceased) Sire: Theodore Moore (deceased) Significant Other(s): None Children: None Significant Relationships: Meena Raja (ex-lover) Pets: None
Current Status: Physically Healthy Phobias: TBA Mental Disorders: PTSD, depression (recovering from) Physical Disorders: None Handicap(s): Mild Alcoholism
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral Myers-Briggs: INTJ (The Architect) Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Positive Traits: Kind, easy-going, brave Negative Traits: Vengeful, impulsive, self-destructive Hobbies: Archery, swordplay Element: Fire
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"NOUVELLES GARDES-MALADES DE NOTRE-DAME," La Presse. May 31, 1933. Page 12. ---- La collation du diplôme de l'école des gardes-malades de l'hôpital Notre-Dame a eu lieu hier soir, sous la présidence de Mgr A.-V.-J. Piette, recteur de l'Université de Montréal. Cette photographie représente le groupe des nouvelles graduées prise avant le banquet qui inaugurait la cérémonie. Assises, de ganche à droite: Miles Emilienne Porte- lance, Blanche Pronoveau, Hermance Lacasse, Carmelle Lamoureux, Aurore Dupont, Cécile Perreault, Berthe Marleau, Marie-Ange Riopel, Rita Joubarne, Marguerite Rivel, Colombe Guevremont, Marie-Ange Paradis, Simone Mayotte et Denise Ledue. Debout en arrière: Miles Germaine Leduc, Lucile Beaulieu, Adéline Arsenault, Juliette Fraser, Simone Bélair, Laura Richard, Yvette Dion, Simone Saint-Germain, Régina Lalonde, Aline Duval, Estelle Pauze, Pauline Larocque, Alice Talbot, Hélène Talbot, Anna-Maria Chevaller, Rachel Désilets, Juliette Lafontaine, Juliette Jacob. (Cliché La "Presse")
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mt-cicero · 3 months
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lunarcovehq · 7 months
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Sébastien De Fortier is a vampire that currently resides in Shadow Lake and has been a Lunar Cove resident for 211 years, though you wouldn't know it given how infrequently he leaves his house.
DATE OF BIRTH: October 26, 1785
OCCUPATION: Unemployed
FACECLAIM: César Domboy
SPECIES: Vampire
Trigger Warnings: Gambling, Character Deaths, Mild Depiction of Gore, Depression
Sébastien was born into a prominent merchants’ family in France, with merchantry being the family’s secondary area of expertise. Their primary? Hunting. Phillipe de Fortier and Adéline de Fortier née Cadieux had three children, Henri, Sébastien and Céleste. With Henri set to inherit the trade, the second son was trained to one day head the hunt. Sébastien was well educated and much preferred his studies to his weapons but there wasn’t much that could sway the mind of the infamous Scourge. His father detested the name, emphasising that that the true scourge was non-humans, slowly seeping their way through human society, infesting God’s world, that which was made for humans. Honestly, he got the point.
Business took the family overseas for long stretches at a time, so much so that Phillipe bought a property.
It was 1812 and Phillipe was getting old. As a challenge to his sons, he gave the pair temporary control of the business. Henri, with a head for money and a knack for business, waved Sébastien off as he wheedled his way out of the riveting world of merchantry. So long as he didn’t get hurt, arrested or someone pregnant, he was free to do as he pleased.
His first order of business was to get a job, temporary, of course – anything but the family businesses. He ended up working in a gambling den – an expensive one, thank you very much – local to his residence. Things seemed to be going in his favour – there was no hunting, Henri was taking care of the work, he had a job of his choosing, his family was happy – things were working out, for once.
The winter came in gently, rolling snows and roaring fires. He hurried home that night, an early Christmas gift for Céleste tucked under his arm. When he approached the house, he noticed the door was ajar, the cold wind whisking away any scents. In an instant, he knew – something was very wrong.
The door swung open to reveal carnage. There was blood everywhere. His brother slumped over a pile of papers, eyes glassy. His mother in her favoured armchair, scarlet beading her unfinished embroidery. His father, lying in a bed of red. And his sister. Little Céleste. She looked so small held in the monster’s grip. With a lazy smirk, he dropped her, leaving via the servants’ door. He hadn’t even noticed Sébastien. Shaking, he sunk to his knees, scrambling over to his family’s side. They were gone.
