#About Corali
ase-trollplays · 6 months
Corali: 7, 8, 25 and 41 Thiomi: 2, 12, 34 and 42
7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
It would probably get me killed, but yelling something inflammatory would work best for getting her attention, so I'd loudly shit talk Thiomi or Darius and let her come to me. Then immediately run away because she'll stomp me into paste when she catches me.
All Thiomi or Darius would have to do is call to her for help and she'll bulldoze everyone in that crowd to get to them.
8. How loose is their use of the phrase 'I love you'?
That phrase is strictly reserved for quadmates and Darius. She's not the kind of person to just throw around "I love you"s to people.
25. What subject or topic do they know a lot about that's completely useless to the direct plot?
She's a goddamn genius with numbers. The greatest mathematician you'll ever meet. She reads textbooks for fun and enrichment, and she's a stellar accountant.
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone/somewhere else?
She's not the type to pick up things from other people, but Thiomi's been rubbing off on her just a little bit. She's actually started swearing less because of her. Initially, she would only refrain around Thiomi because she knows constantly swearing makes her uncomfortable. Now she holds in more of her swears out of habit.
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word 'friend'?
She's a little reserved with calling people friends. Generally, once she's been in regular contact with someone for about a month and feels like she can trust them, she calls them her friend.
12. What's something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
Watching Dantli and Varoll play together. Her gigantic, scary, hulking matesprit being silly and playful with their short teenage daughter is sweet and really funny. It never fails to make her start giggling.
34. How do they greet someone they like/love?
A genuine smile and either a handshake with both hands or a hug. c: Once she likes/loves someone she's really physical.
42. If invited to a TED talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
uuhhhhhhhhhhh Let me get back to you on that cuz I got nothin
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eternalvoxel · 3 months
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Some of y'all are out here like this.
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catalinemorosetheblog · 7 months
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I look at Coralie 6626 Planck and think fondly, "this girl was absolutely raised by Einstein".
And then I also look at Coralie 6626 Planck and think, with both amusement and occasional abject terror, "this girl was absolutely raised by Tesla".
Or, in which a sketch to celebrate Part 2 coming out soon.
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pissmaster228 · 5 months
mhy really did Helia and Coralie DIRTY with that timeskip. They've been sent exploring where no CE human has been before, something that's both difficult and potentially /lethal/ See the IRL space race for a close example, all of them went through gruelling training and were fully prepared to not come back.
(contains events from Oxia's chapter 2 so don't read if you haven't finished that)
Helia's a workaholic who's OBSESSED obsessed with getting stronger and romanticized going out in a blaze of glory since childhood. (dorm and bridge interactions) (Hey doesn't that remind you of anyone) Being an A-rank doesn't help. May I remind you she's been a valkyrie since Otto was in charge? Her A-rank title is her greatest pride. She's been mentored by the Goddess of Earth and yet she's still objectively speaking a nobody.
Coralie, in contrast, is a BIG SHOT. She's got furry mutations, got a PhD at 17, her parents are leaders of a military branch(AE is a branch of the US army right? or am i misremembering?), she inserted the Planck constant into her name ffs. Basically almost all the time she was the most specialest girl in the room.
Then these two spent a year locked together in a rocket(why were they flying by spaceship, again?) and started their most exciting mission of mining rocks with Helia as the muscle and Coralie as the brain.(Coralie insists Helia isn't dumb, just childish) Helia took care of things like maintenance (she wrote the voyage log for example) Then they discover an analogous structure to the Eye of the Deep(lovingly nicknamed the Sandpit) and try to pry it open(Tesla HATED the idea, Nagamitsu was very enthusiastic though)(why is this woman still working for Schicksal again?). Du-dunn, they get inside and now they're stuck in a bubble universe where their earthly titles mean nothing, their roles in an explorer team are already taken by other people (Sena, Entropy) and bitches who seem to know Something keep talking about using them as a blood sacrifice(Perception, Chenxue). Yeah, rub it in that they're disposable.
