marecageuse · 4 years
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( ooc: hello! i am still sam, 24, they/them, est, etc. i won’t re-introduce myself, as i’m honestly not all that interesting, but i thought i’d remind you all about my cat, phoebe, because i love her. she’s cute. she’s a cat. she has triangle ears. all in all, pretty damn cute. )
{ CHARLES MICHAEL DAVIS. THIRTY-SIX. CIS MAN. HE/HIM } i was out wrestlin’ gators when i saw GABRIEL SIMMONS. you know they have been in town for THREE YEARSnow? they current work as a FRENCH LITERATURE PROFESSOR AT LE SAVOIR COLLEGE. i love having them around, they’re OPEN-MINDED & AFFABLE, but sometimes they can be FORGETFUL & RESERVED. well, hope to see them ‘round more!
gabriel grew up in a small town about two hours away from marais, and had a couple of friends go to le savoir college when he decided to go study in paris. he wasn’t rich, but he was an only child, and his parents always made sure he had everything he wanted, which honestly did make him a bit spoiled for a long time. in fact, some little bits of that remain to this day. they were the ones who paid for his education in france, and they honestly sacrificed some of their own things to give him everything he wanted. he kind of took that for granted for a while, but the older he got, the more he appreciated everything his parents did for him.
coming back to mentioning a couple of his friends going to le savoir, when it came time to find a job as a professor, it was one of the couple of colleges that he considered, and he was quite lucky to get a job there. he’s only worked there for three years now, but really enjoys the environment, and appreciates the life he has in marais.
he has a close-knit circle of friends in marais, and is friendly, but it’s only to that close circle of friends and his fiancé that he ever opens up. he’s not the type of person who befriends complete strangers, yet never makes others feel like he dislikes them. some would consider him shy, but it’s more so that he’s selective about who he’s willing to share his energy with. he’ll be nice to you, sure, but unless you’re one of the select few, there’ll be a barrier up between you and him.
he figured out he was gay in college, and it took him a few years to come out. he knew his family and friends would be accepting, and he was right about that, but it still felt like it was kind of useless to let people know something about him unless it became necessary. which is why his coming out to his parents was basically just him calling them and asking if it’d be okay for him to bring his first boyfriend home for thanksgiving. in marais, he and his fiancé don’t hide who they are and the fact that they’re together, and so pretty much everyone who’s ever been around them for a little while knows that gabriel isn’t straight. only the people close to him know his like, exact sexuality, though, as he doesn’t see how it’s anyone else’s business. if it comes up in a conversation, he’ll say it, sure, but otherwise? he doesn’t really care whether people know or not.
loves reading and seriously considered becoming a librarian, but ended up deciding to become a professor after meeting a professor in university in paris that basically made him see literature in a completely different way, which made him realize just how much he admired a good educator.
speaks english, french, tagalog & spanish.
he and his fiancé have a golden retriever named amethyst, and intend on adopting a child after they get married.
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marecageuse · 4 years
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( ooc: hi! my name’s sam, i’m 24, i use they/them and live in the est! i’m highkey shy so chances are i won’t be super duper active in the group chat, but i’m like...... SO excited to get to rp with all of you folks! important things to know about me: french is my first language and my english is sometimes a terrible mess, but i always try(tm) to make it possible to read, i have a black cat named phoebe, and i would die for brie larson. )
{ LEIGHTON MEESTER. THIRTY-THREE. CIS WOMAN. SHE/HER } i was out wrestlin’ gators when i saw ADÉLINE DAMOUR. you know they have been in town for THIRTY YEARS now? they current work as a PHARMACEUTICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE. i love having them around, they’re COMPASSIONATE & VIVACIOUS, but sometimes they can be DISORGANIZED & OBSTINATE. well, hope to see them ‘round more!
♡ CHARACTER PARALLELS — Phoebe Halliwell ( Charmed ) + Lorelai Gilmore ( Gilmore Girls ) + Rachel Green ( F.R.I.E.N.D.S. ) + Nymphadora Tonks ( Harry Potter ) + Lilo ( Lilo & Stitch ) + Belle ( Beauty and the Beast ) + Martha Jones ( Doctor Who ) + Sandy Olsen ( Grease ) + Anna ( Frozen ) + Lucy Pevensie ( The Chronicles of Narnia )
adéline was born in québec, canada, to a mother from montréal and a father from marais. when she was three years old, her parents decided to move back to marais to raise their kids, and adeline remembers very little of her life in québec, though she does travel up to montréal once in a while to see extended family and explore the city.
she’s fully bilingual, fluent in both french and english. she’s currently trying to learn spanish, too, and takes classes at the library twice a week to do so. she tried duolingo at first, but the cute little owl kind of got on her nerves after a while.
she went to university in boston, where she studied biology, but immediately went back to louisiana after she graduated. there was something about marais that always drew her back there, and she simply couldn’t shake it. nowadays, she works as a pharmaceutical sales representative, and makes a good amount of money with it. she has her own little bungalow where she lives with her white cat, nyx.
she has two older brothers and one younger sister, and i’m actually going to ask for them as wanted connections if i’m accepted, so i won’t go too much into their dynamics, as i’d like to keep it open. generally, though, adéline’s easy to get along with, and i could see her having been the mediator™ in her family.
as a pharma sales rep, she has to pretty much create her own schedules, arrange her own things, etc. and honestly, it’s the part of her job she’s the worst at. she’s incredible when it comes to meeting with doctors and nurses and teaching them about the new kinds of meds her company’s come up with, and her sales numbers do show how good she is at that, but she’s a complete disaster when it comes to her organization. until not too long ago, she was lucky because her team manager really liked her and let some things fly, but she’s going to get a new team manager soon (wanted connection if i’m accepted), and she doesn’t know if it’s going to be as easy with them. which makes her quite nervous.
in marais, i picture her being quite well-liked. she always makes sure to check in on people when she sees them, and never forgets a name or a face. she’s very giving, and always makes other people feel like they matter and are listened to, which i think might make her someone people like being friends with or just enjoy talking to.
she’s terrified of reptiles, especially alligators, which is, um… quite unfortunate for her.
she’s also very VERY obstinate. like, if she believes something, it takes a hell of a lot of willpower to change her mind. she tends to see things in black and white, too, and for her, it’s hard to forgive and forget. she holds grudges for a long time, but never over silly little things. to her, grudges need to be well-deserved. aka, someone who’s hurt her, someone she loves, or simply someone who didn’t deserve it? that grudge will last for a long, long time, if not forever.
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