The authorities having labelled their deaths as animal attacks, Sébastien inherited everything and he hated it. He hired someone to handle the business and moved, focusing on what he was literally born to do: hunt. He tracked him from city to city, always too far behind, till one day he decided to plan ahead. He predicted where the vampire would go and set himself up there months early. He rejoined the gambling society, working in an exclusive house that once would have brought him immense pride.
A single man of his wealth raised brows but his work scandalised high society enough that he was able to avoid them with ease. Not all of them, though. Meena Raja. She turned his life upside down. It had been quite some time since he had something other than justice – revenge – to live for. He knew he wasn’t supposed to care for her, that he should have been focusing on his plans, but he knew it, just as she did: he had the heart of a poet. He did not care that she was a witch – despite his upbringing, he held no grudges against those of another species. Just him. She was her.
As such, it was no surprise when he noticed Theo’s interest in her. Certain he’d intrude on one of their tristes, Sébastien always went there early, at least one weapon on him at all times.
He was right.
After a brief struggle, his stake cutting flesh but not the heart, he ended up like his family, dying in a pool of his own blood. All he could think was, father would be so disappointed. The strange thing about dying is that you don’t necessarily remember it. He remembered the pain of having his throat ripped out, waking with a gasp but death itself was still a mystery.
With disgust at himself, he felt the automatic sire bond between him and his killer. Sébastien knew who Theodore was and the things he’d done and yet he still felt a sense of respect towards him. He was disgusted in himself - he didn't deserve his family and this was his punishment.
Over the centuries, he was made to stay by Theodore’s side, a member of the Clan but lower somehow. His past accounted for that. Ensuring Sébastien was a part of vampiric society rather than allowing him to die, it was almost worse than watching the man who murdered his family marry the woman he loved. He became almost Theodore’s dogsbody. A few centuries passed and he got bored, ordering him to keep close but ignoring him otherwise.
In a deep episode of depression, he moved from Celestial Hills to Shadow Lake. 2022 brought the end of the episode, with the pain of death – his sire’s death – bringing forward tears of true joy, joy and relief. Since then, he has been trying to properly rebuild his life, perhaps to one day rejoin society once more.
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kalahiraffxiv · 2 years
The Ties That Bind - Part II
Part I
“I nearly didn’t recognize you,” Désir said, having done little more than turn his head toward her from where he lay. Though Kala was loath to admit it, her father’s voice still carried the same pleasant tenor she remembered from childhood despite his weakened state, “You look so much like Adélin.”
There was little left of her resolve to mask the soured expression at the comparison. Kala’s features had been likened to that of her mother’s since adolescence, but there had been little else about the woman worth admiring beyond her physical beauty. Were it up to Kala, she’d have rather forgotten they shared anything at all.
“Why did you want to see me?” Kala asked, quietly but firmly, as she kept her eyes fixed on her father’s. Despite all other traits pointing to her mother, the deep teal of her eyes was something she shared with Désir alone.
“Is it so unusual for a father to wish to reconcile his relationship with his daughter before he departs this world?” Désir offered matter-of-factly, but there was little warmth in his voice. There never had been as far back as she could remember, “It has been just shy of twenty years and you did not exactly leave on the most receptive of terms.”
Kala bit down on her back teeth, her brow set in a deep furrow that betrayed her frustration. On the journey over, she’d schooled herself again and again on the merits of keeping a level head. She owed her father nothing, least of all her care, and he was more than likely baiting to get a rise out of her.
“I had little choice but to leave under the circumstances I did,” Kala said finally, her hands balled into fists at her sides, “You left me without options, but the specificities of my departure matter little when compared to the reason behind it in the first place.”
She could feel herself shaking and willed her heartbeat to slow, trying desperately to steady the roiling anger inside, “My intentions were made inescapably clear. It was you that told me not to return should I choose to walk out the door. I merely did as instructed, as I have ever done.”
“Astutely put. I see that sharp wit of yours has only grown more tenacious with age,” Désir remarked dismissively with a breathy chuckle. 
