#About Circe the Azem
futuresuntocrystal · 1 year
    I keep saying, “I’ll go to bed,” and then needing to remind myself... Bedtime after ship-list. Since it’s a long list, but simplified, and that works out, I’d think.
    Anyways-! Not all of my characters have a long ship list. Rhela overtakes bc Main + WoL... I’m a firm believer in multi-ship + polyam (cause I am one), so that explains the rest. LMAO
    That said, have lists!
Ah'dan Khonturr [ WoL + boyf’s chara]
I'karus Tia [OC]
Valmir [ OC ]
Altan [ OC ]
G'raha Tia [main ship w/ Ah’dan]
Haurchefant Greystone
Zenos viator Galvus
Estinien Varlineau
Hades/Emet-Selch (+ Hythlodaeus)
U'odh Nunh
Feo Ul
Foulques of the Mist
X'rhun Tia
Thancred Waters
Esugen Oronir + Mauci Dorthal
Daidukul Buduga
Leofard Myste
Riol Forrest
Nhaza'a Jaab
Sidurgu Orl
Cid Garlond
Magnai Oronir [main ship]
Aymeric de Borel
Artoriel de Fortemps
Sadu Dotharl
Yotsuyu goe Brutus
Asahi sas Brutus
Hermes [typically as Selene]
Thancred Waters + Urianger Augurelt
Ysayle Dangoulain
(?? I still don’t know yet)
Lyse Hext [main ship]
Haurchefant Greystone
Ysayle Dangoulain
Aymeric de Borel
Cirina Mol
Yugiri Mistwalker
Haurchefant Greystone
[unknown Amalj’aa]
U’odh Nunh
M’zhet Tia
Kai-Shirr [WoL AU]
Thancred Waters + Urianger Augurelt [crush]
Hades/Emet-Selch + Hythlodaeus [main ship]
(no ships yet! maybe an OC one, in the future)
Haurchefant Greystone
Estinien Varlineau
Zenos viator Galvus
Yugiri Mistwalker
G’raha Tia (?)
Cirina Mol (?)
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eliza-fustel · 1 year
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Meet my Azem, Circe! about as headstrong, proud, and chaotic as you'd expect Azem to be, Circe's most defining trait is definitely her tattoos....for those that see them. She usually covers up with gloves and otherwise dresses "properly" while within Amaurot, but outside it's anything goes. Otherwise, it's definitely the outlandish accessories (earrings) she wears and changes up as she sees fit. At a certain point she gains yet another; possibly the most colorful flower hairpin anyone has ever seen. It's unknown who gave it to her, but it quickly becomes known as her favorite and she is rarely seen without it.
As for her tattoos.....I unfortunately haven't quite decided on their story, only that they were something she voluntarily gave herself....and possibly to hide something else.
(also wrt Eliza, that's just the AzemWoL dynamic in a nutshell LOL Circe actually legitimately doesn't mean any harm, it's just that uh.....her already tenuous concept of personal space just leaves the stratosphere when she gets super excited and Eliza's the COMPLETE opposite until she gets comfortable with someone)
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fell-court · 11 months
Today’s gameplay progress:
I reached level 90 as a black mage at last!!!! Part of me still feels a bit bad that I didn’t make this the first class I reached the level cap as, considering that it was the class I started the game as, but.. doing it this way has meant I was using it for lots of the story, so that was nice at least. I also just barely got to level 89 as a reaper, so that should get to the cap very nicely as well soon!
Speaking of the story, I made it to the last level 88 main story quest today! I believe this means I have 15 quests left of Endwalker, but there are multiple trials and dungeons included in those quests, so.. I’m not 100% sure I will be able to get through them all by the end of tomorrow. I can certainly try, though!
I would have continued playing more story this evening after I got back, but I ended up creating a design for Tsutsuji’s ancient instead! Her name is Kirsion, a Greek word that I believe gave rise to the Latin Cirsium, which is a genus of thistle. And also reminds me a lot of Circe, the sorceress.
