Send me a “👀 + a question” and my muse has to answer honestly!
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Send me '😵💫' to find my muse alone in the aftermath of a fight
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(Nervous as fuck to approach you back then)
Tooooo be fair on you, we were in the tf2 fandom. Being in any fandom makes me grouchy lmao
But I am just a little bean
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On anon or not, tell me what YOUR headcanons for my muse are.
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send me "be honest..." with a question your muse has been dying to ask mine and they'll answer truthfully.
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What is your first impression of the mun of this blog?
Feel free to send on or off anon!
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If my character had a fursona, what do you think it would be?
Feel free to specify species/color/details; as much as you'd like!
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Sam wasn’t as sly as he thought he was, Abram’s yellow eyes glared at the ‘detective’. Stealing from the crime scene, he was starting to believe that this guy wasn’t even a detective at all. He was going to speak up about it, but the ghost seemed to have noticed too as it threw a knife directly at the smaller one of the duo. The demon held up his hands, signalling that they meant no harm.
“We mean you no harm miss, we’ve been sent to investigate a murder.” His voice was commanding but not outright demanding. “Investigators presume that you were the one that committed the murder butI think there is something else going on, it doesn’t sit right with me.”
Just as Abrams finished speaking, he turned to the window. In the reflection, standing behind him was a ghostly figure. A young woman, no older than twenty was staring down Sam. The blue demon turned to face the ‘pair’ even if it was just Sam standing there.
“She’s looking at you.” Abrams warned, motioning his head towards the reflection.
"By all means! Happy to let you take the lead on this one." Sam is usually the one to do the talking, so it'll be interesting to see how someone else handles things, plus it gives him the time to look around area. After all, what's a private detective without some overly invasive snooping?
The moment they walk into the kitchen feels exactly like stepping into a fast food joint's walk-in freezer. The canine lets out an involuntary shiver as his exhalations condense into clouds of vapor. Even without Abrams new tome, there is no mistaking that this is where the ghost is. Sam can't help but feel a little vindicated that his knowledge of schlocky b-movie horrors proved useful once again.
"Great frosty snowmen in the Himalayas, its cold!" Sam mutters to himself as he walks on over to one of the kitchen cabinets, and opens it. Lets see here: oregano, basil, cinnamon, etc. Yep. All the classic culprits you'd find at your garden variety supermarket.... wait, now what's this? Reaching in, Sam pulls out a jar that reads "Old Fashioned Rubbed White Sage." Guess the usual sage was too convenient for this type of person. Well, if the owner is dead then they won't be missing it. Sam casually pocketed the jar of spice, with no care at all if his new detective pal had any moral objections to the action.
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“Hurray!” XD celebrated by clapping his metal ‘hands’ together. “That’s good to hear. Did you live with anyone else before you moved?” He questioned, putting his metal finger against the screen. Dennis seemed kind of young to be living fully on his own, at least in XD’s eyes. Then again, from what he could remember, his parents were always so busy that he himself thought that he was living alone at times.
When the ball wasn’t returned, XD grew a little worried but then the teen asked the question. It was a hard one to answer. “I’m okay…” There was a pause but his face produced a smile. “I don’t remember much of my old life, just bits and pieces. I was a boy, younger than you when I think I got sick. That’s pretty much it.”
He held out his hand, waiting for the ball to be thrown back. “I do remember my old universe though and I’m much happier here! It’s a lot more normal and I’ve made great friends like you Dennis!”
"Uhm.. fine." Dennis didn't know how else to answer, so he kept quiet for a moment while shuffling awkwardly on his feet. Being stuck in a position of following-up heavy news with relatively good - arguably great - news felt inappropriate in some way he couldn't fully comprehend, let alone articulate. But with no other answers to give, he briefly explained, "I moved in with my uncle. So, things are chaotic still, but I'm not so alone when I'm dealing with it, ya know?"
Rather than tossing the ball back and keeping up the charade of everything's fine, Dennis held onto it and canted his head slightly while he looked at XD. "Are... you okay?"
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Yeah, save yourself, you'll burn in Hell
For what you've done but never die
One day you'll stand for something
New year, new starter call! If you see this on your dash, it is an open invitation to come check out my blog! Give this post a like and I'll check out your blog and potentially send a starter!