With effort, he unwound his arms from beneath the heavy furs and propped himself up with his elbows until he finally sat upright. Kala made no move to assist him, all the while keeping her stare fixed on him with an ancient hurt she thought she’d buried long ago. Désir was quiet for a moment, his expression pensive as he seemed to mull over either her words or some errant thought of his own. The man was by no means animated in his consideration, but there was more liveliness in every gesture than she’d ever seen in him. It almost made her wonder if she’d misremembered how impossibly stoic and distant he’d been when they’d still lived under the same roof.
“You no doubt have questions, do you not?” Désir began, apparently content to divert the topic away from their past grievances with one another, “As to why I am here? What I am to these people?”
Désir gestured with a weak nod to the congregation of Duskwights milling about outside of their immediate vicinity. The enclosure they’d housed her father in gave them a measure of privacy, but the Leilumo were only a stone's throw away and most certainly eavesdropping on their entire conversation. If she was lucky, Marcellus was too, Kala thought before directing her pointed attention back to the question..
“You, Désir Dujardin, were in line to succeed your father as the leader of this clan but you fell in love with a destitute woman fleeing the Dragonsong War and abdicated yourself, both in rank and title, in order to start a life with her.” Kala clasped her hands behind her back, adopting the same posture and tone as she would giving a speech at the Rostra in Sharlayan, “She, being a Brume-born Ishgardian, was content to follow you across the greater lands of Eorzea for a time as you made a name for yourself as an adventurer, but the struggles of such a demanding life took their toll and left you with little more than a strained relationship and coin to show for all your trouble. All of your friends and allies likely perished in ensuing altercations or departed of their own accord, and you had no family to return to after so egregiously dishonoring them by leaving in the first place.
Resolved to remedy your wasted lives, you decided to start a family. You had a daughter and very quickly learned that raising a child was neither the solution to your problem nor a desire either of you shared. Thus, you relinquished your responsibilities as parents to every semi-capable tutor you could afford until that little girl became grown enough to recognize the scope of maltreatment she’d suffered for sixteen summers.”
Kala stopped with a forceful click of her boot. She hadn’t even realized she started pacing, “Does that about sum it up?”
There was venom laced in every word that did not go unnoticed by Désir. At last, Kala saw something of herself reflected in the man, an unimpeachable stubbornness when faced with the reality that he had been wrong, and in no conceivable way would he admit to being so.
“You would do well not to reduce one’s path without walking it yourself, my dear girl,” Désir warned, “It may seem inanely simple to you with your vast intellect and unending accomplishments, but real hardship is not remedied with books and good intentions.”
“If you had even the slightest inclination as to my accomplishments, Father, you would know that I understand the path of hardship all too well.” Kala rebuked, her voice growing louder along with her ire, “It does not excuse yours or Mother’s behavior and if you’ve brought me here to beg my forgiveness, I’m afraid you’ve wasted both of our time.”
With that, Kala spun on her heel and turned to leave. As she reached for the heavy curtain draped across the threshold of the arched frame, she heard a desperate, “Wait-” sound behind her and paused.
Désir sighed and cupped his hands in his lap, remiss and wanting for the right words before he turned his attention to her and spoke once more, “You need not offer me your forgiveness. I wished only to explain what is expected of you—What is yours by right—after I have passed on.”
“Why?” Kala practically growled, turning her head the barest amount to address him, “You abandoned these people and I abandoned you. We are no more kin than we are in agreement, I see little reason why I am involved.”
“Because you are my blood,” Désir implored, his voice carrying more fervor than ever before, “There is much owed to me and thus to you by this simple fact, regardless of how tenuous our relationships to one another may be. So please,” He continued, beckoning her near, “Sit with me and let me speak. Once you have heard all that needs to be said, you may then decide if it is truly beneath you.”
Kala scoffed with a mind to continue out the door, but she knew her briefest hesitation was enough of an answer. It may have been nigh-on eighteen turns since they’d last seen one another, and Désir may not have known the woman she’d grown up to be, but he did know that she could not leave her curiosity unsated. She would stay and she would listen, and no question would be left unanswered so long as it had a chance to be asked.