Here is a picture of what she looks like! Hopefully it gets her vibes across, hehe
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Kirsion was the holder of the seat of Azem in my version of events, because she fits the personality traits given in the game - such as “being a headache to her colleagues” - rather perfectly, ahaha. She’s chaotic, endlessly energetic, and a whirlwind of activity and enthusiasm; she does whatever she likes whenever she likes, whether it’s modifying her robes or bouncing off towards a new adventure, and she’s not going to let other people’s opinions stop her from barrelling into action! If any original concept can be attributed to her, it’s her namesake purple flower that she modelled after the spikiness of her hair - which is, of course, nowadays known as a thistle!
That’s all that I really have for now, apart from one thing.. but i like the idea of it being a bit of a secret, so let’s go under the readmore to talk about it.
You may be thinking that Kirsion’s thistle theming is supposed to complement Tsutsuji’s azalea theming. Both of their names mean those respective flowers, so both of them are based on each respective flower, right?
Well, they’re actually both thistle-themed, in fact! This is because Tsutsuji’s real name is Azami, which is the Japanese word for thistles. My initial plan was to actually have her ancient also be called Azami, especially after finding out that Azem is pronounced with the same sort of “ah” sound at the beginning (as opposed to how I’d been reading it in my head, which was more like “ei-zem”, like the letter A). However, I thought the idea of naming her ancient after a common ancestor of azaleas and thistles might be fun, except I couldn’t really find much information on that, especially since there are a lot more flowers known as thistles than I had been aware of. This then led me to look into the etymology of the word “thistle” itself, and that is how I settled on Kirsion (which also better fits the overall Greek theming of much of the world unsundered).
That’s all I had to say~
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sanguisinnivis · 1 year
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LEGAL NAME: It's complicated. He doesn't really have a legal name. His mother named him Hlynur and his father's last name is Thisbe. Though he rarely uses his last name since he is a bastard. 
NICKNAME[S]: Lyn (by his mother sometimes.), Boy, kid (by his father), Darling, child, sweetheart (by Circe)
DATE OF BIRTH: He doesn't know the date exactly. He was never told. 
SEX: Masculine nonbinary. Does not care about pronouns in reference to him. He is used to he/him but has no preference.
CURRENTLY LIVING: Verse dependent. Typically he lives wherever the scions are staying as he is watching them. 
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Due to the Echo, Hlynur can understand all spoken language and speak it without thought. He can only read Garlean fluently and can read a variety of other languages on a basic level. Namely Eorzean. He cannot read Hingan at all. 
EDUCATION: He has almost no formal education. Everything he knows was learned in order to make him a better assassin. 
HAIR COLOR: Dark brown. 
HEIGHT: 5'6 (167.64 cm)
SIBLING[S]: He has two half-siblings that he is aware of. His father's two kids with his wife. He doesn't know their names and he doesn't have a relationship with them.
PARENT[S]: Agnes (mother), Tullius Thisbe (father)
PET[S]: None
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: asexual and sex-repulsed. demiromantic 
Tagged by: @seatedsacrifice (thanks!)
Tagging: @swerte (Maha or Allan), @metoikhomai (Wyatt or Lys), @oadventurescall, @herosluminis (Whichever muse you like!), @ichoric (any muse you want), @abstractmage, @enavant, @azem (miah), @paradoxeyed
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shinigxmi-muses · 1 year
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    [ I still need to take the time to take pictures of them....but they!!!! ✨ Consider this my lil intro for Circe Azem, the Unsundered Ancient of Rhela Dakwhil.
    Enabler of chaos, mischief-maker, skilled in magics, and getting her friends to aid her in shenanigans. Absolutely huge fan of the concepts involving feline-related creatures. Was in a triad with Hades / Emet-Selch & Hythlodaeus. Any pronouns, so expect me to pronoun-shift for funsies when writing about him. ]
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sparklecryptid · 3 years
ffxivwrite: adroit
She's a clever child. All wit and charm and she manages to have her father helplessly wrapped around her finger.
"Circe," Hades calls as he watches his daughter gather white flame into the cup her hands make together, she blows on them and the flames turn dark. Circe's grin is infectious and Hades smiles at her when she looks up at him.
"Father." Her voice is quiet as a whisper, as though she's about to tell him a secret, "Watch." Circe opens her hands and the flame pluses once, twice, before splitting into two. One of the flames is pitch as night and the other a brilliant moon white. Hades cocks his brow, he had taught this trick to his daughter, surely she does not expect him to be impressed by that.
