#c: sebastien
ofbloodandsnow · 6 months
// open starter @lunarcovestarters location: the Magnolia Inn, just after the White Elephant
Having heard of the White Elephant, Sébastien had made an effort to dress well for the occasion, participant or not but after the chaos of the night, he really didn't know why he bothered with it all. It was strange. He felt oddly unburdened, like he'd finally dropped this invisible weight he'd hardly noticed he'd been carrying until it threatened to break him in half.
Now, he was rumpled, carefree and practically itching to try out magic. 238 years old and not once had he attempted magic. He knew he was a dangerous man, it was what he was raised to be but magic? Magic had always been just too dangerous to even attempt. The only way to try magic was take some first. Finally throwing caution to the wind, he moved slowly through the panic, watching his potential prey, til he locked eyes with someone. Hello.
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spacejams · 1 year
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diver5ion · 8 months
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ivettel · 1 year
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cantfightmoonlight · 7 months
The merry cheers from the tables around her dulled into nothing more than a distant buzz in her ear as the Clan Leader sat at the bar of Cabaret, idly alone. The faintest of sigh escaped her parted lips as she lifted her gaze, taking note of where a bundle of mistletoe dangled above the barstool to her left before her captivatingly dark eyes fell back onto her glass. After the Council meeting she had just had, having to bear witness once more to the most painful memories she had spent centuries attempting to bury, Meena had wanted nothing more than to drown her bitter loneliness with the drink at hand. But, no matter how strong Cabaret's whiskey was, she could hardly shake the sinking feeling in her chest when the table behind her was filled with carolers and Just in Bloom had practically decked the entire town out in anticipation of the upcoming holiday festivities. She was just about to order another round when in walked the last person in town she had been expecting to see. "De tous les gin-joints de toutes les villes du monde," She muttered under her breath. The french he had once taught her rolled off the tip of her tongue with ease. Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, of course he'd find his way here. Downing back the last of the amber liquor, Meena slowly lifted her chin. Her eyes fell upon the storm blue gaze of the one she had once been ready to sacrifice everything for and, despite her best efforts, the unfazed smirk she wore like a shield faltered.
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kenxmatsui · 2 months
for: sebastien ( @ofbloodandsnow ) location: bad moon brewery
Not being able to go to his usual place for a drink, by both choice and circumstance, forced Ken in search of other establishments. While he would not step foot into wolf territory without a proper cause, nor will his go to drink ever be beer, Ken reasoned with himself that the other places would be worse off, at least here, he knew the owner. And Skye would be getting his opinion on this craft beer he had ordered -- took a sip and made a face -- whether the wolf appreciated comments or not. It was when he glanced up and noticed Sebastien sitting not too far off, distaste from the drink shifted to distaste at the sight. "Tell me," he said without a proper greeting, "How many knives are you carrying on you at this moment?"
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super-jane5 · 2 years
November 2022 summary
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The City of Brass by S A Chakraborty
4/5 stars 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
It was enjoyable however I felt as if it was missing character relationship development.
Babel by R F Kuang
5/5 stars 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕
I loved this book. I don’t normally read something like this but I’m glad I did kind of hoping for a sequel.
Theogony & Works and Days by Hesiod
3.5 stars 🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑
I preferred Theogony (Ancient Greek creation myth and family tree) over Works and Days ( how you should worship the gods). It was an interesting read.
Lord of Embers by C N Crawford
3.75 stars 🌕🌕🌕🌖🌑
Very predictable and a little rushed. Just an easy read.
Circe by Madeline Miller
4.25 stars 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘
An interesting take on a Greek myth. Not very adventurous.
Spellslinger by Sebastien de Castell
5 stars 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕
I love this series. I found it really funny and enjoyable. The characters are loveable especially Kellen.