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salt-volk · 2 years
Ngl who is really gonna be affected by a “no sales only events rule” and how that’ll affect a secondary market (complete erase it, meaning no customs can be sold for money)
Like the people who regularly sell their customs are hággard, héll, vysál, zélda, adéline, athéna, shadówbanish, páncakewithabs, póppy, ephemerál, báts, and lightstóne.
This list doesn’t include people who don’t consistently sell their customs, but it does make me wonder if these users would actually make events or just retire their customs permanently.
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budugaapologist · 5 years
Ubisoft: here is the protagonist for the new assassin's creed game!
This fandom: hm i suppose they're fuckable.
Ubisoft: yes! and speaking of fucking, this is their love interest!
This fandom: no i already ship them with this other protagonist.
Ubisoft: ... how we just announced them.
This fandom: *shrugs* they cute, the heart wants what it wants bro.
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marecageuse · 4 years
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( ooc: hi! my name’s sam, i’m 24, i use they/them and live in the est! i’m highkey shy so chances are i won’t be super duper active in the group chat, but i’m like...... SO excited to get to rp with all of you folks! important things to know about me: french is my first language and my english is sometimes a terrible mess, but i always try(tm) to make it possible to read, i have a black cat named phoebe, and i would die for brie larson. )
{ LEIGHTON MEESTER. THIRTY-THREE. CIS WOMAN. SHE/HER } i was out wrestlin’ gators when i saw ADÉLINE DAMOUR. you know they have been in town for THIRTY YEARS now? they current work as a PHARMACEUTICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE. i love having them around, they’re COMPASSIONATE & VIVACIOUS, but sometimes they can be DISORGANIZED & OBSTINATE. well, hope to see them ‘round more!
♡ CHARACTER PARALLELS — Phoebe Halliwell ( Charmed ) + Lorelai Gilmore ( Gilmore Girls ) + Rachel Green ( F.R.I.E.N.D.S. ) + Nymphadora Tonks ( Harry Potter ) + Lilo ( Lilo & Stitch ) + Belle ( Beauty and the Beast ) + Martha Jones ( Doctor Who ) + Sandy Olsen ( Grease ) + Anna ( Frozen ) + Lucy Pevensie ( The Chronicles of Narnia )
adéline was born in québec, canada, to a mother from montréal and a father from marais. when she was three years old, her parents decided to move back to marais to raise their kids, and adeline remembers very little of her life in québec, though she does travel up to montréal once in a while to see extended family and explore the city.
she’s fully bilingual, fluent in both french and english. she’s currently trying to learn spanish, too, and takes classes at the library twice a week to do so. she tried duolingo at first, but the cute little owl kind of got on her nerves after a while.
she went to university in boston, where she studied biology, but immediately went back to louisiana after she graduated. there was something about marais that always drew her back there, and she simply couldn’t shake it. nowadays, she works as a pharmaceutical sales representative, and makes a good amount of money with it. she has her own little bungalow where she lives with her white cat, nyx.
she has two older brothers and one younger sister, and i’m actually going to ask for them as wanted connections if i’m accepted, so i won’t go too much into their dynamics, as i’d like to keep it open. generally, though, adéline’s easy to get along with, and i could see her having been the mediator™ in her family.
as a pharma sales rep, she has to pretty much create her own schedules, arrange her own things, etc. and honestly, it’s the part of her job she’s the worst at. she’s incredible when it comes to meeting with doctors and nurses and teaching them about the new kinds of meds her company’s come up with, and her sales numbers do show how good she is at that, but she’s a complete disaster when it comes to her organization. until not too long ago, she was lucky because her team manager really liked her and let some things fly, but she’s going to get a new team manager soon (wanted connection if i’m accepted), and she doesn’t know if it’s going to be as easy with them. which makes her quite nervous.
in marais, i picture her being quite well-liked. she always makes sure to check in on people when she sees them, and never forgets a name or a face. she’s very giving, and always makes other people feel like they matter and are listened to, which i think might make her someone people like being friends with or just enjoy talking to.
she’s terrified of reptiles, especially alligators, which is, um… quite unfortunate for her.
she’s also very VERY obstinate. like, if she believes something, it takes a hell of a lot of willpower to change her mind. she tends to see things in black and white, too, and for her, it’s hard to forgive and forget. she holds grudges for a long time, but never over silly little things. to her, grudges need to be well-deserved. aka, someone who’s hurt her, someone she loves, or simply someone who didn’t deserve it? that grudge will last for a long, long time, if not forever.
