#Achim Held
bauerntanz · 7 months
Die Bielefeld-Verschwörung
Seit 30 Jahren hegen viele Deutsche Zweifel an der Existenz von ... Bielefeld. Achim Held ist schuld. Der Informatiker aus Kiel erfand die Verschwörungstheorie. 1994 hatte er mit dem Spruch: "Bielefeld gibt es doch gar nicht!" die sog Bielefeld-Verschwörung kreiert.
Seit 30 Jahren hegen viele Deutsche ernsthafte Zweifel an der Existenz von … Bielefeld. Achim Held ist schuld. Der Informatiker aus Kiel erfand eine Verschwörungstheorie und ließ die Stadt verschwinden. 1994 hatte der Mann mit dem Spruch: “Bielefeld gibt es doch gar nicht!” die sogenannte Bielefeld-Verschwörung kreiert. Und dann war er vom Erfolg seiner Satire total überrascht. 2019 hatte die…
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general-kalani · 9 months
{ @monster-or-man sent in; The final recording did not go unheard. Waiting on the roof for Ryder was a black coated scientist surrounded by men with very, very large guns. With his hands behind his back, Achim kept his head held high and his face completely neutral.
"Colonel Ryder White?" He asked as he watched someone finally make his way out of the entrance.
Recording referenced here }
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Everything in him told him to take out a gun and hold it at what could be the enemy. Black suits never gave him much hope in the first place.
And with his wife- undead or not- behind him he wasn't going to lose the chance to save her. Though his hand twitched near his pistol as he stood between their line of sight and his wife he made no move to draw it. Looking at the weapons wielded by the others, he'd be outgunned easily.
If only his wife would be quiet and stop growling like one of those infected bastards...
"The one and only. May I ask who you are to seek me out when the Admiral's onboard the Carrier?"
Unless this was some sort of fucked up rescue mission by the Admiral just for him.
Oh it really just wasn't his day.
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Creator Set's Free's (Jesus') Tribal Ancestry
1 Here is the record of the ancestry of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One, a descendant of Much Loved One (David) and of Father of Many Nations (Abraham). From Father of Many Nations (Abraham) to Much Loved One (David), his ancestors were: 2 Father of Many Nations (Abraham), He Made Us Laugh (Isaac), Heel Grabber (Jacob), Give Him Praise (Judah) and his brothers, 3 He Breaks Through (Perez) and his brother First Light (Zerah), whose mother was Fruit of Palm Tree (Tamar), Circle of Tipis (Hezron), Lifted Up (Ram), 4 Noble Relative (Amminadab), Talks with Snakes (Nahshon), He Makes Peace (Salmon), 5 Moves with Strength (Boaz), whose mother was Boastful Woman (Rahab), He Works Hard (Obed), whose mother was Beautiful Friend (Ruth), Original Man (Jesse), 6 who was the father of the great chief Much Loved One (David). From Much Loved One (David) to the removal to Village of Confusion (Babylon), the ancestors of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) were: Much Loved One (David), Stands in Peace (Solomon), whose mother, Daughter of Seven (Bathsheba), was the wife of Fire from Creator (Uriah), 7 Big People Maker (Rehoboam), He Is My Father (Abijah), Gathers the People (Asa), 8 He Makes Wrongs Right Again (Jehoshaphat), Creator Is Above (Jehoram), My Great Power (Uzziah), 9 Creator Has No Equal (Jotham), Held by Creator (Ahaz), He Will Be Strong (Hezekiah), 10 He Made Them Forget (Manasseh), Burden Bearer (Amon), Good Medicine (Josiah), 11 and Chosen by Creator (Jeconiah) and his brothers at the time of the removal to Village of Confusion (Babylon).