Coralie is very openly pissed about it. She's stuck far away from her home, surrounded by UwU quirky beings and worst of all, she's there because she didn't listen to her mom. And Helia? That's been her reality forever. She stays silent in discussions because she feels like she has nothing to contribute, she's always guarding the rear when they walk somewhere(visible in group shots, wasn't stated outright) and when Lantern ambushes them she doesn't try to flee like Songque, doesn't take out her weapons in a defensive stance like Coralie(well guns aren't the most defensive weapon but you get what i mean) but steps forward as if attempting to shield Entropy and Senadina with her body. Helia is literally the Valkyrie Ideal. Valuing protecting others over her life, even if they barely know each other. Also abs.
oh my god this got way longer than i thought it would and i didn't even mention the Union episode
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anominous-user · 10 months
devs released more info relating to part 2's gacha and equipment changes and the catch is that they're making max-level part two stigmata a whale thing and they added weapon refinements
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patchesproblem · 11 months
"My ship held hands!" "My ship kissed!" Okay but mine nearly died and lost everything together. They lost their lives, everyone they loved and cared about, they even lost their ability to age and to live normal lives. They've only had each other to rely on and to keep them grounded. They've nearly lost each other on several occassions. They built an organization only to watch it collapse around them. Their adopted son ran away with an AI. They had a blonde dude making them out to be evil and wanted them gone. They were forced into a war that they weren't expecting. They rebuilt everything together and never left each other's side despite them living in a situation anyone would consider hellish and could ruin any relationship. They lost their adopted son AGAIN after a freak accident involving an experiment gone wrong. They only feel safe enough to act like their past selves around each other. They still have unwavering faith and trust in each other no matter the situation or circumstance. They even adopted a daughter together. They've loved each other for decades and even after they no longer had to run their organization they're still together, still bickering and laughing with each other.
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krawlernyannyan · 3 months
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There's a lot going on here and all of it is getting our system overheating.
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fcrtheglcry · 7 months
a small starter for @cauldronsborn ♡ muse: coralie devereaux (they/she, bisexual, 25-30, misplaced mermaid)
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✧˚ · .   ❝ YOU’RE A BIT DIFFERENT THAN THE STORIES I’D HEARD ABOUT YOU, ❞ coralie mused, their voice a light but thoughtful hum. ❝ HUMANS, I MEAN. ❞ coralie hadn’t been on land very long, and most of it had been awful thus far. they couldn’t wait to find their way back to the ocean and their real life. but while they were here, it seemed they were learning all sorts of new things. like the interesting mannerisms of this human in front of them – so different than other creatures they knew, their own species especially. ❝ IT’S WEIRD HOW WRONG WE GOT IT. ❞
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ase-trollplays · 1 year
Corali is one of those people whose anxiety channels itself as anger instead of fear and avoidance. If she's being a huge asshole for no reason or seems extra angies, it's anxiety.
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highly-important · 2 years
Little Art things I'm obsessed with pt 1
Portraits of absent figures:
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David Hockney - A Bigger Splash, 1967
Hockney originally visited California in 1963 and was won over by the sunlight and laid-back lifestyle, especially the luxury and ubiquity of the swimming pool. He described it as his "promised land" The splash is about freezing a moment in time, but it is also empty of human presence but implying a human. The male figure is present in some of David's other works from this time period, especially his muse and then-partner Peter Schlesinger. These paintings are about a hedonistic gay lifestyle, and the swimmers, the divers, are often the subject of voyeurism and desire. But in this painting, we just missed the diver, which makes the object of desire more private and personal. Who was the painter looking at, lusting after, etc. I like the contrast of the incredibly sharp and graphic suburban neighborhood, and the chaotic, organic splash. So again, if the divers represent this homosexual desire, we have this contrast of an orderly heterosexual world, and the queerness that joyfully disrupts it.