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regina-del-cielo · 3 years
TOG Daemon AU Masterpost
Since I tend to write posts that are long as fuck and require me days to build up, I thought that a masterpost where you can check if there are new additions without scrolling through my whole blog was in order.
General Thoughts
Andromache the Scythian - Diokles, golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
Quynh - Thang, king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) (related art)
Lykon (coming soon)
Nicolò di Genova - Reparata, Italian wolf (Canis lupus italicus)
Yusuf al-Kaysani - Maryam, African cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
Sébastien Le Livre - Adéline, Touraine white goose (Anser anser domesticus)
Nile Freeman (coming soon)
James Copley (coming soon)
Gift fic inspired by these!
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heroslitteraires · 3 years
Quand un Hôtel a tout pour les rapprochements.
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Marylène Pion.
Les lumières du Ritz. Tome 1. La grande dame de la rue Sherbrooke. 331 pages.
Les Éditeurs Réunis.
Montréal, 31 décembre 1912. Tandis qu’ailleurs en ville on se prépare à célébrer le Nouvel An, les Couturier n’ont pas le cœur à la fête. Depuis la mort de leur père, Adéline et Julien travaillent d’arrachent-pied dans des conditions déplorables afin d’éviter que leur vieille maison ne tombe en ruine. Des retrouvailles fortuites feront bientôt germer en eux l’espoir d’un avenir florissant. Leur tante Philomène passera quant à elle son réveillon au prestigieux Ritz-Carlton, dont les portes tournantes pivoteront pour la première fois en cette soirée d’inauguration. Sous son œil vigilant, une quinzaine de femmes de chambre s’apprêtent à investir le luxueux hôtel de la rue Sherbrooke et à se mettre au service de sa richissime clientèle. Quelques étages plus haut, Ida Sloane contemple avec lassitude la magnifique tenue qu’elle doit revêtir pour cette chic réception mondaine qui ne l’attire en rien, même si les meilleurs partis de la métropole y sont conviés. Mais Violette, sa fidèle dame de compagnie, vante tellement les mérites de l’établissement que la jeune New-Yorkaise pourrait être tentée de faire une apparition. À l’aube de 1913, tous ignorent à quel point les lumières du Ritz embraseront leur existence au cours des années à venir…
Mon avis :
J’adore découvrir les personnages d’une nouvelle série de cette autrice. Dans ce roman, les personnages vivent dans des différentes strates de la société. Ce qui crée un clash entre ceux-ci. À quel point que certains doivent travailler dur et sans relâche pour subvenir à leur besoin. Par contre, peu importe dans quel type de société, les femmes de son roman essaient de bâtir un destin différent que ce qui est prévue. Avoir des péripéties autour d’un nouvel hôtel est intéressant. Les gens qui y travaillent, sont très vaillant. Pour que l’hôtel puisse être impeccable en tout temps. L’écriture est toujours aussi agréable à lire, le roman se lire facilement.
J’attends avec impatience le nouveau roman, l’avez-vous lu?
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Breaking Bad by Adéline Albert in Tulle, France / Twitter / Instagram / Prints
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Do you have a list of all your fankids and who their parents are?