12 From the removal to Village of Confusion (Babylon) to the birth of Creator Sets Free (Jesus), his ancestors were: Chosen by Creator (Jeconiah), Ask Creator (Shealtiel), Born in Village of Confusion (Zerubbabel), 13 Father Boasts in Him (Abihud), He Builds Up (Eliakim), He Helps (Azor), 14 Stands with a Good Heart (Zadok), Stands Firm (Achim), Power of Creator (Eliud), 15 Creator Helps Him (Eleazar), Gifted by Creator (Matthan), Heel Grabber (Jacob), 16 and He Gives Sons (Joseph), who was the husband of Bitter Tears (Mary), who gave birth to Creator Sets Free (Jesus), who is the Chosen One.
17 And so there were fourteen generations from Father of Many Nations (Abraham) to Much Loved One (David), fourteen more generations from Much Loved One (David) until the removal to Village of Confusion (Babylon), and then fourteen more from the removal to Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the Chosen One.
Birth of the Chosen One
18 Here is the story of how the Chosen One was born: His mother, Bitter Tears (Mary), had been promised in marriage to He Gives Sons (Joseph). But before they came together in marriage, while still a virgin, she found out that she was carrying a baby in her womb from the Holy Spirit. 19 He Gives Sons (Joseph) was a man of honor. He did not want to bring her trouble and open shame, so he thought about secretly releasing her from the marriage promise.
20 As he wondered about these things, a messenger from the Great Spirit appeared to him in a dream and said, “He Gives Sons (Joseph), descendant of Much Loved One (David), do not be afraid to take Bitter Tears (Mary) to be your wife, because the Holy Spirit has given her this child. 21 She will give birth to a son. You will name him Creator Sets Free (Jesus), because he will set his people free from their bad hearts and broken ways.”
22 This gave full meaning to the words of Creator spoken long ago by the prophet, 23 “A young virgin will be with child and give birth to a son. They will call his name Immanuel, which in our tribal language means Creator Is with Us.”
24 When He Gives Sons (Joseph) woke up, he followed the guidance given him in the dream and took Bitter Tears (Mary) to be his wife. 25 But he did not have sexual relations with her until after the child was born, and he named the child Creator Sets Free (Jesus). — Gift From Creator Tells The Good Story 1 (Matthew 1) | First Nations Version (FNV) First Nations Version Bible Copyright ©2023 InterVarsity Press. Cross References: Genesis 22:18; Genesis 25:19; Deuteronomy 22:23; Deuteronomy 24:1; Ruth 4:18; Ruth 4:20; 1 Samuel 1:20; 2 Samuel 7:12; 2 Samuel 11:27; 1 Kings 3:5; 1 Kings 11:43; 1 Kings 15:24; 2 Kings 24:14; 1 Chronicles 2:12; 1 Chronicles 3:14; Isaiah 7:14; Jeremiah 22:30; Jeremiah 27:20; Haggai 1:1; Matthew 16:16; Matthew 16:20; Matthew 27:17; Luke 1:31; Luke 2:7; Acts 5:19; Romans 1:2
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angrybell · 9 months
Yesterday, IDF forces recovered the bodies of two people who had been taken hostage. One had been alive at the time of abduction, Eden Zechariah, while the other, Zic Dado, was killed during the attacks on 19/7/23.
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The following list are those hostages who have been pronounced dead.
1 Shani Louk (23) Nova
2 Mia Goren (56) Nir Oz
3 Aryeh Zalmanovich (86) Nir Oz
4 Judith Weiss (65) Be’eri
5 Clemence Mtenga (22)Nir Oz , unclear if was taken to Gaza ?
6 Ofir Tsarafati (27) Nova
7 Aviv Atzili (49) Nir Oz, unclear if was taken to Gaza ?
8 Ronen Engel , announced Dec 1 (55) Nir Oz
9 Guy Iloz , announced Dec 1 (26) Nova
10 Ofra Keider - Dec 1 (70) Be’eri
11 Eliyahu Margalit - Dec 1 (75) Nir Oz)
12 Yonatan Samerano (21) , Nova . Announced Dec 4
13 Sahar Baruch (24), Beeri. Announced Dec 8
14 Eitan Levy (53) Beeri . Body being held in Gaza . Dec 8
14 Aden Zachariah (27) Nova. Body recovered.
Kidnapped soldiers:
1 Noa Marciano (19, taken alive )
2 Kiril Brodsky (19)
3 Tomer Yaakov Achims (20)
4 Shaked Dahan (19)
5 Col Asaf Hamimi - killed on 7th, body held by Hamas (41)
6 Ziv Dado (36) body recovered via IDF op
Baruch Dayan Emmet.