Currently Reading
The Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien
Started 29\09\2022 69%
The Odyssey by Homer
Started 22/11/2022 63%
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crescentcrowd · 2 years
Location: New Leaf Bookstore  Time: Just before closing Closed for: Sebastien Laurent ( @dcyliightt​ )
⁺✦.° ☾ °.✦⁺
The last week had been absolute hell and while Bea appreciated her friends, there were times when all she wanted was to curl up in one of the beaten up chairs at New Leaf and have Sebastien tell her about some author or another who was undeserving of their platform or fame. Her problems often tended to float to the back of her head as she tried to keep track of how many times he grumbled under his breath. He’d been off travelling though, so it was a bit harder to get some of her decompression time in. Under the guise of welcoming him back home after his trip, Bea brought a box of scones with her as a peace offering. “Bas?” she called out as soon as she entered. “I have scones if you have souvenirs.” 
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meeghanreads · 5 months
Top 5 series I will start in 2024
Hello friends!! Welcome to Top 5 Tuesday!! This week’s topic is top 5 series I will start in 2024!! Because I really need in the world is to start more series that I don’t have time (or capacity) to finish. *Geez… who picks these bloody titles?? Oh right, it’s me…* In case you’re new around here, this is another post we hadn’t really been doing annually, but I guess we are now. Why? Because I…
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roseunspindle · 11 months
Books by “D” Authors I Own and Need to Read Part 1
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Leslie Winer - Results more like this?
Written-By Christophe Van Huffel, Leslie Winer & Vincent Gallo 2004
'LW &c.'  The Wormhole WHO#03 tapeworm.org.uk/who03.html boomkat.com/cds/593270-leslie-winer-leslie-winer-c
Images & edition : Sébastien Chou
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ofbloodandsnow · 7 months
// open starter (@lunarcovestarters) Location: Rec Centre
Sébastien was definitely beginning to regret his decision. He'd figured it was due time to start getting his life back on track and what better way that to kill three birds with one stone: get out of the house, meet new people and maybe even get a new hobby. Instead he was sat in a chair just outside the Rec Centre, unable to make himself actually step inside. "Oh, ouais, vise cette lieu - serra trés amusant(!)" 'Oh, yeah, let's check that place out - it'll be so fun(!)'
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akixxsstuff · 2 months
Masters Who Serve (Black Butler Smut Part 1)
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Sebastian Michaelis x female reader
Slight NSFW content // Part one // Click here for part two
Summary: You discover that you're little brother Ciel sold his soul for ultimate care and protection to his demon butler, Sebastian. But when you offer the same exchange to Sebastian he declines since he...
already had another proposition in mind.
"The queen is hosting a charity ball tonight so please dispose of any intruders to ensure her safety".
"Please bring me another cup of tea once you've finished with the laundry".
"Cancel my appointment with the seamstress this afternoon".
Every request of yours was immediately met by your demon butler, Sebastian.
"On your knees now mistress, my cock isn't very patient".
"Moan louder for me lass, I want everyone to hear you".
"Strip. I want to see every inch of your naked body right here and right now".
And every request of his was immediately met by you.
Protection and care in exchange for sex was the deal between you two until death did you part. With how rentless you both were with your demands the question always remained: who was really the master in this contract?
Was it you for having Sebastian constantly sacrifice himself for your safety? Or was it Sebastian for having you abandon any task in order to satisfy his lust? Was it you for working him to the bone with every kind of duty imaginable? Or was it him for not allowing you to ever be married or to sleep with another person?
As you ponder on all of this your mind takes you back to the very day you made your exchange...which was also the same day you lost your virginity.
"Sebastian! Take my soul too! I want you to protect and care for me just as you do to Ciel" you cried.
"Doesn't that seem a little unnecessary since my services also already benefit you? You are his sister after all my lady" Sebastian queried.
"Yes but once Ciel has his revenge you'll both be gone forever and I can't uphold the family name by myself. Together or alone me and Ciel can't do anything without you so just take my soul!".
"To be quite frank with you mistress I do not wish to go the same troubles once again for just another meal" Sebastian groaned.
"There must be something else that want" you whimpered.