I’m currently in the process of rewriting my character bios so I don’t have a page or anything of them at the minute - it’ll be back up soon though, hopefully! Here’s a list of all the kids I currently have names and character designs for in the meantime - there are others whose names I haven’t decided on yet (under the cut because it’s getting long)
as a sidenote, please feel free to ask me about any of these characters, I love talking about them (I’m just very bad at actually creating content or being regularly active on tumblr)
Kanto & Johto:
Ash and Misty’s daughter Fern (17 y/o)
Red and Yellow’s children, Rory (17 y/o) and Amber (12 y/o)
Brock and Autumn’s children, Adam and Bryn (identical twins; 17 y/o) and Briar and Flora (fraternal twins; 13 y/o)
Bill and Daisy’s daughter Hazel (19 y/o)
Misty and Tracey’s children, Briony and Leo (fraternal twins, 12 y/o)
Lyra and Silver’s daughter Harper (16 y/o)
Jessie and James’ children, Wyatt and Waverly (15 y/o)
May and Drew’s children Olivia (17 y/o), Alyssa (15 y/o) and Will (12 y/o)
Brendan and Wally’s children Cecily and Dara (fraternal twins, 14 y/o)
Steven and Wallace’s children Jasper (19 y/o) and Orlando (16 y/o)
Looker and Anabel’s daughter, Nancy (20 y/o)
Dawn and Paul’s children Isabelle (17 y/o) and Tristan (15 y/o)
Barry and Lucas’ son Elliot (14 y/o)
Reggie and Maylene’s children Matthias (18 y/o) and Emilia (16 y/o)
Cynthia’s adopted daughter Lena (17 y/o)
Ursula’s daughter Cordelia (15 y/o)
N and Hilbert’s son Osbert, or ‘Os’ for short (15 y/o)
Hilda and Bianca’s daughter Kezia (16 y/o)
Iris and Cilan’s children Lavender (16 y/o) and Basil (14 y/o)
Georgia and Burgundy’s daughter Lexi (15 y/o)
Hugh and Rosa’s daughter Patricia, or Trixie for short (14 y/o)
Chili’s daughter Cassia (16 y/o)
Serena and Shauna’s daughters Madeleine (15 y/o) and Arianne (13 y/o)
Calem and Korrina’s son Félix (16 y/o)
Trevor and Tierno’s children Sébastien (14 y/o) and Marie (11 y/o)
Miette’s daughters Adéline and Virginie (identical twins, 12 y/o)
Diantha’s daughter Delphine (18 y/o)
Lillie and Hau’s children Kai (9 y/o) and Leilani (7 y/o)
Mallow and Lana’s daughter Hana (8 y/o)
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adelinedevil · 6 years
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you thought we could be controlled like pretty flowers in a hothouse garden. you thought we were roses and daisies and shrinking violets, but we are wild things.
Full Name: Adéline de Vil. Nickname(s): Ads, Addie (Only their friends get to use that, though), Cruella. Age: Thirty-two. Gender & Pronouns: Genderfluid & They/them. Place of birth: London. Birthday: August 17th. Currently living: A huge loft in Fabletown. Species: Human. Ethnicity: White. Occupation: Designer. Orientation: Bisexual. Social status: Upper class. Relationship status: Single.
Bodybuild: Ectomorph Height: 5′9″. Weight: 122 lbs. Hairstyle: Long and straight. Hair colour: Strawberry blonde. Eye colour: Blue. Distinguishing features: None. Preferred clothing: High fashion. Mostly clothes they’ve designed themselves. Accessories: Depends on their outfits.
49 Archetypes: The Connoisseur (Insightful, Distinguished, In-the-know). Alignment: Lawful Evil. Enneagram: Type 3, The Achiever. MBTI: ENTJ, The Commander. Soul Type: The Creator. Zodiac: Leo sun, TBD moon & TBD rising.
Adeline was born to old English money, but spent most of their childhood in France, where they were sent to an exclusive, private boarding school. When they were home, they didn’t see much of their parents, but they still always admired them both. Their mother was a socialite with a sense of style most would kill for, and their father was a cutthroat businessman. Though Adeline didn’t know their parents much, they were proud to call them family.
They started designing at a young age, and loved making their dolls clothes themselves with the help of their nannies. Which they had many of thanks to the fact that Adeline had quite a temper. 
They always had a great sense of style, and loved perusing through the fashion magazines their mother left behind. Reading all those magazines also ignited a love of reading, too, though they tend not to showcase that part of themselves as much.
They weren’t used to getting told no. Their parents made up for their absence by giving Adeline whatever they wanted, and, as a child, they figured out that there was always a way to get what they wanted.
To this day, when Adeline wants something, they’ll find a way to get it, and good luck to you if you try standing in their way.