Follows through @monster-or-man
Art by me!
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Nonverbal rp starters!
I am basing it off of a meme that was already created! I just don't like the sexual part. Its inspired off of this meme!
My muse: person who receiving ask (say "Swap" to swap roles!)
☝️ tap my muse on the shoulder
👉 Point something out to my muse
🤙 bump into my muse
📓 pass a object to my muse [specify]
🥖 offer food for my muse
🚪 knock on my muse door
🔫 splash water on my muse
🐶 nuzzle my muse [specify where!]
✂️ cut my muse hair
🐈 lean on my muse
🫂 hug my muse
👔 fix/straighten my muses clothes
🌡 give my sick muse soup!
🌲 get lost in the woods with my muse
🐺 growl at my muse
😬 snarl/show teeth at my muse
🎯 headbutt my muse
👊 punch my muse
🗣 agressively yell at my muse [can specify what is said]
🗯 threaten my muse [can specify what is said]
🫸 push my muse
🔪 point a weapon at muse [can specify]
😡 death glare / glare at my muse
👿 slam my muse on the ground / wall
🐻 claw / bite my muse full force
👩⚕️ try to treat my muses wounds
😨 try to calm my muse during an overwhelming moment
⛓️ try to physically refrain my muse from doing something dumb / they might regret
😺 hold my muse after they woke up from a nightmare
😭 hold my muse while they are crying
😣 find my my muse that been missing a few days
☠️ find my muse near a dead body
⏰️ wake my muse up from a nightmare
😴 find my muse passed out
😁 bite my muse
👏 tickle my muse
😱 scare my muse
🤣 prank my muse [specify!]
👅 show my muse a silly face
🥸 wear my muses clothes
🌼 put a flower in my muses hair
🃏 play a game with my muse [specify!]
👃boop my muse nose
🤝 scoop my muse up
🫳 tug my muses clothes / hair
👻 hide from my muse
🥁 playfully pat my muse head like a drum
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Domestic Bickering Sentences, Vol. 4
(Sentences for problems - big, small, serious, and light - between muses in a relationship. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"You could have just fucking told me!"
"I'm guessing you haven't got time for sex?"
"Why are you late?"
"Can you at least pretend to enjoy yourself?"
"Can we just enjoy each other's company for a little while?"
"I was looking for advice, not a lecture."
"Keep this up and you'll be sleeping in the spare room tonight!"
"I have said I'm sorry!"
"Not everything is about you!"
"I don't care what you meant to do; it's what you did that I don't like!"
"We don't have any fun! Not like we used to!"
"When I want your advice, I'll ask for it!"
"Are you going to be angry all evening?"
"You're up to something! I know the signs!"
"Is this your way of apologising?"
"Rules are rules! No opera before 8am!"
"You're a walking ball of neediness!"
"What have you been doing all day?"
"You are the most stubborn creature on this earth!"
"Honey, you look horrific!"
"I don't know about you, but I've had enough of this tedious spat!"
"You've devoted to melodrama."
"It's called work-life balance. Maybe try it sometime?"
"Don't even think about telling me to calm down!"
"I'm already in a foul mood - let's not make it any worse."
"Don't shout! You'll wake the children!"
"Typical. You're always thinking about yourself."
"There's a nicer way to make your point, you know!"
"You promised me when we got married that you'd never come between me and my work."
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GODZILLA VS KONG (2021) Dir. Adam Wingard
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Grunting a little, the man rolled his shoulder. “Well I appreciate the help. I’m not much of a doc myself so some of this stuff does kind of go over my head a bit.”
Walking through the hall, the pair passed XD who gave a simple wave to the newcomer. The mech pilot spoke up. “Dunno if there’s too much I could say about ‘em. They just so happened to drop in from another realm that’s far different from our own. I mean, you’ll see for yourself.”
As Oron was guiding this doctor through, there were a few whispers around the cramped home. Two young males were having a talk behind a closed door, it was hard to pick up exactly what was being mentioned but the word ‘bombing’ could be heard. The sound of a guitar being strummed echoed from another room while constant cat-like meowing came from the kitchen.