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monster-or-man · 2 years
@wardogxicarus answered x
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Achim laughed, it wasn’t subtle in the slightest. “So angry at a man who has not done anything to ye.” He held up his hands, almost taunting Shale. “But I am not the one that has turned ye into a monster. I am merely... observing.”
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wardogxicarus · 2 years
"Yeah... maybe... maybe I should approach Sani." He did try before, which ended in... very interesting results but Bruce was open for another shot at it. Now that he's grown as a person and managed to separate himself from Achim to an extent... maybe it's the right time to try again.
"I'll uh... make an appointment with her. Sorry about earlier." He did genuinely feel a little guilty for thinking the way he did.
Her smile grew, as did the warmth it held, before she leaned forward to give him a loving kiss. "We're all human."
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 months
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"NEW EVIDENCE IS GIVEN BY TAXI DRIVER," Ottawa Journal. June 13, 1934. Page 1 & 2. --- Says Arthur Street Asked That He Be Taken to Hospital. --- GIRL IS HEARD IN HULL COURT ---- At the close of a preliminary hearing in Hull Magistrate's Court before Judge Honore Achim this morning, George Charron, aged 25, of 19 St. Florent street, Hull, charged with manslaughter over the death of Arthur Street, 18 Range Road, Ottawa, was re- manded for voluntary statement on June 19.
It was intimated that on that date Charron will be committed for trial before a jury at the fall session of Hull Criminal Assizes.
Charron is on Bail. Mr. Street met his death in the early morning hours of May 25 this year. According to evidence given he was struck several blows on Bridge street, Hull, outside the Cafe Laurier by the accused, and fell to the pavement, suffering head wounds which caused cerebral hemorrhages. At the inquest over the fatality held on June 1, a coroner's jury found Charron criminally responsible for the Ottawa man's death and the manslaughter charge was laid the following day. At present the accused is on bail of $2,000.
New evidence was adduced by Donat Doucet, taxi-driver who conveyed Mr. Street from the doors of the Cafe Laurier to Sacred Heart Hospital in Hull. Although hospital authorities stated the victim showed no signs of life after being admitted there, Doucet swore that Mr. Street carried on a conversation with him en route to the hospital.
Asked to tell his version of what happened after the unconscious man was deposited on the floor of his taxi, Doucet stated that on Maisonneuve street Mr. Street re- gained consciousness. "Don't take me home," witness quoted Mr. Street as saying, "take me to a hospital where I can get fixed up." On being reassured that he was going to the hospital, Mr. Street then reached into his pocket and handed him a one-dollar bill, witness continued. "Will that be enough?" he quoted the victim as saying.
Thought Injuries Not Serious. Doucet admitted telling the hospital attendant that he had been ordered by the police to take Mr. Street to the hospital, and added that he did not believe that the Ottawa man's injuries were of a grave nature.
When the hearing opened, Col. D. R. Street took the witness stand and stated he had identified the body of his son, Arthur C. Street, at Sacred Heart Hospital between one and two o'clock in the morning of May 25. The staff surgeon at the hospital, he said, had pronounced the victim dead at that time.
Dr. Roland Gagne, Sacred Heart Hospital interne, stated he was called by an attendant to examine an accident case about 12.30 a.m. on May 25, and that the patient was Mr. Street. He found respiration had stopped, there was no beating of the heart, and pupils of the eyes were dilated. "I decided that death had occurred very shortly before my examination," said the doctor, "and in view of the circumstances. I notified Hull Police Department."