Sebastian chuckled, "Because of your brother's contract I can not say that there isn't".
"Please Sebastien tell me" you begged.
"A human as beautiful as you would do perfectly in satisfying my carnal desires, you ought to receive some training of course but within time I know you'll be the perfect plaything" Sebastian smirked.
"Y-you're asking for my purity? We're not betrothed S-sebastian" you stammered while flushed.
Butterflies filled your stomach as you felt the silk of Sebastian's glove caress your cheek. "You're as sweet and sensitive as a fresh bouquet of orchids mistress, and I know you'll flourish immensely from some much-needed attention".
He gazed adoringly into your eyes and brushed your lip with his thumb, he was so close that you could smell the vanilla he was baking with earlier.
"I suppose you're right...what are your conditions?" you whispered in a daze. "To fornicate with me in anyway and anytime I desire as well as to never be betrothed nor fornicate with anyone but me" Sebastian devilishly smiled.
"You'll truly never allow me to fall in love? To be betrothed?" you whimpered as your heart sank. Sebastian leaned in even closer, "No husband will be able to protect you like me, isn't that the entire reason for this discussion? Y/N?".
You gasped as you felt Sebastian leave a trail of tender kisses down your neck, "Tell me your deepest desires...please...I need you" he softly groaned.
"Y-you will obey all my c-commands until my d-death, you will n-never discuss this n-negotiation with anyone but us and you will never lie to me" you choked as you felt the tip of his tongue glide slowly further down your neck.
You were in such a overwhelming daze of lust that you couldn't think clearly, which Sebastian took full advantage of, "I know you crave for more mistress so pledge to follow our contract". "I concur wholeheartedly" you breathlessly moaned without a second thought.
You weren't aware that all this passionate affection from Sebastian was nothing but a mere manipulation tactic. A hopeless romantic like you would never agree so readily to a contract of sexual slavery with a demon, so he needed to lure you in and you had completely fallen for it.
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longwuzhere · 1 year
Here are some cool Easter eggs that I found the newest My Adventures with Superman episode, “Let’s Go to Ivo Tower, You Say”. Links to the easter eggs post:
Episode 1 is here
Episode 2 is here
Episode 3 is here
Episode 5 is here
Episode 6 is here
Episode 7 is here and here
Episode 8 is here
Episode 9 is here
Episode 10 is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
SPOILERS if you have not seen the episode of course:
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Perry assigns our intern trio to go get interviews about Anthony Ivo. I previously mentioned Ivo's deal in the comics in this post, but we'll talk more about this version of Ivo later.
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Shout out to Lois' hanbok! As a kid in the 90s my first exposure to the DC was through the DC Animated Universe. Because of the way some of the characters like Lois, Clark, Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Terry, were designed, as a kid, I thought they were Asian. Very cool to see this version of Lois be Korean.
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Before Lois shows up for their black tie event at Ivo Tower, Jimmy knocks down a stack of papers and magazine and Clark goes to pick it up and stumbles upon the Metropolis Star with a cover that shows him as a kid flying 15 years ago.
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The Metropolis star is a rival newspaper to the Daily Planet in the comics. The publisher makes its first appearance in Superman #9 (1987) (W&P: John Byrne, I: Karl Kesel, C: Tony Ziuko, L: John Costanza).
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When our intern trio makes it to Ivo Tower, Lois spots some very interesting powerful and political figures of Metropolis, the CEO of Galaxy Communications and Mayor Fleming.
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Galaxy Communications makes its first appearance in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #133 (1970) where it was headed by Morgan Edge, the then leader of Intergang. In the comics Clark and Lois does work for Galaxy communications thanks to it buying out the Daily Planet forcing Clark to be the evening news anchor. The Galaxy Communications panels here are from Swamp Thing #68 (1988) (W&P: Rick Veitch, I: Alfredo Alcala, C: Tajana Wood, L: John Costanza).