And then of course, with the absent figure, there is this massive sense of loss and loneliness. And so much of loneliness is about concealment, hiding in shame. This is a private space, but its also an exposed space, enhancing the loneliness. The figure is isolated, alone, invisible. Its a sadness that contrasts with the setting, the activity, and saturated lighting.
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Felix Gonzalez-Torres - Untitled (billboard of an empty bed), 1991
These billboards were exhibited in the streets of Manhattan during the AIDS crisis. This piece was created the same year Felix Gonzalez-Torres's boyfriend Ross died. This portrait is a celebration of love and a memorization of loss and the emotions between intimacy and publicity. In the artist's own words:
“What I’m trying to say is that we cannot give the powers that be what they want, what they are expecting from us. Some homophobic senator is going to have a very hard time trying to explain to his constituency that my work is homoerotic or pornographic, but if I were to do a performance with HIV blood — that’s what he wants, that’s what the rags expect because they can sensationalize that, and that’s what’s disappointing. Some of the work I make is more effective because it’s more dangerous. We both make work that looks like something else but it’s not that. We’re infiltrating that look.“
The work intentionally uses the matching, identical depressions to imply a same-sex couple. The image itself is extremely intimate, but its being displayed in public spaces.
Felix Gonzales-Torres became known for his absent bodies.
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And then, a little different, this painting by Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (1837) commissioned by Frederick and and Coralie Frey, depicts the three Frey children, with the faint shadow of a figure. There was a legend that there was a fourth figure in this painting. In 2005 a private collector, Jeremy K Simien, purchased the painting and it underwent conservation.
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The painting revealed Bélizaire, a fifteen year-old enslaved domestic owned by the children's father. The picture captures the complex relationship between the boy and the children, the family that was keeping him captive. For one thing, the way he is set back from the others. There is this sort of intimacy between them along side the psychological trauma of forced bondage.
Here is a great Tiktok about the painting, to quote "What I'm struck by is what a sensitive portrait this is of this young man who was living in an inhumane society where he, despite being a human being, was bought and sold."
A few years after this painting was created, the three Frey children died, and Bélizaire was the only one who survived into adulthood.
The painting stayed in the Frey family. At some point, likely in the late 19th or 20th century, Bélizaire was intentionally painted over. In 1972, the great-granddaughter of Coralie Frey donated the painting to a Louisiana museum, informing them that a figure was painted over. During the course of the painting's life at the museum, no effort was put into restoring the figure.
Jeremy Simien's, who bought and restored this painting, said on his instagram "Bélizaire, they know your name now. Tell the ancestors to let me sleep for a minute."
And shout out to the picture that make me want to write this, Hyde Park Flowers, London by Tumblr user @kimironside I won't re-post it so check out the link.
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the-offside-rule · 2 years
Charles Leclerc (Scuderia Ferrari) - Baby Duties
Requested: on wattpad
Warnings: nons
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"What are you going to call her?"
"Coralie, Coralie Leclerc."
That day was something else. The day your baby girl, Coralie arrived to the world. It all seemed so much better than everyone told you it would be. She wasn't crying at night, she wasn't being terrible at all but then then the problems started when you got home. Charles opened up the front door with your hospital bag and let you in holding the baby. You looked around at the homer you missed oh so much and continued on to the nursery to put your little girl to sleep. It was awfully late at night so she would probably be sleepy and to be completely honest, you were pretty tired too. You placed the little creature into her crib and tucked her in. Charles looked on lovingly at his little family. Everything was finally coming together in his life.
You tiredly made your way out of the room and closed the door gently. You heard a light chuckle and reopened your eyes to see Charles staring at you. "What?" you yawned. "Nothing, you just look beautiful as always." He remarked. Even though you felt like complete and utter shit, he made you feel like a princess. "but you look tired so maybe you should go to sleep." You nodded and yawned. "Yeah. Let's go- what are you doing?" you asked as Charles picked you up bridal style and began walking in the direction of your bedroom. "We're going to bed." He replied simply. "I might put on a movie too but it's up to you." Your heart fluttered at his words. "Do you know how much I love you?" you asked him, nuzzled into his chest. "You've said it a few times but I don't mind hearing it again."