Read Autopsy Report. A report of an autopsy performed on the body and submitted at the coroner's inquest was re-read by Dr. J. M. Roussel, associate medico- legal expert of the Quebec Attorney-General's Department.
In response to a question asked by Crown Attorney J. A. Parent, K.C., Dr. Roussel stated the quantity of alcohol absorbed by the victim, according to tests made, was conducive to the occurrence of cerebral hemorrhages. The doctor also expressed the opinion the wound at the rear of the head on the left side was the one which caused the fatal hemorrhage. This wound, he said, might have been caused in a fall.
Cross-examined by Alphonse Fournier, K.C., M.P., the medico- legal expert said neither of the two head-wounds was extremely severe. as there was no fracture of the skull. They were sufficiently grave. he added, to bring about a hemorrhage.
David "Red" McColl, 397 Gladstone avenue, told the court that, accompanied by Charron and George Boulay, he entered the Cafe Laurier about 11 o'clock the night of the fatality and that the three were seated at a table with Mr. Street.
Did Not Resist Walters. Some time later, said witness, Mr. Street made a remark to him and when he showed resentment, Mr. Street struck him across the mouth. On this incident, waiters of the establishment placed him and his companions at another table. Hostilities were renewed on the dance-floor, witness continued, and George Boulay struck the victim causing him to fall to the floor. A few minutes later Arthur St. Denis, owner of the Cafe Laurier, and the head-waiter, Harry Harry Binkie, escorted Mr. Street to the door. To a question put by Judge Achim, witness said the victim did not appear to be resisting the owner and head-waiter as he made his exit. He could not remember if the latter were holding Mr. Street's arms.
Girl Gives Evidence. Bernadette Dagenais, aged 25, of Hull, testified that she had danced twice with Mr. Street in the Cafe Laurier grill-room. She was just concluding a dance with him when he was struck by Boulay. Witness stated the victim was not staggering and had no trouble in dancing.
George Boulay, 87 Sherwood street, Ottawa, corroborated McColl's story of incidents which happened inside the Hull cafe. He said that after McColl had been hit, he saw Mr. Street edging towards McColl as if to start something. He admitted striking the Ottawa man on the face with his fist, felling him to the dance-floor.
Witness said he didn't go outside after Mr. Street had been escorted to the doors. "Charron came in he concluded, "and told me that he'd hit Mr. Street, and that Mr. Street had fallen to the side- walk."
Tells of Scuffle. An account of a scuffle between the victim and Arthur St. Denis, proprietor of the Cafe Laurier, was given by Yvon Leduc, 176 Bridge street. "Mr. Street and Mr. St. Denis were fighting on the side- walk," he said, "and then Charron came from behind and took over the battle. George Frenette and Archie Goulet told of seeing Charron strike Mr. Street, and of seeing him fall to the pavement. The accused sat with his counsel,
Alphonse Fournier, during the hearing and followed the evidence with close attention. Mr. Parent, Hull Crown Attorney, conferred with Detective C. Perrault, of Quebec Provincial Police, during examination of witnesses. Col. D. R. Street was present in court during the questioning of 12 witnesses, accompanied in Philip by Foran, Hull barrister, who represented the Street family at the inquest.
As the hearing closed, Judge Achim intimated the accused would be committed for trial at the Assizes, when he appears for voluntary statement on June 19.
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rxdhairxdsirxns · 10 months
❤️ - Our muse’s ship is one of my favorites. For all the ships! 💛 - I enjoy any/all interactions may be it harmful or fluffy between our muses. <3 - How does your muse truly feel about mine? 🌟 - Your muse is the light of my muse’s life. 💘 - This is my most favorite ship. Hands down. 💝 - Headcanon 5 things about our ship, please? C:
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SHIPPING EMOJIS! || ACCEPTING || @monster-or-man
[ Hell yes shipping with you has been so fun and the work to ship Achim and Taryn especially has been so fun and rewarding!! It's so sweet to see how your bois all just adore Taryn in their own ways and she adores them back. ]
<3 - How does your muse truly feel about mine?