Mayor Fleming makes her first appearance in Action Comics #894 (2010) (W: Nick Spencer, P: R.B. Silva, I: Denis Freitas, C: Dave McCaig, L: Rob Leigh) where she appoints Jimmy Olsen and Sebastien Mallory as a welcoming committee for Dalwythians aliens. Like her MAwS counterpart she is obviously the Mayor of Metropolis.
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Later, Lois goes and questions Senator Sackett at the party/event.
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In the comics Sackett was a councilman not a senator who makes his first appearance in Superman #130 (1997) (W: Dan Jurgens, P: Norm Breyfogle, I: Joe Rubenstein, C: Glenn Whitmore and Digital Chameleon, L: John Costanza) depicted here in the issue's panel wearing a Superman costume. Sackett in the comics is in Luthor's pocket.
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I am like 99.99% sure this is Lex Luthor like who else in Metropolis is named Alex, has red hair (if this is Lex Luthor and he shows up again, I'll talk about him and what I mean by this in another post.), and works in the science and tech field.
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We finally meet Ivo and he is as I was hoping he'd be a major techbro tool. The way he acts in his introduction and his meeting with Clark is very much like Lex and Clark's meeting in Batman v Superman. Both Ivo and Lex upon meeting Clark know how strong he is. In MAwS Ivo punches his chest and it hurts him and in BvS you heard an audible thud when Lex knocks on Clark's chest. Very similar vibes between both scenes.
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Clark confronts Ivo about one of his deals and name drops one of Metropolis' mob families.
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Bobby Gazzo, head of the Gazzo crime family in Metropolis, makes his first appearance in Batman: Dark Victory #1 (W: Jeph Loeb, P&I: Tim Sale, C: Gregory Wright and Heroic Age, L: Richard Starkings). Fantastic sequel to Long Halloween, highly recommend reading both books.
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After Clark gets thrown out and Lois offers to repair his jacket, we see Lois mentioning her dad, Sam Lane a military general and if the person at the end of the second part of the first episode is Sam Lane...
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...and he shows up again in the show I'll talk more about it in another post. For now this is all just speculation.
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Might be reading into this but maybe a subtle nod to how the words "Superman" and "pal" are often used together. Both have been used as a comic book title, "Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen" as I've mentioned in these posts a few times.
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The show here did a very clever thing with Ivo. Normally any other media pertaining to Ivo would give the audience his power and weakness stealing robot Amazo, but here the MAwS team was able to combine both Ivo and another villain in Superman's rogues gallery, Parasite.
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The first Parasite, Raymond Jensen, makes his first appearance in Action Comics #340 (1966) (Cover Art by Curt Swan, George Klein, and Ira Schnapp). All iterations of Parasite have the ability to temporarily steal away anyone's energy, strength, and their knowledge. As I've said there have been other Parasites that Superman fought, the second and most recurring Parasite is Rudy Jones, the Parasite I'm more familiar with, who makes his first appearance in Firestorm #58 (1987).
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Cover Art by Joe Brozowski, Bruce Peterson, and Tom Ziuko Alex and Alexandra Allston the third and fourth Parasite (green Parasite and purple Parasite respectively) first appeared in the Adventures of Superman #633 (2004).
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Cover art by Gene Ha and Art Lyon
The latest Parasite, Joshua Allen, makes his first appearance in Superman #23.4 (2013).
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Cover art by Aaron Kuder and Dan Brown So yeah there are similarities between the Amazo robot and Parasite and it was smart of the MAwS team to just combine Ivo with Parasite to avoid redundancies. Besides the Amazo robot is more of a Justice League villain anyways.