You had managed to fall asleep but the distant cries of little Coralie Leclerc put an end to that. You moved to get up but Charles lay you back down making you a little bit confused. "Charles, I need to go get her." you groaned. "No princesse, you go back to sleep. I'll go get her." You agreed reluctantly and turned back around to go to sleep but in the nursery, they were probably not going to sleep.
"Salut ma fille, Pourquoi pleures tu?" (hello my daughter, why are you crying?) he babbled. Carolie seemed to quiet down a little bit but not much. "Veux tu quelque chose a manger? Ah no. You can't eat anything yet erm..." Charles thought about an alternative and thankfully came up with one quickly before she woke up the entire of Monaco. "Et le lait? Oui? Tres bien." (How about milk? Yes? Great) he said to himself. "Allons y alors, mais nous devons nouse taire."(Let's go then but we need to be quiet.) he said wrapping Carolie in a blanket to keep her warm while they went out to the kitchen to get some milk. " Nous ne voulons pas reveiller votre maman." (We don't want to wake up your mom.) Charles had a peak into the room to see if you were still asleep and smiled to himself when he saw that you were.
"Vous savez, vous et votre maman êtes similaires. Vous êtes tous les deux très exigeants." (You know, you and your mom are very similar. You're both very high maintenance.) Charles chuckled as he began to feed his hungry baby. "Je blague. Je vous aime beaucoup tous les deux." (I'm joking. I love you both very much.) he continued on. "Et croyez moi, à la seconde où je peux vous amener à une course, vous allez à une course." (And trust me, the second I can get you to a race, you are going to a race.)
"Bien, allons au lit." (Right, let's go to bed.) he said once she finished her bottle. Charles walked back quietly to the nursery and placed her back into her crib but then as he began to walk away, she started cying again. "Quel est le problème avec ma princesse maintenant? (What is wrong with my princess now?) he asked softly. "Vous voulez une soirée pyjama? Une chanson peut-être? Tous les deux? Bien." (Do you want a sleepover? A song? Both? Okay.) He gave up and climbed into the crib, hoping and praying he didn't break it or he would get a hounding from you. " Frere jaques, frere jacques, dormez vous, dormez vous? Sonnez les matines, sonnes les matines. Din, dan, don. Din, dan, don." He hummed. Charles looked down and saw Carolie asleep on his chest. He was now trapped in a crib with his baby. How was he going to get out now? He wasn't so he gave in and just decided to fall asleep. Night one of having a baby in the house would be pretty successful if you ask me.
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some new information about the game from a new interview:
the spiral is described as “a place full of delusions” and “dystopian lands” that the protagonists of LN 3 will have to go through to escape “the nowhere.”
unlike the rest of the children in the world of LN, low still holds onto hope. he’s been in the spiral for “many years” now and is “obsessed with reaching a mythical place” that “he believes will have a gateway leading home.”
alone is described as a “curious” and “incurable tinkerer” who is extremely interested in the secrets of the spiral.
alone is also described as low’s best friend once again.
LN 3 will be a “brand-new story” in the LN universe. however, there may be some things in the new game that players can connect back to LN 1 and 2.
you can read about it more in this article:
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From the Ashes: Marvel Infinity #14
Continuing on from last week…
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The comic starts with the following narration:
"Sometimes, you get a moment..."
We then see Max as a child with his father, Jakob.
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The narration continues: "...when everything lines up... ...when anything is possible."
We now see Max facing a firing squad who has opened fire with Jakob's hand on his shoulder.
"When suddenly, you can make things happen."
We then see Max as child with bullets in midair.
"But other times.. Perhaps most of the time...
...you can't."
We then see blood and broken glass on the snow. We're back from where issue #13 left off and Max is waking up after being hit by a car.