Achim - Truth be told, she always found him attractive, but in the beginning she did have some small plans to try and steal the TCCS from him. But all that they've been through and and growing and working together has truly just gotten them both wrapped around each other's fingers and she sincerely loves and cares for him. Silently hoping for marriage and has weird feelings once in a while that he's gonna proposes but knows it's probably never gonna happen for the sake of their public image.
Oron - SO GOD DAMN SOFT AND EMOTIONAL AND AUGHHHH!!! THE MUTUAL HEALING!! THE OPENING UP!!! THE WORRY AND CARE THEY BOTH HAVE FOR ONE ANOTHER!!! The peak of Taryn Married Life Shipping. It's only gonna go up if/when they have kids.
Torrar - Our baby ship but Taryn is sill very intrigued and softening up for Torrar. She likes that he gives her snark back but also has the balls to be forward with her. Plus I don't think she'll ever recover from how in sync they were on their first fight meeting. She'll get tingles every time she thinks about it and maybe even see if he wants to try it again at some point, though without trying to kill each other this time.
💝 - Headcanon 5 things about our ship, please?
[ Under the cut because this baby got long! ]
They are absolutely indulging in some BDSM. It wasn't even heavily discussed, it just kind of happened and evolved after Taryn tied Achim's hands to the headboard one night because she just needed to focus on getting off without him trying to hold her back.
The longer they're together, the more Achim is allowing himself to show some genuine love and adoration behind closed doors and even in small gestures the public wouldn't think anything of. He's coming to realize that he actually enjoys it.
Taryn made Achim learn to dance with her for an event-slash-mission that had to infiltrate one time but they both enjoyed dancing with each other a lot and Achim has insisted they keep up the lessons for future situations. Totally not so he has a regular schedule where he can hold and feel up his right-hand-woman and so she can enjoy being held close.
Achim actually enjoys Taryn getting him tailored clothes now and sometimes even just invites himself along whenever she's going to the tailor for her own clothes so he can watch and give secret opinions and suggestions to her tailor based on what he likes/thinks she looks good in.
Achim's a pullout man a majority of the time. He likes how Taryn looks with his cum on her chest and stomach. But sometimes when he's feeling extra possessive after someone was feeling her up all day during an undercover event or if he's just feeling a little more loving he'll grip her hips and keep himself balls deep so he can fill her up.
Oron has almost considered getting an XXL model of Mr. Stud just because he loves seeing how much he stretches and fills Taryn. But he doesn't wanna lose all the natural sensation he's got.
This man will eat Taryn out until the point where you think he should be dead. Wants her full eight sitting on his face, holding her thighs fully on either side of his head, just absolutely pussy drunk and raging hard (maybe has even cums a few times in his own pants) from how much he enjoys tasting his little wife.
Both of them are silently into the idea of the other having nipple piercings. Please consider couple nipple piercings.
Taryn wears a skirt a majority of the time they're in public together because she's taking every chance possible to sit in his lap and either grind on him our outright slip his cock into her.
Oron wants to learn how to file/trim/paint/care for Taryn's claws so she doesn't have to take care of them all the time. And so he can put his own design ideas on them but that's neither here nor there.
EXTREME CUDDLERS. They both run cold as fuck and need warm clothes but when those aren't available they're absolutely spending every moment they can pressed against each other or cuddled under Taryn's pile of blankets and furs with the fireplace roaring in the captain's quarters. For warmth of course, no other reason. They're not feeling each other up under those blankets.
Taryn actually wanting to take the time to teach Torrar he native tongue since he's also part of her species. Gets impressed when he can easily make the harsh sounds and melodic tones fairly quickly.