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Near the end of the episode, after the Parasite suit wrecks Ivo's body, he begins to look more like his recent iterations in the comics now. The panel here is from Justice League of America #4 (2013) (W: Geoff Johns, P: Brett Booth, I: Norm Rapmund, C: Andrew Dalhouse, L: Rob Leigh). Hope you all had a wonderful time checking this post out. Like I said at the beginning my other MAwS easter egg posts are:
Episode 1 is here
Episode 2 is here
Episode 3 is here
Episode 5 is here
Episode 6 is here
Episode 7 is here and here
Episode 8 is here
Episode 9 is here
Episode 10 is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
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It's the most iconic race in the world so it's deserved it's own post & playlist. I give you the all the drivers in the 2024 24 Hours of Le Mans racing tunes. Enjoy (even though this post is a little late). 😊
John Hartshorne (18th April 1957) - Malcolm Vaughan - The World Is Mine
Thomas Flohr (17th March 1960) - Bert Weedon - Big Beat Boogie
Claudio Schiavoni (14th November 1960) - Brenda Lee - I Want To Be Wanted
Satoshi Hoshino (7th April 1961) - Nat 'King' Cole - The World In My Arms
Johnny Laursen (16th February 1964) - Cliff Richard - Don't Talk To Him
George Kurtz (5th May 1965) - Pretty Things - Honey I Need
Hiroshi Koizumi (25th May 1969) - Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine
Takeshi Kimura (22nd October 1970) - Tom Jones - I (Who Have Nothing)
Ben Keating (18th August 1971) - Gilbert O'Sullivan - We Will
John Falb (13th December 1971) - The Who - Let's See Action
Alexander Mattschull (2nd March 1972) - The Partridge Family - It's One Of Those Nights
Michael Wainwright (25th July 1973) - Stevie Wonder - You Are The Sunshine Of My Life
Rodrigo Sales (2nd November 1973) - Rod Stewart - Oh No Not My Baby
Ian James (22nd July 1974) - Main Ingredient - Just Don't Want To Be Lonely
Naveen Rao (21st May 1975) - Billy Swan - Don't Be Cruel
Giacomo Petrobelli (7th November 1975) - George Harrison - You
Hiroshi Hamaguchi (1st October 1976) - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - Tears Of A Clown
Francois Perrodo (14th February 1977) - Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way
Valentino Rossi (16th February 1979) - The Pretenders - Stop Your Sobbing
Sebastien Bourdais (28th February 1979) - Elvis Costello & The Attractions - Oliver's Army
Brendan Iribe (12th August 1979) - David Bowie - DJ
David Heinemeier Hansson (15th October 1979) - Secret Affair - Time For Action
Jenson Button (19th January 1980) - Rupert Holmes - Escape (The Pina Colada Song)
Scott Dixon (22nd July 1980) - Leo Sayer - More Than I Can Say
Ryan Hardwick (3rd October 1980) - Gladys Knight & The Pips - Taste Of Bitter Love
Frederic Makowiecki (22nd November 1980) - David Bowie - Fashion
Ahmad Al Harthy (31st August 1981) - Central Line - Walking Into Sunshine
Patrick Pilet (8th October 1981) - Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Souvenir
Andre Lotterer (19th November 1981) - The Four Tops - When She Was My Girl
Loic Duval (12th June 1982) - Danger Danger - Comin' Home
Jose Maria Lopez (26th April 1983) - Eurthymics - Love Is A Stranger
P.J Hyett (10th August 1983) - Shakin' Stevens - It's Late
Augusto Farfus (3rd September 1983) - Paul Young - Wherever I Lay My Hat (That's My Home)
Francois Heriau (25th October 1983) - Hot Streak - Body Work
Neel Jani (8th December 1983) - Robert Plant - In The Mood
Richard Lietz (17th December 1983) - Ann Breen - Pal Of My Cradle Days
Alessandro Pier Guidi (18th December 1983) - Black Lace - Superman
Oliver Jarvis (9th January 1984) - Lionel Richie - Running With The Night