“I gotta ask, not too many folks know about this place.” Oron stopped in his tracks, almost glaring once again. “Who the hell’s been talking about me?”
Nikos’ hidden tail tightened its grip around his leg at the older man’s threatening demeanor. Deep instincts tell him to freeze, or at lean run. Something to live another day.
But he did neither of those things. Instead his second pair of hands rested atop his hips as he gave a wider smile. He no longer hid those black, sharp teeth. He’s certainly afraid. Very much so. But, he was also too tired, and used to being around people who could easily kill him, to really let it affect him too much.
“Thank you~.” Came a sing-songy tune. “I was warned you’d be something like this. Don’t worry. My only goal is to help. I swear on both of my hearts.”
He lowered his bag to carry with both of his upper set of arms. Casually, the young man walked into the building and gave a much softer, friendlier smile to XD on the way in.
Both ears swiveled about. Listened to everyone in this crammed home for anyone who was either familiar or in need of help. He even sniffed the air for good measure.
“So, mind telling me a bit about the patient? The one whose head keeps falling off?”
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Folding his arms, Oron was quick to pick up the body language of the other, that twitch of the ear didn’t go unnoticed by the human and his own little smirk was clearly visible to this newcomer.
“Interesting.” This multiverse instability is more long term than Oron realised, then he remembered Nekuma mentioning the ability to willingly travel between universes. There’s a glare from Oron, his bright red eyes glowing a little. Another part of the conversation he had with her was about her creator.
However, the aussie was at a bit of a crossroads. There were a few people in the house that were having medical issues far beyond his own basic understanding. An interdimensional doctor may help with that. Reluctantly, Oron opened the door fully to let him in.
“Alright, I’ll let you see them but I’m warning you right now. If your intention is to hurt any of the folks under my care, you’ll wish that your father dropped you off in a universe that doesn’t have me.” With his eyes glowing and flames spilling out of his teeth, Oron stood tall in order to appear more threatening.
“Oh, no no. I would never be part of the IRS. I’m terrible at tracking people down.” Tired eyes somehow managed to barely keep focus on XD up until Oron walked over. A single ear twitched and both brows raised in surprise.
Nikos never once thought he’d ever encounter someone who’s the same height as himself. Let alone a human.
A human he could already tell had the possibility of becoming a major source of danger. And not the kind he was used to.
“Well, yes and no.” The young man gave a tight-lipped smile and nonchalantly waved a hand. “Don’t know what universe I was created in. But, I’ve lived in this one since I was little. Father brought me here for safety. So don’t worry about adding another refugee.”
Nikos lifted his bag higher. There’s a blue cross similar to the typical Red Cross.
“I’m a doctor. My older sister is one of your guests, and she let me know that there was a patient in need of help with keeping their head in one place. Preferably on their shoulders.”
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Looking up and down this new young man, XD could instantly tell that he wasn’t fully human. It seemed that Oron and Chai were the only humans he was doomed to ever meet. However, Oron did tell him that he had to ask a certain question before he let anyone inside.
“Are you with the I.R.S?”
It didn’t take long for a tanned white man’s hand to grip the door and open it slowly which forced XD to move back slightly.
“Ya did good XD.” The man put his hand on the Securitron’s shoulder before taking over. “So I’m guessin’ that you’re not part of this world? Were you dumped here by the multiverse?”
The young man at the door could easily hear the single wheel of the Securitron roll on over to the door. He waited patiently for mechanical being to open the door before he tilted his head to the side with a friendly expression.
With a gentle smile and both ears faced forward at attention, he didn’t look fully human himself. From the stripes, to his long ears and the glow of orange eyes, and his tall stature that would have put him at eye level with Oron, he could only possible fit in with the people here. Not with the ordinary people of this universe.
“Why, hello there,” he now spoke with a tone one would use towards a child. Lips barely parted so he didn’t scare anyone with his teeth. Did he know about XD’s past? No. Nikos was just doing his best to show his friendly side. “I’m Nikos. One of your housemates is my sister—” he lifted a bag with medical supplies into view. “—and she let me know that someone here needed help from a doctor with… unique experiences.”
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