Taryn absolutely calling him teasing names but also affectionate names before she teaches him her language. And then when she forgets that he now knows what's she's saying embarrassment and and being flustered ensues.
Taryn going through her first heat cycle ever because Torrar lingers around so much and she has no idea how to deal with it because most of her species' population is asexual for fuck's sake and she ran away from the planet in her early twenties how was she supposed to know.
Torrar using Taryn's horns and fuck handlebars when she grows them out. Blowjobs, certain sex positions, quickly guiding her to where he wants, they just turn into handlebars for their pleasure.
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Brazil's Role on the Global Stage to Advance Sustainable Development Goals underlined by UNDP Administrator
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UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner concluded a three-day official visit to Brazil during which he engaged in high-level discussions with a range of senior Government officials to discuss the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) support to the country’s development priorities in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including eradicating poverty, reducing inequalities, governance and advancing decisive climate action. As Brazil assumes the Presidency of the Group of 20 (G20) in January 2024 -- a gathering of many of the world's largest economies -- Mr. Steiner highlighted Brazil’s increasingly vital role on the global stage including to ‘unite’ the environmental agenda with the economic agenda. 
Mr. Steiner held discussions with Brazil's Minister of Finance, Mr. Fernando Haddad, that focused on the country's plan for an ecological transition and its work to drive forward reform of the international financial architecture, which is vital to help developing countries to address current finance for development challenges including the growing debt crisis and their ability to invest in key areas like climate action and invest in a just energy transition. 
In his meeting with Brazil’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mauro Vieira, Mr. Steiner underlined UNDP’s tailored support to Brazil advancement of the SDGs including tackling the climate emergency and expanding international cooperation in key areas such as digital transformation, innovation, and finance for development.
Continue reading.
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musesbykai · 1 year
Aaand there’s the reaction V feared. They really should have kept their mouth shut.
“You rather I run all that way?” V questioned as they fixed their many braid. “Beside, I never suggested letting her in your home. That’d be insane!” They held their hands up to either side of their head, fingers spread out like claws, to emphasis how much they think it insane to even be living in the same place as this woman.
“But we gotta find her first before Smasher, Lachlan or Achim do.”
V could practically feel Johnny glaring daggers at them. And they knew exactly why. But they’re ignoring him, for the moment, in favor of looking Oron in the eyes.
“What I was thinking was finding her some place that’s secluded, alright? Give her a run down of how this universe works. That way she can leave you, me, and Chai alone. And she gets the solitude she prefers. Besides… I kinda owe her for the time she helped me get a couple Militech bombs.” ~ kaiju-crimson-storyandask
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The Australian remained silent during V’s testimony and defending of this corpo. It didn’t sound like them at all, he only had a feeling on how Johnny would feel about the situation at hand. He continued to glare V down before his eyes returned to the front. As they did so, the foot was lifted off the break and the truck started to cruise along the back road.
“So you snuck out again.”
Oh no, THAT tone. That tone of disappointment that dad’s used to truly express how they felt about their kids breaking the rules. He gave a sigh to REALLY hammer in just how upset he was.
“I’m gonna do this one thing for you… then we’re gonna have a chat when we get home.”
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unladielike · 1 year
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[ Achim ] He's not good at this sort of thing, not even one bit. However, the young wolf's got a surprisingly good memory that simply seemed to hyper focus on some of the most unexpected details. Such as the exact date of her birthday, for example. Achim inwardly rememorized the date over and over again simply because he'd heard her once saying it out loud and she had a way of saying 'April' that sounded extremely particular and unique to his ears. So when the date actually came, it felt weird to not acknowledge it.