James Cottingham (21st January 1984) - Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield
Daniel Serra (24th February 1984) - Bourgie Bourgie - Breaking Point
Franck Perara (21st March 1984) - World Famous Supreme Team - Hey DJ
Nicolas Lapierre (2nd April 1984) - Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me
Arnold Robin (7th October 1984) - Orange Juice - Lean Period
Matteo Cressoni (28th October 1984) - Tracey Ullman - Helpless
Nick Tandy (5th November 1984) - Paul McCartney - No More Lonely Nights
Robert Kubica (7th December 1984) - Meat Loaf - Nowhere Fast
Ben Hanley (22nd January 1985) - Bronski Beat - It Ain't Necessarily So
Filipe Albuquerque (13th June 1985) - Bruce Springsteen - Born In The USA
Salih Yoluc (22nd August 1985) - Maria Vidal - Body Rock
Renger Van Der Zande (16th February 1986) - The Damned - Eloise
Rahel Frey (23rd February 1986) - Madonna - Dress You Up
Maxime Martin (20th March 1986) - Dee C Lee - Come Hell Or Waters High
Paul Di Resta (16th April 1986) - Simple Minds - Sanctify Yourself
Romain Grosjean (17th April 1986) - Jim Diamond - Hi Ho Silver
Mathias Beche (28th June 1986) - Madonna - Live To Tell
Davide Rigon (26th August 1986) - Pam Hall - Dear Boopsie
Kamui Kobayashi (13th September 1986) - Modern Talking - Brother Louie
Rene Rast (26th October 1986) - Marti Webb & The Simon May Orchestra - Always There
Edoardo Mortara (12th January 1987) - Mick Karn - Buoy
Francesco Castellacci (4th April 1987) - Lionel Richie - Se La
Alex Malykhin (17th August 1987) - Total Contrast - Jody
Tom Van Rompuy (8th September 1987) - Marshall Hain - Dancin' In The City
Darren Leung (25th September 1987) - ABC - The Night You Murdered Love
Jean-Karl Vernay (31st October 1987) - Rick Astley - Whenever You Need Somebody
Nicky Catsburg (15th February 1988) - The Cure - Hot Hot Hot
Paul Lafarque (8th July 1988) - Natalie Cole - Everlasting
Daniel Mancinelli (23rd July 1988) - Maxi Priest - Wild World
Colin Braun (22nd September 1988) - The Beatmasters & PP Arnold - Burn It Up
Kevin Estre (28th October 1988) - Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry By Happy
Sebastien Buemi (31st October 1988) - Robert Palmer - She Makes My Day
Miguel Molina (17th February 1989) - Big Country - Peace In Our Time
Sarah Bovy (15th May 1989) - Royal House ft Ian Star - A Better Way
Christopher Mies (24th May 1989) - Swing Out Sister - You On My Mind
James Calado (13th June 1989) - Robert Palmer - Change His Ways
Matt Bell (5th November 1989) - Erasure - Drama!
Marco Wittmann (24th November 1989) - D Mob Introducing Cathy Dennis - C'mon And Get My Love
Brendon Hartley (10th November 1989) - Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise
Mirko Bortolotti (10th January 1990) - Inner City - Whatcha Gonna Do With My Lovin'
Andrea Caldarelli (14th February 1990) - The Beloved - Hello
Stephane Richelmi (17th March 1990) - David A Stewart ft Candy Dulfer - Lily Was Here
Ollie Millroy (21st April 1990) - Lloyd Cole - Don't Look Back
Jean-Eric Vergne (25th April 1990) - MC Duke - The Final Conflict
Earl Bamber (9th July 1990) - Luciano Pavarotti - Nessun Dorma
Michael Christensen (28th August 1990) - DNA ft Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner
Marco Sorensen (6th September 1990) - Happy Mondays - Step On
Matthias Kaiser (22nd January 1991) - Alexander O'Neal - All True Man
Jack Hawksworth (28th February 1991) - Patsy Cline - I Fall To Pieces
Ryan Cullen (26th March 1991) - The Bee Gees - Secret Love
Ben Barker (23rd April 1991) - Inspiral Carpets - Caravan
Daniel Juncadella (7th May 1991) - Pet Shop Boys - Where The Streets Have No Name