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Someone is calling to him off panel, "Mr. Eisenhardt..." Turns out, he's being roused by Rabbi Sagan and a bystander.
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According to Google Translate, Max is saying "I... yes, Dad takes us across the Vistula. There's a famer in Radom who will hide us."
Cut off in the picture is the wreckage of the car in flames.
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What might not be clear in the art is that Max is dragging his lower body to get to the car.
Narration continues: "A few months ago, Magneto could have made something happen."
"A few months ago, he could have dismantled the ruined car and spirited the child away to safety with a thought."
We now see a horrific scene of Anna in the fiery car screaming, "Somebody help us! Poppa won't wake up!"
Narration: "But now he is helpless"
Max is reaching into the car to get to her with the Rabbi reaching out behind him but Max is immediately burned.
Narration: "As helpless as he was when the jaws of the twentieth century closed on his people."
"Now, as then, he is condemned to simply bear witness."
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Anna is grasping at her seatbelt, "I'm... I'm stuck!"
Max, face illuminated by the fire, is calling out to her "Then... then you must cut yourself loose! Is there anything to hand, a... a tool... something sharp?! Anything!"
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Anna cuts through the seatbelt and begins clinging to her dad in the driver's seat, "I'm free! We can go now, Daddy!"
Max shouts back, "No! You have to leave him! He would want you to."
"Look! There are people here to help your father, but you have to climb!"
Anna is hesitant, "I... I..."
"DO IT!" Max shouts.
Anna starts climbing over her father as the firefighters are getting into position to hose off the car, "Daddy, I'm sorry! It's... it's too hot!"
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"I've got you." - Max
Max is being attended to by a medical professional. They're wrapping up his burnt arm. Someone off panel says, "It smells like reindeer sausage in here."
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Rabbi Sagan confirms that Anna is safe and well. "The father too. Concussion. Smoke inhalation, but he'll be fine."
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Rabbi Sagan sits with Max. "... Did I tell you how my grandmother Coralie came to live here in Alaska?"
Max: "I can guess..."
Rabbi Sagan: "When she was just three years old, she was a detainee at Furs internment camp in France."
(as Rabbi Sagan speaks, we see scenes of grandmother Coralie's life illustrated)
"And she would have surely died there had Andree Salomon not rescued her and put her on a train bound for Lisbon, where the S.S. Mouzinho was waiting to take her to America.
She arrived in New York on June 21st, 1941, where she was placed with a foster family who moved to Anchorage soon afterwards.
On Purim, she'd always get maudlin drunk and tell us about her mother -- her desperate, hopeful smile as she entrusted her only daughter to a stranger and the sea.
She knew she wouldn't live to see her daughter thrive across the ocean.
She sent her anyway."
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"With the coming of Moshiach and the resurrection of the righteous" the Rabbi responds. "But I think you already had one of those covered."
Back to X-Men HQ, AKA "The Factory." Later.
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"Summers and the others are heading out on another mission. You should get some rest." Max says to Hank.
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Hank: "Max... Respectfully.... ...You won't."
Max: "Henry, trust me..."
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The end? Infinity comics will be focusing on the Alaska team for the next 2 issues so maybe we'll see more on this.
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patchesproblem · 4 months
Taking pen doodle requests again.
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jazzy-art-time · 1 month
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Coralie, concept sketch doodle Jarble AU 8/6/2024
concept doodle / messy reference for Coralie! She is the twins biological mother in Jarble AU! She got knocked up by Wem and was already fantasizing about the tropical condo he would be buying for her with alimony payments. "We will get through this together, right?" "Of course <3" <- Woman already thinking about the sports car she will get from this
Bonus doodle showing where Eden gets that face from
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leonscape · 1 month
so controversial, but i kinda wanna know more about the king. he did some horrible stuff to the women in his life but this makes me feel like he wasn’t actually a bad guy? coralie was a good person so maybe the king was too?
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