"Hey, Vivian! Hey, yo, wait up!" he called out to her as he tried to catch up from behind. Once they were within an arm's length he's presenting his gift: an A5 sized notebook with a funny looking black cat illustration on the cover. "So yea, happy birthday! I'm like--- really not good with gifts but i kinda saw this an' thought ya'd like it. Saw ya scribblin' and dooddlin' sooooo maybe ya can use it for that?" he's scratching his chin a little awkwardly. Now that he's up here and all that, he's realizing he didn't even wrap it up in any way that might resemble it being a birthday present.
"....Also, milkshakes on me, if ya feel like it!"
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                VIVIAN'S BIRTHDAY BASH. always accepting!
    "...Mm?" Vivian immediately ceases to a halt when she hears her name being called out, but upon realizing it was none other than Achim, she'll turn a whole one eighty to full regard him. "Oh, Keemu! Hello," she then brings herself to loudly shout before absentmindedly waving back at him, unaware he could probably hear her just fine without the enthusiastic yelling. Judging from how delayed her reaction was, however, it's rather evident she had her head up in the clouds earlier. To that end, her bespectacled gaze would end up slowly drifting down towards the notebook he had held out, but when it did, Vivian's expression was quick to brighten.
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    "Wow, you really got this for me? Thanks!" she exclaims while graciously accepting his gift. "Hehe... not gonna lie, this cat on the front page reminds me of the one my friend has, but since I've been meaning to buy a new one anyways, this sure saves me a lot of money! Still, I can't believe you stole a peek at my silly scribbles," she later admits. Though she was certainly not the best artist by any means, Vivian did like to doodle blue butterflies or Hayate's face on the spare margins of her last notebook with her pen, so this was definitely a gift she would keep for a long time.
    "Milkshakes, huh? To tell you the truth, I've never had one before. Do you think we could share one together, Keemu?" Vivian then ponders aloud. Naturally, she fails to recognize that would mean potentially drinking out of the same straw as Achim, but as far as she's concerned, she didn't say anything particularly weird.
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anotherhumanpet · 2 years
"It's not me I'm worried about," Judas sighs in Jaden's hold. But since he can't really answer for Dennis, his own experience is just as good of a reference point. "The two of them showed up together. New guy was part cyborg or something. Roughed me up a little- I'm fine, no damage- and asked questions about how to find Oron. Wasn't too happy when I had no idea, sounded like he was threatening me /and/ Achim for it."
"I realize that, but I'm worried about both of you." Although Jaden unsurprisingly held a little more concern for Dennis than he did for Judas. At least if push came to shove, Judas could defend himself. He was experienced and wasn't afraid to get violent, or deadly, when necessary. Dennis on the other hand...
Jaden had to tamp down his anger again before continuing.
"And what happened to Dennis? Did he say anything to you or did they catch you two together?"
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savior-of-humanity · 2 years
Black trucks with lots of guns started to surround NERV, helicopters following along to take control of the skies. Achim stepped out of the most forward truck, standing tall as a megaphone was raised to his mouth, gripped by his metal hand. “I want all of ye to step outside with yer hands in the air.” To be brutally honest, he wasn't exactly a fan of the facility design. It looked pretentious in his opinion but no matter... that's not what he was here for.
"I wish to speak to a child... Shinji."
NERV was prepared for many things - or rather, specifically, the infamous Angels who could come in virtually any shape or form, with a variety of powers, abilities, strategies at their disposal, to attempt to outwit those who were prepared to prevent the end of humanity through Third Impact.
What they were not prepared for was for their enemy to be Man on this day - not SEELE, not any military of any country, but something entirely unknown.
The only reason that Achim's men hadn't simply been blasted to Hell and back with an N2 mine was because the subject of his ire, one Shinji Ikari and the semi-infamous Evangelion Unit-01, were currently stationed at a outpost of sorts. This had initially been in an attempt to intercept a developing Angel that had been sighted within the heart of a volcano not too far from the forward operating base - and so they had little defenses meant for actually fighting proper ground forces.
If this had been at NERV HQ, at Central Dogma, then Achim wouldn't even had the chance to speak before they would've been laid to waste with their own anti-infantry arsenal.