Laurens Vanthoor (8th May 1991) - Vic Reeves & The Roman Numerals - Born Free
Jordan Taylor (10th May 1991) - K-Klass - Rhythm Is A Mystery
Will Stevens (28th June 1991) - Divinyls - I Touch Myself
Klaus Bachler (27th July 1991) - Amy Grant - Baby Baby
Robin Frijns (7th August 1991) - Voice Of The Beehive - Monsters And Angels
Jakub Smiechowski (11th October 1991) - Gloria Estefan - Live For Loving You
Paul-Loup Chatin (19th October 1991) - Oleta Adams - Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
Harry Tincknell (29th October 1991) - Public Enemy - Can't Truss It
Nicolas Costa (14th November 1991) - Love And Money - Winter
Rene Binder (1st January 1992) - James - Sound
Nico Muller (25th February 1992) - Texas - Alone With You
Stoffel Vandoorne (26th March 1992) - The Charlatans - Weirdo
Zacharie Robichon (31st May 1992) - Michael Jackson - In The Closet
Norman Nato (8th July 1992) - KWS - Please Don't Go
Felipe Nasr (21st August 1992) - Luther Vandross & Janet Jackson - The Best Things In Life Are Free
Alex Lynn (17th September 1993) - Pet Shop Boys - Go West
Pipo Derani (12th October 1993) - Salt-N-Pepa - Shoop
Antonio Giovinazzi (14th December 1993) - Brian May - Last Horizon
Michelle Gatting (31st December 1993) - Belinda Carlisle - Lay Down Your Arms
Alex Riberas (27th January 1994) - Peabo Bryson & Regina Belle - A Whole New World
Ryo Hirakawa (7th March 1994) - Morrissey - The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get
Giorgio Roda (18th March 1994) - Urban Cookie Collective - Sail Away
Daniil Kvyat (26th April 1994) - Roxette - Sleeping In My Car
Mathieu Jaminet (24th October 1994) - Take That - Sure
Matthieu Vaxiviere (3rd December 1994) - Sophie B Hawkins - Don't Don't Tell Me No
Raffaele Marciello (17th December 1994) - PJ & Duncan - Eternal Love
Mikkel Jensen (31st December 1994) - Pearl Jam - Spin The Black Circle
Nyck De Vries (6th February 1995) - M People - Open Your Heart
Matt Campbell (17th February 1995) - MN8 - I've Got A Little Something For You
Alessio Rovera (22nd June 1995) - Pizzaman - Sex On The Streets
Charlie Eastwood (11th August 1995) - Oasis - Some Might Say
Jack Aitken (23rd September 1995) - Vanessa Williams - Colours Of The Wind
Dennis Olsen (14th April 1996) - Oasis - Supersonic
Antonio Fuoco (20th May 1996) - Kavana - Crazy Chance
Matteo Cairoli (1st June 1996) - Gloria Estefan - Reach
Kelvin Van Der Linde (20th June 1996) - Blur - Charmless Man
James Allen (4th July 1996) - Gina G - Ooh Aah.. Just A Little Bit
Larry Ten Voorde (2nd November 1996) - Los Del Rio - Macarena
Sean Gelael (1st November 1996) - Huff & Puff - Help Me Make It
Ben Barnicoat (20th December 1996) - Phil Collins - Dance Into The Light
Mikkel O.Pedersen (26th January 1997) - The Prodigy - Poison
Nicklas Nielsen (6th February 1997) - Kavana - I Can Make You Feel Good
Ben Tuck (3rd March 1997) - Space - Dark Clouds
Alex Palou (1st April 1997) - Spice Girls - Who Do You Think You Are
Louis Deletraz (22nd April 1997) - Michelle Gayle - Sensational
Ferdinand Habsburg (20th June 1997) - Sneaker Pimps - Six Underground
Laurents Horr (11th September 1997) - Refugee Allstars & Lauryn Hill - The Sweetest Thing
Frederik Schandorff (26th December 1997) - Course - Best Love
Dries Vanthoor (20th April 1998) - Ultra - Say You Do
Erwan Bastard (9th June 1998) - Solid Harmonie - I Want You To Want Me
Job Van Uitert (10th October 1998) - Ultra - The Right Time
Callum Ilott (11th November 1998) - Culture Club - I Just Wanna Be Loved
Mick Schumacher (22nd March 1999) - Men Of Vizion - Do You Feel Me? (Freak You)
Marino Sato (12th May 1999) - Melky Sedeck - Raw
Sheldon Van Der Linde (13th May 1999) - Busta Rhymes ft Janet Jackson - What's It Gonna Be?