Has been wearing vegan leather and faux fur lately because they like to follow trends. Misses real leather and fur real bad, though.
Very flirty. But also very conceited. Thinks they’re over everything and everyone because they have money, basically.
I love them a lot, but I still need to do more research on Cruella de Vil before I write their bio!
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adelinemocks · 6 years
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barefoot in the grass, wearing my white cotton sundress, eating fresh strawberries and drinking lemonade.
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swamphq · 4 years
wanted connections
ADÉLINE DAMOUR, our LEIGHTON MEESTER, is requesting HER OLDEST BROTHER in marais. they are around 38-42 years old and look like DJ COTRONA, JOHN KRASINSKI, MICHIEL HUISMAN, TOM ELLIS, OR ANY OTHER FACECLAIM THAT CAN FIT THE CONNECTION. the player DOES NOT require you to contact them at MARECAGEUSE.  ( the damour family, composed of a mother, a father and four children (including adéline), moved to marais thirty years ago, after having been in the province of québec (longueuil, to be exact) for a few years. all but the youngest child were born in québec, and all have a dual citizenship since their mother is french-canadian and their father is american, from marais, in fact. it’s why they moved back to marais thirty years ago; their dad was from there, and their mom wanted to move further away from her family, with whom she had a complex relationship. in marais, the damour patriarch worked as an electrician whereas the damour matriarch worked as a kindergarten teacher. those are the basics of the family; the rest can be plotted out, especially regarding your character. all i insist on regarding the siblings dynamic is that adéline was always the mediator of the siblings, often caught in the middle of various arguments. which isn’t to say she never herself argued or fought with her siblings — she can be annoyingly obstinate — but in general, she settled arguments much more often than she started them. )  
ADÉLINE DAMOUR, our LEIGHTON MEESTER, is requesting HER SECOND OLDEST BROTHER in marais. they are around 35-37 years old and look like FRANÇOIS ARNAUD, JULIAN MORRIS, OR ANY OTHER FACECLAIM THAT CAN FIT THE CONNECTION. the player DOES NOT require you to contact them at MARECAGEUSE.  ( the damour family, composed of a mother, a father and four children (including adéline), moved to marais thirty years ago, after having been in the province of québec (longueuil, to be exact) for a few years. all but the youngest child were born in québec, and all have a dual citizenship since their mother is french-canadian and their father is american, from marais, in fact. it’s why they moved back to marais thirty years ago; their dad was from there, and their mom wanted to move further away from her family, with whom she had a complex relationship. in marais, the damour patriarch worked as an electrician whereas the damour matriarch worked as a kindergarten teacher. those are the basics of the family; the rest can be plotted out, especially regarding your character. all i insist on regarding the siblings dynamic is that adéline was always the mediator of the siblings, often caught in the middle of various arguments. which isn’t to say she never herself argued or fought with her siblings — she can be annoyingly obstinate — but in general, she settled arguments much more often than she started them. )  
ADÉLINE DAMOUR, our LEIGHTON MEESTER, is requesting HER YOUNGER SISTER in marais. they are around 28-31 years old and look like CONOR LESLIE, KATIE STEVENS, LAURA BERLIN, OR ANY OTHER FACECLAIM THAT CAN FIT THE CONNECTION. the player DOES NOT require you to contact them at MARECAGEUSE.  ( the damour family, composed of a mother, a father and four children (including adéline), moved to marais thirty years ago, after having been in the province of québec (longueuil, to be exact) for a few years. all but the youngest child were born in québec, and all have a dual citizenship since their mother is french-canadian and their father is american, from marais, in fact. it’s why they moved back to marais thirty years ago; their dad was from there, and their mom wanted to move further away from her family, with whom she had a complex relationship. in marais, the damour patriarch worked as an electrician whereas the damour matriarch worked as a kindergarten teacher. those are the basics of the family; the rest can be plotted out, especially regarding your character. all i insist on regarding the siblings dynamic is that adéline was always the mediator of the siblings, often caught in the middle of various arguments. which isn’t to say she never herself argued or fought with her siblings — she can be annoyingly obstinate — but in general, she settled arguments much more often than she started them. )  
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