But Circe isn't done. She materializes a flute and plays a haunting tune and Hades wonders if she has gotten the idea of music from Elidibus. The new Emissary and Circe are close, closer than Hades would like but Circe had been a lonely child and Hades will not begrudge his daughter a friend. The tune Circe plays is soft and strong, as though she's spinning moonlight into song.
Hades blinks once. He blinks twice and chances a glance at the moon above them, it's light dances in the air and when he turns to look at his child Circe has the light cascading into the form of a woman before her.
I should have never left her with Lahabrea, Hades thinks all too aware now of what his daughter is doing and that it is too late to stop it. When Circe is done, a woman made of both light and darkness stands before them and when this creation opens her mouth a song that compliments Circe's tune comes forth.
The two create together, spin webs of moonlight into scenes of war and peace and hate and joy. Hades stands before Circe enraptured by the performance even as a knot tightens in his chest. Circe has always been talented but this should above her abilities at this age. The fact that she is capable of it speaks not only of her talent, but of the fact that the Convocation will undoubtedly hear of this.
He doesn't want his daughter to have a seat. Hades doesn't want her to take on the mantle of Azem and yet-
As the song fades and the woman vanishes, Hades thinks that there wouldn't be anyone better to take the Seat of the Traveller.
"I used her for a song," Circe tells him, "But she is a Warrior, a Protector."
"To protect you?" Hades asks.
"No," Circe says, "To protect you."
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 @pyrakto​​  asked : ❝  what of me? shall i rot?  ❞ ( circe quotes // accepting ).
the word rot sends a cold shower down her back and persephone shifts, uncomfortably. memories come rushing back to her. her mother sighing, watching her when she was still little. when she was still kore.
( ‘you are supposed to make the flowers bloom, kore. not wilt and rot’ but whenever she heard that nickname, her anger flared up and the flower in front of her rotted only faster )
emotions had ever been her downfall. she never had a grip on them like her colleagues. or maybe, as she looks at lahabrea in front of her, she had just been the first to discard the mask. had that anger always been there, boiling underneath his skin? had it always lingered there, between thoughtful words, spoken to an equally thoughtful convocation? 
“I would never let you rot”
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she finally says, her memories still chasing shadows. part of her wants to say ‘I will never make you rot’ she remembers the first beasts that had appeared in amaurot... she had already left the convocation back then. as the final days approached and they prepared to summon zodiark. then the first beasts appeared. and persephone, though no longer under the name azem, had made them rot. sometimes she could still feel it, the twisting of flesh and skin underneath her hands, the way those bodies changed, the disgustingly sweet smell of decay. if she wanted, she could make people rot.
persephone steps towards the speaker, hands carefully take his, not caring if he would burn her or not she simply smiles. a tired smile, but for once genuine “let me heal you, lahabrea. once you are recovered we can return to disagreeing and fighting.” persephone lowers her head, sighing “it’s pathetic, I know. I would rather risk the lives of a thousands than lose someone else I care about” 
for someone who so proudly had proclaimed herself the shepherd to the stars, a protector... she caved when faced with the risk of losing one of the others. because parts of her still clung to that old amaurot. that amaurot and its people that have long rotted away from history.
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futuresuntocrystal · 1 year
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    In related news to my return... Once I get their pictures done, alt has been made for Rhela’s Azem: Circe! [Any pronouns]
    Proficient in magic to an awe-inspiring degree, he was somehow still better known for his chipper demeanor and wandering habits. Scheduling anything to his whims was practically a death knell; whether or not he’d show up on time... You’d have a better chance at predicting next moon’s new fad for creations.
    And yet, it was that down-to-earth, endless need to wander which led her to meet Venat at all; the two quick friends and kindred spirits. Hades and Hythlodaeus took to her in a similar fashion; Hades insisting how tired he was, to be chasing after her all the time... Yet smiling in secret. Hythlodaeus, of course, was more than happy to encourage it all.
    In that light, being nominated to the Seat of Azem only made sense, truly. The friendly spirit who brought a little life to all whom they interacted with... Who sought little adventures that would never end, cherished all life, lived with a passion unmatched...
    Well. All stories end eventually. (But those that follow tend to spin just as wonderful as the original, no?)
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