Of course, they weren't entirely defenseless. And what better to beat back the force that had come for what was technically an extremely valuable asset than that very same asset?
From within the safety of the Evangelion's entry plug deep underground, Shinji Ikari took a deep, shaky breath, feeling the warm LCL fill his lungs, trying to ignore the taste of blood that filled his mouth. He'd only been sent against Angels right now, and he didn't have any training specifically for human combatants. If anything, the thought that he was going to be fighting, hurting, killing people made him sick to his stomach. But apparently, they wanted him. Why, he couldn't fathom.
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Achim would be greeted with the sight of a previously hidden, gargantuan hatch embedded in a hillside sliding open - and out forth came the 80-meter visage of EVA Unit-01. Within the arms of the humanoid giant was a Pallet Rifle, essentially a assault rifle up scaled for usage by Evangelion Units. The purple 'mecha' would immediately aim said rifle towards Achim's men, but did not open fire - not yet, anyway.
From the actual facility itself broadcasted the voice of the person who held commanding authority over the thwarted operation of terminating another Angel - one Misato Katsuragi, her voice carried aloft from speaker systems embedded on the outside of the facility. "THIS IS YOUR ONLY WARNING! You have 30 seconds to stand down and disarm yourselves IMMEDIATELY, or we will not hesitate to inflict lethal force upon you and your men!"
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codenamejudas · 2 years
Dennis doesn't resist the pull; he just numbly follows along with it and eases down into the nearest chair that he can grab while they get settled in at the table next to each other. All of Judas' twitches and fidgeting goes unnoticed too as Dennis is too focused on keeping his own habits in check so they're not too obnoxious or distracting. The salt shaker is immediately stolen though and rotated on its axis, as much as it can be without making a mess everywhere.
"He said he wanted to see me and figure out why his alternate was so obsessed with me. And that he wanted to apologize to Gramps, but he was ignoring him. So..." Dennis shrugged. "I guess he thought I'd help him or something. I dunno."
No surprise to anyone, Judas didn't trust it. Dennis likely didn't either. He couldn't think of any reason an alternate Achim would know about the first's actions without having interacted with him firsthand or those working the facility. What were the chances this one held different values? It raised a lot of red flags and questions.
Though at Judas' home base, they did have a few run-ins with a specific alternate of Silas' that was...unique.
"I don't like it. Especially not if his first plan of action was to circle the neighbourhood and break in. Doesn't feel like much of an apology. You want me to hang out overnight? Bet I can find somewhere to hide while your dad's home."
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monster-or-man · 2 years
@wardogxicarus​ replied:
Shale’s lips were drawn into a thin line, her eyes studying Achim carefully. Her posture was formal… militaristically so; an unconscious mirroring of Silas. “I don’t trust anyone bearing your face. You may not have been the one holding the syringe, but I doubt you wouldn’t try it if you had the chance.”
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“Please. If I was the one holding the syringe, I would have done a much better job.” Strangely, the scientist was in a similar pose. Hands behind his back, spine completely straight with his head held high. “The work done on ye is sloppy at best.”
Moving to stand behind him was his universe’s version of Bruce, one that was much more fiercer looking than the giant that Shale had come to know and love. The beast stood behind it’s master, clearly under Achim’s control.
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wardogxicarus · 2 years
"Anything fits his MO." Bruce grumbled under his breath but he decided not to question it further. "Well... Hopefully you guys find the bastard that did this."
Gloria held a look that expressed her disagreement with the statement. Achim absolutely had an MO that was purely ego driven. If his actions weren't specifically tailored to feed his arrogance, it was designed to seek revenge on perceived slights. Which meant he kept his most intense things personal and in his specific flavor of torment.
A knife stabbing was certainly personal in nature, but she felt Achim was far from the type to take this route. Still, she opted not to argue on the matter either.
"They'll be answering to many angry folks once we find them."
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