Fabio Scherer (13th June 1999) - Bjork - All Is Full Of Love
Riccardo Pera (4th July 1999) - Salt Tank - Dimension
Julien Andlauer (5th July 1999) - Luscious Jackson - Ladyfingers
Phil Hanson (5th July 1999) - Tina Cousins - Forever
Ritomo Miyata (10th August 1999) - Lolly - Viva La Radio
Robert Shwartzman (16th September 1999) - Paul Johnson - Get Get Down
Bent Viscaal (18th September 1999) - Supergrass - Moving
Rui Andrade (23rd September 1999) - Lauryn Hill - Everything Is Everything
Gregoire Saucy (26th December 1999) - Holly Johnson - The Power Of Love
Scott Huffaker (28th December 1999) - Leann Rimes - Crazy
Felipe Drugovich (23rd May 2000) - Mel C & Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes - Never Be The Same Again
Timur Boguslavskiy (30th April 2000) - Andreas Johnson - Glorious
Yifei Ye (16th June 2000) - Peter Lazonby - Sacred Cycles
Sebastian Baud (6th July 2000) - Morgan - Flying High
Oliver Rasmussen (6th November 2000) - Texas - In Demand
Nicolas Varrone (6th November 2000) - Darude - Feel The Beat
Jean-Baptiste Simmenauer (19th November 2000) - Robbie Williams & Kylie Minogue - Kids
Clement Novalak (23rd December 2000) - Kandi - Don't Think I'm Not
Alex Quinn (29th December 2000) - Britney Spears - Stronger
Simon Mann (10th February 2001) - ATB ft York - The Fields Of Love
Roman De Angelis (15th February 2001) - Ash - Shining Light
Charles Milesi (4th March 2001) - Spooks - Things I've Seen
Joel Sturm (28th November 2001) - Dido - Hunter
Frederik Vesti (13th January 2002) - Westlife - Queen Of My Heart
Olli Caldwell (11th June 2002) - Sugababes - Freak Like Me
Bijoy Garg (15th July 2002) - The Prodigy - Baby's Got A Temper
Antonio Serravalle (18th September 2002) - Nore - Nothin'
Reshad De Gerus (1st July 2003) - Flaming Lips - Fight Test
Malthe Jakobsen (29th October 2003) - Sheryl Crow - The First Cut Is The Deepest
Carl Bennett (2nd September 2004) - Stonebridge ft Therese - Put Em High
Esteban Masson (18th September 2004) - Easyworld - How Did It Ever Come To This
Nico Pino (21st September 2004) - Kylie Minogue - Slow
Kyffin Simpson (9th October 2004) - The 411 - Dumb
Nolan Siegel (8th November 2004) - Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot
Lorenzo Fluxa (23rd November 2004) - Daniel Bedingfield - Nothing Hurts Like Love
Jonas Ried (18th December 2004) - Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten
Vladislav Lomko (27th December 2004) - Electric Six - Radio Gaga
Morris Schuring (20th February 2005) - Keane - Bedshaped
Maceo Capietto (12th January 2006) - James Blunt - Goodbye My Lover
Conrad Laursen (11th May 2006) - Beyonce ft Slim Thug - Check On It
And here is the link to the playlist 😊
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antonio-m · 1 year
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"The Martyrdom of St Sebastian". detail. c 1610, by Louis Finson (1580–1617). Flemish painter, draughtsman, copyist and art dealer. St Sebastien Church, Naples, IT. oil on canvas
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